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thornmdj9 · 14 days ago
C & some number. Its ATLAS class. ATLAS is an acronym for Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System.
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zoteboateveryday · 6 months ago
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mystery-twin-mystery-bags · 4 months ago
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The Mystery Bag summoned the last of the Mods with Leia!
“Hadfwob krz elj lv khu OHJR froohfwlrq? Grhv vkh hyhq kdyh vsdfh iru pruh?”
But now it like artists are now coming out of the bag, Ford’s investigations aren’t over yet! Stay tuned... 👀
The Mystery Twin Mystery Bags project is a Gravity Falls-themed fundraiser for Gaza aid. If you’d like to learn more about us, please check our pinned FAQ!
[Image Description: A graphic created to resemble Stanford Pines' journal pages, on an aged page with coffee stains, ink splatters, and miscellaneous symbols all over the page. Written in cursive:
Community Mod.
Instagram: akaleiaivy"
There is a photo taped down next to the text; on it is art of a character smiling while wearing a Camp Half-Blood shirt and a fluffy green jacket over it. She has light brown hair with blueish-green streaks in it. An arrow points to the photo with the note: "Height is 4'9'." Another arrow also points to the image, "Possibly a gnome."]
Check us out on our other social medias: Twitter Instagram
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madyson · 4 years ago
🎶 i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending 🎶
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scaffolding · 2 years ago
“Erl li brx grq’w jhw br vtxljjob-gljjob khdgdvv xjjr orrnlq’ dvv prwkhuohvv idwkhuohvv orrnlq’ dvv iuhvk ehdw edqg orrnlq’ dvv odph dvv gxpedvv wudvk dvv shdvdqw dvv zruwkohvv dvv elwfkdvv rxwwd wklv fodvvurrp brx frpsohwh dqg xwwhu glvdssrlqwphqw” ghhs euhdwk “Vkxw br dvv xs rq jrg brxu dvv orrnlqj olnh wkh vshdnhu fkxfnlqj jreolq iurp fodvk ri fodqv / fodvk urbdoh lqeuhg frxvlq brx suredeob olyh lq d vrsklvwlfdwhg pxg kxw iurp 1742 E.F. hyhq pb ixfnlqj slqnb odvwhg orqjhu wkhq wkh uhodwlrq zlwk brxu idwkhu dqg pb slqnb vpdoo dv khoo brxu vsrxvh'v glfn lv suredeob vr vpdoo zklfk suredeob zkb brxu vr ixfmlqj juxpsb fxc zkhq brx wulhg jlylqj wkdw jdzn jdzn -1000 brx suroob ihow qrwklqj dqg hyhq li kh glg kdyh d kxjh dvv frfn rq jrg brxg sure gr lw vr edg kh zrxog vkdyh klv glfn rii dw 3:48 dp rq vhswhpehu 11 eurv orrnlqj ixfnlqj iodwwhu wkhq d sdshu edvhg glhw xjob dvv pi jrw Iodeehujdvwhg Iorulqh surwrqv rq wkhp ilqjhuqdlov dqg ohw’v qrw vwduw rq br xjob dvv kdluolqh wkdw vklw exlow olnh Whg exqgbv ylfwlpv plahg zlwk d wrxfk ri ohdwkhuidfh’v vshup fhoov ercr exlow olnh wkh dyhudjh glvfrug prghudwru rq dqlph ylehc rqob vhuyhu sxwwlqj khqwdl prdqlqj vrxqgv zlwk d ehdug orqjhu wkhq vlch ri wkh vwdwxh ri olehudwlrq ixfnhg xs frz kdylqj dvv rq jrg lwvb elwvb vslghu zlj khdgdvv wi lv wkdw Judqg Fdqbrq vlchg hpswb pdwwhu lq brxu ixfnlqj khdg glg brx jhw brxu zlj iurp zzz.iuhhzljviruihplqlvwv.frp Olnh iu vkxw br vwxslg dvv xs zlwk wkh ixfnlqj Plonb Zdb jdodab rq br iruhkhdghg dvv eur glgq’w wdnh d dssoh d gdb wr nhhs wkh grfwru dzdb ohw’v jr krph dqg vohhs uls-rii rq jrg brxu exlow olnh d ixfnlqb Dvwurzruog, 9/11, dqg, Shduo Kdueru vxuylyru doo plahg xs lqwr rqh ixfnlqj uhjuhw ri d vshflhv eurv orrnlqj olnh d qrq fduerq edvhg olih irup ghdgdvv orrn olnh brx zdv eruq lq ixfnlq Nhsohu-186I xjob dvv orrnlqj olnh brx kdyh vfrolrvlv dqg vfklcrskuhqld plahg xs olnh d fkrfrodwh fkls frrnlh grxjk lqwr brxu khdgdvv brx ixfnlqj forwkhv orrn olnh wkhb zdv fuhdwhg lq wkh dqflhqw Urpdq wlphv rq jrg brx guls lv vr ixfnlqj edg lw’g eh frqvlghuhg gursohw ehfdxvh wkdw vklw vr edg lw gursv grzq lq ydoxh dqbwlph brx zhdu dqb forwklqj dqg br dvv zhdulqj wkh ixfnlqj Wkrpdv Mxlolrlxv Hvtxluh M. Wkh LY 1389 khdgdvv.�� “O + udwlr + jhw pdg + frsh”
hydsrudwhv zlwk wkh ohjr brgd ghdwk vfuhdp
ill be honest i don't know where to start with this. i can figure out that the last bit in quotes starts with l + ratio but idk where to go from there
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team-ogre-powerlifitng · 7 years ago
@wes_g_7.3 2/110kg #teamogre #theogrecompound #ohjr (at The Ogre Compound)
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identityshine · 8 years ago
How to make #money on #Facebook! Check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnNq6osW5cc&OHJr …
How to make #money on #Facebook! Check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnNq6osW5cc&OHJr …
How to make #money on #Facebook! Check this out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnNq6osW5cc&OHJr … posted first on http://ift.tt/2maTWEr
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