#ok sure a lot of the emotion is devon related
spockblanket · 1 year
muse really b playing an underwhelming gig AND YET they make me feel my feels in the year of our lord 2023
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rattyshipss · 11 months
Agggtm and Chucky crossover headcanons:
Stanley Forbes x reader (Romantic) Jake, Devon, Cara x reader (Platonic) Detective Hawkins x reader (Hatred😂)
Spoilers for both Agggtm and Chucky, and in this Jake and Devon are aged up and I'm in the place of Lexy and I've had to tweak some stuff to make it fit
Ok so as we know Chucky fucks up lives (Jake, Devon, and Lexy know that the best) he fucks everything up and there's nothing you can do about it unless you wanna end up in a mental hospital
#FuckChuck2024 none of this Chucky in the whitehouse bullshit
So of course he's gonna fuck up relationships, specifically my relationship with Stanley
I feel like with all the suspicious activity and secrecy he'd only be able to think either cheating or something like what happened with his last romantic interest, Becca Bell
And I feel like Detective Hawkins would get in his head about it too, being suspicious of me himself and warning Stanley
I'd be on their watch list for suspicious activity AND for being around Jake and Devon so often
The relationship issues would probably end up a big topic of conversation between Pip and the others, Cara most likely to make jokes about how awkward it would be when Pip goes to interrogate us and Pip just exasperated at the thought of having to hear about it all or potentially be involved
I feel like me and Stanley would either take "breaks" or just fully break up all the time, it would be a constant on again off again relationship
Constant fights, side comments and interruptions during interactions with eachother or others, lots of emotional nights avoiding eachother in the apartment, a lot of the time ending up in failing to hide our emotions and comforting eachother, still angry but needing eachother
I actually ordered a letter about this all from a wonderful seller on Etsy who always indulged my strange orders (LetterWriteTreasures)
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I feel like this letter I got from her depicts it all so well I had to include it here
My irl friend can't go to the eras tour movie for awhile so pretending she couldn't go and I feel like I'd end up really close to Cara and take her instead and anytime any song specifically about relationship issues she'd look over at me and be like "Does this remind you of you and Stanley?😌"
When I first meet Cara her looking over at Stanley all like "Damn, now I understand why you can't stay away"
I've officially decided mine and Stanley's Taylor swift song is Our Song 1000% and me and him would sing and dance to it all the time AND do the Our Song car trend and I feel like that fits these headcanons perfectly
Stanley would fucking hate Jake and Devon, he'd relate them to the cheating possibility, especially with how much if be around them constantly, the reason being chucky unbeknownst to Stanley
There would be so many fucking fights about them
I can also fully picture one of those scenes where you have to decide to go with them and help out with Chucky or stay with Stanley and there's kinda an unspoken ultimatum until he has to watch me leave watching me go pissed and upset
I can also fully picture one of those scenes either direction like Detective Hawkins having to restrain me, Jake, and Devon, like that scene of them in the police car in season 1 or the opposite of us having to get away from them to go after Chucky
I can ALSO fully picture Detective Hawkins and Stanley having a heart to heart and Stanley being like "Well she was out until 4 AM with them" and Detective Hawkins just giving him a look
When it DOES get revealed the reasons for all the secrecy and suspicious activity you bet your ass I'm giving those two hell (Stanley not as much but still mf isn't getting off that easy, it's gonna take a lot of flowers and shit to fix this)
I can totally picture them just watching everything unravel
"Yeah, some psycho told a little ginger doll to murder me"
Stanley finding out Jake and Devon are litterally gay so casually too
"Relax Jake, I'm sure your boyfriend will grace us with his presense"
I can totally picture me and Stanley just being so in love with eachother after everything settles down after they find out like all the problems are just gone and Stanley realizes how much I love him and how much he loves me
"Yeah I love you you fucking idiot and your weird fucking name"
Lil extra thing, I already posted this but I wanted to include it in here also because👀👉👈💖
Idk if there's something wrong with me but I LOVE thinking about me and Stanley's relationship issues in the Chucky au like before everything with Chucky is revealed and Stanley doesn't know what's going on and thinks I'm being shady or potentially cheating and we're just bitching at eachother 24/7 in a constant back and forth making eachother jealous acting like we hate eachother but it's actually tearing us apart because we love eachother more than anything and there's tears and fire and passion and I- AWNRKWKFKWKFKAK
Like I could talk about this FOREVER like I have so much lore behind this it's like my favorite thing to think about it's basically all I can think about and like Cara, Pip, and the others all seeing the tension between us and sometimes making jokes about our relationship issues or rolling their eyes at it and Detective Hawkins getting involved and getting in Stanley's head and making it worse and the fact that Stanley's ex that he went on two dates with ended up being the one who killed her sister and I just sit here and listen to Taylor Swift songs about toxic relationships and then the ones about true love and tear my heart apart just like me and Stanley are being torn apart by Chucky AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I could go on forever like I will die on this hill idk why it brings me so much joy to think about all the angst and passion and desperate kisses pouring all of our emotions into them and I just realized I'm wearing a shirt that kinda matches one Stanley is wearing in a pic so now I'm thinking about still wearing his clothes even when we're having relationship issues because it makes me still feel close to him and maybe others pointing it out and us hurting eachother and loving eachother at the same timeeeeeeeeee
Idk why idk what's wrong with me but this is like my favorite lore of the au I-😭👉👈💖 I could talk about this forever💖
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bonbonzzz · 3 years
My Top 5 Episodes From Every Season of Knight Rider, Just Because
Season One:
Slammin’ Sammy’s Stunt Show Spectacular. It’s just iconic isn’t it.  Trust Doesn’t Rust. Because it’s KARRs debut episode. Angry car go brrrr.  Chariot of Gold. You can guess why I like this one.  White Bird. I like some character development, even if it’s not perfect. Also Stevie is OK I don’t mind her, even though she doesn’t have that much of a personality. Short Notice. I like the bit where they go to the little town and the girl asks for two ice creams and Michael is like ‘two???!!!??’. That’s all I really remember of Short Notice. And that Tiny guy, I quite liked him.
Season two:
Blind Spot. I can’t remember much of it but it has a dog in it. I liked the dog. Soul Survivor. This one really stuck with me. I’m quite fond of any episodes that centre around the FLAG crew, rather than just being some random crime somewhere, like Big Iron or something. Knightmares. I just watched this one again. It’s great. KITT and Michael have a great friendship and I love that funny little sound effect that plays whenever Michael gets a flashback.  Race For Life. I think everyone likes Race For Life. It’s just good. I like the bit where Michael eats liquorice. It is a core memory, despite me not having watched the episode in a while. A Good Knight’s Work. Has a talking teddy bear in it. I enjoy for comedic value.  This may come as a shock, but I don’t hate season two. Despite it being the season that had the two worst episodes ever (in my opinion, although I’m sure many would agree): Let It Be Me and Mouth of the Snake. I actually had to close my eyes for some scenes in Let It Be Me because it was so cringe. The fact that it exists is funny, though. 
Season three (my favourite season):
Halloween Knight. Have you SEEN this? It’s the best thing ever. I have watched this episode many times and share it with my loved ones. One time I watched it while I felt ill so I could be immersed. I even bought a soft pink dressing gown. There’s a guy in a gorilla suit who tries to run Michael over. Funniest thing. Dead of Knight. I really like the bit where Devon grabs that guy’s collar and shouts about poisoned orange juice. I just think it’s fun. Also KITT tries to tell jokes and it is nice. Lost Knight. This was the first full episode I ever watched so it has a special place in my heart. In the script version Devon threatens to deactivate KITT if they can’t find him so that’s absolutely wild. Junk Yard Dog. Iconic. Bonnie does cool mechanic things. Michael has an emotional flashback to good times spent with KITT and the funniest music I’ve ever heard plays over it. It’s amazing. I just like me some angst. Circus Knights. Michael is just generally a clown so it just feels right for him to be in a circus. I cringe internally every time I see his outfit for that one performance. But mostly I am distracted by the strange stuffed animal (?) that Bonnie has on her lap in that scene. I have studied it in great detail and I cannot decipher what it’s supposed to be. My best guess is a weird dog or perhaps a bald horse. Have a look and please help me. I want to discuss this with someone. It bothers me. S3 has a lot of fun episodes so it’s hard to narrow down my favourites. I also quite like Knight of the Drones, Knight and Knerd, and Ten Wheel Trouble (just for the ‘FLAG is a family’ line. I don’t like the bit at the end. You know the bit). And as much as I like KITT VS KARR, I cannot include it because that John’s awful outfit really ruins it.
Season four:
Knight of the Juggernaut. I usually like the ones where KITT gets rebuilt. We also get to meet RC, and I really like RC. Like, I really like him, he’s great. I like how they didn’t test SPM before letting Michael take KITT. Just send him out there, let him push the big button, he’ll be fine. Sky Knight. This is no shock. I don’t like flying so already I can relate. I enjoy how Bonnie cares less about a terrorist hijacking than she cares about being on a plane to begin with. She gets shot at on those stairs and doesn’t even care. She has a unique energy. Knight Sting. I don’t really know why I like this one but I do. I like the montage of them all getting in their disguises. It’s just fun. It’s silly. I enjoy! Knight Behind Bars. I watched this one yesterday. The beginning is a bit slow but nearer the end everything just goes wild. Spoilers if you haven’t watched it, but the way Michael flies into the prison yard is just amazing. Bonnie beats someone up. I am scared of her. RC is just In The Wall at one point. They open a secret door and He Is In There. Amazing! Killer KITT. This spot was between Killer KITT and Deadly Knightshade (I like magicians). But this one takes the cake just for being wild. A bit crazy. Bonkers. Unhinged, if you will. Does what it says on the tin. I like Michael’s red shirt.
Reblog with your own list if you so wish! It doesn’t have to be top five, it can be one or three or ten or whatever. Let us celebrate the silly car show. Together. Also tell me your favourite seasons in order. Mine is three, four, two and then one. As much as the first was iconic, two has more interesting storylines I think. I’m not even marking it as last because of April. Are you proud of me?
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bibliocratic · 4 years
Do you think you might ever follow up that forking paths fic chapter where the two jons talk? Like after our jon leaves, id love to hear your take on how younger jon reacts when martin gets back from (what he now knows, thanks to our jon explaining) that trip to visit his mom. How do you think that jon goes about approaching martin, bc its def clear that our jons words really stick with him
Anon, I loved your prompt, and I’ve thought about it often. 
No CWs apply. Set in an alternative series 2, pre JonMartin
This is related to a time-travel AU where both the ‘original universe’ Jon and Martin have visited alternative versions of the archives. There’s no major spoilers for that story, although if you’d like to have a read, it’s here. :)
Coat slumped onto its hanger by the front door. Keys jangling in a lumpen heap. He checks, then double checks the bolt lock, the latch, the door chain, and then toes a door wedge harshly in place for good measure.
Martin puts down his overnight bag, fat with clothes that need going in the wash.
A signal failure at Yeovil Junction, stretching a three-and-a-half-hour journey back from Devon by over an hour. There had been a motley gaggle of the rowdy and the drunk on the Victoria line, and they’d squawked and cheered at the inanity of nothing, their laughing getting louder. He had avoided eye contact, felt his headache building.
Back in his flat, he takes two paracetamol and sits down, feeling like the final pieces of a cliff-face, falling seaward.
A breath out. A breath in.
Sleep is slow to come, and he wakes more than once. Eventually, he just waits for his alarm to go off.
He can’t find an ironed shirt, so he wears a jacket to cover up the worst of the crinkles. He’s on time, but he still frets as he stands, compressed by strangers on the Tube.
The main office area is quiet when he comes in. Martin clicks on the light switch, with a heavy feeling of experiencing the entire weight of the upcoming week at once, then goes into the small staff room to make himself a tea.
Jon’s there when he gets back. Stood by his desk.
“Oh! Hi,” Martin says. The tea sloshes ominously as he jumps, but it doesn’t spill. “Didn’t - didn’t see you there.”
“Martin!” Jon says. Looking and sounding, rather unusually, like he’s slept more than his rationing of three or four hours nightly.  “You’re – you’re back. Good. That’s. That’s good.”
“Oh. Er. Yeah.” Martin puts his tea down on a coaster. Jon skitters back to give him space but he’s still close. The bags under his eyes lighter. “Back to the old, er, grindstone, I guess.”
Martin trails off weakly. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy Jon’s company, but it’s early, and Martin hasn’t stored up reserves to be his friendliest just yet, nor to navigate whatever mood Jon might have been stewing in.  He’s half waiting for Jon to just tell him what work he wants him to be getting on with.
He wonders where Tim and Sasha are.
Jon, no better word for it, lingers. Weight shifted from one foot to another. He looks over Martin intently, and Martin’s face heats to think of what he probably sees; un-ironed shirt, scruffy shoes. He shaved this morning in a rush, and he’s likely missed a few bristles under his throat, down his jawline.
“How… How was your trip?”
“Um. Yeah. Ok,” Martin lies. “You know. Nice to get a few days away.”
Jon hums, opens his mouth to say something, and then shuts it. Then: “I’m… I’m going to Costas.”
“Oh. Ok. That’s fine.”
“Would you like anything?”
Martin’s small smile bursts onto his face like breaking the surface of a wave, and he’s surprised, by how touched he feels at Jon’s gesture.
Jon reflects his expression for a moment with a similar smile, before it’s quickly schooled into blankness.  
“No. But thanks, Jon.”
Jon makes no move to leave.
“Come with me?” he asks. He’s fiddling with his shirt cuffs, the ring on his finger. “It’s not far, and… I would like you to. If you, er. If you want to.”
Martin nods, and doesn’t understand the relief on Jon’s face.
Jon’s pace is clipped, brisk with speed, and Martin hurries after him, feeling a little bit like a satellite orbiting a force of gravity. By the time they get to the café, it’s the dregs of the morning rush in a small queue that trails limply from the counter around past the coolers stocking juices and sandwiches. Martin offers to get them a table, but Jon makes some flat-footed excuse about needing help to carry the tray while he pretends to peer at the overhead menus with far greater attention than they necessarily deserve. So, Martin waits with him. Listening to the whistling rush of the steamer and the juddering grind of the large silver coffee machine behind the counter. One of the baristas shouts to get the attention of a customer wearing headphones.
Jon won’t hear a word for Martin paying, waving him off impatiently in a distracted, short way that is followed up by a pause, and then a deliberately politer comment about how Martin can get the next one. It’s such a seesaw of tones that Martin’s left a little at sea by it all. Mumbling a thank you, jumbled and lost with the way this morning is going, the buoy lines and anchor points shifted since he went away.
Jon’s face reads similar.
They sit down at a four-seater table, Martin insisting on being allowed to carry the tray, if only to give himself something to do. Jon makes a protracted faff of adding sugar to his tea, drip-feeding it milk until it reaches an acceptable shade while Martin’s fingertips prickle with heat as his hands make flood barriers around his own cup.
“What’s this about, Jon?” he finds it within himself to eventually blurt out.
Jon looks up from his cup. Glances away almost as fast. He manages to balance a fine line between guilty and defiant with only the set of his jaw.
Ah. It’s going to be one of those talks then.
Some sheltered, tentatively uncrumpling part of Martin had hoped that they were past this.
He might as well jump straight to it.
“If this is your idea of some… I dunno, public place where you feel you can accuse me of being a murderer again – ”
“What?! It’s – ”
“  – I know you’re going through a lot, I get it, I do,  a-a-and I am trying to understand – ”
“It’s not – ”
“ – I-I thought we were past this, I thought you trusted me, at least not to murder you in your sleep, for God’s sake – ”
“I… It’s not, Martin.” Jon’s hands are held up, palms outwards. “I promise. I. I trust you. It’s not about anything like that.”
Martin’s hands unclench slightly from around his teacup. Jon’s expression bares the singular marks of a man struggling between emotion and ingrained habit.
Finally, nearly glowering, he stares into his own tea, rather than at Martin.
“Tim and Sasha will be here soon. I’ve texted them, told them to come here, not into the Archives.”
“What, why…?”
“There is every chance we may be overheard there, and – ”
“Not this again – ”
“Martin.” There is nothing harsh in Jon’s rebuke, for all it is phrased as a curt interruption. He huffs an irritated breath and meets Martin’s eye almost defiantly. It loosens into regret. “I know that I have… have not exactly given you much reason to take me on faith. And my behaviour these past… I suspect I owe you my apologies for a multitude of minor indignities that you have neither warranted nor deserved, and I am sure that if we had more time, we could both sit here listening my faults and failings to our mutual satisfaction. But the fact is that we don’t have time, and at the moment, my request for your patience and attention is far more important than my desire for your forgiveness.”
Jon’s sincerity is straight-forward, clean-edged.
“Tell me then,” Martin replies.
“Something happened, while you were visiting your mum.”
“How did you know I was – ?” Martin starts, but Jon waves a restless hand as though eager to move on to other matters, to which Martin’s temper rises because oh no you don’t, and he snaps: “Have you been following me?”
It was clearly not what Jon was expecting him to say. His face, scrunched up with impatience, slackens into a mild panic.
“No!” he says. “No, I. I haven’t. I swear, Martin, I haven’t.”
“Then how do you know about my mum?”
“I can explain, a-and I will. But let me finish, please?”
Martin nods. It is not fear that is starting to itch under his jacket, but it bears a family resemblance.
“We had a visitor,” Jon says. From his coat pocket, he pulls out two cassette tapes, like the ones they use for the difficult statements. “Two, actually. While you were away. We can listen to them both, later… and you should. You have a right to. They’re about you, a-and me – um, us. Tim and Sasha were here when the – er, the statement givers delivered them, and I’ve already filled them in on the supplementary information that we didn’t get on tape. I haven’t… I’m not asking you to trust me, or even believe me straight away, but there’s… Martin, there’s something dangerous at the Institute. Something that means all of us harm, and these tapes – ” He taps on them with a nail. “ – they’re a warning.  About what our future might entail. And I… I firmly believe that together, all of us, we can stop it.”
Jon winds down like an exhausted clock, and he slumps, his gaze dragged away from Martin’s as though he’s suddenly embarrassed by his outburst.
Martin lets out a long, billowing sigh.
“OK,” he says.
Jon looks up.
“I don’t – I don’t even begin to understand what’s going on here. But I believe you. Though God knows why.”
Almost furtively, Jon’s face fractures into one of those small, surface-breaking smiles again.
“Thank you, Martin. I – I appreciate that.”
Martin’s blood vessels at that moment traitorously decide to flush his face with heat. He clears his throat.
“Right,” he says. “Right, so, these are the – the warnings, yeah?”
“I’ve brought headphones if you want to listen.”
“Which one should I…” Martin begins, but his voice sputters silent in his throat as he reads the labelling down the sides, printed in Jon’s aggressively neat hand.
Case #0160920: Statement of Martin Blackwood, for the attention of Jonathan Sims. Case #0160921: Statement of Jonathan Sims, for one Martin Blackwood.
“I didn’t record any – ”
“No. You didn’t.” Jon’s expression is steady if wary. “And neither did I.”
“S-so this statement here, that’s – that’s – and that means that your one there, that’s – ”
“Fuck me.”
He meets Jon’s eyes. Lets out another, decidedly less steady breath.
Jon promised to explain. Jon promised answers.
And Martin can trust that right now. It’s easier, somehow, with Jon looking at him like he won’t let him get lost.
“This one first?” he says, pointing at the tape that another Martin Blackwood has made.
Jon nods, and passes Martin the headphones.
And in a coffee shop on the Southbank, Jon’s gaze not breaking from him, Martin listens to the story of how the world ends.
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dlabl0-blog · 6 years
20y old female
Female: I have a question iDlABL0: Ok iDlABL0: I'm listening Female: How exactly do you come up with all the advice you have iDlABL0: What you mean ? Female: Your always helpful in a way I can ask anything and you have an answer iDlABL0: Mmmm Female: It’s talent dev iDlABL0: No iDlABL0: It's not Female: Yes it is iDlABL0: It's a person being able to judge without any personal issues Female: Aka talent iDlABL0: You're not reading
iDlABL0: I judge a situation iDlABL0: Not the people that's in it iDlABL0: Idc if it's my friend or my sis in the siuation iDlABL0: I will never choose sided based on blood or friendships iDlABL0: It comes with being mean and an asshole iDlABL0: Because i am able to not affiliate myself with hwatever might be going on Female: Your not an asshole iDlABL0: I can distance myself from any kind of situation,moment, argument or fight iDlABL0: And look at it from a strangers point of view Female: Wow Female: That’s a hard thing to do iDlABL0: No it isn't iDlABL0: Not to me iDlABL0: Cuz i don't think lies in any kind of form are a good thing iDlABL0: I rather have the ugly truth from the most beatifull person in the world iDlABL0: Then a pretty lil lie from a snake Female: I agree but sometimes I can’t even tell I’m lying until I think back iDlABL0: That means that you say shiid without thinking your words through Female: Depends on what situation yes that will happen and if it does I will apologize. That’s one of my flaws I let anger get the best of me iDlABL0: Alot of people have that Female: Yup iDlABL0: They can't manage their own anger and end up saying shiid they don't mean or either regret later iDlABL0: I have always been the kind of person to listen and read carefully before i reply iDlABL0: Because in my mind coimmunication is important to any type of relationship, lovers, family, friends, parent and kid communication is always needed Female: And that’s a good thing but sometimes it’s hard to tell an emotion based off words iDlABL0: And there are so many loopholes in communication that it's easy to misunderstand other and being misunderstood iDlABL0: To make sure people do not misunderstand me which will save me the issue of a fight, argument and havin to apologize i take my time to think iDlABL0: I also say this iDlABL0: " I'm thinking " iDlABL0: I don't wanna make it seem like i'm not interested and doing something else while i'm in a serious convo iDlABL0: But I also don't wanna make any false promises that I can't keep Female: Wow iDlABL0: I value myself too much to put myself out there as someone that doesn't keep his promises, that doesn't listen and that doesn't show interest iDlABL0: I try my hardest to show the people I value my love and knowing all of their experiences and include my own experiences into that iDlABL0: I know there's alot of things that can be misunderstood if you do not choose your words carefully iDlABL0: I get mad iDlABL0: Definitely iDlABL0: But even in my anger I will take the time to calm myself down enough so I can make myself clear through words without any regret Female: The world needs more people like you Devon iDlABL0: Because that's the kind of man I aspire to be and that's exactly why people love me Female: That’s amazing iDlABL0: So no iDlABL0: It's not a talent Female: Then what is it iDlABL0: It takes alot of patience with yourself and others as well that you need to realize who you are yourself before you can do anything like advising others iDlABL0: Are you the friend with a silver tongue ? " no. You're gonn be just fine. He was an asshole " Female: I hope not iDlABL0: Or are you the friend that will stay loyal to your own values and beliefs " You were definitely wrong for that. i understand why he got mad. you should be the one to apologize this time " Female: I hope I’m loyal as I try to be but I’ve made my mistakes iDlABL0: Everybody wants to be likd iDlABL0: Everybody wants to be loved iDlABL0: And humanity has the nasty habit to betray themselves to feel love from another Female: Mhm iDlABL0: There is a small selection in this wotrld who has already realized that loving yourself and staying loyal to yourself will always come first and will always be the most important iDlABL0: This small selection are the people that everyone falls for iDlABL0: Because they stand strong and proud into their shoes without the need or support from snakes around them iDlABL0: They are attractive because of their way of thinking and how they are able to help anyone in any situation iDlABL0: And they are easily liked and loved because of their patience and guidance for others Female: And your one of those people iDlABL0: Yes, I am iDlABL0: Being a part of this small selection comes with great disadvantages tho iDlABL0: Disadvantages that alot of people do not realize Female: Like? iDlABL0: It is a lonely existence to always wanna better yourself and make sure you do not make a mistake iDlABL0: Because it's easy to see the faults and flaws of others iDlABL0: It is almost impossible to relate iDlABL0: This is the biggest flaw of this small selection iDlABL0: We can not relate iDlABL0: We can not sympathize Female: So you don’t feel sorry for others when that ask advice iDlABL0: Which is why the words " mean, coldhearted, asshole "  and so one are being thrown at us without mercy iDlABL0: I don't feel sorry for a person that has put themselves into a sitaution that was clearly their own fault iDlABL0: I understand iDlABL0: But feeling sorry ? iDlABL0: No Female: It’s hard to believe you have been called that iDlABL0: Every human being is unique and has their own learning growth and experiences iDlABL0: I accept that iDlABL0: I respect that iDlABL0: But I have zero tolerance for the one that plays a victim when he/she is just too blind to see they were the instigator iDlABL0: And yes, i have been called many names iDlABL0: But as a positive side to that ... iDlABL0: I have also been called very loving things iDlABL0: Both of them are acceptable to me iDlABL0: Cuz everyone i meet perceives me in a different manner Female: So is that why you are so easy to get along with iDlABL0: In the time I met you you've seen a very uninterested side of me just as a very mature side that's able to advice iDlABL0: But my kids see a whole different side iDlABL0: I'm not easy to get along with iDlABL0: On the contrary iDlABL0: People think i'm easy to get along with iDlABL0: because I don't judge a book at all iDlABL0: No matter if I just seen the cover or read it from beginning to end iDlABL0: All that book will get from me is acceptance iDlABL0: And these days ... that's very rare iDlABL0: Which makes people comfortable around me Female: It’s kinda like the story of you and your ex then she didn’t see the same side as me iDlABL0: You can not talk about my ex hunnie Female: Deal iDlABL0: Cuz you only know her by what you heard of me Female: There’s two sides of a story I get it iDlABL0: Which brings us back to " i judge a situation. Not a person in a situation " Female: I’m glad I met you Dev iDlABL0: Why ? Female: You show a different way to look at life, a better way if you will Female: You prove that there is always a positive side Female: And I admire that about you Female: Everyone is lucky to have you, someone who will listen and not be afraid to tell the truth, someone who will hear both sides and not judge it, that’s what makes somebody special iDlABL0: You can look at it that way yes Female: Or? iDlABL0: This all you seeing and summed up just now is only from a friends point of view iDlABL0: Now try to imagine being my sister Female: Your closer to her right? iDlABL0: Every lil thing that she does. I tell hr my honest opnion. But that I still love her iDlABL0: That she should do what she thinks is needed but i don't have to agree to that iDlABL0: That I do not condone certain behavior but that's she's allowed to do what she thinks is right while making clear that i think she's wrong iDlABL0: " But I still love you " iDlABL0: My sister is feeling like she's never enough for me iDlABL0: She feels like she's a failure of being a lil sister to me iDlABL0: Where you see in the movies and the fairytales that a big brother comes to the rescue iDlABL0: i'm the brother that tells her to clean up her own shiid iDlABL0: It was her fault. She needs to solve it iDlABL0: Imagine ... iDlABL0: Having me as your brother Female: And thinking I’m not enough? I wouldn’t want to imagine it iDlABL0: I have a standard disclaimer iDlABL0: Which is " I;m not trying to be rude or mean, but .... " iDlABL0: Because I'm really not trying to be rude or mean iDlABL0: I'm trying to let whoever see the situation from a different side iDlABL0: And lots of people can't handle having a mirror put in front of them in their ugliest personality moments Female: People need to learn to solve there own problems that they won’t always have that one person to depend on all their life iDlABL0: Have you told yourself that in the mirror this morning ? iDlABL0: Or do you need me to put a mirror in front of you right now ? Female: No I’ve learned from past experience iDlABL0: So let me ask you this iDlABL0: You talk about people needa solver their own shiid iDlABL0: But do you do so yourself as well ? iDlABL0: It's easy to point a finger at another when the shoe is on you iDlABL0: It's magic if you're able to not point fingers at all and can be able to work on that same thing yourself tho Female: I have my ways of solving a problem on my own but I also have my ways of getting advice and then solving it To my friends I’m the one that solves problems and I know it for they have told me so but for myself I don’t have anybody for it iDlABL0: Female: People need to learn to solve there own problems that they won’t always have that one person to depend on all their life Female: I know what I said and I wouldn’t change it some people do need to learn and some people just can’t iDlABL0: You just cvhanged it iDlABL0: You changed it from " people " to " Some people " iDlABL0: There is a big difference isn't there ? Female: Everybody needs to learn it yes but the difference is that some people don’t let themselves learn it no matter if they can or can’t I still think everybody should learn iDlABL0: So it isn't just anger that makes you say things without thinking your words through iDlABL0: That mirror is annoying huh ? Female: Heh slightly iDlABL0: In my eyes right now, you are judging people based on their experiences when you still have a lot to learn yourself iDlABL0: So in my eyes, your judging isn't fair iDlABL0: What you just basically said is that everybody should learn to solve their own problems iDlABL0: Note: I never agreed with you on this statement iDlABL0: I think there is nothing wrong with asking for advice iDlABL0: For the knowledge you do not have. Can be taught by another iDlABL0: We do it with out chidlren every day when they go to school Female: I never exactly said that there are somethings that other people can’t fix problems that are too personal those problems should be solved by the person who made them not by somebody else iDlABL0: Socializing, relationships and friendships are just not subjects that are being taught at school iDlABL0: That doesn't mean you can't find a mentor, friend, parent, or anything else to advice you in these Female: Advise yes but fix? Not all people can do that iDlABL0: Female: People need to learn to solve there own problems that they won’t always have that one person to depend on all their life iDlABL0: You did say it Female: I’m not saying you can’t ask advice I have people who come to me send a simple screenshot and say fix it. I’m saying people can’t fix your problems they can advise you in the right direction sure but they can’t fix it alone when it isn’t there problem iDlABL0: So again... You did not mean it the way you said it iDlABL0: Coomunication. Choose your words wisely Female: You can say that yes Female: I’ve got to go it was good catching up ttyl iDlABL0: Ok iDlABL0: Ttyl Female: Bye
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