We’re all included with Vikki Matsis
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We’re so happy to have Vikki Matsis, president and co-founder of Media Reform SC, as our April speaker on “inclusion”. Her organization established Charleston’s only listener-supported community radio station, Ohm Radio 96.3 FM - which focuses on the inclusion of Charleston’s local music and public affairs. 
As the founder of the American Hostel Conference and manager at Notso Hostel, Vikki has actually written the book on what it’s like to run a hostel. (Really..the book is called “Inside An American Hostel!”)
As one of Charleston’s 50 most progressive people (it was voted on!), we look forward to hearing about how inclusivity affects her everyday life.
 We chatted with Vikki to get an idea of how she’s created a media platform for inclusivity and what gets her inspired. 
All photos by Kate Thornton Photography: https://www.katethorntonphotography.com/
What do you love most about what you do?
I love providing a platform for expression. Ohm Radio is a station that reflects what is happening in our community and is not influenced by advertising. I love being part of the solution, creating independent media in an increasingly consolidated and corporate world.  
What inspired you and how did you become involved in your current career(s)?
My advisor Dr. Faye Steuer taught me everything I know about media reform. She is the founder of MRSC and is the reason I became an engaged citizen in this community.  
How do you start your day? 
I start my day with a two and half year old hugging and kissing me and making me laugh. I also usually start my day with a cup of jasmine green tea.  
Tell us about your proudest moment or accomplishment.
Personally, my proudest moment was finishing a marathon in 2008. Professionally, my proudest moment was our first moment broadcasting over the air in Charleston, August 1, 2015 11AM!
Do you have a hidden talent?
I love to write and sing songs and play the guitar and piano.
Who or what gives you creative inspiration?
My husband Lee Barbour. He is the most dedicated and focused musician. He inspires me to be objective, listen deeply and be the best version of myself.  
Coffee fuels our morning events. If you're a coffee drinker, what's your go-to order?
No coffee for me! I'm a green tea drinker all day long.  
What is your favorite place in Charleston?
Hampton Park, on the branch of the big climbing tree
How do you unwind or destress?
I love to read, especially read cookbooks!
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Rapid fire:
morning person or night owl?
Night Owl
summer or winter?
mountains or beach?
pancakes or waffles?
fiction or non-fiction?
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