#ok i think ive couvered all of my thoghts
ierogenvy · 4 years
hello!!! this isn't a hate anon-I'm genuinely lost. i saw your last reblog and... what does it mean? pansexuality isn't a thing then? i really wanna inform myself more on the matter :( when i learnt about bi/pan people I've been told that when you're bi you Have Preferences for some genders but when you're Pan gender isn't as relevant. so I'm really confused
(ps but at the beginning as a disclaimer: i am in no way transphobic or terfy. trans women are women and trans men are men and nonbinary people are neither. i shouldnt have to say this but i just want to make sure no one tries to discredit my argument or claim i said something i didnt)
so i am not bi so i am definitely not an authority on this topic but i will tell u what i do know. so basically, according to the bisexual manifesto (published 1990):
“Bisexuality is a whole, fluid identity. Do not assume that bisexuality is binary or duogamous in nature: that we have "two" sides or that we must be involved simultaneously with both genders to be fulfilled human beings. In fact, don’t assume that there are only two genders. Do not mistake our fluidity for confusion, irresponsibility, or an inability to commit.” 
(im putting the rest under a read more to save ur dash sorry loves)
and from my understanding, through a lot of reading and general self-education, the term “pansexual” arose from a transphobic state of mind that identified trans and enby people outside of the “two genders” that bisexual people are attracted to, creating a third identity specifically for the inclusion of trans people. but, in case you missed the transphobia there, that’s not what bisexuality is and not what it means. bisexuality does not refer to any two literal genders nor does it exclude trans or enby people, it literally just refers to a bi persons attraction to more than one gender. i did a little bit of research before i posted this (i went to wikipedia) and it seems like the term pansexual arose and gained poularity due to the literal meanings of “bi-” and “pan-” (being two and all, respectively). people without critical thinking skills took bisexual to literally mean bi people could only be attracted to two genders, or to “the two sexes,” so pansexual came about to “explicitly include” everything outside of that. which obviously presupposes that bisexuality is inherently transphobic and noninclusive of those otherwise living outside of the gender binary/assigned gender. 
also i’d like to note here the “hearts not parts” argument for pansexuality, which, if you cant tell, is gross. this argument basically states that pansexual people love people regardless of their biological sex/gender identity and are therefore better people, because they love hearts not parts, and that people that identify as gay, lesbian, or bi, are worse because that “are attracted only to specific genitalia.” full disclosure: when i was 15(ish) and i was first on tumblr and learning about sexuality, i identified with pan, and largely due to this argument. eventually i realized i am a lesbian, but i also realized how gross this argument is. of course, i, as a lesbian, am attracted to women, but that does not mean i am attracted to vaginas exclusively. you kno why ? bc being attracted to a body part, and specifically a certain body part but only if it looks a certain way, along with being gross and transphobic, objectifies every person on earth and reduces literally everyone to their genitalia. this is not how real people function. yes sex is real and people date and marry people and have sex, but a persons genitalia should not be the defining trait of why you like someone. 
from what ive seen, having a preference for a certain gender while still being attracted to multiple genders doesnt affect your sexuality. youre still bi if you have a preference and youre still bi if you dont. you also dont have to have a preference. some people do and some dont, it literally just depends on the person. my advice, of this didnt answer your question, would be to find a bi person to ask. or better yet: do your own research and come up with your own opinions, dont blindly trust what you read on the internet
TL;DR: yes pansexuality isnt real bc its based in transphobia and biphobia :)))
pss: just an fyi, ik a lot of people use bi and pan interchangeably and many people, even celebrities, refer to themselves as pan, and i largely believe its due to a mass misunderstanding of what bisexual really means and why pansexual became popular. also all of this said, i dont hate you personally if you are pan, but i do think you should examine why you feel pan rather than bi, especially after reading this post and doing your own research 
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