#okay but real talk i love playing for unto us a child is born by handel on the kazoo theres just smthn abt those ascending sequences
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irishmammonagenda ¡ 1 year ago
"Wow...Guess he really is asleep..." You whisper, the kazoo you had been playing in an attempt to wake the Avatar of Sloth up now safely in your pocket, lest Lucifer confiscate it again.
You poke Belphie's forehead with your pointer finger, then continue poking it, because it was fun. Still Asleep Belphie seems to hate this more than you attempting to play Vivaldi's Winter on the kazoo and failing miserably, seeing as his cowlike tail swings out, wraps around your leg and pulls you to the ground.
"ARGH! What?!" You barely have time to process before you're dragged up by the tail that's latched around your ankles and quite meanly (may you add), dropped on the bed. Belphie entraps you in a hug, and thankfully this time, doesn't crush your internal organs. How sweet! <3
"Go to sleep MC...." The demon mutters half awake for a moment before drifting back off again.
You try to reach for your kazoo, for the second time, Belphie's tail whips out gently at you. "Don't even think about it." He pouts, before his expression and breathing even out once more.
You might as well get comfortable, seeing as you were now trapped for what looks to be hours.
You can't even play your kazoo.
Why do your plans always backfire? :(
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ramon-balaguer ¡ 4 years ago
Do You Know my Jesus?
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No seriously, do you know my Jesus? Now, I’m Not talking about Jesus to cutting your grass, painting your home or replacing your roof…
I certainly Not talking about the Jesus exclamation mark Christ the Bostonians often yell out to make a point.
No, no, no… And I’m Not talking about the prophet or Messiah or messenger God sent to guide Israel for a short time and was eventually replaced by a “last” prophet named Mohammad who while high on opium in some cave got visions of Judaism and Christianity to create Islam…
I’m Not even talking about the man called Jesus the Mormons through the revelation after the Holy Bible Revelation according to Joseph Smith (the other “last” prophet) who while high on weed had a vision of an angel he called Moroni and wrote the Book of Mormon to create the church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints. Their Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and the one and only god the Father who was once a man like present day human beings, but who lived on another planet and sent his semen by his spirit to spiritually inseminated her and therefor Jesus inherited godly powers as His son.
 When I found out I wasn’t following the real Jesus, I was totally undone. I had long left Catholic private school I attended and Catholicism my family raised me in to run the streets and women as an atheist and eventually landed in the Mormon cult and subsequently dibbled and dabbled in Islam (Yes, they have a Jesus too, mentioned above as one of many prophets) having read and studied the Koran or Quran at least 5 times cover to cover. The hard work of making Jesus fit my brain, answer when I called, and label me righteous was a full-time job that robbed me of peace.
 When I finally fell into the loving arms of the real Jesus, I began a genuine relationship with the Savior of the world—the One who died for me. He is everything He promised and so much more.
 Our culture presents us with so many versions of Jesus, letting us make Him in our own image. Maybe you’ve come to depend on a false Jesus and didn’t even realize it. If you are struggling to find peace, read about these false Jesuses with an open mind. Consider what Jesus said about Himself and test your beliefs against the Truth from Holy Scripture.
 Here are 10 false versions of Jesus people keep falling for:
 1.      Mean Jesus
 Perhaps this image of Jesus comes from social media and the rants we see from devoted churchgoers. Maybe it is our constant news sources bickering over who is better or what is Right & Wrong. Or it could be you had a hellfire and brimstone pastor growing up, and this became your earliest depiction of Jesus. Mean and angry, full of wrath, ranting and raging about how Sin would destroy you (it will, if you remain in it and reject Jesus).
 But balance this image of Jesus with the story of the little children gathering to him, with His compassion for the Lazarus’ sisters, with His dealing of the woman at the well to forgive her and her to reject Sin and share The Good News. While Jesus called out Sin when He saw it, He was never cruel it except that one time with the Pharisees and Sadducees in His House of Praise, Prayer & Healing. Jesus, the Lamb, went to slaughter so that you would be free from His Wrath.
 2.    Political Jesus
How would Jesus vote? Since there were no Democrats or Republicans in His day, we don’t know. What we do know is that He loved and would Never Vote against Himself or His Father. I other words, he would Not Vote for Satan and his followers or folks for killing babies or justifying illegal activities or any manner of Sin. But the apolitical Jesus took the side of those in need and that my friends is what we The Church should be doing and Not trying to depend on the government to do for US. Today, we are all in need in one form or another, and we all need Him.
 As a believer in Jesus Christ, He is on your team. He is for you. He is for your redemption. He is for your Sanctification. He died for you while you still Sinned. Right or left, wrong or Right, He is for you. He is patient with us as we learn and grow and understands the frustrations that we face with both the Republican and the Democrats and especially the Sin Sick Socialist Lying Leftist Liberals.
 He walks with us through the valleys, and He delights in our newfound wisdom and growth.
 3.    Genie in a Bottle Jesus
Your wish is not necessarily His command. That the Oprah Winfrey kinda Jesus. We’re often mystified when we clasp our hands tightly together and summon Jesus to answer our every request…and nothing happens. We become deflated by what we believe is unanswered prayer, allowing our faith to increase or decrease by what we perceive.
 If you’re a parent, chances are you desire a good relationship with your child. But if your child asks for $10,000 and you say no, does that mean they stop believing or depending in you and the relationship is destroyed? Of course not. In the same way, you must consider what you are asking of Jesus. What are your expectations and motives? And are you still going to Believe in Him even when you don’t get your way?
 4.    I’ll Teach You Jesus.
Imagine what your relationship with your child would look like if these were some of the requirements: You will meet me at 5:00 every morning, I don’t care if you didn’t sleep. Now tell me what you want. I may or may not give it to you. If you have been completely impossible to deal with, I might sprain your ankle or give you a brain tumor to teach you something. Laughable? Sure.
 But how many of us believe in this works-based and punishment-loving Jesus? He died while we still Sinned. He came to bind up the brokenhearted, not break our hearts and spirits to keep us in line.
 5.    You Look Like You Can Take It Jesus.
“God won’t give you more than you can handle.” Do I look like I can handle the Big C cancer or even the lil c COVID19 the left has left many in fear of or the lung disease doctors have given up on my brother-in-law is dying from and dealing with? Or the Black Lives Matter and Antifa domestic terrorists’ Stealing, Killing and Destroying Democrat ran cities the “leadership” there allows? Or bankruptcy, or a natural disaster, or the death of a child? Do I even look like I could handle an itchy rash or ingrown toe nail much less a combat related wound or Divorce?
 Scripture teaches that we can’t handle anything apart from Jesus Christ. Far from doling out sickness or discomfort or tragedy, He promises to be with us in times of need, Not to mention at all times to Never Leave us nor forsake us. In our weakness, He shows Himself strong and makes us stronger by His Spirit.
 6.    I Couldn't Care Less Jesus.
Sometimes we feel like He is nowhere to be found. We call, and there is no answer. This Jesus is not the Compassionate Christ who laid down His life for ours. Still, in times of heartache, it is hard to understand why He doesn’t answer. Or at least, we don’t know or understand His answers. He has shown me it is okay to question Him.
 My most favorite prayer in these seasons? “Lord, help my unbelief.” One of the shortest but most impactful and helpful prayers in The Holy Bible. A relationship with Jesus is a journey. There will be ups and downs. He can take the heat—He proved that through the cross. It is okay to ask why. He always shows up, every time. He said in this life, your life, you will have troubles, but be of good cheer, He has overcome it ALL. Ask, Seek, and Knock. He will answer.
 7.    Church Jesus
The Law is Holy and Good, but it doesn’t make me Holy and Good. No more than the full nice 2” clerical or ordained minister’s collar I wear from time to time. No matter how good a church and it’s teaching of the Word of God, it does not make me Holy. Paul reminds us, do not neglect the assembly (Hebrews 10:25). Yes, hold each other up, hold each other accountable, and by all means encourage one another.
But if the pew is shaken, guess what shouldn’t be? You and Jesus. Your relationship with Jesus is separate and not dependent on the church (body of Believers congregating in a place), But The Church, You, Yes, You.
 No matter what unexpected challenges happen in “the church,” you and Jesus should still be on solid ground. He is the Solid Rock of our Faith, Salvation and ALL. The church is made up of imperfect people, while Jesus is Perfect and Holy.
 8.    Rule-Play Jesus
This Jesus and I have been super tight for many years. I obeyed all the rules. I even laminated a list and used color-coordinated markers to check off my accomplishments, believing they counted me worthy, while Not writing down my failures and Sin so as Not to remember them or the wretched man I am. Beloved, Salvation is the Cross plus nothing. The thief on the cross was asked only to Believe and that very hour he was Saved. There was really nothing left for him to do. He couldn’t attend a service, memorize Scripture, sing in the choir, take a meal to a neighbor, volunteer, or wash feet or the altar clothes.
 He was made Righteous because he said Yes to Jesus. There was no other requirement to fulfill. Circumcision? No; Water Baptism by full or even partial immersion, pouring, sprinkling or even the mystical and unseen Fire Speaking in Tongues Baptism? Nope!  There is nothing that can make the Perfected Work of the Cross anymore Perfect than the Perfect One our God, The Son and Lord Jesus The Christ. Your yes to Jesus counts you as Righteous. Toss out the rules of religiosity and bask in the refreshment of relationship. But stay connect and Sin Not so as Not to lose the salvation you gained as a Born Again Believer; or rather remain Not in Sin that His Grace may abound. God forbid.
 So don't get it twisted, Jesus does have a Rule Book He Lives and Plays by, it's Called The Holy Bible or The Word or His Word... Because He Is The Word. Just remember, that all the Rules and Laws Given fall under His Two Greatest Commandments to Love Him with ALL your Heart, all your Soul and all your mind. And the second is like unto the first, You shall love your neighbor (Family and friends or everyone) as yourself.
 9.    Confused Jesus
A couple years ago I went to a pastor and asked some questions about the Sermon on the Mount. The pastor laughed and said, “Yes, ours is not to understand. Ours is just to obey. Jesus was a confusing guy.” I lived with this, heavy on my heart.
 It would be two more years before I heard a sermon by another pastor and was undone by the revelation that Jesus was not confusing, except to unbelieving hearts and minds.  My Jesus fulfilled the Law and set us free from this heavy burden of condemnation. Jesus did died to set me and yes, you free. There is nothing confusing about Him, this and His Word. Not Confusing, No Contradictions and No Controversies. We walk free from condemnation in the grip of grace.
 10. If/Then Jesus
This is the most elusive and deceptive Jesus. If I do such and such, then Christ will do what I expect. But Jesus cannot be manipulated, and our works do not make Him move; our Faith does. Our good deeds do not make Him love us more and our bad deeds less. In fact, NOTHING can separate us All Sinners and Saints alike from His Love (Don’t get that confused with our ability to lose His Salvation and therefor Separate or Sever ourselves from Him). Again and most Importantly, nothing can separate us from the LOVE of JESUS.
 The belief that “If I do or do not do, then Jesus will or won’t do” is a Jesus of colossal works. This Jesus keeps us in bondage to busyness and striving that keeps us apart from the good nature of my Jesus Who just simply Loves. He Is Love. He Loved perfectly so that we might be together for eternity. That was all. Simply Jesus.
 Was there even a twinge or flutter in your spirit?
One that said, “Oh, that is the Jesus I have been serving?”
I know as I came to a place of Knowing, Understanding and Loving the real Jesus, my God, I saw pieces of the false Jesuses falling away and more of His natural and good character shining through.
Will you pray this prayer with me?
Jesus, I said Yes to You. Thank You for Saving from this world and myself, the clutches of Death and the Devil. I Love You with ALL my heart, soul and mind; and live to Serve You. I want Only You First and Foremost in my Life, Heart, Soul, Mind and Spirit. The real You. All of You. You promised that if I seek I will find. Help me seek the Truth in ALL things and keep my eyes wholly fixated on the True and Holy You to Love and Serve You ALL the more and to  love and serve fellow Believers and others all the more. Amen. 🥰🙏💘 #REBTD 😇
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nathan-douglas-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Nathan Douglas
FULL  NAME:  Nathanael Zachary Douglas NICKNAME: Nate AGE: 23 (24 biologically) BIRTHDAY: January 17th
SKIN: Ashy grey EYES: Light to dark brown generally, soft but also appearing empty of any interest in the world around him, in some lightening, and mood. Other times his eyes appear to be an empty cold black color. COMPLEXION: Bruised SCARS: A lot of small scars from fighting other patients cover his body. Some of the more easily noticeable and significant ones are the stab wounds near one side of his front side. The bite mark on his right shoulder. The scars on his back are a mixture of wounds he inflicted on himself, as well as by other patients. One long scar down the bottom length of his right arm. Both arms have smaller little cuts on them as well as same repeating scars along his legs, sides, and upper arms.  Has a distinctive thick scar on the back of his neck that goes up passed his hairline, that he received from surgery after a orderly threw him hard onto the floor when he was ten, and almost severed his spine. As well he has slight circular scars on either side of his head, over his temples, burns from excessive electric shock. TATTOOS: none HEIGHT: 5′9″ WEIGHT: 108lbs BUILD: Slender and feminine looking. FEATURES: Moles ALLERGIES: Pollen, Spiders, Alcohol (More of an intolerance, result of being dead. Did not have this while he was still alive.) USUAL  HAIR  STYLE: Dark brown sometimes black color. Has been lazy and let his hair grow out to about his shoulders. Usually a tangled mess. Recently he did dye his hair a neon pink color. USUAL  FACE  LOOK: Clueless or expressionless  USUAL  CLOTHING: Usually simple outfits with a black hoodie.
FEAR / S: 
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places like markets. Fear of leaving a safe place.
Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects. 
Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotten or ignored or forgetting.
Chiraptophobia- Fear of being touched.
Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.
*Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia- Fear of being locked in an enclosed place.
Clinophobia- Fear of going to bed.
*Iatrophobia- Fear of going to the doctor or of doctors. 
Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone.
Kenophobia- Fear of voids or empty spaces.
*Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals.
Mastigophobia- Fear of punishment.
Panthophobia- Fear of suffering and disease.
Pharmacophobia- Fear of taking medicine.
Sciophobia Sciaphobia- Fear of shadows.
*Trypanophobia- Fear of injections.
Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations.
Disorders/Complexes (unspecific, generalized):
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Panic Disorder 
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 
Separation Anxiety Disorder * (As a child)
Paranoid Personality Disorder 
Reactive attachment disorder * (As a child)
Dependent Personality Disorder 
Borderline Personality Disorder 
Complex of Inferiority 
Cassandra Complex *Extremely Questionable
Persecution Complex * Extremely Questionable 
Complex of Indecisiveness *Extremely Questionable
Complex of Loneliness 
Complex of Guilt 
Jonah Complex
Abandonment Complex
ASPIRATION / S:  Killing his entire family and anyone at the ward who mistreated him. POSITIVE  TRAITS:  Alert, Allocentric, Appreciative, Challenging,  Clever, Conciliatory, Constant, Contemplative, Curious, Decisive, Dedicated, Directed, Dramatic, Efficient, Fair, Focused, Forecful, Helpful, Incisive, Individualistic, Insouciant, Intuitive, Knowledge, Leisurely, Many-sided, Observant, Planful, Protective, Scrupulous,  Sensitive, Solemn,  Absentminded, Effeminate, Impressionable, Reserved. NEGATIVE  TRAITS:  Aggressive, Deceptive, Preoccupied, Sarcastic, Unambitious, Self-conscious, Unceremonious, Unfathomable, Agonizing,  Anxious, Amoral, Aimless, Apathetic, Arbitrary, Argumentative, Artificial, Asocial,  Assertive, Astigmatic, Bewildered, Bizarre, Calculating, Careless, Confused, Deceitful, Dependent, Destructive, Difficult, Desperate, Disturbing, False, Fanatical, Fearful, Forgetful, Frightening, Hateful, Hostile, Impulsive, Insensitive, Insulting, Lazy, Irritable, Misguided, Neurotic, Obsessive, Oppressed, Paranoid, Resentful, Unhealthy, Unstable, Vulnerable, Liar.
MBTI : INTP-t (Turbulent Type)/ The Logician, The Thinker
Enneagram: Type 8, 8w7
ZODIAC: Capricorn
TEMPERAMENT: Choleric/Melancholic SOUL  TYPE / S:  Thinker, Hunter/Creator VICE  HABIT / S :  Playing with hair, chewing on the sleeves of his clothes, Toying with his ear. Chewing at the tips of his fingers. Fidgeting nervously. Toying with objects. ALIENS?:  Believes EDUCATION  LEVEL:  2nd grade.
FATHER: Robert Douglas MOTHER: Angelica Douglas SIBLINGS: Grace Douglas, Austin Douglas, Bethany Douglas NAME MEANING/S: 
Nathanael( -Niel -Nial)
From the Hebrew name נְתַנְאֵל (Netan'el) meaning "God has given". It is borne by several minor characters in the Old Testament, typically spelled Nethanel or Nethaneel. In the New Testament this is the name of an apostle, probably another name of the apostle called Bartholomew.
 Zachary (-ah -riah)
Remembered by God. From the Hebrew name זְכַרְיָה (Zekharyah) meaning "YAHWEH remembers". This is the name of many characters in the Old Testament, including the prophet Zechariah, the author of the Book of Zechariah. The name also appears in the New Testament belonging to the father of John the Baptist, who was temporarily made dumb because of his disbelief. He is regarded as a saint by Christians. In some versions of the New Testament his name is spelled in the Greek form Zacharias or the English form Zachary. As an English given name, Zechariah has been in occasional use since the Protestant Reformation.
 In Scottish the meaning of the name Douglas is: From the Gaelic 'dubhglas' meaning dark water, dark stream, or from the dark river. The Scottish Douglas clan had two historical branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.)
BOOK: A Series of Unfortunate Events MOVIE:  The Little Mermaid SONGS:
Part of Your World
Go The Distance
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
On My Way
Can’t Take Me
I’m Still here
We are One
Once Upon a December
Two Worlds
HOLIDAY: Christmas MONTH:  August SEASON: Winter PLACE: The Woods WEATHER: Thunder storms SOUND: Piano, Humming SCENT/S: Oranges, baked goods, burning fire, gas. TASTE/S:  Sour, peaches, cherries, tea, carrots, celery, peanut butter. FEEL/S: Soft materials. ANIMAL/S:  Cats, Dogs, Sloths, Squirrels, Birds, Platypus NUMBER :  9 COLORS:  Velvet red, Lilac purple, Dodger Blue, Forest Green, Sunflower Yellow.
TALENTS: Playing the piano, cooking, singing, easily reading text backwards, flexible.  BAD AT:  Getting along with others, handwriting, losing, keeping a schedule, spacial awareness ( can and will just bump into things he could easily avoid), TURN ONS: Being hurt, hurting others, red hair, being able to toy with someone without them getting too offended. Talking about his interests. Being playful. Roleplaying. TURN  OFFS:  Small talk, blood, vomit, talking about his past, threatening him. HOBBIES: Reading, art, Yoga, Napping, Going to the park and watching the animals. TROPES: 
Creepy Child
The Mentally Disturbed
Death Glare
Back From The Dead
Good Is Not Soft
Big Brother Instinct
Made of Iron
Parental Neglect
Pay Evil Unto Evil
Knife Nut
Smoking Is Cool
Badass Bookworm
Long Lost Sibling
Brainwashed And Crazy
Sticky Fingers
Grumpy Bear
Used To Be A Sweet Kid
Big Bad Wannabe
"I am holding onto a lot of anger, built up over years, when I finally let go, it won't be drops, it won't be a spill, it will be a tidal wave. "
"I took all the Fear and Sorrow  and turned it into Rage and Vengeance."
"Forget the milk, I grew up drinking hatred."
"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly."
"My Mother always told me 'you have to pick your battles'. Well, I am full of rage and I am picking all of them."
"I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind."
" If you havin' orgasm problems, I feel bad for you son. I have 99 problem, but a heterosexual relationship ain't one."
" Okay, but I have emotions the same way I have an antique harmonica. They are things that I possess, but they are not things that I know how to use."
"Solitary confinement is a living death. Death because it is the removal of nearly everything that characterizes humanness, living because within it you are still you. The lights don't turn out as in real death. Time isn't erased as in sleep..."
"Out of everything I’ve experienced, pain of abandonment hurts the worst. Knowing that a person I loved, protected, needed and embraced never saw anything of value in me breaks me like nothing else does."
"Because when someone shoots you with an arrow” he gasped, “your immediate response isn’t ‘thanks for the arrow I think I’ll keep it for a while.’"
"In my world, fiction and reality are blurred together into one twisted medley of hell."
"But what if good and evil aren’t polar opposites, but actually two sides of the same window?-One looking outside from the warmth of their home, and one looking inside, freezing, desperately trying to survive."
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