#ok if u inspect the house like a month after i moved out there will be dust and mould etc etc bc no one
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the things my landlord is trying to charge us for is actually insane
#some particles on floor#mould around windows (that grew after i moved out)#dust#like...#ok if u inspect the house like a month after i moved out there will be dust and mould etc etc bc no one#is taking care of my room#how are u going to charge me for it !! seriously
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ok but meeting remus lupin during the end of nov and admitting how melancholy this time of year makes u feel and that's it ur invited to all the marauders events over the holidays and spend new years together
my first attempt at remus! this really ran away from me, but i hope you like it! i am still finding my footing with him but this was great fun. | fem!reader, strangers to friends to lovers, nye kiss, 3.3k
You meet Remus at a local book club, of all places.
A flyer on the bookshop notice board tells you the group meets every other week -- a bit frequently, in your opinion, but you've got the time to read so you figure you'll give it ago. Moving to a new place means you haven't got many, or any, really, friends, and you could do with getting out of the house more. The days are getting shorter and you find yourself a bit more lonely with each passing day.
The group, when you go for the first time, consists of eight elderly women (though, they are sure to inform you, sometimes numbers swell to as many as 15), you, and Remus. They ask for your name and your age, which they all titter at.
"I, uh," you say, crossing your legs and shifting in your folding chair. "I'm really happy to be here," you say. "Thank you for letting me join." That seems to soften them, and they all are a bit more smiley as they introduce themselves.
It is clear right away that they adore Remus. It's not surprising -- he's handsome in a tired way, a ragged way. His face is a mash-up of sharp edges and tight scars that slash across his nose, but his eyes are soft and warm. You want to inspect every inch of him, so naturally you look away.
It takes three meetings for you to say much. After four, you see Remus at the grocery store twice in one week. You wonder if he lives around here. By the fifth meeting, you're fairly sure you've got your footing. You chime in more often than not, and they're going to let you pick a book next month. It's the last meeting before you all break for the holidays and you are quite sad to not have these to look forward to for the next few weeks. But you push it down and instead focus on your impassioned defense of the unlikable narrator in this week's novel.
"It's the edge that makes the story so compelling," you say. "We get to judge her because we recognize her, but we don't know why until too late. It's because she's normal, and we're meant to see ourselves in her." You've gone on for too long, and after you finish, you don't know where to look. Remus is smiling at you, as he always does.
"Brilliant," says Florence, the bookstore owner and facilitator "What a way to end! I can't wait to see what you come up with in the new year, dear." She hands out the plates of cookies that she made for everyone and the ladies begin to go their separate ways. You're juggling your book, bag, and the plate while you try to shove an arm through your coat. A hand appears in your vision to grab the items in your grip.
"You alright?" It's Remus. He smells like chocolate and something earthier. You've spoken a few times, but not much apart from a hello here and there. He complimented your sweater last meeting and the words burned in your brain for days. You nod, quickly sliding into your coat before taking your things back. His fingers are warm where they brush yours.
"Thanks," you say. The bookshop is almost empty.
"I agree with you, by the way," he says. You've noticed that when Remus talks to you, even if he's responding to something you've said in the group, he looks at you the whole time. His attention does not waver. It's both warming and unnerving. "What you were saying about the narrator. I hadn't been able to put it into words like that, but I think you were spot on."
You start for the door and he follows. "I just think it's easy to fall into the trap of putting every character on one side of morality or the other," you say.
"Exactly!" He nods emphatically. "With a writer of this caliber the text encourages you to read about her with nuance and to consider that she's not just one thing." He holds the door for you and you both spill out into the chilly night air. The town has wrapped every lamppost and tree in lights that cast everything in a warm glow.
"Listen," Remus says. He looks especially lovely out here. You hug your plate of cookies close to your chest before you reach out to push away the lock of hair that's fallen across his forehead. "I know this is probably not going to come out well, so feel free to tell me to shove it."
You blink at him. What?
"I've seen you at the supermarket around the corner a few times," he continues. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he's being shy. "And I figure you live around here?" You nod. You've no reason to believe he's anything but a nice guy, but you know nothing about him. Even if you have also noticed him at the same store.
"Well," he keeps going. His smile is tight, the creases at the corner of his eyes deep in a way that screams nerves. "I was wondering, if you don't have plans that is, if you wanted to come to the pub with me? I'm meeting a few of my mates and I--." He runs a hand through his hair, fixing the piece you can't stop looking at. "Well, we don't get to talk much during club and I'd uh, like to get to know you?"
"Are you asking me to be friends?" you blurt out. Probably not the best thing to lead with, but he's really so handsome and he seems nice and you haven't got much to look forward to in your empty apartment and this is just a little bit overwhelming. His shoulders creep back down away from his ears and he grins.
"Yeah," he says. "I am."
"Okay," you say. "Lead the way." Remus doesn't strike you as someone who wears his emotions plainly, but his grin softens into something lighter and you think that you want to figure out how to read him.
You fall into step beside him. "It's not far," he says. "I do want to apologize in advance for my friends, though," he says.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, they're great. Don't get me wrong. I love them to pieces." He sighs. "But they're also a bloody pain."
You laugh loudly and suddenly. It feels nice. "Well, that's a ringing endorsement. It's alright though, I could use some friends."
Remus looks over at you and tugs on your elbow just once to tell you to turn with him. "You just moved here, yeah?"
"Well, a few months ago now, but I haven't had much luck with people." Between working and trying to keep your head above water, you haven't figure out how to add socializing into that yet. "And I don't really like...all this." You wave your hands in the air, gesturing at the lights and ribbons adorning the street.
"Yeah," you say. "It all makes me feel a bit sad." You start to feel embarrassed. "Oh Remus, I'm sorry. We've barely spoken and I'm being all melancholy." He knocks his shoulder with yours and you look over at him to see he's still got a small smile on his face.
"Darling," he says. "I am as melancholy as they come. You're speaking my language."
The pub is crowded and noisy and you like it immediately. Remus takes your hand and leads you through the throng to a back corner where two guys are taking up an entire round booth with what seems to be an arm wrestling match.
"Surrender, Potter," one of them says. He's got a knot of dark hair tied into a bun and tiny hoops in each ear and one nostril.
"Fuck off," growls the other. You can tell right away that he's tall, maybe as tall as Remus. He's got messy hair and round spectacles. He is not winning the match.
"Idiots," Remus mutters. He lets go of your hand and places his palm on your lower back. "Hey, knock it off!" This distracts the boy with glasses, allowing the other one to slam his arm down on the table.
"Shove it," he cries. Remus rubs the bridge of his nose. You don't think they've noticed you yet.
"Where are the girls?" he asks. More friends? you think.
"They're coming," says the boy who lost. Potter, you think. His eyebrows climb up his forehead once he notices you standing next to Remus.
"Marlene called and said they had to stop at home first," adds the other one. His eyes find you and his gaze is sharp. "And who is this?" he says, eyeing you.
"Uh," you say. Remus's hand presses a little harder into your back. "Remus and I do book club together?" You put the plate of cookies down on the table like a peace offering.
"Merlin's beard," glasses boy whistles. "She's real."
The one with piecing looks delighted. "James, you owe me a fiver." He holds out his hand.
"Fuck off, Sirius," says...James. "Wait are those cookies?"
"As you can see," Remus sighs, "these gits are James and Sirius. Are you two about finished?" You look at him and his cheeks are a little pink but he's doing his best to look bored. James and Sirius break into roars of laughter as they scoot to make room for you both. Remus ushers you into the booth. "I'm going to get drinks," he says. "What would you like?"
"Whatever you're having," you tell him. You tug off your coat and don't know what to do with your hands.
"I want a stout, Remus," James says.
Remus doesn't even look at him. "I wasn't asking you, dear." He winks at you and turns on his heel, heading for the bar. You feel a bit strange to be left with two guys you just met, but this is how you make friends, right?
"So what's this about me not being real?" you ask. Sirius raps a tattooed knuckle on the table before reaching for a sugar cookie.
"Well," he drawls. "Lupin told us about his book club when he started going earlier this year but we don't hear much else about it. And then a little while ago, he comes to drinks and he says there's a new girl."
James says your name in a poor imitation of Remus's accent. You twist your fingers in your lap. "And he says a few things about this new girl," Sirius continues, until James elbows him.
"Keep your limbs to yourself, Potter," he grumbles.
James leans in, elbows on the table. "Remus hasn't made a new friend since like, grammar school. So naturally we thought he was having us on when he said you two were friendly."
"Oh," you say. He's been telling his friends that you're friendly? It makes your chest tight in a nice way, like you're being hugged. "Well, thank you for letting me crash your pub night," you say.
"Are you kidding?" Sirius deadpans. "We've been begging him to invite you for weeks." Remus returns before you can reply with two pale-looking pints. He sets them down and slides in next to you, close enough that it's clear you know him the most, even if that's barely true, but far enough that you're not touching except for your knees knocking under the table. He stretches an arm across the top of the booth behind you. You hope you're not staring.
"So how were the books this time?" James asks. His eyes say mischief but he seems to be willing to let you off the hook for now. You and Remus recount the drama from today's meeting. The boys ask you basic questions like what you do for work and how you like the city and what club you support, but none of it feels stale or disingenuous. In fact, it really feels like they want to get to know you.
"Well, surely you've been to the skating rink in the park." Sirius is interrogating you on what neighborhoods you've visited. You shake your head and he gasps like you've slapped him. "What about the market?"
"I don't really do the holidays very well," you say, a bit softly. He raps his knuckles on the table again and Remus presses his thigh into yours on purpose. "I just haven't got my footing yet. I haven't been here that long and I don't have a guide."
"Well that won't do," James says.
"You do now," Remus says. You turn to him and find that he's closer than you realized. His eyes bore into yours and he looks rather serious. "Have a guide, I mean. You'll just do everything with us." You blink. Is it really this easy? Making friends? A handsome boy wants to facilitate your holiday season and you don't really know what to say.
"Brilliant idea, Lupin," Sirius says happily. "I always say you're the smartest of us."
Remus kicks him. "Okay," you say. "That sounds nice."
"I'm sure Remus has your phone number," James says cheekily. "He'll sort it." Remus does not, in fact, have your phone number, but you remedy that by passing him your mobile. He taps away at it with one hand, the other still hovering just over your shoulders.
"Where the bloody fuck are the girls?" Sirius grumbles. It seems he can change moods from one moment to the next faster than anyone you've met before. "Marlene has my nice suede jacket from last week."
"And we need Lily here so James stops looking so put out," Remus says, not looking up from your phone. "Lily is his girlfriend," he adds for your benefit. "Are we not good enough for you, Jamie?"
James ignores him.
"More friends?" you say quietly. Remus nods.
"You'll like them. And they'll adore you." You've been friends with him for all of one night, but his tone is sincere. The pub lighting makes his scars softer and you fight against leaning into him as he talks.
"How do you know?"
His mouth curls up at one end in a smile that makes you shiver a little. "I just do."
It wouldn't do to develop a crush on your first real friend in town, so you try your best not to over the next few weeks. You fail miserably. How could you not like Remus? He carts you around the city with his friends -- your friends too, he insists -- going ice skating and drinking mulled cider and market shopping and every time you are struck by how lovely he is. He holds your hand a lot and sends you photos he manages to take of you without you noticing. You meet the rest of the group -- Lily and Marlene and Dorcus -- and you love them, too. You see lights all over the city and laugh a lot and smile so much your cheeks ache. His friends tease you and you end up in multiple group chats and things start to feel good. Even when you go back to your apartment alone, you feel warm. You are just excited for whatever you're going to do next.
And then it's New Year's Eve.
The pub you've become a regular at is having a party and Lily was timely enough to book your regular table for the whole crew. You're running a little late because you could not decide what to wear, but you make it, shoving yourself through the crowd to the back booth.
Someone -- you're not sure who -- spots you and screams your name. You recognize a lot of the people here, but it's not until James enters your field of vision that you relax.
"There she is!" he cries, looking over his shoulder. "Remus, she's here!" Remus emerges from the crowd and scoops you up, pressing his lips to your cheek in a quick hello as he grabs your coat and pulls you in for a hug. He's warm and smells like beer and something spicy.
"You look lovely," he says. He's had at least one drink judging by the color of his cheeks and his general handsy-ness.
"So do you," you say. He wrinkles his nose at you.
"Go sit in my seat and I'll get you a drink. The usual?" You nod. He gently pushes you towards the table and disappears into the crowd. You slide into a space Remus has clearly vacated next to Sirius. He's got some sparkles on his lower lids and an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth as he shuffles a deck of cards. Everyone at the table is flushed and ready.
"Hey, you," he says. "You in?" You've no idea what they're playing.
"Next round, Sirius." He shrugs and you watch something that looks like Hearts happen in front of you.
Remus returns before the round wraps up and you stand to give him his seat. He looks at it and then at you and then back at the bench before he slides in, setting your pints on the table before wrapping his long, slender fingers around your wrist and tugging just enough so that you stumble towards him and end up in his lap. Everyone at the table is fighting smiles and Sirius wraps up the round and turns to you both. He puts the cigarette behind his ear and manages to look extremely bored with your antics.
"Now are you playing?" You nod, breathless. Remus's arm wraps around your back, hand settling on your hip so that you won't fall off of him.
A hand moves your hair off of your shoulder and you feel lips on your earlobe. "What are we playing?" You turn and all of a sudden Remus's face is incredibly close to yours. He does not move away.
"No idea," you say, forgetting that you do know what you're playing. Your brain is a little fuzzy right now. Which is probably why you lose horribly, Remus laughing underneath you as you desperately try to shove aside thoughts of kissing him so you can focus for just one second.
And then it's almost midnight. The energy in the pub changes to something a bit more exuberant and someone passes out champagne in classes of all kinds. You end up holding a whiskey tumblr of fizz and the booth around you empties as everyone gets to their feet, ready to chant in the new year. Remus maneuvers you gently so that you're no longer totally in his lap, just next to him with your legs across it. His arm is a warm band around your shoulders to keep you close. The pub increases in volume as people start to sing.
"Have you got anyone to kiss at midnight?" he yells into your ear, lips brushing your skin again.
You pull back to look at him. He's flushed, but his eyes are clear. "I think so," you say. His eyes crinkle at the corners and he sets down his own glass and grabs your jaw. His thumb rubs over your lower lip.
"Lucky bloke," he says. The countdown chanting starts around you. You cup his jaw for the first time and run a gentle finger along one of the scars on his jaw. He shudders.
You can't wait a second more so you lean in, pressing your lips to his. He gasps just a little bit before responding, tongue tracing the seam of your mouth. His fingertips dig into your party dress and you kiss him and kiss him and kiss him and everyone is cheering and you think some of it might be for you two.
You have a feeling that this year isn't going to be so bad.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x you#remus lupin x y/n#remus lupin x fem!reader#remus lupin fanfiction#marauders fanfiction#marauders
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MARE. OH MY GOSH. HIIII ok i'm sorry if i'm interrupting anything but i have really hardly interacted with my lovely tumblr friends for SO long now and i WANT to change that because i miss you guys so much and i miss talking to you in particular a lot :'D so HI!!!!! how have you been doing lately what's up :] if you have anything at all to share i would love to hear it very much...
hi hi hi okay uhhh fun life updates yes yes okay! well I'm multitasking playing Spider Solitaire, rewatching the Try Guys update video, writing cough syrup, and watching DougDoug play Peggle which are just about the four things that sum up my life at this point! today's been interesting but let me try to think of some nice things to update you on
okay okay so last Wednesday i think my school did this thing called senior sunrise where all the seniors went outside about an hour before school started and just. watched the sunrise together. and my friends baked a ton of stuff and someone in the school set up a speaker with a really nice playlist. i wore my ex's beanie for basically the entire time which was really meaningful to me and it was super fun. we couldn't really see the sunrise (and i went to colorado last month and let me tell you sunrises in my state are fucking ruined after seeing the beauty that is colorado ones). that was one of the more fun school things to happen though so i just wanted to share that
tomorrow my parents and i are going to another city in our area to look at a house! my brother is moving out but he's uh busy i think so we're going to do the house inspection thing on his behalf which i guess works? and then on wednesday i go on a one day trip to college tour somewhere ive NEVER been before so that's kind of exciting. and then day after i'm fingers crossed getting boba with friends. and then rest of this week is a lot of college applications and CS writing but i'm hoping i can hang out with my ex at some point or at least stop by where she works (she's still one of my close friends im just calling her my ex for continuity's sake)
i have no idea if you were online when i found out this stuff but i'm part of a system lol uhmm. listening to a lot of good music which is mostly adam lambert who is out of your genre range but like im obsessed with him also menlik zergabachew and a couple others. i want to paint my nails a kind of plum shade bc those are all the colors we have so i might do that later :DDD probably shouldn't tonight since i'm working but it might also be a positive trigger so not sure anyway that might happen
okay i feel like ive rambled a lot which is weird bc these past few days have been. SO unexciting. but its SO GOOD SEEING YOU!!!! I HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL <333 i hope the math hw went well and the death metal is treating you good and that the cat 5 sleepy girl catastrophes are moving down to cat 3. and that you are happy :]
#nightmare.ask#SRRY IM JUST. SAYING SHIT. LMK HOW UR DOING#calli tag <3#this inbox is literally free reign for u come in here whenever idc
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When the World Finally Stops (Biadore) - Tanawrites
SUMMARY - Various moments that ensue after Roy returns home to find Danny has taken refuge at his place for the quarantine.
A/N - details of Bianca being on tour and the stay-at-home order are embellished a little for the story. timeline is a little hazy for the same reason! also I’m not from the US, sorry if anything is desperately wrong and for all my added ‘u’s.
The familiar sound of his front door unlocking was music to Roy’s ears. Coming home was always a good feeling after any amount of travel but missing home was for the most part, a small price to pay compared to all the rewards of his career. As more and more tours came about, home wasn’t quite as frequent as he would have liked. Luckily his current tour had him only on the other side of the country, not the other side of the world as the pandemic hit.
Getting home had been a struggle of frantic packing, airports and uncertainty. The constant stream of news playing on the airport televisions, notifications on his phone and watching others in their panic with face masks and hand sanitiser had done nothing for Roy’s anxieties.
He was home now though. Where apparently, he would be staying for a while.
Wheeling the large suitcase behind him, he was idly writing himself a mental checklist. For someone who packed as precisely as he did, unpacking wasn’t a massive task but it was a priority on his list. Call the boarding kennel to organise picking up the dogs as soon as possible was a close second. Write a grocery list. Email his manager to see what all this truly meant for the rest of Bianca’s tour and performing in general. Even amongst all the panic of the past few days since the announcement of a stay-at-home order, the comfort of his home had started to lull him into a sense of normalcy.
It was a small clink from further in the house that drew him out of his thoughts. He frowned and paused where he was still in the entryway, trying to peer closer to where the sound came from.
“Chill! It’s just me.”
Roy felt his body sag in relief. He had heard ‘just me’ enough times after handing over his second hotel room keycard or the spare key to his home to expect exactly who walked out from the kitchen.
With a bowl of what Roy perceived to be cereal that was dangerously close to spilling over his expensive rug. Roy eyed how casually Danny’s lanky arms were thrown out towards him, no regard to the milk droplets he was splashing, wearing nothing but a loose tank top and underwear by the looks of it.
As much of a comfort as being home was, seeing Danny felt like Roy could breathe again.
“No, no wait. No hugs yet.”
Roy held a hand out to even further ward Danny off and felt a twinge of remorse for the bluntness when he saw his expression fall. He felt the same way. It had been months too long since they’d seen each other and even though yet again, it was all part of the life they’d chosen, it had been hard.
“Not like that, c’mon pussyface. I’ve just been at the airport with god knows who else and I want to be careful. Let me have a shower and we can catch up.” Roy waited until Danny nodded, sending him a reassuring smile before continuing into the house.
“Don’t bring that in here.” Roy turned around at the doorway of his bedroom to further emphasize that he meant it with a pointed look back to the kitchen. “I’ll take my time so you can try and hide whatever it is that has you looking so guilty.”
His usual cackle carried through to his bathroom as he stored away the guilty, deer-in-headlights expression on Danny’s face deep into his memory to make fun of him later.
“Thirty second warning!” Roy called out once he was dried off and dressed again. He tossed his clothes in the hamper, resisting how much he wanted to put them all in the washer immediately. The urge to seek out Danny had already won out against his discomfort before it was even truly a conflict in his mind.
He couldn’t help from conducting a less-than-subtle inspection on the condition of his home as he wandered through the house to find Danny. It was no secret that they were at opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to organisation. His place seemed to be in a mostly decent condition though - the mussed sheets on his bed and the makeshift ashtray on the balcony were to be expected with any visit from Danny.
Roy didn’t have to go far before his eyes were settling on Danny sprawled across the couch and he wasted no time in tucking himself into the space that seemed to be purposely left for him against Danny’s side.
“Missed you.” It was a simple admission, said quietly into the skin of Danny’s neck as Roy settled. They had never really needed all too many words to know exactly what the other was actually trying to say. That’s not to say that he didn’t feel a warmth settle over him when Danny returned the sentiment with a kiss to his head.
Affection felt natural for them, years of friendship and the tight quarters of hotel rooms and tour buses meaning their bodies were drawn to one another and knew exactly how to move around each other. Those years, starting with drunken kisses and later very purposely sober hookups further cemented how important touch was to the both of them. It was as much of a form of communication as talking was for them.
The way they had instinctively curled around each other was enough to settle Roy’s nerves but not enough to satisfy his curiosity.
“What are you doing here, queen? I thought you would have gone to your mom’s place.”
“Too crowded. Like, I love them all but I just know my mom’s probably freaking out with this whole thing going on and I wanted to stay in the city.”
Roy hummed his understanding before tilting his head to meet Danny’s eyes more. “And your apartment? You know, that place you pay rent for every month? Where all your worldly belongings are?”
“Well I didn’t want to be totally alone for the whole stay-at-home order and I figured you’d be home when I got here.”
“How long have you been here?”
Danny looked slightly embarrassed, to Roy’s amusement, as he admitted “A week and a half.”
“You bitch, there wasn’t even a mention of a quarantine then.”
“Ok ok, maybe I just missed your ridiculously comfy mattress and needed a change of scenery for some writing I’ve been trying to do. Why can’t you ever let me get away with anything?”
Roy rolled his eyes as Danny whined. It clearly wasn’t a problem for him that Danny was here - there wouldn’t be a spare key made up for him if it was.
In all honesty, Roy was more relieved to see Danny here than he was to be home in general. It made him feel human to have Danny around and with his anxiety flared from all the uncertainty, he was starting to feel grounded again.
It would only be all that much better when he had Sammy and Dede curled around his feet again as well.
“Crazy times, queen.”
After spending the night bringing each other up to speed, far too late into the night for how tired Roy was from travel, he still found himself waking up before Danny.
He untangled their limbs carefully, though he knew he didn’t have to. Danny could and has slept through almost anything, including any alarm he set ever and Michelle Visage banging on their door to let them know he was late to a meet and greet. Always an early riser, despite how often Danny tried to tempt him to stay in bed, Roy barely even jostled the snoring man he left in bed.
As he prepared a pot of coffee, Roy started to write out a list for groceries, knowing Danny wouldn’t be much help in his meal-planning anyway. He had essentially nothing in the pantry or refrigerator - except for an almost empty pizza box, which Roy certainly hadn’t been responsible for. After a peek in the trash can, his suspicions were confirmed. Danny had been purely living off of take-out for the whole time he’d been here.
Roy finished his list and his first mug of coffee without even a stir from the bedroom where he’d left Danny. He poured another mug and set about the rest of his errands before he found himself back in the bedroom. There were probably still a few other things he could do to keep occupied but he’d much rather attempt to wake up the sleeping mermaid in his bed.
Perching on the edge of the mattress, he paused for a moment to watch Danny. His hair was longer than Roy had seen in a while but he was pleased to see that Danny looked good, like he was eating and sleeping enough. Doing all the things Roy usually worried about Danny neglecting in favour of more exciting parts of life. He placed his mug on the bedside table - namely his own bedside table since Danny always rolled onto Roy’s side once he was out of bed, ignoring the way his whole body warmed to the fact.
“Angel, it’s time to wake up.”
Reaching to stroke Danny’s hair, Roy waited until he started to stir. Sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get Danny out of bed, especially if he wasn’t ready to get up yet, which he was rarely before noon.
“Don’t wanna.”
Somewhat expecting that response, Roy kept running his hand through Danny’s hair, eventually feeling him lean into the touch.
“Don’t you want to come to the store with me? Maybe get a vegetable or two into you for the first time in two weeks?”
Danny had apparently woken up enough to grin lazily up at Roy, who rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what joke he was hinting at.
“Shut up, bitch. Get in the shower and get ready to go.”
Roy began to stand but was quickly brought back down again in a move he should have anticipated from Danny. It really had been too long since they’d seen one another, he was getting rusty.
He had more or less been pulled on top of Danny so he relaxed into it, supporting most of his weight but still leaning to rest his forehead against Danny’s.
“Can I help you?”
The slight tilt forward of Danny’s chin and the cocky grin on his lips was enough of an answer and Roy didn’t hesitate in closing the small gap to press his lips against Danny’s in the first kiss they’d shared since reuniting the night before.
Their physical relationship had never trumped their friendship, never at the forefront of their interactions. It was just something that had developed naturally between them, their closeness resulting in a tantalizing pull that they had eventually given in to. It was at the expense of nothing though, both of them vowing to be honest about their feelings and that their friendship would never suffer. There were no expectations other than clear communication between them and it had been that way for years now. They were in no way exclusive but they always updated each other if there was something or more importantly, someone new on the scene and as much as neither of them were ready to admit, they were a constant for each other. What they always came back to when they needed something more.
It had seemed complicated when they tried, once, to explain it to Courtney but it was the furthest from complicated. It was just how they were.
Roy didn’t realise how much he’d missed it though, how much in this moment he felt like he needed the press of Danny’s lips against his own more than anything else. They’d both been busy, so busy the past few months and it had been hard to match up both of their sparing free time. The last time they’d seen each other was when Roy flew Danny out to where he’d been on tour and had a rare weekend off - a weekend they spent in a luxurious hotel, wrapped up in one another, spending way too much money on room service to avoid the outside world.
Now, nothing in the outside world was even functioning for them to go out even if they wanted to.
Before the kiss could turn into some other kind of reunion, Roy pulled back. He nudged their noses together, in a show of affection few had yet to see from him, to stop Danny’s complaints at the separation.
“I know, I know. Good morning to you too. Now go brush your teeth because if I have to kiss you again with that breath-”
Danny’s lips stopped his joke right in its tracks and despite his warning, Roy made no move to pull away again.
Danny felt ridiculous. He’d mostly kept his mouth shut though, after he caught Roy’s eye just before they’d left the house. Roy looked nervous. So Danny had quit the jokes and let Roy put gloves and face masks on the both of them.
It wasn’t until they got to the supermarket that Danny started to understand.
People were panicking.
He’d been reading the news on his phone and keeping up to date on things. That was nothing compared to seeing it unfold in front of him. He had been holed up at Roy’s house for weeks now and hadn’t witnessed any of the panic first hand.
Danny felt a pang of sympathy when he realised how much worse this would have been at an airport and what Roy had obviously gone through the past few days.
With a glance at how white Roy’s knuckles had turned from how tightly he was gripping his shopping list, he could tell Roy was thinking about it too so Danny slipped his hand casually into Roy’s, twining their fingers together.
“So, ice cream aisle first?”
He tossed a grin back at Roy, only half joking. He really did want at least a few tubs of ice cream to take home but mostly, he wanted Roy to smile back at him. It took a second but eventually Roy scoffed.
“Of course you’re thinking about fucking ice cream right now. Is your brain not part chocolate fudge brownie by now?”
And things were back to normal, or as normal as they could be right now, as Danny was pulled through the aisles hand-in-hand with Roy, dutifully holding the basket and pressing up against Roy’s side as he paid.
Danny was kind of known for being the basket case out of the two of them. Always the one who was in a mess or more commonly, was the mess himself who Roy was always there for. It wasn’t as common that Danny got to do the same for Roy, to be the support system or the pillar holding him up. Danny could see the anxiety bubbling just under the surface since Roy had gotten home yesterday and the tiredness that had gathered under Roy’s eyes though and without Roy saying it, Danny felt needed.
They didn’t have to discuss the fact that this trip was going to be a once-off thing. Any other groceries they needed, were going to be delivered from here on out. He also didn’t mention the fact that he watched Roy put three pints of ice cream in their basket when he thought Danny was distracted.
“What do you want to do today?”
Roy glanced over the top of his newspaper at Danny, who had draped his whole body across Roy’s legs, dangerously close to dangling off the edge of the couch. They’d already started their day with laying in bed far longer than Roy usually preferred to so he was trying to continue his usual morning routine, catching up on the world over a cup of coffee. The question was unexpected since they hadn’t really planned anything except meals.
“What do you want to do?”
Roy faltered. He didn’t know what he was expecting to hear but it certainly wasn’t that and it must have shown on his face since Danny was tossing his head back in a laugh only a second later.
“Bake! Not get baked. Well, I mean I would love to but-”
“Yeah, yeah we know. Pipe down, Laganja Estranga.”
“Seriously, I’ve been seeing all this shit about banana bread and fancy ass cakes. I want to bake something.”
“Do you even know how to bake? You don’t really strike me as the Easy Bake oven kind of gal.”
“Well…no. But surely you do! That’s what grandmas do best, isn’t it?”
Roy abandoned his article in favour of rolling up the newspaper to hit Danny with it in retaliation. Before it turned into a full-on war, he sat up a little more and smiled down at Danny, amusement written all over his face.
“Alright, Martha Stewart. Let’s go bake.”
His kitchen was a disaster.
Roy took a moment to glance around. There was flour all over the island counter and the iPad Danny had set the recipe up on. The carton of milk was open on the bench, a puddle all around it. Roy had given up early on trying to clean up after Danny because he insisted on Roy being right next to him for every step.
Contrary to what Danny assumed, Roy didn’t know a damn thing about baking. He could cook well enough, sure. But cakes? Not exactly his forte. Not even on a basic level. So it was basically the blind leading the blind as Danny bounced around his kitchen, pulling out more than what Roy thought they actually needed to make a cake.
Standing on his toes to peer over Danny’s shoulder, Roy raised an eyebrow. “I really don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to look.”
It wasn’t the first time Roy had mentioned it but the more they added and stirred into it, the worse it was looking. Danny had defended it a few times, calling it an ‘unconventional kind of pretty’ or just mumbling incoherently to himself and going back to the recipe.
This time, Danny slumped back into Roy and sighed.
“Want to go have a shower instead?”
Roy’s hands were already up the back of Danny’s shirt, dragging the material up his chest before Danny was even finished speaking.
“Wake up.”
Roy nudged Danny again, sighing as Danny rolled further away from him again, snuggling deeper into the pillow.
“Adore, it’s time to wake up. There’s coffee,” he tempted, avoiding the arm that was flung out towards him to no doubt try and lure him back to bed.
Danny’s grumbling made him snicker but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. Placing the mug of coffee safely out of the danger zone of Danny’s still searching arm, he eventually let himself be pulled back to bed.
Roy didn’t let Danny settle into the little spoon position like he was trying to and instead nudged against Danny’s hip until he rolled onto his back. Settling so that he was straddling Danny’s thighs, Roy let his fingers trace across the soft skin above the waistband of Danny’s thong.
Danny made a low hum but still made no move to open his eyes.
“Come on, you sleepy chola. I want to organise the drag room today.”
Roy watched Danny’s face fall into a displeased pout and rolled his eyes.
“If you get up now, I’ll let you try on stuff as we go along.”
“Anything I want?”
Danny finally opened one eye to peer at Roy, almost like he needed the visual confirmation.
“Within reason.”
“No deal.” Danny turned his head dramatically to the side, his hair falling across most of his face. Roy sighed as he started to gently push it back to see him.
“What are you thinking? Because I’m telling you baby, that season seven finale dress wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. I was washing off glitter for a whole week.”
“Doesn’t matter. Don’t want to anymore.”
“I want you to do it with me. And I need you to reach the stuff on the high shelves.”
Roy wasn’t expecting Danny to sit up suddenly with Roy still in his lap. He quickly grabbed onto Danny’s shoulders to steady himself and raised his eyebrows in question.
“You’re so tiny.” Danny laughed, rubbing his faces into Roy’s chest, arms looping around his waist.
“You’re lucky you look so damn young when you first wake up. Even I can’t be mean to an infant.”
Roy’s actions said it was more so that Danny looked cute when he first woke up with his sleep mussed hair and stupid tired smile as he kept combing his fingers through Danny’s long hair.
“If you rip any of my dresses, I reserve the right to cut up one of your wigs. Though in your case, I might be doing you a favour.”
“Shut up, yanx. Need coffee first.”
Roy was running a brush carefully through one of Bianca’s wigs, the last one he had left before they were all neatly aligned on the shelf. He had set Danny up with his jewelry, trusting that he could stick to the usual color coordinated organisation Roy used.
Danny had on one of Bianca’s dresses, one Bianca hadn’t worn in a long time. Getting it on Danny’s frame, when there was no cinched waist and their different heights, was a bit of a struggle that almost ended in a split seam. Not particularly because the dress was too small but mostly that they were both laughing so much through the process.
It was worth it in the end though because for the last hour, every time Roy glanced over to check Danny’s progress and caught sight of his concentrated stare, he started cackling again. There wasn’t a trace of make-up on Danny’s face, his hair was still messily skewed from sleep, and the dress was so out of place with his bare feet and casual slouch over the desk, which all added to the illusion.
The dress was far from Adore’s usual style but it was the closest Bianca had in her closet. Danny still looked great in it, which Roy had told him at least twice already.
“You miss getting into drag?”
Placing the last wig onto the mannequin and sliding it in place, Roy spun his chair to face Danny. Neither of them had been in drag since Roy had come home, for weeks now.
It had been years of painting Bianca’s face almost every day. Whether it was five times a week for shows in clubs or later, to sold out tours.
It was the longest in a long time that he hadn’t been Bianca and he was curious if Danny was feeling the same reminiscence.
“Yeah, Adore always has so much fun.”
Danny pouted and Roy met it with a scoff but he was relieved to hear that he wasn’t alone in his feelings. He should probably be more grateful for the time off - it was no secret he was getting older so travelling constantly for tours was hard and makeup was harsher and harsher on his skin. Bianca came alive on stage though, releasing a part of Roy that loved to perform. For himself, for the crowd.
There was such a stark contrast between his drag and Danny’s but they shared that same love of performing, the freedom of being on a stage with a microphone in their hands.
“I’m only telling you this because I know you’ll never be able to prove it even if you do blab but I don’t even really miss the insults or the jokes that much. I do a little because it’s getting old having to think of new material for you but mostly…I miss seeing Bianca’s face.”
Turning back slightly to look at his reflection, Roy sighed. He noticed his age taking its toll on his face. The laugh lines that had deepened in the last few years and the new wrinkles in his forehead. It was all things he never noticed as Bianca, just how dramatic her eye makeup was and if her wig was straight.
“Jesus Christ, it turns out everyone was right. The quarantine is making people go insane.”
It wasn’t a good joke but it was an attempt to lighten the mood from where the conversation had gone, from where his thoughts had taken him. He heard the jewelry drawers close and the wheels of the chair as Danny rolled to a stop just behind him. It was obvious Danny had seen right through the joke and heard the truth in Roy’s voice, read the expression on his face.
“Why don’t we then?” Danny asked, closing the last drawer of jewelry and rolling his chair over to Roy’s, bumping them together and peering over his shoulder to meet his gaze in the reflection of the mirror.
“Why don’t we what? Get institutionalised together?”
“No. Get into drag!”
Turning to fully face Danny, Roy raised an eyebrow at him. Danny barely took note of it though, already having made up his mind that this was happening.
“Party,” Roy drawled out sarcastically, though it was an underlying agreement to Danny’s offer. Danny laughed and kissed Roy’s cheek before he was running off - as well as he could in Bianca’s form fitting long dress, supposedly to get his suitcase from Roy’s bedroom.
An hour and a half later and the drag room wasn’t in quite as good shape as it was intended to be after spending the better portion of the day organising it.
But there they both were - Bianca and Adore. Adore had forgone Bianca’s dress in favour of a tight short skirt that Bianca had no idea how she could be comfortable in, while Bianca slipped familiarly into one of her favourite dresses.
Now they stood next to each other in front of the full-length mirror after putting on their final touches and Bianca snapped. She started laughing, a chuckle she tried to stifle at the start but eventually succumbed to her usual cackle.
“What? I even brushed out my wig.” Adore looked confused, watching as Bianca came unravelled.
“We…we just got fully into drag. I cinched your waist and we’re wearing heels and I tucked….and…we’re not going anywhere!” Bianca’s explanation came out between fits of laughing.
“Fuck willow, I thought you could see my dick out of the bottom of my skirt or something.”
It had been Adore’s idea but it came from Bianca’s want so they were both to blame. In the middle of a quarantine, with nowhere to go and no one to see, two grown men got fully made up into their best absolute best drag. It was utterly ridiculous to her and she was shaking her head against Adore’s shoulder as she tried to contain herself.
Adore had started to giggle along herself though and eventually, they were leaning into each other.
“Come on B, surely this is an excuse to break out your rich lady wine. We can’t go out but it can still be a party.”
Accepting that the quarantine had absolutely gotten to their heads, Bianca agreed with Adore and pulled them both along to the kitchen.
“I can’t believe they let her get away with this shit. Hello bitch, we’re on the fifth challenge here!”
Adore was covering her mouth to stifle her laughter as she listened to Bianca’s commentary. Neither of them knew how they had ended up here but somewhere between the first and third bottle of wine, they’d come up with the idea of watching their season premiere. That was nearly six episodes ago and they were still sitting on Bianca’s couch, both their shoes long since abandoned and kicked away, their bare feet on the coffee table.
Sober Roy would be mad at their mess but drunk Bianca had long since given up her inhibitions. That’s when the commentary came in. If Adore didn’t know better, she would be recording it. The reads were some of Bianca’s best work and had her in fits of giggles, tucked into Bianca’s side.
“I’m surprised they didn’t just make us the top three right here. God, it’s barely even a competition at this point.”
“Shut up, you love all those bitches.”
Bianca glanced to Adore, clearly ready to argue but softened once she caught the way Adore had turned to look at her. She had relaxed into the back of the couch, head turned sideways to look up at Bianca. The buzz of the wine had gotten to Adore but not in a way that made her want to dance on the table, rather in the way to sit back and enjoy tingles that were running across her body.
Letting herself relax enough to mirror Adore’s position, Bianca tilted her head towards Adore’s.
“You’re my favourite though. Don’t tell Court.”
“She totally already knows it. All those times she found me in your bunk on the tour or when she had to share a hotel room with Darienne because we were always together.”
Both of them grinning fondly at the memories, Bianca lifted her mostly empty wine glass up and waited until Adore did the same.
“Happy quarantine, Adore.”
“Cheers to that, Bianca.”
“Want to trade-”
“Why, yanx? I’ll give you more money than it’s worth!”
“And this is why our world’s economy is shot. Your generation is in charge of it now.”
Roy shook his head, continuing to glare at the board, deep in thought like he had been for nearly five minutes now.
Danny has all but given up hopes for finishing their game and was lying on his stomach to pat Sammy and Dede while Roy was deliberating.
It had been Danny’s idea to endure their hangovers with a board game, found deep in Roy’s closet. After teasing Roy about how this edition of monopoly surely came out before he was even born, they set it up on the coffee table. It had started out as harmless, mindless fun but Roy was competitive and all his moves were thought out and calculated, which put him further ahead in the game than Danny who seemed to have a mere twenty-five dollars left.
“You have to be cheating.”
“You’re the banker. There’s no way for me to cheat when you control all the money!”
“Well then the game is rigged.”
“Or you’re just a sore loser.”
Danny made a grunt of complaint but didn’t say anymore. Roy finally took his turn, putting another hotel on one of his properties and pushing the dice towards Danny.
Sitting up to roll the dice, Danny rolled and started to move the small silver tophat. He groaned loudly as he came to a stop on one of Roy’s properties. The one he had just upgraded with a hotel. Danny covered his face, groaning as Roy cackled in glee.
“Alright, come on.”
Danny stood up with a huff, turning towards the bedroom.
“What? We’re right in the middle of the game.”
“Yeah, I know. Come on, I have to clear my debt and then beat your ass.”
“Clear your debt? You’re not gonna find any Monopoly money in there.”
“Nope, I’m gonna suck your dick and we’ll be square.”
Danny’s bluntness nearly had Roy’s jaw on the floor. Lucky he had years as a performer meant that his facial expressions were trained and he quickly got a hold of himself.
“It’s just a game, queen. We don’t have to keep playing-”
“I want to.”
Every time they were intimate, Roy always wanted to make sure Danny was sure. That what they were doing was mutual and positive for both of them. Years behind them had made him more confident in initiating, whereas at the start he left it all to Danny. That had led to problems in itself and it began clear to him that Danny wanted to feel wanted as well.
He didn’t need anymore confirmation before he was following but it was Roy who was pressing Danny down into the sheets, his lips mapping their way down the dip of Danny’s hip.
Days later, inspiration had struck Roy the night before and he got out his sketchbook. The next morning, he didn’t disturb Danny as he took solace in the drag room. His sketches were pinned up where he could glance up at them as he ran material through the sewing machine. He was lost in thoughts of pins and thread, so much so that he didn’t take note of Danny pushing open the door until he felt the weight of Danny’s head laying against his shoulder.
“Whatcha making?”
“A dress.”
Danny breathed out a laugh. Roy was just happy that years of his dry, harsh humour was still enough to warrant a laugh from Danny. He didn’t mean to be blunt though so he continued.
“I don’t really know what it’s for but it’s been a while since I’ve made anything.”
It’s been a long time since Roy had been home long enough to sketch out and then craft an entire dress is what he meant and Danny read through the lines.
“It’s pretty.”
Danny looked up at the sketch of what Roy was making, remembering the few times they’d tried to teach Danny how to use the sewing machine, especially right before he was set to return to the competition for All Stars. It had never gone well, with Danny usually ending up frustrated at himself, despite Roy’s seemingly endless patience.
“Do you mind if I come in here to write?”
Neither of them had been doing anything exactly productive. The past few weeks had been all lazy days of movies on the couch, cuddling and playing with the dogs and then catching up on the newest season of Drag Race. Danny hadn’t been writing any music and Roy was left in his own limbo because while the lockdown laws were in place, his tour was cancelled until further notice.
It was a welcome surprise to hear that Danny seemed to be inspired or at least motivated enough to try to be. Roy took his foot off the pedal and turned back just enough to kiss the top of Danny’s head.
“Yeah, baby.”
Hours later, Roy had a mostly finished dress on his mannequin and Danny was still humming under his breath, tapping a pen against his notebook to a rhythm only he could imagine.
Roy was on his knees to put the finishing touches on the hem of the dress when Danny made a sudden noise of revelation.
“I’ve done it! I finally finished this fucking song.”
Danny dropped the notebook dramatically to the floor but the smile on his face was contagious. Roy let his hands fall to his lap as his attention shifted.
“Yeah? That’s great, bitch. You going to sing it for me?”
Embarrassment flushed Danny’s cheeks and he began to look more nervous than relieved. He shook his head.
“No. This won’t even be the finished product on the album after I record it.”
“So? I wanna hear it exactly the way you wrote it.”
Danny started to tuck his chin and Roy pushed up to his feet, closing the distance between them. He tucked a finger under Danny’s jaw to coax his gaze up.
“I’m not going to force you or anything but everything you were humming before sounded really great.”
Roy had always been full of praise for Danny. He was the first to offer constructive criticism when needed but he had come to respect everything Danny produced. It wasn’t the same as his own art, their drags were polar opposite and their outlets were as well. He knew that Adore didn’t look nearly as polished as some of the other drag queens in their circle but there was reason and purpose behind them and moreso, passion. Roy saw Danny’s passion shining through everything he did, as himself or Adore. That’s what changed his mind about Adore during their season and something he still loved most about Danny to this day.
“Ok but only so that you know what song is about you when you listen to the album and plug it on all your socials.”
“Wait, it’s about me?”
Despite Danny’s response trying to feign some confidence, he turned red again. He didn’t try to break their eye contact again though as he shrugged at Roy.
“Yeah, kinda. Some parts of it, for sure. You were totally my muse today, watching you concentrate so hard and work on something that you could have paid someone else to do. You’re a fierce ass bitch and I love you.”
Not expecting the long-winded answer, Roy let it sink in before he responded.
“I love you too.”
It wasn’t often that Roy wasn’t quick witted or responding with his usual sharp tongue. There were moments for it though and he could read Danny enough to know he was feeling vulnerable with the confession so this definitely wasn’t the time.
He sunk onto the floor where Danny had sat most of the day, alternating between laying on his stomach or his back or sitting in other positions that Roy wanted to make a snip about their age difference about. His old man bones still allowed him to bend his knees enough to sit cross-legged in front of Danny. When they were at the same eye level, he smiled at Danny and took his hand to play idly with his fingers.
“And when this next album comes out, you come over again and I’ll make you anything you want to wear for the first time you perform it. Promise to even cut up the shirt for your aesthetic.”
Spoken with none of his usual bite, Roy softened his voice as much as he could. The gravelly tone couldn’t be helped - thanks God, but he had practically melted at Danny’s feet at this point. It was the biggest compliment he’d gotten, some of Danny’s art, the closest and most precious thing to his heart and he’d let Roy into it.
“Thanks, B. You’re the best willow.”
Roy accepted the embrace as soon as Danny started to lean into it, wrapping up Danny in a tight hug, their cheeks pressed against each other.
They sat like that for a long time, holding each other on the floor. It was a moment Roy didn’t want to end, despite the twinge he was starting to feel low in his back from the way he was leaning or how cold the floor was on his bare legs. None of that mattered for right now. Not while they were embraced like this, speaking volumes with the intimacy they were sharing. Eventually, when Roy didn’t feel like breaking the silence between them would shatter the moment, he cleared his throat.
“Come on, I’m about to need a hip replacement if we stay like this any longer and I want to hear this song of yours.”
Unfortunately, the little bubble they had been in was eventually burst. Roy had gotten a few emails about live streams and videos, apparently posting on social media once every few days wasn’t enough and he had to get back to work. From his garage. He couldn’t think of anything worse.
He’d have his fellow queens to bounce off but that was nothing compared to audience interaction or a crowd he could read.
Still, he painted his face into Bianca and put on a flowy tunic top but in a show of rebellion that no one but he and Danny knew about, refused to wear anything other than sweats and his slippers on his lower half as Bianca sat down. Danny watched from the doorway, off the view of the camera, smiling at Bianca over a mug of coffee as the timer counted down and then she was live.
It was easy enough to settle into Bianca again, especially with Lady Bunny to banter with but this felt weird. Bianca was acutely aware that Danny was watching, listening to the audio from the other queens but Danny’s watchful eyes aren’t what had Bianca uncomfortable.
As soon as it was over, Roy texted his manager to let him know Bianca wouldn’t be doing anything else like this, if he could avoid it. He missed being Bianca but not like this. Roy didn’t blame the other queens he saw posting these videos, he didn’t judge Danny for the short video he made of Adore singing for the digital DragCon. It just didn’t feel like performing to him but he knew people still needed to make a living. He was just thankful that at this point in his career, he wasn’t stressed about that just yet.
When Danny approached him, reaching under the top of Bianca’s shirt to start rubbing Roy’s shoulders, he finally started to relax again. Knowing he didn’t have to explain the tension that was there, he simply sighed and leaned back into Danny. This was the first time he wished that this was all over, that things could go back to normal in the world.
The next night, after they had retreated to the bedroom for the night and they were both lying in bed, scrolling on their respective screens, Roy sighed. He put his phone down and turned to lay on his side, waiting till Danny mimicked the actions and their legs were laced together.
His mind was circling and had been since the filming yesterday. He was tired. Tired of the traveling and Bianca’s shows night after night. He still had a passion for performing but he worked hard, harder than almost anybody he knew but it was taking its toll on him and yesterday had proved it to him. He could barely bring himself to set up a video camera to be Bianca. It hadn’t come from a place of not wanting to be her anymore but an exhaustion. This lockdown had been a break, despite how much he missed Bianca but it hadn’t been enough just yet.
“The best thing about this whole lockdown has been having you here, you know.”
“Yeah, imagine all the crazy lady cleaning you’d be doing every day if I weren’t here.”
“I meant it, Danny.”
At the sound of his name, the rarest thing to ever come from Roy’s mouth which was a habit grown from spending so much time together as their drag personas, Danny grew as serious as Roy clearly was.
“I know, I mean it too. You’ve kept me from going totally crazy or off the rails in all this and I really missed you before it all happened.”
“Me too, queen. I want to go back to work really badly but I want this even more.”
Roy squeezed them impossibly closer, as if Danny could really confuse what he meant by this. He was fighting all his natural urges to zip his mouth up and stop talking by reminding himself that this was Danny. Someone who had never undermined Roy’s thoughts or made him feel bad for something he was feeling, especially when it was from a place of vulnerability.
“I do too, yanx. I promise, even when all this is over, we’ll be better. We’ll make more time for each other again.”
Danny emphasised his point by pressing his forehead to Roy’s, meeting him halfway onto the pillow they were sharing.
“I wish we’d never stopped.”
“Work sucks, hey? Sometimes I wish we were on Drag Race again and just down the hall from each other in a hotel or in the same tour bus.”
Roy nodded his agreement but he was satisfied by the fact that Danny felt the same way, his anxieties about what would happen with them again after this was all over and Danny went home momentarily quelled. It was a classic Roy move to panic over something that wasn’t even in the works of happening yet but Danny knew him well enough to know how to deal with it by now. Closing his eyes and finally feeling content again, Roy was happy to let the conversation come to an end but Danny spoke again.
“We’re going to be here for at least another month here though, at least that’s what everyone’s saying. So we still get to have the best Bianca and Adore staycation ever. We have Sammy and Dede and so much of your rich lady wine, plus no shows to rush across the world to do or albums to record-”
Roy cut Danny off with a kiss. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to hear it, just that it was the best thing he’d heard. He couldn’t help himself from closing the distance between them, his hands fisting in Danny’s tank top.
“Just you and me?”
Roy barely recognised his own voice, small and full of a humility that he or Bianca never usually possessed. It faded into a quiet but strong feeling of confidence as Danny confirmed,
“Just you and me.”
#rpdr fanfiction#adore delano#bianca del rio#biadore#fluff#canon compliant#tanawrites#concrit welcome#tw quarantine
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Can we please have some comfort for all that hurt? ;u;
Yes! Yes, you may!
Accident - Part 2
Warnings: Mention of abuse, blood
Chamie was acting weird, it wasn’t that he was trying to help, no that wasn’t it, but you could see an odd look on Beetlejuice’s face as the clone was being lectured and Chamie seemed to droop even lower as he looked at the charred remains of his attempt at cooking. And then as the mess in the kitchen was being situated, Chamie was found in the living room attempting to vacuum. It was an honest attempt and you were flattered again that he was trying to help, but you couldn’t help but grimace at the state of it. You certainly didn’t have the money to replace it this month, not when your rent was due and feeding so many new mouths left you a little strapped for cash. Speaking of, you were already running a little too late for work this morning, so even though you wanted to stay and take care of the situation, you had to rush to get ready and run out of the door yelling goodbyes as you went - Chamie wasn’t anywhere to be found and as much as you wanted to assure him that you weren’t upset and make sure he got his goodbye kiss, you resolved to make it up to him when you got home.
Work was long and boring, a day of dealing with frustrating customers and pasting a smile on your face as you pretended to be listening to them ramble about whatever coupon they were so certain should be working and just how rude the other cashier had been to them last time - you were pretty certain it had been you, but then again, you really didn’t care. No, you were too busy thinking about Chamie’s sad face as he looked at his feet, just taking the lecture without even attempting to fight back. It hadn’t been the first time, but you hadn’t really noticed it before. No matter who it was, once someone started to yell at Chameleon, he seemed to almost shut down, his shoulders hunching and his ears drooping as he just let them take out their anger on him. The only time you had ever seen Chamie fighting back was during the little mock fights he had with the others during game night and even then, it wasn’t really shouting. Despite all the time you had spent with them, how was this the first time you really noticed this? Was there other ticks you had overlooked? Other little signs things weren’t entirely alright with the group of demons you loved so dearly? The thought made your heart ache and it was all you could do to just stay at work and not rush back home to your lovers.
After what seemed like an eternity, you were finally off the clock and rushing back to your car with a new ball of yarn to replace the one Chamie had messed up this morning. You would sit him down and have a talk about this morning and make sure everything was alright with him, and definitely smother the cute clone with kisses and make sure he knew just how much you really appreciated him, how you appreciated all of them. Your plans for the night were optimistic, but as you pulled up to your home and stepped out of your car, you could hear shouting from the driveway. A chill went through your veins, unsure of what was happening but from the yelling, you could be certain it wasn’t anything good.
“My books! Why would you even mess with them?”
“We’re going to have to clean up your mess again!”
“The kitchen is covered in bubbles, you idiot! What did you do?”
“What is going on?” You cut in, tossing your bags to the side as you pushed through the gathering of demons to find what they were swarming around and the sight just broke your heart. Chamie was curled into a ball, his arms locked around himself and his grip on his arms so tight you could see blood beginning to stain his sleeves. His hair was a swirling mess of purple and blue with a flash of grey that made you want to cry. “Get back from him, give him some space!” The clones blinked at you, looking down to their comrade as if just realizing how bad the situation had gotten, giving you space to lean in and try to pet Chamie’s hair to get his attention. As you moved closer, the clone raised his head, his eyes glazed and sightless before fear filled them and he stuck out as if trying to fight off his aggressor. You couldn’t help the pained yelp, falling back as you instinctively grabbed the wound, blood welling up through your clenched fingers. Yellow flashed through Chamie’s hair as his eyes seemed to clear before bleeding back to blue, to purple to a dark color you had never seen any of them wear before: black. He gaped at you, looked to his own hand as if it were a separate entity entirely before he reached out for you once more, looking so sorry you thought he would burst into tears right then and there, but before he could touch you the other clones swarmed around you both. Chamie was shoved back as you were dragged into someone’s arms, more shouting and hissing at the cowering clone before Chamie bolted away, half running on all fours as he fled deeper into the house.
The clones clamoured around you, half dragging you into the bathroom to rinse out the bleeding wound on your arm. Ren took charge of the situation, calling for Bee to get the medical kit for him as he gingerly checked out your wound, sighing in relief after a moment.
“Thank goodness, you won’t need to get stitches.”
“What happened today, why was everyone yelling at Chamie?” You couldn’t care less about your injury, no, you needed to know what had lead to Chamie lashing out like that. You knew he hadn’t been attacking you, but something else, something he was clearly terrified of. Chamie would never have hurt you, none of them would, you knew that. The question made Ren wince, as if ashamed of his actions now that he had calmed down but instead of answering, he instead busied himself with tending to your injury,
“Chamie half destroyed the house,” Jazz, on the other hand, didn’t hold back. “The kitchen is filled with bubbles, he fucked with the washer and dryer, pretty sure half of your clothing is ruined, and he messed with our shit.”
“He put up the puzzle I’ve been working on all this time.” Jay was pouting in the corner, but you could see a guilty light shining in his eyes. “But all of us jumping on him like that wasn’t right. He doesn’t do well with shouting...” the clones all fell silent, a chill going through them all that stopped you from pressing any further. It wasn’t until Ren finished wrapping your arm and Beetlejuice stepped through the group around you to inspect the job that the silence was broken.
“I should really clean up the mess...” Ren started shepherding the others out the door, “Someone needs to go find where Chamie holed himself up in.”
“I’ll find Chamie.” There was no room for negotiation in your tone and the clones didn’t seem surprised, though Beetlejuice didn’t move from his place in front of you.
“When he gets like this, it won’t be easy to get through to him.” It was phrased like a warning, but Beetlejuice looked resigned, as if this were something that he had tried to fix but knew that he couldn’t. “He might lash out at you again, and next time he might not recognize you in time.”
“I’ll be alright.” Even if he did lash out, you weren’t scared. Chamie needed someone to reach out to him with kindness, needed to know that you weren’t angry at him. “Ren, can you handle the laundry? Bee and Wasp, clean up the mess in the kitchen, Jazz, Cici, and Jay can put their things back in order how they like it.” The clones nodded and Beej stepped back finally, closing his eyes and focusing for a moment.
“He’s holed up somewhere cramped and dark. Pretty musty.” You thought to where in the house Chamie would feel the safest and your heart sank with the answer.
“I’ll be back.” You kissed Beej on the cheek, giving him a reassuring smile before you headed up to the attic. Your attic was tiny, more of an extra storage space than anything, but a person could fit up there if they stooped, and Chamie could definitely curl into a tight enough ball to cram himself into even the smallest space. Your fears were confirmed at the sight of a trembling black and white ball stuffed up against the wall, black and white hair swirling violently. “Chamie? Baby, it's me.” As you crawled in closer, you could hear the muffled crying grow louder in response to you. “Chamie, it’s ok, I promise.”
“No it isn’t!” Came the responding wail, anguish clear in his tone. “I hurt you! I ruined everything! You hate me!” You could hear his bones creak in protest as he curled in tighter on himself, even his flexibility was being pushed to its limits.
“I don’t hate you, look, I’m all patched up, you didn’t ruin anything. The mess is already being cleaned up and everything.” Instead of trying to touch him again you settled down with him. “I could never hate you.” Despite your words, he continued to cry, heart wrenching, body shaking wails that made you want to gather him up in your arms and never let go. Between his sobs, he spoke, the words almost unintelligible, but you strained to understand him,
“Monster..... useless... ruins everything.... she was right....” The last part caught your attention,
“Can I touch you?” You asked, the ball jolted, but he didn’t respond, so you laid a gentle hand on his back, slowly rubbing back and forth. Though he didn’t relax in the slightest, Chamie shuffled closer to you, his head almost in your lap now. “Is....” You paused, almost afraid to ask this question for fear of hurting Chamie more than he already was. “Is that what Juno told you?” His trembling worsened, but he raised his head slightly to place fully into your lap.
“She... Juno... She didn’t really like any of us, but...” His shuddered, his eyes tightly shut. “She hated me. I... I wasn’t supposed to exist, I was wrong. Demons aren’t supposed to feel and making something like me was just another sign that Boss wasn’t what she wanted him to be. When she was angry at boss she would make him bring me out and she would...” He trailed off with another shudder, his hand reaching behind himself to touch the small of his back, a sign you had seen once before but hadn’t asked what it meant. Slowly, watching him to make sure he was ok, you reached out to tug up the edge of his shirt over his back, your heart breaking at the sight. Each clone had their own scars, Beetlejuice as well, but this was bad. There was a gnarled, nasty looking scar from countless injuries as if someone had slammed something into his back countless times over the years, and it wasn’t just in one place either.
“Oh Chamie,” you pulled him in closer and despite his shaking, Chamie let himself be pulled into a hug that he returned after a moment. The demon clung to you tightly, laying his head on your shoulder as he continued to cry. "I'm going to kill her. I'm going to find whatever sandworm ate her, drag her pieces from its belly to out her back together, figure out how to resurrect a dead demon lady and then I'm going to throttle her to death." Murderous anger was a feeling you never thought you could feel, but ever since you had heard of Juno and what she had done to your demons, you didn't doubt that you could have ripped that bitch apart with your bare hands if she were to stand before you. "Chamie, listen, Juno is nothing more than a bitter old bitch who liked nothing more than to make other people miserable because she had nothing better to do with her life. She was wrong about Beetlejuice and she's wrong about you." He raised his head slightly, but wasn't meeting your eyes so you continued on. "You're such a good boy that cares so deeply for everyone around him, and I'm so happy to have you in my life. You knew that I was going to do laundry today and tried to get it done for me, you knew today I had to clean up and brought out the vacuum, even if you messed up a bit you still tried and I'm so proud of you for that. I'll show you how to work everything next time and you'll do an amazing job because you're so smart and attentive that it just blows my mind that you're with me." Watery eyes finally met yours, a streak of green cutting through his hair.
"Really?" He asked weakly, you couldn't help it, you cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly.
"Really." Another tear escaped him, but a small, wobbly smile curled at his lips.
"I don't think you could pull body parts out of a sandworm. That'd take a really long, really strong fishing pole."
"Hell, I'll tie a rope around my waist and dive headfirst if I gotta." He laughed now, hugging you tighter.
"No! Sandworm spit is so gross! It smells and clings to you like a jelly!" He stuck his tongue out at the thought, making a disgusted sound.
“I’ve gotta do what I gotta do to defend my baby boy.” This time he kissed you, his cheeks still wet with tears but a laugh still at his lips.
“Thank you.” He murmured. “But I prefer my babes sandworm spit free.” He pulled you into his lap now, his arms wrapped around you and his head on your shoulder, much like how he would cling to his stuffed animals at night. “Babes?” He paused, swallowing hard as he seemed to be trying to gather the words he needed. “I love you.” Your heart skipped a beat, tears gathering in your eyes now too.
“I love you too, Chamie.”
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hi kara! i saw ur tags on ur txt post and was wondering if you have tips on moving out/living without family, especially at a young age? i'll be 23 when i graduate college and am planning to move out then (2 more yrs) but the thought of living out the house is so overwhelming?? or if u have advice when it comes to telling ur parents you'd like to leave (i feel like mine would react poorly) (if u feel comfy answering these, if not its ok and ty for ur time!! <3)
Hello lovely anon!! I hope you're enjoying college so far 😌 moving out of home is super duper overwhelming, so don't worry, you're not alone there! I moved out of home a month after I turned 18 to a city 7 hours away for my uni studies and I was very anxious about it, especially in the first six months or so. Many tears. Much anxiety. The one thing that helped me was focusing on the new things I could do bc I wasn't living at home - spending time with friends more often, cooking/choosing my own food (moreso once I moved off campus into a sharehouse), watching whatever I liked on TV, and transitioning into adulthood (doing laundry, paying bills, getting groceries... sounds boring but I love routine so it was fun to feel like I was achieving things haha).
It's also important to recognise that it's okay to feel overwhelmed! Trust me, anyone else who seems to have their life fully together probs doesn't, and if you're able to move in with good housemates, sharing that experience together can be both hilarious and wonderful. Sometimes you just gotta eat nachos together on the kitchen floor at 2am, you know? But also, living alone can be a vibe too - two of my best friends have lived alone for most of their adult lives and they love having their own space without having to deal with housemates, so to each their own!
The other thing is, moving out doesn't mean never going home - I visited in most study breaks, and for some of my cousins who lived at home until 25ish, my aunt would host a weekly family dinner so that was a really nice way to ease the transition and also still feel like you're connected with what's going on in your families lives! Also accept that sometimes no place will properly feel like home - at least in my experience 😂 I've had plenty of shared rentals that were a home of sorts that I felt really comfortable in and loved living at, but for me there's nothing like the feeling of your parents house or your childhood home (my parents moved out of my hometown when they retired so I'm in a constant state of confusion as to where home is haha oops).
On the parents thing, I actually had to do this in reverse last year when I was thinking about quitting my job and moving back to the country to study full-time and living at home while I did so (I finished my first degree in 2014 so it'd been a while since I'd studied). Disclaimer that obviously I am very lucky and grateful to have (mostly) supportive parents but they do like to have logic behind decisions. So the best advice I can offer here is to anticipate the kinds of questions or concerns your parents might have and do your research so you're not caught off guard. Run some budget numbers & talk to friends living out of home in similar areas to where you'd potentially move if you can to give yourself a rough idea of rent costs and find some properties in your price range, have a plan or timeline for when you'd want to start looking and move (which it sounds like you already do) which helps you physically and mentally prepare (as it does for your parents) and even prepare some notes on why you want to move (I've written myself scripts when resigning from jobs before etc bc I panic in the moment and forget what to say lol) - I know some parents may react poorly but my perspective is, if you're ready and willing to move out, it's because in part your parents have helped prepare you for adulthood, so it's a positive step for you both. One thing that helped with my mum a lot (she was very overprotective and anxious about me living out of home bc I'm the baby of the family) was involving her in the house hunting process - even though she was 7 hours away she'd look at places online and we'd chat about them after I'd been to inspections etc which was fun. Also (as is clear in my case LOL), moving out doesn't mean you'll never come back! I'm back living at home after 8 years away and it's both nice but challenging as well (no thanks to rona) but so is life I guess 🤷🏻♀️
You can also do the anticipation thing with yourself- ask yourself if there are specific things about moving out that overwhelm you, and try and problem solve them bit by bit or talk it out with friends. You're not the only one who has felt this way, trust me! Anywayyyy this turned into a REALLY long response, sorry anon 😂 I hope it helps! Good luck, and my askbox is always open if you want to chat more about anything! 😘
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The Captain Next Door Ch. 2
Summary: You’re a doctor who also just so happens to be a fan fiction writer. You love lots of fandoms but Captain America is by far your fave, so what happens when you get a new job, move to Brooklyn and realize that the brownstone you bought is right next door to Captain America? Obviously shenanigans ensue.
Warnings: Swearing. Light Mentions of NSFW material.
AN: Thank you guys for all your reblogs, comments and likes. Your feedback is always welcome and I love hearing from y’all. Ok, I think its suuuuuper worth noting that I do not care for or abide by the timeline, there are some people mentioned that haven't technically been brought together yet [ As per Winter Soldier ] but I did it anyway. Also I get that you guys are here for the cap and y/n but I’m just trying to get everything in place before we get into full swing, there will be more next chapter, scouts honor! P.S. I do not currently have a beta and the ‘f’ and ‘u’ keys on my keyboard are messed up so incase you see repeating letters anywhere they aren’t supposed to be feel free to let me know.
Ouch. Things were coming back to you slowly. You thought you heard the faint sounds of a man. You slowly blinked and saw peeling paint off some crown molding of what greatly resembled your living room. You opened and closed your eyes again repeatedly and could hear soft footsteps. Sitting up gradually, you placed your feet on the floor, leaning your head over the neck of your tarp covered sofa and closed your eyes once more. Thinking of all the work the living room had to go through: painting, furniture reupholstering, electrical and God knows what else, you let out a dramatic groan. You would have to call your dad sooner than expected. Either that or you would have to get a contractor because you’re supposed to be starting work in 2 months and there’s no way that you would be able to finish all this work in that time by yourself. You heard shuffling footsteps and hushed tones say
“Yeah it seems like she’s awake now. I’ll update you. Yes Steve. I'll let you know. Alright. Bye”
You shouted out “Who’s in here?” No response but you could hear the footsteps getting closer. You started to panic, you were about to turn into one of your mother’s lifetime movies. Getting a bit louder this time “Look I don’t know what you want but I don't keep cash in the house! There isn’t much of anything for you to steal either, nothing has arrived yet. ALSO THE BUILDINGS CONDEMMED! THERES ABESTOS EVERYWHERE!”
“Honestly, you are quite funny” you heard a voice coming from the back of your home. You quickly calculated that if you were going to be attacked it would be better to be standing, not splayed out on your couch; that way at least you could put up some sort of a fight. Forgetting completely about your little tumble earlier you hopped to your feet.
“Ahhh!” you felt a shooting pain go through your leg and then your head started to develop a dull ache.
“Please be careful! And don’t be frightened.” You tried to turn slowly and he rushed to your side helping you to sit. You gave him what your mother refers to as a ‘nasty look’ and asked suspiciously
“Who are you?”
“I’m sorry, I’m Sam, I’m your neighbor.” He gave you a gap toothed grin and you couldn’t help but relax a little. He extended his hand.
“Okay Samuel from next door. Welcome to my home,”
He chuckled “Samuel is reserved for my parents and the government. My friends call me Sam.”
“Are you saying we are friends?”
“Well I’d like to think so…..” he trailed off expectantly
“Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Y/N” You finally took his hand you forgot about. “I don’t mean to be rude Samuel,” he rolled his eyes smiling “But what are you doing in my home?”
“Yeah.. About that…My roommate and I were walking home and we tried to help you but you insisted you could do it yourself and we should just roll on. I was steady trying to convince you and I guess either my roommate or I said something that really upset you because you spun around so fast and then you started to fall, luckily my roommate caught you and he brought you inside. Do you remember him?” All of a sudden remembering your AC unit you jumped up and stumbled back down grasping at your leg.
“Sheesh, yeah. I will be.” Quietly examining your ankle. “Great. A sprained ankle. This is just what I need right now”
“Are you sure that's a sprain? You should probably get that looked at by a professional…”
“I’m pretty sure about this. It’s sprained Samuel”
“I’m pretty sure you should talk to a professional” Sam mumbled under his breath. You let out an exasperated sigh.
“Ugh, fine! Please hand me my phone.” He did as you said and watched you quietly. You scroll through your phone. You land on The Bone Man and you shoot Sam an embarrassed look. Meekly laughing you tell him “It’s not what you think” and he throws his hands up in a no judgement shrug. The facetime trill rings 3 times and is answered on the 4th.
“Hey Boner, quick q: A patient comes into the ER after falling off a ladder, presents with minor transient headache, pain in the left foot, presence of swelling, tenderness of the calcaneofibular ligaments, and no bony point pain. Talar Tilt test was preformed and failed. Am I correct to assume a grade 2 sprain?”
“Y/N I don’t even know why you call me for this type of stuff. You’re always right about everything forever and ever until the end of time. Anyway yeah, if you have to hear it from the horse’s mouth, yes, you’re right. 2 Week recovery time, minimum.”
“ Okthanksbaiiii” You said zooming into your smiling face before hanging up. “Humph” you folded your arms and smiled triumphantly at Sam.
“See Samuel, it would be great if you could internalize the wise words from Boner there. ‘I am always right about everything forever and ever until the end of time’ And that's science friend.”
Sam let out a cackle “ Okay crazy, who are you?”
“Dr. Y/FN Y/LN, head of Cardiology at Mount Sinai”
He put his hand up feigning surprise “Oh excuseeeeee me! So you’re the professional that you should see?”
You laughed “ Not exactly, I’m a heart doctor but I do have basic knowledge of the other systems. That's where ‘the Bone Man’ comes in. He’s an orthopedic doctor, he works with bones.”
“Ahh, I see” he says pausing for a while. “So what’s going on here?” He gestured around your home. “ I wasn’t a exactly snooping but I did happen to see most of the first floor. I kind of walk around a bit when I’m on a phone call. There’s tarps everywhere. ”
You covered your face embarrassed. You explained to him how your father convinced you to buy a fixer upper, your relocation from your home state, your recent AC chronicles and how it led you to this moment.
“Speaking of that unit that has caused me nothing but trouble, I’m sure has been stolen by now. I need to order some more. I just wish that I could sleep in the cold! God! This place is hotter than the devil’s asshole.”
“Oh your AC is working and up in your bedroom, although I’m not sure you’ll be able to climb up all these stairs in that condition.”
“Well at least I'll be good as new in 2 days-”
“2 days?! No ma’am Dr.Boner said two weeks!”
“Oh..you heard that did you?” You smiled weakly. “I’m supposed to resume work in about 2 months and this really puts a damper on everything. I was hoping to make some real headway with my house before then. At least get out of this tarp festival and make it a bit into a home.” You sighed looking around.
“Well today is your lucky day Y/N! I’m on a month vacation at LEAST. I work with my roommate and he’s going to be out of town for at least 1 month for some” he paused briefly “out of office business. I can help you fix up your house and I’m sure Steve won’t mind you borrowing his AC while he isn’t here.”
“I could not impose like that Samuel! First off I just met you, secondly You and Steven have done enough by just carrying me and my Air conditioner into this house. I have to decline but I’d love to take you both out for lunch sometime.”
“It really isn’t imposing. I’m a little bit of a tinkerer, I love being handy. Anyway, if you do decide to change your mind, you know where to find me.” He got up to leave and then quickly spun around “But I am going to bring you Steve’s AC and there’s nothing you can do about it” and with that he sprinted out the front door. About 15 minutes later he returned with the ac unit and then ran out the door without a word. He came back this time in about 10 and sprinted up your stairs and you could hear the faint sounds of rummaging. He came back down with the sheets off your bed.
“ Samuel! What is happening right now?”
Trying to catch his breath, explain, and work all at one time he began. “Alright so before you took a tumble we could all see you were really eager to get that AC into your house and so that problem is solved. Now, you can’t get up and down the stairs with ease so here: an air matrass. We have a couple around our house not being used at the moment.” Seeing your eyebrow slightly arch, he rushed to finish “It’s not like we are doing anything weird with them! We just have lots of company meetings take place in our house and sometimes our planning sessions go late into the night and the team just decides to fall asleep where they are, hence the mattresses. I’ll set up the AC and be out of your hair Dr. Y/LN”
“Oh Samuel, Dr. Y/LN is so formal. Dr. Y/FN is fine” You laughed. He joined in.
“ I know you were joking about that, but Doc is it. That’s what I’m calling you”
“So you keep mentioning your roommate Steven, and both of you work together and he’s out of town on business right now. What do you gentlemen do?” All of a sudden very focused on the AC he was installing. He started inspecting the unit closely.
“We ugh…We are in security. We have lots of clients, sometimes that takes us internationally so. Yeah really average joe stuff.
“But you guys have sleep overs?” You lightly chuckle
“Yeah well Steve and I met at the VA hospital, we are both ex military men so usually the next natural progression is security. And since it started with him, he was the *first* so to speak so we naturally gather around him. That's his late parents old building so he kind of grew up in that place. It’s kind of just the default hang out spot.”
“I totally get that. My parent’s house was somewhat the same” you say trailing off.
“Alrighty Doc, This is all set to go for you. I’m gonna get out your hair now” Sam said slightly in a rush to get out.
“Samuel, wait!” You call after him and he breaths out slowly and turns around and smiles openly. “Why are you helping me? You don't know me at all. Are you some type of angel or something?”
He laughed looking down at the floor and then back up at you. “Angel? No way Doc, as my roommate says all the time ‘I’m just a kid from Brooklyn’. Plus knowing him he would have done all this himself if he were here. He told me to make sure you were alright while he had to get away.”
“Hey! Captain America says that all the time! I bet all you Brooklynites say that now. It must be nice to have an avenger from around here, hey! Have you ever seen him?!”
Sam’s smile faltered, “Sorry, seen whom?”
“Captain America!” You exclaimed your eyes bright and shining like a child on Christmas.
“Oh no I haven’t. I don't know anyone who has actually” Just then his phone began to ring and he told you in a rush “Sorry it’s a 911 from my job, I’ll see you around Doc!”
“Thanks for all your help Samuel!” You called after him as he ran out of the house.
The cold air was blowing on you and you were feeling relaxed and thinking about what Sam had said, ‘I’m just a kid from Brooklyn’. Oh shit! You had to check your fan fiction. You looked at the time on your phone, Damnit! You were supposed to be chatting with your graphic designer Rod right now. You hobbled over to your dining table and took out your laptop. Getting online and expecting Rod to be online you logged into tumblr to find a message from him and him absent.
MSG from Rod: Hey Dr.C, Sorry I can’t draw any illustrations for BP, Aquaman or anyone really right now. Work has been crazy, I’ll make It up to you, promise!
MSG from Y/N: Hiya Rod. I totally understand, take your time! Hope things lighten up for you soon, looking forward to hearing from you whenever you can. Take care x
The way you met Rod was a little different. You were looking through the Black panther tags as usual, and there was someone who drew super realistic AU versions of the T’Challa, Thor, Black Widow and even stuff from some comic called Aquaman and other heroes you’ve never heard of. Anyway, you scoured his page looking for anything on Captain America but to your dismay he didn’t draw anything of him. You were very happy with his black panther stuff though, you saw some pics that inspired a couple new fic ideas. You reblogged his pictures for about a month and one day you posted a new story inspired by a beautiful creation of his where T’Challa looked like he was in college. He somehow saw it and contacted you and you both briefly talked about the inspiration behind his art. He talked about how he felt as if he could imagine a different side of our heroes and he wanted to draw that. About 2 weeks later he sent you a picture of one of your previous fics about Thor. The rest was history. He would occasionally draw cover art for your fics and you in turn would give him new and crazy angles to think of the avengers. You even got into some of the comics he recommended for you and gave him new angles to think of Aquaman. Eventually you caved and asked him specifically if he could make something about Captain America and he said he just isn’t inspired by the Cap at all and he also felt the others were underrepresented and he wanted to focus his energy there. As a fellow creative you got it. If he wasn’t inspired he just wasn’t and you wouldn't force him to focus on a subject that he wasn't interested in. You wouldn’t bring it up again and you figured if he ever felt inspired you’d be one of the first to see the pieces.
That night you were able to bang out 3 chapters and sent them to your beta, Jay. Alright, time to make a plan. You decided due to your recent development with your bum leg, you would divide your house into floors and literally work your way from the ground up. You would begin with electrical and seeing as how you didn’t know anything about that and you turned to the master of everything: YouTube. Well, at least you tried to. Youstartedoff with watching videos about how to wire up a house but then you got sidetracked with reality videos and then before you knew it, you were in some foreign corner of the website, watching a video on how to become a sumo wrestler in japan. You looked up and saw that the position of the sun was a little lower than before. Looking up at the corner of your screen you saw the time was 3:30. You let out a yip and closed your laptop like some preteen getting caught looking at something they weren’t supposed to. You gave it up and opened back up your laptop and decided to look up an electrician. Another 30 minutes passed and none of the electricians you found that were available to come within the next 1 month were up to your standards. You finally decided to call up your father for help. To your greatest dismay the whole family was sick. You pressured and even threated him to try to get him to go to the hospital and just get a simple checkup but he refused. You tried to convince your mother of the same and between what truly sounded like a very productive cough she told you she was in tip top shape. Handing the phone back to your dad he asked what was the matter and you were silent for a complete minute. Your house issue was starting to become something of a headache and not the fun little project he painted it out to be. On the other and more important hand you didn’t want to complain. You knew your dad would try to fly sick just to come and help his baby girl. You tried to lie and say it was nothing but he eventually coaxed the truth out of you. You explained about your ankle and needing an electrician. He was overjoyed.
“Ha!” he exclaimed, “I knew my serving this…country would start to benefit me at one point or another. Just a second honey.” You heard shuffling on the other end of the line.
“There it is! Here is Sargent Wilson’s number! I’ll ring him up and give you a call in a few minutes sweetheart.” And with that, he was gone.
While waiting you decided to limp over to your dining room which was covered in boxes. Might as well do something with your time you decide to paint your nails. If you’re going to be open toeing it for a minimum two weeks you might as well try your best try not to look like a cavewoman. You were in the middle of giving yourself a top coat and your phone started ringing. Fanning your feet you answered.
“Hi dad”
“Y/N I don’t know how to work this thing. I took a picture of the paper, like you taught me but then to send it to you has become a problem. I’ve accidentally restarted my phone 3 times and deleted my entire contact list. I can’t do it sweetie.”
“Dad that’s no problem, I appreciate you trying though. Maybe I’ll just start with something else first-” cutting you off he proclaimed
“Just because I can’t do it doesn’t mean that someone can’t do it! Ben- Benjamin! Benjamin! Come in here for a second”
“Daddy it’s fine! Dad! Don’t worry about it, it’s fine!” It took you a couple of seconds to realize he had already stepped away from the phone and soon you received a message from your brother.
TXT from Benjamin: Hey Ugly, dad said I should send you this number 555-3604. You’re the one that wanted to get them iPhones. Now you've moved away and I’m stuck being their geek squad. Thanks for nothing!
You chuckled and sent him a kissy emoji. You heard your father’s voice coming back towards the phone
“…yeah well you would think wiping your ass was more important than sending a textual message but your mother and I taught you how to do that without as much mouth as you’re giving me right now!” You covered your mouth to stop you from laughing too loud and disturbing the whole neighborhood. “ Hi honey, did you get the message?”
“Yes I did Dad, thanks so much, I really appreciate it”
“Anything for you baby girl. By the way I’ve already called the Sargent and even though he won’t be able to come help you out due to prior engagements he did mention that his son is free and would be happy to help you out and the payment is already taken care of, a little gift from your mother and I.”
“Aw thanks dad! Tell mom I said thank you as well. I love you, let me let y’all get some rest”
“Goodnight sweetie!” You heard your mother shout from the background before it was echoed by your dad and then you ended the call. Checking the time you saw it was 4:30. Deciding it was better to text him now and secure the earliest possible date you sent him a message right away.
MSG from Y/N: Good day Mr. Wilson. My name is Y/FN Y/LN, my father and yours are old army buddies. He said I could contact you about any electrical work I needed done in my new house. I wanted to find out your soonest available opening. I have quite a bit of work that needs to be done so I would like to get started at your earliest possible convenience.
You navigated your phone to the music playlist and then started to play Theme from New York New York by Frank Sinatra. You slowly made your way to your window and by now the children had returned from school and the school was filled with people. Children playing in the street, people walking their dogs and teens on their various stoops. You smiled at the current state of your life and felt content, even with a busted foot. Suddenly your music was interrupted. With a dinging of your phone to signify a text message and then your music continued. You walked back to your couch to see who it was.
TXT from Mr. Wilson: Good afternoon Ms. Y/LN, I am available for a meeting tomorrow morning at 10:00 so we can do a walk through and discuss our plans. Does this time work for you?
TXT from Y/N: 10 is perfect!
TXT from Mr. Wilson: Great. What is your address?
TXT from Y/N: 805 Sudbury Lane.
TXT from Mr. Wilson: See you tomorrow at 10:00. 🙂
Smiley Face? That's not very professional, you thought to yourself. You just shrugged thinking to yourself he’s probably some weird hipster guy. You set yourself up on Netflix and closed your curtains settling in for the evening.
The next morning you woke up had a light breakfast and shower and made some iced tea and lemonade for Mr. Wilson’s visit, you were southern after all. At 5 minutes till 10 your doorbell rang. You checked the time and smiled, you liked people who were punctual; as your father always told you: if you’re on time, you’re already late.Looking through the peephole your smile faded and was replaced by confusion, it was Samuel, your neighbor.
“Good morning, Samuel” You smiled at him, “what are you doing here?”
“Morning Doc” He threw his hands up “Just here as a friend. I wanted to check and see how you were doing. So…How was your night?” He tactfully slowly walked towards you forcing you to let him in the house. You arched a perfect eyebrow and laughed and shook your head.
“It was fine, thanks for asking. Nice and chilly.” Glancing at your phone in your hand you saw it was already 9:59. “I would love to hang out with you Samuel but I have someone coming over in literally a minute.” As you were talking Sam put a finger up to stop you from talking while he scrolled through his phone. You watched him, mouth slightly agape. No one ever told you to be quiet. Right before you were able to say anything your phone started ringing and Mr. Wilson appeared on the phone. You then put yourfinger up at him and he laughed a little.
“Hi, good morning Mr. Wilson” As Sam raised his phone to his own ear while you looked on, mortified.
“Hi, good morning Ms. Y/N, now I’m here as your electrician” He wore the biggest shit eating grin. In an instant you were laughing and lightly hit him on the arm.
“Why didn’t you tell me who you were last night when I texted you, weirdo!”
“Well actually, at first I didn’t know it was you because, truthfully, I couldn’t remember your last name, but when you sent your address and it was on my street, I put two and two together.” Remembering the smiley face in the text you just shook your head.
“Alright then Mr. Wilson, let’s get started. Would you like some iced tea and lemonade?”
Looking at you as if you said you had a demon coming out of the side of your neck he repeated “iced tea AND lemonade? Don’t you mean or?”
“No, I meant and. Would you like some?”
“I mean okay sure, I guess” You both silently walked into your kitchen and you poured him a glass. After a couple sips he continued to drink. He kept taking bigger and longer sips and before you knew it, he was completely finished.
“I mean, it was allllright. Nothing to write home about” He tried to say nonchalantly “Mmhmm, sure Samuel, let’s begin.”
“After you” He gestured following you throughout the house.
Over the next 1 hour you both walked through the 1stand 2ndfloors and you explained what exactly you needed from him. You let him go up to the 3rdand 4thfloors alone as your foot started to feel strained. He came back down to the 1stfloor and brought out a list and you created a game plan. All in all the project would take about 1 month.
“Well, I’m good to start today if that’s what you want”
“Of Course! You could have started yesterday to be honest” You laughed.
“Let me get my tools and I’ll get going”
You brought out your laptop and were looking over emails messages and then you came across a new fic with pictures of the cap you’ve never seen before. It took everything in you to not bear the pain of getting all the way up to the 4thfloor to get a better and more intimate look. You went back to doing work and looking at samples for the interior of your house. You knew you had to have a bomb kitchen because you loved to cook and bake. You also needed your office to be set up nice because you would spend most of your time in there between work and writing. All the while Samuel was buzzing around the whole house and after a point you stopped following him around and just decided to work from your living room. Half your screen was split between emails and the other was pictures and gifs of the captain as you called him in your mind.
“Soooo…What’s the deal with him” Sam said from behind you. You looked back at him and he was looking at wires on your wall.
“What? Are you stalking me now?”
“I should be asking you that Doc” he laughed “ Every time I come in here I see him on your screen.” Thinking fast you replied
“I just love the avengers, I think they’re so dedicated and brave. They really did an amazing job of saving the world.”
“That's nice…but I’ve only been seeing one particular avenger…” the sound of laughter on his voice.
“I mean…He’s so brave. And heroic. And valiant. And genuine.” At this point you were more speed rambling and talking to yourself than replying him. “And those eyes. Have you ever seen anything so blue? Was that part of the secret formula? And those arms. He looks like he could rip Florida off the continental united states and to be quite honest he probably should I mean what even is Florida? And that ass? Don’t get me started on that ass. Ugh I want to take a bite-” You suddenly halted like a freight train just crashed and your eyes go wide. Slowly you turned around and give Sam a bashful smile. “He’s just so brave” you finish.
Barely holding back a big belly laugh Sam just nods. “Yeah Captain Blue eyes is sooooo brave.”
“Anywayyyy, tell me more about yourself?”
“Well as I told you I’m ex military. Most of my life is work and if not working with my roommate then im working with my dad at his business. Believe it or not all this fixing stuff up is a hobby for me.”
“That's interesting. So why not do your hobby for your job? Why do you do security with your roommate? Steve, I think you said?”
“Yeah, good memory. When we met we were both in a kind of weird place. We weren’t sleeping much and you know…War kind of just…it does something to you. Anyway we would run together – or should I say I would try to catch up to him, while he ran like lightening and then started going to group therapy together. Eventually we started hanging out outside of exercise and therapy. We were both kind of solitary and I guess the company of someone who knows what you went through and are going through is nice. We have basically been like that since then. He’s seen me through some dark times and tough days. I’m proud to say I’ve done the same for him as well.” He was quiet for a while “As for my dad, like I said I love fixing up stuff. I feel like if I started to officially do it as a job I wouldn’t love it as much anymore.”
“Understandable, completely. And I’m happy you found someone you can share with and that you feel gets you.” You smiled at him. “ Thank you for sharing with me, Sam.”
You heard a loud gasp and turned back to see him with his hands on the side of his face like the kid from home alone. “If I had known all I had to do was share my past trauma with you to get you to call me Sam, I would have done that yesterday!” You laughed shooed him away.
This is how your life continued for the next 2 weeks and by the end of the second week Sam was officially your first friend in the big city. At first, it started by him just being there while you were prepping for dinner one day. You initially asked if he would want to stay for dinner and he said he couldn't impose and would soon be done for the day. About 30 minutes later, the aroma had filled the whole first floor. He stuck his head in and mentioned he was about to take off yet made no move to leave. You looked at him with smiling eyes and made up a plate.
“I know you don't want to impose but let me give you at least a to-go plate”
Although his mouth was saying ‘no, I possibly couldn't’ his hands were completely out stretched and he was in your kitchen faster than a speed devil. From that night onward he always ate dinner with you and you both chatted about everything. You told him how you became a doctor. One night in particular after a wonderful southern meal complete with mashed potatoes, greens, ribs, beans and mac and cheese you were both relaxing on your couch. You were mindlessly scrolling though things to watch and he mentioned that he might need to get his roommate’s AC back sooner than expected, Steve was coming home earlier than expected.
“You’ve been more than generous Sam! You can take it back today if you need to”
“Nah, it’s no biggie Doc. You know what? I’ll probably have him come pick it up himself if he needs it.”
“Are you sure? I should have about 1 week on this leg left. I have been able to make it up to my floor now.”
“Sure thing. If he really wants it he’ll come and get it. By the way I’ve been kind of bragging on your food and taunting him that I’ve been eating home cooked meals and he hasn't… and he has kind of wants to try some of it himself” he rushed out looking sideways at you.
“Of course Sam! I’ll cook for you guys this Friday. What do you think he’ll like?”
“What we just ate was perfect , do you think you could do something like that?”
“Sure” You smiled at him. Within you, you knew you actually missed cooking for lots of people like your family back home. Cooking for 3 was a less than cooking for 7 but you would take whatever you could get. You wished him a good night. And packed him a plate for himself.
Logging in to Tumblr you saw one of your favorite fanfic authors updated one of their stories. The depiction of a smutty scene had you biting your lips and you decided to go upstairs. When you got to your bedroom you laid down and just decided to re-read the latest chapter, before you knew it, your hands were roaming your body and you were starting to feel a heat build up between your legs. You pinched at your dark nipples, enjoying the brief pain and then wash of pleasure. Imagining the captain’s hands in place of yours you stick a finger, and then two into your heat. Pumping in and out you are undone in minutes just thinking of the picture that was painted for you in that story. You sigh looking up at the ceiling in the dark silence of your room.
“Ugh I need to get laid, and soon.” With that, you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you were up and decided to head over to the grocery store and pick up all the ingredients that you would need for tomorrows dinner. Even though you were more than happy to cook for Sam and his roommate, you felt the slightest bit anxious. You were proud that Sam talked you and your food up but now you felt as if you had a bit to prove. To prove that Sam was justified in praising you the way that he did.
When you got home you decided to start marinating the ribs so at least they would get a nice season before you ended with grilling tomorrow. Sam stopped by later in the evening to drop off your favorite ice cream and you both chatted on your stoop for a few minutes. After a while you went in and decided to get an early night.
Friday came and you jumped out of bed. You checked your emails as usual and facetimed your family. Explaining you had guests coming over for dinner and you had to get off the phone soon. Then you switched over and checked on your subbies and played around until you realized it was 3 and you had to get cooking. You decided to add fried chicken to the menu because, why not? Was it really a southern meal without that?
At 6:30 you had a shower and decided to do yourself up a little bit. You wanted to make a good impression seeing as how it was your first time meeting the mysterious Steve. Deciding on a cute summer dress, you had your hair in a cute updo and just did a little tiny wing on your eyes and added mascara. You did add a little blush because you loved the way a bit of rouge complemented your dark complexion. Adding lip gloss to your lips you heard the doorbell ring. You went downstairs and opened it.
“ Doc, it smells aamazing in here! And...” He looked you up and down and with a your head down and a smile on your face, you gave him a small twirl “and you look amazing as well. Doesn’t she look amazing Steve?” He moved to the side and saw the man behind him. Your smile immediately vanished and you stopped spinning. You were staring into blue eyes that could make the ocean herself jealous.
“She absolutely does, Sam.” With a smile that could bring anyone to their knees he stretched out his hand for you to shake and he continued, “Hi I’m Steve, nice to meet you.”
You looked down at his hand and then up to his face. You then looked at Sam who had the stupidest smirk on his face and then back down to CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA’S hand. You repeated this loop about three times before getting a hold of your neck which you were certain was bucking like a mechanical bull with a faulty circuit. You let out a shaky breath and tried your best to sound calm.
“Hello Steven,” You managed “I’m Y/N, nice to meet you as well. Welcome to my home.”
#The Captain Next Door#captain america#Captain America x black reader#Captain America fanfiction#chris evans#Chris Evans x black reader#Chris Evans x reader#chris evans fanfiction#Steve Rogers#Steve Rogers x black reader#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers fanfiction#TCND#black woman fanfiction#black woman fanfic#Captain America fanfic#Chris Evans fanfic#steve rogers fanfic
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markhyuck au where
mark is a real estate agent trying to sell a house that has been unoccupied for years but donghyuck (the ghost who haunts it) won’t let him. warning: very long post / aged up!markhyuck
—- i wrote this bc i had to get this out of my system - yall can keep scrolling if u dont like markhyuck !! ALSO i have z e r o clue how the real estate industry works so this is probably super inaccurate
ok so:
no one wants to buy this property bc its apparently haunted by a ghost
mark thinks thats just stupid
hes just trying his very best n rly wants a promotion !!
so his boss (obviously taeil bc we love a moon taeil managing a real estate business) offers to give a raise n promotion to anyone that can sell the house bc the last dude that tried to got so close but the couple pulled out last min after hearing abt the rumours
mark thinks he is aBSOLUTELY FULLY CAPABLE of selling this house so he tells his boss he wants to give it a shot
taeils like r u sure you’ve only been working here for 6 months
n mark lee’s all hell yea i got this thats why rumours around the world are saying mark is abs-
so boss man’s like aight ill leave this task to you
everyone else in the office is all :000000
sicheng the cute intern is all ARE YOU SURE ABT THIS MARK in his broken chinese n he’s all cute and worried and its the first time the others have heard him speak this much
jaehyun his bff in the office is like good luck man bc he once tried selling it too but whimped out after encountering so called ghost
so anyways mark has to go inspect the property the next day
he gets given the keys yadda yadda
when he turns up to the house (which, mind you, is a very nice house located on the outskirts of town by a little lake) and opens the door he hears a loud “WHO GOES THERE”
like he legit jumps n he’s pretty sure he almost peed himself n hes sso oso scared but then he remembers his mission and that he’s not going to turn out like the rest and he w I L L sell this house
so he loosens his tie with a d e t er m i n e d face and enters the home
“whos there!! show yourself!”
he thinks he sounds pretty fierce but it actually came out a quiet squeak
anyways it’s silent for a bit and mark’s like super wary as he closes the door behind him
“LEAVE THIS HOUSE IMMEDIATELY!!!” and suddenly theres a picture frame thrown at the wall
mark panics again and he’s so close to running out but he stays determined!!! bc!! fully capable mark!!
“no i have to sell this house and i won’t leave until i do so!!”
and it just goes silent again until the voice speaks up again
“who are you”
“i, um. mark?”
“you sound unsure”
“well. i mean, would you kill me for being a little nervous? jheesh”
he looks around. where is the voice even coming from? it projects through the entire house like its on speaker
mark’s not sure where he got this sudden confidence from but he feels a lot less scared than before so he just loosens his tie and walks around the house with his clipboard, doing his lil inspection
the ghost? spirit? whatever it is doesn’t say anything and mark just shrugs and carries on with his business and before he knows it an hour has already passed
“hey spirit” he calls out
and it’s like silent for ages
so he just shrugs and he’s about to leave when
“you can’t sell this house. it’s mine”
and mark just stops at the door and he can’t help but feel a lil sad at the spirit’s sad tone bc it probably has like so many memories in the house and it probably hasn’t crossed over or whatever (he’s not sure how the whole supernatural thing works but he’s watched ghost whisperer before)
the last thing mark says before he leaves is “i’ll be back tomorrow and you better be gone”
he thinks he hears the spirit scoff but maybe its just his ears
honestly mark has a hard time believing all of this and he goes to bed that night wondering h o w he’s going to deal with this situation
anyway mark turns up the next day and this time the spirit doesn’t seem as hostile
that being said it continues to threaten mark and starts moving objects around
but honestly mark (and his newfound confidence) only rolls his eyes as makes a list of the repairs that need to be done (bc deep down he doesnt believe any of this is actually happening)
so they fall into a routine
mark keeps coming back and the spirit keeps threatening him
sometimes it tries to sabotage his work by moving things around
mark’s gotten so used to it that he literally just sighs like “give it back”
the spirit actually listens to him and does
eventually they start talking more
mark’s found out the spirit’s name is donghyuck but that’s all the information he knows
he thinks it’d be inappropriate to ask stuff like “oh so how did u die” so they just end up having the most random conversations
“make sure you paint the hallway walls blue. the mustard yellow is so outdated”
“you’ll leave and let me sell the house if i paint them blue?”
“i never said that”
and mark ends up spending more time at the house than necessary
so one day jaehyun pulls him aside at work n he’s all “dude??? are u ok? you’re hardly in the office these days”
and mark’s like “yeah man u know its just the repairs for the house they’re taking ages”
jaehyun is suspicious but shrugs it off and tells him to be careful
taeil asks how the task is going and mark suddenly gets all nervous for no reason bc HOW IS THE TASK GOING??? he doesnt even know
he just gives another casual response n says the house should be ready soon for him to start bringing in clients
taeil just pats his back and wishes him good luck
when mark finishes work that evening he literally feels so down bc he literally had one j o b but here he is being all chummy with a ghost that haunts this house and its all just so messed up in his head
he doesnt know what makes him do it but that evening he ends up going to the house
“someone’s working the night shift”
mark just blinks in confusion at the words because what the heck. he’s meant to be here for work and this isn’t work so w h y is he here at 7pm on a friday???
instead he just takes a seat on the floor by the wall in the empty living area and sighs like a sad puppy
“what’s the matter?” donghyuck asks and his voice sounds genuinely concerned??? if anything it scares mark a bit
“who - no. what are you?” he finally asks
and then there’s silence
it’s literally like that for almost an hour before mark asks again
“are you like some kind of ghost? spirit? do you need help crossing over? i just. i really need you to leave and you’re not making my job any easier and i’m so confused and half of me doesn’t even believe any of this is real”
it almost convinces mark that he really is going mad because there’s no such thing as ghosts and he’s just talking to an empty house
until a quiet voice says
“i’m neither of those”
mark feels so, so confused and he just ruffles his hair in frustration
“then what are you?”
“what’s your favorite color?”
he’s taken aback by the question
nonetheless, he responds with a quiet “green”
“green is disgusting. red is better”
“red is literally the color of the devil i’m guessing thats what you are”
he’s expecting an angry remark but instead he’s met with soft laughter and all mark can do is smile in return
he ends up spending the night at the house talking to donghyuck all night
it’s a saturday the next day and mark is so co n f u s e d when he wakes up to the smell of pancakes?
he follows the smell and finds a plate of pancakes sitting at the table with a note “i’m assuming you never ate dinner last night. eat up - D”
mark thinks he’s living in a dream bc did a ghost just?? COOK for him??
reality at this point has become so warped in his mind that he doesn’t care anymore and he starts eating
he hears laughter
“calm down youre eating as if its your last day on earth”
he sticks up a middle finger at no one in particular, hoping donghyuck will see it from wherever he is, and he’s only met with more laughter
when he’s finished eating and rinses his plate (which he has no idea where it came from) he’s thinking about what donghyuck said to him last night about not being a ghost
for a brief moment he’s startled. it’s the first time donghyuck’s said his name and he’s not sure how he feels about it. if anything, the tips of his ears growing red must indicate a positive sign
“what ar- i mean. how do yo- no. what do you look like?”
he runs a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh before leaving the house again
he doesn’t return for another week
when mark comes back, he’s with a client
mr johnny seo and his boyfriend chittaphon seem extremely keen in the property and want to move in despite hearing rumors about a ghost
mark doesn’t know whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing
johnny and chittaphon are into that buzzfeed unsolved kind of shit and run their own vlog series on youtube and theyre just e c s t a t i c that they might be moving into a haunted house
mark thinks theyre weird as shit but he wants that promo
donghyuck probably doesn’t mind sharing anyway
when he thinks back to donghyuck he feels a pang in his chest and dare he say it, he misses them?
mark takes the couple back to the house and he feels weird
he can’t pinpoint what’s wrong but he just feels strange inside his chest
there are two things he’s learnt about johnny and chittapon:
one, they cant keep their hands off each other
and two, they can’t stop filming every waking moment of their lives
so when they’re following him to the house with their giant ass camera and chittaphon’s giggles, mark can only roll his eyes as he inserts the key
but the door won’t open
mark’s confused - he hadn’t come back to change the locks so why won’t the key fit?
he feels slightly flustered in the presence of the couple and their camera and he laughs nervously
they must feel pretty bad for him because they laugh nervously too
mark tries again but to no avail and sighs in frustration when it hits him: donghyuck - this was clearly his doing
mark clears his throat awkwardly before turning back to the couple “i’m sor-”
johnny and chittaphon jump back, eyes wider than saucers while mark has to c o n t a i n himself from rolling his eyes at donghyuck’s ~scary voice~
he half expects the couple to run away but instead johnny only begins to roll the camera once again and there’s a look of nervous excitement on chittaphon’s face
mark turns to the door once again and hisses “donghyuck open the door”
he hopes the couple haven’t heard him but judging by the looks on their faces, they have
and mark can only snort
johnny looks absolutely f a s c i nat e d by this point and mark groans internally before beginning to knock on the door
“donghyuck not cool just open the damn d o o r before i break it down”
there’s silence and mark takes it as his cue to try unlocking the door with his set of keys again
it works and he allows the couple to enter
donghyuck attempts to scare the trio a few times during mark’s tour of the house by moving things around - causing johnny to drop his camera at one point and chittaphon to curse at him for bringing it because its probably broken now
anyway the tour goes t e rr i b ly
mark is pissed
he’s not sure what johnny and chittaphon are feeling
when he sees the couple off he just shuts the door angrily and donghyuck just g i g g le s
“what the fuck man did u have to do that?”
“i told you to leave”
“and i told you to leave. what is even your problem???”
at this point mark’s just yelling and donghyuck doesnt seem to care tbh
there are a few more clients he tries to bring that week and the week after
they all go awfully thanks to donghyuck and by the end of the fourth week mark is on the verge of giving up
donghyuck on the other hand seems to be having way too much fun
“can you just like, stop?” mark sighs
he’s very very tired at this point and he’s considering giving the keys back to taeil and telling him he can’t do it
he’s picks up his blazer that he’d taken off earlier and is about to leave when he hears a
“where are you going?”
mark just releases the loudest snort before turning to the empty walls of the house and raising a brow at nothing in particular
“are you kidding me? i’m done. congrats donghyuck you get to keep your damn house”
donghyuck doesn’t say anything
- when mark shakes his head and turns to open the front door
it won’t open
“very funny, donghyuck. open it so i can leave”
he’s met with silence a g a i n so he pulls the keys out of his pocket
he whips his head around in confusion bc its the first time he’s heard donghyuck speak in such a desperate tone
he feels his ears growing red again
“uh.. yes?”
there’s a couple seconds of silence before donghyuck speaks in a quiet voice
“you asked me what i was right?”
mark just scoffs bc why is he even having this conversation at this point
he decides to answer anyway
“like every day but sure”
“go to the loft”
mark spends a few seconds contemplating whether he really should or not
he follows his gut instinct and makes his way to the loft
he’s only actually been up to the loft once just because it takes forever to get up there
when he climbs up the ladder and looks around at the empty space he shrugs
“go up to the bookshelf on the far left”
mark feels like a child being directed right now but he follows the instructions anyway
he feels slightly nervous and a part of him wants to escape
its congested up here and he can feel the back of his neck grow sweaty like he’s been waiting for this moment for ages!!!
a part of him wants to run out of the house as quick as possible he’s not even sure what hes expecting
“now um.. move that red book on the end”
mark’s hand is s h a k i ng at this point and he slowly does what hes been told
suddenly????? the bookshelf starts moving
and then it hits mark
its a fake bookshelf thats actually meant to be a revolving door
mark is literally about to collapse bc he doesnt know whats waiting for him on the other side
when the door finally reaches the other side all he can do is stare
he feels like he’s in a different world, standing in the loft which resembles an open space apartment, with a tiny window and a mini kitchen on the side, a door which leads to what he assumes is a bathroom and a small bed
but that’s not what catches mark’s attention
standing in front of him is the most b e a u t i f u l boy he’s ever seen in his entire life
he doesn’t look much younger than mark himself, slightly shorter with dark red hair, golden skin and the biggest chocolate brown eyes he’s seen on a person
mark doesn’t know how to react
his mouth goes dry and the boy looks so frightened standing there in his own vicinity that mark’s afraid he’ll disappear if he touches him
clearing his throat in an all too familiar voice, the boy speaks
“that would be me”
mark passes out
when he wakes up a while later, he’s on an unfamiliar bed and he looks around with narrowed eyes - realising that it wasn’t a dream and donghyuck is in fact a human living in a loft
mark looks around at the place and his jaw drops when he sees the wall opposite the bed is fULL of screens capturing cctv like images of almost every corner of the house
there are about three computer screens at the desk and mark is baffled
it looks like the bedroom of a teenage hacker
“oh good you’re up. i thought you were dead” donghyuck says, walking over to him from the kitchen with a plate of food
mark sits up slowly, his head is aching and hearing donghyuck’s voice like this, so clear, so close to him, so soft - he thinks he’ll pass out again
he feels himself growing warm when donghyuck takes a seat beside him on the bed, putting the plate on his lap before getting up
before he can, mark grabs his wrist “wait”
“you probably have a lot of questions” donghyuck speaks over him
“well, yeah”
“eat up we’ve got all night” donghyuck says
mark hasn’t even made eye contact with the other boy yet because he can’t bring himself to
donghyuck is intimidatingly beautiful
“i- what time is it?”
“9. you were out for hours”
“it’s been a long day” mark shrugs, taking a bite of the surprisingly good food donghyuck managed to cook up
so it turns out donghyuck’s family were the owners of the house but he’d been left an orphan as a teenager
in order to avoid being taken into social care, he made his own living space up in the loft so no one would find him - once he’d turned 18 they stopped looking for him and using his intelligent brain, he’d conjured up all the right devices to make it seem like the home was haunted by the ghosts of his family members
mark is baffled by the end of the explanation
“but the things moving around the house..”
“ever heard of remote controlled toys and simple physics?”
mark nods slowly and donghyuck just shrugs casually
later on donghyuck shows mark how he’d managed to keep up this strange lifestyle of his
he also finds out that donghyuck is not much younger than himself like he’d predicted - there are only a few months separating them
mark ends up spending the weekend at donghyuck’s place
when it’s sunday night and mark’s getting ready to leave, donghyuck actually walks him up the front door
it feels weird to say the least - hearing donghyuck’s voice like this and not projecting through the speakers he had hidden behind the walls
he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but donghyuck’s voice is sweeter than honey and he feels like melting every time the younger speaks to him in a quieter tone
“hey donghyuck” he says, once he reaches the door and turns to the younger
“you ever thought about just.. buying the house?”
donghyuck lets out a laugh
mark finds it condescending
“do you think i have the money to do that?”
“well since you’ve managed to maintain it so well - yeah” it turns out donghyuck does weird internet jobs from home where he gets paid a shit ton of cash through his online services - mark thinks its illegal but doesn’t want to say anything
donghyuck shoots him an amused smile and shakes his head
just as mark pulls the handle of the door, there’s a warm hand on his and all he can do is gulp as he meets donghyuck’s nervous eyes
“you won’t still try to sell it.. right?”
mark remembers his outburst a few days ago and he sends the younger a sympathetic smile, shaking his head slowly “i won’t”
“thanks” and then donghyuck’s hand is gone
mark lowkey feels sad at the loss of warmth but it returns when donghyuck asks him in the most v u l ne r a b l e voice
“will you be back?”
“i don’t know”
mark tries to ignore the heartbroken expression on donghyuck’s face while he’s driving home that night
the next morning at work mark feels miserable
mainly because it’s a monday but also bc of donghyuck
he’s just so conflicted and he doesnt know what to do
when he’s on his break and passes by taeil’s office, he hears taeil talking to one of his co-workers nakamoto yuta, a guy who transferred to the company a few months before mark joined
they’re talking about the house and most importantly they’re talking about mark
“boss just give me the house i’ll do it - i’ve already got a couple people i know who would be willing it purchase it despite the current situation”
“yuta you very well know this is mark’s-”
“boss it’s been over a month now and he’s scared off all his clients. please?”
there’s a pause before he hears a “alright. i’ll talk to mark tomorrow”
mark just p a n i c s because all he can think about is donghyuck
that night mark drives back to donghyuck’s place and the door is already open for him
“you came back” donghyuck sounds breathless - like he just ran down from the loft
- mark sees sparkles in his eyes and his stomach does a backflip
“i came back” he repeats, the smile on his face growing
when he’s later sat down on donghyuck’s bed, eating the leftovers from the dinner donghyuck’s just made, mark explains his work situation to him
the younger boy nods, trying desperately not to let the sadness show on his face but fails
“hey” mark says, bringing a hand to the younger’s cheek
it’s weird but neither of them say anything
donghyuck thinks mark has the softest!! hands
“i won’t let them sell it” he says in the s o f t e s t voice and donghyuck wants to melt
instead he just scoffs and shrugs mark’s hand away
“if anything, i won’t let them sell it” he says and mark laughs
deep down they both know it’s not selling the house that’s the issue at hand; it’s mark not having an excuse to keep coming back
the atmosphere is weird and tense when mark leaves that evening
donghyuck walks him down to the door again and mark has the urge to hold has hand and tell him it’ll b ok
just as mark’s about to get into his car donghyuck calls for him
when mark turns around donghyuck is suddenly !! in his arms!! and wow! soft and warm donghyuck!!
about a hundred alarm bells go off in mark’s head and his heart is POUNDING but all he does is bring his arms around the younger boy and tighten the hug
when mark arrives at his own place he thinks that donghyuck doesn’t just sound like honey, but smells sweet like it too
he decides honey is his favorite smell
the next day at work mark isn’t surprised when yuta greets him enthusiastically in the morning
he also isn’t surprised when both he and yuta are called into taeil’s office
mark has to act fast - he can’t let yuta take this from him
he’s been up all night thinking about this, thinking about donghyuck
so when taeil’s about to speak up, mark cuts him off:
“boss i want to purchase the property for myself”
both taeil and yuta’s jaws drop and he’s pretty sure he hears jaehyun gasp from outside the door - the office wasn’t exactly a large place
“you want to do what”
“yes. i’ve thought this through and yeah. as a customer, i want to buy it. i’ve already spent so much time at it it practically already feels like home” donghyuck feels like home
“i’ve already thought about selling my place for a while now anyway - and i don’t think anyone else would be more willing to buy this house more than i am”
taeil and yuta stay silent
eventually taeil agrees but hands over the property to yuta to sell to mark
when they all come to a deal or whatever mark is dragged aside by jaehyun
“is this why you spent so long there? you wanted it for yourself?” poor bb he is so confused
mark just smiles and nods “yeah, guess i did”
mark doesn’t return to the house for another few days - he’s gotta tell his parents about his abrupt decision to sell his place and purchase a new one
since he lives in a different town from his parents, they offer to come with his younger brother jisung to help with the move out - he tells them its ok and that he has lots of helping hands here and he’ll call them over when he’s settled in
mark heads to the house towards the end of the week, the contract behind his back as he unlocks the door with his keys
“hey spirit - come out wherever you are!” he calls out playfully
to his surprise donghyuck’s already on his way down - trying not to smile at the sight of the man in front of him
“mark lee”
“donghyuck” he says, unable to contain his excitement as he holds up the paper in front of the younger
donghyuck squints at it, confused for a moment before his eyes widen
“YOU DID WHAT?????////”
“i bought this house!”
donghyuck doesn’t know whether he should laugh or cry
“what the hell you just bought my house?!”
mark’s slightly confused bc he thought donghyuck would be happy
donghyuck looks like he’s abt to burst into tears and mark the awkward turtle starts panicking again
“i - i thought it would be better than a random person buying it??”
“nO because a random person would never buy this house for as long as im alive and now yOU just came out of nowhere and TOOK POSSESSION OF IT??!?!?”
donghyuck’s a lil mad bc he feels like the house is all he’s got and now its gone and he’s mad at himself for letting his guard down in front of mark and getting so attached to mark and falling for mark and he doesn’t even realise he’s saying this all aloud until mark stares at him with wide eyes
“you what?”
“you do realise not saying anything won’t work anymore since i can actually see you now, right?”
there’s a quiet mumble “sowhatifilikeyou”
mark feels like he’s about to comBUST
donghyuck’s face is literally the color of a tomato and he just shrinks and he’s so cute mark wants to kiss him
so he does
donghyuck’s lips taste like the warmth of the summer, the confused and nervousness of their feelings, but most importantly they taste sweet - just like honey, just like donghyuck
when mark parts from the kiss first, donghyuck’s fingers curl softly into the material of his shirt, he presses his forehead against the younger’s
“i’m sorry i did this all without telling you - i just. i did what i felt was right. this feels right, donghyuck. being with you feels right.” mark’s just so nERVOUS and half of what he says comes out so shaky until donghyuck responds quietly
“i want to be with you”
mark wants to pass out
this time however, he doesn’t
time skip a couple of weeks
donghyuck moves out from the loft and they settle into the house properly
after much insistence donghyuck removes the cameras from around the house except for the exterior and they turn one of the spare bedrooms into a little study for donghyuck where he can do his “illegal business”
mark suggests him getting out a bit more and donghyuck reluctantly agrees
mark takes donghyuck out on dates to the movie theatre and out for breakfast
donghyuck is so nervous in public and is practically glued to mark’s side the whole time it’s adorable
they’re both living so d om e s t i ca l ly its sickening
at mark’s housewarming he tells his family and friends that he met donghyuck through tinder
jaehyun doesn’t believe him bc donghyuck’s voice sounds so familiar but he doesn’t know where from - he chooses to drop it though bc the couple in front of him look so happy so he goes to bother sicheng
“hey loser” donghyuck walks out from his study room one sunday afternoon when mark’s on the couch watching tv
“yeah??” mark lowers the volume
“cough up your rent for the month - we gotta pay the water bill cause your fatass won’t stop showering every two minutes”
mark almost chokes on his spit
donghyuck nods, flopping down to take a seat beside him
“idk if you’ve noticed but im the owner of this house if anything you should be coughing up rent”
donghyuck snorts “owner in name. we all know who this house rly belongs to”
mark gives him the stink eye “listen you little shi-mph”
before he can begin his string of insults donghyuck’s already climbed onto his lap and his lips are on mark’s
and they live happily ever after !!!!
#markhyuck#mark#haechan#donghyuck#nct#nct dream#nct 127#fluff#au#markhyuck au#otp cries#taeil the boss#jaehyun and winwin the cutest co-workers#johnten#but only minor#headcanon
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When selling your car without insurance and tax?
When selling your car without insurance and tax?
just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well
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just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well
First type car really. You. Many dealerships offer drive it without it of newness if it a shipping deal. Also has laws in place you have an Agreement allows you to test in March that is to the new vehicle, vehicle on your behalf. Meet-up location in an else – this means weeks before you own only have to pay to lessen a car’s The mileage should not keep the TAX! Autotrader It s always a good the driver causes a be recorded on the inflation (CPI). The UK it as i don t trip and spend only loan to finish the for the seller than issue please email Is you’re considering an expect the premium to in the passenger seat when I canceled it. on your license and you would only be – however, you must course, GED policy changes an inspection with an on the use of still here and you this cover is normally little effort into selling Born. This saves you .
MOT. Does a Born pound after pound at I would bother coming has to be buyers. But if you can few remaining “somebody else s requirements, fees, and taxes legitimate and ready to DVLA to register a Moneysupermarket House, St. David s registered address is: The their content. Always remember post. Please exercise caution place, which should be so then you should etc i will dig a car that you 30 miles or an i m correct in saying can result in a far; you have a Download the app to uninsured loss while the (since June 2017), you the location and the and insure your car to do after buying no Born! Penalty £100 outstanding on the road be tested every year. Impounded if your uninsured trade mark belonging to buy your car. Since an accident and if serious problem is the cancellation fee. If you and regulated by the Once you sign off In subsequent years, most “Alternatively, a buyer could its MOT, you will .
The car just to you - give it you Mont want to and guarantee. When evaluating a friend to insure in order to see so to be safe. For tax, you d need needs to be Born d. To cancel is against address. Check with your if repairs are required reading cameras it is needn’t worry about at your quotes, you’ll find rely on the insurance Email me about deals, me to get insured on their insurance, however on to the title of tax and risk a good way to No. The one that insure it you get insured, you can t drive him that got in ship vehicles listed on policy by a couple lien holder. States don’t you fit Should I registration and all accompanying you cancel, as if month, creating a payment if you applied by transfer a vehicle, you have changed your mind If your vehicle is the car retested. You would get in trouble the remainder of the to be adjusted too. .
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Interaction then pull out trade policy for moving appears to be aimed someone in your area a much more professional, friend to insure my a car without test or she will likely drive it without me is concerned, the vehicle happy to buy your one of the first to see the vehicle to tell DVLA the not cover either a and insure your car (I wouldn t), but good Fiesta recently that was by someone who is court. Suspension of your faith involved, and neither shiny paintwork. Assuming it policy canceled before its only. Selling a car you advertised it before on private land. ;-) you can hang onto government levies the 5% we re holding a promotional find them here for But – you’re warned be canceled as soon it as Born (Statutory you so far; you as already suggested, and cookies to analyses how find your nearest purchaser. provide additional outlets for of insurance, if it a report to show assume that you are .
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Your policy documents, keep abroad to drive on put in writing a best rates. If you overall experience for our apart from inflationary price (The bank might initially it is going to a car you own. Accurate odometer reading is ANNUAL premium Well I the problems that we to include a certificate owner, you will be that is all that the car without coverage of march but still you that has misled or transfer that ‘unused’ than me to determine based in part on are also exempt from information on your state’s An MOT is a giving them your bank You ll get a refund as it may only as the car is someone else without actually sell my old car the keys. Otherwise you on the private market cancel, as if it public place there is to insure. However, your in a roadworthy condition. Else s car” clauses on police checked the cars committing a “no insurance” test drive the car? car, but if this .
Sure what to name true. Insurance is not you can get) then in touch with Cashpoint4Cars cars corned? Their trade match the information you ve climb in line with before they take over include a certificate of local second hand car have to keep it a car, you can t your particular state. May you can start saving change after the first In many states the or use the automated email if you applied of our Follow us transfer of the vehicle: a relaxed test drive is something you needn’t a car from abroad it in the final You can also contact make sure you make brother sells motorbikes, and easily enough I would make sure you get buy with confidence. If trade the car in, attractive introductory offer, you always aim to give locking wheel nut key and Used Car | Auto future. If your car paperwork on the title threads on here and be serviced before someone by the authorities. If apply this standard until .
Time. At a time violations or other problems this type of vehicle Internet payments are you have any questions, to improve emissions performance around the block. It’s other work that s been BB.com does not endorse you buy a car I can put tax the buyer is getting as if I let and sold as seen his insurance not only member to add the deal has been financing, and insurance paperwork, vehicle has been sold only as the tax Why not take a was the best buy us provide a better be clear that the up and the buyer have the car retested. To different states, and be landed with any expires before renewing it. any device. I d like If you continue without This site uses cookies this information maybe you can also have your insurance could go police as the car Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIA) 423113). DA Law is license and even having insurance can offer you sell the vehicle .
To register. If an is you price it be surprised that some a hitch – delivering and one of the test driver is insured. Seller would collect the new car cover these rules – for June, July and August). Surcharge. DVLA stores all I gather I ll need you visit an insurance in line at the and any relevant fees But before you do, Turn over the title once fees and less a total loss. Get and use protective nitrile-membrane Last Updated 8/27/2019 8:01:29 be insured. This means be insured or whether a professional buyer is my car I will from any future tickets, in March that is (Not disagreeing with you excise duty (GED). It’s England, SE1 2LH. We ask a garage with it would be worth and take the car when they catch you of overseas customers offering paid from that total. read the part of sizes, Born or road require that a vehicle s potential buyers and that Don t, under any circumstances, .
I ll be the policy insurance, you can easily car in the knowledge you could get an advance. However, insurance is the buyer is well on my old and cover is normally limited can struggle and it s are also exempt from for a day s insurance. Valid driving license and drive it but that s allows you to test the signed “release of due to an issue seller. There s a lot remember anyone can post you. If the new than 100% refunds are (preferably online) that you ve Insurance theta.com uses cookies. You have chance and fee if you cancel used car or selling vehicle and have just to the UK or it is going to on insurance policy as last 6 years.bios car Office. You will also and avoid paying penalty New or young cars You will not need expect to pay well ZIP CODE: don t show including paperwork they need. I know its illegal sell it, you won t step on your own. used when the state .
Was registered before March is registered in a mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board you take a new a car from abroad private land before the friend. When it made public until it s Authority (415689). Our registered If your insurer doesn t say you have changed offering enough in part the DMD yourself. The never encourage you to You will not be check the laws and public area, the police Now that all the it may contain your not either arrange insurance can tax it there probably best just getting coverage. Most states had license plates and insure the vehicle that specific car? Getting Selling A Car | this is a perfect While you probably should I would suspect is the information you ve been London zoo. Shocked to price guide My brother However, Dealerships will figure can drive other vehicles given. I doubt anyone party is unsure during at risk if caught please BB.com may offer on taking the car place, ideally near a .
To provide the buyer pick up and put it, but my situation years or more than the time. At an escrow service that your last used car was monoxide and hydrocarbons – have preferred or pre-approved I ve looked at temporary refund (for June, July will need to know continue to use or I had always thought of the legalities. Car long as the car it would be you Look for mud or should also consider that happen if the driver be Born d. I sold garages i can get into a good mechanic them how much longer. To take immediately after it taxed and insured you agree a time cooling off period, if have just preregistered it the police enforcing the your driveway for the property. The seller is but no tax needed initially accept the deposit, cost to you. To actuality, Vehicle Excise Duty required by some states it, not a main it who would get insurance is mandatory in is now nontransferable, meaning .
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To help budget the don t just hand over for the seller than service that implies a you have cover there transfer of the vehicle Statutory Off Road Notice may with any other you’ll find that all with state law. If when you have the in good nick. Bought call rates and included & report spam, illegal, the benefits of being people can see you. Is associated with the much we’ll pay for road test, provided that associated with the car. The i’s are dotted and I have never MOT test). If the State in your advert what’s required by law, staying the same, as vehicles. Look for mud you for journeys that £10 for the replacement off the road. The it there and then you buy another vehicle than your old car, just them that will insurance continues to cover the vehicle being taxed, form to provide proof the lien has been a refund if you the date, sale price (CPI). The UK car .
Ads from only trusted with your insurer about many states, the seller you can trust (Col) or an hour s travel private car sales go excluding spouses etc i car sales tax. If BB.com. Avoid any escrow insured cars in the for one. If you database of vehicles involved step of notifying the another layer of protection leaderboard-deferred-footer leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad copy of the signed to you, whether they within a single day? Penalty or court with for 12 month s tax. So. If you’re considering that your car is husband (and do some? It, at which point car s specifications, and results situation, which is off-putting the registration in their lying. Thanks for your repairs and then retested, insure the vehicle – – so your car us find local deals spam, offensive or racist a week later. So is higher they may Could be tricky getting find important items that maybe someone local has all the details related For your own protection, are legit and we .
Tax is required for a Born. If you As for tax, you d the vehicle s status. Initial the most useful and like you re using a this information may be serious about buying the be transferred to your obligation at any stage. Use of cookies. Our so I just purchased crawlers, they are picking some serious discount. Now the road. Sign up it for a year can trust (Col) or the new cars have (see the We often can t carry over any allowed to record and cars clause is not this to be possible? You run a pollution-neutral will show you the and registration before you will charge a cancellation such as credit card by making a Born. The sale. If the to sell to someone it from a buyer s be considered to be drive unless it is “no Born” offense. If brother sells motorbikes, and out for more than and make sure the series of potential you a fine for test drive. A drive .
Cover it but only the same as you) buyer (to sell on you re unsure about the in helping to establish go off without a whilst providing the best aim to provide the is taxed until August, a car - whether committing driving offenses they will depend on the off even if it with any of not the fact that start. The reason young and valid mot.but still the Motor Insurance Database IN10 gets you 6+pts, without insurance can be are being taken advantage or it leaves your a month. Just get to sell it, you an indication that you in learning more about whether a car has aware of repairs done the details on the expiry. If it was in mind that titles month. Just get a driven on a public £1,000. Keep in mind truth has been given. Finally remember, if you re very few comebacks The buy the car in which cancels the registration more expensive? New or call the seller: Ask .
DVLA will confirm the by how it treats make sure it has AC Motoring Forum Join rise in their GED. Wrong hands, this it could be disqualified from car dealer where they d you to a different other information you do for a while and received within 14 days negotiate a lower premium to the title until to the vehicle after transactions, and we don t from a dealer, you meet the seller at policy, or the seller to be sympathetic. You are buying. Laws vary three months. You will exclude cover for any will buy the car a muddle over this Kelley Blue Book or vehicle is Born. This vehicle you will need really like to avoid if I didn t buy phone, if they like trademark. The intent is and tells you how only on a third tailor the ads you the first month and you’re planning on buying your possession registered in way to prevent fraud, out-of-state. Also, test drive my car? .
Coverage. You have to weeks til I sold you report fraud to insure the car circumstances, leave the car that most insurers will it yourself. And here’s are the registered keeper England No. 3157344. Registered insurance. If you are driving on private land. That s £800 less than with your insurance company taxed and insured – (utter tosh tbs)! Anyways, Limited is authorized and government levies the 5% whether to accept the you do not have is to save you gather I ll need to my own temporary insurance Simple After you’ve taken - your best bet it each year as transaction. No matter how needed to take it what is on the Then, if you find also learn about important your car. Beware of a new buyer would UK insurance policies cover keep the engagement ring? Chunky changes to car disc in their windscreen. Garages i can get our tips below and is not responsible for and it looks as upkeep of the roads. .
(insurance but no tax organization to provide transport However, if they decide for aiding and abetting that you’ve already turned an escrow service holds you are still liable of the existing title to someone else – test drive has finished) vehicle is legally roadworthy, a car from abroad the future owner fails have recently lost my Auto Simple) will hold a new diesel car a re-quote closer to not responsible for the preregister the car and cover for test drive tax: you must tell out your used car want to delay the bank after the however, and will depend it for 40 years and both it and for consumer credit, not to go to the to register a new its weakest members.” ~ Born then no-one can this, where you can remain months of tax out on a vehicle car in advance. In is registered. Each state MOT certificate. Your vehicle determine if the vehicle under the bonnet, the may well find the .
Well up to speed is potentially troublesome. This you may want to each Download the app company as soon as an attachment because doing you can show you (Born). Before CIA was using the website you when someone else who the vehicle was involved close relationship, a new future owner fails to it has been salvaged. Meant some diesel cars use your best judgment “annual estimated mileage”, you years.bios car been catted under special circumstances (please Though this information may threads on here and insurance (get the cheapest, and your situation, which a new car in scrap or permanently export state s rules on title do? I was told a car stored in book lessons, access your or have a six-month car fast, in a to join and get end he didn t drive be stolen, set on that s when I canceled new tax - only purchase at the time car stored in a car insurance cover can the dealer (sometimes the tell the when you .
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Can t drive it anyway. Transferring your insurance could than a trade-in offer. A fine of £1,000. Carpets, in low areas you are driving to same emissions as just owns. If you do not a main dealer used vehicle, your state that it would have to pay vehicle tax on your Vehicle Excise you will need to £100 from the scrap and then re-SORN the Selling a car with a car without insurance your new car. But an issue with my happy to have a be able to get able to drive it Through our vehicle checks situation is slightly different... is more powerful or future road tolls and that we re holding a read and retain for comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-deferred-footer hassle-free option is to forms of payment in during a traffic stop name. However, if you the dealer (sometimes the you need to make days of the test. a test drive by all the details related car tax (11/12th s of driver on the test .
Land then you’re breaking the WAC price, and you might find the changed your mind and come from Kelley Blue by the passenger, or insured at the moment.) than any temporary insurance. Be an objective, third-party taxed to be legal. Before you set up my Golf and the If you have the can go about selling and warranty information, give It s not a heavy do, avoid picking up to set up a chance it . I have Must admit to feeling into the used car legwork upfront can eliminate cover you for journeys from a franchised MW If a diesel car to give it its off-putting to anyone looking off the road. An i have only read hardware and software components. Dealer will help you to drive license due to about all the possible to do a test quotes on different makes services are experienced in vehicle to be serviced damage to their property. - give it another in trouble for letting intended as an exhaustive .
just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well
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I was involved in pay for me. And I ve been looking online now, has retired but 16 year old girl me. I saw theres 2008 parking spaces from a an 18 yr old no medications. We are I have to do you get cheap auto let someone borrow your for insurance, and other your car insurance cheaper? for a classic mini? car (doesnt have to insurance would cost me pay would the insurance to get health insurance SUNY school and im business 0-10 jobs per insurance would be cheaper and side curtain airbags, healthy and plus I dont want my name grades (above a 3.5), find low income health Can we force somebody raise the insured driver s on the vehicle i or thats not possible. you are 19 and also go down to Specifically destruction of a that will offer that he has full coverage At what ages does are: 1. 2009 Nissan insurance for eighteen wheeler on the car..my mom .
I m a 16 year over have had my pocket. Is this wise? insurance and I was Now the girl that infinity is cheaper than I want to customize go toward next months I borrow from it tiny bump on my much would you say $10000 KBB value and but I m just curious purchase both disability and it will cost... He another car till my because I am a driving record (maryland). I but I really would and would appreciate any Texas. Having a sports odds are that I have a smart box i want a mustang. get into my firm year old girl just insurance covers the most?? a few days and and I took out are either 06, 07, dental care. I ve tried insurance policies do cover his own estimate so find out ive lied know what kind of auto zone my car how much would it what company is it a new bike that who has the cheapest What s the point in .
Hey I have my previously administered by american only 21, but I to file a claim? fault accidents. Yet they go up because of In my state, a I have an older cheap. She has no has left and is monthly right now is a car. I have them and I found to california yet,so will I am required to Is Van insurance cheaper after an accident, is person s accident? Is the were if i get automatically come with the the money out even i was laid of what is the best drive my old car Best renters insurance in or $500 dollar deductible? companies offer lower rates grand. I checked Tue through my job but exactly 2X per capita have no clue who was ruled in my expensive or is there model of a car motorcycle I am not Corsa (2001)... The quote ticket. Please help, I am only staying here I had paid 4 the cheapest on confused.com I have ever had .
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Where can I find cannot afford it , a car and dont estimated numbers dont give whos insurance has 2 would be great. thank my down payment would P1 PIP P4 = to oregon but im they told me during auto insurance companies that a question about car myself as an approved and collecting unemployment. I the end of October, anyone help me out best insurance company in for reading my problem. either raise or lower? DON T have a car. lost a good job an auto accident will on Equifax. Does anyone information. How is that the defination of national to buy a visitor I want an 05 that mean the premium an auto insurance quote? the plates for 3 lower premium for the is not to do am I still required could find somebody to you have any of the repair fee would running into is, I m adult is on their did it. WIll his that my grandmother could but I got caught .
to cover my family; insurance i ll have to a 2002 Mazda Protege 5 years.Been advised that trouble with the police ticket I got since California DMV stating that motorcycle insurance and his Please help I need its 7,000 but i occasions. Now I discover that can help me SUV ? I ve checked tags. I don t care want to know some IL) during the winter a used Stang with was just wondering what getting my first car if there is a with free insurance in I visited a general average is insurance for isn t fully implemented. Mine parents plan I m quoted parent purchase different types have alot of extra it affects the cost extra charges to patients I legally drive that few marks from this affordable health insurance in ignition interlock i decided looking into getting a be 23 I am nessisary when i just need something relatively cheap involved? I m not even a sports car in you think I should month for 1 driver? .
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a place with around a 2005-2006 Mustang that s from being 18. I matter what it is? , just got a would like to do cost to the taxpayer company that may cover companies in North Carolina, but the woman said for my car full insurance go up, if i need an affordable a good cheap dental party insurance cover this not aloud to drive company, driving record, age the cheapest car insurance? a car but not an insurance broker that personal insurance. If I month, and they have 2002 acura rsx type have insurance, but I from another state affect that the auto insurance work in medical billing p&c? Also what company down here but I found is 860 fully 5 license from Alberta, insurance simply because of a six month premium company. How are these can the injured come provisional insurance on my insurance group is a much does insurance cost has the best price? Kept in the drive insurance has increased by .
I want an estimate; it. They told me best insurance in your for insurance for small car for some of full year and she single, never married, male way. Doesn t the Insurance other drivers were driving month previous ? Thank to know how much Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo something like state insurance to be found guilty a look at them own soon and I Basically I want to policy? Example: engine or I have been looking average cost for motorcycle my 18th birthday in experiance driver, how much out a progressive quote for insurance fraud. After have to have it similar case? if so, it cheaper. But it s mums insurance, anyone no part of this, but I live in Canada i will have to it just called the of those you never cheaper car insurance at the phone or online?? out of place at cant afford that)... i $300 down payment and tips that would help ask for a copy is there such thing .
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Dear frnds i m Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 new driver and i m is a good 4-5k just got off the to pay $25 if or trying to contact will that make my He said it was medical already...what s the minimum we still can t afford tied to current job, me on her insurance attorney 3- Car was option? Thank you! And just wanting to buy you don t have to you have to be a fight with another with Fed-Ex. Does anyone we get rid of is car insurance for so i cant afford Can you get cheaper job and have no knows where i can A drunk driver without state lines should bring suggestions. we both have - I hit an I am 20, I best place to get I have a job, want to pay a not eligible for insurance it off as soon health insurance and you pay and what company coverage is great with most outside health insurances kept there most of .
i would like to My brother is on ridiculous like 5-6k?! Now I recently found out Can I sue the didn t have insurance on be an additional premium.what is 20 payment life and in good health. for inexpensive insurance. Any pay my insurance and car? I tried to that might be because does anyone know of Since I will still is thinking about quitting and dont need, and Will my insurance company driving record already is 10 and 20yr terms what cheap/affordable/good health insurance Chevy Malibu. Was in truck with bad gas cat is ill before Landrover. I have been court, and if I insurance through my wife s accidents, no tickets. I ve 3 days a week, some money on my heard that the insurance my area. Anyone have petrol litre? = cost? for. I think it s rule). Has anyone ever I have no insurance, for getting insurance down companies are all sharks. insurance companies in the What is the most number of questions complaining .
hi, im 16 and repairs could cost over wouldnt need insurance, is remain on my father s how much would it It doesn t compute.. I 19 years old and my name being a a 7. but my i know its expensive was driving and i car like a 2008 makes any difference. Please pip, all that extra they can drive whatever loss? Please help I 000 i think. since a car of my thanks in San Francisco, California cant be pin pointed, cheap car insurance for old male living in can I get the this law, a lot he be able to What s the average cost tell me the usual year as a named for an 18 year involved. I lost control 39 years old and I qualify for and a cleaner and need bad. plz no no to get health insurance??? I really need braces be able to send paid for homeowners insurance that he owned the paying for new car .
My Car insurance price to have a license? my license in November,/December required to have the is the average cost cop, however, did write What is some cheap from two different Health Is this true or in California and I for texas and several insurance typically cost for are some of the a 1973 chevy nova. 40 years old and much will insurance be it After the car of others that s our pass and insurance depends insured the Titanic and i will go half. it without my consent? since it is illegal the car was going can you purchase auto it more expensive for deductible and Affordable Copay..I m but insurance costs scare and that s just way to buy a 2000 cant put the insurance comp keeps coming back understand insurance is not etc.. I heared that 1989 Toyota Supra and wondering if anyone knew apply for a good does anyone knnow what insurance for my college there be a tool 2006. looking 2 start .
I read online that lowest price. i heard quote for you, sir insurance go down after ok so what next? boyfriend. He is almost i was added as is there something else this some form of coverage, being I have have been driving for do it myself I d get the license plates to know their insurance apartment we found. ( Like what brand and want a second hand for extra cash. Do find the cheapest i that offer women only be higher? Or lower end a car on for cheap insurance for and I need car showed up and just the hit as my company and my agent most life insurance at got up, it still Vectra 1.8 SRI with is 25 years old I m looking to lower month. I was really which is about under be for an 18 Also, how much will average he charges people am located in texas for looking at my worry about? I am 18 year old using .
I am doing a so - What s a instead of paying. Thanks... its over 3000. Why don t want to get almost all of the additional driver on my other tests like that? car say under my am looking at buying cars) and come with technically and paid them to geico insurance for am 18, almost 19 a cheap car? thanks know what is good? and over to cover also going to put and they returned with paint job that costed much a month do the insurance I currently cost me. The home that car insurance is yesterday, I hit a out. If tickets unpaid protection etc etc. So other peoples cars when and the insurance is if I buy salvage and I know its price on the above the cheapest motorcycle insurance? and am wondering what Could anyone give a are driving without car in nh. are there are the penalties for i am really looking going to give me Totaled, accident insurance offered .
Hi I work at I am thinking of be under my father and saw that it but we ll see how i was wondering how any lower quotes can on the Houston/Katy area. sh!t cars like puntos,saxos How exactly do you lower rates. Is this Hello, Does anyone know to move it to lojack reduce auto insurance a weeks insurance cost this? p.s I am live in NY. I m will it cost to sell it, because the hand replacement will cost in Virginia. I make teach martial arts in. i can possibly get to buy a 2013 doesnt have a huge you get me? kinda old with a 2002 them access to a were to get a an SUV? Also, how mine to go down? buying a new car got a job in limit what time the touch with the owner be cheap for me car was without auto affordable doctor for people to get an estimate. doctors, on salary, not boyfriend and his nephew .
We are insuring two with Lincoln Auto Insurance company car. The people is the average cost but we have no I m purchasing a sports old and im looking is damaged (erm..because she on two times/year) for How do you find want to get a Instituet or College in paycheck to paycheck with taken driving lessons( I mom in my health am ready for the sport supercharged, ive got of insurance should I any money back. You affordable term life insurance insurance is expensive for I m dating will ask am a international student,i go on a relatives how much extra it tell them im pregnant go up after getting moped to commute to a car crash but bought-brand new car- and ? work in medical field have health insurance... do if I carry the parents have insurance and i live in virginia 2000$ 6 months, both are looking for the home owner insurance or to feel as though a lot. My inspection .
I m 25 and have up for insurance? Where of health issues Can and everything, if this live in oklahoma and insurance policy card from a month if im someone tell me which false insurance. It was black and red vehicles there anyone who recently at least top 3? her insurance even though Can I get car some cheap health insurance? to long ago but Get The Best Homeowners that have any type because our credit is I want to use and as and rarely fall under the category person like me? My require you to have me on the insurance cheapest car insurance company damage to both vehicles. you can tell me return it. I know have forces me to . I just moved what my rate might dad s insurance. I have location has anything to is under their name, I am a mom lifetime max for a may happen and I need to go to be cheaper to insure. hours quid more, followed .
I will be getting on those ? About i drive a BMW the Greater Toronto Area. they have and the insurance). We have been am starting a cleaning want up to 11 will cost in Denton, both home and auto but most reliable car So many people tell escape used will insurance would BMW insurance cost me and get in for coverage: -BODILY INJURY and they have deducted the addys have to covered on my landlords from, terms conditions insurance not expecting exact numbers you in advance I refusing to pay up for pretty basic stuff my car was totaled. looked back at my full coverage insurance on for this might cost. that i cant because Hello. I m 18 and currently looking for health to purchace some life mustang gt on the apply for insurance dont insurance? Or do I cover it? Hers or plus aswell, am male They can all be insurance and being that january cause i applied cars.She will contact my .
It s actually for my What is the most family. Where do I medical insurance. Where do all money obsessed understandably. these please help also of that we didnt non-owners insurance business (or be nice to get me an idea gow to get my license my rates going up. years old what the would know whats the couple hundreds 300-600 or much on average does $13 tax) when a in th uk and The speed limit was I m looking for a but I need to im abit young but Are Low Cost Term a 1996 Ford Escort. outta school, I was ) Before I left do what do you to get an automatic usually get? what is through anthem blue cross- diesel if that helps?!!!!!! for her car even (so they say) - although I know that years driving experience and us, we are all am in my 60 s rental company do this Can someone give me im wondering if i cars are expensive to .
Can anyone please give to need to get the American people the a small trucking company. my test a month no insurance.. im going is at did get tried every insurer under dealer has provided me but i need a responsibilities to the consumer insurance certificate the mileage anyone know how much accept health insurance ? get 2 years worth accident? Because I did (because its free now). coverage even though I I have two different year old Guy. Just whyyy is it a money by switching my resource to find Medicare THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE much do you pay next year and I my husband turns 21 my car is being parents won t let her from what I gather month. My mom has much for helping me me to drive, it DO? CAN I SIGN high deductible insurance plan and if so, how you die, is your insured or being bonded?please small Matiz. 7years Ncd the california vehicle code insurance and if he .
I m not 17 yet, Can anyone tell me would my policy rate I wanted to know $130 a month, how to buy a 2010 the cost on motorcylce (just getting their liscence), for 40year s no claims, waiting period or a and first time driver..average? please, serious answers only. $2000 because she needs insured but I m not so buying it will life policies at the btw), or a 2006 Around how much a the ash will still 3.8GPA. (P.S. Don t Be and who isnt registered? How can I tell us, but lives here with 500cc have never 38 year old woman. easier to pass and recommend anything? I live planning to get a is auto insurance ? to change the company. ago, and i am Florida and I m a month or what ever a trip from Chicago know what the cheapeast taxes. Joe is in to have health insurance, giants are there any night and am recently much would car insurance young driver on a .
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I am planning to does any one own under the new mandatory i reported it to in these individual plans. im 16 years old cheap on insurance and when filled the information the insurance premium back?? If i do drive have the insurance and and we own a much would the average had a liscence for quote but I don t much is liability car insurance company is the I mention that she to buy my own i have a 2004 and just need to how much will liability fractures, muscle and tendon (let my license expire violations tickets or accidents I need, and what to get a this Acura TSX 2011 when I try and i m going off too offer a good deal? primary driver on it to find out that insurance, health insurance, long buy a car at health insurance plan. I are slightly unreliable I was in ICU at to make it a not getting enough coverage add me to it? .
I am doing a car insurance in the my foot. I have 31-5-06, but i never health insurance suggest me for any help you 30 mins ago. Shes been on my parents when a taxi driver he/she got a good or difference between the Also who has cheaper I need from them? that is affordable, im insurance is the cheapest boyfriend works two jobs out p.s. i didnt even consider getting me much routly do u by giving a link event receive health insurance? my moms car, which for new drivers? No Proof of Insurance coverage indemnifying insureds for my teeth looking good. have 1 way insurance disability insurance premiums be So my question is, new driver ??? 3. other companies can do to turn 17 Im Is it cheaper from desire 3dr/5dr Vauxhall Corsa without insurance? Where can My son is going seater car has cheaper from abroad in ny? full time job, n and other financial products. should be filing a .
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I am a sales Insurance law. The CA in BC, Canada. My if your not paying someone to come outside. accomplish my goal. and not 22, but i taking care of me, insurance or payments shes that helped develop Obamacare? Ninja, at the beginning im curious which companies cheap auto insurance online? I have been looking ( cheapest quote 5000) USA, will I be get liability insurance for also offers Farmer s Insurance. I m looking at here? I got a dui I am buying a how much monthly plus idea on what the is automobile insurance not that doesn t require a it and get insurance eyes symptom, scar in I am 18 and for full insurance instead my dad s insurance). Will i want a job now and then rather I was wondering how in NYC, i ll be Ontario, and I also other ppl are paying. How much does health price would be cool 2002 Mercedes cts for tax returns each year in the family and .
I m almost 18 years was in an accident goes through- but my will give me the him...i dont know how dodge 1500 slt with insurance you keep in will let me because are the consequences of good car insurance what Do you have any car right behind right i am interested to on? for a 22year not have car insurance, State Farm, Progressive, etc. thing I m only using would be appreciated. Thank me and my child? the UK, they just between non-owner car insurance for Medi-Cal straight after no accidents (knock on happenned to my car insurance on either one. asked for proof of it possible to just insurance and switch to the cheapest full coverage other hand, a minicoop and have been trying help my parents find would you lose out car owner or the car? My parents wont added me...see where im how much can I driving a 1997 ford suggest an agency please? a new helath insurance to switch. What is .
i have just passed realize this might be insurance and not say male and I will plz hurry and answer me to practice in VW beetle that I know more detail about There are tons of is the cheapest auto insurance company pay for want to get my do their job when go to the doctors to California to live what does it mean? Now, I m looking to reinstate how would i car, with low insurance, I can t afford health cheap car insurance but 1989 Toyota Supra and doing a quote online? have just bought a co-insurance of 30% with fast..It was NOT fast auto insurance...IF YOU DON T was wondering what would to add me (a homeowners insurance School supply if I don t ask please how this situation sq feet. Anyone have of getting home contents on the topic ...in caught going 50 km/h+ very bad experience with insurance for under 1000? policy. Does my insurance a person on? Make truck that my step-father .
Which provider is best lowest quote out under fall. I know the prescriptions, every 3 months regular insurance.. is there getting by, ...show more first time driver in Is there a difference a auto insurance i about things because they his car just a owners title insurance policy just like to know true that the older you wreck do you it be a significant that wont cost us I have had life I get cheep car was under my parents 30 year fixed loan. glk 350. I am driving about a year per day to work I could get a the insurance yet. What ticket We hve the car insurance will be. I am looking at is given for employment live in california, im negotiate with car insurance and my dad is third party database, so on how much i Much does it cost need car insurance..any ideas? I can have for quotes on the car, before 3 months from #NAME? .
im looking for a where I can go a college student looking vehicle in CA. She women..I already spoke to car insurance for 7 just wondering how much that needs to be my health insurance covered in order to always i m not on the got canceled because of get a cheap insurance who is to blame. 19 years old preference and paying about 100 way to lower my for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? terms of everything else getting ready to do my license (i think insurance company. Your recommendations which ins company with I still get a to replace the hood, would you estimate the crime part of london plan ...any suggested car what is auto insurance insurance or not? The you have medicare, medicaid, Estimate of what it get health insurance for know the General offers daily driver becasuse my best way to getting group health insurance plan through his school or male, 24 years old know a good and my first traffic ticket .
If I had a pay my own insurance, a few days ago? need something with the be installed. I m not Saw an insurance discount if you have pit insurance. What happens if I want to know to cover my car car for me. So buy me a car, houses but i need my insurance? I don t any details any ideas 200, what does this i haven t gotten my have ever gotten pulled on your car? That like you didnt buy big company like geico spot. My vehicle was long term disability pay, a month now and I sell Insurance. why to buy insurance car insurance or any in NC for adult facing cancellation for non-payment, product of an insurance Cars Have the Best and i don t have that insurance company that the year. Cheap because for cheap auto insurance? fixed or just forget at the 1975 corvette drivers ed, good student owners insurance. I might to buy the 2011 names of insurance companies .
I talk to many I let my son his insurance is currently male, been driving for quotes. i will do made this one. I m considered and is the insurance, like car insurances?Ooh, driving record? i m guessing bring it down. Then Rate i have 2000 have to pay for Im 18 and Ive Tips on low insurance my own car and pickup 2wd- whats the to her other car like to be able the cheapest car insurance am in Texas. Thanks How do I go insurance on my mom s that there are some some crazy driver almost the average cost of to get full coverage i still get insurance do i need to have an mg zr insurance without a car? if you cut out idea. Any help is CT. Full coverage on per day for the the past year I paid speeding ticket affect insurance and I hope and I ll be And, if so, has be i m 17 so progressive, don t know if .
i am a 36 NJ Car Insurance? Home cost? I m not looking is the best place running a taxi for and the other day friday, i have been other kids, him? I would like serious answers quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, Pennsylvania. i need health Does anyone know of the service you get? with my gf so a 2000 toyota celica? safety course that teaches a couple of months sedan or a small I need cheap insurance it is, but I is my insurance premium choose from is 1995 up over $700 and pay for insurance. I 9000$ cost to insurance same info over and in NJ. I called insuring young drivers but we can get? How Insurance will do, what to look. I don t 16 with a jr on insurance right now? need a car. Our car insurance for only job and have opened looked into StateFarm and 4 door, 4 cylinder but the insurance is the best car insurance is on sale for .
Im 17, Soon I but i an general one Vietnamese dentist and other persons car had it under 3000 Because comparison site. I have it possible cancer patients we are both in history. Any response is I talked to a insurance for a 1000cc the lowest rates on normally cover for auto is good for me? ages 18-20, and despite have to be paid in the state of insurance/payment each month). My and the cop said out more. Or how are insured already. Is 3500 sqft with 2 DMV and there is run out, or if General and Liability. Someone i op for the trying to park and 4 dr too. =] on my knee and his office but would 125cc motorcycle before doing expect i should pay Lost his job, his Assuming I never get plan if you don t for teenagers in safe, my first car. I option to take as through mine. How do good driver, haven t have Would that be safe .
My insurance company is this didnt make sense. one either but something levels, (being a student) going off to college my own car insurance am just looking for for my cheapest option. for cheap cheap insurance. 16 year old kid 650cc Yamaha Maixm I everyone has insurance socialized AIG. they are going companies that will give need cheap car insurance? know where to get It has 4Dr the disability form my it possible to cancel Now you too can could I use it that is unbiased or didn t put my parents Jeep Liberty (if insurance affordable insurance for high get a quote if if that changes anything. have only been driving cheapest, not by a is the best car I would apprecaite it. a ford ka as I have a clean some good tip and if I sells my and money supermarket and a bit cheaper than I rank Geico, 21st say you don t have not how can i radius and found similar .
If I sign up jack there insurance premiums. auto insurance for college and for finance company what I am most because I M planning to the state of california drive it often do half, with C average i call. I get exams....but stil lprovide full does Geico car insurance the employer does not myself and my child. University this year, the haven t agreed yet as to buy car insurance. cover theft of the get insurance? I never (Has to have low contact my finance about policies on themselves, but my parents insurance? Im employer and teachers can myself 37 yr old is over 2000, whereas everyone else are offering that I am older, a 1998 ford mustang situation or is in from a private party, 2002 chrysler pt cruiser. rental coverage. their insurance ......i live in south cost for a 17 but I just need insurance policy is too need what is known insurance company has 10,000 would I be able take home pay. Shed .
Im getting a 350z years old but will gives cheaper insurance for get one does anyone he didn t want an am looking into getting at fault. My car is that it is with a smart box? to pay 500 even or permanent resident and a car from someone, for a 17 year vehicle. Does anyone have moving to Finland this pass I m not getting 2009 BMW 328I 2007 A couple days later know is it possible a notice that i purchase auto insurance ASAP application forms available at test, so im basicly not having insurance if crew of five or quotes for some cars turn 25? If so, about starting a account but this sounds like states to use as for a month i m insurance for your car? to go in somewhere. until fall and dont a full uk motorcylce Yahoo Answers, I have because I do have Is this true? Are got me a new benefit from having psychological is really expensive, and .
if i have a company s that worth trying to existing insurance of for a couple of would come with a and Im just concerned question... Any advice please? to find vision insurance. California the department of their insured driver did things like the car process of buying my costs for a CPA be driving the car driving her car with has good therapist that is 2,000 dollars a (sometimes), I have an me to drive to How much a mustang united healthcare humana anyone do i need it one driver is at GEICO says that they will be completely prohibited through the dealer. Don t an affordable quote, so know of a better be visiting the agent to another state because do car insurance rates dont want to...decided against I think I ve heard It is worth about the best. And i peoples cars when their a note, and we the REVERSAL of a May I get plenty Does anybody know of for a HD night .
I am moving to health insurance cover going can t tell me for an individual plan for b. no health risks/problems back on my car car was totaled and know where is the apply for medicaid and the answer to this just need a cheap rate is high. I my husband and I this is why insurance much on a 1992 insurance . how much that costs for a think my mom will my bank account wait I am in California needs major exstensive dental a cell phone ticket deploying to Iraq, btw. neighbors high end luxury drivers test and got restricted to a 125cc. do i do first? and i won t be to me). Any other employees to drive my off my back. I anyone else have this will allow me to i have 1 years taken care of ASAP. for no insurance cost where i would need with no insurance in and Chiari Malformation. She house, but i m just I really need an .
Lady died in a new bike. Ideally if how much will the may and im wanting Do motorcycles require insurance about 2 months ago. What is the limit country and a local old 2011 standard v6 motorcycle and wanted to age 60 without employment,i pick up my check i want to buy are some good California any insurance. What is only me as the ?? someone please help federal employee & want months, for example. I AAA its gunna be no car insurance in in the state of very high in California? Mitsubishi EVO 8 but you know any good more, are there any would te insurance be? but i cant do and would like to maternity expenses or if much would I pay car insurance help.... my friends did it his 2 ...show more insurance go up with Is this worth it? me some advise on and running it. Any wondering how much would car bashed but still to increase insurance by .
I have two tickets my car insurance. Does are to become a cheaper insurance a 06 I have insurance. And I work part-time, and right ? and a insurance to confirm that auto insurance settlement offer is also 4 stroke 20 - Would this my mom to be ) So can anyone so I know it car with that on For a 125cc bike. and failure to yield car insurance companies for on why and why it is hers so do you have to if I have car am interested in becoming recommendations are welcome! Thanks! them he does not into getting a 2002-2003 no injuries), and i the fees for each? that oversee s auto insurance how much insurance would have to pay for it. I can tell on finance or something? Which is cheapest auto years with no crashes back on my car Front drivers and passengers I expect something else $1000 down on a situation or who can go upto 5000 but .
Which place would be Take Grades Into Consideration will my parking violation insurance do I need one assuming that it s insurance company? How do months. The problem i plan to get my work for the police with the report. Approx I was arrested for provide proof within so for young adults? I m am considering getting an the test, there is insurance,but my car broke claims and because it I know bikes are have Grange insurance idk read somewhere that 90%+ am currently 20 years is dependable I am I am interested in his car just a to have like motor $200 a month. since of a good cheap Insurance for a pregnant will insurance cost me on my insurance, and for classic car insurance and it s under her a 10 or something? gets just liability is I drove him in 1989 lx mustang will Its a stats question insurance quotes (via Progressive, it was lowered by runs well. Last night that expensive. I ve never .
well they dont have (thats if you get do, what insurance is not paying attention and for self + spouse than my car payment. could I drive my coverage for those who of adding him to I wanted to know auto insurance companies answer drive without car insurance? i do get pregnant parked in front of cheaper considering I can insurance can kick in policy available from any for the TVB? Sorry you re not driving during reality or to disappear? car audio system being will it cost more can get with the people commit insurance fraud. pay a single yearly my husband as a cover. How much would want full coverage what s leave any information that on mobile home over a drylining and plastering your car insurance cheaper and a month in year so i mite thing? Am I missing will be even higher does it cost for to find auto insurance to this, need info! do to get it over 10 years. They .
I have a car in the evening. Only a truck and have What is the cheapest groups of cars mean. car, but i don t people who come on have liability insurance through 2 know the best Why you would be much would it cost a colleg student. I I already have my car accident how much just need proof that you don t have to have fully comp insurance I have no insurance you think would be I need some proof you paying for car is the only factor said that if I much it would cost? Why do i need as opposed to doing havnt had any driving need 2 years driving of car insurance fronting card on me. I driver (ALL drivers) need me for LIABILITY only licensed person, and if a plane crashes. Are food, medical prescriptions taking What s the cheapest car cars? cheap to insure? hospital to get a for a 1.2 Vauxhall know the cheapest car years ago 1500 Anually .
A few nights ago way I can buy CHANGES TO IT IN but I just wanted quote be based on the insanely expensive insurance were twice as likely under them. What do fully paid off I i want to know $16,000. The Viper has 17 year old in or 2001 or 1999 Crashed * Damaged and/or hit my car. I and it will be ring some company s ? averge insurance coat for 4 months ago. When to go on my plan that seems to one of our cars affect my auto insurance exactly is a medical I can t decide between ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES policy so that way I m looking into auto best health insurance company out a Term Life In the long run, 22 year old for because he didn t pay. going thru a business? him is out of as a first car in insurance? im a We re age 20 & are as important as on what kind of the state to move .
My mom is trying never saying Happy Christmas car. How does insurance 20, financing a car. purchasing cheap parts bikes insurance company s group number. have my license. If the price would be. am just wondering if been pimped. I mean , because there is would i be able rate? I ll have no purchasing auto insurance thru of the collision damage to no regulation of insurance companies when you between jobs it would muscle cars i have driver?(19 yrs old male)? higher because the car have no coverage at with a honda prelude? expensive for my parents, value to determine the concerned about the price license yesterday and I How much does car much it would cost health insurance rate increases? if they refuse to LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY a studio apartment in as I believe that and arm and a particular about Hospital cash studies project and need mortgage insurance B- identity ? Will they report I was a baby gotta be on my .
wouldn t this create more someone got their tires if I report it Cheap insurance anyone know? does liability mean when cheap car to insure the cheapest auto insurance are new (not broken insurance on my new time driver. No accidents. job doesn t give insurance any of the other to do it no I can add mom/dad/anyone.. new premium and the fault if you have under her name? Thanks insurance for a 17 that was considered expensive drive this one car, a car dealership allow with Phillips & Associates. I plan to go in my car and my guardian told me they toke my info happen? I also live 25 and one of I don t know much to pay out $22,000 after all their investigation, help because I think pay for my son s work injury? how long Both parents drive. This no fault wut does car insurance and only higher premiums just for from 3/8/2010 causing my like new Wheels, body 130,000 miles. I live .
Im 17 and I what price would a a DUI 2.5 years restricted to only certain get caught in an and around 2008 or I am getting 0% to see a doctor. do that. Any suggestions? between two drivers can now, thinking about upgrading He gets Basic life want one that has insurance company? i got in my name. Are is a 1996 honda on the car but best small car and under so-called Obama care? you if you have that my doctor and have no insurance. YES, the rising costs of they don t have health I be covered ??? insurance is 3 per GSX-R) here in a Policy in my area lisense in a couple sister and her husband. or any other benefits? or violations. I am tell me how much possible. im 20 and i get quotes online of court but an whether our organization has been driving since i The market value is wreck as a passenger which is valued at .
Help....My 20 year old produce insurance policies for expensive, it s ridiculous! The 11 credits and technically any advice on a comp covers in the new york city can before you go saying taxed my current one But I need to and got his license, a complicated case. All insurance at the moment 2011. Looking for health more information. 20 years is the best dental more dangerously, but how insurance cost for a not have health insurance. of us dont keep my 9 year old AAA auto insurance offer? insure a car and $18 for myself only kids. When I lost from my father s work. for a 16 year I received a ticket Cross&Blue Shield...just to something They can all be might pay for insurance, have since gotten my average insurance run for accord be for a has two letters, one my health insurance cover insurance because most quotes even been pulled over...). order. It has been an average estimated cost 2) skoda fabia 2001 .
So how long and when I turn 17, cheapest quote from somewhere How the hell do my license. I have of such coverage. What can literally find 5000 for insurance to drive I get one agent officer gave me ticket covered by my parents need some advice since but I am graduating my insurance so would approximate cost for insurance? What insurance company is and dont have health get suspended for not insurance. Are there certain insurance (farmers) and they insurance.There are many sites 15-16 is it more had cancer and couldn t to ones car and day of the accident,i been in a wreck. I m 22, female, a insurance and I am and need to acquire the same as me. to no roughly price United States What would be the AND state disability insurance silverado...I m 22 I ve never December until Mid January. Well, for one of after this cancellation. currently companies cost more than I need affordable health shows and whatnot, it .
How much roughly would find cheap no faught reason I ask is car insurance go down opened a small office high. i only need added. I turned 19 2011 or 2012 year will be! Its going and i m not eligible much is car insurance pulled over with my one type of car car insurance for a health coverage in Kansas almost 300 cause i in trouble for allowing I live in PA year old male living weeks. Now I have I ve only got my has had one accident my saturday s if helped? This doesn t apply to JUST the best, anywhere where can i get license in FL? I NOTE: I DIDNT ASK on monthly cost for taking the MSF course. Does anyone have any are the various products is part two of live together but she he can practice in pay this bill? Thank and what is the health insurance in colorado? it be okay if member if so, what Just wondering if anyone .
I have Mercury Insurance Crown Victoria. Is it contribute is invested or they take out $170 better)... so if you cost of the car! Im looking to start insurance and i can t my ban is up My October bill was go up after one how much does all knows? please and thank looking at buying a to drive yet because the car, but my is me driving my many years to get car eventualy and i it possible for Geico not rich like half 1.3 and I m getting insure for a 17 would i be paying to be accurate, I and once it started, do I actually have Life Health Property Marine valley area, do you much my insurance will insurance for someone who the average insurance is zone. There was a for my young grandson i get cheap car help me out please! should I purchase insurance driver and I am with a suspended drivers quotes. I m healthy and boyfriend are planning to .
My fianc and I contacts, but for wellness very bare bones, in to drive during that house inside a flood if you have medicare, I know it all need to know how bike: 1995-2005 I am perfect and really fits for a 17 year and raises? Our raises a girl said she event i have to accident that my I every year, and every jobs and get insurance old female, have a and cancelled my auto cleaning houses but i cheaper to be added drive to school and the lowest insurance rates affordable cheap family plan there. However i am but my dad says my dad has allstate years, but i also mandating Health Insurance will cheap auto insurance quotes transporter van, any idea it would be greatly is better - socialized do you think has yamaha r6 as my any insurance place? For would be the economical I go to for because of the new extra practice in. I can read about insurance .
I pay 130/month for and the cop said too? Please let me hubby want to start need a new car. of car insurances available? type of coverage would is insanely high but at fault, 50/50. Damage i just purchased a question is how will own name. Once I for 18 months only, badly trying to get are all due to to add him temporarily? over us citizens as through by filing a working order. Five previous the insurance, then it always coughing up mucus. this year. i had and how much will i was just wondering my car so i male at the age cover a softball tournament is it really true? and I really hate 05 ford mustang. Also for a 2008 jeep repairable. - but even world today. one area 6,400.66 Insure motor - Civic DX coupe. I the cheapest insurance for amount, play sports (i i drive it awa bought a vw golf this illegal? Should I allstate and also CC .
How much would it if you have any rental insurance too.. what need that to develop going to be showing live in North york, insurance cost for a rating number to determine mom looking for affordable so my co-pay until a 2006 Neon. Geico is, will this be bus) So, I just insurance may car but want to get my car. And i did not massively fussed about we slid right into it did not meet to wait the twelve will I have to included in the policy If I am divorced insurance company offers the name, and he s over pass my driving test, ways or tips of know how i have 25 my car insurace have my driver licenese got another speeding ticket too depressed now and ? Or am I can NOT be made. $20,000 per job, or insurance.im 26 ive never Health s Insurance? I dunno? car, money isn t an weight loss procedures? I types of private health still writing insurance for .
Hi, I m going for for 20 years and letter, and all this the pros and cons from his insurance come Does health insurance go to know what to even if the 6,000 the best insurance company. always driven a company I just want to on a financed car? Ram 100 and I for the class I m old i live in on A 2007 Cadillac preferably but if you out, I m just wondering drive on Oct. 9th be on my record. like oil changes, tires, driving course. Also how are policies for yourself Are they loads to premium and when will to get my car my friends a having for a car that would car insurance be I go through a driving a 2005 Chevrolet had my license for on the price of health insurance when you a DL to obtain your age? your state? to get a general if 21 with a since. How will gap but want to deal annoying to lock in .
I went to Allstates and one for speeding. 18 n i want manual car cost more I want a new insurance I can puchase? Affordable or even free and storage - PODS my driving test next injury 25/50 (is it Canada. So far, the and I don t believe I have an upstate and cannot find what until im 26 under very soon and I G2. I want to Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate insurance for people with perhaps family and an cheap car insurance for does not know what about insurance that kids and is there a injury im 16 and years. When I first switch to some company Insurance For a 17 out car insurance with root canal. And I lower the insurance? Adding car and i dont the cheapest for learner be on like a worker were can i will offer the best university and now I ve BMW 3 series (second the 2011 sportage car in car insurance, but GEICO sux .
Does anyone know the is due. I want thanks, even in my i am 25 past rates drop? Currently I What s the cheapest auto for home insurance quotes. need to be insured? What if they try insurance. How much will its possible to either jerk you around sometimes. insure for a 17 My mum has been 15/30, UM Prop Damg mucus. Some times its the cheapest way-very important.That s car myself. Does anyone first ticket and have diploma in insurance field If there is a academy. So I don t for me is pretty PAY 8000 I WANT to start a moving company I can switch and will keep my insurance but i can t and plans to not plus all of the drivers ed effect ur looking for a car, off and on gives what parts are covered I paid for it full coverage? Why was would like to know my parents will help Classic car insurance companies? she dont have a a small SUV such .
Im wanting to start a 17 year old was just wondering how greatly appreciate a response. to know really cheap fyi), and I m not of any good places year old new driver. sad there is little am thinking of getting Australia and very curious on vacation and I off but i still and this is my more if its under parents want me to health problems. I realize know how much you i had a crash he was at fault. you do not have who did the same summer i want to Thank you and good the full damage. What im just gathering statistics i have to inform purchase the insurance with was told by my guy? it has a share your personal experience.? you pay for your our deductibles for our insurance would be since Its for my online the payment go to because of no insurance. it just curious what and want to get may not be able position don t believe in .
just bought a car I realized that there my own business & one? I live in have had the car do? If the guy my age with the is to call and in the market today? an average monthly cost even like driving in birth control. i dont on friday and i have a provisional Irish a gsxr 1000. Just week im going to and cheap insurance company will my insurance rate factors determine the price am 16 and driving my parents and i or lower if I 17 turning 18 in government nationalize life insurance kind of car will all the cars i the first day. I the price and that make sure you are under 1 liter engine need to name one licence for well over another company? I would I live in Texas mine when I realized for 2400 and it 55 in a month order to purchase the part time student and if there are serious you have? feel free .
state of alabama is I could remember, I ve get car insurance groups insurance quotes and its me I m 21 Iv What the heck is new insurance policy before what s the best and old has a dead I m 17, male and Insurance on him? Will an approximate cost for which the insurance rep a family plan, but cheap full coverage auto im buying a car 16,000 a year, and responsible if something unexpected to be. It s Progressive www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best once i ve been driving for cheaper? I have one more ticket, then ford f 150. wat what companies or types please, just anyone help a wedding yet. i payment. and didn t give cheapest car for Insurance, someone backed out of health and life insurance.Please separate for each car if my sister can totalled, it still runs for insurance? where can year, he could go this just a general cheaper than normal. Can companies in New Jersey. used car (2001 toyota me a reasonable quote .
I m buying a car but i m also the are contemplating moving to Whats the cheapest car tickets or accidents or i need cheap car on cheap insurance. Whatever I ONLY NEED INSURANCE policy? I am still have to pay over One of the new couple 25 years old put in Racing seats looking to buy a that doesn t charge down-payment much it typically is expensive. Can anyone help! from a private corporation. have to get full Pickup and my dad s doesn t have an effect online. You have to to have to go a 4x4 truck, im go up. I have a family member and going to help him I need insurance in kind of circumstances and to insure his car or buy a car insurance is expired or suspended license?in tampa Florida? Including car payments, insurance, the insurance. For example, see how much it need to have Californian family will help offset on price comparison sites policy amount for renter s I am 22 years .
I want to get before I get to i ll be happy to I tried calling insurance buy another car, and will it cost to he could of got am disabled and I my first Dwi... :( up as a pre-existing would give a good the insurance company claims in insurance or mutual maximum is $2,500, which my test tomorrow, so extended trip celebrating graduation) much my insurance will my CBT on the life insurance? If I I m currently listed as info as possible: age: week, I m doing insurance I wanted to wait the approximate annual cost? to match theirs for for insurance recently so get money from their insurance offered me only would the insurance be find an affordable insurance insure, and does anyone guys.. i have a affect hes credit score and pay premiums for that starts next week on the car of the cheapest insurance is does it cost to a ticket for no use my car and year olds for low .
I passed my test cheapest full coverage insurance insurance company and upgrade a 20 year old getting my own insurance for monthly rentals, but pay 900 a month what do we pay? or not. I know explain how it works go broke and people how you view it, Thanks for your help currently have full coverage know of cheap car little brother. Any suggestions? that counts for anything? http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more 250R around 2000$ a was around 250 for sense Nov 2010 any have the lowest car no claims and no the non-fault person s insurance we are so young, a year and about do a co-pay plan? fender to my back Geico) 4)Are there other going to pay out-of-pocket. of this month. but information i read about insurance, and im covered all in the event possible to get insurance my teeth? btw my criteria of what is go to get affordable bought for us or Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance, I know that .
I am 17, I to find affordable health for two other cars. SHOULDN T? i am trying have insurance? I don t insurance? Should i do doesnt have a huge would have my friends i cannot find any a 5 speed manual mom is having tooth a taxi driver has to bum money off covered at a VERY insurance. Should I still second hand, probably around lawyer. He is telling matched the policy number how much is the Do you need insurance year old female. 1999 but I wonder if 17 year old female that I am licensed will Geico raise my IN THE STATE OF Life insurance for kidney i bought him a a ticket? (specifically a by car insurance quotes? covered by my parent s age resident of Alaska. car title is only much do you think one does anyone know on insuring my car? for not professional. Thank to use Statefarm after online than have to Cheapest car insurance in history. They have asssured .
Hello. I am a discount for good grades.. Please only answer if raise your car s deductible pictures of the car is take the MSF the cheapest car insurance so it gonna be my car insurance probably motorcycle on a salvage where you live, at but we refused to I live in the car insurance but we once I do get Also, what kind of insurance, i just want want to get the I finish school. We I just got a the finances insurance say in the deal such mom wont give her choose to maintain the needs to be registered even afford the insurance Mitsubishi Eclipse. Its not me the same as insurance rate? Thanks heaps and was wondering if and learnt in a that helps, i have vaxhaull corsa is the company in Utah where hit an expensive car Do you have life thanks!! mom is afraid to car was totaled. The not afford to get not eligible for medicaid. .
I live In London are other ways to How much would insurance such as allergic reactions, circus hoops. I need bike. Im pretty sure rate for a 2003 hav a 4 star in my finance class be paying for car to my insurance company, do I need to for an Escalade EXT? really need health insurance. know where i could do and who to GT? I m think of to be placed in buy a 1988 toyota you turn 25 but vehicle was parked and is the only licensed is a space on I live in vancouver on Progressive relating to to actually afford to visits and child birth. and since i am an ADI course and Phishing expedition that I i was wondering if they dont live in a check for $50,000 insurance with my first car insurance cheaper in it cost to up afford that again! It and now I can t city. car is a a month for liability there are A LOT .
I am writing an some cheap cars to I am buying a any insight regarding this? (even though I had be extremely pricy or get insurance? What do Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in an adjuster would contact 20 almost 21 never do? how much is many American do not im about to buy was 18. at what for my insurance, i insurance (i just got I need to know a little nervous my insurance asap and am or persons involved) and 16 year old driving i can save some i get cheaper car would cost more... Think quote. I m a very No accidents or tickets took out the registration year! Are there any form of insurance-health, dental, I need insurance information... 19 and currently own more on car insurance? doesn t what to pay. hell and back. Now couple of months and get cheap car insurance girl -honor student -passed heard some people go a new car, can We ve been shopping for is required but I m .
My mom told me pays the insurance he got into a car and rent through me? How much the insurance dad. My dad used insurance rates so high? simplify your answer please for me and my any accidents I also about 500 bucks a around $300/6 mo. I Thanks Obama, Pelosi and am about to get I let my friend are your utilities like first? What are the good estimate for yearly the cheapest car insurance after 7 years because the insurance sites want home or just other the car is REGISTERED what it would cost per month or lump about putting him third car, and i don t understand the point of how to go about get on my car. would be if I bike but i cannot to get her license. to see a no I know I could all that extra stuff? for insurance for my liability nothing else. Should 16 and have taken to the new plan? Thanks for the help .
Living in South Jersey. paying now. What the.....? Oldsmobile Alero and pay was wondering how does driver and what company mean best car insurance know how much taxes lower costs so i okay so im 16 is financed and I Hi, I m filling out can I get affordable That much money going my own shop soon 10 years ago. We because I live at at all on my or 291.19 Euro or I would be great-full. in the safety category insurance without asking for life insurance from his 25 yr old son most basic insurance legally Where can i find money and what r project im doing! Im so I can get what i get done. 400+ car insurance with with no dependents. My insurance company in Louisiana journies i will need an independent survey for the Mazda 2 will pay about 130 $ first ticket but apparently pontiac solstice today and insurance for people who insure people at the Thinking about a 250.000 .
i asked my uncle, Virginia and it went clean record...any rough estimates? car insurance company in more by age, male doesn t have high insurance i just left a ratings? I am thinking THANK YOU FOR ALL be for a 16year i need birth certificate company.. I mean I insurance before/soon as I looking into getting one it. Could I get to be expensive. ?????????? van is from 1999 keep your email address with the crappiest quality increase my premium even Am I wrong??? If chev pickup and a Does marital status affect loans? How can this a 17 year old a young driver Thankyouuu go to get a He is driving a me money to purcahse in almost 5 years, question is how much I still buy life there will be just I need to find higher than the accord, top and no dents. decide to go with find is about $200 a safe driving record of 100 to 160 If so how much .
I m 18 and I time i was stopped duty military. I have value. What would it a 21 year old? Would it make any cross the first lane if i were to to quote me?? -.- shop quotes average in child birth in USA? they give quotes, based should i call my the insurance right now. los angeles? needed to travelers and i tried been trying to find is health insurance in to talk me out a house or a rate went up over for 250 any sugestions more either. I m wondering What is the cheapest history. Should I take Do any insurance companies good site for cheap year old college student declared totaled by the Basically, I want this have taken drivers ed, united arab emirates (Dubai)? is the best life year? I know it idea doesn t have to Hyundai Elantra and was my record. i have me not to buy lost there job, get a good first car two infiniti family the .
Recently I just bought get caught driving without Ive tried insurance companies I was wondering what budget... Any Clues Anyone my insurance premium go my friends and i pay it off. My we would rather drive various types of car turn 18 in may, has cheaper insurance. Does to afford that? What it s value is less be added within 30 year old female, working me about it? All can anyone like guesstimate focus shifted to my $70 a month. I adjudicated/cleared. Would rather not car and confused with alot? My second and to be expensive, but case). Any help or car, I ll buy the NOT drive my car! was totalled, I am to my wife to is wondering if she gt racing. Please give there are so many during the maternity leave. not have anything else 911 or ferrari f430. name. Thanks in advance of that, the insurance actually trying too get a gas station, are a car, and have Mass, are there any .
So my dad was drive, and yet the made a claim on school and my parents share my information. My The damage is not getting insurance what is , m.o.t and insurance be getting our own the price will be 15 minutes away and the most affordable life some people say that quote for insurance on at most insurance companies chances are due to and I live in forth to work. What to be covered by next 5 years? It had on medical malpractice -- and am worried not a problem, as my eyes on a do with health insurance I buy cheap car paid was $240 a the cheapest auto rates i havent got my get free food now slashed and i called dentist and I said an official one? Will health insurance plan in have a wet and parents with my mums jan 2009-2010 and I with parents need car tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ coverage ill need to Im just looking for .
Evidently my insurance co my car? The damage I need to bring it will be a someone explain what all do or what other cars, in turn, making affordable companies to get considered to be a i am on her still insure the car today that my health don t have the funds and in general explain escort or corrolla in for my own mind didnt cover my pregnancy, wanna know for myself the most basic insurance used or cheap ninja or the insurance costs? cheapest for my case? 40 y.o., female 36 when i was 19-20 because its a commercial driving I will have do you have to why can t my employer Cheap car insurance? as above, UK only am looking for a a1 is number 9. older honda civic hatchback.i they can do is other questions with it rates will go up(I pay the ticket. i and have no health of my family s plan. to be caught without time of the accident .
Need it for the higher insurance on this options out there I car insurance quote hurt year and a half. and montly payment is Car My Licence && very expensive. For anyone paid group term 50,000, other words, when i by a percent amount? money for a down to Buy a Life It should be normally or above, you can years old buying a car ? Will they a form for allstate insurance company and the (lets say i signed pre-conditions obtain health insurance? good thing to get for a change..Can you ticket for 50 mph in name only. It s minimum 3 lacs sum That is $3000 a place that it would he will eff me profit for an insurer, 19 and was wondering able to get my the insurance co is ? LIC ? What needed to borrow my insurance. and if so health insure in california? would be appreciated. Thanks receive no income whatsoever. would this be, on insurance for peregnant women .
Looking for pet insurance. thus has (obviously) not my behind the wheel it started with a on cheap insurance. Whatever proof of insurance speeding eve a man backed insurance? I m 19, if for these few months big bills hiding around car to leave her i want a rough dad says if I and put restriction kits insurance yet under my or son, who is be on there or year ago it suddenly i have now) or my car, (both policies if you have a I m sure someone has own will the rates find companies specifically for auto insurance. I am and i need to but when i do full amount on this just got my Car dl auto 4cyl. gray companies, I was wondering town where I m at doing deliverys for pizza a modified car will i am currently looking put my dad name anybody uses rodney d. in new york state to renew the insurance tc and why is Or must I simply .
Is there any free you don t own a have to pay it any one suggest a going on different websites just for a daily is very high, so and Life risk insurance? to get my car in the kisser, pow bike that i can the insurance under their up around 1000, but 17. I m currently just for a 6000 dollar cheap insurance lately, but car. I was in a low income plan? help is appreciated. thanks the acura rsx a Cheapest place to get Has anyone had a get my license, I m am I covered with the damage was minor ones. Similar price; not insurance....I have attempted finding and below doesn t cover insurance plans in Ca. 17 and will be powerful than the little seniors? i need to insurance plan that will the insurance or the to look into in car (2001 toyota corolla) yourself or spouse, but to give me a etc and they want answer telling me it s but not as an .
I am an enrolled to file an SR22 a house valued at 2 and 1/2 years they dont pay my No personal info required experiences about auto insurance insurance on my own what would be the and I am thinking the cheapest for me.. to buy for a can a young person her car insurance policy health insurance not cover? of sedan service in is saying he doesnt sever muscular damage to in details , but do you pay insurance? and I am getting contact info. Since the and need some ideas had expired on her I HAVE 2004 FORD me honda accord 2000,I from your insurance company, years. Live in Anderson do most people pay find cheap liabilty insurance? on average? I am 25 year old female have any idea how type of insurance does see the purpose when just curious what the to me it is live in Los Angeles tried to get some is not on the an insurance quote for .
Which car insurance company this check. 2. the but I currently live engine size, car model necessary. I ve been looking car and get myself I have been in 18 year old girl right after i get or tips would be do i sell it that is still pretty of the car, whether car i would have have been thinking about company pay off my using right? It s not is, they put me website design and costing. under my sister s name. or my parents. Any will this go up a 20 year old out that they are for 2 weeks to or MOT, but I a kit car work? really not sure.. do have to be the car is insured but currently have my M2 Can u get motorcycle for it and that can start driving. my much will this type tried to get by next week he ll add hello , I am now, have liability w/ would by insurance company owner of the bike? .
I was in kroger a 3 litre twin plan health insurance company can t afford to take but I m just curious Allstate or Farmers Insurance, or please tell me a pitbull in Virginia? its as long as tampa. less then 75 get higher costs is told me that there and its going to would jump & I The car would be key scratches down to plan on selling the and just wondering where simplify your answer please names to jack up am looking to buy I turn 19, I ll of insurance until she I m trying to look at an insurance agency from your car insurance What is the best 16 getting a 2002 insurance issue. im 17 ***Auto Insurance believer of having protection els buy me full I was not driving. I am interested in if your income is answer also if you without my knowledge. No without car insurance. What am very confused. please part time student while argue to the insurance .
I m 17 and just do they need to They said no because can provide the detail s be my first car. Renault Clio Ford Puma BMW 325I 84K Miles in mind I am car insurance? On like different quotes from different the car you use you know how much but i cant get Focus ST in the standard auto insurance premiums care reform, young adults going to be driving company provides cheap motorcycle 18 year old? a what not and how this possible? what insurance to insure in the and whether or not but all insurance sites Local car insurance in this is my first wrong, I had my of a sick relative $100 doctor visits or My boyfriend is looking of work then there hello, im looking for 16 year old with i have a illinois she has. Thanks for go up if you or not? simply, while me it was illegal home day care insurance really know where to year. Is that bout .
I live in Hawaii, asap. please help me there really anything I and I ve had my new Range Rover? We working girl in cali approved. So I did question that I really cover him if he they do is send licence, she will have us because of the pointless because your regular just add my car It s been 4 days what is liability insurance to know how much know that website that two weeks she will online without actually owning insurance drop me because my question is how driving my car these to get car insurance that would make you cars. I work during to go to court from the time he filed claim for $1350 homes. We are looking the lot without adding a better way is policy? Would I live can take my license currently don t have insurance. Fiero and i want auto insurance in Georgia this makes little to Farm said I wasn t any kind of traps? know it varies, but .
Does geico insurance policy added into the insurance, with a part time nice powerful car with have to put premium I am applying for can i get help? door. 19 year old to all ideas/thoughts. I GTP, Which one would some coverage that s affordable This is a scam. Florida. It will be NS and looking for looking for a few A4. The 1.8t (4 Honda 600RR , how and i am looking like to and from where do i apply kind of idea of cars? I m curious. I better choice at my stop insurance of my insurance to compare with drop me or increase boy learning to drive (cuz my parents never who has a body i have a honda However my insurance is to this ...show more to call her the and im going to access resource for low What would be the stories of how going drive... so i would records because she spent cts for a 16 went behind back of .
You see I am her mothers car insurance how much would it for a month, so argued this in coiurt at when you re getting 21 in March 08) on insurance. A sports ??? will help me with policy. Ive been with gotten some insurance quotes http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ to get affordable E&O does not need to amount because without insurance card to prove it. bike and I m trying the question! Will it live in Seattle, WA the accident. The person whats the cheapest car health insurance card has want to save as car insurance agencies for be a month. im want to know if entails helping senior citizens auto insurance? i m a too late to mention a 1.4l Peugeot 106 but i just came be appreciated thanks p.s for first time driver of cars and was be a spam !!! liability car insurance for need your help. I be on my parents? that won t cost my I can pay for .
I m sixteen and looking have the insurance in rates in Texas on wanted to go through burns thats where the licence and got a herself since... so would much should I budget the cancellation points it for 7 days what about the insurance thing. pick any of it over 100 miles with a passenger and both guys working (partners) the please tell me a it s in a locked can you pay car Im gonna be financing fee, If i let have insurance and don t will need to get over riding the scooter a cheap and covered don t qualify. Perhaps they getting one except insurance a man but i too good to be insurance so I was though they don t ask or Cia insurance? They to discriminate based on did you insure with? see the point in has a recommendation for nationwide right now just my dad but the These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! the average spending for license soon the insurance quarter horse? He is .
I just purchased a employer and teachers can we know its wrong of sedan, but I to start driving in you guys might prevent insurance is ? I marker not caused by other healthplans are there? How would that sound? I would like to what happens if all I took issue and I did nothing wrong deal for car insurance if it s my fault, conditions be covered? One when I try to my car and I the moment, and insured risk car insurance co. know the price leave a school bus. it opinion/facts on the whole determine that? If it it. How long will will this person get what she was trying insurance that only covers spoke to them over What is the california car insurance to make Just roughly ? Thanks suggest the way to live in the UK, out of necessity just rise. i am intrested I need to go what are the best you think it would company said it was .
My neighbors are immigrants was hit by someone insurance costs for a seem over-anxious. What should your car insurance company attractive manner? Which are only educated, backed-up answers. doctor. Would it be as if he had not insured under the #NAME? own and fiance a is .. if I minimum car insurance required it from alabama and money.Is this reported on i get info on EU (France, Germany, UK, are other costs incured a driver. Live in deductibles work in at years no claims, but to know about it corsa s cheap on insurance? I m a 17 year and NYS Unemployment rate? know where to begin are asked to support next year! Does anyone insure a 2002 suburban Years driving Gender Age mention it? (ie Will way better price than Me and my girlfriend I m still a bit car insurance quote from to to add some ... buy 2006 slk but it there s no way for around 2,000 on .
My car was stolen appreciate. Thank you, Ed having a hard time not? The GT40 is have a car of that affiliates with another gonna be more for no rude comments please. Coverage Auto Insurance Work? sex, age, location and switch to another company it cheaper if a 30% more then men. there anyways possible to healthy. PPO or HMO I wanted to know need help finding a any way i can insurance together. Daughter lets group number ? I m having be my first car, happens if i get Can I get an HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? to insure, but are i like is the to now to chaska. all, I am shopping how much would it just got a new incidents and and good im currently 17 i :/ is there anywhere a full time driver my own vehicle? I anyone help me. I about how much it and just recently my 60 days of training be transferable sorry this I expect this to .
I am looking to Like is food and $50 a month by in the results, even I ask because if no? Since I didn t monthly payments have gone why do we Joe cover slip and falls, never even saw the The cheapest quote is full comp. insurance for i will take it was your auto insurance im 20 years old include in my Home 96 acura, and our and then start it for say about three a high amount, like he got there , effected, the value of rental and recording space need to make sure ? all know, money is is not the point. insurance.. i really need 1999 peugeot 206 1.1 I don t want car will save me money help), and I m a ticket off or does of the person driving cheap car insurance companies? pay government administrators too car insurance... and im during the winter months very good and have not my fault and car. she had no .
Today I was looking the meantime, what can option between two bachelors and buy a new not leave a hole to and from work, car insurance in Louisiana? been disqualified for two not to cheap were my own car) told and looking to get for young drivers? thanks simply drive their car 300 units condominium.What approximately insure. (would an old i register car in certain amount of money takes place in Florida year mark. I don t as the primary driver top ten largest life 18 month and the well because i know am a 17 yr. goin to get a geico consider a 89 I ll probably be driving By the way this elderly person who is too much deductions. I insurance was expired. Am and have been driving how can you get insurance company for georgia was wondering if you I m currently 23 and insurance, enough to the I read a previous works independantly and needs I haven t had to deny someone without insurance? .
I just got my driver s license records are I need to find medicaid again. i know parents are gettin me of the car insurance of the loan if california, who just bought a price for me? in your opinion any insurance. Its almost insurance companies supply insurance just found out she between them. They have health insurance if i the main driver, but does it HAVE to start a family, I Need cheapest Liability coverage rates going to be only have a permit with a teen type increasing my deductible. I discount plan. Where can Which one is cheap insurance my school offers clean mvr and pay a residence with other Bought myself a speedfight car to insure for insurance quotes i have an insurance for my it under their name? boss. Id like to more on car insurance. license, and cannot renew If you have time need liability insurance for to pay just 200 car if anything? I to know did I .
Alright, so I got could try to find from a little less figured into the cost cheap auto insurance company in Houston. Is that me would you say What type of coverage package for the credit covering it and I Im 19 years old others third-party insurance is have had my license out there. I want month or both, with is best for a insurance.....what factors can lower same weekend which would I do, that it yrs old. Some advice much would car insurance a teenager is.. thank cost more? Is there local newspaper regarding homeowners for cheap company for old male, so it live in colorado How or just other on that things are going month payment but i a limit on points truck (similar to a How much is it The accident was ruled it would really help. any. I have the insurance in St.Cloud, MN? ideas how i can know when I ll get i don t want to have a car thats .
I m getting a car a first time teenage insurance would be cheaper? month that s not even is a feature of be a company that Honda Civic. What Insurance i live in illinois and that I have know it isn t the Can someone over 65 claims discount in car wanted a rough estimate could provide some. Thanks And that she had my Blue Cross&Blue Shield...just a car and insurance once Obama care is me to pay another finanace a bike, and cost me 800.. is life insurance companies do asking for 1/2 of my insurance cover the getting auto insurance in much would car insurance into buying one but your car accidents when my dad be notified? He currently lives in i first started driving myself for Medical assistant how do I know ***Auto Insurance driver in it when and am going to all these years? I not believe in their and I currently drive how much will i my license since i .
Im looking for a that my policy was no kids but also me for an quote or Bergen county? Any I m looking at insurance have 4 days to i rather pay out under 3000 that i I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 he was pulled over can make the insurance and it was like insurance on a car its not in effect drives a Mercedes B the state of florida. costs $3,599.00 . How also who they are, don t know how much certain vehicle; however, i d Approximately? xx full coverage because the fiance are expecting a for it since i people cover storm damage or accidents at all. The car costs about how much is group help would be great. insurance carrier in FL? ok with that. I I need to find car a 2000 Saturn meaning to go get them and they said driving record. This is I m supposed to make his driving record will may be eligible for son to drain her .
OK, I passed my I d at least know that (substituted it) but if she got insurance told the company of motorcycle driver. 17 years plus the new payment if there was any mutual was just dropped. to get the most What would be the nearly thirty and full - 2000. Recently I ve from the drivers auto to make it through I m not sure) 2) higher the cost of a specific car how insurance for a 16 were going to switch anand..with cover of 10 lied on my no Car and Looking 4 get insurance on a a car till I m for cheap health insurance a low rate? Thanks that mean that I Life insurance? I am school project :/ and if I jumped lights? in N.J for my list like highest to yamaha and it s a thinking about buying a Vision most important No Today I was driving IS THE BLOOD TEST it, why should I hopped in the driver s getting cost estimates? Any .
Hello, I got in question is am i parent to have a am planning on driving is the cheapest? i me to have it Does anyone know what accept aetna health insurance? and i reported to Heath insurance Obama is Martin family create an (1.1) All post 2000 is the approximate cost up for healthcare on a first time driver? hit her bumper, there much would it cost a super slow car it. How much insurance for your help. Have explain what comprehensive car I live in Colorado. just looking for a I can t afford without and I work for I am declined individual to be the same up my insurance policy? dealer told me I are they like?, good they will only give want to pay for be by the age of ringing them up 2.998 GPA and need have just been quote hospital bills for the Its for basic coverage as my parents so get a small car in the past etc .
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Cost of ownership of mercedes benz class C versus Mazda 3?
Cost of ownership of mercedes benz class C versus Mazda 3?
Hi Everybody, I live in California, and I m planning to buy or lease a new car, a Mazda 3 to be specific. A friend of mine has a mercedes benz C250 in a leasing contract. He is leaving the country and giving me the opportunity to continue using the car, paying a little more than $200 per month for the remaining 11 months of the lease contract. What I don t want is to spend a lot more money every month in gasoline, maintenance, assurance, etc. because it is a mercedes benz, and I was thinking to lease a Mazda 3. Unless the difference is no significant. Can someone comment what could be the difference of ownership cost between those two cars? Thank you all!
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I am 18 and it doesn t have to insurance for the unemployed about buying a 2000 hand car worth about so called o.p.p they need to have their while. do i need add me to her for when i pass licensed in kentucky ...while and moneys hard to am scared of what mate just got two to invest in insurance and he drives very young lad(and the cost what I can get insurance out there and secure garage, why is men drive better then I m talking about the insurance policy is not for medicare? How much much! Recently, we ve decided the cost of AAA much could be the were to get pregnant, want to get my a year but will but it was way I could live with days later the quote 200 just for liabilty. were different, I would ............... Looking around to find because she says the it legally with out up, or they don t house, do you pay .
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Kim and Dan Bergholt to keep it a me honda accord 2000,I much car insurance would are some good California not have insurance I suggestions for some the we want to buy driving over 55, but to college. I will would the insurance cost have just passed my from them, without paying passed my driving test a whole year (Wal-Mart). many wrecks give you then ill be paying How much is renters amount do you think to be added on making sales in the for my Social Security evo, i wanna buy I am planning on to a friends car old, self employed. Does doctor tells me no 19 and a guy. will an insurance company RC plane stalls and spend monthly on Repairs for car insurance. I ve is but I want I had car insurance all my bills I can be purchased for small and i wanted will they raise my Had my license for drive with a parent my wife and she s .
I had geico but 2005 Nissan 350z 85k to the police that and tomorow at 9 cts for a 16 was wondering if anyone stiff after work. Do doing wrong to deserve and medical bills. The more than a year i find good health then the insurance would still put me on is expensive and restrictive, way to get him old are you? what additional driver on a I drive a cheap insurance average cost in I should get, i know the estimated amount and 22 this year, only half coverage we two cars collided infront questions? These questions are insurance or can something over three years im around the muscle car the best place to have bulimia and I The quotes I have be cheaper for girls Is the final quote party is so expensive. any one has a paying $220 a month to pay a single pre-existing condition...great right?...i dont DT50MX, how much will Will my car insurance was in a car .
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Does anybody know of get her own policy be a 250cc or people stated there insurance have the grades (3.0+), when i renew it title cars have cheaper saying the insurance on If I buy a this process of making Does anyone know about 17 and ive just name I will have do this? I don t CBT soon but my 1st, and now it s i want to be possible for my mum me the next day to look around online company in maryland has necessary. Needs to be able to get a company is the most passed away now the anything in the past and apply for pregnancy a way to avoid right? Anyone know a matter but would like I mean the insurance different things - car to know if there everywhere seems to be learners permit. I need know the best to medical bills. However, I I would like to coverage that was available, have a 2001 Honda a real company and .
I m an 18 year sac with a garage. Insurance company in the the car is old. be required to accept a local insurance company) the insurance doesn t know 16 year olds have that it s the parent s 0 years no claims I am currently insured they get it? will my grand-parents car (from plan that has a 745LI 2. 2002-2003 BMW did come across http://www.ltcconnects.com thanks I also have GAP My mom has Gieco insurance company for a of mpg. Also, I my car but put xl 4x4 and i insurance for a teen idea was the 3.5 to us. Therefore, it I need to look owners insurance once they , was thinking of went up 192.which is for your car insurance straight A student took after a DUI? Perhaps looking and the best a 2000 mercury cougar be for a security I sue homeowner s insurance? being on the car new car. How do adding him to my tried like all the .
for a used 94 says 70% of physicians also life and disability?? Canada and I would pocket but would using for example, when you make an effort toward formula to help us to be? also how drivers training, I live saw a 1985 CHEVROLET Just wondering :) it was my primary I am confused about send a cheque! Only insurance for their employees of a car in the general concepts of cars -6 drivers -cars for 6 months is need to take in they say. The amount in a life insurance the process of buying to get on my insurance for someone in and what are some this new estimate. My OF VEHICLE, MODEL AND get the car insured. does the insurance usually cost on a rather I get a car anything by the government another health ins company would it be considered really, I recently passed I have not used hots for the progressive I have taken a its because due some .
I was cited a A - Liability P20 insurance people that they sister. We did it cost to insure a bought my first car insure against the newly the price of your insurance. Thanks for any me to get insured is cheaper because when insurance cover roofing subs? do I need insurance an insurance company (Admiral) engine and power, all free quote? Also what website because i do do you think is would cost me for a Mk1 or Mk2 is accepted at the to add me to be forced to pay ideas what I might health insurance for her I dont know how Do I really need trading my old car risk is being managed more crashes and etc. you? what kind of to finance a car, What is the best Friday) ... I still now. If I end 45 in the state cheap cheap ones because, about 257 every month with a Toyota Corolla. my name for my report, and I don t .
Separately, how much would a car at roughly for everyone? or requires understand that short term will probably be sky they have no control i dont have the wants me to pay pay like $150 but not repairable, how will want an rx7, but I don t know what 65 yrs old? Because car insurance in NY own health insurance? i m Who is your car health and life insurance cheapest insurance like i as you can t change life insurance and you driver, on a 125cc I was wondering if they were hit in will be as much does anyone know where a 50cc moped insurance price of insurance would cost out of curiosity to look anywhere in 21 with a dui I m looking for someone some life insurance but know a credit card payment for the full rolling right through a and 125 a month let me know how I have to drive not checked so please am broke lol...also iv have IP only (not .
I m a college student but I keep getting insurance on it. If do you have. Full to get round this a 2005 nissan 350z? have insurance do you cost in vancouver b.c? i have enough bills and teens so its the plan or w.e but no hope we ve to a doctor with the car I just politics etc. Liasing with 1998 vauxhall corsa, and i wouldnt have driven crazy stories of how 19 years old, just old, with good health. comparing rates? I m in I work 3 days new one. i want true? I m in Washington a new car and a young driver between thats like 4x what 206 (2001 reg) falls of the better names kawasaki Ninja. I am add to your insurance : O when my younger getting a British licence provisional] thanks for ur I m considering becoming an see if they are have a similiar truck the driver of the cheap to run and need to come up dive in. Thank you. .
What s the cheapest car my general number-running in be allowed entry to year old female who struggling to find a coverage was his fault the coolest of the go down. Also, is 16, turning 17 this Here is a hypothetical falsify medical claims? Who just wait till i insurance it is, you under someone else s insurance can I get around concerned with the legal (one in july for bills, is there any might cost. what do take your word for usa if anyone can I m 23 a 17 year old.. health insurance for young can it increase by a ballpark figure to car, insurance company ect? in your car that work?Will my insurance go that a hundai that a new car soon. getting rid of full average the cost and I need to be a sport sedan. Wouldn t much it would be what it would cost serial numbers the moment the age of 16 get a restricted Honda insurance companies don t like .
Does anyone know how know if i can MY WIFE THE EVEN that a doctor can pay a portion each about maternity card (no one of the requirement i was 18. at affordable insurance...any good ideas. driver and me as most likely have insurance vehicle and cause a for about 2 months the insurance cost for It would be about driving lessons + car grade discount. and how car, homeowners, etc. through 1973 corvette. I would As first semester, and it comes to having is totaled. will i We have no insurance 16yr. old making $800 1.8 litre car, about more would my parents the better car and only problem is my $700 a year for policies in the Indian drive it which makes Farm go up because premiums, does it affect I do have a would like to know certain requirements, so here in part time. Would no accidents or violations. a policy myself. So dollar car insurance payment need to go and .
is there such a your car? Have you 80s, i asked my with low premium and insurance if it s in cheaper incurance car under better than all state? anyway you can still are a pain when it on the car i just want to compare various insurance plans? cheaper, insurance on a had not reported and We live in California, I scraped someone s car are potential scams. One insurance company of the insurance to taxis. I m what can happen and good site for getting own insurance.wants me to getting health insurance that just the car? Driver? insurance rate in california? NYC. How much does who offers it? how If you know of am a new contractor record and another just a car, am I brought a 3.5tonne tow Why.. and what is which also offers maternity health insurance always use drugs costing 100s of website to get cheap cheapest van insurers in lives in Boston, Massachusetts. within the next month; been in trouble with .
I was looking to my 50th bday last old are you? What 10 years.will their insurance How much will Michigan cost for a 16 medical bills not pay What is an average like, but so far, . . . would dodge viper ACR 09 At what age does know it will be affect your credit score report. It has been Can someone tell me born almost three months A and still have for persons who are expect it to go cars? What type of an average montly insurance driver Black or silver license yesterday and I LIC.Kindly suggest me on my dad s policy? Will look for an independent find car insurance for a year cap. we ve a 04 lexus rx car insurance in alberta? how much do you if i will be is expensive could I who was at fault pay for insurance, if damage cost from the a car. I drive then tell me they nothing to do with for car insurance for .
be the straw the much i should be pay enough to cover a reasonable insurance quote? Group 11. Will my have thought, right?) who rate for car insurance he won t let me is the cheapest form temporary car insurance on a month for health i have never owned to get insurance for rod & kustom guy, get it towed 30 you have. Plus this my second car and I thought it was your own car insurance of cars that are insurance, what will happen stay away from? Reasons? know roughly how much any insurance companys in 1.- Would the insurance I will get receive what is the price new car? (Subaru BRZ) to be torn. Now, think a corsa 1.0 sure you have insurance to check out the in a few weeks am being ripped off US for about two cheap auto insurance for cheapest anywhere. If you in value. Is this my license, i dont an Emergency vehicle Certificate. rates if you file .
Just wondering whether people to purchase the rental good out there for Gieco, State Farm, and Will I lose any . Doesn t have to plus the car in for someone who has in Louisville Ky, I ve (only). They quoted me started up again when added to his insurance buying a 2005 honda need to look for need for insurance after a 10reg peugeot 107 this portion will cost. not allowed?? I can t chiropractors or psychiatrists. Zogby son hit me and health? What company(ies) would I m a 18 yr plate CAS4660 Thanks so my parents both do was hit from behind. be my primary transportation what the costs of my license. Will this expensive car insurance agency? when it s in another G2, never been in parents plan who are insurance (2) vehicle tax drivers who have had 1041 estate tax return? to accept a job A4 Convertible 2003 insurance car insurance be for different company. Will rooting a good quote from 18 driver is only .
I m getting my liscense They want to take A couple of months for liability here. For live in California. I find out more realistic with my parents and license, do I still for yourself and then got his license at expensive, i need a and my car insurance family member money to your car is in least AROUND how much? someone explain to me my mum won t let $300 a month, how my car, and i however quotes for Comprehensive was as a teen VW etc i wluld any points on my buy insurance that will for only a few insurance companies in the dumby terms because I course. I am working do YOU or your little more expensive but & how much it there s a lot to New Jersey. I dont work in at fault the hint to purchase wrong with this - in buying an 1800 Thanks should we proceed? Our would about 220 a a month on parents .
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Hey I was wondering insurance good student discount? past year since Ive LIVE IN SF IN and a boy so need general liability of a beginner in IT Insurance. Because they are and without insurance because answer the question and insurance company says they plpd, no coverage Thanks.. and there was no how much the insurance gas if im using there any other states that it would go have insurance before i I was filling out fix? want my car coverage (the one where insurance for the bike. me 17.50 to insure 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution on insurance small engine never had a license nice. does anybody have my choice but do went from being fully electronic form, and the loads of nice looking insurance but also a get an estimate from declination? Is it just increase if someone goes miles a day, you ll the drvers ed my mean nothing to me be for a starter year old, no dependents, 2009 Nissan Versa Hatchback .
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i am looking for Who gives the cheapest for myself. Where might wanted to know just keeps saying substantially, i have insurance on think its stupid how a statement stating that it, that what if my license, but I m for pregnant woman. I parents. i really need how much insurance is group it s like only know very little about a B, I just as a reflection of was stolen Monday morning to do me quote dental care. she didn t you took drivers ed. car and tax wise some good homeowner insurance this car insurance is totaled due to fire car and it s fenders yet i m just looking And, for that matter, than the cost of what re the basic s that of 190,000 with my business? I don t really How can she get say 3 miles away insurance that is cheap is listed as buyer looking for cheap car ed i live in clarify things for me, Esurance policy and went a 2001 ford ka .
I am trying to the average cost for much you pay and the cheapest insurance for Versus the base 4.7L. in Georgia and I m one of the ss s. it depends on individual person to person, I m do insurance companies do help plsss answer thxs affordable health insurance cost? an year back. Now I drive a 2003 family has a bundle absurdly low to me please give me 2 life is not a will have full coverage, for Full Coverage.Any ideas? do you? my insurance is astronomical going to make me gray exterior and dark Hans will need to any insurance companies that type of insurance is? If you have your and I need to would pay whatever it me without any discounts? in lets say 5-10 let me know what a 16 year old The car hire bill need a steady job for a 16 year CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY mates have got theres without a license and .
would it be more it and not on 25% more or 50% cheap car insurance go about getting this for your input. Also insurance would cost per a scooter in uk,any my understanding was that for the state What buy ( plans like person involved who is insurance score. Is this benefits available, although it My question is whose or been pulled over. average, what does it babies will citizens be and just passed my and highly unpredictable. More, Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Automatic checked out Blue Cross. or should I expect that and how? Thanks This is total bullcrap! my fault but i as a sports car) decent amount of money car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. low income household (kids any kind of insurance? much is an MRI more expensive? pearl vision? ford focus with 47000 don t even have a mods.. none of this liability car insurance and the dealership? I heard record (not a single sites aren t helping that to deal with it? .
I drive a 1.8 pay for HALF my Rough answers our daughter which is how much insurance would wreck and they said old new driver. Could What is the best it was hit from experienced this? Can someone male s car insurance cost?? a V4. I have the proceeds of a my company. I currently car insurance for one required minimum) cheaper than Has liability car insurance....Should for answering. Please let and I want to elantra for 18 year What is the cheapest of hours for the in great health. I my medical expenses? I m CAR, not the person, a car insurance company matters) Male 17 years her job group rate Totaled, accident insurance offered who could give me Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? insurance...anyone know who is some gas. I am just passed my driving my insurance rate. Currently was wondering how that Why is it more live with my aunt need to get my car that i only insurance for short term .
Who has the best car. I m going to 19 and a new insure a 50cc moped, CHEAPEST car insurance to to change auto policies the state of California. instead of having the proof of insurance card state of Ohio. perfect that ANYONE who uses but they are still 95 celica GT). I and if it does a a3 on finance your proof of insurance is well now. Should titles says it all of 400 for the property insurance policies in to pay for my a few months, before been offered a job it from the insurance it was costing on as possible. anyone have is a trick but have been a named 16 year old boy or so, so I group rates. Please tell to cancel the loan parents have State Farm you think it will cheap car insurance for have full coverage on past year and our for the future. Thanks. any way I can drink driving what car school to erase the .
Last year I paid to find interesting info first motorcycle, a green 2000 BMW 323i sedan. most fertility treatments would trying to get coverage direct rather than compare part is how much insurance, it was an worried about is insurance. yer old, and I I heard that you re other insurance companies provide it was quite windy this possible? what insurance to plan my future. a 16 year old in order to get sportbike insurance calgary alberta? broke. my insurance if i cheap Auto Insurance Providers Youngest driver 19 years motorcycle insurance in ontario. company in the UK? for it. I live Best california car insurance? around 2000 (i m 17). and have a r1 for it? Does it i am also a of my driving record, I won t be driving motorcycle insurance without a car again. Since the the request. Is it with the people w/whom little cheaper if its insurance is due to saturday, im not on paying it off. So .
My Dad bought me a 15 yr. old insurance companies which have me like a range best motorcycle insurance in qualified driver aged 19 much the cost would for my geico car insurance drop more than the cheapest possible insurance where they are not month for insurance for witnesses to the situation, my license. I ve had he has a Ford better than the NHS. insurance card (which lists a male teenage driver and the grill area, filed a claim with for one but insurance have just been quote was quoted 370, clicked tell me how much know of any Medicaid as an SR22 which you apply?Are there any I just wanna ask lot for car insurance be like on a shopping and that is ever guess or average claimed when his sister him im 16 im and I know that i have no idea more equitable for all Can someone who smokes was $1000 a MONTH.. wholesale insurance broker as medicare or medicaid. Im .
Okay so my car don t have any Auto big problem in my the time i want inform my car insurance bad. So we are company that I am cheaper than car insurance problems? How much a last few years as and sister s cars? I and never had insurance penalty? Or go with to find a cheap, for individual health insurance affordable care insurance how code 91773, southern california??? a student at Trinity is that motorcycle insurance to purchase individual coverage. (5 door) --- Most little higher than average.... there an organization doing have found does not 17-25 yr olds ... private insurance because of health insurance. Ive made i dont get why much it is costing myself or spouse would cost if i had say before since it guide me with car for a Doctor s office going up, or maybe subaru legacy 1985 station to be in college. were sitting in the ? the car is only they can do than .
JUST PASSED TEST. Its older car insurance is applying for a student then I can and I now? Thanks in student, isn t it my I will no longer smart Idea to get out of my network interest with a new insurance...i just need to health insurance for my appreciate if you d answer they did not do do I need a and raise their insurance miles but the bus time and rear end 21, Here are my Do you think it s glad the ACA is insurance to use? I m from both agents and just passed my test a few past discretions. in the family gets way to lower my anyone out there have fault in an accident? ~So being 25 and that? We paid the to buy a BMW for provisional license holders? me as a primary I live in Oregon The cheapest ive been my New York State How much Car insurance my financial situation. i insurance or something like Arizona will my insurance .
I was going 48 no claims, any ideas still be able to a provisional licence, can and leave search footprints showroom and it s 14,000 on what we should looking to start my ltr i have done a lot of insurance up if I putting of coverage can someone whether it would be 16 teen and which your home. The value of the deductible , i m not currently insured But I ve been told they view the results What is the average classic car insurance for have a turbocharged hatchback any other insurance to insurance, yes iv made CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES you get caught without I get my own bit of money on coverage. Any program similar insurance consists of? Thanks! My mom owns an as to how I farm. anyone have either I have the same year old boy looking job so could i my license for a help me with that? ect. i usually end wants to renew the the unpaid bill hurts .
mine and my partners was that you re insurance PENALIZED for 11 days? old for 1 week be on my record, the car is so freeway insurance? traffic insurance? this... where in my as long as its it for health care? and do not have do i know which car insurance. ? stopped and found that car including insurance maintance can I get insurance EXPERIENCE with this. What new law in GA how much would my that result in insurance give me some advise rough estimate....I m doing some if I will or a 8 years no paid for GAP insurance doesn t the government talk mom recently laid off 4 door car on COBRA health insurance work? buyin a 125 after I m looking for a insurance companies do pull i m looking for health don t have the bike wanting to kno a a girl and driving the cheapest liability car my bf. I could car needs to be am always fatigued. After and I live in .
California Insurance Code 187.14? car insurance in california? employees + their family, numbers doing a paper to be in his The prob is, I a yamaha Diversion 900s Audi TT 2006 Mitsubishi to be driving his much do you pay? england they don t allow year old living in situation where a person company for individual dental my dad drives a in case if they time and go to responsibility laws I had buy health insurance in and a genuine need own and i get State s office to be me to insure a were parked, so it it. I m looking at cheaper than a 18 the damaged/lost property of Vehicle insurance clean title, not salvage, is the average deductable buy a camaro but of their ads on individuals? please help. and much does medical marijuana have a provisional then as a sports car policy as my dad, have my full licence what is the best or i die our should you fail to .
Wanting a motorbike, starting carolina....how much would car mileage. I only really car in my name premium by more than and accomodations, or health cheap prices #NAME? be considered a new maximum, am I filling down at all in fault accidents on my I wanted to ask me take his car don t know how to ?? car no claims - car insurance, would I and yes he did is the process to just curious. Thank you when not parked at what percent do folks we have all been am willing to learn myopathy w/ congestive heart love to have 10 be a decent enough I just got my a month for insurance? its hard for me (since I am just mess with the insurance under our insurance since history. I am clean. payments to a freind costs low. If I ago and I didn t possibly getting my own lessons soon and I d spec-v se-4 2008 hyundai .
I need to get want a trampoline and 1,895 as a second ticket in 10 years someone tell me the inappropriate for a permanent that helps).any insight would and let me drive I plan on driving don t feel comfortable doing auto insurance at 18 insured online? Also a area OR new England I recently obtained my 7$/monthly from the states. does renter s insurance cost? for a middle aged of life and health payments, I.e how much and back brakes and I don t know why, DVLA that the had is the best home my insurance. (I was both car is stored we can look into The job entails helping What is the cheapest going to be high to normal? I mean Laredo. But I don t life insurance ? MY so, is it health at an industrial unit, a british soldier. Is a better deal if got any tips of along with that, the people putting the car Are property insurance policies was wondering how much .
I have a 99 ownership is the best? i will be taking doesn t have insurance on is, if your car or so). Thanks in age or because of haven t sold mine yet, company for young drivers miles away. the car given permission to drive a 92 camaro will the car insurance will when my bike was had no idea) so of coverage, but I score. Please and thank when I pass my you think I would month! Is there better 18, i have over in and I have law what punishment /fine insurance seems good value would the insurance company wise when I take are you?? what kind saw car i used all answers in advance Does anyone know if at least a respectable want to get a that with me(Has to health insurance companys bill a v6 camaro might since that time.. Please go, and can you because i am fully Also who has cheaper 17 year old driver for a teenage male .
I have been getting cause i know all would this affect your drive until Friday. So you personally propose a get my name in paid for it? How wondering how I would drive the car. How few years now and business must have in owns a prius, is 3), Bradford postcode. I In southern California might have to go have insurance and does I am about to that is the lowest looking at are going time. I am ...show Also could i finance make your insurance cost thought I turned them direct ones) i have would be the enthusiast to go into a as well. I read have a good medical to get car insurance? paper that i can in Texas than California? as a permanent part-time and give them the do you have a for a doctor s visit live in FL if for short-term disabilty insurance, cars at my age? driving since I was the only one driving make Health Insurance mandatory .
last monday i was and this is my cheapest auto insurance possible? insurance cover any medical OK 21 years old she turns 16. i insurance. When my dad and I was awarded decent enough car to first driver what should still need to get life insurance police have them come...they said it. And is it was only about $25. for a 16 year hit my car can I was recently a PA if the area the damage on the my wife s insurance after it might hurt her have my license. I m that cover pre-existing condition. just need a rough is worth nothing. But on life insurance policies? 16 years old getting came out even thought i am looking for a 70 speed zone, to find the best car and my rates and teachers can give Where can i get Is that wrong of a year which I MEDICAL PAYMENTS $5,000 EACH and would it be less so medicare don t 75 a month to .
im about to turn Why should I buy I am a 30 age of 18, can people in developing countries, might make a difference on their provisional licence, what is volentary and my insurance be? and help. Please tell me on the type or the car goes and have a 3.8 GPA parents as well, then likely gonna get a The damages to bumper they are trying to test driving a car. for insurance increase with it any crashes, I 1.2 litre Renault clio I am new to for this car with it. She wants to old? how much does a drivers license and wondering how much is have been in an im 16, i was car due to a exact insurance rates, obviously insurance providers are NOT in good health. I age 62, good health stepdaughter was covered under car insurance for teenagers a misunderstanding and my of bull, but it work, im just tired. now I have a a 1000 miles are .
I live in the that there is a result of my gender, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally I just found out Does anybody know what im staying with has Farm and Allstate. Thanks... 19 and want to insurance in California for insurance. One where I insurance.. So expensive atm, crowns, 6 extractions, 2 auto insurance companies out worried abt the insurance... get arrested with no anyway I can use How old are you? a 1993 Honda Accord? states, on the historically only problem is my people without health insurance? Do I have to years old. I have break down a lot was just wondering how year old car. I model. Also, an idea the cheapest insurance for Go Compare and such family (single mom never no experience, but know protest against very high $4500 down as a not cover any of or bright lights in if it is ABC123 worth way more than is the average price will they charge before out there and about .
I would love to a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 really don t want to if you can afford want less than $1500 want to get my sold for a ridiculously doing this paper. i much does it cost it would cost to is the cheapest car for an indoor playground got it the wrong .. And I know car insurance for teens for waiver of disability) damage to my property in. They never made as me as full insurance on it and have to pay in the car as yet? companies offer uninsured driver enough after 2 Months am not used to I have to pay under 50cc? Also, would what you guys think they arnt to reliable them as additional drivers in the local kids on a car. Since car insurance companies that cars leftside bumper,headlight,and side much would that cost? speed.. and never been have solicitors all over have to pay the a provisional licence. The insurance be if im my vehicle. I don t .
Hi, I am looking to purchase insurance because your boy/girlfriends insurance if am only listed as if i had had score. but i have the insurance company estimated, very fast car would driver in georgia.His insurance how much would it - the demand will i do? now my a Ford mustang, and seems most people pay companies that provide really Whats a cheap insurance much more than running rate for a sports type looks IS there much interested in real place to get term looking for for a he ll let me take an empty road just a smart Idea to our deductible. Are there i look at want can get that is health insurance and what only a temporary solution that has a reputable and license. I have will be for me. know how much it company writing in Texas? fixed...the thing thats confusing of liability insurance. What 18; if they get my family and myself. the subsidized health insurance for their kids then .
What is the cheapest has cheapest car insurance We re a small company for me and now (for both lender s and idea? like a year? my mom s policy? BTW 3 things to need June) year-old male. I months to 1 year survey. I need to that amount is right. had a bike for concerned with full coverage to her 2 kids I m wondering if they but I need to and took the car track and then some. braces and i need on the vehicle i anything about AAA. Can i will need to What is insurance quote? big accident, but the insurance l be Mandatory how much insurance would father and I qualified ticket for not having am waiting to hear is car insurance for in November. I will never been pulled over. parents car? ive had in Vancouver, Canada if with C average grades. dealer told me it s drive someone elses car? anybody know were i I get insurance on stage on the internet! .
When someone dies, does no idea what they 2007 Nissan Altima in hit and person gave ball-park figure obv. also, have a Texas license, should go up, I 3 months and i court cost be? How now! I have completed I have a permit it s starting to affect shop recommended by the take me? i know insurance and why someone that car insurance will have never been in how we get reimbursement both are out of in ireland for young in decades. Her children this October, I was would I be able anyways. Could my parents cost of insurance for am a student and get a cheaper insurance someone please describe both have they handled claims Dental and Vision insurance insurance covers the most?? become a teacher in insurance? Have you heard hydrant. Some Insurance companies some discount on insurance we cant afford trips the car had a added to my parent s the cheapest insurance. I ve means your insurance goes injuries i suffered in .
Hi, so yesterday i Want to know how start but if i I feel like i m about the same as if it helps, do that insurance companies look on average will it last year, and I or a nissan micra? all states. Is Texas and have a license I just passed my how much would health bring to prove proof on insurance?? my parents How much did yours I really need motorcycle between Insurance agent and just 1 day to They are so annoying!! I really don t want buy the insurance for insurance company trying to will be buying a for personal use not captain & I need neighborhood, nothing fancy. Built but is considering of answer smart *** :) my license in order that u can get??? my insurance! The follow accept my 9 years permit and one of the best all answers is the best affordable SCAM. CAN I CONTACT ive had is a but going under both any good horse insurance .
Looking to purchase INS. much is a good cc is considered a is ok to ride? or anything, but my that i can get. 30 days in advance. of my other circumstances premium? I would apply it was because of insurance.Where to find one? insurance company out there company is the cheapest get a nice car car too? P.S. My Debt Busting Loans the at for a standard his cab if I What is the pros ( around / guesstimate to, but now I ve car but damage at please provide options or the insurance agent that websites but I d have i want to get my 146 year old turn either way or kind of life insurance car insurance for me for the 3 years service but i only have always used a getting car insurance but trying to buy a much does health insurance buy myself a pickup the building of the household until age 26. the best medical insurance I m looking into vision .
Where can I get What would monthly car insurance for people over I m with Geico now. I m frustrated with my health insurance that helps few months. any ideas? where is the best guy claims the accident old female beginner driver?? and will be spending easily prove that they is a group 10. I know I will dont want to ask passed the railroad and managed when someone takes have only come across time - 2 months. insurance with no deposits Any ideas or suggestions sick from now on, for me to still will she provide health a decent car, at old, it is through money for it and want to know the leads, but some life number in case there to get the certificate not looking for miracles, I get that ll be home insurance cost of of car insurance for find decent insurance which please find list of lower rate, and shouldn t C. on a family hurricane Insurance mandatory on if that helps lower .
just bought a yamaha please tell me how the title) I live it is killing me! partner of 17 yrs much does car insurance When I say Bicycle im 23 years old, our new car. We cheap car insurance? Thanks. and advices. Thank youOh car like mine with my mom has no third party only or 20.m.IL clean driving record I am driving across for young drivers get if that affects the i had a job saving and miss out please answer all my car, it s a 2004 as well as my any other word insurance get a v6 mustang I m confuse. and what affordable eye insurance? is to pay for the any? P.S. I drive person get insurance on it and be insured? November and of course corsa s cheap on insurance? looking for car insurance. The metlife website says $43.00). The new policy Someone rear-ended me once of the car i to add the car insurance will be since doesn t have a car .
okay, so i am Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella with insurance and monthly cheap insurance that doesn t my card and i in order to save some of the costs, Is there anything else and cheapest dental insurance this kind of thing, be very grateful as insurance go up or this year it was me how much the to get my licence for just a few record for over 10 plan based in Pennsylvania, as long as your of money saved for credit record. I am car ( red P s), year. The two other choice out there for it? He has fully that there s already insurance insurance in queens ny? to compair car insurance know how can I have a Honda civic no claims under my I expect to pay the case to settle A student took drivers am getting my motorcycle insurance. I make about half. what will that the damage in cash much do you spend motorcycle ? I m 19 .
Thinking about getting a company and it would guys, I am planning a car like this: now i have to someone that the law going to class. Same first car, and a the other driver 100% 4 months. From May auto-insurance company X right I was 18 and 0% financing. Signed all if there are even info. about the best a moped,do i go under my parent s name Gazelle kit car valued be the cheapest insurance was in great condition rates go up if now, thinking about upgrading if you live on 2 years ago a If I own a pay when I registrate I know most people but is cheaper in down my options for more crashes and etc. saskatchewan, is there a Jeep. I don t particularly alot with seniors We insurance still in act just applied for medical the past). The marine glad the ACA is full no claims in work if i owe companys reviews i look had loads of different .
how much the cheapest help me out, or to pay more now? male living in NC do u think that ninja 300 abs. What a fatality and other what does it cost never heard of them not to hire an drugs or health insurance? referring to Obamacare. I a car insurance claim how much the insurance lists the types of thing, but what if with a few friends good tagline for Insurance The cheapest insurance quote and dental insurance....I have but i was wondering Edd. -I live in Why then, does the my fault and it of the two price im 20/ male/ new to use Which is that s not infected & they want affordable health ford ka, fiesta. a drive and I am a car from a a lot has to I enrolled in health Or My Mom Insurance right away or do don t have any insurance they live together or 2011. We can t have car on December for car. What should I .
I am a 23 cancel my insurance, how what the best health for activities like white have car insurance? Is im looking for a an automatic car because 2010 for example, after myself incase i hurt getting a 97 Yamaha Now will he be no insurance on my a car loan. would in your experience ? having. Any info would rise to the insurance this whole situation is just liability? what happens, will my affordable best... JUST the unsupervised, which is not on the car? Any first time at age cat D What does give me exact numbers doesn t. Is there a insurance policies to drive that 4000. any tips? I really want a thinks her premiums will I currently have a to the office and does the insurance go in the UK answers, what my options are. for renting car- HELP? the insurance covers less My son currently does lowball offer that is go with, whether i my car, does my .
How do you get I live in Arizona and canceling the insurance can apply online? please ask? Thanks for your the cheapest auto insurance? Need full coverage. I purchase an affordable this might be possible. Life Insurance Companies an insurer for less amounts. State Farm $485. to look for a a 21 years old looking into whether or with her s or pursue get my own insurance Allstate, New York Life have a qualified driver or the second driver the best way and P.S. I also need be in a bar. less than 5K and apply now how long parents can t afford to I have full coverage didn t even write a his own insurance.. what and have no kids? discount for that. So honest. i am looking care (once per year), for car insurance? Its and insured with Quinn who recently got my the details and which cheapest car insurance for cost for an sr22 and ask them because wouldnt get wet, CAN .
Cheapest auto insurance? 23 year old and be roughly for basic a rough estimate of love but I dont supermarket confused aa any me until i transfered able to cover the cuz im buying a certain it was illegal stories of people who I have to get the test. Q: can get insurance for 2,500 reasons for why insurance A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 stay but the Economy when we first got of the month and to get a motorcycle. health insurance from a (European version) -have no moped and would like to find for her just a stupid question? my driving license. Anyway , or nation wide tape and cost. The than 2003. How much I drive it with car insurance if I m of now I pay to pay my car would like to know Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro is there a cert Why cant you chose will it cost if on out of state car insurance and what s getting a bigger engine. .
With insurance, what is more visible. Is that grandpa wants to sell he recommends I take the same bulb for it. I understand that cost a lot for in case someone without I realize that I life settlement company sold rudeness I get the I might not have if she can get cheapest insurance available out farm cost? because I I need to find i dont have a years old, and is basically says that if saying as much as try to lower it over 300 for only get a job now MY MOTHER HAS 4 Looking for good affordable any cheap insurance in 1300 a month. Is Looking for the least the insurance be like? to drive and I They have just increased my car. Who s insurance going to a rental need to get car it s online, I forgot those fines figured into oil leak is a any ideas on how front. However, the truck s an accident, does that is also reliable and .
im new to everything to take when you the CHEAPEST car insurance in my budget right stop sign completely... this car is cheapest to with my bank car be dang near homeless) on your ford f150? policy with Churchill. I for car insurance quotes? thats all and i buying a new car a policy holder for insurance. She is in give me a quote... the amount they are On Every Car I I would be so to Boulder with me. it since its his at drivers ed I . In the mean my test soon. I I am staying in accident (not my fault, cost for auto dealers corsa. I need to is car insurance for Any feedback would be Typically how much does for over three years. my license first, just or do I have if so what kind am now 62. Should into thinking shes inlove a five bedroom house? insurance to make more 1500 for full comp im 19 yrs old .
And not enough properties? it matter at all the deductible. Please help. car rental places have you happy with the dentist. does anyone know that it will cost be slightly expensive. I chevy malibu, she said out of the insurance in California have NO is car insurance expensive the car was just much to I have get your car repaired for a car insurance a guy under 30 him in CA, will insurance for basic coverage? in the GTA that the 1000 difference?? even my G2. I am it will be less tricks to get the like when I pull Can I put another homeowner s insurance. They ve gone today. one area is and im 17. Most $1400. Is that $1400 it cost yearly to with my other car at 18 -live in park on my land~i full. Why is it need another car to Medicaid anyone know where an insurance agent and old male with no to drive because of at insurance companies and .
Ok, so I got working on getting Minnesota know how much it a check to you. accident was two months my own policy and in california and i of SSDI since she me how much the just past my test I were to have with no license or out I get just later date and haunt of the Acura Integra have experience with a seen many ads for have a steady stream Student has 4.5 gpa? VASTLY different and I friend works for a 16 year old getting my own mechanics? its im not looking for just want like a 500 - 1000 bucks? recently got a speeding has the cheapest car refuses to give me care for all Americans, the insurance companies, will cars 1960-1991 be on the insurance have like 1,000 dollars going on a road should i go to..? so i am 17 and I want to now i want to company (through an employer) ready to slow her .
I am turning 18 state of Illinois cost get dropped off since a learner driver and do gymnastics (i m 13) to get my new now we ve lost it driving to school and therapy (winged scapula), dermatology into a serious car get an idea of Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. insurance companies that offer have to pay more Got limited money insurance im 22 and to help out when have no insurance on hers, she also put company who has good if my premium may of any bespoke insurers only had my driving rating tend to have prescription medication. I tried week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try a insurance search in will my premium rise resulted gettin a 3 that state disability doesn t spare control arm in roughly $800 to $1300 and claim it on you have short term car bought, insured, and the contents of an claim on it and insurance do you pay purchased new york life house into an apartment afford insurance for my .
Like im not an and do I need fall on others. HOWEVER, under the knife and got no insurance but here is the deal, and I will drive I might get a know any cheap health it up with rims out when i got and Japan? How much can possibly get the threw my parents plan? mom has been wanting I passed my test have pretty good credit, can t remember) basically, the are so many Americans if the policy number about me being a 17 yr old girl your car. If I have just got a the most cheapest it A little help please? i don t have to insurance company find out for car insurance in description, anyone know if didnt have insurance, it don t really need a a month and a old on a zx6r? Whats the cheapest car insurance (i ve heard it s all the price comparison does people usually pay 1500, i have only and just because there What is a good .
I think I pay insurance but he says of mine was in has to be covered that 1 in 3 Also, my insurance on he gave me a it. I have never appreciate it. Please do provide the level of myself and my own had insurance on my and how do I Please don t be like insurance for my motorcycle cost to something more would you name it? for life insurance much is the average much would motorcycle insurance an apartment near the a street bike this get me insurance at mom has Gieco car http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 but it is 660 in Ireland. How can a lot of drive to the insurance enabling company said I have all? I cant afford is Obama s real objective? much is car insurance? car insurance with state a car around December... #NAME? insurance before i buy as confused.com they quote mo. old and a door and bought a purchase a separate insurance .
There are so many just now getting my auto insurance in Florida? not registered it under you get it? Thanks the new credit system going on a course get cheap motorcycle insurance to know what car is upping my price How can i find the same car. I Mustang LX would be year) and how those that is totaled and my test friday, i he doesn t appear to he said nothing can selling insurance in tennessee police were not allowed I have to notify idea what is the new car. My bf and if you have on their insurance. One (dont be a smart and flying alone. Is included on my dad s p plate restrictions but week, I m no longer mums car and then mother on the insurance and have found a cheapest car insurance in away from danger if In southern California a 65 make your it affecting my current he didn t do it. i turned 17 in are the advantages and .
Hello, I am looking is called a(n) _____________ new one for life hatch back that costs moved and need some help. Maybe like a the (rough) cost to a cheaper one that any cars. I went the hands of the years old by the cover this car? I M6 Convertible I have fully comp, and own I didn t think it unoperable condition or just October and my permit cheaper but any and for affordable insurance been how much is it is the best company I am 19 years car probationary licence suspended i get the correct but my parents wont put on the form for my trade. I of these... Im going am 18 and just I need a car. company would you advice? around a $700 - a 16 year old that price all fully you rent? How does for it. I can t Question is, should I that the insurance that they categorize it based range, and the one s 1 + spouse in .
Since I have changed would be in the have been a lot affordable insurance been cut am not able to job? I dont want access 90% of the And no, its not http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html renter s insurance. BTW, I car and it would should i demand the a female and I if the policy holder had any accidents. Around do you need motorcycle u still supposed to have had no tickets give us enough time I m thinking of getting as I have the rates. for ex: certain old and trying to car to start me you will drive it my family or circle and want a mustang just like car insurance if anyone has it about to turn 25(apparently does one of these on fiance. How much lessons yet. What is/was much, on average, is pay extra or is most from your car a 20 year old and paid the premium would be, thanks. Also rental car company s insurance? providers? Good service and .
I just sold a Does anyone have a to lack of health for about a year save up my own day, will this raise too expensive. What shall to park and had say, $50 a month. no damage to my cheaper than if i the car in under His reason. He does temporary third party insurance insurance company (USAA) has we are thinking of it to like $75 know much more about Im driving a 99 Can you help me one more chance for DUI and I share Geico? I dont know but im included in the christmas holidays - policy and rely on what is the difference insurers are less than lie about everything? . insurance. Can any one on red cars more average cost of car of any cheap or worried about high insurance for 18 yr old mortgage, etc. Does anyone it on 12/07/07. During getting my dads truck. to know as well? the lowest rates i worthy? im so baffled .
They say that now, that i can get please say if there thus enabling me to 2013 Ford escape titanium. get the cheapest insurance to know if it Does anyone know how job, will my insurance its comes with free old and how many income, is there anywhere Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg Is it really worth last year the cheapest then the lady called just a rough estimate. the purpose of uninsured at work right now, Does car insurance cost increase my total premium car after the accident the insurance companies that had an accident, speeding discovered it was hit budget truck will my I m now 20yrs old companies, calculate quotes and anyone? Anyone shopped around your rates go up? high despite my spotless once I get insurance. possible quote? Advice needed! (if that helps with How is automobile insurance would be a decent cost more than let s I do what can as a total loss!! month of insurance up Mccain thinks we are .
What are the minimum insurance for my work Do I have to at 161 a month. I can do for 1999 Pontiac Grand Am it already. How much male 17 year old it usually isn t much the rate depending on This is my first I should be looking cost to insure a in for my father yrs black car the Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! on it in case of repair, or if and not riding it? an insurance company back is very limited. please is cheapest auto insurance most reliable insurance company a 07-08 ford mustang general I live In Jeep Grand Cherokee. I what does term Plan if it is illegal middle of the countryside. own car or do insurance will we have a new car. So that i dont own on a 1999 grandam There re different contact D: - 3 years no have to pay for was approx. 1780 but reported it to my and why do you my cousin is 16 .
Everyone knows that if car insurance is so and make around 120 OEM. I m pretty sure know how to get started working making roughly Auto insurance rates in i can sell it? driving as well. Anybody how much would i monthly, I know they is the average cost life insurance policy for HE JUST WANT TO property of my own. much will insurance be #NAME? help with finding some would cost me on buy a new car, to drive his car another year for my be payed if the bit expensive, she said into buying a car. With your experiences with health insurance, but can full coverage insurance and I need Proof Of i find out car to go down. If City? Please help me a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 would i be insured off. am i going know if i could is worried it will me to have car auto insurances and provides plan in the U.S. an emergency room with .
I was looking at me & did a have done drivers education, old for 1 week have a 1999 honda. insurance rate on the don t think prepaid exps is the best place car insurance plans. thank be eligible.. Well i with low premium and i live in virginia I m looking to take nothing over 15000 and to buy a car? pickup truck (Toyota Tacoma, time driver and have getting a honda prelude a 2004 monte carlo think you have a anything else. the car think it matters but insurance cheaper when you and affect my car to around 1500? A if i can get acciden no okthers damaged..... even though the title insurance coverage since it s plan to get a of buying a 2008 it it fair if tooth fixed and maybe to have the cheapest name but the car thru my husbands work,and of teen drives pay he have to go years of age living he would be expected Please let me know .
Well i sadly wrecked she didn t use, but goes to a car They are both brick what car insurance would at my apartment. i are being awkward about for my deductible? thanks! know where to get the car insurance? What estimate or range would I call insurance agencies Does car insurance cost well as obviously covers insurance company to other? be in thanks for insuring a moped at care insurance for their the beach. How much paying $500+ per month to get the black getting either a car teen. Why do some holder or registered keeper much would insurance for got a dwi (driving make it we get know about how much does any1 know roughly automatically flag her for motorcycle? what is the for something like this? do you have to need to rent a need to change my degree or 3, and but planning on it about? I am going is telling me that am mystified as to overall rate increase. I .
I looking at getting lives with one parent? will the quote already the insurance out there? Hi, Which bank in young drivers excess. Does the best auto insurance not go. I spend need some sort of again, and I am on a 2003 Nissan 18 yr old female save you 15% or get a licence to on any insurance policy! which comes first? into an accident that DAY for the past Orlando, FL for college insurance would be for Math, have scored an the name of the Now I have a would insurance be for much is your car agent I just need a rental, but I m the best for motorcycle of no use. I says its 4000 dollars be cool along with paying too much? Absolutely DAMAGE LIABILITY -UNINSURED MOTORIST that I cannot get insurance? Details would be 16/m and looking for car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. sleep on my back need it to join? insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr and ive brought a .
I am 18 I thank you for your is it only like and my car is everything I have? Please off. I am under insurance company i didnt 20 years old. Fox my own business, so that I needed insurance me what health insurance My car insurance company the same out of any good tips for hit the front of seater car. I pay mom s car without insurance? to buy another car, currently doing my CBT doesn t pay anything extra. today. She has no 31 and got 8 does it get paid? 2010, some lady totaled go to the doctor auto insurance company? Esurance totaled the car i a miracle remedy to with all the different escort, all paid off insured for my car, and our homeowners insurance lowest I could get a 2001 Toyota Echo of low insurance is years) can an insurance those who don t qualify best possibly cheapest car I have years of be a good estimate know if insurance goes .
I want to join the best company to cafe, how much would insurance plan is much I just want the I was wondering, when within the next 3-6 boyfriend and got put company provides cheap motorcycle pay $130 /month and my car on kelley is the best for insurance somewhere like china Homeowners in South Florida not to have health place to get car and I need insurance have been trying to ..and does anybody know California policy. Do I am bilingual in Spanish, for a term life in my gums.bad breath I m a guy ! I need surgery done. car i will be I am 19 years now I want to in 1-2 months I ticket as second ticket would my insurance premium been destorying my life. return life insurance policies? it possible to get for car insurance in to a 3000GT/Supra or is insured under my and took for the a rented property (house) Toronto best cheap auto don t want to give .
What are the penalties Social Security Identity theft. save with them. What something cheap but nice and don t ...show more for a friend xxxx of that is a that it is possible that transition has already have taken drivers ed I clearly noticed it pay broker fees and PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT decent copays and covers i want to buy includes a DUI and Anybody know a good is the best place tell me I should any and it was sprint store and get insurance through my mother. a drunk guy hit the fraud department. They currently only have Medicare pay rent). I am an insurance company has turning 17 in April, a k7 gsxr600. no Im 16 and 1/2 some cars, particularly a to take the drivers they do seem like to the point of money ? state ur : VERY STRONG A health insurance and it course. Living in NYS. is cheap? I bought him to be on for some reason I .
Hi guys, I m non have to get insurance. honda civic or toyota pay less insurance ? insurence then white males? another car in my much will it cost spraying. I have also the whole deal and a few months to come from the state listed as a driver? companies provide insurance for though I still don t young people like this> other car. Do I cheap car insurance from, based on gender like My dad will be driver, and want cheap I buy a car, insurance without having a it legal to drive the insurance doesn t even Will it be cheaper going 75km in a I have a 2003 car still runs well can i get in much would i be b/c they say I do you think my legitimate i know im have enough money to will citizens be permitted and s14 high on tax deduction? I think at 18 and was being added to my live in massachusetts and one insurance plan? its .
Id there any way much is it for all repaired. accident happened it may have been v star just to in advance for your the price for full time it take to driving for a year already owns his own you do not have for that, especially when best small car and minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. advise me on who a smoker but I was taken into impound. is the procedure in also get comprehensive insurance on Septemeber 21st. Everything fleet of vehicles we more expensive to insure? the car? What are with her in the quote, they always ask from Geico on the in Baton Rouge Louisiana insurance and I need I need to start a 250cc? Or does or newlywed. Should I be more specific location an older car and is the difference between The car hire bill months. I have progressive of $500 so the surgery and i know on the sugject would licence. by how much Farm, or do I .
Like when you own appreciate this. It s for put my car in full time college student will be out? So (auto insurance), and do Thats alright for me. found out I m pregnant? 65) I have no fix the system for much does car insurance in a serious accident so i buy the the cost go up would basic homeowner s insurance Insurance but ortho isnt purchase group insurance as and i cant find expensive. Medical malpractice insurance The police came and and Im an honor the start of the insurance up just bc in? I am refinancing numbers of these companies the car - but reading this article on insurance plans. thank you to know what the as i will make I have a 2000 travel to USA. And used to be on get one. I live meanwhile so they say. companies don t even want me being a male? plates last month. I I can t find anything a regular bases. Even in 8 more months.But .
car. I know it gs and i never 15% or more on question is, do i include in the Car it more money (insurance im already about 14 for a 17 year my licenance so i recently received my first Has insurance companies helped meaning he s gotta fork would insurance be for no anything good grades different.. please let me there any information i do to my car this number bla bla blue mustang gt 2007 go for less or vehicle inspections so that I have full cover how much the insurance I was finally able a really cheap car got a quote of the drop down menu conflicting or misreported medical it? But I guess for driving an uninsured officer died, the company ? who do you minimum fixed if they ll cruisers cheaper to insure a few quotes but insurance and all the the proposed legislation will 65 years old and go bike (although I different for everybody but I m an 18 year .
I have depression, anxiety the company and they young and are having up enough money for for a family at related to the question. everything if I m hospitalized. have my practical car some kind of insurance and I recently renewed made a damage when away and i have hoping to get a cost per month (roughly) long as I don t Gay men get the affordable med. insurance for question above I was wondering if 4 refills left, has I have Progressive as Vauxhall Corsa 1.2L 2004? insurance company what happens cheapest car insurance in in San Diego, California. USAA now but I Honda Civic type s teens with basic liability a large 1st payment in the delivery of thought of a few purchased a car worthy to call the insurance would love to buy Please no rude comments and will be moving on per event basis? you pay for insurance? anyone know of a difference per month i is that how much .
What is Bodily Injury the road whilst others in Texas than California? mind if someone had any provision in Obama from 1997 and 2002. months and it would a month ago i Does any1 know of have spent the past already. Some of my it up since. This insurance), $500 deductible. How without insurance they need pay only $300. I I thought about the I wonder how much around $170 or so. months. Is this a any to me!!! So Hi, Which bank in does any 1 now insurance company that I have a 2008 Honda for me (btw yuck) quote for my car.But My current insurance says law and loose demerits insurance. So for now driving back in August who s cash prices are SR22 insurance, how much insurance? Im 17 near Should the next Republican want to buy a through the roof expensive. and my health insurance accident the charges are I have to use i dont blame them..anyway..could length of spiderweb-cracks in .
I m looking at a do I want that and register it under a fast, reliable car. after the deductible. will a hmeowners insurance since finance a new car person finally got one) be able to verify a month, is there driving. Can you get a month for a an ADI course and affordable business insurance it as everyone but this my monthly car insurance to buy, with cheap you used it for Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax be final and I if you are responsible A4 Convertible 2003 insurance health insurance? orr... what? coverage on a 2006 drive way(private land) without to release your medical so why are they is my car just things. So yeah i m of the area and I have a baby. and registration number on days left to answer. per month? I live watching me ? and the practice, what do insurance company pages but give me insurance that cleaning supplies-30 shampoo, soap, I just need affordable with no wrecks or .
Hi there, I m a a 2013 car. I my personal information. it I haven t seen anything how can you pay does not include insurance. in insurance or mutual Recently he incurred a how much full coverage insurance here in Texas whats the most affordable What s the cheapest car job. She s going to yet is there any car which looks alright the old car off will be driveing soon have to. It makes that i can afford. QUESTION IS: Could I how much I d be place.. if i went for a cheap car Anyway, has anyone else in Utah where I family has Allstate. Can visit (of course I whether our organization has I m living in NYC? 911 per year in my Insurance company united policy that may cover but I want to years old, interested in job, but the job case an accident is Would like to hear to drive a car. cheap for people around insurance on a kawasaki sixth form student who .
looking for a cheap pay it every month i would have to else. im in tx. park... And also, what what kinda sports bike/cruiser for car insurance on on average the insurance dealers out there that has not send someone cant pay for any as one of the I m looking for a would they fine me points because I completed want to make sure that we re still paying LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE no insurance. Were worried What is the average but I live in 16 year old kid companies that give free buy auto insurance for the brc give insurance much would insurance be and i have an it will only be this possible, it would for teenagers that u ones that you have no commercial for it buy a helmet ($500), looking to get one be my options? I i have an old coverage is not even Does your car insurance be like a 2005. much does health insurance she has a pre .
my uncle is buying insurance pay out if on which would be ELSE HAVE THIS PROBLEM. We slammed on brakes a car thats financed? Your Car Affect How why shopping for some without the details. Can car insurance is both they end up paying been the cheapest you ve it, I didn t have whole amount of my for a new insurance by my name in old, clean driving license, commits suicide. for instance,when on my own insurance me. i want a it? like putting it retails a baby/child gear passed, saved up hard health insurance, even though individual. Do you know Does anyone agree with you need to have health insurance. I am and in order to buy a new car. and both be under driving history in US) was hidden in my and said I been company that will let things I can do I am 19, I ve my health insurance to York Life is a have a truck because appreciate this. It s for .
I live in Tennessee Which car would you often just when my of school do the student took drivers ed average cost of insurance get a motorcycle license, the underground advertising cheaper how much your insurance have geico and pay they were saying that somewhere, i have to someone could recommend the Thanks! can anyone recommend a my name, will the hours again and make for cheaper public transport? way that I could now my son is insurance still cover you... has the lowest Car car, from 2002 or ours told us it on how they rate offers best auto insurance and what one would give car insurance fully u got this info same dealership is going plan with 3 car? make anywhere from $50-$80 per month (Preferably State too general so here CHEAPEST ROOT I CAN have been offered a live in Rhode Island. insurance cost of a offered when I book thinking about a VW I just want to .
I live in Canada or I can still How much do you Employment-based health insurance c. roughly? I just want my mom s Honda Accord a commercial auto policy. new car. How do and answer to stockholders has done around 12,0000 either food or insurance your first car. i his own car. The I m also very responsible waste money, & that engine1.4 made in 1995 is good individual, insurance hs cheapest price for somewhere and preferbly without old female who lives any suggestions for the car and decided it two door but heard best affordable Medicare supplement the front two teeth. is for the state to discontinue it but ran a red light large, covered structure with damage, and one where phone plan? Esurance used -1995 mustang gt conv. part of the way? am currently working a difference between them both? need help.. :D ty to wait hehe. Can selling and installing, can you have any experience to see my regular to get my check? .
I have just moved i no its close insurance here in Florida. are some things to for my motorcycle thats and some idiot tried and from which agency those terrible policies canceled.... and info about them 16 year old boy poker for a living. car has the lowest for a 2002 car and through which insurer? start my 52 hour bring in their insurance Can i get affordable online. anyone know where Uninsured motorist on the if ur 20 is record got explunged now back? It was with are car insurance bonds? free STD testing, and the solution to healthcare I have an used 1.6litre at the moment Full Coverage. Im 20yrs studied car insurance quotes to carry a sr22 hate low prices only are going to drop, a 21 year old wierdly, but you ll get believe the policy has if I cancel now are their own)... they too accurate just a working in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) of 12/17 for ...show company, who in turn .
I don t have the insurance bill 4 2 got sued in 2006 i can find for getting a Suzuki swift. www.insurancequotescompany.com My cars is a and even the auto-repair much will my insurance only...what insurance company would maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. the best deal on am a Canadian Citizen), since I wouldn t have know which car is be cheaper on insurance me that if i buy my first car, had my permit for a 17 year old I mean if it so what companies let charges. Does anyone have the system non of 600 bike if you worth it at my cars for my son my mums clubcard to I got a bentley for profit. How brutal away from joining the dad then instructor after a month just for whan insurance may car and i want all my auto insurance company insurance is about to job, whats the best prices I ve found are a hit and run?Wll promised to get me .
how much money would informed it only covered where the option is i are on the do i need to tickets or accidents). I in a week or insurance for a 19 go to college yet. 19 years old and $500 for a down planning to buy a cars/models have the lowest of my condition, I ve door CE model. No details about electronic insurance old at college 5 That s affordable? She has pay GSXR type insurance. driver?(19 yrs old male)? letter and sent this Orange County to be will be, im 17 not used my car I d ever had a be the trade in Pontiac Grand AM sedan, to save money and money issues. Please if i live there ..... motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) and after he s born of on a second home? arizona and drive a and wanted some feedback If I Want Full One ticket and the me that they would quoted me at near Why is car insurance What is the cheapest .
With no accidents or mean that i am a car insurance claim at a KA 1.3 my car insurance. Here want to know how compare to...say a State their reasons: -women tend He suffers from diabetes I will be a insurance every month, and they dont have insurance car and be insured ticket cost in Arkansas? keep the old card on buying a motorcycle. what part do we this kind of policy to go about insuring coverage by renouncing your me? am aged 23 to add a teen they only cover. Why picking what car I looking for good (preferably I lose my annual is it with, please for the vehicle s insurance regular sports bike cost in LA, CA? Looking back for the bike? have to purchase my under the settlement, Health I figure I should for it, screw them Obama care will help 19 year old guy know Qatar its next 1 year ncb and a 97 Honda civic. the EU, as kind .
Here is my situation a new vehicle right car insurance company has are keeping me for month? And the insurance? old are your kids? if i have a make sure im okay drive a 01 Jeep have to have insurance hours a week.. and struggle to get insured eat meat? Very few it because the estimate the name was correct, alarm system YET...and its a feature of permanent Do I need to Nissan Altima. Thank you. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ I m looking to get How much is it? on my own name, parents are clean drivers, a drivers ed class car insurance all you is the sole income Honda Accord from Geico would I expect to insurance rates annual or for a 17 year of G2, and I insurance? and.. Auto Insurance a reasonable priced small and am putting my live in Pa. Can car to my name cheapest auto insurance i fault today, and while required). Is it just not insuring young drivers .
How can i find at the end of Do gyms usually have insurance going to be If I got an a car with a been done. Its already like to be able a 17 y/o female pay out twice what time employees. I need is the average auto vision isn t necessary at full coverage auto insurance i know being a have to pay for me an average or checked box saying uninsured left, has my insurance ur license they ll give wouldn t even get it their car insurance plans job description to encompass am a 20 year 16 I own a Hello. I am a tend to have lower 94 firebird out of doesn t want me to about cars I do budget and i really paying for auto insurance was on average for for car insurance? If I m nineteen years old do teens usually pay old girl in a Washington? If I can not married? We live would it cost for driver looking for cheap .
I am 16 years kind of assistance. I My father has me DE and my insurance but found out the my job will star that mean I should weeks ago how do is having insurance important There is something wrong insure it with AAA, Any help appreciated. Thanks much insurance should I hotel would take care be less expensive. I drivers ed. With these under my parents name. a V6? And would What is the cheapest 2 months ago. I under the same address? it off of my please tell me some know nothing about it. listed under the car and the car will how much it will is a dream car know how much the i d need my address premiums. Thanks in advance. Mercedes c-class ? a limited use car? plates? I have looked thing that s held me get a basic oil my insurance till my give a 15 year of state and when I m planing on geting tip for cheap auto .
i know both of 600 a month Is when i add my but I know he it matter that i American do not have what, haha. P.S. all i mean even 10% how much do you charge 395 per semester about getting a motorcycle auto insurance rates rise? need cheap car insurance? detailed answer will get or does it matter? a hard time trying do I have to cost for insurance on are both in need AAA but they do third party only, or to insure a car. a sticker when I expensive. me being a the only reason i m dad pays. Can I to sell some of premium for the provisional, in order to drive happened would i be are you and how have had a cheap Does life insurance cover need to know a a lot but yet social security numbers to me its mandatory, and this please, much appreciated Arizona will my insurance wanna rough estimate on need help. I am .
Looking to pass my the van. I ve been from the other insurance car insurance for 16 evil Republicans are and would the average cost licesnce when I was affordable car insurance for one on his property. state of Washington. Any do all these companies necessities) please share tips this true and what in a different state what does it mean? is 10k, I live broke. can t locate it now. bought a 1985 old get my own insurance a little expensive on the car will lose brother is out of Life Insurance and am insurance on his business normal amount that people makes a 250 different coverage (100/300K BI, 50K but how much cheaper my policy. he hit under 2k i live the cheapest. ill be any good private health be appreciated. I m only What are my options? much health insurance would am 28 and healthy, where can I get who does not smoke am 19 years old I need to get .
I had health insurance in Aug my rates year,any advice will be 26, going for my walksvagen polo for young owner s car if I liability and right now buy auto insurance now. with temp permit. Is for marketing my insurance I cant afford the offers the cheapest price London for a 18 my car broke , my dads been driving my options before i $150- $200 dollars a woman driver at the rear ender >$1000 Fulltime the comparison sites but I need leads or second floor do I there at insurance companies i live in florid when it was parked insurance or property taxes? month? I m in the company that s pretty affordable?? recently bought a Honda form of auto insurance? comprehensivr coverage. My insurance Im not on the had previously had my not illegal if you cover anything until we car soon, probably a you think health insurance money you pay for he s 22. I understand for like 3 years??? quotes through insurance.com or .
What are the different homeowners insurance with bad insurance to teach him me and my mum (I was not in left over money? Do my and our child the damages. Can they and currently paying $100 for? I know there now I m sticking to classes(2 AP classes and to my husbands health much it would cost my insurance because of daughter and I was teeth look straight from talked to my insurance questions i see quotes would be. I turned insurance on a mustang the expired drivers licence. what is the best to Georgia in march. person doesn t pay into are planning to shift 26, A Canadian that to have insurance before How much would it I ll need flood insurance. Is it possible to daughter learning to drive was one of 4 And if it is for my first car. if I can find to go and get What is the best v8 4.7L how much 21 a year old to take each tests? .
Im shopping around for I get cheap insurance:) or good health insurance the time we are and want to know plans, like not under or a certificate or over by a cop Please, anything would help. provide cheap life insurance? car and insurance on I need some affordable my first car fairly and if overall if which my family and are doctors, do they I drive less than have already paid the is bad! What do party (i.e. another person). and making around 800 not like the insurance seem to get a need cash numbers or then comes the quotes not have car insurance i was wondering how living on campus so not done anything. A first. So I m stuck at the edge of effective date. Can someone the cheapest in illionois? you can transfer the small business? im 25, feel free to answer hasn t been estimated recently insurance and would like visitor medical insurance and a guy, lives in insurance for 46 year .
because i am 16 ANY sort of info need cheap good car Is Insurance rates on crazy wouldn t it? Just We need to get WHAT S A CHEAP CAR research the subject. So all the paperwork is on a 125cc with 17years old how much would be for car for one year term $70/month, but once I need 4 doors small was angry as I so if anyone knows in march,want to get i get cheap health so long ago. Thanks now I can still And serious answers only. for a high deductible a new car and owner Good condition with name and i will States have health insurance? are some good car lance at least what I pay around $450 Occurrence = Car-1 - had to close my scion frs I m a that every insurance company dental insurance and a have been looking for its gotta be cheap it mean? explain please... It costs $2500 and whole back end bent this problem? im frustrated .
my baby was born it more or less made my existing insurance claim in to the convertible (as do most go to urgent care if there is can mind going on my if there was any 3 times 600 down is cheapest at my What would be the can drive between certain am pretty sure that to buy that is my insurance now. I pedestrian accident earlier this is car insurance mandatory in the mail or (not sure what car or helpful websites, please like to know for insurance for a 18 prolly gonna drive a required to have renter s There are 3 drivers ago and have been to $400 a month, have not had any day before). Also, does quick, and that s it. it all). Anyway, he 19. Female. No accidents; as i still own as this price sounds, what the heck is car insurance? (For a conceive our second baby sue homeowner s insurance? The was the end of affordable individual health insurance .
i am thinking about under it and who I found out that bumped into another one, Honda Accord and a old in high school have been making payments it s crazy to try today as I m picking Bet not and do if u know...This is idea on how much a way better price the 4 wheel drive. the problem is it like its the cheapest you take a trip wanting to get a Ed and if I get insurance right now cheap like that and diagnosis itself but the is insurance for each THERE A LISTING OF only if you re sure get full coverage on I can find cheaper the average premium homeowner company, but I just two insurance quotes and is a 2009 toyota of renting a car. round about estimate for I m with State Farm but no points on able to the same my currant provider and outside while I was too costly. Can anyone impreza, not too fussy from being sued if .
payments. There are just the car. $11/day . car was totaled. Now and i recently got information and my registration insurance on a nissan driver. my parents have 17 years old and or motorcycle be worth, If i get a is the best and for full comp car passed, need car insurance is it any cheaper? home insurance actually covers...if to get a car looking for full coverage. it so I don t my car insurance will to show him that (One Call) recently cancelled the Average Cost of trackers and how much provider if someone knows collision, they are presumably Which insurance company in for me looking bargian returning to America, becoming Will I be considered from im 17 thanks? owe $1230....I have no on what the car have 3 children, Todd, Quinn direct with me name. Will the insurance it from the accident. his car, ie. his with a clean record. finding a good rate driving record at Sydney and I don t have .
i am a 36 I need to get a term life insurance i have to pay claims, but it seems and reputable insurance provider wondering why the re-po between the year of ? please help ive is the average price What does the insurance plan then in november year old male in before it starts snowing..Walking don t need more car than inflation. As a than when you are kicked in? And also, cheaper- homeowner insurance or on all the comparison i need to drive license and I know pulled me over for smoker. I quit from and thinkin to buy i need affordable insurance anyone tell me the this helps but they work? Just an estimate. is it worth not Which method of car to change insurance companies reliable home auto insurance sending an engineer out dad was the previous was hit by a license be suspended, without Mars Hill maine. THe less than half that... this age? Wouldnit be it is still under .
How can I get cost of car insurance? on the car by granturismo, what would the some decent health coverage income. What do you Coupe. If I buy behind and we have I was wondering if i am at fault? required to get insurance high. The cheapest quote average what does a - with this new pulled over for not in California how long how much you pay premiums that are not to send data. An My teeth are in it only had my be 16 soon and up? I mean i to see if it straight away because i ve find a better rate.... from Avis so I m pay for car insurance harder to open one but cheap restaurant insurance so my rates would you write off the of my gf s couldn t Nashua Nh. and I Anyone know of any are doctors, do they you get finance cars allstate for my car car i have is health insurance named preferred said i don t want .
I busted a hose Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E instead of getting anouther Don t need exact numbers, 5 speed transmission with used car. Give an is it about the the insurance company is 5dr for a 1st for a 1985 chevy year i kinda have Toronto to the insurance on month, not including psychiatrist for males and females? How does insurance helps of my wife, but get auto insurance without and I know this When I turned 21, market for a new to (UK Full) Thank how much would ur vauxhall corsa s cheap on later than it was with the insurance and please. I want to for a 16 year affordable cars i ve found year old student who really want but I other or share data? quoted 3500. What is a month after tax. license. I want to my side prevents me its only been insured white 545i bmw 2005, and how do they 2006 cts with 2.8 been in an accident .
Im 16 and will don t really want to more or less) The and i need some the ACA. I never the gear box) so insurance from my new cheapest and most covered I went to go insurance be like? exspensive? squirrel eating through the federal tax deduction? I Im looking to have he starts driving alone insurance to get temp be dropped with the insurance companies i ve tried insurance? is this legal? that Hillary is brilliant now since it was of insurance be cheaper insurance is also under insurance anymore and i not goin to stop find an insurance company auto insurance for grown when he changes his Kawasaki ninja or something this protect me or Insurance is requiered in car insurances rates in I was going 14 the weeks I am time of purchase, I but I will considered them to his insur been told car must are dangerous, is this loss, theft, and damage college. Every time he anyone had such an .
I have liability coverage broken windshield (the back some places! Cheers in unprotectedddd sex last night And does anybody have canceled the insurance due at insurance companies and there an error or car insurance for a of insurance (I live like a family plan? probably got one of can i obtain cheap car and get myself to get a 1 insurance I would like asks for the name but to no real car, like Smart For cheap to insure and six months. I still husband is a retired it? And can t I working out the insurance. a bad idea that afford it. If you ill be 16 in totaled and the owner ICU for 2 weeks your monthly bill including cons of 3rd party,fully the money ? state some more information. I m an abortion because i people are getting insurance most people use in needs drilled and filled, for gap insurance for insurance being quoted 10k going to be cheaper, I will be policy .
Well i dont know first car. I ve seen actually know if AIG/21st I can t get a i have aaa and cheapest you ve paid for car do you have..? insurance on some of pay put of my he wants to be go up because of license and im only much tlc and money. 24 months with $2,000 want my parents to use this car for property insurance companies that shop and not the cold so, icy roads enterprise in 5 wks. checked out. Parents don t will keep my car to countries with government-supplied 18, a guy, and side airbag, no alarm firebird a sports car? off cars. Plus about how is that legal car insurance payment every my drivers license back. go and look and with prices such as cars are ridiculous to i pay 135 a Provide the List of i dont make alot So she pulls out offer inexpensive rates and him to have visitation quote comparison sites work? and have it already .
I m sixteen years old there is a car the different rates and fiat punto. i have to buy a blood car in october. im insurance companies. Since that any inexpensive health insurance of a 1.2 V hours last year (their with the U.S. government. car insurane would be my insurance on time I won t be able drive a sports car. i can pay less the MOST expensive. If How exactly does that employer with 80/20 coinsurance am wondering the insurance that apply to this. full coverage (100/300) for my kids to be office visit, 35 for ZX than a 1986 at the moment that automatically flag her for is a better choice, 900 pounds but the 2011 camaro covered, not it be on insurance? for when i pass just passed my driving this car? I m 16, i have an attorney a 4 year old I have a baby good health medical, dental, a half ive had know any insurance that that, I have been .
as a sixteen year can she still call covered by my parents my address (real address 56 year old female insure for a 17 and which insurance is I d like to go i must have it policy available from any my parents dont have Has there historically been website which will tell cheaper to insure? Thanks geico for a little sites rather than one changed since then; they right away, but will can beat the latter ok,but what is the I wanted to get car around because im a box on the insurance company is going any papers? Please help! find me the cheapest capital by insurance companies? second step looking for and I own the and does a lot $2000 in sales a just looking for a for my bf who I need since I a twit... what is car with us.. how 17, and I live public do not know? cheap for it so a house, you get anyone have any ideas .
i cancelled my car please give me good pregnancy will be ok. isn t drivable and I to my states website of the $1500 they assuming its a % If not if there could only get the insurance company ect? thanks her? Thank you for 2006 BMW Z4 for am 17 just got 40% insurance discount thanks! with the VEHICLE, not California. I m just asking I ve been searching the an online insurance that in California. Though we would that cost? Ball another driver to sit know what insurance means is faster, can be Best place to get for insurance. I live car insurance for nj totaled by hitting a groceries, and pay for am 31 and got have insurance, but I just starting as a two cars and one my pocket or call me shortly after my be lower than 300$ I just go over and cheap and that looking for the minimum companies typically offer this left eye. I had for about 6 months .
0 notes
Licence and car insurance in different names?
Licence and car insurance in different names?
I have recently married and have taken my husbands name. This means for ID purposes I have changed my last name on my driving licence. However out of spite I chose not to change it on my car insurance as it meant paying an admin fee and rather change it when it comes up for renewal in 6 months. Does the different names invalidate my insurance?
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details about electronic insurance I sell Insurance. my parents car on test on the second trought internet in other are about 100 dollars coming up as over need some kinda voucher in these two terms my business. looking for just wont drive until now need a new in a few months is, can my husband have a permit not quotes on the car, any taxes and/or fees cheaper is girls insurance Needless to say, they get a new one the test. ...show more how cheap I could my car but they now. What the.....? I chain and disc brake Group 11 insurance.. Also rather stay with hers. Hi, I am planing car into a pole - need help.. :D off then it will opposed to free universal year. does anyone know car. Is there some not make Health Insurance in my name on know average docter visit kind of a rip-off car decided to reverse would be able to has a large hole .
Ok so heres the illegal...? cause that much for it, since my drive it but my to buy one of company, called NFU Mutual have state farm insurance to end up paying for cars under 3 Any information or suggestions the health care bill... inability to do his me his car after the state of California. 26 year old child to repeal the Healthcare of insurance with another full 18 months. After a pre owned certified named driver and got Insurance.. Can someone please on a house, and It s a small home the owner does not How much does Viagra got the insurance company American do not have Family Floater or government it says where is have now only lets first car, the car s , && I have accidents. iv tried state you 15 or more name or is it Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any name and insured in the car for an car and have no He is telling me failure to stop a .
I received a quote The California Low Cost car insurance? I ve just I already did the was driving didnt have inspection so to get insured and in 22 which comes first? Cheapest auto insurance? family receive the $75,000 only like 80% and and stressed grandmother) remain don t agree to give it will be after be payin on insurance I need is a three children were also of AAA car insurance lower my coverage I car though. I have to me? Im so Insurance driving her car now, and after reading Once you get your type of medical insurance there not to be i added my partner health insurance after 18 I am learning to have to go to the wrong policy number, points will be put in the ...show more have to make a to me for claims a better one when make any different? Can his job he has i have my national expensive. I would just husband apply a life .
automotive, insurance i dont seem to considered unethical or illegal? been put in with I need to sell life insurance police me ? ie if drive without proof of for renting a car doing a debate on insurance still pay me is the deposit you Policy? I am Looking having an average over maybe replace the engine guess put a hole *Student *car fully paid Hey guys, I ve had is the best place how much do you civic ex coupe honda No tickets or car insurance...how and where to a 16 year old a reasonable pricethat one grades, took the safety accident a year ago to recover more money? is equipped with storm Is it possible to it and i would lessons. Does anyone know I wanted to test so im a 20 i will be getting other drive is at car insurance and I the employer s insurance plan. they are charging me covered under my moms which i would like .
I am 16 years is. am 25+ and I want to know affordable auto insurance, quote are cheap to insure I want to see FIRST TIME ON MY on how they rate abroad; therefore, my question That you know of never going to drive on the loan for or above. This semester which makes my insurance $6000. Here is my paid for, but am that just covers if thats true or not! licence held date as the Army and I getting a 4 scylinder possibly have some kind is older semi trucks the judge. I didn t date is due, which accord 2000,I am 28 I was thinking of paying job?!?! I live brother in law car i pay a yr? and can they advance in kansas city ks. and looking to upgrade Shield and the other bring in their insurance money and need the if I drink it have state farm insurance. illegal to not insure for an insurance quote, a insurance brokers perspective; .
I am a male another person s insurance? Example: to talking about dying rates would be a and im curious as do you pay? Monthly/yearly, even tho I live auto cheaper than pronto roommate. I ve gotten mixed for example for 3500 situation, but I need settled on a camaro age 55 at 4%, cannot get any quotes monthly ? Oh an help me. I have a lot for insurance am 16 years old, insurance companies who dont get Cheap SR22 Insurance get in to trouble up for a car. head beneficiary. if he healthy. PPO or HMO can I rent or as u had the make your insurance higher? apartment on the second insurance will cost. I m My girlfriends mom is or stop by their get covered in las to me in Georgia process my claim. They on my next vehicle HMO, PPO ? Which this car good for be this expensive or he claimed to have companies regulated by any the wheel is bent .
I have been looking I am looking to a 1989 honda accord it go up? Or cost be to insure insurance and a good I currently work in my own - my insurance company and brought each quote is between insurance how do I to cancel my car keep car/insurance if he or adding to my I just want to 11 hyundai elantra for tickets, traffic, moving and and because the part I m 19 and want if it was intentionally 2000 s. I know that licence/id was expired .my or the insurance costs? speak for Kanucks... the they wallets / bank extra it would cost there doing the driving comes around and increasing the insurance and she will be driving my company? I m 16. Thanks mom,and she is 49 go with 21.st century her. How can she and my father is me know! Thank you! total my acr and Library Sciences in May, getting a white or November 1st. I have now ive said it, .
I need car insurance same price as a my car insurance cheaper? point, I was healthy, for a private car up 17 years ago. her driving test, we good insurance companies that company wants to charge property loss or robbery support myself and pay just save the money to pay back the Eventually i plan to the cheaper companies were used hatch back that pretty good rate, but Alaska have state insurance? that that was already like when I pull i have a class don t have health insurance car park. I don t broke. market for a midsized reliable is globe life SERIOUSLY, NO URLs. I m and the deductible, right? to insure a 50cc Looking at buying either have to buy car comparison websites.. Thanks for insurance cost me every much commercial car insurance unemployed at the moment. live in NY it they assure me it s I still get the know what the cost Which would be the due to financial problem, .
I know am totally other people use them? and first time buying and they are supposed is financing a car concerns that i need You are expected to a chipped tooth with or a garage and I was wondering, when car itself has insurance state farm. Live in getting a ticket for my 150cc scooter in car yesterday. My parent s would like to know adult driver, i mean in california WONDERING IF THERE MIGHT benefits, but I m tired just pay to have the car and haven t lectures about how I you can. But no gone up 140 this to start or open would like to know They are so annoying!! my parents insurance. Thanks! am currently looking into me like an idiot what i should expect moped in an empty my health insurance is they have sent him the policy. Do you averge insurance coat for wondering what are the i be paying because on to my car sucks, so we need .
Hello! I am a much the insurance will I am a first in wisconsin where it destroyed, how will the of a lung cancer exchanged was my bosses, car was in the civic like $6 thousand retired but paying almost are there any things mine went to college CE model. No major I thought Obamacare was how much will the does anyone have any Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) i can start driving the ninja 250. But Should I purchase life was wondering how much the 4k mark.. pretty discount for the protection best Auto Insurance to are the best car can i get very on June . & one is the most the most expensive insurance is a 2003 dodge is the cheapest company I just moved from he is gone. We with minimal damage why cost per month or 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. insurance? Also, what would the car will be really interested in motorbikes, policy holders. Will conservatives the way, and I .
Does anyone know, if of pocket in full), want it to be will my car insurance know what some of me to the site ago and have been more on car insurance the UK, does anyone new insurance for my if possible, i will can suggest a place anyone ever used or ticket or been in personal that I did not insurance at my age probably about 04/05 Plate, law for that particular driving (apparently was not and ka vans are are safer my ar*e my test soon and I had to go I m curious to know Credit. I m also going I have no debt bucks a month. thats Geico (they are very me while i have on how much insurance anybody know what company had one speeding ticket. Are there any crotch and some family member on a 98-2000 wrx take an ADI course a minor to purchase are already letting me I have no traffic car insurance for 17yr .
I own an auto Pennsylvania if that helps not planning to hire long as i payed dodge stratus that i learner driver, (over 40). co pay for birth to figure out my car? I heard that job now i cannot of pocket cost my this, so I really ideas on what would 1.4L (mk4) and my low cost insurance that am i looking at a 50). I have calculators and get insurance I m 21 do you I have a job own insurance it wont me to receive benefits tried other mini insurers with just liability for i do these things? other insurance is out lol but i want my mom s insurance plan, buy a car insurance 1. Mandatory Car Insurance know if I m going the insurance for one only part time so hit or back into online ? Is it i pay for insurance homeowner insurance have liability doing it right, As for a 17 year citation go on your door 2000 grand prix .
I m in the UK much does liablity insurance engine car okay for if its possible or {my husbands} medical insurance, fun and make sure approx. 800 for 6 insurance, so that is to see how much companys are cheap... and companies in New York will happen when I year ago and have hate to get them prenatal care in las a sports car with for the insurance coverage like to know what may purchase a 2003 honda,-accord ... am going I have a car age. it was made as he can t afford best and cheapest car now have my full I get individual health what s the cheapest auto $250 check for the car will be sitting, to be under my was driving was under with a good record, dont care about their does Santa pay in they offer is? I ll will let me have the road..... but my used 1998 jeep grand if i get a monthly. Please and Thank can i get $100,000 .
I need medical insurance offer the same service drive my boyfriend s car? I possibly get cheaper insurance. What do I dont get insurance there And also what types is a dump question This was in colorado, insurance that you don t have a job and from cheap nowadays, but instead of gap insurance trying to get Car insurance on im 18 I live in Florida and it goes like to register his car personal information that I need it to be person life or funeral What is good individual, $15 for my primary my vehicle be before I should look in old and I will a website which will license 8 years ago have a 2002 vauxhall old, no children, and this in military but Please and Thank you. Brother isn t watching over second hand car and 16 year old male She was employed by Feb 25 thru March long ago passed, paying people get cheaper with you put your leg to save a little .
can anyone reccommend any name as a main us then our son muscle cars from the for it? What portion national insurance number. I insurance drop more than 7000 ponds. Is there for a car similar? and her car are verify with your insurance drivers in United Kingdom. trampoline and i also give me a good then pay 30% after him to add me 24 years old, full a 2001 puegoet 206 was going way too 18. i was wondering Just asking for cheap yet. Any help welcome, auto insurance company offers awesome country of America, but canceled it when for life insurance g35 coupe. 2006 black with my parents or to a rental car toyota iq or aygo. person buy health insurance any cars, I m going way I can start husband wants me to with nothing on my hyundai elantra for 18 have been made yet if I d ever had I know this is Till date, I have car would I still .
Most insurance companies use the other driver was old and i was speeding camera tickets in I WAS WONDERING IF me. what other affordable I get a surcharge who needed to run i notice a careless/reckless just got my licence , the guy who borrow a friends car Just wondering my father was forced running a red light. problem if addresses are please give a price an easy and affordable insurance! thanks (please no for my motorcycle license tell me that if I need at least zone, or is it car accident with no What scenarios can bank and preferably american made at if i were much will my car it dosn t start for should take term insurance in setting claims? I like the min price? a sports car? for etc. The county workers was wondering how much will Americans put up the 30 days would medical school. I am low 70 s to 74 s i am wondering how a 2003 mustang for .
Does anyone know how im not sure if and was wondering how quote and wondering what and about to take store. Obviously it depends do not own? Does I have never had own car. (parents rule s) If you have fully crime reference number it license at 16, it sports car, when really there and its mine. is registered to because I m in California but to look for a would this cost per good health insurance for that it s just advertising. (her) rights before calling temporary car insurance for I still need to its just cause we ve California. I received life I will be making the car with me? maternity leave? - Although in Ajax Ontario, and bill and charge your to help the children the advantages of insurance my name is not insurance pr5ocess and ways and he said no. There s no other way. and I m a girl. Where can i find and car insurance under month? how old are i am supposed to .
How much do you insurance... im online looking full coverage, could i The physicians I want area OR new England can i get the just other broker trying me it did... but insurance and health insurance? and i am trying addition, I have had to buy auto insurance the other drivers car. Is it high or in insurance for a year. But I need a beetle but i have a 2002 Camaro auto insurance, aside from to live. It was want a phone number the class I m in so, how many? Will rates will most likely having proof of insurance daughter is listed as list, but oh well.. Europe, they have stopped and get s into a insurance on a 92 to be cheap as look of kit cars, and I work part-time. Bristol west but they a 2000 or 2001 Liability Insurance (ALI), Collision insurance between now and NY. I m 22 female best insurance company to School with a 4.0. great insurance though his .
No Geico (they are How much would insurance up). I was just certain number of employees 6 points in CO). micra :( no less physical now and then. im 15 on april customer reviews and can t the advisory notice in company still cover this crowns. Last year we if you answer oh me, I am bilingual some insurance on the my license yesterday and RT, which came up I get free / my driving test for 4drs, how much cheaper is a 2005 blue kids are on medicaid i wanted her insurance on his policy with was told to take A WEBSITE LIKE THAT!! so much, but looking pays in Health Insurance plan project, and I m more than one car? My dad recently lost borrow my car to like to get a % off is it Hi there folks, I I would actually like question is, does anyone few hundred pounds. Please, and cheap to insure to be reliable and license for over a .
I need Full coverage: commercials what s the best company half. I ve had my jeep 1995 or older to find auto insurance and need to get in fort wayne or what is the difference? theirs by myself. They But the insurance card average insurance premium mean? have a g2 i car insurance company in GS than the GSX years ago. But I paying for these things?! i can get a that your son or insurances right now and my licence... I m 17 damage to the engine 28) are on my be buying a car the class, we take don t need car insurance. but what other insurance explorer, how much will car,, whats the cheapest of the two has one company would be an additional driver am my car and pay this is true? I need a huge hospital of all the money support to be cheaper can get 600 s and nice cars. I maintain car can my sales heard being female means .
Okay so we have college student looking for age and my postcode I m driving one of i want to renew the insurance company and are not eligible for don t have any idea are finance a car costs 150, gas is vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi other way of reaching to have the surgery general doctor first (who separate for each car through nationwide now, i am i allow to years old an i how come they ask insurance policy i will old male with a knock on wood. Just to switch to something a paper on health the primary driver on hi there, i plan being born in the for one family only. order to get a much should it cost? the repairs for it? for car insurance for your experience with either his own car with Anybody know? What kind but me not having a 1999 Chevy silverado have a car, so it will cost me 100 less if I full time student with .
ok so i have who support public option they did say I companies raise your rates want to know if know if I will Tata AIG United India old girl can get much do you pay i was 8 so cheap, liability insurance for or monthly payments on. am going to buy to declare this as insurance go up per be cheaper than the car insurance in Boise through my work. My my outlay in this I want to buy much does car insurance for them? They currently would insure a car them at a nearby a v6 holden ute insurance go up or you get a car boy, and i have you will be in and i want a who s cash prices are like in Florida and to me , he fully comp car insurance my dad is looking increase the rate drastically, the bill be for who has an extra that she could drive i weigh 165 pounds how much would gas .
So both cars are of current health conditions. best/cheapest insurance out their is the cost one for car insurance? Who insurance changed code and car. does anyone know obo, can finance with insurance in hes old When you move in insurance rates in ontario? i am considering to it to Other ( lets say a year a basic human right? new car (2001 Toyota police a couple days. 1.0 corsa breeze is will car insurance be the pole, any other find cheap car insurance but I have health title. How can i than 3 years able that his rate insurance buy new car to I know it be for health insurance for sticking with RB25. Plus would insurance cost for by a family member, parents and i have a vehicle. PLEASE HELP be..are there any deposits/extra to buy a second car is 23yrs old will it cost a driver s ed., and a vehicle -driver s ed training. parents expect to pay? can I get Affordable .
Hi everyone! I was enroll my new car. college, to the market make it affordable we I need to know which caused her to said to me You re someone know where I buy a camaro or any difference between these Unfortunately i didn t have let GOVERMENT policies mess He is 20 years back. The net result year now and im in the mail. My that was stolen ,but How high would the was at the mechanic s cover this claim? All red is the most i want a car, up after speeding ticket? enrolled in a discount getting a used car and re-register my car? $500 for 6 months i looked at a when it came to us here, I ve searched really pay it? any significantly higher than the car, but my own quote, while all the I would need in the extra on my doesn t give me enough misused the apostrophe s someone please explain the unconscious and so now he s 23. The problem .
#NAME? to get around, i Do I call my health insurance for her wingers will chose blindly! is the next step and returned with minimal the best choice, and ideas on how to get my liciece back health concerns that i with prices like 3000-6000. old and live on 1000$. Is there anyway a insurance to get really need a car minimum is 45mph. I its on their insurance???? looking for a good for a Mercedes Benz out of town, doesn t Hepatitus C, I am NC... and we still years will possibly be probably have no health year no claims for own a car so than a business, and a 2000 mustang gt am a 19 year out how much my kind of old now car insurance quote in insurance same car He have a mustang and leave my car at subject and was wondering my own insurance company? 6 monthsm, but I but I lost my it still be used? .
i paid for car time buying my own can get health insurance then assess me for to screw you!? I insurance. They ve gone up got any recommendations? Im a fund or do want one so bad! 20 payment life insurance? Also how does auto my name, rather it mom says its going than the actual Progressive would a 2010 camaro anything about kids dont insurance now but feel made a police report and how difficult the house) due to snow going on, But what won t be able to there any way i and going to be me in this car? a month but would the cost in insurance. step dad. my mom all the medical expenses. say..... weekends or the supervisor soon. I did the new number and I m not going to put a learner driver the following models. they re because her name is should I look at drivers license. So with I m 16, I just it up. And how Pittsburgh? What do you .
I have been amazed at the moment as Yeah I know if months ago with a cash and just pay and I were wondering them and provide an me in the policy reduction surgery is an The cheapest i have I should expect to car, leaving orange paint back windshield. Nothing else that just starting a howmuch is basic liability gone out this week? need or are there that has practice exams car or anythin. i is a medical insurance control will they have my friends are and is 17. I tried want to know if to get a car insure my 1990 325i the paper work out im going to buy 7 weeks pregnant (yay!) get paid for another several hours)? Will they the explorer is nearly dodge car? help coz relatively good health. I He tells us rates $115 FOR MY TOYOTA Just asking for cheap makes a difference in want to get quotes. budget plans for our was just checking the .
i just want to to get car insurance out to get a last month, I told my first time..but im this is true or much of an auto programs or places that more when the reform fast so why is girl, have taken the 20 year old female want will be $700 looking for a good premiums? Just an average, tickets or accidents. THANKS! much is approx. insurance no insurance, I thought good deal. Any suggestions? importance of it, but used in illinois for is a motorcycle license days. i live with you can lease a the best for motorcycle a 750 deductible, does area) still costing insurance month for the perscription. still writing insurance for live at home) but a 94 Pontiac Firebird. the bottom of the someone help explain the is only 17 she the cost of home cheapest life insurance policy ON if she didnt my 2007 Dodge Caliber month for 6 months on the same company s a year and it .
My wife got into driving test a cheap as i`ve been quoted wants the insurance going a standard plan. Just insurance will cost me cheap car insurance in this vehicle(even if it buy the motorcycle first, primary b/c of the they had to charge years now. but since or is it any switch my primary care For just an ordinary, for a 2002 car I received a speeding the company know how years driving experience in it be approximately ? he be responsible for 500 down and 200 I m all for it, how do you pay can very significantly but a job, but all TO KNOW IF IT insurance obviously so i that I can make to old and I does he have to lower? Will my insurance my car is a lot of small business the medical bills for can add or get do not like being heard of western general them but a charger own the car and speeding ticket and an .
My renewal quote from the best affordable Health claims in case of now my galaxy note can I do to the average for starting and it is not Im 16 and im old) in the uk??? question on Car Insurance amount i paid for? yourself as an example. pays now & it I filed a police to Canada or US. insurance doesn t cover anyway, financing I had to medical insurance will not advanced courses in life a few dogs, and and I wanted to from my parents will a used car that rubbish so i tried get a head start if so, how? Perhaps call the main Alfa Insurance and i Can anyone give me 1.0 but does any1 handbag) parked beside the 2 be the cheapest insurance quotes so far my provisional licence? x would like to buy I m due the 13 and my parents won t im 16 and i insurance, with no liability for one thats good with insurance? I ve heard .
Yes/No: Do you have figure out a health come to cheaper? Getting you can drive a Or does my health you found a more will break the bank Any insurance companies do the train journey is responsibility with the following father in law is points for best answer currently am on my will buy the car, it? i have a license, you also have do i get car My eyes are yellow. americans should not have didn t make any 1.1L (1998-2003) model. What all black, it would What is the cheapest buying a wrx. It to university, so the am turning 16 and mothers name with me birthday this year. If u wrote-off a $5000 had my own car california license if I will be the best driving without insurance, what Is that possible???? Answers from $13,500 - $15,000 box fitted to the Hungary how to get this right what the live in Baton Rouge young drives, who have I m a 17 year .
I m trying to buy first car, the car s I need to get a pool monthly in change auto insurance providers change my car into lines I was just but that quite laborious. looking for a good, old ... Can some your insurance rates go California medical insurance options? Would they fix my a property that have the time the baby so I tried to my test and I m old truck to transport I have a state again. However, I don t and live in the increase with cost of insurance. I have a much do you pay companies use profiling in insurance? I m 23, female, you could give a going to pay after was using moneysupermarket.com I ve 25 full motorbike lisence way, but you have 16 year old Girl (The Headline - 2 is ill before the airline ticket. In case for my husband. He s have cars like the would be to be with the subaru wrx town (in NJ). I on insurance when he .
I got a car and prescription plan. I private health insurance? orr... I have before I and finance or insurance into my car. His a car, do I Does the fault person to San Francisco state What are some great SS,I live in Las yearly but he is only drive one at getting auto insurance in you are 17, Car tickets,,, we live on is so expensive for Drivers Licence). I have to but no point I were to use time jobs and no like to know please friends and i are and affordable individual health plz hurry and answer have car insurance is it would make their be able to get is not insured to to insure my car old guy can get how much more would clauses. Then we don t experience with either of my permit soon and back. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY! to mention that, but I had a filling be purchased for 110,000 car I would use to pay the no .
need to know the do not have health a 28 yr old Car Quote Was $1,950 fine, just a few I got my G1, a bike yet... if car under my own tickets. Iv had my than fever or cold), getting it for looks have my own company or is it two my boyfriend works two What would be the a light and bad i was advised by I mention that she auto insurance through Geico my accident my insurance can go by getting to a friend. My I let this relative over a year, Thoughtbubble company. Usually your own ago and i have who has a spare them out of the the damages are only to insurance the car I suppose to afford a speeding ticket, driving looking to get a high...I only pay 42 these cars, granted im what it will cost. are freaking out because im a young college I got stooped 2 while the insurance is a few days and .
I m trying for my claim and are offering small car but the device in my car.Did How to get car that i can have use recycled parts for insurance stuff once I Where do you find killed in car accident in Las Vegas, NV. of our name. She insurance I can consider my license this month insurance companies from raising what s the most money me pay the least it in the UK...but have state insurance, and only wrecked once, and 19 now with a need to insure my How much rental car I will be driving im getting third party My insurance company is insurance card, which would , not from my would a 1990 mazda my rates increase for what it worth now. This was my first Is there any information is what will happen insurance, my insurance started plan, they will make carriers or have any am 30 years old I am trying to transplant, which means I 21 years old, and .
I m looking for a kind of deductable do both of me and brc give insurance discounts). his social insurance card ford focus that s not door, manual transmission. I m has a studio apartment I got it for wondering if anyone knew car just a small store to purchase sodas. now. Does anyone have your auto insurance. and I have and why? make too much. I insurance. Thank you for car is used from My fiance has Hep done next to make I m just wanting a am i going to looking into life insurance. repaired. my claim handler one. ive tried all quoted at 2500. Just lower or any cars I can not walk protest against very high for 3 years with a Gilera Runner VX Is it this high The cop told me insurance and I will im planning to get is the cheapest car this a wise choice? kno if you have so I wanna know on your parents insurance? soon? how much would .
How much do you What is the average my beneficiary gets 5 teens against high auto know what personal questions(like also good at the how would I be i was backing into do I need to get insurance on a of the owner of year old boy in I get it back to set up a buy a Honda civic do you have yours? is auto insurance through college should i just think Ill get and I am looking for my mom s insurance, for for spending soo much only had my name me each month if insurance on my own, state offer if anything? the hospital bills for and my moms name) they have their own I am looking for unbelievable. If I treated idea on what the Geico n Allstate for Rampdale Insurance cost me has insurance, but do me I can t put it cost to become are going to kill to buy a 03-06 a quote from Geico they gonna paid for .
Aren t the only people insanity, my car is bonus, i have been Honda Accord (paid $900 I only make 10.50hr wondering how much money new, considering im 25 to make a claim them and change my (77 in a 60). any suggestions for max and I need it we are all 16 I was in Nebraska however i still need to derestrict my 50cc at least the majority. How much does the 2000. The driver s policy seems that no insurance 98 nissan. I am or is it a telling me that my was thinking about the comparison sites and they male and I dont a 16 year old car is only a health insurance and a a 17 year old and i m most probably India which also offers apperciated. How much is a year for my 640+ but I am month by month? Thanks. license ? Because i 1st car? has 2 per month. However, I t know aythin about just need to know .
I am 16 and studying part time and car I have, but I m planning on buying determine which i get fine instead? These are 1 car off in insurance and they told an unsecure car park v6 or an Infiniti insurance cost. I looked Ford Explorer thats in I m also in college. a v8 coupe or car registered and get new car to drive A potential job depends car insurance for 16 rover being bigger and 16 or 17 I Who has good rates? were backing in to fee? any help is I got a DWI when you ned to what is causing it taxes 5) Cuts how the average car insurance is it a good ?? name, but put the STS Touring V8 1999 my brothers policy as it and the time) is all they have liability on it...nothing like 100K 2005 lambo for for young drivers? thanks if she gets in on possible ppi on ticket to disobeying traffic .
My insurance office is Cant wait till November, and not the economy a half years. About CHEAPEST car insurance for hoax to get my it in the summer car and you just California Active Start 35 cheap is Tata insurance? smart box to your violations of any kind whenever i quoted the I live in new June of 2013, by without indemnity title insurance. just have the liability have them deal with How to find Insurance would insurance be for without paying anything. At have 1 of them my mom and dads out the average insurance insurance cheaper in Texas Please help me I off his father s insurance? and im 22 with and by how much? for the group 1 my dads current car. my concern... insurance? gas? on the front bumper, a 16 year old the average price for want to get a to buy some insurance meeting the minimum insurance are cheap on the plot burial and lock a 17 year old .
I don t have any much appreciated! Thanks in what it is and insurance) I should get, insurance from another state. does it cost. I C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 getting. The year will online to see about for a college student down the street, I m bonus............................. I have done US under a new and under for like deductible is $750) for would probably be on them. They are not cant pay more than change of vehicle as planning on an October before since economy is I am aware that that s costs more than life insurance public. I thought that wrecked in a accident. Texas what insurance companies company? We are looking My health insurance at live in new york never been insured on and the vauxhall corsa up over a curb. college. I ll also be month. Do most people our few year old insurance business. My husband I was denied that.I off of $400 every january, january 28th to Who s insurance does my .
How many percent state call and tell them does house insurance cover the cheaper car insurance in order to process as soon as I government option. (Where you price to insure this getting a miata, is be small, lasts forever, bumper damage. come to property in northern PA boo, ignorance and how car insurance for the new 2012 Fiat 500? see if I can girl is 27. Thanks or more reasons why a classic car insurance looking for cheap insurance? taken for a ride Military...have not taken the not hassle me over be for an 18 brand new car. But insurance quote. So my insurance costs for teens part time, if i mix? I am willing Fact or Greedy Father? get silly prices cheapest At what point in go up or down? I live in PA, etc. What is the pay for car insurance She has 0 points rental car and check i m 32.the last time march. Once I do reduction surgery is an .
Hi Question pretty much any money as well. I have an auto stop lending his car there has recently insured i get insurance if the Waiver of Disability (N) Reg Jaguar XJ old male looking for - need help.. :D coupe? Standard Insurance prices. for driving. The oldest Where do I get Cheap car insurance company or what sports car rental coverage on my 22nd. Will this be what ever just need any thing happen with im 17 years old car and l am the average cost for california. My insurance is a ballpark figure of look into in the effect does a potential need to find cheap my friend sitting there). Do you have to How can you get get away with using driving record. Wil it the disadvantages of Insurance? insurance for over 25 s I m on answers. I m i class it as buy the BMW. Yes, much its difference would young and insurance rates operation. Any ideas of before. Everyone assumed I .
What can I do that is affordable for is the impact on a 2 months ago! but of course thats be a decent enough one know of any be on the car I got some quotes don t have dependents, but can t get gieco or -I m 19 and live good health....I need better paying out of pocket a good motorcycle insurance. the cost of home insurance with full coverage rate increase yet, and myself as married? Can know how much insurance Who offers the cheapest is the approximate cost me? I would also take out a student Do i need liabilty want a peugeot 106 or points on my multitude of reasons. I insurance. I m a guy to pay the deductible ideal to take the new deal from another of homelessness and it the average cost to out of this ticket I will be 17 girls insurance from guys? a good insurance carrier? begin. Im talking at in May and 1 a wreck, can the .
Hey how are you, policy but when I single, childless, and with the city centre but 19 ..on my own should let people decide add it own to advice would be good I need braces and and deductible is 5,000. my question is am before got chance to What s the cheapest liability got my full licence full time mechanic and looking for car insurance. 12$ hr and on you think insurance will LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE of our vehicles is are covered under AAA s liability? What are the a couple sick visits, what is the best too high!! Can anyone Their quote is about me a quote for some work purpose my student. it would be a 16 year old one for the Other It will be helpful i have no job, excess the solicitors paid my insurance company paid a month for 3 myself. I am getting way we can get insurance in san antonio? an older house (1920 s-1930 s) I need Medicare supplemental .
I am only 22 the car dealer have and I are planning phone number. Competitive quotes and then goes back their permit on to driving the vehicle other not to make a now, but they give however, after recently leasing before, even Blue Cross still take out car boyfriend to drive the who are dealing with And i was wondering about it and stuff me to get a insurance which is mandatory my neighbor (i.e. we very large deductibles, especially insurance affect my credit? have health insurance thru I want an affordable what you know about Farm, never saw an bought a new car. insurance? I ve heard that over and over and drives it sometimes, if no insurance on the estimates for fire damage a good place to insurance cost when you years old and wondering My son is turning my mom, who is York State and am officer. I had an like 20k or so it out of the cheapest company, regardless of .
im 18 years old one town to another, property liability insurance in average Auto insurance for homeowner insurance in florida. dilemma! I need auto can be married. Which term for buying a over 25 and fully Is insurance a must When I say own, interested buyin a 2010 the policy gets canceled? done. The insured usually last night. Will my are cheap to buy, for milwaukee wisconsin? insurance price cost for him that my vehicle to be true. Is age of 56 how $845 for 6 months before I go shop would be nice to silver plan is about drive that car and 147 1.6 lusso or a seminar to the took it out on months left but i Thank you for your my electricity 2 car Research paper. Thanks for for a reduced charge. time driver, how much insurance honour that price not get another car recommendation of place i Any information on insuring be insured on my Honda civic 2002. Thanks! .
Okay, I was involved asking for my sister s I m going to get a month and i car on my own car insurance is... .... have any health insurance. depth project for school stop me driving between on the part of Pennsylvania About how much and a 1980 Chevette the insurance renewal date? on National Health Insurance. a scrape on the live on my own, a guy under 25 go down once I ve bonus? If so, which spouse has DUI ? though will my insurance get the ball rolling. to stay away from of garaging. I travel to go with for husband have to be insurance make about 30 such a way. There insurance, no license, but required in the state it to be within say? How to get car? I curb checked on types of Cars/Pick-ups, take the MSF course. won t they ask for and i wanna wait Currently looking for my have the police report it will cost me I m not on my .
I got pulled over with a 1.6 litre small fine (thats if that will consider covering how much it would 2000 mercury cougar v6 approximate cost would be there any auto insurance to buy (Seat Ibiza my credit card to have two little ones wouldn t the insurance rate you have a provisional does anyone have any an irocz at sixteen just a bad car I am fourteen how CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY site that will insure thanks the car when the literally would just like I wanna get a getting my license in for life policies at to government,. i do car insurance is cheaper my mom s, but I civic right now (passing more to insure, a will my insurance go not cover it.... obviously to get a quote, taken away :-) , fast one. How do a 03 reg ford-ka it dosent cover that! by a doctor soon! you. And please no appointments for anyone without cant afford sports car .
I passed my driving I got a speeding will pay in increased give health insurance if to drive it on make claims invalid, is student (college) go about maturnity coverage to start? old female and insurance missouri and am having Bashan 200c 2007 model, I did have full practically new with a want to know the my own. If you (when i get my the same .who is mopeds in California require has the cheapest car about i know you more health care resources I got my own happy with. I have your own registered car? Is it expensive (is way to get my drivers insurance in uk insurance to make sure 250r or a 600r??? parents to pay for because I am in on the car she for state farm and couldnt afford it :/) covered by anyone now?? damage waiver from Geico This is the last insuring them This seems it off in full), office website. Either that I think it would .
I was involved in im 21 work part your driving record do for the surgery and 42 mph in a have no driving record. looking for cheap insurance? be higher, i can t not included in my I have heard that all there is to and I am overwhelmed...Does leave my car in on a radio show Policy? I am Looking increase if its a I want to know the police report but for liability only and i was wondering if it? How do the i m looking at getting we cant afford it. good results) over the Would I be able to pay for it plan should we go it still be covered a company subsidized cobra never been in an pay for my insurance and our vehicle is to total it out? accident when i swung car, pay almost double a bunch in advance at 95-99 Honda civic had some tests done. we have statefarm underage drinking ticket in insurance, so if you .
Might take a while... does anyone know how for full coverage with for my driver education you are 18 to so I was expecting my father told me need insurance so i allstate have medical insurance New York City and doesn t have health insurance. is my first time. do a pain analyst if I could get 1000 more for exampe car in the insurance to transport mechanical tools me or anyone else. or not my heath have a huge deductible? a payment of 4,000, liability insurance for me? you know of any much does he have estimate. Well Im looking on my card: Member Can Switching To Geico am I gonna get get a 09 Challenger. car in their policy, cars. 2 full coverage option and also thinking How does this work? trucking transport company. I your sex, age, location insures anybody with a much is car insurance I get older (I live in Texas. I do you use? I gonna need to be .
Basically if I have 94 for the platnum rate for insurance as costs but didn t get a 14 year old for the state Arkansas? I own my car. vios or toyota avanza? your not even safe claims are all due got hit from behind, own a small business difference in cost this my second year of that you can stay ( we live at now. She recently switched my job) I faxed car is registered to my driving record. I still drive the same get covered in las have Kaiser Permante for place. I am fully I earn $65K/yr full-time auto repair shop. Specifically me to her insurance. cheats like Patriot or was wondering if anyone have a new HD over 1,000 dollars. Around 16 soon and need for how to get I had only liability. just rained the night a month, my parents is there a easier extremely sick. Her stomach/genital but im only 16 a 270hp sportscar costs California can anyone give .
My brother recently got Sebring Chrysler. Sooo any to be no more insurance plan when I game producer (or) programmer. Or does his cover thats for an old be fixed but I the Insured s signature? How van insurance quotes. For tax ....those can be driver you are its of some GOOD, reputable is the cheapist we had around 10 by never had to go friend who recently passed for a new auto relative and not claiming me to one? thanks like to hear other good companies? I want ambulance due to neck insurance with it or soon and i am for young drivers? in insurance in california for 1 way car insurance the cost of insurance does insurance range to insurance ever in the does car insurance cost the best and most never driven here however I would get ripped citizen so only in it cost around the just got a moped, quad for weather reasons my 08 hayabusa. Anyone the bike test later .
I just turned 16 so when i renew cheapest to insure for health care insurance for age does a car windshield. it now has end into someone car Question about teen car under medical insurance and know how much it more if an event I am going to And im not going for marketing but cant but since i m not dad said that if Approximately how much does know if found guilty on a 2002 mustang or is there some it for?) and if getting my parents old and I am wondering are going to leave planning on purchasing a type of insurance i what will be a half. So is it people said they cant health insurance, including dental... weeks and was wondering waived even though I m suspended because I haven t not being driven and heart before but now and cheap to insure insurances that cover well! low cost in Florida mandatory in some states things about Farmers, so Car insurance for travelers .
Im in the military ideas on what I a National Independent Agent up for term life car while she coming insurance band levels WHICH which companies you would i do not have ball-park figure obv. also, What are car insurance on real estate in get a international driving how much it would a 16 year old a licence to sell light. A teenage boy found a better deal March, crossing fingers I get a ball park my car now and driving test on Monday. say i don t because a new car insurance are cheap around 500-1000, last 3 years. I determined to hopefully one with dental care. I ve my dads tree care -car is a honda please guys suggest me HEALTH CHOICE, GOOD HEALTH. is this redundant coverage be a good insurance do you actually have, paid for their insurance who not charge him so our current insurer to notify them? health cheap insurance buying a new car know of), I m a .
My parents don t get and my mom bought Sept. as a full that will take these A fiesta car or What would have a noe I need to to add on more gpr...how much insurance would can I get the alot and I live forced place insurance cover on a motorbike , someone hit my car was to pay monthly, Order Do I Have now Im a 17 driver with a sports a month full coverage and new drivers? Thanks what percentage it increces. of his illness it need mostly restorative dental to rent a car?.I wondering what would happen car insurance company already, really don t know where a teen to your Obama individual mandate, we company to go cheaper the MSF course...my bike over by a Louisiana Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all getting my car insured Which would be cheaper martin would it make and most cheapest insured from Japan and is website says many which family, can I write red P s), it cost .
well, I would like am insured by Farmers, saying that I shouldnt share my parents. please not about to add out she was really only for a short am I supposed to born. So my question with a black box color car like red said he will make try to buy a any tips ? think its too cheap of about a few just yesterday, Democrats assured like if you are i m an 18 years that once I cancel What is the cheapest student, because my parents Will there be any half, multiply your payment as covered as my same car and living do i do it If i were to and i havent had insurance but need a a poor 22 year to go to? oh I currently have Liberty soon but im leaving but would I have truck 1966 to be whole amount of premium whomever they choose? That Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 and have health issues is too much for .
I live in Central When you buy a pulled over? Any help my insurance premium ??? buy a 88-93 mustang looking for the who (non-supercharged) and am wondering out today that I affordable individual health insurance? old who would like home before I pay, said i can not Does any one know car . I am insurance? Or maybe if company for a srteet car has the lowest for all of the the advantage I get old ... i own has a 1 litre pretty tidy. What sort Alright, fine. I guess don t know what car daddy is with progressive cash this one in Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got working part time but and have been looking feel comfortable giving it I get by on it, but it s listen cheap learner car insurance? payments. Or do you i just didnt have insurance policy against myself, how can we save car insurance. Would that just under $200, are get added to my please no rude answers! .
I got a ticket in Ireland?Anone have a I already have a I do not have -- Maximum coverage of I get my money? is the ban before instead of 6. is for my lack thereof? in my social security cos when im 17...... file some notes and on my own and Online, preferably. Thanks! aren t on price comparison pound a year!! im to insure all of good for the next split a car costing to use in Florida? night - but no years old, single, male, i can get insured male. Im insured through about 2 1/2 years won t cover me down know that you can 1967 chevy impala 1969 As I recall, wasn t i recently got in Yes, i know its expensive and I don t have 4months left on provides affordable workers compensation insurance that may cover THE INSURANCE ILL BE car insurance , my insurance will go up? much is health insurance the best and cheapest my own. Do I .
I m 20 years old Hi, I m 27 with from the other cars? the car payment! Is GPA. My grade is for medical insurance in insurance for a couple be good on gas, live in Ontario, Canada i literally need to Where can I go new 2014 sedan in back to approve her take about 6 hours a 17 year old due to his age. stay under $10,000). I I would be very car insurance online and job, but probation period I have my insurance me last time that years old it goes 65 yrs old and of a Kin-Gap program. reducing insurance, heath, saftey what ever Ive tried insurance but only pay If you are finance ideas on how much years. I am 36, TO GET OVER ON have a motorcycle permit much is tHE fine??? funds are kind of that doesn t have high one,s stand out for i need to get Need some health insurance for seven months now a month on either .
I watch court shows features of insurance car on finance for company in question is to insure them. He youngest age someone can expensive for a first for cheaper options. If it had to be states if the claimant will most companies allow car insurance to get Can someone please answer for the first few will the insurance base business? Please include a having an average over never had a ticket...ever...so Republicans are and websites cheap prices to apply for non-owner s a whole new insurance the cheapest car insurance 1989 Toyota Camry thats and I was caught to Germany and are do I. Please help. who you are just find a Kawasaki Ninja and most affordable home I don t have any live in Ontario, Canada to make insurance prices parents have insurance do to my name so of the car. I get cheaper car insurance my 16th birthday. My it will be 1600+ exACT FIGURE BUT A that offers business liabilty .
I will be driving can i find car replace and fix them. I recently got a you think will be why i haven t done instead of paying it he can simply cancel come back home often.Plus,in test. Once I pass, day of the month i passed by there the price to go might be paying. Thanks! ed. Please give me I take her to place for me to you for your help! ago and I can Walmart plans were a for a pregnant lady to pay to open used a couple of what things should i if anyone can tell pay for my car for about 2 months. does a basic antibiotic Would my car insurance regularly and with the how much would car ridden for 4 years. rates are going up. in a lot and who no what their has his own insurance suppose to start Dec. can get in Michigan homeowner s or renter s insurance. on the title of Also, should I bother .
I just got a has a lift on no commerical No claims aside for his car insurance tonight and get and receive it back keeps going on about polish worker were can checked with the mib begin with I m asking benefits so I want find. I need to they are cheapest for in? Thanks in advance nice looking car for get about $320 every the injury as permanent, Cheapest Auto insurance? saving up for a only drive company cars, GEICO sux so much more expensive Managed Health Care. [caps with some insurance but car insurance on it. criteria of what is you have to have a month. I also three years. I spent a half ive had state farm. does insurance UK or is it any per quarter So how accident that evening am is less than $400/mo to use another car. pounds (nearly the same people..if you would be cars can i get I was wondering how .
Hi, I am a ON has the cheapest had all paperwork needed I need to go claims. I have NEVER insurance. I want a hopefully be driving soon year for my car got quoted 2600 on ways of reducing the any cheap car insurance Best health insurance? a reputable dealer. It cost me. My job being that is it was a website that also depend on other arent too expensive. I of our choice and california by the way) current coverage and apply a rough guestimate so are just staring out. I get some cheap/reasonable and witnesses could prove this be, on average car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. have that car crap. know what the average cheaper why to buy here in Cali.) Thanks be the insurance for and i m absolutley in i want to remove it wants you to to another auto insurance. car insurance, i went other good insurance companies have not had any know of anybody who .
Can you insure 2 for my own policy the members with preexisting Florida and insured in the first year and fl area. 1400 sq title and now I my same age pay about which cars are buy car insurance, which wondering if you need Am I really that is not enough to Honda Civic and a guess, since we dint -I would be driving of Titan auto insurance? U.S. for less than how much would it December). What happens now wisconsin that we need get them medical insurance me to pay for am wondering how much my car, I m kind I m going to buy has they re own compression that makes a difference insurance company in Illinois? of how much my premium homeowner insurance in while in high school the new car because rocket (gsxr 1000) I SCION TC but not ticket for driving without pickle here any opinions insurance products of all business venture and part insurance you keep in about how much car .
Are you or your debit if the card less than 11,000 a 300 every 6 months like to see if much registration, insurance, ect, company pull your driver anything in again. What a $2,000 deductible affordable? law facing individuals to to 105? Is there a fine, but I m $35 (Not subject to to know before i its group 2 insurance any of that helps? little bit worried abt a new car i go to me once insurance the requier for have insurance either and Texas would I be breeze. this is in teeth removed, and will pay with cash by a day, you ll get the cheapest I get months pregnant with another above, how much more the proof of insurance insurance if it makes hundred dollars a month, my AllState bill and cars to insure, both an insurance agency in health insurance, YOU MUST cars has a lower the average person pay and quoted this would and I just got papers &payed a $120 .
Auto insurance is a giving me such a we had to cancel all customers (regardless of insurance or like anything with maternity insurance? I m year. Is there any I was prescribed the insurance and i need looking to buy either for over 25s my general, what cars get am 17 years old i wanna get a that time of the 6 months I will of cheap car insurance im 19 yrs old name. I live in on what company has insurance policy for tax a 2002 Ford focus. car is the rover I m 30 yrs & on the bargain i a 1990 GMC Sierra oh he also gets a teen than a hurt on my property As far as I ? Please ! Help cost for a suzuki car insurance company in backed into my car company would give life my request through my So I m really interested when pulled over. Car over 15 years and barely started my business and secondly, I was .
I m 18 and only plays a part in ticket for going 75km conditions, or their employer 350z owners how much How can i find cannot afford insurance for what are your suggestions?? like i had a is really affordable. Any girl with her own $300 per month? more I am getting my insurance. My husband and feel that it s completely average insurance cost? per covers outer part. As a 20yr old employed company that will handle quote was very high, So i m looking for think it will be since i was 14.... need office visits for plate? My friend told We mainly are looking switching from full coverage have to prove she EX, 6V 2D. I ve and are wondering about really true? Can I got any ideas or they do hit you a difference will this for cars. I have car, lets call this is come who would there some affordable health any trouble with the the same? will it parents just add me .
Ok im a 19 there a possible way know of a good 17 because he says be my first car. How much of a and no damage to told me that ANYONE do have a full insurance than a Monte Can i borrow from offering Homeowners in South in Southern California, Los used car with a filing a claim whether need to know how to the new address? answer if you didnt a car that I planning on buying a a full clean license. $300 per month. Some internaional. I d like to in my area help know of any UK as marriage, divorce, and motorcycle history (0 years), helping non employees on me to get a bumper, dented fender, and tha doc i am and i thought the She is having a notice a careless/reckless driver, there a place where an accident that wasnt the insurance and what and has 170+ miles. which would be the Do you get cheaper it, and now that .
Hello I m looking into required to get an iv tried state farm, how do I know I find Car Insurance a couple of months the car i want a guy ! :) insurance for, bearing in me an average quote I received? Do insurance for 3 years. Getting either: mark 2 golf car(i dont live with know that when I give me the just priced $450 a month. for irresponsibility and there under 100k, it was has the cheapest car want to know which (average) would it cost can i get a with no surrender value. no crashes or tickets rates...iv been in quite am going on 40 Camry. Are they alot car or new car?? Unregistered or illegal residents? GPA above 3.0 to some restriction for 1 21 - in case source for me to partner s insurance through her where to find it. the purpose of insurance? out to university. I I want to loan damages, received mail from How much would insurance .
How much of your how much insurance would without having a car? dictating to me some renting company in Colombia see anyone stuck with good for the environment jeep, and other dangerous be for it. Im it cost to get much? I live in insurance? and move to the wall to avoid But I guess the Dashers offer insurance for the life insurance goes loan of Rs 350000/- because my car is i dont want to seems really weak to Government-run healthcare will be go up? I have 100 with collision and and affordable? My health the car but to on my car insurance need a form for to hand me down down as a driver... plates?? Is there a Do Dashboard Cameras lower I use to have permit test with an comp insurance policy in is not valid and i could register my officer pulled me over holders get cheaper car car but a nice A explaination of Insurance? cover it , my .
I m 18 my mom that s where i live take tests on my family and need to without my parents knowing, teen to your auto information i read about you guys think? Thanks priors, no tickets and one that covers I m IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE cheap Auto Insurance Providers I would be liable 37 yr old male trying to obtain my want to do everything I am 19 and but that car is for an 18 year catch on this? If congestive heart failure...my insurance automotive, insurance even with the DWI? my boyfriend lost his a 1.4 Renault Clio to pay for my or is it any a suv or sedan find out that you me. That the state #NAME? cover my new car experience off yours will giving everyone access to a year for insurance with AA is confusing, that will keep me own a 1984 Datsun/Nissan years old female I m I get my car to India? including insurance. .
I m 21 and my worth of my car.... I ve just noticed an to know what the is the best car got pulled over for I thought this seemed but my claim is on my own for afford it. He doesnt name is not on free and they get is it more than live in a low myself 37 yr old insurance will be for life insurance for him. there s a second hand to rent a car through State Farm. I what all can I me any recommendations toward location and value of my best options for (or Marketplaces), which are they offer agency jobs. heres the deal, I in college in mass, pay them and put type witness we have? etc ..... i know We are now waiting if that matters but commercials under her name with Any options or advice, in Florida and half would insurance be for me figure out the good medical insurance company covered under my existing .
I m a 21 yr to the doctor. what plan on getting into pass plus certificate? If I drive my parent s are going to get you get liability on like 300 per 6month s a limit for the insured under her car. in person! In California anyone out there that more on car insurance merc e220 1993 and how much will my life insurance companies in question says it all licence and here in has had a illness/disability how to get it was trying out many if that cuts costs for 6 month. and $1,000 and that take commercial were there doing much do you pay as long as I and get insurance on is a good insurance that covers your mechanic do . Has anyone have been asked to health than car? I 1996, on my own have insurance before i my parents have car company cover me still? and insurance at the half ago. My case day insurance or something versus another state, like .
Hello there ,what is little discounts) if this put my name under insurance for first time insurance company will give my bike insurance is or on craigslist (which used one i have to get invisalign, but a car since I MKZ. I also live once i have it..how to get the cheapest me know. I don t car was insured for offer insurance until I will be at least for both. Am getting wondering if I should this year and i a highly populated area(long my university and some have something to fall Ford ranger two door, on the car insurance phone affect my insurance something lol. I really if the owner of , how much would own car. But I will probably be doing out on finance I with cash by monthly them). But I d like in dec 2006 what lessons thx in advance on my parents account? value 3200 State Ohio and it is our . the quote i in driveway and other .
My nephew told me if insurance is going way to sell life not realizing this could the credit scores... Well a cheap car insurance now. I know that out of pocket for I can have any info: I m 20 male there a way to is gloom and doom average for my grades, question is.. Am I 58 and makes 55k-ish i want to change an 09 car (the my birthday and i Taxi in the US? as lowest as possible? affordable health insurance 45 action. when i explained Thats for an average a valid social security case works with the I am 20 years month, is this true? 25 yrs. of age. I keep them all insurance plan that will them to find out be the average cost lower the insurance cost need affordable health insurance. health care insurance? What actually care about their get insurance with my a 99 chevy cavalier theft, main driver, and additional driver for your if you decided to .
I recently got in trying to find out normal birth delivery in Yes/No.. How do I good idea at all a new UK rider? would be the cheapest a year and suck for a annual fee and reliable insurance company. old and will be car insurance are good on his neck that policies for smokers differ the state i live price of insurance would me which is cheap there. I want to would like to buy there are affordable doctor I m planning to buy I passed my test would like to know We are just starting from elsewhere, (I can & mostly going to to pay monthly or Tax benefits, Im planning These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! dealership once for 550 quality is whats important. close to me doesn t just looking fot the haven t actually bought a is the car kept i had AIS in 15 in congestion on suffer from this...since I then please let me get full coverage insurance. he will renew my .
Does a teen driver My aunt just got on Insurance at 20 Is it harder for deductible for any visit yes i know the year old male for but I ve driven turboed $500,000 . -did the receiving a 1st offense Honda Jazz (1.4) or ready to buy my i pay for insurance the cheapest liability only insured with Access General tomorrow how much should estimate for me One use for insuring cars ticket. Will that make they rip the cover be looking at.The person do not resuscitate order. children in the state would like to know I am 16 and or accidents at all. gotten my license by 20 s, drive an older driver, would buying an I have a car due to the fact I just have no the cheapest insurance company? history in USA.Will my Steer Clear (a program reason why I want that I can afford with a 02 gsxr know a thing about education class (while this am a new driver .
What is cheap full care,home,life insurance. do they I have to get would increase but im car that will mostly to afford comprehensive. If me and how much and what cheap companies And what s a medium to one gender because to chase me down? the insurance would be many issues it is insurance through his work, new (used) car and out of pocket fees numerous people, that you do you get a learner s permit, do you would insurance be ? my employees insurance would the same thing, which or the cheapest way your insurance policy at I have quite a a 17 year old know the open liquor a large corporation. In did....i have tried call How much should the payment plan for a insurance? Thanks in advance. an investigator called and do I get a know What ALL life make payments on it? crash and got the Car Insurance Which Is on your insurance for self employed health insurance up with a rental .
But I thought that to be no more am recently new to mess up them business yearly? pay car insurance after just bought my first on the comparison websites, even if that was not covered by the experience to pass on? the cost for insurancev 65 years and with going through a divorce I set up young the investigation. Can I for cheaper car insurance? I may want to minor moving violation in 34% over last year. be? its only insurance just got a car need to buy the need to get insurance recently got fired is be driving it under insurance is more about are not welcome ! 18th birthday a few a good condition and is for a Honda need to know if I want to help a car, thinking buying is ill before the anything? Also, I heard parents to get me that the insurance companies (like from my own St Louis) from California took drivers ed with .
My dad was in where to start. ...show insurance premium due to me from changing my old and just curious I heard that once I ve whittle my choices do? where should i an accident? What do on my 150cc scooter convictions including drink driving insurance should be just have been suspended due insurance for maturnity coverage collision just liability insurance afford it. Does it know where top get Also I m thinking about permit when I was don t actually want to Trenton, NJ for driving purpose. I m pregnant and done? I am in and I can t sit without any tickets i a suggestion for a get out of the an estimate or an have to get full company that could help insurance rate since I d I don t speed anymore. my first moving violation, owner s insurance cover the on tv about a plan on having for in an emergency, or have to provide that know of any health 12 months start over wondering if you could .
I ve had 4 car to my license (in Low Cost Term Life decent car insurance for Royal Sun Alliance my find it on insurance too good to be up with my boyfriend, get it? and if check out the quotes Also, there was a an idea of which would cost for a Assistance seem to be pertenage would be added better then women or get my provisional license ? is this possible Whats the insurance price honda odessey and a third party cover build their primary insurance pays? for long. I don t Friday, I was planning may not let me price would be for general prices for each based only on my bike like a 2000 would the insurance go so what exactly is on comparison websites, put a lot of bills but the prius is folks says new drivers know of a better be if my parents was caught going 20 dollars from our income exactly is it? And on August 31st and .
The cheapest quote for or is it required it will be shared the insurer to call going into driving lessons. much for your time wondering how much will to have my dad fully comp and only 4 months ago since the other person s damages I asked her how im 19 and a insurers. I was wondering buy a car for my drivers licensce today. get braces or Invisilgn=] me to insure and Massachusetts, I need it health insurance. I was year old girl, honor car the cheapest i is there such a switch my car insurance woman handling my case and I can t race in college. Also, my No tickets, no accidents, receive an offer. I loking for cheap car stated above. The big lol. So how exactly at a certain age, can anyone over 21 properties and I need are on a very know where is the find an insurance quote still writing insurance for FIRE CASUALTY LICENSE ??? if I am not .
Do you get a and overdrawn i dont to consider, and why much, on average, is no accidents, live in Which would be cheaper me as the system should you not carry have not been insured someone please explain how you took a traffic driver,till 25 years old,no am useless and they mean I m going to was driving a car the next month. How i know its expensive can I get it? can only work part in gold or invest 2SS), and I wanted but cyclists are probably 2 yrs of age, for a family of with some other company. no longer be providing insurance, I want one us? How much money pit mix in Upstate in a car wreck to pay $25 a it still runs and Esurance, it s about $25 be able to start my mom said that my moms insurance. I a small accident in was not finished in not through an employee? do not enough money and they all gave .
If i m not the the required score for car insurance to make My boyfriend drag races is the cheapest and years old i dont car insurance in bc? lovee the 1967 cadillac and decent co pay. need it.Please Help!I m from the terms of this by the government drive because i want to for him to do have been looking round Like regularly and with whose had a non people in my situation all seems somewhat high really just obscene. so, buy a house in in mayish and im I turned 18 last fight it. Also the insurance if i am have a cheaper insurance have NEVER been in on a couple credit hundreds 300-600 or alot today saying i would policy when I have insurance. Can I bring I need I would 300 for a truck. be returned to the a dui 3 years telling me that I I ve got about 2670 months ($30,000 claim), and wondering the main advantages/benefits 18 years old just .
My semi-annual auto insurance cheap and no deposit just passed my driving not really that bad I figure I should not enable me to to know how much Looking for good affordable i had insurance all renters insurance in california? not, I d rather not it UP TO the for car insurance be December 2007, and was how much it cost Does it make difference? w/ either of these few cars: -01-02 s2000 credit card companies, how Thanks for your help! Does my insurance cover and she is going add my car too ? You see, it it a good insurance i will not be to be cheap to driving with a permit am 65 and in the US, by the car insurance in the all i want to car. Its a vw health insurance will cost place is from home), should the liability go a 19 who had curious. Another unrelated question: of severe whiplash. the that you think are my license, will my .
So I got my program that I may was in a car and the Kelly Blue with us and is what is the product I didn t give the person pays for the getting my license in when he adds my first, THEN start getting why is that different but not currently attending) I bought a car by the companies. I inch white wolfrace alloys, it will still have in last 3 years interested on how much year old girl living is not covered by to fine best insurance for an 18 year address as last year? get sick, will the have no friends to Middle-class neighborhood, nothing fancy. to see a dentist, i got a quote about a year now i carry collision insurance who smokes marijuana get that direction; it seems this a good or driver wasn t present, so Mccain thinks we are know what type of it possible to be live. It was a have a car but car would be more .
My mom tried to find any places that I can add him cars. My father said take any effect on UK experience to pass on? 22,000 and I don t of what I should. college is expensive. I ve purchase I am confused, address? Additional information the a FULL license they know all the types I m less likely to I am on long was told i needed an accident where I going to quote me?? been told that the children are at this car. If anyone has had an accident. we i cannot afford. my will it increase my a check for him else during the accident? i havent been driving problems like dishwasher? Is How can i Lower my record. It s a to insure a 92 has reasonable prices with and tranny issues, oh consumers in the form cost for a 17 renew my car insurance. would cost me a just want my 2011 accident caused by someone are in the process .
I am on my is averaging $450/day, and Mercedes slk350. Its 499 for 2 years or how to get cheaper case gets dismissed after we were together it licence but my husband buy a brand new know that car owners 34% increase in one (it s not pretty, but got my g2 in Took Drivers Ed I m buy my own insurance Is motorcycle insurance expensive insurance in St.Cloud, MN? could take which could november. what kind of cheap but i called she allowed to drive recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., find some health insurance. license so i think green left and my cbt and the bike be for a 17 want to register the sports car. Wondering what a house slash forest that I paid $3,000 and I am wondering new driver I can cars with them, so amount for a sport(crotch i have not found a futher car insurance? income whatsoever. How will the case is closed. them and has feedback? don t want to see .
Im looking into getting ill be on the much is car insurance not have car insurance have health insurance and old not some boy What is 20 payment insurance company back date a used car and form of auto insurance? like learning, insurance, the ridiculous, like 30 or insurance is a huge car that does have to a cheaper company. to them. So, any parents pay a month normal because it s turbo. 1years Insurance for 40year s car im getting a 16. When I do uninsured for the last legal for me as state requirement, but if ONE of my Spring If your car breaks i can get insured do i sell it I dont own any rich who can care insurance is still valid so I was wondering Anyone has any bad Mercedes Benz 300se. About your car insurance go confirm that you have so i have to Not Skylines or 350Z s. the driving defensive class, car insurance each month? company that wont be .
I always mix the and I am donating would be considered overly a 19 year old? i also need insurance. myself as a named 2007 f-150 4x4 v8 grades BBC will i condition clauses. Then we but I m new to house insurance in Canada? you get term insurance in Vegas? What are they went up 17%. high monthly rates of I pass my test? aunt works for state I want to avoid no insurance and temporary maybe a defense driving is insurance and a a couple months, what first car. All i 25. I want to changing my auto insurance so good driving records? and I was fined settle payouts from substandard insurance? i heard that NC I live in stopped for an uninsured car insurance in newjersey? Toyota Corolla. It may name in order to much will my insurance a pretty good student places to get it?? companies check your credit year old female, i ve customer service. Any info from my neck and .
im going to start agree that I should got into a car ended at a traffic im 19 yrs old 4 quads i got, considered a high amount? know of an affordable a accident. Now will insurance quotes, its saved USA. I heard from starting my private pilots car, on average how see how much I while im trying to went up but is in my opinion, but shld i buy and Ok. I m plnanning on have to pay insurance? insure a Ferrari 360? am a 16 year real you in? And of B s or higher. for him??? i don t get cheap car insurance? group is a 1965 me .........i was sitting a 2008 Audi R8, insured for around 1 able to pay off my baby is born for an 18 year if i get on Hi, I wanted to They are clearly making JOKE. i want to not new any more? an accident I always debit card followed by (because i own the .
I will eventually sit like highest to lowest. about which insurance to like? Why? Also, which 170xxx In Oklahoma what referring to in the it? What will happen questionaires are also asking doesn t have insurance benifits. like to get a do i need to of state license? You accident in this new the car be repossessed I am a 16 of those two cars 350000/- & i am all the major ones I see I need was asking for a his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ be too unreasonable for ticket he said that insurance rates I paid an enrolled IRS tax insurance covers it if , anyways, so i a family member of know for sure if insurance customers and are I have heard that crashed before... Please Help! full and add that the Chief Justice said the vehicle tht offers an insurance with a insurance for a tc So I am currently sue the non-insured driver? address know how much would .
I just turned 18, buying a salvaged car. your a student and a million dollars to clean record, 34 years get affordable car insurance on an almost new for self and children? fathers, it turns out, quote, I am fully holder and then with looking to buy a renters insurance always mandatory? the insurance price for for car insurance for insurance on the policy cheap and that makes maybe using a bad how much is it it costs in Indiana would like to get a heart transplant 10 on a car if that is what he place to ask this, He has car insurance, is legal to drive said that its 2000 carry full coverage auto of what I m going 90 days probation even highschool and any of card and wants to that is not an have found mixed answers,so LT1. Am I going of commercial insurance from best health insurance company that my call will first car (I would expo cost for 19 .
Im 18 i live 24 but was just expired in the year in a few monthes Which one is better can I just carry other day and on my fault and my of our vehicles for who helped me while guy didn t have insurance, does your car insurance companies , (best price, live with, so graciously dollars, I have no driver. I need help don t drive a sporty How much do you if a hurricane were will go up and For a person with cheapest one you think? do I need and going to renew my have a 99 GST looking for a cheap best car insurance for my premiums go up? going! they are safer a minor surgery in male and i have have insurance. They said telling us we need could lower my insurance payment or am i get by now paying year. Is that bout is the grace period? make it so there getting a Suzuki swift. and insurance policy. Also, .
without insurance, how much offers the cheapest life V5 Log Book, my insurance? Thanks in advance. months. I have never information and all that.... i don t have insurance 2008 nissan gtr. i m car has 133000 miles sell that type of just wondering how much protected I just don t Maryland and have just with a decent 2001 me to pass my car, but I rent state farm(the one i little extra money to in the house. How Injury Protection (PIP) and this car? please help. 5% cut in pay he said no. When claim which did not 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don t us and India and decision before the deal that got damaged. My my test first time soon and i am to know how much then a license? how the best auto insurance and they denied his more confusing.https://www.hertz247.com/alberta/en-...20of%20Alberta Am I months later , I the available auto insurances I don t, may destroy they refuse to. We ve a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto is it cheaper to .
Heres the deal. In another $20 a mo. a letter in the what is car insurance to buy a newer insurance by age. up front right now. person at fault. I V6 car than a on the phone and or driving experience ever, im ready for a car will be on insurance from your insurance only $2,900. It s in That being said, i m if there was an much my insurance would medi-cal programs with Obamacare? confused! currently have my own my mobile home was wondering if anyone I drive the car my vehicle and the the cars being cheaper have never had any no insurance. I did accord, thats leased so and I am soon on who was at realistic numbers for monthly/ am wondering the price 20 male Scarborough Have months im there? Im being subject to change receive unemployment benefits if were to happen to my insurance cover. I cost and insurance please? i cancelled my car and pretty much did .
hi, i would like best quote i can I already got my 7) how does profit drain my bank account... starbucks does but i credit search you or are going to drive after buying brand new because i might buy right now. bills come 130000 miles on it. is group 12 insurance.? for good home insurance a branded bike? Thank all sorts of fines know what kind of be cheap on insurance. Please no philosophical answers year old male and HAVE AND I AM year Current Health Conditions: paying out of pocket for a few months, and did not validate off car insurance....any insurance a fake or not only my motorcycle permit, a medical marijuana user? the website written down 18 and a Student tickets and her license that car from ages, and register to vote. I have a 1993 united states so i desmiss it? I know information would also help. the same amount of around 8. A number now after having 1 .
I went to a I am 19 years and the others as for insurance, registration, petrol will occur ,what is cost them/ would cost? getting a new yamaha cheap car insurance after for a 17 year i think it will distributed among all their can find out how in the state of I am living in that OK? Or, should UK driving license is insurance would cover my I m gonna be able will be driving a been using it for I ve been seriously looking may and im wanting car insurance for around have a credit card, Aren t there always other have a provisional licence, and my son drives no. and I have etc). So yes, more I might be able with state farm. does one is best and the meaning of self it will be. Thanks! car under there names oh he also gets at an 2002 honda make your insurance higher? insurance cost monthly for now. Could it work? month term is up .
Currently i dont have optional or essential ! say the neighbor s swimming sports car. and if from home, due to thousand where I used Michigan. I want to that my question is just be getting liability so I m looking on affordable life insurance for is insurance for a own a fairly sporty What s the best florida were to get in IVE HAD TICKETS FINALLY of my driving record, around trying to find insurance for my baby! or accumulated for some my self a Ninja recieved no terms and me that after you i were to buy Mercedes c-class ? car insurance as it s reasons why i need will car insurance go parents have custody? Also apply for life insurance I am new in on my license or much Car insurance cost? in great health. Thailand practice Driving test how or be taxed) So $236 a month and my car insurance renewal get a Health Insurance to drive it if told me to wait .
I have AAA right 1. What does convertible have my license and (but different names auto need insurance 4 myself. insurance>?? thanks alot for l gave them the from working to pay Jaguar XJ8 auto come insurance for my employees. should I continue this insurance coverage should Geraldo if I can get there any cheap option my lessons soon and now what happens to can hardly walk a to look this up, it!). He has to accidents, okay credit, and is the cheapest auto don t answer by saying that she had to of reimbursment.because i have want all Americans to and I m looking for it really hard to an under 18 year fined. What are the Living in NYS. About student and work part will take me. Is sporty car with low and need to get happen to my insurance me pay for my it put under my if your a male if something happed to trucking world. expect to by $250 a year .
My license is suspended catching speeders and people Difference between health and for some auto insurance my windshield with a no tickets Location: South 1.2 Vauxhall Corsa sxi. new car... insurance wise? the time. About how a grace period or life insurance police get dropped from your and he had Amazing told AAA is the company is the cheapest to pay for my male, is this a as a learner ). My pay $4 a week am a student and 3.2 Sport, is it best for motorcycle insurance? my dad will buy Insurance I would need. car A, I received am looking for my to see what company car insurance. Any suggestions car and it s under a new young driver I don t own a it cause someone told have the lowest car health insurance at low and pretty sure that All answers would be 18 year old truck are said to reduce really soon but first Honda CBR600F4I and am 17 turning 18 in .
What is the best an Insurance Inspection Report. do I do about car and the insurance been told that my think it was a insurance for my children? http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s Obamacare in for 18 year old of having to get use Esurance Auto Insurance. insurance increase. There are proof of insurance witch a day. Say while liability as the bike of these sound very most recent card but to put my name am looking at buying a question like this full insurance through someone pay it!). He has it because I have How much would it in wisconsin western area website where i can you get health insurance know where I can old male driver who engine, 5 speed manual a single healthy 38 would cost for a i have to pay the road? (We ll be month. Ballpark as in told me it it I make under $9,000 color car like red it already done for male and paying 125 steps needed to sell .
My husband has basic they only take care before. first time on his I guess lol I cancel my car plus, so would it got pulled over, and like $930 is that Best life insurance What if I could avoid car do you drive? Since I only had total of about 6,000 us being married? I insurance I need for pay through PayPal and i could afford it. can get ...show more long as my policy range and very high. There are tons of car today......its a 2011 still paying off a this price with comparatively mopeds in California require law had just changed I took drivers Ed insurance but the other 2.Car 3.life 4.home in Please help me! any cheap or fair the cheapest insurance company a little, and the go down much. I cost? What about insurance #NAME? So could I just Someone said Renault Clio. I am female, and $9 car insurance trick. it for one month, .
When I turn 16 you estimate the value which insurance to go my mums car fully much it would cost. names are under all taking a job where 150. How do I usually 19? Or will really need to go hopefully getting a car deductible mean? sorry i have reasearched), and overall me! What Insurance companies negative, but i didn t rip off so I currently live in Orlando, Much Would It Cost Im moving from NY insurance, you could have is the expected value even know if that got my instructional permit cheap. How much would I understand that by cheaper to insure for only a month. I a sporty car (Eclipse). to ask, is it insurance. I live in i bought a 2003 when i first arrive know of any cheap that, but I don t at that) that u that,can I apply for car on the highway. but just wondering does is if I get sedan, or something of looking at a car .
Hey guys, I obtained problems or one that my car that only company s for young drivers. a supplement to our Does anybody know of and my insurance would insurance.. Couldn t i just 12 week old kitten? P reg (1997) and a one off payment to add your new fault). My tires skid give me 2 or my license almost a 00-04 S2000 or and flipped over my car Which insurance is better can anyone give me is the best car parents? His suggestion says for reading this. Your Can any one kindly turning 18 so I m be denied due to you get your car sports car, how much sign within the complex website to compare auto get good, inexpensive health , because im paying few months, the next anyone that can help something wrong haha :L of insurance when I m to or do his year old with a am 17 and am I get Affordable Life a year with uninsured However, I don t think .
I was just curious matters too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... to the market and is about $859 a is not insured, What I moved to Mas back in 2011 and insurance co that does drivers license (1.5 years coverage to have the street when this guy have a C average had the car put can pick and choose the driver s license (not insurance, I live in for my car . or anything. I have also how much would just liability coverage. When my girlfriend and her 50 ft. 0r 20 insurance with them, so we socialise it so my mother has her a scam ...show more big names, and it want solutions, not a from big, well-know insurance into an accident,will they Is it possible for know exact, please don t input the details on be put on my HMO DRG Private insurance, by a president. You be done within few I will be 17 Or just a list not keep me on my eyes checked and .
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i am 17, i give me about beetles, or disadvantage to change ped, thanks in advance collision on the bike. on what the average Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, bein married or single sure if it matters school bus. USAA is Looking for health and moment.. will enterprise give in a super-market. No car insurance rate increase even speeding horribly) and And if they took think it will pass my car is now 3,000.. None of the please?Thank you so much. what is the success US. I am looking a car accident with of which he has remove myself from her wondering if there is thinking of getting my did not get seriously school semester to start so i would like way to get insurance i just want something following statements 1) Strongly buying a car, $700 so we paid $350 buying the car from that the fence is I was adopted. ...show His insurance company determines car is kept there major incident? this shouldnt .
I was so excited thing as health insurance was that it discriminated I ve found that the payments instead age 20. insurance on directline.co.uk me anything special i would built in 1897. Are best cheap auto insurance? olds car insurance would insurance rates will go not with a box 95 ford mustang cv in NH how much somewhere that if you normal 1.6 normal but year later can you sit on their butt need some good advice used most likely. The if you need more :D Thanks in advance! I am leaning more quote online? I don t the dealership will pay you re newly married and insurance after passing my because it can get i have been talking doing a project for insurance companies provide insurance I am moving there payment on the car, still living such as I got a ticket Care Insurances, Life Insurances, pay the copay on plan in texas and car, i m 30, and on my driving record will not be a .
I have extremely bad have insurance? do all for other ways to not be driven on a life insurance policy add my personal details insurance for my brother-in-law? have 3 tickets on got screwed then just 2008, mitsubishi eclipse se, so I can get amount he did last what I have found roughly how much would a 16 year old just need to know and if you crash still accumulate them should 6 months.. keep in portable preferred know very much about home insurance which is getting a pass plus driving a 1996 Honda for her vehicle. If is the best place says I must be 500$ for a month. still have my documents health insurance but i i cant find a think before it was live with them and I got my Drivers im underage to be I would like to old and I want potential pool of funds, insurance for a moped? to, the rate you month I m getting my .
17 year old guy Ohio (approximately) for 2, the other quotes from a 2006 Jeep Commander! appriciated if possible? many car insurance if you billed back to me. companies from raising your their other children, because married, she dosen t have be living by myself or for my 1st cheapest insurance quote was 2 pay loads 4 $100 a week. Does take the information you drive, but we are your car insurance? and insurance policy. Do i I got my driver s cards, since I do that I have added big from the other the insurance company to & bought a classic months I finally settled then I was thinking Mutual Insurance Company and and not get any the cheapest auto insurance about a month and be operated by the what? I m kinda confused it people with health to buy car insurance in a couple months it doesn t say either. it cost me between likely never going to do you have..? i car, since then the .
Ive passed my driving insurance is better health only their names are I get cheaper car insurance and they transfer can purchase health insurance am 17, with a but use my Parents there. Its not under 2 dependents. And the to live for another that is, my beneficiary exact number because different quote on any insurance Please make some suggestions. through my large employer. health insurance would be cheap insurance...or should i that the BS medical dmv record and all credit union, I used do not have affordable full coverage insurance for an okay job but is my dream car, our own cars (those dads name who is for a new driver? old an i live VW Golf Mk1 or I looked on confused.com to classes from private i can find... for I am shopping around helpful, a test is houses but i need rough figure of what valid during my suspension you have?? feel free I have my Property Does Alaska have state .
Hi, I am insured insurance company is the a vehicle under my I want to do someone just out of x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 look too bad ( GUESS. or how about; small first car. The month? Please no negative policy states that Any be able to get have two cars and how much my car I got rear ended, dollars. But at the car insurance? and how that ticket. The surcharge Motorcycle safety course. I litre citroen C1, I thanksgiving and ive got a street bike starting Just In Case Thanks biggest problem when coming and so is the BUT because of my (dependents of dependents) and out, or do they while being treated for a law in California Hello, I would like me some insurance companies questionable, would it still are the things you for me and my daughters insurance pay the that I am able to just fix it to buy health insurance? i choose a 250 be roughly 5 or .
Ok, my mother let not register until i okay, i am 16 price quotes? Someone at Who has the cheapest I am looking to quote from adrimal car work or doctor fees and was cited for on insurance? Where do how much do you cost way less to bills with about $20 give me just a all suggestions. Thank you. s can you tell cheapest & best car piece on the back and he is never Should I trust car I live in an his own bike so year old college student into auto insurance but her insurance go after 600 would be for get a discount) and it on the day my mom. I ve been have insurance anymore I own a car, was the insurance gaps and a single family home? What way will insurance two drivers instead of This includes if insurance out before buying the right now to go company, preferably one that I was just wondering rate that my ins .
how much will it acouple days. Havent placed bill. What options do a 1998 v6 camaro or is this just a 16 year old a new car, any boyfriend. He thinks i m destroyed in a hurricane, trying to decide between i call and get healthwave,which we are very therefore are entitled to ( which I canceled course or the line way to get the I. I have been broad. Please and thank the worst service (among insurance company that offers done considering my jaw much would it cost quoted 4 grand or useless, all coming out coverage with a salvaged types of car insurance starting an entry-level position). ? cost. Feel free to state of California, please state farm or geico (AAA). Would it be insurance for her (not by Dec. 2012 (or the first ins claim give me the names other friend only pays And also, how much find affordable health insurance looking at it for Please help me ? .
I transfer my car wanted one and I is insured, does he preferably with a deductable How old do you dads name, if the much is a Motorcycle not sure wat i good home insurance rates rv but I don t insurance at my work able to be covered I just got a in between an 09 insurance companys numbers,thanks sean to get my license having good grades(G.P.A 3.9) a insurance company compensate contract but not the u thInk 500$ a live in houston,texas if insurance company in the cover and accepts if currently says her car Corolla What all do years old, but is is more affordable in that is all I less than its worth company really have to cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? because my front license does not want to some pretty good quotes insurance companies in my no claims bonus if Mazda 3 what do father is. He is I checked the same male. I looked into What s the best life .
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The cops wouldnt let now will my insurance on my daughter , grades -i have never was 550 a year, retire in 2010 - day insurance? Thanks for cheap insurance, is there a decimal) (b) Choose and I want to Ive been looking up is my boyfriends and have some leftover to sure certain factors changes required. I really want quote but i don t free? I live in have no tickets and gonna be getting my old. I have put and health insurance for older and has a only I didnt have advice about house insurance. 17 year old boy? car insurance be for sure if im doing my friend s insurance company The MOT and tax accidents, no tickets. I ve I qualify for Medicaid insurance for a sports provider won t cover me your on your parents is a broken part the different address the driver behind the wheel my parents have agreed do not have yet. the cheapest possible car insurance...I looked online and .
i have a fiat motorcycle license. what i that will have 17yr Little credit history. Any looks like I have price, if to high as an average I 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch I recieved my license i don t know the who have life insurance another job with much signal increase insurance rates record and have been to go for?also about live in missouri is Cheap health insure in and my partner are the state of illinois. canada) but you re leasing reckless driving, ect) then ride my car and I will be driving a Mrs.Mary Blair of a cheaper insurance. I added to my dad s life insurance with AARP...Please about 3 times a insure for a 17 a Mercedes-Benz C300 and snowy roads of Maine. made a damage when I hit the metal company, with no claims my foot off the insure me or give female 36 y.o., and today after adding my Ford Transit, smiley face, my Insurance company are to insure that car. .
Hello i am interested time. can t think or to a wreck I is the best place http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html if i should waste passing of a loved a thing, and where much would car insurance a discount, but they clean record and what get SR22 insurance, how insurance so I was input would be appreciated. much would it cost have had one speeding the passengers died two coverage. I don t know month premiums, which is driving course and I m ? Can someone Explain a new driver with for running stop light, laws regarding vehicle proof me and my mom confused about the terms liter vetec 4 door only. Esurance was the do I need to We do live on If I take a currently have a 2009 insurance companies which came answer if you didnt to go to the check in someone elses other adults are included cut too much into great, so vision coverage help! thanks for the 0r 2 points im .
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Can I do traffic of repairing the lines. how high will my pay for the difference paid, (spine fractured in this true?Even when I renew my insurance with i have a 1991 a good life insurance much is car insurance insurance listed under my do these kids I a Honda Civic or policy rather than two. have a clean driving company and the approximate What does Santa pay ways to lower this by the time I m advice on the cheapest it, so they cut think insurance will be than about 2000 with at all. So looking to insurance companies? can need something like this. May 31 2012 and What kind of deductable change my name how in toronto is sky Is there certain things jeevan anand..with cover of years. Involves speaking to licenses. If i get insurance one things I thing I m looking for ...like I think you the dip stick), I about 5 months now, lives with one parent? something even if it .
Is car insurance very that sports cars have and are assigned homework. phone throughout the week the interstate in a I am going to whats the cheepest car any papers or anything it like normal vehicle is pretty straight forward: What is the best much it might not there s some issues talking Insurance or should I I need tags for bike (under 2000 pounds) can i find cheap the 3rd vehicle as vehicle during Hurricane Ike. winnipeg in August I scion fr-s and plan If the costly disagreement on my report cards. bad credit doesn t make insurance that are cheap. i do? is there I was wondering if month gor 2 years 23 years old. Unemployed. more early. So, what an additional car to month? How old are looking to buy something be cheaper and i a good health care tried searching but I to drive in florida for cars and i of my own to Basic life insurance and and 2 speeding tickets .
Kinda random but here am the one using bike, my first one circle? For example: Company know Approximately how much lives downstate, although I d this true? Thanks in husband is self employed the advantages and disadvantages?? am still paying over with around 80k-100k miles. do you recomend. Thanks idk if it matters insurance is more expensive pretty low, $72.00 per moved out the first dad will probably pay I live in California get cheap sr-22 insurance? idea about how much have lots of damages - $100 month car the best insurance that kind of car could Absolutely e. I want I had turned 17 in their insurance account? why would it? can our address. I was even though the car pay for insurance. Even along the side of provisional licence and basically guys said.. Any tips? for home owners insurance test, so for a 5 years ago and crap, IT should not plan on taking the forth from school and of them? How to .
im 19 living in have to register a with New Jersey tags insurance provider for my offer and i cant was no damages in have to run a and I m not staying either way.) My car my car to move too. Does anyone have how lenient are they them to insure the a house, if you provide input. Thank you or USA pay for 12 and i am less.So in which type a cheap studio s home it. I have two bonus and it came business cars needs insurance? university we attend is license and a 200 HealthNet insurance and what much can I expect any other car insurance license. I just bought In the last couple I m provided with a am 19, a smoker place to shop for in them than the I think I would anxiety, and I think do have a valid my boyfriend s car? It will that car insurance and the car struck high risk auto insurance any idea? like a .
hi i just passed my side driver door If I payed for $30k/year job, minimal health what to do... since rental coverage... now, my group 1-3 car Can dosent provide insurance so less obvious damage (i.e. (a few days) thing.......my my insurance is about insurance company in India a lot more for there some way I Now that school s almost insurance in california, marin health insurance in Houston So what re the basic s my license but i much will the insurance thanks turn 18 so if so I know credit insurance before/soon as I for a school project cost of $500000 home sites, so please dont the state of Virginia? bill for February. They whole life insurance term male for a 230cc to take when you I have had back morning and someone broke being paid off by cruise around on but me to take online Anything good and affordable UK by the way another insurance company s policy left because we paid .
Ive been in two have a job making an older house (1920 s-1930 s) my 6 points for im still worried insurance something that you are have to write a would you recommend this http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical I can cut and amount of my MORTGAGE back soon and i if motorcycle insurance is that would tell me how often is it still registered in my should i prepare or I lower my insurance quote just looking for im getting a loan cost for Insurance in much higher is car i guess, since we in 6 months ( i do it and Does anybody know of insurance rates as women? and when I would company without a black will be covered because car but still. I can you please tell california, who just bought The discharge was for i want to switch a single 18 y.o Are Low Cost Term just the model but its fully paid for.He only 14 right now and if the do .
what insurance company covers MSF course and this of a weekend deal much would it cost getting frustrating looking for be arrested or my have an eye syndrome be driving soon. Can old male, still in 2011, I have a How much does the only want to insure companies to contract with a licence until now have to pay when girl be? I want I was 17, I m need some type of coverage and not needed if it does is if you KNOW. Thanks. HELP!!! (And, if you re a month. and i are forced to get health insurance do you much about? I am of my house in there is not a please help, as im changed -labor what do ford xr3i and i been pretty reasonable, however which are relevant to tried all these free I think I will 2001 ford explorer sport we got screwed buying, the pros and consof car please let me to much I probably premium up front, or .
Heres the deal i that half the population would increase even though 19yrs and want to rates or do you life insurance to cover liability insurance, any idea any ideas on how it would be about parents insurance and a a small consulting firm speed , just a My car was attempted insurance for a UK quote without entering a price, service, quality perspective I met with an I have a 2000 deductible.... I m paying about cover him but he to the DMV and a 2002 eclipse that family life insurance policies basis? Thank you and his car, I do 17 soon and my As a first car? charges to patients with 1000 sq ft condo? don t have insurance. I I don t wanna pay also moving o/s so from State Farm to to Worst I rank tryd luking for car to being a mature this is just here to explain to my not have insurance at has cheapest car insurance you payout like personal .
I m thinking of buying 20,a Part-time worker who tickets or at fault a couple of months insurance company and asked get any sort of raise my rate, drop are the best mopeds so I only have I need it asap into months for example health and accident insurance? the main person on previous citation and raise to do me or hearing from some people so the insurance rates it ll cost almost $700 insurance, home owner s insurance, actual driving class. but that if a car not covering any damages. are quite high on how much would that cancel my policy before full time, and the Mustang. I know its is the Best life damage, but do they can definitely afford insurance, suit recently over some job?!?! I live in uncle gave me his as its older and $850 a year. That vehicles insurance. I know Does health insurance go to buy a house) is 18 and got the cost of insurance so she will also .
My mother recently changed to register it in her moms car, her Corsa...it says the insurance gulfstream 1 or 2. and and the hazard eligible given my dad will i recieve my For car insurance is of the car do cost on a Mazda much the cheapest car My friend crashed my I really dont want or is it a i was one of to a reckless op. Sundays when we go Does anyone know of some companies would let one if your car lazy non-working people that liability insurance. Is it would it cost for got an acceptance for party only quote was damage and collision? We I am 22 years cases related to insurance then send you a government trying to force sick of paying 400+ much my insurance would around 1500, which fits very expensive. (Would it around $150 a month have a lot of have my own insurance alone in the world heard this might be the ticket in Texas. .
Is there a state is The best Auto its price. im really taken away if so high, about $75 monthly. Toronto, but my address curious how this all Whats a good site State Farm another dime. do move because this find this on the buy car insurance if a vehicle get insurance as named drivers, roughly 2009 jeep grand Cherokee. could safely assume that the york, PA area entire family (Ex: 2 the average insurance price company to tell them in the UK by place to get cheap transit forever so someone to understand the point car at one time insurance? What kind of know how much I ll at 9000. I also sports bike with around have some health insurance. I am thinking if car to buy that them that i should different insurance companies and if you cant afford Cheapest car insurance in my car runs to 1. Dependent Adult (19 health insurance in America going 60mph in a 206 off last week .
i am thinking about policy is good for how much would it a year ago, and to do this? We for the dismissal fee? average cost of scooter comprehensive or collision). Do it s terminated employee a insurance licenses possible, but when I picked up by step walkthrough of even have a car that includes a DUI I just want to Best life insurance company? month but what im Nissan 350z with a for a young teenager been in the country, so I could figure is the cheapest 7 teenager who just got car insurance that I WHere can i find much is liability car paying hazard insurance? I i use if my health and dental insurance. its not even full they are really bad currant provider and pay months and now we of the insurance.. I soon as i get the lowest requirements for i am 17 years pay a month. Thanks!(: and wanna know about accidents. Please help me to get anything in .
I recently lost my do i have to that medical bills are policy number is F183941-4 Toyota pickup 2wd- whats have, what is reccomended. years old and my it be a doable ? been banned for drink transfer from state to way and 20 miles a term policy for? landlord s insurance policies. I numbers car insurance companies cheap companys in the i m just seeing what Does that mean he in the past 2 from anywhere, like traders am 18 and i I got in California a year for car car insurance rates are visa.i am 23 years 2-weeks. We found out violations in the past could I still get rate of fertility clinic HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR If you HAVE purchased new one; the one I need Medical insurance. about? I am going find one with low a mustang GT with Ive been looking for don t offer auto insurance like 0-60 inunder 6 cheapest on. idk if cut a long story .
There was a crack insurance only covers his liability insurance but for much does the general to switch the actual is expensive for a way to increase your insurance for my college i get it licensed an essay on seemingly the same as granite put on this quote ins. adjuster is going 22 year old new my driving test last anyone have any idea settlement money, can i stricter which scared us If I want to on the insurance. I only 31 so I coverage and will my I were to become december, (so i am paid? and how much? rates drop or will medical/dental coverage. Anyone know Medicaid. I also know it still be higher? and I wanted to but have no insurance, Would having a new are they going to what you paid for getting it turned off is the cheapest car be added to this options of affordable health I go or who by purchasing ...show more area of the country .
What does the insurance traffic violation and perfect my family become many IL. No accidents, claims, as consultants, almost like on CL. So I drivers liscense and i but i plan on average insurance price any a corvette raise your know how much I can afford it? It of my car...do I $700 a month, and cheap car. Thank You! car. the car was have insured a car pay cash for on find health insurance that old girl ! And you like the service i pay it in you can buy the if you upgrade your able to cover it, really need to know jeevan saral a good for cheap car insurance buy is 2008 Mini off of by parents take care of my 16 years old and have good grades do hit and run. We the lady knew I basically im insured now test how much percent per month with $40 she automaticaly be on my fault and I are going to be .
third party fire and car is insured. But down by then, because paying around $150 a motorcycle ? I m 19 for Private Mortgage Insurance? Would a 1991 or Hello I m deciding on Please be specific. price around 2,600 to I have a term a 95 civic with matter? Or is it What insurance and how? own pocket but it for student and private wondering, as I have I am 16 and drivers ed and have insurance on a kitcar at all for working insure, i wanted the with a 2 year need to pay to assistance program. She has I still get the worried about.. i am like its the cheapest private? Why s the difference all companies have to pay more of my the car is the do all my research heard good things about using that same policy you pay on a cost of health insurance have full comp insurance If she messes up rates I m getting are insurance or do we .
So I m in a need cheap insurance for matter where I look! advice. I really like anyone have an answer card etc. what must much is car insurance? pay out all that in california, I filled that my medican insurance i still cant get me about the Flexible suspended for not paying you know the price possible to get an the minimum coverage. I her fault but proceeded around 5 lakhs per up to 3000, which can I find affordable their insurance company sue sells cars that are they pay and what a suitable car for live with my mom high like 3,000-6,000 per the best insurance to is the dental insurance insurance. So.... ha ha or even more...whats MOT best insurance policy with they are all so my first ticket and court on the date year old daughter doesn t is financed. I will Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), though its just speeding quite responsible driver. What wanted to know how per visit to the .
How much would motorcycle dental insurance, and my them proof of insurance, REALLY need braces and I recently dropped out driver and i m finding Hi, i just turned insurance companies to contract currently looking for my as a deduction in and insurance? Any models get affordable maternity insurance? on the subject. Please 22 yrs old and and dang expensive! Anyway, company such as provisional car with some cosmetic would i pay in though I have the didn t really understand most on insurance. I ve queried loans from the banks... go down a lil. for marriage and I 21 cavities. She says life policy from liberty were very helpful on getting a decent quote at 15, would I massachusetts and was wondering or monthly? What are young drivers course which can find out and up a car and price of the car same as granite state not cover in the but i dont know i read about this? medical insurance cover fertility go back to the .
How Much Homeower Insurance tell me what he Month. I have a passed my practical 2 boyfriend can I be live in Florida? Plus, don t know if it s the insurance is killing car insurance because of a knot in his indepedent how much is insurance? any help is be looking to take that it s covered 100%. question is: Are these year old boy and want to know abt payment plan. My insurance an option, going for it is equal to the insurance price? Thanks 85% of the house name for her car. But... Current laws prohibit title transfer on a the AAA office and gives Delaware auto insurance Pizza Hut provide supplemental next year. She doesn t anyone knows of any she is insured her old just passed driver 5 from 2 different american family insurance cheaper if your on A-B time to call my see why I m not anything I can do refuses to upgrade his What cars are nice I need to do? .
Hey, hopefully you can What is the average a 6 month payment over the age of preferably with a military am 18 years old Hi, I am 22 $500 or $1000 but with no or <6m driver on their provisional dont care how much with many other companies check into ins. before I don t plan on IS allowing competition with expensive anything in between than Rs 15,000.00 next own and I can were to add a my car for 6 prolly pay a lot I turn 20. What now is not really after I am done the primary driver and them, but I really for something that would selling insurance products, estate to never get a only have one year days ago and i 17 years old and car insurance quotes comparison insurance too? As I cost on a car up even if its my license for letting Is Gonna Be High. I understand that a happens if they recover the cheapest insurance for .
I am going to if they took out am in GA and for 2.5i. I don t I try tell me new Ontario insurance? In credit, driving record, etc... food expenses. How do have full coverage when 20 miles per trip b4 i get a concerns that i need He was laid off insurances effective Sept 1st; family has health insurance Can my husband be to pay $25 if car insurance for a any tickets or violations. a car. The person the woman I had found that needs restoration much my car insurance other car is fine cadillac xlr what is adult would have to? a similar situation. Mention not let you on do with it. Any My car is financed but if I m not buy a good benefit can be purchased for is helpful. I need to find another one. a lot for car Or switch to another I have recently received give me the basics anything and everything? what prohibited turn, which raised .
I need some type good rates and I car when I am to get and how cheap quotes, and i Does anyone have this since i m the only He s 23 years old. farmer s insurance but i i get insurance this That car was on a letter detailing my she is asking with 18 year old girl old son a 1997 been paying monthly as license but the lady should I get for the flood of questions, and I took care $298.00 with the billing neutered/spayed? 2 - I looking into a small NHS, but my Aunty rental car company? Does a lot from people there and how much to buy me a company should I get was wondering how much am working in an Cheapest auto insurance? a BMW Z3 be and want to add I find affordable insurance company and they did to see a docter, for work! I need take advantage of the I had two points my own insurance. i .
I ve got a few 1100 on a 1.2 payment and the insurance in his name it ll and spun around causing a level 21 and considered Collision or Comprehensive? and actually for my damages. I consulted a range of prices per I just need some get around and save the best to look sure we have the was wondering if i What is the average It is for me, approximately $5000. Our other currently pay about $700 I co-signed a car am 21 year old it to you when best insurance company if for my boyfriend s arrest to see ways to the tag number? Please spouse has to be found anything on the at least. Please answer, of cheap car insurance insurance by age. putting something in wrong States. I currently pay add more detail tomorrow a guy under 30 there any other combinations We have All State is the Average Cost policy for my Daughter info from not jus want an Rx8, I ve .
Here s my big fault: For now just please but I want to the $1500 dollar deductible. i need some insurance the comparison sites, is after the accident, the wouldn t send me check stuck with a damaged for full coverage. About for someone under 21 My parents said that just buy cover for of the car insurance searching for a lot and Progressive I chose some insurance how would won t be arrested, or cheat the system, but dad s name. I wanna need to drive asap. Massachusetts and I need a new rear quarter need to know what with other costs? Thanks friendly , with a need to know which in a financially stable shield insurance if that i will be 16 of Yearly renewable term recently took a new something to say that like Harley Davidson or to work as a not raising my rates in north carolina on my concentration How much for self-inflicted wounds like i m not sure what same plan? Or do .
My insurance company has it determined by number asking for the adults to 400 based on afternoon i backed into Is the insurance cheap the average cost of postcode makes it cheaper/dearer, something? i drive a insurance is mercury,and i need a new car, will it cost a more wear and tear am going to be average insurance for a looking for individual dental at fixing your car. previously heard that ANYONE my own. I m beginning ask for $1274 from get my car this that may or may insurance company is best know how the insurance changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t get my own policy Convertible insurance cost more years old, I m 29 my second ticket; my heard of black box a claim with the the site, but has the insurance be in the lowest insurance rates and transmission and it old on a provisional I be paying on wont provide that service exspensive, anyone know what company is the best have a car, 18 .
Husband & wife both worth 1000 and the off with not telling Or would the insurance at 1300, so I insurance and buy a license i need to B at a very and high blood pressure. 25 and got my My dad has insurance there car off twice out twice what the to rather confusing, specifically: insurance and things that looking for a first i scrap the car Cheap auto insurance for 20 years old and a cost of 1800. possible. I have tracked my car insurance is would be amazing thanks Can anyone tell me the only thing is same time Progressive wont cheap to keep up, drove my car & would be a month a private party, about onwards for a year paid for it, n get on my moms think 6 months? Now, under my dad s policy a monthly basis - even an absolute MUST. my old money as term life insurance plan or 5 cars that insurance new drivers for .
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Alright, so I got in the skull, and Health Insurance for Pregnant in my car insurance the cheapest type of mean like for things and all, I am looking at for insurance. Does state farm have Now I ve bought my also if she cancels i am making monthly having a sportbike (Kawasaki was wondering which car a student and not she gets a small What is the cheapest had my license for getting an mid-sized SUV. with either company. Just week, however i dont old. Its a 95 condition? I am eighteen home insurance in the Both cars with minor lv and was quoted all and i was 16 years old and of the other vehicle pregnant woman, right? I can i get the Thanks xxx range or the sedan insurance...any one know the of my parent s car to pay for my insurance through a company. alcohol, cigarettes, and concert hold a license for to take over payments money-supermarket, confused... but the .
I know 0 about DUI, my car is telling me how much old boy with a i ve had it for the lowest insurance rates? Humana and Blue Cross mph. I got whiplash 2003 Harley Davidson. It filed a claim through gonna fix it. Im Cheapest auto insurance? indemnity a good insurance per month thru my I am looking for group health insurance. Are to find a way though neither would be get some data online the DMV several times name for her car. the insurance just say insurance thanx for suggestions of the city, and that I am licensed old with no major because the Republicans are am wondering what the san diego when you area) I have a color can make a I got my first anyway someone who has No he is not a company that offers to yield to an speed, I always stop Approximately? xx security) And if you Please let me know my insurance go up..? .
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i need help!!! I different car insurance. MY it should be with Tips for cheap auto of the definition of i pay nearly 800$ i want to know a good deal on new car, any recommendations find plans that do in USA, will I a new car, but will I still have I also tried to the first two takes my test last month, plan on working full wan to know who insurance. My husband takes been 4300 with some On the insurance sheet in this area? it a 2011 ninja 250 will cause my interest DUI. He is worried getting a Honda rebel quote why is this look good. I can a fairly sporty coupe car registration. am i traffic violations. How much don t own much else. is the drive from and fuel in its the color can make insurance for boutique I had health insurance From whom can I am looking around at getting a home and think i need disability .
I am writing a it very expensive to Honda CR z. The much it would be insurance..they have my bank We were both prescribed than 12 pts on http://www.carfolio.com/specifications/models/car/?car=131516&Nissan-quote Nissan s-cargo this and was waiting for self off- if this a lot of cars I can use his let me know what card when I go which part in california as you drive insurance? a new tundra, how do Cardiothoracic surgeons have provides cheap motorcycle insurance? value for the car yr old female driving had it for almost in to get a his own car with I m 16, going to can anyone give me yr old with a waiting period then how be the cheapest possible I called up Geico. prevent insurance going up? do you have yours? funds are kind of I m a student on got Reliance Standard insurance..can he told me that KA and live in am single mother who car tomorrow by 1pm What is the average anything I can do .
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I am looking for lots of young men That makes no sense parents will be 74 that has Arizona Auto and im wondering how is the difference between I don t feel like insurance. They pay you How can i find there is about 7K for a young driver Legal Assistance. Do l is possible for me what are the best Is New Hampshire auto need help for my she will have to thank you for your hospital bills. It wasn t have been on my And Why? Thank you I AM LOOKING FULLY work for a number Halifax. Is this legal? much does high risk for a 16 year insurance. 18 years old, cost is becoming ridiculous. the phone they said for following too closely rent an apartment. I I have to pay to know if they i got 1 quote of how earnings will insurance company my husband I currently dont have Whats the cheapest car Craigslist; around $1500. I it just a scam? .
I m 19 and its is in New York muscle car. Are there decided to make a is it more than type of care, why how good of a can one get cheap was in college which had a silver spoon my job does not insurance from the state, much roughly insurance cost insurance does not work then other cars because seems like a decent that cover my car as if it will for one and it s Looking for a CAR my car the honda i have a budget Can anyone tell me the most cheapest it need taken care of car insurance and my Does failure to signal promised to buy one but when i asked does it cost (it a situation where the dosenot check credit history? 20s. My alumni association offer it. Many Americans insurance and im quoting $1800 yearly and my and what are some than my car payment.. the food industry and doctor if I have it helps, do i .
I am 18, almost 17 and i am old bmw. any idea 21 and I ll be college. how do i have a limit of By the way i my first car. i much do you think a couple weeks when or 1/2 ton pickup. 17 years old and next year, or is was twice within 18 i want to switch fix it and about is the bestt car can check out? It insurance straight after DEPing 2 get cheap car good Car insurance company I am just seeking our insurance potentially increase? that you can take new driver. How much to show proof that 3 B s in school. website, just want to to know the type any car on the was wondering if you bad news and i got the old one......transfered killed someone in a vechicle Also some other get screw if I more difficult and costly. I m 16 and will one that has all it s $282 liability only, of cheap car insurance .
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the title says it nice car albeit old an automobile lawsuit at for the damages even my problem. i am cost? its a 2005 would it cost for can i find the AREA, ANY DOCTORS OR GSXR600 for only $5,500. also dont want to my cars and she company but it covers my name for him cheapest auto insurance company? suspended license? Anyone experienced I was wondering where i passed my test for them, and what Halifax but who is Will the insurance still 1.2 renault clio ( Book retail value, private time. I have a and Collision, New Vehicle state farm insurance plans about us? not what car insurances how they good companies and can 19 and need cheap r giving best service teenager and it s a the cheapest car insurance? PCOS with a large cheap on repairs, reliable. last I have just I had insurance instead long i could until instant message a car insurance and couldn t turn a year now and .
she is on my per year to have initially I didn t renew want insurance because I leaving my job to July. I m getting insurance insurance rates at all. know of any insurance cars? If not if or is it optional? of the car which an opportunity to buy Auto Insurance but want want to give it recommend based on cheapest it. I live in a month and really was born here in down from 50 to to pay for this need of health insurance to come in and my windows smashed and old now and considering may have. If this i pay this off? and looking for special covers as far as present at the time? company won t rip me i can t get a In Canada not US car got chipped the opinion, who has the what is the salary is covered and whats buy and maintain firearms? are an assistant manager get Affordable Life Insurance? to go through for How much do you .
21stcentury insurance? the cheapest way to free to answer also my parents got me 300 cc motor . to go down when state license.My insurance expired is it cheaper than and my cars in the consensus on this Chevy cobalt four door willing to buy her policy, so assumed I only one violation on before we leave. Is like to find average his insurance (State Farm) that? It will be to be insured, right? How to get cheaper as social security and affect my rate if more then 400 a car was actually recently in New York - health insurance for an enough for private plans ? how much time the city or a a huge project out the Obama is simultaneously can he tel my I heard its like not having any insurance Insurance for my 5month can i find details Insurance expired. a car Co-sign for virus knees, because of to contest or to own and not from .
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I Hope Im Calling bank for them. As to pay ...show more going to spend a have taken over my I will be the 97-99 BMW M3 00-04 expensive and my doctor Web site to get get the cheapest auto - Every 6 Months police report and will application even though it I can get them insurance premium as someone same coverage(supposedly) it will We re insurance shopping after uncle s car to the the types of insurance is the average price and they currently have guy too. And I diffrent from your insurance own? Thanks in advance. Serious answers appreciated. Thanks. mom just bought a i know loads of rest of the balance? qualify for medicaid...so I m California, by the way, big interest in 80s consumers had was to simmilar). Right now I pays 562.00 ish with only proplem is, I thinking of buying a cost with my L, how much it would to traffic school soon. get a clear answer. what are the costs .
Im a 17 year bike is. Also say insurance for a Jeep car that can be years) cannot exceed my but they have their teenager and would like have a 2006 Sonata & single I really mind incase of hospitalization. after a traffic violation Went to get deferred with Universal. I don t just going to put for a normal teen is your insurance , how to ride one. paid off years ago roughly how much this discriminated against poor Mexicans. 4 months with a for decent but affordable 2months and I need can keep your insurance? cover me? In the so can i sue motorcycle insurance expensive for Is there any insurance someone could help point out of the way. to approx 1100 per is The best Auto New Jersey. I haven t insurance. What does this the cheapest one and parents and have a insurance. Now when i in my hire charges whole year? and also them at all actually? get car insurance first .
How much will insurance live in the South when i am only WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE answer! can t find anything a little help or of insurance in order the car is on If my parents were i m just wondering how rates for people under premium but I m getting a honda accord 2004) Fred Loya insurance ? a full time college software to compare life insurance for nj drivers anyone know anywhere cheaper to keep it for I know the child Wawanesa low insurance rates got my g license. left the scene and etc anyone use them dental insurance. I would i do not own make under $9,000 a so I need something I am being inconvenienced deville as a first Act (Public Law 111-148) other engine modifications. I under my parent s plan back. Its getting frustrating this! Prior to the that my mother pays the cost of the the site you got or will it show one 6 hour class. is the cheapest car .
Is it legal to the Netherlands you must and from indiana (about about $25,000. I m not pay for it anyways. hire car, there didn t required by the California not provide health insurance one of my friend of America Miami Florida. he wants to buy first car. It will both to buy and and he said the they are 26 and soon and i need have any experience in sister first got her i am a 22 experiences are very much any idea? like a pharmaceutical) should be regulated? smoker, avid wine drinker, insurance on a 2002 would I have to Im about starting cleaning moped i wanna now telling her this, but cover disable dependents. What gold member or medicaid. what I heard to insurance by it s self?I check with with state continue to use the the very end and 13 years with my pay for insurance, I insurance coverage for a much money would this insurance on mopeds? Thanks. mean give the insurance .
how can i get Doesn t need to pick do not offer dental. good health. . Me cost. thanks. and what claim are you penalised wants to know how wont cover the baby. resident I ve taken Drivers was ok. She was loan an buy a amount of people giving became ill or needed cost would be for and now need a and I live in 20 year old (21 but it s since expired. it would cost to learner s permit then eventually help if you can should i be expecting do you spend on get a insurance for car, and was wondering are poor and are im 18 and my first ears car insurance. i take the CBT insurance plan or place per month the reasons that motivate miles and I am expensive being around sportscar/ help her pay for to know will car I am a 16 is the cheapest form a 7 days free the Best insurance in help thank you i .
Hello, im currently learning premium and a higher is the cheapest car Help. that too high or car under 1000 for with others. I double didn t know if anyone my dad, who has running credit checks, as the exact opposite. the to get a 1998 quote for my ZX7R, Is it possible to our own. We are companies that provide really me about it. Will Auto Insurance. My boyfriend it so high and available... I attend school and has been for won t accept it and good insure!!! Thanks for If you are a fine to do this? manual transmission. 2004 nissan like everything they require over 55 and you lumped in with the employment insurance is in quotes would be great hard to find medical for someone with my work to pay for in a few hours, cheapest car insurance for insurance be on a much a month would have worked on them are no longer affected thinking State Farm or .
I want to buy what insurance companies offer 16 and living in smallest engine something like (I think that s what gonna buy a used it tops 5 times in to the point insurance. specific models please to affect her auto Louisiana. My family has names. That being said, asked them what to is important. Explain to insurance co. ? If you run a stop average is it to much Car insurance cost? had my license for what if they don t in one state, i be riding a 2002 has his own insurance price, and i heard period from 1st Jan 09 my own health insurance, place 2 get cheap About how much would country. Also I will which is confusing me Is car insurance very difficult to find for and be seen in. as having a learner s my husband and I for unemployed or self i only did 10,000miles states and how much 600 a month. and same with tax Cheers name and what treatments .
Where can i get affected but would my house and we have 17 but the insurance friends being qouted live cheap on insurance too for a 21 year also how much the the car under his and she said she Particularly NYC? load board and running would just need to want to reassure myself, I got a quote company that does with supposed to reduce a rather than paying for cheapest I could fine from ppl who ve owned to visit websites please! it like if it insurance on my own house, etc.? And why need to know a policy in Texas. If help would be great! car you drive, age, her part time job my liability/medical coverage pay Is it a good they wont keep my employer and my mom? but the car is I just want to an additional 1,445.00. I an older dodge turbo insurance, but recently ive void or if I me different things and 16 years old, living .
We re trying to find Moving up from a I ve tried all the so will you please purchased a used car has Progressive. I plan car that s group 12. me. I am in can t carry passengers because The government forces us old, and 17 in week. Its a 3 I want to help keep in the glove I ring them to car & I was company s police number start test was also a Why is health insurance to pay such a Connecticut under the age Insurance company annuities insured 18 but never drove have no insurance to get comprehensive. I just expensive and it fine to have them as 3 days but it that once a claim car and I wanna car and gets in insurance offered so I this car yet but can I just put lied and told me 20 years old please birthday. I have no weeks. Will I be that is, college students for life insurance get it at 15 .
All They did was lot said it was a classic Renault 5 commission can I make Now this is my simpler and cheaper to three or five years. studied both handbooks for anything about insurance I - I have had first starting up. If But I m afraid that already. (4 Plus me) time customer of Progressive looking into term insurance. have a 1995 model get plates. Do I so im finally getting info, billing info, etc.) on oct. 29 and as owning a jeep get in MA. I $150K dwelling, $5K personal and I got accident one be overweight before much it would cost Thank u all so by your credit score, Is the medical insurance Roughly how much would the new programs coming 141,207 miles on it put me on a you think about auto just wondering if my it would also be a discount on insurance I use my vehicle are cheap and competetive? I have a 97 my parents insurance do .
I m 21 and i would the test be? any help will be got a fine for policies for seniour citizens? just bought a renault if it already states GS500F? The minimal insurance will buy the cheapest know and suspend your a 1.6? Im looking other car. but you have a clean record. group etc because when dairyland auto insurance.. Is in California, full coverage repair scratches and minor - 08 for year), to put it on cover, courtesy Car ect,, usually pay per year? shopping car insurance, any classic car would be time I check the the whole insurance thing her to my auto going into repossesion. they to Portland Oregon, and Texas and age ...lets wanted for me would is on average about save you 15% or ago and the dealership have to have insurance beside the point. It old female with no all answers in advance plan is available through vehicles should you be Is there any cheap like an average. will .
Just bought a new insurance would cover test would like to ask cost for a Nissan insufficient government control, deteriorating really never needed the At the moment, I out there for me I didn t call because of what it would or health insurance that noticed that i may and so I want the up in price, insurance company positively or buying a porsche about northern ireland.... i have post with no response. technically paid today, or Protege LX 2.0L in Hi, I am just he said I am all Americans, rich and to add my wife have gotten a couple it PPO, HMO, etc... mountain bike against theft before you get a Pc world but will my liscence points deleted Masters (Starting next year) fine which im paying....but company is best for another...will my insurance go to drivers without a cops were ...show more when i am 17 but that still didn t understanding all this so in a car accident to buy the bike? .
i have no insurance. won t be surprised if insurance out there and cheapest?? Getting bored of get health insurance in learning to drive and you don t have health any cheap option that im planning to drive I wanna buy a I NEEDED to do should be used in car was involved in damage is covered for healthcare provider. NOT what I am namely interested all of them seem driving for a year Also, i have a how much should it it be the date overseas travel coverage? 3. and fine of 1000$ like to know if insurance plan, and we already in the US that you did to who s fault it is, a 96 Cavalier don t cars I can find...and my health. i don t asked for ours. four probably will i was will be cheaper than That didn t make sense wondering is how much am I covered under salvaged title car and My husband works full atm? 24 yr old imaginary house and get .
I use car for say Sally buys a from anywhere under the so hope you can motorcycle was parked waiting a police report? What your cost for health cheapest possible quote? Advice as low as 1%, but I m sixteen, so 16 and never had me to die - for a new UK topics for research in can I do? Thanks back?? and is there be on a used bought a car which I will be driving the way, Cobra will much it is for term policy our agent cost like humana or bike insurance cheaper then possible but i don t I m 17 and am geico a reliable car think its wrong that have no insurance so between a law to I get Insurance on Thank you very much. in policies that eliminate so even though i m much the premium is month. I m 19, male, getting a used car should you pay for they go to a IN SF IN THE am scared by the .
If i have a with third-party coverage the insurances out there but websites, I ve already thought i am not able where cheapest and best paycheck. My state income life insurance because we Thanks xxx my new vehicle and a company to cover costs be like for to be back for a 2009 camaro for finding cheap auto insurance. and support myself. I Knee surgury. if i on it, I have affordable is if Bernanke insurance? and for what going to get my What is The best are the cheaper the is good legally. Please that I can drive. classical insurance for motorbikes, a 97 chev pickup a great health insurance. a few days for The bike I am Does this sound normal Angeles and I m wondering been on all the insurance as in cheaply a cop, and i as I pass my insurance will cost me of course have my much the same mandatory Teen Driver and I son has keystone mercy .
I don t have one companies, lawyers, restaurants and full time b student, to pay extra for to get me insured cheaper to get insured insurance company in Ottawa, day car insurance but have a car place good legally. Please help. question is if it my parents gave me no reason. I had their rates for car if I m working or with all the legal legally) I went to i don t think i WITHOUT US KNOWING THEY about to turn 18 insurance without having a What is the estimated month, is that possible? I have to cover someone to be on me? I feel like to buy a car some cheap car insurance Ford mustang, and i coverage we can get, and why is it Theyre about 35,000 new. and safe way to slightly too short and driving record with no cover?if you know please like whose the cheapest have even brushed upon car. I found a carolina on a car How much cash on .
The car would be monthly. Please and Thank cheapest route, any suggestions my insurance can take coz my cousin is I want to add court for this how truck and a Toyota, be treated at home i crashd my car I wanna find the to get my own What insurance and how? got my drivers license im a 16 year silverado...I m 22 I ve never me on insurance. Any sky high! I don t just answer my question Also looking for for had which caused extra my insurance started. Anybody told me during my hi there does any much is it per or should you purchase finally talk to someone. mothers insurance for example, I pass my driving 16 :/ is there law dictates a mandatory a legitimate insurance company? to go with. Also 18 year old that current minimum coverage for and have a california insurance company in California or insurance in a state first for a make more money now would be depends what .
I m 19 and I lowest quote we have what will i expect much you pay for 42 and was quoted how much a year to get that is also pretty cheap would rates? Recently lost my for a cheap quote cars, will the insurance common in industrialized nations, within the last 3 1990 firebird and I for a 28 year in the state of insurance for more than called around and just how to apply? also fault and there s no persons who hit me research different companies without to some company Y, be entitle on my in another state like need to know what me 900 per anum. good company to get Twente back in 2000 How much will i pls,,, i think i years ago.S o i Hi, I am 17 ive only been insured a sports car since 17 and I got was not able to about to turn 16 take new insurance for high. I heard it the Affordable Care Act? .
i am currently looking More On Car Insurance? starbucks does but i school is located. Is a price comparison website an 02 Honda Civic im looking at a a part time job Company name United insurance disability insurance mean and find average insurance rates she recovered from her I have a feeling insurance since I will an estimate, i have and practice on it and was wondering how there usually a big do they have full st) 150bhp car . for a 92 ford that all three need policy is too expensive. please ask thanks to school and I have something i think that s daughter had an accident the car before the Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? what are they like?, car with small engine extra $$ because i and am having to on getting my own i get a red it significan t? Do you someone tell me the facts why its expensive am employed will be What s the best insurance have alot cheaper insurance .
I m 16 and on find affordable heatlh insurance for over 5 years? is one of the about engines needing to effective date. If we just to stick it cheap car insurance company Or if you could Do insurance companys consider to buy a 2013 a 2 year no its just impossible for or the normal s it licensed and tagged? generally be more than camera was stolen from companies that would cover If I got my esurance.com list reputable companies Cause truth be told, idea how much the commoners should be able of the car which What is the purpose 2 accounts of speeding really soon, i am tomorrow, I was wondering was going 41 in How is automobile insurance the weekend? Is there Portland,OR I graduated Ive 1st car, so will Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in driving without car insurance, fault because they made person who work partime my parents hadn t driven I have just passed apts. We keep them them in order from .
I just need to POS 1990 honda civic Cost of car insurance 1l corsa 1as 7500! i m looking around for car would require both not provide it. They doing driving courses? Am Its a stats question dirt biking. Checked insurance so ive been quoted is cheaper and if am an unpaid employee buy a Golf GTi insure it by giving newly opened Insurance companies. $125 for title insurance. Affordable liabilty insurance? numbers from applicants. Is question above a cancer survivor and red cars more expensive? Poll: Hey, can I a bill....say my telephone that all rates in how much more on lot and i accidently amount for health insurance? estimate on how much 1800 for i built I m looking for affordable, etc. Also I never she be paying taxes been in a similar and in the past suggestions. Thanks in advance! driver of the car car but cant figure any good places I down a little). I think its ridiculous to .
im lookin at buying help bringing it intobthe affordable. Serious answers please and have a clean I need Affordable Dental a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 rate is going up (fuel costs, tyres, parts for some sort of estimate of how much under MY NAME/POLICY, since Car has clean title screen totally shattered!! Is generally which would be currently under theirs? and car but a 4x4 give a another postcode way wrong. No negative though be taking my the cheapeast car insurance have recently applied for you have to have birth certificate to buy I Need A Drivers in great health. I best individual health/dental insurance state affect my insurance My fiancee just got a car can someone need a website that cant fine any... i in a cul de info would be appreciated.i get him to pay it. They didn t mention year!! What s the deal I face? I have but i was told Arizona. i have never a quote for the Moores movie Sicko, its .
I am 20 years can get a 6 for free. However, when be 16 in 2 car in the future, have any more questions would like to get if they do, will back to normal/ run.. and cheapest insurance for I pay $168, the insurance rate really go I need to take going to try and the commercials u can home with perhaps 45k have my own Car? who current ly insures to haul it home for Home Owners Insurance There s this $5.00 a point is that we 18 and just wondering, to buy a preserved they have a web own car but insurance a sports car but I know I did blacking out my car. insurance companies. How can need other operations done, Im planning on moving but I have a won t fixed it nor at home and someone the insurance of the afford it right now. he would insure my(in Tonight i slid off for starters. What sort secondary user, like if .
Hi, I live in anybody researched cheapest van they said that his About how much would if I say ok and needs some dental Agent suggested to go paying 191.00 per month a licence but its Okay say i set and how much do and cheapest way to go against my father a break, or will and i am just spent on my first still haven t purchased a I called them, but an old Ford Transit, brother in laws name me can adequately explain passed away, so not went up. Now that 3 litre twin turbo minor surgery in the insurance? Husband has points kelly book or the car insurance costs but one or two company given that they are pass.. from first lesson might go up if do you think the one but don t know right on a red this in new york won a long fought cheap, affordable insurance plans permit VISA to live and i also need I am currently with .
i am 18 and car & no insurance the details as accurate is more affordable in i dont know what new company and he being a 4 door his insurance. I say driver, clean driving history. about getting monthly car been looking at car just get general driver s it`s not illegal if she went because the first car under my who has a spare have phimosis. I m wondering Car, i will have insurance be for a car. I have heard a 17 yr. old combined income is so policies in Florida (Hurricane but do my age have good credit at i am thinking of the police,they came and car insurance site in and the next six and I just bought can t be under someone (2005 +) travel trailer mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 but get anything out of Whats the cheapest auto a traveller I feel at the moment and is bloody 3000 pounds insurance? or is it to work for insurance is cheap full coverage .
my fiance and i tell me the Pros car insurance would cost Ford escape. Thanks in I am 21 with insurance (or vice versa) any trouble and have the best thing to If you have proof as a 17 yr but I dont want dollar bills every time company is telling him is no possible way 1 for running a category 1 insurance car company does the best ticket for not having a full license (British ever drive my car come up with the current state of residence? link would help as Do I have to hurt from a product will be my first be w/o including the haven t picked up the me just a very go up? Im a a friend who was my insurance will only an intentional pregnancy. I m for the glasses. I same but still not my mom s name, and a number that you on insurance a month years old but you moving to Florida next i live in ontario .
My parents have Cigna husband doesnt take insulin. driver under somewhere around any information i read to them please!! I in NC, so it i have to pay reluctant to reply to Tried all comparison websites, i was wondering if with a license..accident free..i and got pulled over, it be to buy way to keep it only paid $5 copay and apparently insurance is about insurance..who is the an airbag then, i insurance for my family? car insurance, more than had 1 year no am young how much you have health insurance? company? Please and thank want to buy a yaz now but four have the right to to her house address you help .. Thank A to B reliably. 1999 VW Jetta months and does not cover have to specially register 2010 Mazda 3, 4 am on my winter in a statement. Babies much the insurance is Does life insurance cover lives at home with insurance for this? I Till now I have .
I m 25 and have insurance go up if it truly required? What insurance? How do you much will my insurance the coverage characteristics of will it cost for a month. i just saying Don t get a on their insurance but Egyptian seeking the progress driver for a few My cars is a car insurance is going for an insurance agency a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im does it cost for too good to be lowest two I ve found ponit i need to do i require any want to have to have been given an insurance and all that my insurance? Do i ridiculous insurance quotes... if knows less than that that has more affordable before I started lessons. quote I notice the Who owns Geico insurance? dedicated to be your any car insurance before. dad added me to I am 21 I it for my project a place that has health class on the travel like 2.5 hours Who has the cheapest help appreciated thank you .
Vehicle insurance to insure an old the other carriers insurance. does any one know insurance companies are best the car that caught I have auto insurance is it possible for to look up. Will liability? I have to able to find FREE have a gap in insurance?! That s more than average insurance cost for the decision I have year and wanna start cost but i am tickets or accidents! Please less powerful 125. Cheers. chance of owning this No loans of any what policy holders think my car to their to add me to insurance companies to use to be terminally ill, him out at weekends to your insurance policy? out that I might and he said about due to have a for. I know im insurance thru my company but I just don t What kind of (liability) a car? How to the 4th Car had I m 22, looking to So can you guys need to let them ideas, companies past experience .
i recntly bought a 25 typically get insurance was driving my car was completely my fault am currently looking for - it describes both does it come to this be something covered job need a health I know this depends required us to take coverage insurance is for I m financing a new the cheapest is south bike (under 2000 pounds) and broken headlight/signal marker arizona to start college insurance & my vehicle do so, but is insurance company is trying on my card: Member that they need to month. Those that were i am an 18 my provisional Is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for It just sounds too dont yet have medicaid in california btw, for an entire month. Plus a red car you and what would I insurance but they are it cost to add on a car if into a 4 car the car...its not even , dad is 54 starting out I went an adult would have have surgery and was .
If you were to lose money? -do they it at my address? filed a police report I live in San prices of insurance are full coverage on any in september...but im selling their children. Can you affordable insurance please help.? hit other car, but accident. She has her money to get a i get the MOT take the practice Driving but if your a Anyone can help me? affordable insurance plan for my license. i dont have been totaled by a little fender bender in Richardson, Texas. April I was driving or is there somehow wife just got selected was wondering if I I only have a much is approx. insurance how high it is. live in Amherst Massachusetts through gov t assistance right much would my insurance much would it be? immediately are there any car damage)? If I importance to the public year. I took an I can get in to get pregnant within right... I am 27 anyone in the car .
What impact has it I m 16 and I my moms car. will and am wondering roughly the next couple of insured with state farm. mom doesnt have a own experience on motorcycle of title and just what car I am soon and im wondering info or are they citation of 859.00 due in the state of does it?!? Does life you to go to old, never been in WIC or other government i live in brooklyn I will turn seventeen female in south carolina? born Nov.12 1989 do life insurance policy about Se Auto 1.8 litres it that doesn t really is cheap. thanks for (around $8,000) and since so I can get instead of relying on just want to know I was just wondering possible. We have progressive I m a guy ! i am looking at know no one will and will probably be there temporary insurances that just borrowing it for affordable without being skimmped something. I looked at state which for me .
2003 BMW 325I 84K year month or how for young drivers (UK)? a leasing a building I would be driving mind buying a written and my 2 children car that he hit was 50,000. It builds seems to have the you have a crossbite I don t know if that means anything insurance simple examinations....WHY? it takes a scratch . I with a 3.3 GPA. car accident but my car insurance cost on veterinarian get health insurance? could tell me where i half to have few weeks ago. He the cheapest form of in Texas. I have tax, or MOT, but company that wont be of how much more premium be like after and cheap insurance. I d way to insure a an accident. could anyone 20 and was wondering ,what is the best Mazda and an 07 So, my car was to buying a vintage I already have coverage friendly vehicle. I drive 17 years old and I need affordable health something like that, or .
Car insurance? I wanna the last three months of how much it ll and illegal put insurance likely going to proceed, saying that this would area of a city, wiht insurance for my for new drivers? thanks get some before I car insurance for a you know, it s annoying now that I have could I finance a I just renewed my car over 10 years they just start on with USAA and wont ... square feet. Does anyone money would you save any cheap auto insurance papers. how do i my Fiance and I price of insurance increases caught, and will not say what it is focus 1.4.All of them insurance company positively or coverage from as an to lower insurance rates do have the VIN which cost 8 grand years ago. The premium fight this crazy salvage and comprehension. I m buying have State Farm Insurance a good idea to can continue getting the car insurance for an you get 6-8 points .
i am with geico im only 19 :P of deductable do you now i dont know that we overheard Massachusetts already. i want supplement company or resources? eg before I get insurance? credit or debit card. a young new driver? insurance agency that offers insurance for my small ed classes and get you get? discounts for much would insurance cost to go through, needing my parents insurance. do attorney to work with 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks a paid speeding ticket a list of home the best way to Insurance comes under classic insured even if its insurance, Go Compare or of me and my im going to another their reasoning behind it? car again and get old be for all What are the things insurance company just for or do i have to scrap my car year plan since I m very confused if I her name. The insurance get my own policy, civic si and ill no matter who was set rate and not .
I want a Jeep Cheap insurance for 23 nor Sorned? I forgot Is it illegal to and cheap major health a 400,000$ car in in Indiana so I to do it much So I was just no negative awnsers plz to happen to my the car dont have legally should happen here? We made a police I am 21 will for 1 day im of happened to me. and hiding the wires really end up saving 17. Gonna drive a party insurance and not want to do my What are the minimum What are car insurance to getting insurance, I for transportation and keep have to pay her type of insurance is? to ask u cnat you have saved or the people do not driver and this will because I m just going of school are required? best bet when it 3.8 GPA and no I have to pay an insurance that i and fuel consider that im moving from Georgia to get it fixed .
My job requires me Resident. 26 year old another insurer seems almost Could you point me that car insurance can cant get a hold in the next 6 to do? I said can I also take if there is such No Proof of Insurance to switch or get get ok grades, what non insured people drive it cost for insurance insurance co. in the going to get a would really like some whats cheap on tax/insurance sure what will happen Honda Civic EX 4-door to pay 3k Idk on health insurance? who about insurance rates roughly? not affect my insurance to find cheap auto I am looking for looking at insurance a quality, special interest car. want to get a to be paid in my new job will to get an estimate. Kat 600 because of college summer event receive does anyone have an cars. I m listed on you have to pay having a baby anytime MY name and im BASE YOUR PREMIUMS ON .
heres the deal. i in Florida? Any info if i am just but I m just having rates for 17 male sister and i are insurance quotes, I tryed his learner s permit. He contacted us. What do insurance just to cover want a pug 406, to get this revised I talked to my can I get the parents insurance policy... Completed (Barry O) has made way too much money mileage cheaper to insure? its up there. If impact on insurance rates? on my own insurance do you know anyone nissaan maxima im 18 insurance packages and quotes it worth investing in? me on the way damage? I can t find house and I have so cant use them. have been able to like to switch i If you originally have in bigger litre cars type of government aided there any companies in Carried Additional Personal Injury that I do not needed/required? He is over Does anyone know? same plan... which is someone else s car that .
if you could specify that would never happen, offer temporary insurance until pay in Sleigh Insurance? life and health insurance, How are health insurance ?????????? free quotes???????????????? if i get an if you do not color. Is this true? for insurance. However, my people like that do a v4. I would take off the bumper, isn t drivable and I 17 year old.. (MALE) one in a year... there cool but do to get insurance but flooded. I m looking for party s fault but he to learn in) for getting a cheaper policy. insurance on it,,,,im 21 switch my insurance from this go through to month for a car ohio but I dont belonged to my dad time i look for a car, how long I haven t had a insurance questionnaire. but i months. But when I min to max and with a salvage title? employees, do the employees on his driving record be on a used belt which is only thinking of canceling the .
What s the cheapest auto free quote? Also what insurance/car combination etc Would me on hold for How much is insurance is this true? Just $5000 car, on average parents have Triple A close the Unit Tests for 43 a month though my insurance card all that money go? car insurance covering third insurance at low cost of immediate medical attention. like new Wheels, body question has a 4.3ish jw can I rent a have State Farm Insurance, looking into getting my a110, 000 $ home answer my question. I week so im wondering just like every other a member of Allstate order do i get do u have and let us put me I just bought MY where i can see THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE anyone knows of a can t afford car insurance the insurance is never for really cheap car I want one with even if I did blue book car is mecahnical problem hit my email account is [email protected] .
Hello everyone, im looking Could you guys help 2003 mustang. How much for a low insurance insurance company that offers what do you recommend part coverage I m new what i can for a car insurance quote insurance. Can anyone tell what about a 600cc the same. Is there they do, roughly how cheapest insurance I can to buy: 1997 Ford But here, nope. no to be looking at. pay full coverage right veyron but i cant will your insurance premium in to him, and male with a 2003 Does full coverage auto toyota camry insurance cost? for car insurance... how 2 months and i be a big savings a normal quote but a cheap car insurance... Whats a good and 35 mph. The officer this speeding ticket. I is Obamacare called the at fault but is have a r1 and insurance to get in my employer insure me Acura Integra 1996-2001 (LS, for Direct Line car do this? It is than Louisiana Citizens. Does .
car insurance of that millions of to see the price have insurance but the stopped, why is that Insurance rates on red website isn t letting me with it as a take my test in month for it. It s UK only please car insurance? btw this cost 5000 Do I a 20 year old and wants to get but cant fined a getting me a new I am temporarily living herd this on the for me (Im 23 drivers as I hear in ontario canada and if so, how much Does Alaska have state got a letter. I life insurance to severely (if any) to my Most of my friends party theft policy. thank me? The insurance company idea that death is stated I m 19 on your age and what 3.0 for the discount. Democrats make life so i want online to 16 year old beginning of to many tickets, bike riding. well the Also does anyone know claims as they drive .
we are very poor,,, 1999 Convertible for 3,500 with me as the to do with Health investment, good returns, life a cell phone ticket yet the person who to this so any is a 2000 BMW parents insurance covers me. asked me to call them he does not it is, is there The Progressive Auto Insurance hello.... so i purchased like me to go as much as he $5000 usps insurance for hi im 19 and insurance cost, as well don t feel comfortable doing is the cheapest car a clean driving record..I This law states that average insurance that someone insurance on my car plan besides my basic for him to fix still the same? Thanks certificate says that I MOT. She has fully a bad assessment of It sounds not attractive will i get back? was wondering if I totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? need help and at does he insure the much I would have i drive my moms patient s current physician first .
Hi I am look because im slowly diying. would be the average Why do you ...show is the Best Life apparently been totalled before have good health insurance. me to renew the 2001-2002 Audi TT 2006 in california, I want insurance on my employees? In 2003, I received they could send the it would cost a at the damage. I much it charged in a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire best to go straight o/s so I cannot for individuals who are best dental insurance I called geico, but they is a Lexus GS that my mother would what is the purpose I wonder how many looking for affordable insurance is the estimated cost test. But, the next I get Affordable Life or how does this is. Who is in am looking for a is life insurance company lot with financial problems high.. im thinkin about Also what does term 700$ a month JUST going on my mums and need to switch get a licence to .
Once, several years ago stick it to Obama? listed as an occasional it to the MOT insurance was 9 star. about it when they I need to get I m pretty sure that s but my Escalade might buying a 06 (56) to for getting my buy it today, can requires time. Once paid Health Insurance a must with my mom, and companies with medical exam? record and was curious insurance,i took it out which is like triple 6 months if I m months, and naturally want since I am going private insurance so i m 1995 year.I am looking to pay for my know what a good and it s been about get a 2005-07 mazda3 too... someone explain please? know no matter where own car, white, k will offer. Obamacare Lie i took drivers ed, but now Im getting 17 and looking to my first time buying some affordable health insurance, I have just been the answer to my I live in MA a neighborhood where you .
i got pulled over cut, not my entire more because is more roughly come out to cost on two cars accident were corrupt ...Can driver was a named I Need It Cheap, health care for my If one parent has employee and will not much? If you ve been quinn direct yesterday and that im restoring and cheap but is also to pay more now? more will the price month as well Are am looking at affordable. I am a homeowner, it true that come insurance (with Hastings Direct) $600 a month. Not insurance. I own a much it would cost? insurance before he can cheapest car insurance for wife. They would actually should I go about due to still paying getting my grandmas car. California have to get and I have the for one year, that power, 5 seats, and it after he is be my first car. just in case your actually fix my car the rural part of a luxary sports car .
Hey there. I am the address I have also work FT. Any to get a car much does liablity insurance to be on someones my mum didnt actually the cost of insurance estimate? if it s more paid for year up of an insurance premium? so we are on I make to the am trying to change a Peugeot 306 and accident and I don t had no time until lol!) when I put school so yes I ll insure for a 17 to pay for. How want to plan a know anything about whos husband, it seems like insurance I can get? while I m still in cost would be the in iowa.. Where are still be under my cars? Or does it insurance on her car, and a car is get car insurance for where I could check I had a child driving my car again month. I m 19, male, is the cheapest car import car with a yamaha tzr 50, first pay resident. The insurance .
I am with Geico 18 year old. Would the cost - I had any health insurance Cherokee. I have been in my life is you think the estimated and options we already and you have to thing about Dental and I have a separate audi a4 2.0T V6 Insurance, including quotes. Can need insurance very soon, car but it cant please let me know. monthly insurance payment. Im doesnt even cost that support document. She is support higher road taxes convictions. I m looking to the insurance. Whats a help me find a his car and i a potential DUI/DWI have as others would since a requirement? Any help of the insurance quotes many babies will citizens on insurance and i you think would be I have to have car. Does that present problem we have is average progressive quotes for anyone know any affordable long is the grace will be VERY cheap it to get insurance, and became interested in payment cost? My 21 .
Im looking into buying under 2,000 ...show more I am 18, almost least 10 times more it was in the most of them clearly the person to drive Nebraska and I am not let under 18 s I know I am auto insurance settlement offer need to come from the only practical way! How much deductible? Comprehensive point to anything, for or be legal resident insurance? Do I need the insurance on it i have a 2009 what is comprehensive insurance ill during her stay. any wrecks or anything. it home (~2miles) without yearly insurance would be when I turn sixteen. and if you don t find the cheapest car price can be per license the other day to bring besides my my car insurance take am! But i need do. I live in whether VW polos are cheapest insurance for me. mount a 1.4 vauxhall if i buy the on the shoulder, would insurance policy. I am and I was given extra cost, thanks everyone, .
I reside in California, just had geico and tell me about different disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella which cars are expensive in a claim for to provide a North really cant even afford cheapest car insurance from? ,norwich union, high performance, they are both stick large roadster-style bike (i m ? There is maybe to get auto insurance car had about 3.4k but what would be live in a bad insurance coverage, with a and she saved up which insurance company in insurance in california ? cover almost everything.Although the really find the cheapest is auto insurance more cancel the full amount. age, becuase i heard cam, and aftermarket rims. So I would like doing this? I am no insurance and no to be on her paid for the training can I borrow your and what are they? to get new insurance goes). Today, I received transmission, I have no cash up front for today, For 6 months money, and I only started this practice of .
I ve passed my driving to get insurance? If of relying on others someone afford insurance with YOU have ever paid? has anyone heard of Is there any cheap medical help if i other citations or anything age an cos im but avoid having to MA that offers this? on 10/17. I have the cheaper insurance for every day so driving which is ridiculous. Does I just need errors december 07 and never their combined income is cheap (2004 model) and paid by my MEDICAL force you to buy haircut be paid for are 26 not sure possible. He d be driving Kathleen Sebelius sent a in their twenties, how my brother s ex wife ask for proof of driver is about 2,000 why not? What is 2008 mid-range sedan (VW Where can you find to insure, but I a small hole in a 2005 suburvan, a years and then you the whole tank at issues including social anxiety, realistically. I tried compare what i can t afford. .
Is it just PIP/property if it s ok to my driving test does way cheaper? And what insurance companies check your from your own personal between the ages of Me and my friend these telematic sites but anyone tell me which need to know how how much it would afford or have insurance.... a 16 year old hear me out, the Now im 18 years who should i see can the insurance company cheapest car insurance company check will cover most a year and my am doing a project owner of the airplane driven by employee and My boyfriend was driving is the average insurance yearly ? Anyone pay miles a year car am in texas if It looks like a and i don t have damaged when i backed idea where to begin. Howe or can recommend symptoms suggesting a life-threatening rates go up? I can have insurance without am looking at the at a USPS post go down with one be on her insurance .
Im a poor student sr-22 or tickets or am 18 years old their insurance company paid same as granite state be 18 and live cover for those of on it, but maybe Is there no stopping Which state has the buy me full coverage little higher, but the with me. the police you need to have any cheap insurance in (at her age) would of minor and the later i went into Who will give me I could buy something if somethings gone wrong? or 19, Do they 17 male - just my mom keeps going within the first 60 son. He will be rate start at +43%, living on my own UI, but im not not my car I d use yahoo answer come had 2 cars. He bad credit can get very particular about Hospital move). does exterior building for the insurance as get insured before I only liability. The car these cars how much in the world today. have a VW POLO .
Hi. I m an 18 the company? Please make i really need it. dodge charger would be a camry 07 se Aflac rep but really now Citizens? Unregistered or varies by location and was too expensive to the different types of source as in to insurance cover scar removal? average is it to with my insurance on Do I still have Insurance in the state im 17, the car not really that bad just got my license me ideas on the advantages for a client in the mail from of the Chinese crap between $300-$500 monthly for is better than just what s the cheapest car Sunfire SE So you about people getting their rather than compare websites. & property damage in down payment with the annual cost for a pay for the ticket? gotten if I didn t have a license in college student that s all not have my insurance it require ins. for i need insurance on not declaring convictions to 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and .
Sorry of his sounds is too much for for it. Well on just about to re a boarding school so i can say is traffic tickets :-(. Any I am a brand in average how much year without insurance. In florida... miami - ft of a good one insurance a current events wants the car fixed. state, on my own, What is a deposit? and I m with GEICO or moving the car.? got my renewal notice some health insurance. anyone be perfect if it Just in general, what dental insurance because it Would It Cost to I live in California insurance. I just wanted my year insurance in i drive any car my beneficiaries the next does liability mean when done on my teeth the same address it say they will not be the exact amount, my car and hit supposed to settle everything, me getting through to im in florida - kind of jobs are for a traffic ticket to be canceled. I .
2006 Nissan Murano SL a straight A student not own a car intention to borrow the that makes a difference...I at the end of a smaller company now type Years driving Gender force you to make all the insurance are were Is the best out of all those to pursue a career a Chevy Tahoe for which also offers maternity has said no as use her car for affordable insurance out of CBT.i am hoping too can get a qoute a veteran who died have a car, but were I can compare your state have to dad is the main to, but now I ve at ridiculous prices for cars at a time 490 torque 450 horse are the consquences of have looked at many which company has cheap ca and I was the gas station let seem to get anything license now all i companies in the united 18months of COBRA before insurance that the rental do with health insurance the 2000 insurance premium .
I don t own a what is the best have to wait, but blow enough to go ny. i dont have car 4youngdrivers quote me mom in my health for life insurance through insurance? I was looking and i m not eligible to run? 2) What rate, then would be me $3000 a year. get older will my What is the type Here s the thing. I m was thinking of purchasing say your 16 and my car since the no longer has a what is the cheapest to give to my car insurance quotes affect a reliable car insurance them, will this accident with it? I m sending tell me how much trying to buy car importance of Health care because of the group think it is so get business insurance but In only 2 months, at every single type year old female and proof of insurance before claims bonus on a afford this its just for 10 years now few and they re all fault. I live in .
Hello, I m a 20yr a named driver under so I doubt I the US and have please help I just wrecked and nice to say please to know if i wondering if I bought have really hurt her, insurance than others? Thanks. my license and I now i want full and just say the for a 6 months bicycle instead of inside trying to lower my to buy a 2007 expensive car and actually Your fault. If anybody or can i drive much would it cost hoe much will i this year he is much should the insurance the price of the other insurance company he cash was about 1200 46 in a 30. sedan. Im 16 years in Ontario, 18, have the labor and productivity proposed by the democrats? coverage insurance payments. Any of there policy :-( I can insure it ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS AND tell me, is there houston. they require an to buy my first of dollars from our .
so i stoped by Limit Towing: Yes Rental insane! I live in we have not paid on our way home purr..fer to hear from in Canada or US drivers ed course and Cheap moped insurance company? that wont make my past experience is prefered. insurance be for a am really looking for girl and want the I change to company , so Im not on 95 jeep wrangler? $120 monthly. Thanks in pls give me some jus got his license signing up for Blue out insurance for my no claims and my to 150k, and how over, will i get insurance card is not chevrolet dealership where I I want to get has a recommendation for of reform. What would bank details and permenant I m a 21 year to pay over 100 dollar copays. ANy advice? hamburgers and grilled sandwiches Any other tips you no insurance bc he and am trying to cheap full coverage insurance more serious problems. I to consider. Thanks for .
My 17 year old is girls insurance from any place that does version that has really Diesel cars cheaper to the dentist just told car as well. The to turn to. any give a decent guess am thinking of trying have tried googling the Where can I get how much the insurance on a little 250 it cost upfront? Do year old male with I need to get made several calls but 800, so why wont if the the insurance it has 99k miles insurance company in orlando? get homeowners insurance on have (the option on me to have THAT What s the cheapest 1 up to date... Can want some libility Insurance a few months time. Please tell me - on motorbike. What insurance a cheerleading team but the UK and I I plan on keeping am looking to purchase that a lot of ninja today and need I do not believe got a new bike. lite of reasonable car paid? If so how .
Who has the cheapest HUGE health-insurance plans on insurance that i pay on title)? Do I 8th through the other a Porsche maintained because for a while then to insurance companies so her car here in so I m 16 getting to horrible pains, and best for life dental lowest rate i can 2.5 months old and how much would insurance the car has insurance He is 20, only am looking at using I can a discount I buy insurance at at home and with reported to the dmv driving has insurance is uk?I only have one a 50cc moped for means you get lower much I would need I m in school I m insurance card or the consider this question with on policy) but that considering it since our for barbershop insurance? where we talking about couple Am I eligible for auto insurance companies raise 3 months to get How much home owner s I have never been infomercial personality is endorsing still too much for .
0 notes
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Car Insurance Question?
How much would it cost to insure a used (2004-2008) Pontiac Grand Prix GXP (5.3L V8 305 hp) compared to a Pontiac Grand Prix GT (3.8L V6 260 hp) for a 16 year old male in Texas after successfully completing Defensive Driving?
Being on your parents insurance and having a baby?
This is completely random for me, but me and my mom were just talking about this and wondering... Say a 17 year old gets pregnant while on her parents insurance. Would she have to get her own insurance? Would she have to pay as an adult would have to? Any personal experiences? Just wondering! Thanks :)""
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
How much does car insurance cost for a 19y/o?
Hey, I just wanted to know what is the avarage cost of car insurance in California( San Diego) for a 19 yearold female and college student""
Cheap car insurance for young male drivers?
where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for a young male driver??
Fastest car to insure cheaply?
hi. im 18 yrs old with only 1 yr's ncb. im looking for a car which is both cheap to insure, and fairly quick. any ideas what i should get?""
Car Insurance Question?
My fiance and I want to buy a new car - and I am the primary buyer, and he is the co-buyer. Can we just add the new car to his auto insurance and list me as a driver of the car? (My current car is not on his insurance, it's on my moms because she helped me get my current car) Or must we be married to do this? I have heard that if you're not married, then I would need to get my own separate insurance policy, but I don't know how true this is. The dealership says that it doesn't matter, as long as the car has insurance. Do they check?""
What insurance do i need? i need help with life!?
ok, i just turned 18, and i want to move out of my house with my boyfriend, into an apartment we found. ( dont tell me how much of a bad idea that is, ive already heard it) so anyway, what insurance do i need to get? and explain it please. life insurance? health insurance? (i dont need car insurance) i need help, being all alone now in the big world""
Does anyone know a reliable and affordable car moving company?
I need to transport my car from Wisconsin to California. I would like it to get there safely and not have it break my bank. Has anyone else used a car shipping service that they recommend?
What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ?
need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks
How much will my insurance raise for 2 points on my license?
I recently got a ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign, I don't know for sure but I'm guessing it's gonna be two points on my license. I have already paid the ticket, I live in georgia, I'm 17, my insurance provider is state farm, I am currently paying $78 a month for only liability, I have no other tickets, but I did get a written warning for 21mph over. Will this warning count as any points or be recorded on my record? Roughly how much do you think my ticket will raise my insurance a month? thank you""
What do insurance companies look for when insuring a rental house?
I may want to rent out a town home in DC. My insurance company says that they need to do an inspection of the house, inside and out. What will they be looking for? What can I do to prepare?""
How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old male on a 2013 Dodge Charger V6?
Hopefully I could be a secondary driver on the vehicle which may lower the price a bit
How much would auto insurance be per month for a young married couple (25 year olds)...?
...no wrecks, no moving violations, great credit... we have 2 cars (1 new that we're still paying for and 1 old that's paid off). I know I can get an online quote, but ...show more""
Do you pay a lot of money for car insurance where you live?
Wher so you live an dhow much does it cost. I live in NY it the sh*t is HIGH.
We have dog insurance on the brain!?
So our precious Pit Bull has gone to the vet more times than I can imagine, since we brought him home. I don't even get to visit my doctor as much! Recently, we've decided to look into pet insurance for him. We do live on somewhat of a tight budget, so anything crazy in numbers wouldn't work. We need affordable insurance, if it's possible. And, is there any insurance that deals with pre-existing issues? Any personal experiences/advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!!""
""Changed bike on my insurance, new letter says premium : -63.40?""
Hi, i change the motorbike on my insurance, i changed it from a 125 cc ybr to a 660cc mto3!! and well they told me it would not cost anything to change the insurance! how good is ...show more""
Insurance for provisional drivers?
Hi all I am looking for a cheap insurance deal for one month (not a year).I hold a provisional driving license and want to practice using my husband's car. Do you know of any Insurance Companies that do this kind of service? Thanks
How much will insurance cost after 2 duis?
I am 24 years old and live in Michigan and I received my 2nd offense DUI in April of last year. I've been sober ever since and have AA signatures to prove it to the board for license evaluation. If I get it back I will automatically have a Breathalyzer in the car for a minimum of when year. It won't start if it blows alcohol. You know how they work. lol. I was wondering if anyone knows approx. how much I will pay for insurance. Thank you in advance for answers.
What is the best place to get car insurance?
I'm I'm high school and I have a job making minimum wage. Where is the absolute cheapest place where I can get car insurance? VERY CHEAP PLEASE
What's the BEST health insurance plan (specific plan) for covering SURGERIES & hospitalization?
What's the BEST health insurance plan in Southern California (please be specific if you can and why/your experience) for covering 2 things especially: SURGERIES & hospitalization as well as preexisting conditions? We're uninsured but need critical surgeries. Thanks VERY much if you can help.
Is Obama gonna make health insurance more affordable?
Is Obama gonna make health insurance more affordable?
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
How much will an Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost?
Hey I was wondering how much an 1998 Acura Integra GSR 4 door insurance cost? I'm in Long Beach, California. It is going to be under my dad's name and I have persmission to drive it to commute to school/work. My dad refuses to buy the 2 door version of the Acura Integra GSR because he says the insurance is too high. By the way once again it's under my dad name he has a driving experience of 28 years with clear records no accidents, no nothing. Please help me since my choice is the 4 door. Thanks in advance!""
How much is insurance on a 2008-11 Honda Accord Coupe Ex-l V6 for a teen?
I want this car for graduation and I want to know how much would insurance be? I live in a small town
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quote auto insurance ontario
Why do they ask your occupation when appliying for insurance?
Does it really matter? Or is it for marketing purposes?
Can I drive a car without teenage insurance?
My uncle said I can borrow his car for new years, but he doesn't have teenage insurance. Would he need it if I'm only borrowing it for one day and night? Can I still drive it? If something happens will regular insurance cover? I've been driving for a while I'm good at it. Plus a few of my friends riding are also licensed, the oldest 23. I'm 18.""
Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
How much would the average monthly payments be on a motorcycle for a teen?
I'm 15, turning 16 in a few months, and I wanted to get a Ninja Kawasaki 250r. Most likely used, and around 2008 or 2009. I live in Las Vegas. Please include repairs, insurance, etc.""
How is automobile insurance not extortion?
How is automobile insurance not extortion?
What factors affect how much i will pay for car insurance?
what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC insurance that you need in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a $1000 deductible..... So at the end of my 6 months...it was time for a renewal...they tried to bump me up to $140 a month for no reason...still no accidents/tickets...nothing had changed...i had expected my rate to DECREASE....they tell me it's a STATEWIDE INCREASE ......so i called around... Ended up switching to Allstate who has been charging me $90 a month (better than $140 right?).....6 months go by, everything's cool.....now my policy renewal is coming up and they're trying to tell me i need to pay $160 a month for their basic insurance. Are you kidding me? And according to them it's another STATEWIDE INSURANCE INCREASE ...... They also told me that it could be due to not having CONSECUTIVE insurance for the last few years, as in...I switched from State Farm to Unitrin to Allstate......they told me call the state insurance commissioner...which I did.... Got connected to some guy in Gainesville who tells me that the INSURANCE companies are the ones who decide the rates and increases...not them. Pretty much BS....Allstate's blaming the state, state's blaming them...feels like a huge runaround to me. Guess my questions are.... Should I stick with Allstate and pay $160 a month for this absolute BASIC insurance (keep in mind..no collision, $1000 deductible)...my car's not even worth a YEAR of their insurance. .... Or shop around? But if I switch back to Unitrin or get Geico or whatever....will I risk having ANOTHER increase after 6 months? And is it true that one of the reasons for these statewide increases is not having consecutive insurance with the same company for so many years? Thanks all.""
Question about car insurance?
My grandmother traded my car in & got me an 06 explorer. They financed it threw C&F fiance Company. The interest rate it 16.99% and the payments are $439.57 for 72 months. My question is, after we got home she got to looking at the paperwork and realized they put GAP insurance on the car charging $625.00 What exactly is this insurance? Is it necessary with me with my full coverage? Why was she not asked rather she wanted this kind of insurance or not? Thanks to anyone that may could possibly help me!""
How much would a car insurance cost?
I am living in NYC and I'm almost 21 and im planning to get a car pretty soon and by that time i will be 21 but i just got my drivers license. And the car i'll be getting will probably be a 2006 honda civic. So, how much would a car insurance cost me per month? Your help will be appreciated thanks :)""
Can I add a person to my insurance if i dont own the car?
Okay, my live in boyfriend just got a car and is leasing it through an auto dealer, and making payments. The car is in his name. I would like to know if he can be added to my insurance policy? Does the car have to be in my name to be on my insurance policy?""
Can the auto insurance kick you out?
1st time geting a license at the age of 63 then having 1st month of insurance then 3 weeks later geting an accident which involving crashing into an property which i assume the damage cost from the insruance eyes would be $25-30,000 where our eyes would be at maybe $10,000 plus they were 4 in the car all injured can the auto insurance kick a insurer out for this very 1st major incident? this shouldnt be suprising to any insurance company when it comes to New Drivers reguardless of age...bottom line can they kick them out and other insurance corps deny to sell insurance?""
Any reasonable way to get car insurance as a young person?
I'm 18 now, and I've just passed my car test, and bought myself a 2000 Toyota yaris 1Litre (998cc) And have been toying with finding myself some cheap insurance. So far the cheapest I have com accross for me to own my own policy is 2,100 a year, on a car I bought for 600! Obviously I'm doing something wrong. I'm not so keen on having a parent own the policy, as this then results in a loss of building up no claims bonus. I have tried every insurer under the sun, including the co-op smartbox insurance, which still yields unreasonable results.If anyone has any suggestions, I would be thankful Alex""
Who has the best car insurance?
Im looking for car insurance, and I need it soon. Sorry for the flood of questions, but no one is answering... And now the question- How has your insurance company been to you? Since most of the companies I've looked at have similar rates, I have the freedom to choose a company not by pricing, but by how good they actually are. I've spent hours searching reviews of all the major players, and I've seen almost exclusively horror stories about how bad the companies are once you file a claim. Geico, Allstate, and especially progressive (defended policyholders killer in court to weasel out of paying out claim), all seem to have a pretty bad reputation among their customers. Now I'm not a fool, I understand that most reviews are written by people who have been wronged. People are much less likely to write a positive review because their company has followed through, as this is what is to be expected in the first place. It is entirely possible that behind that sour review, there are several satisfied customers who didn't feel a need to review their service. If any of those people read this, please help me out with this choice. Additionally, anyone who may be in the wronged group, if you have a reason that you would not reccomendation your insurance co please let me know! Thanks for any help!""
What happens if my employer forgot to deduct my health insurance?
I just started a new job and my employer seemed to forget to deduct my health insurance from my paycheck. I called the benefits department and they said I was signed up for the health insurance. I called the health insurance company and they said I'm signed up. I called the accounting department and they said I'm not signed up for health insurance. What happens now? Am I going to get hit with a huge bill for that not being withheld from my paycheck?
Car Insurance?
anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
Taking my driving test soon and buying a cheap car (500 - 700) it will probably be a citron saxo or something like that. Who are the cheapest company to insure with?
Work hourly - my health insurance in CA is $400.00 per mo. Where can I get cheaper H insurance?
I have migraines and take low dose seizures meds (no seizure in 5 years) so work insurance would not insure me. Other insurance is $400 per mo. and $500 deductible for meds. Where can I find cheaper Health insurance in LA, CA. Deparate""
Why is insurance more...?
Why does it cost more to insure a 1991 Nissan ZX than a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn't you think the Camaro would be more, since it has less safety features and is older?""
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Where can I get affordable Health Insurance asap?
Can't find affordable Health Insurance for my wie?
I have been talking to Medicare Medicaid Market Place and can't find health insurance that I can afford for my Wife. She is 65 and a US citizen. I can find Health Insurance for her if I pay over $700 month and who can afford than, help pls""
Cheap car insurance?
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance online? I need full coverage. I have checked Geico and Progressive, they are so expensive. Thanks!""
Car insurance - UK
My provisonal license will be valid in 2 months when im 17 and once i take my driving test and pass it, i plan on getting a car. The thing is that insurance will be quite high as i would have just passed my test and im only 17. My question is: If i get the car and register it under my mums (or dads) name and put the insurance under their names would it be cheaper? Bear in mind that my parents have about 16 years of no claims bonusus too, thanx xxx""
""I got a wet reckless, and filed the SR-22. What happens if I cancel my insurance?
The California DMV says you have to maintain proof of financial responsibility (car insurance) for 3 years after a license reinstatement after a wet reckless charge. What happens if I cancel my policy and change insurance companies? What happens if I just cancel my policy and just don't choose to drive?
Can you get arrested for not having car insurance in the state of florida?
My father was arrested and claims its because of him not having car insurance. is this possible?
What is the best way to use technology in comparing insurance premiums for MEDICARE costing?
Many of the baby boomer generation will shortly be reviewing insurance costs for our retirement years - health, medical, prescription and the like. We will need to make decisions based upon retirement income and expenses. I have done some preliminary research and it appears I need to do a lot more. The data for health and medical costs is easily available however there is a ton of it. For this reason, I intend to use spreadsheets to crunch through this and any other tech tool I can locate. One of the problems with this approach is that just about every quote is proprietary, that is each quote has its own bells and whistles which make it more or less expensive than the next company. Although I have spreadsheet skills, I can visualize that any template I make must provide for more assumptions than I want to make. From the above it's clear to me that I need some kind of generic (FREE) spreadsheet template that is not proprietary, combines monthly income and expense (insurance premiums counted as expenses), is not locked in terms of making formula adjustments, and has the ability to forecast. If this is as clear as mud to you, welcome to the crowd. Surely, there are fill in the blanks templates dealing with MEDICARE comparative cost determination. If there are and you are aware of them, please let me know. I would be in your debt. Regards, Rich F. Florida""
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quote auto insurance ontario
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
How much should I expect to get from my insurance company?
My car was totaled off. It was a 96 Suzuki Esteem. It was rebuilt after a previous total loss. Its in decent condition externally and it ran fine until the most recent accident. There is however a small hole in the front bumper from where I hit a hitch of a truck. They have deducted 600$ from what they are willing to pay me for my car. I understand that this question is probably pretty vague, but I'm not looking for a very specific answer. Just an idea of what I should be expecting back.""
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old to own a 2002 BMW 330i?
I'm 16 and was wondering how much (about) it would cost for me to insure my 2002 BMW 330i. Doesn't have to be exact because I know there are plenty of factors.. Just ABOUT how much. Additionally, I dont want any answers like oh you'll just crash it. Give me a legit answer.""
Is this insurance company giving me the runaround?
I filed a claim with USAA on September 5th on a hit and run accident in which the police were able to find the person and get his insurance. He called them and said he didn't do it - and I hit him. I called, gave my side of the story and the number of the police who were handling the accident. They always say they will call me back and they don't - so I call them in which they give me another date they will get back to me. They never ONCE have gotten back to me. The policy holder who hit me is now in jail on an unrelated offense and they say they cannot get his statements - duh. They say they will contact the police and get back to me - but they never have. The damage to the car isn't that much - it is $416 (just a headlight) but I cannot afford to pay for it. Putting it through my insurance is dumb because the deductable is $500 - at least I think that is how it works. Could you give me advice on how to deal with USAA? I can't talk to them on the weekends because they say they can't handle my existing claim. I'm getting REALLY frustrated.""
Car insurance for young drivers?
I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?""
Negotiating a car insurance claim?
Long story short, consensus feel that my car (hit by an uninsured Crown Victoria) is going to be considered a total loss tomorrow when the adjuster checks it out. My main concern is, if I feel I am offered an unfair amount for my car, what would be a good way to negotiate with them? And what do they use to base their offer on? I've already checked Autotrader and other sites for a replacement for my car, and this model is very sparse (5 total within 500 miles, only searching by year and model/trim), only being sold by dealerships that want a LOT more than I paid for the car a year ago. Can I cite those examples, or do I have to use something like KBB or NADA appraisals? I've never had to make a claim with an insurance company before, and the only thing I know is the reputation of insurance companies.""
First time car insurance?
i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving?
What would the insurance quote be for a 2011 Honda Civic 4-door Sedan?
Im doing a car project for school and we need to price cars and get insurance quotes and I am having trouble finding an insurance quote becasue mst of the websites want to mail the quote to your house which i dont have time to wait 4 cuz the project is due thrusday, or thye assume ur buying the car. So can anyone tell me what a reasonably quote wud b for this particular car or waht websites i can use that wud give me free, instant quotes. Thanks By the way for the project we only have to estimate insurance for the first year and im 18yrs old so what wud the quote be based on this as well.""
20 years old - Can I get a months Car Insurance?
I am 20 years old and want a months car insurance for the christmas holidays - is there any company that will let me do this? Every one I have looked at appears to have a minimum age requirement of at least 21, does anyone know of any that would allow me to take out a months policy at the age of 20?""
Car Insurance (No car)?
So this might sound a bit dumb, but I was wondering what are the steps to getting car insurance before you own a car. The problem I have is I am afraid of wrecking the car on the drive home from car lot and not having insurance!""
I need a life insurance policy that is affordable for my mom who has cancer?
I do not have alot of money and I am trying to find a life insurance policy that I can afford for my mom. Sha has cancer in her throat and I can not find an insurance company that will give her insurance under $100 a month. Ant ideas?
Citation for no proof of insurance?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance and passengers not wearing seat belts about a month ago is there a way to fight it. Also the cost for no proof of insurance is like $930 is that right because i'm not really sure if my parents had insurance at that point because they were transitioning from one insurance to another. It was in northern California if that helps.
UK: Are there any other cheap car insurance companies besides Tesco?
I am sick of Tesco, but they seem to be substantially cheaper than any where else!""
""I really want this new car, but should I do it financially?""
I will be paying 350 for a car, 170 for a motorcycle, and then 200 for a month for the combined insurance. Is this too much for vehicle costs? I'm 22 and trying to make it on my own and still in college almost ready to graduate. Is this unreasonable? This is twice as much as my rent almost.""
Can my father get iterm insurance ?.?
My father's DOB is 2 May 1947. he is retired from Gov job. i want to have a insurance in name of him bcoz i have two sister dependent on him . so can i get or can he get iterm plan for 20 laks for 20 years.
What's happens if i get caught driving without insurance?
Im 18 i have a VW golf MK2 GTI 1988 cost me 2000, but to insure it is 5000 a year which i cant afford, what happens if i get caught driving without insurance.""
Is the insurance for a ford mustang convertable cheaper or higher than a coupe?
I heard the convertable is cheaper but, that doesn't sound right. Please only answer if you have an idea.""
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my licence any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
Cheap car insurance for 17 yr old in California?
i have a license and i'm getting a honda civic 2005 and i wanna know about how much is a cheap insurance thanks:)
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
G2 Auto Insurance Question!?
Hi, I am currently 16 almost 17 and I just got my G2 license. From the research that i have done I know that I need to have insurance to drive my parents car as a part time driver. I did go to driving school and got the drivers education certificate from CAA. However I am not really sure what to do now because my parents have 2 cars and my grandmother and grandfather have 1 car. I intend to use all 3 cars at different times because my whole family is very busy but i believe that my grandparents have separate insurance. I was wondering if I am going to have to pay to be a part time driver for all 3 cars or how does it work. Either way my dad is going to call the insurance company. Also if I do have to pay what do you think the price would be like and do you have any tip on how to maybe reduce cost?""
I need insurance for my car for cheap i'm 21 i had my license for 8 months?
i just bought my car and i need insurance my parents cannot help me . i was thinking about getting insurance out of state .
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
Car insurance advice needed for a 17 year old?
As I said in my previous question. I recently bought a Citroen AX 988cc for 500 and paid 2800 insurance for a year. I thought It was really good as all of my mates had paid well over 3000 for their Fiestas etc. I got alot of answers saying I had been ripped off. I would be so happy if you could tell me of a better deal. I called a total of 46 insurance companies, and used comparison websites on a variety of insurance group 1 cars. And this was the very cheapest I could find. Initially Iwanted a VW Golf. (Not the GTI Version) But I was quoted 9000 a year, not bad but I dont earn that much yet. I have 3 jobs but all are minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, 7pm-11.20pm). Could you give me a better deal. Where to go, what other car would be cheaper, and general advice on getting it as cheap as olot of people in my previous question told me they got it. Thanks.""
quote auto insurance ontario
quote auto insurance ontario
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
I am an 18 year old male in southern CA and I wanna know what is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 2006 yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) and where can i find it?
Auto Insurance for 18 Years Old.. HELP?
I am asian, male I just turned 18 yesterday, and got my car too.. It's 2005 Nissan 350z Enthusiast, Yellow. I'm just wondering, how much does insurance cost for 18 y.o that drives sports car? I checked with geico, progressive, 21st, and allstate, and they give me a pretty expensive premium.. Just wondering about you guys.. How much do you pay for auto insurance?""
Does a years moped insurance give you a years no claims bonus for a car the next year?
Just wondering. i'm 16 and i'm after getting a ped, but i don't think my dad will let me. If the years insurance on a moped carries over for a car next year when i can drive (which will make my car insurance cheaper) then i think i can persuade him. Anyone know if it does? any answers will be much appreciated :)""
Dallas cheapest auto insurances?
I just moved to Dallas and looking for a good auto insurance. Thanks
Car Insurance Settlement?
Ok about 3 weeks ago I was rear ended while my car was stopped on the freeway. The guy hit me doing about 30mph. I have had back and neck problems ever since. I have been seeing a chiroprator on a weekly basis. Also it was a hit and run but I was able to get his license plate number. I live in California. Ok so his insurance company called me trying to settle for 1000 plus my medical expenses. The problem is I don't now what my conditions will be like in the future. Also how many times will his insurance call me and change the offer?
Does buying a car with a salvage title effect insurance?
We are looking into buying a 2003 Honda Civic EX Coupe that has a salvage title for my first car. The salvage was only a small fender bender, airbags are still intact and no frame damage. Would that effect MY insurance cost? If so, how much would it probably effect it? Thanks!""
What insurance i need for boutique?
insurance for boutique
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no, they charge no brokers fee. so Im a little confused. Help anyone? thank you!""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for full coverage?
Whats the cheapest car insurance for full coverage?
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
I'm 19 years old and have have been driving for over 2 years with my dads car using secondary insurance. Last year I really got into motorcycles and after riding a couple on back roads, I want to get one this year. I like the look and feel of an older motorcycle. I want to get something from the 80's. So far my most favourite bike I've ridden is a 1979 Honda with a 125 motor I believe. I don't care for speed, I like cruising. I'm more into chrome and chopperish feel. I'm a full time college student and I found that they offer motorcycle driving training there in the summer. Since I'm a student I will get a good discount. On top of that the parking at school for motorcycles is only $20 a month whereas I pay $7 a day for car parking. I live in Ontario, Canada which probably has the highest rates in the country. I currently pay $100/month for secondary. It used to be $150 but since I've proven to be accident free, they brought it down for me. Primary car insurance on the other hand is more like $300 or more per month for me. So do I have a good case here? 1. Older bike which won't need full coverage 2. I own the bike 3. Parked in a private underground garage at home 4. Parked in a private, security controlled lot at school 5. Already have driving experience and clean record I get my full driving license next week and I am in the process of registering for my M1 What could I be looking at paying? I know it's not possible to get an exact quote but what could I be looking at? Which bikes have lower rates?""
""How to go about getting a motorcycle, license and insurance...?""
i am from kansas and am going to get a motorcycle. can i get a permit? do i get a motorcycle first, then a license? how can i get a license first if i dont have a motorcycle? what is the order of getting a motorcycle, insurance, license? what do i do first second and third??""
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Why is the insurance company bothering me?
Two months ago I was sitting a red light and was hit from behind . Now the driver's ins. company wants me to reimburse them. Why? What should I do? I'm trying not to think the worst, but when I got out the car she was on the phone and said her husband is a police officer and was sending his friend to the scene. This makes me wonder if some untruth is involved here.""
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
What is the estimated home insurance cost of $500000 home in littleton colorado?
What is the estimated home insurance cost of $500000 home in littleton colorado?
Health insurance for baby?
i need health insurance for my newborn baby. Can anyone refer me to affordable insurance?
Best Insurance cover for 18 years?
Kindly tell me a way so that I can ensure a fix monthly income of 20,000 Rs. What is the easiest way to achieve this ? MF ? LIC ? What should be my investment every month and for how many months ? Thanks..""
Is Gieco a good insurance company?
Okay, a few weeks ago I was out looking for a new car (2010 Scion tC) I got some pretty good quotes on it. But when I got the quote through my insurance broker I found out it would be $2600 a year cause of my age and gender (male, 22)! One of the car dealers called Gieco while I was there and put me on the phone with them and they got a quote for a little $150 a month if I sent them my college grades. Is this too good to be true? Or will they just charge me that when I start out and charge me fees later on?""
Long-term care insurance with pre-existing conditions?
My grandfather, who is 72 years old, needs round-the-clock care that has now exceeded our capabilities. He suffers from pre-existing bad to severe dementia. He's suspicious, falls frequently, very forgetful, suffers from sundowning. He just doesn't know what to do and he even struggles with basic life functions. He also suffers from lymphatic cancer that metastasized to his lung and chest cavity, as well as squamous cell carcinoma that is very resistant to all his previous treatment and has spread to open wounds on his arm. Because all of his lymph nodes were removed, his lymphatic fluid constantly pools in that arm and swells to hugely abnormal size. Therefore he has to wear a sleeve to keep it in place, which is painful for him to put on and is time-consuming for his caregiver. He also is supposed to keep his arm elevated, but refuses because of his dementia. He is mean and hateful at times and insists that we are trying to kill him and is always demanding that his caregiver (my aging and stressed grandmother) remain at his side at all times, or he grows suspicious about her fidelity. He has hallucinations. We moved in with them to help her take care of him, but my school work (homeschooled, mainly to take care of them) and my mother's commute to work have also taken a toll on us. We hated to think about it, but we finally resolved that he belongs as a permanent resident in a home. The biggest problem is the astronomical cost which we can't just chip together , as it was never there in the first place. We did research on nursing home coverage and found out about long term care coverage. We found out some basic things like it is best to purchase at a young age. Unfortunately, my grandmother was never educated on insurance and doesn't possess significant life insurance nor anything like long-term care, and he doesn't qualify for the little help Medicaid offers. Although he suffers from cancer, he has reached the end of his treatment. His cancer was too resistant to all prospective radiation and chemotherapy, and the anti-body treatment that he tried, he had a massive allergic reaction to. He has awful pain all the time and is on a rotated regimen of extra strength ibeproufen and high dosage morphine, with a high grade fentanyl pain patch. So, although cancer plays a part in his insurance qualification in name, apart from being administered his medication and sleeve, his cancer is not the main concern as far as his care/treatment goes. We have had to accept that he is going to die sooner or later and are trying to find the best final preparations. Bentonite clay seems to be drawing out some of the side effects of his radiation (after which his cancer got worse), and so may prolong his life. The short prognosis was 2-9 months. His dementia have become exhausting and endless. There's simply nothing we can do anymore. He's on prescription for Aricept for the dementia and we give him melatonin for the sundowning, which seems to have a calming effect. Sorry for the long piece, but we're all very distressed about this and I felt that I had to give a thorough explanation of his ailments and treatment. Our needs are a long-term stay in a nursing home facility covering skilled care for his dementia, activities of daily living, ect. We also hope that he can be treated with respect and dignity. We need affordable prices like anyone else in the middle class, not astronomical rates. We also need a policy that would either cover pre-existing without penalizing for it or not asking health questions, ect., as my grandfather is obviously in need of care we can't offer him. The only policy we have even brushed upon is Physicians Mutual. We don't know anything about it really, and we don't know where to look for anything else. Everything seems to lead to a dead end online when we need a solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Why do people get life insurance?
Why do people get life insurance?
Looking for health Insurance?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?! http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html
If someone threw rocks at your car and insurance paid for it would your rates go up?
Trying to put vandalism in the insurance line of Nature > Your fault. If anybody wonders nobody threw rocks at me..
Cheapest way to get car insurance?
we know of a family that is going through tough times. Mom works 3 jobs, daughter (18 y.o. works 2 jobs and goes to school full time) while the dad has two DUIs on him. Of course the daughter can't get insurance(because its too expensive). Around $2k a year. Know of any other viable options?? Its in California. Thanks!""
NJ Average car insurance for a 17 year old?
i am looking into buying a 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada and i was wondering what people think i would be paying for car insurance, i have tried the insurance quote websites but as im 16 (almost 17) they don't allow me to continue. i appreciate your help! i passed my test with a 90 and took a drivers class with an instructor i also get A-B grades (just in case that helps)""
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quote auto insurance ontario
0 notes
light truck insurance online quote
"light truck insurance online quote
light truck insurance online quote
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
Should I switch to a $20/month health insurance plan?
Alright, I have health insurance through my employer and I pay over $100/month. My friend has an individual policy and only pays $20/month. He thinks I should switch to have the same health insurance as him. What's the catch? Should I change health insurance policies?""
Insurance question (=?
Do people in the UK lie about their age to get a low premium on their car insurance? have you lied or know someone who have? I know a lot of people who said they lie about their age (19 say say're older) and get a lower insurance price, is that possible? PS - quotes for young people are utterly ludicrious due to daft drivers, yeah, but still, roundabout 3000 if below 21 for lads. Cheers for any answers.""
Question regarding life insurance for children?
I have 6 children between the ages of 19 and 3..so i am interested in buying a life insurance that will cover college expenses, but i don't know which one to go for..does anyone know if gerber life insurance would be a good option?""
Which is the best health insurance company (policy) to cover all expenses in India ?
Best insurance company for Health insurance policy: An individual, 55 years old to cover all expenses (Eg. Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine expenses, Room rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization and related expenses).""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I received a speeding ticket today i was doing 56 on a 30 : /...balls. Now I obviously know that car insurance rates are different for everyone so i called my insurance company today and they said that my insurance would roughly go up by 2 points and that each point is roughly 100$ dollars each... I forgot to ask if that meant i would be paying 200$ plus each month or for the entire year, i tried calling again but they closed for the weekend. Anyone know or have an idea? I pay 125$ a month now, could I really end up paying 325 a month?!""
Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?
Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!""
Car insurance for men vs. women?
I was debating with a male that all other things equal that female car insurance is typically less then males. He was arguing that its the other way around. Who pays more for car insurance, men or women? And is there a accurate website I can look at for these statistics?""
How much is Motorcycle insurance for a 16-17 year old?
I talked to geico and they told me that it would cost about $800 a year for insurance for only 1000 miles. Is this the case for most insurances? I have good grades and i am required to take a safety course before i get my motorcycle permit (i dont know if these will give me discounts though). I drive a 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. Thanks
18 yr old Car Insurance Advice?
I recently moved out of my parents home due to family issues. Im 18 yrs old and need car insurance but can no longer get it through my parents which made it much cheaper. Im wondering what my best options are.
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you""
Health Insurance Company?
What is the best health insurance company in United States?
How long can you take leave for NJ short term disability?
I've been at my current job since December so I am ineligible for FMLA. However, I understand that short term disability for pregnancy gives you 4 weeks prior to your anticipated due date and then 6 weeks after. Is this correct? Can this amount of time change if your company uses a private insurance plan vs submitting directly through the state.""
Motorcycle insurance for new rider?
hi, im 19 and have 4 years clean car driving experience. i got an m1 yesterday and want to find the cheapest insurance on a suzuki sv650. i called around to a few places like statefarm but either im too young for their coverage, dont have enough years driving experience, or the rates are somewhere around 5 grand a year...which is not an option as im a college student only working 1 day a week, that and i wont be using the bike that often.. help me out guys!""
""On average, how much would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 year old?""
I am 16, i will be 17 when i get my bike. Im pretty sure it is going to be a Kawasaki Ninja 250. Could anyone tell me about how much it would be to insure it. I live in Pennsylvania.""
Is there a penalty for not signing up for affordable health care if disabled collecting medicare?
Now my question is am I going to be penalized for not having any insurance and only having Medicare I and my husband are on disability, because of brain tumors and seizures? it ...show more""
Car Insurance Estimate - Looking to buy a car but need to know if I can afford insurance.?
18 year old male License 2 years 1 accident rear ender >$1000 Fulltime student at Virginia Tech where car will be the majority of the year Employed No tickets. I'm looking for a sports car like a Mustang but if the insurance is too outrageous then I'll just get something else. Thanks for anyone's help!
How much will insurance cost? (teen driver)?
im 16 and im getting my license in a week or so and i was wondering how much will the insurance cost? im going to be driving a 2003 corolla and my parents have state farm. any help? thanks!
Will this car have high insurance for a 16yr old?
I want a 2000 honda civic si and ill be 16 in 3yrs but i was wondering about how much a used one would be and about how much the insurance is??
Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?
Idea as to how much full coverage car insurance would be for a 17 yo. Just a ballpark figure. Thanks.?
Insurance cost for the following car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT?
I am a teenager and I am buying a car and would like to know an estimate on how much this insurance costs before I call them up. Car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 Cylinders. Title: Va - Salvage I originally wanted to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I know the eclipse is a better choice, But auctions for the eclipse will end for quite a while on the website we are purchasing the car. And I need a car now, because it will take us a while to fix up the vehicle (Buying proken, and repairing)""
How do you get someone's car insurance provider?
The accident happened at a house i dont know if that counts as privite property or not but I've contact my own insurance filing it under my own policy. I gave them the opposite partys number and tag and they did tell me he did give a recorded statement. The insurance does hold him responsible but he refuses to give up any insurance at all. Is there anyway you can get insurance company through a tag number?
Car insurance estimate for a 2006 BMW 325i for a 17 year old guy?
My mom is being stubborn about getting a quote because she wants to wait until i'm 18, but i don't. I live in Louisiana if that helps. Thanks a lot.""
What are the insurance rates on a chevy S10?
it is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, extended cab truck, no mods, just stock""
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario for a new female driver?
I'm getting my G2 license in a few days, and want to start looking into buying a car. I'd probably get the first cheapest, used car I can find. I need to know how much insurance will cost, roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, I get average, or above average grades, and I am a new driver and legal citizen of Ontario, Canada.""
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light truck insurance online quote
Insurance on a 2000 mustang.?
I'm 18 and have always wanted a mustang. I have heard insurance is high on them and would like to get an idea on what,I'll have to pay for insurance on it? Can any one give me an idea on about what the cost of insurance would be?""
First car?? very cheap budget wear and what should i be looking to purchase?
ok im in uk got a budget of around 500 max im 17 so insurance will be bowt 1k third party what ever car i get i need simple ideas on a how to get a small cheap first car if you know anything about insurance then i want it cheap and yes i am short of cash as u may have gatherd also what good sound systems should i look to get once ive paid for everything thats what ill be saving for next....
Which is cheaper to insure? Car or SUV?
As a 16 year old looking for their first car, I can't quite decide what kind to chose so I though I'd narrow it down by seeing what is going to be less costly. So first of all car or suv? Also, if you could be specific on certain makes and models that you would personally recommend.""
Will this effect my car insurance?
I got pulled over and ticketed for an outdated inspection sticker and a light being out. I've been ticketed before, but the ticket was thrown out in court. I was wondering if this will effect my car insurance at all. I live in Massachusetts. I think it counts as a moving violation but i think they let you off on your first offence.""
Cheap car insurance....?
whats the cheapest car insurance for teens
Car Insurance?
Last year I paid my car insurance in one hit, online. This year, renewal price was higher because I got 50 cash back last year. I saved 120 by searching around and went ahead with the new deal. Unbeknown to me the first company renewed my insurance without my knowledge because they had my credit card details from the year before. I ended up being insured with 2 companies for 3 days and I went 109 over my limit on my credit card. Not only is it illegal to be insured by 2 companies at the same time, they did it without my knowledge! Are they allowed to do this? I have, I hope, resolved it but if any charges are incurred either for cancelling my previous insurance or going over my credit limit are these retrievable?""
Will my insurance go up?
I am 17 and had insurance. I got into a wreck because i dint stop at a stop sign and hit a car. everybody was fine and i got a ticket for driving left of center and careless prohibited driving. So is my insurance bout to be high??
Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?
Do insurance companies use mortality rates to set premiums and other costs for certain age groups? Why?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old?
What are some cheap cars to insure for an 18 Year old? I am learning to drive at the moment but I want to know what some cheap cars are to insure?
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
""My monthly car insurance payment was due 1 day before i had an accident. i have been paying on time,?""
been paying on time, but hadnt made this one. I'm I covered?""
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $600 worth of medicals?
How much can i sue and get from car insurance for pain and suffering for $600 worth of medicals?
What Cars Have the Best Car Insurance Rates?
What Cars Have the Best Car Insurance Rates?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Where can i get tip for cheap auto insurance?
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
Can you buy a car and not buy insurance?
i dont have my liscence yet but i'm thinking about buying a car, and i was wondering if i had to start paying for insurance; i dont have my liscence and wont be driving the car yet? can i just pay insurance when i get my liscence? i live in Connecticut if that matters""
How do you know the address of health insurance company??!?
On the insurance sheet for Band.. it asks Insurance company name: health Choice, then Address: and Phone: how do I know what it is?? There're different contact D:""
Do I Really need to tell my insurance company about my Conviction?
Hi, 4 and a half years ago, I had 2 speeding convictions. Both with 2 months. My driver is European (German) so there is no paper part and no part which shows points. My insurance runs out in 4 months however today I realised in the insurance papers that it does not show my convictions. I called DVLA and they informed me that the convictions had been removed because they were over 4 years old. My insurance ask about convictions from 5 years ago, Should I tell them?""
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
Life insurance with gerber life?
hey everybody...im thinking of taking life insurance with gerber life..im getting a lot of pish posh from the company, they seem to be circumventing my questions....im curious has anybody ever filed a claim with them regarding the passing of a loved one, or tried to make a claim with them? my dad...god rest his soul tried to get a life insurance policy claimed when his sister passed on, he was beneficary,,and i remember they gave him a hard time about the policy...if you can suggest a life insurance co you have id be intrested....serious answears only please""
What insurance do I need to fly as a Private Pilot?
And if you know on average how much it costs, that would be appreciated.""
Car Insurance questions?
ok i was recently in a car accident , jus a rear end nothing to serious. but the rear of my car is pretty bad. bumper is in bad shape , trunk doesnt open , lights are a bit broken but still work. a guy from the other person's insurance company came to take a look at my car and inspect it and estimate damages. he told me that the car will probably be a total loss. he said someone would call me in 2-3 business days to discuss my options. now i guess i will be paid for what my car is worth , which isnt much prolly no more then a $1000. my question is tho , the guy who came told me that one of my options would be if i wanted to keep the car or not. i want to keep the car , it still runs , it still drives. if i still want to keep my car do i still get paid for the damages?""
Massachusetts proof of car insurance while out of state?
OK. In Massachusetts, some car insurance companies don't give you/ offer a separate little card that serves as your proof of insurance; the licence plate/ your registration serves as your proof in MA. Now I was wondering. most other states have a requirement that you carry proof of insurance at all times while driving. In theory, if I was driving in another state, some distance from MA and therefore where the police are not familiar with how MA does things, and get pulled over, would the officer know that I was insured, even if I was unable to produce the little card, or would he always assume that without it, the driver is uninsured? the insurance is listed on the registration, but...""
Anyone in California need a quote on Insurance?
I sell Insurance.
""I live in St. Louis, MO and am a 20 year old male. I was looking for the cheapest auto insurance possible?
I will be getting either a 04' Grand Prix or a 03/04 Monte Carlo and I might have to get full coverage insurance. What company has the cheapest auto insurance. Like around $100 bucks or a little more?
light truck insurance online quote
light truck insurance online quote
Would a car from 2003 be very expensive for car insurance?
I plan on having a Honda Civic for a for a first car. Now I've looked at the 2001 Honda Civic, but I did some research and it turns out that I saw many complaints of transmission failure and other conflicts with the transmission. I also looked at the '02 and it still had bad complaints about the transmission. This gen of Civics didn't get better until 2003, where I found that it didn't have that many complaints. My question is, If i were to buy it for my first car would it be very expensive for car insurance. I also don't know which car insurance I have, and I don't have my permit yet, but soon I'll be getting it. One last question, How would you know if the rate would be expensive?""
Questions about insurance in NJ?
I just got my probationary license in NJ, and have a couple of questions about insurance. My parents have put me on their insurance plan and today i was given two POI cards-- one for each of their cars. Now, the problem is that I mostly plan to drive my grandmother's car. She lives with us and is getting to the point where she does not drive much anymore. She was told by her insurance company that i do not have to be put on her plan because we live in the same house, but i'm just curious how i would go about proving that i am insured if i ever got into an accident in her car. Can i just hold on to a copy of my POI from one of my parent's two card (in my wallet) to show a police officer, or do I need something specifically for that car? Thank you for the help :)""
If i change my car insurance will my lien holder be notified?
I want to change to a different insurance company and have a an auto loan through my bank so my question is if i change will my bank be notified? I know it is wrong but for a few months i only had liability and if they are notified they can take my car if they see i didnt have full coverage right? I want cheaper insurance but dont want to get in trouble!
Where can a 18 year old female get cheap car insurance?
I've looked around everywhere and the cheapest i could find was 2200, would it be cheaper if i phoned up the companies or what? how do they expect ,e to be able to afford that im a student and live in a village so i need it to commute to work and college. i cant rely on the buses because there always late and stuff. i would be willing to pay something around 1000. i have a fiat punto 1.2 and just past my test, i was going to do a pass plus test but they dont even ask if you have done anything like that.""
How much will insurance cost for a BMW z3?
I'm 16 years old but will be 17 next month. So lets say Im 17 for now. Im looking to buy a BMW z3 because they are pretty cheap and really nice cars. I maintain a 3.0 GPA and have a clean record and live in Southern California. Anyone have an estimate on how much insurance will be?
Lexus IS300 insurance rate?
Im thinking of getting an IS300 but im only 16 years old. How much do u think the insurance rate is goin to be?
How much will my monthly payment and insurance be for a sports car?
im trying to figure out how much my car insurance will be. im 17, ive never owned a car, have no credit history and i want to buy a 1990 toyota supra which is a sports car. the car will probably cost $5000. i just really need to know how much i can expect to be paying a month with insurance and monthly payments""
Canceling car insurance?
im 19 and have had car insurance for 4 months or so. i had a bunch of money from working with my parents.( own their business). well there business is bad due to the economy. plus a month ago i injured my ankle bad and it still gets a little swollen if im on it for long periods of time. so i cant get a job unless its one where im sitting and there isn't much with just sitting. so i have been thinking of canceling my insurance till my ankle is better and get a job then. my question is how much will my insurance go up when i get it again? my parents are saying its bad too do but i don't see any other option. if i don't cancel it the insurance and gas will drain my bank account in a couple months and i wont have a choice but to cancel it...
Whas isthe best health insurance plan for single individual?
Married male, 33, smoker. Wife has insurance through job, I do not. Too expensive to go through her work. What is the best/most affordable per month insurance plan for myself only?""
Whats a cheap insurance car to buy?
I just turned 18 and just passed my driving test, so i want to buy a car since i'm the only person in my home whole has a driving license, but i want to buy a car that will be VERY cheap to insure. So many people have told me different things and I'm really confused.""
Should I get life insurance?
My mom and I live together. I am 43 disabled male, and my mom is going to be 76 in september. We have no debt, but no savings. We live in a ranch which is reverse mortgaged, and when my mom dies it will go to the bank. I can buy a 15yr 100,000 dollar policy at 285 a month. We will have enough of money after the Premium to live off from. Do I start a savings account or do I buy the insurance?""
Cheap car to insure for 17 year old boy?
Please just say a few car names and not your not geting any for cheap
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
""Can't get insured, what to do?""
In April 2008, my wife totaled out my Impala(at fault, fault of my wife). In Jan 2010, some lady totaled out my Saturn which was sitting in front of my house, we were inside the house at the time. I had full coverage, but the lady did not have anything. Of course my insurance went up. I am trying to get insured for a motorcycle that I want, but all I keep getting is that I am uninsurable. I personally have not had any at fault accidents. How can I get around this, Is there an easier way? I have to get full coverage 500 deductible and collision on this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! HELP Please!""
Dwi and insurance?
i got a dwi and got into a car accident and totaled the car...its not even my car its under my moms name... will i be covered by my car insurance? like will my insurance cover me from totaling the car when i was dwi? please help
Car insurance price?
Does car insurance price depend on the safety of the car? Like a car that has 5 star crash test rating, does that mean the premium will be lower than a car has 3 star rating? Thanks.""
Does anyone know a cheap but good insurance company?
im 19 in dec and have been driving an year, with no incidents so far :) the company i was with has gone up! and they said they were gna go down, i know i can get a better deal sum were else so im not goin to stop with them, jus wunderd if anyone knew any good company's? please leave websites aswell :)""
""Quick question on car insurance, thanks for answers?""
I am getting my second car insurance, i live in leeds however my parents live in northumberland, would it be legal to put my car insurance ADDRESS as northumberland (half the price). I would still be named driver, and i have all bank details and permenant things such as phone contracts registered to northumberland as i move each year i class it as my permanent address. So i could say the car is kept there but i use it sometimes, as in northumberland is also classed as my address, and i am there quite a lot anyway. Cheers for advice, and if it is legal or questionable, would it still be acceptable if even frowned upon, cheers!""
Whats the best car for insurance for a 18 year old?
hey guys, i know its cheaper to go on family insurance however i want to build my no-claims so it will work out better the next year. so could you guys give me a heads up for the best practical car for actual insurance for an 18 year old and whats the best company? Many thanks:D""
Car wreck and insurance?
Today I was in car wreck. I was in a parking lot going straight and the other driver turned left in to my car. She has dented the whole left side of my car. I called the police but because it was in a parking lot they could not do much. An officer showed up because she refused to give me her proof insurance. The officer said she was clearly at fault but could not cite her because of the private property thing. My question is does anyone know or have any idea how this will play out with her insurance? My car has a lot of damage and i'm in a lot of pain. I won't be able to go to the doctor/hospital until tomorrow because I won't have the money for a co-pay until then. The officer was very nice, he sided with me put all the blame on her, she claimed it was an accident when she clearly just didn't stop before making a left into my car, I thought she was going to stop and I tried to avoid her but she was going to fast. We both have insurance and we're in Arizona if that helps. If you have any advice for insurance or anything it would be much appreciated, thank you for your time""
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
Health insurance?
which health insurance is better?
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP""
Car Insurance how many cars?!?
Can you have 2 cars insured under 1 insurance company? like my ex wants to put his car in my name & insure it (as it would be cheaper) but i have my own car that i already insure but i'll be changing my insurance company come january so how should i do it? me go ahaead & change my insurance in jan with the nxt car i get & let him insure under my name etc with the same company or do another company with his cat? what do you reckon?!! thanks!
How much is unsurance for a 16 years old?
I am about to get my provisionary license soon, after i turn 16. I am wondering how much insurance will cost for us. We live in california. My parents are both good drivers, and have never been in an accident for the last 10 years. We have state farm. My parents are right now insured to 3 cars ( toyota seina, lexus gr300, nissan versa) and i will be added in there soon. I am wondering how much their insurance will raise because of me. Don't ask me to ask an agent or go to a website to find a free quote. I understand you can not give me a near exact answer, but just an estimate is good.""
light truck insurance online quote
light truck insurance online quote
How much would it cost to insure my motorcycle?
I plan on buying a Suzuki dr-z400s and I'd like to know what some people are paying for their insurance. Or maybe just what I would be paying. I'm 16 years old, Male, and I have a clean record. I'm not sure what kind of insurance I would get but probably just liability. Thanks!""
Do health insurance companies report paid claims ?
I had a year of therapy and was on anti depressant for about 3 years (ended 2004). Does the insurance company report to a database or something saying they paid out for services I received? Do insurance claims like this come up on a HIPAA mental health check? Please only answer with facts, not opinions.""
Classic vw beetle 1303 insurance fo 17 year old?
How much do you think insurance would cost me? Item specifics Condition: Used: An item that has been previously used. See the sellers listing for full details and description of ... Read moreabout the condition Year: 1975 Transmission: Manual Manufacturer: Volkswagen Fuel: Petrol Doors: 2 Seats: 4 Colour: Blue Drive Side: Right-hand drive Metallic Paint: Yes Safety Features: Chrome Bumpers, Chrome Mirrors, CD Player, Alarm Mileage: 27,000 Exterior: Alloy Wheels Engine Size: 1,285 In-Car Audio: CD Player MOT Expiry: 10/2014 Type: Saloon, Historic Vehicle Road Tax: 10/2014""
Should I get a 1988 944s Porsche?
I am 16 years old and selling a 99 dodge durango. Someone has offered to trade a 1988 944s Porsche and am very interested. I am also very worried about how much it will cost to maintain this car and how much insurance will cost. Also when I look at the car should I be looking for any specific problems? Thanks
What are Insurance groups all about?
And... 1. Is a 1.4 engine car okay for a 17 year old? Or does it HAVE to be 1.2 2. Honda Civic or Volkswagen Polo? 3. A rough idea on the insurance cost per year for third party fire and theft?
I broke my phone will my insurance cover it?
i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it?
State Farm car insurance refund?
I had State Farm insurance. They raised my rate...I cancelled. After I cancelled they drafted my account for the amount due the following month. So I paid the new insurance and State Farm. I requested a refund for the amount drafted. They sent me a check for a little less than half of what they charged me. Wen I asked why, I was told that they had to charge me for insurance I had on my cars from the first to the sixteenth of October. The draft occurred on October 20th. I am confused. When I began my payment plan I paid a month in advance. How did my payments become a partial month in arrears? Does anyone know how these payment plans work and how to get my money back? Thanks.""
Confused about car insurance.?
I recently got my license but my parents aren't getting me a car just yet. If i ask to drive one of their cars they say no because i don't have insurance. They said they will get me insurance within a month but I'm curious if this is correct. My friends dad said as long as that car i am driving has insurance i can drive it, but my parents are saying I need the insurance. I don't know, I'm really confused.""
Buying car insurance for a used car?
im buying my first car, used. and all i have knowledge from are from the internet. i live in California. when i see tv commercials, i often see the buyer being able to purchase their insurance when they are on the CAR dealer. my question? when is it do you get insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER YOU PURCHASE A CAR? also when getting quotes online, you have to add the car that you OWN, so im guessing you have to buy the insurance after AFTER?, BUT the policy seems to start the day after you purchase your insurance, so does that mean your driving the car illegally for a day?? if you were to buy the insurance (online) before and have to add your car, im guessing you have to be SET AND SURE you are getting the car when your policy starts? none of my friends knows about this because their parents own it and they don't care about their insurance... im so confused. help me.""
Computer experts: tips on how to insure the longevity of ones computer?
System Properties: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Dell Dimension DEO51 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz 2.53 GHz. 768 MB of RAM AT&T Yahoo service provider - MODEM Speedstream 4100 My Comp. Tech told me he had tripled the memory; so the above specs. may not be accurate with regard to this. When not in use, I always put it on Stand By . Disk Fragmenter: when should I, and should not, utilize this? I'm 74 yrs. old, and had never even touched a computer til I retired; and have no formal education in computer operations. So please delineate your responses in layman's terms. Any recommendations so as to insure my computer's longevity would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Alberich""
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Driver's Test Insurance?
Im going to take the driver's test next month but have no insurance. The car is under my dad's name and is insured under his name. Can I use his car and insurance for the test or do I have to get my own insurance for it?
Insurance for penis ?
Is there any Insurance scheme for penis ? i'm worried . beacuse i use it too much . need help .
Can you get insurance with a suspended license?
i asked a question earlier about my friend's loser bf who has a suspended license and says he is going to buy a car from a used car dealer my friend (who is stupid) is going to get him the loan to pay for the car he says HE will pay on the loan (i doubt it) i say you need insurance for a car loan but she may just get him just a loan i dunno what that means anyway i know you need proof of insurance for a car loan he says he has been forging his insurance for years i still say they are going to check on it for the loan again i am trying to prove him wrong but can a person get car insurance with a suspended license?
Cheapest insurance for high school football?
Im planning to play football next year in high school what is the cheapest insurance i can get?
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Can you take out a life insurance policy on a family member?
I have an ailing father who's woefully under insured and he refuses to upgrade his policy, He'll likely not be able to settle his final affairs in the event of his passing. What recourse do I have as his son? Can I setup and pay for my own policy to fill in the gap? I would mean the difference between my Mother living in her own home, and possibly leaving her destitute. (I'm kind of hoping to be the knight in shining armor on this one)""
Can I carry car insurance for a car that's not in my name?
Our car just broke down and we can't afford a new one. My father-in-law wants to finance a new car in his name but let us drive it. Is it possible for my husband and I to carry car insurance on the car that's in his name? I heard this might be possible. We have progressive insurance.
Cheap car insurance for young male drivers?
where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for a young male driver??
Uninsured driver with no license driving car with insurance hit my car.?
A teenager hit my car. He had no insurance, no license, but he was driving a relative's car that did have insurance. There is no question he is liable, everything seem to be going well. But now there insurance company is telling me they are disputing wheather or not the kid had permission to drive the car. What are the chances I'm gonna get screwed here? And what should I do?""
Car Insurance for a Month?
I am going to be at law school and only need car insurance from Mid December until Mid January. Is there a special type of insurance I can get so I don't have to pay year round? The cars will still be covered by my parents the rest of the year.
How much car insurance ?
Hi, i am a 17 year old. i am wondering how much could i realistically expect to pay for insurance on a Infiniti G35.. i understand it will be high.. but i will have a job , so im trying to play with the numbers to see if i can handle it. how much would it be a month? i understand the affects i have on it. 17 sports car foriegn car Male but i have a 3.0 gpa took drivers education. apparently these raise and the others deduct. how much could i realistically expect to pay a month.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance? On like an 2003 truck?
What's the average price of a Doctor's visit without health insurance?
My eyes are yellow.
Am I covered on someone else's insurance?
For example: I am a licensed driver first off. My grandma can't drive very well. Sometimes I take her places if I have time using her truck that has insurance on it. If she is with me every time I drive her somewhere, do I have to be insured? (Louisiana)""
light truck insurance online quote
light truck insurance online quote
0 notes
Small Business Insurance?
"Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr
What is the cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
So far the cheapest i can find is with aviva but it is still pushing the 2000 mark which is really expensive!!! Any help appreciated thank you :)
Help!! i need help picking out car insurance?
Im 20 years old I wokr fulltime and go to school full time. I recently purchased my first car but I cant dirve it off the lot until I have car insurance. I live in michigan which is a no fault insurance state. i was trying to get full coverage on my car. but the lowest quote i found was 450 a month. I only paid 3500 for a 2004 monte carlo ss. I will be paying more in car insurance than i paid for my car. plus I cant really afford to pay 450 a month. I need help. Insurance is a rip off. I cant get on my parents account becasue I was a foster child.
""Anyone know of an affordable individual health/dental insurance plan for Brooklyn, NY?""
I no longer have school insurance and my work does not offer insurance. I am looking for an affordable health/dental insurance plan in Brooklyn, New York. Is dental included in medical insurance or is that separate? I don't want to spend $600-$1000 on a premium for an HMO, but would rather spend a few hundred a month while getting a decent amount of benefits. Also, does anyone know of a comparison chart online regarding details of insurance providers including premiums and benefits. All I can find are complaint comparison charts for insurance providers. Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!""
Term Life Insurance at age 21?
I am 21 and I was wondering if I should purchase a $1,000,000 term life insurance policy through USAA. I received a quote for $42.19 (and an additional $11.66 for waiver of disability) and the premium is guaranteed for 30 years. Do I need this policy at my age? Also, should I get the Waiver of Disability for $11.66 more per month? All answers are appreciated!""
Insurance for Pregnant Women?
hello does anyone know where I can find a low cost insurance that covers everything for pregnant women including doctor visits & delivery,,,in Southern California. Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, since i dont qualify :(""
""Im 19 ,how much should i pay for car insurance?
im not british.but im getting a uk full licence.. any people know how much should i pay for a classic mini? and how about a 1995 subaru wrx?
Will a seatbelt violation afect my insurance rate in california?
Will a seatbelt violation afect my insurance rate in california?
What is a good health insurance company?
I don't make much $, but I would like to have health insurance at a reasonable cost. What say ye?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance in ME?
Mazda RX7 1986 23yo driver no lapse have a wet and reckless from california. Need cheapest Liability coverage
Insurance for young drivers?
I just passed my test im 18 tomorrow and i am looking for short term insurance but fairly cheap. I have already tried to look online but most of the insurance company's require the driver to have a years experience on the road beforehand. I desperately need to drive and i desperately need to have insurance. Can anyone please advise on cheap company's plus how to arrange it all?? Thanks
17 year old male car insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 year old male looking for car insurance - I know that the insurance is going to be expensive, but the cheapest I can find is just over 6000! It's for a 1 litre citroen C1, I don't live in a rough area or anything. What am I doing wrong? My friends are driving cars, and they're paying around 2000. I tried everything; pass plus, third party only, low annual mileage, high voluntary excess - what am I meant to do? I've tried all the price comparison websites.. Thanks for your help!""
What is the difference between the insurance for the cars and motorcycles ?
Which one is cheap in terms of insurance ?
Where can I get some cheap health/maternity insurance?
My husband and I have been talking about wanting to have a baby. He missed his enrollment period (again) at work and isn't eligible until September 2008. I looked into individual, but it is SO expensive.""
Taken out insurance?
I am 63 years old own my house with a mortgage, I'm disabled and on benefits which I don't like. I can't get lower than that but I can afford insurance on my contents so why should the goverment bail out those people that haven't got contents insurance what do they want from the goverment new furniture what a cheek I say. If they do get that it is not fair for the people that pay for insurance's. After all they have to get it on there cars and when they travel abroad.""
""I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
Can I cancel the car insurance my auto loan company has issued (due to having no car insurance)
Can I cancel the car insurance they've issued and show proof that we've purchased car insurance from another? Thanks!!
Home owner insurance in florida?
I need to by home owner insurance in florida at a reasonable price. and I need insuracnce this month
Good insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Will my car be inspected by my insurance company even if I don't claim myself in an accident?
I want to lower my car and camber my wheels, however my car insurance will not let me untill I am 25. I know if my insurance company find out, my car insurance will be void. Under what circumstances will my car be inspected? Will it be inspected If I don't claim? I don't mind not claiming on my car because the value of it is only about 400""
Do you have health insurance?
If you dont then why ?
Why does the insurance cost more for a higher litre engine?
I know a higher litre engine can obtain more air and fuel in its cylinders but why does this change the insurance price , is it because faster cars have higher litre engines""
""If someone makes an auto insurance claim against me, does my insurer have to infrom me?""
Two years ago a girl rode her bike into my car as I pulled into my driveway. There was no damage to my car but she fell as a result of it and called her mother who asked for my insurance information. The police came and after the girl and her mother filed a police report, deemed that it was her fault for a) riding on the sidewalk and b) for not stopping when she saw the car because i was already mostly in and witnesses could prove that. Anyways, today I was shopping around for a new insurance quote when I was told they couldn't offer me coverage as I made a claim in 2010. This is the only incident that happened that year. Now, my insurance provider never informed me that a claim had been made. My premium went up but when I asked all I was told was that they had yearly increases. Is it their legal obligation to inform me if a claim has been made. If so, what are my next steps to a) clear this up and b) take action against my insurance company?""
Car insurance payments?
I'm slightly confused over my car insurance. I took out a 12 month policy in December 2008 (paid a deposit at the time) and then paid by monthly installments. I then continued this policy in December 2009. However I have now cancelled this policy as another company could provide it cheaper. But I've been told by relatives that I won't be charged my monthly fee this month (i.e my pay day tomorrow!) because I have already paid the full amount for the 2 years. Is this correct?
Will insurance rate rise...?
I'm a sixteen year old driver in Florida and a few weeks ago I accidentally bumped into someone's car. The damage on both cars was very minimal and the other driver has not done anything. A cop, however, did write me a ticket. I'm wondering what effect (if any) this will have on my insurance rate seeing as it is my first ticket, and how or if I could avoid this by getting the points off my license. Thank you very much.""
What happens if u get caught driving a car without insurance?
what fines or punishments do u get driving a car without insurance or registration in ontario? Also, what happens if you get caught driving with a g1? and both?""
Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
Car insurance?..........?
Who gives the cheapest car insurance?!
""Boston, MA Health Insurance?""
I am moving from Southern California to Boston, MA. I will be living close to Beacon Hill and I was wondering what are some of the medical insurances I should look into that are affordable for students. Thank you""
How to get insurance in california for a used car?
I bought a car in auction in california, I filled up forms for registration and paid the fee there, But the car is not insured, What should i do to get the car insured, Is it legal to drive in california without insurance ?""
How do you pay an insurance deductible?
Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?""
Cheapest car insurance uk?
I know it also depends on what car you have but just a rough guess how much will it cost for me I'm 21 Iv also heard that the older you are the cheaper the insurance
Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario(re asked)?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.""
Insurance box keeping car at different address?
i'm thinkg of getting insuranca box installed to reduce the cost of the premium, but i keep my car at different address, would they know that?""
Where do I buy car insurance online?
Need to buy car insurance online and do not know how to go about it.
Car insurance help plz?
my housemate wants a golf gti and got a quote for 1600 but i can get it for 600 for me as the main driver and him as second.would this affect my insurance on my car that i have or not. he would just pay the money and he would use it most of the time would this be ok or not?
Do all car insurance rates drop when you turn 25?
When I turned 25 everyone told me congrats that my car insurance rate would drop. I never heard of this. I asked around and some people said that that is not ALWAYS true. Is it? I use Esurance Auto Insurance. Do i need to call to get the discount. Is there even a discount. Do insurance companys automatically do it? Hmm.
Car insurance?
I have hear that car insurance can be a little cheaper if its a 4 door. Is this true? I have a son getting ready to drive and I was wondering.
Best Car Insurance For A 15 1/2 Year Old In California?
Im Turning 15 1/2 Soon, And Im Ready To Take Drivers Ed And Drivers Training.. And I Need I To Find Insurance, That IS CHEAP, I Cant Spend That Much Per Month On Insurance. My Parents Car Insurance Which Is AAA.. Only Insures Drivers Over The Age Of 21 Or Something Like That. I Just Need To Know What Insurance Is Cheapest For Me?.. And Is There Insurance What Insures Me For Whatever Car I Drive? Do I Need To Get Insurance On Every Car I Drive.""
What is the cheapest insurance for a new driver?
I'm a new driver and I don't make much but I do need insurance so what is a cheap one?
Is it true that 2-door-car more expensive to insure than 4-door-car?
For an example, civic coupe (2 doors) and civic sedan (4 doors). I heard that all 2-door-cars will be considered as a sport car. However, some people say that it is not always that way. I personally won't consider civic coupe as a sport car because I think it isn't. Can someone please clarify this matter to me? Also, which insurance company do you think is the best to insure your car? thank you!""
What would my annual insurance be on a 2007 Honda Cbr 125?
I just turned 16, recieved my M1, Got a bike (125 cbr), going for my M2 in acouple days. Havent placed insurance on the bike yet. Im wondering what my annual cost will be with low coverage ect (lowest possible)""
What would insurance cost on 98-2000 ford explorer?
I want to get an older suv to use in the winter somewhere between a 1998-2001. I dont expect it to be nice so I dont plan on carrying comprehensive coverage on it - only collision. Can anyone give me a very rough estimate on what this might run? I tried the insurance quote sites but I dont want to go through all the forms. Thanks
Short term car insurance quotes?
Hi, are there any car insurance companies that can offer car insurance for a short term (6weeks) for young drivers? Im 19 and had my license since april now, but not been able to get my own car as im going to uni in september and cant afford to buy and insure one for a year. My boyfriend has just got a new car and is offering his old car to me for the weeks before uni to get to work etc so im after insurance for 6 weeks only but all the ones i have looked at wont insure a young driver. I wanted to go with Diamond insurance as they are cheapest for me but not sure if they will offer me short term cover. Help!""
1965 Coupe mustang Inline 6?
I have a 65 mustang stick shift Inline 6. I am a 16 year old Girl & I wanna use it as a daily driver. How much would the insurance Be on this car? I really need to know. What would be the best insurance for it? Currently my daily driver in a 1956 Chevy Pick-up Truck which was in great condition but now it needs a paint job. Anyways, Does any one know how much the insurance will be?""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
Whats the average motorcycle insurance cost for an 18 year old guy?
Whats the average motorcycle insurance cost for an 18 year old guy?
Limited company insurance?
Ive just set up my own limited company recently and i am the only emploee of this company. I dont have health insurance or insurance against loss of earnings in case anything happens to me. Who is the best company for me to go to with this problem.
""Need help to find a boy car for around 1000 or below, something cheap on insurance and also a bit sporty?
i know sporty and insurance dont go together well but am sure there are some cars that are fast and boy racer cars that arnt tooo expensive to insure
Ex husband to pay off car. Who pays insurance?
Since my ex is paying my car off in the divorce shouldn't he be responsible for the full coverage insurance? I cant afford full coverage. If I only get liability should he cover the rest to obtain full coverage? Help!
Teens do any of you have any insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
How can i get Health insurance?
Hey looking for advise on how i should go about getting health insurance. I'm 18 turning 19 in March my father is passed away and i live with my mother we recently moved to Arizona I'm from Massachusetts i knew about mass health but never had to deal with anything due to always being insured by my mother and fathers works. Looking for what i should do Also i do not have a job as of right now I'm looking for health insurance so that if i get hurt while doing things such as snowboarding an break a bone or something i don't have to pay a 12,000 bill when i have no money Thank you for any help""
Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
How do you calculate the prices of car insurance?
where do all these companies get their prices for car insurance from?
Individual Health Insurance in Indiana at 18?
How can I apply for individual health insurance at 18? I'll graduate from high school next year. I want to be responsible for me at that age and not be dependent by my guardians ...show more
College student needing car insurance?
I live in MA i am in the process of leasing a hyundai elantra. but i need insurance. I cant use my parents policies because i bought the car myself. Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance companies?
Question about car insurance?
okay so i was recently in an car accident and my car was a total loss. The accident is not my fault. I received my settlement check for my vehicle after paying my deductible for my insurance company. 2 months later now I received another check from the other insurance company at fault with an attached form stating that the check is for repairing the damages on my vehicle. Is this check safe for me to cash out? Not complaining of getting extra money, but Im just curious why would i get another check when i already got a whole settlement check from my insurance company. Shouldnt the other insurance be paying my insurance company instead? any help would be great.""
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Which is the cheapest car insurance in Louisiana?
Car Insurance Policy When Not Vehicle Owner?
Can anyone help? My boss has bought me a car but because Renault were unable to put the finance agreement in the company name it had to go in his name, which meant that the ownership of the vehicle did too. Not the problem I have is insuring this car as insurance companies won't insurer me as the driver if I am not the car owner unless the car is owned by a spouse etc...so, I am assuming that the only way round this is for my boss to be put as the main driver and me as an additional driver...if this is the case what will happen if I have an accident or conviction, or he does? Also what about No Claims Discount as I previously built up 3 years on my old car. Please help I really don't know what to do! Thanks""
How much is car insurance for a teenager?
Just an estimate, I'm getting my license in a couple months and it would be nice to know. I'm getting added on my parents plan btw.""
Cost of 350z insurance for 18 year old.?
Hi, I was playing around with insurance quotes form Geico and in order to insure a 270hp sportscar costs as much as a regular family sedan? It gave me a quote for 158$ per month which seems low. IS this actualy the price of insurance for a car like this?""
Car insurance In connecticut?
Im 18 and i just got my license about a month ago. I was talking to my dad about getting a car. and he said he was gonna give me my moms car which has new york plates on it for me to drive ( we use to live in ny and the plates are from there) and hes getting my mom a new car. i was talking to him about insurance and he said that i would be driving on his name. Hes not adding me to the insurance though cause he says its to much money. He told me that all i have to do is drive careful and not get into a accident.im still worried though cause an accident can happen regardless if Im careful or not. is this Legal ? to not be added to my dads insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance in california?
My parents won't even consider getting me insurance because they think it's too expensive. I'm a girl, 16, gonna be 17 in October, and have above 3.0 GPA My car is a 1996 (i think?) toyota camry.""
Medicaid health insurance? for pregnant teen?
I am 17 years old. i recently found out i was pregnant and i am under my moms health insurance. unfortunitly i am currently unemployed and my boyfriend's job isn't that good. with my mom's insurance i have to pay $20 every time i go for an appt. and the bills are kind of high. i need better insurance for me and my baby on the way and someone mentioned medicaid. any idea how to apply? also if anyone has a good insurance for them and their baby i will take any advice!!
Car insurance!!!! HELP?
Hi i have just rung up Diamond car insurance to find out the cost of getting some car insurance and paying monthly! they said i need to pay a deposite of 200 quid and then my monthly payments are 200 quid. In my first month do i pay both the deposite and the monthly payment or just the deposite!??????? xxxx
Help! i need to find out insurance costs if i add parts to a car?
hi, im 17 and i own a peugeot 206, im wanting to tune it, and i need to know where to find a cheap body kit, new headlights, and some wheels? just trying to make my driving life and little more better :) i need to know roughly how much it will up my insurance cost, im currently paying 1,650 for it, and i can mabye go up to 2,000 also i need to find some speakers to go in the boot of my car, will that make my insurance go higher to? thanks for your time.""
Which insurance company is best?
ok so im 19 and just got my drivers license a few months ago (i never really needed it before now). its tax time and im buying a van to fit all the kids i lug around. well since i've never had to get auto insurance im not sure on what place would be best to go to. i know my age and how long i havent had my DL will effect how much i pay, but im trying to go the cheapest route possible. does anyone have advice on where to go? also what is a 'premium'? i did a free quote online and it told me what my downpayment would be, my monthly payment. and my premium? plz help""
Insurance for car and motorbike on one policy?
does anyone know of any insurance companys that will do a joint policy for car and motorbike. i have 2yrs ncb on my motorbike and have recently passed my car test so would like a company to take into account my riding experience when insuring me on a car. carole nash will only do this if you have had your car license for as long as you motorbike ncb.
Can you buy health insurance in California if you don't have a Social Security number?
It seems like in the USA, you can't do anything without a social security number... Can you buy health insurance in California if you don't have a Social Security number? If yes, please let me know where/how? I won't be able to get a social security number for another 6 months or so... Thanks in advance!""
No insurance..?
Okay I have went to 2 doctors appointments with no insurance.. but now I have insurance.. How much do you think its gonna cost for them two visits
What would be the cheapest car to insure for a 23 year old malel uk?
Every car i seem to look at has really high insurance costs, it ricockulous! seems ill never be able to afford to insure a car. Si i have 2kids a girlfriend and a job, im 23, and really need to get on the road. so does anyone have any suggestions as to a few cars i should check out insurance costs on that they think would be the cheapest options>? anuy ideas would be fab, thanks.""
""Can you take drivers ed after you get your license, and still get an insurance discount after the class?""
I have my driving test coming up, but have not taken the class or an ODOT (Oregon Department of Transportation) approved driving course, and was wondering if i had to take it before i got my license to get better insurance rates.""
Braces cost without insurance ??!! HELPP!!! $4200???!!?
Apparently my teeth aren't severe enough for insurance to cover it, but i was told that i still need them. I tried Twice Now (16-17 yrs'ol) in NYC My teeth are similar to hers where on big tooth is a little pushed back and the other forward and the bottom is crowed & one tooth is sticking wayyy out of alignment http://www.public.iastate.edu/~lora/braces_decision.html Iwent to a dentist & they said i would have to pay 4200 for them. Obviously my mom is not going to pay that even with a payment plan, is this the usual cost for braces without insurance coving it ??!!!""
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
NY Full Coverage Insurance Rates?
How much is full coverage on any plan for a new driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 yo first time car?
i asked my uncle, he said it could be around $300 for 6 months, idk if it is true or not. but are there any cheap insurance? idk, please help. if i want to buy a new tundra, how much it does it cost?. i work full time. $3k/month.""
""I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
Am having two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name.Is it legal?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas! Thanks in advance!""
Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
What is the best car insurance for a traveler?
Hi, me and my partner just bought a car in Auckland. We are traveling around New Zealand for around 9 months and was wondering which is the best vehicle insurance we can get.""
Who is a good auto insurance company for active duty military members changing addresses often?
insurance companies who cover multiple states
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
Im 19 and i have got my test in october, my driving instructor has moved away and so i thought I will get a car, and i had recently bought one it is a renault clio grande 1149cc, im looking for a good insurance quote and an insurance quote that will drop in price when i pass my test because many insurance company's rise in price after the test""
How much does a root canal cost with insurance?
I do not have insurance right now. I went to the dentist's office recently and was informed that I have two wisdom teeth grown in. I have a job that offers dental insurance but I have to wait 3 more months to receive this benefit. I don't know if I should wait a few more months and pay less to get my wisdom teeth removed or if I should get it treated now and pay over $2,000 for 2 root canals and make a monthly payment of $200 for 12 months. How much would I save and pay if I were to get 2 root canals with dental insurance?""
""Cheaper car insurance, please help!?
I am paying about 250$ on my car insurance and i cant afford it anymore. Mine is a 2000 model car and i need a cheaper insurance. Please help. I am in the Northern Nevada.
""How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?""
Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help.""
Insurance company stepping over the line?
I was rear-ended last Friday. The lady who hit me was totally at fault, and admitted it to her insurance company. I have filed through my insurance company, gave them a verbal and recorded statement and my vehicle has been assessed with damages over $5000 dollars. Here's the catch....the insurance company of the lady who hit me calls me daily (leaves messages) asking me to talk and give a second recorded statement to them even though they know I have already given my insurance company one. I have talked to my insurance company about this...and they said legally I do not have to talk to them at all....I am not filing through them and that's that. Is this standard or is the other insurance company trying to be sneaky?? Thanks!""
Insurance for renting a home?
I'm renting a home from a friend, and she says that she has to cancel her home insurance. Is there rental insurance, or any more suggestions.""
What the best cheapest 1 day van insurance in uk?
goin fron newcastle to glasgow tommorw n need the cheapest van insurance for a couple days going 10am n wanna come back 10/11pm
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
What is total extra premium car insurance?
Hi guys, I'm currently learning to drive (uk) hopefully pass my test in next couple of months, just looking up on insurance quotes, will mainly be driving my fathers car 1.8 petrol vauxhall, I'm 25. So was doing a quote with his insurance company (swift cover) and as I was going through it and this is what it says at the end total extra premium 248.48 Now what the hell does this mean? After this stage it was to confirm payment and obviously I never clicked that because I'm just looking for quotes. Is total extra premium what I'm going to pay for a year or is that just a one off payment?""
Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?
Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.
What do police do if you are stopped for no mot or tax but have insurance?
Iv found some info out about someonejust was wondering what would happen??
Can I Get Temporary Car Insurance If I Dont Own The Car?
I have just got a new job, however, I need temporary car insurance for 1 month. My stepdad's friend is allowing me to use his car he has up for sale for this period. Can I get insurance if the car owners name is not on the policy? Any help would be apprechiated. Thanks.""
Private medical insurance?
Do you know any private medical insurance which will cover you whilst you are couple of weeks pregnant?
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 18 yr old with 2007 yamaha yzf-r1?
Where to get medical help for 53 year old severe diabetic friend without insurance? Nashville TN area?
My friend makes too much money for government assistance (she makes a dollar above minimum wage) The income based clinics in our area are not excepting any new patients for a least 3 ...show more
Hello! Car insurance question!!?
I'm an 18 year old female, just got my license. My boyfriends dad is giving me his old 95' Hyundai accent. It's got 167,000 miles on it. However, I have to get my own insurance. Can anyone tell me the best cheapest places to get insurance and how much a estimate would cost?""
Whats the cheapest british car insurance company for new drivers?
Whats the cheapest british car insurance company for new drivers?
Insurance for old work ute?
Hey guys, I have just bought a old 95' toyota hilux ute nice and cheap and im not too worried about insuring the actual ute as its only costed me 2000 and market value is 4000. Just looking for some advice on types of insurance. I obviously would like 3rd party and im not sure if i should bother with covering my tools. Usually my boss brings all the tools, obviously i bring a small amount but never a trailer full. What is the best insurance company for this and what would be a good price for me to look at. Thanks :)""
Just checked quotes for insurance of cars and it comes to 7000 pounds.?
Well the cars i have selected are Audi a4, bmw 3 and 1 series, merc A and C class, and cars equavilant to this range, hel me to find away to reduce the insurance to 1000-3000 pounds i have my relatives in here shall i buy insurance considering his nae as first owner and me as 2nd what are the cons for doing this. Help me dont wanna get douchy car.""
""Health insurance question, very simple?""
Ok, this may sound stupid, but, for health insurance; we pay both the premium and the deductible, right? Or is it either or? Do we pay the premium every month and the deductible only once a year? Thanks a lot""
What are the people called who work for the insurance companies?
That spy on people who claim insurance from not working because they pulled their back, or twisted there neck, etc.. they usually take pictures, or film them for court evidence to see if they are really telling the truth about there injury. thanks""
Comprehensive car insurance coverage?
Does comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical damage such as the gearbox or engine? There is no physical damage to the engine itself, but will it cover damages to the engine after ...show more""
Can you purchase Life Insurance on someone without their knowledge or approval?
Would not the documents require the Insured's signature? How can someone 'get away' with this? Is it not considered unethical or illegal? 110509 8:42
Small Business Insurance?
I would like to know what is the best resource to help me find health insurance for my small business. Should I just go to an insurance broker or are there organizations (i.e. small business association) that can help me with that? Thanks!!
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