#ok fluff isn’t boring but it’s also not my strength ok?
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pokegalla · 3 years ago
New idea from @theneurodivergentdummy
It was a very fluffy idea. I just HAD to write it. Enjoy chaotic fluff!!!
Family Comes First
“Tamaaaaaaaa! I’m booooooored”
Saitama glanced back from his manga, “Hi bored. I’m Saitama.”
(Y/n) glared at him and went to the fridge, with ill intent. She knew Saitama was abnormal in his strength and reflects, but he always lets his guard around her. She grabbed a slice of cheese and yeeted it across the room. It landed on Saitama’s head….with a loud slap.
“(Y/N)!!!!” He shouted.
“Oh alas! The caped baldy has been defeated! But eh….,” (Y/n) made a shit eating grin, “I like yah cut G-“ She ran as Saitama chased her around the small apartment. He managed to nab her but Genos suddenly broke into the wall.
“Master! I have heard screams. Are you in danger?!” He shouted. He looked to see Saitama about to throw her over the couch.
Genos sweat dropped, “Oh….false alarm then.”
“Gigi!!!” (Y/n) shouted excitingly. Saitama threw her but towards Genos to which he caught her.
“What have I told you about messing with my master, Ms.(Y/n)?” Genos asked sternly. He sighed when she pouted, “Please act your age. You are around my age. You must act accordingly.”
“Hmmmm….no~,” (Y/n) said. She got down from his arms and grabbed her belongings, “I’m off Tama! There’s a sale on ice cream today!”
“Atta girl! Get those sales!” Saitama said proudly, “Just be careful, k?”
(Y/n) smiled, “Ok~!”
She happily trotted away as they watched, “….Master? I have been meaning to ask you. What is your relations to this girl? How come she has been staying here?”
Saitama stretched, “Oh yeah mmm forgot to tell yah….she’s my niece. She’s going to be staying here from now on. Her folks just died recently from a threat level demon.”
Genos looked shocked, “Really? I-Is she alright?”
Saitama smiled, “She’s a tough one Genos. She won’t let it bother her.”
“Oh….it is still very unfortunate. But that is very nice of you to take her under your wing Master,” Genos added.
Saitama looked slightly embarrassed, “Well yeah she’s family so….I mean she and I were close when we were younger. Wanted to be heros too. But we never got powers. I trained but she’s just living life without a care, enjoying it to the fullest. Kinda envious of her really….” He noticed Genos wasn’t paying attention, “OH COME ON!!! I’m having a heart to heart talk you jackass! At least enjoy it while it lasts!!!”
Genos simply points at the tv, “M-Master….look”
Saitama looked in an annoyed huff only to freeze up. On the tv was a young girl sizing up a monster, waving a gun around and flipping it off. Oh no….
“That’s her isn’t it?” Saitama asked.
Geno nodded, “She’s….not going to actually engage in combat is she?”
“Yup. She would,” Saitama said, popping the p. They looked at each other then RUSHED to get over there. “Dammit kid-!!!”
The sun was already going down. Genos was injured again but not too badly this time. Saitama had him hold himself up with his shoulders to help him walk while (Y/n) was being carried in one arm. They rushed to save her….and they were surprised to see she managed to take down the ringleader with the gun. Unfortunately the minions weren’t too happy about that….luckily Saitama took them out in seconds.
“Mind telling me where you got a GUN from,” Saitama asked.
“Oh right! Guess this is kinda random huh? My dad made this for me in case I’m in trouble since I don’t have powers,” (Y/n) smiled sweetly, “Pretty nifty huh? My old man was a smart guy. It’s very special to me….”
Saitama stared at her thoughtfully before sighing, “Jeez next time warn me about stuff like that. Can’t have you running around with a gun like that. Do you even have a license for that?”
(Y/n) gulped, “Oh….right. That’s a thing.”
“Oh great. First you get ballsy and try to face a whole monster group by yourself, but you also RUN AROUND THE CITY WITH AN UNLICENSED GUN. What you want to get arrested?!” Saitama shouted.
“I BEAT HIM DIDN’T I?!” (Y/n) shouted back, “And I lost my ice cream cause of you! Can’t you be a LITTLE more careful where you punch?!” They kept going back and forth until Genos waved a few dollar bills in front of our faces.
“Do not worry. We can buy ice cream in the nearest grocer at 0.5 miles. We can get there in 2 minutes and 45 seconds with my turbo boosters or at approximately 25 seconds with Master’s speed,” Genos explained. Saitama and (Y/n) exchanged glances.
Saitama shrugged, “Sure. I’ll run. Just take it easy Genos.”
“Thank you Gigi,” (Y/n) said happily.
And they went to buy their ice cream. People gave them odd looks but they couldn’t care less as they happily munched on ice cream and headed home.
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just-the-hiddles · 4 years ago
Writer’s Spotlight | Nildespirandum
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This week I am spotlighting one of my favorite writers, @nildespirandum​!  She is the Adam writer that made me both scared and brave enough to write Adam myself.  She is the weaver of worlds, the creator of characters so real you think they are sitting next to you.  Smart, funny, and an amazing writer!
Catch all of Nildespirandum’s stories here.
What other names do you want people to call you?
I use Misreall on AO3.
How long have you been writing fic?
I am on this current round for about four years, but I did write before though that was a decade ago.
What fandoms and/or ships do you write?
Tom Hiddleston characters, though not RPF.  Primarily Loki, but I have written for Thomas Sharpe, Adam from Only Lovers Left Alive, and Conrad from Kong: Skull Island.  For all of them I have written OFCs.
How did you get started writing fic?
I had ideas for a fics for a while, but it wasn't until I started commenting and then talking to @caffiend-queen that I decided it was time to do something about it.
Story Recommendations
Which of your stories are your favorite?
I hate this question, but if I had to pick it would be the cycle of stories called Loki and Nora's Infinity Stone Playlist, both because it is my first, and because I think the relationship between the characters - not just Loki and Nora, but the cast that has build up around them - allows me to tell so many tales.
Which story are you most proud of?
Either Perfection - my Crimson Peak AU, or Reigning in Hel - A JotunLoki series.
Which of your stories do you think is the most underrated?
Probably At Hel's Edge, which is a historical mash-up of MCU Loki, with MythLoki.  The people who read it loved, it but it never found much of an audience.  Possibly because of the style I wrote it in, or maybe because the MCULoki character was a bit abstract from his origin.  But I am very, very lucky that it is getting a second life as a Webtoon drawn by @rauko-art, who is incredibly gifted and has worked so hard to make something really beautiful.
Someone is new to reading your stories, which story/stories should they read first?
For Loki, the Infinity Stone Playlist.  Otherwise, maybe Perfection.
Which story did you do the most research for?
Perfection.  I can tell you how much a yard of silk cost in 1910, both in England and the US.  
Which story was the easiest to write?
Probably my Incubus Loki first series.  It was so over the top and goofy that it was effortless.  Rapacity - my vampire Loki story - is also quite easy.  There may be a trend here.
The Writing Process
What is your favorite part of writing?
To quote Dorothy Parker, "I hate writing, but I love having written."  With that said, I love the moment when I am lost in the process, and the characters are narrating and I am taking dictation.  
What is your least favorite part?
Editing, which is probably why I hardly ever do it.  That said, I am fine editing other people's work.  
Describe your style in 1 to 2 sentences.
Breezily conversational when it isn't breaking your heart.
Who are some of your writing idols and/or influences?
I don't have time, and you certainly wouldn't have the patience, for my full list but a few key choices are Jane Austen, Anthony Bourdain, Ian Shoales, Alexander Dumas, the Brothers Grimm, Neil Gaiman, Louisa May Alcott, Balzac, Mary Roach, Bebe Moore Campbell, Douglas Adams.  But all of that said it was probably Howard Pyle, the D'aulaires, Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Winifred Madison, and Ruth Chew whose books I read over and over to the point of them falling apart are probably the writers who made me, not only on the page, but in life.
What programs do you use to write and/or edit?
I do all of my writing and editing in Google docs.   I'm a Luddite at heart.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
A pantser.  I might have some of a story in mind when I start, but usually I start with an image and let fly.  The entirety of my Bottom of the Hourglass story came from my seeing a folded bookcase leaning against a basement door.
Do you write RPF or not?
Years ago I wrote an RPF as a gift for a friend. For the future, I never say never.
Who is your favorite character to write and why?
Loki.  Loki is the gift that keeps on giving.  While I could flippantly say that all of that emotional and mental trauma is fic writer catnip - and I wouldn't be lying - there is so much more.  He is a character of such wit and imagination, powerful, funny, wise, and a complete idiot.  The Trickster is such brilliant architype, playing both sides of the fence, fooling and being fooled, capable of great good and true evil.  He is vastly entertaining, and achingly sympathetic.  I can go on, but I will spare you.
What do you think are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for one.  I am proud that if you read the dialogue alone from my stories you can tell who each character is, that they all have a distinct voice.
What do you struggle with?
Plot.  I get so very bored with plot.  
Favorite Trope?
That's like being asked to pick a favorite anything, I can't do it.  Ok, fine, enemies to lovers.
Favorite word to use?
Delightful.  Or Really.
What is the best piece of writing advice you have heard?
Make time for your writing.  Even when you think you can't.
What would you say to a new fanfic writer starting out?
Don't be afraid, don't shrink and hide and diminish yourself, you have to be your own first, best audience.  Also, always remember, art doesn't apologize and neither should you, as long as you feel you have given the best you can at any given time - which will not always be the same, EVERYONE has off days - then be proud of having written, of having added to the world.
What is a random bit of research you have not managed to work into a fic yet?
I did so much research on boats and ship to ship combat for my pirate story that I will never use all of it.  Generally I am pretty efficient with my research, mostly because I already have a brainful of useless knowledge that I am still trying to make pay off.
What is your favorite random detail from one of your stories?
I love that in the later Infinity Stone Playlist stories Loki's various lounging robes have magical pockets that always produce cookies.  
Any goals or WIPs you want to share?
I am determined to finish both The Frost Queen and The Tales of the Golden Horn this spring, and I have decided I am going to commit to the sequel to Perfection about Thomas and Alice's grandson that I have had in mind since I finished their story.
This or That
Fluff AND Angst
Smut AND Fluff
Reader or OC
One shot or Series
Canon Divergent AND AU
Coffee or Tea
Sweet or Savory
Anything else you want to say or share? 
There is a tendency in fandom these days to see things that do not have a moral dimension as being good or bad, to only look at the most extreme edges of things and pass judgement on the whole.  Life is hard enough, let people enjoy things.  
Until next week!
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wishing4nuclearwinter · 3 years ago
Writer Tag
thank you for the tag @emiratexaaron 😁
I have no idea who’s already been tagged/done this, but no pressure tags: @morscanis @fanthings @bexatomarama
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Fallout New Vegas: 15
Fallout 4: 1
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
33,950 (I never publish fics until they are 100% completed so this definitely isn’t indicative of the actual amount that I write)
3. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
Ok this is hard to say because several of my fics have been hit by those bots that leave a ridiculous number of kudos.
But “What’s A Little Marriage Between Friends?” is by far the top one
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Eventually, yes, though I sometimes take a while to reply. If people leave a bunch of comments in multiple chapters of the same fic over a short period of time, I usually only respond to the most recent one and acknowledge the other ones there to avoid clogging up people’s inbox with different variations of the words “thank you” lol
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t have any currently published with angst endings unless you count my whumptober one shots.
I can definitely say though that of my WIPs, The Empire and The Sun (Agustin’s fic) ending will be The Angst™️
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
What’s A Little Marriage Between Friends ends on a very happy and extremely cheesy note
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, I just daydream about them shfsjf. I do have several ideas for Dragon Age crossovers, but I don’t have any plans to write them
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Fortunately, no. I have published very very little of my writing so I haven’t had the chance to
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, often. I have a secret smut account on ao3 but I’m mostly planning on posting my smut WIPs to my main when I finish them.
It’s porn with feelings (and often plot) pretty much exclusively (also weird kinks). I don’t set out for it to be that way most of the time, but honestly I’m ace spec and have a tendency to get bored if I don’t make it ~emotional~
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I highly doubt it, especially since the majority of my writing is sitting in google docs
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, though I’d certainly be willing to
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Hmmm. I’m gonna have to go with Arcade/Courier (really Arcade/anyone tbh). Obviously I’m attached to it being my own courier, but I absolutely stalk the arcade/courier tag.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
There are several, but I would say probably my Joshua (from the NWP mods)/Varmint crack fic just because I think it’s funny. I am still hoping I will get around to it eventually, but there is a chance that my Deacon/Arcade fic might not get finished
15. What are your writing strengths?
Making my characters miserable. Uh, I was told earlier today that I’m good at emotional scenes so there’s that. I like to think that I’m decent at in character dialogue for canon characters and I’ve been told a couple of times that I’m good at writing Arcade specifically shfjsjf
16. What are you writing weaknesses?
I am still pretty new to writing so it’s kind of hard to say, but I have a lot of trouble with making mundane scenes or transition scenes interesting. Writing fluff is definitely a weak point as well. I have dyslexia and my words get mixed around and grammar can fall through the cracks, but I have someone to edit specifically for that purpose.
Otherwise, just general newbie mistakes probably lol
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I avoid it as much as humanly possible. I have been stressing myself out recently trying to get my latin at least in the realm of correct but *shrug*
I occasionally use spanish and run it by my spanish speaking extended family
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
If you were to dive into the deepest depths of fanfic.net you’d probably be able to find the two paragraph Sherlock fic I did oh so many years ago.
But other than that, I wrote a couple chapters of an unpublished Star Trek fic last year. The first and only fandom I’ve actually published stuff for is Fallout. Like I said, I’m very new to this
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Of the fics I have published, I’d say The Easiest Part Is Letting Go.
Of all my fics total I’m gonna go with Sol’s fic that I’m currently finishing up the draft for (I still don’t have a title, send help)
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jojoboisimagines · 5 years ago
A/N: This goes out to @artlovercarina who requested a Josuke x Reader Fluff fic!
Josuke x Reader// "Spin the Bottle"
This was the third time the Wii had crashed on the two of you while playing Super Smash Bros. An irritated huff came from your boyfriend sitting on the floor. You could tell he was really into the match. It was a close one too at that. 
His full lips formed one of those pouts you couldn't help but chuckle at. Getting off the couch, you immediately was by his side, rubbing his back as the poor boy groaned.
"I almost had you that time, you saw it!"
"Yeah, yeah I did."
He squints his cobalt blue eyes at you, knowing that remark dripped with sarcasm. The teen is quick to let it go though, rolling into his backside with his muscular arms stretching behind his neck.
You snorted. "Wow, you're ripped."
It was a bit of a compliment, but also a jab at the same time. You were just trying to get a reaction out of him if anything.
"You think so?" He perks up and raises his shirt, poking at his own abdomen. He did seem pretty proud of his build. Raising an eyebrow at you, he smirked. 'Wanna touch?"
Instantly he was playfully pushed back into his backside. Laughter emitted from the back of his throat. It was almost like poison how infectious it was, you couldn't help laughing yourself.
"Ah..' he let out breathily. "Sorry about the game, I kinda...didn't have much else planned for our sleepover. Other than me kicking your ass at it all night."
"I think you meant the other way around. It's alright though. I just like spending time with you, Josu-kun."
His face threatened to glow red after hearing that nickname, but he could be strong for now. It still earned a smile from him nonetheless.
"I can figure out something maybe, but it might be lame." Josuke said while getting up and heading somewhere down the hallway. You at least appreciated that your boyfriend was trying. He was crafty enough to come up with an idea so that you two wouldn't get bored to death.
"Ay y/n I found a bottle!"
'Oh dear.'
How he was going to make an empty bottle fun is something you'd be wondering until he joyfully sat down in front of you, placing that bottle in the midst of you and him. He grinned at you endlessly, as if he was expecting you to guess what he was doing. And you knew he was. You playfully tapped your chin, not being able to resist a smile yourself.
“I’ll give you a hint, its something a lot of teenagers play.” 
You raised an eyebrow. Teenagers? With a singular bottle?
“...Are we going to get drunk?”
His face dropped, that obviously wasn’t the answer.
Josuke grabbed a hold of your shoulders and shook you back and forth, not too hard of course, with his size and strength he probably could’ve actually hurt you if he wasn’t a gentle soul.
“Y/N, are you kidding me? My mom would kill me if I used the one day I have the house to myself to get wasted!” The genuine fear in his voice proved that Tomoko Higashikata was no joke.
“Alright alright, I give up then, Mr. Soberpants.” You held your hands up in defeat. “Explain it to me.” His smile returned.
'Ok so it took me like two seconds to come up with, buuuut we’re gonna plaaay Spin the Bottle!” He declared while giving his finest Jazz Hands to make it more exciting.
If you weren’t so done with him after that, you would’ve smiled at how cute it was.
“Spin the Bottle? Isn’t that for...more than two people?” 
He rubbed the back of his head, still careful not to mess up his neat hair. “Well yeah, but I’d never kiss anyone other than you babe, so this is the only right way to play it don’t you think?”
That made a chuckle come out of you. The excuse may have been lame, but he was so sweet you didn’t even mind. You nodded, going along with his game.
“Alright then, lets get started!” Crazy Diamond emerged from him at his side, hitting the end of the bottle at a extremely fast pace, so fast your head almost started spinning, Josuke really was extra wasn’t he..
The bottle of course, stopped in your direction. You could already feel your boyfriend’s smirk at you.
"Looks like the bottle has spoken, pucker up y/n-chaaaan~”
“E-eh?” He leaned in, beautiful blue eyes closing as his face was inches away from yours. It seemed like he wanted a genuine kiss.
Your face started to heat up, you couldn’t tell but he was equally as nervous. The two of you actually hadn’t kissed on the lips many times before. Closing your own e/c eyes, you hoped you wouldn't mess it up and make it horrendously awkward for your lover.
The moment your lips intertwined, a clear shiver went through both of your bodies. Yet you still didn't want to pull back. You persisted, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing forward into the kiss. Josuke seemee to have gotten the memo and wrapped his arms around your waist as well. It was easy to tell he was getting excited during the kiss.
Eventually you had to pull away for air,but you didn't want to look like you were absolutely suffocating so you breahed slowly. On the other hand, Josuke only looked mildly affected by the lack of air. With that look in his eyes, he quite obviously wanted to continue. 
Both of your arms unwrapped themselves from your bodies and he scooted back to where he was originally sitting. It took the teen a minute to get his head out of the clouds and back to the game. He then reached for the bottle again.
"Damn y/n, if I knew you could kiss that well, I would've done it sooner.." 
Redness found its way into your cheeks. You didn't expect him to say that.
".. Thanks" Before you could utter anything else, you spotted Crazy Diamond spinning the bottle again.
To your surprise, (or lack thereof) the bottle landed on you again.
"Oh would you look at that, kissy time again!" His grin was all too hungry for you.
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saeaenity · 7 years ago
Taekook Fic Recommendation List
ESince I’ve been reading nothing but things related to taekook, I think i need to turn this guilty pleasure activity into something more productive. Productive may not be the best word to describe this but at least i tRied.
(*) : Recommended, (**) : Highly recommended, (***) : I kid you not, you’re missing out on a lot of things if you didn’t read it.
1. House of Cards by Sugamins | E | 394,890 | Gangsters!AU (***)
Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down.
"You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated."
note : This is honestly the best fic I’ve ever read and I’m not even exaggerating it. At first, I thought this fic was boring because it was a long read (man, 394,000 words? like, what the fuck?) . But turns out, it was the opposite. The character’s characterization was done in the most eloquent way possible. The plot and the way the author wrote the story gave me goosebumps. It took me 1 week to emotionally recover from this fic  (Heck, it’s been 4 months and I still haven’t fully recovered from this fic). Even tho it is said that it will not only describe the relationship between taehyung and jungkook but also jimin and jungkook, worry not because they’re still bearable. Also, watch this trailer.
2. Stop My Heart by Wowoashley | E | 106,781 | (***)
"What does it feel like?"
"Knowing you fixed the heart of the man who broke yours?"
note : Ok this is actually my first taekook fic and then it got me infatuated by both BTS and taekook so I think y’all could imagine how good this fic is. The first thing I learned while reading this and some other fic(s) made by Wowoashley is how she/he was able to write the best smut scene. The scene(s) were filled with sexual tension and emotion that it got me shivering. Moreover, Jungkook is definitely a maknae on top. 
3. Cuz in a Sky Full of Stars (I think I Saw you) by Wowoashley | E | not completed, 64,071 | FakeRelationship!AU (***)
taehyung always has bad ideas. and jeongguk thinks this might be the best.
note : cute cute cute cute sin cute cute sin cute cute
4. Pick me up, buttercup by Vppa | G | 9,272 | Soulmates!AU (**)
AU where your soulmate's first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet.
Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook's forearm will now forever read "Hey baby, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first."
What the fuck, universe.
note : I don’t believe I was able to read a G-rated fic but I don’t regret my life decision because this is perfection.
5. Children’s Motrin by taetertot | G | 42,708 | not completed, College!AU (*)
When Jeongguk's parents die on his 18th birthday, he decides to take guardianship of his 3 year old brother, Jimin. One year later, he's slumped on a dirty grocery store tile floor with a 4 year old with glassy eyes and flushed cheeks. 13 dollars in his pocket will pay for his cheap bread and eggs, but it won't pay for cheap bread and eggs and $9.89 Motrin for his little brother's fever. And he's not going to let the boy who approached them with lavender hair and golden skin pay for it, no matter how sweet he is. 
note : This fic is full of fluff and for those of you who are thirsty, you might be able to mine some cheesy scene(s) from this fic. Cheesy in a good way. I don’t recommend you reading this fic If you don’t like kids tho.
6. Refrigerator Hmming, Chewing Gum and Instant Karma by Locks | E | 61,449 | Gangster!AU (**)
Taehyung sets the flowers down on the dining table, plucking the card off the little holder. "Dearest Taehyung, just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. I hope you're thinking about me too. Love--" he pauses and squints before cocking an eyebrow and pursing his lips. "Hyung, why is the boss of your little boy band gang professing his love for me?"
Yoongi drops the noodles on the floor with a loud curse as he burns his hand.
Or, Taehyung's been trying his hardest to avoid Yoongi's criminal life for a long ass time, but a cute kid and his infuriating father keep pulling him deeper into the mix.
note : After reading House of Cards  by Sugamins, it really put all other Mafia!AU/Gangster!AU fic to shame. Because nothing tops that. But I think this fic is good because the amount of sexual tension and the tense in general are enough.  And it’s not a horrible experience to read this after reading House of Cards. 
7. Cut Out All the Ropes (Let Me Fall) by  aeterisks | E | 76,763 | Fashion&Models!AU, Hate to Love relationship (***)
Being Korea's most successful model has been working pretty well for Taehyung. That is, until Jeon Jeongguk appears.
note : If you like fic(s) with ‘Hate to Love’ relationship, this is the best one i promies because I’m such a sLUT for ‘hate to love’ relationship.
8. Our Red Scarf (Keep Me Warm) by MirreRover | E | 42,212 | College!AU (***)
Jeongguk is trouble. Taehyung likes trouble a bit more than he probably should.
Just don't tell Jimin about it.
note : The angst got me crying like a bitj but it’s so fluff and full of sin at the same time. I love this.
9. Maybe We Found Love (Right Where We Are) by  Wowoashley | E | 29,477 | College!AU (**)
maybe they're a little bit ridiculous, but people always did fall in love in the strangest ways. 
note : Wowoashley is back again with its slayin’ fanfiction. The suspense between Taehyung and Jungkook is both satifying and adorable. Tahyung is a fan and Jungkook is an idol but they somehow have a Hate to Love relationship, which I am a slut for.
10. Take Me Home (Take It Slow) by  Buttstrife | E | 76,235 | CanonDivergence!AU (**)
Jungkook is an idol and Taehyung is his chaebol sponsor.
note : This is so cute and even though it could move in a fast pace, this fic is progressing in a slow pace. This is a good fanfiction to understand the correlation between artist and sponsors in the K-pop Industry.
11. Hercules by  GinForInk | E | 11,593 | (***)
Taehyung forgets his strength kink until Jungkook picks him up during a group project meeting.
note : Fukc the smut was so good and fluffy. I never knew I’d love Jungkook manhandling Taehyung this much. Kind of a short and quick one but satisfying.
12. Get Me Out Of My Mind (Get You Out Of Those Clothes) by  taekookmusings | E |15,797 | College!AU (**) 
Taehyung never thought he'd fall in love with his roommate. Then again, he never thought his roommate would have been a literal gift from god either.
note : I love jealous Taehyung omg and this is so fluffffff (but also full of sin). A slow-built relationship? Idk it’s somehow in between.
13. Kiss Me Hard Before You Go by  Mindheist | E | 20,271 | FakeDating!AU (***)
Dramatization. Do not try at home.
note : Taehyung and Jungkook confused with what the hell is going on between them will always be my fav. Angst is pretty real and Vmin’s friendship is soo sweet, as always. So fluffy I don’t even know whether I still have my own heart because it’s been screaming “CUTE” all over again. Moreover, I’m also a slut for FakeDating!AU so yeah.
14. Rich Bitch by  Mindheist | E | 28,654 | Melodrama!AU (**)
  When you make six figures a year, Valentino isn’t that big of a deal.
note : It’s cute. They’re cute. Though the part where Jungkook is a millionaire since he was so smol got my jaw wide-opened. Kind of unrealistic but I still love the way it was written, as expected from mindheist. ANGSTY gosh.
15. Serve and Protect by Neptune_scar | E | 43,043 | Police!AU (*)
After a grueling two years of police university training, Kim Taehyung is excited to join the ranks of Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency's new recruits. But getting partnered up with senior police officer, Jeon Jungkook, just might be his biggest challenge yet.
note : At some point, I was quite confused with Jungkook’s characterization because it always shifts from this to that Jungkook or from that to this Jungkook. I’m not even kidding, I was waiting for the smut part but there was none? Idk why it is labelled as Explicit though. 
16. Keep the Water Warm by Sassyneki | E | 59,884 | College!AU (***)
“Get the fuck out of this room, Kim Taehyung.”
The last thing Taehyung expected this summer was to meet his new family, but as with all things, he's willing to give it a shot. He's willing to try. Too bad his new stepbrother doesn't feel the same way. 
note : I love this soo much. It’s cute and full of sin but at the same time it’s also angsty and confusing. Kind of confused with the denouement but that’s FINe because the work itself is a masterpiece.
17.  Pour Up (Drank) by  Mindheist | E | 41,770 | College!AU (**)
If you can read this, take another shot.
note : I love greek system in College!AU since I live in a country where greek system is non-existent. It is such a shame because they’re interesting. This fic is interesting but I’m not down for the romantic part.
18. Then there's the landing by  Sharleena | E | IceSkating!AU (**)
“The thing about Figure Skating is that it’s the most brutal sport disguised as something incredibly beautiful to look at, something elegant and frail. Just like Kim Taehyung.
note : Amazing fic is all I have to say because the sexual tension is just, whoa.
4 notes · View notes
baskingintheinsanity · 8 years ago
Who’s Gonna Pay For This?
A Karamel Drabble
A/n: I started this before the finale, but I’m editing it and posting it as fast as I can now because I think we could all use some humor and fluff after that heart-breaking goodbye scene. Message me or review with any suggestions or comments you want me to hear!...or Read. I’m not as proud of this as some of my other things. I think I could have made it better, but I hope you all enjoy anyway. I’m probably doing some real karamel smut next because I’m horny. Anybody have some good kink ideas?
Alex sat down at her desk that morning, taking a sip of coffee to blow away the cobwebs. J’onn had asked her to come in early and review the security tapes; he had been paranoid since the threat of a white Martian attack. Not that she could blame him. But getting to work at six a.m. to watch blank tapes wasn’t exactly her idea of a great morning, or anyone’s for that matter. She briefly glanced at her cell to see a sweet text from Maggie.
Kick ass at work today, Danvers. I’ll make up for the early morning tonight with your favourite ice cream.-Maggie
               She smiled at the encouragement from her girlfriend. Just talking to Maggie always made her feel a little better, somehow a little more energetic and relaxed at the same time. She let a small smile lift her lips as she logged onto her DEO computer, finding the files of last night’s security tapes. Another agent had monitored all the security cam footage until everyone left last night at eight. That meant she had about ten hours of new footage to scan over. Yipee. She better be getting a bonus soon for this.
               She started the first tape and inevitably stared at a blank screen, speeding up the video so that it wouldn’t take all day to get through. She switched her attention to the footage of the dorm rooms to see if any of their more civil alien residents had done anything interesting last night. See, the DEO agents would often run across alien refugees in the street, struggling in one way or another. They offered them a place to live at the DEO and gave them lessons in earth culture and how to keep themselves safe. They stayed there until they could safely acclimate to National City or wherever they wanted to go on their own. Maybe she’d get to see one of the Hellgrammites they’d brought in last week shapeshift. J’onn had told her that they do that sometimes when they’re bored.  
               Nope. Nada. Not one resident was doing anything remotely interes-….Alex Danvers cut off her thought process as she saw a naked blond woman throw her head back, seated on top of an equally naked DEO resident. Her eyes widened as she slowed the footage tor regular speed, trying to see more closely. The woman had her back turned to the camera, but something about the shape of the man’s face was familiar. She zoomed in the video just a little and her jaw dropped, recognizing the man as Mon-El…Oooh she shouldn’t be watching this. She paused the video and was just about to cancel out when she remembered that Kara seemed to have been showing signs of feelings for this Daxamite lately. And there he was….getting flat out RIDDEN by another woman. How did he even get a random woman into the DEO? Oh that jackass was in for it.
               She reluctantly pressed play one more time-she planned to rewind the video to see how he got the woman into his dorms. But right before she could press the rewind button, the woman angled her face towards camera inadvertently as she moaned. Alex grimaced at the very personal sound until something horrible dawned on her. She was staring at her little sister’s face. The woman in the video, riding Mon El like a cowgirl, was….Kara???
               She made an embarrassingly girly sound of terror and slammed the off button on her computer. But can you really blame her?
               Alex sat in her chair for a few seconds, completely in shock, debating if J’onn would agree to mind wipe her if she asked…Deciding that it was unlikely, she closed her eyes and pressed her fist to her eyelids, trying to scrub the images out.
Well…she thought, after a few minutes of accepting the horror, At least he wasn’t with another woman…
Oh this is not how she wanted to spend her morning. Not at all. But being a good big sister meant looking out for Kara. And her logical agent mind was telling her that after…all of that, Kara would likely fall asleep and….Alex checked the live footage of Mon-El’s dorm room and yep-they were both asleep in Mon El’s bed. Butt naked. Joy.
She reluctantly got up from her standard, spinny office chair and left the room, heading down the hall to wake up Kara before J’onn and the others came in and the most embarrassing day of Kara’s life commenced. As uncomfortable as the whole thing made her, she didn’t want her sister to suffer through that.
So with the bravery of a true warrior, the very professional DEO agent and doctorate carrying woman knocked on the door of the dorms and waited for her naked sister to wake up and disentangle herself from her boyfriend’s arms…She couldn’t believe this was her life. It was so…normal. Seeing as how she was used to fighting psychopaths and alien monsters every week, this was almost a refreshing change of pace. Almost.
Kara’s first conscious thought was that she didn’t think she’d ever felt more comfortable. Except for, maybe, that time when there’d been some kind of solar eclipse and she managed to catch a cold. Eliza had made her tomato soup and grilled cheese, then tucked her into bed after she had watched cartoons all day. She felt so safe at the time, with her adoptive family watching over her. It was one of her first memories of feeling accepted and loved at the Danver’s home. It was the first time it truly felt like HER home.
It was a similar feeling now, except with a little more of a mature tinge to it. She kept her eyes closed, but she could feel one of Mon El’s arms wrapped around her waist and his other hand holding hers over her chest. She squeezed his fingers and sighed, taking a moment to just snooze and relax. As Supergirl, moments to herself where she had nothing at all to worry about was not something she received off.
Damn, Mon-El, why are you so hot? She thought. And no, she didn’t mean hot as in physically attractive, although…that was true. She meant his arms around her were so warm that she’d be sweating if she were human. She’d slept and snuggled in the same bed as Alex when they were kids and she was not this warm. Maybe it was a guy thing? Being toasty when they sleep? She’d have to ask Alex or Lena-someone with more experience sleeping in the same bed as a man.  
But still, his weight by her back felt good, solid. He wasn’t holding her down like he was restricting her. Rather, feeling him beside her-behind her-anchored her in her own strength somehow. She knew she wasn’t alone now, in a way she had always been alone before. Sure, she had great friends and great family, but they weren’t…her perfect partner. They didn’t understand her pain at losing her people or the awkwardness that stems from living on a foreign planet. Their bodies didn’t fit hers the way his dad, like a puzzle, as corny as it sounds. He could go into battle by her side and watch her back, literally.
But he also challenged her; he told her when she was being self-righteous or arrogant, but in a way where she still knew that he thought the world of her. He didn’t make things easy for her all the time, but that’s not what a relationship is. You don’t always get along and agree on every little thing. You fight. You bicker. You listen to each other and make up. That pattern, the pattern of a normal relationship, made her feel….not human, but like she fitted in.
Her entire life, she’d had to struggle to fit in anywhere. She has the Danvers and she’s always considered them her family. She loves them more than she does herself. But even with them, at the very beginning, she had to work to get used to being in their family, to doing things the way they did. When she first started school, she had to hide parts of herself so the other children would accept her. When she applied for jobs, like at Catco, she had to earn her place. She never just…fell naturally into place somewhere. Until Mon-El.
Being with him was just…easy. They’ve already had rough patches and there are bound to be more in their future, but even the arguing feels natural. Like its her role. Like it’s her job to yell at him and smack his arm when he’s being selfish and egotistical. And in return for inspiring him to be better, he makes her feel like she’s priceless, like he could search the stars and never find someone more amazing.
She opened her eyes, just a little bit, to peak at him as he slept. She could hear his heart beating, steady and slow. His face was completely relaxed and he looked younger when he was like this, almost boyish. Like all his worries had slipped away. There was a small smile on his lips, like he was dreaming about getting everything he’d ever wanted. She made a mental note to ask what his dreams were about once he woke up.
Kara’s little glass bubble of happiness shattered when she heard a knock at the door. She was shocked at herself for not having heard the footsteps leading up to the knock. She shot up from bed, standing by Mon-El’s still sleeping form and looked down at herself-naked. Ok, can’t answer the door like that. She looked around frantically for something to throw on and found her tank top and jeans from the night before. Her blouse was ripped to pieces, but this would do. She quickly slipped on what clothes had survived her night and super-sped to the door.
Her face went as red as her cape when she carefully peaked the door open and saw her adoptive sister’s face, looking just a tad judgy.
“Oh,” she grinned, forcing a smile along with some uncomfortable laughter,” Hi Alex!…what are you doing here so early? Wait…it is early, isn’t it?” She had been very tired after last night’s activities and she wasn’t exactly sure how long she had slept.
“Oh nothing,” she tilted her head nonchalantly, “I just came to politely ask you to, next time, refrain from having sex in view of the security cameras.” Alex Danvers had to press her lips together firmly and bite her tongue to keep from breaking out in embarrassed laughter.
Kara’s face immediately scrunched in on itself, nose crinkled like a bunny as she peaked open one eye, “Gah, the cameras….shoot….so you…you saw…” she trailed off and made a vague gesture to up and down her body. Alex had lived with Kara long enough to translate her verbal diarahea and awkward nonsensical gestures.
The older woman smirked, “I’d forgotten you had that birthmark on your-“
“Ok! So you saw everything. Uhm…”
Alex only nodded, “I’ll delete the footage. Don’t worry.”
Kara let out a deeply relieved sigh and gave her sister a half smile, “Thank you.  I owe you big time. Like chocolate ice cream and movie marathon. You are seriously the best.”
“Well, of course. But I expect to hear full details on your first time during that movie night.”
“Yes ma’am,” Kara looked over her shoulder and peeked back at the sleeping Mon-El behind her. She couldn’t help but smile, “I’m just gonna go back to bed and...enjoy this a little more,” she blushed, “…is anyone else here?”
“No-we’re not technically open yet. I came in earlier to review security footage. You’re safe.”
“Thank you!” Kara hugs her sister, eternally grateful and turns around to walk back to bed.
Before Alex closes the door though, she calls to Kara, “You might wanna put makeup on that hickey before you officially clock in this morning.”
Mon-El smiled as he started to wake up, remnants of his dream still playing through his mind. Him and Kara were in bed at her apartment, sunlight filtering through the blinds to land on her back. In his dream, he had been kissing at her neck, trying to wake her up.
In reality, they were barely fitting on his cot in the DEO, but she was in his arms as he woke up and that’s all he cared about. He tucked a piece of her wayward blond hair behind her ear, not knowing if she was awake or not. He heard her release a sigh and felt her press herself back against him.
“Good morning,” she mumbled into his arm, which she was using as a pillow.
As her backside pressed against him, he realized what effect his dream had had on his body. He groaned and wrapped his free arm around her waist from behind her, “Kara, please. Have mercy.”
The woman giggled and turned her face slightly to look at him, “What? I’m just enjoying waking up like this.”
He shook his head, amused at how innocent she was, “Yes, but you’re also causing a rather painful problem for me.”
“What?” her eyebrows crinkled in confusion until she felt the hardness pressing against her ass, “Oh…” she flushed, a flash of heat running through her body from head to toe, “But all I did was cuddle into you.”
He chuckled and looked away from her eyes as he admitted, “I may have been having an adult dream about you before I woke up.”
“Oh!” she grinned, strangely happy this morning, “I was going to ask you what you were dreaming about-you were smiling in your sleep earlier.”
He smirked wickedly and pushed his erection further into her back, “I was dreaming about kissing every inch of your skin, over and over, for the rest of my life.”
She turned over onto her other side, facing him and putting a hand on his cheek, “Pretty words, pretty boy.”
He smiled sweetly at her and leaned in to kiss her nose, “I just want you to know how grateful I am that you let me have you this way, that you chose me. I want you to know how long and how much I’ve wanted this. You are everything, Kara.”
Kara froze, completely unused to having someone pour their hearts out to her that way, to having someone appreciate her for her so genuinely. He made her feel so…precious. And so alive. But she didn’t know how to word it; she wasn’t ready to confess her full feelings to him yet. So instead, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and decided to just show him how she felt. She grinned at him as she pulled him in for a kiss, a little aggressively, tugging on his hair. He growled playfully from the back of his throat and started peppering kisses down her neck.
“Mm,” he smiled against her skin, “You smell like vanilla you know?”
She giggled, his nose tickling her throat, “I know. It’s my body lotion.”
He titled his head to look up into her eyes, crappy fluorescent lights of the dorms shining in the blue somehow, “I like it,” he grins and kisses her nose, “Don’t change it, please. It makes me think of you, makes me think of…”
“Home?” he breathed softly, stroking his cheek.
His smile widened by a thousand watts and he nodded, wrapping his arms around her tighter, “Yep.”
He leaned his body weight into her and started playfully nipping at her collarbone. Just being around her roused something in him, like something in his chest was swelling. He didn’t really know how to deal with the emotions. Fully realizing what Kara meant to him always left him feeling overwhelmed, nervous, and a little breathless. He just wanted to kiss her forever.
“Good,” she smiled cheesily, her nose crinkling in the way it does when she’s not faking anything.
She pushed him to his back and swung a leg over him, straddling his waist. She smirked at the taken aback look on his face. She leaned down and kissed him deeply, swiping her tongue past his lips and sliding her hands down his back. He moaned and pulled her hips down onto his, his need for her growing faster than he knew what to do with. He flicked his tongue, licking the roof of her mouth in the way that he learned last night made her sigh and relax her body into him.
She let out a quiet, adorably satisfied sound and gripped his shoulders a little too harshly, probably bruising him just a tad.
“Excuse me, kids,” Alex’s voice came on over the intercom, “I’d appreciate it if you’d refrain from kissy face on camera. I already have enough footage to delete.”
Mon-El’s eyes went comically wide as he heard the voice come over the loud speakers, “…Your sister…can see us?”
Kara laughed nervously and itched behind her ear, “Um yeah-we never destroyed those cameras. Did I forget to mention that?”
His eyebrows shot up as he nodded slowly, trying not to be amused, “Uh…yes, you did.”
Kara let out a breath and bit her lip, sliding off of his lap, “Sorry. She came in earlier while you were asleep. She said she’d delete the security cam footage for us. So that’s one less thing to worry about.”
Mon-El let out a laugh of disbelief and rested his head in his hands, rubbing his face, “Yep. That’s great.”
Kara’s brows furrowed in concern, picking up on his agitation, rubbing his shoulder, “Is something wrong?”
Mon-El shook his head and raised his head to meet her eyes, “No, nothing, just…how do I put this delicately in English…male problem?” he subtly glanced down to his crotch then back up to her.
Kara would bet a hundred dollars Alex was watching from the security room and laughing. She would be right.
“Oh,” Kara grimaced sympathetically, seeing his issue, “I-uhm, sorry, I…caused that.”
Her cheeks were red. She was still sort of shy dealing with this stuff; she had never been in this type of situation. Waking up with a man, with man body parts doing…what they do in the morning.
Luckily for her, said man found her awkwardness very cute.
“Don’t ever be sorry, Kara,” he smiled at her, shaking his head like she was being silly. He pulled her close and gave her a sweet kiss, “It just means I care about you and love being close to you. I do wish there was something we could do about it, but…camera…” he pointed at the camera in the corner and waved, “Hey, Alex.”
The sound of Alex clearing her throat came on over the speaker, “Mon, El. Good morning. What’s up?”
Kara had never seen someone glare at a security camera before Mon-El did in that moment, “Not funny.”
Kara fought to contain her chuckles, “…it was a little funny?” she held up two fingers an inch apart and smiled at him.
“Mm,” he hummed in irritation and laid back down, “Not when you’re the one frustrated. Come here. Let me hold you some more.”
Kara couldn’t hold back the smile at his request. She laid back down beside him and let him pull her in so their bodies were pressed as close together as possible. She couldn’t help but teasingly rub her backside against his erection, loving the pained growly moan that erupted from his throat when she did.
“Kara,” he warned, stroking her arm softly, “Do that again and I will take you in full view of the camera and your sister.”
She flushed happily, heat rushing from her cheeks to her core to her toes. She nodded and sighed out a ‘sorry’ before she rolled over to look at him.
She looked up at his steely eyes and kissed his chin, “You’re getting stubble,” she noted before nuzzling her head down in his chest.
He chuckled and stroked her hair, closing his eyes, “I lost my razor.”
She said nothing as he ran his hands up and down her back soothingly.
���Oh, that reminds me,” he yawned, possibly more comfortable than he’d ever been, “Can you give me a haircut tomorrow with the laser vision?”
“Mhm, sure,” she mumbled and smiled right before she fell back to sleep.
From the security room, Alex was happy to see that her sister had finally found someone she could be disgustingly domestic with.
At promptly 10:02  a.m, director J’onn J’onzz was walking through the DEO main control room, checking for any updates. He got a brief summary from agent Schott, regarding the new upgrade to Mon-El’s suit he was working on. He was enabling it to be lead-proof, but it was still in the testing phase. He checked with Alex to make sure that all the security camera footage was free of possible signs of invaders. She had assured him that there was absolutely nothing of note on the footage, although she had a strange smile on her face as she said it.
“Call Supergirl to come in. I want her to train some new recruits,” he told Alex, “But tell her to be softer this time, please. I don’t need more broken trainees.”
“Yes sir,” Alex nodded.
The director looked back to the resident tech wiz and questioned, “Has Mon-El checked in yet this morning? We should go over the specs of his new gear with him.”
“No, not yet, sir. He should be in the dorms, though. He checked in last night at eight,” Winn noted as he scanned the records on his screen.
“That’s odd. He’s supposed to check in at 9…” J’onn frowned, a little suspicious. It might surprise several people, but the Daxamite was usually very punctual at work. He’d never checked in more than two minutes late before.
As J’onn was speaking, Winn had opened the security camera footage for the dorms, tuning in to Mon-El’s room. His eyes widened as he took in the chunks of concrete missing from the walls, the lockers half-way knocked over, and the…clothes strewn around the room? He finally focused on Mon-El’s bed and saw two figures curled up around each other….Oh shit. He sat there in shock for a minute, at catching two of his friends half-naked in bed, before he realized that he could under no circumstances let J’onn see that. He had to protect his best friend after all.
“What is-“ Winn quickly exited out of the camera feed as J’onn came over his shoulder.
“Nothing, sir! He’s just sleeping. Must have overslept.”
J’onn’s eyes narrowed in doubt before he started confidently striding towards the dorms. “I don’t know what you’re trying to hide, Mr. Schott, but I can just walk in there and check for myself.”
After making the short journey to the residents’ dorms, J’onn threw open the door to Mon-El’s room. He didn’t know what expected to be making Mon-El late, but he was most definitely not anticipating seeing a bare Supergirl laid on top of him. If that hadn’t been enough to shock his system, his eyes widened when he took in the damage they’d done to the room around him. Oh, he very much did not want to know how any of this happened.
Feeling the anger start to build up within him, J’on slammed the door closed. At the rather loud sound of the door closing, Kara quickly shot awake, sitting up in bed. Her eyes met J’onn’s and for once in her life, she was grateful that she wasn’t human. It meant she never had to have awkward moments like this with her father figure catching her in bed with a boy. Until today.
“J’onn…if we can just get-“
Mon-El started to stir at all the commotion; he was half awake as he groaned and he rolled over in bed, stuffing his face into his pillow. How helpful, Kara thought, unable to not find how deeply he sleeps a little bit endearing.
J’onn held up one hand as a sign for Kara to stop protesting and simply be quiet, “I am going to turn around and walk out of here. I will pretend this never happened. I will dock both you and Mon-El’s next paycheck in order to pay for these repairs. You will fix the damage to this room within the next two days and we will never speak of this again. Agreed?”
               Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, Dana happened to walk by the open dorm door as J’onn scolded the two. She walked by, paused, then back-tracked. She tilted her head to see into the room subtly and noticed Mon-El’s shirtless self. She smirked to herself and looked at J’onn, “If this is a proposal for Mon-El’s super suit, I support.”
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andyl394 · 8 years ago
Happy you’re here (3/?)
Summary: You didn’t actually know who you were, rescued from H.Y.D.R.A, you suffered Dissociative Amnesia. The Avangers helped you, now was time for you to help Bucky.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 3,385 (Yeah)
Warnings: Cursing, FLUFF. violence, blood mention, torture mention, angst(??????)
A/N: LOOK AT THAT, ALREADY???? Yep, i’m truly bored, people seemed to have liked the last chapter, dunno, but the truth is that I just really wanted to write this part and some angst YEs HAtE mE, well I also got so carried away that I had to cut this part in two - maybe three -, or otherwise would’ve been like +3300 words, and i’m still writing! So yeah, there’s that. Oh fuck it, i’ll post it all. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Bucky couldn’t believe that you were able to fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. He couldn’t believe that you felt comfortable enough around him to grab his hand and place it on your tight so it was better for you to take a nap. He just… could not believe.
“Don’t look so scared, soldier.” Natasha said, sitting on his other side, making him place his metal arm closer to his chest. Her trained eyes didn’t lose that movement, she smirked at him before whispering “Steve called you, but since you’re busy… He was just going to tell you to watch over Y/N while we are in there, she’ll be staying with you.”
He just nodded with his head, feeling uncomfortable being around Natasha, but – weirdly – relaxed with you touching him.
Nat got up, strolling a piece of your hair out of your face and smiling gently at you, even though you were sleeping
“She’s a precious thing, isn’t she?” That was the first time he saw that true side of Natasha, the one with emotions and not calculated to be perfect and to analyze everyone and everything.
“She is.” Natasha straighten her shoulders, putting her mask again and going to talk with Steve about the mission and where they were landing.
His hand tighten in your tight when you frowned your brows, gripping hard into his uniform and mumbled something he couldn’t understand in a different language
He wasn’t able to tell if it was in German, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French, he knew that at least it wasn’t Russian. However, even though he didn’t understand exactly what you were saying, he knew you were denying something.
“Y/N?” He whispered, afraid of waking you too suddenly, since he knew that it would be a pain in the ass to calm yourself down, especially when you were about to enter into a mission. You didn’t answer, just gasped and frowned your brows even more, leaving him with no choice but to use his metal hand to poke you lightly in your cheek “Hey, Doll…”
“Huh?” You groaned, stopping the nonsense words and soften your grip in his uniform, sliding your hand down to stroke his arm, as if he was the one that needed comfort. Obviously, you were still half-asleep, your eyes were still closed and your head still on his shoulder.
“I think we are almost there.” He said – for his own surprised – softly to you, even if you didn’t ask him to wake you up before they got there, to give you time to recover from your nap
“Thanks, Buck.” You mumbled, yawning right after slipping away from him. Bucky even tried to slip his hand off of you, but you thought it was quite pleasant his big hand in you thigh, heating it. So, you slid your hand on top of his – as if you didn’t –, while with the other you itched your eyes. Buck hell sure felt surprised by your boldness, by how you did it as if you didn’t actually done, neither cared about keeping his hand on your thigh.
“Look if it isn’t Sleep Beauty awake! What, the prince charming here kissed you, already?” Sam mocked, making you giggle and tease back
“Prince Charming is Cinderella’s prince. Phillip is Sleep Beauty’s prince; go watch the movies before so you’re sure about the nickname, Tweet.”
“Are you inviting me to a cinema night, hottie?” You just laughed at the usual flirty Sam, you knew he was only messing around and you did indeed always – jokely – flirt back
“You tell me, handsome.” Bucky slowly slid his hand off of yours, while you and Sam glanced at each other, controlling your laughs.
Natasha, noticing Bucky’s weird gaze, interfered with a surprised smirk, her mind already planning a way to get you to tell her that you at least thought Buck was cute.
“Y/N, stop your games with Sam. Steve wants to talk with you, now that you’re awake.”
“All right, Nat. You don’t have to be jealous; you know my heart is only yours.” You mocked, passing by her and hugging her by her waist and almost singing the last part.
“I knew that you turned me down for some reason!” Pietro’s voice was heard somewhere on the jet, making you all – Buck included – laugh. He liked the atmosphere, how you made him interact with the others, even though he stayed away.
“Just go already, you little flirty thing. And you, Sam, stop teaching her these kind of stuff.” Natasha laughed slightly while you entered more the jet, searching for your “old man”.
“If you’re going to tell me to hide behind someone I’ll use you as a shield to the bullets.” Clint and Steve giggled at your groan, but Captain just denied with his head and pointed at the table, showing you the plant of the base
“Is not that. Well, since you didn’t accept staying in the jet, I went through the plan and decided that you and Bucky would be better together, you’re good at looking at others back and since Natasha and I will be the ones to search your files, I thought you two would make a good pair.” I kept looking to the plant, trying to memorize everything I could about there.
“Okay, where will my sister and Pietro be?” You ask, Wanda smiled at the back of the jet, hearing you talk about her with her powers.
“They’ll be the ones covering me and Nat’s back, you and Buck will cover theirs and ours while you clear this and the others floors.” Steve pointed at the floor you were supposed to be “So we’ll make our way up to you two and help to clear the rest of the facility. Tony, Vision and Sam will clear the upper floors, Clint will be flying here and helping occasionally.” You sighed in relief; you hated to see Clint of all people entering dangerous missions, because you had met his kids and wife.
“Ok. But what if we found prisoners?”
“We don’t think that they have any in there, Natasha tried to hack them, and she didn’t found anything about new victims before they shut her down.” You agreed, reviewing the entire plan again in your head “Y/N?”
“Don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger again and please follow my orders.” Steve almost begged at you, probably remembering your last mission with him and Clint.
“Oh c’mon! It was just one time, and I didn’t even harm myself that much!”
“You broke your hand, lost more blood than possible, broke three ribs and almost fell from a 39’4 foot tall building!” You chuckled and shrugged your shoulders
“But at least Clint got in time, and with no bruises, to his’s son birthday party.”
“You mean the one you were invited to and that I had to explain to Cooper that “Auntie Y/N” didn’t show to his birthday party just so I could look good at the family’s photo?” You chuckled again, hearing Steve huff
“But you can’t say I didn’t give him a hell of a present.” Steve crossed his arms in front of his chest, glancing sharply at you “I gave him his father to his birthday.”
“Okay, show off, we get it. You’ll do anything to protect everyone; just don’t get yourself killed on the process, all right?” Clint said, and you nodded with your head, turning again to the base draw, a weird feeling filling your chest.
“I’ll talk to Buck; see if he’s really okay with entering an H.Y.D.R.A facility.” Steve murmured when seeing you weren’t going to leave there until you recorded every corner of the place, even though he knew it wouldn’t take you long to.
“Hey, guess who will be waiting for us when we get back?” Clint asked
“Sorry, Katniss. I forgot to bring my crystal ball.” He chuckled at the sassy you, knowing it was a way for you to hide how nervous you were and also because he interrupted your “recording process”.
“Your boyfriend.”
“Which one of them?” He laughed loudly while you were still with your eyes pierced at the map in front of you.
“Parker. He’ll spend a week with you guys; Tony thinks that Peter might be the one to beat you at a training.”
“Really? What makes he think that?”
“The fact that the boy has super strength, spider things and shit.”
“He also has a nice ass.” You murmured, smiling when finished your study
“You are a little pervert thing, you know that, right? Please, don’t harass Peter.”
“Can’t promise that, you know how I feel about cute, shy, awkward people.” He chuckled while you left with a smirk in your face, being surprised when Buck’s face appeared in your mind.
You smiled at yourself when remembered the face he did when you kept his hand where it comfortably was, you thought that he looked cute looking shocked.
When you all arrived at the facility, you took a deep breath, trying to control yourself and be there. Your family’s life was also in your hands, focus and attention.
“Buck, Y/N, you two enter first, than Wanda and Pietro, than me and Natasha.” You heard from the speaker in your ear, nodding and making your way to the place with The Winter Soldier by your side.
You didn’t want to cause too much attention when at first there was just you and Bucky in there, so you just silently brought down each person there with the help of your teammate.
“Nat is bringing down the security system alarm. Y/N, Wanda and Pietro are coming in as soon as you two are able to tell how safe it is.” You heard as your hand grabbed a men’s face, tapping his mouth to stop him from screaming and shit, while you kicked behind his knee and made him pass out with a single strike.
Your eyes met an amazed blue ones, but you just pointed at the two last men on the floor before a door that leaned to where the others were going to enter. Buck nodded with his head and was head to fight one while you took other, quietly, but the loud screams and gunshots at the upper rooms made you sighed.
“Thanks fucking a lot, Tony.” You Sam giggle while the both men turned screaming something when they saw that theirs partners were all down. They started shooting when Bucky and you protected yourselves, you moved fast, shooting at both men and running with light steps at the door. “soră mai mică, your turn.”
“Coming.” Buck stayed at the other side of the door, still amazed by how you were fast on the trigger and with your body. He knew you had powers, since he asked Steve about you, but you didn’t like using them.
A few seconds later, the door was ripped from it’s place and Bucky and you entered the place, cleaning what you could for the siblings. They began fight too, Pietro knocking down whom he could with his speed and Wanda throwing men to all sides.
A bullet passed right in front of Pietro’s face to a man that was going to shoot him in the head, he glanced at your angry face.
“I’ll pay more attention, sorry, Y/N” He said while continuing to clean the floor.
“What happened?” Steve voice was a little tense, but you just ignored and sticked to the plan, making your way to where you were supposed to.
“Nothing new, just my beloved future wife saving my ass.” Natasha giggled at Pietro’s voice, she knew that you wouldn’t give him a chance, since you could only see him as a little brother, as someone that needs to be taken care of.
“You wish, shithead.” You used your elbow to hit one of them in the face, lowering your arm to lock his, grabbing his gun and kicking him to the floor. “Steve, Nat.” You warned, continuing to make your way with Bucky.
Captain was right; you two did make a good pair. You protected his back, he protected yours, and you both moved synchronized, as if you two had been partners before.
Maybe was the training that H.Y.D.R.A provided, but Steve was still surprised that you both made to where he said in less time that he expected.
“We are coming in. Y/N, Bucky, change of plan. Y/N, remember the entry you saw that give to the labs?”
“You even ask?” A giggle came out between heavy breaths, well you were fighting at that very moment. You broke the men’s wrist to make him drop the knife and made him kneel while he screamed “What about it?”
“I need you two to go there and destroy what you can while you search for files about others victims, see if there is anyone that need saving.”
“Can you two go without our help?” You asked, dodging kicks and punches just so you can come closer to Bucky.
“Yes, mom.” You laughed at his ironic voice and finished with another one, pointing with your head to where Bucky should go. You didn’t touch him, knowing that if you did, he would punch you because of his “fight” state.
“Buttercup, let’s go!” You called, finally getting his attention. He walked to you, but he didn’t see one of the men lift a gun and shoot.
You were fast in kicking, with all your strength, Buck’s chest. Making him get out of your way and lose his balance a little confused, you felt a sharp, blazing pain in your shoulder when you lowered your gun after shooting the men.
A groan left your mouth when you pressed the injure to stop the blood from coming out
“Fuck!” The second Bucky understood what happened, he got close to you again, checking you with a worried gaze in his eyes.
“What happened?” Bruce voice was heard, when The Winter Soldier opened his mouth to say ‘Y/N got shot’, you were quicker.
“Nothing, I hit my ass on a balcony.” You continued your walk with Buck at your side, looking for more threats while glancing constantly at you.
You felt the shoulder of your black suit soak with blood, but ignored when entered the labs, paralyzing with the vision of a familiarity. The scars on your back started to burn as you looked at one point of the lab, the cells.
Luckily, they were empty. So you just shaked your head and started to search what you needed, Buck stood behind you, trying to pull the fabric of your suit so he could see the wound, but by reflex, you grabbed his hand and turned pointing the gun at his face.
He didn’t hesitate in ignore the gun to pull the fabric while you apologized and turned again to continue your chase, allowing him to take a look.
“Is it too bad?” You asked, ignoring the pain to do your work
“No, the bullet passed right through.”
“Yay.” He chuckled at your cheered impression, deciding to help you “Steve, the labs are empty and there is nothing here. What do you want us to do?”
“Remember when I said we could do without you guys? Well…” You two laughed at his tone
“We are coming to rescue you, Steve.” Bucky liked the way you said ‘we’, but obviously he ignored the warm feeling in his chest, thinking that it was caused by the adrenaline
“Oh, we are good. Wanda is taking care of everything, but Sam, Tony and Vision might use a little help.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” And Steve was out, you didn’t know that he and Natasha were painfully watching a video of you in there, when you were still just a kid. 
The Captain locked his jaw with the vision of you being whiped with something that had metal, sharp points 
“What do we do with it? Do we destroy?” Nat asked to Steve, making sure nobody else listened to it
“No” he sighed, knowing that you would punch him if he didn’t give you the choice to watch it or not “save it on the flash drive and then, destroy it.” She nodded and saved everything they were there for, Bucky and you already helping your teammates.
“We are done here, we got everything we need. Everyone to the jet now! Tony, you know what to do.” You smiled at Bucky and made your way to the closest way out, that in that case was a window.
You jumped, seeing that it wasn’t a big height from the floor you were to the ground. But obviously, you forgot about your injured shoulder, so when you rolled to cushion the fall, you let out a painfully groan and stood on your knees, waiting for Buck to jump. He did the same as you, the exact movements but without the groan part.
“Are you too hurt?” He asked, helping you to get up while you denied with your head, smiling gently at him.
“No, but Steve will make me be.” He let a relieved laugh come out and you were the one breathless, that time. His expression was relaxed and even a little tired, but wasn’t grumpy.
You two went to the jet waiting, but dodging Pietro’s quick hand. He tried to use his fast speed to carry you in the arms when he saw you were bleeding
“What happened?” Wanda asked worried, helping you sit down while Bruce were already starting to work on your injury.
“I got shot, but don’t worry. The bullet came out and it doesn’t hurt that much.” She sighed and kissed your forehead, siting on your other side, since Pietro was already stroking your hand from the sit next to you.
“I was the one supposed to take the bullet.” Bucky said shortly, giving space so Bruce could take care of the wound.
“Yep. But it was going to hit your spine, and even if you’re a super soldier, I think it would make a big mess.” He still didn’t understand why you took the shot for him, he never experienced that before. Beside Steve, he wasn’t used to that kind of affection and with somebody taking care of him. “That reminds me, sorry for kicking you. But I’m pretty sure that I wouldn’t be able to push you.” He smirked with your flirty tone; even he was able to tell.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. Calm your hormones down, Woman!” Sam said, making you giggle and wink at Bucky before he went back to his previous sit.
“You’re luck it didn’t hit anything important, Y/N.” Bruce said serious, giving you a harsh – but worried – glance. “Did something happened there? You seem more off than usual.”
“No, not at all.” You forced a smile, not wanting to give Steve the word. You would never admit that the labs made you remember something, and hell sure you weren’t going to sleep that night.
“Do you want something for pain?” He asked, not wanting to pressure you, knowing that when you were ready you would tell him.
“No, thank you, Bruce.” He stroked your head before you got up and kiss both Pietro and Wanda cheeks, seeing that they were worried. “I’m ok, don’t worry.”
You smiled before going to sit next to Bucky, giving him time to get used to your sudden approach.
“Thank you.” He finally said, for your surprise.
“I told you, any time, love.” He grinned and you grabbed his arm gently “Is it ok if I use you as a pillow again?” Bucky studied you for a while before nodding with his head and looking straight to the jet’s sit in front of him.
You weren’t going to sleep, just pretend so no one would bother you. He didn’t know that, so he got surprised when in the middle of the travel back you stroked slightly his arm again. You couldn’t help, you were a clingy person. You liked human contact and hugs, kisses, touches, the warm and soft feeling of someone’s body... Maybe it was because your whole life you hadn’t be able to feel those things.
You crossed your legs and tried to find a more comfortable position, Bucky sighed and with all his courage, he moved his hand so it stayed on your thigh again. A smirked formed in your lips as you slid your hand to his, kind of hugging his arm, and hell, if that wasn’t the most comfortable thing ever, you didn’t know what was.
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sxftdreamies · 8 years ago
My (late) review on Weightlifting Kim Bok Joo!
I will admit that i was, in fact, very hesitant to watch this drama, or any drama in general, which is why I’m so late on reviewing it. I have been busy with my schoolwork and my grades hadn’t been the best, so I was trying to abstain from anything Kpop/Kdrama related. In addition, I had never really been one to so keenly follow a Kdrama. The only 2 dramas I had ever watched was Descendants of the Sun and Cheese in the Trap, and I never watched anything after that.
I watched this entire drama in one night. It just so happened my friend and I spent the night at an event and she had encouraged me to watch it. I was really reluctant at first, but I was bored and had nothing to do, so I complied. From the beginning, I was more than intrigued by the 2 characters, Kim Bok Joo and Jung Joon Hyung, who were played by Lee Sung Kyung and Nam Joo Hyuk. Both had been in Cheese in the Trap, which made me a very happy fangirl.
1. Bok Joo, as we know is not the average female lead-she isn’t marked to be completely pretty (although I think she was beautiful), she isn’t looking for a guy, she just loves what she does. However, she does really define the essence of beauty, to me. She looks and is tough, but that is as equal to her feminine and self-aware side. Once Bok Joo realizes she has fallen for doctor Jung Jae Yi, she lets some of her guard down, she can’t exactly think straight around him, she’s nervous and her heart rate increases drastically, something that is very, very relatable. Even as Bok Joo and Joon Hyung start dating, she’s cautious, and tests the whole ‘dating’ thing, and she tries to look good for him (hence lying about the pimple), which makes her so much more realistic than other female characters. I also love how she was always, always there for Joon Hyung. Although she had her side of problem, she never hesitated to help him out, especially in episode 15 when Joon Hyung meets his biological mother for the first time in years. Bok Joo manages to balance both her sport, her family, her friends, and her boyfriend really nicely and cares for all of them with the same amount of love.
2. Joon Hyung, i think we all have ranted about him already. Nam Joo Hyuk portrayed the definition of CUTE and FLUFF in this drama, but there are other reasons why I love his character. Joon Hyung is an amazing friend. Despite already having some slight feelings for Bok Joo early on, he helps her keep the secret about the obesity clinic, helps her with her crush on his brother, and is there for her when she’s not at her best. I personally thought at first that their friendship was much more cherished than their love story-they were the ultimate goals. However, when they were together and started dating, Joon Hyung once again raised my expectations of guys. He didn’t expect a lot out of Bok Joo and that made me feel the happiest. He was understanding and gave her space. When they fell out, when he was jealous, Joon Hyung was never harsh to Bok Joo, instead he’d leave her alone to also think about how to deal with the situation. He was honestly the epitome of a great boyfriend and friend.
3. Their relationship.  As I said, their love was undeniably blissful and sweet, but I want to emphasize on how much they care for each other, regardless of if they were dating or not. The first scene that really stood out to me was when Joon Hyung found out that Shi Ho was the one that placed the obesity clinic pamphlet in the weightlifting room. I think that was a huge turning point because he had been so supportive and just trying to help Bok Joo out through that time. It also stuck out to me how she didn’t care how the whole incident happened but he still did. And what made that scene better was that Joon Hyung didn’t think twice about getting mad for Bok Joo’s sake, but he also got over the rage at Shi Ho very quickly. He didn’t give her hell for it, he got the information he needed, and sure, he was upset, but Joon Hyung kept his emotions in check. 
The second moment that portrayed their relationship well was when he got mad at his brother for (all the things he did, tbh) attending Bok Joo’s competition. Joon Hyung really showed how much he cared about her feelings, and for me I loved the part where he stood outside of the room where Bok Joo was crying. Although he stood there for a while, and I wondered why Joon Hyung didn’t go to her, it was such a pure moment, where he collected his thoughts and fought between helping her or not. He also fought the anger for his brother, which was once again nicely handled and not overly done or excessively dramatic between the two guys. 
The third moment was the part where Joon Hyung beat up the guys at the restaurant for nearly hitting Bok Joo. I really, really, really love that part. It showed both his charismatic and caring side. He was standing and watching the girls argue with the men at the restaurant and probably wondering if he should have intervened. I feel like he made a good decision to interfere after because Bok Joo might have gotten slightly mad at him for “assuming” she couldn’t handle it herself.
Last scene is, obviously, the part where Bok Joo and Joon Hyung are in the swimming pool after he got mad at his aunt and uncle. There was no cheesiness, no excessive fluff or rehearsed lines because their actions conveyed it all. Bok Joo comforting him was the sweetest moment ever because she was worried, she was scared, and she wasn’t sure whether Joon Hyung had been okay the entire day. I think it took very great strength for her to not just ditch her training and to find him, but I also think that the point where she left was very crucial-in the middle of the interview. It proved that she didn’t care about her image, she just wanted to be by his side, listen and comfort him. And she did.
4. Their friends and family. Seon Ok and Nan Hee were the most adorable, funny, and daring sidekicks ever. They didn’t feel like extra characters, they were genuinely entertaining to watch and connect with. I really loved Seon Ok’s character, she, like Bok Joo acted very tough on the outside but she was just as gentle and soft-hearted as any other girl was. Nanhee was the literal girly girl, and to be completely honest, I hate girls who are really girly and whiny and act cute, but Nanhee’s character was impossible to not fall in love with. I mean, she came up with the “Do you like Messi?” question!! Bok Joo’s father and uncle are also extremely caring, although her father can be rash and harsh towards her. I can understand, however. He had so much faith in her becoming a weightlifter, when he found out about the obesity clinic, no doubt her father would be mad. We see Bok Joo’s relationship with her father as something that is very realistic, they love each other but have their harsh moments. Despite all this, both really love each other dearly. I really adore Joon Hyung’s parents (aunt and uncle). They never, ever, showed any more affection to Jae Yi than him, and they raised him really well. They put so much effort into helping and teaching Joon Hyung, resulting in him growing up to be such a caring guy, which I’m sure most parents can relate. They only want the best for their kids.
Questions I have:
What the hell happened to the bouquet of roses that Joon Hyung was going to give Bok Joo? Did it just disappear or did I miss something??
It’s not a question, but I do want to know more about Joon Hyung’s background-his mom leaving him, his dad (was barely mentioned) and his relationship with Shi Ho. I know a lot of people hated her, but the snippets that were shown of Shi Ho and Joon Hyung’s relationship just made me melt, they were so caring and affectionate to each other >.<
I also wanted to know what really happened to Shi Ho after.. Everything that happened.
What hardships were faced in between the 2 year time skip (yeah i lowkey wanna know everything lol)
My final thoughts: I’m so glad my friend told me to watch this. I would gladly rewatch it any day (I’ve already watched it thrice) and it’s the sweetest drama I’ve seen so far. Definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn’t watched it!!
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