#ok im gonna plant more seeds now bye
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kasaneteto Ā· 1 year ago
roommate posting again
so i had the Big Talk with him about how him not doing chores and not paying me back isnt okay blah blah blah, he was receptive to it and owned up to his shortcomings, all around went pretty well. heā€™s set a reminder thing on his phone to alert him to when its time to do chores and he does them. all should be wellā€¦ā€¦but man. even with him doing the chores its justā€¦. like how do i tell someone that when you sweep you have to move things and sweep underneath them yknow. idk if i can do this. i shouldnt have to teach a grown ass man how to clean. but thats exactly what i have to do.
its like. its the little things you know? i have these two friends who ive been in talks with about replacing him when the lease renewal comes up in august. and in this amount of time (couple months) ive noticed so many small things about them that are like. soooo thoughtful and considerate and RESPONSIBLE compared to my current roommate. take for example when we all three went out to smoke on the patio. nahale brought out the stool for thomas to sit on, and without me having to say anything brought it back in and put it where it goes. erik would sometimes follow finn & i out while we smoke to keep talking to us and bring the stool for himself to sit onā€¦ then leave it out there when he followed us back inside. or when erik watches after the cats while im away vs when tom&nahale watch them. when erik watches them i come home and the litterboxes havent been emptied for three days and they are clearly starved for attention. but when i had T&N do it the litterboxes were not only clean but they had been SWEPT around AND THEY TRIMMED PIXIES CLAWS FOR ME šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ its the little things like that. just having someone responsible that i could rely on and will do little things like that for me because they care and want to helpā€¦ thats the kind of environment i want to live in. not one where i constantly feel like im picking up after someone & need to be on guard/conservative of my energy. which brings me to the other thing ive realized isnt going to change
erik is a 100% extrovert and id argue to his detriment. like he requires constant attention and validation in order to be happy. he canā€™t meet your world with his world, he needs you to be in his world with him. if that makes sense. im kind of on the cusp of introverted/extroverted but lean a little more towards introverted. living with erik makes me a hardcore introvert. being in the same room as erik is seen by him as an invitation to talk, and once you give him an inch heā€™ll try to take a mile. that isnt to say its a negative thing about him its just his nature to he social in that way. but its also just likeā€¦ the same thing over and over. like he cant stand to let the conversation die so heā€™ll just keep repeating himself. this is better explained via example so let me paint a picture:
the cats figured out how to bust into the kitchen cabinet that the trashcan is in, so in order to prevent them from digging through the trash i installed child locks. if youre unaware of them and yank the cabinet too hard it can rip them off so you have to be careful. erik and i both do stuff like that a lot so i put a little sign on the counter that says ā€œDONT 4GET CHILD LOCKSā€ but since its on a strip of tape all the words look kinda mashed together & erik commented on this saying ā€œi keep reading this 4 like an a and it makes me feel like an italian guy wrote thisā€ and in response i chuckled and said ā€œdonta forgeta child locksā€ and he just. wouldnt stop saying it after that. he laughed much harder than i did and then just kept loudly saying that while doing things in the kitchen (clearly trying to get me to join in but truly it was not that funny to me) and that kind of thing is just so exhausting to be around. its like my dad. just talking at you, not with you.
so anyways its gotten better but fundamentally i think we are just not compatible to be living together. i love erik hes a good friend and a funny guy but he isnt someone i feel comfortable around most of the time unfortunately. he needs to be a ā€œhang out with on occasionā€ friend not a ā€œsee you every single dayā€ friend like he is now. im realizing just how many friends in my life are draining my cup rather than filling it
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solarpunkani Ā· 6 days ago
OK hi hello I've washed and dried my hair and procrastinated. I forgot what all I was gonna say when I initially made this post but I'm just gonna wing it, as we do on this blog.
What the HELL has Ani been up to?
Working. Not as many shifts as I like but I'm working.
Flight Rising. One could argue the amount of time I spend on that site is a problem.
What's the IMPORTANT SOLARPUNKY stuff Ani has been up to?
I joined my local chapter of the DSA (Democratic Socialists of America)! I think I mentioned this in a previous post? I'm not like 110% sure if I'm Socialist with a Capital S but they're doing mutual aid work in my city so its kind of a 'we'll figure that out as we go' thing.
Anyways in that chapter of the DSA one of my new friends wanted to start a community garden, which lead to us contacting the city parks' office about it, and now we're adopting a like. Old community garden? Someone had started it before and then basically abandoned it, so there's steel raised beds already and all that jazz, its close to my friend's place and at a community center so we've been going back and forth between us, the city parks guy, and the community center working out an agreement but its like. Highkey about to be 110% approved! After that we gotta fine tune our budget for, like, dirt and mulch and plants tools and the like--some other chapter members are offering to donate their stuff or start seeds for the garden, which is rad, and I'm thinking once things get finalized finalized we'll apply for a grant from the FNPS since we wanna have 2 dedicated pollinator beds (one aquatic and one drier) and then also ask for funding from the chapter?
Anyways so uh long story short I got approved to be a co-chair for the gardening initiative for our chapter (my friend is the other co chair) and I'm SO NERVOUS but SO HYPE
I also ended up speaking at a town hall!!!! The mayor wasn't even there (she was sick) but I went up to the microphone during community comments and spoke about, like, 'hey we should expand bus routes and improve the bus stops themselves add benches and cover and shit and add community gardens around the city tysm bye'
And I got businesscards from people on the board of the city??? They seemed to like what I was talking about but I emailed them earlier this month but haven't gotten a response back. Which I mean I guess they're busy--they're on like the board for the entire city--but I might email them again later this week because one of the emails I got was for the director of libraries for my city and he'd mentioned interest in a program of putting community gardens at the libraries but they needed like a Zone 0 basically to start out with and I'd emailed like 'hey look so I live near THIS library but my friends and I hang out a lot at THIS library and they're down to help me if either of them work as a Ground 0 hmu fam' (but like more formal) and i haven't gotten a response back but I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN SO BAD even if I'm not the one in charge of it (honestly ESPECIALLY if im not the one in charge of it but I digress) so I might get the homies to band together and email him again. Email campaign. Those are a thing right?
So I've been balancing planning a community garden with planning MY garden AND work AND the volunteering stuff (we still do trash cleanups every other week, AND we went on a hike today for funsies) so sorry for not having like. A bunch of stuff to add to this blog or random ramblings and the like but uh. The brain is all brained out.
I'll try though!! Thanks to everyone who's continued to follow the blog, I'll try to be better about answering asks in a timely manner and checking in more often!!
Hi homies sorry for being Pretty Absent
Nothing bad happened I just keep forgetting to use social media (my art accounts are in shambles)
Iā€™ll give a life update in a bit I just gotta wash my hair but like. Soon.
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survivormontenegro Ā· 6 years ago
Episode 6:Ā "Hmmm #conspiracy" - Ian
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WOOOOOO WE WON!!! I WAS ACTUALLY GOOD AT SOMETHING. That being said if Tom, Evan, Jules or JJ goes home I will start a fire in your bathroom. Not really because Iā€™m too scared to use matches but I will be very UPSET.
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That was probably one of the most unsettling rounds I have ever played. So like before I slept last night, JJ and I went on call and he spilled his guts to me. Literally offered me a lot of things saying he will be loyal to us four and all. I didnā€™t want to have that conversation but I had to in order to see if I can get anything from JJ.
Unfortunately even tho he was telling me how Evan, Jules and Tom betrayed him I got nothing new from him. Like he was not telling information that would earn my favor like info on his other tribe mates. So I told him I will consider his offer and I slept woo
Flash forward to the morning I wake up and us 4 Budva baes weā€™re debating the merits of keeping Evan or JJ. Jason and Julia were entertaining the idea of keeping JJ and voting out Evan because he has some connections to the other og Durmitor and Ali and I were pushing to keep the target on JJ. Me and Ali discussed this earlier and we know that JJ was gonna try do whatever it takes to stay. We both agreed that by keeping JJ that would screw over Tom and Jules who were the ones willing to flip for us. And so Ali finally brought that up and I think that convinced Jason and Julia to stick with the JJ vote. Jason also learned from Jules that JJ is very well connected with the other og Durmitor so that pretty much sold it.
Like minutes before tribal JJ made a chat with him and us 4 Budva minus the hosts oof! He pleaded his case and I AM NOT COMFROTABLE WE THOSE KIND OF THINGS!! So I ignored those messages and just endured and then JJ was voted out and he got into a small argument with Julia and Jules.
Right now, the plan if we go to tribal again is to get rid of Evan because heā€™s a SNAKE!!
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i can't remember when i last confessed but stuff has happened so... whew.
okay so! first things first, JJ is gone. which it was his time and byebye. I think Evan is likely next, he just alienated EVERYONE, including JJ who he leaked stuff too, who voted for him so rest in peace.
also emathia, can't keep secrets Ali truly jumped out on call with Jules yesterday. I truly told her everything. ALSO CRAP I JUST MISSED MY STEP FOR THE CHALLENGE GRR. but yup, she knows about the idol, that I trust Benj and that I hosted Mo for his first season (all the stuff I hadn't originally told her). I am committed to going as far as possible with her, we are WINNING!
in other news, i now know tom is sus about working with me. WHICH AHH NERVY. i really want him to trust me, and will do my best to show that trust is worth it.
in other... other news... I have thoughts about the other four I haven't played with yet. I assume Benj is who flipped and I'm proud of him for doing what he needs to do. Of the four I haven't met, we have:
Caeleb, aka Tom's cousin. IM CONVINCED. IM 100% CONVINCED THEY ARE RELATED. Tom can deny it ALL HE WANTS, but I am onto the ancestry.com (lowkey they aren't related but its super funny to me ankslfda)
Jones, aka... a queen? Jones seems SO NICE, LIKE SO SO NICE. I really wanna meet her and play with her, I hope she wins! She has come 4th and 6th... like she is a threat and someone to defo keep an eye on.
Mo! I love him!! I don't think he likes me, but if he does I'd love love LOVE to work with him! bang voyage woo we love him
Alex C... makes me the most nervous. Jules says he runs stuff and Julia has bad history with him! I feel like he is gonna be someone who by game dynamics I'm unable to work with, even though I'd like to! we will see on that one... hold that thought!
anyway, the dream is a F4 of me, Jules, Benj & Tom, Julia can go 5th for working with Jason/Ian too much, and then maybe like Mo/Jones in 6-7 because they seem iconic and would just love 'em to go far! idk this is mess aklsdfaf
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Hmm what are the odds that this challenge is an individual immunity challenge disguised as a tribe immunity challenge. Hmmm #conspiracy
Anyways, the plan is if we lose immunity we get rid of the snake in the grass which Evan. He can continue wearing his frog onesie but that doesnā€™t change the fact that you are a snake!! I just learned that Evan is telling Jules that me and Jason need to be broken up.
I love how these people like assumed me/Jason and Ali/Julia are pairs. Like ok thatā€™s what yā€™all think then we will work with it. My only real worry is that if we do get rid of Evan there is no more cushion for us in this tribe. Like Tom and Jules are numbers for us rn (and I AM LOVING THEM RN) and if we donā€™t swap/merge after this round and there is still another immunity and we lose it then whew thatā€™s gonna be a big dilemma. So yeah thatā€™s the only thing holding me back from throwing this challenge hehehe
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im on call with tom, i want him to win and i am planting the seeds and WILL see them harvest.
this game's F3 better be Jules, Tom & Benj. I WILL ACCEPT NO OTHER OUTCOME.
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So with this challenge, I honestly didn't put alot of effort into it but neither did anyone in my alliance really. We kinda wanted to lose because we can get rid of another durmitor person and keep the other budvas safe from the uglies on the other tribe. With merge coming, I know who my targets are. MO AND ALEX. Bye you have both seen me play and frankly i dont have any respect for either of you. I'm gonna make it my dying wish to see you both fail. Also last night Jules and I lied to evan and said we were cousins to see if he would start drama. He didn't and he believed it too and he trusts us now wtf lol. He shouldnt because I want him gone 100%.
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If we lose this challenge then hopefully Evan goes. Then after that please let us merge already or we swap and Iā€™m still in a majority position. I cannot lose anyone in this tribe after Evan goes because theyā€™re all potential numbers for me when we merge.
On another note, Jason, tom and I solidified our alliance. Donā€™t know where we and Jason really gonna go with because we also have OG budva baes but rn I guess this alliance is here to stay I guess? Canā€™t wait to become the goat for these two!!
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why am i paranoid
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okay so i am fully missing some brain cells. i was trying to add tom on sc before we recorded this so had to fix the video on him to get the QR code, and then... never turned that off... so enjoy a video of tom with me in the background like a ghostie or a spirit.
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Watching Tom make literal pizza is ASMR.
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Okay so I'm watching BB21 and the amount of ad breaks on US shows is INSANE, so I have time to type.
I'm going to... crack next vote if we go to tribal this round. I feel really really good about Tom in this game moving forward, and... refuse to have him go home prejury (which could happen if we go to two tribals in a row).
So I have two plans, both of which are cracked and both of which will solidify my mess self.
1. A 3-2-1 vote. Convince Julia/Jason/Ian to split the votes between Tom and Jules, and then me/Tom/Jules vote for idk... Ian? This would burn bridges like crazy but hopefully merge could help me figure that whole mess out.
2. Give... Tom my idol. Now this would be CRACKED as all crackers. But if we play it off right it'll be fine. Only other complication is that Benj knows about my idol, which he could spread ahh!
but ignoring the crackheadery, the best case scenario is we win immunity and then next round we get Evan out... then we will be fine hdjdjdkd
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I change my mind weā€™re def not merging at F13 Bc Drew Seamus and Asya (to an extent Bc sheā€™s innocent) are definitely gonna wanna milk the dua lipa cave twist until itā€™s BONE DRY!!!! But ya hopefully we lose and Michael goes home xoxo
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bee-mario-my-beeloved Ā· 4 years ago
I sleep on a sofa like bed that u can just flop all the way to make a 2 bed thing ok and theres no armrest for pillows so im putting my pillow against my siblings gamer chair with wheels and also im taking my siblings room cuz i yelled outside and shit yeah im good ar rujning my life anyways so the pillow is against vhair and its not verh syable but it is and it does the job so like im on phone then i look at the dog who sleeps with me whos on the middle of the bed like my legs do not need space nope anyways i look at the dog and boom eye open like two eyes open while the dog is circle and i go :/ oof scarryh anyways i really need to peebut scary monster and sound and if i make to much sohnd mt mkms gonna kill me and also last night doggo wanted to go outside so i did and i got sort of yelled at and i think i unitntionalg slam the feknt dooe or smt idk how should i know anywaays it either fanfictio tkme or imma play ever oasis have anh of yall played ever oasis??? :D its a fun game whsre u are just a little guy fighting lil depression monsters with other lil guys and u are adorable.and also u can have purple skin i have purple skin its so cool and fheres also a mermaid water spirit that looks very pretty and also if ir a special lil guy of the special tree kid variety you can get a water spirit to make an oasis and kts like a place wherw travelers in the desert can go to rest or like live there and lil guys of seed variety but not tree kid you can make a lilttle shop and sell some stuff but if ur a special tree kid then getting the lil guys stuff to sell is ur job for some reason but its fƮne because ur the chief of the oasis and when u give them stuff to sell there happy :) and also they give tou money and it can be used to make plants grow faster or to help the lil guys do there bloom booths and bloom booths are the shop the little people run and also theres different species like theres these tall reptile people thing that are good with spears and one is on my oasis and she is very pretty i love her and oh at some point depression plant are gonna do stuff and esna is gonna turn into a giant mermaid water spirit thing and god i just heard a weird sound is thaf my head oe a sou d it went scratch oe aomethi g like a cricket oh well oasis time anh way u an go out with like you and 2 people from ur oasis in the desert and theres these dongeon things hidden or smt a bit everywhere and not that much actually also a character had my name my birth one that im pretty fine with but honestly id like another one so like its weird also ur residents have different abilities like skme can mine aome dig some then into a little ball to go trough holes and open doors and theres more peobably bts its been a while since i played and i redid a game like a few days ago when i wa slonely everyone was pissed at me or smt and i had no phone and im borrowing my sibling who left home to live with a grandpa dude who gives a lot of money and ciggatettes and stuff and im sad now actually imma read somethig gud bye
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