#okay doesn't look like shorts anymore I think...maybe 🤣
galacticonejos · 2 years
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Redraw of the first Hyoga I did
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okay like i know we all joke (?) about kafka's kaiju form being a biblical need but at the end of the day i just love human kafka and his lil stubble and his cute tummy and his adorable grin. he's just so boyfriend material i wanna smooch him 😭
A/N ::: Good God, Bri. You don't know what you've started with this ask. I went a little off script? Unhinged? Idk ... somewhere along the lines of quite unwell for this man. Like, it's not cute anymore. It's getting really close to psychiatric intervention (at my request) 🤣
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I would look forward to the times I got to wake up in the morning, hopefully next to him because nothing in the night pulled him away from me. I'd be so happy to get out of bed and do morning stuff with him. Maybe showering - and it doesn't even have to be anything sexual (but hello???). Just that closeness.
And yeah, his soft, wet tummy pressing against your wet body. Both of you sliding against each other as you talk about silly, inconsequential things like what you dreamt about or what you want to have for lunch today. While you're shaving his chin, prepping him for the day, he is already thinking about showing up where you're at and surprising you with something that you said you were craving a week ago, but you haven't mentioned since because things have been so crazy that you barely have time to breathe, let alone think about what you're going to eat that day.
When he does show up with food, you see him walking across the parking lot and you run out to meet him and jump into his arms. You both just stand there on the sidewalk, clinging to each other. Talking about how much you missed him and how lucky are you to have such a great man that listens to your blabbering and takes notice of when you say something that you want/want to do.
He feeds you the first bite because he wants to see when the flavors hit your tongue and your face lights up (he moves his hand away a lot faster than you do when you take a bite of something). The look on your face is nothing short of orgasmic - but he just laughs at the joy you're expressing over something as innocuous as a bite of food. That's what makes him the happiest - when something so simple can bring you such contentment.
And when it's time for him to go, you walk hand in hand to where he's parked, and he pushes you against the door of his car and he smooshes himself against you and puts his forehead against yours and thanks YOU for letting HIM bring you lunch. He talks about how much he loves that he can do little things like this - ok, too far? Idk. I'm in complete Lala-land over this man.
And he wraps that discussion up with a sweet, slow, soft kiss to your lips that leaves you kind of breathless. It's not the usual kiss he gives you when you're saying goodbye in the morning or hello in the evening - unless he's trying to sway your disposition.
But this kiss is almost a promise that better things are to come.
Staying true to his unspoken word, you walk in the door and all of the lights are off. In electricity's place, there are candles lit and scattered all about the living room. Something smells really good but it's not food.
It's Kafka. He's wearing a cologne he tried a couple of weeks ago when you were out at the mall. He tried it and wore it very well that day - really, for the next 8 hours after he put it on.
In those hours, you couldn't keep your hands or mouth off of him, much to his surprise/pleasure.
He heard the front door close, and you call out hello to him and he came from down the hall. Your eyes met; you noticed right away his brow was quirked in a suggestive way.
You were on him like white on snow and you had the best end to an already amazing day.
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@supersecretsaga @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@reiners-milkbiddies @southside-otaku @darkstarlight82
@trevengersprincess @arlerts-angel @bakubunny
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youuuimeanmee · 11 months
RWTGI 35.1 - 35.2 Thoughts
I forgot chapter 35.2 is already out WAAAHH
I say Kirishima's name a lot this time, maybe I should call him Kiri.
Okay, this chapter confirms my suspicion. So his family really did neglect him.
Uhh I don't think the diary is meant to prove himself as a victim. I bet it's to keep record of what makes him happy 😅
BAHHAHAH Gaddamit.
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I thought he was mourning, or at least self-reflecting. Who knew he was playing soccer 🤣 (where is your sympathy kid, tf) At least he knew not to play in the middle of people mourning, lol
Oh yeah, I just remember, Sumire (Kiri's great-aunt) did say his parents tried to get him to talk after that incident, but no matter how much they tried, he never answered them. Maybe it's because he's aware he's too different from them, they wouldn't understand him anyway? If that's the case, that's kinda amazing of Kiri for being able to (kinda) open up to Gaku even though he never met him, because just from a short meeting he knows his great-uncle is not normal like himself.
(If Kiri is your average kid, even if Sumire dropped some hints that Gaku is similar to him, he wouldn't be able to take the hint because he's too clouded with "no one understands me" prejudice. But no. Our Kiri here uses his brainn, bro)
Aww baby 🥺
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Turns out his "friend" is more normal than he thought, his plan failed, he got into trouble. He did so much, yet, didn't get anything in the end lolol
I'm surprised Kiri is the first one who asked to be adopted. I don't think Sumire or his parents ever told him that the man in front of him is a yakuza. He must've put two & two together and concluded it himself.
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If I could guess why Gaku accepted a brat like Kiri, it's may be because he saw his potential. I'm sure he never heard about Kiri until his sister introduced him, but the fact that she asked for his help is enough prove that his family couldn't handle him anymore. He never introduced himself as a yakuza but Kiri, with limited informations and short time, knew right away. He's not scared or nervous like normal people. In fact, he just focus on getting what he wants, and willing to do anything to get what he wants. Talented. Abnormal. Obsessed. Unhinged. Gaku could really use those traits. Even if he couldn't become his grandchild, at least he could become a reliable subordinate. Maybe that's why he accepted him so quick 😂
(Turns out there's another reason in the next chapter tho, so I'll save my thoughts for later.)
This is just a reminder to myself: Gaku barely provided Kiri with the neccessity needed, probably because he needs to test his worth if he wants to earn that "yakuza's grandchild" title. Or at least that's my theory. Maybe Gaku is just naturally apathetic. Maybe both.
Kiri might've liked Gaku to a certain degree because he's one of his few family who accepts him as who he is, but I'm pretty sure growing up with a man like him in a yakuza household has worsen his mental condition, until he meet Yoshino.
Wow. Turns out it's not the first time he waits for hours in the rain 🤣
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AUGH. beautiful. Beautiful. I'm crying 😭😭😭
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That's smart of the author. We wouldn't know if he really blushed because of her or if it's just the rain, lol
Yoshino saw a wolf. Renji saw a a guard dog 🤣
I don't like how Aoi kicked my son, but I have to agree with him here. Don't lick your blood on the floor, yuck.
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Daww look at his happy lil feet seeing his obsession crush 🥺🤭
We know that Kiri used to date older women to leech, but seeing it with my own eyes disgust me. Not just Kirishima, but that grown-ass woman too; having sex with a minor, what the fuck. That's what I like from the author tho, just bc the ML did it, it doesn't mean it's romanticized.
OOHHH the day when Kirishima is appointed to be Yoshino's guard dog. Never thought I'd see this day come so fast, I thought we gonna have to wait for ch 80 or smth.
Hmm? The guy who killed Kyousuke? Do we know him? Is it Suo Azami? Nah, if he's around the same age as Kiri, he's practically a baby at that time. Wait, didn't he change his face tho? How old is he again? Or myb it's not Azami at all, myb it's his boss, Akime Hishibe? Oh I forgot Shouma said he's already dead, but I highly doubt it. Maybe the mastermind is still alive.
Um, if Kirishima is owned by Gaku, and Gaku leaves him under Renji's care, does it mean he's now owned by Renji? He doesn't have to obey Gaku anymore?
I'm confused with this whole ownership thing now.
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Wait. A month? You gotta go big??
Wait wait wait.
Wow, oh wow. I need to recalibrate everything.
This panel gives chapter 2 a whole new layer. Wow.
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So like. He told her to sell her body not only because he was tired of her, but also because Renji told him he could make Yoshino go back to Osaka if he didn't feel like up to the task?
Though I don't think Kiri did that because he values his life; he did that merely because he thought she's boring and not worth his time. But then everything change 😂
Yo Renji. You're the one who said it's okay for Kiri to make Yoshino go back to Osaka. You said you'd take care of the rest, you even said he can be creative. He was doing such a great job at making her feel like she wanna leave, yet, you won't let him have his way?
Was Renji intentionlly flaming them both? Is this his plan all along; to have both children go screw each other in Tokyo and forget about Osaka for a year?
(Istg Renji's death flag has been up for a while now, I'm scared for Yoshino)
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Oh wow, Kiri really did not lie. Their interest really do align perfectly.
To continue my point above about why would Gaku accept Kiri into his house, it seems like he wanted to use Kiri's talent and obsessiveness towards Yoshino to make him protect her, because he feel indebted/guilty towards Renji? Was he feeling responsible for what happen to Kyousuke? If that's the case, this makes Akime seem even more sus bc he used to be Gaku and Renji's close friend.
Seeing Kirishima's reminiscence sure brings tears to my eyes. From obsession to genuine love and affection. He really does come a loong, long way, huh. Maybe I should make a meta about this particular scene but idk, let's see if I feel like it.
But I don't think he would've feel this way if Yoshino didn't acknowledge his quirks and treat him "normally." She really is amazing.
The way he's so scared when Yoshino didn't move for literally 1 second he decided to check her pulse, like she could just drop dead in a blink. Even though he has seen how strong she is up until now. That irrational fear of losing someone, he finally understand 🥺🥺
I'm really REALLY surprised Yoshino relented and agreed to eat parfait 🤣 Kirishima you always win huh 🤣
Aww, he returned to the same place when he first entered the yakuza household, eat the same parfait he used to eat, but now he's together with a friend/lover he treasures for life, enjoying the life he found boring at the beginning 🥺😭💞
These past chapters have been a treat. Even after he declares he loves Yoshino multiple times, we never stop doubting him because the fear he instilled at the beginning is too strong to dismiss. Just like Yoshino, we have this lingering doubt that he doesn't really love her, he's just obsessed. These flashbacks managed to shed some lights into his character, making him seem even more human. Kiri really HAS been trying to show how genuine he is -- in his own awkward way -- and it shows 🥹
Just 2 more chapters until we catch up to the raws, I can't wait. I've seen it, and all I can say is, it's beautiful. And Kirishima says some crazy stuff while sober. I just can't with him. I love him, I hate it.
See you next time 👋
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
so i am not worried about the projects in his (tom) future, i am more worried that he'll quit acting altogether. since pandemic i feel like his views shifted immensely, for the better i think and healthier, but i've got this feeling that his experience with fame has tainted his life as an actor u know, i feel like hes sick of it & might choose to just leave acting sooner rather and later. obv he deserves to do what ever makes him happy but selfishly i want him to continue acting (answer private)
so i am not worried about the projects in his (tom) future, i am more worried that he'll quit acting altogether. since pandemic i feel like his views shifted immensely, for the better i think and healthier, but i've got this feeling that his experience with fame has tainted his life as an actor u know, i feel like hes sick of it & might choose to just leave acting sooner rather and later.
Yea, you know Anon, I've kind of gotten this feeling too?? I mean, Tom is a gemini lol, so he will probably change his mind from week to week rotfl 😅🤣.... I don't even touch astrology, but one of my former roommates was born in early June, and whew wee....she would switch her mind on a dime all the time lol. I would get whiplash lol. 🤣 SUPER SWEET though! Like my sister...❤️ Anyway....
The Short/TL;DR Version: Yes, I've picked up on this as well Anon, and I do feel like Tom is in a certain stage of his life where he's seeming more ready to settle down, so the fame aspect of HW probably isn't as appealing to him anymore. Idk what his future will bring, but I just want him to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted. 🥰
Click Below 👇for the LONG Version....
You know, I have kind of gotten this feeling/vibe from him as well too Anon. Idk if he would ever QUIT acting or Hollywood altogether, but I definitely see him being more serious about wanting more of a private personal life, and being okay with just leaving all of the fame behind. I have been getting the strong impression lately that Tom isn't really all about the "fame" aspect much anymore. I mean, I'm sure he ADORES his fans, and is appreciative of them, but I can tell that some aspects of fame kind of annoy him or get tiring for him after a while.
I mean, how can it not?? 🤷🏾‍♀️ He's been SUPER-famous for about 5 years now. I'm sure at first it was really fun, exciting, and even intoxicating.... But after years upon YEARS of being so famous at such a constant height of fame, I'm sure it wears on you after a while. 😔 I'm sure he would probably never admit this out loud lol, but I'm pretty sure he's had talks about it, whether with Zendaya, his family, or even just other friends in the industry. I keep saying that the HW industry is not for the faint of heart. 😔 Some people deal with fame/back-stabbing/cut-throat behavior/finicky fans, etc. much easier than others (like Z for example), but others (like Tom) I feel it takes more of a toll. 😓 I have even had the feeling that it has maybe even somewhat affected his mental and emotional health somewhat. I won't assume to know anything about someone's mental/emotional health, since Idk him personally, but just based on what he's said out of his own mouth, it seems like it sometimes it just gets a bit overwhelming for him...hence, the social media breaks, not posting as much about his private life, going off grid, etc. He has also said time and time again that he doesn't know what he would do w/out Zendaya in his life to keep him calm and centered in this crazy HW world. 😔
Re: Tom's personal life.... I feel like he's ready for the next step in his relationship, and would even sacrifice his fame if it meant settling down with the RIGHT woman, having children, etc. I do think that he's ready, and so the fame aspect probably just doesn't appeal to him as much anymore. 🤷🏾‍♀️
There have been LOTS of actors over the years who have really just left HW behind. Some child actors of yesteryear just completely quit and never looked back, and have been happier for it. So sometimes ppl really do quit Hollywood altogether and are so much happier! Idk what the future will bring for Tom...All I hope is that he's happy in life, and that he has a wonderful woman (*cough Zendaya *cough) to share his journey with. 🥰
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atopearth · 9 months
Amnesia: Later Part 1 - Girl's Party and Waka's World Routes
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Girl's Party
Super exciting to play Later!! I bought the Japanese version hoping to play it one day fully expecting it to never be localised but here we are hahaha, I'm not even mad that I "wasted" my money because I'm so happy haha! Ooh so Later follows if the heroine didn't pick any guy and doesn't have a boyfriend and is just living a normal life? Toma and Shin arguing about which yukata to pick for the heroine is so cute lol. I love seeing everyone in yukata! Personally, Mine, Rika, Shin and Ikki look the best to me, but especially the former two because they're so cute and pretty! But the black on Shin and blue on Ikki is just so perfect too! I've always wanted the heroine to interact more with the girls so I'm very happy we have Girls Party routes! Sawa is always such a good and silly friend, it's hilarious how bad her grades were😂 I'm also very surprised that Rika is from a family of farmers! Very different from her image haha! Kent is 190cm??? Omg lol, he's like 35cm taller than me, a whole ruler😂 Toma saying his favourite animal is humans definitely matches with that cage in his apartment😂
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I can see why people wouldn't like Mine especially when I think about those routes when she was an ass to the heroine initially because of her jealousy, but at the same time, I can't really hate her because she's quite nice and very cute lol. It was sweet to see how she was happy that the heroine considers her a friend and it was honestly adorable how she said she misses the girls when she doesn't see them haha, I didn't expect her to be that honest! Lmao at Orion calling her a tsundere. Shin buying a book and then going to Toma's house to read it is so cute lmao, I know he's a soft guy on the inside but it's so funny when I try to imagine it haha.
I love Rika's fated meeting with the random substitute teacher, Orion is right, it's just like a shoujo manga haha! I think the funniest part is that I can't imagine Rika running to school with bread in her mouth🤣 Anyway, I really enjoyed the Girls Party route if we can really call it a route lol. I really wish it was longer though! I think having the heroine just getting to chat with Mine, Sawa and Rika is so much fun, I really want more haha.
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Waka's World
The Ruthless Sergeant's World
Okay, I never knew I needed a Waka route until he said maybe he even has a chance with the heroine. Like, yes please!! And the best thing about this? We get all the different Wakas from the different worlds! Since it seems to be set before the heroine's amnesia, it's actually really cool to see the heroine's personality and actually have her talking to and responding to people lol. The heroine praising and admiring Mine for never being late to work was so cute, I can see why Mine can't win against her. As for Waka ruthless sergeant version, I can totally see why all the newly hired employees run away haha!
I was really touched by Waka when he said that he's the manager, so everything that happens is his responsibility, and that it's his job to protect his staff. I mean, Waka can be over the top but when he says stuff like that, how can I not want to cry? How many managers truly care about your well-being as much as him?😭 HAHAHA, I was wondering what Waka was going to do, but self-defence classes at night?🤣🤣 I agree with the heroine, Waka's hobby being making miniature gardens is adorable hahaha! It's so funny how soft he gets whenever he talks about them😂😂 Honestly though, despite how funny it is, I love how much effort he puts into them that they each have a story behind them. Awww, I would have loved to see Waka show the heroine his garden and everything, it would have been so cute! Why are these endings so short?!😭
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The Quiet Man's World
Waka is always saving the heroine in every world haha! Anyway, I was just surprised he let her go find by herself at night, but I guess we knows he's not going to allow that anymore. It was nice to know that he called Shin and Toma to pick Mine and Sawa up just in case. This Waka is very dedicated to his magic trick to have all 52 cards spread around the cafe and to have remembered their locations so that whatever card the person chooses, he can always do his trick. He's so dedicated lmao.
The Flamboyant's World
I can't get used to this Waka LOL, especially the 'hehe' lollll, kill me😂 He's so whatever about everything and says what he wants, it's so not him hahahaha. Loved their little coffee break though. He does whatever he wants too hahaha! I have to admit though, he's very refreshing to see considering how strict his other personalities are when it comes to work at the cafe. I love their little date that comprised of shopping and dining at a cafe, and dangg the confession! I totally didn't expect that ahaha, the Waka that made the most progress!
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The Assassin's World
It's interesting to see Waka analyse everyone's personalities and split them between those who gravitate towards darkness and those who remain pure no matter the adversity. I guess Ikki, Toma and Mine being the former reflect their personalities in their routes and Mine's when she's being an ass when it comes to love and jealousy lol. A gentle Waka is pretty nice too. I liked their walk home, and lol at Shin and Toma protecting her by watching over her as she walks home at night hahaha.
Overall, Waka's routes/endings were fun! I wish there were actual CGs though, so disappointing in that aspect and I'm also kinda sad that all the routes were basically teasing the possible relationship but nothing happens! I want moreeee, they can't stop right when it gets good! Now I'm just sad even though they were short and fun😭
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Mikasa being super flustered at the sight of Eren in the Scouts' new uniform is so cute awww😭
Like Eren is super excited to show off and look handsome for Mikasa, he puts it on and immediately goes looking for her hoping for a compliment, maybe with this she’ll finally regard him in a different light and consider him as a romantic interest rather than just family?
Mikasa sees him in their new uniform and her brain just short circuits, he’s too attractive with the dark outfit hugging his broad shoulders and highlighting his beautiful green eyes, she doesn’t know how to act with him in the vicinity looking like this so she just turns around and refuses to face him😂 Her face is bright red, and while Eren is tapping her shoulder desperately asking for her opinion she just takes off to avoid making an idiot out of herself! This results in Eren just running after her while she desperately tries to get away. She’s pleading for Eren to leave her alone while he’s chasing her and the rest of the squad who are all witnessing the scene are just rolling their eyes, they’re used to Eren and Mikasa being lunatic idiots in love lmao
When Mikasa finally manages to get Eren to leave her alone by locking herself in some room, she decides to avoid him at all costs until she gets her raging attraction under control. Later when it's time to train hand to hand combat in their new gear, Mikasa panics bc she knows Eren is going to want to work with her and she's terrified he's gonna figure her out and be disgusted with her. She sees him looking at her eagerly and start approaching her. She looks frantically around for someone and tries to pair up with Sasha but to her great dismay she already teamed up with Connie. She goes to ask Armin but he just starts laughing and tells her to suck it up and go with Eren🤣 She's about to resign herself to her fate when someone taps on her shoulder from behind and it's Jean shyly asking to work together. She enthusiastically accepts and drags him away from Eren before he can even say something, very relieved and grateful for the interruption.
Eren witnesses the whole interaction and is very hurt. He's disappointed and confused bc Mikasa has barely acknowledged or looked at him all day and now she chooses Jean over him as a sparring partner? His whole plan to get her attention and make her swoon has failed miserably and now he has to witness Jean put his grubby hands all over Mikasa... He's jealous and can barely concentrate during the session, he keeps glaring at Jean who's obviously having a lot of fun🤣 To make it worse Armin who ended up as his partner keeps teasing him about his feelings for Mikasa. He's worried bc he knows Jean likes her and what if she likes him back? He can't take it anymore so he just storms off. Mikasa notices his absence and decides to go looking for him. She finds him and he lashes out, asking if she likes Jean now. She's super confused bc ofc not, why would he even think this but she doesn't have time to answer bc suddenly he's grabbing her and aggressively kissing her! She loses the very last shred of self control remaining and jumps him
Cue some very aggressive make up sex with a very frustrated Eren desperate to prove a point...
Ugh this is peak canon angst right here!! Exactly what happened when they live together and I know it lol!! But ugh poor bb Eren hes so upset, and he gets just so angry too, bc he doesn’t know what to do with himself lol 😂😂 and Mikasa was upset but as soon as she notices Eren is gone SHES kind of like okay but where did he go?? 😳 slinks off to go find him and he’s all hurt and petulant like oh NOW you’re worried about me??? Ugh I honestly think he’d make her admit why she was avoiding him lol, no making up without it! He won’t accept any of her lies and finally she turns red and has to tell him she thinks he looks really good with his uniform and she doesn’t think she’d be able to control herself 😩
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