#okay but does your bottom fire a rocket launcher out of a car window going 80 kph
unforth · 1 year
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God if I could fanart this'd be the money shot: You Huo leaning out of the window of a speeding car to fire a rocket launcher. Hot damn. Qin Jiu you lucky bastard.
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
You Can Count On Me
A/N: Chapter 7
As she waits for the car in front of her to pull ahead, Kensi basks in the warmth of the bean juice as it moves its way down her throat. She so focused on her morning joe that she doesn’t notice the lone figure standing on the curb. Her brow furrows in confusion as he steps up to the side of the car. “Oh, my god, babe, what are you doing?”
The dirty shaggy blonde flashes his partner the gross yellow caps that are surrounding his teeth, earning a cringe. “Had a little LAPD undercover field trip early this morning. Can I get a ride?”
She extends her head towards him, sniffing as the unknown smell assaults her nostrils. “Is that you?”
“I like to go method, you know that.”
“That’s really disgusting.”
“I have to be convincing and the smell is a big part of that.” He places his arm against the window sill, sending his girl a wink. “So how bout that ride?”
“I love you but I wouldn’t let you ride in my trunk smelling like that.”
“Are you serious?”
It takes everything in her not to dry heave as a new odor enters her bubble. “Serious as that smell coming from your clothes.” Shaking her head, the brunette smirks, sending him a playful wink before driving off.
“No, no. No, no. Come on, Kens!”
“Bye, cutie.”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, he watches the retreating taillights fill his vision, leaving him stranded on the side of the road. “This is love.”
Later that day the junior agent listens to the older man’s theory as to which direction the missing marines may have headed, but her instincts tell her that what he’s saying isn’t necessarily true. “I’m not so sure, Major. I found SUV tracks heading in the other direction.”
The older man rolls his eyes, almost challenging the brunette. “I’m pretty sure they’re heading away from Mexico.” He dismisses the pair, focusing on his own agenda before walking over to the rest of his team. “If you’ll excuse me.”
“Did I just get blown off?” She turns to her boyfriend, honestly wondering why she’s at all surprised by the Major’s reaction. 
“Like Ronald McDonald at a PETA convention.” He shakes his head, knowing if anyone can track, its one Kensi Marie Blye. Without an ounce of doubt in his eyes, Deeks looks to her. “Hey, trust your gut.”
A barely there smile rises to her lips. She sees the absolute faith he has in her shining bright in his cerulean blues. It’s calming and gives her a moment to center herself. “Looks like somebody was being dragged, which seems to fit the scenario.” She follows the trail, but stops when its clear that it goes on for miles. 
Realization hits her and she tries to bite back a smile thinking about how her partner his gonna respond to what they have to do next. “You ready to go for a little ride?”
The words leave her lips and he can’t help the smile that spreads to his face. The image of her in nothing but satin lace saying those exact same words has him in a trance.
She sees his eyes glaze over as he licks his lips. Shaking her head, she can only imagine what’s going on in his head right now. “On the bikes, Marty, on the bikes.”
“So no hot desert sex then?” He playfully pouts. 
She ignores his question, walking off towards the dirt bikes in hopes that he didn’t notice the blush rise to her cheeks.
Two hours later, Kensi suddenly stops, pulling of her helmet as her partner follows. “I’ll never understand why you do this for fun.”
The corner of her mouth curls into a smile when she watches him shake his hair. The dirty clothes mixed with his sun kissed skin does things to her, a lot of things. “You look rugged, babe. Wouldn’t make you for a four-star hotel camper.”
“Kens, the last time we went on vacation you and Kip went on an ATV adventure while me and the cupcake girls stayed at the pool all day and got pedicures.” He suddenly pauses, the first string of words suddenly washing over him. “Wait, you think I look rugged?”
“Yeah, like Malibu Ken, he wasn’t anatomically correct either.”
He eyes his girlfriend, challenging her. The squawk of laughter she lets out makes his heart flutter. He’s been working on her sense of humor for 20 years now, when she thinks she’s being funny somehow it makes the situation all the better. His little weirdo. But that also doesn’t mean he can’t ‘fight’ back. “In that case, I guess I’ll just have to keep what I have to myself.”
“You wouldn’t last 10 minutes.”
“Oh you think so?”
Her eyes follow him up and down as she examines his body, bitting her bottom lip. “I guess only time will tell. Oh, yeah, I forgot to ask, are you good with me walking around the house naked tonight? It’s just these clothes are so constricting today, I need a little bit of air.”
“Uh.” He’s left frozen in the hot desert sun, well all but one part of him. She’s gonna be the death of him, but what a way to go.
Dread fills her being as she watches the guy who was chasing after her partner come back on the ATV. Her heart races, thinking about how his lifeless body could be laid out alone somewhere, but before she can get too deep into her thoughts the perpetrators surround the bulldozer spraying bullets right towards the brunette and marines.
They’re so focused on those they can’t see that they miss the lone assailant approach them on their side. Just has he lifts his gun, a series of bullets hit the man from out of nowhere. 
Kensi’s brow furrows, wondering if their back up has finally arrived when out jumps her rugged looking boyfriend covered in more dirt than she remembers. She’s so angry with him for losing contact that she doesn’t even have time to take a relieving breath that he’s alive.
The detective hops over the scrap of metal, coming up beside his partner. “Did you miss me?”
“Where have you been?”
“They killed my bike.”
They crouch down even further as the bullets continue to fly, their eyes lock, trying to come up with a plan. Any plan that will get them out of this alive. 
With not much time Deeks realizes the action he needs to take to ensure the best possible outcome for their safety. “Alright, you know what? I’ll draw their fire, you make a run for the SUV.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Not really, no.”
Before she can respond he’s halfway across to the trailer spraying the men with bullets, once he’s found cover behind the old truck, Kensi makes her move as her partner covers her.
She quickly makes it to the SUV just as one of the guys loads the rocket launcher. As she’s messing with the wires, a whirling sound fills the air followed by a loud explosion. Looking up, her heart sinks once again, knowing that’s the exact same spot where her love was. “Marty.”
Giving up. That’s all she’s thinking about now as the perpetrators continue their assault. They’re outnumbered and Marty is more than likely dead. It’s hopeless. 
As she lays there in the seat of the vehicle a sudden twirling noise fills the air, to much of her relief she soon recognizes the sound. Help has arrived.
Staying down until backup has taken care of the men, Kensi takes a calming breath as a lone tear escapes her eye. God how is she going to go on with her life? How will she explain it to his mom? How will she explain it to their friends?
“Look, baby, I know you’re tired, but you can sleep when we get home.”
Her eyes go wide at the sound of the oh so familiar surfer drawl that belongs to her best friend. Before she can even process what’s going on in her head, her body is jumping out of the seat and lunging into his arms. “I thought you were dead.”
“I’m okay.” He places a kiss to the top of her head. To say the explosion knocked him on his ass is a bit of an understatement. He was this close to being engulfed in flames, so close in fact that the back of his jacket is charred. So close to losing all he had with her and leaving her by herself. That thought alone, sends his mind into overdrive. 
Realizing that their coworkers could be walking up at any minute, they quickly pull apart, the aching to be close to one another radiating through their beings. Sharing a look, they center themselves and get back to the art of deception. Rushing over to the marines, the partners help load them into the chopper and take a much deserved sigh of relief. All in a days work.
They finally get back to the mission later that evening to grab their things, gladly leaving their paper work for tomorrow. The pair say their goodbyes to the rest of the team before heading out to their respective vehicles, but the shaggy blonde stops her from getting into her car. “How about I pick you up from your place and we go for a ride?”
“I like the sound of that.”
Observing the area around them, the detective makes sure the coast is clear before taking hold of her hand, his thumb moving back and forth across her soft skin, bringing both of them a sliver of comfort. 
His eyes find hers, there’s so much he needs to say to her, but now is not the time. “I love you.”
She’s caught a bit off guard, not by his words, but the turmoil and sadness written in his eyes. “I love you too, Marty.”
She looks across the vastness that is the ocean. The golden and pink hues that envelope the world around them is one of the most magical things that she’ll never get tired of. But the view is the last thing on her mind because something’s been off with her boyfriend for the better part of the day and then their interaction in the parking garage, has her wondering. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I-I need you to...”
“Need me to what?”
His chest rises and falls as he takes a calming breath. He’s not really sure of what he’s about to asks her...actually he is. Turning towards her, he’s met with her concerned loving mismatched eyes, and it gives him the courage to continue on. “Marry me.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Great, Marty. That’s just great. You have an entire rolodex of words and those are the ones you choose.”
“Marty. Baby. Stop.”
Taking another deep breath, he tries to gather his thoughts. 
They sit in silence for a few seconds before he finally gains his courage once again to confess what’s been at the forefront of his mind for the past couple of hours. “Kens, I love you. In some way I’ve always known that I was in love with you. You’re my best friend, the person I want to share everything with. I don’t know how you did it but that 8 year old little girl I met 20 years ago made me feel the safest I’ve ever felt in my life and she’s been doing so ever since.” He reaches for her hand, needing contact now more than ever. “I know this is sudden, but when you think about it, its really not. We know everything about each other, we’re a part each other, past, present and future. I want you to know that you can count on me for the rest of our lives. Baby, I’ll always be here loving you and being your biggest supporter. I so very much want you to be the same for me, so...Kensi Marie Blye, will you marry me?”
There are tears in her eyes, this is sudden and happening oh so fast. Her heart is racing and her thoughts are all over the place. Sliding across the old leather seat, she brings her lips to his. “I love you so much, and I want all of those things that you do, but I think I need a little time to process everything. Is that okay?”
He should’ve saw this coming. I mean they’ve only been dating for a week and this topic has never come up. His best friend is one of the most level headed people he’s ever known, so he recognizes that she needs time to process this commitment and all that comes with it. He places a reassuring kiss to her lips, a barely there smile across his face. “Of course it is. I didn’t mean to spring this all on you. It’s just what with today and the explosion, I knew I didn’t want to waste another minute.”
“And we’re not.” She assures him, if there’s one thing she knows its that life is short and there’s no promise of tomorrow, but she still needs to gather herself and her thoughts. If they’re going to do this, she needs to have a level head not be wrapped up in the near death experience of today. “We’re together. I just want you to know that no matter what, I do want everything with you. I just need some time to process everything.”
“I understand.”
She places a kiss to his lips once more before her head finds his shoulder. “I love you.”
His head finds hers as they stare out across the cliff side sunset. The tension in his body slowly releases as her fingers intertwine with his. As long as she’s still here, that’s all that matters. “I love you. I love you so much.” 
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
Pray for Me Outtakes #1
In which the reader proves she’s a badass and Erik is more than a bit turned on.
Also when she and Erik first encounter ‘Hunters’; Pray for Me and What is Love? is all a part of the same universe, so some things interconnect and get mentioned in the sequel. Boop.
@elaindeereads @autumn242 @punkrockwxnnabe @palmsofgranate @strawberrysoftkitten @wikiwakanda @lovemekaycee @managingmischiefdaily @gothambrat @marvel-snatched-my-wigs
Salt Lake City, Utah 1 1/2 months after leaving Wakanda 8:32 P.M.
“So, run this by me again.” Erik is lowkey digging these wireless communicators, kind of like bluetooth headsets but even better. “Rukiya sent you details about where a shipment of African artifacts are being moved...” He opened the car door, only to find the key in the middle of the hand rest. 
‘That’s a robbery waiting to happen.’
He can hear the roar of a motorcycle very clearly. “And normally there’s only one or two security detail cars tagging the shipments.” He can hear your voice in his ear, almost as if you’re right next to him. 
Wakanda got the good shit, clearly.
The car purred to life after he twisted the key in the ignition. “But there’s more than two cars acting as security detail today. Okay, I’m not seeing the issue? Besides it’s starting to get dark and this road is empty for miles except for the dock that extends past that hard pass through the canyon. Maybe they just consider this shipment more valuable than the others?”
“N’Jadaka, you’re rambling.” Your voice is quiet, but comforting. "I told you that sometimes things get very complicated while performing such transactions, yes?”
“There ain’t no artifacts being transported, is it?”
There’s a long silence. A guilty silence.
“Y/N.” He can already feel a headache coming on.
“Well, to be fair, there might technically be an artifact or two...” You drag out your words. “I just didn’t know how to tell you that sometimes, only sometimes, do I do things like this.”
“We gon talk ‘bout this shit when we back at the hotel.” Erik stated, his voice ringing with finality. “Speed up. I’m coming in hot. There’s a tail that just pulled up on yo ass.” 
“I see him.” You murmur, voice soft, an edge of something darker that had his dick twitching in his pants.
‘Not the time.’ 
Pushing the gear shift out of park, he put his foot on the gas pedal and the car burst through the metal ramp designed to keep cars from going over the edge (A/N: Y’all know the technical term). He’s airborne for a few minutes before gravity does it’s job and he’s hitting the side of the hill, laughing wildly, a bit crazily, like a madman. Dirt and debris kick up every which way as Erik whips and turns the car this way and that. Near the bottom, the car smashes directly into a tinted black car speeding after an individual on a motorcycle. 
Shifting the gear so that he backed up, he put his foot on the gas pedal and rammed the car forward, metal and metal screeched and shot off sparks. 
“Did you get him?”
Pressing a button, Erik is impressed when an actual machine gun appeared at the top. The person attempted to open his or her door but again he pressed the button and the machine gun fired off several rounds. 
“Yea, they definitely gone.” Putting the car in reverse, he zoomed by the car which had been shot up to hell and back and the two people, white -- male and female -- are dead. “I’ma catch up wit’chu.”
“Good, stay on my tail. I feel better knowing you’ve got my back.”  
Definitely not the time to be popping inappropriate boners, but she’s cute. So fucking cute. 
And so he and Y/N engage these people in something of a car chase. People are firing on them, and he has a mini heart attack every time he sees her perform a daredevil stunt to shake them off and confuse them. Eventually, Erik does catch up to her in the car and they’re side by side. 
The back door of the armored convoy opens, revealing a heavily muscled male with a shotgun. Behind him are several people of all race, age, and color, they’re in chains. 
Grinding his teeth, he put his foot on the pedal, willing the car to drive faster. Y/N has stood up on the motorcycle, balancing herself as she does a sort of ballerina swan spin/dive and threw a wicked looking chakram at the gunman just as he fired. The bullet is sliced in half and bounces harmlessly on the shield of the car while the chakram ricochets off the caravan’s side wall and hit the gunman in the chest. 
“Come on, come on, come on...” 
Y/N’s kimoyo beads lit up and the chakram returned to her hold. Erik watches as she parkour’s to the top of the moving vehicle and strides forward... He pulls to the left and speeds up. Just as he’s a few feet from almost passing the van up, he notes that she tosses the chakram again, severing the lever which kept it attached to the other containers and shipments. Pulling out his gun, he fires two rounds into the skull of the driver before hitting the breaks as his soulmate swings her body in through the open driver seat’s window, taking the wheel and control of the vehicle. 
“We got this?”
“Ohh, we so got this.” The van with Y/N driving takes off first and he watches as the other cars stopped, doing U-turns as they realized belatedly what had happened. Flicking a lever on both sides of the car revealed a rocket launcher and something that looked straight out of a video game; perhaps an energy blaster. ‘Ooo, what does this button do?’ Pressing the button that said ‘Warning!’ Erik grinned as the cars were lit up like the Fourth of July by that energy. 
“I want this car for my birthday.”
“It’s on a loan from Rukiya. Ask really nice and she’ll give it to you. Meet you back at the hotel?” 
“Yeah. I just wanna check something.” 
While wading through the wreckage and carnage, eventually after thirty minutes, Erik finds a severed hand with a strange tattoo. Throwing it in the trunk, he figures that Rukiya might know something; she’s the expert of experts, as they say. And when the car pulled off, it changed colors; there’s a new license plate and everything. 
Nah. Rukiya had the good shit.
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