#okay I'm just going to do a really shitty job and be done with it
thursdayg1rl · 1 year
my ability to procrastinate is actually unmatched
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xxchumanixx · 2 months
I know it says requests closed, ok? But i'll leave this here until you take requests ❤️
also i looove your work sm
can you do one with tim bradford x fem!reader with a lot of angst, hurt to comfort something bad? like the reader gets hurt, kidnapped something very bad outside work.
the reader is lucy's best friend and tim's gf, maybe the reader being a rookie at the same time as lucy
and the reader gets in some trouble and it becomes progressively worse but she didn't say anything to anyone bc she's a cop and think she can handle it?
but in the end it's like really bad and tim is desperate looking for her, and his world crushes when he finds her?
something similar to 2x11 (that ep broke me into pieces and the scene with tim and lucy buried my heart right in hell) but his desperation is waay worse bc it's about the reader and he loves her
lots of love ❤️
Breaking Point
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Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Warnings/Tags: a lot of angst, hurt, mentions of blood, fluff
Word count: tba
Authors note: Hello love, omg it's been soo long I'm soooo sorry! This is not proofread yet, but I hope you'll like it! Love you!
Also, don't know if anyone else has that problem, but every time I make something fat or cursive, it changes the whole text after a few seconds. This happened after an update, and it's SO annoying!
Anyways, enjoy!
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Listen, I know what you might think now.
Okay, maybe I don't. But to get captured and tortured wasn't your intention when this started.
Hell, of course it wasn't.
But you couldn't have predicted this either.
Neither could you have predicted how an encounter with a certain gangster would end - with you doing whatever he says.
At least he had the decency to only let you make his wrongdoings disappear.
It all went good.
That was, until one day you said no to him. It took him ten hours of his patience to kidnap and torture you, leave you for every cop to see what a shitty job you had done for this city.
And to your fellow colleagues.
You had only graded p2, together with Lucy and John. Lucy and you were best friends; it had instantly clicked once you started your training together.
You had been the first to know about her and John, had helped her through the heartbreak and all that had followed.
She, in turn, was the first to know about you and Tim.
You had started dating when you were still a rookie - luckily not his, or else it would have made everything a lot more complicated.
So, when everything seemed to go perfect, it had to come some shit along the way. It just couldn't have stayed perfect, could it?
This shit was named Luis El Ferno.
A wealthy son of an even wealthier mafia family that had a thing for speeding and collecting tickets. Along with other things that piled up in his file.
And as luck had it, he sought you out to be the perfect candidate for blackmailing. So when the first picture of your almost naked form landed in your mail, you had the shock of your life.
The photo was paired with a letter, saying if you didn't do as he said, he'd ruin your career. And not only that.
He'd ruin you completely.
So you complied, hoping to handle this on your own. Tim was clueless, as was the rest of them all.
Things soon took turns, though, getting worse the more time passed. Then, when he wanted you to do more than just cleaning up his mess, you said no.
You told yourself it was for the better.
You were a cop after all. You could handle this, right?
Big mistake.
When he found out he couldn't threaten you with the photos anymore, at least not enough for you to give in, he let his men kidnap you.
They punched you and used you as their personal boxing bag. They didn't stop when you were pleading, and they didn't stop when you fell silent.
They only stopped when there was nothing left to beat.
And when you closed your eyes, you had never been more grateful for the comfort of nothingness.
"You have to be kidding me!" Lucy laughed, leaning back on the sofa. "No way! Tell me you're lying!"
You laughed with her, shaking your head. "I wish I was." you said. "It was so embarrassing! For a moment, I thought he'd let me walk back to the station!"
She laughed louder, biting her lip.
"I would have loved to see that!" she said. "I can imagine the look on Tim's face so clearly!"
You shook your head, smiling. "Yeah, you should have seen the way he tried to keep his cool." you told her. "The poor lady excused herself so many times that her puke was already dry when she finally was in the car."
Lucy doubled over with laughter, the glass in her hand shaking threateningly. "Oh my god!" she breathed out, wiping at her eyes. "Damn, I need that body cam material!"
Eyes widening, you shook your head. "God, no!"
She laughed even more at your shocked expression, wiping at her eyes once more. Oh, she would somehow get that footage, she was sure of that.
It was a night with your bestie, a tradition that had developed early in your training as a rookie. You would sit together, drink cocktails, and do whatever you wanted.
Painting your nails, watching sappy movies, or simply talking.
It was something you never would have missed out on. So, when you didn't show up that day and Lucy didn't get a message from you saying that you wouldn't make it, either, she started to get worried.
She knew you better than most people did, so she knew something must be wrong. Calling Tim, her fingers danced over the rim of her glass, nerves piling up.
"Hey, do you know where Y/N is?" she asked when he picked up, not wasting any time.
Tim frowned on the other end of the line. "I thought she would be with you?" he gave back, eyes scanning the living room.
Your things weren't there, so you must have been on your way to Lucy, right?
"Well, she isn't here, and she didn't text me." Lucy responded, causing Tim's frown to deepen. You were reliable, you wouldn't just cancel plans without telling her.
Let alone disappear.
"I haven't heard from her since this morning." Tim admitted, biting his cheek. "I mean, we had an argument, but still, she would at least text."
Lucy sighed, nodding to herself.
"I'm worried, Tim." she admitted. "If she didn't text any of us, nor show up..." She bit down on her finger, trying to get rid of the horrible thoughts swarming her mind.
Tim swallowed heavily. He already felt guilty for not checking up on you earlier, and the fact that they didn't know where you were, made it even worse.
"I'm heading to the station." he decided, getting up with the phone still pressed to his ear. Lucy nodded on the other end. "Okay, I'll meet you there."
He knew better than to argue with her. She'd do anything for the people she loved.
"Okay, one last chance." he whispered into your ear, causing you to shiver in disgust. His breath reeked of whiskey, his shirt of cigarettes. "I really don't want to rearrange that pretty face of yours."
You swallowed heavily but didn't budge. He wouldn't get you to let a corpse disappear.
He tutted, shaking his head disapprovingly. "And here I thought we were friends." he mused, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
You jerked your head away from him, glaring up at him. "We're not friends, Luis." you told him angrily. He scoffed, the back of his hand connecting with your cheek with a harsh slap.
Your head whipped to the side, skin aflame.
Tears pricked in your eyes, but your anger only intensified.
"Do you really think you're in command here?" he seethed, harshly grabbing your chin to make you look at him, fingers digging into your burning flesh. "Dont forget who you're dealing with!"
You spit in his face in response.
Another big mistake.
You really should have listened to your mother never to get involved with such people.
Mothers always were right, weren't they?
Luis face became progressively darker, turning redder. He roared, and his fist made contact with your gut, knocking the wind out of you.
So much for the gut feeling.
"Maybe I should teach you a lesson." Luis grumbled, shaking his hand. "You little slut are stepping out of line, and I really don't like that!"
You swallowed, knowing what this man was capable of doing.
Or let do.
He whistled, smirking at you. Two men entered the large room that could have worked as bouncers - ex-military if you'd had to guess.
Luis turned his attention to the men, speaking extra loud so you wouldn't miss his words.
"This little whore needs to be taught a lesson." he told them. "Or two. She's dancing out of line, and I can't have that. Vladimir-" he turned to one of them and your blood ran cold.
"You said your wrist ached, right? Maybe a little punching will help?"
Vladimir, the bigger of the too, chuckled darkly. "When did it not?"
His knuckles cracked, and your eyes closed, silently praying Tim would find you before it was too late.
"I want every available cop in this station." Tim spoke as Grey entered the on call room. His brows knitted at Tim's words, clearing his throat.
"Bradford, what is going on?" he wanted to know, all eyes on them. "Y/N is missing." Tim explained, thumbs hooked into his waistband, so his fingers wouldn't fumble with everything they got hold of.
Grey's brows knitted further before he nodded. "Are you sure she's missing?" he asked. Tim nodded, eyes downcast. "Yes, sir."
Grey hummed, clearing his throat again. "Okay." he said, swallowing. "Where was she last seen?"
They started to form a plan, checking your last locations. Your phone hadn't been responsive yet, not being able to be tracked.
They were checking out possible locations on a map, as Tim's phone suddenly rang with a message, then another. He fished for his phone, hoping it was you.
His hopes were heard.
Without further checking the message, he clicked on it, mind working overtime.
Then, his blood ran cold, and everything suddenly came crashing to a halt.
The message consisted of a photo and a text.
A photo of you, battered and bruised, blood staining your body and clothes. They were torn, your head hanging low.
Under the photo, the message read: "Your officer, Y/N Y/L/N, has done a very shitty job. Only fair for her to pay the price for it."
Tim could feel all eyes on him, the room suddenly eerily silent. His fingers trembled, his whole body trembled.
He could hear Grey distantly, asking him what happened. He could feel his hand on his shoulder, turning him towards him, but everything seemed to be in a blur.
Grey's gaze fell to the phone, and his heart stopped. "Oh god." he mumbled, a lump forming in his throat.
Lucy stepped forward, heart hammering nervously in her chest. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. "What happened?" she wanted to know, repeating Grey's words.
Neither of them reacted for a second, glued to the spot, eyes on the phone. Moments later, it clattered to the floor as Tim stumbled backward. Lucy took the opportunity to grab it, turning the display towards her.
She wished she hadn't.
Her breath got stuck in her throat at what she saw. She read the text a few times, mind running haywire. Her hands shook, and she had to place the phone down, or otherwise it would have fallen for a second time.
They could only hope you weren't as dead as you looked.
It was ugly.
First you found it strange, then funny that they were counting the amount of times they punched you.
They must have been paid for punches.
After the tenth punch, you fell silent. You had pleaded for them to stop only moments earlier, as they took turns in punching and slapping you.
Neither of them cared for your feeble attempts. It only seemed to spur them on.
Every part of your body ached by now, your numb mind telling you to be grateful that they weren't doing other things to you.
It felt like you'd been hit by a truck numerous times.
You weeped as a blow to your stomach knocked any remaining air from your lungs.
That was all you could muster now.
A small weep.
Your head felt like it was wrapped in clouds, vision blurry, and slowly fading. Your hope of getting out of this alive withering by the second.
How were they supposed to find you? How should they track you when Luis took your phone, most likely destroying it?
A punch in your face made your head spin, as everything seemed to blur together, dark spots obscuring your vision further.
And as you thought all hope was lost, you slowly sank into the comfort of unconsciousness.
Time seemed to tick in slow motion.
Tim couldn't keep still, he had to move, trying to match his racing heart.
The fear he felt cut deep, like a knife. It bored its way into his heart, infecting it with its poison. He had only felt such fear twice before - once when his ex-wife left him overnight, and the second time when Lucy was buried alive.
But it didn't compare to the fear he felt now. It seemed tenfold.
Grey had to calm him multiple times, or else he would have stormed out there, searching every building for you.
He would have done everything for you.
After what felt like an eternity to Tim, they were able to track the location where the photo of you was taken.
The photo that was glued to the back of his eyelids, not letting him think of anything else.
He felt guilty, an ugly feeling that crept into his very being, infiltrating all of his nerves, his bones, and very fibers.
It was the worst feeling of them all.
He blamed himself - blamed himself for accusing you of having secrets eatlier that day.
That he was right he didn't know then.
But he'd seen your change in demeanor, the way you would pull away from him.
It hurt him so much that he caused an argument.
One he was deeply regretting now.
He had to remind himself to pay attention, to wait for the signal to enter the warehouse they located you in.
How cliché.
When Grey gave the signal, Tim's heart stumbled before it doubled its speed.
Time to move.
They walked forward in formation before splitting, getting ready to bust the door open and head inside, facing whatever might lurk behind the heavy metal door.
When the door was opened, he was the first to enter the large room, eyes quickly scanning his surroundings, gun drawn, as he flinched at the sight.
Tim believed his heart had stopped.
If he hadn't been standing upright, he'd thought he'd died - even though that could have changed any second, as he stumbled towards you.
He couldn't tell if you were still breathing, your body hanging limp in the chair in the middle of the warehouse. Your face was bruised - badly, blood wherever his eyes reached.
They stung, tears threatening to push through. But he did his best to keep himself together, even though the gasp Angela let out as she saw you, didn't make it any easier for him.
Falling down on his knees in front of you, he let his gun clatter to the floor, fingers carefully brushing away the hair that was stuck to your bloody face. With trembling fingers, he tried to feel for a pulse, heart stopping when he didn't immediately find one.
He could feel the others stare at him, waiting for an answer.
"Come on!" he mumbled to himself, feeling again as goosebumps covered his skin.
There - it was weak, but it was there.
"She's alive." he managed to get out, knowing that the ambulance was already on the way. Relief flooded him, even though it was short-lived.
You seemed like you would give out any moment.
Nyla walked behind you, carefully cutting the rope that was binding you to the chair - the only thing keeping you upright, as you fell forward and into Tim's arms.
His body shook, but he did his best to suppress it.
He had to be strong for the both of you now.
He cradled you in his arms, biting his lip until it bled, all to keep the tears at bay. Praying to whatever gods may be above to let you survive this.
Losing you would have been too much. It'd have destroyed him irrevocably.
He could hear sirens, swallowing against the lump in his throat that seemed to get bigger as time slowly passed.
He could feel the stares, knew they were asking themselves what you must have done to deserve this.
Hell, he asked himself the same question.
And, most importantly, who did this to you.
Whoever it was wouldn't get far once Tim would have his hands on them.
He barely noticed when the paramedics almost had to pry you from his hands, getting you ready for transport.
He was in the back of the ambulance even before they had carried you in.
His numb fingers dug into his pockets, catching onto something. They gripped hold of it, turning the small object over in his hand, thumb brushing over the velvet.
A ring.
He had meant to give it to you, having noticed how much you had seemed to like it when you first saw it.
Now he wondered if he'd ever have the chance to give it to you.
Once you were settled, they took off, the look on Lucy's face surely going to haunt him for weeks to come.
It mirrored his own emotions perfectly.
Fear, helplessness.
Something he didn't feel often.
Steady, rhythmic beating was what brought you back.
An awful sound, yet it was the proof of life.
Your body felt heavy, mind dizzy. Your mouth was dry and you were sure you must have died and went straight to hell.
Blinking your eyes open, they were met by dim light, stars shining on the other side of the big window.
You swallowed, trying to get rid of the dryness. As your eyes slowly took in your surroundings, landing on Tim whose head lay on your bed, sleeping peacefully, it all came crushing back.
Tears flooded your eyes, soon the dam breaking. They ran over your face in hot streaks, your bruised skin stinging.
Hands shaking, you brought one of it up to his head, softly brushing through his hair as a sob spilled over your lips.
What you had done was nowhere excusable. They would fire you once they knew what exactly you had done.
You were sure of it.
Tim stirred, disturbed in his sleep. His eyes blinked open, and once they fell on you, he was wide awake, sitting upright.
He scooted closer with his chair, hands gripping your own. Seeing you cry broke his heart.
"It's okay." he shooed, thumbs brushing over the back of your hands before he brought one up, carefully wiping at your tear streaked face. "It's okay, you're safe now."
Your head shook almost automatically, tears and sobs intensifying. "No." you croaked out, sight blurry, and his brows furrowed. "No, it's not okay."
Your head fell back into the cushion, biting your lip as you shook it again.
"What happened?" Tim voiced the question he'd asked himself so many times. "Who did this to you?"
At first, you didn't answer, gaze fixed on the ceiling. When he was about to ask again, your mouth slowly opened.
"I fucked up." you managed to get past your split lips. "I fucked everything up."
Tim had to swallow, doing his best to stay patient. Whatever you did must have been so bad, that it resulted in this.
Clearing your throat, you took a deep breath. "Luis El Ferno." you said his name, blinking rapidly to will away another wave of tears.
The name vaguely rang a bell in Tim's head. He must have been someone they arrested before.
"After we arrested him a few months back, he-" you cut yourself off, fingers cramping around his. "He started to blackmail me with photos someone took of me... naked."
Tim's heart stuttered to a painful halt, eyes widening. Every single thought in his mind came to a stop as your words slowly sank in.
Photos of you.
He swallowed heavily, that ugly feeling of guilt intensifying.
He should have noticed.
"He wanted me to erase things from his file." you continued, ripping him from his vile thoughts. "And when he asked of me to let a corpse disappear, I said no. Big mistake."
Despite the situation, you managed a humorless, dry laugh, but Tim wasn't in the mood for laughing.
No, he was far closer to breaking something.
Or someone.
"He let his guards 'teach me a lesson', as he said it. To show everyone what a shitty job I did. And he was right."
Tim's gaze snapped back to yours, having been glued to the blanket before. The chair made a nasty sound on the linoleum as he brought it ever closer.
Now he knew what you'd been hiding the past few months.
He would have done the same.
His head shook unbeknownst to him, and he wished he could take you into his arms, hold you close to shield you from all the horror in the world.
But you could barely move, your survival a sole miracle.
He brought your hand to his lips, unable to find the words to assure you everything would be fine.
He knew it wouldn't.
"I'm so sorry." you croaked out, biting your swollen lip as more tears fell. "I know I should have told you, but I was so scared. He said he'd end me if I told someone."
Tim swallowed again, bile rising in his throat at the thought.
Oh, how badly he wanted to have a chat with this man.
Though chat might not be the right word.
He took a deep breath to calm himself. Then his fingers dug into his pocket, taking out the small, velvety box.
He turned it over in his hand before slowly opening it, taking the ring out. It glittered in the dim light, reflecting it.
Your eyes widened at the sight, recognizing it. You had admired it through the jeweler's window, knowing you'd never buy it, because it was way too expensive.
Seeing it now, crushed your heart.
He bad bought it for you.
Tim wiped at his nose before he took your hand, slowly putting the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly.
Then his fingers encircled yours, holding them tight as he swallowed.
"We'll do this together." he said, looking up at you. "Whatever might come, we'll do it together. I'll fight Grey on it if need be, but you won't leave the LAPD."
Fresh tears gathered in your eyes, blurring your sight. The love you felt for this man was indescribable. And you could only hope you hadn't lost him with what you'd done.
"I love you." he spoke, licking his lip. It tasted salty, and he noticed that a tear of his own had managed to spill. "I promise you I'll be there whenever you need me. We can do this, whatever may come. You and I."
You sobbed, overwhelmed by his words. "I love you, too." you managed to say, not sure how you deserved him. "But I don't know how we'll do that."
He bit his lip, and for the first time since you had been missing, he smiled. It was a small one, but it was a smile nonetheless.
"Let me handle that."
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Tag List
@newobsessionweekly @laheysfilm @dhundhchrih @augustvandyne @rookietrek @nachofriess @dtftheavengers @wonderland2425
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kpop---scenarios · 2 months
Misery Loves Company (1)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Warning: Language etc
Genre: Coworkers/Enemies to Lovers
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Okay! I'm happier with this version of the first chapter!
Everything Taglist: @piscesrising01 @baby-stay92 @kisses-too-the-moon @dwaekkiiracha @rylea08 @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @satosugu4l @iovecb97 @lordmaahes-nsc @sailorkoss @minh0scat @pixie0627 @50-husbands @jinnies-muse @yaorzu-blog @joyofbebbanburg @number1jeonginstan @skzooluvr @jisunglyricist @ambersnowxxx
@wife2straykids @silly250 @gabriellamarie @tsunderelino @1810cl
@anskiiz @ayyonoona
“Are you ready for the conference?” Your friend and co-worker, Hyunjin grins. “I can't wait for it.”
“Oh yeah, a week of meetings and workshops sounds absolutely delightful.” You chuckle.
“Believe me, that's not all that happens.” He grins, sending you a wink as he nudges you with his elbow.
You look around the office, catching the eye of the man you despised the most, Lee Know. Or as everyone else in the office called him, Minho. He was an arrogant, self centered, short tempered, selfish and rude man. And for some reason, well not some, a reason well known, he was extremely popular among your co-workers. He was undoubtedly extremely attractive, with a sense of humor that everyone loved, except you. However, that didn't change his shitty attitude and even shittier work ethic, and yet he had the audacity to talk shit about you.
You had walked into the break room one day, when you had only been working there for a few weeks, and there sat Minho with his back to you while he spoke to a few other workers.
“She's just… well, she's fucking horrible at her job.” He chuckles. “I mean, sure she's nice, maybe? I dunno, I haven't really talked to her, but she sucks. She must have been hired for her tits and ass.” He says, laughing. The other workers try to hide their faces as he continues on. But surely he wasn't talking about you? You were hired around the same time as another girl, and this made your stomach sink. You weren't great yet but you were trying, and you hadn't had like a huge fuck-up. Only a few minor ones.
You tried your best to ignore it, since there was a chance he wasn't talking about you and you wouldn't be upset until it was confirmed. “Y/N needs to go. I don't know how she's still even here.” He sighs, glancing over to his left. “Rose, what are you doing this weekend?” He smiles, looking at the other newer girl.
“She's right behind you, man. Why do you have to be such a dick?” One of the men, Hyunjin tells him, getting up from his chair to come up to you.
“Don't listen to him. He barely has one brain cell that's even functioning.” Hyunjin chuckles, guiding you out of the break room. ever since then, you and Hyunjin had become very good friends, while that made you want nothing to do with Minho, and you avoided him for months as best as you could. Unfortunately for you, you were still close enough to hear about his weekends, which led you to finding out that he was the biggest playboy you had ever met. Monday mornings, he was always talking about his latest conquests from the weekend, making sure it was loud enough for you and others to hear, rarely got his own work done on time, and yet, somehow was still praised by management.
You were honestly shocked he hadn't been fired yet. If you were to do some of the exact same things he did, you'd be written up, but he was a god among you all, and that fueled your hatred for him even more.
“Hey, you wanna ride to the airport together?” Hyunjin asks, as you're both packing up for the day. You were all booked on the same flights, tomorrow morning at 9:00am but you weren't going to let Hyunjin go that far out of his way for you.
“That's sweet, but no thanks. It's too far, I'm just going to drive myself, my dad is going to pick up my car from the airport later tomorrow. I appreciate the offer though!” You smile.
“Well if you change your mind, let me know.” He smiles, leaving before you.
You finish grabbing your bag, turning off your computer and making sure you weren't forgetting anything. You make your way to the elevator, clicking the button as you wait for it to ding, you feel the presence of someone beside you. You glance over, seeing Minho standing beside you, impatiently tapping his briefcase.
“Did you even press the button?” He asks, pressing it again.
“What do you think? I'm not an idiot.” You snap.
“Woah.” He chuckles. “A little testy this evening, are we?”
“You ruin my mood with your presence.” You sigh.
“You hate me that much? What have I ever done to you, Y/N?” He asks.
“Oh yeah, I despise you.” You answer. The elevator opens, you push your way in front of Minho to get on first, pressing the close button in the hopes it would magically close right in his face.
“That's hurtful, Y/N.” He pouts. “I just wanna be friends.”
“I have enough friends.” You respond.
“What's one more?” He grins.
“Having you as a friend sounds like absolute hell.” You say.
“Good thing I don't actually want to have you as a friend. You're too uptight for my liking. Maybe if you loosened up a little.” He says. “You know what, probably not even then.”
The rest of the ride down is silent. You get off as soon as you can, speed walking towards the front doors so you can get away from him as fast as possible. That night when you got home you finished up your packing and went to bed early. You had to leave by 630am to get to the airport at a decent time before your flight, you were not going to miss it.
“No, no, no!” You whine, running as fast as you can towards your flight's gate. Your carryon suitcase barely hangs on behind you as you weave through the crowds of people standing around waiting. “Please… no.” You breathe as you reach the desk, slamming your boarding pass down on the top. Seconds later another boarding pass is slammed down next to yours but you choose to ignore it. You were here first and you desperately needed to get onto this flight.
“I'm…” You breathe, your chest heaving. “Here.” The lady smiles at you, opening her mouth to speak. “I'm so sorry.” She sighs. “You just missed it.”
“No! Please! I woke up late and was rushing to get…here! And then I got a flat tire on my way! I-I left my car on the side of the road… I had to hitch a ride the rest of the way!” You complain. “It hasn't even taken off!” You say, motioning to the plane that was now pulling away from the gate.
You let out a big sigh. “Are there any other flights going out later today or tomorrow?” You ask.
“Yeah I really need to be on that flight.” Someone beside you says. The voice was familiar. A little too familiar and you really fucking hoped it wasn't who you thought it was.
You look over and aggressively roll your eyes, seeing the man you worked with, that you absolutely despised.
“I'll be on any flight that he's not on.” You say.
“They’d leave you before they left me, right gorgeous?” He chuckles, sending the desk agent a wink.
“Unfortunately, you're both out of luck.” The lady says, giving you both a sympathetic look. “The next flight there isn't until next week.” She tells you.
“But I need to be there ASAP for a conference. It starts in 3 days!” you complain.
“So do I.” Minho huffs.
“No one cares about what you need to do, Minho!” You snap.
“You can always rent a car.” She suggests. You hang your head down. The last thing you wanted to do was drive for 3 days to get there but it seemed like at this point it was your only choice. When you look back up, Minho is already gone. You make your way to the car rental desk, getting in line behind Minho. A few minutes later the man at the desk walks away with his keys in his hand, letting Minho head up to the desk.
“Just to let you know.” The girl behind the desk starts. “We only have one car available.” She says, forcing a smile.
“I'll take it.” Minho yells, just before you. He turns around, giving you a grin, one that made you want to punch him in the face. “What are you gonna do, Y/N?” He asks, protruding his lip for a fake pout.
“You have nothing left?” You ask the girl, holding your hands together to beg her. You'd drop to your knees if you had too.
“Not until next week.” She says. Minho continues to rent the car, signing documents, giving his license, while you stood behind him, internally fighting with yourself. You could just miss the conference right?
You pull out your phone to call your boss, who answers on the second ring.
“Y/N. Are you on your way?” He asks.
“Well sir…” you say, clearing your throat. “I missed the flight. And unfortunately Minho got the last car rental.” You explain. “So I was wondering…” you begin before he cuts you off.
“That's perfect. Just go with Minho then. What's the problem?” He asks.
“Nothing sir. Just wanted to let you know what the plan was.” You say through gritted teeth.
“Excellent. See you in a few days.” He says, hanging up the phone.
Minho grabs his keys walking past you, without a care in the world. You grab his arm, which to your surprise is a lot more muscular than you had expected.
“Can I help you?” He asks, pulling his arm away from you.
“Can I….” You trail off into a mumble. Minho squints his eyes at you. “Huh?”
“Can I… get a….” You trail off into a mumble again.
“I'm sorry, what? Y/N, speak up. I can't help you if you don't talk to me.” He says, leaning his ear closer. “I'm not getting the question?”
“Can I get a ride with you?” You huff, rolling your eyes.
“See, that wasn't so hard was it?” He smiles.
“So?” You sigh. “Can I?”
“No.” He says, walking towards the parking lot.
“Come on! You talk shit about me! it's the least you can do.” You snap.
“Oh fuck. It was one time.” He says.
“That I know of.” You tell him.
“Just skip the conference.” He says, continuing to walk away.
“I would if I could. Mr. Johnson said to ride with you.” You tell him.
Minho doesn't respond, instead pulls his ringing phone from in his pocket, sighing loudly as he looks at the caller ID. “Hello?” He answers. “Yes sir. Of course sir. See you then, sir.” He finishes hanging up the phone.
He starts walking away, you stay still. Taking in deep breaths. You'd get this figured out. It would be fine. Everything always ends up being fine, right? As you turn to walk in a different direction, Minho turns his head to look at you. “Well let's fucking go, we don't have time to waste.” He snaps, continuing to walk. You smile to yourself as you follow him, but that smile quickly fades when you remember how long you're going to be stuck with him in the car. At least you'll get a break when you get your own hotel rooms.
“Rules for the car.” Minho starts, pulling out of the airport parking lot. “You're not allowed to talk. You're not allowed to touch the radio, you're not allowed to do anything. Okay? It's gonna be a long drive and I'm already annoyed.” He says.
You don't reply, instead just stare out the window, leaning your head back onto the head rest.
“Okay?” He says again, glancing at you.
“What?” You scoff. “You said I'm not allowed to talk.”
“Fucking take me now.” He groans, looking up at the sky.
The first few hours were fine. The hum of the radio filled the car and you slept off and on, but right now you needed to use the bathroom so fucking bad. You didn't want to break the rules but there was a gas station coming up, and if you didn't go you were going to burst.
“I need to pee!” You yell out, pointing to the station. Minho sighs as he pulls off onto the exit, pulling up to the pump. You exit the car as fast as your legs would take you, b-lining straight for the women's room.
A few minutes later, you emerge feeling like a brand new woman. You glance outside, expecting to see Minho waiting in the car but he's no longer parked by the pumps. Your head whips from left to right, and you can't see him. Your purse, your phone, everything you had was in that car and now panic was starting to set in.
Your chest starts heaving as you could barely catch your breath. You were turning in a circle, until you heard laughing. You look over, seeing Minho walking over.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asks, eyebrow raised.
“I thought you left me.” You admit.
“I parked on the side because someone else needed the pump.” He says. “I've been waiting for you. Jesus christ, let's go.” He finishes, walking back the way he came.
Relief sets in as you follow him to the car. Yeah, you probably should have checked around the whole building, but it also would not have been completely out of character for Minho to just abandon you in some town. The two of you get back into the car, setting off once again. If you wanted to make it on time, you were going to have to drive for another 8 hours before stopping. Honestly, it couldn't get any worse. The silent car ride was killing you. You enjoyed talking to people, and even though the only person you had to talk to was Minho, you would have rather had that than not talking at all. But every time you tried to talk to him, he immediately shut you down, whether or not he verbally told you to shut up, or putting his finger to his lips, or putting up his hand to tell you to stop. After the third time, you just decide to give up.
Eight hours later, Minho pulls into the parking lot of a hotel, parking the car. You both get out, excited to stretch and crawl into your own beds and sleep before another long drive tomorrow. You both walk up to the front desk, each speaking with a different clerk.
“One room, one bed, please.” You smile at the man.
Minho points to you. “What she said.” He murmurs, letting out a yawn.
“I'm sorry.” The man smiles. “Unfortunately, we only have one room available for the night.”
“Whatever.” Minho sighs. “One room, two beds then.”
“No sir.” The man laughs. “My apologies for being unclear.” He smiles.
“We only have one room with one bed.”
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homestylehughes · 4 months
But Daddy I love Him
instagram au.
♥︎ luke hughes x zegras! sister
♥︎ face claim: marsai martin
"They slammed the door on my whole world..the one thing I wanted"
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liked by lhughes_06, your.bsf and 79,098 others
yn.zegras slamming doors, hitting ignore!
your.bsf is that my bag...
↳ yn.zegras no..
your.bsf YN IS THAT MY BAGGGG????
↳ yn.zegras OKAY MAYBE
↳ yn.zegras i love youuuuuuuu :))))))))
↳ yn.zegras says you.
lhughes_06 never ignore me!
↳ yn.zegras never.
lhughes_06 oh wow.
lhughes_06 you're so pretty. I miss you. please, come back to me.
↳ _quinnhughes lukey the simp.
↳ seamsuscasey26 simp
↳ adamfantilli simp
↳ rutgermcgroarty simp
↳ nick_moldenhauer simp
↳ yn.zegras Luke don't listen to them, i love you my little simp.
liked by lhughes_06
devilforhughes where are jack and trevor? hopefully everything is okay.
user125 not her throwing shade in the caption..
zegrasfanpage I think her, Trevor and jack aren't talking, I heard rumors that they are arguing because of her dating Luke.
user98 I don't doubt it, kinda shitty of her to date Luke considering that their brothers are best friends.
devilforhughes and you're shitty for commenting that, let them be happy.
liked by yn.zegras, and lhughes_06
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liked by yn.zegras and lhughes_06 and 6,678 others
your.bsf slamming doors and slamming drinks all girls night.
yn.zegras guess who got the drunkest last night... hint it WASNT me.
↳your.bsf MEEEEEEE..
lhughes_06 heard you got pretty smashed last night.
↳ your.bsf luke you don't know shit (I was really smashed last night).
trevrozegras 😍
↳ your.bsf ariana what are you doing here?
your.bsf03 hot mama
↳ your.bsf thank you babyyyy
user45 the fact that Trevor can comment on her best friends post but not his sister's posts is CRAZYYYY.
liked by yn.zegras
an: hiiiii lovesssss. NEW CHAPTERRRR! I wrote this while working LOLLL. I hope you all enjoyyyyyy. i love this chapter, i love this series soooo much, i'm so happy you guys are enjoying it as much as i am!!! I'm going to start writing blurbs for this series for in between chapter just to add more to luke and yn's story!! i'm going to work on fics this weekend, i'm sorry that there's been a lack of fics recently my job is taking everyyyyythingggg out of me, no time for anything BOOOOOO. but this weekend things will get done. anyways.. I'm sorry for always yapping LOLL. I hope you guys enjoyedddd, like and reblog if you'd like! as always much love <3
also!!!! send some blurbs in for me to answer if you'd like!!! mwah
tags🎀: @lukey-pookie-hughes43 @bruinsfan234 @bunbunbl0gs
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strniohoeee · 9 months
chris painting readers nails
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris decides to paint Y/N’s nails, but he does a terrible job at it causing them to laugh about it, and enjoy each others company💙
Warnings⚠️: None, like one crude joke but not really loll. It’s just a short imagine because I wasn’t sure how to make it long and interesting🥺
Song for the imagine: Butterflies- Queen Naija
And I just wanna hold you all night long
Whenever I'm around you, nothing's wrong
I'm hoping that you'll always be around
You got me on a high, I don't wanna come down
“CHRISTOPHER Owen…what are you doing” I yelled at Chris
“I am painting your nails” he said in a matter of fact way
“You’re making it messy dude” I said shaking my head
“You act like I do this shit everyday. Obviously it’s going to be messy” he said giving me a dirty look
“Paint the fucking nail idiot” I said smacking him with my other hand
“I am painting the fucking nail” he said pointing at my hand
“You’re painting 90% skin and 10% nail” I said laughing
“This shit is hard, and your nail beds are short” he said rolling his eyes
“Hey don’t come for my nail beds because you’re a shitty nail tech” I said sucking my teeth
“I clean the edges once I’m done” he said going back to painting my ring finger
“I like this color too” he said looking at the bottle
“It’s my favorite, it’s called ocean oasis” I said
“Good name for a blue color” he said
“I agree” I said
Chris painted my other hand and did a little bit of a better job.
“You’re so lucky I’m madly in love with you because these look awful” I replied laughing
“Hey be nice….” He said closing the nail polish bottle
“I painted yours so nicely” I said looking at his nails that are the same shade as mine
“Well you always paint your nails, so you have an advantage there” he said ruffling my hair
“Okay that’s true” I said nodding my head
“Now we have matching nails” he said clapping his hands together like a happy child
“More like matching skin…dude you have to clean this before it dries fully” I said looking at him
“Ughh fine” he said sitting back down
Chris gently cleaned my stained skin to perfect his work, and actually his paint job wasn’t terrible.
“See after you clean it, it’s not so bad” he said throwing the cotton balls out
“Yeah not terrible” I said looking at my nails
“I couldn’t be a nail tech though” he said looking at them and laughing
“Yeah no you’d be awful, but hey it’s the thought that counts” I said giving him a smile
“Thanks for the support babe” he said planting a kiss on my lips
“Of course my love” I said blowing on my nails to let them dry
“Want to do my toes” I said wiggling my brows
“Fuck no do not put your feet next to me” he said smacking my legs away
“You don’t act that way when you suck on my toes in bed” I said giggling
“I have never sucked your toes in bed you weirdo” he replied laughing
“I know” I said looking down with a sad face
“Change the face” he said squeezing my leg
“Maybe if you give me a pedicure you’d want to suck my toes” I said sighing
“What is wrong with you kid. I’m not sucking no toes” he said laughing
“If you got a pedicure I’d suck your toes” I said rolling my eyes
“Yeah right” he said laughing
“I’d consider it” I said rubbing my chin like I was thinking
“The day you suck my toes will be the day I give you a pedicure and return the favor” he said to me laughing
“Mm I’ll be looking forward to it” I said wiggling my brows
“You’re so interesting” he said squinting his eyes at me
“I love you too” I said leaning over and kissing him
“I love your weird ass” he said kissing me again
Chris was such a cutie, and these innocent interactions made me fall in love with him more.
The End
I know this was super short, but I wasn’t sure what else to write for this. I hope you guys enjoyed it though! This was my last request. I can’t believe I wrote five stories today LMAOOO. Time to work on my Matt story tomorrow🤭🤭LOVE YALLLL🥹🖤🖤
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stevieschrodinger · 11 months
Part One.
Part Three
Part Two
"So this is knitting?"
Eddie watches as Steve carefully threads the loom back and forth, back and forth, "yeah."
"I thought knitting was like, with needles?"
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"It can be...but I'm no good at it," Eddie admits shyly, suspects he's probably blushing. Again. "Could never hold the tension, it just got tighter and tighter until it was like chainmail. So I tried sewing, shit at that too. Well, I can do patches and stuff on my jacket, by hand, but proper sewing with a machine, to make a blanket? Carnage man, blood everywhere." Steve snorts a laugh, but doesn't look up from what he's doing, "so I tried crochet, pretty sure I had carple tunnel in like, ten minutes flat. Was ready to quit but then...I found these things. And I'm sort of okay at it."
"Well, you're managing to teach me, so you must be more than just okay."
Eddie does blush then, glad Steve isn't looking up from his work. It's sweet, watching the Alpha figure out this most Omega of tasks. Eddie has no idea how this happened, but it's his third time at Steve's.
Never turn down a free meal is so ingrained in Eddie he was agreeing before he even really realised what he was agreeing too.
And it isn't until later that very evening, when Steve quietly says, "hey, can I show you something, before you go?" That Eddie understands. Because he's standing in the doorway to a nesting room. Of course the Harrington house has a nesting room, it's big enough and fancy enough for a pool for god's sake.
Eddie stands and stares into the little windowless room, lit softly by covered lights, and examines the dip in the middle. The soft curve in the floor where Steve has very carefully constructed a nest.
Eddie's never been offered this before, never had an Alpha come even close to something like this. The whole room smells of Steve. Some of the nest is clearly Steve's bedding.
He's done a good job; Eddie's Omega preens and Eddie has to breathe sharply through his mouth to deliberately squash the purr that wants to escape his chest.
He knows now, why he's here; Steve wants his heat. Probably not the first heat Steve Harrington has offered to share with someone, Eddie has no illusions about what this is.
But this might be his chance. He's already forming a plan. It's shitty and underhand but it'll get him the pup he wants so badly. Eddie doesn't look at that nest and see his own survival, he doesn't see salvation. He sees a pup cradled in his arms.
Steve never needs to know, even. Eddie knows Steve's interest in him will evaporate once Eddie's heat is done. Once Eddie has what he wants so badly.
Eddie says, "yes."
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angelicnymph · 5 months
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♟Mafia Boyfriend Geto Suguru comforting you during your period♟
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!!Cw: Slight Mafia mention, Both reader and Suguru are consenting adults, no kidnapping involved, reader voluntarily went to Suguru, abusive family.
NOTE: You are still living at your old house with your family.
Kindly please support me by liking and reblogging my posts. It helps a lot. <3
You woke up this morning feeling something wet dripping in your underwear. You quickly went to the bathroom and took a warm shower, pour hot water in your hot bag and flop back to bed as you were in excruciating pain due to your cramps. You curled yourself into a ball, and fell asleep.
You woke up again in the afternoon and exchanged texts with your boyfriend. He apologised that he wasn't available this morning as he went on a mission. You shrugged it away and told him it was alright as you could manage your period.
18 00
You got out of your room, passing by the living room to go to the bathroom to do your business when you heard your bitchy aunt mentioning your name.
"You see Y/n could have done the job. After all, she just laid on her bed all day doing nothing.",
upon hearing this from your aunt, knowing she brought this up because she knew you were passing down and could hear her, your anger got the best of you. Your hormones were kicking you as well. You were in excruciating pain since this morning.. you were tossing around in your bed, hell you could barely make it to the bathroom without fainting.
"Well if you checked up on me, you would see why I was laying on my bed whole day. I was in pain."
You were going to rant on more to her but you decided to cut your conversation short as she would only give you a migraine with her bitchy attitude.
You went to the bathroom, did your business and then went to your room and started overthinking about your recent interaction with your aunt.
Just then, like an angel, your boyfriend, Suguru, called you.
Suguru: Hello Princess. How are you doing ? Is it paining too much?
You: Hi baby. Uhm it's- it's okay.
<Suguru could sense you weren't doing good. In fact he knew about your household issues>
Suguru: Baby. Dont lie to me. Tell me what's going on? Is it that aunt of yours again?
<you couldn't bear it any longer, as your hormones were really kicking in, your cramps came back as you started rambling about everything to him, how you were basically suffering since you woke up, the comments your aunt made about you despite you ignored her and how you feel so sad right now>
Suguru: That bitch!
Suguru: Baby. Do me a favour. You know that convenience store in your locality ?
You: Yeah. What about it?
Suguru: Come.
<Suguru actually just wanted to see you. But given the incidents, he decided you'll be spending a few days at his place. He happened to be in your hometown as he had his mission in a nearby town and he had to pass by to get home.>
You: What? Baby you are here?
Suguru: Yes sweetheart. Thought I'd just come to see your pretty face but given the recent incidents, I'm taking you with me babe. Ain't no way I'm letting my girl spend her vulnerable days in such a shitty house with a bitchy family. I'll be waiting for you Princess.
With that, you both cut the call as you took a small bag, put your necessary underwears, pad, a few other essentials. You didn't bother to bring clothes except a few comfortable nightwears as you already had a few t-shirts at Suguru's, more like his t-shirts which he gave you.
You quickly made your way to the convenience store as you spot a familiar man with a halfbun, long hair draping over his back leaning over a familiar range rover.
You couldn't bear it anymore as you launch yourself in his arms. Fortunately, Suguru parked a bit further away in the dark where people wouldn't really spot you both.
You held him tight as you buried your face in his chest as you cried your heart out and ramble everything to him, while he just hug you tight, pressing kisses on your forehead and whispering "it's okay" "I'm here now" "I'll take care of you" to you softly.
He waited for you calm down by yourself as you pulled away from him sniffing with glossy eyes, his arms still tight on your waist. He looked at you for a few seconds before pressing a lingering kiss on your forehead.
"You feeling better baby?"
You just nodded as he took your small bag, took a peak inside and put it in his car.
"Do you need anything more princess? Are you having a particular cravings?"
You simply whispered no.
"Hmm okay. Let's get in the car then baby.", he said as he opened the door to the passenger seat. You climbed inside as he quickly went to the driver seat. He reached a bag from the backseat as he gave it to you.
You looked inside as you saw your usual period cravings and the tampon/pad you used in the correct size. You simply smiled as you looked at him, noticing that he was already looking at you.
You leaned to hug him again which he gladly obliged as he pressed a kiss on your forehead, another one your nose and finally one your lips before you both pulled away and Suguru fastened your seat belt before fastening his and he took off.
While Suguru was driving, you texted your mom that you went to stay with Suguru. Your mom knew your relationship with Suguru and was supportive about it given how much hardships you go through with your other family members and she knew how much you deserved to be with Suguru.
You put you phone in the cup holder as you finished texting your mom and sighed as you looked outside the window.
Suguru reached a hand on your thigh giving it a squeeze as you looked at him.
"Thank you so much Suguru. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Baby it's okay. Afterall what kind of man would I be if I let my girlfriend suffer in such a shitty environment? You don't deserve this babe. You deserve so so much better. "
The rest of the ride was silent with the music playing in the background as you looked outside and Suguru focused on the road.
Suguru knew that as much as you crave contact, you needed mental space sometimes so he did provide it to you. But he also let you know that he's there by constantly keeping his hand on your thigh.
20 15
You both reached Suguru's penthouse in the City as he parked his car and get you out of the car.
He quickly gave you your bag and the other bag containing the things he brought for you before scooping you in his arms and carrying you upstairs claiming that he doesn't want to let you climb the stairs because he's the man.
He let you down as soon as you both reached the kitchen as he told you to make yourself home.
"Baby did you eat yet?"
"Uh not really. But I'm kind of craving potato Wedges and I was hoping if I could bake some?"
"Oh- how about you go have a shower and I bake you some?"
You insisted that he went shower first given that he was working all day but he simply urged you to go first and that's how you found yourself having a hot steamy shower while he was preparing your potatoes.
You came back to the kitchen in a pair of shorts and Suguru's old t-shirt. Suguru quickly saw you as you ran into his arms once again. He kissed your cheek as he told you he's going to take a shower and if you could just bring out the baked potato Wedges once it was ready.
You sat on the counter of the kitchen watching tiktoks before the oven clicked and you took out the potato Wedges.
That's when you noticed the smoothie in the blender. You assumed that it was protein smoothie for Suguru which he was preparing as the smoothie was still cold.
You poured the smoothie in a beer glass and you brought the blender to the sink.
As you were washing it, you felt someone behind you and before you could tell anything, you felt a hot water bag pressed to your tummy.
"What's my princess doing?" he whispered in your ear.
"Was just washing the blender."
"Oh- my protein shake is ready.", Suguru said as he took at the glass of protein shake on the counter and drank it.
You looked at him as he was drinking the protein shake as he raised an eyebrow at you.
"You want some?"
"Yeah. I was actually craving some milk."
Suguru smirked at you as he got out a shot glass and poured some for you as he handed it to you and continued drinking his own.
You looked at the shot glass and then drank it up. It was thick.
"That's not milk."
"It is. I just mixed oats and protein powder with it."
Suguru said as he finished drinking his protein shake and put it in the sink.
You put yours too and was going to wash it as Suguru stopped you and started washing it himself.
"Take the Wedges and go sit on the sofa baby. Pick a movie."
You complied to him as you went to the sofa and picked a random movie as he came to you not so long after. You both shared the Wedges as you watched the movie, occasionally laughing and giggling and throwing comments about the film.
As soon as you finished eating, Suguru paused the movie and took you to the bathroom where he passed you a new toothbrush and toothpaste as you both carried on with your night routine.
You both then returned to the living room to continue your movie. You snuggled to him as you loved his body warmth, it was better than your water bottle. You cling onto him like a koala as he circled his arm around you and started massaging the knots in your belly, providing you comfort. Your eyes started feeling heavy listening to his heartbeats as your head was on his chest as well.
22 15
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep as Suguru switched off the TV and picked you up and went to his bedroom. He removed his shirt as he wanted to provide you much body warmth as he could, checked if your water bottle was still warm enough and then slid behind you and spooned you.
You sighed in content in your sleep due to the surrounding warmth as Suguru turned off the lamps and pressed a kiss on your nape and drifted to sleep himself.
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frvnkcastles · 1 month
I feel shithouse for asking since I'm not a girlie, bur I was! Trans guy here but honestly a trauma ex girlie!
Can I request something with a reader (doesn't matter the pronouns if you feel more comfy writing she/her that's chill!) Where the reader is asked to come to Christmas with their family, and frank is a plus one bur you're worried as your family are alcoholics (starting drinking at like 10 til late) and the reader is trying to cut down but their family is really pushy and feels like they're gonna fall back into bad patterns and Frank pulls them away for an hour just talking and smoking a cigarette as the readers the only dart smoker in the family as they've all transitioned to vaping?
(Maybe just mother, brother, sister in law and reader +frank, and possibly the radio keeps turning on and off and the family calling out readers grandparents in the afterlife as the cause v much jokingly?)
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Summary: When you have to deal with your alcoholic family, Frank is there to support you.
Warnings: Alcoholism, implied past abuse, mention of deceased grandparents, reader smokes, language, gender neutral reader
Word count: 1.7k
Author’s note: Anon, don’t feel bad at all!! This is a safe space for everyone no matter what and you’re 100% welcome here. I do wish more of my fics were gender neutral but often my ideas come from my own experiences as a mentally ill/traumatized woman and when I get requests, they usually mention she/her pronouns. That said, while I don’t really know how to write from the perspective of a man, I have no problem writing a gender neutral reader if it’s specified. Also, I am very sorry you had to wait such a long time for this, I hope you like it!! Sending you lots of love <3
When your family invited you to spend the holidays with them, you instinctively knew you were in for an uncomfortable time. Since you had moved out, you had tried to keep your distance and unlearn the bad habits that you had developed at home — like drinking. That was your first and foremost concern, having to witness their drunken behavior and how the situation would most likely escalate sooner or later, as it always did. You had done a great job of cutting down but you feared that being back in their company would force you to undo all your progress.
The one good thing about the whole thing was that they didn’t protest you bringing Frank along. He made most shitty situations better just by being present, and you instantly felt heard and comforted when he agreed to come with you. Frankly, he was opposed to the mere thought of letting you go alone, knowing all about your complicated family history and therefore determined to support you through every encounter.
”Y’know you’re allowed to decline, yeah? Don’t wanna see you puttin’ yourself through shit just ’cause they’re askin’”, he reminded as you were getting ready to leave for your mother’s house. Pulling on his jacket, he eyed you, looking for any hint of hesitation on your face, but you were doing a good job at putting up a brave front. You wanted to keep the peace, and admittedly, a little bit of you missed your family and ached to spend time with them, even if you knew it probably wouldn’t end well.
”Thanks, Frankie. It’s okay, I want to go. Just… need you by my side”, you sighed, and nodding, Frank stepped over to you to press a kiss on your temple, brief but full of emotion.
”You got me, darlin’. I ain’t goin’ anywhere”, he assured before taking your hand and steering you out the door.
He encouraged you to take deep breaths during the drive over, noticing with ease how anxiety was starting to manifest in your bouncing leg and chewed bottom lip. You tried to take Frank’s advice and keep yourself calm, but as soon as you arrived at the house, you came to the conclusion the night was already becoming more intense than you had anticipated.
There was a haze of drunken stupor in the air and loud chatter filled every room, tipping almost over to downright shouting. Bottles and cans littered the tables and the realization that everyone was already drunk unsettled you, making you swallow hard as you reached for Frank’s hand. He squeezed tight, unwavering as he stood next to you.
”Finally! Took you long enough”, your brother noticed you standing by the door, and he rushed to you, shoving a bottle of beer into your hands. You shook your head and handed it back over to him, which earned a scoff from me. ”What, you too good for us now?” he mocked, but he didn’t linger to hear your response, just stomped back to the dining room where your mother was setting up dinner.
You glanced at Frank, and he directed an affirming nod at you, giving you the strength and will to walk to the dining table with him right behind you. You exchanged greetings with your mother who was clearly tipsy at the very least, and your attempts to make conversation went unheard and unnoticed. You supposed it was a good thing — they weren’t actively picking fights with you, at least.
Frank, ever the gentleman, helped bring in all the food and the plates, with the same goal as you: keeping the peace. He wasn’t interested in befriending your family because of all the trauma they had bestowed upon you, but for your sake, he remained cordial and polite. That said, he was ready to defend you at the smallest thing.
As everyone sat down for dinner, your mother poured you a glass of liquour and you instantly felt opposed to the idea. ”Oh, I don’t really drink anymore”, you tried, and in an instant, your mother and brother exchanged looks that were judgmental as well as surprised.
”One drink won’t kill you”, your mother insisted, continuing to pour until the glass was filled to the brim. You licked your lips nervously, but unwilling to start a full-blown argument by refusing, you reached for the glass.
Frank stopped you, however. ”They don’t gotta drink anythin’ they don’t wanna”, he spoke firmly, his tone stern enough to warn everyone not to start with him. You smiled softly at him and he squeezed your thigh in response, keeping you close to him in the hopes that his warmth would ground you in the otherwise anxiety-inducing environment.
Your mother opened her mouth to retort something, but she was cut off by the radio crackling, quickly redirecting her attention. ”Must be your grandparents again”, she commented with a laugh, one you didn’t return. You shuffled uncomfortably in your seat and Frank gave your arm a comforting caress, his eyes darting between you and your family. He hated seeing you in these situations that only distressed you, and he wished there was more he could have done to help.
But he tried by gaining control of the conversation. It was a gesture you appreciated greatly, especially because you knew he was most definitely not the kind of man who participated in small-talk. He was used to sitting back and observing, but right now, you didn’t have the capacity to keep chatting and he didn’t mind taking the reins on your behalf. He kept your mother busy so that she wouldn’t have the chance to push you to drink, but your brother still jumped at the opportunity.
”You’re really not gonna drink that? God, you really have changed. Can’t even have a drink with your family anymore”, he rolled his eyes, trying his very best to guilt you into having a sip, and it almost worked. You were moments away from cracking under the pressure, but once again, Frank came to your rescue.
”We’re, uh, we’re gon’ get some fresh air. Excuse us”, Frank informed curtly, his words respectful but his tone cold, just like the look in his eyes. He wasn’t going to let you sit there as the target of their complaints anymore, and so, he helped you up from the seat and guided you outside into the refreshing air.
You exhaled heavily as you dug out a cigarette with shaky hands, and Frank ran his hand across his face in frustration. He was seething, feeling so much anger towards your family for being so pushy with you, and he was desperate to just carry you in the car and take you home right now.
”We ain’t gotta stay, baby. The way they treat you… makes me real upset for you. Just say the word and I’ll take you home, got that?” he swore, his eyes piercing yours as you inhaled the cigarette. You pondered on his offer, and you couldn’t deny that it sounded tempting — it wasn’t a good time so far, and you doubted it was getting any better with all the alcohol they were consuming nonstop.
”Yeah, I don’t really want to stay for long. Let’s just get through dinner and then we’ll go?” you suggested, and sucking in a breath, Frank bowed his head in an agreeing nod.
”Whatever you wanna do. But I ain’t lettin’ you drink when you’ve done so well without any”, he decided with a point of his finger, and with an appreciative smile curling your lips, you reached for his forearm and squeezed.
”Thank you, Frankie. This would suck a lot more without you”, you noted, and with a quiet chuckle, Frank shrugged.
”Yeah, well, I’d need a damn good reason not to be here for you. I don’t want you to deal with all this all by yourself, y’know?” he explained, stepping closer to you and winding an arm over your shoulders. He pulled you closer, and while making sure you wouldn’t get ash on him, you leaned into him and enjoyed the feeling of his firm body against yours.
”I know it sucks. It’s just… they’re my family. I’ve realized it’s not healthy for me to spend a lot of time with them but sometimes I miss them”, you admitted quietly, a little embarrassed to speak the truth, but Frank wouldn’t judge you.
He pressed a kiss into your hair, in fact. ”I hear ya. It ain’t easy to cut off the people you’ve grown up with. I’m proud of you, anyway. You’re doin’ so great, hear me?” he emphasized, wanting you to know that he admired your strength. You were the most amazing person he knew and he would never let you forget that.
”You’re so sweet”, you muttered, shy under his praise and deep stare, and he reacted with a snort.
”That’s the first time anyone’s ever said that ’bout me, sweetheart”, he declared, and it made you laugh — even if you strongly felt like he should hear it all the time.
Sighing, you put out your cigarette. ”I guess we should head back inside”, you gave in, but with a tut, Frank pulled you back from the door.
”I mean, they ain’t exactly lookin’ for us yet. We’re in no hurry, yeah? We can take a moment, just you and me”, he proposed instead, and you didn’t take much convincing, especially with his dark eyes looking so soft and caring as they bore into yours. There was a small, hopeful smile on his lips, and that was enough to reel you in.
”I’d like that”, you agreed before leaning in to kiss his cheek. ”Thanks for everything, Frank. This really means a lot”, you added, and caressing your hair, he shook his head.
”Ya gotta stop thankin’ me, darlin’. I’m just doin’ what I can to help. And treatin’ you the way you deserve, aight?” he countered, serious about being good to you. And so far, he had been successful in every way.
It was going to be a long night, but you felt encouraged with Frank by your side, and you knew you had a way out if you just told him you wanted to go. It didn’t erase all your problems with your family, but it was safe to say you had found a new one in Frank.
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elekinetic · 2 years
hey asshole. maybe that's a shitty way to start a letter, sorry. i'm pretty on edge. obviously. getting stalked by a psycho maniac with powers will do that to you.
this is weird. i don't really know what to say. not exactly a letter i thought i'd ever be writing, but—despite it all—we're friends, so you deserve closure.
i don't think you and i ever really clicked. not the way i thought we might've when we met. and i get it, between will and el and everything that was happening with the mindflayer, i get why you didn't want some random girl coming in and messing everything up. i think we're the same in that way, with change. i don't like it. i can tell you don't either.
i don't know how to say this without sounding pathetic, but. hey. if you're reading this, i'm dead, so you if you think i'm lame then you're a total shithead.
i wanted you to like me. and that's so stupid because like, you're you. c'mon. but i wanted to be a part of what you had. i think it was because i was jealous of you. you had this like, perfect family with a perfect older sister and perfect friends and not in that like, superficial-high-school-way, like, actual, real friends who care about each other. and you just walked around like you didn't know how lucky you were. like, i know why now, i do. i get it. it was just so hard to watch you get everything i wanted and not even think twice about it, and then slam the door in my face every chance you got.
and calling me annoying was kind of a bitch move.
i know this year has sucked for you too. i don't know everything about your relationship with el, and you and will are a web of shit i don't even want to try to untangle... but i know it's been hard. i'm not exactly in a position to be giving life advice (ha), but again. i'm dying, probably, so. listen up wheeler.
you have to talk to her. and shut up, i know what you're thinking. it's different. or maybe it's not, but it doesn't matter. i don't have time to fix my shit. you do, so you better fucking do it.
i know you love el. and i know i don't talk to her as much as i should, and she knows i'm sorry. (for what it's worth, i'm not gonna stop being sorry) but she deserves better than whatever bullshit is going on between the two of you right now. and you'll get through it, because you'll finally talk to her and actually say what you're thinking instead of assuming you already know how she'll react, because you don't. but someday you guys are gonna have another argument, and you're gonna fix it before it gets out of hand, do you hear me? she deserves honesty.
you have to trust her. you have to trust her. you think you're protecting her, and sometimes it works, but it's not fair. she's not someone who needs protecting or hiding or teaching. and listen to me, its not because she can do shit with her mind, okay? it's because she's her own person who is smart and capable and strong in like, a human way. you have to know that, you have to understand that.
just... understand that.
i haven't done the best job of showing it, but i do care about you. you're my friend, and i hope... i hope you're able to find happiness. like, real, lasting, forever-type shit. you deserve it. seriously.
okay. i'm running out of space and i still have like, seven letters to write. i don't know why i thought it would be a good idea to do separate notes for everyone. I should've just done one page that said "see you later, assholes." that would've been smarter. quick, sweet, to the point. i mean, i was never the writer of the group. maybe if i'd done that, you guys would just know what i needed to say. four easy words. maybe you guys would understand the shit that i can't write down.
see you later, asshole.
— max
p.s. watch out for lucas. please.
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ilasknives · 5 months
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Hi, hello, it's been. A very long time. Well over a year, I think? I finally have the second part! I'm so sorry it took me so long, life and full time university have been kicking my ass. I haven't done writing in a long time, so it felt stiff and hard to get through, and only half of it is actual whump, but the rest sets up the story. I really missed writing it, though. I hope you enjoy!
CW: BBU/BBU Adjacent, pet whump, pet training, collaring.
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1: Nine Hundred and Thirty-Three
"Get on your knees.”
"What? No, please, I don't -"
He drops to the floor to avoid the baton that this man keeps touching the handle of, looking up at him from below with his hands in his lap, fingers twisting into the shitty thin fabric of his shirt. Maybe it will rip. He doesn't want it to. It's the same one he walked in with, and he's getting the feeling that he won't get it back again if it breaks. He digs his fingers in tighter, anyway, unwillingly.
"I need to - please," he tries again. He needs to go home. His voice is hoarse, rough from the night of pleading with the empty room, tucked into a corner, fighting waves of exhaustion with terror, trying and failing to keep his eyes open. He'd scrambled to his feet when the door opened, desperate for someone to talk to, to reason with, to see that he wasn't supposed to be here -
And now he's on the floor again.
He swallows, mouth dry. "This was a mistake."
The handler ignores him, looking over him like he's assessing him for something, then sighs, mostly to himself. "Okay. So, Domestic."
"I'm not meant to be anything-"
"You don’t need to speak unless you’re spoken to."
“Please,” he whispers, but the look the handler shoots him is enough to make him close his mouth. Something flashes, in the back of his mind. A hand through the air, a stinging across the side of his face. He flinches, but the handler hasn’t moved. Every part of him is screaming that he’s done something wrong, that he needs to hide away and wait until it dies down, until it’s safe again - but there isn’t anywhere to hide here. Just white walls and a heavy door. God, he hasn’t felt like this in years. It’s hard to breathe. Like a hand around his throat.
The handler lets a moment pass, and then two, and when he’s been sitting quietly for long enough, he speaks again. “My name is Handler Phillips, I’ll be your primary Handler for the duration of your training. You are WRU Trainee 297933.”
“I’m not.” It’s whispered, terrified, but he can’t just… give up. There has to be someone who will hear him out. There has to be some way to go home. “My name is-”
“You don’t have a name, you have an identification number.” The handler sighs, and crouches down so they’re face to face. “Look. I don’t want to do this the hard way, and I don’t think you do, either. You’re gonna have to work with me.”
“I’m not meant to be here.”
"We're just doing intake today, alright? Do you know what that means?"
"I want to go home." He doesn't want to do intake, he wants to go back to where he lives and curl up in his bed and never take another stupid fucking bet in his life. He's supposed to be walking back through the door and gloating about his victory right about now. Yesterday. The day before? How long has he been here? "Let me go home."
"I can't do that, mate. I have a job to do, and so do you." The Handler stands and unhooks something from his belt. "This is a collar. It will be yours. It's fitted with…"
The Handler's voice fades into the background behind the ringing of his ears and the bile that rises in his throat. A collar. Fuck, no. Fuck that.
"No," he interrupts. "No. No. You're not putting that on me. Let me go. I need to go home.”
Handler Phillips sighs again. “297933,” he says.
“That’s not my name.”
“It’s your WRU identification number. The collar is mandatory; it’s part of your training.”
“No.” The handler’s fingers touch, briefly, the handle of the baton. He draws back into himself, swallowing thickly, eyes on the floor. “Sorry,” he says quickly. The words taste sour. “I’m sorry.”
Another sigh from above him.
“You’re okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” The handler hesitates, like he isn’t meant to continue. “I know this is scary. Take a breath.”
He draws in a breath that burns the whole way down.
“Think you can sit still enough to let me put this on you?”
“I don’t want to,” he whispers.
It happens anyway. The fight just… leaves him. He sits and trembles on the floor while Phillips slides the thick collar around his throat and clips it into place with gentle hands.
They’re all at Nell’s house.
They’re always all at Nell’s house, because she’s the only one of them with dogs, and with a couch, and with more than one shitty, battered Wii controller like Benny has. Nell only has two, but that’s double Benny’s, and the rest of them have none, so Nell’s place is the place to be.
They’re playing Mario Kart while they wait for Benny. Rhys is sandwiched between Luca and the arm of the couch, and one of the dogs has its head resting on his foot, and he can’t even move, because it’s Luca, and he’s got his legs slung over Rhys’s lap and his head pillowed on his shoulder.
Luca jerks his arm, swerves, and runs his Yoshi off the side of the track right as Matteo wins the race. Rhys jabs him in the side. “My go.”
“What – that doesn’t count!”
“In what world does that not count?”  Rhys already knows he’s going to lose the argument, but he entertains it anyway. He rarely actually plays Mario with the group, even though they say they’ll swap controllers after every race. Matteo’s already clicked his controller into the wheel attachment and handed it to Owen. Rhys usually hands off his turn to Luca and watches as he comes dead last every single time.
Luca’s opening his mouth to start the usual ‘I’m going to get it next time’ spiel when Benny waltzes in through the front door with his arms full of Nell’s mail.
Rhys raises an eyebrow at him. “You know that’s illegal, right?”
Benny, mouth full of – something, what the fuck is he eating this time? – says, “Huh?”
“Opening someone else’s mail.”
Benny rolls his eyes and dumps the pile of envelopes – bar one – on Luca and Rhy’s laps. “Helenaaaa.”
Nell’s voice comes back from the kitchen, instantly dry, wary. “What do you want from me?”
“I have something for you.”
“I swear, if you’ve been going through my mail again - ”
Benny darts off, cackling like an idiot, and Nell – also like an idiot – chases after him. Rhys shoves the pile of mail off his lap, and it clatters to the floor, all over the dog.
“… Sorry, Benedict.”
“You’re so mean to her,” Owen says from the other side of the couch. “Come here, baby.”
Benedict heaves all god-knows-how-much of her entire great dane self off the floor and meanders over to Owen. He’s already got Chef curled up with his head shoved under his rollator, and Benedict slumps at his feet and goes back to sleep.
“Thief,” Rhys says. “You’re a dog thief.”
“You dropped mail on her head!”
“Weird mail,” Luca muttered, leaning down to snatch an envelope off the floor. “The hell is this?”
It’s a thick white envelope, decorated in gold trim, a wax seal on the back – and it’s snatched from Luca’s hand as soon as Benny swans his way back into the room.
“Whatcha got there, Luca?”
Luca snorts. “Ask Nell, it’s hers.”
Benny does not ask Nell. He never does, but Nell hates opening her own mail, so she shoots Rhys an exasperated look and slumps down on the couch with Matteo.
“We seem to have abandoned Mario,” Matteo muses as Benny tears open the envelope. He doesn’t even try to remove the seal. Absolute animal.
“Dear resident, we hope this letter finds you well,” Benny reads, pacing in front of them like some grandiose loser. Rhys considers tripping him. “We have recently started a movement to bring clinics to smaller cities, and we’re searching for partici- oh my god, this is that – Pet shit, right?”
Nell makes a face. “Yeah, they’re building some new complex for it, or something, right? I read the first one, some initiative to ‘bring business and economy flow into rural areas’ or whatever.”
“We’re not even rural,” says Matteo.
“I know. God, I thought I unsubscribed from their mailing list. Just tear it up, Benny.”
But Benny’s eyes have gone wide. “Holy shit, have you seen how much money they offer you?”
Rhys snatches it from Benny’s grip. Holy shit was right. The number is in the high ten thousands – more money than any of them have seen in one place in their lives.
“I want it,” says Benny. It’s always Benny who starts this shit. Rhys can practically feel his brain turning.
Luca laughs. “You want to be someone’s house pet, Benny?”
A grin, a shrug. Benny’s never been the type to admit that he’s wrong. “Why not? Cozy up on the couch, no job, no bills.”
“Dumbasses,” says Nell, taking the envelope off Rhys and ripping it in half.
“You can’t tell me you don’t want that kind of money, Nell.”
“What am I gonna do with the money if I’m signing up to their program, Benjamin?”
There’s a lull. It should be the end of it. It should. But Benny is Benny is Benny, and Benny doesn’t know when to stop.
“... I reckon I could get the money, anyway.”
“You’re a coward,” Rhys says, because he’s just as bad as Benny, “and a liar.”
Luca jabs him in the side.
Benny’s eyes narrow, and he squares his shoulders like he always does when he thinks that he’s been challenged.
“Wanna bet?”
Taglist (please ask to be added or removed!): @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @whumpinthepot @whumpcereal @whumpsday @whumpworld @littlespacecastle @anonintrovert @honey-is-mesi @warm-my-whumpee-heart @whumping-seven-days-a-week @alexmundaythrufriday
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hoedamn-eron · 9 months
baby, please - part 17
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It's your first Christmas without your family, but Santiago makes it up to you.
Warnings: Mega heavy on Christmas talk. Mentions of pregnancy complications from the previous chapter. Mentions of shitty in-laws. Gabrielle isn't actually in it, but she's being a bit distant but you know. It's fine. Lot's of dialogue, again. Not proofread whatsoever. Santi and Frankie have an argument we're not privvy to. Word count: 4,724 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
Apologies this is late, but here is Christmas with Santi! I did mention it in a post, but I'll mention it again here: please be aware that part 18 won't be posted until 11/01 (11th January) due to a busy Christmas period. I need to catch up with myself, and I start a new job in the New Year, so I won't be to write as much as I was able to before.
Edited because Gabs isn't married to Andy, she's married to Matthew 😂 it's Courtney who is married to Andy! Now I'm going to have to double check all of my chapters to see if everyone is married to the correct person 😂
Part 16 ● Series Masterlist ● Part 18
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You’d been taking it easy since your stay at the hospital a few weeks ago.
You took less responsibilities at work (your friends wanted you to cut down on your hours, but you just couldn’t do that), and you begrudgingly accepted the help of others to help you pack for your move next month. Speaking of your friends, they’d been checking in on you multiple times a week, and every time, you tell them you’re fine. Really.
The twins were fine. You were fine. Everyone was fine.
“You have a case of placenta previa.”
You look at Dr Montgomery, confused, from your place on the ultrasound table. “What’s that?”
“Your placenta is low, and covering the cervix,” she replied, looking at the screen as she pressed a few keys on the keyboard, then moving the wand over your bump. “Usually, it’s detected at your 20-week ultrasound, but it must have been missed, especially since you’re having twins.”
“Is it...is everyone okay, is it dangerous?”
“It can be risky, but we’ll keep an eye on you,” Dr Montgomery said. “The bleeding was caused by this, and stress. You’ll need to come back for another ultrasound at 32 to 33 weeks. It may have moved on its own by then, but otherwise, we may have to look at a caesarean birth at 37 weeks.”
“What? No! I wanted to go as natural as possible,” you say, your eyes widening. You had a plan! “I can’t be out of commission for 6 weeks with twins!”
“I’m sorry, I know it’s not what you wanted, but I strongly advise you look into it,” she replies, giving you a sympathetic look before turning off the machine. “I also recommend you take it easy if you can. I’m not saying strict bed rest, but just...relax a bit more.”
So that’s what you’ve done...you’ve relaxed. You’ve downloaded a kick counting app, something you should have done a while ago, so you could count the kicks from the babies, just in case. So far, they’d been back to normal – and by ‘normal’, you mean they were using your bladder as a soccer ball, with a shot to the kidneys every now and then.
Santi had arrived in the hospital just as Dr Montgomery had given you the okay to go home. Beth had left just after the results of your ultrasound (at your insistence), so you were packing your bag as Santi ran into your room, breathless and eyes wide. You’d looked at him with equally as wide eyes, before you hurriedly caught him up, telling him everything was okay, that you just needed to take it easy.
You introduced him to Dr Montgomery, who explained the situation a little better. It calmed Santi down a little, but you still noticed him tapping his foot as he nodded along, his hands resting on his hips as he listened intently. He kept glancing at you, as if you would collapse or suddenly disappear.
He gave you a lift home (in his truck) and insisted he stay for dinner. He cooked some food for the both of you, and you both ate on your couch, Santi wanting to know every detail to what happened. He apologised again and again for not being there, but you told him it was Thanksgiving weekend, you don’t blame him for not being there. No-one could predict what would have happened.
Dr Montgomery had booked you in for another scan a few days before Christmas. Santi insisted on going with you, which you were grateful for, of course. Unfortunately, your placenta hadn’t moved much, and you were booked in for a c-section for the end of January.
You sulked as you walked out of the hospital, pouting.
Santi gave you a small nudge, walking beside you. “Hey, it’s going to be okay.”
“I wanted to give birth naturally,” you mumble, as you both approach the truck.
Santi grabs your arm gently, stopping you as you stop at the bed of the truck. “I know it’s not what you wanted, and that does suck for you. I’m sorry. But Dr Montgomery said it was the safest option for you and them.”
You sighed. “I feel like it’s...it’s like I’m not...like I’ve already failed as a mother, by bringing them into the world that way.”
Santi looks at you, his eyes filled with empathy. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Listen to me," he says, his voice soft but firm. "Having a c-section doesn't make you any less of a mother. What matters is that you and the babies are safe. That's the priority."
You lean against the truck, staring at the ground as a mix of emotions wash over you. "I just wanted everything to be perfect, you know? A beautiful, natural birth story to tell them when they're older."
Santi gently lifts your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. "Life never goes according to plan, especially when it comes to something as unpredictable as having kids. We should know.” he grins at you, wiggling his eyebrows a little.
You give a small laugh at his quip.
He continues. “But that doesn't lessen the love you have for them or the strength it takes to do what's best for their well-being." He pauses, before giving you a reassuring smile. "You're not failing as a mom. If anything, you're making the tough decisions now because you love them so much."
You take a deep breath, absorbing his words, before nodding. “Okay.”
Santi studies you for a moment. “C’mere.” He pulls you into a comforting hug, and you melt into him, allowing the warmth of his embrace to provide a momentary escape from the overwhelming emotions of your appointment with Dr Montgomery. "We'll get through this together.”
You nod against him, just holding him a little longer than necessary before pulling away. “Thank you.”
He gives another laugh. “Don’t thank me for speaking the truth, querida.”
You wipe away at the few stray tears in your eyes before turning to him. “Come on, I gotta get home. Help me get in this junk heap.”
“Hey, don’t insult my truck,” Santi says in mock offence, before he smirks and opens the door for you, and helps you climb in.
He drives you in silence as you talk to him about work, how you’ve taken a step back and you hate it but you’re willing to do it for less stress. Harriet was a little apprehensive when you told her, that she needed you on board for this newest client, that the product was about to launch but you didn’t back down. You told her that you weren’t backing away, but just taking on less of the load. Emily and Kelsie were happy to take some of the tasks; Hell, Kelsie was practically frothing at the mouth for the opportunity to add on some more responsibility than she already had. She told you herself she wanted most of the glory since this was her first big client.
“Bit of a shitty thing for Harriet to do, guilt trip you like that.”
You shrug. “That’s just Harriet. I’ve grown used to it,” you say. “Been there long enough.”
“Since graduation, right?”
You nod. “Yup.”
“Ever thought about leaving?”
Your eyes widened as you turn to look at him. “Why would I do that? I’ve built myself up, I have a relationship and reputation with clients.”
Santi shrugged nonchalantly, keeping his eyes on the road. “I dunno. Seems like you’re underappreciated and overworked, from what you’ve told me. Is there no other marketing firm in Florida?”
“There is - “
“Shop around,” Santi said, as if he wasn’t asking you to consider leaving the only current stability you had in your life right now. “See if anyone is hiring, for a better position or just to be treated a little better.”
“I think it’ll be the same everywhere,” you say, laughing a little.
Santi shrugged. “Just putting it out there.”
You nod. “I mean...I’ll think about it. Maybe after Christmas. Or after I’m back from maternity leave.”
It goes quiet again for a few minutes before Santi asks, “What are you doing for Christmas?”
You shrug. “I have no plans. Beth offered to have me over again, but I feel like I can’t keep intruding on their time.”
“If they’ve asked you to join them, I don’t think you’ll be intruding.”
Your family had still not contacted you. You had messaged the group chat again, accepting that there would probably be no reply still (and there wasn’t). You had another episode, alone this time, sitting on your couch late at night, stereotypically sobbing into a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream as you watched Home Alone. It had been your favourite as a child, and something you had watched together with your family, after you’d put the decorations up. This year, you had no tree, no decorations, and you watched it alone.
It had been a sad night.
“You could always...” Santi said a little awkwardly, before clearing his throat. “You could always spend it with me. If you wanted. You don’t have to.”
You look at him with wide eyes, but Santi keeps his gaze on the road, an air of nervousness surrounding him. “You...want to spend Christmas with me?”
“I would have asked you to Thanksgiving but I didn’t...my sisters...”
“I wasn’t expecting you to invite me,” you said, sensing his anxiousness. “Please don’t think over on that.”
“I should have invited you - “
“Santiago,” you say, firmly, causing him to give a quick glance at you before looking back at the road, turning to your apartment’s street. “I am okay. We are okay. You were visiting your family for the first time in years. I didn’t need to be there.”
He goes silent, his jaw tensing like he wants to say something else, but he just sighs through his nose and gives a tight nod.
You reach over to give his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I would love to spend Christmas with you.”
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“Have you spoken to Gabs recently?”
You look at Courtney with a confused look on your face as you reach for your water. “I mean, I spoke to her last week about the kids’ Christmas presents. Why?”
You and Courtney had met up for some last-minute Christmas shopping, and you stopped for some dinner before heading home. You had to admit, Gabrielle had been a little off when you spoke to her last week and you had asked if everything was okay, but she had just told you it was Christmas stress. It wasn’t so farfetched, Gabrielle hosted every year for her and Matthew’s families, so of course there was no reason to not believe her.
“Hm,” said Courtney, her brow furrowing. “She’s been a little…weird.”
You shrug. “I mean…she seemed off when I spoke to her, and I asked her about it but she said it was Christmas stress.”
Courtney shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t know. It’s just…bugging me.”
“We could talk to her about it,” you say. “But you know Gabs, she’ll come to us eventually when she’s ready to let us know what’s going on.”
Courtney shook her head for a moment before giving you a look. “You’re right. You’re right! I’m just worried about her.”
“She’ll be fine,” you say. “You know what she gets like at Christmas, she’s hosting for everyone. And you know Matthew’s family.” You give Courtney a pointed look.
Courtney pulled a face. “Yeah. They’re assholes to her. But she keeps hosting!”
“Look, we tell her this every year and you know what she says – “
“’It’s only once a year’,” you both say in unison.
“Exactly,” you say. “So she’ll probably be back to normal after Christmas.”
“Fine. Fine,” said Courtney. “Let’s talk about something else. Like how you’re spending Christmas with Santiago!”
“I am,” you say, feeling your cheeks warming slightly.
“I think that’s nice,” Courtney says. “You’re like...starting your family. Getting the traditions in.”
You nod. “Yeah, I think so too. If this is something we do every year, then best start now, right?”
“You going to his place?” Courtney asked, before thanking the waitress for bringing your food over.
You nod, also thanking the waitress. “It’ll be easier since most of my stuff is packed up now. Thanks again for that, by the way.”
“No problem,” Courtney said, digging into her food. She gives you a grin. “It’s exciting, but also a little sad. It’s the end of an era, but the start of a new one.”
“In a month’s time, I’m going to be a mom,” you say, your eyes wide as if you don’t quite believe it yourself. “How weird is that?”
“Stop it,” said Courtney. “Who knew you would be the next one to have a kid?”
You snort, tucking into your own food. “I don’t think anyone thought I would have a kid, full stop.”
“No,” said Courtney, shaking her head. “I think you would have. Just in ten years.”
“Well, life didn’t work out how I’d planned,” you said, laughing. “But it’s good. Life is good.”
“And you’re happy?” Courtney asked.
Were you? Happy? You go quiet as you think. Obviously, you hadn’t planned to get pregnant, and with twins for that matter, in your tiny one-bedroom apartment, or not be speaking to your parents, or be questioning your job. But here you were, about to finish the year with a new house, amazing friends, new babies, and Santi.
Oh, Santi.
You never thought you would have met someone like Santi, even though you both weren’t together-together. You were lucky to have him; most men after one-night-stands would have left by now, but not Santi. He was sticking around, and in it for the long run. And honestly, you know he wouldn’t feel the same way about you than you felt about him, but he loved you as a friend and the mother of his kids, and you adored that he wanted to help you raise these babies together.
You slowly smile and look at Courtney. “Yeah…yeah, I’m happy.”
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You pull up outside Santi’s apartment, taking a deep breath before climbing out of the car. You'd been simultaneously looking forward to Christmas with Santi, and dreading Christmas with Santi. He told you that it was his first year spending it in Florida since returning from Colombia and warned you that his Christmas dinner would probably be something he could quickly rustle up and wasn’t too much hassle - ‘very non-traditional’ was what he said. You didn’t mind; the year had been incredibly ‘non-traditional’ for you anyway.
You make your way up to his apartment, a large bag of presents in your hand. You knock, biting your lip nervously as you waited for Santi to open the door. You look up as the door opens, and you give a laugh at Santi. He was wearing an obnoxiously bright red jumper with a Santa knitted into it, and a Santa hat, and was wearing his usual jeans. He had a bottle of beer in his hand.
He holds his arms out wide as he grins at you. “Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas,” you say as you step inside, still laughing at his outfit.
Santi closes the door behind you before he brings you into a quick hug. “I don’t have much of an itinerary today, but Frankie and Sarah might stop by later with Sofía.”
You nod, pulling back from him. “That works out, actually, because I got something for Sofía,” you say, motioning to your bag.
Santi gives you a small, closed-lipped smile. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know I didn’t,” you say. “I wanted to. They’re a big part of your life, therefore, they’ll be a big part of our kids’ lives.”
Santiago doesn’t say anything as you make your way into his living room, where he had a small Christmas tree in the corner, overly decorated. You hear Santi make his way into the kitchen as you took the presents out of bag and placed them underneath, smiling as the pile grew. You look up as Santi makes his way into the living room. “Some of these from your sisters?”
He nodded, handing you a can of Diet Coke. “Yeah. I saw them last week, dropped off gifts then. I just got off the phone with them, since my nieces had just opened their Barbie dolls, with their cars, and pets, and accessories...”
You giggled, opening the can. “There’s an awful lot of girls in your family.”
He nodded, grinning. “I have a few cousins who are guys, who had a few boys. I'm not totally overruled.”
You give a small laugh as you sip at your drink. “So, do you want to do presents now? Or later? We could eat first, if you wanted.”
“The empanadas are resting in the fridge, and I have mac and cheese in the slow cooker,” said Santi, taking a gulp at his almost forgotten beer. “Got all sorts of vegetables and potatoes roasting in my oven too.”
“Sounds like a feast,” you say. You could feel your mouth watering. “Maybe we could eat soon?” you give Santi a big smile.
He chuckles at you before nodding. “I’ll put the empanadas in.”
You nod as Santi disappeared back through the kitchen. You look at the presents, and the small tree, and the fact that his living room was bare of any other decorations. Your mind wandered to the fact that this was his first Christmas since settling down, that he was in an actual home and not in a shack or seedy motel somewhere in South America. You really appreciated that he offered you his place for the day, that he’d gone out of his way – and his comfort zone – to bring you into his space again.
“Are you okay? Did something happen?”
You look up at him, blinking in confusion before you realise you were crying. You give a small laugh of slight embarrassment. “I didn’t realise I was crying, I'm sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, cariño,” he said, taking a seat next to you on the floor, giving you a concerned look as he rested his hand in the middle of your back. “Is there anything I can do for you? I knew today would be difficult, I don’t want you to be here if you don’t want to be - “
“No, Santi, really, I'm fine,” you say, cutting him off. “I’m just hormonal. I cry at everything.”
He hesitated for a moment before asking, “I don’t want you to feel obligated to be here, just because I asked - “
“I want to be here, Santi,” you say, reaching over and squeezing his hand that was still wrapped around a beer. “Really, I’m fine. I just...I like that I'm here, you know? I like that you want me here.”
Santi paused for a moment, looking at you before he gives a grin. “Of course, I want you here.”
You give another weak laugh. “Okay then.”
You help him in the kitchen with the food, and of course as soon as you sit down to eat, Frankie and Sarah make their way through with Sofía, profusely apologising for interrupting for not texting beforehand. Santi told them it was fine, and after a few hugs and a quick catch up between you and the Morales’, you all sit to have something to eat.
You get to know the Morales’ a little more intimately than you did on Halloween; you were in a smaller setting with fewer people, and Sarah wasn’t so distracted by the other guests. She was fun, and loud, and someone you could see getting along with for a long time. Frankie was the opposite; quiet, and observant, but you could see how much he opened up to Santi. He wasn’t rude to you at all, including you in the conversation when he could, and you could see why Santi loved him so much.
And then there was Sofía, who giggled at everything you said, and kept trying to steal the mac and cheese on your plate, even though Sarah kept adding more to her plate. You didn’t mind, but Sarah insisted she stop doing it (“It’s becoming a whole thing, we’re trying to nip it in the bud now, while we can!”). When you all finished dinner, you offered to do the dishes, but you were rebuffed when you were lead into the living room, Santi quickly clearing up the plates, saying he’d ‘deal with them later’.
Sarah plonks you down in the armchair by the tree before she hands you an envelope. “This is more for when the babies are here than right now, but it’s valid for three years.”
You look at her in confusion before you open the envelope, mouth falling open as you take a look at the expensive gift voucher. “Sarah, I can’t accept this!”
“Oh sure you can,” she says, waving you off.
You thank her profusely, before you lean down and grab a few boxes from under the tree. “I got some things for Sofía – “
“You didn’t have to do that!” cried Sarah.
“Don’t be silly, here,” you say, handing the toddler the boxes, who took more interest in the wrapping paper than the actual present.
As you and Sarah sit, you look up for Santi and Frankie, who were strangely quiet. You’re taken aback to find them stood close together, quietly arguing with one another. Frankie was pointing at Santi’s chest and saying something too quiet for you to hear, but it was filled with anger, nonetheless. Santi merely argued back.
You look away, putting a mental note in it. You’ll ask Santi about it later.
As Sofía played with the wooden doctor’s set, and the baby doll that you’d gotten along with it, you chatted to Sarah before Frankie finally made his way over. “I think we oughta go.”
Sarah nodded. “Shoot, you’re right, we promised we’d see your mom like, an hour ago.”
As they gather their things and say their goodbyes (Santi and Frankie were still tense), you and Santi were left alone. You look around and sigh, before looking back at him. “What was that about?”
“What?” Santi asked, going around the living room and collecting wrapping paper, avoiding eye contact.
“You and Frankie, what were you arguing about?”
“Oh, nothing,” said Santi, shaking his head. “Something stupid with Benny, you know how it is.”
You don’t feel like he’s telling you the truth, but you know if you pry, Santi is more likely to close up. You slowly nod at him. “Okay. Sure, yeah.”
He finally looks at you and gives you a tight smile. “Everything is okay, hermosa.”
You hesitate before nodding then glancing at the presents under the tree. “I think we should do our gifts now.”
“Okay,” Santi said, before patting you on the back as he passed you to go back into the kitchen, tossing the papers away.
You settle on the floor by the tree, and lean over and grab a few gifts, placing them by Santi as he joined you moments later. “I didn’t go overboard - “
“I don’t believe that,” Santi said from his own place under the tree before he pulled out a small box, wrapped somewhat neatly, and placing it in front of you. “Now, this doesn’t look like a lot but - “
“Stop, Santi, it’s fine,” you say. “It’s about the sentiment.”
Santi nodded, before going quiet, glancing at you at the present. You grin and nod to him. “You go first.”
He gives a small laugh before nodding at the boxes in front of him. “Any particular order?”
“Nope,” you reply.
Like a child, Santi didn’t have to be told twice. He immediately tore into the gifts, smiling widely at the new shirts you’d bought him, and a nice watch. He immediately put it on, before admiring it.
“This is nice,” he said, still admiring it.
“I know you like swimming, so it’s waterproof too,” you say. “And it tracks your exercise. Since you refuse to get an Apple Watch, I went for the next best thing.”
“Thank you, hermosa,” he says, before opening his last gift. He pauses as he looks down at the strap for a guitar.
“I know you’ve been trying to get back into it, and I know your current strap is falling apart,” you say, smiling. “I thought you could do with an upgrade. And look!” you pull the strap from the wrapping before finding the end and pointing. “I have it engraved with your initials.”
“This is…this is great, cariño. Thank you,” he said, before he stands quickly and leaves the room. He comes back a few moments later, guitar in hand as he settles back on the floor with you, practically ripping off the old strap. He puts on the new one, and why he was fiddling with it, he pushed the small box towards you. “Like I said, it’s not a lot…”
“Santi, please,” you say as you open the gift. You pause at the sight of the Tiffany box, glancing up at Santi who was now looking at your nervously.
You open the Tiffany box, to find a silver chain-link bracelet, with a charm of a Christmas tree hanging off it. You gingerly take it out the box, looking at it more closely.
“I have more charms, but I can’t give them to you yet,” he said. “I got the tree because it’s…it’s our first Christmas together.”
Oh my God, you might burst into tears.
No, actually, you’re already crying.
“Santiago,” you say, in a high-pitched cry, looking at the bracelet, at the delicate green charm of the Christmas tree.
“Oh, no,” he said, scootching over to you and bringing you into his arms, where you sobbed into shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry. If you don’t like it – “
“Don’t like it!?” you cry, pushing away from him, looking between him and the bracelet. “I love it. Put it on me!” you shove it at him before presenting your wrist to him.
Santi chuckled as he shook his head in disbelief, carefully fastening the bracelet around your wrist before he gave a soft kiss to the warmth of your skin. Your heartbeat loudly in your ears as Santi gave your wrist a squeeze and he looked at you with a warm smile on his face. You look at the bracelet, the charm sitting pretty. You smiled widely at it, tears still falling down your cheeks.
“Please, stop crying,” laughed Santi, reaching up to wipe your years away.
“I can’t,” you say, laughing back as you look at him. “I’m pregnant, and hormonal, and you got me a really nice, sappy gift. I love it.”
“Good. I’m glad.” He goes quiet for a moment before he swallows nervously. “I…”
You look at him as he goes quiet. “Yeah?”
The two of you just staring at each other. Eyes locked onto his, you search for the words that seem to linger unspoken on his lips. There's a certain vulnerability in his silence, a hesitance that hangs in the air like the delicate balance before a confession.
"What is it?" you prompt again gently, your heart quickening in anticipation.
His eyes flicker nervously, and you can almost sense the internal struggle within him. It's as if he's wavering on the edge of an abyss, grappling with emotions that have finally found their way to the surface. Could he…could he be trying to say what you think he…
He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling in tandem with the weight of his unspoken words. You can feel the gravity of the moment, the tension building between you two, as if the universe itself is holding its breath in anticipation of what he's about to say.
“The next charm you’ll get is in a few weeks, at the baby shower,” Santi finally said, after a long pause.
Oh. That wasn’t what you expected at all. You were –
You pause, your brow furrowing as you look at him, tears finally stilling. “The what?”
Santi freezes, his face falling as he looks at you. “Oh, shit.”
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @bluenredndeath, @superficialfeelings, @othersideoftheparadise, @beezusvreeland, @itsmytimetoodream
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haunted-headset · 11 months
Wilbur calling YN during covid because he feels like crap and YN’s voice is the only thing that can comfort him. But he doesnt really tell you that, he just tells u to tell him about your day in great detail so that he can hear your
voice for as long as possible.
🪐 Talk to Me 🪐
Summary: Wilbur gets covid during the pandemic & calls you to hear your voice. He won't admit that your voice is the only thing that can comfort him currently, so he just makes you talk about your day for as long as possible.
A/N: hey guys!!! I hope you're all having good, if not great days!! I might be releasing chapters of a story that I've uploaded onto Wattpad, so be on the lookout for that^^ (the title is based off of a song called Talk to Me)
contains: Wilbur being sick, use of pet names, swearing, the reader being a part-time writer om Tumblr, the reader having a job in photography
tags: @vibestillaxxx@joviepog@ax-y10@themonsterunderurmom @wilburstan@smolsleepykitten@funnyreally2009@crows-death@dykepunz@aresriiots@0miamor0 @cathers-world@defonotval@chipch0p@mazzistar16@unmellowyellowfellow@justalittlebitofchaos@thosecolorfulsheets@vopix@taylors-version-from-the-vault@aine-lasagna@merianakross@veeislost@urfav-sapphic-siren@shazbaz58-blog @wifiatthetrainstation@mcr-pr-fob@shd454
word count: 352
proofread?: 不 (no in Chinese)
You were cleaning up around the house when you got a call. You picked up your phone to see who was calling you. You were greeted with a picture of you & Wilbur on your one-year anniversary date with the contact name "Wilbs <3" on top. With a smile, you answered the call.
"Yes, love?" you said.
"Hi," Wilbur said sleepily. He sounded like he had gotten sick & he sounded exhausted.
"You okay, darling?" you asked, taking a sip of your tea.
"I got sick," he said, drawing out the 'i'.
"Oh, honey," you said, "I'm sorry. D'you wanna FaceTime?"
"Yes, please," he mumbled. You heard two phlegmy coughs. You hung up on him & then FaceTimed him. When he picked up the phone, he was lying on his side with about four blankets on him, all of which were pulled up so that you could only see his nose & everything about it. He had bags under his eyes & he looked paler than usual.
"I feel shitty," he mumbled.
"Oh, baby, I'm sorry," you said to him. "Is there anything I can do for you to make you feel better?"
"Can you talk to me about your day?" Wilbur said groggily. "I wanna hear your voice."
So, you talked about your day in great detail. You talked about work & the coworkers you liked & disliked. You talked about a new short story you had written that a fan had requested & how much attention it got. You talked about how much you thought about & missed him. You talked about how much you loved him & how you wanted him to get better. You talked to him about getting a plane ticket to go see him if he's feeling better next week, which caused his eyes to squint, which meant he was smiling wide.
When you were done talking, Wilbur had fallen asleep to the sound of your voice. Instead of hanging up, you just smiled & decided to buy a plane ticket to London to see him next week.
After all, the best prize is a surprise.
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bungone · 2 months
Actually no im not done because I know it gets talked about a lot but Lolita is such an interesting piece of media; not just the book itself but people's attitudes towards it.
like, first off, there's the actual author (nabokov) who goes out of his way to talk about how childish, mokeyish, immature and whatnot Dolores is in the most unnappealing possible ways, and then specifically said that he didnt want the kind of cover that every single fucking published edition of Lolita has?? With girls who are either being sexualized or very obviously having "a good time" which is absolutely not what Dolores was doing in the book?? I really, really, don't think anyone who designs these covers has even opened the first page because what. the. fuck.
It's so obvious that my man Humbert Humbert is an unreliable narrator, but gee, I guess we learned to take everything we read at face value, and also everything that comes from a protagonist's mouth as the "correct" way of viewing things, both in the book and in real life?
And even then, maybe, just MAYBE I can excuse the people who talk about how the book is fucked up because it's "glorifying pedophillia".
Maybe they had a really shitty english teacher. At the very least, they're reading it and understanding that the actions of Humbert Humbert aren't okay? They got to the halfway point. Maybe their education sytem failed them.
Maybe they had a really shitty high school english teacher that never taught them the skills necessary to understand this kind of writing. Maybe they're just dense, that's who they are as a person, and it would take someone going out of their way to point it out for them to consider the possibility.
But then there's the fucking apologists?? Like, putting aside the whole Dolores being 12 (which, yeah, is akin to putting aside the whole book, but bear with me for a second), Humbert Humbert not only kidnaps her (illegal), lies to her for a long time about her mother (not illegal but generally shitty), but is implied to have committed murder (illegal, not sure if implied is the right word here because it absolutely happened and everyone knows it), and sexually abuses Dolores (very illegal). These are crimes. He is a criminal. Say what you want about the justice system these are crimes that absolutely should be crimes.
He's clearly not an upstanding citizen, and I fail to understand how some people look at all his behavior and go "oh yes, the the man who killed a woman and kidnapped a 12 year old girl is just misunderstood, and he did those things for true love" like fuck no.
I like Lolita. It's an objectively good book. The quality of writing (high quality, I mean, I normally hate first-person writing but I actually liked Lolita), it's a great psychological horror piece that doesn't rely on things like shock value and overused tropes. The characters are all multi-dimensional and frankly, act realistically. But that's all it is. A psychological HORROR piece. It's not romantic. If anything, it's meant to make you sympathize with Humbert, and then you're supposed to take a step back and be like, "Wait. Why am I sympathizing with him? I'm not a pedophile." Because yeah, he's a complex character but that only goes to make him realistic in terms of the kind of pedos that exist in real life.
Pedophiles are people too. Mentally ill people, really, really shitty people who need serious help, but reducing them to "not human" only makes them an "other", which makes you forget that on the outside, they look like normal people. That have friends and family and go to school or have jobs and order coffe and read in libraries and yeah, maybe you sat next to one of them an entire year in organic chemistry. They're not weird stalkers that hang out in bushes in parks. Some of them, maybe, but not all. Nowhere near all.
man that derailed fast.
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iztea · 3 days
hey iz how are u doing<3 i rlly love ur art and ur blog and how u think, and i was having smth in mind for a long time but i can't rlly seem to sum it up so i wanted an advice, if i see someone rlly like struggling and having a hard time i feel so helpless wanting to give them the slightest bit of advice or comfort but i rlly suck at that, and for the last while i've been wanting to give someone who's like at their lowest anything to say(i always check their reposts and it never gets better)so what do i do?[btw srry for the yapping session but i rlly have no one that i can ask that so forgive me iz, thx sm for checking this TᴖT]
Okay anon i think you might have a bit of a saviour complex going on but worry not! i have the opposite of that, so the first thing i want to point out is that you simply can't 'save' someone who doesn't want to be saved, nor is it really your duty to do so. Don't take their misfortune and wear it as your own cross. I think it's great you want to help your friend, but always put that emotional barrier between yourself and the subject to avoid getting hurt
The worst thing you can do (imo) is to pity or baby them. Opening a conversation with "Hey man, I've seen you repost some (±sad) stuff. Are you okay?:( You can always talk to me ♡ I'm always there for you ❤️" or some therapy shit like that will 90% of the time not work; no one will confess that easily or that directly, no matter how genuine your intentions are, for a plethora of reasons.
Instead, what you can do is engage with them casually. Dont make it a big fuss. If you're online friends, make them feel included: tag them in funny stuff, ask for their opinion, for their input, compliment them, praise them, gift them stuff, make lighthearted jokes and basically act like you normally would, just a bit more methodical in your intentions. When someone is at rock bottom, they have a tendency to catastrophize everything, so by being there to sort of ground them into reality without feeding whatever terrible narrative their brain does at that moment may help them get out of that slump, if only just a little bit.
At the end of their shitty day they might, just miiiiight think something like "Hey everything is awful but at least Anon said i have impeccable taste in k-dramas haha that was cool, Anon was nice to me today" and i think that is a well done job on your part. You threw the rope, now it's their problem whether they want to climb it or not
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Exterminator!Eddie on his first week of training with his uncle, comes to your house on his first sole job. And after thinking he got rid of all the snakes, you literally get bit. And he has to suck the venom out your bare skin, while you’re both panickedly freaking the fuck out, as he’s sucking at you. What a way to meet cute
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
this ask is so special to me bc i am an avid fan of billy the exterminator and eddie is.. that. so. <3 also, a little psa for you all: every bit of research that i did on this method states that you should not suck the venom out of a snake bite because, of course, then there will be venom in your mouth. and you do not want venom in your mouth. snake venom is also apparently very fast-acting, so it does irreparable damage no matter how fast you get to suckin'. so bottom line. don't suck snake venom out of a bite. but for the sake of the silly little meet cute fanfiction, we're just going to pretend that it would work and it wouldn't kill eddie too <3
Eddie's maybe not the best exterminator in the world. Hell, maybe he's not even a good one, seeing as your arm is bleeding, and the skin around it is already rashing up.
"Holy shit," He stomps the snake's head beneath his boot, not enough to kill it but enough to restrain it, "Oh- oh my god, holy shit, you're- okay! Okay, you're fine, it's gonna be fine."
"It hurts," You whimper, tears welling up at the corners of your eyes, "Like- like really bad, are these snakes poisonous?"
"Venomous," He mumbles, reflex from his extensive (read: one week long) training, "Uh, yeah. So..."
He's apparently an even worse problem solver than he is an exterminator. You finally let your tears flow, chest heaving with sobs, "Do something!"
"Yeah! Yeah, okay," He nods, reaching out to grab you by your good arm while keeping the toe of his boot firmly against the snake's head, "C'mere."
An extensive knowledge of adventure movies gives him the perfect solution: he'll suck the venom out.
"Uh," He doesn't quite know how to go about sucking on your arm, so he directs his wide-eyed, panicked gaze to your own one, riddled with despair, "I'm gonna suck it out, okay?"
"What?" You blubber, spit clogging between your teeth.
"I'm gonna suck it out," He repeats, smoothing his thumb over your wrist, "it's okay, honey. It'll be fine. You'll live."
Now that the snake is contained, albeit not well, he's starting to come down from the panic that inflated his lungs. He's not fantastic in a crisis, but his semi-soothing words seem to help minutely, if only to get you to offer your arm up to him.
"Okay," He hums, nervous, "So I'll just..."
His lips hit your arm and turn down into a grimace at the heated skin. You feel sick, and he purses his lips around your bloody bite.
Sucking snake venom out of an open wound is... less than pleasant. But he gets a flash through his mind, an image of himself, chunky boot restraining a killer snake, fantasty-style damsel in distress clutched in his arms as he sucks poison out of her body. The fearless fighter, rather than the shitty exterminator. He only feels slightly bad about transforming what's probably the scariest moment of your life into his fantasy sequence.
He's sure, though, that the scene doesn't look as badass to Wayne, who, after hearing no response from knocking at your front door, stepped inside to check on his nephew. He stops dead in the doorway, finding his boy... sucking on your arm? And a fat tear rolls down your cheek as Eddie rips his mouth away from your skin.
He spits, urgent and messy, right into your carpet. There's a list of questionable things Eddie has done while on duty today, and it's only growing longer with time. His glob of spit comes out tinged green, and he shudders thinking about residue left against the tissue of his cheeks. He needs water, now.
"Wayne," He catches sight of the man in the doorway, frozen still, "Snake bite. Call 911."
He leans down to grab the snake beneath his boot, fingers pinching its neck just like he's been taught. He keeps the thrashing creature at his side as he marches over to duck his head under your kitchen faucet, rinsing and spitting ten times just to get the taste of blood out of his mouth.
Your sniffling brings Wayne out of his shell-shocked trance, and he looks away from where Eddie is gulping down water, "Uh, the phone?"
"There," You raise a shaky arm, your non-bloody one, to point at a wall mounted phone, "Am I gonna be okay?"
"You'll live." Wayne grunts, squeezing your shoulder as he lumbers past you to the phone, "Don't stress, kiddo."
Neither of the Munson men are especially proficient in comforting words, you suppose. But Eddie stalks back across the house to stand beside you, brandishing the snake in his hand that you shy away from.
"If you want," Eddie pants, water dribbling down his cheek, "I'll fling him for you. Like, into the fuckin' sun. I'm so sorry, Y/N, I really thought they were gone."
"it's okay," You sniffle rubbing at your tear-stained cheek with your clean hand, "I did, too."
"Gimme that," Wayne scoffs, yanking the snake away from Eddie's iron grip and wrestling him into a bucket, lid punctured with breathing holes, "Don't torment her."
"I'm not! I said I'd fling it," Eddie huffs, free hands now reaching for your injured arm, "Are you okay? Like, besides the snake bite."
"Yeah," You breathe, lungs empty and full at the same time, "Uh it- it hurts. But I'll be okay?"
"For sure," Eddie nods, his curls flying beneath his bandana, "They've got antidotes. You'll probably be home again before dinner. And I'll do another sweep," He looks down, sheepish, "Just in case."
"Thank you," You whimper, the soft, warm touch of his fingers on your arm comforting, "Could you ride in the ambulance with me?"
His eyes go wide, "You want me to?"
"Please," You urge, "I'm scared. And you know about this stuff; about snake bites. I need someone who knows what they're saying to tell me I'm not gonna die."
"Yeah," Eddie nods, breathless, "Yeah, I'll ride with you. Oh! And, uh, you're not gonna die."
"Thanks," You break into a smile, although it's muddled by the tears in your eyes and the quake in your voice, "Y'know, you're a shit exterminator, but you seem like a nice guy."
Wayne doesn't give Eddie a chance to laugh at your quip, piping in with a snort, "Yeah, I don't think he'll be taking over the family business anytime soon."
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k1ttef1a · 5 months
I have plenty of requests for yuri voice, there’s not enough fics or headcanons, but! I hope you can change that! Can I have a Charlie fic where there’s top cas? Literally any top reader-
1) Can I have a Charlie fic where there’s top!fem! cas? Smut pls- and like the plot being he’s just pent up from stress and just needs a release-
2) Alphonse and Seth, seth still thinks he isn’t worthy of any love from them so sugurboo and Alphonse show him that is worth it? Switch!Alphonse, sub Seth, and dom top female sugarboo?
3)fin fluff/ angst(bc we need both sometimes) that who will not be named shows up at his shop, belittles him and even goes to hit him- and so sunflower basically steps in and helps
And so that’s it, please and thank you
Helping Out |Charlie
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pairing: Yuurivoice Charlie x fem! reader
warnings: smut, blowjob, dom? reader, sub Charlie
summary: Pete has been working Charlie to the bone, which means Charlie doesn't have a lot of time to relax so you decide to be a sweet girlfriend and help destress.
a/n: I've been having a bad case of writers block so this is kind of shitty.
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Charlie had to work overtime at Pete's because today they just so happened to be SEVERELY understaffed, unfortunately for him this wasn't the first time this week he had to work overtime so he was absolutely exhausted.
You could tell by the look in his eyes every time he came home that he was tired and was extremely stressed out, making you feel sorry for your poor boyfriend.
You were currently sitting on your bed, which you shared with Charlie, waiting for him to come home. As you waited for him to come home you checked the clock on the night stand. It was already 11:30?! You started to worry that he'd never come home. (You were being dramatic but still, you wondered if he'd come home soon or at least come home today).
As you thought about the whereabouts of your boyfriend you heard the front door open then close. Charlie walked into your guy's shared bedroom looking even more tired than yesterday, which made you quite upset. He shouldn't have to stay over time and get paid minimum wage.
"How was work today Chuck?" You asked in a sweet and soft tone, not wanting to be too loud since he had to deal with bitchy customers loud and obnoxious voices all day. "It was fine, Pete was just up my ass all day, you know the usual." He said as he kicked off his shoes and took off his black zip up sweater vest.
"I'm sorry." You replied, feeling sorry for him, having to deal with his boss. "You have nothing to be sorry for Cas, plus it's bringing in money I guess." He said, mumbling the last bit of his sentence. "I mean yeah but you should enjoy work, not come home feeling like shit." You said. It wasn't okay that he was coming back home feeling like crap then going to bed, waking up, going back to work, and restarting the cycle all over again.
"Well there's nothing I can really do." That was true, there was nothing he could really do. The jobs were all minimum wage and kinda shady, and the ones that weren't, you needed a really good resume, which he didn't really have considering the fact that he's quite literally worked for shady people and done shady things, and working for Pete of course.
While Charlie was in the shower washing off all the sweat and grime from that day, you tried to figure out a way to relax your boyfriend. He was off tomorrow, maybe you could just make the day all about him since he's been having bad days for the past week. Good cuddles, breakfast, maybe even take him shopping for some new clothes. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Charlie came out of the bathroom drying off his hair by shaking it like a dog, wearing black and red plaid pajama pants.
He plopped himself on the left side of you, pushing his head back against the pillow and sighing heavily. You got up and decided you'd start his special treatment tonight.
You laid yourself on Charlie's stomach, making him look at you, your faces a couple inches away from each other. "Chuck, can I ask you something?" You said. "Uh sure? What is it?" He said in response, his face slightly flushed from how close you were to his crotch, and from the shower. "Can I.. take care of you tonight?" You asked shyly. This wasn't the first time you guys have had sex but it was a bit more awkward due to the fact that he looked like he was about to pass out at any moment. "You really don't have to Cas, I won't be able to really give you anything back because I feel I'm about to pass the fuck ou-" Before he could finish his sentence you covered his mouth with your hand. "You don't have to give me anything back I just..wanna take care of you tonight." You said, looking at him compassionately. You wanted tonight to be about him and him only.
"I don't want anything in return, I can tell you've been really stressed out and I want to help you relax." You say as you take your hand off his mouth, waiting for a response. He sighs. "Okay." He knew you were pretty stubborn so it would be pretty much impossible for him to disagree with not giving you anything back in return.
You slid the rest of your body down his stomach to in between his legs. You grabbed the front of his pants and his boxers and pulled them down, his cock springing out.
You look at him to see his reaction but he's just looking at you with wide eyes, his face flushed even more than before. You look back down to his cock and give it a small kiss before slowly and carefully taking it all in your mouth, making him lean back into the pillow and moan.
You started to slowly suck him off, not wanting him to cum too fast. "C-cas can I put my hands in your hair please?" He asked. "Mhm." Is all you could say, not wanting to stop.
You started to pick up the pace, making him moan louder. Now the only thing you could hear was Charlie's moans and whimpers and the sound of you sucking him.
You could tell Charlie was close by the way he was bucking his hips slowly into your mouth and the way he was intertwining pieces of your hair into his fingers. "Fuck C-Cas I'm c-close~" You started sucking him off faster and faster, drool trickling down from your mouth to your chin. Charlie was a panting mess, begging and pleading to cum in your mouth, to which you let him.
Strings of his cum shooting to the back of your throat, while you groaned, tears streaming down your face from having to keep your jaw open for so long. You took his cock out of your mouth, as you whipped your lips that were covered in your saliva and a bit of the cum that managed to escape your mouth.
As you both tried catching your breath he pulled up his pants and brought you up to his chest, wiping away the tears that were still running down your cheeks. "S-sorry Cas, was I too rough? " He said, breathing heavily still trying to catch his breath. "N-no, no, not at all." You said sounding like you were about to fall asleep at any second.
"Thank you Casper, you really know how to relax me when I need it." He said in a sleepy voice before yawning and looking down at you to see you already more than half asleep.
"You're...wel..come." You said before fully falling asleep. Charlie then smirked softly and kissed your forehead, grabbing the blanket and covering the both of you.
"Good night Cas." He said before closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.
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☆ this was requested by @kenzib23! It's been about a month since I've posted a fanfic so here you go (I've been extremely busy and exhausted :')) my requests are open!
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