#ohhhh man super late but i did have this idea and I wanted to do it so here it is
squidpro-quo · 5 years
AN: For @sup-poki and @mintchocolateleaves‘s emogust prompt “Roommates”, suuuuuuper late but I couldn’t forget athlete!kaishin and especially not Kaito as an acrobat
“Oi, Kudo! Can you stop staring for a minute and focus?” 
Shinichi turned away from his view of the gym and back towards Heiji just as a soccer ball slammed into his face, sending him reeling back with his nose stinging like hell. The pain was enough to snap him back to his current situation, not the daydream he’d been entertaining a second ago, and now he certainly had the focus to glare at Hakuba as he and Heiji jogged closer. 
“That’s the third ball to the brain cage this week, Kudo,” Heiji said, clapping an arm across his back and pulling his shoulder close as Hakuba passed by on his way to retrieve the ball. “I tried to warn you this time too!”
“I was paying attention, it just caught me off guard.” Shinichi grimaced as he pulled his hand away from his nose, gaze sliding unbidden back to the side of the gym. The assembled figures stretching against the wall, some now pointing down towards the soccer field with heads clustered together, were close enough for him to pick out the lithe one in the leggings and loose tank top bending down to touch his toes. Shinichi didn’t need him to look up just yet and see the disaster of a fool he’d made of himself at the moment, that could wait. 
“Aaaaand you’re still not paying attention,” Heiji muttered, snapping his fingers in front of Shinichi’s face, poking him in the nose once he refused to look away. “Seriously, I thought you guys were roommates? What’s making this so hard? You literally see him every day for several hours. You sleep less than ten feet away.” 
“Likely that is the source of his inability to kick the ball instead of receiving it with his face,” Hakuba cut in, returning with the ball in hand and calculating gaze in store. “You should ask him before anyone else does.” 
“Ask him what?” Shinichi tried to play dumb, but the ball must have shaken a screw loose or something because a second later his brain caught up to why this whole line of questioning was a bad idea. “Who’s going to ask him?”
“You can’t think you’re the only one who gets distracted by splits and somersaults, right?” Heiji tried to slap the ball out of Hakuba’s hand, but the other was used to the habit and stepped out of range. 
“If you keep drooling over the leotards then pretty soon someone else will take a move while you’re still recovering from your repeated brain injuries.” Hakuba smiled slightly, dropping the ball down to bounce on his knee. 
“You’ve got a chance, Kudo!” Heiji shook him in encouragement, Shinichi fighting to stay standing against his strength. None of their reasoning was convincing him to take the climb the grassy hill up to the gym and do something embarrassing in front of the entire gymnastics team. He could just imagine the way Kaito would look up from his stretch to smile and ask if he wanted to do some exercises together later. “He’s got his own puddle of drool.” 
That got his attention.
“What? How do you know?” Shinichi turned towards Heiji so sharply that his nose twinged from the speed of the movement. 
“You know you can be real blind to things right in front of you sometimes, right? Handshake trick, my ass, you can tell what someone had for breakfast but not that your own roommate stares at you when you’re not looking.” 
Shinichi wanted to glance up towards the side of the gym yet again but resolutely kept his gaze fixed on the soccer ball now passing from the tip of Hakuba’s foot up to his head. Balancing it for a second before returning it to his hands, Hakuba still had time to shoot Shinichi an unimpressed stare. 
“I saw him lose his balance when you scored in that scrimmage match last week. And he keeps watching you run by too. Doesn’t spare the rest of us half an eyeful, guess our shorts aren’t short enough.” Heiji grinned, before giving Shinichi a shove in the back. “Now hurry up, we’re taking a water break for your health. Don’t come back until you’ve done something about your very flexible distraction.” 
Shinichi looked up to find Kaito standing back up, eyes catching on his own and while he raised his leg above his head and braced it against the wall beside him, gave Shinichi a small wave. 
What the hell, he could always just ask Kaito a quick question and those two wouldn’t know any better until he came back and told them he didn’t do it. Shinichi started climbing the hill, hands braced on his thighs with each step from the steepness. His practice jersey stuck to his chest with each lunging stride but he managed to reach the top without becoming out of breath. Which was a relief, because he needed it available for it to be stolen when Kaito beamed at his approach and bounded out of his stretch to meet him halfway to the rest of the team. 
“Looks like you’re going hard today,” Kaito said, eyes brushing up and down Shinichi’s rumpled shirt and shorts with a meaningful look.
“No, no we’re not…” Shinichi scrambled for better words before he made a fool of a misinterpretation. “Yeah, coach is working us hard. You guys on the bars today?”
“Rings, actually. I’ll have noodle arms by tonight.” 
“Do you want some tonight?” Shinichi blurted, mouth moving faster than his slightly battered brain could keep up. Maybe Hakuba was right about potential concussions. 
“Some what?” Kaito leaned to the side, hands on his bare hips as he spoke, dipping into a stretch while Shinichi had to face the fact of how much of his skin he could, see from his shoulders to his waist. 
“Noodles. Do you want to get noodles tonight?”
“Uh, sure. I thought it was my turn to make dinner?” Kaito shot him a perplexed look, straightening up. 
“I was thinking we could eat at a restaurant.” Shinichi tried again. 
“Oh. Is this because you ran a load of your laundry right when I needed to do mine?” Kaito laughed sheepishly before adding on, “I actually just stole some of your shirts instead, so you don’t have to pay me back.”
“No, it’s not about that.” Though now Shinichi knew why he’d been faintly possessive when he’s seen Kaito yesterday. He gave up and went for direct instead. “Go out with me.” 
“I mean I’m cool with getting noodles somewhere, I’ll go out to eat.” Kaito shrugged, the strap of his tank top slipping off his shoulder with the motion. He pulled it back up and smiled, that infuriating grin that Shinichi now knew to be his mischievous one. 
“You know what I mean, Kuroba,” he muttered, his blood pumping from how riled up his damn roommate could get him, in more ways than one, and not from the rigorous practice anymore. 
“Just wanted to see how long it would take you. Too many soccer balls to the head will do that to you,” Kaito said, a satisfied look gleaming in his eyes. 
Before Shinichi could retort, one of Kaito’s teammates, Akako’s familiar wicked sharp voice, cut in.
“He fell flat on his ass so much he had to bribe us to keep quiet.” She pointed between the two. “Finally. You two are denser than a pair of weights. Get out of here, Kudo, you’ll have him all to yourself tonight. Right now he’s mine.” 
Shinichi glared over Kaito’s shoulder at her but Kaito took hold his arm and after a quick squeeze, pushed him down the slope. 
“It’s a date!”
If you’d like to know more, prompt me here
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peach-pops · 4 years
Hello! I just saw your blog! Can i request a hc, Akaashi first time meeting Karasuno's manager(reader) and keeps hanging out when their in summer camp. And akaashi realised he liked the reader? 👉👈
This was so cute to write I frickin love Akaashi he’s so pretty??? Like why??
Akaashi’s Crush on the Karasuno Manager 
While Akaashi doesn’t jump off the walls when they hear that Karasuno will be joining in on their training camp, it does make him even more excited to go 
he overheard from some of the players on Nekoma that Karasuno was a team to keep an eye on and He even hears from Kuroo that Karasuno has yet another hot manager but Akaashi just wants to stay focused on trying to get better
He will keep an eye out for you though cause Kuroo hardly ever talks about girls since he’s a big nerd
Before the other teams get there, Fukurodani & Nekoma start playing a practice game for fun just to get warmed up
in the middle of their set, Karasuno shows up and walks over to the side of the gym to start stretching so the practice set pauses so Fukurodani can get a look at the new team
He’s looking at all the players and I’m not saying he’s judging them buttttt he’s judging a tiny bit
“okay there’s a super short dude- oh wait there’s two short guys- oh my god why does that one guy look like a whole ass adult- wow is that her?”
Akaashi has never been known to be as girl crazy as his other teammates but when he spots you across the gym talking to the other players, Akaashi feels his heart skip a beat because holy shit Kuroo was right she’s reallyyyy attractive 
He’s a certified Pretty Boy™ so he can definitely acknowledge when others are pretty too
He’s not the only one though because some of his own teammates are oogly at the girl and it makes Akaashi feel off
“ Oya, see! I told you Karasuno’s manager-”
“ Lets keep playing,” Akaashi insists loudly as he tears his eyes away from your direction
The idea of staring at you from afar because of how pretty you look doesn’t sit well with Akaashi but that doesn’t stop him from making quick glances at you throughout the day
he figures you get hit on a lot and he doesn’t want to seem like a creep but Bokuto convinces him that he should just go over and talk to you because it was creepier if he didn’t say anything at all
Akaashi never takes any advice from Bokuto because duh, it’s always the other way around PLUS Bokuto just figured out that girls had three holes so Akaashi didn’t need his judgement 
the day goes on and Akaashi kinda just uwu’s from afar UNTIL you dropped some of the empty waterbottles along the hallway and he basically sprints over to help you
and when he kneels down beside you, he has to literally stop his jaw from hitting the floor because you’re even prettier in person 
after he helps you, your quick thank you is pretty shortlived since his team needs to play another match but now you’re short circuiting cause bruh this dude is hella attractive 
You guys don’t even see each other until hours later when everyone is eating dinner and all Akaashi wants to do is talk to you again 
So he finally goes up to you after dinner to introduce himself but gets interrupted by some of the Karasuno members
“ I HOPE you’re not trying to make a move on our beloved manager!”
“ If you even LOOK at her I will happily rip your head-”
“ Oh my god would you two stop!” You grab the back of Tanaka and Noya’s shirts and push them aside because while the boys were pretty protective, you weren’t going to let them cockblock you from a handsome prospect 
You happily introduced yourself to Akaashi as if the last fifteen seconds didn’t happen and right away, you compliment how well Akaashi plays cause maybe you had been secretly watching him from afar as well
Akaashi couldn’t even blame you, he had been purposefully playing extra hard, hoping that you would catch at least one good point
Akaashi is a humble man so of course he simply thanks you and he makes the first move by asking if you wanted to find a quiet place to talk for a bit
And your heart kinda drops like cue that tiktok sound ‘are we about to kiss right now’???
So the two of you walk to the outside of the gym and you two find a bench to sit on and in your head, you’re pretty nervous because you had just met him but the conversation flows super well
Akaashi might seem dry but when it comes to holding a conversation with people other than Bokuto, he’s never the type to let it get awkward or silent
You know how he said yall were gonna talk for a bit? Yeahhhh that turned into THREE HOURS
Even Akaashi is kinda shocked that you would be willing to talk to him for this long but he didn’t mind because you were super engaged in the conversation which was a response he never usually got with his other teammates
It’s not too hard for Akaashi to open up to people but there’s something about you that makes it so much easier for him to open up and you know some things that he hadn’t even told his close friends
“ So what, are we friends now?”
“ I don’t know, I wouldn’t want you to get in trouble for fraternizing with the enemy,” You tease as you nudge him with your shoulder,” How will your teammates react when they find out that you’re staying up late with the opposing teams manager?”
“ They’d be more jealous than mad, that’s for sure.”
Akaashi didn’t even mean to say it outloud but it slipped through his lips so easily and to be frank, it was the truth
He could only imagine everyone else’s reaction when they find out that he had alone time with the manager everyone was practically drooling over
Akaashi doesn’t even get a chance to analyze your reaction because not even a second later, Bokuto opens the gym doors and his eyes widen when he sees him
“ Akaashi! We’ve been looking for you- hey, you’re that manager from Karasuno! Y/N right?”
“ Yeah, that’s me, you must be Bokuto-san, it’s nice to meet you. Akaashi has told me so much about you!”
Bokuto hums as he looks over to Akaashi and sends him a quick wink before turning back to you
“ Really? Because all day all Akaashi could ever talk about was you-”
“ You know what, it’s kinda late, maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow?” Akaashi suggests as he quickly gets up from his seat and grabs the back of Bokuto’s arm
He’s so embarrassed, he forgets to say goodbye to you and he doesn’t even realize it until he drags Bokuto back to the rooms
“ Why would you do that? Now she thinks I’m obsessed with her!”
“ Wait, so you’re not obsessed with her? But you’ve been talking about her all day?”
“ Well yes, b-but I just met her, are you insane?”
Akaashi shakes of Bokuto and goes straight to bed as he collapses on his pillow face first
Things couldn’t get worse, could they?
OHHHH they got a lot worse
The next day was when the boys were all treated to barbeque 
meat meat meat
Akaashi was sitting down at the steps with Bokuto and some of the players from Nekoma and he was able to hear your name in a few conversations
He didn’t have enough energy to be jealous, especially since the two of you weren’t even dating but when Kuroo started to talk about you, he could feel himself get more annoyed
“ Y/N-chan sure is cute, wouldn’t you say so Akaashi?” Kuroo teased as Akaashi turned to glare at Bokuto as if he was saying “ you rat, why didn’t you keep your mouth shut?”
Bokuto acts innocent but he could slowly see the wheels turning in Akaashi’s mind
Truth be told, Bokuto did tell Kuroo about Akaashi’s crush on you and when Bokuto complained that Akaashi would never make a move, Kuroo was ready to kick things off
Kuroo loves setting people up that’s like his talent ANYWAYS
“ Yeah, she’s cute” is all Akaashi could say as he looked over and saw you laughing with the other managers
Kuroo leaned back and rested his hands against the back of his head,” But wouldn’t you say she’s realllllyy cute? Cause I think she’s reallllyy cute.”
Kenma looked up from his video game console to look at Kuroo before turning his attention back to his game,” Kuroo-”
“ What’s your point? Do you like her or something? Cause I don’t care if you do, go ahead,” Akaashi huffed as he turned his attention back to his plate that he hadn’t even touched yet
Kuroo and Bokuto shared a look like “ ooo he’s getting mad”
Kuroo shrugged and cracked his fingers before getting out of his seat “ alright, only because you’re giving me permission-”
As Kuroo was getting up, Akaashi could feel his chest tighten and he reached out to grab Kuroo’s wrist, stopping him from moving closer
“ Wait- don’t,” Akaashi sighed as he shook his head,” I know what you’re doing. I’ll go up to her just stay here and shut up.”
Kuroo smirked happily as Akaashi put down his plate and made his way over to where you were
You stood over a grill as you helped put some more meat on a first years plate but when you looked up to see Akaashi standing by you, you smiled back at him
“ Oh hey, I was hoping I would see you! I’m sure you’re pretty hungry after kicking our butts in that last match, huh?” You tease and now that he’s actually in front of you, he’s nervous as hell
“ It was a close game but I actually wanted to talk to you about something if it’s okay with you?”
Your heart sank as you were already mentally preparing yourself for him to tell you he had a girlfriend or that he wasn’t looking to be in anything serious
You didn’t want to marry the dude but you really liked being around him and it helped that he was the most gorgeous man to ever walk the planet
“ Well, I was wondering... if you weren’t busy-”
“ ARE YOU ASKING HER AKAASHI!” You both turned your heads towards Bokuto who was now getting a hard slap on the back of his head by Kuroo
Akaashi was going to commit first-degree murder the first chance he got 
You couldn’t help but laugh yet once you saw Akaashi’s flustered expression, you pulled yourself together and let him continue
“ I know we just met but do you think it would be okay if we got to know each other more? I know it’s bad timing with this season but if you’re ever free, I’d love to take you out to dinner.”
Akaashi didn’t even get a response from you just yet but he was already so proud of himself with even asking you without stuttering
Your first reaction was to shut down because you were NOT expecting to already be going on a date with him BUT you would be lying if you said you weren’t interested in him
“ I would love that. Let me give you my number so we can plan something soon,” You said sweetly even though on the inside, you were screeching and doing backflips
Akaashi fumbled with pulling out his phone and once he handed it to you, you both could her some of his teammates whooping with cheers and ‘ooooo’s’
IDK how to end this but I can definitely see Kuroo and Bokuto slapping Akaashi’s back like proud parents while Daichi is definitely praying that Akaashi is a good guy so he doesn’t have to beat up yet another douchebag in your life
And yes, Tanaka and Noya are absolutely crushed - heart been broke so many times
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darkmulti · 4 years
Late Night Revenge
Closet Yandere!Mingi x female reader
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⚠️Warnings: Cyberbullying, suicide talk, angst, manipulation, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, readers first time, hair pulling, blowjob, forced pregnancy
“Hey Mingi! Think fast.” Y/N throws a basketball at the six foot male and hits him right in the face. “Mingi! Are you okay? I’m so sorry!”
The man held his nose and mumbled, “Yeah, I’m okay I guess.”
She rushes over and pulls his hand away from his face. “Let me see.” She taps his nose and he hisses. “Oh I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean too! Here...” She gets on her tippy toes and kisses his nose. “All better!” She giggles.
Mingi blushes at the kiss and scratches the back of his neck. “Can I ask you something?”
Her eyebrows raised and her body slightly jumped from excitement. Mingi couldn’t understand her. She was so happy and energetic all the time. Everytime Mingi saw her face, her bright smile was there and it never failed to complete his day.
“Do you want to get some ice cream with me?” His voice became soft and his eye couldn’t bear to meet hers.
“Of course! Ohhhh I want ____ ice cream! Let’s go now!”
The hyper girl pulls Mingi out of the basketball court and drags him to the ice cream shop. Upon entering, they both shiver as they felt the cold breeze in the shop hit their skin. Her teeth shutter, but her eyes light up when she sees the ice scream.
Like a child, she runs up and looks for the ice cream flavour she wanted. All was going good until she saw that it wasn’t there. She looks back at Mingi with a pouty face and her energy level went down. If she had a tail, it went from wagging super fast, to not wagging at all.
Mingi came up behind her and asked her what’s wrong. “They don’t have the ice cream flavour! I was really excited! Mingiiiii!!” She whines and stomps her feet like a two year old.
“Come on Y/N. They probably have a flavour that you do like. Look at this one, cotton candy.”
“Ewwwwwwww nooooo! Cotton candies gross!”
“Okay what about this one, birthday cake.”
“Noooooo, mingiiiiii!”
“Strawberry? Wait, Neapolitan!”
“Ohhh yeah I want that!”
Mingi orders the ice cream and reaches for his wallet to pay. “Nooo! I’ll pay! You paid for the crêpes last time.”
The adorable girl bumps Mingi away with her hips and proceeds to take out her wallet.
“No no no, not so fast. I asked you out, it’s my duty to pay.”
He does the same hip movement back to her and bumps her away. Mingi quickly pays before Y/N could get her paws on him again. He was about to speak, but when he turns around, she wasn’t there. His eyes immediately scan the ice cream shop and he sees her sitting in a booth.
She was pouting again while looking at her untied shoe. Mingi walks to the girl and ruffles her hair. “What’s wrong now?” He questioned. “My shoelace is untied and you didn’t let me pay!”
Mingi squats down and starts tying the girls shoelace. “What kind of man would I be if I allowed a girl to pay?”
“You would still be a good man” she huffed. Mingi stands up after hearing their number being called. He picks up the ice cream and sits next to the girl. “You can’t be mad at me forever. Maybe you can buy me ice cream in the future.” He said, trying to work out a deal with the upset girl. “Promise!” She asked, tilting her head. “Promise.”
They continue to talk about school, sports and what not, until Mingi popped an unexpected question. “I really enjoy spending time with you Y/N... I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend.”
The girl looks up at Mingi with sincere eyes. “Y-you like me?” She stutters out. “Yeah, I’ve liked you for quite some time, but I guess you’ve never noticed.” Her head goes down, and she wishes that she could curl up into a ball and roll away. She didn’t have feelings for Mingi at all. She saw him as an older brother. What was the right thing to do?
“Mingi... I’m flattered, but I don’t feel the same way. I-I see you as a brother. A older and very supportive brother. I hope you understand. We can still be friends.”
No they can’t. Not anymore. Mingi knew the risk that he was taking would either ruin their friendship or finally take their friendship to the next level. His heart was ran over, and he didn’t mutter a single word.
He gets out of the booth, so then Y/N could go. But before she leaves, she gives her giant friend a tight squeeze. “I’m sorry Mingi. I still want to be friends.”
“I don’t. I’m sorry Y/N.” Mingi thought that she also had feelings for him. But he was wrong. Now they’re walking out of the shop, not friends anymore. His feelings cost him a friendship.
He wonders back home and regrets every decision. Why was she so pure and innocent and pretty?! Everything Mingi wanted in a girl, it was her!
Jealousy and anger took over him. If he couldn’t have her, no one could! He would make sure of it. The boy goes on his laptop and makes up awful rumours about her. Calling her names, saying she only wants sex. Mingi was popular in his school, so the news spread quickly. People unfollowed the girl, made fun of her and even sent threats.
It had gotten so bad that she had to deactivate her account. She had no idea how toxic Mingi was. She wanted to call him, but her heart couldn’t do it. This ruthless man basically ruined her life and reputation.
She lays under the cover and sobs. She had school the very next day. She couldn’t go. Not when this was happening. She would be the laughing stock of her school. She cries herself to sleep, not wanting to be alive anymore.
The sunlight hit her eyes and she woke up. Today was going to be a tough day. But she had to continue on. She gets ready and leaves for school. Sure enough as soon as she arrives, people start whispering, pointing and some shameless bitches started laughing.
She hustled to her locker, not wanting to track more attention. She was choosing her books until she got pulled back and slammed against the wall. “You definitely have the nerve to show up at school.”
“Leave me alone Mingi, I just want to get my day over with.” She says, sadly. The girl pushes Mingi out of her way and slams her locker shut. She goes to her first class and yet again, whispering and pointing goes on. She sits at a table in the back and her friend San, whom she also had feelings for, sits next to her.
“Are you okay? I thought I would check up on you. What happened?”
Her eyes water and she turns away from San. “I’m okay San, thanks for asking.” San furrowed his eyebrows and tapped her back. “You’re not okay. Come on. Let’s ditch.”
He grabs her hand and pulls her out of the classroom, to the staircase. She covers her face with her hands and quietly cries. “Y/N don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” San holds the broken girl and kisses her hair. “You’re letting those dumb bitches get to you. Don’t let that happen. You’re so much better than that Y/N.”
“It hurts San!” She sobs on the man's shoulder, while he rubs her back. They both sit on the stairs, with Y/N still in his embrace. San needed to distract her, so he started telling her about the time he snorted sugar. His story made her famous smile reappear, and they both started talking nonsense after that.
“Thank you San. You really brightened my day up. I really appreciate it.”
“No need to thank me. This is just another moment that we can share with our future kids.”
San leans in and kisses the girls soft, pink lips. His hands grab her thighs and picks her up. Y/N responds to the kiss and blushes like crazy, because San just confessed. He pushes her against the wall and tastes every inch of her mouth.
“I’ve always loved you.” He mumbles out, now kissing down her neck. “I’ve always loved you too.” She said, panting.
“Oh how I would love to make you mine.” San marks her neck and breast before coming back to her lips.
“I fucking love you so much babygirl.”
“I love you too.”
San stuffed his hand down her pants and rubbed her clit. “Princess you’re so wet for me.” He continues to rub her clit and kisses her until they hear someone clearing their throat. It was Mingi. “So I wasn’t wrong when I called you a cock sucking slut? Can’t keep your pussy to yourself I see.” San takes his hand out of her pants and protects her with his body.
“Go away. You’ve already caused enough trouble.”
“Have I now? Seems like the rumours I made up are actually true.” Mingi said cockily. His arms fold and he stares at the both of them.
San kisses her cheek and holds her hand tightly. He guides her back to the class, leaving Mingi behind.
“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from them. I’m sure my friends will help me protect you too.” He kisses her forehead once again, before entering the classroom.
San had comforted the girl the whole day. What she thought would be the worst day of her life, happened to be the best. Thanks to San. He offered to drive her home, but she rejected and walked back instead. It was like any other day for her. She came back home, did her homework, ate dinner, showered and watched T.V. She turns the T.V off and heads back upstairs to her room.
When she opens, someone yanks her hair and pushes her on the bed. “Mingi! What the fuck-”
“Shut up!” He slaps the girl's face, leaving his hand print behind. “Tonight you don’t get to talk. Tonight you’ll be begging me to let you breathe.” He grabs the girl's hair and forces her onto her knees. “WAIT NO! MINGI NO PLEASE NO! SOMEONE HELPPPP!” She screams and cries until Mingi shoves his large cock down her throat. “Suck on it whore.” He pushes his cock down her throat and enjoys the sound of her gagging.
“Eat up, eat up my little slut.” He takes his cock out and bends her over the bed. “You gonna be a bad girl?” He spanks her ass, then shoves four fingers into her. “Oh your cunt’s so tight. Fuckkkk.” He takes them out, then shoves his giant cock into her. She struggles underneath the man and starts to beg him. “PLEASE M-MINGI IT’S MY FIRST T-TIME!”
“That’s too bad for you honey.” He spanks her ass again and starts pounding his boner into her. “PLEASE S-SLOW DOWN!” Mingi pushes her face into the comforter and goes faster. His balls swung back and hit her pussy over and over. He pulls her hair back and the girl comes up panting. “Ple-ease!”
She gulps the saliva down and hangs onto the bed sheet. The cold blood ran down her thigh and was even on Mingi’s cock as lubrication. She was terrified to talk back to Mingi because right now, she was under his control. Any wrong words and she would’ve gotten the life fucked out of her. Although she wishes to protest, she stays under him and takes it.
“You and San are already talking about kids huh?” Mingi manages to go even harder into her, while asking this question. “Well guess what princess, you’re gonna have my baby! Not San’s baby, but my baby!” He spanks her ass one more time, before shooting his cum up, inside of her.
She comes for the first time in her life and continually sobs. “Y-you c-can’t do this to me!”
“I already have. This is what I like to call a late night revenge.”
He pulls out and kisses the girl's neck from behind. “This is what you get for rejecting me.”
I hope you enjoyed❣️
Xoxo N❣️
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winchest09 · 4 years
The Bunker Party - Debrief
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Hey everyone!
Our bunker party was an absolute blast. It was one filled with laughter, smiles and support and it warms my heart to see so many of your faces each time we do this. This party went in many different ways from fanfiction to urban dictionary - to seeing some of the SPN family’s best dance moves. It was a TREAT. 
6 and a half hours we were talking…SIX AND A HALF and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! The support from you guys for each other, the love in this fandom; I can’t express how much I adore it.
Me and @katehuntington​​​​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in July. 
This is the lowdown for the The Bunker Party! Sorry it’s a little late, I’ve been ill! 
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
A Challenge to join 
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Alpha? Beta? Omega?
Want a link breaker?
Fic & blog recs
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined…
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​​​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me and All I Want. She’s been teasing us with little ideas that keep popping into her head too...
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​​​: This babe is currently working on a multitude of things and we are super excited to see them come out. We have her brand new fiction ‘What could have been’ as well as Call of the Ocean and many others! 
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​​: Alex is currently writing the epilogue to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera AND she has decided her next fiction!
Firefighter Dean x OFC Marina. From what we’ve already heard…it sounds amazing! I won’t give away any plot points that we were told just yet but it’s one to be put on your watch list! 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@superfanficnatural​​​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! Also still thinking about his knight of hell x demon dean fic which just sounds so good.
We’re living for it!
Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​​​: This beaut has broken her lil hiatus and posted the sequel to Because of You. Piece by Piece is amazing and if you haven’t read it yet, i suggest you check it out. She’s also writing her first chapter of her series idea. 
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@malfoysqueen14​​​: This lovely lady is new to the Supernatural fandom and is trying her hand at writing fanfiction! Her first fic “White Flag” is Dean x OFC and it’s going in a very interesting direction! Worth a read!
She hasn’t yet got a masterlist but you can check out White Flag HERE
@waywardbeanie​​: This absolute gem of a woman has JUST posted her very first fanfiction and it’s an absolute DIAMOND. Dean. Letters. Fluff. Smut. It’s gonna tick all them boxes and it’s a must read!
You can find her masterlist HERE
@janicho88​​: This lovely lady has written some lovely stories already and has a few things on her list that are definitely worth a read! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@soaringeag1e​​: This lovely lady has a lovely full masterlist of things for you to dig your teeth into! There are series, oneshots for Jensen, Dean, Jared, Sam, Misha, Castiel...
You can find her masterlist HERE
@smol-and-grumpy​​: Nat has such a juicy masterlist. We were thrilled she joined us on the chat. From Dear Dean to Light My Fire, you will find series that will make you smile, make you cry and will make you want to cool yourself down because they are that smuttastic. 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@manawhaat​​: This babe joined us for the first time this time and we loved having her! Below you can find her humongous masterlist of goodies for your reading pleasure. Her most recent works being an A/B/O oneshot called “Howl”
You can find her masterlist HERE
@crashdevlin​​: Another lovely new face this time to our chat and we are all enjoyed having you there! This babe is another writer with a very large expanding fic list. If you haven’t read any of her work yet, hop on to it! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@jensengirl83​​: She is new to the chat this week and new to the spn world of writing. Yet she’s already got a few fics under her belt! Fancy checking them out?
You can find her masterlist HERE 
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…I have already posted two. One being called Pay Attention and the other called Wet Enough. 
My masterlist can be found HERE:
To the new writers/readers…
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
@peaches007​​ @cherry3point14​​ and the few nonnies we had!
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
Go and follow and give them some love!
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Ohhhh yes! 
We have two of them for you too! 
Firstly, the darling @flamencodiva​​​​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there! This challenge is still ongoing!
Check it out HERE
Secondly, the wonderful @deanwanddamons​​ & @impala-dreamer​​ are holding a joint challenge. The “I Do Understand That Reference” Challenge. 
Fancy guiding Sam, Dean or Cas through another French Mistake type event? Take a look at the movie list and get yourself signed up!
Check it out HERE
Need Help with your fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​​​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​​​​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Alpha? Beta? Omega? 
On this livestream, the topic of A/B/O was brought up and we did discuss it in length and detail about what was involved. Now this may not be a genre for everyone and that is absolutely fine.
However for those that are interested in exploring this genre of fanfiction, we highly recommend you check out @kittenofdoomage​​‘s A/B/O universe HERE.
She’s broke it down and has gone into detail to explain it for those that wish to read and/or write it. 
We hope it helps! 
Fancy yourself a Supernatural Line Breaker? 
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We got you! 
Our fabulously talented @talesmaniac89​​ has drawn up so MANY supernatural themed line breakers for your free usage! 
She has two posts full already!
Check them out HERE and HERE
Give them a like, a reblog and please THANK HER if you use her work. She’s a good egg <3 
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
Fic Recs
That Day Again by @jensengirl83​​
Summary: Dean tries to comfort the reader. 
Happily Ever Eventually by @crashdevlin​​ Summary:  Reader begins working on Supernatural. She makes fast friends with J2 and after months of flirting becomes something more to Jensen, whose wife is not usually the jealous type. When she gets a small part in a MCU anthology, she meets Tom Hiddleston and things get more complicated.
Fool For Love by @crashdevlin​​
Summary:  Y/n is an omega whose world was flipped upside down when she presented late. She was practically a hermit for years, only going out to socialize once a week. When the Winchester brothers walked into her life, it flipped her world again…but not really right-side up.
Stay by @evansrogerskitten​​
Summary:  Dean is the future Alpha of the Winchester pack, a wolf/human hybrid race that has roamed their land since the first howl under the moon. Dean is the ideal Alpha; strong, smart, and brave. There’s just one thing missing in his life - his future Second, the Omega he’s yet to find. Life for Rent by @winchest09​​
Summary:  Y/N can be anyone for a price. Her life is ruled by contracts, men and money. It’s all she knows; countless identities, seedy clients, and strict regulations. She has to obey the rules, but her past is full of secrets and her future is resting in the wrong hands. But will her next client be the same as the rest?
Et Cetera by @whatareyousearchingfordean​​
Summary: Jared’s younger sister agreed to help out for a few months when one of Supernatural’s makeup artists takes her maternity leave. Trying to juggle her new job and her burgeoning brand, she turns to Jensen for comfort. Can their relationships survive Jared finding out that his best friend slept with his baby sister? Ride With Me by @katehuntington​​
Summary:  Alternate Universe (AU) in which the reader is a horse rider who goes to a ranch in Arizona, owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. She’s there to gain work experience, but then she meets wrangler Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days if not weeks!…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
See you next time!
41 notes · View notes
acrobaticcatfeline · 4 years
Of Books, Brothers, and Broadway (Creativitwins College AU) Chapter Two!!!
Word Count: 3814
TW: Remus, Janus, ocean creatures, I.E. octopus, swearing, I think thats it?
Pairings: pining logince and dukeceit right now, mentioned established moxiety.
Notes: This is pages 4-11 of a current 24. I can like, literally not stop writing this it is a stream of consciousness and I haven’t felt this productive or creative in such a long time. We meet the other 5 in this finally! At this point with 24 pages I think the title should be Of Books, Brothers, Broadway, and Boys. So there’s a little hint. Listen I’m just desperate for soft.
Summary: Roman and Remus are trying to write a musical all while juggling their college courses and jobs. Remus and Roman both inadvertently end up introducing their friend group to their brother and two are pining hard for their brothers best friend. Meanwhile, Remus talks to his boss and gets some news that makes his day.
“Hiya Roman!!! Hey wait up a sec!”
Roman was walking through campus when he heard Patton trying to grab his attention over his headphones. He pulled the headset off his head and turned towards the energetic friend who was racing to catch him.
“Howdy Popstar! I missed you last period, where were you?”
Patton panted softly as he tried to catch his breath. He finally smiled up at Roman.
“Oh yeah, my boyfriend is at home sick and I lost track of time. I didn’t even think about it until his phone alarm went off for his online class, what did I miss?”
“Oh nothing much, another duet skit, lucky for you, you got paired with me!”
“Oh boy, what skit?”
“I’ll give you the packet when we get to class, but it's from midsummer nights”
“Ohhhh I love that play!!!”
Roman was just about to bring up the musical he and Remus had started, being called the magicians notebook, when JJ walked up. He gave a casual peace sign and Patton waved.
“What's up with our favorite preps today?”
“Well actually I was just about to tell Patton about this musical-”
Jay decided to jump in front of them, now walking backwards as he stared at Roman with barely restrained joy.
“Musical you say? What’s it called? Who made it? Do I know about it?”
Roman chuckled.
“It's actually one me and my brother are making”
Roman couldn't hold back the loud laughter at JJ’s response, he doubled over laughing, still smiling widely as JJ was bouncing on his heels and Patton stared at him in awe.
“Wow, you and your brother are making a musical?”
“Roman I don't think I have to explain to you just how mother fucking rad that is, I think you know that already, but whats it about? Do you have any songs yet? Do you have a name yet? Who's your brother? I have so many questions Roman I can't believe I wasn't the first person you told!!!”
“You were you dork! You and Patton are currently the only ones who know about it!”
“I need answers Roman!”
“Salutations Remus. I presume you got your portion of the assignment done… 2 minutes ago?”
Remus rushed to his seat as their professor started class. He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously.
“Am I that obvious Shakespeare?”
Logan stared at him emotionlessly. He looked him over then leaned his head on his hand.
“You are barely on time, cluing me in that you were preoccupied with something and lost track of time, your bag is still open, likely due to you shoving your laptop in it hurriedly without double checking the zipper, and of course, you looked sheepish as you sped in, hinting that you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing slash doing something you were supposed to have done earlier last minute, instead of proud like you do when you were wasting your time on something you felt justified in taking your time on”
Remus shrunk. Logan could always read him like an open book, though it was his fault for befriending the psychology major he supposes. He felt ready to be completely humiliated as Logan smirked and pulled up his phone.
“And of course, the text I got from you an hour ago warning me that you might run late because of the assignment was a nice bonus”
Remus felt his cheeks redden as he remembered messaging him. He probably shouldn't be so surprised and attacked and yet he turned his face towards their professor with a huff as he pulled out his notebook and textbook. He was startled out of his thoughts as he heard the hall door open suddenly. He turned towards the noise and snickered as he saw Virgil clambering towards them as quietly as possible.
“Mr. Storm I would appreciate that if you are late to class you attempt to cause less of a distraction to the rest of your peers”
“Y-yes sir, I’ll keep that in mind”
Remus had to cover his mouth as Virgil squeezed past them and took the spot on the other side of him. He gave him a quick look and went back to the text. A small piece of paper slipped in front of him as Virgil unpacked that asked if he had missed anything. Remus shook his head idly. The three kept quiet until the teacher released them. As they packed up, Logan started a conversation.
“What made you late Virge?”
“Huh? Oh, I'm not feeling great, I woke up feeling like shit. I was originally going to just stay home sick, but I remembered our project so here I am I guess”
“Oh, Vee, you could've texted us, you didn't have to come if you were dying”
“Meh, I spent too much on this class to miss it. Especially since it's one of my prereqs. I’ll survive”
“Well I guess if you're gonna be here we might as well take advantage of it. I don't have any more classes today, you guys want to get some writing done?”
“I suppose that would be amenable”
“Sure, but I need some caffeine first, haven't had any at all today”
“Good god how were you able to drive here?”
“I can function without coffee if I get enough sleep. I also am simply not addicted”
“Well that is ridiculous, you must not be human. But I could go for a soda right now. Want me to take orders and meet you guys at the library?”
“Lit. you know what I want”
“Oh my god, somebody needs to take your flashcards”
“If you like having 5 fingers on each hand I would recommend you not do that”
Remus was getting annoyed with his brother. He was quietly ranting on the phone at him in the study room he had booked with Logan and Virgil.
“Roman, I literally could not give a shit if you told your friends about the musical idea, I was gonna tell mine as well. … so fucking what if its my final? None of your friends are in any of my courses, I'm not scared they're gonna plagiarize me, you trust them, I'm sure that you have half a decent taste in friends. … Listen, I can't deal with all of you right now, I have a collaborative story I'm supposed to be working on, we can deal with this when I get home. Just like, have a glass of your shitty wine and maybe you'll calm down. I gotta go, i’ll see you later”
Logan smirked at him as he hung up. He did the lean again and god Remus could throw him into the wall.
“What's this about a musical I hear? I didn't take you for a song and dance guy”
Remus sighed, brushing his hand through his hair as he sat down in front of his computer.
“I'm not, but my brother is. When we were younger he said that we should make a musical together. And as a man of my word, I've been working on a book for a musical for him. He's already got a couple of songs written up for it and we’re working with it. It's actually not half bad. He may drive me insane, but he's talented at what he does”
Remus had just started typing when his phone alarm went off. His eyes widened and he scrambled to pack up again.
“SHIT!!! I have a meeting with my boss, they're giving me an octopus to care for I can't believe I forgot I'm such an idiot oh shit I'm gonna be late and they won't-”
Logan stopped his hands. He looked him calmly in the eyes with a small smile.
“Hey, we’ll pack for you and drop your stuff off for you, just go and get that octopus Remus”
Remus smiled gratefully and after checking he had his phone and keys, he ran to get home.
“Hello Dr. sanders! Please come in!”
The doctor smiled at him as he stepped inside. He glanced around the area idly with a smile.
“With how energetic and, well, chaotic you are at work I didn't expect your home to be so immaculate!”
“Heheh, yeah I prefer a clean canvas. Sorry not everything is in place, I kinda forgot about this until just a bit ago and had to rush out of a study group. It's usually cleaner than this, well, at least most of it is, my brother is a mess, but he has a completely separate space. Oh boy I’m talking a lot”
“It's fine kid. Mind showing me where you'd be keeping her?”
Remus nodded and led the doctor into his room, and suddenly he felt a little self conscious over all the terrariums in his room. Dr. Sanders paid his full attention to the fish tank.
“This is impressive, it's a nice little ecosystem for all of them, are you sure Cephy won't disrupt them all?”
“Oh! Yes, I did a little research on her breed and none of the fish in there are food for her, nor is she food for. I know she's super friendly and all these guys have been very receptive to new members in the past, my newest one is the angel fish but she doesn't seem to be bothered by bigger creatures. I also have a back up tank for worst case scenarios, and the fish don't bother my brother!”
“Only thing I'd say is, maybe add some driftwood or floating objects for her to lay on”
He then turned to look at the other tanks. He smiled as he saw the lizards scatter a bit. Remus felt like he was about to die.
“These are pretty nice! You have a nice assortment of reptiles here, where'd you get them?”
“Oh, um, just uh, just outside. A good amount of lizard friends come to our patio, and every once in a while they'll like, crawl up to me. My family says I’m the reptile whisperer heh”
“That's intriguing. Most of these species are loner types, were they hurt?”
“Um, some of them were, got beat up by a local cat or something I think”
“Huh. that's even more fascinating. Anyways, back to the point. You know the rules with Cephy right? You aren't in charge of buying her food or medication until we decide whether or not she can be released. If she doesn't cut it, we will likely have you keep her rather than attempt to remove her from familiarity and then she will become your responsibility alone. She may have an attitude the first few days from moving around, but for the most part she will integrate well I think. If any complications arise, you have my personal number, and I think that's it! We will send her home with you tomorrow with a week's supplies. Any questions?”
“No sir! Thank you so much, you won't regret this, I swear!”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you last week! We were asked to lower our number of interns!”
“What? Wait why are you telling me this?”
“Well, due to that we had to make some changes, and i'd like to formally offer you a full time job! And of course, by full time, I don't plan on changing your hours unless it works with your school schedule. We would love to keep you as one of our marine biologists once you graduate!”
“I- sir, thank you so much, I, I am so grateful! Wait, does that mean I can get even more hands on experience with the critters? Oh thank you so much!”
“Heh, you're one of our best workers, I figure it might be helpful to have a proper wage. But on that note, I really should be going, I have an appointment in an hour and it's a 45 minute drive from here”
“Oh, yeah! Yes, of course, here, I’ll show you out!”
When Roman got home he didn't expect to have Remus tackle him.
“Whats up Remus?”
“Holy shit man, maybe you should be paying all the bills now, you make way fuckin more than I do at the cafe!”
“Oh, wait, fuck, Logan and Virgil are coming by fuck I gotta clean”
Roman just about died laughing as Remus ran around trying to tidy the place. It was only a few minutes before there was a knock on the door. Roman got it as Remus made a pot of coffee.
“Hello Remus! We came to return your bag and your soda that you left at the library”
“Logan open your eyes, that's not Remus. Remus has a mustache you fool”
Logan opened his eyes to see Remus. But not Remus, Remus was more scruffy, and he was shorter, Remus was only a little taller than him, but the not Remus in front of him towered a good several inches over him. And the biggest difference to Logan, was Remus had auburn eyes, almost red, the not Remus in front of him had bright green eyes. Logan felt his cheeks redden. He looked down sheepishly after having stared.
“My apologies, you must be Remus’ brother. My name is Logan and this is Virgil”
“Well hello there Logan and Virgil, my name is Roman. Please, come in”
The two stepped in and laughed as Roman shouted back.
Logan and Virgil wandered in, meeting Remus in the living room, greeting them with a smile and cups of coffee. The two took them graciously and sat down at Remus’ request. While Remus stayed in the kitchen as he searched for snacks in the cabinet, Roman leaned against the wall, giving the guests a quick look over. He smiled faintly as he saw the glasses clad one, Logan he reminded himself, turn red at the attention.
“Roman did you ever go to the store and get what I asked you for?”
“Of course not, you didn't give me a list and I prefer to keep our phone calls to twice a month and I was out of calls”
“You're an idiot”
“Yeah I sorta went into the least brainy major I could find. You're supposed to be the brainy one”
Remus sighed as he brought out a plate of fruits and chips and dip. He shot a glare at Roman's smirk.
“What are you smirking about now?”
“Oh nothing, just a little offended that you hid your cute friends from me”
Roman nearly sputtered after the words left his mouth as Logan turned bright red. Virgil just rolled his eyes at him and Remus looked just about ready to smash his glass of coffee over Roman's head, but he stayed resolute.
“Roman, can't you just go flirt with a random tree? Or one of my lizards! Keith would love a boyfriend!”
“I would rather make out with an octopus”
“Well duh! Octopi are great kissers!”
“God you and Jay would get along so well I really need to introduce you two”
“Yeah sure I would, with one of your theatre nerd friends”
Virgil then sat up a bit. He looked between the twins with a grin.
“Oh wait, theatre nerds? You wouldn't happen to be the Roman my boyfriend keeps telling me about?”
“Depends, who is he?”
“Patton Corwyn”
“Oh fuck yeah! He's one of my best friends!”
“Then I agree with him, you would love Jay”
Remus grumbled something into his coffee. He sent another glare towards Roman as he set down his cup.
“Roman I know you don't know anything about courtesy, but you are making my friends uncomfortable, could you go do your messy things in your room or something?”
“Wait we aren't-”
“Lucky for you I've got a shift at the cafe in a bit, I just gotta change. Nice meeting you Logan, Virgil, see you later rem”
Roman gave a finger salute before diving into his room. Logan almost felt sad at his departure. He tried to focus back on his coffee and his computer screen but Virgil nudged him and sent him a knowing smirk. He glared at his screen instead.
“Does our bookworm have a crush?”
“Oh please do not have a crush on him he’ll be so cocky and dumb!”
“I, I don't have a crush, shut up, your apartment is just really warm. Shut up!”
He angrily typed away as the other two giggled at his bright cheeks. A door opened and Logan turned to see, and he really shouldn't have turned to see. Roman was wearing black slacks, a red button up shirt and a black half apron. And who said he was allowed to be so attractive? Roman gave him a quick wink before looking over at Remus.
“Is it my night for dinner?”
“K, I’ll text you when my shift is done and get your order. See you later”
“Cool, k, leave! I'm trying to study!”
“Ok ok!”
Logan wasn’t free of the teasing until he finally left.
“Good afternoon! Welcome to Dream Bean! What can I get for you today?”
“Hiya Roman! Strawberry acai with extra whipped cream large please?”
“Ah, Patton, I see your taste remains a slave to the pink drink, it'll be right up!”
“Don't shame me! It's sweet and healthy!”
“And has no caffeine, but I’ll leave it be, promise”
“Oh, and a blueberry muffin!”
“Alrighty! That'll be 7 dollars!”
Roman loved his job. The dream bean coffee shop had higher prices than the local Starbucks, but they had better drinks and food in his humble opinion. The college students in the town were spoiled, they got discounts at the place and most alumni swore by the little shop. It was a staple of the town, and Roman had been coming to it for as long as he can remember. He paid no attention to the fact that both his friends had decided to nestle in a corner of the little shop far longer than they were technically supposed to. That is, until he clocked out, making himself a cafe mocha before popping over to the booth the two had stolen away to. He raised his eyebrow at them as he took a sip of his drink.
“What brings you two here?”
“Can't we just want some of the best coffee in the world?”
“Considering Patton didn't get coffee, and from the looks of it you got a hot chocolate with a shot of espresso, no, no you can't”
“Ok so we wanted to know more about your musical! Sue us!”
“Hmm, how about I tell you about it on a walk, if Patton tells me why he didn't mention that his boyfriend is friends with my brother. And why you didn't introduce me to Logan”
Patton giggled as he brought his new cup of coffee to his lips. He and Virgil stood and followed Roman out the door.
“I didn't know your brother and Vee were friends! He must be Remus then right?”
“Mhmm. whole family of mythology names, my uncle's name is Romulus”
“Hmm! I haven't actually met him, Virgil doesn't bring his friends over a lot. But why are you more upset about not knowing about Logan?”
“I mean, hes hot as fuck, would’ve liked to talk t him more but I had to leave for work before I could say much more than hello or goodbye. He looks smart. Wouldn't take him for a creative writing guy”
“Oh he's a psych major, he wants to write scientific journals and studies and stuff. There wasn't a minor choice for journalism, so he figured creative writing would fulfill the same things. He's actually really talented, he writes lots of sci-fi and fantasy things, he's a huge nerd, but he's really sweet”
“He blushed at like anything I said, it was adorable. Remus almost killed me”
“Ok as much as I love hearing your tea on guys, I do not care about this near as much as I care about this musical”
Patton and Roman both devolved into a mess of laughter at JJ’s insistence about the musical. Roman pulled out his phone with a grin and gave Jay a sympathetic look.
“Ok, let me text Remus for his dinner order and then I’ll tell you all about it”
Remus just about groaned when he heard keys jingle in the door. He was sprawled across the couch, legs over the top of it and his head and arms draped on the floor. He was even more tempted as he heard more voices mix with his brothers. He shouted across the apartment when the door opened.
“Too bad, he's kinda cute!”
Remus fell off the couch as Roman and his friends walked in. mostly because one of them was hot as balls. He hoped beyond hope that he was the Jay Roman had mentioned from earlier. Jay had a face full of scars on one side of his face, and wore a pastel yellow shirt with a jean vest covered in pins. He also wore a deep yellow beanie. Remus couldn't look away as he stood up again.
“Oh! Uh hello! Roman’s friends!”
The other one smiled brightly, just about as bright as his pastel blue jumper and white suspenders. He held out one hand, the other filled with bags of food. Remus shook his hand.
“Hiya! I'm Patton! And you're the Remus my boyfriend keeps talking about!”
“Hello! That must mean that you are Jay?”
Jay stuttered after actually getting a good look at him. He nodded and smiled back at him.
“You can um, you can call me Janus! If, if you want that is! Um, Roman told us about the musical you two are writing and it's really cool! I uh, I know it's gonna be great!”
Remus grinned, and let out a giggle as Roman leaned on him. Janus hissed at him and swatted at Roman’s arm.
“Be careful not to corrupt this one, he's a baby”
“And a freshman. This makes you babey. Regardless, I know you are also a weirdo who loves reptiles, and my brother has a collection that i'm sure he would be delighted to show you”
At that, Janus started bouncing and god, Roman was right, he is babey. Remus grins and nods excitedly as well.
“I can do that! I'd love to show off my babies! But dinner first, I've been begging Roman to let us have Thai food for weeks!”
Taglist: @fivebyfive-finebyfive @tacohippy56900 @analogical-mess @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @angels-and-dreams @fandomloverangel @booklover223
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing!!!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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monstaxdirtywonk · 5 years
The meal is served
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Genre : smut, roommate au
Member : Minhyuk X fem!reader
Synopsis: You are crushing on Minhyuk and people think he does too but you don’t really get together till a meal is served...
People knew. It was that obvious you liked him and he liked you. There were remarks here and there, dirty lil jokes and suggestive words that you brushed away in fear they might grow. You couldn’t ruin this friendship but most importantly you didn’t want to make things awkard with your roommate. Just imagine how bad they would be if he’d know you have feelings for him. He’d probably close himself, avoid talking to you about more personal issues and even stop going topless around the house. This would be good for your sanity but bad for your masochist side. It is painful to see the man you love semi-naked and still not be able to make love with him but I suppose it’s better than nothing. Your friend Maggie adviced you to do the same. She was sure he had feelings for you, thus wearing something that showed skin would bring him over the edge. Over the edge of your lips, you wished that edge to be it. You had nothing to lose, truth be told. After all you had plenty of excuses, most important it was your home and people like to be casual and comfy. It was around spring too, weather getting hotter just like your desire for Minhyuk. Perfect plan. 
You wondered around the living room, positioning yourself on the sofa. You didn’t want to go all out since this would be awfully suspicious. You wore an oversized shirt but a pair of shorts just enough tease to his imagination. Minhyuk’s key entered the hole (^^) and turned the locker, opening and throwing his bag on the other sofa nearby the one you were on. His eyes widen a little bit but the moment you looked at him, his gaze moved lower and elsewhere not wanting to make it known he was shocked. You smiled to yourself, at least you had earn a reaction. 
“I’ll watch American Guy, do you wanna join me ? This show is hilarious.’
Minhyuk gulped, his Adam’s apple prominent making you gulp as well. Many thoughts going through his mind, ones that weren’t family friendly.
“Mmm I- I have to do some work, I’m b-busy you know so I don’t have much time to...”
“Ohhhh, come on. Spend some time with me. We are like strangers instead of room mates. I promise I will stay up all night and help you out If you give in.”
All night? No, nights are even more dangerous. Urges are awake when most people sleep. 
“NO” He shouted panicked.
“I’m sorry I shouted, I don’t want to have you up all night- this sounds wr- wrong. Anyways, I’ll watch the show with you for a while.”
Victory. This might lead somewhere. You wanted to contain your hopes but couldn’t, this man makes you crazy. Your heart was beating faster when he came closer, his natural scent hitting your nose making you melt by his warmth. He couldn’t contain his eyes and you knew it, you were seeing him gazing but didn’t want to make it even harder(^^) for him and just played it dumb. He was moving uncomfortably, his bulge seemed prominent despite the fact he was wearing baggy pants. 
“I’m gonna take a shower. It was good while it lasted.”
You didn’t respond and let him go. What is it that turned him on so much? His imagination ran wild seeing you like this ? Maybe you were hoping that he felt the same way you did ,but this wasn’t the case after all.
Your plan was over. You did try but he didn’t seem intrested. Minhyuk was probably shocked since you weren’t used to wearing short clothing. That was all, You wanted to dissapear but at least your secret was safe, right ? 
This time he had his surprise for you when you came back from work. He was in the kitchen, cooking wearing an apron but nothing inside. No top to be found there. This man would drive you insane, there is no other way. You said a rushed hello and ran straight to your room in order to avoid this view. 
“Heyyyyy. Where are you going Y/N?”
“To my room. I’m super tired and want to sleep.”
“But I prepared dinner for you. I thought you’d enjoy having a warm meal of your favorite chicken a la creme with pasta.”
“It looks delicious.” you said looking at him, unknowingly talking about him instead of the meal. 
“Sit and let me serve you then.”
He was serving looks for sure. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. Minhyuk didn’t have a particularly buff body but his proportions were great and he had lean muscle from dancing. His beautiful golden hued skin, paired amazingly with his long blonde locks making him angelic. An angel that made you sin.
You sat right next to him looking at the plate that made your stomach growl. Since Minhyuk was basically boyfriend material, he was an excellent cook on top of everything else. You wondered at times if he was good at other certain activities you wanted to take part in. He served another plate for him, wanting to make sure it was good.
“Don’t eat yet. I have to make sure it’s not a complete failure.”
You smiled knowing damn well it would be great. The fork moved closer to his plump lips and he had a messy bite of pasta. The creme made him a mess as it couted his pout and his pink tongue swirled around to collect some before wiping it with a tissue. Your face was tomato red and it wasn’t by how warm the kitchen turned after oven cooking. You felt panic rushing over you, unable to think straight. Maybe moving would be a good idea after all because there is no way in hell you’d keep living in this house with Minhyuk in it. Resisting something you want so much, something that is right next to you is a torture. Your appetite was lost. You excused yourself and went straight into your room, bed sinking in by your weight as you stared up the celling.
You had been sexually frustrated since yesterday, this however made you want to explode. Your hands found their way to your womanhood, teasing the clothed heat and making circles directly on your clit. Your lips parted slightly, you moaned in anticipation and his name left your mouth too. You couldn’t keep it in anymore, he was the source of your restless nights and wildest sex dreams. If only he wanted you just as much....
Minhyk huffed in an empty kitchen. His apettite was lost as well for the very same reason yours did too. He had feelings for you. Major ones. He would never picture himself making dinner for someone, especially given the fact he had been so busy lately and wanted to rest. However, his thoughts often wondered around you, about you and for you. He didn’t want you to be stressed, lonely or sad. Minhyuk wanted to please you. In multiple ways. He didn’t want to ruin what you have though. When he saw you, wearing those tiny shorts, he wanted to jump you right there on the sofa. Still, even if he had to stay a friend, he wanted to be a good one and decide to go and talk to you. 
Approaching your room, he was able to hear some sounds unable to point out what they truly were. Those sweet like honey sounds were your moans, his cock activated right at that moment wanting more. You mumbled a ‘please’ and ‘more’, his hand formed a fist, you were probably having phone sex with someone else. Who was that bastard that made you moan like that. Minhyuk moved even closer, his ear glued to your closed door. It was at this moment, he heart his name. His cock twitched, his vision blurred and he couldn’t believe in his ears. Min opened the door in a rush, turning to face a sight he will never forget. Υour legs were wide open, fully clothed humping your womanhood against your hand. Cheeks flushed and hair messy, eyes glossy with arousal. The best part ? This was all for him, created by him. The most artistic mess created, the most sinful picture he’ll see in his lifetime. 
Your eyes were wide by shock, unable to form a word to ask him why is he there in the first place. Minhyuk didn’t talk as well. He thought to himself words are over, it’s time for actions. He kneeled near the edge of your bed, were your legs had been placed. You felt shy and closed them but he was faster than you and stopped this all together. There was no way you’d slip away from him now. He wanted you more than humanly possible. His hands came to your crotch, feeling the wet cloth smirking to himself. Min went painfully slow, the back of his hand only teasing you. He wanted to hear you beg.
“Do you want more baby?”
You nodded in desperation. Minhyuk moved upwards, meeting your face and kissing your lips agressively. You didn’t know you wanted something that much, till this something happened. His long fingers went into your panties, skin to skin contact. He flicked your clit making you whine to hurry. However, Minhyuk wanted to take his time. He didn;t even know how he was able to wait but he had to make the best out of this moment. Your panties were lowered, his fingers hacving better access now coated with your arousal. All this was for him and him only. Your moans filled his ears, an otherworld like melody. The more you moaned, the faster he was moving finally making you come undone, your chest heavy and cheeks flushed cherry pink. Minhyuk removed your tank top and admired your chest, tracing the soft skin and placing love bites all over the place. A reminder of his love making, a reminded you were more than just friends. You placed your hand against his swatpants, his dick errect and proud. His eyes grew big from shock by this sudden and daring move. He finally stood up, removing the offensive material off his gorgeous physique. Min placed himself to your entrance, coating his manhood with your juices and making his way inside your body, your mind and your heart. Feeling full, you moaned for him throwing your head back. He thrusted after a while, easily and slowly afraid this might hurt you. Your reaction was good, this encouraged him more, his speed growing along with the orgasmic euphoria within you. A couple of thrust more and you came again, your tightening making him do so too. His body collapsed on top of your own, his breathing hard. You couldn;t believe what just happened, maybe you had fallen asleep after all.
“Tell me this is not a dream.” You broke the silence.
“Sometimes reality can be better than dreams.”
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blookmallow · 4 years
uhHH well i finished rusty lake roots... there are still many things i do not understand but wow that sure was. a lot 
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oh. ohhhh i was right 
albert did get into voodoo
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i mean really if you have enough blood to write a sentence with it i think thats more of a “there is blood” scenario but i guess that’s just semantics really 
anyway uhhHHh that happened,
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oH god what the fuck ok apparently mary’s dead now too
i dont know what killed her other than like, old age, maybe. shock?? could’ve been a heart attack if she. saw what albert did to his brother and ida 
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the kid with the glasses Was emma’s son and she Did commit suicide in her grief when he went missing 
still dont know where he came from in the first place but nevermind 
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what the hell kind of egg is that (the second thing. the first thing is a potato) 
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it’s. it’s that kind of egg, isn’t it. 
is that what that looks like???? i was under the impression human “eggs” are like, microscopic, like you can’t visually see individual sperm cells and i couldn’t really find a clear answer trying to look this up and got kinda freaked out about it anyway (pregnancy/uterus functions fuck me up sdfgggh) but 
god fucking damn it i liked him so much and wanted to understand him and i still think it’s heavily implied he was abused and/or bullied by his siblings and he’s definitely mentally unwell and definitely had some kind of rivalry going on with samuel, definite “wants what he has” situation but 
i guess “murdered his brother and his wife, apparently harvested eggs from her corpse to Make A Child With Her after she rejected him” is uuhhhh not really redeemable is it :’   ) god 
or im not sure if she actually rejected him or if he ever made any advances on her in the first place but. definite “she belonged to me/should have been Mine” possessive behavior ramped up to 11 
i still think he needed Help and maybe wouldn’t have turned out like this if he got help and had support from his family but my god what a. series of events that was  
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also this guy keeps showing up everywhere. i dont know what he is but i like him even though he may be some kind of shadow of impending doom or a personification of death 
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BIG fan of the implication here that i may in fact have been a ghost the whole time, subtly influencing the events of my own family destruction in an effort to sacrifice them all to resurrect myself 
is that what all this is. did all this happen because william was haunting everybody trying to get the pieces to revive himself. was this man willing to destroy his entire family line for the chance to live again 
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how did nobody hear him calling for help or anything... 
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guess what
i fucking killed the hand again 
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apparently albert also knows about this??? and never told anyone??? fucking why??????? he doesn’t seem to be Using the dude for anything, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to keep him down here unless it’s just some fucked up revenge thing on his sister 
also i dont think it was albert’s hand that i stabbed Again bc he’s not bleeding when he shows up but 
is he the one who has been keeping him alive?? why. what purpose is served in keeping him alive if he’s not using him for anything. if hes just trying to get back at his sister why not just kill the guy or leave him to starve down here. Albert What The Fuck Are You Doing 
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hey buddy!!!!! its u!!!!
i was wrong it seems like mr. crow is not a voodoo curse victim but is actually probably the first vanderboom brother. the not william one. i forgot his name :’) and i still definitely think william’s going to become mr. owl
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i found this picture later (it was shown before but i didnt remember) (also has. puzzle stuff on it but anyway) its definitely the same suit thats it isnt it 
i dont want to go searching for the pic of the other brother and the one of mr owl bc ill probably just find spoilers if i do that but Hm. hmm.
is this how the revival ritual works. do u become a bird. is that why everyone else at the hotel was animals too
that would mean the brothers have already done the ritual once though and would’ve needed a bunch of sacrifices to do it before so maybe not 
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albert’s bizarre science experiment child seems to be living at the house now, which i was gonna say “how the fuck did he explain this to his family how is she just Here Now” but then i realized i think she and albert might be the only ones left now 
ida and samuel are dead, emma is dead, mary and james are dead, leonard isn’t dead but i think he might be... out fighting the war at this point 
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also that dog is still here and i didnt previously question why the cup was called “cup with liquid” and not “water” and i really, really wish i didnt know the answer to that mystery 
try to guess how this dog provided liquid. the answer is not blood 
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rose helped frank get out of the well, not sure if she knew why he was down there in the first place or that he’s her cousin, and. well 
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sorry things had to be this way, bud
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digs up my entire family’s remains to make one hell frankenstein skeleton
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o fuck i did it i got all the things
i like how some of these are like “gouge out an eyeball” and then there’s like “cut off some hair” 
some of this family suffered more than others for this ritual, shall we say
theres probably Reasons for each of the parts though like, frank’s hair grew super long from his years in the well, so while the removal of a lock of hair itself wasn’t really a Sacrifice/suffering on his end its symbolic of what he went through
william’s the one being revived so it makes sense to use his heart
eyes could be... Too Late To See The Truth about albert or something, ida was a fortune teller so, Inner Sight or w/e, also a pair of eyes taken from a couple
emma died from her grief so we have her tears
james... died from drinking the elixir? so indirectly his tongue could symbolize that?? i guess???
rose means red, she was born through murder, she got her bio mother’s red hair, we have her blood 
albert could be seen as a mastermind behind a lot of these events, and a lot of this was caused by the mental illness he never got help for, so we have his brain
leonard lost his foot in the war
the only one i cant figure out is mary’s teeth, i have no idea what that one could mean unless she Did die of old age and “teeth falling out” is meant to symbolize that
theres.... three teeth and she had three children? i have no idea 
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hm. unpleasant 
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the other brother Confirmed to be mr. crow but its still possible mr. owl is Not in fact william but he could be talking about future william when he Becomes mr. owl, maybe 
this is such a mess ok so william was reborn as a baby, the grandchildren looked like they were consumed by the roots but we see rose holding the baby so at least she’s still alive (and probably the boys too if she is) 
and this process also created the seed which planted the tree so... william’s death and subsequent rebirth also created the family tree?? i guess?? so his family was brought to ruin one by one possibly through him influencing events from beyond the grave, all to revive him, which started the family in the first place, and there’s definitely a lot of... “all time is one/timelines can be altered” not direct Time Travel but just sort of. time as a nonlinear web that the original vanderboom brothers seem able to transcend 
hm! hm. theres still. so much i dont understand but i have at least one more game left im not sure if the other things in the bundle are related to rusty lake or just other things by the same developers 
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Ohhhh boy here we go guys
I don’t
Ricky and Morty
“The chained oblivion, no big deal” Matt Plz
A dark elf floating six or seven inches from the ground. I don’t like how familiar that sounds.
28. Christ.
YOOOOO Pumats gonna fight!
or... not? xD
lol gets up on the counter because the rest of them are
He gonna heal??
He gonna... make them invisible?
NICE made my boy Cad invisible but he had still fight
Pumat looking after his fellow firbolg
I love when they panick go invisible xD
Gonna hide on the bookshelf lol Nott
Ooooo bola shot I like that
Yay bane!
This is gonna be a long slow fight
Nice job Cad, canceling that crit
Ffffuck didn’t cancel the crit fuck
93?! FUCK
Oh my GOD I hate everything
Cad getting Nott back up yay!
Not hang on Matthew STUNNED
Okay okay okay this isn’t as bad as it could be...
Banishing smite?
Oh fuck her
bitch slapped her onto another plane lol
I like Cad’s little defensive stuff. He’s such an excellent support.
Also okay so aside from her high damage attacks this assassin doesn’t seem as terrible as I feared so... what’s the catch? Because something awful is def gonna happen.
PS: “that doesn’t happen every day”
Cad: “it does to us”
I’m glad she left but I do NOT like that she can just sneak up on them at any time
PS: “And now they know where I live...”
N: “You could burn down the store, start fresh?”
PS: “I like where you’re going with that, but I might wanna save that for a last option.”
Pumat has some kind of knowledge about
Poor Laura :(
PS: “not like you burned it down or anything.”
Free shield, nice!
Pumat is a sweet guy I love him and I’ve missed him
Freeloading their way into a short rest lol
Jester for the love of the Traveler do NOT go in there as your mom
FJORD do not encourage this
Beau assuring Jester that she supports HER just not the idea is SO sweet
JESTER oh my god
Cad’s gonna know before Jester does
Ooh dear their description has gotten back to the other side of the mountains
I like how they’re pulling literally everyone they know, pretty much every ally they’ve ever made into this
I’m honestly glad The Gentleman isn’t interested in getting involved. It suits his character well.
Jester’s real sad
Like she really was hoping it was him
(And it still could be, we don’t know what Cad perceived)
Oh god Jester
Oh honey
Poor Jester
xD the Tal’dorea council question strikes again
Aw Jester :(
J: “but if he doesn’t want me then I don’t want him it’s fine.”
F: “....we’re glad to have you.”
J: “I’m glad to be here.”
B: “Sometimes found family is better anyway.”
Shit wait fuck
“You should tell her”
holy shit y’all
oh lord Nott had a crush on Caleb??
Oh shit the BeauJester fans have been fed tonight
Laura is laying there giggling lol
That’s super sweet that Beau is crushing on her man
I mean I’m still so BeauYasha but
Oh boy okay who is this
Oh it’s him
Oh my GOD
here we go oh god
Also what if he’s her uncle not her dad? He mentioned having a brother...
I can’t believe I’m having Gentleman feelings
I wanna hug him
Oh god that’s so SAD
He sounds like he still kinda loves her too HELP ME
I’m really sad man
“She loves you. You should have trusted her. I don’t know... I don’t know how you guys could make it work or anything, but... [missed]. She’s never loved anyone since. Just you.”
Operation: Get Marion and the Gentleman Back Together.
TG: “Jester I’m not your father. Any man can have a child. Any man who isn’t around to help raise them doesn’t get to call themself a father.” Owww.
I think you should tell Marion and let her decide. She hasn’t had any say in all of this, I think it’s time she did.
I cannot believe I’m so emotional about the Gentleman.
Jester has this perfect little fairy tale for her parents and I’m literally just sitting here crying you guys
J: “Hey dad, next time I’m in town? Let’s play some Uno.” Crying and laughing and crying.
I stg if he and Marion don’t get their happy ending I’m gonna be SAD
Time to go after Yasha?
Oh dear...
Okay though if it’s addressed to Nott the Brave it’s not from Astrid
Maybe it’s from Caliana or someone again
The looks all the others are wearing
Like Beau’s face
This recording thing couldn’t possibly backfire at all xD
These hijinks omg
I can’t handle it first I’m worried then I’m emotional/crying about Jester and now I’m cracking up
Oh no oh god
Don’t hurt Pumat Sol Matthew I will not forgive you
oh my GOD MATT that PAUSE
Oh my god wait their lie somehow WORKED??
So she lives in Trent’s little compound essentially.
“Oh god it’s her” lol oh Pumat
I love him man he’s a soft boy
Oh dear...
Caleb getting overwhelmed mid trying to plan was excellent I love that call Liam
No no no what if he dies??
it’s so sweet that he offered I ADORE HIM
I can’t believe he just straight up planned to come with them he was already packed
Like all these othe powerful allies are like “I’ll look into things while y’all do the actual dangerous work” and Pumat Sol is the one who decides he’s going to come and help
We stan two (2) cow men and they are Caduceus Clay and Pumat Sol
I’m really nervous about this though like heading to Rexentrum? Are they ready for this? Is CALEB ready for this??
Oh no Krynn attack that’s bad
I hope it’s not the Krynn
Call Essek find out
Oh god if they help stop the Krynn tho and it gets back to Xhorhas somehow
They’ll never see Essek again and I will CRY
I’m suuuuuper worried about Caleb
Like SUPER concerned look at his face he’s not at all prepared for this
This is definitely a false alarm there are no Krynn
Oh fuck what if Obann is coming for this Colbalt Soul
I am anxious
Go back down Caleb!
Why would you not go back up with the others
Nott, Nott HONEY
Not now!
It’s not the Krynn I will eat my hat if it’s really the Krynn
“Angel’s Eye” oh no
Cardinal Respa?
How far does this conspiracy spread I wonder
“The thing below and the path to it” fuck
“Diversions are already in place” knew it
Oh fuck
Pelor, the temple of the dawn father?
Oh shit they spent so much time in the happy fun ball that the timeline is messed up and this is happening NOW
Oh god they are in it now
Like man even having warned so many allies it’s too late it’s happening NOW
I thought I was stressed last week but nope
Love you too Matt
This episode in a nutshell: fighting an (immortal?) assassin; Jester’s dad; mail hijinks; TIME TO STOP THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD
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hiiggsmonaghan · 5 years
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Cannot believe I’m going to talk about this here of all places but here we go.
(Abuse tw, alcoholism tw, domestic violence tw, & suicide tw + Actual Death Stranding spoilers)
So, going through the Higgs tag is super rough for me lately. The more and more people who get obsessed with him brings more Higgs x Reader fics. Which are super weird for me since yes, I am kin. But whatever, I’m used to that shit. What I am NOT used to and HATE is the ROMANTICIZED VERSIONS of his abused childhood and how it is brought over to his adulthood. “Oh I bet he has kinky sex” .. “I bet he likes being choked” ... For fuck sakes. What is wrong with people. I don’t like sharing my past trauma but it’s scary how similar it is to Higgs’ childhood so I’m going to just... explain why the fuck this disgusts me to the core as a domestic abuse survivor.
When I was a kid, my father abused me mentally and physically until the literal day I could escape at 20 years old and then a year later he took his own life, which in his suicide letter he wrote that he loved me. Which still fucking haunts me to this day. When he was alive and I still lived with him, it was literal hell. It was hard to leave this place and sometimes I’d sneak out my bedroom window just to stand outside for awhile but then immediately go back in from the fear he’d catch me. Some days he would throw stuff at me. Maybe couch pillows, maybe beer and Jack Daniels bottles, who knew? Other days if I was close to him during a rage fit, I was choked to almost death, but he’d stop. I never attacked back. Never. Because I was living in constant fear and felt that maybe this is just how he shows that he loves me. To toughen me up. Because that is what dads do right? The worse rage episode I remember is he broke a hard liquor bottle against the table and threatened to cut me with it. I was only a goddamn kid.
Now let’s flip to Higgs’ journals about his childhood.
His uncle [or stepfather] did almost the same damn thing. In the journals he mentioned how he was trapped in the bunker. He couldn’t go outside (Yes I know the reasoning is VERY different obviously but just the feeling of being trapped is what I am going for here). He was constantly abused by that man behind closed doors. Just him and that man. Same as just my father and I.
The journal that hit the most was when his uncle actually got a hold of him. That shit is scary, you have no idea unless you experience it first hand. Yes, Higgs did end up killing him from defense. There were times I thought about doing it too. But I never did because obviously in reality you can get arrested. 
But here’s the kicker: 
“Ohhhh he killed a person ooh that is soooo bad! He is evil now!”
... Do you realize how scary it is being choked by someone who you thought loved you and tried to protect you? Do you know first hand. No? Then please for the love of god, shut your mouth.
Now back to my side of things: 
I wanted to die so, so many times because of this constant abuse and fear. But I never did it. There are days when my PTSD acts up and I can just hear the yelling of my father and it brings me back to the days where I lived with him. The fear and desperation comes back all at once. And I cannot even explain in words how hard it is to live like this. But in reality we have a thing called therapy. Which I’ll admit, I go to. It shouldn’t be a stigma to say that I go to it since it does help.
But you know who doesn’t have that luxury? 
I bet he has days where he thinks back to those days and has no one to really turn to or speak to. So it’s a constant hell. Maybe he had Fragile back before the whole Amelie shit, but either that that? I imagine no one is there to talk to about this. 
Abuse can really fuck someone up in many different ways. 
Which is why Higgs ended up the way he did after Amelie. 
And that gunshot at the ending on the beach... that gunshot then Fragile later saying she couldn’t shoot him... 
That made my heart drop because if he did kill himself at the beach, it’s because he believed there was no reason to keep going. And that made me physically sick because I’ve been there. (Not having powers to bring the dead back and shit but just feeling so goddamn hopeless.)
After years of that trauma? It fucks you up. It isn’t fun. It isn’t something that can be romanticized. 
Sorry for this long rant thing. If you actually read through this all I’m amazed and really respect you. 
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
[Just a small ficlet featuring little-known Marvel “villains” Black Mamba/Tanya Sealy, Haven/Radha Dastoor, Skein/Sybil Dvorak, and a surprise guest at the end in a comedy of errors!] Tanya Sealy was also known as Black Mamba, the mercenary who served in the Serpent Society and the aptly-named B.A.D Girls, not mention a super-villain with the Masters of Evil and a super-heroine with the Women Warriors. But she had another identity besides all that---Tanya Sweet, professional escort. As with her mercenary work, it wasn’t something she did simply for the money alone, or because she had no choice. No, far from it---Tanya did it because she liked it. Of course, the money was a factor, she wouldn’t have done it for free, just like she wouldn’t do a merc job for free, but she still liked a damn well lot more than she would have enjoyed some boring office job or dirty menial work. Why people thought it was degrading was beyond her; she got treated like a queen while the poor saps in retail, fast food, and any other service industry were the ones really getting reamed! One of the best parts was picking her customers. You couldn’t say “no” to them in most jobs, but Tanya could any damn time she pleased. Not that she often did, since most of the people who called her were those to whom she’d personally handed her card. She kept different business cards for her different careers/identities, and different phone lines as well. And right now, her line for escort work was ringing, with an unfamiliar number. So, a new customer! Time to find out who it was---someone she’d personally selected, or someone who had been referred to her by another satisfied client? “Hello there stranger,” she said professionally, though with of course the expected hint of sensuality, “You’ve reached Tanya Sweet. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “Hello, Ms. Sweet,” said a woman’s voice. Holy shit, that was unexpected. It wasn’t that she’d never gotten female clients, but they were very rare. “I’m calling about scheduling your services. We’ve met before, if you remember---my name is Radha Dastoor, I went by Haven?” Holy. Shit. No way. She had NOT seen that coming. Yeah, she remembered Haven from the slammer, but she had NOT read her as interested in women at all, let alone the type who would get an escort. It wasn’t that there was just one “type“ of person who purchased her time and attentions, there were a lot of different people who did...but there were a lot of different kinds of people who never would, and she could have sworn that this lady was one of them.
“Oh yes, yes I do,” Tanya swallowed her surprise and continued with her congenial customer-service-with-a-sexy-smile voice, “When were you hoping to schedule?” “There’s a gala in a week,” said Haven, then gave the specific time and date, and explained, “I apologize so much for the short notice, Ms. Sweet. My brother was to be my original plus-one, but something has come up for him, and he’s simply not comfortable attending to his own business unless he knows there is someone to go with me in his stead. He showed me the card you gave to him, and suggested you, since you’re...well, you’re a woman, but you’re also very capable. So he thought you would be the safest option for me.” It was extremely difficult for Tanya not laugh. Oh her god. Oh her GOD. This was HILARIOUS. She’d slid that big stud her calling card when he’d come to pick Haven up from prison, and apparently he had THOUGHT that escorting meant...just accompanying someone. And clearly Haven thought the same thing! Oh man. It was too funny. Though it also made a lot more sense! It also meant she could make some really easy money. “I’m absolutely free that night,” she purred, before realizing she should not be purring anymore, and amended to a more prim tone as she continued, “What will the dress code be?” “It’s black tie, but please don’t worry if you don’t something you feel is suitable,” Haven assured, “I’d be happy to buy you a dress and shoes sometime this week before we go.” Oh SWEET! For sure, Tanya was doing this gig. She’d have to remember to thank Haven’s big dumb lug of a brother next time she saw him! “Yes, that would be excellent,” Tanya continued to successfully contain her excitement at the easy work and free stuff, “After all, you’ll know best what’s appropriate for the occasion. Now, you mentioned your brother would be concerned about me being ‘capable’---are you expecting threats?” “Not expecting per se,” said Haven in a resigned tone, “But, well, a gathering of wealthy people in New York City...” Yeah, that was sitting ducks. Sitting ducks broadcasting their diamonds and Dom Perignon to every dumbass super-criminal in the city. Would the rich never learn? Black Mamba---er, Tanya---hoped not. “I absolutely understand. I assure you, my powers are suitable to combat both baseline and superhuman threats, and I have experience handling both. I believe I told you about my time in the Women Warriors?” She felt that emphasizing her background as a superhero would be better than bringing up her more regular, less legal doings. “Yes, yes I do,” said Haven warmly, “If I recall correctly, you protected the entire state of Delaware. So I have no doubt you can do so for me for the night--though of course I hope you won’t have to.” “And in the event I do, you understand I will be expecting compensation for any medical care needed for injuries I might incur?” “Oh, of course. Do you have a form I should sign?” She was starting to love this woman. Perfect customer. “Yeah, no worries,” she said, her professional veneer finally slipping into a more casual, natural mode for her, “I’ll just bring it with me when we meet up to buy the dress. Hey, is your brother gonna be there for that?” Alas, he was not. But once they had discussed rates, Tanya felt anything but disappointed. *** Things were going great. She looked fantastic in this dress, Ms. Dastoor wasn’t upstaging her---okay, her...Indian outfit thing...was super beautiful...but Tanya had LEGS and CLEAVAGE---, and she’d slipped her card to a whole lot of fine gentlemen who, if they were here, could probably afford her. And best of all, no one had--- “Well hello Tanya. I didn’t expect to see you here.” Oh great. It was Skein. Skein, aka Sybil Dvorak, was actually a friend to Tanya Sealy. They got along great, in fact. But the problem was, she was also a fellow, well, supervillain. One who had gotten her start crashing the parties of the social elite like this, not even for personal gain but for...kicks, Tanya supposed. Something to do with an ex boyfriend. “Hey, Sybil,” said Tanya casually, “Hey, not that it’s not great to see you, but you’re not planning anything, are you? Because I’m here on a date. You know, for work?”
“Ohhhh,” Sybil winked at her, “Well...since we’re old friends and all, I could be persuaded not to make a scene if you cut me in on what you’re getting for this “date”. Since we’re friends.” Tanya glared at her. “Come on, Black Mamba,” said Skein, undaunted, “You’re a mercenary. You can hardly judge me for being the same.” “I’ll still get paid no matter what you do here tonight,” said Tanya, “So it doesn’t really matter. In fact, she might tip me more if I save her from some disaster. So go ahead.” “Oooh, she?” said Skein, intrigued. Oh, double great. Tanya had forgotten---Skein had a crush on Haven. She’d been one of the other lady villains in their cellblock, and for some reason she was just crazy about her. Tanya didn’t really get it. Sure, Haven was beautiful, she supposed---Tanya wasn’t into women herself---but she was kind of old, and really boring. She just couldn’t fathom her being Sybil’s type at all. But then, Tanya, who considered herself an expert in matters of sex and romance, was of course aware of the old adage that opposites attract. Maybe Haven represented to Skein the sense of stability and restraint that Skein herself lacked. Maybe she felt she needed someone calm and responsible and conventionally moral in her life. Maybe she admired it. Or maybe she wanted to corrupt it. Whatever the case, Tanya was letting her find out that the object of her amorous affections was her meal ticket tonight. Skein might take it the wrong way.
So naturally, no sooner did Tanya decide this, than Haven glided up and greeted their mutual friend, “Sybil? Oh Sybil, that is you!” “Hi, Haven!” Skein trilled in a girlish sing-song voice, twirling a strand of her long black hair around one finger and assuming a flirtacious pose. Tanya had to try hard not to role her eyes at this, especially considering how obviously unaffected that Haven was by it. As crazy as Skein was about Haven, Haven was equally oblivious. Which was kind of odd, given how perceptive Tanya had noticed Haven was in her short time knowing her, but maybe she just didn’t know how to handle being hit on by another woman so blatantly. “Wow, I can’t believe you and Tanya are BOTH here!” “We’re actually here together,” said Haven, clearly having no idea the implications she had just dropped. And that was when Tanya knew...it was over. Sybil blinked. And then... “Are you kidding me?!” she shouted at Tanya, her dress unraveling around her in a whirlwind of thread. . “Sybil, chill out, it’s not what you think--” Tanya tried to calm her down but it was too late, the attention of the security guards had been attracted. A threeway battle ensued, with Sybil/Skein trying to attack Black Mamba while both attempted to evade the super-powered guards. As the completely baffled Haven watched in hypnotized horror, another party guest stepped beside her. “Ah, I’m sorry you had to see this,” lamented the tuxedo-clad Fabian Cortez, “They’re fighting over me, you see.” Haven believed him.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Here! Have some Ex-Aid notes!
So, I started rewatching the last three episodes of Ex-Aid because  @aquabluejay and I have gotten to talking about a whole lot of assorted Ex-Aid meta and ideas lately. One of the things we talked about last night was trying to figure out how some of the final battle went down. SO I DID THAT. And went on a WHOLE LOT of tangents!
Summaries, thoughts, speculation, and theorizing for episodes 43, 44, and 45 of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid under the cut. Also includes mentions of the Mighty Action X novel, and some of the backstory involved.
Episode 43
Oh SHIT the bars on Kuroto’s cell can, in fact, zap him if he tries to reach between them! He was very carefully not touching them when begging to be let out. More fuel for “Parad should NOT be in a good enough state to use his level 99 form after being tied up”!
SO! Seeing everyone who had been hit by the Gemdeus virus before writhing in agony! IS REALLY PAINFUL TO WATCH GUYS! The first person we see this happen to is Kiriya – because here’s the thing.
Bugsters aren’t immune to Gamedeus naturally. … Can… like, could one regular bugster somehow infect another one? Is it just Gamedeus being super OP? Or, like, could there be a mixed strain that fucks up both Bugsters that result from it? Because the only cases we saw where someone had multiple strains were with the Collabos Bugsters, and with Chronicle. So… could two Bugsters get… sort of tangled up in each other’s code?
! I should go back through at some point – it might not just be Emu and Parad who insist on calling him Cronus – Taiga just referred to him that way, too.
(skipped back a bit – Kuroto used his father’s full name to refer to him.)
And now I want to know… if you scan a Bugster normally, would their strain show up on the screen – wait, yes! It would! Because they scanned GRAPHITE in his human form, back early on!
Yup, Emu calls him Cronus, too.
FUCK YOU KUROTO “they haven’t earned the right” as if you didn’t make an action replay of your own after Emu made his.
Oh… huh. When Taiga – back on his self-sacrificing bullshit again – mentions ‘if only I had stopped the Bugsters in their tracks five years ago, this would never have happened’… Poppy is wringing her hands. And Parad – it’s subtle, and very blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, but he looks down, away from everyone else. Just a slight turn of the head, and diverting his gaze, but. That’s guilt right there.
(You feel the weight of your sins crawling down your back)
Nico – in the Cronus game area – boots up her Chronicle Gashat, and is immediately hit with the pain and static. But she’s still standing. She’s been hit time and time again by the virus, by all the strains, including Gamedeus, and she doesn’t go down.
I still wonder how this fight would have played out if Taiga hadn’t stopped her before she could suit up. She’d have lost, definitely… but I kind of want to see how she would have played it.
She doesn’t drop to her knees until taiga takes her gashat.
Hiiro explains what he’s finally realized – that Taiga has been fighting so that nobody else has to lose anything. Because he doesn’t have anything left to lose – until Nico. NOW he has something he absolutely has to protect.
Hiiro: “But now, he’s realized… his fate of putting his life on the line to protect something he doesn’t want to lose.”
We see Parad’s reaction to this.
Parad (mid-ground, Hiiro out-of-focus in the foreground): “His life…”
(cut to close up, Parad looking slightly down) “on the line…”
I’ve actually got something related to this in my current draft for ch. 3 of Press Start to Continue. Here, have a look:
“You know...” Parad begins, idly wrapping one of the cords on his jacket around his finger, “I didn’t get it, before – why you went to the lengths you did back then, as Proto-Snipe. Even as you were realizing that it was probably killing you. I still don’t really get how you were able to keep going, really. But now? Having seen you dealing with everyone, with having actually met you?” He smirks, meeting Taiga’s gaze. “You aren’t nearly as much of an asshole as you make yourself out to be, are you?”
When Emu says he doesn’t want to lose anyone… Parad buries his face in his collar, while Poppy looks… not scared, but sad. I think… I think she’d already realized what she and Parad might have to do.
I think she had already come up with the way to cure the patients with Gamedeus’s strain.
Oh. She definitely had.
I’d forgotten, I wrote this bit months ago, back in Event Flag XX, but I was so laser focused on Parad for that watch through, I wasn’t paying nearly enough attention to Poppy.
“Taiga goes to help. Hiiro goes to help. Emu goes to help. Parad and Poppy can only watch.”
Parad’s beating himself up, because he can’t help, because he doesn’t know what to do. Poppy hasn’t had The Line yet, but… she knows what the two of them can do to end Chronicle.
Oooo. I need to have Taiga give Emu the same speech Emu just gave him at some point down the line in ReUnited. (Emu… is going to have some difficulty coping in the time span after my adaptation of Another Ending and Kiriya’s revival.)
Emu: “You shouldn’t neglect your own health. Doctors have to take care of so many patients lives, after all. You can’t forget that. To save our patients, we doctors have the responsibility to live on.” He holds out Taiga’s coat to him. “Taiga. You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
Taiga: “That’s right.”
The sound effects and framing that Rider usually has signify someone finally taking the hand held out to them, accepting partnership?
Is used here for Taiga taking his white coat.
When they get the final blow on Cronus, it’s really nice.
The fireball from Hiiro’s ‘Taddle Critical Finish’ hits at the same time as Emu’s ‘Hyper Critical Sparking’ kick. The lag from Emu’s attack, of course, doesn’t set in until a bit after he lands, and it knocks Cronus backward – right into the cannons of ‘Taiga’s Bang Bang Critical Fire’.
TAIGA’S finisher is the one to shut down the Game Area.
Ohhhh man, the way Cronus moves after being knocked down is super unsettling. He’s flat on his back, a-posing on the ground, and when he sits up… he’s sort of just dragging his upper body up. His arms are still limp. Ick.
(Also, I kind of think Emu and Nico will never, ever admit it, but they were super pissed that they forgot about Bosses usually going all One Winged Angel.)
The design of the bugster mooks kills about half of the drama of them taking over people, but… I’m not okay with seeing all of these people just… almost removed like this. What’s worse is that I think Kiriya could tell what was happening before he went down.
Episode 44
:chuckles: I’m in danger.
Parad goes to try to fight, to help save the people infected. But Poppy… she grips her hands together.
“There’s something only us Bugsters can do.”
When we get to Genm…
“Stop it.” a blue-gloved hand grabs him.
“You’re one bad Rider, aren’t you?” a red boot glows, propelling the two into the air.
“I’ve come to collect a sample from you, Ex-Aid! Now, let’s start the experiment, shall we?”
(ahahaha Katsuragi’s hard-on for Gorillamond)
“I have three lives left.”
“Wait, are you... not Ex-Aid?”
“No! I’m NOT! People NEED to stop saying that! I am a G-”
“Sorry! My mistake! Bye!”
(Thanks, Katsuragi.)
Emu’s exhausted, and realizes he has the Doctor Mighty X Gashat. Poppy stops him before he can trigger it, though. It’s not possible to do this one at a time.
OH. Parad meets them on the roof – Emu was following Poppy, but Parad was already there. “Hey. What are you going to do?”
Poppy didn’t tell Parad her plan.
The thing is… while she’s saying that she’ll insert the gashat into herself, to disperse the cure to all the patients… Poppy doesn’t use the word die. She says she’ll disappear. She says that bugsters are a threat to patient’s lives, that they will need to be completely erased some day. The screen shows both her and Parad at that line. He looks away, as she says that that’s their fate. She hasn’t looked at anyone.
Emu’s breaking down – he doesn’t want to accept a fate where she has to die.
She still doesn’t say she’s going to die.
… I don’t think Poppy thought of herself as truly alive. She’s always acted like she did, but now…
Now I’m not so certain that she wasn’t faking that sureness.
Parad hasn’t said a word since he asked what she was going to do, even when Emu collapses.
“Sorry, Emu. … Thank you.”
… huh. She only physically appears to Kuroto. And it looks like… like she knew what she was doing when she did that. That maybe… just maybe, Poppy thought she might be able to ‘back herself up’ in him.
But only maybe.
On the roof.
Emu… he’s sitting, almost defeated, talking to Parad about Poppy.
“Bugsters also exist to let us have fun and make us smile, don’t they...?”
EMU is saying this to PARAD. To the Bugster he practically created, however subconsciously. To the Bugster who is the most direct threat to his own, personal, health.
To the Bugster who KNOWS what Poppy just did. And what he, himself, is about to do.
Who knows exactly what that means to Emu.
Once you have the novel backstory, you can never really ‘un’ have it.
So. With Mighty Novel X in mind, and Emu having, at eight years old, considered and attempted suicide…
That’s something Poppy doesn’t know about. The only people who could are Emu… and Parad.
Parad, who is high-key tied to Emu’s memories. Who is about to do the same thing Poppy did.
Who is about to make Emu witness two people committing suicide in one afternoon.
That’s what they did, after all.
!!! OOOO!!!
When he’s snapped for the final time, when Cronus is standing in front of the Riders, saying that he will ‘realize his dreams for all to see’, his eyes glow with that tell-tale Bugster light – but differently than usual. One eye is green, the other is white.
Not unlike the green-and-grey tinged veins that appeared on both him and Graphite when they directly infected themselves with Gamedeus’s strain.
The roof.
Parad takes the Doctor Mighty X gashat, saying that Poppy fought to the end to save everyone. After he picks it up…
“I am you, and you are me. You know what I’m trying to say, don’t you?”
Parad can’t bring himself to say it – that they both know full well what just happened, and what’s going to happen next.
(Also, y’know, there’s almost no way they could say… well, that ‘he was going to have to kill himself’ on-air, not in so many words. Not in this season, at least, but that didn’t exactly stop them from getting closer in Build, now did it?)
That was just the Excite translation, though. I’m using the OZC-Live encodes, so I have the RTA translation too… so let’s see how they phrased it.
“I’m you, and you’re me. You know already what I’m going to say, right?”
Excite has Emu’s next few lines in the singular. “I won’t waste Poppy’s sacrifice. I’ll put an end to Rider Chronicle.”
RTA has them as a plural. “We can’t let her sacrifice go to waste. Let’s end Rider Chronicle.”
Either way… Emu leaves the roof first, with Parad still standing, the wind blowing his hair, and a serious expression on his face.
Emu goes to face off against Cronus Gamedeus, and transforms with the Mighty Action X gashat.
Into Level One.
Taiga: “You’ll die challenging him at that level!”
Nah, he won’t. He’s just doing what Poppy taught him to do. First phase of the operation: separate the bugster from the patient.
Technically speaking, there’s a person inside there. They just have to defeat the Bugster Union, first.
Kuroto’s the one to catch on and actually explain.
okay, the Chibi fight is effectively done…
and looks like @aquabluejay was right, Parad does run in while using Perfect Knockout to grab the sword before it can hit Emu.
Yelling in pain, from the white gashat in his driver, as both he and Cronus-Gamedeus start to glow blue. The same blue as Poppy did.
The thing is, after the 5 Chibi Rider Kicks… when the smoke starts to clear, and everyone lands, detransformed.
When Gamedeus – now a manageable size – is being grappled by Para-DX… and then by Parad, as his transformation breaks, the both of them grunting in pain.
That is when Emu realizes. Parad had had his back to Emu before. But now Emu can see Parad’s driver. And the Doctor Mighty X gashat that’s in it.
Excite translation: “Come die quietly with your fellow Bugster, Gamedeus.”
RTA translation: “We’re both Bugsters, so let’s end this together, Gamedeus.”
Gamedeus dissolves, and Parad falls to his knees, gasping in pain.
Excite: “I hope I’ve made up for what I’ve done, even a little...”
RTA: “I hope this makes up for my deeds, somewhat...”
Emu: “Parad…”
Excite: “It was only for a short time, but I really had the time of my life gaming with you.”
RTA: “It may have been a short time, but playing games with you… it was the best fun I’ve ever had.”
Episode 45
After Emu tries to take on Cronus, who’s just knocked everyone else out of their transformations, bare-handed…
Well, he didn’t really stand a chance, did he?
“DoReMiFa Beat and Perfect Knockout both died noble deaths, although it was all for naught. They were both lives with no commercial value.”
“You… don’t you dare speak of Poppy and Parad’s lives...”
Oh… OH!
Okay, so. So I figure Emu’s not exactly baseline human by the time the show starts, let alone after what he did to make the Mighty Brothers XX and Maximum Mighty X gashats. But! Here’s the thing!
The only people who could move in pause were those with either the abilities of Cronus, Gamedeus, or Hyper Muteki.
Emu doesn’t have any of those in the Pause here.
But what he does have, however small it may currently be, and even though he doesn’t know it…
Is the remnants of data from a Bugster who had just pumped himself full of the Gamedeus vaccine.
Cronus is back to all green – he’s just Cronus now, not a hybrid of the two. But… well, the vaccine is made from the strain, after all. It stands to reason that enough of it could have a similar effect against Pause, however minor.
And Emu’s been building his own levels for 16 years, same as – ugh, fine, I’ll use his name this time.
Emu and Masamune have been infected for 16 years. That has to have had side effects other than the obvious ‘use the driver or bugvisor without the compatibility surgery.’
Effects like Emu’s Gashat creation abilities, and Masamune’s Reset.
And it’s only for a moment, but Emu is able to move.
He moves, his eyes flashing red, long enough to punch the bugvisor hard enough to break it – but he freezes back up once Cronus goes flying.
Punching far harder than he should be able to under normal circumstances, even. Those devices are made to take a beating.
He’s done something like this before – he essentially force-shoved Kuroto off of himself, one time, before he found out he was infected, with his eyes flashing red, and a visual effect not unlike the waves of ‘force’ that show up sometimes when attacks land in any Rider show.
It was never confirmed whether that was actually Parad at work, because he did show up right after, but… who’s to say it wasn’t Emu himself?
The punch here? Was hard enough to break the bugvisor, and to knock Cronus – who, mind you, is in full armor, while Emu is in street clothes and battered, back through the air for multiple yards, and into the clock he uses to freeze time, shattering it.
There is no way Emu is pure human.
HAHAHA and then I forgot to write anything else after this through the end of the episode. Whoops~!
This wound up being eight pages long.
I really did just start this to find out what the order of events was in the ‘Parad’s sacrifice’ sequence, but. Uh. It kind of got away from me.
Eight pages away.
… I don’t even know what I was doing here anymore, but I just wrote eight pages, and I’m feel like talking about how we don’t really know how Bugsters work.
Like, in the press conference, Emu refers to Bugsters as ‘mostly data’, but in Another Ending, Poppy refers to them as being viruses.
I have so much to fix when ReUnited gets to Another Ending you guys.
And! Are Kiriya and Kuroto wearing actual clothes, or are they doing something like Poppy and her costume changes? Honestly, either one has possibilities.
I… kind of want them to be wearing actual clothes. I figure that if Parad or Poppy were to take off something, and set it aside, it would eventually sort of… phase out of where they left it, and back onto them. But. Say one of the guys took off their jacket, because they do both wear them, shortly after being brought back, and it disappeared. But didn’t show back up.
(And THAT is why Kiriya got the black jacket. The one he died in is very, very gone.)
… I should stop now, I’ve probably rambled enough. Enough for eight. Freaking. Pages.
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lunartrashbin · 5 years
Sabo X Female Reader (Admiration)
"Seriously, if you like the guy, just tell him already! It's already just annoying by the way you look at him all lovey-dovey!" (Bf/n) exclaimed, clearly being fed up with my bullshit.
"Oh shut up. It's fine as is just admiring him being happy. Besides, why would he even like this dumb potato? If he's happy, I'm happy. Also, doesn't the saying go like happy guifu, happy lifu?" I retorted with a slight nonchalant tone.
"....................... NO YOU IDIOT, IT'S HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE. YOU WEREN'T EVEN CORRECT!!!" (Bf/n) shouted, just barely enough to draw attention while I just rolled my eyes. "Also," he continued, shoving food in his mouth. "You may be a dumb potato, but you are also the nicest and prettiest potato out there. Besides, do you even realize that Sabo actually looks at you sometimes?" (Bf/n) might be an idiot a majority of the time, but at least it's in that nice type of way.
I sighed. "Look, just because I "stare" at Sabo, doesn't mean that I like him. Besides, I stare at Kid sometimes, and that's cause I think about how much I hate him and how stupid he is."
"Oh is that so?"
I turned around at the sudden voice to see a certain tulip haired man, who just happens to be on a period 24/7.
"Oh hello, EustASS Fucking Kid." I greeted as I heard a few snickers from those who were brave enough. The really sad thing was however, no one realized that we were somehow siblings, even thOUGH WE HAD THE SAME MOTHERFUCKING LAST NAME. LIKE SERIOUSLY, HOW STUPID CAN THE HUMAN POPULATION GET!?!??
With that in mind little(?) readers, this meant that (Bf/n) was unaware of my relation with the edgy tulip. Therefore, he nearly shit his pants. It was sorta a funny sight though.
But oh no, it didn't just end there. Everyone within a hearing distance literally stopped what they were doing to look at the unknown sibling drama. Which also included Sabo, so fuck my life now. Since I was classified as a "shy" kid- even though the only kid here is a tulip- it looked like quite a shock for me to stand up the the idio- sorry, I meant bully. I could even hear (Bf/n) mutter "Don't do it you idiot. Don't provoke him."
But did I listen? I mean, why the fuck would I? So I continued as he did.
"Hello (dumb insulting name). I see you're being shitty as usual." CUE THE CONFUSED PEOPLE. Why? Because no one knows why he called me that. Though there is a story behind it... Which is embarrassing...
"I see you're being an ass like usual. Say, how is your arm? I do wonder what happened to it..." I talked back with a hint of sarcasm. Truth is, in one of our daily fights at home, I ended up breaking his arm, so now it was in a cast. Not my fault he insulted Sabo and was an asshole like usual though.
"Oh piss off." He spoke, before flipping me off and walking away. While he did that, I stuck my tongue at him. ;P
And my god, every one looked so confused, it was beautiful. And then there's Law, looking proud of me for slightly crushing Kid's pride. He didn't show it, but it was there.
I finally turned myself back to (Bf/n), only to be bombarded with questions.
After the event at lunch, apparently my reputation increased a bit for standing up to the idiot jerk. Why is this important? I'm actually, not sure.
Anyways, a few days have passed since then, and today on Friday, I, Eustass (Y/n), had received a note, letter, love letter? Whichever it is.
When school ended, I went home while Kid (a/n I wanted to write aniki for some reason XD) went out with his friends, leaving me alone with the note while not worrying about getting teased. It was a simple light blue paper folded into thirds, with a piece of tape holding it together. That's literally, just it. I peeled off the tape, and read.
Dear E. (Y/n),
I have already fallen for you for a while now, and the event on (insert date) a while back may have made me fall deeper than I thought I could have already.
Anyways, I'd like it if you could go out and join me at the Baratie for lunch at 11:30 am. Lunch will be on me, and I can't wait to see whether or not you come, but I hope you do.
Yours Truly,
Hooooooooly cheese and macaroni, Did I just get asked out on a date???? The handwriting was nice though. But ohhhh lordie, my face is probably as red as big bro's hair, I don't know what to do. Look, I ain't good with affection or shit related to that. But do I go? What would I wear? What if it goes south? What if it's a prank? Or worse, it's not a prank? And who the hell is S???
Ohhhh boi, since I was never good with this kind of stuff to begin with, I texted (Bf/n), and you know what he replied with?
"Eh / Just go / U never kno wut might happen"
"Just go" He fricking says. Just. Go.
Like, does the fucker not know how I can't deal with this shit that fucking easily??? 
And just like that I lost all of tonight's sleep, just deciding to screw myself over and go. I may be Kid's sister, but I'm not that mean... I think.
When I woke up, I sneaked into Kid's room, to see the fucker snoring hella loud. I grabbed that thing used to match your skin, think it was called foundation? To cover any eyebags and what not, and sneaked back out. It was tempting to kick him though, but I didn't want him to question me.
I went back to my room and grabbed a black tank top with a plain (f/c) jacket, with white cuffs of the sleeves. I also wore (a) (shade of blue) blue jeans that went a bit below my knees, being slightly ripped. As for shoes, I just wore some black boots with a (f/c) streak somewhere. (Sorry im bad at explaining clothes)
I then left at 11:15 because I wanted to be there 10 minutes early and it took 5 minutes to get there by foot.
I grabbed my earphones and phone from my pocket to play some music on my way there and hummed to the tune while waiting.
About 8 minutes passed when I got there I think, when I finally heard a familiar voice.
"Sorry if I'm late. My brothers wanted food so I had to make them some." I turned around to the source of the voice and my face immediately reddened. Because wHO THE FUCK KNEW THAT IT WAS GONNA BE MY CRUSH THAT I DENIED TOWARDS (BF/N)!?!?!??
Sabo was wearing a simple white button up shirt and some brown jean looking pants, and yet he still, looks great. But I had to speak otherwise, I might just be rude, or weird, or both.
"I-it's fine. You're not late, i-its just that I was here earlier."
"That's good, sorry to keep you waiting then? Anyways, let's go inside. Ladies first." The somehow calm fuck said as he opened the door with a fucking wink that just melted me. But you know what I did? I just chuckled at the silly gesture but really, I have no fucking idea what to do.
Like excepted, we sat at a table, ordered our food, and talked. Surprisingly, it actually wasn't that hard to talk to him. I mean it still sorta is cause I like him and I don't wanna screw up my chances, but, it was nice.
After we finished, we went to the park, and you probably guessed, more talking and idle chat. Mainly Sabo poking fun at his brothers.
"And then there was this one time where went to the beach, a-and we were in a boat and then we heard this noise." Sabo started again with another story in mind, sounding like he was trying so hard not to just fall to the ground and laugh. "At first, Marco looked like he didn't care, and he was chill. When all of a sudden he just screamed like a girl right when a seal came up behind him, and he just clung to Thatch like a scared child!" And he lost it. He just started to break into laughter, and loose his shit. Can't blame him though, as I joined in on his laughter. (Itotallydidn'tputareferencetooneofKiraReno'sstoriesjustnow)(congrats if you could read that)
Because just imagine. Your super calm and serious seeming art teacher, looking like he isn't scared easily, screaming like a small girl AND CLINGING to his brother, just because he's scared! And then I lost it too.
He then shared some more stories as he walked me back home after a while. Though sadly but obviously, he didn't share any funny stories about himself. It was pretty quiet when we got in front of my house, which made me suspicious of what Kid was doing, but I shrugged it off.
"Well, I'll be going now. Here's my number so you can text me!" He spoke with a precious smile. 
And then kissed my fucking forehead.
I turned red, obviously not expecting it, when out of fucking no where-
And who else would it be other than Eustass. Fucking. Kid.
"S-sister?!" Sabo was surprised, but who came blame him? Would you really expect one of the top bullies of the school to just come out of fucking no where and just defend somehow his little sister? Because people would usually say I'm an angel, which, clearly they haven't met me.
Sick and tired of Kid's usual and daily bullshit, i took off my boot, and threw it at Kid's face. Thankfully, the window was open.
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bittysvalentines · 6 years
Geese and The Soft Morning Sun
From: @beercheesecasserole
To: @disneyinnocent-blog
relationship: Lardo x Camilla Nonbinary character Fluff tw for moderate amounts of drinking, like a slight bit of racism, and fools getting rekt and pong.
~~~ Larissa sat in her new dorm room, fiddling around on her computer.
A blonde head popped in from the door. "Larissa," said her new roommate, Candy, seriously. "Have you seen my dunko doll?"
Larissa looked at the tall girl dumbly.
"What in the goddamn hell are you talking about."
Candy moved fully into the room, standing by Larissa's bed.
"My dunko doll! You know? Dunko dolls? Have you not heard of dunko dolls?"
Candy's eyes lit up.
"They're like little figurines of your favorite characters! They're soooo cute, mine’s a princess Biona from Shrecc. It's my favorite movie."
Larissa knew if she listened to more of this she would have a pounding headache in under an hour. Not that her roommate was annoying. She was just very high-pitched.
With a sigh she pushed her computer off of her lap and slid off her bed.
"I haven't seen it. I'm going down to the cafeteria, I'll be back in a few."
"Okay!" Candy said enthusiastically. "By the way, they're serving Chinese there, I'm sure it's not what you're used to at home but I think it's so nice that they're serving something so cultural! You should give it a try!"
Lardo sighed again. She wasn't sure if Candy was just dumb or didn't remember when she had asked 'so... what are you' a month ago. Larissa had never been anything less than Vietnamese-American her entire life. Well, served her right for submitting her roommate papers a day before deadline.
Larissa screamed internally and muttered a quick thanks before escaping down the hall. She would get out of this room if it killed her.
Larissa looked at the Samwell Sports pamphlet in her hands. Aven from her Ceramics II class had given it to her. Aven had said they managed for Men's Rugby and talked about how they managed to get a room in the team house this year.
"There's not like, a ton of rooms?" they said, chair leaned back and clay covered hands emphasizing wildly. "But it's the BONDS you make. I feel like a part of the team. And I don't even have to play or anything. The guys are great, love em to bits, it's just like SUPER messy all the time. Best house on campus though."
Larissa thought about that. She didn't mind mess. She wouldn't work in 3D media if she did.
"Ey Lardooooo!" A huge blonde man yelled over the haus crowd in an obnoxious Boston accent. "Be pong partners with me"
Lardo looked over from where she was chatting with Billy about neorealism and its role in the movement of art nouveau and squinted.
"Holster, my dude, respect, but you couldn't hit the flat side of a barn," she said cheerfully. "Hard pass brah."
The blonde giant put on his best puppy-dog eyes while also pushing through the drunk, loud waves of people between them. Lardo likened him to a cute bulldozer. Kinda a good concept, she thought, filing it away for later. Being around jocks all the time surprisingly gave her some great ideas. Lardo wondered for a moment if this had bedazzling potential.
Adam reached her just as soon as the thumping bass of the last song died and just before the new one began.
"Come onnnn," he said with a light in his eyes. "We don't even have to be partners. Ransy wants to play too so you could take his partner and I'll be his! Win win!" He emphasized his argument with a hand motion that seemed to say 'ey? ey?'.
Lardo rolled her eyes.
"Alright. Depends on who it is though."
~~~ Camilla came to the SMH end-of-midterms kegster with Jack but he let her know pretty early that he wasn't going to be around for most of it. Which like, she got. The noise and people could get to be too much for her sometimes too. But as she looked over the crowd tonight she felt tipsy in just the right way to want to get a little rowdy. Then Justin started talking about pong and her plans were set. She wanted to toast some fools.
"Rans!" She called to him as she moved closer "I'm in. Who're we up against?"
Justin pointed wildly over to the living room where a bunch of younger students were moving around to a pulsing beat.
"Holtzy just went to go grab Lardo" he said, grinning "oh man Camilla you gotta witness her back shot, its holy"
Camilla squinted over across the hall into the dim room and saw Holster dragging a small person with a sleek head of black hair behind him.
"Hells yes." she said, turning back to Ransom. "I'll play with whoever, I don't care."
Holster came up behind them and started talking loudly over Camilla's shoulder to the two.
"She's in but only on the condition she doesnt play with me. I'm too rank." he said, dramatically wrinkling his nose. "Cam, you game?"
"Sure" Camilla said enthusiastically, turning to see her new partner.
Holy shit, Camilla thought, face erupting in flame.
Lardo looked at – no, beheld – the tall honey blonde jock giantess before her. If height wasn't enough to fuck her up, her arms, good god, they looked like she could crack walnuts with them.  
Realising she was probably giving this crop-topped stranger a pretty thorough undressing, Lardo took a step back and extended a hand.
"Larissa. Call me Lardo. Sup."
The literal Amazon of woman took her hand and shook it firmly.
"I’m Camilla," she said, smiling, cheeks delicately blushed in a way that set off her sweetly quirked lips. "Are you ready for some pong?"
Whats pong, Larissa thought, staring at her lips.
"Oh... Yeah this is going to be s'wasome," Lardo said, quickly regaining her senses.
There was no way she could lose this for them, Larissa thought resolutely. She needed to impress this literal goddess.
Ransom almost seemed to be crying.
"It was so beautiful... But I feel so devastated? So many emotions man," He slurred as he leaned on the broad shoulder of his blonde wingman. They both looked worse for wear after having drunk nearly every drink so far in what was shaping up to be a increasingly unbelievable pong game.
Camilla lined up her next-to-last shot at the remaining cup and grinned wickedly at the two boys. "Better get ready. This one’s going in. I call it."
There was no way she could miss this one. The tiny Asian girl beside her had sunk nearly every shot that night. If Camilla hadn't been buzzed, she would have knelt at her feet and declared her the pong god. Or maybe she still would. The night was still young.
"You got this," Lardo said encouragingly beside her, placing a hand on the small of her back. "One last cup."
And Camilla did have it.
Or she had, until Lardo's warm hand had rested on her so gently.
Her ball bounced weakly off Adam's chest and onto the table.
"Ohhhh," Holster said, a light in his eyes. "We aren't done yet, Ransy. You gotta rally for me. Get your second wind bro! Brothers for brothers! This is our shot!"
Lardo snorted. "You still have FIVE cups left. We have one. No way."
Holster lined up his shot and said in a fake hurt voice, "We'll see about that" and the shot landed squarely in their middle cup.
Ransom and Holster both shouted, whooping it up and drunkenly performing a sloppy, involved, handshake.
"Psh. Alright," Lardo said cockily to the two boys. "Ball's in my court."
The two boys quieted down as Lardo squinted at the table before them
Lardo shot Camilla a confident grin before grabbing their sunk cup. "Watch this."
It was a moment that Adam would wax poetic about for the next three years. It was the moment Camilla fell into something with this short, loud, wild girl.
Everyone watched as Lardo grabbed the tiny white ball from the cup and raised the beer to her lips. Camilla could see the sweat running in lines down her olive tanned arm in the heated room. She followed its trail to the crook of her elbow where it glistened before dripping down. Lardo tipped the cup back and chugged the entire thing in one go. Tossing the cup behind her, she stepped away from the table, raised the pong ball, cocked her elbow, and spun around.
Over her shoulder, the ball sailed through the air.
It was like watching liquid honey for Camilla, but she turned to stare openly at Lardo instead.
She couldn't believe it.
She didn't even see when the ball landed squarely in the last cup and everyone watching erupted into screams.
Ransom and Holster at the other end were losing their minds. Absolutely just yelling at the top of their lungs and staring at each other with ecstatic looks.
Then Lardo walked over, grabbed the cup, drank it too and released the loudest, longest, rankest burp into both of their faces.
Both of the boys looked stunned.
Then Ransom solemnly grabbed her hand and did a complicated shake.
"Respect" the man choked out, full of emotion, pulling her into the bro-y-est of hugs.
Holster looked like he was crying now.
Camilla could make out "... j'st so happy..." Before he bawled and joined the group hug.
Well. Camilla thought. Who knew. Hockey players are big AND emotional.
A little while later when the party dies down a bit Camilla and Larissa find themselves outside on the porch.
It feels so easy to talk together. Maybe it's the tub juice, or the high from the most immaculate pong game in history, but Lardo knows there is nothing that could ruin the night now. She already has had the time of her life. Everything else is just frosting on the metaphysical cake.
Camilla shifts on the warm wooden stairs and moves her arms back to prop herself up on them. Her soft yellow curls tumble back over her shoulders with the movement and she stretches her legs out in front of her.
"So what exactly is a girl like you doing in a house of jocks?" she asks, mouth quirking again. "Not that you don't seem the type, you're just so... well-read."
Lardo laughs, and also stretches her legs out in front of her, positively bathing in the soft, warm, late night air.
"It all started with my roommate actually," she says, chuckling at the memory. "I really needed to get out of the house, you know? And Samwell men's hockey needed a trainee manager and I had those nights free. It felt like fate, kinda."
Lardo lets herself swim in Camilla's soft brown eyes for a second. "Like it was meant to be," she finished.
Camilla just looks back at her. And keeps looking back at her.
Finally she speaks into the moment, all shining eyes, all bright smile.
"Yeah, I think I know what you mean."
And all of inevitable, they kiss.
Lardo pushes herself closer to the taller woman and slides her gently back to against the railing before deepening the kiss.
As the two break away to breathe for a second, Camilla moves her hand up to cup Lardo's face. "Huh..." she murmurs faintly before Larissa moves in again.
It’s deeper this time, and Larissa lifts her hand up to curl in Camilla's golden, perfect locks. There's something in her that just wants to mess them up a bit. Let people know she's been there. Leave a little mark.
Camilla groans and arches her head back as Larissa tugs on the mass of curls she has threaded through her fingers.
Lardo takes this as a sign to immediately start attacking the blonde's neck and pulse point, leaving quarter sized bruises like a string of pearls down the column of pale skin.
Camilla groans again.
"People will –" she sighs into a particularly hard nip of Lardo's teeth. "People are going to see"
"Let them," Larissa gravels out, kissing back up the bruises to recapture her mouth.
And they stay like that for god knows how long.
A loud pop from the back yard and a series of whoops and yips finally breaks apart the pair and a second later a firework blooms across the sky above the house.
Lardo and Camilla watch it fade out, both panting slightly, before Camilla turns back and rests her forehead gently against Lardo's.
"I just," she murmurs, looking at Lardo's bruised lips. "Have never met anyone like you"
Lardo smiles and traces the curve of her jaw with her thumb. "I'm pretty unique."
"This might be taking it too fast," Camilla says, switching her heated gaze from Lardo's mouth to her eyes. "But I live not too far away from here. A couple of blocks. We could walk if you... ?" She quirks up the side of her mouth again, eyes dancing, leaving the sentence in an open question.
Lardo stares at her in something like adoration for a second before kissing her hard and deep one last time.
"Fuck yeah," she whispers onto the thoroughly abused lips, nipping softly with her teeth. "I’m definitely down."
And no one sees them leave the party. If anyone sees them on the sidewalk they don't care enough to comment. No one sees them pushed up against Camilla’s front door before making it inside.
Only the Samwell geese and a few other bleary Wellies see Lardo walking home the next morning, grin the size of a lighthouse and a certain string of digits in her phone.
And if Larissa Duan, on top of the world, decides to fist pump like in breakfast club? Well, she's sure no one sees that either.
Just the geese and the soft morning sun.
Written by @beercheesecasserole for @disneyinnocent-blog for the 2019 Bitty's Valentine's.
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thequeenofcronuts · 6 years
Justify My Love - Chapter 7 - Best Day of My Life
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
American Authors- Best Day of My Life
Book: The Royal Romance Word Count: 5,070 - ish Long, But HAPPY Pairing: Maxwell x MC (Kristina Hampshire), Hana, Drake, OCs Warnings - Language
A/N In this TRR Series (Where books 2 and 3 are thrown to the wind): Kristina (MC) decides she cannot stay in Cordonia after the events of the Coronation Ball. Not so much caring about her own reputation, but caring for the life of the man she has been falling for, which is not the prince. She returns to New York and is faced with her heartbreak and regret while Maxwell is left in Cordonia struggling to understand the truth behind his feelings. Will they let each other go?
**All characters and named places are owned by Pixelberry Studios. Rights to the songs lyrics and  titles in this series belong to:
Justify My Love (Madonna) - Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group, Reach Music Publishing, BMG Rights Management
Best Night of My Life (American Authors) - Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Round Hill Music Big Loud Songs
Series Tags @littleblossom357 @alj4890 @cosigottahavefaith
  - Maxwells POV -
Hana, Drake, and Maxwell land in the late afternoon at JFK. After settling into their rooms they're on their to the corner coffee shop. “You know, Hana and Drake, I love this city. Why I’m sure you're asking yourselves. The reason to that question is simple, my friends. It's fueled by caffeine, is crazy fun, doesn't sleep, and it too holds Kristina Hampshire in its heart. New York is the perfect personification of me, Maxwell Percival Beaumont!” Maxwell's voice raises, “Hana and Drake, I raise my cup of this Cafė Americana with a double shot of expresso in a toast to Kristina!” Beaming Hana clinks her mocha latte with Maxwell's cup. They both stare at Drake. He picks up his overly expensive black coffee and joins in the toast.
Maxwell takes a long sip of his beverage then asks, “So, what is our plan for the rest of today? Oh wait! I have a super idea. We sho-” “Maxwell, I’m jet lagged, exhausted, and-“ “I’ll finish that for you Drake, and grumpy.” Maxwell tosses a sugar packet hitting Drake with a smack on the nose. “Anywho, I think we coordinate a flash mob. You know people can't miss seeing those. Awesome way to grab attention which could lead us clues on Kristina's whereabouts, while showing the city our dancing prowess.” Hana speaks up. “Ohhhh, what's a flash mob Maxwell?” Maxwell looks at Hana eyes wide in horror. “Oh my dear, sweet, sheltered friend, this is a flash mob.” He searches on his phone and shows her one of his favorites. “Oh, those look so fun!” She continues to giggle as Maxwell goes to the next video.
“Yeah, as fun as this has been, I’m going to take a nap. In my quiet hotel room. My very empty and quiet hotel room.” Hana and Maxwell with their noses stuck to the screen hardly notice Drake getting up. “Oh see you later Drake. Remember Hana and I will meet up with you later to discuss NYC: Operation Find Kristina.” Maxwell looks up and salutes. Turning back,  Hana asks, “I’ve never been here before, would you show me around?” Maxwell looks stunned. “You want me, ‘sense of no direction Beaumont, purveyor of almost certain non-safe antics, and fly by the seat of your pants activities to lead you around New York City?” “Well Kristina trusted you all over Cordonia, so I feel confident.” Maxwell grabs Hana’s hand and begins to pull her up behind him as he begins to jog from the table. She almost misses dunking their empty coffee cups in the trash. “Hey! Maxwell, slow down. Where's the fire?” “In the soul, Hana. Maxwell Percival Beaumont takes shopping and entertainment seriously. Now come on! You're too slow!!”
A long tour later they make it back to the hotel. Hana goes to her room for a bath and a quick nap, while Maxwell messages Drake about meeting up to discuss their plans for tomorrow. As soon as he steps on the elevator his phone pings. Drake suggests to meet at seven that night in Hana’s room. Maxwell quickly types, ‘Ah, yes. Her room has been command central. Seven is perfect.’ He makes it to his room and plops down on the bed staring at the ceiling. After a while he's up staring out the window finding shapes in the clouds and starts thinking about what he should say when he is finally face to face with Kristina. He heads into the ensuite to take a shower and relax before meeting with Hana and Drake.
- Kristina's POV -
The drive back from Atlantic City was uneventful. When they’re back Lisa cancels her and Stephen’s hotel room. Lisa stays with Kristina that night while Stephen stays with Daniel. The guys do some research on the country they just found out last night existed. While there is more information they thought they'd find, news was mainly about the King and the woman he chose for his queen. They did see the disgusting tabloid and news articles about the Tariq scandal which had them seeing red. Anyone who knew Kristina would be able to tell it was a set up.
Meanwhile Lisa decides on a night with one rule; no boy talk. But one filled with junk food, wine, and binge watching classic comedies like ‘Robin Hood Men in Tights’ and ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’. Kristina hadn't had girl time since hanging out with Hana. “Kris, I haven't heard you laugh like this until tonight.” “Well Lisa, a good amount of alcohol, junk food and movies can do that to you.” They both chuckle, but suddenly Kristina turns sullen. “Kris, you aren't breaking our only rule for tonight, are you?” “Not really, I just have to go back to the real world tomorrow.” “I get that Kris but we'll make sure it's better!” Kristina hugs Lisa tightly. “Kris, it was a long weekend and you do work tomorrow. I declare you need rest since you're taking a lunch shift instead of your normal dinner shift.” Kristina rolls her eyes. “Yes mom. Let me help you clean up at least.” Lisa looks at her exasperatedly. “Fine, you win.” She hugs Lisa again and heads to take a shower.
- Maxwell's POV -
Maxwell wakes with the sun. The night before the trio decided to take the morning and afternoon to themselves then meet up in the evening to head to the familiar dive bar. Maxwell goes out to grab a coffee and muffin. Sitting in coffee shop he decides to message Savannah. With the time difference it's a decent hour.
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After the quick chat with Savannah, and finishing his caffeine, he decides to try anything to keep his nervous excitement under control. So he messages Drake.
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Find something to do. I really don't want to be alone but it gives me more time to think. He decides Time Square sounds like a good place and calls a car. Soon he is lost in the mass sea of people. Perfect, tons of people around but still alone with my thoughts. He spots a bench and sits down watching the bustling area. I do not want to screw this up, I can't lose her before I even have her, and my words always get disconnected between my brain and mouth. Finally he gets the message from Drake.
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- Kristina's POV -
Coffee, check. Hostessing approved outfit, check. Leaving on time because of Lisa, double check. “Lisa, are you two still hanging out with Daniel until leaves for his shift?” “That's the plan. Then Stephen and I are going to have a date night. You know you could get out of this apartment and hit the bar with Daniel while he works.” “Yeah, that's a hard no.” Lisa opens her mouth to say something but Kristina cuts her off. “Hard no, Lisa.” “You win, Kris. Have a good day at work.”
Lisa and Stephen hang with Daniel following the futile rabbit hole that is the internet. Other than seeing how charming Cordonia is, and why it's a great vacation destination, there's just normal news. They agree to continue later, with Daniel leaving for work.
- Maxwell’s POV -
Drake calls up a car while Hana inquiries, “So, what is the protocol for a dive bar exactly?” Drake and Maxwell answer simultaneously, “None.” Then Drake adds, “ Well, avoid bar fights. Hana just stick with Maxwell and me, and you’ll be fine.” She looks at Maxwell. “How are you holding up?” “Right now Hana, I feel excited, nervous, happy, scared, hopeful, and I want to dance. You know the feeling?” Drake looks at him and answers with a deadpan expression, “No Maxwell that is the oddest string of adjectives ever.” “Well, buddy, that's how you know it's me.” He says proudly while slapping Drake on the shoulder. The car stops in front of the bar, and Hana’s small voice is almost a whisper. “This, is really it? Kristina worked here?” Drake sees her horrified eyes. “Yes Hana.” Hana gulps, “Okay…this is a little different than the bar Western bar in Cordonia.”
The three walk in and Drake directs them to the bar. Pulling up bar stools the guys sit on either side of Hana while the bartender asks them what their having. “A whiskey neat for me.” Hana leans over to Maxwell, “What was that inappropriately named drink you mentioned when we played truth or dare?” Maxwell tells the bartender, “We’ll both have a Sex on the Beach.” Hana blushes at the name, but then pipes up, “So how long have you worked here?” The bartender shrugs as he works on their drinks “A little over three months. But don't worry, I know my stuff. Here, one whiskey neat for you sir, one Sex on the beach for you sir, and one for you pretty lady.” He winks as he hands her the drink. Hana takes a polite sip. “Wow, but a good wow. Thank you, uh…” “Sam. The name is Sam.” Just opening the kitchen door a waiter stiffness as he looks to the bar.
- Daniel’s POV -
Daniel continues out of the kitchen to go take an order. Walking by the bar he notices two olive skinned gentlemen and a small lady with brunette hair. Reaching his booth, he welcomes the customers and takes their drink order. While he answers some questions he hears an accent coming from the bar that he has never heard before. While at the bar giving the table’s drink order he takes a quick glance at the three people. He heads into the kitchen, taking one longer glance before he quickly runs to the back door and immediately gets out his phone. Oh my god. If that's them. No it can't be. But Kris hadn't deleted all her photos when she got the new one. Damn they look so familiar. Well, if anyone should get this lucky it should be Kris. Daniel takes a deep breath and messages Kris.
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Daniel’s phone immediately rings. “Kris!” ..… “No I am not shitting you!” ….. “Of course I can tell they are the same people, with the accent, and good looks.” ….. “Yeah, a the third guy has whiskey. Gotta be Drake, right?!” ….. “You can't let them leave!” ….. “No, I won't let you mess this up for yourself, you will see them! They flew half way across the world, obviously they do CARE!”….. “Come on Kris, say something, anything. Listen, how about I get just Hana’s number and she can message you or something.” ….. “Not that excuse again. I am NOT letting them walk out this door, so it's my easy way, or we find Stephen.” ….. “Oh, thank god you’ve come to your senses.” …… “You sure you want me to give her your number? I think it's a great idea, personally. Just ANSWER HER CALL!!!” ….. “Love you too.”
Daniel ends the call and runs back to the bar. Still here. Thank god. “Daniel are you okay there man?” “Perfect, Sam” Daniel’s breath slows. “Ok, now that you can breathe, these really nice people were asking about a girl that use to work here nam-“ Daniel speaks before Sam gets another syllable out. “Kris? Well, I mean Kristina, right?” He sees three sets of eyes go wide. Daniel turns his gaze to the lady. “Hana, right?” “Yes, but how do-“ Maxwell interjects, “You know Kristina? Where is she? How do we find her?” Daniel sees Maxwell's eyes go from disbelief, to shock, to excitement in a good point two seconds. Man, he does have it bad for her. “Calm down Maxwell.” Daniel says to him. Drake laughs, “Good luck. He doesn't have a calm mode.” “So you’ve gotta be Drake.” Drake’s eyes narrow. “How do you know us?” “Look, I don't a lot of time before my asshole manager sees me talking and not working. Kris or I will explain later.” Daniel takes a napkin and writes down Kristina's number sliding it to Hana. “Hana, she wants to talk to YOU. She's waiting for your call.” Daniel leaves, all three slack-jawed.
- Hana POV -
Drake shakes his head like it will make his brain process faster. “What the hell just happened Hana?” “Ummm, well, it looks like we found Kristina. I should call her, now.” Hana gets off her bar stool, Maxwell right behind her, “Sorry Maxwell, but I better make this call alone. It seems that's what she wants.” Maxwell nods and sits again. Hana takes a booth with her back to the guys, takes a deep excited but slightly nervous breath and dials the number. “Kristina?”
- Kristina's POV -
Kristina paces with her phone in her shaking hands. This is what she wants, but now that she has the chance, she's scared as hell. She sits on the couch and then stands and paces again. Finally her phone rings, the Caller ID shows an international phone number. This is it. Crap, this is it. Breathe. “…..” “Hi Hana, yep it's me!” …… She has to pull the phone away from her ear so Hana's high pitched squeal doesn't deafen her for life. “I’ve missed you too Hana. I really have. I’ve missed you all. You are you all really here?” …… “You found Tariq?!?!” ….. “My name is cleared? Long story I bet is right.” ….. “Oh my god. It's hard to believe! So, you're still at the bar?” …… “Well. I desperately want to see you too!” ….. “ Really? Daniel would be the only one to even remember me. Ha.” …… “Yeah, he knows all about you guys. Liam, Olivia, the others too. He's been my best friend here for a long time, and now I can't believe my best friend from Cordonia is here!” ….. “I know, I was so nervous talk to you, after I just vanished.” ….. “Yeah we can talk all about that. How long are you here for?” …… “Really! No timeframe? I cannot wait to hug you!” ….. “Yeah so, Drake and Maxwell are with you?” ….. “Of course I’m excited to see Drake!” ….. “Oh, yeah Maxwell. Ummmm that's a little more-“ ….. “Yes, complicated would be a good word.” ….. “He really wants to see me? You're sure?” …… “His only reason for being here? Really?” ….. “Well, yeah I am in disbelief. Confusion too. I’m sure he told you about what happened at the airport that night. Does he want to meet with me because he's still mad at me?” ….. “I get it. You can't say anything, this is between me and him. I’m terrified Hana. Like nauseous terrified.” ….. “Hana, I won't question how you knew I was in love with him. Hindsight is twenty/twenty. You are my best friend. Of course you could see it back then.” …..  “No you're right. I do owe it to him.” ….. “Yes, and myself. Ok, I guess yes, I’ll see him.” ….. “Now? It's getting late.” …… “No I don't have a bed time. Ha. Ha.” ….. “Well, I guess ripping off the bandaid approach is the best.” …… “Oh I believe that Hana!” Kristina laughs. “I get it. He’ll be unbearable for you and Drake until we talk. Will you and Drake at least be there with us at first?” ….. “Thanks. And then we are going to spend time catching up in the next few days? With Drake and Maxwell too. Well, with Maxwell if all goes well tonight” ….. “How about Central Park. We can technically be there until one am.” …..  “Good, we’ll message between us to figure out where to meet up.” ….. “I love you too Hana! I’ll get changed and be on my way.”
Oh my god. Kristina stands at her closet shaking. I guess my life changes, yet again, tonight.
- Maxwell's POV -
Hana ends the call and skips back to bar, pulling the two into a tight hug. “So, Hana…. is Kristina…” Drake jumps in. “Are we really meeting Hampshire…” Hana jumps up and clapping. “Yes!! All four of us will meet for a short time tonight at Central Park, then…” Maxwell gulps. “Then what Hana?” “Well,…Drake and I leave and you two have the rest of the night to talk.” Maxwell's countenance turns from excitement to amazement. “R..r…really?” “Yes, Maxwell. Then we'll all spend the following days together.” Drake smiles, “And prove to Hampshire why she should come home.” Hana and Drake turn to see Maxwell on his phone already calling a car and heading out of the bar.
—————————— The Night in Central Park ——————————
- Kristina’s POV - Central Park with Maxwell
Kristina throws on a pair of jeans, a blue sleeveless blouse that matches her eyes and heads out the door before she can change her mind. Reaching the park she lets Hana know she's at the Cherry Hill Fountain. She wrings her hands, with her stomach turning from nausea to fluttering and back. After a bit she looks up and sees three faces come into focus. Any nerves are gone in a second as she runs and pulls the three of her fiends into a long group hug.
- Maxwell's POV -  Central Park with Kristina
As the car is close to Central Park Hana hears from Kristina where to meet and pulls up a map of the park on her phone.  They get out of the car and start on their way. This is happening. Oh my god, this is happening, in just a couple minutes. Drake looks over to Maxwell and places a hand on his shoulder. “Don't overthink this. Just….well hell….just be you. For whatever reason that works for you and Hampshire.” Maxwell gets a bit of a spring in his step as he sees a lone figure that's like no other come into view. She looks up and runs to them immediately pulling them all into a hug.
- Kristina's POV - Central Park with Maxwell
Kristina steps backs with tears in her eyes and pulls Hana into another hug, immediately turns to Drake and gives him a hug too. She looks at Maxwell who is in front of her and sees his blue eyes moist with tears. That smile is more handsome than I remember and I’ve missed how it makes me light up. I’ve missed him so, oh god I love him. His infectious smile has her lips pulling up involuntary. She takes a step forward and feels his arms tightly around her. It's heaven. She takes a step forward and he wraps his arms around her.
- Maxwell's POV - Central Park with with Kristina
Maxwell watches Kristina pull back from the group hug. She was always beautiful, I always saw it, but now, she is the most gorgeous and important person to me. I’ve missed that smile, those eyes radiate with kindness and understanding. I can't believe how much I’ve missed her. Oh god, I love her. She takes a step forward him and he wraps his arms around her. I am never letting her go. Ever again.
- Kristina's POV - Central Park with Maxwell
The embrace feels like forever and yet is over too quickly. Her eyes don't leave his as he takes her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. She feels Hana's hand on her back and Drake’s hand lays a hand on her shoulder. “Drake and I will see you tomorrow.” “Yeah Hampshire, we plan on spending a lot of time together.” She gives a nod smiling. “I love you both. See you tomorrow.” Maxwell entwines his fingers with hers as they find a place to sit.
- Maxwell's POV -  Central Park with Kristina
I don't want this hug to end. I smell her Jasmine and Lavender shampoo. Her subtle perfume. She smells like home. He keeps his eyes locked oh hers and takes her hand giving it a gentle squeeze. He sees Hana and Drake say their goodbyes for the night. I won't let go of her hand. It's too soft, too familiar, too…perfect. He entwines his fingers with hers as they find a place to sit.
 - Central Park - Explanations and Declarations
Maxwell breaks the silence first. “Hey little blossom.” She squeezes his hand. “Hey yourself, Max.” In unison, almost as if they had practiced “I’m so sorry.” They both let out little nervous giggles. “Max, I never should have walked away. I-“ “Kristina, I should have never let you go.” “But you couldn't reach me, Max, you were being held back by the guards.” He looks down, “That night, yes. But they're wasn't anyone holding me back from coming to find you.” “I understand why you wouldn't Maxwell. There was no way I could help anymore with the scandal. I brought shame to you and Bertrand.” Kristina can't meet his eyes.
“Hey, now, look at me.” He takes his free hand and tilts her head so their eyes meet again. “You didn't do anything wrong. Drake let us know about that night at Applewood. No one worth anything ever believed it. Hana and Drake successfully found him. He's back in Cordonia with his statement, including Liam's own statement, coming out soon if it hasn't already. Your reputation is all cleared. That is never going to hang it's ugly head over you again. I’m so happy for you. But….I’m still wondering why you couldn't trust me to help you through it. Bertrand and I wanted you back. We and everyone else wanted to help you in clearing your reputation and bring you back to court.” He squeezes her hand tightly while she notices a few tears falling from his eyes. “I just wish you would have trusted me. And, …had stayed with me.”
Kristina places her other hand over their linked hands. “Max, you were and are the one person I trust the most. It wasn't about a lack of trust at all. I know you would have fought with me, fought for me.” Maxwell looks at her in such confusion. “Why then, Kristina? If you trusted me, why not stay. I wanted you to stay. I yelled for you to stay.” Kristina takes a deep breath. “Maxwell, look how long it's taken to find Tariq and get his statement. The scandal wasn't just hanging over me, it was hanging over you too, because of your association with me. While I was there, it would continue to. I couldn't let that happen. I just couldn't hurt you more in anyway. I knew Liam would be fine. He would pick his queen, and all would be well for him. Max, I didn't love Liam. I was never going to be his queen, chosen or not. So,I knew not only was I going to fail you by not being queen, and then I was going to be nothing but another problem for you and Bertrand because of Tariq. I cared,” she takes a shaky breath, “I care about you, Maxwell, too much to do that to you and your reputation.”
Maxwell lets out a bewildered laugh. “What Max?” She couldn't hold any tears back. “Why are you laughing.” He runs the thumb of his free hand across her cheek wiping away tears. “Well, you left so you wouldn't hurt me, and I didn't follow you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you.” Kristina lets out a soft gasp. “What do you mean Maxwell? Why would I ever think that you weren't good enough?” Maxwell looks deep into her eyes. “Because I’m a screwup. There were so many times during the Social Season I messed up. I’d forget to let you know about events, not have you in the right places and more. Heh. I’m sure Bertrand has a list written down somewhere and he could show you every mistake. I figured with all that, and the look you gave me when you,” tears falling down his cheek, “when you turned from me to get on that plane… I figured I messed up yet again. This time, though, it was you Kristina I failed, and you're the only person on earth that I would never want to fail.”
Now Kristina laughs as she shakes her head. Taking her one hand off of their still entwined fingers to brush away his tears. “Max, when I turned and got on that plane it was the most painful thing I’ve ever done in my whole life. I had myself convinced I would hurt you if I stayed, so I decided that I would be the one to shoulder the hurt. I never wanted to leave you.” She sees a tiny glimpse of hope in his eyes. “You really didn't want to leave me Kristina?” She squeezes their linked hands. “Not for a second. Remember when we were on the trail ride at Applewood and I tried to tell you I was falling for someone else.” There is a look of recognition on his face. “Max, I should have made sure I finished what I was telling you. But even then I didn't want to do anything that would damage what I was there to do for you and your house. Pursue Liam. So I didn't force the conversation, and that will be one of the greatest regrets of my life. That day, and everyday since, I have been foolishly making choices for two people. I should have never decided I knew what was best for you.”
Maxwell sits stunned. “Are you saying. Uh, you can't be saying…why would it be? Why would you ever….” “Ever what Maxwell, fall for you? Be so stupid in love with you that I made a horrible life decision for two people? Is that so hard to believe?” Maxwell’s mouth sits open for what felt like forever. “Honestly Kristina? Yes that's so hard for me to believe then, and now.  But it's funny how I did pretty much the same thing.” Kristina's eyebrows knit together in bewilderment. “What on earth are you talking about, Max?” He smiles. “I successfully made myself believe you couldn't ever care for me, that it was a crazy dream which could never come true. And so I buried how I felt about you. I convinced myself that we just would never be, and convinced myself not to follow you. So I locked myself away from anything outside of our estate. Friends and everything. I guess it was my version of your walking onto the plane.”
“Max,” Kristina looks deep into his eyes, “so you didn't think I could care for you, while I thought you hated me.” They look at each other for a long moment then laugh until their tears were no longer from sadness or pain, but of joy. Once able to speak Kristina cups Maxwell's cheek. “Maxwell, are you really saying you care for me?” He looks at her thinking. Do I tell the full truth? What if it ruins this…but if she runs from me is it really any different? At least she knows. Do it now, or it's never. “No Kristina I don't are for you, I love you.” Maxwell takes both her hands and holds them to his chest. Kristina beams. “Maxwell, I love you too. So much.” His eyes grow wide. “Wait, you really mean more than friends right? Or did I missunder-“ Kristina cuts him off with a sweet, soft, tender kiss. “That should answer that.” She puts her arms around his neck.
“Kristina it's just so hard for me to believe. You are amazing. You're incredibly smart, and so kind. You're graceful, and yet bold all at once. You care about everyone before yourself. And you are the most gorgeous woman in the world. There is no one woman who is just as sparkling on the inside as she is on the outside.” He kisses her check. “Maxwell, I’m the most blessed out of the two of us. You are sweet and kind. You are always the first to stop and get someone out of any funk, making them smile. You make sure you leave everyone you meet happier than when you met them. You see people. You see what they need and when they need it. You never give up on anyone. And those big dreams you have, you are always reaching for them, and always reaching hard. You have no clue how that affects and helps those around you.” She smirks. “Do I even have to mention your dancing aptitude and always being the life of the party.” Looking deep into his blue eyes. “Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention your infectious smile and your smoking hot looks. You're my dream, Maxwell Percival Beaumont.”
Maxwell feigns looking around them as if looking for another person. “There has to be another Maxwell Percival Beaumont around here. Because you just described anyone but me.” He grins. “Max, for someone who is so perceptive of others, we really need to work on your perception of yourself.” She laughs. “You think your funny, Kristina?” Maxwell tickles her mercilessly. “I do believe the is the pot is calling the kettle black.” “Ok, ok. I call for mercy. Mercy!” Maxwell stops the tickles and pulls Kristina up on his lap, “So you really love me, little blossom?” He kisses her. “I really love you, my human alarm clock.” She grabs Maxwell by the collar of his shirt pulling him into another kiss. His arms go tightly around her as he deepens the kiss until they pull back breathless. He gives her one more quick kiss and she feels his smile against her lips. “And why are you smiling, Lord Maxwell?” He gives her another quick kiss. I could kiss her forever. “Well Lady Kristina, it’s not everyday the woman you thought was completely unattainable confesses she loves you, and it isn't a misunderstanding or a joke.” She chuckles. “Fair enough. I just hope you realize you're stuck with me as your partner in crime now.” Maxwell rests his forehead against hers whispering, “I can't imagine a more perfect partner ever.” He kisses her forehead. “Maxwell, I love you.” He pulls her into a tight embrace saying into her ear, “I love you. I will never tire of telling you, or hearing you say it.”
It takes effort, but Kristina pulls back and gets out her phone to look at the time. “It's almost one in the morning. Can't be in the park much longer.” Maxwell gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek and helps her stand up from his lap. “So Kristina, what now?” “I guess we go tell Hana and Drake?” He rubs his chin as if deep in thought. “True. But what I meant was what now?” Kristina looks at him quizzically. “What do mean, Maxw-“ Maxwell taps her on the shoulder. “You're it Kristina!” He’s off before Kristina can process what he is doing. She laughs as she runs after him.
Stay tuned for the upcoming epilogue.
11 notes · View notes
flyfireflyfly · 6 years
Dor: (romanian) the feeling of longing, craving, or yearning for someone or something, combined with sadness.
Length warning: 3462 words
Youngjae closed the door to his apartment before leaning against it and sighing heavily. He closed his eyes, relishing the relaxing silence. His body started protesting though so he straightened and kicked his shoes off. After flipping on the lights, he shuffled over to the couch and collapsed on it. Finally he felt some relief against the soreness in his body. At that moment, his stomach growled, but it seemed like too much effort to get himself some dinner. Lying on the couch was a much better idea. Except for maybe a hot bath... Or eating dinner while taking a hot bath... Youngjae sat up and started to climb off the couch when his phone went off. He dug it out of his pocket and saw a text notification on the screen. Clicking on it, he furrowed his eyebrows at the unknown phone number. Then he read through the message. 'I finally did it. I confronted him about the lies and the late nights. He started yelling at me. Stuff about not trusting him like usual.' He gaped at his phone, not sure of what to make of the message. It was definitely sent to him by accident. Hitting the reply button, he began to type back that the person had the wrong number. Before he could finish though, another message came through. 'I did start crying, but I didn't back down this time. Then he started screaming at me that it was my fault that he cheated on me. He said it was over, packed a bag, and left.' Youngjae frowned at that. Sounded like this guy was a real piece of work. 'Now I feel like shit. Maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut.' That was all he could take. He hastily typed out a message and sent it. 'You shouldn't. It sounds like you did the right thing, and that guy is a complete asshole.' Then he waited and after a moment, received another text.
'Thanks. I still feel bad though.' This was going to take a lot more intervention Youngjae realized. 'You're only feeling heartbroken right now cause the relationship ended. Once you finish dealing with that, you'll realize how much better off you are.' After hitting send, he mentally smacked himself. What was he doing? 'And actually, you have the wrong number. But I meant what I said. That asshole obviously doesn't care about you or respects you as a person at all. There's never a reason to cheat and you shouldn't have to put up with it.' Waiting once more, Youngjae sat there staring at his phone. A minute went by before he let out a sigh. He tossed his phone on to the coffee table and leaned back against the couch. Glancing around, he once more noted the quietness of his apartment. It wasn't quite as relaxing anymore though, and it somehow made his heart feel heavy. Perhaps he should just take a quick shower and go to bed. Prepare for another long day at work. Suddenly the cell phone went off, causing him to jump a little. Then he hurriedly grabbed it. 'OMG! I'm so sorry! This is so embarrassing, I could just die. Sorry again. I won't bother you anymore.' A grin formed on his face and he chuckled. 'No, it's fine. Promise. You're not bothering me and it seems like you needed someone to talk to. And you really did the right thing. Don't even think about taking him back!' Then as an afterthought, he messaged, 'My name is Youngjae by the way.' He held his breath, ignoring the growling from his stomach. Then he received a text and he was grinning again. He read her name over and over, committing it to memory. 'Ugh I'm still so embarrassed though! Talking to a complete stranger about my breakup.' Youngjae chewed on his lip as an idea came to him. 'My back and my legs hurt. I haven't even eaten dinner. My boss made me stay late, again. He's such an asshole. Wait... WERE YOU DATING MY BOSS?? That jerk! I'll superglue his seat!' 'Omg bwhahahahahaha!!' she replied back. Laughing as well, he quickly typed out, 'There. Now I ranted to you about my day. We're even. And now I'm not a stranger, we're friends.' 'Friends? Hmmm.... that means I can yell at you... GO GET SOMETHING TO EAT! Seriously, what are you thinking? Do you know what time it is? GO!' Youngjae's face fell and he blinked at those words in surprise. Then he busted out laughing and stood up. 'Wow! Ok, ok I'm going!' He went to the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards to grab a bag of ramen, just as his phone beeped. 'And it better be something good! Not ramen!' His mouth dropped open. That was one hell of a coincidence. 'Wait... How did... DID YOU PUT CAMERAS IN MY APARTMENT???' 'OMG LOL!!!' Shaking his head and chuckling, Youngjae put the ramen back and searched through the cupboard for something else. When he got the next text message though, he was surprised once again. 'Ok, confession.' she wrote, followed by a picture of a bowl of ramen. "Oh that little..." Youngjae's fingers flew across the phone's keyboard. 'You rascal! That's it, I'm eating ramen!' Then he promptly grabbed the package of ramen, and then a pot to cook it in. He filled the pot with water and set it on the stove. 'Now you have to wait for the water to boil... And then for then for the noodles to cook... And ohhhh this is soooo goooood. So yummy.' 'Is this what it means to be friends with you? Torturing me?' 'Yes.' she instantly replied, along with a smiling emoji. Laughing again, he leaned against the counter with a huge smile on his face. While waiting for the water to boil, he continued texting back and forth with his new friend.
A loud thump made Youngjae jump and he quickly looked at the stack of folders on his desk. "These accounts need to be done before tomorrow." He looked up at his boss. "Uh... Yes sir." Then watched as the man dismissively walked away. Biting his tongue to stop himself from swearing, Youngjae grabbed the folder off the the top. He slapped it down on his desk and opened it before glancing around for a pen. When he didn't find one, he opened the desk's drawer. His gaze zeroed in on a small bottle of super glue, nestled in a pile of paper clips and rubber bands. Memories of last night came to him and a small smile came to his face. He hesitated for a few moments, then grabbed his phone. He pulled up the newest contact in his phone, reading her name a few times. 'My boss is making me stay late again and there's superglue in my desk.' 'Omg, no! Don't. You'll get in so much trouble. Do you really want to lose your job? It sucks but it's a paycheck. Don't do anything you'll regret.' Youngjae quietly chuckled and set his phone aside. He began to look over the paperwork when his phone signaled a new message. Curious, he picked up his phone to see another text from her. 'Doooooo iiiittttttttttt!!!!!' followed by a devil emoji. He hurriedly slapped a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing, letting out an odd, muffled sound instead. When he finally felt in control, he took his hand off of his mouth and went back to work. Though he wasn't laughing, he couldn't stop smiling.
Youngjae closed the front door behind him and kicked off his shoes. Out of habit, he checked his phone for any messages. There were none. Weeks had passed by since he had started talking to her. It had gotten to the point that they would text each other every day. But then she had said would be going for the weekend to the mountains with a couple of friends for the weekend. There wouldn't be much reception so she would text him when she got back. He set his phone down on the coffee table with a sigh. Glancing around his quiet apartment, he decided he might as well fix himself dinner. She hated when he skipped meals. Making his way to the kitchen, he thought about what he could eat. Something quick, he wasn't in the mood to cook. Then a small, mischievous smile graced his face. He opened one of the cupboards and grabbed a package of ramen. If he told her that he ate nothing but ramen for the weekend, she would yell at him. After cooking the ramen, he sat on the couch to eat. He turned on the television and scrolled through the channels until he decided on a movie that was playing. As he watched it though, he found himself not really paying attention. Instead, he kept glancing at his phone. What was she doing now? Pressing his lips together, he reached for the remote and turned the tv off. Silence instantly descended on the room. Youngjae closed his eyes, willing for the one noise he wanted to hear to break the quietness. But it never came. He grabbed his phone and opened his messages. He looked back through all the messages they had exchanged. Teasing each other and joking around, mixed with words of encouragement when one confesses to having a bad day. Going to the most recent text, he re-read her message about her weekend plans. He wished her a safe trip and said he hoped she'd have fun. An idea came to him, causing his heartbeat to speed up. No it was stupid. He couldn't do that. Yet, he couldn't stop thinking about it. Swallowing thickly, he began to type out a message. 'This may be weird, but we tell each other everything so I feel like I can tell you this. I miss you. I keep checking my phone, expecting to hear from you, and I'm sad when there's nothing. I hate it. Talking to you is the thing I look forward to the most everyday.' His finger hovered over the send button as he hesitated. This wouldn't be too awkward, right? It was normal to miss a close friend. Of course they hadn't really discussed their relationship, but that's who she was to him. A close friend at the very least, but... possibly more. Making a rash decision, he sent the message. Then he dropped his phone on to the table and leaned back against the couch. He looked around his empty apartment, wondering how he was going to get through this weekend. He had friends of his own he could call. Maybe they could do something together. It wasn't the same, yet it might help make the time pass by faster. Grabbing his phone once more, he sent her one last message. 'Talking to you, I don't feel so lonely.' After sending the text, he tossed his phone to the other side of the couch. Then he turned the television back on. Not because he wanted to finish watching the movie, but so he didn't have to sit there listening to the silence.
It wasn't until Sunday night, while Youngjae was eating ramen again for dinner, that his phone finally signaled a new text message. He froze, with his chopsticks halfway to his mouth, and stared at his phone. Then he dropped everything and hurriedly grabbed his phone. He didn't even need to see the screen to know it was her. Instead of a message though, there was a picture. A mountain road lined with pine trees. It looked like it was taken from the passenger seat of a car. It had to be from the day she had left. At that moment, another picture came through. It was of the small cabin they had rented. He smiled seeing it. She must have had fun. He started typing out a reply when yet another picture was received. A hiking trail. Then another of a flower. Youngjae gaped at his phone as picture after picture showed up. "What the..." He scrolled through them, seeing images of trees and distant views from the top of the mountain. A squirrel, a campfire, a bowl of food that must have been her breakfast. By the time they stopped coming, there must have been over thirty pictures. He waited to see if there were anymore pictures when a text message appeared on the screen. 'All weekend long I kept wanting to tell you about my day, but my phone wouldn't get any reception. I wanted to tell you about the hiking trail that was way too long, but worth it to see the view at the end. About the birds that sang every morning, and the one bastard squirrel that threw an acorn at me. So I took pictures instead, just for you.' His heart skipped a beat. He read the words several times, and while he was doing that, another text came through. 'You make me feel less lonely too.' Cold numbness spread throughout his body. His throat seized up and he swallowed a couple of times. With his hands beginning to shake, he set his phone down. Then he closed his eyes and let out a breath of relief. He wasn't sure if he was reading more in to her word than what was actually there, but he knew one thing for sure. He really could tell her anything. And that knowledge alone was very precious to him. Picking up his phone, he typed out, 'I ate nothing but ramen all weekend.' She replied instantly. 'WHAT??? What the hell?! Eat a freaking vegetable for crying out loud!!' He busted out laughing as he received several more text, all of which was her yelling at him. A huge grin spread on his face and he eagerly read each one.
"Thank you." Youngjae told the barista as he took his cup of coffee. He went over to a vacant table and sat down. Several people moved around the shop, getting their own coffee and he watched them all with mild curiosity. Then he noticed a woman sitting a few tables away. Her hair was pulled back, but a few strands had come loose to frame her face. The yellow dress she wore reminded him of sunflowers and he could easily picture her walking through a field of them. She took a small drink from her own cup before picking up her phone and typing on it. Youngjae turned away. He had stared long enough. He dug his own phone out of his pocket to play on it when it suddenly went off. Looking at the text notification, he clicked on it. 'It's a beautiful day, and not just cause I'm off from work hehe.' He chuckled quietly at that. 'Must be because I have the day off from work then.' A second after he pushed the send button, a little jingle rang out. He looked over at the woman he had been staring at earlier and saw her pick up her phone. She smiled and started pressing on her screen as if she was typing. Youngjae glanced at his phone, then at her, and then back at his phone. That was one hell of a coincidence. Out of the corner of his eye, he continued watching her until she set her phone down. A moment later, his phone beeped. He checked the new message apprehensively. 'Haha! Very funny. You're probably cooped up inside playing video games.' His gaze went back to the female. There was no way, right? Out of every place in the entire city? It couldn't be. Yet his racing heartbeat wasn't easy to ignore. 'Okay this is random but... are you in a coffee shop wearing a yellow dress?' As soon as he sent the message, he stared at the woman again. Her phone went off and as she looked at the screen, her mouth dropped open. Then her head whipped up and she frantically looked around the building. Youngjae immediately looked down as a little smile formed on his face. He waited a bit, steeling himself, before standing up. He stuffed his phone back into his pocket, grabbed his coffee, and headed over to her. She stopped looking around as she noticed him, and Youngjae saw her eyes widen. He stopped at her table and smiled down at her. "Hey. I'm.." "Youngjae." she blurted out loud, interrupting him. He laughed slightly and nodded his head. "Yeah." She blinked at him shock for a few moments and then suddenly stood up so fast, her chair scooted a few inches backwards. She threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug. Unprepared, he stumbled a little and let out a small yelp. Then just as quickly, she released him and took a step back. "Oh I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed while giving him a mortified look. "I don't know why I just did that." He laughed and shook his head dismissively. "It's fine." "It's just that I feel like I've known you forever." she continued, laughing as well. "Really, it's fine." he assured her. He indicated for her to sit and sat down in the chair across from her. "I can't believe this." She sat back down and fidgeted in her seat a bit. "It's nice to finally meet you." "It's nice to meet you too." He set his coffee aside and leaned forward on to the table. "What are the odds?" She laughed and nodded in agreement. Then her face fell as she furrowed her eyebrows. "Why have we never done this before?" Taken aback, he gaped at in surprise. "I... I have no idea." They sat there in silence until they both busted out laughing together. As the laughter died down, Youngjae continued staring at her. A sudden urge to reach over touch her overtook him. He wanted to feel her hair with his fingertips, or to grab her hand so he could feel her skin against his. Without even thinking, he uttered, "Are you doing anything today?" She pressed her lips and tilted her head curiously. "No." He licked his lips. "Do you want to spend the day together?" Youngjae asked her, expecting her to say no. "Yeah, sure." Maybe he was seeing things, or maybe not, but he could have sworn she was blushing.
Youngjae opened the front door and came to a stop. He listened to the noises coming from the kitchen, including the sound of someone singing along to music that was playing. Entering his apartment, he closed the door quietly behind him and kicked off his shoes. He made his way to the kitchen and stared at the scene before him. She was standing by the stove, stirring something in a pot while her hips swayed back and forth in time with the music. Her voice filled the room as she sang along to the lyrics. He smiled as he watched her for a bit, then his smile faded as a feeling of melancholy weighed down his heart. Suddenly she turned around and saw him, making her jump a bit. She laughed at herself while smiling at him. "Hey. I didn't hear you come in." He tried to force himself to smile back at her, but it was a futile effort. "What are you doing here?" She shrugged her shoulders and glanced away as she blushed. "Well, I know you had to work today but I wanted to do something special anyways. It being our one year anniversary and all." She pressed her lips together and indicated towards the stove. "So I'm making us dinner." There was that heavy-hearted feeling again. Youngjae couldn't shake it off. And it wasn't just from having to skip their anniversary. It was more than that. "Let's move in together." Her head jerked back. "What??" "Let's move in together." he repeated, hearing how desperate he sounded in his voice. "I want this. I don't want to come home to a quiet apartment anymore. I don't want lie awake at night in an empty bed, wondering when I could see you again. I want to come home to you, and to hold you in my arms while you're sleeping." He moved forward and cupped her face with his hands. "I want you." Her eyes watered and she swallowed before licking her lips. "I want you too." Four simple words, but it was enough. Enough to replace the sorrow in his heart with happiness. He hurriedly hugged her, holding on to her tightly and never wanting to let go. Especially when she hugged him in return and held on to him just as tight.
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noona-clock · 7 years
Please Subscribe - Part 6
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Hanbin x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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Hanbin was not surprised when you admitted you were going to fix your makeup just a little bit before lunch. He’d tried his best, but he’d known from the get-go he wouldn’t do a good job. He was impressed he did as well as he had, actually, but... it was definitely because he’d watched so many of your videos. He’d learned more about makeup in the past few weeks than he had the rest of his life.
He waited for you back in your hotel room, sitting on your bed and just looking around. He still couldn’t quite believe he was in your hotel room. Waiting for you.
And... call him crazy, but he was kind of almost positive you were flirting with him?
I mean, he was doing his best to flirt with you, so hopefully, you had figured that out by now. 
“Okay, I seriously am starving,” you announced when you appeared back in the room.
“Wow, that was quick,” Hanbin noted, extremely impressed you’d managed to make yourself look presentable in so short a time (although, you always looked presentable).
“Really, all I had to do was add some lashes and blend my eyeshadow a little more. And fix up the liner.”
“Oh, is that all?”
“Are you kidding? That’s so impressive! Have you ever done someone’s makeup before?” you asked, grabbing your purse and making sure you had everything you needed for lunch.
“So, for your first time, you did an amazing job. If you asked me to create a song right now, it would sound worse than nails on a chalkboard, I can tell you that right now.”
Hanbin chuckled, shaking his head as he followed you out of the room.
You two found a nearby sushi place for lunch and were seated in a comfy booth for two near the back of the restaurant. You both made light conversation as you perused the menu. but once the server had taken your orders, you immediately got out your phone.
“I honestly can’t believe I haven’t documented any of this yet,” you said, shaking your head slightly.
Hanbin watched as you tapped away at the screen, assuming you were going to Instagram to add something to your story. Sure enough, you held your phone up in front of him, smiling slightly.
“Okay, smile,” you ordered sweetly.
Hanbin did his best to look playfully annoyed like he didn’t want to be on your story. You took the picture, chuckling a little before bringing your phone closer to you and bowing your head to add whatever stickers you wanted. He couldn’t see exactly what you were doing, but he trusted you wouldn’t put a picture of him out there that wasn’t good. Social media was your job, after all.
About a minute later, he got the notification that you had mentioned him in your story, so he swiped the alert to see it.
You hadn’t actually posted a picture of him - you’d posted a boomerang. And instead of looking playfully annoyed like he’d been trying to... he was basically looking at the camera with hearts in his eyes. Cool. 
So... not obvious at all.
But you had added some heart emojis around his head and one of those little orange ‘like’ stickers.
So... not obvious at all.
But before he could say anything, you beat him to it.
“You should get out your camera,” you reminded him.
Oh, that’s right. Hanbin still had to finish filming. He heeded your advice, taking his camera out, turning it on, and aiming it right at you.
“Where are we? What are we doing? Tell me everything,” Hanbin said, watching you on the screen.
“We’re getting some sushe,” you replied, lifting one shoulder in a sassy sort of shrug.
“It’s what the cool kids say these days on the soshe meeds.”
“...What are you talking about?”
“Sushi. Social media.”
“Ohhhh, got it,” Hanbin laughed.
“Hey, I’m still getting a ton of questions on Instagram, do you want to answer some?” you asked, raising your eyebrows slightly at him.
“Go for it.”
“Okay, here’s one for you: where do you find inspiration for your songs?” You then reached for the camera so you could film him answering, and he handed it to you gently.
“I find inspiration from anything, really. Mostly experiences my friends have been through,” he explained with a little shrug.
“Your friends? What about your experiences?” you asked curiously.
“Well... most people like songs about romance, and... I’ve never really experienced romance,” he admitted.
“You haven’t?!”
“Nope.” He could feel his cheeks getting progressively warmer.
“You’ve never had a girlfriend?!”
“But you’re, like, perfect! You’re cute! You’re nice! You’re funny! You’re talented!”
“Okay, so, do you know anyone who might be interested?”
All right, then, so he was ditching the subtle flirting and going straight for the obvious.
“Maybe,” you replied with a little smirk. “Okay, now I’ve got a question for me.”
Instead of handing the camera back to him, you simply turned it around to film yourself. Usually, Hanbin would get annoyed at someone taking over his vlog like this, but when it was you? He didn’t mind one bit. He just sat there and watched, fairly certain those hearts in his eyes were back in full force.
“This user asks ‘What’s your favorite Hanbin song?’ Ooh, that’s a good one. I think my favorite would have to be ‘Just Go.’“
Hanbin nodded slowly at your answer. He’d actually been wondering that himself.
“It’s the first one I ever heard, and it’s the reason I got sucked into your channel,” you explained. “It’s so... emotional. And the music is just...” You shuddered a little. “Just so good. And I honestly can’t believe you wrote that song about somebody else and not yourself.”
“I did,” Hanbin chuckled. “I promise you.”
“Man. That shows you just how talented you really are.”
Hanbin simply let out a sigh, wishing you would stop singing his praises but also not wishing you would stop singing his praises.
You managed to ask a few more questions before your food came and then Hanbin set up the camera to film you guys eating. He loved doing meal montages, and he also low-key wanted to document that he was eating lunch with you.
As you two were eating, you brought up when you both would upload your videos. You suggested uploading them around the same time, but then you admitted you would probably edit yours tonight and upload it tomorrow. You were too excited to wait any longer.
“I can edit mine tonight, too,” Hanbin agreed before stuffing a piece of sushi in his mouth.
“I don’t want to rush you or anything!” you assured him, your brow furrowed just a bit.
He simply shook his head and gave you a thumbs up, not wanting to talk with his mouth full of rice and avocado.
“Okay,” you chuckled. “Do you want to edit together? Or would that be weird? Because, I mean, I know we’ll have our headphones on and stuff, but I always edit by myself so it might be kinda fun to be with someone else who’s editing...”
Hanbin quickly swallowed his food so he could save you from your rambling. “No, we can. That would be cool.”
You smiled, and Hanbin suddenly realized you had the best smile he’d ever seen. 
He honestly wasn’t sure how much longer he could go without just totally falling in love with you. Which was crazy. He’d never fallen in love with anyone in his life, and now, less than a day after meeting you in person... he was in trouble.
After you finished lunch, you went back to the hotel to get your laptops and headphones so you could edit before you headed out to a YouTube-sponsored event later that evening. Hanbin wasn’t going, but he wasn’t particularly bummed about it. He had an idea for a new song he wanted to work on, and he needed to get started before he lost inspiration.
Instead of getting your editing done at the hotel, you insisted on finding a cute coffee shop nearby so you could order a fun drink and put it on your Instagram. Hanbin didn’t refuse, of course, because he really didn’t care. But also he figured you guys could sit closer to each other than you would have if you’d gotten your work done in one of your hotel rooms or something.
Yeah, he was starting to feel sort of pathetic.
But as you were sitting in a nearby coffee shop you’d found on Yelp, both of you glued to your laptop screens... he could’ve sworn you kept brushing against him on purpose. You acted like you didn’t notice it, so he acted like he didn’t notice it. But every time your elbow gently nudged his or your arm lightly bumped his or your foot slightly tapped his, his heart sped up.
Hanbin was filming the whole thing, too, so he made sure not to glance at you too often...
Finally, after what seemed like hours, you took off your headphones and closed your laptop.
“I’ve gotta head out and get ready for this event,” you said with a slight frown. “I’ve got a panel tomorrow, though. If you’re not doing anything...”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” Hanbin assured you with a smile.
“Great!” you smiled back before sliding off your stool and tucking your laptop into your bag. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
Hanbin wished you luck at both the event and your panel tomorrow, and once he was sure you were far away from the coffee shop... He reached for his camera.
“So, Y/N just left to go to some fancy YouTube event. I gotta say, guys... she’s the real deal. She’s super nice, exactly how she seems in her videos. Even better, actually. And she’s much prettier if you can believe it. But, anyway... I’m going to start working on a new song. That’ll keep me busy the rest of the day, so I’m just going to end the vlog here. Give it a thumbs up if you’d like to see more Y/N in the Day 2 vlog, and please subscribe. See ya.”
Hanbin made his way back to his hotel room, trying to focus all of his concentration on this new song so he could finish it and upload it as soon as possible. He hadn’t been this inspired in a while, and he wanted to share it while it was still fresh.
He stayed up far too late, but it was totally worth it. He had his vlog and his song uploaded and ready to post at 11am tomorrow. You had messaged him earlier saying that’s when you usually posted your videos, so he had agreed to post his then, as well. He hadn’t told you about his new song, mainly because he wanted it to be a surprise, but... also because he was nervous. Which, coincidentally, was the name of the song.
He set his alarm for 10:55 in case he didn’t wake up before then. He needed to get the link to your video to put in his description box, yes, but he really just wanted to watch your video as soon as he could. He was excited to see how you had edited it and how your viewers would respond.
When the alarm went off the next morning, he forced himself to sit up immediately, wanting to wake up enough to find your video, get the link, and update his description box. He shuffled to the bathroom to splash some water on his face before plopping down at his desk and opening his laptop.
Just as he’d typed in his password, he heard the notification on his phone that you had uploaded (obviously he had turned on your notifications right after he found out you had notifications for his channel). He navigated to your channel, clicked on the video, grabbed the link, and paused it so he could add it to his vlog.
Once everything was saved, he clicked back to the tab with your video and pressed play. A smile immediately pulled at his lips when he heard your voice. 
When the video got to him starting to put on your makeup, he began to feel the embarrassment creep in. But during editing, you had added little captions to the screen every so often. When he had shown your foundation bottle to the camera, you had put ‘Look at that, already a professional’ with the clapping emoji. He chuckled softly, reminding himself to thank you for being so kind to him.
You also threw in captions like ‘blend it boy you got this’ and ‘set that concealer like a pro,’ and he found he had been blushing and laughing through most of the video so far.
Then, when it got to where he’d told you about his dance crew, you had frozen the video and added in the sound effect of a record scratching, zooming in on your face. You added comment after comment like ‘WUT’ and ‘SHOOK’ and ‘HE DANCES TOO?!’
Hanbin was seriously about to fall out of his chair. He hadn’t thought it was funny in real life, but your editing was everything.
When Hanbin was applying your eyeliner, you added subtitles for when you said ‘You smell really good,’ and then you zoomed in on his face because he was clearly embarrassed. Another caption popped up on the screen that said ‘he really did tho,’ and Hanbin felt his cheeks warming all over again.
He smiled to himself as he watched him move on to your cheeks, knowing the end was coming soon. He really didn’t want it to be over even though he usually didn’t like watching himself on screen. Your editing had just made it so enjoyable to watch.
When he got to the part where you had admitted you wanted your boyfriend to be into his own thing, like music, you had added another comment to the screen which said ‘wow real subtle girl good job.’
Hanbin’s heart skipped a beat. You had just admitted you weren’t being subtle.
So... you definitely liked him. Right?
He couldn’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the video. But then at the very end, when you’d told your viewers to click the ‘thumbs up’ button if they wanted to see more videos with the two of you together, you paused the video again, zoomed in on your face, and put up the comments ‘the face of desperation’, ‘please thumbs up’, ‘more videos with hanbin plz thnx,’ and ‘could my crush be more obvious lol.’
Hanbin stared at his screen until the video went black.
And then he pushed his chair away from his desk and made his way to your room.
He walked quickly so he wouldn’t have time to second-guess himself and chicken out, and when he arrived at your door, he knocked three times.
The door opened a few seconds later, a smile immediately coming to your face when you saw him.
“Hey! I just listened to your song, oh my gosh, it’s so --”
“Did you mean what you said in all those comments or were they just for your video?”
You froze for a second before taking somewhat of a deep breath. “What do you mean?”
“Like, you said ‘could my crush be more obvious.’ Is that real? Or just for the viewers?”
You bit back a smirk, your cheeks turning a slight shade of pink as you let out a nervous chuckle. “It’s real.”
Hanbin stood there, studying you for a moment... and then he stepped up to you, taking your face in his hands, and pressing his lips to yours.
Part 7
@takura-rin, @cramelot, @sun-shinee-world, @daelicious-jongbulge, @yoyoyeola, @ankle-sockss, @ttelesilla, @katwangx, and @insane-and-dazed,  my loves, part 6 is now up!! Readers, let me know if you would also like to be tagged in the next update!
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