#ok gotta stop ranting in the tags
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goosehadfood · 1 month ago
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Yk when your tired and then you go honk shooooo @zondel
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paintpanic · 1 year ago
> Someone remind me to elaborate on how I want to characterize Kirby later
:) ? I'm curious now
Like I said on the post that prompted this, he's a nice silly boy who's also the strongest being in the known universe. He's pretty emotionally mature for his age and always wants to help people out. Kirby radiates positivity to everyone around him. He's the kind of person that makes a really great friend.
He loves simple pleasurable things, like eating and sleeping and playing. When he's not saving the world, he's out somewhere enjoying himself, probably with a buddy.
His life isn't perfect. He's unsure of himself and doubts if he deserves everything he's got. He feels guilty for not always being able to save everyone, regardless if that's even possible. He loses his patience sometimes, most often with people like Marx or Magolor who like to push his buttons. He struggles with identifying and dealing with his feelings, especially negative ones.
When he feels bad, though, his friends have his back. They care about him a lot, especially his closest friends like Bandana Waddle Dee and Gooey.
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arashi-no-saxlphone · 5 months ago
I need the good Axl players to stop fucking being so noble and acting like this character is good before I lose my fucking mind. Zato actually got to be top 10 at one point and they never fucking stopped complaining about him why are we pretending that this shit is not completely absurd? (This is not a dig at Zato players I do think it's insane that they shot him that bad and yet nothing has ever happened to fucking Happy Chaos) Why is it ok for every other zoner to to what Axl is doing and ALSO get mixups and pressure and plus frames??? There is a fucking OCEAN of discrepancy between characters here. I am so tired.
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amonguscrewmate · 8 months ago
Hate that a 3am bathroom selfie is always a 10/10 but a dressed up ready to go out one looks like a 5/10 + balding + charges were NOT dropped + asshole energy. Brother i cannot win
Actually I'll add the photos under the read more and you'll see what i mean lol. I thinks it's my glasses that ruin it but I'm so bad at putting contacts in 🤣
Takin a shit
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Ready for having a fun day at the mall
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mvltisstuff · 2 years ago
head over heels - e.b
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summary: after y/n rescues an abandoned puppy, she brings it home to buck who slowly falls in love with it
evan buckley x reader
y/n was busy driving home after her shift, and she was calling hen, who was busy ranting about something someone did at work. obviously focused on the road, she was also listening to the story hen was telling her.
“i mean it’s ridiculous! i told him several times to do it and he never did!” hen yells through the phone onto y/n’s speaker. “i don’t know if he’s just bad at his job or what.”
“he might just be adjusting to working here. that was not a normal thing, though.”
“i guess, but still.”
y/n was on an almost empty side road, the lack of other vehicles was definitely noticeable. the sides were just tall grass and dirt with a few pieces of trash someone threw out their window. she was looking around in the wet dirt and saw something almost completely blending in, but there was certainly something there. it was breathing a bit, it’s chest rising suspiciously slow. she thought about just driving away, it was probably just a squirrel or something. but it looked to big to be a squirrel. y/n saw it’s little head peek out, and it looked like a more domestic animal. her focus on hens words had become faint because she was paying attention to something else. something was telling her that something was wrong. she felt like this animal was not supposed to be there. no animal should be there, sad and alone on the side of the road, but this one felt particularly worse.
“hey, hen?” y/n starts, cutting her off. “i’ve gotta go.” she pulls over to the side of the street, checking her blind spots and grabbing her phone before leaving her car. when she walks out, she slowly walks up to the sad creature that was still laying in the mud. the small animal was a puppy, couldn’t be older than a few months. the poor thing was whining and making small whimpers. y/n was shocked, not really knowing what to do. of course everyone has seen videos of animals being rescued, but once you’re in that position, you don’t know what to do. she doesn’t make any abrupt moves or sounds so she doesn’t scare the already traumatized dog. y/n could tell by its eyes that it had seen some things.
“ok, buddy,” she begins. “stay here, you’ll be ok.” she walks back to her car, taking out an old t-shirt and carefully wrapping the puppy up in it. the white whisps of fur were almost completely concealed by the pileup of dirt on his itchy skin. y/n checked around for any extra abandoned animals before bringing him to her car. she made a few phone calls before bringing him into a local emergency vet. he had no collar or tag, and clearly he was not wanted if he got out so young and no one looked for him. he was incredibly light, despite being so young. his tiny body was strong, though, being able to move around. he was scared and y/n wanted to cry and scream for this poor dog who couldn’t advocate or save himself.
“he seems alright,” the vet says. “we gave him some food and medication to make him feel a bit better, but there aren’t really any medical concerns for him. he’s going to be on edge for a bit, but he seems like he’ll be healthy.”
it seemed like a miracle, which is hard to see with these situations. the tiny puppy was a fighter for sure, and was so lucky that y/n had found him. “so, what should i do now?”
“you can bring him to a shelter if you don’t want him, or-“
“no, i don’t want him going to a bad shelter here in LA.” y/n looks at the little guy, wrapped up in a clean blanket and smelling around on the table. her heart melted a bit at this adorable puppy, wanting to just scoop him up and never look back. “i’ll take him home. i’ll figure something out.”
on the way home, y/n had stopped at the local pet shop to pick up a few small things. she figured he would stay tonight, so she gathered things like food and a bed for him and a few toys to make him feel more safe and happy. she had drawn a warm bath for him to get any extra dirt off, which revealed his shiny, white coat and he was already looking much happier. she worked on building trust, but had already forgotten about her second companion at home. she lives in bucks apartment with him. she didn’t think he would be upset, but a complicated schedule would probably stray him away from a young puppy. however, that wasn’t going to stop her from caring for this helpless puppy.
y/n had been brushing his coat and playing with him a bit, trying to warm him up with some food. he was still a bit scared from loud noises of neighbors and quick movements, but he was in much better condition than when he was discovered.
“y/n?” buck starts walking around, placing his things on the counter and slipping off his shoes. “y/n? i’m home.” he doesn’t hear a reply, but he surely noticed the scattered dog toys and the water bowl. he sighs and prepares himself for what is likely in his apartment.
“shoot, i didn’t text him!” y/n says, cleaning up the mess in the bathroom from cleaning him up. she hears bucks footsteps walking up the stairs, and she knows she’s in for an earful.
“hey, y/n, what’s all that pet st-“ buck stops in his tracks when he sees a small puppy in y/n’s arms, cradling him like a baby. the tub was draining dirty water, and the white bundle was in a towel. now it was his turn to be speechless. buck loves animals, but he definitely would’ve liked some warning before she bought she dog.
“before you say anything or get mad,” y/n interrupts. “i was driving home from work, and i saw his little body on the side of the road. i couldn’t leave him, buck! it was so sad, he was so scared and i couldn’t just drive away!”
“baby, i am not mad,” buck smiles and walks closer, placing a hand on her shoulder. “i was just not expecting this today, that’s all. but are you sure he wasn’t just lost?”
“he had no collar or tag on him. it was also in the middle of nowhere, he couldn’t have gotten there on his own and made it that far.”
“i don’t- can we take care of a dog? he’s going to need attention and all that stuff.”
“we know a lot of people who can watch him when one of us can’t. we’ll be here most of the time for him, too. i know you can’t say no to this face!” she babies her voice at the end, looking at the puppy and facing him toward buck. he gives him a quick scratch behind his big ears.
“fine, he’s cute,” he finally admits. y/n gives him a confused look and the puppy gives him those eyes. “ok well when he looks at me like that, how can i say no? he’s adorable!”
“that’s why i brought him home! he’s all healthy and all he needs is a few vaccinations.”
“does he have a name?”
“no, i’ve been calling him boy for the past hour. i wanted to wait for you.”
“did you have anything in mind?” he says, leading everyone out to the bed.
“i think apollo was cute, greek fighter, destroyer.”
“is he going to destroy our house?”
“no! but he’s a little fighter guy, he’s tough, aren’t you?” she says, picking him up and holding him in the air.
the next few days had been long, staying up with a crying puppy at night and trying to make him comfortable in a new home. they were just glad he wasn’t anywhere else, like some abusive home or neglectful shelter.
after a night out with some of her friends, y/n had come home at around 10:30. she had put her purse on the table, and expected her boyfriend to come up and greet her. all she heard were deep snores from the bed upstairs. all of the lights were on, so buck probably just fell asleep watching TV.
y/n walked up the stairs only to be confronted by her boyfriend and apollo, who was snuggled into bucks arms and peacefully sleeping. she covered her mouth and let out quiet giggles, taking a picture to show buck in the morning. she walks over and scoops up the young dog. he groaned and yawned in her arms. “apollo, i bought you a nice bed for a reason!” she whispers and places him in his crate, closing the door so he wouldn’t get hurt roaming around the apartment. “goodnight, buddy.” she says to the already sleeping puppy.
y/n had just stepped out of the shower, changing into a pair of clothes and brushing out her wet hair. “y/n!” buck yells. “come here!”
oh god, she thinks. either the two of them got into mischief together, or apollo did something wrong and buck summoned y/n to fix it. her worries are settled when she sees apollo on the floor in front of buck, who was dangling a treat. “look what he learned! apollo, sit.” he obeyed bucks words, and buck cheers him on with a huge smile before looking at y/n. “he’s learning! you’re a good dog, pollo.”
“you know, when i brought him home i definitely didn’t expect you two to become best friends.”
“well you know what they say,” buck says, pecking y/n’s lips as she sits down next to him.
after a normal day, y/n and buck were upstairs on their shared bed. y/n was straddling buck, both of them making out. they were fully dressed, finally out of work clothes and being able to spend time together. “you’re so beautiful, buck.” y/n says, before realizing how distracted he is. “you ok?”
“y-yeah! i’m great, it’s just him,” he says pointing to apollo. “we can’t have sex in front of him, he’s our child!”
“do you want me to put him in the bathroom or something? he can’t get into anything in there.”
buck thinks about it, ready to say yes, but apollo had other plans. he leaps onto the bed, giving small licks to both of their faces. y/n looks at buck, who has an apologetic look on his face. “alright, buddy. you win!” y/n says, slightly defeated by the little guy. “but you are not ruining my sex life.”
“honey, don’t say that in front of him!” buck shouts under his breath.
“it’s not like he heard me!”
“still, his ears are too innocent for that.” y/n rolls her eyes and moves apollo in between them as she moves to the side.
apollo had gotten significantly bigger, now in his awkward puppy stage. his legs were a little too long, his coat was growing in a weird way, but he was still the same old apollo. y/n and buck had brought apollo to the dog park, along with christopher and eddie. christoper adores apollo, taking any opportunity to watch him play around. eddie was throwing a ball around with chris and apollo, watching the dog run after it and bringing to back again. they took turns throwing it so he could fetch it, chris had even been throwing sticks for apollo to run after.
y/n and buck watched from the side, their dog running back up the them every time, jumping up in excitement. they gave him encouraging words with high pitched voices, like he just graduated high school. they were offering him treats and water, and asking him questions like he could answer. eddie mockingly asks them, “why do you guys treat him like he’s royalty?”
“because he runs our house?” buck retorts back at him in question form.
“you wouldn’t get it, dad,” says christopher.
“get what? we don’t even have a dog, how do you get it?”
“i just do, okay?” eddie shakes his head and lets them praise this dog like he just won an academy award.
buck wraps his arm around y/n’s waist, standing behind her and placing his chin on her shoulder. “i think you found a good dog, y/n.”
“i think he found us. plus i called it, i knew you’d fall in love with him immediately.” they watched their no longer tiny dog run around with his friends, his new red collar and bone shaped name tag. apollo didn’t care how they lived their life, because dogs will love people as long as they’re good to them, and they saved his life.
bonus w buck and apollo 🥲:
y/n had come upstairs after cleaning up the living room a bit, just reorganizing some of her stuff and fixing bucks things. when she walked up, she saw buck and apollo on the floor. apollo was dressed up in one of bucks shirts with LAFD and his name on the back. “look! he’s a fire dog!” y/n was laughing hysterically at what they’d gotten into. she left him alone for two minutes and he had already dresses him in human clothes.
“buck, he looks pissed,” y/n says. “he looks like he’s ready to bite your fingers off.”
“he would never! he looks great! maybe he should work at the station.”
“you’d get fired from being a disturbance to the dog,” y/n jokes, thinking of how buck will always just walk up to him and talk to apollo like a toddler and giving him gentle pets and scratches.
“you’re a hypocrite, you would do the same thing.”
“touché,” she says kissing his forehead, smiling at buck and his best friend.
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m00nbunny1 · 5 months ago
A Little Retrospective: Selfshipping 💘
It's weird to hear that something I've been doing for as long as I can remember has a name, "selfshipping" as people online call it. Now I must admit, did anyone else get the feeling that it was never really accepted, or it was spoken in hushed whispers? Like actually having a crush on a character was fine, but SHIPPING!?!? Oh hell no. If you didn't ship that character with another character in universe, then you were gonna get called what was considered a death sentence years ago, "cringe". This same idea that was semi-planted was the reason why I've felt off about being so open with the fact I've technically done it for years.
Now, I gotta out myself, I am the type of person to read "X Readers", well actually, I've read them predominantly. Most of my fanfiction career is just me reading that, and the one off I find cool or interesting... But even that has at least some sort of stigma to it, it felt like. I also have to say that in certain spaces it truly felt weird to say: "Oh hey I like those goofy X Readers haha".
I feel as though it's sorta come across as odd to me why years ago, it was such a "taboo" thing, but maybe it wasn't, maybe I was just in the wrong fandoms for it. It's totally human to want love, romantic or platonic. People want a connection, so why is imagining a self insert so much of a bad thing? Getting a bit personal and saying that my reason was because I'm homeschooled, I dreamed of having someone to be my partner and having the romantic love high school sweethearts do. The heart-pounding, blush inducing love that would make me swoon, and I got that by having a fictional crush.
I'd like to end this here, because if I keep on going I might just go into a villain rant (joke by the way). One thing I have learned is that people seemingly are getting a bit more ok with the whole prospect, sorta. Another thing is that I'm slowly getting more confident in considering myself to be technically a selfshipper, and getting that confidence has actually been partially from my friends. My friends have been tagging me with certain things, and I'm eternally grateful for that, as it's weirdly helped with the internal stigma I've felt at the prospect of having a fictional crush on a character.... So thanks friends, if you see this! Other than that, I've been getting better, but undoing the blot of what was considered "weird and cringe" has been interesting, to say the least. Never stop being you though, that's all I can end this on.
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cherryredstars · 2 years ago
helloo, i hope u doing good and thank u for your content <3
ok so i gotta question: do you think, in the crushing phase, Miguel would just go with the flow or be in denial with his feelings?
i personally think its the second one, i just feel like he has so much trauma and fear of getting attached again, but to be honest I don't know how he would go past that part 😭😭 i just don't know how that tension would disappear, do you have an idea how it would go?
thank you for everything and have a good day <33
I think Miguel wouldn't even realize he liked someone until a friend or colleague teasingly comments or makes a joke about him possibly liking them. After that, he would go into an internal panic because up to this point he just thought he was being his regular controlling and perfectionist-self when he would constantly bother them. He would 100% start to distance himself and if he thought there was any way they liked him back, he would try to be a little more closed off and possibly meaner to them to try to get them to stop liking him. He'd basically self-sabotage any chances he has with them.
If he were to talk to and rant about his feelings for his crush to LYLA or someone else, they'd try to convince him that he deserves that bit of happiness and encourage him to go for it! He most likely would NOT take that advice and there would just be growing tension between Miguel and his crush. Maybe after a bit, if his feelings haven't gone away, he'll start to get annoyed with himself and just snap and tell his crush about his feelings but makes sure to emphasize that he DOES NOT want to pursue anything and just wants to get whatever this is out of his system and off his chest.
If his crush respects his wishes and doesn't try to get him to accept his feelings and give them a chance, then Miguel will lose feelings after a month or two and everything will be back to normal. But if his crush decides to break him down, there is a possibility he'll give them a chance and hope for the best!
Omg, this is so long I'm so sorry!! But hello I'm doing well!! I recognize your tag because you're in my notifications so much LOL!! Thank you for loving my content♡. I hope you have an amazing day!!
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krikeymate · 2 years ago
I have read through your entire Foster This Love tag and my only regret is that I stumbled upon it just before bedtime
Here's a thing I'd like to see:
The first time Tara sees Sam get mad (like really, truly, teeth bared white knuckled someones about to get it mad) it's not at her but it is for her
i.e. someone upset Tara and Sam goes 100% Mama Hyena on them
I am so sorry for your pain lmao.
That is such a difficult request because there are so many possibilities. How do I choose? Argh. It's gotta be a bad experience with a social worker, right? Here's how Tara learns that Sam loves her.
Tara's been with Sam a year when they have a 'review'. This is someone new, someone Tara doesn't know. It immediately sets her on edge. They talk about her progress... or well, lack of it. How she still can't read or write, how she's not in school, about the meltdowns she's had at the therapist's office. The time she had to be hospitalised because she had a severe anxiety attack that set off her asthma.
He doesn't sound happy, and he sits there with a frown on his face. It makes Tara want to hide. But something tells her that would be bad. And the soshul worker doesn't want bad, they want to see good. Sam tries to object, to tell him about the progress Tara has made, about Sidney and what she thinks, but he won't let her speak, he keeps interrupting her.
Tara sits there quietly, fidgeting beside Sam on the couch. She wants to crawl into Sam's lap and hide there, but the man had taken one look at Tara clinging to Sam's leg when he arrived and said "isn't she a little too old to be hiding behind you like a child?" Sam had said Tara is a child and put an arm around her shoulder, but Tara's stomach had begun to twist, and the touch suddenly became too much. She'd needed space.
Then he says he wants to talk to Tara alone, and that's when she begins to shake her head, overwhelmed. She doesn't want to talk to this man, she doesn't like him, he's mean and she wants Sam to stay. Sam tells him no, and he doesn't like that.
He stands suddenly, and it makes Tara jump, slipping from the couch herself and taking a few steps back.
"Well Ms Carpenter, to be quite honest, I'm not very impressed by what I've seen here today." There's something in his voice that makes Tara think he's enjoying what he's saying, even if there's a frown on his face. "The girl was-" "Her name is Tara," Sam interrupts, standing herself.
"Tara, was placed with you because you were her sister, and it was determined that perhaps that would be what's best for her... despite the obvious... concerns. Clearly, it was a mistake to overlook them."
"What the hell does that mean?!" Sam demands, raising her voice.
"It means," he says, sighing, "that Tara will clearly be better off elsewhere. You're not equipped to take care of her in the way she needs. I see no evidence of-"
"NO!" Tara finally finds her voice, the words he's saying registering in her brain. "No no no." Her hands begin to shake and she bolts forward to push at his legs. "GO AWAY," she cries, sobs choking in her throat. He has to go away, to leave them alone. Tara belongs with Sam and now he wants to take her away.
Sam pulls Tara back with hands on her shoulders, telling her it's ok and breathe, sweet girl. The social worker is less than impressed.
"Is this the kind of unacceptable behaviour you've been encouraging?!" he rants, "I will be-"
"You will be leaving," Sam demands, pushing Tara behind her. The girl buries her face in Sam's side. "The only unacceptable behaviour here is yours!"
He begins to argue back, insulting her, insulting Tara. Sam's hands form into knuckles, skin tight from the force of her grip. Sam almost takes a step forward to push him back herself, stopped only by Tara's grip on her leg. She reaches a hand back as she feels Tara begin to hiccup through her cries.
"You came in here with your mind already made up," Sam states, voice unsteady. She's trying to calm herself down. "I love Tara and I am the best damn thing for her, and if you think I'm just going to let you try and take her away when all it will do is hurt her, if you think I'm going to just let you stand there and try to say that none of this is good enough, you've got another thing coming!"
Sam turns, jaw tight with anger, and picks Tara up in her arms. "It's time for you to leave, and your office will certainly be hearing from me. You know where the door is."
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p1nkc4tb0t · 1 year ago
guys it was so fucking good i swear.
ok so yeah, warning spoilers n shit. yeah.
ok so i really like the concept of the whole Bill of Life thing, unwinding especially.
like holy smokes was it good.
OK SO IK ITS NOT THE MOST POPULAR NOVEL I DONT THINK SO FOR MY MOOTS WHO R SEEING THIS THIS IS THE GENERAL CONCEPT: since abortions r banned pretty much, ppl either “stork” unwanted children or “unwind” children when they became unwanted. like the story starts off abt three unwinds, being unwound for completely different reasons. Connor was like, a troublesome kid and his parents just didn’t want that so they signed the orders to get him unwound. i missed why Risa was unwound but im pretty sure the state house just didn’t have much room for her anymore(she got storked there i think. she really didn’t grab my attention at the beginning sadly). Lev came from a Christian family, and churches make everyone sacrifice one of their children for God by unwinding them second they turn 13, Lev being one of them(it’s considered an honor)
OK SO the concept of storking is that, the mother delivers a child, doesn’t want it, leaves it at some person’s doorstep and then it’s “finders keepers.” however if they are caught they have to take the kid back and legally obliged to keep it. same with the finders keepers situation, got storked and ain’t no one at ur doorstep? legally obliged to keep it like it or not. however Connor’s parents once got storked and passed it into the neighbors house, and the baby rotated for a week and back to their house, but already sick and dying. Connor then gets traumatized and further on in the book he’s so overridden with the memory that when a bitch got storked she yell at them (Connor abd Risa) to take it back even tho the kid wasn’t theirs.
the concept of unwinding is that legally between 13-18 your guardians can send you to a harvest camp where you’re taken apart and given these parts to those who need it. like for example: you got unwound, taken to a harvest camp, they take your hands and give it to a guy who lost his across the fucking continent. ppl literally stopped trying to cure things, just replaced faulty organs with healthy ones. and no one really knows what’s going on in those harvest camps. do they kill you off immediately or do they wait and wait for weeks on weeks to get to you while you never know when’s your last day.
I really like Connor’s relationship with Hayden, and tbh if they would make them canonically in love i’d be the happiest person on this planet. but again that would cause even further complications w the plot so i get it ig. but at the same time i don’t. Connor never really struck me as a cishet dude even from the beginning of the story, and though him abd Risa r a very good pair i’d just kinda like it more if they paired him up with Hayden. cuz first of all it would add on to tge reason he got unwound in the first place. abd like, i want a gay protagonist in a horror book is that really too much to ask?
same thing with Lev and CyTy, tho i see them more as moirails. yk, homestuck. heheh. no bc they’re so caring for eachother it’s crazy. but again i don’t see them in a romantic relationship, i just rlly like their dynamic. live laugh love how Lev was willing to go through with CyTy’s shit and vice versa.
Hayden and CyTy gotta b my fab characters frfr. anyway so CyTy’s name is actually Cyrus, but he has an eighth of a brain of a kid who got unwound and his name was Tyler. so like, he sometimes does things that Tyler would do but himself won’t, leading them to Tyler’s parents’ house and it actually made me tear up.
i NEED to make a Homestuck Unwind AU
(imma just tag 4 moots i think would find this interesting @hiddencattoes @kovuspams @r3z1l1c1ous @imgoingtoeatyourfirstbornchild sorry guys this felt necessary)
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self-indulgent-paw-patrol · 9 months ago
You know how you always apologize in the tags when you go on a Paw Patrol rant? Well, I for one really enjoy your little essays, I love how unashamedly passionate you are about Paw Patrol, how you overanalyze and theorize about it just like I do, it's why I love this blog so much, I love nerding out with you over these cute cartoon dogs
How dare you do this to me when I'm sick and emotional (/j) 😭🫂💜 I'm gonna cry (edit: ok I actually did, a bit XD)
Seriously now, thank you so much too. Every time I see you popping up around in any of my askboxes I go like "OH MY GOD COTTON CANDY SENT ME AN ASK AGAIN AAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THEM SO MUCH LET'S SEE WHAT IT'S ABOUT THIS TIME" - really, Blue and Eryx can confirm, I go nuts for a whole minute or two in our little Discord server XDD it's always a joy to see you around.
I guess I tend to apologize because it's a little like an automatic reaction... It wasn't THAT MUCH or that bad, but I've been told numerous times I shouldn't focus so much on things that are soooooo not for my age. I always have to remind relatives and their friends that it's people my age or older who get to work on producing these things in the first place. And I know people hear these things since early on too, it's annoying, like what the hell, let us live our little lives, we're not actively affecting yours XD
I still find it funny, how passionate I got about Paw Patrol, because when I started watching it, I wasn't expecting to get SO INTO IT.
When I stop to think, most my profile pics on social media/messaging apps are now of Paw Patrol. I've been watching it since January, right after my dog Dakota died. I got now two blogs (and a half bc I'm sorta "helping" Eryx with her askblog of Everest/Tracker/Rex so I was added as a mod there) only for Paw Patrol stuff instead of mixing it around in my personal blog like most my other interests/fandoms. My Telegram art channel has been 90% Paw Patrol arts this entire year so far, except for commissions. I met amazing people in this fandom and even got one hate comment LMAO there's this old Tumblr saying that states your blog hasn't truly started until you get a hate message 😂 Heck I even bought three toys so far! It's been AGES since I last bought anything fandom related for myself, on anything at all. The one thing that comes to mind is the Lightning McQueen origins storybook last year (still gotta remember to buy Jackson Storm's and Cruz Ramirez's too). I usually make/paint/craft my own stuff instead of buying (one of the several reasons I relate to Rocky!).
I just, wow? It's real. I got this whole thing going on and it makes me smile every day and I don't want it to stop any soon. I started watching the show as a way to soothe myself and relax my stressed brain after Dakota's passing. Didn't expect to get so far. I'm glad I did and that I'm here with you guys.
Thanks for being part of what makes it so special for me too, Cotton Candy. You're amazing and I love it whenever you show up bringing more stuff for me to talk about 💜 PAW PATROL IS ON A ROLL, MY FRIEND, LET'S GOOOOOOO
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gay-fordeath · 5 months ago
Gotta scream abt smth that happened this weekend and I do not think the tags will have enough space for this particular rant. I am yelling at myself here please just disregard.
I worked a play this weekend and while driving to the theater with my colleague and one of the actors we passed some kind of sign that had some art on it that I guessed was AI generated. May not have been but it had that look so I just made a passing comment abt it. It sparked a conversation about generative AI with the actor that has left such a bad taste in my mouth since then so we're just getting it out so I can stop stewing on it.
I expressed my dislike for generative AI and how harmful it is and how distasteful I find it and I said the classic, why should I bother to read something you couldn't be bothered to write as a way to summarize my feelings and the actor we were driving seemed to take offense to that.
He started this whole thing about what if he had this dream to make a cartoon or animation or whatever but he can't draw and it's late in his life, he's almost 40, he's not gonna take the 20yrs to learn to draw and animate especially because he can't just put his life on hold for it like he has to work and make money to survive he has no time, why do that when he could just have the ai generate it? So I explained that as a visual artist (drawing/painting) the act of creation is what makes art so wonderful and is the most enjoyable part of the process etc. We went back and forth like this a bit and I'm pretty bad with words when speaking or put on the spot so I wound up saying something that wasn't like 100% the most accurate way to express the sentiment - i said if you're not willing to put in the time and practice and effort necessary to learn a skill like art, you should just give up, why bother pursuing it at all?
Naturally that didn't go down too well, and I get it cause again that's not really the best wording for what I wanted to express. But he and my colleague went into this whole thing about like what an awful thing to say and would I say that to a child, how demoralizing and demotivating and crushing for that child and whatnot and i was like ok let me try that again. The sentiment here is that these things do take work and you've got to be willing to put that work in. If you're not, generative AI is not your only option. Why not make a collaborative project then, find artists and animators and whatnot and work together?
He made examples about music too and how he tried for years to learn guitar and just wasn't any good, couldn't do it etc and why not just use generative AI to create the music he hears in his head. To that I was like well for one we already have digital music programs that are not generative AI so just use those, you'll get a better result. And again, if not, just make it a collaborative effort?? Find some actual musicians and work with them??
At the end of the day the view I hold and tried to express in a few different ways is that art is about creation. And for some people yes the end result is the more important part to them as compared to someone like me, for whom the result is secondary to the joy of the process. But even then, maybe I'm wrong but I'm willing to bet part of what makes that end result so satisfying/important is the fact that they made it, themselves, with their own two hands - there's the pride of that end result being their work, their effort. His heels were pretty firmly dug in the soil of "if I don't have the time/desire/motivation/etc to pursue learning the thing by hand what's wrong with getting it done via generative AI, you're just gatekeeping at that point."
My friend tonight said that at that point you're just looking to make content without putting any real effort/work into it and I think that sums it up pretty well. The thing is while generative AI has other issues that make me dislike it such as environmental factors, etc, I also think it has its role as a tool to add to art - I can compare it to the idea of using practical effects on TV and film that are touched up with minimal CGI as opposed to doing the whole effect with CGI.
Maybe it is kinda gatekeeping art or whatever but like. To go back to a previous statement, not to be too harsh but: if you're not willing to put even a small amount of effort to learn an art, then as far as I'm concerned, you're not actually interested in pursuing the art. You just want to make content, quickly and easily, with no active role in the creation. Even commissioning an artist to work with you to create your vision is more effort than typing a prompt into the mediocrity machine. Commissioned work is more your work than anything you rip out of generative AI. And, as an artist, it just does not seem worth it. What is the point of art - any art - if not to be the one to create it, whether the process or the end result is more important to you?
We cut the convo off because we got a bit heated abt it, and my colleague was getting anxious. The funny thing is I didn't feel like I was arguing so much as passionately debating but there's something about that actor and how he carries himself and whatnot that just made it not sit well with me and now that my weekend is done and I can relax after the chaos it's coming back like fucking acid reflux. Sorry for this ridiculous long post that's just word-vomit on your feed.
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stargazerlion · 28 days ago
Bit of a mental health post, really a rant but thats step one i feel, a friend told me i have to stop bottling but theres some things im not ready to do more than vaguepost about atm, so im getting my thoughts out here, since writing is one of my most helpful coping skills. This and any other similar posts i make if i do so will be tagged "#stargazers mental stuff" so you can filter if you dont want to see it. Also content warning some mildly creative swearing for an american white boy (yeah ik im a white girl but culturally im closer to white boy, especially in regards to the brand of pathetically creative attempts at swearing, idk how white girls swear tbh) to describe people i know, mutuals fyi none of them are you. Also a lot of judgement.
High school graduation. Its supposed to be a celebration of how far you've come or something. My school used the opportunity to pat themselves on the back over and over again. Also i was almost forced to come out to my dad alone in the car on the way there. As a run through, we had several manditory practice sessions (one downtown but far from any transit, they did not provide transport. What, you dont have your own car at age 18 or a parent who has enough free time to drive you around while paying an entire blue collar salary for schooling or a rich friend to carpool? Get fucked lmao. It was over an hour and a half transit each way for me, more for others, and probably around $8-10 per direcfion if it werent for the magic of normalized fare evasion) Through these entire practice sessions i had to endure the shitheads in my grade constantly misbehaving since there were no consequences and they didnt care if they kept everyone for more hours over the course of a week just so they could goof off. "Grit your teeth, get through it asap, then have fun" was not a familiar concept, and they made it everyones problem. Then the ceremonies themselves. There were two over two days, not gonna say why bc the more details i say about my life the more doxable i become, and i dont want the tumblr version of Rainbolt to show up outside my house. Both were highly crowded and overstimulating, and mandatory formal wear (understandable, but highly uncomfortable and dysphoric, esp since i had no desire to invest my hard earned money into nice mens formal wear to basically never be worn). Since seating was assigned as well, no option to at least sit near my friends for comfort, and since the spotlight was on us, there was no wearing noise canceling headphones or bringing stress toys. At the first ceremony, they had an awards ceremony, most of which as best i can tell were arbitrarily decided by staff, and i was incredibly nervous that i would get one and have to go up on stage, since as best i can tell they didnt tell anyone beforehand unless thet won the student voted awards. Simultaneously, it was a bit of a fuck you for like 1/3 people to get awarded including some real jagoffs, and not you, a generally good enough person who actually tried to do good things who just happens to be a fucking loser and not well known or thought of. Also required prayer times...gotta love those. Oh and i know its standard protocol in school events, but yeah we love mandatory nationalism look at the flag sing at the flag make out with the flag while youre at it...and your parents, teachers, and classmates are all watching.
Ok ceremony 2: this was in a much larger venue so much more people-y, which means much worse. I also decided i wanted to wear light makeup, which meant going over to a friends house for "making my hair presentable," my mom forgot her makeup bag, so she had to run home and get it, making it very obvious what was going on, and then my dad drove me alonw to there. Needless to say he had questions, and i was not up for dealing with that. So we get there, and as expected its loud and crowded and uncomfy, we are eventually forced to line up a full 20 min before we have to proceed, which means no one lined up for long, and so your options were to stand alone in your spot not able to do or say anything while everyone talked around you or go and socialize and get yelled at (bc you are known for good behavior, and bad behavior is noticed before the bad behavior of others). Then we proceed and some fucks in the crowd have flash cameras??? I thought we left those behind 20 years ago, and were just taking pictures of us proceeding, blinding me (and i know they were amateurs and not professionals, because my photography teacher was there and would have made sure they werent using flash. She was anti flash. So we sit down and its a boring set of speeches over several hours, including a very long student led one going through, in painful rhyme, the entire school experience, K-12 (only like 1/3 students were there that long, most much less, felt like another fuck you as a transfer), the parent of the laziest kid in the grade who i think was on a board or something (now i know how he passed despite never doing any work and always skipping classes) giving a speech in which she did a lot of gratuitous praise of both the school and her son, and a lot of "we did a really good job and everything has been perfect! 🥰 There is no reason anyone here should be graduating unhappy!" (Also a fuck you to someone who had a miserable time and genuinely tried to bring things up with admins to improve them but to no luck, and who was constantly treated as weird for not loving the various antics that happened such as the nigh hazing senior "pranks" or the disaster of an 11th grade weekend experience, genuinely felt at the time like being told im insane or at the very least dont matter for not having a perfect experience). There were also a lot of songs at these two events that i can never listen to again bc association ruined them for me. Then after the cermony there the whole crowd shifted from the ampiteatre to the room outside, which was just as packed, i wanted to hamg out with my friends to salvage a bit of the day but thats very hard when youre on the brink of mental collapse and cant find anyone in the crowd. Eventually i was able to leave with my mom, cold and hungry and highly overstimulated, but couldnt crawl in a hole and die like i wanted to bc my grandparents were there and i had to be with the family. Then the next day i went to work and i never had to deal with my shitty high school again, thank god. Anyways i now associate completing milestones with social pressure and suffering, so...thats one part of my life i have to fix before i am functional!
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ssreeder · 4 years ago
Damn that really happened. I said what I had to say on ao3, so rn I'm just like, stuck in a void. I refuse to think until the next chapter comes around and only think about how Chang is good and alive as he should be 😌👍
He's problably walking around the forest lost and vibing.
Everything's alright. Zhao at the end? Never happened. Not until next week.
Chang is fine, he went ahead and got his huge self out of the rubble and... walked out... into the woods?
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But I will humor your hike-in-the-woods theory!
Anyway.... I will be trying to fill your void with what I can assure you is the next 3 chapters of heavy angst.
Why do I do it? I don’t fucking know, but I love it.
Zhao did happen.
A C C E P T. I T.
I can’t wait to read what I am sure is a fucking masterpiece of a comment, I am excited.
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freshwater--mermaid · 4 years ago
toxic comic stans cherry picking what they like from the comic and movie verses and then pretending there’s only one ‘true good canon’ version of peter parker is just one of the reasons i left the marvel comic fandom a long time ago, I left that nightmare years ago and just glimpsing it vicariously through other blogs makes me so happy I woke up
so much love for the other sm films and various comic verses went into the mcu sm and to see folks just ignore that because they hate iron man is peak toxic comic standom and it gives me hives looking at it
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deadbeatbirdmom · 11 months ago
@alullinchaos there's an official answer to your question from @incredibly-unprofessional in the tags where I'm reblogging from! I'll copy paste here with a bit of editing so it's easier to read, for the benefit of @starlightsaphron who might be interested too:
#but yeah ok i have an answer for this! when she follows blake on the boat she doesnt specifically KNOW shes going to menagerie #all she knows is that blakes going on a boat far away and hey if tagging along with blake on a boat gets her far away from her dad so be it #and ik what you guys will think 'wouldnt she likely know where shes going by like whatever the boat says or boat ticket is??'
#and for that i always got the notion that the boat is like one that stops at multiple places #like it stops at menagerie those that are leaving get off/then it goes to mistral those leaving get off/goes back to vale ect... #like maybe weiss just gets like a one way ticket that gets her anywhere
#and then she finds out when her blake and sun (after he reveals himself in thay sea beast fight) are talking and ask her where shes going #who knows if weiss would know exactly about menagerie like maybe the name but not much else about it maybe its not studied a lot
#but yes my idea was that in order to disguise herself she cuts her hair short in so shes like barely recognizeable #like if you guys remember the short hair weiss edits people did? thats the vision!
#she wouldnt have time to cut it on the boat so when they set foot off the boat sun would give her his cloak thing he had on the boat #BECAUSE HES A LIL GENTLEMAN (she is sweating like HELL under it they are on an island but yknow its the thought that counts)
#another reason for cutting her hair is like also the risk of like 'what if people recognise me and send me nack to my dad for reward money' #but for thr most part i dont think the citizens would do much to her like siem side eyes and maybe some comments at first
#in this weiss is actively helping the belladonnas and menagerie against the white fang like shes forging her own path away from her father #standing up for what she feels is right shes earning menagerie citizens respect so those stares and side eyes lessen with time
#i like to think maybe older citizens who emigrated to menageire who maybe worked in the mines with her grandfather would trust her quickly
#and by the time the belladonna house fight is done menagerie is basically like 'fuck the schnees EXCEPT THIS ONE RIGHT HERE SHES COOL'
#but yeah she would be a target for the wf like its fuel to the fire for their reaosning to take down the belladonnas it doesnt phase them #'ofc we are protecting this girl HER DADS TERRIBLE if our daughter trusts her so do we' theyre not gonna hold her dads actions against her
#abd in regards to like jaques i imagine ok first off he takes his time getting to vale cause he doesnt really care that much hes that bitch #like 'oh in all the chaos it was hard to enter vale airspace because of the grimm' (and probably some jab at ironwood he cant help himself)
#like that's why shes able to leave before he arrives cause he takes that long in getting there #and even then jaques would likely put in like the teeniest bit of effort trying to find her for images sake
#But I do imagine he could just be like 'she's missing but presumed to maybe be dead' and milk that for what it's worth for publicity #Plus with Ironwood calling back his people from mistral so nobody gets in and out there would be no way for Jaques to know where she is
#i have so many more thoughts about this but i ranted about it all in the bees discord like MULTIPLE DAYS WORTH but still thank u guys 🥺🥺 #credit isnt just on me since i was bouncing idea around with with meena and riley on discord so THANK U OOMFIES 😚😚
Thanks for sharing what you and your friends came up with, incredibly-unprofessional! I've gotta encourage you to write it as a fic, it's a great AU.
Question of the Week: What's your favorite AU that you've created? (shout yourself out XD)
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