#ohh even then i wanna just tell my mom i cant..god
crescentmp3 · 2 years
oghghrvgnn everything hurts. dear god
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ohh i have SUCH a controversial jennifer jareau opinion. and this is probably gonna be more like an essay. i wish i could say i was sorry.
everyone always says theyre anti jj slander, which is fine ofc, but just weird bc i NEVER see anyone slandering her. in my 3 years in the fandom, ive seen it happen maybe 5 times total, which sucks because she deserves so. much. more. hate.
(spoilers for *that* jeid plotline, as well as some other things)
in season 7, spencer tells her that she has mean girl vibes and she replies "i was a nice girl, especially to guys like you" which ALWAYS pissed me off because she literally just confirmed what he said? and everyone acts like it was a funny joke. she said that shit with her whole chest and meant it, and it wouldnt be *that* big of a deal if it was the only time. but shes consistently mean to him throughout the show, ignoring him, walking away, etc. spencer isnt even the only one shes like this to. and she just has a sense of superiority, idk how to describe it. just by the way she talks and interacts with those around her, you can tell. (while we're on that note, she also ignores her privileged a LOT. maybe not all the time, but theres been multiple times where she acts like she went through hell to get where she is. other than her sister passing, she had it completely easy. in terms of resources, opportunities, etc., she was basically born with a golden spoon in her mouth.)
in s14 when she confesses to spencer that shes always been in love with him, it just makes my blood boil. obviously he had been over her a long time (imo), but that was something she should've kept to herself bc it just brought alllll those feelings back to the surface. not to mention that hes the godfather of her children, and shes married, and will probably (definitely) doesnt know how she feels. thats literally emotional cheating on her part, even though reid didnt reciprocate it, it was still wrong of her to be that close to him without will knowing how she really felt.
there are other things i dont like abt her too, but those are the main things and im trying to keep this as short as possible. but i literally cant stand her, shes by far my least favorite character, and everyone acts like shes an angel sent from heaven, when really shes just a privileged bitch.
i like JJ a lot (i want her to be my mom </3) but i do agree with several of your points - she's definitely not the worst character, each and every character has a list of flaws that we could make, so this by no means makes her the worst, but it does make me angry <3
i just rewatched that 'mean girl' episode!! she doesn't even hesitate before saying 'guys like you', which, you're totally right, means he was right, and she was definitely a mean girl in high school. or even if she didn't say any of it out loud, she was still silently judging 'guys like him' and in high school you can always tells who's silently judging you. they're teenagers. they're not silent about it. the nasty looks they give you?? oh man. but i do think that the blame for ignoring spencer needs to be placed on all of the team members, because they do it all the time too, it's not just her. she has some pretty bad moments with him, but it's definitely something they all do and she shouldn't take the full blame
lmao don't talk about jeid. the writers actually deserve the death penalty for that, god it was so nasty and weird. i know that it was something she confessed in the heat of the moment, like she wasn't sure she was gonna make it out alive and didn't wanna die without saying it but ??? WHY WOULD YOU PUT IT ON HIM TO DIE THREE SECONDS AFTER FINDING OUT ??? like great it's off your chest but now he's gonna spend the (very short) rest of his life thinking about it?? AND THEN THEY DIDN'T EVEN DIE LMFAO SO HE WAS JUST STUCK WITH THAT !! and yeah!! will!! what about will!! or her kids!! it was so... writers i'm watching you...
one scene of hers that really pissed me off was in reid's kidnapping two-parter in s2 (the hankel incident) where she was almost attacked by those rabid (?) dogs and she shot them and she's obviously shaken up and she tries finding reid and realizes what happened and she feels so much guilt for splitting up with him - which was not her fault, she didn't know and should not be held responsible for what happened to him - that she started trying to make other people mad at her?? she cornered derek who was grieving and stressed at the loss of his best friend and they're both sleep deprived and she says something like 'admit it, you hate me, you think it's my fault' AND I???? GIRL. he is being so nice to you?? he was literally like oh honey if you need time off i know you're really shaken up and we can take care of this and and and AND SHE WAS LIKE oH yeah suRe just admit it i'm the worSt everybody hATEs mE- I WAS... this is not about you. go get therapy for the dog attack that you just almost suffered?? do not stand around a crime scene and pester the victim's best friend and delay the investigation because you're feeling guilty. go talk to someone about it. take a few days off. again, i totally get that she was shaken up and hopped up on adrenaline, but everyone told her to go get some rest and she was like no i think i will make myself the problem instead <3
all of that being said i still love her </3 i was not kidding when i say that i wish she was my mom holy shit i would have loved to grow up as her kid but she definitely has her flaws just like the rest of the BAU, and logical, critical breakdowns of a characters flaws aren't slandering, they're analysis, so i think everybody needs to stop shitting on people who criticize or analyze their faves lmao
send me your unpopular fandom opinions
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laplupludetuvida · 2 years
Episosede 8 of house of the dragon in my house is...
My mom's boyfriend, seeing viserys: he looks like absolute shit!
My mom: and he is alive! Still alive! Why he doesn't die already so we can have the rebels and the killing and the blood and war!
The bf: what he has? Lepra?
No but like what is happening to viserys he is a rooting corpse
My mom's bf: why they don't kill him? Like... in a little help?
My mom: it would be treason
Why is this child crying. Dyana. Im scared. Ohh no
Alicent: what a beautiful name
My mom: for a dead woman.
Me: oh shit. Alicent i know you wont do it
And she didn't. In your face mom. Dyana sweetie run away from this shitshow
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Aegon you disgusting little shit
Good slap, my mom snorted from the kitchen. What an absolute win
i cant tell luke and jace apart shit
Ooooh i got them, dark hair is luke AKA the youngest and brown hair is jace AKA oldest okokok
Oooh the velaryon have arrived bitches
She is so hurt for laenor :(
Ehehehe rhaenys knows Whats up
My mom's bf: what just happened??
My mom: she is telling the princess that is a good idea but if tomorrow the hightowers do their best to fuck with her and win, rhaenyra will be fucking alone
My mom, forgetting what she said at the start of the episode: well can we kill the King already?
My mom's bf: they can last that long?
My mom: usually? In that time? No, but he is very stubborn.
Rhaenyra what are you saying? That you do not want the realm?
Viserys really said im going to sleep, good bye
Oh shit is he dead?
Oh he isn't, but it would have been hilarious
Viserys: i wanna eat with my family
My mom: bc after it im gonna die, not before i do another little fuck up. As a goodbye for everyone
Yeah you go vaemond
Ooooh RHAENYRA STOP everyone knows
Lets see what bullshit she will say
My mom: he is so SLOW, can anyone give him a piggy walk to the poor old man
My mom bf: until he gets there...
you know i dont like viserys but man they could have dressed him with something lighter, poor man cant walk and you put him in THAT
My mom, when daemon helps viserys: shitty fucker started hating him now he is a Goodie. Why you doing that
Oh shit rhaenys, well, im still with you, Lady. You rock
Vaemond im so sorry for you
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Yeah dont allow it vaemond
Daemond you bitch
Aemond what are you thinking you little scheming blondie
Not alicent being so religious... religius... religeus... RELIGIOSA, what the trauma does to a lady
Aegon you little shit shut up
My mom: viserys will drop dead in his potatos
ohhh he is
Oh god his face
Viserys: i love you all guys
My mom: except the hand of the King, who is very much a son of a bitch
Ohhh rhaenyra said sorry? Alicent and rhaenyra bien kind and nice to each other??
My mom: at least for tonight
Mi brother: they have to keep appearances
Aegon pls youre embarrasing me in front of my Team Black Mom
Jace: i have good memories of our childhood
The rest of the damn table:
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My mom: and now, in such a little moment of family and laugh and dances and utter stupidity, viserys dies.
He didn't.
Thats it, viserys fucked off, its time for killing each other
Aemond: they are like their father... strong
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Yiss this man is a little shit, but a different kind to aegon
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What are you plotting beautiful Lady?
Well no one can deny that alicent is trying her damn best with viserys.
Oooh the King is fucking it up one last time
oh nonono
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Alicent's FACE
Oh shit is he going to kill himself? Oh he didn't
Episode ends
My mom's bf: is he dead?
My mom: we dont KNOW. UNTIL I SEE A DAMN FUNERAL HE ISN'T DEAD. and even then i will doubt it. He lasted this much seems pretty sus that he just dies now.
Once again, my mother is upset bc of the lack of murder and blood and war, she gives a 0/10
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
A.R| Just cry Already
Summary: did arvin take you on a date- oop.
Warning: slight sexual tension, just a little tense, NOT SEXUAL- terrible flirt, and of course unedited
Chapters -> one ✨ two 🤠 three ✨ four 🤠 five
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Arvin isnt a stalker, he just wanted to know where you live, turns out just across the woods. Lenora called him ‘freakin crazy’ while his grandmother called him ‘in love’. He wants to sneak you out so he does, he grabs his coat and nicer pants, he cleaned himself up, brushed his hair back with some water and brushrd his teeth.
“She is gonna love you man” he says to himself in the mirror, after checking himself out. He grabbed his keys and headed out.
You on the other hnd were right awake, thinking about the preacher and how disrespectful he was. “God he just seems-“ you cut yourself off, you were honestly having the second hand embarrassment, how it is to be in his place.
“Im not falling in fucking love, hes a white boy god dammit” you murmured, the room dark and the door closed while you placed your hands under your ear, closing your eyes.
Until you heard a light knock.
You jumped as you looked out your window, a hat appearing as hands start to open the window, you quickly got up and grabbed your heel. You grabbed the foot of it and held the heel up.
“Oh shit- how hard can it be to open a damn window?” You hear youre guessing a man groan, you walk up to the window and see white hands, your first instinct is to pierce it but you soon realize who it is.
“Shit arvin you scared me! I almost put a whole in your hand!” You whisper yelled as you put down the heel softly to not wake anyone up. You grab his hands and let him inside, softly planting his feet on the ground and looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes that the moon shone on.
“Hey” he let out a chuckle as he looked at you. “My dad is gonna kill me and you, what do you want arvin?” You ask seriously, placing your hands on your hips and honestly missing your bed.
“I-uh wanted to take you on a date- as i said theres a drive through and a movie is playing” “is this your ticket to makeout with me?” “I mean no- but that would be nice” you sigh, then you hear wood creak. “Shit! In the closet- NOW” you whisper yell, pushing him to the closet and closing it, throwing yourself on the bed and under the sheets.
Your door opens as your eyes are wide open, your father entering. “Why are you up? And why is your window open?” “Its hot and my head hurts a bit” “not sneakin boys in here are ya?” He switches on the light looking around in your room. “Now why would i do that, dad?” You let out a giggle. “I dont know, i hope you know your my little girl and your never leaving, ever” he lets out rather harshly. Arvin crinkled his eyebrows and mentally added notes about your father, now understanding what you meant earlier.
You gulp and nod, not wanting to answer. He smiles and turns off the light, closing your door all the way shut before stepping off. Sooner or later the closet door opened with a smiling arvin.
“Get changed! We gotta go!” He whisper yells, you smack your lips and sigh in defeat before getting up and walking over to your closet. “Well you gotta get out!” You say, he raises an eyebrow in confusion “of my closet?” He lets out an ‘ohh’ before standing up and dusting his pants off.
You take out some of your brothers jeans, a tank top and some 2 inch black heels. “Arent women not aloud to wear pants?” “So you arent a feminist?” Arvin lets out a ‘pffft’ “of course i am, Especially for you” “oh shut up and let me change” it became awkward of course as you had to hide yourself from arvin.
Of course you didnt have a bra on, so when you took off your night gown your breats slapped on your stomach, arvin just leaning against the window seal with his arm as he watchs you without hesitation “you are such a creep, i can feel you staring at me” you comment. He only giggles as he watches your back move, your glowing back move to put your black tank top on.
You turn to him and meet his eyes “turn around arvin” “why?” “So i can take off i pants?” “O-oh yeah” you give a smile while he turns around, dropping your pants still facing him you grab the jeans and slide them on.
Arvin really wanted to see you, he knows you arent shapped like these others, he wants to touch and admire you everywhere, every flaw would be his favorite part, he just needed his fingers on you. “You almsot done-“ “look?” You ask, he immediately turns around and meets your dressed body, well you didnt button your pants all the way, he smiled as he looked at you up and down “gorgeous” he licks his lips. “Havent took me on the first date” you remind him making him roll his eyes silently.
You both sat in the car, music distantly playing as he had his hand on your thigh, looking at you for some moments while you looked straight ahead. He looked again and you caught him “what?” You giggle, making him smile and blush “your like, really beautiful- i hope you believe me” you bite your lip and shrug “i dont know just yet”.
He bought you the famous pineapple upside down cake and some Bees Knees, as you guys pulled up in the drive through. “Scary movie, classic move arvin” you rolled your eyes. He only laughed as he continued to look for a spot “do like them?” “Yeah i do, which one is this?” “Only the famous Nosferatu” “cool” he chuckled as he parked his Chevrolet Bel Air in one of the best spots.
“I hope you dont think your getting me tonight” you look at him while he sios his drink, he only shrugs “you dont know” he winks. You smirk but turn away from him as you turn on the radio to the right channel, hearing the movie you grabbed a fork and took a bite out of the pineapple-cake.
About an hour in he tried his best to flirt with you. “Hey y/n” he said, you turned to him as he picked up the same fork you had and took a bite, sexually. You sucked in your lower lip to keep you from laughing as he continued to eat it and make eye contact with you. And then he wasn’t expecting it, you started cackling.
He didn’t understand why as he made sure to lick the fork clean. You were out of breath as he rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. “I-im so-sorry” you only started to laugh harder “b-but that! I cant-“ “whatever” “dont get mad at me, im sorry” you sucked in your laughs and patted his shoulder, giving a playful frown as he looked back at you with his lips tucked to the side.
“Im not mad, no need to apologize hun” “oh we’re doing pet names?” “I mean, yeah” “alright sweetcheeks” you said as he smacked his lips and couldnt fight the urge smile.
He turned off the radio and turned to you, you had your heels off showing your pretty piggies that arvin laughed at, he looked up at you and seen you smiling at him. “What?” He asks, his cheeks slowly heating up. “Youre beautiful arvin” you complement as his cheeks become scarlet. “Your too sweet” he says back, biting his lip to stop himself from grinning more “well tell me about yourself, will ya?”
“What do you wanna know?” You ask as you lean back, your lower lip popping out over your top. “Your favorite color, movie something like that?” “Well, i like F/C my favorite movie is F/M my favorite food is F/F and i love rainy and cloudy days” “how come?” “My little brother, and because they are relaxing” you sigh and give a small smile.
“Well i like red, i dont really have a favorite movie? I love my grandmas cooking so i also dont have one, but i like sunny days- even though we rarely get those” he chuckles, you place your hand on top of his “how nice” you grin.
“I-i feel so embarrassed- about in church- god” he groans. “Dont be arvin- i dont care and nobdy else does- well i dont mean it like that but you know-“ “yeah” he sighs, relaxing a bit as his legs slightly open, his elbow on the ontop of the closed window as he rested his head on his cheek.
You felt happy but sad, you dont want him to feel that way at all, nobody deserves it, not even the racists deserve it. “Look let go of it, it was a moment and you are moving on” “you say that like it was a week ago” “oh well, arvin”
“So you snuck out last night?” Cloudy asks again for clarification, you look at him annoyed but nodded. He chukcled as he shuck his head “ what?!” You ask, slapping his arm as you guys walked down to the lake for a bit.
“Dad is gonna fucking kill you, do you even like this boy?” “We went in one date! And it was nice, we actually have an emotional connection” “how much?” He asks looking at you. “We talked the whole movie through” “i swear if he-“ “calm the hell down cloudy” you giggle, he only rolls his eyes as he huffs.
“I hope you know no one is gonna be happy” “well I guess im thankful for you” you wrap your arm around his arms, holding his shoulder in your hand and rubbing it some as he chukles. “How was school by the way?” You ask suddenly, he only shrugs as he looks at his moving feet “talk to me cloud”. “I seen lenora around and stuff” “did you talk to her?” “No” you sigh as you shake your head in disappointment.
“Well get out of your comfort zone- do something” you raise your eyebrow at him, slightly annoyed. “And who are you to tell me what to do?” He says, cocking the same eyebrow. “I am your sister, your older sister- the one who-“ “changed my diapers” cloudy mocks, already knowing what you were gonna say.
“Exactly, although we might not be able to do a whole lot of things that doesnt mean we cant bend the rules just a bit, right?” You give him a small smile as he chuckles “you are the exact opposite of dad” “i know- thats why you love me so much” you giggle as you take your hand from his shoulder and start walking normally side by side.
“Hey y/n?” Cloudy asked after a few minutes of silence, he looked at you as you hummed and told him to continue,” you know how you promise me and mom that youre gonna take us out of here?” You looked at him and nodded.
“Do you ever rethink it? Or even think about leaving us?” He hesitated. “Well- i dont pray, i dont work, and i barely help anyone. So sometimes i do think about it- think about if we do get stuck here, if we dont leave and if we are gonna stay miserable” “so yes?” You nod and poke your lower lip out.
“But when you saved lenora- do you think that god seen that as a good sign for you?- like arvin is a good sign?” He asks curiously, you only shrug and bite the side of your lip. “Are you telling me your believing in god now cloud?” You ask him. “I mean- he did make this earth right?”
You stop dead in your tracks and he follows turning to you as you put your hands on his shoulders and gives them a squeeze, making cloudy groan but pay attention. “Look here- i dont care that you belive in god- but what you wont do is put faith in that god damn preacher, ya hear?” You say sternly.
You were never really serious when you talked with cloud, you had no reason to be hard or hate him. Hes your younger brother after all right? But he knew when you gave him those talks he needed to agree, he always puts faith in you and believes what you say because your really all he has.
Dad is manipulative- whatever mom said to him was because dad told her to. When you were young you barely listened so he kinda gave up on you, so when cloudy was born you took him under your wing because you utterly refused for him to be brain washed by the asshole of a dad. Why did your mother even get with your dad? Because she was desperate and vulnerable.
She killed her brother, on purpose. Your uncle is sick- was sick. He tried to touch your mom also- to all the black folks she was the prettiest girl in the small town- and your father took advantage of it. Your mother was always a free woman and doesnt like to be trapped, but as she got older she grew tired and just gave up- just listened- it meant less work for her anyway.
He nodded “yes ma’am”. You give him a weak smile as you find yourself next to the river already. You heard giggles and the water waves as pictures flashed, then a strong punch. You silently slapped your brother as you told him to get down, both crouching knowing you had to get out of there.
“I want you to go the car cloud” you whisper at him, crawling ahead and turning to the bushes, slightly getting a view of the people- of course white people.
“Im not leaving you y/n-“
Shots fired.
“Get your dumbass to to the fuckin car NOW!” You whisper yell, cloud stunned but quickly taking the keys from you and running to the car. You start crawling more and see an old man, well mid-30s with a camera around his neck and a women fixing herself- and of course a dead man bare naked with bloody coming from between his legs.
You sat there, shaking, your hand making its way up to cover your mouth, your eyes widening with shock as they started to take care of it.
Now you knew better then to report it because it only meant bad for you, but what happend- what you just saw is absolutley horrible. You only froze and continued to watch almost forgetting about cloudy, you look back at the parked cars and back at the couple your guessing- but they’ve disappeared.
You took your chance now to run back to the car, lifting your pink dress and running in those combat boots. You saw cloudy basically mesmerized- paying no attention as he just looked ahead- the keys already in and the car started as you just drove away.
Taggie! @jeyramarie
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ydolanssss · 4 years
A hood love story: G.D
Warnings: violence, sexual innuendos, a lot of cursing.
Pairing: Grayson Dolan X female reader.
Summary: bottom line is... remember where tf you came from.
Friday night lights.....most basic ass idea for a football game.
Just a whole shit-ton of rich ass white kids, acting like they hard when in actuality they have no awareness of anything outside of thier little gated community.
They weren't aware of the situation Grayson was in.
They either villainize him and where he's from, Or they romanticize where he's from. Either way they never talk to him.
They talk to ethan though, because unlike his brother he decided to just forget who he was and where he came from...that including his brother.
But you didn't think like them, you didn't treat people differently because of where they come from, or where they live. So you became friends with gray, best friends, and y'all were together all the time.
"hey gray you tryna go to the game today? You asked leaning on the locker next to his.
"there's a game?"
"yea against the cougars, you wanna go?"
"....mmm" gray never really went to any school event because well...he was kind of a loner, you didn't blame him tho.
"pleeeeeaaaseee, gray can we?" You asked with pleading eyes, and a quivering pouty lip.
"YESSIRRR, let's goo" you shouted, and skipped to class.
You went through the next couple of classes pretty quickly, went home, did some homework and waited for Grayson to come over.
"when you coming over hoe"
"I'm already outside, come on"
You run outside lock the door, hop in the car and head back to the school. The game had already started, but no one had scored yet. You and gray sit on the bleachers, and eat some popcorn.
"who you think finna win?" Gray said shoving food in his mouth. "I don't know, but prolly not our school, they haven't won a game in like...ever."
"true true" gray nodding in agreement untill his phone starts ringing. "Ayo hold up I gotta take this."
"hmm oh okay, I'll stay here" reassuring him. He walks to the back of the bleachers, "yo, wassup?"
*Anonymous* "Ayo when I see you, you getting lit tf up".
"Whoa, what? Who is this?" Gray asked confused as too who was tryna kill him.
"you know who this is lil bruh, it's daymen, oscars brother. You stole some shit from him the other day, and gave it to ya lil rich ass friends."
"what? Rich ass friends? Ion got no rich ass friends."
"okay okay, so you gon lie to me now huh?, Alright look, bring my lil brother his money or you getting lit tf up, and I take ya lil bitch for myself. You know the fine one, wit the braids."
"Don't you fuckin touch her."
Meanwhile you on the bleachers
"bitch what the fuck are you talking about?" Looking at claire and her lil posse.
"you know what I'm talking about, how long you been fucking my boyfriend."
"claire....who's your boyfriend?" You ask genuinely curious, because you do not keep tabs on miss bam-ba-lam-my-cars-a-hundred-grand.
"Grayson is duh." Because apperently that was common knowledge.
"g-grayson, Grayson Dolan the brother of Ethan Dolan, correct, just to make sure, Grayson with a "a" and a "o" not a I or a E. That Grayson?" Ya know...just to be clear.
"yes that Grayson, god are you dense?!"
"Oh no ma'am very much I am not, because the only grayson i know, don't fuck with bitches like you. Oh hell no, cuz yall don't fuck with people like him. And out of the mother fucking blue, he's your man, sweet-pea, i-is that what you telling me?" Because miss ma'am got you fucked alllll the way up.
"oh really how are you gonna tell me who I'm dating, I had sex with and who stole weed for me?" You pause....
"bruh what? Ugh now I know you tripping because Grayson don't fucking smo-"
"Aye, come on! Games boring anyway." Grayson yells from the bottom of the bleachers.
"alrighty well, miss. Thing I don't know what to tell you. Gods speed finding your Grayson because mine don't smoke." You picked up your things and walked with gray back to the car.
"hey what was the call about?" You asked
"huh? Oh it's was just my mom asking how long we were gonna stay at the game, I told her for the next hour so we could go do something else." He said.
You notice he kept looking around a lot, like he's was paranoid, waiting for something to happen.
"gray you good? You keep looking around, what's wrong?" You out ur hand on his shoulder concerned.
"huh?! Ohh nothing nothing let's go, come on"
He drags you to the car, and open the door for you, and he gets in the driver's side and drives off.
"ok I guess, um whatcha wanna do, wanna go to the park, or that on abandoned house that has a perfect view of the sunset, or ice cream, or ice cream and sunset. You looked at him, lip pouting head turn to the side, waiting for answer.
"uhh...ice cream only I wanna get you home okay?" He sighs, hands gripping the wheel tight as hell.
"umm what no I don't wan-"
"No! I have to get you home. I just, I just do, okay? Please I'm sorry for yelling come here." As you two pull in to the ice cream parlor's parking lot.
You lean in and he kisses you on your forehead, " I just need to be safe okay, it's late I don't want you out at night okay?"
"what? What do you mean I'm with you?"
He walks to your side of the car to open the door, "I know but....you cant be around me now at night at least it's not safe." After you get out he walks to the counter and tells you the get a table, you stand puzzled for a bit but you go anyway.
when he gets back with two oreo milkshakes, you ask him, "gray wait why isn't it safe? Why can't I be around you? What going on?." You ask frantic, worried your friend is in some sort of trouble.
"just because you can't don't- who is that?"
He asks leaned down a little.
"who is who? You turn around, and see a car speeding towards you both." Gray grabs your arm and pulls you down.
You do, you get to the car get inside and lean down, then you hear gun shots fire.
*bow bow bow bow*
The car skids off and everything is quiet, you look up and you see Grayson laid out on the ground. "oh my god...".
You get out hesitantly walking towards his body, "g-gray...baby, please oh God please no, god don't tell me he's gone" tears streaming down your face, you can't bare to walk any closer, and you drop to your knees and sob.
"no..please not my best friend." As the smoke clears you say this, the sun is setting in the background, it's a somber feeling somehow you feel safe and sad at the same time, while in that same moment your best friend, very much could be breathing his last breaths.
Then, like the miracle baby he is, Grayson wakes up, with a hell of pain in his shoulder. "Wha-? Ohh fuck my shoulder, holy shit, wait where's? Hey, hey, pretty girl why you crying?" He asks litterally sitting up looking at you holding his shoulder.
You stop crying, eyes shoot open. "Wha- GRAY!!" you run over and hug him, crying.
"i-i thought you were dead, *sniff* you were-*sniff* laying there not moving." Say sobbing into his shoulder.
He holds you with his good arm, "shh shh, it's ok, I'm not dead baby, I'm right here, I'm bleeding out of my shoulder and I should probably go to the hospital, but im not dead." His head sitting on top of yours
"oh shit, yea okay let's go." You help him to the car and start driving, you drop him off at the hospital and tell him you're gonna go take care of something.
You get back in your car and drive to a harbor, you then park and start disassembling his gun.
"god...I don't even know why he has this thing, granted he did get shot at but for fucks sake." You mumbled to yourself.
You speed back to the hospital,the doctors tell you he already out of surgery and he's doing fine, and they tell you his room number.
You walk back to his room. "Hey...Grayson baby, you okay?" You whisper not wanting to scare him.
"hmm? Oh yea hey come in." He's sitting up in bed both of his arms in slings. "Can you do me a favors and grab my juice box?"
You look on his tray and there's a little apple juice, juice box on it. "Oh yea sure sweetie." You poke the straw through the hole and hold it up to his mouth.
"Thank you."
"your welcome lovie." The doctor came in. "Ah, I see your already on it, that's good, very sweet of you." You look at him confused.
"um care to explain sir, or am I slow."
He chuckles, "my apologies, um since your friend, I'm assuming has two bad shoulder that have made him unable to move his arms at all he will need around the clock assistance."
You set down the juice box that he basically breathed in. "What do you mean both shoulders I thought he only got shot in one?"
"oh he did but his other shoulder is slightly sprained it's should heal up in a around 2 and a half weeks, while the other shoulder should take at most 4, but normally three. So due to his situation, his arm mobility is hindered untill a later date." He says with his arms crossed over his clip board.
You sit next to gray and look at him, "well I'm down, it's not like we don't spend every single second with each anyway." Gray laughs, "yea I guess thats true."
The doctors clear him and you help him get dressed but since it was late you threw a hoodie on him since there was no use for the sleeves.
You both get in the car and drive to your house, "come on gray we gotta get you to sleep." You tap and rub his tummy to wake him.
You get him up and walk up stairs to your bathroom. "Ok lemme brush your teeth." You sit on the sink and brush for him.
"okay that's done. Um alright it's 2 am ur tired I'm tired we can do the rest tomorrow okay?" You ask Grayson who's barley keeping his eyes open. "Okayyy." He says yawning.
"all right let's go to bed." You walk him over to the side of the bed and help him sit down.
" all right be careful and don't drop all the way down be careful not to lose your- oh fuck!"
You both lost your balance and fell on the bed, your on top of him millimeters away from his face. You never really looked at Grayson that way, never really looked at his eyes, dark as the ocean pulling you deeper and deeper to the point where you don't care if you drown.
Or his lips, they look so soft and smooth, if you were to kiss them it would feel like silk pillows. His lips..."oh fuck his lips."
Grayson catches your eyes staring at his lips and he sits up. "My lips baby, hmm that what you want?" You both sitting up on the bed. "Where? Your neck, cheek?" He drags his nose up the side of your neck to your ear.
"or that pretty little pussy?"
You gasp and get up off of him. "Um okay time to go to bed for real this time. Uh you good? you okay? Need any thing?"
"uh nah, nah I'm good. I guess...I'm laying flat then?" You turn to look at him.
"um yea I think that would be best."
You both start to relax and go to sleep.
"hey gray? I gotta ask you something, you know what's up with clair because she came up to me claiming I'm fucking her boyfriend, who's apperently you and also you stole some weed for her and that just dosent make sense to me."
He jerks his head to look at you "wait what!? When?"
"when you left to answer the phone she said your her boyfriend and she would know the person's she's been fucking and the guy who stole weed for her."
"so that's why- ughh fucking ethan."
"what? What about him? And what was that phone call about?"
He sighed "okay so I got a phone call from this guy named daemin, and I guess he thinks I stole weed from his little brother oscar, and I guess he's been watching me or something he said if I don't get his money he'll light my ass up and he'd go for my lil bitch himself, the one with the braids."
"oh shit so it was Ethan who stole the weed and prolly gave that guy your number, and prolly claimed he was you...now what the fuck wrong with claire?"
"Claire don't know that theres two of us and she don't talk to people he's friends with so he probably lied to her to."
Laying there in shock you think to yourself. "What kinda fucked up shit you got going on to lie about your whole identity and pretend to be your twin brother that you treat like shit?"
"ion know ask him."
You said it outloud.... again. "Oh shit my bad. But I will actually."
"what? No don't-"
"no gray this shit is crazy. YOU GOT SHOT! I'm not gonna let him get away with that shit gray! Now go to bed."
He sighs and closes his eyes.
Next morning comes around. You wake up early to make grays' breakfast. A protein shake with some greek yogurt mixed with fruit.
You go back upstairs and he's awake.
"hey boo sorry to keep you waiting. I was making your breakfast. Need help?"
"yeth please."
"okay silly, sit up, legs out, and stand up on three okay? One, two, three...theeeere we go."
You walk over to the bathroom. Brush his teeth, wash his face and...help him pee.
"okay so how do you wanna do this gray?"
"umm you could hold it? If you wanna."
"seriously grayson. But that's like-"
"look your gonna have to bathe me at one point within these three weeks so like might as well get used to it."
"mm true, gosh okay."
You pull his pants down quickly trying to get this over with as soon as possible.
"okay so do I just like h-hold it or something? Or like do I just let it hang there?"
"no no you got to hold it bro otherwise I'll piss on myself then you have to change my pants and my underwear and wipe my legs down."
"ewww... Okay okay I guess this is better. Um sorry if my hands are cold."
"your all good."
"speaking of shower, let's just get that out the way because you haven't showered in a brick."
He sighs "alright"
You help him get his clothes off and turn on the shower.
"alright hop in big dic- oop- I mean big head." You giggle to yourself.
"ouu ok baby, oh and just for pure curiosity, which head?"
You slowly turn to him. "The one that made you think of that dumbass question, goofy get in, naughty ass."
"okay! Okay! Shit you the naughty one." Said with a smirk followed by a failed and painful attempt to slap your ass.
"ow! Ow! Fuck my shoulder!"
"and that's what ya get, hop in." You say giving him a pinch on the ass.
"what a nice butt, good for you!"
"thank you queen." He smiles
"your welcome king." And proceed to bathe him
A couple hours later you left Grayson at home with him and a tv and left out all the snacks on the counter at a reachable level, whole you went out and....handle some business.
On the phone: "hey, meet me at the bleachers okay I need to talk to you about something."
"uh yea sure I'll be there."
A couple hours later, your sitting on the bleachers with the cold New Jersey air, causing your nose to become ice cold.
"hey." You jumped.
"oh shit! Oh hey sorry you scared me."
"ha, yea um sorry about that, so what did you wanna talk about?"
Now to most that seems like a very obvious question, it'd go something like 'hey why the fuck did you lie about your identity and completely drop your twin fucking brother'. Right? No.
The problem is you and Ethan have history, which also adds to the reason why your a lot closer to gray than Ethan and was like the breaking point of Ethan and Grayson relationship.
Basically in freshman year of highschool you and Ethan....dated?? Well no you did date but...it was shorted lived because he decided to cheat...on you. Crazy right? I know. And you'll never guess who he cheated on you with.....Claire!!! Isn't that amazing, what a coincidence.
So the day you found out was kinda intense.....
"What is wrong with you!"
"Why would you do that to her!"
"As long as we've know her!"
"Huh Ethan! What's the matter with you! Who raised you! It wasn't ma! I most definitely wasn't dad!"
Grayson being the lovely, kind, understanding soul that he is decided to give Ethan a piece of his mind after consoling you in the living room.
"Jesus Grayson! It wasn't even that bad!"
With his hands on his hips, mouth ajar and eyes bugging out of his head.
"you've gotta be shitting me. You made out with the bitch ON SNAPCHAT! THEY GOT YOU IN 4K BRO! What do you mean it isn't that bad!"
"look why does it bother you so much? Like it's not your relationship. It's mine."
"Because your my brother and I love you and I love her to, I want her to be loved and appreciated the way she deserves, and I expected better from you, I never thought, my brother, a fucking scumbag of a man. Had the audacity to cheat on his girl. I guess I stand fucking corrected."
They sit in silence for a while. Your in the living room nervous because you've seen them fight of course but, never this heated.
"well if you love so damn much you be with her, I don't fucking want her if there's gonna be this much drama."
Time for you to get angry.
"First of all motherfucker you cheated! Don't you fucking switch this around on me."
Grayson stands in front of you, tear filling your eyes by the gallons.
"I fuckin loved you....so much, so hard...I did. And this what you fucking do...this the last time I love someone as much as I loved you."
And with that you stormed out. Grayson followed disgusted with his brother.
"....so what did you wanna talk about."
You snap back into reality.
"umm well one your fucking brother was shot!"
He jumps back. "What?! Was he really? When by who?"
"a few days ago. most likely by a guy named oscar...who shot him because apparently, Grayson 'sober4L' Dolan™, stole weed from him. Now the only people in this damn highschool that smoke are those rich ass kids you hang out with, and gray got a phone call about this whole situation and claimed that if he didn't get his money or the weed back, he was gonna shoot up him and take his lil girlfriend, 'the one with the braids'."
He rocks back and forth anxiously, knowing he was caught.
"and of course the only girl he's around with braids is me."
"okay look i-"
"Aht aht wait, I'm not done."
"because at the same time grayson was on the phone I had and interaction with the lovely ms.claire. She claimed I was 'fucking her boyfriend' and I asked who and she said 'grayson the one who stole weed for me'."
He puts his head in his hands.
"so now I'm looking at her like she dumb because we both know Grayson dosent smoke, so a couple hours later I ask grayson about the situation and then he tells me about the phone call, so we put two and two together."
"so gray got a call from someone claiming he stole thier weed, claire your lovely girlfriend enlightened me on the fact that I was sleeping with her boyfriend, who stole weed for her. Knowing Grayson is neither dating her or smokes. So who on earth, could have Grayson's number, steal Grayson name and identity and create a whole new fucking life. Oh hmm let's start with the fuck-amato who made the fuck sure no one knew he was a twin and also dates the girl that my ex boyfriend cheated on me with...who just so happens to be the fucking twin. what do you have to say for yourself?"
There is a pause between you and him.
"umm....I'm sorry."
"y-your sorry....SORRY YA BROTHER GOT SHOT AND ITS ALL YOUR- you know what here what we're gonna do."
You pull out your phone and you had saved daemin's number.
"you are gonna call oscar and tell him the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and tell him you'll get his lil cousin his money back okay?" Because if not I will..."
"okay, okay, call him."
You call and the phone starts ringing. He picks up.
"hey daemin I have the actual guy you wanted to shoot at and damn near kill"
"word? Who is it then?"
"his twin brother."
"ohhhh shit. Aw damn aye is gray good man I feel like shit he didn't deserve this."
"he's fine but his brother ethan, on the other hand is the guy you should've got, but look since I don't want both of them shot the fuck up he is gonna over there and hand you the money okay?"
"shit alright"
You end the phone call and he sends you the address.
"alright let's go."
You and Ethan pull up to daemin's house.
"look when we get in here don't say shit give him the fckn money and don't say shit."
"alright alright"
You walk towards the door and knock on it. It's opens and there stands a guy around Ethan's height.
"um hi are you daemin?"
"yea that me, you got my money?"
"oh yea we do, Ethan give it to him"
He pulls 85 dollars out of his pocket
"here you go man, um sorry for-"
The door slammed in our faces.
"umm I guess that it-"
"how's Graysons shoulder?"
"oh it's good it's getting better I gotta get back to him though, he can't do everything by himself."
"alright cool I just wanted to make sure, does he need anything like I got bandages and a first aid."
"oh no no its fine my mom's a nurse I got all the stuff I need thank you though."
"alright bye drive safe"
"okay thank you!"
You and Ethan get back to the car.
Ethan turns to you. "Um he's nicer than expected."
"yea...um okay, I'm gonna take you back home. "
"yup okay sounds cool. "
The drive to Ethan's was awkward and quiet. He still stayed at him and Graysons childhood home. You haven't been there in years.
"well here we are. God it still looks the same."
"yea hasn't changed since the last time you've been here."
You turn to look at him.
"alrighty well- mphm"
Ethan kisses you holding the side of your face.
"I miss you. I do. I'm so fucking sorry for hurting you. You didn't deserve that, I took you for granted. Please give me another chance."
Your in shock to say the least. Staring at him in disbelief.
"...no Ethan."
"what? What do you mean?!"
"I mean no, I'm not going to go back to you I don't feel that way about you. And honestly once a cheater always a cheater, I just can't give myself back to the same person that changed me emotionally, to where it's hard for me to love people as much as I used to. Like what you do if I cheated on you, would you come back to me? And be honest with yourself."
He moves his hand.
"exactly...so don't expect me to be the same. Goodbye Ethan."
He gets out and goes inside and you drive back to your place.
You come back home Grayson in the living room, on the couch.
You sit next to him and talk to him about what happened, he was worried and frustrated at first with the fact that you went but understood it was your life at risk to. A couple of weeks pass, Graysons wound is fixed and you guys are let out for winter break.
Spending time with Grayson made you realize, what you deserved in a relationship, the love, appreciation, affection, loyalty. All of it, you deserved it.
And you got it, you and Graysons infatuation with one another, grew bigger and bigger over winter break. The Christmas vibes, sleeping in onesies and making cookies. Making love next to the fire place, trails of kisses going down both his and your body.
Afterwords..."hey Grayson? Can I ask you something."
"of course beautiful what is it?"
"how would you feel if we went back to school, ya know together?"
"when were we going separately?"
"nooo silly like together, a thing, an "item". We go back in a relationship. If that's something you want?"
"Are fucking joking! Of course I would baby. God, I've been waiting." And with that you finally found the love of your life, whom which in the future you had your two twin daughters with. Inez and Felicity.
You've never been so content.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
as soon as i saw that a hunter x hunter musical from the year 2002 starring the OG 99 VAs existed, i knew i has to see this...so i set out and watched the nightmare of zoldyck (i would later find out that theres ANOTHER musical, which i plan to watch too)
luckily its all on youtube subbed! in 360 quality...oh hell yes lmao
ok i logically knew this was gonna be a musical but seeing the characters singing is like. a lot. THIS IS SO STRANGE 
musical illumi is played by a woman which is interesting. shes got a good voice 
i think they just panned to killua but it was so pixelated that i legitimately could not tell hvbadjkfbjkdsf
i have no idea whats going on vhbajdfhhajsdf theres a bunch of people falling over on stage...i think theyre dying? who are yall 
oh shit backup dancers?
lmao illumi killed the backup dancers rip.
oh that IS killua lol. s/o to the 3 pixels that are visible 
is this gonna be the zoldyck arc but a musical? lmao
OH WAIT IS THAT KURAPIKA AND LEORIO? i cant even tell lmaoooo
i can 100% tell these are fan subs lmaooo i love bad fan subs SO MUCH it makes a viewing experience even better
this is p much just a musical version of the manga/anime so far lmao i love it 
the way theyre spelling zoldyck is. a lot 
is every character gonna get an intro song. how much of this musical is singing and how much of it is dialogue cause theres defs a range w/musicals 
lmao i love gon leorio and kurapikas interactions even here, they rlly feel like two parents being dragged around by their energetic kid 
i cant even see the set at all so im just gonna assume theres like, the gate and all that behind them, but it all just looks like a dark wall to me lmao
i love singing exposition 
HISOKAS IN THIS???????????????????? oh my lorddddd 
OH i see now in the description that hes played by the 99 VA too lmao i love it 
wow musical hisoka rlly b like [writes himself into the zoldyck family arc]
oh here we go w/the song introducing the zoldycks 
damn grandpa got mad flips 
this is. wild 
its especially wild that alluka isnt here bc she like...didnt even exist yet at this point in the story 
zoldyck family sitcom wow 
i see the gon/killua romance is still going strong in the musical 
oh so they did all the training and goin thru the door stuff offscreen lol
this is actually doing a pretty good job expanding on the canon stuff from this arc lol so props. espec w/showing more of killua being scared of illumi 
oooh this is interesting actually, this is like....an AU where illumi is present during this arc, and how that would change things. And Also They Sing 
the zoldycks are so fucked up lmao 
also i feel like theres some ‘early adaptation’ character weirdness going on, like w/the grandpa, who seems much less intense here than in the anime (at least after seeing him in the yorknew arc), and milluki, who seems like a gag character here lmao
oh my god lmao is hisoka here to visit illumi?
the hilarious irony of illumi telling killua that assassins cant have friends, then going to hang out with his good buddy hisoka
kurapika is the only one here with a brain cell (for now) 
ah yes hisoka and illumi doing their nasty murder flirting thing 
HISOKA IS SO NASTYYYY I HATE HIM tho his actor is very good and smarmy
OH its canary!! is there uh. blackface goin on there. i cant actually tell, what with there being only 3 pixels present at any given time
really love how half of this is just the regular arc but with the characters singing abt stuff during it 
the lady playing killuas mom has a rlly good screeching voice jesus lmao 
ohh i love musical fighting so much
the sound fx on kurapikas sticks are cracking me up
butlers got mad cartwheels
oh theyre doing the coin thing! this is so out of order lmao
oh my god i love that theyre doing like, sick dance moves while coin flipping
ah the zoldyck messenger hawk makes an appearance. i love that thats canon and real
the 12 yr old gay romance is REAL even here 
the subs seems to be translated very literally, especially in the songs, so its honestly not clear what theyre even singing about vbsjkdjhfskjfd
gon and killua singing about each other is adorable tbh. also i love how silva asks killua abt his friends and killua is like yeah i made some friends. and then only talks abt gon ahjsduhfabhskdf gayboy 
ok so the zoldyck arc is like, ending, but theres still an hr of musical left so whats even gonna happen lmao. also where did hisoka go
oh no the audio and video arent synced anymore huvbhjadfbhjsakdf
oooh they asked canary to come w/them, thats cool
theyre having a party??? hvbajdsfbhasjkdf
oh shit??? what did zeburo just do to killua??? WHATS GOING ONNN lol this is UNCHARTED TERRITORY 
omggg all their formal outfits....everyone cheering wildly at kurapika is cute 
the fact that both killua and gon are taller than kurapika in this is rlly funny 
the idea that the zoldycks are also highly trained ballroom dancers is super hilarious to think about, even moreso when you consider how isolationist they are 
seriously grandpas got mad flips
also i love leorios outfit 
this feels like a filler arc tbh. and i dont mean that in a bad way!
leorio trying to get kurapika to go to the hot springs with him lmaoooo
hisokas stage presence is fantastic gotta say 
damnnnn dad zoldycks got mad flips too. guess it runs in the family 
props to the actors for managing to keep their wigs on while flipping around like that 
its so fuckgin funny thats hisoka just introduces himself as illumis friend, when this whole arc is all about how assassins Cannot Have Friends 
so hisoka is just here trying to get family approval too huh
gon miming a fishing trip was adorable and realistic...sometimes u get skunked and It Just Be Like That
leorio is rlly tryin to shoot his shot w/kurapika and kp is just Not Realizing huh vbjsdufjbsaukjf
wow leorio breakin the fourth wall like that lmao 
wow so illumi hacked killua. rude 
hisoka and illumi are lowkey hilarious in this 
leorio is rlly sending every signal possible to kurapika and kp is like. No 
leorio: killua is a scary murder baby, but also im adopting him 
kurapika singing abt how weird it is having friends after dedicating their life to Revenge(tm) is v on brand 
no wonder illumi didnt wanna tell him abt his evil plan lmaoooo he fucked up even telling hisoka that much clearly 
the zoldyck siblings just staring at hisoka in confusion bc How The Fuck Did This Clown Get In Our House hvbhjdksfnjksdf
you can tell the subs are off when the audience is cracking up but you dont even see a joke there lmao
oh my goddd hisoka using bungee gum to make everyone dance is. hilarious 
oh my god synchronized dancing 
HVBSHDJFBJDSKFHBSJ illumi doing a dance routine independent of hisoka and hisoka being like ????? vhbjsdkhfjkjsdnfkj THIS IS HILARIOUS
supremely funny to me how illumi makes such a big point abt assassins not having friends, yet hisoka is announcing himself as illumis friend w/every given opportunity hvbhajdkdfhjskf
this feels so filler arc i love it. thats so charming to me since the 2011 anime doesnt have any filler (from what i can tell?) 
kurapika and leorio rlly feel like killuas parents here lmaooo
this is all dramatic but kurapika keeps repeating what leorio says and its cracking me up hvbajhkdhfbjsk
i lov this fambly 
ah, even in the musical illumi is still such a manipulative bastard 
i feel like the quality just went down EVEN MORE, which i didnt think was even possible hvbhjkdsfskf. at least the audio is synced w/the video again
illumis got a good evil laugh 
this is the exact brand of dramatic angsty filler content that i was hoping for in this lmao i love it 
oooh more zoldycks 
honestly this is more how i expected the zoldyck arc to go in canon hbshjdkujfkjsfdas
dramatic gay filler angst + somewhat incorrect fansubs = perfection
the subs keep calling illumis power ‘spells’ which seems to imply that illumi is some sort of assassin wizard rather than a nen user hvbsudhfkjsdjgf
come to think of it, what point was the manga at when this musical was written? it has to be pretty early on, maybe just as nen was being introduced
gon boutta go ham on illumi...Get His Ass
gon doin the good ole reliable shounen ‘punch your friend and yell at them so they snap out of a funk’ lol
i do love how typically shounen this is. friendship speeches! but delivered by SONG!
illumis main hobby is butting in at the worst possible moments 
hisokas playing card blocked killuas hit hvbhjakdhsfjnakdsf thats like in jojo when those manga blocked dios knives 
wow the whole zoldyck squad is here
ooh forbidden zoldyck lore lmao
killua: mom u guys are lame im joining this much cooler family now. bye 
i love how hisoka is just weirdly lurking around for all this zoldyck drama lmao
silva seems like such a bro in this but i feel like hes rlly not like that in canon vhauidfhbsjhdkjfk
oh nope there he goes w/the evil laugh lmaooooo
sorry dude but leorio is his dad now 
gon sniffing zeburo hgbajkdfshbjkdfjnsjdk oh my god
oh hell yeah some synchronized main character finale dancing 
actor showcase! everyone loves kurapika which, same 
ah so the director of this musical also directed the sailor moon musicals, which i didnt know existed but of course that exists...thats funny considering the hxh mangaka is married to the sailor moon mangaka 
anyways that was fun honestly!!!! i fuckgin love musicals, and musical adaptations of non-musical source materials can be like, SO different tonally, but this honestly felt like a fun filler 
it was really interesting seeing something based on the canon from this early on - as i said above, some of the characterizations (like the zoldycks) seems a bit different than we’re used to, but others were spot on - like hisoka only showing up intermittently to sow chaos and do nothing else vhjkadhbfhkjdsfnj im assuming the yorknew arc hadnt happened at this point, but hisokas actions in this musical were hilariously similar to how he acted in the yorknew arc, so, props. 
plus it was cool to see the ‘what if’ factor w/hisoka and illumi also being there, espec illumi interacting w/killua bc its so wildly different from how killua reacts to any of his other family members - hes clearly scared of illumi, in a way he isnt w/anyone else, and that was done well here w/the scene where illumi threatens killua’s friends to get killua to listen to him
also the angst was honestly great, and there was some REALLY sweet wholesome parts that i loved. and the music wasnt half bad either!!
i think the VAs did a great job playing the characters - hisokas VA was especially great (and i really loved kurapika too). gons hair was not very similar to how it looks in the show so it was a little more obvious that he was being played by a grown woman, but still a great performance. 
anyways fun times, i love musicals and this was a fun ole 2000s filler shounen musical adaptation
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silversprit · 4 years
me reacting to danganronpa shit with no context
includes all 3 main games! ask for context if u want heeheh
FUCK YALL ITS CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRO ITS LITERALLY THERE ITS ALL THERE (referring to leosaya of course)
i also love how everyone else hates him, though him and mukuro junko coudlve been really intriguing
kyoko doesnt even waste time speaking
CELESGAMI CANON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW IT WO- maybe not maybe im reading too deep “he and i are of a kind” WINK WONK
toko pleeeease stop obsessing ove rhim hes so bad
ishimondo canon i think that ones actually canon someone on the dr crew said it i think
fuck you byakuya “don’t breathe until i tell you to” shut the fuck up
i would say band-aid confirmed but honestly? it already was MONOKUMA HUH WHAT
hm comparing gundam to komaeda… is that a good comparison? idk much about sdr2 i cant say for sure SONDAM CONFIRMED again it probably already was
sodddaaaa dont beat him up
i love you twogami you are so good HAJIME NOT KNOWING WHAT YAOI IS JUST… MMM FEELS RIGHT
TERUTERU GAY FOR HAJIME CONFIRMED also kazuichi/hajime but thats more believable… wait “come and be my worthy partner” TWOGAMI/HAJIME EVERYONE IS SO HORNY FOR THE PROTAGS
“she’s in the wild ‘n wet world of yuri now!” IBUKI WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ARE YOU DATING HER WAHAT i mean i do think it could be cute also hajime’s was surprisingly calmer than i thought it would be
WOAH HIYOKO WHAT THE SHIT DID YOU JUST SAY KOMAEDA WAS INTO LOLICON WHAT honestly im glad no one trusts komaeda (this will get me murdered)
SONIA KNOWS KUZUPEKO CANON EHLL YEAH ibuki was friends with him? i dont remember that
everyone is being angry at ibuki gonna kms /j /j /j shes just playin her death metal HIYOKO NOOO WHY ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE WHO LIKES IT
F-FUYUHIKO BLUSHING AT CHIAKI??? NO. I CANNOT ACDEPT THIS ibuki is so gay i love her she is best girl for a reason
i dont trust most of the people’s reactions to her thats weird
akane just confess to nekomaru already damn you dont gotta keep innuendoing ooookay is teruteru bi cause hoyl shit these reactions make me think so thats actually p cool
ibuki keeps referencing that one scene in chapter 2 and i love that
hajime says “stop talking about your panties”…. bro shes- you know what nvm he can figure it out on his own
ibuki being gay for peko feeds me i love them together but like kuzupeko but like peko has two hands! gundam just laughing.. imposter sus
glad none of the dudes (except for teruteru rolling eyes emoji) is being horny for hiyoko and monokuma calling her a loli is. technically correct? shes an adult if the dr timeline is right
love that ibuki still goin on about that scene girl… same also love that kazuichi and gundam bonding over loving sonia
ibuki rejecting soda like that… good for her. hajime yes you’re soul friends geeez it snot that hard to understand
havent played v3 so my opinions might be stupid (you have been warned)
wow these are surprisingly boring also whats with the talk of ghosts thats weird
miu dont diss tsumugi like that i thought she was cute also yeah okay maki you dont need to be like “im not interested” okay we know u straight baby its ok /hj kaito wanna see her cosplay (lenny face)
angie finds keebo attractive you say? and tsumugi asks if he knows romance? and shuichi calling him a dryer? fascinating
angie calling gonta a grandma is both cute and kinda odd. why is kirumi calling him mother? my god miu can you not be horny for 5 minutes
ohhh i get it now nvm gonta asked if she was the mom of the group AND KOKICHI ASKING HER TO BE HIS MOM HAHA KOKICHI MOMMY KINK LOLOLOL tsumugi drooling ooh
OHH GONTA CALLED ANGIE THE GRANDMA OF THE GROUP WHILE BLUSHING WHAT angie is honestly so cute shes obsessed with atua and sacrifices but shes cute
kaede asking why korekiyo wears a mask… sadge if only she knew what awaited her in 2020 also maki asking who his sister is is
aw kaede called tenko cute. also kiyo just straight up being like “yeah imma kill her” is so brave
shuichis is so boringgigig
im crying i cant find the ultra despair girls one
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SPOP Season 4 notes
Spoilers obvi
Gonna be a bit different from my s3 notes, as I’m p much just gonna liveblog stuff here- Since I dont wanna spoil my friends... Rip 😔
Ep 1:
Mom: Icecream cake :-D me, sobbing: Mom I love you
Every time my mom does something I cry. I love and miss her sm
Ya know I always thought Hordaks red teeth were fuckin weird af
They really out here just reusing the princess prom outfits huh?
Really though I swear if Entrapta doesnt come back I’ll scream. You cant just trade in my beautiful amasing gf for me. I know I’m great but I swear.
Rip Auntie Angella.... 😔
I wasn’t even there for the corrination- I kinda feel bad for that but... I was alittle busy... With somethin- Hell if I know what.
Oh hot diggity Catra-
Look I may not like her but I can really respect her tactics....
EP 2:
Okay what does Perfuma have against the crimson wastes- Hopefully its (Rightful) fear!
Oh nooo the gooooo
One does not simply call Adora soft
Aweeee Perfuma and Bow bonding...
Perfuma is cacti-phobic hahahaha
O.O Wheres the ship
Huntara eats sand and theres nothing you can do about it.
God im so dramatic I love it
Perfuma Im so proud of you bb
Hot take? Perfuma x Huntara
Honestly being Catra was always fun
Ep 3:
Pajamas Catra? Catra without her headband? Wild shit. Wild shit.
She cute tho ngl
Oh hecc its time to fuck with the rebels-
I s2g its rly lookin like my tl may just be flip flopped on which side I helped- Idk... its only ep 3 jfkbgf
Wittle moth society... so cute...
Flutterina... Adorable
The moth town leader is adorable. Precious old lady. I love her. her design is amazing. 10/10 I love her
Wait what-
Ohhhh my god what happened-
Catra if you dont start appreciating Scorpia right this second I swear to god I will appreciate her myself.
Flutterina is so precious. All her fangirling...
Are we gonna explorer the whole.. reaction catra has every time someone mentions the Portal??
Spinerella and nettossa are precious 100%
Okay but I’m right. tiny cute and pink. I didnt even catch it. I done fooled myself.
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Am cutie
god I love shadow weaver. I miss her sm
Yaaayyyyy Catras having fun!
She makes great bait and u know it.
Oh no are the gfs fighting-
Catra legit thought glimmer was me I love this-
..... Okay literally as I type thet I get mems of her eating glitter okay cool
Ohhh That was cool-
Hey Catra dont hide your grateful attitude you dick
God I love these girlfriends
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This is cute
Ep 5
Kyle you precious little boy
Oh are they finally gonna develop these three?
Ditzy light hope is cute light hope
I love Kyle launie and roheleo... Precious
“I made a crystal :-D”
“I know what will help!” “no dont-”
Kyle I love you
“Oh trust me the information is never gonna load for you.”
Lookit these... three siblings.... Blessed babes
EP 6
Oh boi Scoria episode here we go
God I love that she kept Emily....
Scorpia is too bright and cheery for the hoarde. Redeem her damnit
Hecc I hate that Im being so mean to the best friend squad but oooog its so fun to watch
Emily’s personality is so cuuuteee -w-
Emily scared of Catra.. precious
I wanna hug her so bad
Hehehehehehe >:)
Damnit Bo, ruining my work-
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Scorpias entrapta impression tho
Im gonna cry, emilys recordings....
..... Whats goin on with the Garnet...
Emily youre so smart.
Catra rly needs a hug tbh
God I wanna know more about the scorpion kingdom....
Ep 7
Mermista you are too happy when holding everyone in a room against their will
Ohhh hohoho I am lovin this story~
Shadow weaver bein an embarassing mom to Adora, adorable
Adora was absolutely suspicious of Weaver in my tl 100% Sure I made her more trusted, but Adora is stubborn
Ooooooo This is a great ep...
Ohh Im having fun arent I~
Ohhhhhhh Shiiiiiiiiiiit Rip selenious
I hope yallre keepin an eye on me, Or I’ll get out >:-)
Awee depressed baby :-(
Seahawk this is a terrible idea....
This better be a musical episode
I love depressed mermista
Return of the she-mop!
Oooo seahawk past....
Awee Catra misses Scorpia
And is finally realizin shes gone
O u c h poor Seahawk
Oooo Catra, a natural born killer~
I love bein able to finally see Octavia in action
Low key musical Ep, hell yesssss
I already shipped mermista and seahawk but this ep... Is just makin me ship it more....
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The fact that it took this long for Catra to finally go to scorpias room and check on her
How the fuck do the boats work
Ep 9
OHHHHH Razz gets the sheras mixed up thats honestly so cute-
Razz... I lov u
I love her refrences to the old charas
Razzzz awe precious.. The first time...
Oooo I love seein Mara
Good I feel bad for Razz tbh??? hoppin back and forth between Sheras
God she looks so much better than Adora holy fuck
Hot fucking damn I didnt expect this what the sh iiiiiii
Ep 10
That fuckin POOF
Let Frosta nap 2020
Daaaamn Catra... Go take a nap hun, you look terrible
Oh sweetie.....
Glimmer please you didn’t see what they saw.
Aaaannnnd Okay the queenliness is goin to her head cool
God I love them learning the ship
Eeeeee I hope they find my blessed gorl.....
Whats swifty hearin..
I cant believe the first ones just have a fucking dump
Sweet my uncles just a lil crazy haha
Glimmer loses one parent and gains the other. Girl only gets one parent at a time. Hahahaha
The world has to nerf her lmao
Hell yeah hes cool!
Okay cool proof that Lighthope just wants to activate the weapon
Guys just tell him she’s a teenager omfg
Hoooooly hecc
NOOOOOOOO aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ohhhh Scorpia is the key.....
Ep 12
You bet you ass Ive escaped bitches >:)
-cries- I’ve missed my wife
Awaaa she never changes!
Someone hug Catra I s2g
DT nooooooo
I adore Weaver in this season- Who am I kidding, I adore Weaver in every season
THe hoarde is led by two kids who just need some tender love and care
God Ive missed her...
Uhhhggggg I now hate that I remember having a runestone of my own
Tho I DO wanna know what kinda powers Scorpia will get....
Sweetie no non onononononononononononononoono
bdhsvfbjskbfd I can only do her hair bjkvfdbgfkd
Ep 13
Nobodies followin Catra anymore lmao
Ohhhh shit Catras gonna d i e
Rip in pieces Hordak
Ohhh shiiiiiiii
I love callin Catra out ohhhh my g o d
OOoooooo Lightning!
I gotta question that rn Glimmer...
Damnit Hordak aint dead...
Ohhh hecc hecc hecc hecc
Ya rly just teleport a whole room like that-
I like horde prime-
His eyes are cool and his palette is so much nicer aaaa
Fave season so far
And not just cause I’m finally in it xD
Expect more posts when the mems really start pouring... Gotta figure out how all this changed in my TL since it DEFINITELY wasn’t just like this-
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taephoriia · 7 years
Married life with Taeyung.
i had a dream, can you make something with that – Taenia ( here you go girl ) !SMUT WARNING!!!
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So im married for 2 beautiful years now with the love of my life, i cant think of anyone else i wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
so here im just working in my office, the only thing i want to do is put my pants of because i feel more comfy in just my white button up shirt, after a few mins of working and me stressing i recieve a phone call “sweety don’t freak out but Taetae is in the hospital he had an accident” i let everything drop “okay uhhm im coming!!” after i hang up i grab my jacket and ran to the parking lot searching for my keys “OHHH COME ON WHERE ARE THEY!!!!” i scream out loud when i found them i go in my car and i start to cry and my breathing is not good “okayy calm down” i rush to the hospital, and i ran inside and ask the lady at the receptionist where Kim Taehyung’s room is, once she tells me where it is i quickly ran into the elevator once im on the right floor i see my mom and my mother in law standing there “he is right in here, come on lets get inside” i hear my mom saying. We walk into the room, and i see Taetae laying on the bed with alot of scratches and bandages on his face and hands, i start to cry slowly my mom put a chair at his bed and i sit on it and i gave him many kisses on his hands. i see him smiling at me and i cry a little bit more “im okay baby, nothing bad” i hear him saying “im just injured, on my head and i have no broken bones sweetheart” i smile at him and thanking god that he is okay “he was waiting for me outside the house, but it was very windy and a tree crashed on the car and that hurted Taehyung” his mom says to me “ohh okayy, thank god its not so bad” then the doctor walks in “okay everything is okay, and you will be home by tonight!” im so happy he doesn’t have to stay a night “okay thank you doctor” i say and the doctor walks away “sweety do you need help bringing him home?” i smile at them “no i can do this you two can go home i know you guys have things to do, i will call you when we are home” they give us a hug and a kiss and walk out of the room. Tae and i talked for a few minutes asking him how he feels and if he is okay, i took my jacket off and opened one button of my shirt because its to damn hot in her, i sit infront of Tae and i see that he is getting tired and he falls asleep, i begin to feel tired to and fall asleep to, and sleeping on a chair is not as comfy as you might think haha, i woke up around 4 in the morning and when i open up my eyes is see Tae looking at me he looked very serious at me, and with his scratches which is really hot
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i grabbed my phone and i saw the time “okay babe we can go home now, did you slept good? does it still hurts?” he smiles at me “yes baby im okay” he gets of the bed and tries to change his clothes himself, i stop him and help him out “let me do that baby” he lets me help him and i took off his hospital clothes, you know i don’t care about something else i just want him to rest and do nothing else. i look at tae and i see that he is a little flustered and i could also see that he was a little turned on, but then again he is naked. after that we went back home, after i put him on the couch “Taetae, what do you want to eat?” he smiles at me and just for a seconds closes his eyes “can we have some mac and cheese?” “ofcourse we can have that” i gave him a kiss and give the remote control for the tv,  i walk to the kitchen and start making food and everytime i feel Tae looking at me so i turn around and he looks quickly back to the tv, i giggle quitely i mean he is so cute with some many pillows around him and a blanket and watching tv. i finish cooking and i put everything on a plate and i walk back to him “there you go sweety, i also have something to drink for you” he smiles but looks at me confused “ohh baby you need help, do i need to feed you??” he smiles wider “haha no, but you dont want something?” “no im not that hungry” he looks at me with a pouty face “you need to eat baby, you need the strenght to take care of me haha” i laugh “haha okay i will have a little bit then” i sit down next to him and eat a little bit and watch the tv show with him. after the show ended i put everything back in the sink and i walk to the bedroom to change, i take off my dirty white button shirt that i have on for the whole day already, when i had the shirt not over my head yet i feel two strong big hands around me, aftar my shirt was off he pushed my hair aside and whisper in my ear “i can’t resist you anymore baby” i blush real hard and i feel that im getting a little wet in between my legs when he says that, i mean have you heard his voice! “i want you so badly, i wanna fuck you on al kinds of places” i gulp “are you sure Taetae? i mean you are injured, im a little bit tired” but that didn’t work because im so weak for this man he takes the rest of my clothes off “baby im fine, i dont have broken bones remember i can fuck the living shit out off you!” i turn around and i start to kiss him, he still wears his clothes so i slowly removes his, once he is naked i go down on my knees and i start to slowly suck on his hard cock, and with every moan i go faster and i take him deeper in my mouth. “ohhh yess baby!!!” after a while he comes in my mouth and i swallow everything, he then push against the wall and start to kiss my neck while his fingers are pleasuring me between my legs “ohh baby, you are so wet for me” i start to moan, and once i almost come he stops and smiles evily at me, before i can even say something he pushes really hard into me and start to fuck me sensely i was so surprised that he can be so rough while he is injured. he keeps fucking me hard and faster, he walks to the bed and puts us down and start to fuck me even harder and he start to lick my breast and bite slowly on my nipples “ohh T-taee i-i aaahh!!” i was a moaning mess, and not just me but the beautiful sounds he is making, he rolls on his back and i sit on him and start moving my hips really fast and hard we look each other in the eyes and i bend over and kiss him, he turns us over again and stands behind me and start fucking me doggystyle, while he grabs my hips hard and start smacking on my ass “ ohhh i i think im gonna cum babygirl!” he grunts and goes faster “ohhh aaahh me too tae!!!!!” we both cum we both fall on the bed and his pulls me closer and i lay my head on his chest and he covers us under the blanket “baby, i love you so much, why dont we get some rest i think be both need that!” i smile and give him a kiss!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i hope you like it!!!!
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swearronchanel · 8 years
Kicking off the hiatus with 5.04
A few people have requested that I continue my commentaries™ during the hiatus & after all the positive feedback, I couldn’t say no! But I expected to have an awful day & it actually went well so I thought I’d go ahead and do it now. You know since I’m going to avoid all my responsibilities anyway it might as well be for a good cause🙃
I watched a lot of shameless on Netflix today so it’s nice to watch something wholesome for a change of pace 😂
“The world was shifting on its axis in 1961, strides were being made, decisions taken, questions asked..” Vanessa’s narration is always on point like I wish I had the patience to post all her quotes 😭😂
Aw sister Mary Cynthia! I hope she’s in the Christmas special
My bby trixie looking flawless while riding a bike, goals
But who is this nun they’re having a service for lol ??
Like it’s kinda irrelevant oops,  r i p & dios te bendiga but why do we care? at least I don’t
Isn’t this girl from something? She looks so familiar
i remember saying this before .. oh yea she’s from game of thrones I think. I don’t watch it though haha
“Angel? I could get used to that!” Aw my bby is so cute like yes trix ur an angel
yikes that cough lady, I have a stuffy nose rn and I’m hoping I don’t start coughing 😭cause then I wanna be in a coma cause I hate being sick
Aw he'a so excited! He got into university👏🏼 that was legit me though 😂 I’m so irrational and literally only applied to one university (well I filled out many applications but didn’t submit any others because you gotta pay so I tried to wait and see if I got accepted to where I wanted first😂) I found out in English while on my phone instead of doing work & I screamed and just ran out the classroom 😂 I went to my guidance councilor and told everyone in the main office and then called my parents who *were nervous I wouldn’t get in* but also were literally going through security in the airport on their way to Dominican Republic .. ah, I was full of excitement and hope. Look at me now 3 semesters in &I’m over it 😂😂 it’s so stressful and mentally/emotionally draining and sometimes I’m just like how do I become a trophy wife asap?
My bby SHELAGH! 😍 she is so precious in her suit aww, but lets be real the navy suit is the best™ one she owns. But I still like her best in uniform at the clinic though 💁🏼
she’s over here giving a talk on giving birth at home & Im just like holy shit SHE JUST HAD A BABY IN THEIR NEW HOME, I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT😭!!!!
Tom’s so excited for Ian it’s so cute and sweet
And Tom is so cute and attractive ugh, he could get it
oh damn wait Mrs Cottingham has the baby with no limbs
aw yea and she wanted a girl
I agree though little boys are gremlins 😂😂 from ages like 7-14, get them away from me 😂
Ian all hopeful for their future and then boom he’s a dad. That went from 0 to 💯 real quick
Phyllis!! & lol sister W giggling
But damn why they all acting like Sister J is too old and incapable 😂 she wants to go to St Cuthberts, let her
Sister Monica Joan upset aw😭 don’t worry sister you’re Help is needed
Pats and Deels look cute “tanning” outside
“You want to see Anita Ekberg in that fountain just as much as I do”  Lmaoo 😂😂 for real though have u ever seen La Dolce Vita? Like Anita Ekberg was too hot to handle. I wish I looked that good damn
Trixie came to thirdwheel even though she isn’t unaware she is lol
But Trixie is serving summer looks™ I love it 😍
Damn though Patsy’s legs are pretty pasty 😂😂
Trixie wondering what the hell kinda magic bra Anita had on, literally same cause I want it. Always need good quality strapless bras for summer👍🏻
Patsy inviting Trixie and Delia gave the side eye omg 😂
Here comes Babs lmao
ugh this is when Babs first got with Tom and they were annoying lmao, I got over it though
If I was Trixie I’d be lowkey mad too like that was her ex-fiancé but I’m glad they got over it and are friends despite that 💕 cause I know petty girls that would just cut the other off
WHY DO THEY PRONOUNCED SCHEDULE LIKE THAT? And honestly How?? Like I can’t even lol it’s hard. Oops is my American showing
Sister J out here
Ohh yea this matron is a bitch lmao, vete ya
What is the correlation between going to grammar school and getting pregnant ?? @ Ian’s mom
Lol Trixie’s just like pls don’t ask me
ugh get this nurse/matron or what ever tf she is off my screen before I smack her
I swear Jenny Agutter has such a relaxing voice, like she really can calm you down & tell you all will be well & you’ll just be like “yea you right”😭
Tom is so rational and sensible because if I walked in I’d immediately start screaming and all that like “calm tf down people" 
Pats and Deels sneaking around in a convent lol it gives me anxiety always thinking “oh shit u think someone will walk in?”
Damn Tom you just made Babs feel like a rebound™
“Who’s to say we won’t carry on” ya will be fine & get married next year chill out
So Babs is only 23, how old are the other nurses *well how old do you think*??
WHEN WILL WE SEE A NONNATUN BIRTHDAY?? *I preferably want to see Trixie or Shelagh have one* but I’d take anyone really, like these people literally celebrate every other damn holiday/event but no one has had a birthday?? Except for Jenny and Chummy but they’re both gone lol
yikes emphysema, one of my grandfathers died from that. 70 odd years of tobacco smoking 😬 he did someone love to be 85 yrs old though. Idk how, he couldn’t breathe for so long
I love Phyllis just saying again for the millionth time
Aw Trix 💔 you will be happy soon💕😭
See! She said w/o Sister J she’d be screaming! Her presence is calming
Emergency c-section aye dios
Turn up at the pub
Lol funny how the dad gave Tom orange juice bc he’s a vicar but he was drunk af the night before his wedding 😂 drunk enough to have little memory and to be hungover the next day
we’ve all been there tho I don’t judge
Is it really CtM if there’s not at least one mention of babycham a series?
c-sections are wild omg
also I’ve never been under anesthesia so I’d be scared af
LOL & also I’ve never had a kid so that’s scary too duh
“Oh God another one” ahh omg
Do you think that was a doll ??
Again this show makes everything look real af so I never know
Is the doctor here the Mr Kenely that I hate??
They really left that baby there to die like o m g
Sister J praying/blessing the baby 💔💔 my freaking heart omg
again this nurse is on my screen and I need her to go, preferably to carajoland
“may the lord bless you and keep you”!! 💔😭
the third deformed baby and they didn’t report it??
“I’m not drunk” I mean you’re sitting on the floor in the bathroom so I’d think you were too 😂
Lol remember.. *cringes* no wait lets not
Tom worked in a record shop that’s cute
damn Tom do you really think telling them to just settle is the best way to comfort him
Aw sister J needs a hug😭😢💕
and yes prayer you’re right sister MJ
Sister MJ, Sister MC & Sister J comforting each other is so pure, all the they have scenes together wash my sins away for a second
wait where tf is sister Winifred lmao, did she just scadaddle after compline? snuck out to see a heathen movie i bet  jk jk I’m sure she only sneaks to quality films
but then I say dumb shit like that ^ or even worse/more inappropriate & the sins return😂😂
There’s my bby Shelagh! And in uniform, love it. 😭😍
Whenever Shelagh goes back to work next series I hope we see more of her being a nurse cause I love it
Wild that the hospital was just not saying anything about the deformed babies
Sister J coming to the best detective in Poplar, Dr Watson aka Shelagh Turner aka secret agent Shealgh Turnova™ 😂😂 *forever one of my fave lines of hers*
Lmao Tim helping out old ladies, being a good seed & too perfect of a teen
But damn boy comb your hair!
“I haven’t boiled any urine today, nice to have a change of pace” Lol Babs😂😂
oh no she’s bleeding 😢
I’m having flashbacks to Shelagh’s threatened miscarriage like lets not go down that painful memory lane  
Sister J told Ruby it was a girl bc she knew she wanted a girl ughhh 😢
Ruby thinks it was a punishment 💔 ugh my heart & ugh again makes me think of when Shelagh thought she was being punished/greedy when they told her she couldn’t have a baby 💔
Stop the sadness I say, stop it now
“We haven’t got a fairy godmother between us” WHERE IS PHYLLIS WHEN SHE IS NEEDED?
And Poor what’s her name 💔💔
oh yea it’s Linda omg how could I forget that’s my Gram’s name
But Shelagh and Trixie are interacting!!
ALSO: I’LL KEEP SAYING IT TILL I DIE, ALL I WANT IS A TRIXIE & SHELAGH FRIENDSHIP! 😭😭💕💖💖 they’re my bbys and I’ve been asking nicely
shit ¡¡ @beatrix-franklin wrote a damn essay as to why we need/want it !!
Shelagh’s grey cardigan is actually cute *she just doesn’t need anymore lol*
“What the poor pet really needs is a good cry, a bottle of aspirin and a hug in no particular order..but the hug is of prime importance”  you see. We could’ve have a cute scene of Trixie visiting Shelagh in the hospital & a little parallel of when she visited her in the sanatorium
or Just give me Trixie hugging Shelagh and I’ll cry of joy 😭💕
omg wait
shit I forgot Ian put his head in the oven
Angela playing on the floor !! So precious 💖
“..Don’t think they’d thank you for that Patrick, they’re both younger than me”  Lol I always laugh at that, it’s kinda cute. I like when Shelagh has funny lines , why didn’t Patrick say anything back 😂 there could’ve been cute playful banter. Even this series we could’ve heard him call her an elderly primigravida is a joking/playful banter context ..BUT at least we know now Shelagh is 36!
Yea man those bombs impacted multiple generations
“So World War II is history now is it?” I seriously love these little lines of Shelagh’s lol. Also funny how she prob sees her self as old, and she was what, like my age, when the war needed?? 18 or 19 depending on her birthday (We’d know but nonnatuns apparently don’t ever have birthdays)
Shit. Wait..I feel. Kinda strange and scary to think my future children will learn in school the events I’ve lived through so far ??
okay lets not think about that
what’s the sluice? I know he washes instruments but what exactly is the sluice? The room ? Idk
Aw Angela crying, one of the the only times we’ve heard her make a sound lol
“How long have we been broken off?” “A year. To be precise a year and ten days”  I know they weren’t really a good match but aw 😭 it was nice while it lasted
Trixie Bby 💔💔 happiness is coming your way I promise
“I never know when I love you the most. But I sometimes think these are the times I love you best..”😭😭 BYE IM DEAD AGAIN & MY HEART EXPLODED AGAIN😭💔💕💕
thinking about it though, they’ve never actually said I love you properly, have they??
See Patrick’s little med school anecdote, can Shelagh share one anytime soon? About anything from her past, I’m just curious.
Was that just a piece of “in the mirror” or is it playing in my head? Honestly it happens quite often, I’ll swear I hear a song and it’s actually in my head
alright Ian so why were you marrying her? you switching it up kid
I’m calling him kid like he’s not probably older than me lmao
Phyllis in her robe I love it
Trixie serving yet another look™😍
I’m so glad Trixie gave Babs her “blessing” & became good friends. So pure, we don’t need any more women being put against each other
“Fuzzy felt apostles” WHY AM I LAUGHING AT THAT? It’s not even funny?
Now the service for a nun we never knew, filled with extra nuns we will never know or care about.
I love that the nurses are at the service lol, like they probably don’t have to be but still there for fam
& Shelagh there wearin a mantilla, so sweet😭💕
“God hugs you” aw sister MC 😭❤️
You gotta admit even if you aren’t religious this show does make you feel some type of faith
“We knew so little then, in a world that seems so filled of opening doors and bright horizons. We thought only of what was new and better because it was new and better. And it would take us to places we had never been before.” VANESSA😭 she never fails with the narration, never.
Trixie helping Babs fix her bracelet bc there’s no hard feelings and she’s happy for them aw
“..We couldn’t see what was coming or understand yet what had already come to pass, yet so much still to learn”
Oh shit that foreshadow was heavy, especially because it ends with a shot of baby cottinghams body in the box.
I don’t think I picked up on that the first time ..                                     Anyway it’s 1:15am I should go to bed I have class in the morning 😭😂
The End.🙃
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This is why we can't have nice things Gabby. Please read if you have time, just sharing my thoughts a little.
Got assaulted by my sister over a pair of leggins, if she had just let it go i could have looked tomorrow but she had to punch me when i asked her to leave. And i did find a pair of leggins i can't remember if they're mine. So i did the only thing someone salty af would do, marked them with my initials, shoved them in her face and told her they were mine. But as my sister is the biggest failure in humanity i know she still believed they were hers. But it looks like i won for now, She acts as she owns everything in our house including the house itself, she owns 95% in our shared bathroom because she places her million of things on every available space there is and i have one tiny shelf, there's like no reason for me to have anything nice because she will take it. i'm so enclosed and store everything in my own room because sooner or later that shit will disappear. She's disgusting, annoying and the litteral worst type of person there is. So utterly selfish, stuck up, can't think for her self kind of person. And me as her sister is only good for serving her, there's so much fucking wrong and fucked up things with me because i'm not living up to her standards in what a little sister should be. Because apparantly i'm suposed to humor her and agree with everything she says...is she fucking insane? Just because i like sitting around in my underwear and play videogames and my room is "boy-ish" and i only care about essential hygene products and clothes rather then lots of lots of makeup and being a godamn fahsionista i'm not "normal". She calls herself a feminist but shoves that gender role bullshit down my fucking throat. Like different opinions doesn't even exsist in her dictionary, she is correct, she has the only will. Ofc she will think that because she only values her own opinion and can't respect anyone elses. She's like an obstinate fucking toddler and idk how to deal with this. So this scenario when mom bought her some soda, like a 2 L bottle. The one mom bought me today is 1.5 L. I would not say anything because maybe the store only had that soda, or maybe mom just grabbed one, or she didn't remember what she bought and is really tired from work and i'm just glad she didn't forget to pick that soda up from the store. But oh boy, my sister though, she would have screamed bloody murder at mom then start a fucking civil war with me because she wants half of what i have then. I'll still come out with less because she thinks she deserves more. Because it's unfair, well newsflash asshole, life aint fair. It annoys me to death how unacceptable she is of someone having more or better then her..... I don't fucking understand how she thinks, shes so stupid and overdramatic.... She has no fucking shame or compassion or humanity and it's honestly so sad that it is this way. My family is litterly the weirdest collection of selfish, racist, homophobic, biggoted cheating assholes i know and all i can say is thank fucking god i became nothing of that, thank god i don't drink, smoke, do drugs or is a garbage piece of human shit. I have a bad example of pretty much all bad there is in my closest family. I mean, i became a ball of anxiety and depression but hey thats waaaaay better then some fucking redneck biggoted asshole. My family is like a bunch of hardcore christians in a way except it's for the swedish lineage. YOU CAN ONLY BE SWEDISH IN THIS HOUSE. is basicly what my parents say aka i'm banned for speaking another language or things they don't understand or want to hear. I love my dads argument that only retarded fucking toddlers speak english. I would call that a gifted toddler u piece of shit. AHHH MAN, they hate me for being so "cultural" just because i can speak like 3 languages and some fucking latin, because i'm not interested in swedish culture. Because i'm different. Like i said different and different opinions is a bad thing here. And i'm not suprised parents don't understand anything whats going on the times and this world. Stuck in their little rutine and safe bubble of their work and home. Ofc they wont think anything different because they dont get involved with something else. As someone who invests in a lot of time on social media and see a lot of whats going on the world and different cultures and opinions, ofc i would have a broader perspective and way of seeing things. Thats not gonna change. I'm not gonna force any parents to see my way because thats a shitty thing to do. But i just wish, if someone bothered to read all this shit. No matter what, why can't parents be supportive, you don't need to understand it, you don't need be a part of it. Why can't u just tell ur own child like "ohh u wanna do that thing, well good on u! And have fun" is that too much too ask? Supportive parents could change childrens lifes, because no matter what happens you know mom and dad got ur back. So why is it that people like my parents cant even talk to their own kid unless its to relay information about something they have planned, or when they want me to do somethint. They dont ask about me, how im doing or what im thinking. It's probably been 10 years since i last trusted my mom to tell her anything i felt. And ive never talked to my dad that way unless its to defend myself for some bullshit. They cant even remember the names of my friends ive had for the past 7 years. They honestly couldnt give 2 shits about me as a person and it breaks my fucking heart having to deal with this shit. In like 90% of my conversations with my parents its either an argument or im lying trough my teeth to make it seem like im fine, that everything is fine. Because i can't trust the bastards with even my life, which why i fear for my godamn life everyday that they will get tired of me. Which is hella unfair seeming as my sister is barely employed and works like 3 months a year the last 3-4 years. For now i'm being forced to get a drivers license so i can get a job. But when i do get a job and make a decent wage im gonna move into town which litterly makes my cars useless as monthly bus card is probably cheaper then maintaining a car and paying for a parking spot and i would have to look for an apartment with a garage....no thanks..and everyday....just a parking spot at work would be like 1/3 of my salary. Because thise things aint foe free. But i guess i'm gonna be glad once i have a drivers license, even if i dont use it. But i am petty as hell that theyre gonna force it on me and not my sister. If you actually read this you deserve a godamn gold star. Or like an entire cake.
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bubblywimp-blog · 7 years
25 July 2017
24 July 2017 10:30 pm
“We should better sleep didi!” said Devi. She calls me ‘didi’ because i am her elder sister.My family has made it a habit that if anyone is elder than you then you gotta call the person ‘didi’ or ‘bhaiya’.Its in the Hindu tradition,though nowadays these practices are not practiced.It is mostly done to convey respect(not like Devi super-respects me)
“Just this film..only 30 mins of it is left” said me!
“huh! i am feeling sleepy..”
(no response from me--this works you know,you just dont respond to her and then if she is in the mood of listening, she will if not then may god be with me..cause if Devi wants she gets it)
“well i think i can play this game for 30 mins more..) said Devi
We were alone in our house..dad was at the hospital with mom though he was gonna arrive..but that was late.
You know its the best experience ever- Having the house all to yourself..and when you have gadgets and a person next to you(just so your mind decides to think of monsters and the most scariest horror scenes you have seen) the experience is the bestest!
I was watching Twilight-Breaking Dawn part 1..and as you all know,it has some ‘scenes’..well most of you would say that Twilight’s a romance,and that it has ‘scenes’ all over..but well this is not true..the other movies dont have that much of ‘scenes’ in them.This whole movie is based on Edward and Bella’s honeymoon so yeah..
anyway when i finished watching the movie..the phone rang and i went to pick it up.It was mom telling us to sleep and usual talk.The thing is i saw a lizard in my room! like seriously A F-ING LIZARD! IN MY ROOM!
See before you misunderstanding the whole situation..let me tell you i am not one of those girls who would run away from a roach or one of them who would scream when they see an insect..no..well unless and until the insect is doing some harm to me..but lizards! i hate them! i hate lizards!!..i used to not like them but the moment i saw The Amazing Spiderman i was like ‘i hate lizards and they ARE disgusting!’
when we went to bed, i was not feeling like sleeping in my room cause it terrified me that when we go to sleep the lizards may be above or heads onto the ceiling,or on the wall beside us..ugh!! I can recall the feeling! it was terrible and i was feeling(dont take it the wrong way) dirty.
So i asked Devi if we could sleep in our parents room(well basically i shouted and demanded that-cause we had a slight argument before)
and then we were sleeping-kinda.when i heard dad come in.and then well i asked him that maybe we could sleep in his room hoping that he would go and sleep in our room but then he just offered to put down mattress on the  floor..so i just went to my room saying that "okay for me sleeping there but i dont want Devi with me,i wanna sleep alone”
and so LaraAngel drifted off to a neverending sleep in neverland(also know as my room)
25 July 2017
“do you want to sleep more?” asked a really familiar male voice.Dad.Maybe its him..who else could it be? my boyfriend? no i think not.Why?.CAUSE HE BLOODY DOES NOT EXIST!!!
Me and Devi werent going to school because dad had to set things up a bit.mom was in hospital
see- i am NOT playing the ‘pity me’ game..(makes a sickly sing song voice) ohh! pity me my moms in hospital! i dont go to school because dad has to set things up! and morely(which is not obviously a word) we did not want too..
I probably missed a lot of things..as in Footballer was absent yesterday but maybe he will be there today,we  had our Bio practicals today and were doing the cheek cell experiment..i bloody missed that thing! damn! i was looking forward to it! like from weeks! anyway whats gone is long gone!
anyway back to my day
I grunted-my response to dad’s question
anyway when i got up dad was getting ready to go to the hospital. and i spent the rest of the day like this:
Me and Devi cleaned up the house.
Then i watched Breaking Dawn part 2 and Easy A..This Easy A movie is kinda good..if you are looking for the teenage girl in whose life everything turns  bad and then she makes it right and then at last   she gets the guy of her dreams-i recommend it for some strength(not like i am gonna get the guy of my dreams and anything like that)..but it is that type of movie from which you know that it will be okay
anyway i watched these and then started play games online(i know this is childish but i was playing papa’s sushiria ) and then i got bored of it and then started playing other games(like papas cupcakeria or say papas freezaria etc-etc)
and then soon papa returned..we talked about how we were gonna go about after this..cause i had to go to tution and this timing clashed with the chef. unfortunately i had to go..i even wanted to cause i think its irresponsible of me to bunk tutions so much..and i thought mam was gonna teach Euclids Geomectry to us and if i am not there maybe she would delay it because of me and the whole class would suffer.So i went and guess? mam did not teach Euclids Geomectry. wow! but the good thing was i got to sit next to Rom..not like i have a crush on him or something but he is good to fool around.meaning i like to tease him and retorts nicely too! and you know i kinda ship him with every girl he talks to! like with aura(even though i think Rom is also scared of talking to Aura),and there’s this rebel bitchy type girl in out science tution named Miksha. I ship him with her too!
anyway we were starting Congruency. we had learnt it in 7th grade but then i was total zero in mathematics back in 7th grade..to be honest i didnt even open the books back then.So well just say i started revising(thanks for the guidelines from the book) but then mam asked me what i was doing and i had to embarrass myself and tell her that i had not paid attention during my 7th grade maths class..
embarrassing it was!
anyway we were then allowed to disperse and then i was walking back home along with Ishti,Aura and another girl named Nya. It is a routine of ours,Every maths tution we walk with each other and have a small chit-chat.and during science tution, it depends whether i choose to stay with Aanya or go straightway towards my house.
Anyway since mom wasn’t home, i had to but a few things that is food items like maggi and a stack of bread.
When i returned home with Aura,well aura is the only person who knows of my true identity and is reading these posts..so she wanted to read some of my posts and i offered her to stay since our exams were over too..so we spent a few hours watching and talking and then she went home meanwhile i had to make dinner..i did not do much just made few garlic breads(devi’s idea) and pizza..i need to tell you that the pizza was dead delicious! like really good! seeing we did not have enough topping,just onions,tomato,and cheese..lots of cheese!..
so we ate it along with each other, i gotta tell you..i would enjoy staying alone!..so we ate and then started doing our work again..that is i started writing this post and Devi started completing her homework.Anyway we are going to school tomorrow!..i wanna stay home as much as i want to go to school,meet Iomhara and see my Footballer! that guy isn’t even on any social media ‘cept his father has posted a video of him singing live on a comptition or somethoing
ugh! i dont want to study this bloody subject.Geography!! its sooo irritating! i dont bloody care about the f-ing land forms!
and what is this term geo-syn-cline?
hell! now i need to watch a youtube video to understand this thing better..the definition in the book looks like a combination of latin and greek along with some spanish maybe(guys this is purely exaggeration! not like my text book really has all these languages in it)
wild thought- man! i cant stop thinking about Footballer! he is just so hot! and cute! and not to forget incredibly sexy! let me type his name on youtube first just to find no result and to get disappointed(i am making fun of myself-seriously i am not that mad to think like this)
and this is the story of how i could find my crush on youtube when  none of my friends found it on any kind of social media.
FLASHBACK END so i watched this vid like 5 times! he was in 10th grade at that time! and wore a red shirt..maybe he likes red..i like red! and he looks so cute in it!..his voice, its like a drug!..and puberty did hit him!..hard!..like really hard!
anyway, the next day i made a youtube account and asked ‘if it was Footballer from NorthHigh?’ (NorthHigh is’nt a real school..i made it up)
and his father(most probably- it looked like it was him) replied yes
and then after that i made a new account UpAll Night and commented- aww..he is so cute! and talented too!
and guess what happened?..he deleted the comment! like really people!
anyway i am really tired now and have to go to school ! so bye!
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