#ok i was gonna draw something last night but i got tired so!!!! have some tonight doodles
r7inyz · 27 days
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chrispotatos · 1 month
quit - chris sturniolo
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summary: you had a stressful day at work so chris suggested you quit.
warning: none unless you're allergic to having chris as your bf.
a/n: i may or may not be projecting
a/n 2: i might only be able to write quick little stories like these then write smut and angst on the weekends because it takes me longer to write those generes than cute little fluffy shit.
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my whole week was bad and it consisted of the same cycle on repeat work, eat nap. i could hardly see my boyfriend and my friends because of my busy schedule and when i wasn't with at work i was in my apartment trying to recollect myself.
today was friday and i promised chris i would come over to their house and stay till monday rolls around.
don't get my wrong i was itching to get there but i wanted peace and quiet. after all my social battery was drained and it felt like any minute i could cry if someone asked 'what's wrong' the feeling of taking my anger out on my friends and boyfriend because of a stressful day made my emotions subside by a little so something like that doesn't happen
i arrived and didn't hear anything i walked up the stairs and still no talking, laughing, nothing.
i took that as a sign they weren't here at all maybe they were filming. i leave chris a text letting him know im there.
i go down to his room and pick out some clothes that got cleaned from the last time i was here. the tub in nicks room was the only one that was here so i used it, putting in epsom salt and a bath bomb with a lack of scent so my headache doesn't get even worse.
when my bath was done i went to the kitchen and got ice cold water then headed back to his room.
i tried picking a movie but my thoughts flooded with what happend today and how my manager was yelling at me even though i was confused and needed clear instructions.
the thought made tear unwillingly fill my eyes and fall, it stung remembering the harsh words the way she made me feel small and disrespected.
i heard the triplets voices, slight bickering the front door closing after, i knew chris was gonna be coming to his room shortly after so i went under the blankets.
my predictions being correct the door to his room opened and he called for my name. i hummed as a response, that not being enough he came over to my side of the bed peeling the blankets off of my body.
"y/n, baby are you okay?" he asked worry coating his expression i cover my face crying more.
that question always tipped me over the edge "no im not okay, my boss- megan no maya i mean-" a frustrated grunt is all i could get out from all the clouded confusion. "it's ok take your time" he rubbed my arm being patient with me and thats what i needed right now.
"-my manager is a bitch and she was yelling at me. im tired and i don't wanna be mean but im so stressed out" i explained, it was more of a ramble with some words getting mixed together cause of the speed i was talking in.
"im so sorry" his arms wrapped around me, pulling me towards him, and rubbed my back while whispering comforting words to me, reassuring that everything will be all right.
"you should quit" he suggested i shook my head no, i couldn't quit it wasn't gonna work if i did my life would only get worse.
"no one should get treated that way especially you, you don't deserve that and it shouldn't have a toll on you. it's fucked up"
i draw back from the hug by a bit to see the sympathetic look on his face, he really felt bad for me and i know he couldn't wrap his head around why i wouldn't just quit if im being treated in such ways.
"it's not in my cards to just quit" he smiled unbeknownst of what he was thinking i reciprocated an awkward smile "I'll take care of you, you can move in with us" he stated it wasn't an offer he wanted me to do it.
"im not letting you do that" a humorless chuckle left my lips. chris wiped the tears that were left and kissed my forehead "yeah you will" he muttered giving me a endearing smile taking the glass of water off the night stand pressing the glass to my lips, i took a few sips then he put the glass back down and tucking me in.
"I'll come back in a few, i just need to talk with matt and nick real quick then take a shower and I'll be all yours for the rest of the day"
i nodded from where i was, snuggling into the blankets "love you y/n" he said on his way out even if he couldn't hear me i said it back.
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thegorysaint · 4 months
Long Time No See
Hello everyone! I'm finally at the tail end of the rough month I had (and years).
 I wanted to get back to streaming today but i think i will take a couple extra days and start on Tuesday. Now I will explain what happened, so if you are not interested in that you can skip the read no problem : )
Mid May I got a really bad case of gastritis that lasted for 3 to 4 days, meaning, I had really bad stomach ache, I honestly dont remember but i probably ate something too spicy. Then after that week on a Sunday at 2 am I got what i thought was an allergic reaction to some ham and salami. I went to the ER when I started feeling itchy all over and my face swollen.
I stood around the ER for about hour and a half and I was not getting treated, so i just decided to go at the drugstore for at least some allergic medicine, i was feeling better on the way home but as soon as i was pulling up I felt bad again, i was really tired, it was almost 6 am so i went to take a nap to rest and let the medicine work. I woke up an hour later with a rash all over my arms and itchy all over my neck and chest. I googled to see if there was a 24/7 doctor nearby and luckily there was one.
After explaining everything I got a shot for the allergic reaction and some pills to take the next 3 days. Omg, it was so bad, at that time i didnt know the shot should of taken care of the reaction, so i thought it was normal and was gonna go away with the pills. The rash was going away little by little the next couple of ways but still very itchy and visiting the bathroom too many times during the day (not the good kind of bathroom visits).
After going to the same clinic but different Doctor, i was diagnosed with Food Intoxication, not food poisoning or allergic reaction, I had a fever that i didnt notice. So they were gonna give me antibiotics pills but i asked to get the injections, because I know antibiotics are really bad for my gut and i was already at my limit with the bathroom visits. Luckily the Doctor said ok and i had to take only 3 injections, 1 each day, and some pills in case i felt more pain or fever. Literally 40 minutes after the first injection i felt great, no pain in my stomach or guts, it got so relaxed that i was able to burp and without feeling nauseous for the first time in a week.
I was finally so relaxed that i was able to sleep a full night. After the 3 days have passed i was feeling so good, better than what i've felt in the last couple of months. I was able to eat without wanting to puke it out as soon as it touched my mouth, and the bathroom only saw me once a day. Funny thing is, my brother came for a surprise visit so, while i was still recovering physically, he helped me to recover mentally, he stayed for a week and by the end of it i was feeling so good and full of energy (even tho I was under the sun sweating my butt off a couple of days).
He left before this past weekend so i've been just recharging my social battery. I was feeling so good i got into the pool a couple times to just relax, pretty much I had a vacation week because my bro was here (totally making me want to go to my hometown again but the heat is worse there for some reason).
So, for now I just need to get my energy back and not let the bad energies to return, I'm trying to focus this week on getting my sleeping schedule back to normal (something i fixed before i got sick), and trying to get in the rhythm of drawing again. I want to get some stuff before I go to visit my bro for a couple of months around mid August or September but I really need to sell some stuff I dont need. Also kinda making plans to move to Japan as soon as possible, the forecast for my country is not good with the election and if the new term people have it their way, Mexico is heading to a really bad place.
I wanted to visit USA before going to Japan to visit friends but obviously I havent been making enough money to save up, so unless i win the lottery that aint happening because my mom doesnt want to go to USA for whatever reason. That means I will start fully focusing on getting on track with projects so I can afford a living.
Sorry for the delay of all my stuff, last year was really bad mentally and physically for me, and sentimentally was devastated for the second year in a row, now I will try to focus on not getting attached to people for a while and just work work work (dont worry, that just means im not going to search for a romantic long term relationship, specially not long distance online)
So, I apologize for my lack of professionalism and I really appreciate your patience, it really means a lot.
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kairakeiji · 3 years
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if there was anything akaashi hated it was writer's block.
normally the boy was bursting with ideas. normally the boy was sitting at his keyboard writing his thoughts in vivid detail in hopes of never losing them. and normally, akaashi was always thinking, finding ways to create small plots amidst short moments. but despite his usual creativity, despite his usual habit of being too stuck in his head, akaashi was lost.
the boy had nothing.
he sat at his computer screen for what felt like ages with nothing but a blank document staring back at him. every time akaashi wrote out a line or a phrase or anything remotely close to a grammatically correct sentence, he ended up deleting it. he wasn't sure if something was up today, but for the first time in what felt like ages, akaashi hit a dead end and the boy was down with a serious case of writer's block.
akaashi rest his head on his desk, closing his now heavy eyelids. he didn't sleep too well last night. considering his final grade rested on him overcoming his creative slump, he's been trying to come up with something relatively interesting to write about with each idea only leading to a dead end. akaashi needed inspiration, something to get his writing gears going again.
akaashi needed something to write about.
"your keyboard's much quieter than usual."
akaashi picked his head up at the sound of your voice. "hello to you too." he answers.
you only smile at the boy, concern lacing your features on seeing his state. "you look..."
"tired? unmotivated? drained?"
"i was gonna say like hell but sure that works too." you pull up a seat next to the boy as you stare back at the still blank document on his screen. "what are you working on?" you pause. "well, trying to work on?"
akaashi laughs, a clipped and short laugh for sure, but still a laugh nonetheless "my final for my literature class," he explains. "i need to write a story, but i have absolutely no clue what to write about."
"ahh," you nod sympathetically. "writer's block i see."
the blank screen seems to taunt you as well.
"got any ideas?" you ask.
"if i had any i'd be writing them."
"well ok," you start. "what kind of story do you want to write about?"
akaashi shrugs. "it’s for the hat drawing thing we did in class today."
“oh,” you hum, "what'd you get?"
and at that, akaashi pulls out a small piece of paper.
write a love story.
oh geez.
"that seems very," you pause again. "out of character."
"and that's why my professor thought it was perfect."
you sigh, "well that's one thing going for you i guess."
so now he says. "got any ideas?"
and you shake your head. "absolutely none."
at that he laughs, "aren't love stories your forte?"
you nod, "normally yeah."
and he frowns. "what'd you get assigned?"
you slide your piece of paper over to him.
write a mystery.
"now that's definitely not like you." akaashi laughs.
"write a love story about a detective and her assistant," you propose. "there's an idea for you."
"write a story about a dead orchestra teacher," akaashi tries. "there's an idea for you."
and you stare, "wow, way to go from zero to a hundred."
"it's an idea!" akaashi reasons, "and watch the culprit be her now dead fiancé."
"extreme and paranormal," you hum. "sounds like your kind of story."
"if only i had your topic," akaashi replies. "love stories are far from my forte."
"please, guy meets girl as a victim in one of her cases, girl takes guy in after seeing he needs a job, guy falls for girl, they solve cases together, girl is actually guy's childhood best friend and girl falls in love again." you smile. "throw in some tension and witty dialogue and you've got a half decent love story."
"banter and a plot twist," akaashi answers. "sounds like your kind of story."
"see look at us!" you exclaim. "we now have ideas."
"now it's just a matter of putting pen to paper," akaashi sighs. "well fingers to keyboard."
"i like pen to paper better."
"me too, i regretted it the second i said it."
and you laugh, "we can work on it together if you'd like? maybe we can work at the coffee shop down the block?"
his heart skipped a beat.
"sure," he answers calmly. "i can help you with your mystery."
"and i can help you with your love story," you finish. "sounds fun right?"
his heart does it again.
"definitely, i can't wait."
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keiji oml bby i missed you sob sob sob
reblogs are so appreciated!! thank you for reading <3
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ilikefandoms · 4 years
Love Bites - Robby Keene
Request- You could write about Robby, where after a tiring day of training at both dojos (the reader is a part of Cobra), they decide to spend the night snuggling and watching some movies, but apparently Robby can't keep his hands behind himself...nor the lips, and ends up giving the reader many love bites. You can also make other students question about the marks on your neck the next day (they know about your relationship, but they don't support you very much) and she's is super calm about it, but Sensei ends up listening and getting a little embarrassed hahaha.
Name/Pronouns used- no name, none
A/N- Creds to my friend Maddy ( @bi-myselfff​ ) for helping me with this
Warnings- Making out- it gets a bit heated, hickeys, suggestive talk,  the tiniest mention of bad mental health
Rating- PG-13
Word Count- 1238
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Robby had just messaged you, saying to come over to his place. Apparently he’d had a hard day. Well, that would make two of you. Sensei Lawrence had worked you all to your limit in preparation for the All-Valley Tournament, and according to Robby, Mr Larusso had done the same.
You had been dating Robby for a year. You had been there for him with his family issues, and he was there for you when your mental health got bad. You were each other’s safe haven. 
“Robby, I’m here!” You called as you opened the door. As you looked around the room, you were met with the sight of Robby standing in front of what looked like a pillow fort.
“I thought that maybe we could order a pizza, and have a movie night?” Robby asked, with a small smile.
“Of course we can,” You smiled, walking over to give him a kiss, “But first, can I use your shower? I need it after today,”  
“Hard day too?”
“Oh, you have no idea. Sensei worked us to our limit. I swear it was...” You trailed off, seeing Robby break eye contact, “Sorry, I know that you don’t like it when I bring him up,” You apologised.
“It’s okay, you don’t need to apologise. It’s just still hard to hear about him, after everything that’s happened with us, y’know?” He said, looking back at you.
“I know,” You smiled at him, “Anyways, I smell, so I’m going to go shower. You still have some of my clothes right?” You asked.
“Yeah, they’re in the top draw of my dresser,” Robby answered, “Hey, do you want me to order the pizza while your in there?”
“Yes please!” 
“Do you want our usual?”
“Um...yeah. Thank you!” You thanked him, before heading off to the bathroom.
You walked out, fresh clothes on, to Robby, who was waiting for you. “The pizza will be a few more minutes,” he said, “So we have time to pick out some movies. What do you want to watch?”
“Harry Potter marathon?” You said, with a smile.
“You know it,” Robby returned the smile. The doorbell rang, Robby answered, and payed the pizza guy. “Ok, you still need to see the inside of the fort,” Robby said.
He lead you in, and you looked around. Fairy Lights were strung up around the top, pillows and blankets lines the floor, and Robby’s laptop was set up to play the first movie.
“Robby, you did all of this?” 
“Yeah,” he smiled, “Do you like it?”
“Are you kidding?” You grinned, “I love it!” You kissed him, “Thank you,”
“Of course. Now, lets eat our pizza, and watch some Harry Potter.”
You were cuddled up in a blanket in Robby’s arms. Your pizza was long gone, and you were part way through The Prisoner of Azkaban.
Robby, decided to get a little handsy, running his hands up and down your sides, his fingers grazing the bare skin where your shirt had risen up. He started kissing your jaw.
“What are you doing?” you asked, shifting to look in his eyes.
“Showing you I love you,” Robby said, before connecting your lips again.
His lips demanded entrance to your mouth, you parted your lips, letting his tongue crash into yours. The kiss gets more intense and passion but you don’t feel scared or unsafe in his arms, you feel right at home.
Robby’s lips trailed down, sucking hard. You could feel his teeth nibbling, and biting on your sensitive neck, leaving sweet, tender love bites.
Needless to say your movie was long forgotten.
Robby felt you stir in his arms, kissing your head, then whispering in your ear, “Wake up baby,” you opened your eyes, immediately being met with the warm gaze of Robby’s green eyes.
“Were you watching me sleep?” You asked, with a teasing smile.
“You just looked cute,” he smiled.
“Last night was fun,” you said, kissing his cheek.
“Yeah, it was, " Robby said, tightening his embrace around you, “I don’t want to let you go,” he mumbled into the crook of your neck.
“Your gonna have to babe. We both have training again today,” you noted, pulling away from his arms, and going to get up.
“Nooo, baby don’t leave me,” Robby whined, reaching over to you.
“Robby, no, come on, we’ve got to get dressed,” you said, and Robby pouted. 
“Fine I’ll get dressed, but I want kisses after,” he reasoned.
“Ok, but only because I love you,” You said, before walking to the bathroom to get dressed.
You were just about to put a clean top on, when you caught sight of yourself in the mirror. Your neck and upper chest was covered in hickeys. “Robby! Get in here!”
“Yeah,” Robby said as he opened the door, “Oh...”
“Yeah, ‘oh’ indeed,”
“I...love you?” Robby tried, giving you a sheepish smile.
“I love you too,” you said, “Ok, get outta here and get dressed, before we’re late,”
You didn’t really care about the love bites that littered your upper body. You mainly brought them up to tease Robby. Any anyway, your T-shirt and your Gi would cover most of them on your chest.
“Ready to go?” You asked.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later Babe,” Robby answered, kissing you, “And, sorry about the.. y’know,”
“It’s ok. I’ll see you tonight?” 
“Of course. I’ll call you later, ok?” he said.
“Ok. Bye, I love you” you smiled.
“I love you too,” he smiled back.
You arrived to the dojo, greeting everyone, and sitting down on the mat. “Woah, what are those,” Miguel pointed at your neck.
“Looks like Y/N got some last night,” Hawk said, taking a closer inspection of the marks.
“I mean, I don’t like how your affiliating with the enemy...” Aisha started, and you rolled your eyes, “...but, damn, respect,”
“I gotta say, I didn’t know you or Keene had it in you,” Hawk stated, with an impressed look.
“Well, now you know,” you smirked, “It was pretty...interesting shall we say,” 
“Quiet!” Sensei Lawrence shouted. “Everybody fall in,” You took your place on the mat. “Mr. Diaz, warm them up”
The class seemed to go pretty quick. You were all working on perfecting roundhouses, and how to use them on a moving target. You had noticed that Sensei didn’t make eye contact with you at all, though. You decided to talk to him, as you’d finished.
“Hey, Sensei,” you said, poking your head round the door of his office, and seeing him drinking a Coors.
“Hey Y/L/N, what’s the problem?”
“Not really a problem. It’s just that...I noticed that you didn’t really make eye contact when you were talking to me today, and I wondered if it was something I maybe did?” You said, tentatively.
“No, it’s not really something that you did. More who you uh...did,” He said, still refusing to make eye contact with you.
“Yeah, I um heard you talking to Hawk, Aisha and, Miguel. Maybe in future, make sure that I’m not around when you talk about that subject,” He said, flushing slightly.
“Yes Sensei,” You said, trying not to laugh, “Goodbye,”
You chuckled to yourself after you left. That was awkward to say the least. However, you did learn your lesson, and made a mental note not to talk about it again, when it was a possibility that Sensei could overhear your conversation.
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Cupid’s Bullet
Dabi comes home with a very special Valentine’s Day surprise for you.
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Contains: dubcon/noncon, mentions of death, unhealthy relationship, gun play, fear play, forced orgasms, squirting, mindbreak, angst (if you squint?), quirk usage, one slap but it’s a hard one :3, overstimulation, creampie
Word count: 5.3k
Notes: pls this title is so cringe but it's like bullet instead of arrow cause... ya know but anyways happy valentine’s day from scumbag boyfie!dabi
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Dating a villain meant that your relationship was unconventional to say the least. For one, public dates were out of the question, unless you wanted it to end in destruction of public property and some scorched heroes. You also always had to have some kind of flimsy excuse for your family and friends when they asked to meet your elusive boyfriend. In addition, you had to accept the fact that he would have to disappear sometimes for weeks on end to do his boss’ bidding.
There was also the small matter of arson, murder and theft and a multitude of other crimes that you’d prefer not to know about. And while you weren’t necessarily okay with a lot of what Dabi did, you loved him. You loved him so much that turning a blind eye was so easy it made you question your own morality. He didn’t scare you either. Not in the slightest, because you knew in his own special way, he loved you too.
In fact it ran much deeper than that. On his worst days, Dabi could set the world ablaze until nothing was left because in the end he didn’t care about anyone or anything, not even himself. Until he met you, he says. He tells you that in you, he’s found something to tether him to this existence.
Ok so maybe he didn’t use those words exactly, but he doesn’t have to. You know that’s what he means when he spoils you with expensive, stolen clothes and jewellery, when he offers to burn alive any person who makes you even the tiniest bit upset and when he comes home to you bloodied and beaten, trusting you to take care of him.
In summary, your relationship forced you to give up on having any “normal couple” experiences.  That included, celebrating anniversaries and silly holidays like Valentine’s Day so you never bothered to keep track of them. It could hardly be considered a sacrifice when you compared those things to what you actually got from your relationship.
Dabi had been gone for close to a month now and you didn’t expect him back anytime soon, not knowing where he was or what he was doing. In fact the very last thing you expected was for him to creep into your bedroom in the middle of night and rouse you from your peaceful sleep with a soft kiss on your temple.
You don’t jump out of bed in a panic, like any sane person would. Instead you let out a satisfied hum, surrounded by the scent of burnt flesh, ash and menthol, feeling warmth bloom in your chest. It should be unpleasant but its Dabi’s scent and you’ve missed it. You’ve missed him. You pick your phone up from your night stand, squinting your eyes at the bright light that makes them sting.
Sunday 14 February, 2:43am
“Welcome home.” You mumble groggily, trying your best to fight off your tired body urging you to go back to sleep.
Instead of replying, he greets you by pressing his mouth to yours. You let out a quiet gasp, startled by the sudden display of affection. His lips are chapped but that doesn’t matter, your tongue darts out to moisten them before your lips lock into a gentle kiss.
You reach up, weaving your hands through his dark hair in an attempt to draw him closer but he retreats, opting instead to turn on the bedside lamp but keeping his other hand behind his back. “Sit up doll. Got a surprise for ya.”
Any thoughts of sleep were long forgotten as soon as his lips met yours but now he’s really piqued your interest. You push yourself up against the headboard and sit cross-legged. You look up at Dabi expectantly. Your boyfriend is smiling wide, skin pulled so taut you think one of his staples might give out. He reveals to you what he has hidden behind his back. A square black box, wrapped in a cobalt satin ribbon.
It’s so cliché you can’t help but let out a small snort. “What is it?”
“It’s a gift. You know… for Valentine’s Day?” He says as though it should be obvious to you.
Your heart swells at the gesture. It really was a surprise. Not in a bad way, you just knew he wasn’t your average boyfriend and that was okay. You didn’t want him to be.
“Well now I feel awful. I didn’t get you anything.” You pout as he props the box onto your lap.
“’S like a toy… so it’s technically for you but kinda for both of us.” It’s unusual to see Dabi this excited. The way he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes filled with mirth makes you all the more curious.
“Like a sex toy?” A giggle escapes you as you undo the bow.
“Are we playing fuckin’ 20 questions? Just open it.” He presses you.
You huff at his impatience but you don’t comment, not wanting to wait any longer either. You remove the lid of the box only to find something wildly unexpected.
A revolver?
You look up at your boyfriend with confusion etched on your face but his gleeful grin doesn’t falter. You’ve never seen a sex toy like this so you pick up the article to test its weight. It’s definitely the real deal.
“Dabi, this isn’t a toy.” You state matter-of-factly.
He merely rolls his eyes and says “Doll, when you can incinerate someone with a flick of your wrist, that little thing is definitely considered a toy?”
“O-okay? What do you want to do with it?” You ask, placing offending object onto your nightstand, not really wanting to hold on to it anymore, the metallic smell making you feel queasy.
“Ever heard of Russian Roulette?” Dabi, picks up the abandoned item, looking down at it with pride.
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows as nervousness starts to creep into your system and you instinctively move to back away from him but Dabi is quick to pull you back.
“It’s real easy doll. No need to look so scared.” He crawls on top of you, caging you in with his limbs. “6 chambers. 1 bullet. All you have to do is be a good girl for me. If not, I pull the trigger and we see what happens.”
The look on his face is positively demented. Azure eyes wide and bright, patchwork face contorted into a a sinister smile, white teeth and silver staples gleaming in the dim light.
“Baby,” you hope the pet name will placate him. It usually does. “I don’t know about thi-“
You let out a shriek as your body jolts in fear but you’re unable to move with his weight pressing on top of you.
“You see now doll?” He clicks his tongue behind his teeth. “You’ve gone and wasted a shot.”
Dabi climbs off of you and you’re left lying there with your heart hammering violently in your chest, body trembling, still reeling from the shock of what just happened. Reeling from the shock of what is happening
“You gonna listen now? Gonna be good?” Dabi prompts, rolling the gun around in his hand.
All you can do is nod as your eyes being to water. The uneasy feeling in your stomach only grows worse as your mind races with the possible things Dabi has in store for you.
“Good. Now strip.” He command and like a good girl, you obey.
Your arms feel like they’re made of lead, moving rigidly to take off your shirt (one of Dabi’s old ones). You can’t stop the tears from falling as you pull down your panties, fat droplets roll down your cheeks, desperately trying to swallow the sounds of your sobbing.
This can’t be happening. It’s Dabi. He wouldn’t hurt you. He promised you that.
“Oh cut the fuckin’ waterworks.” He snaps. “As long as you listen, you’ll be fine.”
You try to calm yourself with deep breaths, not wanting to irritate him any further.
When you turn to face him, he’s leaning back on his haunches, one hand resting on his thigh, the other lazily gripping the revolver. “Fair warning, I’m more of a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ kinda guy. But you know that already.” He thumbs the cylinder, making it spin. “Now, touch yourself for me.”
Breathing is difficult. No matter how much you try, it’s like you can’t get enough air into your lungs. Thinking only of gun in your boyfriend’s hand, you still you bring your own hand between your legs, but you can’t concentrate, what with the dread taking over your body making it tough to have any control of your body. Your movements are stiff and apparently not up to Dabi’s standards.
He only scoffs before-
You scream again, body nearly flying off the bed before you curl yourself up into a ball. The fright is enough to stop your heart. For a second you believe it has.
“Doll,” Dabi’s gruff voice brings you back to earth, reminding you that you’re very much alive and whether or not you stay that way is entirely up to him. “You’re ruining my surprise. Got it ‘specially for you and now you’re being a brat.” He quirks an eyebrow at you, almost like a challenge.
“So-sorry.-“ your voice breaks. “I’ll be good.”
You’re still struggling to comprehend how any of this is real. You thought you knew him. You thought he loved you. And here he is, treating your life like it’s a game. You can’t help but think that this is your own fault. You thought you were above everyone else, the exception to your boyfriend’s villain behaviour.
“Yeah?” His voice drops to a whisper. “Then show me.” He challenges you. Dabi slips off his t-shirt and moves between your legs to get a better view, pressing on your knees to split them apart.
Self-preservation kicks in. There is one way out of this alive and that’s doing what he says. You spread yourself even wider, showing him all of you. Your hands, glide over your smooth thighs, kneading the pudgy flesh as you get closer and closer your sex, teasing yourself the way he would.  Your fingers find your clit and just a little pressure makes your eyes melt shut. Probably for best anyway. It makes it easier to imagine anything but this. You drag those fingers through your delicate folds, letting out breathy sighs as heat begins to bloom between your thighs.
You pretend, its Dabi’s touch. In your mind’s eye you see the two of you, limbs tangled with Dabi on top, resting his forehead against yours. It’s one of those nights where he wants to go slow. So slow that the sensation of his cock dragging in and out of is you bordering on torturous. It’s one of those nights where he wants to lay his head on your chest, mouthing at your breasts, laving your nipples with his wet tongue while you tell him, in that sensual voice  that you love him, that he’s perfect, that he’s yours.  Because it’s one of those nights, where everything feels like too much for him and the only person that he really has on his side is you.
It’s not long before you’re leaking. Somewhere, deep in the back of your mind, there’s a voice chastising you for being so easy for him… even now. There’s almost no resistance as two of your fingers, press into your entrance. Your fingers are no match for Dabi’s, they never hit all those deep, hidden spots  that make you see stars but still, you start to move them slowly, brushing your thumb over your clit every so often.
“Look at me.” You feel his breath waft over your pussy.
Eyelids fluttering open and you meet his gaze. It stuns you a little and your hands come to a standstill. He is handsome, breathtakingly so, even though he thinks you’re lying whenever you when you tell him that. The way he stares at you, with love and adoration in his eyes, it’s almost like the fantasy you were just imagining. Almost like the fantasy you’ve been living in this whole time. It’s enough to make you forget the situation you’re in. Then the muzzle of the gun is pressed to your clit, snapping you back to reality fast enough to give you whiplash.
“Fucking slut.” He growls and smacks your hand away from your pussy.
You jerk as he starts to move it the gun circles over your sensitive nub and then dipping down to your tight slit to gather up your juices.
“All those fuckin’ tears but look how wet you are.” He says more to himself than you as he admires the way your slick leaves a sheen on the barrel. With his eyes trained directly on yours, his perfectly pink tongue pokes out to lick it clean, groaning at the taste.
The next thing you know his arms are wrapped around your legs, guiding them over his broad shoulders. He kisses you on your mons before his tongue begins greedily lapping at your hole. “Tastes so good doll.” He mutters with his nose pressed against your clit. He slips the wet muscle inside of you making you whine.  You reflexively grab onto his black hair, tugging on the stands and he lets out a groan of approval. He moves up to your clit, circling it with his tongue before suckling on it. While he brushes just the tip of a finger over your cunt, making it clench around nothing while you desperately buck your hips, in an attempt to have it inside you.
The way he’s eating you out is almost romantic?
Or it would be, if it weren’t for the metal digging into your flesh.
“Doll,” He places a sloppy kiss on your clit, lighting dragging his teeth over the hood. “Want you to squirt for me.”
A lump forms in your throat. You can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened. You’re not sure of the odds that you’d be able to right now and it’s not a gamble you’re willing to take. “Dabi, I don’t think I can….”
You thrash, screaming so loud it makes your throat burn.
Dabi still holds you open, keeping you in place. “I wasn’t asking.” He makes sure to maintain eye contact as he drops a fat glob of spit right on to your clit before diving face first into your cunt once again.
He pushes 2 of his long, lithe fingers into your tight entrance. It’s unexpected and you wince. He drags his right hand (the one holding the gun) up your torso, resting the muzzle underneath your breast, right over your racing heart. A reminder of what’s at stake. He envelopes your sensitive clit with his lips, moving his fingers in tandem with the suction. You’re consumed by desire as Dabi brings you so close to the edge.
“Dee-Deeper please.” Your pant out.
He smiles against your mound before complying with your request. “Right here?” His fingers press against that squishy patch deep inside you and your eyes roll back.
“Nnnggg yeah.” You’re barely able to mewl out. You dig your heels into his back and grind against his face, chasing your high. Dabi keeps hitting that spot with astonishing precision but you hold off for as long as you can, letting the pleasurable sensation build until the pressure in your core becomes unbearable. When it finally snaps because you can’t hold it anymore, your eyes squeeze shut, hands flying to his biceps and you dig your nails into the sinewy muscle. You gush around his fingers and all over his face. Dabi doesn’t move though, flicking your clit with his tongue repeatedly until you’re trembling and whimpering, pushing him away from your pussy. He finally relents, a pop echoing around the room as he lets go of you.
He gives you a predatory look, scared face and chest wet with the remnants of your orgasm. “You made such a mess baby but I’m glad you’re finally having fun.” He’s just as out of breath as you are but far more composed.
Your head is still fuzzy and limbs are still twitching but your boyfriend doesn’t let you recover. “C’mon, doll. My turn.” He begins to undo his belt, silver buckle clinking as he rushes to drag it through the loops of his jeans
You pull yourself on to all fours, now eye level with his crotch. He pulls down his pants and boxers in one go, his erection almost hitting you in the face.
“You’ve been lucky so far.” He taps the bulbous head of his cock on your lips, smearing your lips with the pre that dribbles out of it. “But I wouldn’t test it if I were you. Open.”
Your mouth is already watering at the sight of him. So long, thick and veiny. It’s disgusting actually, this Pavlovian response. He fucks you deeper, stretches you wider and makes you feel better than anyone ever had. You wonder briefly, if anyone ever could fuck you as good as Dabi.
You stick out your tongue and he slides himself between your lips, groaning as he pushes into your mouth, slowly, inch by inch. He fills your mouth completely and you shut your eyes, savouring the salty taste of him but you feel the muzzle press against your temple and making them shoot open. “Atta girl. Lemme see those pretty eyes.” He grunts as he plunges into your throat. You bob your head up and down his shaft, the hand at the back of your head setting a brutal pace. The room is filled with the sounds of you gagging and his hefty sac smacking against your chin.
“So good to me baby.” He tilts his head back, losing himself in the pleasure. The wet heat of your mouth surrounding him while your saliva leaks out, dripping down his balls. Dabi is big and heavy, stretching you so wide and making you jaw ache from the weight of him. You’re already lightheaded from the lack of air, no matter how much you try breathing through your nose. You don’t dare to complain though.
He pulls out of your mouth slowly, stretching a string of saliva from the head of his dick to your tongue that’s hanging out of your mouth. You pant like a bitch attempting to catch your breath. He doesn’t give you much time before he’s in your throat again, back to fucking your face.
“I love you so much. You love me?” He sounds so sweet, totally blissed out.
He stops thrusting and tilts your head up to look at him, blinking tear-clumped lashes. You try utter a ‘Yes, I love you.’ but with his shaft gagging you, it comes out all garbled. The muscles in your throat convulse around the deep intrusion. “You’d do anything for me right?” He asks, jabbing the muzzle even harder into your temple, finger resting lightly on the trigger. You nod, watching Dabi lose his composure bit by bit. “Yeah. That’s why you’re my girl.” He pushes himself even deeper inside you, making you finally take all of him, until your nose meets his pubic hair and holding you there. “Fuck.”
“Hmmhhhhngggh” You squeal around him but you can’t pull off because of the grip he has on your scalp. When he lets you go you’re choking and coughing up a lewd mixture of spit and pre-cum.
“Wh- Why” You blubber, voice hoarse. You don’t understand. You were doing exactly what he asked. You were being good.
“Sorry baby. Felt so good, my finger slipped.” He doesn’t even try to hide his mischievous smirk. The fucker is definitely not sorry.
You want to beg him to stop this ridiculous game because you see now there’s no way you can win because Dabi doesn’t play fair.
He doesn’t give you the chance though, already shuffling off his bottoms all the way and propping himself up against the headboard. “C’mon pretty baby.” He tugs on your ankle.  Wanna see you bounce on my dick.”
You clumsily position yourself atop his lap quickly, before you can even think about it. You know he doesn’t need a reason to pull that trigger but still, you don’t want to give him one.
He grinds his tip along your heat, piercings dragging across your clit over and over again. It’s something he does whenever you have sex, to rile you up. And just like all those other times, it’s working. Circumstances be damned. “Needa feel this hot little pussy. Give it to me doll.” He murmurs against the shell of your ear.
You nod as you lift yourself off of him to hover your dripping wet hole over his hard dick. You slowly squat down on onto him, the fat head stretching you out, burning with every inch you take. You mewl, making futile attempts to blink away tears. You get halfway before you have to stop, resting your hands on his shoulders trying to gain leverage. You’re outright crying now, wet droplets landing on Dabi’s chest.
“’S matter doll.”
I’m terrified. You yell in your head but stay silent, choosing to focus on relaxing your ever-tightening hole in order to take more of him.
“Oh, I know.” He coos, voice dripping with condescension. “’S too big for your tiny cunny.” He leans forward to kiss away the salty tears. “But you can take it. I know you can.” He cups your jaw, stroking your cheek with a calloused thumb. “You can do it for me”
You start to move slowly up and down, using gravity to force more of his monstrous cock inside you with shallow movements. You really are trying your best but that’s apparently not good enough for Dabi and he lets you know that by pressing the barrel of the gun into your stomach. You freeze, horrified, more tears start falling from your eyes. You open your mouth to beg him to just give you a little time. You’re trying.
“Quit being a baby and just take it.” He says before you even get the chance.
“I’m trying Dabi, please just-“
He cuts off your plea.  He’s not interested in your excuses.
The rotation of the cylinder sends vibrations through your abdomen. Amidst the shock, you release your grip on his shoulders and impale yourself on his shaft by mistake. The combination of the searing stretch and the blunt head of his cock kissing your cervix is so overwhelming that you collapse forward, head falling on to your boyfriend’s chest. You feel the rumbles of his chuckles while he’s quite literally splitting you open.
“See? Knew you could. Just needed a little scare. Isn’t that right.” He rubs your back as if to comfort you. He lets out a low whistle. “But looks like you’re all out of chances doll. Now bounce.” He gives you a spank with an inhumanly warm hand, making you squeal and leaving your cheek tender.  
Your hands find purchase on his shoulders again. Dabi’s sapphire eyes are practically glowing, daring you to be stupid enough to defy him one more time.
You pull off almost entirely, keeping just his tip inside of you, before spearing his shaft into you again.
“Good girl.” When he praises you with that raspy voice makes you keen and desperate for more of it.
His hand snakes its way up your torso to cup one of your breasts. Your back arches, pushing into his scorching hot touch, forgetting momentarily about his other hand and what he’s holding in it.  He gropes your chest, tweaks and twists at your nipples, leaving red, inflamed hand prints in his wake. You’re practically delirious with pleasure, babbling out incoherent streams of his name along with “yes” and “more”.  All the while, he murmurs praises about how good you are and how much he loves you. It’s confusing and you can’t process any of it.
“Who owns this perfect pussy?”
“Dabi. Fuck. Dabi.” Your tongue lolls out of your mouth in the most obscene way, drooling down your chin. Your plush walls pulse around him as he hits that sensitive spot every time you sink down on him.
“That’s right it’s all fuckin mine. My pretty baby.” Dabi’s eyes are focus on where your two bodies are connected watching the translucent ring of your cream appear and disappear as you ride him.
“Preeeettyyy.” You slur and he laughs at how fucked out you are, brain completely jumbled between the fear, the pain and the bliss all combined into ecstasy.
“Doll.” He groans. “I feel ya squeezin’ me. You gonna cum?”
He’s right. You nod as you feel that coil tightening again, threatening to snap at any second. The man finally starts putting in work, pounding into you every time you pull off of him. Dabi abandons the gun in favour of playing with your clit, rubbing quick sloppy circles. “Yeah? Gonna cream and gush around me? Want you to baby.” He buries his head in the crook of your neck, sucking, biting and licking while he assaults your sopping wet pussy. “C’mon doll, please.”
With that you orgasm. He grabs your hips pulling you flush against his thighs, fucking you through your orgasm, rolling his hips up into you until your high finally subsides.
He doesn’t let you catch your breath before he’s got the revolver pressed hard underneath your chin. “Now make me cum.” You almost collapse but the harsh grip he has on your hair suspends you upright.
Your mind is so foggy and Dabi gives you a small smile, appreciating the perplexed look in your droopy eyes. But he’s not done with you yet.
“Hey.” You’re ripped from your daze, when he slaps you across the face, sending your head swinging to the side. “Don’t pass out on me now.”  
“So-sorry! ‘M sorry!” You grovel as you slam your tired body down on his dick once again, trying to ignore the throbbing on your cheek, the ringing in your ears, and the ache in your battered cunt.  You’re so sensitive from your last orgasm but you don’t have a choice and you don’t dare deny him anything. Your thighs are quaking and burning with every movement but your boyfriend is unimpressed.
“You can do better than that doll.” He lets out a bitter laugh, enjoying every second of tormenting you. “It’s like you want your brains splattered on the ceiling.”
You start crying again, shaking your head frantically. In the time that you’ve been with Dabi, you’ve learned certain tricks, you know he likes it, but in this panic/lust induced frenzy, you can’t remember any of them. Instead, you bounce, mindlessly on him while your gummy walls clench tighter around him every time he nudges at your a-spot. Your legs are going numb from all the effort and you plop down, limp onto his lap, taking him to the hilt.
Dabi tsks at you, reminding you that you can’t rest just yet. You swivel your hips, grinding your pelvis against his while he’s buried deep in your wet heat. You pray to whatever deity is listening that he’s getting close, you’re not sure how much more you can take.
“If I don’t bust in the next 5 seconds.” His hand finds your clit again, you grind across his fingers has you rock against him. “Bang!” He emphasises the word by bringing a heated palm down on your ass.
A choked sob bubbles at the back of your throat, making him snicker
Hands pressed to his chest, you ride him like a woman possessed, the last bits of adrenaline kicking in. Your sloppy cunt squelches every time you drive yourself down on his cock just motivating you to fuck him harder.
“Five.” He grits out.
“Dabi, please!” But you’re met with icy, apathetic eyes staring back at you, feeling the terror that the rest of the city does when they so much as hear his name.
“Four.” He rubs your already raw clit, faster and you can feel another orgasm building, much quicker than your last two.
Your body feels so heavy but you can’t stop moving, not unless you want him to- “Please cum!” You beg. “Need your cum.”
He starts to fuck up into you again with unforgiving force.
“Wh-Why?!” is all you can manage as your mind starts to fog up again, the need to come becoming all the more urgent.
“Two.” He ignores your question, transfixed on your tits bounce in his face. You’re getting close to your third orgasm of the night and it seems Dabi is determined to get you there.
You still can’t believe this is real. You never thought that Dabi would treat you like this. You were supposed to be special.
Or at least that’s what he told you.
Moreover, you can’t believe how your own body is betraying you. You can’t believe you’re actually going to cum. Again.
You cry out his name one last time, unsure if it’s out of fear or pleasure. You dig your nails into his arms again, in a feeble attempt to ground yourself as you cum around him. The orgasm that rips through you makes it difficult for you to be sure of anything.
What you are sure of is the fact that there was no bang or bullet.
Just one last CLICK (practically drowned out by your screaming) and the sensation of Dabi’s hot cum flooding your womb. He has a bruising grip on your hips, gun now discarded, and he ruts up into to making sure to stuff your cunt absolutely full of him. He begins to laugh as he softens inside you.
Your head is still spinning but once you’re able to push yourself off of him, you can finally make sense of what just happened.
He was fucking with you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yell, using weak and quivering arms to throw pillows at him while you cry so hard it makes you dry heave.
Your asshole of a boyfriend starts cackling, clutching his abdomen as if he just pulled the world’s funniest prank while your heart is beating so hard and fast you think it might break through your ribcage.
“You should have seen your face. You were so fuckin’ scared.”
You become nauseous, feeling bile rising in your throat as you come to a sickening realisation.
This is not your Dabi. This is the Dabi that the rest of the world gets to see.
Evil, sadistic, merciless. This is the real Dabi.
You attempt to scramble off of the bed to get away from him, feeling overwhelmed by the humiliation. But Dabi grabs your wrist and yanks you into his chest, wrapping you up in his arms. A gesture you used to treasure but now it just made your skin crawl. “C’mon Doll you didn’t think I was being serious did you?”
You writhe in his hold, hitting against his hard, toned chest with pathetic fists. “Don’t be such a crybaby. It was just a joke.” He strokes your hair oh so tenderly. But you won’t fall for that again. Dabi is a villain through and through. You know that now.  
It’s no use fighting him off though, all the fight in you is used up. You don’t know what else to do. So you do the easy thing: nuzzle your head into his chest, tremors rocking your body as you hiccup, while he holds you. That way you can pretend that you feel safe with him, just like you used to.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, doll. I love you.”
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wowitsel · 3 years
a little bit of me on you
tattoo shop! calum hood x gn! reader
summary: tattoo artist calum hood lets the reader give him a tattoo
word count: 1.3k
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Leaning back in your chair, you admired your boyfriend as he sat at his desk sketching a tattoo idea. A late night at the tattoo shop had led you to go hang out with your boyfriend, Calum, at his work. It was often routine for you to hang around the shop while Calum finished up. It gave you time to hang out, even with both of your hectic schedules. It was always nice to hang out there after hours, it was oddly calm.
Sneaking up behind Calum, you got a better look at what he was drawing. Peeking at his work, you enquired, “So… whatcha working on?”
Stopping his sketching to talk to you, he responds, “Ahh just a floral piece for a client. You like it so far?” As he sees you nod, he continues, “You really should let me tattoo you again.”
Calum had given you several tattoos. With the two of you dating, it felt silly for you to get one from anyone else. He always gave you them free of charge (despite the argument from you), and it didn’t hurt that he was an insanely talented tattoo artist.
It was no secret that Calum didn’t contemplate much with his tattoos. With the sheer amount of them, he really couldn’t have. Add in him being a tattoo artist, and you have a man who gets tattoos in a very rash manner.
With this knowledge, staring at the man in front of you, a lightbulb lit up in your brain as you came up with an idea. You walk up behind the man, and hug him from behind, staring up at him. “Hey Cal, I have an idea…” Intrigued, Calum nodded to encourage you to keep speaking, “What if I give you a tattoo… I mean it could just be a small lil thing, and I know I’m not the best artist but I thought it could be fun.”
Calum surprised you, and he promptly responded, “I’m down” with a smile on his face.
“For real?”
“For real.”
Now, smiling like a maniac, you quickly ran your hand through Calum’s hair, while asking him; “So, what do you want for a tattoo? Try and go a little easy on me. You are the professional here.”
Calum sighed dramatically, “Well, you could do a smiley face or a heart, it’s really up to you, I’m down for anything, my love.”
“I have a scary amount of power in my hands don’t you think?”, you said in a disney villain-esque voice.
Calum gives you a look, while teasingly saying, “well, maybe not anything”
“Can’t take it back now, darling” you reply.
You then grabbed his hand to pull him away from his desk; “Now, c’mon let’s go!”
Pulling him toward his tattooing station, and gently shoved him down onto the chair.
“So you’re just gonna free-hand this?” you hear Calum say to you.
“Umm yes?” you answered unsure of how he would respond.
Calum just shrugged it off and nonchalantly replied, “Ok”.
Now, you had watched and received enough tattoos to generally know what you were doing, so you weren’t too nervous. That being said, you were going to be putting something on his body permanently, so it was a bit of a big deal. Walking over to the table with all the equipment, you stood there standing in front of it, just wondering where to even start.
Calum seemed to have read your mind at the moment. Getting up from the chair, and asking you, “You want me to set it all up for you?”
“Yes please,” you said, giving him a small smile and taking his place sitting on the chair.
Fidgeting with the loose thread hanging off the chair, you tell Calum, I think I’m gonna do a smiley face like you said. I don’t really trust myself enough to do much else”
Calum smiled at your little quip at your tattooing skills and replied, “Sounds good baby.”
Finishing up everything he needed to do to set up, Calum brought the tattoo gun, and everything else needed over to you and took a seat again once you stood up.
“So how much will you hate me if I mess up?” you said in a jokingly curious tone.
“You’re not giving me much confidence in your tattoo skills, my love” you hear him say as you situate yourself above his arm where he wanted the tattoo.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine” you sigh as you pat him on the arm. “You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be”
As you press the tattoo gun down onto Calum’s skin, he barely shows any signs of discomfort. “Is this really not hurting? Cause you seem to just be chillaxin’ or something, babe, I don't really get it. Every time I get a tattoo I wince and whine like a little baby. Am I a wimp for pain or something?”
Calum just replies to you by saying, “Baby, I've gotten a lot of tattoos, calm down, and pay more attention to the tattoo, it's gonna be on my body forever!”
You decided to listen to Calum’s advice and focus on the task at hand. Granted, it wasn’t a very big tattoo, so theoretically it shouldn’t have taken long, but you were being extra careful and slow, because of the whole “permanent” thing.
Getting into a grove, there was a nice silence and calm feeling in the air. Getting comfortable in the chair, and used to the feeling of the tattoo, Calum started to half-sing, half-hum some random tune he had thought of.
Smiling, and listening to him, you told him, “You sound good, you should become a singer or something”
“Ha! Imagine that; Calum Hood, rockstar. I could never.” Calum says to you, and you both chuckle at the thought. Calum leans his head over to check on the progress of the tattoo as you finish the last line in his tattoo.
“I’m done!” you say to him with a big smile on your face.
Calum gives you a look of admiration while telling you, “You did amazing, I’m so proud of you baby”
“I’m glad you think so. Now, I’m gonna go get the bandages and all that other shit so it doesn’t get infected or something,” you say getting up.
“Look at you being all professional, huh?” Calum says with a teasing smile.
“Yup!” you start to walk away when you realize that you have no idea where any of that stuff is; “So… ummm, the thing is…”
“You need me to get it for you?” Calum slyly says.
“Yes,” you squeak out meekly.
“I got you, baby,” Calum says while walking toward the supplies drawer.
After making his way back, Calum starts to put on the petroleum jelly on the fresh tattoo, and tries to put the bandage on himself, but struggles because of the position of the tattoo on his arm.
“Here, let me help you,” you said, grabbing the bandage out of his hand.
Wrapping it around his arm, you kiss the fully wrapped tattoo, and then kiss Calum on the lips. “Thank you for letting me do this Cal” you whisper against his lips.
“Thank you for not messing up,” he says, making you laugh.
“Now come on, let’s go cuddle on the couch”
After making your way to the waiting area of the tattoo shop, Calum plops down onto the couch, so he’s laying down on it, and pats the space next to him signaling for you to lay next to him, which you do.
As you lay down on the couch, Calum wraps his arm around you and kisses you on the forehead.
“This was fun,” you whisper to him.
“Yeah, it was.” you hear Calum whisper back as you see him start to yawn.
“You tired baby?” you say as you snuggle into him more.
“Yeah” Calum says weakly as you see him slowly fall asleep.
You smile at him as you begin to fall asleep yourself, so happy.
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lovinhub · 3 years
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Rafe Cameron x reader
Plot: Moving away from home had been a dream of yours. Finding yourself in Kildare, meant you were always bound to meet the infamous Rafe Cameron. What happens when finally he returns home?
Warnings: smut (female receiving)
You woke up the next morning alone, still feeling the warmth on your bed left by Rafe. You found a note laying on the empty pillow, adjusting your tired eyes to read the words left.
Morning beautiful
Duty calls… as much as I didn’t want to leave you
I’ll pick you up after work, can’t wait to see you!
Rafe xx
You smiled, your mind taking you back to the night before. You weren’t sure where the confidence came from, but you’re so glad it happened.
It was definitely unexpected, and you knew it wasn’t going to be a one time thing.
Fuck, you’re gonna have to tell Sarah.
You got out of bed and made your way to the kitchen.
“Tea?” JJ offered, standing in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Do you even have to ask” you chuckled, taking a seat at your small, round kitchen table.
“So..” JJ spoke, raising his eyebrows a few times
“Sooo..?” You asked
“Rafe stayed over? In your bed?” He says, smirking. You rolled your eyes, hoping he hadn’t heard the god-like moans Rafe had blessed your ears with last night.
“Yeah, we’re friends. There’s nothing weird about that” you replied, taking the hot mug of tea from his hands.
“Y/n, I see the way you act around each other. There’s no way you two are just friends” he says, taking a seat opposite you.
You put your drink down and placed a hand flat on your forehead.
“Is it that obvious?” You asked
“Only because you’re my best friend.. But something happened, didn’t it” he said
“No.. well, yes, but not intentionally” you replied
“Half the shit you do isn’t intentional, that’s why it works. No overthinking” he said, tapping his finger on his temple.
“I have very real, valid reasons for why I do what I do” you argued.
“So when you stole that newly opened bottle of vodka at work from behind the bar when you’d had a few drinks? What was your valid reason there then” he teased
“I needed a drink, so Matt turned a blind eye for me” you shrugged. He rolled his eyes in defeat, knowing whatever he said you’d have an answer for, like always.
“Why don’t we invite everyone round tonight for some games” he followed on.
“Ok, I’ll put it in the group chat” you said, standing up from where you were sitting.
Everyone was more than excited for tonight, just all of you hanging out together.
After your day at work, you finished around 6pm, whereas JJ finished at 4:30pm, so he had already made his way home to prep for tonight. You walked outside to find Rafes truck sitting there, him waiting for you to hop in.
“Hey Rafe” you said, catching his attention
“Hey sweetheart, how was your day” he said, leaning his hand across the center, holding the side of your face to place a kiss on your lips. You gladly accepted his advance, but soon enough realized where you were.
“Rafe, someone could see us” you said, releasing the breath you did know you were holding.
“So?” He said, unaware of what you meant
“So, I need to speak to Sarah before we go any further than this.” You said, looking at him hoping he’d agree.
“Okay baby, we’ll talk to her tonight. Together” he said, placing his hand over yours as he started driving.
Once you’d gotten home, Rafe followed you upstairs. You walked inside to see everyone already here.
“Hey guys, it’s about time you finally joined us” Sarah laughed whilst you placed your bag on the ground.
“Blame this one for taking ages to leave work” Rafe pointed at you, making you roll your eyes.
You walked up to Sarah as she was pouring a drink on the kitchen.
“Hey can I speak to you quick?” You whispered, pointing towards your room.
“Sure” she said, placing everything on the counter following you.
Rafe followed slowly behind, making sure not to draw attention to you all. Once all three of you were in your bedroom, Rafe quietly closed the door behind him.
“What’s up? Is everything ok?” She asked, seeing a slight panic on her face.
“Everything’s fine babe. We just wanted a chat. About us two” you said, waving your finger between you and Rafe.
“Okay? Wait, are you two, like, hooking up or something?” She said
You started to stutter your words, thankfully Rafe spoke up.
“No Sarah we’re not hooking up. I honestly want to explore more with y/n, and I hope she feels the same. But as you’re her best friend and you’re my sister, we just wanted to check in with you first” he spoke. You suddenly realized that you both hadn’t actually spoken about what it is you wanted, but somehow you both knew the answer.
“I mean, yeah I’m happy for you both. I’m surprised it took you both this long to be honest” she chuckled, pulling you both in for a hug.
She left the room, and you let out a huge sigh of relief. Rafe pulled you in for a hug, equally as happy for her answer.
“That went way better than I thought” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Now it’s time for a conversation between just us. About what we actually want” you said, placing your chin on his chest to look up at his face.
“I want you. Always” he said, hugging you tighter.
You’d never before felt as safe as you did in that moment. Like nobody in the world could make you feel any different to how you feel now.
“Listen, I know it’s extremely short notice. But Midsummers is this Sunday, you wanna go with me?” He asked, unlatching you from his grip.
“Yeah, will I even find a dress in time??” You said, slightly panicked.
“Rose has a bunch of dresses she’s bought to match my suit, just in case I happened to ask someone. I’m sure she’s got something perfect for you” he said, happy that he’d finally asked you.
“Okay, yeah it sounds like fun” you said, smiling.
“Let’s go back and see everyone, yeah?” He said, looking back at the door. You nodded your head and he followed you out the room.
As the evening went on, you felt more excited about what was to come with Rafe. Yeah you’d spent a lot of time together, but it’ll be different now.
Sunday came a few days later, and having previously tried on what felt like a thousand dresses, you’d finally found one you loved.
You, Kie and Sarah decided to get ready together at Tannyhill. Considering you were arriving with the Cameron’s, it made perfect sense.
It was 8am, and you had all decided it was time for a shower.
“I’ll go shower in mine, Kie can shower in Wheezies room and y/n, you can shower in Rafes?” Sarah said. You hadn’t told anyone about the conversation with Rafe and Sarah, and neither had they. You wanted to both figure out what it was before announcing it.
You walked into Rafes room and headed for the bathroom. Once you’d entered, the first thing you’d noticed it Rafe standing at the mirror, towel around his waist, as he’s shaving any stubble away on his face.
“Hey baby, you alright?” He asked as soon as he saw you.
“Yeah just need to use your shower if that’s okay?”You asked, making your way over to turn the shower on.
“Sure, I’ll just go into the bedroom for a moment” he said, picking up a hand towel to wipe the shaving foam off his face.
“No it’s okay you carry on, I’ll only be a moment” you stripped your clothes away, hopping in now that it was warmed up.
“You nervous for today?” Rafe asked, raising his voice slightly so you could hear him over the relaxing flow of water.
“Kinda, I’ve never heard of one of these, let alone been to one” you said, picking up the body wash you’d brought in with you. As much as you loved the way Rafe smelt from his body wash, it was way too manly to use for yourself.
“You’ll be fine baby, all you gotta do is walk in then you’ll be free to socialize with the girls” he said reassuringly.
You stepped out of the shower, towel already wrapped around your torso. Rafe stared at you in the reflection of the mirror, still as in awe as the first day he met you. You noticed him staring, and immediately felt butterflies in your stomach.
“You know, everyday I look at you and think you look even more beautiful than the day before” he said, turning around to face you. He’d finished shaving his stubble, and you ran your fingers along his jaw to feel how smooth it was. Every time a part of you touches one another, it feels like the first time. Sparks flying all around you, the world stops rotating and it’s only the two of you on earth.
You stood on your tiptoes and wrap your hand around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. You’d craved his touch ever since a few nights ago, and just the thought of it starts to turn you on.
He deepened the kiss, pulling you as close to him as he could. This small action, in conjunction with your memory from before, caused a moan to escape your lips. His hands lowered to underneath your towel, placing his hands on your ass.
“Jump” he said, not wanting to break away from your kiss. Before you obeyed to his request, you pulled the towel off of your body, leaving you bare in front of him.
He carried you into his bedroom, and gently placed you on his bed. He rose slightly, taking in the unbelievable sight of you in front of him.
“Wow” is all he said. You felt ever so slightly shy, pulling your arms against your chest in an attempt to cover yourself up. He noticed your action, and shook his head.
“No. Never do that” he spoke, gently pulling your arms away from your chest. He lowered himself, ready to whisper into your ear.
“You know, if you’re nervous about today, I know a great way to relieve that feeling” he spoke, whilst kissing down your neck.
“Oh yeah? Show me” you moaned, desperate for him to touch any part of you he could reach.
He started to kiss your neck, then moved to your chest, sucking your left nipple whilst softly twisting and pinching your right. He then moved down to your stomach, still kissing and nibbling at the sensitive skin.
He looked up to you once more before placing his head between you legs. The sight alone made you let out a breathless moan.
He teased you, kissing your pubic area, moving to the very inside of your thighs.
“Please, Rafe” you somehow managed to let out. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging at it to try and relieve any tension that’s building.
He chuckled, and finally placed his soft lips against your clit, opening them to allow his tongue to come into contact with your most sensitive area. You let out a moan in relief, pulling at his hair harder than before.
He steadily lapped his tongue against you, bring his fingers to your core, teasing your entrance. He gathered your juices slowly, and after what felt like eternity, he blissfully pushed two fingers inside of you. The combination he was using to get you off right now was heavenly. It had only been a short while, but he’d made you feel better than anyone before.
Rafe started to curl his fingers upwards, quickly finding your most precious spot inside you. Once you’d let out a loud moan, he relentlessly kept using the same motion.
He had you panting and rolling your eyes back, and it wasn’t long before you started to feel the pressure inside of you.
“Rafe.. I’m so close” you managed to piece together.
“Cmon baby, cum on my face” he muttered against you.
You let go underneath him, arching your back and pulling at his hair. He kept going until you had to pull his face away from you.
“That was… oh god” you said, trying to catch your breathe.
“Feel more relaxed now, yeah?” He asked, helping you stand up.
“Oh way more” you laughed, pressing your lips against his.
“You better go get ready, here put these on for now” he said, handing you a plain shirt and sweatpants, which had to be rolled at the ends and waistband for being too big.
You gave him one last kiss before you left the room.
Getting ready took no time at all, it was so nice to hang out with just the girls.
After your hair and make up had been finished, you changed into your dress on Sarah’s room.
“That dress is stunning on you” Kie said, looking at your reflection in the mirror. You thanked her and repaid the compliment.
You all headed downstairs, where you spotted Rafe at the end. He looked phenomenal, in his light blue suit. You couldn’t believe that this man was practically yours.
He stared at you as you made your way down the stairs. “You look.. absolutely beautiful” he said, kissing your cheek.
“Thank you, so do you” you replied as he rolled his eyes.
After pictures had been taken, you all made your way to the club. Nerves started kicking in, which made your leg start to bounce up and down. Rafe had noticed and rested his hand on top of your thigh, thankfully the only person who noticed was Sarah.
The whole night was perfect, you’d drank, danced and socialized all evening. There were no pressures between you and Rafe, both of you just enjoying your time together. You knew you were good for one another, helping each other in way nobody else could.
He was perfect in every way, making sure you weren’t too cold, or thirsty. He held your hand as you walked around, or if that wasn’t an option his hand would be rested at the bottom of your back.
Towards the end of the night, all you wanted to do was take him home. The sight of him alone turned you on to the highest degree, however you had to keep yourself composed.
Rafe knew how you’d felt, by the way you’d brush your leg against his, or rested with your back against him, pushing yourself against his crotch.
“Let’s go back to mine?” You whispered in his ear, after he’d finished ordering you both another drink.
He looked straight at you, noticing there wasn’t a single drop of hesitation in your face. He grabbed your hand and carefully started leading you towards the exit. He walked past his father, notifying him you didn’t feel too good, so he was taking you home.
You were so ready for him..
(A/N: Let me know how u feel abt this series.. I’m not too sure about it!!)
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bvccy · 3 years
Hi!!! Hope you're doing great
Can I please have a mix between number 2 from the soft and 8 from the dark one
Thanks, lost of love ❤❤❤
Thank you so much, nonnie! I am so sorry this took so long, I meant to post yesterday but it wasn’t done. Also, the 8th dark prompt was requested just before you sent in this one, so that is filled separately here.
I tried to do the mix you asked for, and I took the liberty of writing this with Bucky (specifically 40s!BB), and I hope that it’s ok. It’s a bit of a more specific story, actually, that I’d wanted to write for a while. I also did a kind of first for me, because it involves Steve x reader as a backdrop 😂 Anyway.
Lots of love to you too, my dear! 💗💗💗
— PAIRING: soft!dark!Bucky x Reader • preserum!Steve x Reader — PROMPT: Asteria - gazing at one’s object of affection, from afar + Prassius - an impossible desire, and unclean love — LINKS: Masterlist • love stones prompt list — WORDCOUNT: 2.5k
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It had taken long enough, and sometimes it seemed like it would never happen, but he finally found Steve a girlfriend — or rather, his girlfriend found him one. Dottie had exhausted several of her close friends and most acquaintances, but she knew how tired Bucky was of seeing his friend mope around, feeling like a third wheel, getting into trouble to pass the time. And honestly she liked Steve too, just not like that — but, wonder-worker that she was, Dottie found a girl that did.
She agreed to come on a double-date one night, and she and Stevie hit it right off. It was the first time Bucky met her too, and he didn't think much of the girl. Small, shy, not quite sickly-looking but not far from it, shoes a bit scuffed, clothes a bit too big for her and smelling of plain soap — in a word: perfect. She was perfect for his sickly, skinny friend who nobody else wanted, and by the looks of things, nobody had wanted her either because she seemed to have no idea what to do around a dance hall. As they were returning home that night, he even heard her confess to Steve that she had never been to one before.
They went out on two more dates, all four of them, within as many weeks. Bucky loved to dance, and Dottie too, but Steve and his girl weren't so fond of tripping over their feet and being laughed at. So they sat together at the table like a pair of broken toys, sharing an ice cream sundae, swinging shoulder-to-shoulder with the music when they liked the tune. Bucky waved at them when their eyes met, and they waved back and cheered at his dancefloor performance, but that happened less and less as they got caught up in each other. Steve would start to sketch things on the napkins while they chatted: the band, the sea of dancers, the fancy chandeliers, and eventually her.
"She said nobody's ever drawn her picture before," his friend said dreamily as they walked back, after they wished a good night to the girls. "Can you believe that?"
"Sure can…"
"She almost didn't let me do it. But she's so pretty, Buck."
"Mhm, nice girl."
"I mean yeah, she's no Dottie, but… I don't know, there's just somethin' I like so much about her… I guess her eyes, the way they look when she's smiling, or how her hair looks when the sun shines on it…"
"Get a load a' you," he grinned, wrapping his arm around Steve's shoulder in a playful grip that moved his friend's whole body. "One dame's sweet on you, and all of a sudden you're Romeo."
"At least I'm not a punk like you," Steve teased, slipping from his grasp.
"You know what I like best about her?"
"What?" he asked, with a hint of jealousy.
But Bucky smirked without a care. "How she keeps you out of trouble."
It had, indeed, been a while since Steve got in an alley brawl, and by their fifth date his last few bruises healed. He'd almost gotten into one by a cotton candy stand at Coney Island, but his girl was there to pull him back.
"Stevie, leave him alone…"
"You heard what he said?!"
"Who cares," she sighed, clinging to his arm and throwing the other man a hateful look. "Come on, didn't you want to win me that stuffed teddy bear?"
"Better listen to your girl, pal."
"Oh go find a sty to wallow in," she hissed.
"I ought'a smack some manners into you, you two-bit broad!"
"I'd worry about my own manners if I were you, buddy." Bucky slipped between them, coming from behind, standing now close enough to punch the guy if things got heated. But, seeing himself outnumbered, the other man cursed them and left. Just then, Dottie finally caught up.
"What's going on?" she asked, a little out of breath.
Bucky turned around, and was met by the heart-melting sight of Steve and his girl holding each other, her hands on his cheeks as she quietly chastised him, but loving enough that it made him smile and giggle. She closed it with a kiss to his cheek that made the boy blush, and a kittenish rub of their noses together.
"Nothing, everything's fine."
It was around the time they went to see a movie together that Bucky's joy for Steve turned into something else. They sat in the back while some musical played, and through the flashing lights and the corner of his eye, he could see his friend with his sweetheart holding hands on top of her lap throughout the whole performance. Meanwhile Dottie kept rubbing up against him, sometimes leaning her head on his shoulder, daring in the darker scenes to kiss his neck, but when she tried to get more of his attention —
"Buckyyy, what's wrong?"
— he shook her off. Hearing his name spoken by her voice suddenly felt disappointing.
He caught himself staring more and more, and not just when they went out together. Sometimes, the girl came by and spent some time with Steve, looking at his newer sketches, trying her hand too — oh and how disgusting they looked, Steve taking advantage of the situation to sit behind, and wrap his arms around her, and whisper in her ear. The pair greeted him cheerfully when he stepped through the living room and caught them, and he grinned back at them as he took a glass of milk, but all his appetite was gone.
And when they walked together through the park, and he saw them holding hands again… When Steve dug for some change to get her an ice cream, and they giggled stupidly as they made a mess of sharing it… When she fell asleep by his side one night at the dance hall, and Stevie woke her up with a tickle down her cheek, and she shivered and murmured like a bird and hid her face in his unworthy shoulder…
"Why don't you ever wanna dance, doll?" he asked as they were fetching drinks.
"Not much good at it, I guess," she shrugged. "The fast ones make me dizzy and I always trip."
"I can teach you. It'll work out great! Stevie teaches you to draw, I teach you how to dance… What do you say?"
The girl seemed to think, but shook her head. "Hmmm… No, not right now. Thanks," she smiled politely. "Besides, what would Stevie do meanwhile?"
She told him no just for the sake of keeping his scrawny little friend company, and Bucky had never felt more insulted — not that she wouldn't dance with him, although that hurt enough, but that he couldn't remember the last dame that gave something up just to stick with him, or got into fights for him, or kissed his wounds away, or held his hand in hers with no ulterior motive, and he'd found a girl that did that, and he wasted her on Steve.
So what if she was a little on the smaller side? So what if her dresses didn't fit right? So what if she came down with the cold at every change of season? He put up with it for Steve and he wasn't half as charming. The girl, instead, looked very delicate, more feminine in her own way, like when she braced her fingers on a table as she talked and mindlessly swung back and forth, animated in whatever she was saying, and her digits bent in such a childish way he feared they'd break, and it only made him want to kiss them. Or when she took her shoes off when she came to their apartment and he could catch a hint of shapely ankle, just perfect for his grip, or a peachy pink instep small enough to fit his palm. And when she fell asleep on their couch that one time and Bucky saw her all curled up, and noticed the arch of her hips and the cinch of her waist and pictured how good it would feel to hold them, and angle them upward, and…
Slowly, he started to appreciate some of what his friend had said that night, because she did have lovely eyes, and hair that looked so soft and warm, and her scent, unburdened by perfume, was sweet and girlish, and her lips looked kissable, and her wrists and knees and ankles too…
"Going out again, tonight?" he asked as the blond boy fixed himself in the mirror.
"Yeah, she wants to try this new place we —"
"Alright, alright…" sighed Bucky, already sick of hearing more. "So, that's all you're gonna do?"
"Well… yeah."
And then he voiced an evil thought. "Don't you ever want to… you know?"
"Y-you think we should?" Steve asked, turning away from his pallid reflection.
Bucky sat sprawled across the couch, and shrugged. "If she really likes you, she'd be up for it, don't you think?"
"I don't know about that, Buck."
"No? Ok," he nodded. "After all, what do I know?"
The aftermath of this particular advice was a draught of dates for poor ol' Steve, because just like Bucky had expected, the girl shrinked at the suggestion and couldn't stand to see him. For a while.
"Can you believe it, Buck?!"
"She'll see me again!"
"That's great, Stevie."
"What's wrong? You're lookin' real dour today."
Bucky knew he shouldn't. "I just…" He knew that it was wrong. "Look, it's great that she's forgiven you, but you gotta be realistic about this, pal." He had been happy for Steve at one point, long ago.
"What do you mean?"
But that was before he saw just how much love a girl could give, and realised he'd never felt it.
"Just don't delude yourself this is anything more than what it looks like, ok? She's only forgiven you because she knows nobody else will have her."
"That's mean, Buck."
"Yeah, well… I'm just looking out for you. You're my best friend, you know that. I don't want you getting hurt." It stuck in his throat to say it, but the bitterness stuck more.
And after Steve went to bed that night, Bucky took out the box of candy and the pricey perfume he had bought for her, threw them in the trash, and firmly promised to himself to never wait too long again.
But as he learned a bit later on, when they went back to double-dates, he might not have had a chance at all, because there was an unwitting element of truth to this cruel tirade.
"I can't exactly blame you, honey," Dottie consoled her as they stood in line for the ladies room, not knowing Bucky was just behind the thin divider leading to the men's. "If he does something like that again, I know this other fella —"
"Oh no, Dot, please… We're fine now. He explained things and… he's really sweet, I think he just had a moment of —"
"But just let me introduce you to Jim, see if you don't like him better."
"I… I don't know."
"He's a real charmer," Dottie grinned, "and he has these big, broad hands, jaw like an anvil. He just broke it off with Marcie cause she was a flirt."
He didn't hear anything next, but the girl must've shook her head cause Dottie asked, "You're sure?" and "Really? Well, if you change your mind…"
"Thanks, Dot," she lightly laughed.
"I don't know why you're so stubborn though, it's not like he's that far out your league. You just need to fix your hair a little bit and get a better brand of powder."
"It's not that easy."
"It's all it took me to get Bucky on my arm. That, and a better set of heels," she laughed.
"Yeah but you've always been pretty, Dot. Like, really pretty, and you know it. I guess some girls are for the James Barnes of this world, and some are the for the Steves."
She giggled as she said it, with not a hint of anger or resentment, and that's what stung the worst.
Bucky arranged to go see a late night movie with Dottie after that, while Steve and his girl went back to the apartment to listen to a boxing match on the radio and have some cherry sodas. Dottie went ahead to buy the tickets while Bucky walked them home, and after wishing him good night, she went upstairs to set things up. Steve was meant to go to the store and buy the drinks, but he stayed to chat with his friend a while.
"I can get some eggs and milk as well while I'm at it," he offered, swinging on his heels with his hands in his pockets.
"Or do we have enough for breakfast tomorrow?"
"Go ahead and buy them, pal," Bucky smiled, pretending to be less tired than he felt.
"Ok. And what about — darn!"
"What is it?"
"I just realized, I forgot to give her the keys," he said, taking a hand out of his pocket and holding them out. "I gotta get to the store, can you go up and give them to her?"
"Er, why don't —"
"You know I always trip on the stairs when I'm in hurry, Buck, they haven't changed the lightbulb yet. Don't make me do it."
"Fine, I'll go."
"I owe you big."
"You always do," he grinned, and took the keys from him.
Steve made off for the corner store, while Bucky started the long slow climb upstairs. It was completely dark inside at that hour, and the few candles some neighbours left to light the way had all gone out.
"Stevie, is that you?" he heard her call, standing right outside their door.
He kept one hand against the wall and walked his way toward her, stopping as he heard her whisper, "I think I lost the keys."
Blindly, she moved her hand forward, coming right across his chest. He felt her jolt at the unexpected contact, then burst into a giggle. Bucky could already feel the fanning of her breath right at the level of his chin. With an unseen smile, he took her hand, and placed the keys within it.
"Oh," she laughed. "You had them."
As her hand closed around them his own moved up her shoulder, fingers threading around her hair, and as he touched her jaw he felt her tilting slightly upward, shivering under the feeling.
"Is everything alright?" she asked.
He felt the warming tickle of her breath as he leaned close until, through the pitch black, he touched his lips to hers. Bucky did it lightly, just a little, just enough to taste and sip a kind of love he'd never really had. She stood surprised but took his kiss, and he felt her smiling into it, even beginning to kiss back just as he was parting from her.
"Your lips are softer than before," she giggled, in a sweet but altogether crushing way that made Bucky's heart beat stronger. "Stevie?"
Her hand moved through the air to touch him but felt nothing anymore, and down the stairs the heavy steps echoed, moving downward and away.
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soobasaur · 4 years
are you mine?
— a lee minho au
genre: enemies to lovers minho x gender neutral!reader
a/n: this is for my bestie who has been in a minho obsession lately and needs more content, you know who you are :]
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« masterlist
you and minho didnt exactly,,,get along very well for a while
the only reason you both even knew each other was two of your best friends were dating and merged ur friend groups
(thanks a lot binsung 〴⋋_⋌〵)
you wouldnt go as far as to say you hated him
but you liked to pretend you did
you just barely saw him around so why not just mke him your mortal enemy??
it was easier to hate him then admit he was decent company!!
you had a reputation to uphold!!!!
and apparently he did too because he never really disagreed,,,,
you guys just ever had a chance to get off on the right foot and really talk
mutual disagreement <33
the thing is, the both of you were never left alone together
like ever
until that one time yall were abandoned (-д-;)
you and ur friend groups planned a hang out but everyone ended up cancelling last minute with no excuse
it was just you two who didnt get the memo and ended up alone
now that you think about it,,,that sounds like smth ur friends would do on purpose
(again, fuck u binsung!! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ )
so just picture this,,,you and minho both showing up to an arcade and sitting in silence for an hour before getting a text that everyone cancelled
your immediate thought was to go home bc why would minho want to hang out with you???
but after the both of you read the text in the groupchat he got up and made his way inside, holding the door open and quirking his eyebrow up at you
“well, are you coming or not? I wanna try the new vr game.”
and you were just like \\(⊙︿⊙)// ???
he? wants?? to hang out??? with just you????
but u ended up following him in and he paid for your guy’s tickets ≧◡≦
“just buy me lunch after and we’re even”
lunch??? now this mf wants to get lunch together?!$%
you learned one thing about minho that day
he was,,,competitive,,VERY competitive
like what demon possessed him kind of competitive
whenever he won he would flash you a smirk and skip to the next game as he dragged his row of tickets along
ur pride was in shambles
so you unleashed everything after that and won a good amount of games ;)
u had been eyeing a cute cat plush the entire time but u didnt have enough tickets at the end :((
o(╥﹏╥)o damn it capitalism u just wanted a plushie
you didnt rlly want anything else so you gave your tickets to minho and waited to the side for him to get his prize
he came out with tHE SAME PLUSHIE YOU HAD BEEN EYEING \\( ಠ_ಠ)//
but before you could sulk about it he handed it to you and started to make his way to the exit O(≧▽≦)O
and during lunch this bitch ended up paying even after saying you should (`ε´)
\(▰˘◡˘▰)//\\ (▰˘◡˘▰)//\\ (▰˘◡˘▰)// \\(▰˘◡˘▰)//
After that...hang out if you will,,u started to notice minho everywhere
why was this bitch all over your college campus?
you never noticed minho was in ur class for the longest time jsskkfk
like all of a sudden u just spotted him out of the corner of ur eye and were like o h
once he noticed you too there was no going back
say good bye to paying attention in class
(as if you ever did anyways)
he started to inch closer to you during class
he even started sending you notes
ಠ▃ಠ and u were so paranoid the professor would catch you
but this bitch was slick so u were fine
ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ
he was the type of guy to throw little crumpled sticky notes at you whenever he wanted to say something during class
they’d be covered with doodles of cats and his scribbly messy handwriting + little hearts
it was usually just some dumb thought he had or a crude drawing of the professor (. ゚ー゚)
other than those few notes you guys never really talked outside ur friend group
there was one incident late at night tho
you had a big project coming up and it was 2am and you were...2 sentences in T_T
you deserved a coffee break <3
so that was how you found under the awning of an all night coffee shop
except it wasn't all night and closed right after you got ur coffee!!
and now u were stuck under the awning!!
all you had was your measly hoodie that you stole from changbin and your now soggy cup of coffee as you waited for the rain to pass
you might as well of just stayed home since ur wasting all this time you could’ve been working on your project standing outside
were you gonna work on the project once you got home? no
but did the thought of wasted time still make you mad? yes
you slumped against the shop as you bitterly drank your coffee, crushing the cup between your hands
after a couple minutes you felt the rain above you stop
you look to your side to see,,,minho?!
this mf was holding an umbrella above your head
“here, take my umbrella.”
thats when you noticed the cafe uniform he had on
“you work here?” you asked, before taking the umbrella from his hand
“yeah, your observant ass didnt see me literally make your coffee,”
“oh whoops,,,i thought you hated me, why are you giving me our umbrella?”
“i do, but id rather you uh...not die in the cold looking like a dead rat.”
was it just you or were his cheeks dusted pink?
probably the cold
(y/n you dumb bitch-)
you both walk back to your dorms after that
and he insists you carry the umbrella
cus his poor arms are tired from making coffee all day :((
and maybe it's an excuse to be closer to you
since hes a bit taller he has to crouch and scoot closer to you in order to not get wet >_<
⊙﹏⊙ ⊙﹏⊙ ⊙﹏⊙
over the next few weeks your find urself at the cafe he works at more often
one time you got the hours wrong and he wasnt on shift :(
but when you got up to leave he walked in and spent the day helping you study instead of working
you went for the coffee!! not for him!! definitely not,,,
“look, im only hanging out with you cus you get the employee discount.”
“sure, and not cus you enjoy my company-”
“i 100% despise your company.”
ok but u didnt
u actually /REALLY/ liked his company
like WTF
where has he been all ur life
ew that sounded too romantic
but like fr where was he hiding
soon you both were joining binsung on their dates
but it wasn't a double date!!
it was just four friends hanging out and two happened to be a couple
and they liked to hang out at fancy restaurants and do couple like activities
totally normal!!
there was one incident where you were about to pay for your meal but minho placed his hand on top of yours and slid his card instead
“you can pay on the next date.”
excuse me sir what do u mean-
you ignored changbin and jisung’s snickers behind you the entire night
when minho walked you home you couldnt help but let urself blurt out
“was this a date?”
minho gave you an incredulous look
“...was it not??”
oh my god this is embarrassing
you ignored how minho was now turning crimson red and panicking and tugged on his collar, pulling him down for a kiss
“it was...a date” you mumble, now shy at the close proximity between the two of you
“...im gonna kill jisung.” he muttered, pulling you in for a hug, “he told me this was a double date”
“that can be our next date, the murder of our best friends.”
“wow i am in love with you.”
minho and y/n murder besties!!
for legal reasons that is a joke
( ˶˘ ³˘(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)♡
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thank you for reading !!
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Chapter 1
A/N- I've teased y'all for so long I hope this series is going to live up to expectations, I'm confident it will though because I'm addicted and it's been super easy for me to write - I'm up to chapter 3 so far so updates can be on time! There's a slight age gap between my professor Hemsy and OC Jess but she's twenty and completely legal. You know this is gunna be a giant tease fest for the first couple of chapters cos that sexual tension is fucking gold 🥵
Summary- Jess meets the man of her dreams and then stupidly leaves without getting his number. Will fate bring them together again?
Word count- 1.5 K
Pairing- Professor!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, age gap
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 5th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
@skyfullofsong123 @swaggysposts
Chapter 2
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I pulled out a chair at the last available table in the unusually busy coffee shop, I thought I might've caught a break choosing the one outside of campus but alas I was wrong.
I was about to sit down when the chair opposite me slid out from under the table, my eyes lifted to meet with the most sparkly blue eyes i'd ever seen. The sight of him took my breath away. Literally.
I stood staring, frozen on the spot, my mouth slightly ajar as I looked him up and down. He was tall, so tall, definitely over 6ft and built like a dream. Thick thighs straining against his fitted trousers, wide muscular shoulders and I just knew there was a six-pack hiding behind that tight t-shirt. 
"Sorry. You were here first, I'll just grab a take-out." He smirked a side smile, amused at how I was so obviously checking him out but his sexy Australian accent distracted you from anything else.
"It's fine, I'm on my own. I don't mind if you want to sit there too." I mentally face palmed myself, drawing attention to the fact I was alone wasn't the best idea but then again he was alone too. "I don't bite." I added trying my best to flirt.
It seemed to work, he smiled at me as he sat down and I took the time to admire his handsome face. He was quite clearly a lot older than me, the laughter lines around his eyes a tell tale sign but he was still quite possibly the best looking man I'd ever laid eyes on. His hair was fair and the short beard framed his face perfectly but the one thing that stood out the most were those piercing ocean-blue eyes.
"So do you come here often?" I cocked my eyebrow at him over my coffee cup making him laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, it's been a while." He said nervously, running his hand through his hair.
"It's been a while since you spoke to a stranger or…?" I questioned casually.
"It's been a while since I spoke to an attractive woman." He finished, his eyes sparkling as he watched me almost choke on my drink.
"Oh, I err…. I don't think you're doing too badly." I absentmindedly circled my finger around the rim of my cup, crossing my leg over my other and accidently rubbing my foot up his leg. My cheeks felt hot and flushed as I looked up into his eyes and saw him smiling slyly.
"Evidently. We're already playing footsie under the table." He smiled widely, a genuine smile that stretched the corners of his mouth. I smiled back at him shyly, thinking of something to say to change the subject before I ended up looking like a tomato.
"What part of Australia are you from?"
"I'm originally from Melbourne but I lived in Byron Bay before I came to America." 
"Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Australia, the Spiders put me off though." 
"Yeah I think they put most people off but in heavily populated areas they stay pretty much hidden, I think it's the size that scare people." How have I made this conversation go from flirting to talking about spiders? And how do I get back to flirting?
"Are we still talking about spiders?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly and laughed at the innuendo, flicking my hair over my shoulder. I noticed something in his eyes when I did so, a hunger, just a little flash and then it was gone again. I'm sure I didn't imagine it though because his eyes lingered on my exposed shoulders.
I checked my watch subtly, not wanting him to think he was boring me but I had to get to class and couldn't be late again, not when this semester had only just started.
"I'm really sorry, I'm gonna have to run, I'm going to be late. It was really nice meeting you." I gathered up my bags, ready to leave.
"Already? You've only just got here." He looked disappointed, his smile fading. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something else and then closed again when he saw I was ready to leave. "It was really nice to meet you too, hopefully I'll see you again." His eyes sparkled as he looked into mine, standing from his chair to get the door for me. I felt fireworks when his hand brushed against the small of my back and his face lingered close to mine. The tension was unreal, like we were the only people in the room as his eyes hungrily stared into my soul, undressing me with his eyes. My heart stopped beating when his face moved closer to mine so I could feel his breath on my lips, the smell of coffee and his aftershave filling my nostrils. I paused, my feet routed to the spot, I wanted him to kiss me so badly but I moved away at the last minute. Surely he wasn't actually going to kiss me, we'd only just met, that would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it?
I spent most of class daydreaming about my tall handsome stranger and the way he looked at me but most of all how I didn't even get his name. Or his number.
Now I was feeling sorry for myself because it would just be my luck to meet the man of my dreams and then never see him again. So I'd moped about all day and avoided the invitations for drinks after class. Instead I'd
gotten home early, changed into some sweats and settled myself in front of the TV for the night.
"What's up with your face?" My roommate, Ellie said as she walked into our room, throwing her bags onto her bed.
"What're you talking about?" 
"Your face. Looks like you're chewing on a wasp."
"Feeling sorry for myself." I pout pathetically.
"Why, what've you done now?" She rolled her eyes, kicking off her shoes and throwing her legs up onto the bed. I felt so lucky to have a roommate like Ellie, during our freshman year she'd become my best friend practically straight away and now after two years together we were practically sisters.
I sat up in bed cross legged and faced Ellie, getting myself ready to spill my misfortunes of the day with her.
"Well, I went to Impresso's this morning to get my morning coffee before class." She nodded, showing her enthusiasm by also sitting cross legged on her own bed, facing me. "And it was packed full of students, there was only one table left. So I went to grab it as soon as I could." She raised her eyebrow at me, wondering where I was going with the story. "And I kid you not, the most attractive man I have ever seen, pulls out the chair opposite me." 
"Oh my god! No way. Did you talk? Oh my god, this is like the perfect chick flick. Carry on." I smiled at her excitement.
"I told him I didn't mind if he sat there, I mean of course I didn't mind, you should've seen him El. Oh, oh, oh I almost forgot" I flapped my hands, bouncing on the spot. "He was fucking Australian."
"Fuck off, you're lying. Drop dead gorgeous with the sexiest accent ever. How is this even real? Now remind me why you're sat there with a face like a slapped arse?" 
"I panicked when I had to leave, didn't want to be late for class and I didn't get his number, didn't even give him chance to ask for mine." 
"Wow! Ok, now I understand. What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't thinking, I was panicking and you know what I'm like when I panic." You sulk.
"It's ok, maybe you'll bump into him again."
"Yeah, right. I should be so lucky."
"Cheer up." she says throwing a cushion at me. "There's a party at Alpha Kappa this weekend, I'm sure we can find you someone to help get over your mystery man. Or under should I say?" She raised her eyebrow at me, smiling slyly and making me laugh. She always did know how to cheer me up and maybe a party is what I needed.
There must be some good looking boys around campus that could make me forget about my Australian hunk. Surely? I thought about the guys I'd seen around campus, the guys I'd seen at frat parties and that's definitely not what I wanted. How could a twenty year old boy match to the masculine, experienced man I met this morning. My mind was set, I'd dipped my feet ever slightly into the mature pool and that's what I wanted more than anything. There was always something missing with previous boyfriends and I was tired of all the game playing. I wanted someone who knew what they wanted and wasn't afraid to get it.
The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again. If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
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spencersawkward · 4 years
hi! today is my birthday (yeah, a day before his) and as a big fan of yours that i am, i know that you made a one-shot for his birthday, but could you do it like it would be if it was your first birthday with him? i reeeally appreciate and love your work! keep doing this, you're amazing! thank you!!
ok the daddy kink gotta go on pause bc we have an EMERGENCY called it's a baddie's birthday! 🥳 happy birthday babe i hope it's as special and lovely as can be! also thank you that made my day of course i'd be happy to write a one-shot like that :)
summary: reader reunites with Matthew for her birthday after his absence on a week-long trip. 
relationship: Fem!Reader/Matthew
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, fingering, oral (female receiving), dirty talk.
word count: 3.8k 
after lighting my favorite candles on the bedside table and smoothing out the wrinkles on the bed, I climb onto the mattress and fold my legs up beneath me, criss-cross applesauce. there's a warm, peachy light that falls onto the white comforter, aureate and gentle when I straighten my spine.
I have spent my birthday so far dealing with tired limbs and people I don't like; the only good part so far was getting lunch with a couple of my friends, but something still feels absent.
that something is Matthew.
he's been in Los Angeles for a week, and I miss him like crazy. the apartment is cold and hollow without him in it, despite the numerous objects of his that decorate every nook and cranny. a star and moon mobile hangs above our bed, which sounds childish but actually is fun for both of us to look at when we're lying together at night.
our eyes always follow as the crescent and circle shapes cross each other in a slow circle while we talk. and every time he's gone, his side of the bed gets cold. I miss his mouth and the shape of his arms when they enfold me. I've never been much for showing affection, but I would cover him in kisses if we had all day together.
absence makes the heart grow fonder, I guess.
he's coming home tonight and I've been looking forward to it for days now. even our kitten, Clarisse, lifts her head every time someone in the hallway of the building passes. she likes to sit between us whenever she can.
I let my thoughts roam freely as I take deep breaths and center my mind. it's hard to reign in the joy I feel at the memory of him. I haven't had an orgasm since he left, not because I haven't had the motivation, but because Matthew has created a new rule.
neither of us can pleasure ourselves until we see each other again. technically, I suppose we could break the rule and there would be no ramifications-- but it's kinda fun, to be honest. every night he calls me, and every night he tiptoes around the things he wants to do when he gets home. he can always hear the shortness of my breath when he says anything erring on risqué, asking what I'm wearing or if I've been thinking of him. of course I've been thinking of him; my nights swell with apparitions of his touch, moving over my skin without any tangible reality.
it usually ends with him tsking and telling me to be patient while I dig my fingernails into the inside of my thighs, resisting every urge within me to get off to the sound of his voice. he does it so well, too. all deep and desirous when he tells me to be good.
even as I sit here on the bed, a tingling feeling starts in my stomach. I want him too badly, and waiting has been absolute torture. I remember two nights ago, when I was sitting in his favorite armchair with my knees tucked into my chest, speaking softly to him.
"what have you been up to?"
"nothing out of the ordinary: filming, drawing... thinking of you." he had said, the last three words igniting a flame in my stomach. I love to hear him say that.
"anything in particular?" I started to trace absent-mindedly over the skin of my calves.
"thinking about how good you'd look with your hands between your legs." his voice was somehow silky and raspy all at once, like the idea of it was arousing him. I bit my lip and squeezed my thighs together.
"stop tempting me."
"you know damn well why." I giggled. he sighed on the other end of the line.
"I'm starting to hate this rule."
"you made it!" I argued, practically able to hear the mischievous little smile on his face.
"I know, but I wanna hear your noises."
"Matthew..." I blushed, even though he wasn't right in front of me.
"I can't wait to hear you scream that." the drop in his tone made goosebumps rise over my skin.
"are you hard right now?"
"maybe." he hesitated. I felt every cell in my body begging me to cheat our rule-- maybe bend it slightly-- but I hold true.
"get home, then, and I'll suck the soul out of you." I laughed a bit and heard him move in his seat.
"stop teasing."
"you're one to talk," I glanced out the window at the city glittering, full of so many people and empty of him. "I should go before we fuck this up for ourselves."
"no..." he whined like a needy puppy for a moment. "just talk to me normally."  
"fine," I pretended to be disappointed. I didn't want to hang up, anyway. "do you wanna hear about my coworkers? that's guaranteed to eradicate all sexual thoughts."
he texts me half an hour later, as I blow out the wicks of my candles and watch the rest of the sun disappear. I love nighttime. he's on his way and I get butterflies, despite the fact that I already know what's coming.
instead of waiting giddily with Clarisse, I elect to take a hot shower and wash the day from my bones. I feel more at ease now that I've had some time to sit with my thoughts, although they've made me even more sexually frustrated.
it's only when I'm drying my hair and sitting in my new lingerie slip dress that relief walks through the door in the form of Matthew and a pizza from our favorite neighborhood place. I hear him come in, practically leap up and run into the living room.
"hi!" he greets, standing in the entryway with his suitcase and a scarf thrown casually around his neck. he shuts the door just in time for me to get to him.
"hi hi hi!" I attach myself like a parasite, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him tightly.  
"happy birthday, my sweet girl," he kisses the top of my head and lets out a chuckle at my affection. "can I set my stuff down, quick?" Clarisse brushes against his leg.
reluctantly, I disentangle myself and take the pizza box from his hands and carry it into the kitchen. he makes a high-pitched whistle noise as I walk away, bending over to greet our cat.
"liking the view." he jokes. I set down the box and return to him, removing his scarf and coat with something of an impatience.
"shut up," I laugh. he starts to kiss my cheekbone, smiles against my skin while I peel off the winter layers. he's got too many clothes on. "you didn't need to pick up a pizza."
"it's your special day-- I wanted to get you the finest cuisine in Manhattan." he replies sincerely. I bite back a grin and stare up at him, completely and utterly in love with his stupid turns of phrase.
"it's gonna get cold, though."
"why?" he frowns. I answer by pulling him in for a voracious kiss, cupping his face in my hands. after a moment of us pressing our torsos together, he grabs the backs of my thighs and I jump, letting him hold me up. one of his hands rests beneath my butt, squeezing the flesh while we embrace.
"you're gonna drop me if we don't get to the bedroom soon." I giggle into his mouth. he playfully smacks my ass and carries me into our favorite place, slamming the door shut with his foot and setting me down on the mattress. I smile at his perfect features, wanting to both tear into him and preserve this moment in time forever.
he climbs onto the bed, pushes my legs apart and runs his hands along the outside of my thighs to hitch up my slip. I raise my eyebrows but don't argue when he gathers the dress up around my waist and yanks my panties down.
"I've been thinking about your pussy all day." he kisses the skin above my knee, moving much too slowly up my legs while he holds them open. I feel my hips leave the bed in eagerness, and he glances at my core hungrily. "you're dripping, baby."
"don't make me wait any more." I roll my eyes and he places the flat of his hand over my center, barely stimulating me while pushing me down. he knows the effect it has from the tortured whine I release.
"the best things come with time." he winks and continues his open-mouthed kisses along my inner thighs. his head is between my legs, but not nearly in the way I'd like it to be. I crave more; he knows it. he licks over a spot near my pussy and I moan.
"sensitive, huh?" he raises an eyebrow. I run my fingers through those unruly curls, tug.
"don't act as if you aren't just as turned on right now."  
"delayed gratification is a skill, darling." he's smirking and it's driving me wild looking at him in this position, not doing anything. he peeks at my body again before meeting my eyes. "you're dragging this out by talking, by the way."
"oh my god." I throw my head back into the pillow, but go silent as he starts to resume his movements. finally, slowly, he licks up my entrance, pausing at my crest to flick his tongue. I gasp and look at him, his focus all on my face.
he rolls his mouth expertly over me, dipping between my folds to taste and releasing a greedy moan before starting to lap and play with it like he can't stop himself anymore. this time, when I grip his hair, I use it as leverage to grind against him. he feels so good, the sounds coming from my lips are truly unhinged.
"oh, shit, shit-- just like that." I choke out. every part of me clings to him. he wraps his hands around my thighs and yanks me down the bed so he can do more with me. every action with his tongue is like a delicious torture, him exploring all the parts of me as if he's never tasted them before. when he runs his teeth gently across my clit, I moan loudly.
"so hot, Matthew, god, please--"
he doesn't even stop to tease me at all. judging by the darkened irises and blown-out pupils, he's lost in his own world while he eats me out. I can feel the pads of his fingertips gripping onto my skin as if it's his only tether to reality. he behaves like someone inebriated, trying new tricks and thrusting his tongue into my entrance. I'm already close, and he can feel from the insistence of my sounds.
he pulls away for a second and I whine, but he puts two fingers over my clit and rubs me like crazy while he talks.
"is this what you wanted for your birthday, sweetheart? to cum?" his mouth is glistening with my essence, lips swollen, while he holds my gaze. I'm whimpering.
"we're gonna have dinner after this and then for dessert, I'm gonna give you what you want," he pants and I can see the erection straining against his clothes. "okay?"
"mhmm." I buck against his touch, which is bringing me closer with every passing second.
"I'm treating you until that little pussy can't take it anymore." he bites his lip and watches me squirm. I'm almost to the edge and I know what will finish me.
"I need your mouth." I beg him hopefully. Matthew grins.
"whatever you want, baby." and with that, he bends down again and replaces his talented fingers with his lips, flicking and running over my clit until I can feel my stomach tensing.
"fuck!" I cry out, rolling against his face and climaxing intensely. my eyes squeeze shut at the tightening of all my muscles. my skin is on fire as I clutch at my tits through the fabric of my dress and feel my back move off the bed. he's pulling my legs up so that he can work me through my orgasm at an angle, harshly sucking at it until I'm completely worn out.
he puts me down and I breathe deeply, try to settle the quickness of my pulse.
"how was that?" he asks, rubbing over my legs affectionately while I come down from my high.
"amazing." I sit up and start to tug at his belt in the hopes of undoing it, but Matthew removes my wrist and shakes his head. I peek up at him with a curious, disappointed expression.
"it's your day, remember?" he says it so lovingly with a slightly higher pitch than normal, soft and laced with kindness. I look at his erection, anyway, always wanting the sight of it.
"that can't be comfortable."
"oh, it's not." he laughs. I let him lift me off the bed and he guides me to the kitchen on my slightly weak legs. everything about him leaves me like that.
Matthew and I eat pizza and drink champagne while he tells me about his trip, about all the cool people he met and places he went to shoot. he shows pictures of the cast and him making silly faces, and a bakery he saw.
"all the pastries are named after amazing women," he grins and presents a photo of the interior, which is full of flowers and hues of rich blue. "so I obviously thought of you."
I smile through my bite of food, heart fluttering. he shows me a picture of a half-eaten cookie that has the silhouette of a woman on the front, sitting in a chair. it's very 1800's-looking.
"it's supposed to be Jane Austen."
"I'm jealous." I grin.
"I'll take you sometime." he puts his phone away and we go back to talking normally. I could watch his lips move forever, listen to his voice forever. there's a quality to his speech that is entirely unique, that draws me in and makes me want to claim him for life. I didn't know it was possible to want someone so completely.
I rant about the things I had to deal with today, and he chuckles at my naturally indignant tone. by the time I run out of steam, we're just sitting with pleased expressions on our faces. even when I'm angry about something that's happened earlier, he knows how to make me forget all about it.
"it would be fun for everyone to meet you." Matthew toys with the napkin in his lap. I sigh.
"as long as there's alcohol involved, sure."
"they make me nervous!"
"you have no reason to be nervous," he shakes his head slowly. "they'll love you."
"that's the thing-- I want them to like me so badly, I'll do something to mess it up."
"you couldn't. you're adorable when you're shy." he reaches under the table and squeezes my knee reassuringly. I try to smile, but my stomach twists up at the thought. it's easy for Matthew; he's so uninhibited.
"you say that now, but it'll be a different story when I've managed to fall on my face in front of everyone."
he snorts. "okay, that would be kind of funny."
"hey!" but I'm hiding a smile.
"they'll love you," he keeps his hand on my leg as he looks at me. "you wanna know how I know?"
"how?" I wait patiently for his reply. he leans forward in his seat and beckons me closer.
"because you are the sweetest--" he kisses me. "smartest--" another peck. "funniest girl I know."
"stop." I deadpan as I turn my face away just enough for him to nuzzle my cheek with his nose as I laugh.
"not to mention the sexiest one, too." he whispers in my ear. I put my hand on his shoulder, intending to push him away playfully but finding myself not wanting to.
"I knew that's where you were gonna take that." I roll my eyes. his other hand has been creeping progressively up my thigh until his fingers brush my core. I suck in a breath, remembering that my panties are still in the bedroom.
"you want me to prove it to you?" he starts to stroke over me, gathering the wetness on his fingers that already waits for him. I let out a slight moan as he dips inside and curls his digits.
he starts to finger me easily, adding a second and pumping them inside while I grip the edge of the table and watch his face concentrate on mine. he's rough and deep, the result of not having his own orgasm earlier. I can see the lust in his eyes like he can't wait to dive in. all that comes out of my mouth are chants of his name, begging for him as his thumb toys with my clit. my walls clench and his jaw hangs open with a slight smile.
"do that again." he says. I obey, squeezing my thighs around his wrist. he feels so good there, and he's not even doing that much. "god, I can't wait for you to do that on my cock."
"fuck me, then." I breathe.
"gladly," he removes his fingers so suddenly, I make a disappointed noise. "get on the table, sweetheart."
"the-- the table?" I glance down at the surface. he nods in complete seriousness. oh, wow.
we clear off the two plates and down the rest of our champagne, his lips capturing mine easily the second I turn around from putting them in the sink. he walks me back to the table, never breaking our contact, before I end up sitting on it. he's between my legs, pushing his hips to mine while he moves my dress up again.
I hum into his neck while he starts to grind against me, undoing his belt and breathing quickly in my ear. I can feel his length through the fabric, feel how desperate he is. I scoot closer to the edge and try to get more.
"are you sure you don't want me to suck your dick?" I peek at him. he tilts my face up and I feel myself sink into those dark circles around his eyes. my beautiful, haunted boy.
"I need to be inside you." he says it without an ounce of humor. every word weighted with desire as he holds me there. my insides feel like they've been electrified, nerves sparking. all I can do is nod fervidly and pull his shirt off.
he takes off his bottoms and stares back at me, stroking his cock while I trail my nails down his chest, abdomen, whatever I can find. he's so gorgeous, I want to leave marks just so I can make sure he's real. he rubs himself in my essence, then pushes the head inside.
"Matthew--" I bite down on his shoulder to silence myself as he stretches me out. it hasn't even been that long, but it feels like the first time. his head dropping down with a long, low groan of pleasure.
"I missed this." he sheathes himself inside, deep, and I feel my walls tightening around him. there's a pressure on my clit from the position we're in, too. I whine on it, letting myself wiggle impatiently.
"move." I whisper. he starts to withdraw, only about halfway, before going in again. I throw my head back at the force of his thrust, so greedy. he's groaning softly while he presses his mouth to my throat, the flutter of his breath over my skin causing shivers to run up and down my spine.
I wrap my legs around his waist and he starts to find a rhythm with my body. nails dig into his back as an anchor. the closeness of his chest to mine is comforting.
"do you know how hard it was not to get myself off, baby?" he says, the words threaded with a needy tone. I shake my head and pray he'll keep talking. "every night I'd think about you and I couldn't do anything about it."
"you could have." I taunt.
"this is better," he goes faster, clutching at my waist and legs to pull me closer. "so much better."
"yeah?" I giggle, although it's hard when he's pounding into me so hard. I cling tightly and try to meet his thrusts. he's hitting different angles within me that I didn't even know existed, tearing me apart in the absolute best way.
"I wanna be inside it all day." he moans. I'm scratching his back with the way we're working together, every word out of his mouth and the sounds he makes causing me to lose my mind. his fingers dig into my ass as he slams into me. the table shakes beneath.
"that feels so fucking good." I grab on and roll my hips against his. his hand moves to my shoulder to push the straps of my dress down.
"let me see you," he tugs them until my tits are out, at which point he grabs my waist and pulls me against him, moaning loudly at the feeling. "pretty girl."
I can feel the tidal wave building within me, the seconds that gather into one wild, exquisite torrent of pleasure. the knot in my stomach tightens as he fucks me.
"I'm gonna cum." tears prick the back of my eyes. he's working my figure so perfectly, I can barely see. my legs are shaking before I even reach the culmination.
"good." he gets erratic as he imagines how pleasurable it'll be to have me clenching around him, and I sink below the surface. my hips jerk and I cry out like it's my last time being with him, his name pouring from my mouth. Matthew speeds up.
"so... tight--" he shudders. "oh fuck-- that's it, baby, that's it."
he spills inside and it prolongs our orgasms, both of us breathing hard while I remove my arms from his shoulders and lean back on my hands against the table, him still thrusting gently into me while we hold eye contact.
when he's finished, he removes himself from me and then we're just there, looking at each other with love all over our faces.
"happy birthday, Y/N." he grins.
"can you give me one more gift?" I bite my lip. he frowns.
"oh, I have several gifts for you in my suitcase--" he starts to say with a laugh, then sees that I'm not referring to anything tangible. "yes, anything."
"can you Clorox this table, please?"
Matthew kisses my cheek. "of course."
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sir-subpar · 3 years
Where have you been? (Part 2)
*Warning: Blood/Gore*
Five weeks. That's how long Boyfriend had been missing. Five weeks with still no sign of the blue-haired man, it was starting to drive Pico mad. The longer this went on, the harder it was for Pico to think positively. He was starting to struggle with sleep, sometimes going days without so much as a wink of rest. His fiery orange hair was messy from him constantly running his fingers through it. It was hard to relax when someone you care about was unaccounted for. Whitty and Hex were still helping out, which Pico appreciated, but it did little to ease his fears. The three of them met up and searched for Boyfriend as often as they could.
It was late in the afternoon, another day going by with no luck finding Boyfriend. The trio had resorted to putting up missing posters for Bf, splitting up to scatter them around town. It did little to help, especially when random vandals would tear them down or draw all over them. Every time Pico saw one of the posters being ruined it pissed Pico off to no end. He didn't think it was possible to want to strangle a graffiti artist as much as he did. By some miracle of willpower he refrained from doing so (that, and he didn't know who was doing it). Pico sighed angrily as he hung another poster, his thumb turning white as he pushed the tacks into a wooden pole. His gaze lingered on the poster. In the picture, Bf was smiling. He looked so happy.. Pico felt his chest tighten around his heart. It felt hard to breathe, but not impossible. He clutched the front of his vest, fidgeting with the teeth of the zipper. Pico could only imagine what Boyfriend was going through, and his imagination was not kind. As much as he tried to ignore the worst possibilities, he struggled to stay positive. 
What if Boyfriend was dead? 
He hated the idea. He didn't want to think about it. Surely he was alive. He had to be somewhere! Anywhere! He couldn't be dead! Pico tried to ground himself by thinking of other possibilities. Maybe Bf was just hiding from everyone because he didn't want Gf and her family to know where he was. Pico grit his teeth as more anger suddenly rose from his core. Girlfriend… he was honestly starting to resent her. Sure, most people don't want to see their ex after a breakup. Pico understood that, sure, whatever. But when someone goes missing, it's good to help find them. Especially when you're the last one to have seen them…
Pico was suddenly brought back to reality when he heard his phone buzzing in his pocket. Whitty was calling. The two exchanged phone numbers after they went to that diner weeks ago. Pico tapped the green icon to answer, and brought the phone to his ear. "Hey Whitty. What's up?" Pico asked, his anger faded a bit, now being distracted with the sound of Whitty's voice. "I just wanted to let you know that Hex can't help us for a few days. He's got some computer virus that's apparently been a bitch to remove." Whitty sounded agitated. Pico figured he was probably worried about his best friend. "Is he gonna be ok?" Pico asked, he was already missing one person, he didn't want to lose another. "Yeah, some tech guy's helping him out. He should be fine soon..." Whitty paused. "Hey, do you want to meet up? I'm out of posters to hang." Whitty's tone changed a bit, Pico couldn't quite figure out why, but he brushed it off. It didn't matter anyway. "Yeah, I'll pick you up. Where are you?"
Pico drove in silence as Whitty sat in the passenger seat. He felt a little bad for the bomb man as even with the seat pushed all the way back, he barely fit in the car. Pico's car just wasn't designed with people over 8ft tall in mind. Whitty had the chair leaned back so he wouldn't hit his head on the ceiling, his knees were bent just so he could fit in the car. Whitty's hands were in his pockets, despite the lack of space in the car, he seemed like he was relaxing a bit. 
"Hey Pico." Whitty broke the silence. Pico let out a hum, signaling he was listening. "I had this random idea for the next place we should check."  "Hmm?" Was Pico's only reply. He was tired, but he wasn't gonna quit for the day just yet. "You know that bridge close to the freeway? The one over the ditch?" Pico had to think for a moment before he caught on. "You think he might be hiding out in the ditch?" Pico asked, a little glimmer of hope making itself known. Whitty shrugged. "Maybe. I dunno. It's a common place to hide." Pico turned on his blinker, he had to drive to the opposite side of town to get there but at this rate it wasn't a big deal. If there was even a chance of Boyfriend being there, he had to take it. He had to make sure Bf was safe. 
After Pico parked the car, he and Whitty climbed down into the dry ditch. It was now night, the darkness making it hard to see anything. Except Whitty's eyes, that is. In the complete darkness, Pico noticed Whitty's orange eyes were glowing. He could partially see the tall man's body as the warm light from his eyes reflected off of him. Pico found it fascinating. It was oddly comforting, like a fireplace. Pico found himself getting lost in them.
 "... Pico?" Whitty's voice interrupted Pico's stupor. Turns out the inside of Whitty's mouth glowed too. "Huh? What?" Pico asked, a little lost thanks to his little daydream. "Are you alright? You seemed out of it." Whitty asked, shifting awkwardly as he stood. Pico felt uneasy, did Whitty see something in the dark that he hasn't noticed yet? Were they alone? Pico quickly shoved his hand in his pocket and whipped out his flashlight. As soon as he turned it on, and the light flooded the ditch, he realized no one else was near them (at least no one was close enough to see). So why was Whitty uncomfortable? Like someone was staring at him? 
Pico had almost physically face-palmed. He was staring at Whitty. He just stood there in silence and stared at this dude's face in the darkness. From Whitty's point of view, that probably came off as creepy. Now he felt a bit guilty for being so weird. Damn it, he had to say something to break this weird silence! But what? Should he apologize? Or just brush it off so they don't have to talk about it? 'Damn it Pico, say something! Anything!' He mentally chastised himself. Just when he was about to blurt out what probably would have been nonsense, Whitty piped up. "Did my eyes creep you out?" Whitty asked, sounding disheartened. Pico suddenly panicked, speaking before his brain could filter it. "What- No! No. Not at all. Your eyes are cool! Like a jack o lantern or something. They're neat! They like.." Pico cleared his throat to compose himself again. He had to give a rational response. "I think your eyes are fascinating. I didn't mean to offend you, I just got distracted. I'm sorry." Pico's face turned a light shade of pink out of embarrassment. He hoped his disjointed response would somehow make the situation less awkward. Whitty's eyes widened, and his cheeks glowed a bit as his expression shifted from surprised to bashful. He started rubbing the back of his head, a nervous habit, Pico assumed. "I… thanks. I've had people say my eyes remind them of Jack O lanterns before, but I think this is only the second time someone's used it as a compliment. Bf was the first." Whitty confessed, his tone sounding fond. Pico smiled a bit, of course B would say something like that. Pico snapped out of his trail of thought before he got more distracted with reminiscing. "Speaking of… we should get back to looking for him." Pico stated, bring their focus back to the task at hand. Whitty nodded. The two chose to walk throughout the ditch, hopefully they'd eventually find a sign of Boyfriend under these bridges. 
Each step they took echoed off of the cement around them. It was a little eerie. Pico was glad that he wasn't alone, Whitty seemed like he could hold his ground. It was comforting. After a few minutes, they came across a blanket laid out next to a few plastic water bottles. They couldn't necessarily say they belonged to Boyfriend, but it felt like they were on the right track at least. They continued their walk, hoping to find more signs of Bf. A few more mostly uneventful minutes went by, then they saw someone not too far ahead of them. Pico lowered his light a bit so it wasn't shining in their eyes, but he could still see them pretty clearly. They were leaning their back against the wall of the ditch with their arms crossed. They had what appeared to be a goat skull for a head with long horns er.. Horn. Pico noticed that one of their horns had clearly been broken off. Their face had multiple large cracks all over it. He wore a dark blue hoodie that matched his hat. His jeans were either a darker shade of blue or black, Pico couldn't quite tell. The skull-faced stranger had turned their head to look at Pico and Whitty, clearly having noticed Pico's flashlight. His black eye sockets with glowing yellow pupils staring them down. Pico admittedly got a shady vibe from him, but he was accustomed to shady people due to his type of work. He decided to approach the man, but not get too close, he just needed to know if he had seen Boyfriend. "Hey. Mind we ask you something?" Pico called, hoping the stranger would cooperate. "What do you want?" The horned stranger rudely snapped in a clear Russian accent, he was clearly agitated. Pico wasn't that fazed by the man's rudeness, again, he was used to that kind of behavior (not to mention he wasn't all that polite or well mannered himself). "We just have some questions. We're looking for a friend of ours, maybe you've seen him around." The man appeared to relax a bit after hearing that. His expression was less aggressive. "What does your friend look like?" He asked, his tone a bit less harsh than before. Pico pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled through his gallery until he found a picture of him and Boyfriend. He turned the phone around to face the man. As soon as he saw the photo, his eye sockets widened, and he tilted his head back a bit in surprise. "Boyfriend?" The man questioned.
Now it was Whitty and Pico's turn to be surprised. "You know him?" Whitty asked, bewildered at the man's recognition of Bf. "Yes, we are… acquainted. I see him a lot lately." That, admittedly, made Pico angrier than it probably should have. This guy knew where Bf was while no one else did. B had trusted this guy instead of Pico? Or Whitty? Pico once again asked himself the question that plagued his mind for weeks. 'Why didn't he come to me?' Pico tightened his grip on his flashlight. He should be glad. They finally had a potential lead. Pico forced the irrationality down for what felt like the 100th time that day. "Do you know where he is?" 'Please. Tell me you know where he is.'  Pico begged internally. The man nodded his head in a 'sort of' fashion. "I know where he's been hiding lately. It's not too far from here." He looked around a bit, as if checking to see if they were alone. "You know that little theater on Chavez road? The closed one? He's been around there lately. You'll find him if you go there." Pico suddenly felt a small rush of relief. That sounded promising. "Thank you, Mr..?" "Tabi" "Thank you Tabi. We appreciate it. Oh! I'm Pico, by the way. This is Whitty." Whitty waved, and Tabi nodded in acknowledgment. Tabi bagan to walk away. "Take care of Boyfriend you too. He's fragile right now." He called before departing. "We will," Whitty replied, "Thank you." Pico mumbled one more time before he and Whitty rushed towards the car. 
For the first time in weeks, Pico felt hope. He felt almost giddy in a sense. Soon this nightmare could be over. Soon Bf could be safe. But there was still a chance that they wouldn't find Bf. There were a lot of emotions running rampant in his head. Nerves, excitement, doubt. He couldn't remember the last time he was this conflicted. Various 'what ifs' both positive and negative coming forth to give their piece of mind. Pico gripped the steering wheel of his car tightly, his knuckles turning white. 
Tabi's words echoed in his head. 'Take care of Boyfriend, he's fragile right now.'   
Was this all really because of Bf and Gf's breakup? It just felt extreme. Most people don't go missing for weeks after a breakup. Especially Boyfriend. This was out of character for him. He hated being alone. There was more to it. There had to be. Pico was sure of it. 
Pico pulled over as the old theatre came into view. The decorative walls were a bit worn, but still beautiful. He knew this old place fairly well, it made him a little sad when it was shut down. Pico and Whitty stepped out of the car. Whitty stretched his arms, glad he could stand at his full height again. The bomb man looked at the various posters on the theater's walls, each one advertised some sort of play or performance. "Huh." Was all Whitty said. "What's up?" Pico asked. "I don't know why, but I thought this was going to be a movie theater. I didn't realise it was one of those performing arts places." Whitty replied. Pico turned to Whitty. "You've never been here before?" Pico asked, genuinely surprised. Whitty only shook his head in response. "Aw man, that's a bummer. This place was nice. It was family-owned, a local theater, ya know? It went bankrupt, but when it was open it was cool… B loved it here." Pico's tone shifted as he reminisced. Going from casual to bittersweet. Whitty tilted his head curiously, waiting for Pico to continue. He didn't make eye contact with Whitty, instead focusing his gaze on the theater's doors. "Ya know… sometimes, after a show, the owners would let B and I use the stage. We'd sing there for as long as they let us. We did it almost every week." Pico couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He remembered those times so well. It was years ago, back when he and B were together. They were memories he cherished. "Sounds like it was fun." Whitty commented briefly. "It was." Pico's tone continued to be bittersweet. Deep down, he hoped that he and Boyfriend could have what they did back then. He always regretted letting B go, but never said anything. Once Boyfriend found someone else, he figured he'd never have a chance again. Pico's vision started to blur slightly. 'Goddammit Pico! Now's not the time!' He mentally chastised himself, he didn't want to cry. Not when Bf was still lost. Not in front of Whitty. He was able to bury this before, he could do it again. Pico did his best to refocus on the task at hand. He needed to stop doing this. 
Pico cleared his throat.
"A-Anyway, we should look for Boyfriend. He's probably around here somewhere." Whitty nodded. Pico was thankful that Whitty didn't pry into his emotions. He'd rather NOT talk about that at the moment, thank you very much. "Let's check inside." Whitty proposed, Pico gave a brief sound of agreement before pulling the front door's handle. Surprisingly it was unlocked. Was Tabi right? Was Boyfriend here? Did he unlock it? Pico made a mental note about the door and continued inside, Whitty following just behind him. Once again he needed his trusty flashlight. The theater was usually dark as is, but it was extra dark with it being the middle of the night. While in said darkness, Pico was briefly reminded of earlier that night when he stared at Whitty's eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time. Pico's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. This was definitely going to be one of those memories that kept him up at night whenever he thought about it. Then, Pico had another thought. "Hey Whitty." "Hm?" "How come you haven't been using a flashlight too? I mean, I don't mind sharing mine, I'm just curious." Pico hoped it wasn't a rude question. "Oh, well, uh.." Whitty began, Pico once again noticing how the inside of Whitty's mouth glowed like his eyes. "I don't really need a flashlight. I can see in the dark." Whitty's cheeks glowled orange a bit, now Pico was convinced that was how Whitty blushed. He found it kinda endearing, to be honest. "That's really cool. Wish I could do that." Pico said and chuckled a bit, feeling a bit lighter in spirit. Whitty also laughed coyly, feeling a bit flattered. "Let's check out the stage first." Whitty directed, already walking towards it. "Yeah, good idea." Pico agreed, following suit. The 'house' was dusty, and the seats clearly hadn't been used in a while. Well, most of them hadn't. Pico paused, getting a better look. He quickly noticed that a few of them had been folded out, the armrests were raised, and what looked like a shiney red blanket was draped across them. Someone had been using them as a makeshift bed, Pico realized. Someone was definitely here. "Psst, hey Whitty." Whitty turned around to face him, Pico waved his hand in a 'come here' gesture. Whitty nodded and approached him. 
The tall bomb headed man leaned over Pico, looking down the same row of seats he was. It didn't take him long to catch on. "We must be on the right track. Wait, is that a curtain?" Whitty reached over Pico to pick up and hold the 'blanket' which was, in fact, part of a stage curtain that had been cut. Pico felt his heart clench. B was using a curtain for a blanket, he must be cold. Pico looked at the chairs/bed. One of the seats had a pile of clothes/costumes haphazardly bunched together, probably being used as a pillow. This was just… sad. Bf didn't deserve to live like this. 
While Pico looked at the seats, Whitty took a second to inspect the curtain. It was red on one side, and white on the other side- wait, no, the other side had red too. In weird splotches and smear-like patterns. Whitty held it stretched out in front of him, the white and red patterned side facing him. The patterns looked inconsistent not just in size and shape, but in hue as well. Some of the red splotches looked darker almost..wet, while others looked faded, like stains. Whitty touched one of the darker red spots with his thumb, surprised when it was actually wet. Realization suddenly dawned on him, this wasn't a pattern. Now he was worried. "Hey Pico?" His scratchy voice quietly called, Pico turned around to look Whitty in the eyes. Whitty held the curtain in a way that only let Pico see the shiney full-red side and not the 'patterns'. "I'm not entirely human, so correct me if I'm wrong but… human blood is red, right?" Pico gave him a confused and worried look, then nodded hesitantly. "That's what I was afraid of." Whitty admitted, turning the curtain around so Pico could see. Pico's white eyes shot open wide, before giving Whitty a panicked look. Pico's heart dropped.
Just as Pico was about to say something, there was a loud *CRASH* from a distance. 
Pico and Whitty's attention snapped towards the stage, it looked like a shelf had fallen over from backstage. Frantic footsteps could be heard. Neither of them had to say anything, they both bolted towards all the noise. Running up the small stairs to the stage. They ran towards the backstage area. Their own footsteps echoing as their shoes hit the wooden floorboards. Whitty, with his longer strides, took the lead ahead of Pico. Once they arrived at the backstage room, they saw the metal Exit door slowly closing. Whitty slammed it back open, dashing through it, Pico not far behind him. Once outside, they had stumbled into a fenced in parking lot. Street lights illuminated the empty lot, now they could see the other person running away from them. They were short, around Pico's height. They had a black hoodie on, the hood was up so they couldn't see their head. Even so, Pico was sure that it was Boyfriend. It had to be. 
The hooded person ran into the parking lot's locked gate. Attempting to climb over it, but they weren't fast enough. Pico and Whitty were on their tail. They still tried, though. They were clearly struggling to get up the fence's bars, it looked like they kept slipping, like they couldn't grip the bars. Just as they were about to make another attempt to climb, Whitty caught up to them. The tall bomb man swiftly wrapped his hands around their torso, easily lifting them off the ground. Like holding a kitten. They helplessly swung their arms and legs, attempting to free themself from Whitty's grip. Amidst all their wild flailing, the hood came down, revealing a familiar face with blue hair. Boyfriend. They found him.
"N-no! Let me go! P-Put me down!" Boyfriend yelled, his voice filled with panic. His eyes were closed, and tears soaked his cheeks. Whitty knelt down to bring Boyfriend closer to the ground, still not letting go. "Hey! Hey… Boyfriend, it's just us. It's okay." Whitty did his best to keep his scratchy voice steady, hoping to calm down the terrified bluette. Despite not having the most soothing voice, it seemed to help a bit. Bf stopped flailing and yelling for the moment, his eyes snapped open. He seemed to have come to a sudden halt. His fearful eyes scanned the environment around him. Pico tried to approach him slowly, he didn't want to spook the poor guy more, but he too, was shaking. He had seen Boyfriend scared before, sure, but not like this. This was a new level of absolute terror. He looked so… fragile. Like if someone so much as flicked him, he'd fall to pieces. This was a far cry from the Boyfriend Pico knew. The dumb, reckless, confident man was no where to be found. What really struck Pico though, was the noticeable dampness of Boyfriend's hoodie sleeves. Pico figured he must have been injured, and he had to help. 
In the moment though, he was overwhelmed. He was happy that they found him. He was also worried about him. Part of him was angry. After all the weeks spent searching for Boyfriend, after spending those weeks bottling up all his frustrations, fears, grief, worry. He had reached his tipping point. He couldn't hold back anymore. The tears in his own eyes couldn't be stopped this time. Pico threw away his inhibitions, and just ran up to hug Boyfriend. Pico buried his face in the crook of Boyfriend's neck, and dug his fingers into his blue hair. He was there, they actually found him. And he'd be damned if he lost Bf again. His own face was wet with tears. "G-god Damn it you- you fucking idiot. Don't scare me like that again. F-fuck." Pico's voice shook, sobbing, his cries making it harder to speak. Whitty let go of Boyfriend's torso, instead wrapping his arms around both Pico and Boyfriend, trying not to cry himself (emphasis on tried). A few of his hot, orange tears fell onto the other two boys, but neither seemed to notice.
After a few moments, Whitty and Pico pulled back from the hug. Pico kept his hands on Boyfriend's shoulders, he didn't want to let go. His attention was once again brought to the dampness of Bf's hoodie, he knew it had to be blood. "B… let's go home." Apparently that was the wrong thing for Pico to say, as soon as he did, Boyfriend panicked again. "I-! N-no! I don't want to see her again please Pico-! Don't make me go back!" Pico rushed to ask what was wrong, startled by Bf's reaction. "B, who are you talking about?" Pico gently grabbed Boyfriend's hands, he wanted to be comforting, but that changed when he noticed Bf heavily flinched, and his hands were wet. Pico gently brought Bf's hands into the light. His hands were cracked and bleeding. Badly. The skin and flesh looked like it was just barely holding on to the bones. Some of the blood was dry and crusty, while some of it was fresh. Pico furrowed his brow. "B… what happened?" Bf began crying again. "Gf.. She.." Bf's voice trembled, his lip quivered. He started sobbing. Whitty's orange eyes widened, in a spur of the moment, Whitty gathered both the shorter males in his arms. Lifting them off the ground and standing at his full height. "Hey Pico, why don't we all head to your place?" Pico nodded, still holding Bf's hands. "You can stay with me, B. I promise I won't take you to Girlfriend. She won't even know we found you, okay?" Bf looked into Pico's white eyes, then Whitty's orange ones, before slowly nodding and letting out a barely audible "okay". 
Whitty carried them to Pico's car, he decided to sit in the back with Boyfriend so he wouldn't be alone while Pico drove the car (they moved the front passenger seat as far up as they could to make more legroom for him). Bf was huddled to Whitty's side, the tall, warm, bomb man made him feel safe. Whitty had one of his arms wrapped around Boyfriend, hoping to comfort him. The bluette was still crying, but not as much as before, he seemed to have calmed down slightly. No words were exchanged during the car trip to Pico's house. 
Once they arrived, Whitty gently carried Bf into Pico's house and carefully set him down on Pico's couch. Pico ran off to grab his first aid kit from his hallway closet, mentally preparing himself for how wrecked the rest of Bf's arms might look. He didn't want to end up freaking out and scaring Bf more. Pico moved to sit next to Boyfriend on the couch. "Okay B, show me what hurts." Boyfriend seemed hesitant, Whitty, who was sitting at Bf's other side, rubbed his back. The small gesture seemed to comfort Bf a little, and he removed the black hoodie he was wearing, hissing as the fabric pulled away from his wounds; he was only wearing a tank top under it, so the damage to his arms was revealed easily. Boyfriend's arms looked worse than his hands did somehow. Cracked and bleeding, in some places, it looked like the skin had stitches only to fall apart more and undo them. He could see the bone in Bf's elbow and shoulder. 
Pico felt sick. It was a mystery how Boyfriend wasn't just screaming in anguish. Pico took a quick glance at Whitty, who also looked appalled at the gorey sight before them. Pico looked into Boyfriend's teary eyes, then back at his arms. "We should take ya to the hospital." Pico said nervously, his gauze and hydrogen peroxide couldn't fix this. "I-I already tried that. They couldn't- *sniff* they couldn't stop it. I-It's magic." Bf confessed, Pico noticed Whitty's expression changed from shock to sympathetic. Whitty gestured to Bf's arms "Was this Girlfriend's magic?" Boyfriend nodded. Pico felt rage bubbling in his core. His attempt to keep calm and collected was thrown out the window. "Did she do this on purpose!? That's it! Imma beat her ass!" Pico whipped out his gun. Furious. "I'm gonna pump that bitch full of lead!" Pico was about to storm out his house when both Boyfriend and Whitty stopped him. "PICO DON'T!" Bf and Whitty said in unison. Whitty gripped Pico's arm (which was super easy seeing as his hand was big enough for his fingers to wrap all the way around Pico's forearm), and Boyfriend hugged him, burying his face in the crook of Pico's neck. "Why the fuck are you two stopping me!?" Pico shouted, still undeniably pissed. "Please don't go, Pico!" Bf cried. "Listen dude, as much as I'd love to see ya give that girl more holes than swiss cheese, if you even try it, her family will kill you. Plus, if ya went to her now, they'll know we found Bf, and who knows what they'd do to him then!"
Pico hated to admit it, but Whitty was right. He'd just make it worse by confronting Girlfriend. Her family was powerful, her parents would definitely come after all of them if he tried to do anything to her. His anger was screaming at him to go and blast her with his Uzi, but reason objected to it. Pico sighed, and put his gun on the table. "Alright. Yer right. I'm sorry." Bf hugged him tighter. "Thank you." He said quietly. "Well, if I can't shoot that bitch, let's at least try to solve… this." Pico gestured towards Bf's arms, which were bleeding all over him in the hug. Whitty rubbed the back of his head, unsure. "Well, demon magic did this in the first place, maybe another demon can undo it?" Whitty offered, Pico thought about it, it made sense. If hospitals couldn't treat a curse, might as well try magic. "I can't say you're wrong, the issue now is finding a demon who would be willing to help. The only other demon I know I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw her. Do you know anyone?" Whitty shook his head. The three stayed quiet. Pico wracked his brain for anyone who might be helpful. Maybe his dad knew someone who could help? Probably not. His brother definitely hung out with demons and whatnot, but most people his brother hung out with were bad news. Not to mention he hasn't spoken to his older bro in a long ass time. That was a no go. Who else could he ask? Pico glanced at Whitty, he appeared to be going over various options in his head too. They were silent until Boyfriend chirped in. "I might know someone. Maybe tomorrow we can find her?" Pico shrugged. "I guess that's just what we gotta do. For now though, you should go get cleaned up. You remember where the shower is?" Bf nodded, and started walking down the hallway. "I'll bring you some clean clothes you can borrow!" Pico called, Bf replying with a distant "Thank you" before disappearing around the corner. 
Pico made eye contact with Whitty. He might not have known this guy too well, having only met him a couple weeks ago, but the time they spent working together trying to find Boyfriend made Pico appreciate him. He wanted to know more about him. Whitty was so helpful, even managing to calm Pico down when he was two seconds away from snapping. He found the gentle giant fascinating and comforting. "Hey Whitty?" Whitty let out a curious "hmm?" 
"I just wanted to say thanks.. For everything. You've been really helpful and great and.. I really appreciate it." Pico's earnest tone made Whitty's cheeks glow slightly. "It's no problem. You don't have to thank me or anything. I just.. Wanted Bf to be safe too, ya know?" Pico nodded understandably. "I wish we coulda met under better circumstances. You seem like a great guy, I uh… I'd really like to keep hangin out with you. Maybe once we get this whole curse thing sorted out, we should do something together? Maybe all three of us should." Pico felt color flooding in his own cheeks now, feeling somewhat nervous. Whitty smiled. "I'd like that." Pico let out a small chuckle. "Cool. Cool. Sounds good." 
An awkward lull took the conversation, neither saying much. Whitty eventually stood up and stretched, feeling a bit sleepy. "Well, I should head out. I'm gettin tired. Want me to meet up with you guys here tomorrow?" Pico hesitantly nodded, he almost offered to just let Whitty stay the night, but if he had plans to go home, who was Pico to stop him? "Sounds good. Imma uh.. Get some clothes for B." Pico attempted to make the situation less awkward, he was never good at goodbyes. "Yeah, that'd be good. I'll see you tomorrow." Whitty and Pico parted ways after that. Now, Pico just had to help Boyfriend. Hopefully this woman he was talking about can reverse whatever demon spell was on him..
Pico let Bf borrow his spare pajamas, and threw Bf's clothes in the wash. He wasn't sure if the washing machine was gonna be able to get all the blood out. As he was going through it, he noticed that the inside of Bf's jeans were bloody too, the curse must've been affecting his legs as well. Pico kept the 1st aid kit out, that way he could bandage what was left of Boyfriend's limbs. While Pico tended to the bluette's wounds, he made small talk with Boyfriend, hoping it would put him at ease. It seemed to help. Eventually it became time to turn in for the night. Both boys were exhausted.
 "Hey Pico?"
 "Yeah B?" 
"Can I sleep in your bed with you? I don't wanna be alone."
"... Yeah. C'mere."
"Thanks Pico."
"No prob. G'night B."
"Good night Pico."
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http-mingi · 4 years
room 657. ⤑ jjk + kth ☏︎
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⟶ 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 : you didn't even realise you were calling a hotline. you're best friend jimin gave you a random number. he said it was a surprise ? well you're in for one.
♡︎ 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 : sexhotline!au, worker!taehyung, worker!jungkook, student!reader
♡︎ 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 : ∝ filthy smut if you squint there’s fluff
♡︎ : 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : sorry i fr forgot to do the word count !!
⟶ 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 : stressed reader, soft!dom jungkook, harddom!tae , big cock!tae, bigcock!jungkook, size kink??, sub!reader, pussy eating, dirty talk, face riding, hair pulling, fingering, cum eating, praise kinda?? unprotected sex, roughsex, multiple orgasms, heavy heavy dom sub themes, brat!reader , dom/sub themes, pet names, daddy!kink, threesome, dirty talk, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, begging, humiliation, creampie, intense orgasms(?), multiple orgasms, cum eating, insecurities, derogatory language, sexual face-slapping, punishments, dumbification, overstimulation, basically pwp.
let's go!
you sighed heavily as your boots clicked along the laminated floor of your university.
today so far had been a hassle. traffic kept you 2 hours late from school you were earlier fired from your job. your ex boyfriend had recently been stalking you and to top it off there was no hot water this morning.
you were beyond stressed.
most of the time you could deal with it you had thousands of stress relieving techniques. but this time you were all types of frustrated, with school, your job, sexually, friendships, family. you sighed heavily as you dragged yourself inside your classroom.
the bright walls of your university aided in your pounding headache. the distinct smell of coffee and muffins flooded your nose as you blinked slowly.
the tall dark bookcases shielding you from the sunlight as you sluggishly made your way to your seat.
you slumped down on your chair as you massaged your temples in effort to calm your self down. your headache clouded your vision immensely you hastily downed your water and some paracetamol nursing your forehead throughout.
you hadn’t been out on a real date in months. it seemed like the universe didn’t want you on dates, you rarely ever found yourself being okay with that fact.
whilst in a trance your best friend jimin walked excitedly into the classroom.
he constantly and i mean constantly reminded you off the things you were missing out on but it wasn’t like you didn’t want to go out but the issue was you were way too busy.
being an english, law and history major meant that you were constantly studying literally.
you did love him though he always tried for you.
"_____ !! " your friend jimin called out to you. you grumbled in annoyance as you turned your neck towards him.
"what." you sighed out tiredly.
" what the- what's wrong with you ______ ?!" he exclaimed loudly.
" jimin... why are you so loud. " you whine loudly.
“ shut up ___ im literally your only friend.” he said nonchalantly.
“ stopppp!” you whined with a breathy giggle.
“ anyways what are you doing here you have biology?” you asked innocently wiping your exhausted eyes.
“ uhhh... well..”
“ spit it outtt.” you say , head tilting slightly.
" sorry _____ i just- i have a number to give you and i don't call it until you get home! trust me you'll thank me later!!”
it looked like a legit number so you decided to trust him this one time.
"come on ____ class ended 20 minutes ago wake up." he whined loudly.
" what.....? " you yawned as you groggily wiped your eyes.
jimin let out an exasperated sigh as he dragged you out of class and to your apartment.
" i love you but sometimes i feel like stabbing you. " he says plainly.
" sorry chim, ive just been really stressed lately. i'll make it up to you i promise."
"you can make it up to me by calling that number, it'll solve all your problems i promise."
" jimin... did you connect me to a sugar daddy or something? " you asked as you flopped down onto your sofa
" something like that." he said grinning
" okay well you can go home now . " you muttered yawning
" promise me you'll call them? "
" okay, okay now you can go. "
as jimin left you groaned into your pillow did you have to call them it wasn't really gonna change anything. but at the same time jimin would do the same for you.
your home was simple, minimalistic but you loved it your soft grey sofa in the corner. your small tv playing comfort noise in the background.
you fought your tiredness to finish your essay due for next week. you ached in places you didn't even know you had the most you were aching was down there.
you hadn't had any sexual action in weeks even months.
you decided to go up to your room to try and relive yourself.
you sighed as your hands hovered over the pulsating area.
as a finger trailed it's way up your slit you involuntarily whined as you got tired of the foreplay you plunged a finger inside your soppy cunt.
your plush walls also fighting to relish your much needed orgasm as you groaned into your pillow.
you moaned, whined, groaned and breathed heavily as you desperately tried to reach your high.
you angrily quickened your pace. you were trying so hard yet you still weren't feeling anything.
in a huff you decided to stop trying to reach your endless high.
in the corner of your eye you saw the number jimin had left you.
it wouldn't hurt to call right?
it wasn't gonna be anything weird..... right ?
you took a small breathe as your fingered trembled attempting to type in the numbers.
1 ring
2 rings
3 rings
" h-hello? " you whispered out meekly
" hey honey, why don't you speak up for us?" the man on the other end spoke in a deep voice
" im sorry i- i don't know what this- is r-really for?" you spoke slightly louder as you stumbled over your words
"it's a sexhotline darling? "
" i- i well oh...” you huffed out , eyes widening softly you were lost in a trance of thought.
you were suddenly put on hold.
your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you gave yourself time to think.
it wouldn’t hurt right?
you were basically an adult, you felt like a teenage girl again.
so you decided.
Putting a client on hold was a part of their fun. It allows the person to wait and to draw out the anticipation. however in this case you were just confused.
you’ve been pacing back and forth inside your bedroom for minutes it was half eleven in the night , and you certainly didn’t think that your attention would be on this instead of your essay.
suddenly you heard another 'hello' erupt from the phone quickly you grabbed your device breathing heavily you gulped and mustered up your voice.
" h- hi i just want you to know that y-you can carry on I've been- struggling and i- need some just some help?" you say whispering the last part.
" you want us to help you cum bun? " another voice said this time it was lighter, kinder in a way.
“don’t make us talk to ourselves, darling.” the other man snarls.
a gasp emits from your dry lips when the tone of his voice turns firm. there was a strict, domineering tinge in his speech that made you sit still. you were too shocked to reply as your mind tried to comprehend the situation that you got yourself into.
“I-I…” you stuttered completely, wanting to smack yourself in the face. the pet names, their voices it was all over whelming you too much.
you let out a needy whine, both of the men groaned quietly into the phone.
" how old are you baby ? " baby. they called you baby.
" i-im 19? "
" fuck, will you be okay with this?" they ask to make sure
jungkook can’t help the soft growl escape his lips. It has been so rare for him to receive callers who aren’t twenty-five and above, and you might be his first time.
“Ohh, baby girl,” he bites his lip, “I think you’re the first client I’ve had who’s so young.” jungkook says to you
“ is that okay , i-im sorry- "
“Oh, its more than okay , baby. You still wanna continue? I can make you feel so…” he pauses, groaning quietly to himself, “so good.”
your pussy clenches around nothing as you felt yourself getting wetter by the second
"  yes daddy. " you say nodding to yourself. you suddenly froze as you realised the contents of your words
taehyung's eyes widen in shock, his mouth agape, certainly not expecting that sudden word to come out of your lips. He throws his head back, closing his eyes for a brief moment as he feels his dick harden.
It was so difficult for him to hold himself back because all he wanted to do was to say the dirtiest, nastiest things that he wants to do to you in your ear. but he had to slow down.
“daddy? Oh, what makes you call me that, hm? baby?”
you feel your throat go dry, your eyes wide in shock. You didn’t know what to respond without being so shocked with yourself.
" i-i just really need you please please please i need it. " you let it all out, you couldn't be bothered to hide it anymore.
“don’t be a brat kitten.“ taehyung snarled into the phone.
“ b-but daddy! please i- i need it so so bad it’s not fair!“ you whined softly as your fingers ghosted your aching, soppy cunt.
they both groaned loudly, as jungkook conversed with taehyung
" kook, fuck i need to do her in real life she's making this so hard for me."
" same here let's just go for it here she's going to make me cum in my pants." he sighed as he palmed himself to your weak whimpers.
" darling, me and tae were wondering if you wanted to do this in real life- we'd fuck you so good honey, you'd become our little cum dump id love to see your body tremble to the force of my cock. " taehyung said interrupting jungkook.
" yes.. please you said as you moaned quietly to their words
" okay bun, we'll text you where to meet us." jungkook breathed out.
the atmosphere was dripping with heavy lust your eyes shut right as you relished their deep gutural voices.
“ i can’t cum daddy please help me cum pleas-“ you begged in frustration
“oh honey, it’s okay sh- sh it’s ok ill help you just be patient okay? you can do that for me right?” jungkook said in a calm tone
" what's your name by the way."
" it's ____." you say meekly
" ____ edge yourself, fuck yourself just do not cum. "
and with that in the call ended
you sighed loudly grinning slightly, you were gonna get your brains done out by two sexy sounding men.
you smiled to yourself giddily as you finally got some sleep.
the next morning you got up and did your daily routine entirely different you waxed everywhere, shaved, exfoliated, moisturised, basically every strawberry flavoured you had in your bathroom.
it was a Saturday, you had time to spare you texted jimin to meet him before you went to meet 'kook' and the other guy.
not to mention you were frustrated beyond belief you had done what they asked you to do and you half hate half love them for it.
on one hand you could cum from any suggestive touch you were given.
on the other hand you couldn't help but want to thank them you felt so ready for them.
you walked to the cafe.
the soft brown walls encompanied the mahogany floors and the cascade of plants across the room as you happily walked into the bustling cafe.
" what's got you so excited." he said grinning like the Cheshire cat
" uh nothing i just had some good sleep last night. " a lie.
" oh really? "
" yeah i even finished my essay!" not true but not false at the same time.
" wow! " jimin looked at you shocked
" jimin do you really have that little faith in me. " you say annoyed
" to be honest no. " he said chuckling
" jiminnn, well i have to be going now i have an appointment soon. " you explain pouting
" an appointment where? "
" somewhere special ? " you say in attempt to hide
" if you say so. " he uttered playfully and he watches you walk away
you stared at the building in front of you as you checked the address again and again it was a massive condo.
you rang the bell of the apartment square and dialled in the number seconds later you were buzzed in.
you took the elevator and anxiously played with your fingers you finally reached the floor you were headed to and walked into room 657 .
" h-hello i-im here it's ______ " you say confused you really made a large mistake.
suddenly turning around, you were pulled into a sloppy kiss. You immediately relaxed into it, wrapping your arms around his neck the deeper it went. Before it could go on too long, he pulled away.
Pressed between both of their bodies, you could help the way your body reacted. Your lips met Taehyung's again and you whimpered.
Jungkook took the opportunity to press his lips against your neck, skimming them over the collar now around your neck.
He hands gripped your waist, pulling your shirt up ever so slightly to touch the skin that became exposed.
Goosebumps across your skin and you gasped into Taehyung's mouth. The elder chuckled, reaching down to where Jungkook's deft fingers explored to tug up the hem of your shirt.
you gasped loudly as you tensed under their touch.
Already, you could feel your mind turning fuzzy, falling into your submissive roll to let them mold you how they wanted.
Jungkook chuckled as you lifted your arms, allowing Taehyung to pull your shirt off. Left in your bra, you couldn't help but cover your chest as vulnerability set in.
"None of that, bun," Jungkook growled softly, ripping your arms away from your chest. "You wanna be a good girl for us right? Let us take care of you?"
"Y-Yes..." You whined, whining when Taehyung leaned down pressing kisses against your chest above the seam of your bra. Gasping, you pushed your chest out to get more of the feeling.
"What a good girl," Taehyung cooed, falling to his knees in front of you.
You leaned back, using Jungkook as support to help Taehyung pull your jeans off completely. He tossed them away in a heap nearby and without wasting a second, his mouth was on your core.
The fabric of your panties put on the side, feeling his mouth on you fully but as he slid his tongue over your slit and caught your clit, you let out a soft moan.
"What a good kitten for us," Jungkook groaned, hands still cupping your breasts. He pinched your nipples, making your back arch as you cried out.
“Is that pretty pussy wet, Princess? Does your cunt ache to be filled by my cock?” jungkook coaxes
The filth of his words doesn’t surprise you, Under his teasing words, you feel yourself grow wet, your lust-filled desire mingling with the humiliation that flutters through you.
"Aw, your pussy that sensitive, baby?" Taehyung cooed pressing his middle finger to glide directly over the patch where your clit was, making your hips curve inwards as the intensity was blare enough to startle you.
He chuckled deeply at that, kind of sounding like a purr and just when you didn't think he could fuck with your sanity anymore than he was already doing, he turned his head to the side and lapped his wet muscle along your jugular vein before enclosing his lips area the area for harsh suck.
you moaned loudly as you arched your back against jungkook. taehyung put one leg over his shoulder to go deeper.
"Daddy!" You cried as his tongue slid through your folds. He moaned at the unimpeded taste of your cunt. Circling your entrance, he eagerly tasted everything you had to offer.
" don't take it all tae, shit she looks hot." jungkook groaned into your neck, biting licking and sucking against your sweet spot.
you whined as you trembled against the two men. you felt hot.
"Fuck!" You shrieked, spasming when he gave you a slap against your sodden folds . " I—!"
" be careful girl." jungkook growled into your ear
you moaned apologies left right and centre as he continued to abuse your aching clit.
suddenly you were harshly pulled away from taehyung's hot wet muscle and pushed into the soft plush bed.
you whined in protest at your denied orgasm.
" now, you're going to choose. me or tae." jungkook questioned sadistically
" i...i can't choose that i okay um jungkook?" you said in a small voice.
" good decision honey, now lie back let me take care of you." he cooed kindly
taehyung scoffed as he sat back
you were more than happy like this, but when you shifted your hips to grind your centre against his, you both groaned open-mouthed into the kiss.
You could feel that he was already hard in his boxers. Knowing that his willing cock was so close to your needy core erased your mind of any thoughts that weren't of him.
When you dragged your clit against him again you keened, the pleasure incredible despite the barriers between you.
he felt so big as you continued your actions
suddenly you felt his large and literally massive cock push into your plush soppy cunt.
you moaned loudly as jungkook groaned.
taehyung smirked as he shook his head.
" get moving i wanna see her squirt."
jungkook rocked back and forth at a steady pace it was amazing don't get me wrong but you wanted more you needed more.
"more! more please harder jungkook please! " you begged.
" princess, don't beg for things you can't keep up with." he chuckled
there was an animalistic gaze in his eye as he started plunging into your pussy, taehyung mouth open jerking himself off at the sight, your open lie open as he ground his fat cock into you.
you felt hot and euphoric and couldn't help but let moans continuously fall out of your mouth.
suddenly you felt a harsh slap on your face. you felt tears well up in your eyes.
Without warning, his cock was rammed inside you. Raw and hard with the way your pussy was soaking wet from your denied orgasm , he began to relentlessly fuck into you.
tears began spilling out of your eyes continuously and your moans became pornographic.
as if he couldn't go any faster he began to drill inside you, your body shook in ecstasy as his fat cock was pistoned into you.
you felt your high approaching, you panicked and begged for them to let you come.
" please! please let me cum ! ill be good , ill be a good girl ! " you cried out towards them
jungkook craned himself to be face to face with you, as he stared at you with his dark and lustful. his wet lips capture yours into a sloppy kiss .
he forced your mouth open and let his tongue glide upon yours. he sucked on the wet muscle softly as you cried out.
everything felt so good, too good.
you came 3 times alone with jungkook and felt overstimulated beyond belief.
" now it's my turn . " taehyung dead panned
" w-what i can't take anymore ill just su- "
" i said. it's my turn. " he uttered in a harsh tone
you wailed in frustration as your body writhed in defeat .
" you're gonna take it . that's what you asked for . " he spat at you.
observing the way your eyes darken, turning neediness, and the way your chest heaves in short breaths, Taehyung’s jaw flexes.
He pressed the tip against your hole, seeing you tense up almost immediately. taehyung rubbed the end of his cock along your wet cunt before sinking himself into you.
" d-daddy ple- ! " you body spasmed against the head board as taehyung suddenly slammed his body into you continuously.
“ you’re such an eager little whore, aren’t you?” he purrs, condescension laced in his tone.
you tightly held onto the relentless man as you felt your high approaching once more.
taehyung’s thrusts became sloppy as he grunted against your neck.
you felt your body swirl and turn around you and you finally came.
hours later
you groggily woke up as you felt your body give out into the bed.
“ hel- hello? ” you said wearily
“ hi princess.” taehyung smirked
“ round 5?” jungkook asked
you sighed as you submitted to them in their bed
here we go again.
5 missed calls from jimin
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holykillercake · 4 years
Love Ordeal
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word count: 2k
summary: The Strawhts decide to play Secret Davy Treasure and Sanji doens´t stop asking whom you got. 
highlight:  ¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
warning: F.L.U.F.F.
notes: Guys! This a part 2/3 of a request for a fluff where they have a s/o that made them a thing with crochet and how they would react. Also, Secret Davy Treasure is like Secret Santa, but you know. ALSO, there is a surprise at the end! 
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Just pick one, Luffy!¨
¨But which one?¨
¨It doesn´t matter!¨
¨Hmm, can I pick two?¨
Earlier that day, an old lady told Nami that whichever path Luffy chose would always lead to another Winter Island. So with the end of the year approaching and the cold weather, you decided to play Secret Davy Treasure, a great South Blue tradition.
It consisted of the participants writing their names on a piece of paper, mixing them in a bowl - or Luffy's hat - and drawing them.  Whoever’s name you picked is who you will buy or make a Secret Davy Treasure.
You should have guessed that even something that sounded so simple would be complicated in the Thousand Sunny. The crew didn´t seem to understand nor follow the rules of physics, reality, and the game. 
At first, Zoro folded his paper with his name on the outside; then Brook picked himself and didn´t tell anyone. Now you were struggling with Luffy, who couldn´t pick one because A) he wanted to know what was written inside, and B) he wanted to pick more than one. 
While Franky, Usopp, and Chopper yelled at him, trying to make him understand, Brook laughed at the whole situation, and the rest of you wished to die and get reborn as clams. 
Sanji adjusted the blanket around your bodies and hugged you tighter, chatting until the commotion was over.  
¨Will you tell me?¨ he blew some smoke, and you tilted your head to look at him. 
¨Tell what?¨
¨Who you got.¨
¨What? Of course no!¨ you laughed ¨This is not how you play it!¨
¨But we are a couple, Y/N-chan!¨
¨.., and?¨ you sang the word.
¨We shouldn't keep secrets from each other!¨
A cloud of white smoke came out of your mouth when you giggled before snuggling deeper in his arms. 
¨Okaay,¨ Usopp crawled closer to you, defeated and holding Luffy´s hat ¨he will be the last one.¨
Despite your captain yelling that he should be the first to pick, you were all getting tired and opted to ignore him. 
¨Thanks!¨ you used the blanket to cover yourself as you unfolded it.
A chuckle left your mouth when you saw the name written, and the blonde behind you tried to peek over your shoulder. But you were faster to put the piece of paper with the name of your boyfriend inside your bra.
You turned and gave him a peck on the cheek while he pouted. 
You would have one week to come up with a Davy Treasure for Sanji, and you knew exactly what to do, but some butterflies still flew in your belly, wondering if he would like it. 
As a matter of fact, he loved everything you did, from sweet love to extremely salty culinary disasters. He would find perfection in every little thing done by you.
Enjoying your last days on the island of Snow Globe Pole - yeah, almost as bad as ¨Long Ring Long Land¨ - you decided to tour the city, looking for what you needed to make your gift. Or rather, to crochet your gift.
That was the easy part, for you were on a winter island, yarn and wool were pretty abundant. Every style possible of every possible color, anything that crossed your mind was available in the store. It would have been distracting if you didn´t have the colors already chosen. 
But again, so much for an innocent game. So much for a bit of fun. So naive to believe that Sanji would stop asking you whom you picked. 
In his defense, he had gotten calmer during the first night. But after seeing the bag you brought from the store, he became even more annoying. 
Charming, loving, but still annoying. 
¨It´s not Franky, right? His hands wouldn´t fit in it.¨
¨His regular-sized-robotic-mannequin hands would.¨ you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 
You could almost see the gasp stuck in his throat and his heart skipping a beat. 
After that, he kept bringing you desserts, offering massages, and doing everything in his power to bribe you. Skypiea Sanji was not the real Love Ordeal. Secret Davy Treasure Sanji was the real Love Ordeal. 
¨Sanji,¨ you sighed ¨I love you, but if you don´t stop, I will be forced to throw your cigarettes in the ocean and straighten your eyebrows.¨
He grumbled ¨I love you¨ back among some other things and marched to the kitchen with flames on the top of his head. You chuckled and went back to your colorful wools. 
Before you chose his gift, you thought about Sanji and the things that he liked or needed. From cooking to smoking and women. 
Cooking for him would be outrageous. You wanted to give him something amazing, and you couldn't compare to him in the kitchen. At all.
Women. You were the only woman he wanted and needed, and honestly, you were the woman for the job. 
Now, smoking. You would not buy or make him cigarettes, obviously. But he had this adorable and clumsy thing of always burning the tips of his mittens whenever he lit a cigarette. 
Because of that, you decided to crochet him one of those fingerless gloves that come with a mitten flap so he could cover his fingers once he was done. Like that, he would be warm and natural disaster-free. 
¨There is orange, Y/N-chan! You got Nami, right?!¨ you jumped and almost stabbed yourself with the hook when he yelled in your ear.
¨Oh, my sweet Davy Jones, give me strength...¨ you whispered ¨There is also purple, Sanji-kun. It could be Brook or Robin.¨ 
He pondered over it a little, frowned, and made his way to the door.
¨Hey!¨ he turned with sad puppy eyes ¨Is this really important to you? To know who I got?¨ he nodded. 
You gestured with your head, telling him to come closer. A big and bright smile appeared on his face, and your heart beat stronger. That smile, you would punch the Red Line broken to create another All Blue for that smile. 
Oh, how you love this cook. 
¨Ok! Just because I am asking I´ll tell you first, ok?¨ he spoke with a lower voice but still sparkly. You smiled and nodded. ¨I got Chopper! And I bought him a new backpack with a lot of compartments for his medical stuff.¨
The way he paid attention to the tiny details made you melt. He was always taking care of others, complimenting the crew - except Zoro - and celebrating even the smallest of the successes. 
He showed you the blue backpack, very similar to Chopper´s current one, but a lot stronger, prettier, and more practical. He would love it, no doubts. 
¨Well,¨ you began ¨I got... Usopp.¨ 
You felt terrible about telling him a lie, but you couldn´t spoil your surprise.
 ¨Since we´re going to winter islands, I don´t want his finger to get tangled when, Uhm... he´s picking his Ketchup Stars, Green Stars, or Let´s-scare-creepy-girls-to-death Stars. I really hope he likes it.¨
If you were not paying enough attention, you would have missed Sanji´s disappointed look, which he quickly hid with a kind smile. 
¨You always think about everything, Y/N-chan. He will love it.¨ he kissed your forehead and went back to the kitchen. 
You waited until he closed the door to cringe ¨You are going to hell, Y/N.¨ 
Finally, the Secret Davy Treasure day arrived. You would exchange gifts and then have a nice dinner if Luffy didn´t make a party out of it. He definitely would. 
But you were also grateful that today was the day. Since you told Sanji that you had picked Usopp, he has been acting a little upset. The other guys didn´t notice, but you did. 
You would always notice. And you had an idea why. 
The gift exchanging rules were pretty simple.  The Secret Davy had to offer information about the person receiving the treasure, and the others had to guess. 
It started with Usopp, whose Secret Davy was Franky. He gave him a bunch of super tools and some colored light bulbs for the ¨Party Nipple¨ idea.
Franky´s Secret Davy was Robin. He gave her a journal with waterproof pages he created. 
Robin´s Secret Davy was you, and she presented you with a beautiful copy of a fictional adventure book since you were always reading them on the ship.
Then it was your turn. You held the gift wrapped in a shiny blue paper and began to describe your Secret Davy. 
¨My Secret Davy is... slightly annoying sometimes.¨
¨It´s the stupid-eyebrow.¨ Zoro said.
¨Shut up, marimo head!¨
You continued after Nami punched them. ¨My Secret Davy always takes care of us.¨ 
¨It´s Chopper!¨ you shook your head.
¨Hmm... my Secret Davy is an exceptional fighter! Really strong!¨ 
¨It´s me!¨ 
¨No, Zoro! It´s me! I will become the Pirate King!¨ 
¨Shut up, you two!¨
¨My Secret Davy is...¨ you looked at Sanji and smiled ¨... loving and caring.¨ 
He looked back at you, confused.  Why would you say those about Usopp? Not that he wasn´t loving and caring, but... still. 
¨My Secret Davy is... the man of my dreams, the prince of my fairy tale, and the love of my life.¨
A minute or two passed while everyone waited for Sanji to say something, but he remained frozen with a perplexed expression. 
¨Sanji-san, I think the treasure is yours.¨ Brook said calmy. 
The cook made his way to you slowly, taking the gift from your hands and opening it gently, without tearing the wrapping.  
Did he get upset because of your lie? 
¨Sanji...¨ you called him, but he kept staring at the gloves. 
You saw his eyes fill with water before he excused himself and exited the deck, leaving everyone staring at you. 
¨I don´t... I´m gonna...¨ you pointed and left too. 
When you entered your room, he was standing, back turned to you. Was he really crying, or you saw things?
¨You remembered...¨ he turned around, still holding the mittens ¨These colors...¨ 
¨Yeah, they don´t really match, but...¨
¨I wanted it so much, Y/N. When I saw it, I wanted it so much.¨
He rushed in your direction and hugged you tight. He hugged you and you felt all his emotions, you felt the weight he carried in his heart. Not a bad weight, just the weight of missing someone you love. 
You knew that that was the reason he was pestering you so much, the colors. You had chosen the colors that Zeff, Sanji´s mentor, wore. 
The fingers were orange and purple, like his striped shirt. You added yellow details of his hair; the blue of his ascot, and the white of his apron. 
As you said, they didn´t match, but apparently, Sanji didn´t care.
He would always share stories about their lives and cook recipes that Zeff taught him. Despite him always calling him old man or damn geezer, the Red Leg was his father.
¨Thank you, Y/N-chan. I loved it.¨
The sound of him sniffing made you hold him stronger. 
¨I miss that damn geezer.¨ 
¨I´m sure he misses you too, Little Eggplant.¨ 
You squeaked and laughed when he threw on the bed.
¨I´ll show you Little Eggplant!¨
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Hey, Guys! SURPRISE! Here´s my first decent art? hahaha THE MITTENS!
I don´t know if the quality dropped. I´m using krita and still don´t know how to adjust the settings stuff when I´m saving a jpeg. Anyway, I hope you liked it!
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dragon-of-dreams · 3 years
My Masterlist
Part 5 to Cracking a Code
1;  2;  3;  4
Pairing: dark!Steve Rogers x Reader (fem)
Warnings: Swearing, gaslighting, stalking, aftermath of noncon, noncon touching, caregiving, but like by Steve, so not really, self-harm references (previous chapter, not premeditated), discussion of eating
Summary: Steve takes you home to “take care” of you.
A/n: I’m not super happy with this chapter… and maybe I’ll redo it sometime in the future, but I just wanted to give you an update. Sorry, that everything takes so long!
Word count: 2,300
The rest of the drive passed in a blur. Steve’s hand hardly left your thigh and you let him. You were so exhausted, you didn’t have the energy to fight him off anymore. You felt yourself retreating into your body, away from the reality of being groped in the fancy sports car of America’s bravest hero.
Steve helped you up the steps to your apartment. You’re entire body was shaking, leaving you on unsteady feet. If you didn’t know better you’d say you were coming down with a fever. But the reason for the shivers coursing through you was so much larger. Not something a few pills could fix. Steve gently led you into your home, almost as if he owned the place, deposited you on the couch, and covered you in a blanket. As he tucked you in, his hands respectful and his touch kind you surfaced for a brief second out of the hole of despair his comment in the car had put you in.
“There you are, angel.” Steve smiled as he noticed how your eyes started to focus a bit. “I’ll make you something to eat. I’ll be right back.” With that, he leaned in and placed the gentlest kiss on your forehead, before retreating to your kitchen. You watched him rummage around in the tiny space adjoining your living room. He looked at ease, at home, and oh so loving. Did yesterday really happen? you wondered. There they were again. Those thoughts you had to brandish all day yesterday as well. You started to stare off into the middle distance; once more slipping away from reality and the physical pain left in your body. You heard Steve tut slightly, the fridge door opening and closing, then the same sound from a bunch of your cabinet doors. Just as you wanted to call out to him, to ask if he needed help, a robotic response drilled into you by your mother, Steve appeared before you almost as if out of thin air. His gait as silent as any other predator’s.
“Darling,” he sounded concerned, “did you eat yet?”
You looked up at him, doe-eyed. “I.. uh… I must have. I have some overnight oats in the fridge, so if there are only three glasses in there, then yeah.” To be honest you couldn’t remember, nothing made sense.
“There’s four, darling… You really gotta eat breakfast! It’s important to keep your strength up, you know?”
“Yeah, yeah… I usually do. I promise” Why do I not wanna make him sad? Why do I want him to be proud of me? You thought bewildered, as you looked into Steve’s worried eyes before all semblance of structured thought left you again to the tide of confusion washing over you and pulling you under.
“Ok, babe, I trust you. I’ll make some now, okay? You just sit tight.” All you could do was nod. It was like it was all happening to someone else. You weren’t really here. You were so far away and so present at the same time that it hurt.
As Steve left you your mind went to war with itself.
Steve wasn’t a good guy. He wasn’t the hero on those posters, was he? But he was making you breakfast, he tucked you in. He sent Bucky to check on you. No… No, he sent Bucky to make sure you didn’t go to the police. Right? Right.
You could feel your mind shut off, drawing you down with it. All that happened, Steve’s non-linear behavior pushing you over the edge. Nothing made sense.
You barely noticed as Steve fed you breakfast, bite by bite, all that registered somewhere deep within you was his calm, deep guiding voice: “One more bite, there you go, good girl” all his encouragement mushing together in your brain, a soothing sensation flowing through your pain-addled brain.
After breakfast, you could feel Steve manipulate your body, as he wrapped himself around you and put on your favorite movie. As you lay there engulfed in the arms of this giant man, accompanied by the sounds of the movie you had watched a million times, you slowly started to become aware of yourself again. The body heat was so soothing and Steve’s deep humming voice pushed the fear that had kept you paralyzed further and further away. Making way for a seething rage, fickle but growing. As you tensed and readjusted your limbs Steve leaned forwards and kissed your temple. “I knew you were still in there, angel. I made some tea. It should still be hot. I put it in a thermos. Let’s talk okay?” Steve carefully helped you sit, every touch his, stoking the anger burning through you. Then, oblivious to the shift in your mood, he got up to grab the tea and cups as you looked around as if you were seeing your place for the first time. It no longer held the feeling of safety that comes with any good home. All you could see was Steve controlling you, in the TV that was slightly turned, the smell of his cologne on your couch, the dirty pans in the sink.
When Steve came back, your head was much clearer and you carefully reached for your cup and made sure to keep your distance from Steve as subtly as you could. Whatever was to come, was going to be important.
“You know darling, you will have to be nicer to Bucky. He’s only trying to help when I can’t be there. New York is dangerous, always has been. No one knows that better than me and Buck. He texted me, saying you were really rude on the train this morning, and quite frankly, darling, I’m disappointed that I even have to say this, but you have to appreciate what we do for you, okay?” Steve’s voice is calm, collected, and rational. There is nothing but honest concern in it for a moment it disrupts the anger building within you. “It’s time to play nice with Bucky now, okay? Be nice to him, maybe even as nice as you have been for me, understand?”
It’s the last sentence that sets you off, Steve’s expectant gaze, belittling you, that makes you blow your lid.
“What? What are you talking about? Play nice? I wasn’t being nice to you! I don’t want your protection or your attention, or Bucky’s for that matter!” Your voice is rising, as you grip your cup of tea so tight its heat sears your palms. “Get out of my life!” you yell. Then like a bucket of cold water realization sets in. Every muscle in Steve’s body tightens, you see his body expand with the change, looming over you, blacking out the window. You expect Steve to yell, beat you up, but when you dare to look up at his face, it is almost passive, but there is danger burning beneath his façade.
“I understand this is difficult for you.” Steve’s voice turns harder with every word. You notice the missing pet name like a slap to your face. “But I am getting pretty tired of this conversation. You need to rain in that attitude of yours, okay? Because I won’t tolerate you being a spoiled brat who doesn’t see what’s best for them. I’m looking out for you here, taking care of you, something you apparently struggle with,” with that Steve gestures at the remnants of your breakfast, the one he had to make for you, “and all I expect in return is some gratitude, towards me and towards Bucky. This is not up for discussion. And if you can’t behave, you’ll have to deal with the consequences, young lady. Is that understood?” By the end of his speech, Steve has risen to his feet, towering over you, his voice booming to fill your apartment, while you cower into the sofa. Your breathing is shallow and you are petrified. It feels too much like last night. When you didn’t have a choice either. And everything he was saying was making sense. New York was dangerous. And you really were terrible at feeding yourself correctly… Those oat thingies were just the newest thing you were trying in your never-ending quest to live more healthily… Usually, your job took preference over clean living. And Bucky hadn’t done anything to you either. He’d just been there to watch out for you… Steve, well… Steve really had done that, but he also held you today, when your brain shut down and made you food. He could have just left you at work, where you surely would’ve gotten nothing done or even caused trouble if you fucked up your work…
Shakily you nod and watch some of the tension leave Steve’s body and he crouches down in front of you. “Good, I knew you were smart like that. Now we can either go have a bath and soothe your body or you can freak out again and then I swear I’ll make you bear the consequences of your behavior for real this time. So what’s it gonna be, princess?”
You stare at him for a second. How is he so rational? Why does this all make sense? Authority has always been your weakness, and so you just nod because what the Captain says goes, and you learned that the hard way, and let Steve lead you to the bathroom. Maybe you will get to lay in his arms again and hear him praise you. It felt so good when he held you on the couch. You were safe in his arms. All you want is to be back in his embrace. Where the harsh reality can’t hurt you. So you allow Steve to strip you down, as hot water pours into your tub.
Suddenly Steve’s grip on your hip tightens painfully, as yanks your jeans off of you. You look down, scared, and find him staring at the bruises you must have caused yourself in the shower this morning when you were trying to wash the night away. “What is this? Explain, now!” he seethes and turns his scorching gaze towards you.
“I, when I showered, I, I just wanted to get clean…” you stammer.
“Clean? Clean! You hurt yourself! Jeez! How dare you do something like that to yourself? I really can’t let you out of my sight for one second, can I? Gotta watch you like a little kid!”
You feel a pang in your heart. You weren’t trying to be bad! You want to tell Steve, but he just turns off the water, grabs your upper arm, and drags you from the bathroom into your bedroom. As you stumble after him, you try to figure out what is happening.
“Steve?” you plead as he sits down on the bed and puts you over his lap.
“No, darling, not anymore. I have been way too kind to you so far, but apparently, the nice approach doesn’t work with you. So discipline is what you get.” He thunders, and then his hand is hitting your bum with enough force to make you scream. It happened so fast that your head is spinning.
As you lie across his lap everything felt like it’s wrapped in cotton. So much skin-to-skin contact fries your over-worked and touch-starved brain into submission as Steve’s hand is raining down on your ass, painting it crimson. You burst into tears without any control over yourself. “Steve,” you sob, “Steve please, I didn’t mean to, I swear, Steve!” and just as those words leave your mouth, he stops, picks you up, and hugs you close. Your nerve endings sing at the close contact and you sag into him, all tension leaving your body. His hands draw soothing circles on your back as he holds you tight.
“I got you baby.” Steve whispers as he settles you on the bed, “I know that hurt, but I needed you to see, you know?”
You cry and nod, burrowing into his hulking form hovering over you.
“I’ll make it better baby, I’ll make it all good, now,” Steve murmurs, as he leans in to kiss your forehead, while his right hand comes down and starts to play with your clit. “Oh darling, look at you! You’re already wet for me, aren’t you?” Only then do you register the slick coating your thighs, embarrassed you want to turn from him, but Steve cages you in. “It’s okay babe, no reason to be shy about it. There is nothing wrong with wanting your man. Really, it just shows that you understand my discipline with you. I’m real proud of you, angel, real proud.” He mutters as he spreads your lips and slips two fingers in. You can’t help but moan and arch into him.
Steve is nothing but kind and soft with you as he readjusts both of your bodies until he sinks into your heat, and you both moan in unison. “There we go, darling. See how good I can be for you? There we go.” As he starts moving, slow and deep within you peace settles over you. “I’ll make you forget all that pain, babe, it’ll all be gone in just a minute now.” His fingers are rubbing circles around your clit while he keeps murmuring sweet encouragements into your ears as you climb and climb towards an orgasm that is so deep that it leaves you boneless in Steve’s arms until he finishes with a broken grunt deep inside of you. As Steve settles you in his arms after you can’t remember the last time you felt this sated, as you drift into a deep sleep with Steve’s spend slowly trickling out of you. For a split second, before you fall asleep the horror of what is happening to you is clear in your mind, but then, thankfully, once more your exhaustion pulls you under.
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