#ohio versus everything
mariacallous · 1 year
In 1948, President Harry Truman was on the ropes. He was personally unpopular and faced breakaway candidates to his left (former Vice President Henry Wallace, running as the head of the Progressive Party) and to his right (the Dixiecrats, headed by Strom Thurmond). Although Truman lost 2.4% of the popular vote and 39 electoral votes to Thurmond and another 2.4% of the vote to Wallace, he managed to beat Republican Thomas Dewey by 49.6% to 45.1% (4.5 percentage points).
The story of the 2024 presidential campaign could be a rerun of 1948 — with a different ending. As in 1948, an unpopular incumbent Democratic president may well face Democratic defections to his left and his right. A leading Black public intellectual, Cornel West, will be filling Henry Wallace’s slot as the presidential nominee of the Green Party. To Joe Biden’s right, No Labels is threatening to run an “independent bipartisan” ticket that could be headed by centrists such as Larry Hogan, the former never-Trump Republican governor of Maryland; Joe Manchin, the moderate Democratic senator from West Virginia; or Arizona’s independent senator, Kyrsten Sinema.
It is much too early to assess the impact of this dual threat, but the early signs are not encouraging for Biden. A recent poll by Echelon Insights, a Republican-leaning survey research firm, found that while Biden would narrowly defeat Donald Trump in a rematch of their 2020 contest, Cornel West would receive 4% of the vote in a three-way race, giving the edge to Trump. West would draw about three-quarters of his support from potential Biden voters, especially Blacks, young people, and voters with graduate degrees.
Meanwhile, a poll by Data for Progress suggested that a centrist independent candidacy would also hurt President Biden more than former President Trump. Like Echelon Insights and other polling firms, Data for Progress found that Biden would defeat Trump in a closely contested two-way race. But in a three-way race featuring Trump, Biden, and an unnamed “moderate Independent candidate,” Trump would come out on top, because the third choice would draw 6 percentage points from Biden’s support versus 3 points from Trump. Otherwise put, in a two-way race, 41% of the potential supporters of a moderate independent choice would support Biden, compared to just 24% who would opt for Trump.
It is very early in the race, of course, so these findings should be read with a healthy pinch of skepticism. Still, they suggest that a four-way race might not go as well for Joe Biden in 2024 as it did for Truman in 1948. The difference, I would suggest, is the baseline balance between the two major parties. In 1944, Democrats were on a roll. In that election, Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Thomas Dewey by 7.5 percentage points, 53.4% to 45.9%. The Republicans nominated Dewey a second time in 1948, and the Republican candidate ended up with roughly the same share of the popular vote as he had four years earlier. Truman could afford to lose almost 5% of the baseline Democratic vote to breakaway candidates to his left and right and still prevail. Still, it was a narrow victory. If Dewey had done 1 percentage point better in the popular vote, he probably would have won three large states — Ohio, Illinois, and California — that he lost by less than 1 percentage point, allowing him to win a majority in the Electoral College despite losing to Truman in the popular vote.
By contrast, Joe Biden begins with a narrower advantage in what I am calling the “baseline” vote. In 2020, when just about everything went right for him, he defeated Trump by 51.3% to 46.8% (4.5 percentage points) in the popular vote. Because Biden’s baseline edge is 3 percentage points lower than Truman’s, he cannot prevail with losses to his left and right as large as those Truman experienced. If a four-way election were held tomorrow, Biden would probably lose.
Fortunately for the incumbent, the election will not occur for another 16 months. As often happens with new Third-Party possibilities, Cornel West’s 4% showing in the Echelon Insights poll may well prove to be a high-water mark. Running on the Green Party ticket in 2016, Jill Stein received just 1.1% of the popular vote. And notably, when the Data for Progress poll replaced the generic No Labels candidate with an actual candidate (Larry Hogan), support for the moderate independent option fell by more than half.
Still, Joe Biden’s room for maneuver is dangerously small. Even though Stein received just over 1% of the vote in 2016, her vote total was higher than Trump’s margin of victory in three key states — Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — with enough electoral votes to turn Hillary Clinton’s defeat into a narrow victory. Although we cannot say for sure that Stein cost Clinton the election, we cannot rule out the possibility that she did.
Even though Biden gained a healthy popular vote victory in 2020, a shift of a handful of votes in three states — Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin — would have created a 269-269 tie in the Electoral College, throwing the election into the House of Representatives, where Trump would have prevailed. If Cornel West ends up with even half of his current support, he will double Stein’s share, imperiling Biden’s reelection chances. If a No Labels candidate were also in the race, the hill Biden must climb would be even steeper.
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sacredthethreadgvf · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely and wonderful @gardensgatedaisy 🤍
1. Are you named after anyone?
You know, honestly I don’t know ahaha
2. When was the last time you cried?
On my birthday per usual
3. Do you have any kids?
Nope, unless you count my next door neighbors kids that I nannied for 2 years. They’re still my little friends and come visit 🤍
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Do I use what?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their smiles and the energy they give off
6. What’s the color of your eyes?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Can I pick both ? Depends on my mood tbh
8. Any special talents?
I can make origami
9. Where were you born?
Outside of Cleveland Ohio! Desperately trying to leave this state ahah. (If there are any gresties here around the Cleveland area PLEASEE for the love of everything speak up)
10. What are your hobbies?
Golf ! I freaking love golf ! And art (drawing, writing, etc)
11. Do you have any pets?
Yessss I do !! My little French Bulldog who gave me the stink eye for giving her a bath today in my bathtub versus a shower like I normally do…
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12. What sports do you regularly play?
Golf and lately pickle ball has been my jam !
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
History, English and Science ! God I loved history and science the most tho !
15. Dream job?
Honestly? Somewhere that I am happy, something that helps people or makes them happy, something where I can be creative on a day to day basis
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coochiequeens · 2 years
How about instead of blaming women for no matter how the vote hold both parties accountable for failing women in different ways. The Republican Party needs to see that access to birth control and abortion is healthcare. And the Democratic Party needs to realize that women are still impacted by the wage gap, were hit harder by the economic impact of Covid and are much more likely to be single parents raising a family alone. So yeah the economy is a woman’s issue.
On Monday, a New York Times/Siena College poll indicated that 49 percent of likely voters would back their district’s Republican congressional candidate—a supposed swing toward red in a close race for control over the House. But perhaps the most headline-generating result was that the poll also found that women who identified as independent voters now backed Republicans by 18 points—when in September they favored Democrats by 14 points.
The poll results threw Democrats into a tizzy, after a summer of stories that promised that anger over Roe v. Wade being overturned would benefit the party this fall. As we get to November, is that momentum really fading?
Maybe! But also—maybe not. There are plenty of reasons to not read too much into this slight outlier of a poll. For one thing, the New York Times asked likely voters on how they would vote on a generic ballot, not incorporating individual candidates of the numerous local races, including the House, Senate, governorships and more. That’s important because most Republicans currently running local races across the country are not considered generic Republicans, according to Sarah Longwell, a longtime Republican strategist and host of the podcast The Focus Group. Instead, there are countless extreme Trumpers, including multiple election deniers and those who carry hardline stances on abortion. That includes the likes of Republican candidate Hershel Walker running for a Senate seat in Georgia, J.D. Vance in Ohio and Kari Lake for governor in Arizona.
In the swing voting focus groups Longwell conducts across the country, she hasn’t seen much evidence to suggest that women are swinging back towards Republicans. Instead, they’ve told Longwell, they want to avoid the extreme candidates, especially with stringent pro-life stances.
To further understand this voting bloc—independent women voters who might be particularly mad over Dobbs—and what they’re thinking now, I spoke to Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. The first thing she told me is that she questions the swing reported in the New York Times poll. Then we dug into everything else—our conversation has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Shirin Ali: How do you think women voters view big ticket issues like abortion, the economy and inflation this November?
Debbie Walsh: What we’ve known and what we’ve seen since 1980, is that women vote differently than men. And whether they’re registered as Democrats or not, they’re more likely to support Democratic candidates than men are, less likely to support Republican candidates than men are. And then there’s variation among women, right? Women are not monolithic. So white women have leaned more Republican, while Black women are the strongest Democratic voters out there. And then there’s variation among white women, college educated white women versus non-college educated white women. College educated white women are more likely to support Democratic candidates than non-college educated white women. So again, women are not this monolithic bloc that vote en masse in any one way, but there are differences in the way they vote and that vote in close elections, sometimes can make a difference in the outcome of the election.
I think for women, just like for men, if you ask, ‘what’s the most important issue?,’ the economy always rises to the top. But I think in some ways, we’ve found that women think about the economy in different ways and they’re thinking about it more as kitchen table economics. How am I making ends meet in my family? How am I stretching that dollar? There’s also more economic insecurity that women face, women make less money than men, they have less money saved for retirement. They have felt historically more employment insecure, and women also live longer than men. And so what the government provides in their lives in terms of that social safety net, whether they’re using it now or they think they will need it in the future,things like social security, Medicare are things they think about. Whether it’s unemployment insurance because of employment insecurity or whether it’s family leave, paid family leave or not, depending on where you live, if you happen to live in one of the three states that actually have some form of paid family leave. But all of those issues really rise to the top.
Abortion has been an issue that’s been out there and it matters to women. But I think the question in this election cycle is at the end of the day, not so much will women go to the polls solely because of abortion, but can the abortion issue be the thing that energizes them and motivates them to go to the polls? We know that a lot of those young women are very energized around the abortion issue. I think we’re really trying to understand and see what will happen with those women voters.
What about the Kansas ballot measure in August, when voters overwhelmingly rejected an amendment to the state’s constitution that would have allowed an abortion ban. Was that outlier? Or did Democrats get ahead of themselves?
I think when it’s a standalone issue and a question just out on abortion, there’s a different kind of a vote than when you’re voting for a candidate of a party. The reality is the majority of Americans basically support Roe. And when a case like the Kansas case comes up, you’re not voting for a person who will then implement some law. Here’s something that’s going to be a constitutional question. I think it’s a different kind of a vote.
I do think that the abortion issue may have the potential to energize some voters, particularly some women voters out there who might not have been as engaged before, who might have sat out in midterm election. I think for a lot of folks, they don’t necessarily think that they have a stake in the outcome of elections, whether they think the government doesn’t really do anything, the government can’t solve anything. You know, they can’t fix the problems. However, this was one of those examples where it really, I think, for the Dobbs decision was a big illustration of ‘elections have consequences,’ right? It meant courts being appointed, particularly the Supreme Court, obviously, and the implications of that on women’s lives. And so it was one of those examples, which then may in fact, energize some women to show up in November.
Do you think Democrats can effectively message to swing voters on the issue of abortion?
I happen to live in Pennsylvania. So I’m sitting in Philadelphia, where I’m deluged by ads on both sides. On the Democratic side, abortion has been front and center and always couched in the frame of, particularly in the gubernatorial race for Doug Mastriano, “he’s too extreme for Pennsylvania.” And abortion is one of those examples, and Fetterman is using some of that same language. as well.
They have gone a full court press on putting abortion front and center, which is interesting because in the past, I think, Democratic candidates didn’t want to go near that issue. And now this time around, I think Republicans don’t want to talk about the abortion issue. They want to keep the voters focused and centered on the economy. And the economic news is bleak, and it’s hard to counter that.
I think the Democrats need to go at both of those things. They need to talk about what they’re going to do with the economy and inflation costs. They also need to at the same time talk about the abortion issue, because I still think it is an issue that energizes and motivates groups of voters to turn out. I think what Republicans might have underestimated was the intensity of the reaction to the Dobbs decision. As it was something that took away a right that women had for 50 years, and it’s very rare. I can’t remember a time when or having a right to something was taken away. Think about the vehemence with which gun owners react to any mention of the possibility of losing their guts, right? So I think you can’t underestimate the power of that.
We’ve seen from polling and focus groups that the issue of abortion sometimes knows no party lines. Even people who consider themselves conservative Republicans, can still want the right to choose when it comes to abortion. What do you make of that?
I think Kansas is a great example of that. Given the party registration of the state of Kansas, for that to have won the way it did, or to have been defeated in the way it was, there had to have been conservative Republicans. In many ways, the most conservative position, within the old school definition of conservative, smaller government, less government in your life, [is] a pro choice position. It used to not even be part of the Republican platform, a pro-life plank, and then the party shifted. There are many, moderate to conservative Republicans who think the government should not be in your bedroom, not in your doctor’s office. They don’t want more government and this is more government.
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ledenews · 2 months
Doug Boyd: He Checks His List and He Checks It Twice
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Smart guy, that Doug Boyd. He’s what they call an “intellectual sponge,” and he’s damn proud that much of the stored-away knowledge has something to do with his passion for sports. He knows all the names, positions, and record books along with all the current stats for each of the important players in - well, just name a sport - and “Dougie” knows what he speaks about and cites facts accurately so he bases his opinions on reality instead of misinformed information. Not many do that in the world of sports debate. But Mr. Boyd is much more than a brain full of names and numbers, and that’s because he’s chased and caught his dream of teaching and coaching which, IYKYK, are one in the same with the kind of classroom the only difference. He understands that “2+2” doesn’t always “= 4” for everyone, and that’s why he follows a student’s personal pace until “=4” is the final – and correct – solution to, yes, the math problem, but also to many other should-be simple situations.   That’s because Coach Boyd believes in you and us and every single student he encounters because he’s a firm promoter of personal potential as it pertains to curricula and extracurriculars. When it comes to coaching, he’s learned from legends like Mark Nardone, Mike Young, Chris Daugherty, Sam Andy, and so many others, and that means it’s about “Team” and everything that goes into a unified effort toward a common goal. Oh, and as far as “Dougie” is concerned, it’s him and his mother, Dottie, versus the world in a variety of ways, and if you don’t like it, well, find another seat at a different table because this good man judges life’s contents like Santa Claus does because the good people get his gifts and the bad people are, well, left to play with their own self-absorption. Most importantly, this educator realizes “winning” transcends the points on the scoreboard. Coaching is what Boyd loves most about his position with Ohio County Schools. Of all the coaches you have had as a team member in any sport, which one was the best mentor? Every coach I had growing up with had an impact, but all in different ways.  Sam Andy had a tremendous impact because of the things he did for his players that other people didn’t see. Whether it was letting a kid use his car for prom, having them over for a meal that Sandy cooked, or just advice in general, Sam was always there. For me personally, he knew I was heading to WVU and he called Gale Catlett to let him know that I was going to WVU and that I might be interested in helping out or being around during basketball season. When I went to the two-day walk-on tryout both years I was there, the coaches talked to me, knew who I was, and kind of helped me get through everything.  Even though I wasn’t “good enough” to play there or be on the team, it allowed me to make friends that I otherwise wouldn’t have thanks to Coach Catlett and his staff, and that only happened because of the phone call Sam made.  I have to give mention to a couple of others, too, though. Mark Nardone was a tremendous help to me after high school, especially when I went back to school to teach and coach. And I got some of the best life advice from Bill Stewart during a football spring practice and coaching class I took at WVU. Boyd learned a lot about coaching from a few local legends, and the number one lesson he was taught - always be honest with your student/athletes. What is your favorite story about the legend Sam Andy? I think my favorite Sam Andy stories are all about how he would get people riled up at rival schools.  During my time in high school, we were still playing Wheeling Central and Sam and “Doobie” Dailer would go back and forth at each other in the paper and I think people came more because of their “trash talk” back and forth than because of the game itself. At one point, I remember Sam said “Central has the best team money can buy.”  Also, during my time in high school, we had a student/athlete who came to Park from Marshall County. The weekend of the state tournament my senior year, John Marshall announced that they were dropping us (Wheeling Park) from their basketball schedule.  After losing a tough game in the State Championship game to Beckley Woodrow Wilson, a reporter from Charleston doing a post-game interview in the locker room said to Sam, “We heard that one of your rival schools is dropping you from their schedule next year, what are your thoughts about that?” Sam, without missing a beat, replied, “When you’re 7-67 against a team, you got to quit playing them some time, I guess” (referring to John Marshall’s record vs Wheeling Park).  It was just how quickly those things came out and how easily it riled up people from those schools and really added fuel to the fire of those rivalries and rivalry games. Doug and his father, Ralph, were inseparable until his dad lost his battle with cancer in 2011. What were the best parts involved with your mother working at Wheeling Park High School when you were a student, and now as an educator and coach? As a student, I got to see her every day at school, I got to know teachers, principals, staff, etc., better than a lot of “regular students,” and it helped keep me “in line.” I didn’t have to remember things like lunch money or picture day or whatever was going on.  Knowing that if I got in trouble at school or my grades were slipping or I wasn’t turning in my homework, she was going to know before I probably even realized, and it made me “do better” at that stuff because 1) I would have been in more trouble at home and I didn’t want that and 2) because I know it would have embarrassed her at work and the last thing I ever wanted to do was embarrass my parents or the “family name.”  With me teaching at other schools, her biggest impact there is if I need to get a hold of the copy center or someone at the high school, she is able to give me the best way to go about it and point me in the right direction.  As a coach, she is able to get me the information I need quickly.  For example, a student/athlete had a “family emergency” and had to leave school, so she let me know so 1) I could reach out to him and make sure everything was ok, and 2) I knew I would probably not have the kid available to play that day. Boyd has benefitted from the fact that his mother, Dottie, has been a secretary at WPHS since he was a student at the high school. When it comes to life lessons, what are the three most important things a mentor can offer a young person? The first thing is trust. I try to earn the trust of the players I coach. I want them to know they can come to me and I will try to help them, or get them help, in any way I can. I will never lie to a student/athlete of mine. They might not like the answer, but they’re going to get a truthful one. That is for everything, not just sports. The second life lesson is “you will be judged by the company you keep.”  I was taught this lesson at home, and it’s so true. If the “friends” you are always with aren’t doing “the right things,” whether true or not, it is going to be assumed that you aren’t doing “the right things”.  Your friends’ goals might be different than your goals and the things they do may negatively affect the chances of you reaching your goals. Mark Nardone used to always say, “The reason people fail instead of succeed is because they trade what they want the most for what they want at the moment.” The third is simply to do everything in my power and control to give them the tools they need to succeed in life. That includes work habits and accountability that come with being held to a standard that you’re going to show up and work hard every day. It possibly could include ways to better their situation as far as helping them develop as athletes to potentially receive scholarship dollars for college. Read the full article
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akhabarfactory · 2 months
Mike Perry versus Jake Paul: A Powered Battle in the Ring
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With thousands of spectators crammed into the arena for what seemed to be a memorable boxing night, the energy was high and the suspense was obvious. Mike Perry, a boxer renowned for his raw aggression and willingness to risk everything in the ring, was scheduled to square off against fighter Jake Paul, a man who performs well under pressure. Everyone was on the edge of their seats for this titanic battle, which was more than simply a brawl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lThkwd5pays&pp=ygUXamFrZSBwYXVsIHZzIG1pa2UgcGVycnk Cleveland, Ohio native Jake Paul has grown to be one of the most talked-about people in the boxing community. His meteoric rise from online star to professional boxer has been characterized by unwavering commitment and a string of outstanding triumphs. Paul is a divisive figure due to his charm and bluster, but his skill and perseverance are undeniable. As he entered the ring, prepared to support his words with action, he exuded confidence and made good on his promise of a knockout. Conversely, Mike Perry is a distinct type of fighter. Perry, dubbed the "King of Violence," exudes a warrior's mentality. He is a fighter first and foremost; conflict is his life. His strategy is simple: he is there to fight and is prepared to absorb as much damage as he inflicts. Perry made it obvious right away that he was prepared for a severe altercation when he threatened to stop the fight in the first round if Paul tried to go toe-to-toe with him.
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Before the match started, each fighter showcased their unique fighting techniques. Paul, the most skilled of the two, held Perry at a distance with his reach and technique. In keeping with his reputation, Perry lunged forward, trying to deliver strong strikes. With each punch, the audience let out a yell, their enthusiasm building to a crescendo as the competitors traded powerful blows. Paul showed his boxing prowess in the opening round. He took precise aim at Perry's torso, clearly hurting him. Perry invited Paul to take shots at his head by keeping his hands low, as was his custom. But this tactic turned out to be dangerous. Paul's methodical strategy paid off as he delivered a string of solid hits that led to a knockdown that had the audience cheering. Perry did not back down in the face of the knockdown. He persisted in moving ahead, displaying his tenacity and fighting spirit in full. But it was becoming more and more clear that Paul had superior technique and strategic awareness. He set the pace of the fight, keeping Perry at a distance and avoiding needless danger with a well-placed jab. Paul was obviously following his game plan exactly, and his confidence was growing with every second that went by. During the fight, Perry's weakness—his lack of defense—became increasingly apparent. With his hands frequently too low to shield himself from Paul's unrelenting attack, he took a great deal of punishment. Paul took advantage of every opportunity, throwing strikes with strength and accuracy. Perry's wild aggression stood in stark contrast to Paul's methodical approach, and it soon became apparent that Perry's chances of turning the tide were fading. Ultimately, Jake Paul's supremacy was apparent. His ability to adjust and take advantage of Perry's flaws demonstrated his development as a fighter. Paul silenced many of his detractors with his performance, which was a credit to his hard work and perseverance. Perry showed great bravery and tenacity, but in the end, Paul's cunning and tactics won out. This duel was a collision of ideologies more than it was a struggle of strength. Perry's raw, unrestrained aggression was a stark contrast to Paul's calculated, strategic approach. The result demonstrated the value of technique and strategy in boxing by demonstrating that an opponent who is disciplined and well-prepared can defeat even the most formidable fighter. The night was an exciting show for the spectators, full of drama and intrigue. Jake Paul triumphed, solidifying his position as a rising star in the boxing community. Even though he lost, Mike Perry was respected for his unwavering determination and desire to take on any obstacle. These are the kinds of nights that become legends in the boxing world. The fight between Mike Perry and Jake Paul will live on in memory as evidence of the sport's timeless appeal, where passion, talent, and willpower come together to produce life-changing experiences.
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ohioelectricityrates · 4 months
How to Grill the Perfect Summer Cookout Burger
New Post has been published on https://www.ohenergyratings.com/blog/how-to-grill-the-perfect-summer-cookout-burger/
How to Grill the Perfect Summer Cookout Burger
Save Energy Cooking Outside This Summer
Not only is eating the perfect burger a delight but grilling them outside cuts your energy usage. Find out how you can make your energy savings taste delicious!
There’s a certain feeling that comes with summer. Lazy afternoons, fireflies out on the deck, and of course, the sizzling sound of a grill. Grilling is a great way to keep heat out of your home from cooking, so it saves you energy. This is especially true if you have an electric stove, or oven. Of course, grilling also makes one think about how to make the perfect summer burger. It’s an age old problem. Whether you’re using charcoal or gas, use these tips to craft your perfect summer meal.
Perfect Ingredients Makes The Burger Go Round
Whether you’re going for the perfect beef burger, or perhaps a decadent portobello burger, your ingredients are going to make or break your burger. If using beef, use an 80/20 meat to fat mix for the perfect amount of juiciness. Always add seasoning before forming your patties. And as an extra tip, put a little divot in the middle of your patties to help keep them holding together. The dip keeps the middle from cooking too slowly versus your edges. This keeps them nice and moist, and allowing for easy, stress free cooking. Bonus tip, chill your burgers to help keep the fats solid and to prevent crumbling.
Gas Or Coals? Choose Your Grill Energy Source
Some people swear by charcoal, others swear by gas. Both have their merits, and both will make you a delicious burger. Your fuel can influence things like temperature control, cooking speed, and even flavors imparted into your meat. If you’re craving that smokey charbroiled taste, opt for charcoal grills. If you’re looking at feeding a lot of people, or need consistency, gas is going to be right up your alley.
Temperatures Affect Everything
Temperatures aren’t just affecting your energy bills, they’ll also affect your perfect burger quest. The optimum temperature for cooking a great burger is around 375º-400ºF. This will ensure your burgers reach the perfect temperature for safe consumption, and not dry them out in the process. The “doneness” that you’re looking for will determine your cooking time. For a medium burger, you’ll want to cook your burger on one side for about 3-4 minutes, and then flip, and cook for another 3 minutes. Remember that consuming undercooked meats can cause food-borne illnesses.
Make Your Perfect Burger And Find Your Perfect Plan
Cooking outside can be a great way to save energy during the summer months. But it’s not the only way you can save on your electricity. There are great rates to explore all across Ohio. Check out all sorts of plans available at www.ohenergyratings.com 
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pokemon-goodmorn · 10 months
Welcome to the Goodmorn Region!
Hello! Thanks for stopping by! This is my funny little sideblog for working on the Goodmorn Region, a fanmade Pokémon region based on the state of Ohio. I figure to get things started, I can answer a few questions you might already have.
Why are you making a fake Pokémon region based on Ohio?
Because I live there, and I think it would be funny :)
Why is it called the Goodmorn Region?
Because "good morning" in Japanese is "ohayo". I was going to call it the Goodmorning Region, but I thought it sounded a little cleaner without the "-ing" at the end. It's a dumb pun, I know.
Are you working on a game?
Nope! A) I do not know how to make a video-style game, and B) I'm scared that if I tried to, GameFreak would send their goons to break my kneecaps.
If you were, what would the two be?
I've actually been thinking about that a lot, and what I ultimately came to is that they would be Pokémon Flint and Pokémon Steel. I really like what they did with Scarlet and Violet, with the former having Past Paradox Pokémon and the latter having Future Paradox Pokémon. I think that in my games, it would be a split between letting nature be and take over everything in Flint versus taking total dominion over nature and using it for ourselves in Steel (with the outcome of both games' plots being "humans are a part of nature and have to act accordingly to help the ecosystem thrive"). Flint is the nature-y one because Flint is just a rock (and the state rock of Ohio, no less), and Steel would be the pollution-y one, because there's no steel in nature, it's man-made (and Ohio used to be a big steel mill place).
Can I put your guys in my game?
Oh, crabsolutely, I'd be honored! Just give me a shoutout for making the Pokemon and don't change things up too radically. Like, you're the one making the game, you have free reign, but I'd be kinda sad if you took my guy and made him a Water/Flying Special sweeper when I had him as a Steel/Dark setter.
I'll add to this as I go on. Thanks for reading!
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After a couple of hours, sharp gamblers will certainly have selected with the lines and placed huge wagers on the ones that they believe are off-- and sportsbooks will promptly readjust. The drawback is that middling chances are rare, so this is a really lengthy method. Likewise, there is a chance of losing money if only among the two bets hit.
Fading The Public
Or to put it simply, after seven losses in a row, you won't be able to continue with the method. Non-progressive methods are easier to comprehend, though still featured a particular level of danger. Typically, a non-progressive strategy involves wagering the exact same amount each round regardless of the result. You might have come across the 'all in' roulette strategy-- one of the most renowned non-progressive live roulette systems.
In some cases you'll see something like "Ohio State is 7-3 versus the spread as a favorite in your home this year" in sports wagering insurance coverage.
Despite how much you can manage to play, wagering is an enjoyable means to match enjoying sporting activities weekly.
Whilst card counting is not unlawful, if a gambling establishment thinks a player of counting cards they will normally be eliminated from the game.
You are cost-free to develop any type of system you desire in order to rate the quality of teams or individual professional athletes, but Elo Scores can be a terrific base.
Many experts suggest not betting on your home group in any sport, since your prejudice can shadow your reasoning, and also this can lead to fantastic losses. The martingale technique has actually also been related to roulette, as the likelihood of hitting either red or black is close to 50%. You'll additionally obtain a newsletter with information on major sports betting updates, new wagering website evaluations, and the most up to date benefits and also promos every few weeks. Obtain unique betting overviews and the most up to date chances from top-rated bookmakers, straight to your inbox or social feeds.
Fading The Public (Reduced Efficiency) & Finding Reverse Line Activity (Tool Effectiveness)
It requires gamers. to double their bets after each win till they get to the amount of systems that they began with. This is a great way to maximize your winnings because it enables you to proceed playing without shedding all of your money after simply one loss. Being upset overs success as well as losses is all-natural, yet sporting activities wagering need to never reach a factor where the end result of an outcome is influencing various other choices beyond sports wagering. Consumers never intend to bank on sporting activities with money they can not afford to shed. This guide has shown you that it is feasible to generate income with sporting activities wagering in a reasonably constant method. You can simply use a United States tipster solution like the one advised above to get more consistent success when betting on sport while benefiting from the sportsbook's odds to optimize your returns.
Heat vs. Knicks odds, betting strategy: Simulation value, series pick ... - SportsLine
Heat vs. Knicks odds, betting strategy: Simulation value, series pick ....
By parlaying both wagers, you run the risk of one bet to win four times your money. What we will certainly include is that you can learn the video game andyou can decrease difference with some video games. Level wagering will imply that you position the same stake for each even money bet.
The logic is that the general public is mosting likely to be incorrect a lot of the time. To do this, you'll have to locate data on the percent of bank on each side of a market and bet the ones where most wagers are heavily on one side. Examine to see whether a suit or a video game is supplied by the sportsbook a couple of days ahead of time. Pinpoint the sportsbook with the most beneficial probabilities and also lines as well as put your bet there. Contrast the lines as well as probabilities on the very same market on every sportsbook.
Best March Madness Promos: Grab $3,600 in Bonuses for Tonight's ... - 4for4
Best March Madness Promos: Grab $3,600 in Bonuses for Tonight's ....
However those with much more experience will certainly check out the smaller wagering markets where there is likely to be much more variance in regards to the chances on deal. Right here, the chances are extra competitive as well as attractive to the consumers, as the winning group will certainly have to satisfy certain requirements for your wager to be effective. For esports wagering, this is no various, implying that if a player/team is a lot more most likely to win than their opponent, bookmakers will certainly supply a handicap market for you. Yes, football betting strategies coincide as football betting methods, as both terms describe the same sport. Arbitrage betting, matched wagering, and value betting are several of one of the most efficient techniques used in soccer betting as well. Dutching is utilized to put numerous bank on the same game/match to develop an equivalent revenue or loss on all results.
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How to Find the Right Bail Bo
Whatever You Required to Know About Hiring a Bail Bonds Near Me Open Now Phoenix, The Role of a Bail Bondsman in the Bad Guy Justice System and 5 Concerns to Ask Your Bondsman Prior To Signing. When you or someone close to you contravenes of the law, hiring a bail bondsman can help you get out of jail quick by serving as an intermediary in between yourself or your liked one and the court system. A bondsman offers monetary assistance for short-term release, enabling you time to discover legal representation and prepare for your day in court. Before signing on with any bail bond business, here is everything you need to know about hiring a bail bondsman. The role of a bail bondsman in the criminal justice system is important. Bond agents offer surety bonds that guarantee accuseds will appear in court when essential so they are given short-term release pending trial without needing to develop all of the money they owe out of pocket. Surety bonds likewise make sure that if individuals fail to appear in court as set up, there is documents and other steps that can be taken versus them consisting of revocation of their bond quantity by their representative or property seizure as determined by law. There are certain questions that every individual should ask prior to hiring a bail bondsman, such as: 1) What services do you provide? Make sure the business covers all locations from standard surety bonding to migration bonding and whatever else you may need assistance with; 2) How long have you stayed in business? Make sure they have experience dealing with cases like yours; 3) What fees do you charge? Many reliable business will outline all fees up front so there will not be any concealed costs; 4) Do I need collateral? Depending upon your unique scenario, some business may need collateral or security for bigger amounts; 5) Do I qualify for payment plans or discount rates? Numerous business have versatile payment plans readily available on bigger amounts. If suitable, ask about any discount rate programs used. Hiring a professional bail representative who understands the complexities involved with browsing through the legal system can accelerate your flexibility from jail with minimal stress along the way. That's why Didn't Do It Bail Bonds is Phoenix's # 1 source for timely and effective service whenever needed, 24 hours each day-- offering trustworthy guidance relating to numerous criminal matters when faced with uncertainty due to strangeness with Arizona laws worrying bail bonding procedures. Their group aims to produce strong relationships in between its customers and legal representation while using economical rates and comprehensive service-- making them first choice when needing help getting out jail quick! When you or someone close to you runs afoul of the law, hiring a bail bondsman can help you get out of jail quick by acting as an intermediary in between yourself or your liked one and the court system. Before signing on with any bail bond business, here is everything you need to know about hiring a bail bondsman. The role of a bail bondsman in the criminal justice system is important. That's why Didn't Do It Bail Bonds is Phoenix's # 1 source for timely and effective service whenever needed, 24 hours per day-- offering trustworthy guidance relating to numerous criminal matters when faced with uncertainty due to strangeness with Arizona laws worrying bail bonding procedures. https://howtofindtherightbailbondsman432.blogspot.com/2023/01/how-to-find-right-bail-bondsman-for.html Bail Bonds 24 7 https://whyyourequiredabailbondsmanfo.blogspot.com/ https://whyyourequiredabailbondsmanfo.blogspot.com/2023/01/how-to-discover-right-bondsman-for-your.html https://columbusohiohelicopterride203.blogspot.com/ https://columbusohiohelicopterride203.blogspot.com/2023/01/columbus-ohio-helicopter-ride.html https://persianrugrepaircarlsbad574.blogspot.com/
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How one LCO uses Spraye to maximize route density
If you're in the Pensacola area, then you have probably already experienced the need for having to remove a tree or stump or getting your tree's trimmed. The cost of tree removal varies depending on a few factors, such as: - The type of tree that needs to be removed - The size of the tree - The location of the tree - The condition of the tree Pensacola Tree Removal offers competitive pricing for our tree removal services. For a full list of services Tree removal services visit https://treeservicespensacola.com/tree-removal-pensacola/ for a fast, friendly and reliable quote that you can count on. This will help not only beautify your property but also is the safest way to do it. Photo: Spraye Jim Beveridge, owner of Yards Done Right in Westlake, Ohio, started using Spraye software to schedule his routes as a beta tester. A fellow lawn care operator (LCO) developed the software. Beveridge runs a two-person crew with his wife, Judy. Yards Done Right is a primarily residential company that does lawn fertilization, weed control, organic topdressing and tree and shrub services. Beveridge shares with LM how he uses Spraye, and the advantages route density offers his business. “For a small- to medium-sized business, Spraye has an amazing array of features it offers at an affordable price,” he says. The base subscription costs $90 a month. Route density is a critical part of Beveridge’s operation because it equates to saving time and fuel. “It means a lot to us because I can fly through a dense route versus driving 20 minutes between houses. So, route density basically is everything to us,” he says. “That’s what we try to aim for when we do marketing.” Beveridge says most LCOs’ spray rigs can hold only so much liquid, and using Spraye helps him maximize the amount of square feet he treats in a day without going over that threshold. “When I pick the route out, (Spraye) automatically shows me how many square feet I picked for that day,” he says. “And if I have a few too many (square feet), I can put a couple (jobs) back in the cart and not do those till another day.” Maximizing by city Jim Beveridge Beveridge lives in one of greater Cleveland’s western suburbs. He organizes his routes by suburb to maximize the time spent in one area. “We can pick a group in Avon that has 23 houses that are basically a mile apart, but it’s a 20-minute drive to get out to the houses, but once you’re out there, you go bing, bang, boom and you’re done.” Beveridge says he also likes that Spraye emails customers twice: once when he schedules the visit — about a week out — and then again 24 hours in advance so the client can clear the yard. Adding and skipping routes Spraye offers several options if a client needs to reschedule a service. “If you pull up and Mrs. Smith said, ‘I’m having a party in 20 minutes with 40 kids coming over, you can’t do my lawn today’ … you could skip it, you could move it to a different day automatically or you can just put it back in the unassigned services queue,” Beveridge says. “And then the software will then recalibrate and figure out the next day that it’s in the vicinity and would make sense route-wise.” Adding clients is easy, he says. Once he adds a client with a specific spray program — six applications or so — the client goes into the Spraye system as an unassigned service organized by city. “We tag all the cities where all our customers are, so we can say our next day is going to be in Rocky River (for example),” Beveridge says. “We look up all the customers in Rocky River we’re going to do and, ‘Oh, there’s Mrs. Smith. We had to cancel her yard last week; let’s do her yard this week.’” The post How one LCO uses Spraye to maximize route density appeared first on Landscape Management.
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jonmoxleys · 5 years
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Sami Callihan wins Impact World Championship - 10.29.2019
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tommylindholm · 4 years
I thoroughly enjoyed night one of Rebellion, but I feel like Jake Crist should get recognition for rocking a Dayton Dragons hat.
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I will lose my mind if Mox really does come back to the Indies
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akhabarfactory · 2 months
Mike Perry versus Jake Paul: A Powered Battle in the Ring
With thousands of spectators crammed into the arena for what seemed to be a memorable boxing night, the energy was high and the suspense was obvious. Mike Perry, a boxer renowned for his raw aggression and willingness to risk everything in the ring, was scheduled to square off against fighter Jake Paul, a man who performs well under pressure. Everyone was on the edge of their seats for this titanic battle, which was more than simply a brawl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lThkwd5pays&pp=ygUXamFrZSBwYXVsIHZzIG1pa2UgcGVycnk Cleveland, Ohio native Jake Paul has grown to be one of the most talked-about people in the boxing community. His meteoric rise from online star to professional boxer has been characterized by unwavering commitment and a string of outstanding triumphs. Paul is a divisive figure due to his charm and bluster, but his skill and perseverance are undeniable. As he entered the ring, prepared to support his words with action, he exuded confidence and made good on his promise of a knockout. Conversely, Mike Perry is a distinct type of fighter. Perry, dubbed the "King of Violence," exudes a warrior's mentality. He is a fighter first and foremost; conflict is his life. His strategy is simple: he is there to fight and is prepared to absorb as much damage as he inflicts. Perry made it obvious right away that he was prepared for a severe altercation when he threatened to stop the fight in the first round if Paul tried to go toe-to-toe with him.
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Before the match started, each fighter showcased their unique fighting techniques. Paul, the most skilled of the two, held Perry at a distance with his reach and technique. In keeping with his reputation, Perry lunged forward, trying to deliver strong strikes. With each punch, the audience let out a yell, their enthusiasm building to a crescendo as the competitors traded powerful blows. Paul showed his boxing prowess in the opening round. He took precise aim at Perry's torso, clearly hurting him. Perry invited Paul to take shots at his head by keeping his hands low, as was his custom. But this tactic turned out to be dangerous. Paul's methodical strategy paid off as he delivered a string of solid hits that led to a knockdown that had the audience cheering. Perry did not back down in the face of the knockdown. He persisted in moving ahead, displaying his tenacity and fighting spirit in full. But it was becoming more and more clear that Paul had superior technique and strategic awareness. He set the pace of the fight, keeping Perry at a distance and avoiding needless danger with a well-placed jab. Paul was obviously following his game plan exactly, and his confidence was growing with every second that went by. During the fight, Perry's weakness—his lack of defense—became increasingly apparent. With his hands frequently too low to shield himself from Paul's unrelenting attack, he took a great deal of punishment. Paul took advantage of every opportunity, throwing strikes with strength and accuracy. Perry's wild aggression stood in stark contrast to Paul's methodical approach, and it soon became apparent that Perry's chances of turning the tide were fading. Ultimately, Jake Paul's supremacy was apparent. His ability to adjust and take advantage of Perry's flaws demonstrated his development as a fighter. Paul silenced many of his detractors with his performance, which was a credit to his hard work and perseverance. Perry showed great bravery and tenacity, but in the end, Paul's cunning and tactics won out. This duel was a collision of ideologies more than it was a struggle of strength. Perry's raw, unrestrained aggression was a stark contrast to Paul's calculated, strategic approach. The result demonstrated the value of technique and strategy in boxing by demonstrating that an opponent who is disciplined and well-prepared can defeat even the most formidable fighter. The night was an exciting show for the spectators, full of drama and intrigue. Jake Paul triumphed, solidifying his position as a rising star in the boxing community. Even though he lost, Mike Perry was respected for his unwavering determination and desire to take on any obstacle. These are the kinds of nights that become legends in the boxing world. The fight between Mike Perry and Jake Paul will live on in memory as evidence of the sport's timeless appeal, where passion, talent, and willpower come together to produce life-changing experiences.
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tnaimpact · 5 years
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No one told Mad Man Fulton that his new conditioner would have unexpected side effects. 
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nerdcorp · 6 years
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