#ok this … will be out my thougjts by tomorrow
sneckoil · 5 months
wilson/cuddy passes the vibe check
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signed-loni · 1 year
Could I request Sal with a s/o who's recently relapsed with sh? Preferably in a case where s/o doesn't want to bother Sal because they dont think it's too big of a deal, but he notices/finds out anyway (maybe by them being careless or something).
Thank you if you decide to do this, and have a nice day either way <3
Ofc anon. And if ur going thru anything, feel free to message me <3
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Warnings: Mention of self harm, cussing, angst(?)-comfort
You knew you shouldnt have. You knew how long you were clean, but today was a bad day. You didnt know what else to do, so you relapsed.
You let out a shaky sigh and began to roll your sleeves back down. You slowly got up from your place on the floor and quickly hid the knife you just used to break your own skin. You got up and walked out of your room, deciding to get some wayer just to calm you down a bit more. Walking out of your apartment, you walked over to the elevator and pressed 4, you were going to sals.
The elevator stopped with a loud ding! and you walked over to sals place. Hesitating just a bit, you knocked on the door. Sals dad got the door for you, opening it wider once he saw it was you at the door.
“Hello y/n. Good to see you.”
“Hi Mr.Fisher, good to see you to.”
You walked into the apartment while henry told you sal was in his room. You uttered a small “thank you”and walked over to his room.
Knocking on the door, you heard a bit of rustling, probably sal putting on his prosthetic, then a muffled “come in!”
You let yourself in while sal looked up at you from his bed. “Hey babe, whats up?” you plopped yourself next to him and said “nothing, just wanted to see you.” Sal got a small feeling that something was up, but decided to ignore it.
Stretching your arms up, your sleeves fell down just enough for sal to notice the fresh cuts on your arms. His heart sank.
You put your arms down sighing, you needed that stretch. Looking over to your blue haired boyfriend, sal was looking at you with a bunch of mixed emotions in his eyes
Sadness, disappointment, and ever so soight anger in his mood. He grabbed your hand, and took it in his, he looked at you with a sad expression, and you wete beyond confused. “Why was he acting like this? What happened? Is he ok?”
Sal slowly started to utter his sentence, shakiness apparent in his voice. “Y/n.” He thougjt before he spoke. Then,carefully, he asked “have you..been slitting your wrists again?”
The room went quiet. Oh.shit. You stumbled over your words before saying “what? No of course not! W-why?” You said, stuttering like there was no tomorrow. “I can see the cuts.” Fuck. “Uhm..” he tightened his grip on your hand. “Y/n, why? What happened? Did-Did someone do something? Did..i do something?”
You thought before replying. “I had a bad day.”
Sal, not wanting to pry, pulled you into a hug, squeezing so tight you could barely breathe.
“My love, please, stop doing this to yourself. You don’t deserve it. Nobody does. You are perfect, and no matter what anyone says, don’t listen to them. They aren’t worth it”
Picking you up, he took you to his bathroom to get you cleaned up. Carefully turning on the faucet and running you arms under it. You winced and sal looked up at you before continuing. He dried your arms and put Neosporin on the cuts. He put disney princess band aids on all the cuts. Kissing each one after he covered them. Once again picking you up and bringing you back to his bed, cuddling you and whispering sweet nothing into your ear before you both fell asleep.
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fatherlyfrog · 2 years
ok um.documenting always feels a little better for me because i can keep track of things this is just so i don't keep stressing the fuck out over this
just so nobody has to read this unwillingly
+> fan keeps making a tick noise when it cycles back around sometimes but i keep thinking it's someone walking into my room or coming to stand at the doorway and i can't tell which is which
+> room is very dark, im scared that something might be at the sides of the bed because of that when i know nothing is in my room
+> fuck how do i know nothing's in my room though
+> vloset door is open anf its always really dark in there amd its.idk.the fuxjign perfect place for someone t be in??
+> keep thibking im seeing eyes and Boy! i dont like that!
+> my room has a window.di i need to fuckignh explain why thats wigging me out
+> i thought yhere was someone in the recliner.there waas not
+> thougjt i sa w something leaking down the walls ! i did not !
+> rollinh omto one side right now makes me geel really fuckinh vulnerable who'd'a thunk??????? oh golly gee!! a surprise!!!
im gonna be so fuckinh tired tomorrow .like alwaus
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