#oh yeah and its my birthday today 🎉
kandigored · 3 months
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the mirror pool
so ive been thinking about this au ive wanted to make inspired by the incredible pogd au by @beluvbug for a while !!
this is a very self indulgent au based on pinkie dealing with the conflict of wanting to be taken seriously while also playing themselves down constantly as a way to please others, especially when it come to their identity as nonbinary and their disabilities
i was going to make the first post about this au a little comic but ironically the disabilities have made that a bit hard and i wanted to post something for it
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ickmick · 11 months
getting immediately into this- the acronyms key, past weeks posts, and rambling afterwords are under the cut!! drawings on full display today!!
Day 30
gore: undead
we have a miss cleo!! look at them!! so very cool, I'm actually very happy with my first real attempt to draw her! the hair was fun too, ehehe...
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Day 31
wh: so below
hc: halloween
he looks oh so smug and cool, I really love this drasing of him! that face! and I took a worth while risk on the pose!!
(I have moved the next 2 paragraphs to under the cut, to make sure this isn't too long to scroll through if you only want to see the art!!)
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as for the second sketch (which has two photos so you don't have hold you device upside down LOL) I had the idea of secret life grian and (SL)watcher grian! a reverse, mwahaha... I really only meant to draw the crowly one, and didnt think I had the energy for more... but brain rot!! it is so strong!!
so of course after that I finally rectified my lack of clothes design for watcher grian lol... now i have to draw a SL design too!! eventually... eventually... I didnt make a note of it, but I think he just... wouldn't wear shoes LOL... watcher grian, I mean. let those lil talon feeties free, or whatever pffft...
week one, two, three, four and 5.1s posts!!
I'll only list the prompts I used that day, but here's the key for acronyms n such;
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Oh boy- okay! so I swear I didn't forget, its just that art block came and smacked me in the face for a short period. Thankfully I came out of it with two drawings I really love!! And some pretty good doodles too, haha...
I do think I still want to do a weekly novelember drabble... and of course a related drawing. we'll see! check in on sunday! i wont just disappear now that inktober is over!!
but also, maybe come back tomorrow if you're interested in a certain very tall persons birthday. yknow, the one with a new vtuber model! yeah! them! /silly
(Im talking about Ranboo, haha!! Im hoping to finish a drawing for their birthday tomorrow!!)
Thanks again for all the support!! 💜
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doctorweebmd · 4 months
i wanted to ask u basically everything from the fanfic ask game but hopefully these aren’t too many:
🤡, 🦅, 🧠(tenko!), 🎉, ✅
Of course i wrote too much i'm sorry lmaoooooo
🤡 - oh definitely! i think all my best jokes are in 'my brother's keeper.' My fave it probably this groupchat from chapter 4:
SharkWeek🦈: afjakljdfalkdjsflasl;dfajsldf;jaldfjasl;df SharkWeek🦈: you have to be fucking kidding me, man Spidey🕸️: this is the plot of every porn ever Spidey🕸️: on Thanksgiving, turkey isn’t the only thing that’s gonna get stuffed Spidey🕸️: on Christmas, the present won’t be the only package he’s opening Spidey🕸️: birthday? Surprise its more dick  Pikachu⚡: YOUR EX IS YOUR STEPBROTHER Pikachu⚡: bitch you nasty Bakuhoe💥: who the fuck changed my name in this groupchat Bakuhoe💥: this shit ISNT FUNNY Bakuhoe💥: and he’s not my ex – he’s just a fuck buddy from high school SharkWeek🦈: dude, you know that you’ve drunkenly fucking recited poetry about the guy? SharkWeek🦈: this is us you’re talking to SharkWeek🦈: Mr. World’s Most Perfect Ass and Softest Lips and Makes My Heart Explode SharkWeek🦈: don’t make me send you the video again bro Spidey 🕸️: does Perfect Ass know you still dig him? Bakuhoe💥: are you fucking insane?! Bakuhoe💥: the fuck went and got a girlfriend Bakuhoe💥: he’s my STEP BROTHER Pikachu⚡: bakuboy Pikachu⚡: don’t be a bakubitch Pikachu⚡: rail your brother like a MAN
AND this scene from chapter 18:
“Uh… thank you for having me here.” Izuku says politely, shaking off the previous comment. “Yeah, dude! We’ve been psyched! We even put you on the calendar!” The exuberant blonde points to the refrigerator, and, against his better judgement, Izuku follows the man’s finger. Izuku turns to the refrigerator, where a sexy fireman calendar is held up by a Pikachu magnet. Mr. March has an 8 pack and is lounging with low slung pants and suspenders on a red truck. Well, there’s that, but there’s a cutout of Kacchan’s face, grimacing, taped over the actual fireman’s face. Today the date is circled, followed, in big words “Brother gang bang today!” “G…gang bang? Do… I’m….” Izuku’s face automatically flushes bright red, and be can’t stop the stammer from leaking out, to Kaminari’s amusement. He turns to Katsuki, eyes wide.
'rail your brother like a MAN' still plays on my head on repeat. Oh Denki Kaminari you will always be my favorite clown.
🦅 - i kind of both outline AND fly by the seat of my pants. my outlines are REALLY bare bones but i do write down a general 'storyline' prior to starting a new longfic. now how to make it all WORK..... thats all just bullshitting lmao. like my outline could be 'here they defeat the villain in a cool way.' Nice. How the FUCK am i gonna do that smh. people who come up with whole actual outlines prior to writing are my heroes.
🧠(tenko!) - lol the now-cannon headcannon that he got his Quirk from All-for-One? 👀 well... i think he might have actually become a hero, if what happened to him didn't happen to him (i mean...other than the fact that he was likely quirkless.) while i love loser-boy greasy gamer head-canons, Tenko is charismatic, an excellent leader, and highly motivated. he just needed the opportunity. if a hero had found him that day... if somebody helped him... just think of the way tenko was. he was a sweet, caring kid, who played with boys that no one else wanted to play with, that was emotional and sensitive, that was called all might because he was so nice and heroic. all might is a symbol of his lost opportunity to be a hero. all might is the representation of the life he never had. but what if all might had found him? reached out to him? rage in itself is not an 'evil' quality. tenko can be angry AND righteous. even now we see that, in the end, he wanted to be a hero, even if it was for the 'villains.' he's so good. he's SO GOOD. HOW DARE HYOU MAKE ME ANSWER THIS RIGHT NOW AHHJhdjfaldjfljsadklfasldkfj (i'm crying. tenko. tenko please.)
🎉 - oooof. this is a hard one. i'd actually really like to hear your thoughts about what you'd consider success for a fic, because your stuff is a LOT more popular than mine. my opinion on this has changed in the last few years. obviously your goal-posts change depending on how 'popular' something of yours previously was. especially after switching from comedy to angst writing, as well as switching to an extremely large fandom (bkdk) to a medium fandom (sskk.) just like a lot of other people i had fallen into the ratio of kudos:views, the comments per chapter and 'subscription' tunnels. as well as comparing myself to other fics in the fandom. its very embarrassing and self-involved but i think we're all victims to this. right now, what i consider success (for long fics) is that: people want to keep reading it. that the same people show up in the comments. it makes me feel like the story is worth following. but the ultimate marker of success (to me) is someone saying they were inspired by the writing. in whatever way. to write their own stuff. to draw. to play music. to think about their own life/situation. to try something new. (someone commented the other day that battle of the bands inspired them to get nipple piercings?! not really what i was going for but YEAHHHHHHHHH.) ANYTHING. because that's what its all about, right? connecting with one another and inspiring one another through art, whatever that art may be. even if its anime-boy porn. whatever.
✅ - something that appears in my fics over and over again, even if i don't mean it to? hmmm... i reuse a lot of metaphors. stomach/heart jumping/twisting like its in the olympics is the one that comes to mind. i use a lot of richard siken poetry unfortunately lmao both in its raw form and the vibes from it. i often re-read parts of 'Crush' when i want to write a really emotional scene. the other things people told me i do a lot is write REALLY descriptive, graphic sex (not like... rough or anything. i'm just very descriptive. i think its probably because of my medical background/anatomy knowledge but. yeah.) and that i love doing cliffhangers. lol. lmao even.
EEEE rani thank you for sending this 🥺 you're honestly the best. i'm sorry for ranting i hope you dont regret it i love you forever
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter foolishly being worried how willow n dariuses relationship will play out ( sińce they destroyed his ship n he scared her n teammates)
but gosh HE WAS SO WRONG they become besties n obviously both treasure him dearly but sometimes he cannot wrap his head around over their banter/inside jokes. He s glad tho
Also i d love to have Hunter go for advice what prezent to give to willow (he somewhat knows just needs to put his ideas in order) and it ends up with darius picking out the sweater/jacket/dress n Hunter sewing patches/adding on personal details
Hdhdhd adore them being pentagram buddies imagine it starting as missclick on willows part n sending him a dumb meme but they keep chatting from time to time
//you will be the end of me lolly im supposed to be responsible not looking thru your huntlow tag/lh also happy lolly tagged her posts everyone 🎉/lhj
Like Darius and Willow's relationship is definitely tumultuous and antagonistic and this initially had Hunter very nervous. He had to attempt to be the mediator when the two are about to go at it like feral cats. He's in the middle like "Okay, okay, okay, okay. How about we all just relax?" Only to eventually realize that he does NOT have the social skills to curb whatever the fuck is happening here. If his girlfriend wants to scalp his weekend father, she is far too stubborn to be talked out of it and vice versa. So he has accepted that this is just how its gonna be.
But its so strange because while they bicker constantly, they also seem to have this overly familiar relationship that Hunter doesn't quite understand. He honestly feels pretty locked out of the loop whenever hes with the two but he isn't so much upset by that as he is INSANELY CONFUSED. Like??? What the fuck is going on??? Usually when the three of them are together, Hunter is occupying all his brain power to figure out what the FUCK these two are talking about.
Willow: Boscha keeps vagueing about me on her fensta and it's honestly kinda funny.
Darius: Uck. Well don't just tell me about it. Show me the screenshots. I need to see how petty she's acting.
Hunter: Whats "vagueing"? What's "fensta"? What's a "screenshot"? Why can't you people just use real words?!
Willow: Oh honey, I'm sorry. Well "vagueing" means--
Darius: Google it, gramps.
Willow: Be nice to him.
Hunter: Yeah, be nice to me.
Darius: I am! I just helpfully suggested a place to find answers!
And its shit like. Hunter will show up at Willow's doorstep for a date and just as he's about to knock on the door, Darius will swing it open and stride past him.
Hunter: Darius?!
Darius: Hunter.
Hunter: Wh-you-I-....why were you just in Willow's house?
Darius: Because she's hopeless, that's why. The little purple haired girl is busy today and she needed someone to set her on the right path. Wanted to impress you. Isn't that so very cute? Hair, make-up, outfit, etectera. Of course she didn't care about my plans for the day. Just demanded I get my butt over here and be her little fairy godmother. Real bossy, that girl.
Hunter: Wh--
Darius: Anyway, I did a fantastic job obviously. You're welcome. *Winks and struts away before Hunter can get another word in*
And yes. Yes absolutely. Willow's sixteenth birthday rolls around and Hunter panics big time. Because not only is this her first birthday that he gets to celebrate with her, it's her first birthday he spends as her boyfriend. He knows he wants to patch up a whole dress but it's simply the matter of picking out a dress. And god, if there's one thing Hunter doesn't know shit about, it's fashion.
I feel like, while Hunter is still new to this whole tailoring hobby, Darius is a pro and can probably make some excellent quality clothing. So he makes Willow a dress himself. Hunter helps to the best of his ability.
Hunter: Sorry I think we're just gonna have to buy one. I don't....know her exact measurements.
Darius: That's fine. I do.
Hunter: What?
Darius: I've resized plenty of clothes for her before. That reminds me, I need to teach you to do that. She's only gonna get buffer after all.
Darius makes Hunter promise to not tell Willow who made the dress. ("We can't have her incorrectly assuming I like her.") But Hunter is a SHIT liar so he's just very awkwardly explaining how he just happened to stumble upon it at the market and thought "huh. That would look nice on Willow. Haha....ha."
And of course Willow knows the patches are Hunter's handiwork. But when it comes to the dress itself....
"Wow. It fits me perfectly. It flatters me perfectly. It's my exact style. The colour matches my skin tone. It's...like it was made for me. What a coincidence, huh?"
And Hunter, sweating absolute bullets is like "HAHAH. Yeah. Coincidences are crazy, right?"
Willow decides to let Darius get away with this one. For now. She'll put it in the pocket of her beautifully crafted dress (he put POCKETS in it, holy shit!!!) and use it as leverage once the opportunity arises.
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waiting-on-a-dream · 10 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐨~! 🎉
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? : Kekekeke...
Haruto: What? Where is this place?
? : This what the catwalk of a theatre looks like.
Haruto: Are you the one who's been appearing in prisoners' dreams? Why can't I see you?
? : Keke, who knows? As for my appearance, you'll get to see it soon, I assure you~
Haruto: So, you've finally decided to meet me.
? : You wouldn't remember, but we've actually met before.
Haruto: We have?
? : Of course~! Its hard to avoid me when you're in milgram, ke.
Haruto: You still haven't told me why we're meeting right now.
? : Can't I meet you because I want to?
Haruto: Are you a higher up of milgram? Is this all just a joke to you?
? : Geez, it won't do you good to be so easily riled up. I'm just here to remind you to think carefully when deciding on the verdicts of the prisoners. Their futures very much depend on you.
Haruto: U-Uh. Yeah.
? : Oh, and happy birthday.
Haruto: ...Today is my birthday?
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the-real-dev · 1 year
oh yeah i forgot to tell you guys but. ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAY WOOHOO 🎉🎉🎉
yes my birthday is. 6/9. :3
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finoalcielo · 2 years
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Source: @/tsukiuta1
YORU: You, go on? YOU: Ah, well then, here comes today's birthday boy! YORU: Ahahaha. In one, two...! EVERYONE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉 IKU: Congratulations, You! RUI: Happy birthday. KAI: Happy birthday! SHUN: Happy birthday♪ MAZELLAN: Quee! YOU: Thank you!
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: Oh, a sunflower RUI: Its a flower associated with midsummer after all. Mazellan and I chose it. MAZELLAN: Quee YOU: Ooh, thanks YORU: Don't forget the colorful summer-like fruit cake that is just as good as the sunflowers! IKU: Yoru-san and I chose it. YOU: Mm, woah tasty ♪
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
KAI: And so.. Shun and I chose it very carefully! 👓 The birthday card! SHUN: Ta-dah~!✨ YOU: Uwa, its very festive-looking. IKU: This is... something you have to put on! YOU: ...Huh? RUI: That's right. It's perfect for the birthday boy. YOU: Huh? YORU: Yay~ (applause) YOU: You were all aiming for this.
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: You guys, wasn't it hard to write messages on this card? EVERYONE: Is it that noticeable? YOU: Yeah (wwww) KAI: We wanted you to wear it and then realized how hard it was... YORU: It was tough for all 5 to write. YOU: Are you all idiots? (www) SHUN: Fufufufu, I was the one who wrote the last message!
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
SHUN: Though I was the last person, I was the first one to notice the existence of this place! TA-DAH!! YOU: Even if you found it, you still struggled with the tiny space (www)
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YOU: Well, you still tried your best. Thank you. YORU: Your birthday is during the summer break, so I can't help but feel like you're in a good mood... (wry smile) YOU: Even back at my house's temple, with the Obon festival and my birthday, there'd be a lot of excitement. Mainly from my mother.
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
YORU: I can still remember it. You's father, while wearing monk's robe, breezed through the town that was in the midst of the Obon festival on his scooter, forgetting that aunt (his wife) had put a party hat on his head… YOU: Those who supported us burst out laughing upon seeing him. KAI: Just hearing that makes me want to laugh (straight face) IKU: Me too (straight face)
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
RUI: And now, closing remarks from our birthday boy. YOU: Okay. Just like this, passionately and fiercely burning! Let's head to the center with confidence with the sun shining on our backs! Happy New Year to those on the other side of this screen! xxx (flying kiss)💟 MAZELLAN: Quee!🐧
#Haduki You Birthday Fest 2022
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
A Very Happy Birthday*
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a bday present for @honeybunny-sawamura
a/n: Jade love !! this is your (very late) birthday present 🎉 hope you like it my love and hope you had an AMAZING birthday <3
sneaky links 😉: ꕥ ❀ ꕥ ❀ ꕥ
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“Yes my love?”
“Can we just stay in today?”
“Sure baby, but it’s your birthday, don’t you wanna go out or invite some people over?”
You shift your weight on the couch so that your head rests comfortably against Daichi’s chest.
“I’d prefer if it was just us today.” You say, a sweet smile decorating your face.
Daichi pressed his lips against your forehead, reciprocating your smile.
You were glad it you got to spend your birthday at home with Daichi. Being out or inviting a bunch of people over tends to drain you and honestly a quiet date at home sounded like heaven.
“So what do you wanna do tonight?” Daichi asks.
“Maybe we can find a movie we wanna watch and order some takeout?”
“Sounds like a plan angel.”
Daichi quickly finds the menu of your favorite take out restaurant and makes a quick call ordering a few items you both enjoy. You make yourself comfortable on the couch, grabbing a blanket that you and Daichi can share, and search through Netflix looking for a good movie to watch. Daichi settles in next to you after ordering and you two patiently wait for the food to arrive.
After finishing the food, you two continue to watch the movie. Although your mind happened to be somewhere else. You couldn’t help but stare at the way Daichi’s thigh flexed every time he moved, or the way his arm felt around your waist. Slowly you trailed your hand up his thigh, inching closer and closer to what you really wanted.
“Sweetheart.” Daichi says, stopping your hand in its tracks.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“…I’m gonna be honest with you Dai…I’m pretty damn horny right now.”
“Well that was blunt.” He replies, his face changing into an amused expression.
“I’m serious Dai…come on it’s my birthday.” You say, giving him your best puppy eyes.
“I would have said yes even if it wasn’t your birthday.”
And with that Daichi’s lips quickly press against yours as he peels the blanket away to pull you onto his lap. You grind down on him, his growing erection pressing against the plush of your thigh. He trails his hot lips down your jaw and sucks on the flesh of your neck, your skin producing a vibrant mix of reds and purples.
“Dai…please..touch me.” You say, as your hand grips onto his, guiding him towards your sopping core.
“Patience baby.”
His hand slips past the waistband of your thin shorts and panties, rubbing against your aching clit.
“Oh god Daichi, just like that baby.”
“Yeah? Does it feel good?”
“So good Dai.”
He pulls down the fabric that covered your entrance, as he slips his hard cock out of his sweats. He brushes the head against your folds, the sensation sending shivers down your spine and eliciting a sharp moan.
“ughhhh Daichi…please stop teasing.”
“Alright angel, I’ll give you what you want.”
Daichi softly lifts your hips up, pressing the head of his cock into you, the stretch burning your entrance.
“Fuck baby always so fucking tight. Feels so good around me.”
He bucks his hips upwards as you lift yourself up and down matching his pace.
“Such a pretty pussy milking my cock so well. Fuck baby, ‘m gonna cum so deep inside you.” He says, his thumb pressing small circles against your clit, pushing you towards your release.
“‘m coming!”
It didn’t take long for both of you to reach your high, Daichi’s cum painting the inside of your core, hot white ropes filling you nicely. He pulls his softened cock out of your pussy, as he presses his hand against your stomach. The white liquid dribbles out of you, soaking your thighs.
“Happy birthday princess, I love you”
“A very happy birthday, thank you Dai, I love you too.”
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revvywevvy · 2 years
Wrote smth a little extra self-indulgent today :) Birthdays are nice, but alas, sometimes the universe doesn't care if its your birthday or not lol sooo I wrote this!
Non-Entity AU (Birthday Blues)
Claire and Dwight had become close friends in the months that followed their café hangout, the two talking constantly and spending plenty of time together. It was long after that time, at the start of September, the weather finally starting to settle down after the sweltering summer months. Claire was thankful for the change, summer being completely miserable for her. Though, it seemed irregardless of the weather, misery enjoyed her company much more than others. She’d been doing a good job keeping everything at bay, being in consistent contact with her friends online and giving off good enough energy, but she couldn’t hold out forever.
The day things finally hit their breaking point had come. Claire was laid on her bed, holding a teddy bear close and staring blankly at her bedroom wall. It was her birthday, and she didn’t know if she had the energy to even drag herself out of bed that morning. It’d been a long while since she’d really left her apartment, anyway, Eddy being unable to get her doing much despite his efforts. He was at a loss of what to do, Claire being careful to keep her troubles swept under the rug as far as all of her friends were aware. He knew he had to do something to get her out of this cycle, but he was concerned about hurting her more than she already was feeling. He twisted the doorknob to her room, cracking the door open and peaking in. Upon seeing she was awake and her eyes had trailed to him, he offered a small smile.
“G’mornin’, dude… you feelin’ okay today..?”
“...Eh… Not much better than yesterday… or the day before.”
Eddy frowned.
“Shit… ‘m sorry. I know things’ve been tough lately… ‘dunno if this’ll help you feel any better at all, but, uh… happy birthday.”
“Heh. Thanks.”
“...You wanna try gettin’ outta bed today?”
“...As much as I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna leave you hangin’, so… sure, I’ll drag my sorry ass outta here for ya.”
Eddy smiled a little bit, walking further into the room and opening the curtains to let in some sunlight. Claire hissed a bit, shielding her eyes and holding her teddy bear closer as she lumbered out of bed.
“Yeah, I know ms. vampire, sunlight bad. Don’t worry, it’s s’posed to be cold today.”
Claire reached over and grabbed her phone before she made her way out of the room, sluggishly trudging into the living room. Eddy walked out behind her.
“Hey, since it’s your birthday, howzabout I make breakfast this time? Might as well give ya a small break from tryna figure out when or what to eat, yeah?”
“Oh yeah, I’d really appreciate that, thanks.”
Eddy gestured towards the couch, Claire walking over and plopping down onto it. She sighed, settling into the soft material of it while Eddy entered the kitchen and started rummaging through the fridge for eggs. While he went about doing that, Claire checked her phone, her attention on a text notification from Dwight from thirty minutes prior.
「Gmorning!!! Idk when you’ll be up, but I wanted to say Happy Birthday!!!! 🎉🎉🎉」
Claire perked up a bit, surprised he remembered her birthday. Well, she shouldn’t be, she knows that, but she still couldn’t help but be. She smiled just the smallest bit, but even with that fuzzy feeling, the smile didn’t stay long. It immediately melted into a frown, with her quickly texting a ‘ty’ before turning off her phone and setting it down beside her. She sat there, staring at the turned off tv, spacing out as Eddy made breakfast.
After everything with breakfast was said and done, Eddy grabbed up his own phone, peeking at his sister for a second as she blankly watched the television. He couldn’t help but feel bad, but became distracted when his phone vibrated in his hand. He popped it open, brow raising when he noticed multiple text notifications from Dwight. He peered over at Claire again for a second, before opening the texts.
「hey dude, is claire ok???」
「I texted her earlier, said happy bday n stuff, but her response felt off?」
「idk somethin just seems weird, ntm she went radio silent immediately after」
「srry if i seem pushy or paranoid, just seems outta character for her, yknow?」
「srry if u guys r busy and im being annoying or smth lol, just lmk if im being pesky」
Eddy let out a small breath, frown deepening. His eyes flicked to Claire for a second, and she was completely spaced out, the hold on her stuffed bear now loose and hollow. He looked back at his phone, responding quickly.
「tbh? No, she’s really goin thru it rn」
「idk man, its been like this for weeks now, but I dont wanna be throwin out info she doesnt want people to know, y’dig?」
He sat still as Dwight responded, eyeing his texts.
「shit… thats not good」
「maybe bad timing, but is it ok if I come over???」
「cuz uh- i already got the day off just so i could surprise her and have us hang out today since we havent in a while, but now idk」
「esp since I got a gift and everything >_>;」
「maybe some company would help? Idk :( i wanna help if shes feeling bad ;; if i can’t do that i at least wanna drop off the gift for her」
Eddy sighed, this one getting Claire’s attention. She paused, looking over at Eddy.
“Everything okay, dude?”
“Oh, uh. Yeah, everything’s fine. Just texting a co-worker.”
Eddy inwardly cringed, feeling bad for lying. He looked back at his phone when Claire accepted the answer, spacing out again afterward.
「...idk what to do anymore, maybe having another person to help would help??? I just hope she doesnt get mad having u come over randomly」
「if anything i’ll take the fall for it, k? ^^;」
Dwight immediately responded, letting him know he’d be over soon with the gifts, and with that Eddy placed down his phone. He peeked over at Claire once more, fingers tapping against his leg as he waited nervously for Dwight to arrive.
When Dwight read Eddy’s texts, his heart sank in his chest. While Eddy wasn’t very specific, Dwight had a feeling what he’d meant by them. If his guess was correct, then Dwight knew all too well what Claire was going through at that moment. Dwight was quick to get Claire’s gifts, a giant teddy bear and a very soft looking blanket, with him scrambling to get dressed and ready to go. He changed into something comfortable, tossing one of his cleaner hoodies on and shoving his phone into one of the pockets. He stepped into some slip-ons, grabbing his keys and running out to his car with the large gifts in his arms. Despite the obscured vision from them, he did what he could to be at his quickest. He shoved everything into the back seat carefully, before strapping into the driver’s seat and starting to make his way to Claire and Eddy’s apartment. The whole drive there, Dwight could feel his hands shaking. He wouldn’t admit it, but Dwight definitely ran a few reds on some of the emptier streets as he rushed over to their place. Sure, it probably wasn’t worth the risk of getting pulled over, but his own concern overtook everything and pushed him onward. He remembered back to Claire’s declarations from before, that she wouldn’t let him be abandoned or alone; and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let the same happen to her.
When Dwight eventually arrived at the apartment complex, he hurried to the first available guest parking spot he could find in the parking garage. Grabbing the gifts up once more, he practically tripped over his own feet getting to an elevator up to their floor. He found himself tapping his feet quickly as the elevator rose through the complex, with him impatiently watching the numbers rise until they finally reached their destination. Dwight sped-walked to their apartment, knocking on the door while trying not to completely break the thing down from how shaky his hands were. A few moments of silence passed, before the door opened, with Eddy on the other side.
“Oh shit, wasn’t expecting the gifts to be that big. Uh– here, come in. Claire’ll be out in a minute, she’s just in the bathroom.”
Eddy ushered Dwight inside, directing him to their couch so he could set down the two gifts. He’d sat down, but he was still antsy as could be, his legs visibly shaking.
“...You good, Dwight?”
“Y-Yeah, just, uh. Rushed to get here, ahaha.”
Eddy eyed Dwight for a second, nodding.
“Yeah, I know, I’m worried about her, too. Let’s hope this goes well.”
He made his way over to the kitchen, getting some water and nervously eyeing the hallway for when Claire re-entered the room. When she eventually did, she froze up in the middle of the hallway, eyes wide and glued on Dwight, who was completely engulfed by the teddy bear he had in his arms.
“Uh– Happy Birthday, Claire!!”
Dwight grabbed the bear’s arms and lifted them up to emulate a cheer, before peeking out from behind the bear’s head.
“I… wh– Dwight?? What’re you doing here..?”
“Oh, uh! I wanted to bring you your birthday gifts! Also, um… I was.. worried. About you.”
Claire paused, staring at Dwight for a second, before her gaze moved over to Eddy who stood in the kitchen. He was failing miserably at trying to appear unsuspicious, guilt written all over his face. She realized he must’ve lied to her earlier about who he was texting. She wanted to be upset, even the tiniest bit, but she couldn’t bring herself to do that. She slumped, a defeated expression on her face. Dwight lowered the large bear down off his lap and onto the couch next to him, patting the available seat on his other side for Claire to sit by him. She looked at Dwight sadly. Not moving from her spot.
“I… don’t get it. I thought… don’t you have work today..?”
“I got approved for the day off last week. I.. wanted to spend time with you, today. You, uh… I got worried when you didn’t respond much, and Eddy said you weren’t doing well. So… I dropped by.”
Claire looked down at her feet, expression seeming to be getting more bleak.
“Claire..? If you’re okay with it, do you wanna sit by me? There’s plenty of room, heheh..”
Dwight was sweating nervously, silently hoping she wouldn’t kick him out or run off to hide, knowing if he was in the same pit he’d probably be tempted to do the same. However, he felt a bit of relief when Claire obliged, sulking to the couch and slowly sitting down by him. Once she was finally closer, Dwight felt his heart breaking. She looked like she hadn’t slept much, her hair was a mess and oily looking from a lack of cleaning, and he could see spots on her skin where it’d begun to darken from dirt. Her expression was just so tired, and hopeless. At that second, he knew his concerns were right. He hadn’t realized that he started tearing up just looking at her.
“...How long?”
“How long have you been hurting like this..?”
Claire paused, unsure how to answer. Eddy, seeing the direction the conversation was going, silently skittered off to his own bedroom to give them space.
“I-I… uhm. Uff, I dunno, I… I lost count of the time, really.”
Claire looked away, ashamed, biting her lower lip out of embarrassment.
“Man, I– ugh, sorry, I-I probably look totally disgusting right now… y’know, you don’t gotta sit so close if I start grossing you out or anything..”
Dwight jumped a bit at that, immediately reaching over and grabbing her hand without thinking.
“Hey, no. Don’t talk like that about yourself.”
Claire’s eyes widened when he grabbed her hand, face burning as she stared down at their hands.
“I-I– but, uhm–”
Claire awkwardly laughed, trying to cover up how her voice was starting to break.
“I mean, uh… really, I think it’s been like, at least a month since I’ve showered last, you… prolly don’t want to actually, uhm…”
She trailed off when her voice cracked very noticeably, tensing up when she realized she was on the verge of tears.
“Claire… I dunno what’s making you feel like this, but… at the very least, I-I know what you’re going through. Uhm… don’t feel bad, by the way. I’ve gone longer than that a few times...”
Claire paused, hesitating but eventually bringing herself to at least look at Dwight out of the corners of her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to speak, though, still trying to hold back from crying.
“Damnit, I… I’m sorry Claire, I wish I noticed the signs sooner… this isn’t fair to you.”
He trailed off for a moment, looking at Claire. Realizing he was looking directly at her, Claire hesitantly turned her head to look at him, too, eyes widening a bit when she realized he was in tears.
“...You don’t have to be alone, you know that, right?”
Claire froze up when he said that. She stuttered, unsure of what to say, finally unable to hold back her tears anymore. Her composure finally just… crumbled.
“B-But… that’s, I… why me, though?? W-What did I do to deserve… I-I don’t… I’ve already been dr-dragging Eddy down, you deserve… b-better than…”
She couldn’t finish her sentence, hiccups and sobs interrupting her before she could continue. Dwight could feel the tears falling more now, but he bit it back just enough to focus on Claire.
“Hey, hey… it’s okay… can I hug you?”
Without a verbal response, Claire wrapped her arms around him tightly and buried her face into his chest, crying harder. Dwight wrapped his arms back around her right away, rubbing her back comfortingly and letting her cry it out. They sat like that for a little while, the room silent besides Claire’s sobbing and Dwight quietly humming a soft song in an attempt to comfort her. After a few minutes, Eddy peeked out of the hallway, and upon seeing everything was going okay, he gave Dwight a quick thumbs up. He grabbed a towel from the hall closet, pointing at it, then Claire, then in the direction of the bathroom. Dwight got the idea, looking down at Claire deciding how to word things.
“Uhm… I know that this helps me a tiny bit when I’m having bad streaks… uh. You wanna try going to take a shower..? That may help you feel a little better…”
Claire let out a quiet whine, and he could feel her hands shaking on his back. Her voice was so small when she spoke, but Dwight listened carefully.
“I-I dunno if I can… um.”
She sighed.
“It shouldn’t be this difficult, but… i-it is.”
“Well… I could at least help you start the process..? Y-Y’know, grab you some clothes and a towel, and you can take it from there?”
Claire sat silently for a moment, considering it.
“Y-Yeah… that’d help a bit, I-I think…”
Dwight hummed in response, nodding. He carefully pulled away from the hug, getting up from the couch still holding Claire’s hand.
“C’mon, dude, let’s get you fixed up, eh?”
Dwight offered a reassuring smile, and Claire, still a bit nervously, followed in suit. They walked to her room, finding something comfortable while she handled the more personal stuff, Dwight not wanting to make her uneasy. Once she had an outfit ready, Dwight paused, noticing Eddy lurking in the doorway, hand holding out a towel. When he took it, Eddy’s hand disappeared from the doorway and so did he, Dwight snorting a bit at that. He handed it to her.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. You’ve got this. You can do this, okay?”
Claire looked at the floor for a moment, looking back up at him after a moment.
“Y-Yeah. I can… I can do this.”
“If you need anything, Eddy and I are here, always. We’ve got your back, you know that?”
Claire held the items tighter in her arms, nodding.
She started making her way to the bathroom, pausing in front of the door.
“Um, Dwight..?”
“...T-Thank you. For, um. Helping me.”
Dwight’s expression softened.
“Of course. I know you’d do the same for me.”
Though Dwight couldn’t see her face as she entered the bathroom, a small smile formed on her lips. As she closed the door, she said one last thing to him.
“Mhm… yeah, I would.”
Claire was finally done a while later, stepping out of the bathroom and closing the door behind her. She paused when she saw Eddy standing by her bedroom door, leaning against the door frame.
“...Hey, Claire? Are, uh… you’re not mad at me, are you?”
She peeked around the corner, Dwight on the couch scrolling on his phone. She lowered her voice to a whisper.
“...No, how could I be..? Even if it was tough to deal with, I… if you didn’t invite Dwight here I prolly wouldn’t have done any of this, haha. I… I dunno what it is with that man, he’s got the magic charms or something…”
“Huh? Oh– I didn’t actually invite him. He asked if he could come over because he wanted to help you.”
Claire’s eyes widened.
“W…What? He did..?”
She hadn’t felt her face start to burn red, heart beating just a little bit faster upon that revelation. Eddy nodded.
“Yeah, if he hadn’t suggested it first I wouldn’t have said anything. I, uh… admittedly I was being a bit of a wuss, I didn’t wanna force you to do anything you didn’t want to, since you were feeling bad. But… that probably wasn’t a good move, either.”
“...Eddy… it’s okay, I probably woulda been a stubborn jerk if you did try to get me to do anything. I… really, thank you though, for letting him come here.”
“Heh, yeah, no problem. You should prolly get back to Dwight though, he did go outta his way to get the day off to spend time with you.”
“O-Oh, right! Um, yeah.”
She scurried off into the living room, failing to notice Eddy wiggle his eyebrows at her or his teasing tone at the latter half of the sentence. When she entered the room, Dwight looked up from his phone, smiling upon seeing Claire looking in much better shape than before.
“Heyy! Are you feeling any better, Claire?”
“..A little bit, yeah. Not much, but eh, better than nothing, right?”
“Oh, for sure. Well, now that you’re out here, I believe a certain big man would like a hug from his new owner..!”
He held up the giant teddy bear once more, Claire smiling as she finally got a proper look at it. Its fur was a pretty pink shade, and he had an adorable orange bowtie on.
“Oh man, lookit this absolute unit!!! Hell yeah, mr. man, come to mama!”
She reached over, grabbing the bear and holding it close, gasping at just how soft the thing was.
“Holy… oh my gosh, Dwight, you’re the best ever..?? Literally?!?”
“Ahaha, aw, you think so..? Hehe, thank you! Oh, but that’s not the only gift. C’mere!”
He patted the seat next to him and she was quick to sit down by him. He reached to the side of the couch, grabbing the fluffy blanket he’d gotten her before shaking it out a bit and placing it on the both of them. Claire’s eyes widened a bit, and she was quick to snuggle into it.
“Ohhhhhh no wayyyy..!!! Bro, Dwight, I think I love you.”
Claire, with the bear still in her arms, reached over and tried her best to drag Dwight into the newly forming cuddle pile. His face exploded into a blush, mostly from the ‘I love you’ bit, even though he knew it was platonically speaking. Though, the cuddling certainly didn’t help either. He reminded himself it was just platonic, but quite frankly, his heart didn’t care.
“Ahaha, w-well, I mean, uhhh..! I just thought you’d like these, aha..!”
“You were damn right, I love these!!!! You’re amazing, ahaha!”
He finally relaxed into the cuddles, Dwight feeling warm and snug both in his heart and physically. He peeked over at the hallway, face burning harder when Eddy stood there, wiggling his eyebrows at him with a cheeky grin. He looked away from Eddy and at the television, an awkward grin on his face.
“Oh yeah, Dwight, I just found this new channel recently that does sick horror game speedruns, y’wanna watch ‘em with me?”
“Uh– yeah, sure!!”
Dwight tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating, focusing on the tv as Claire connected her phone to the device and started streaming the speedrunner’s videos to the screen. Dwight decided to focus on the video, trying to push through the intense feelings. What he wasn’t aware of, was just how similarly Claire felt at that moment. Claire snuggled a bit closer to Dwight, holding the bear tighter in her arms as she started to watch the video she’d selected. She smiled happily as a feeling of jubilance, safety and warmth took over.
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taeyamayang · 3 years
Hello Pea!
Umm I'm pretty new to your blog and recently followed you but I hope I can join the event
I choose 🌸 cuz its really pretty for no reason and my fav song is Oh yeah, you gonna cry? by Lovejoy
Congrats on 600!!!!🎉🎉
🌸: spiker
osamu from ㅡtheir reaction from their s/o confessing
"i heard your voice this morning over P.A. system something about white day event." he says munching on food. you mentally slap yourself. oh yeah, today is white day too. not that it matters, though.
"i almost forgot about that." you tell him honestly.
"but i didn't," he says eyes focused on the meat. he changes the topic abruptly. "so, why are you treating meat today?" you hum in thought before answering.
"my birthday." his eyes widens. his eyeballs almost popping out of his eye socket. he dramatically drops his chopsticks on the table.
"what?! you didn't tell me?!"
"well, i'm telling you now." you giggle at his reaction. you toss the meat on the griller. "not a big deal. besides, isn't awkward to tell someone randomly about your birthday? it's like you're asking for a gift."
"cause you totally deserve it."
"not materialistic, samu. you know that. it's okay, chill out." you beam at him as you serve him the cooked meat.
"now this feels like more than a coincidence," you question him but he brushes you off as he turns his body to the side where his bag is, zipping it open. he pulls out a vertical black box with a pastel ribbon on top of it then slides it on the table towards you. "happy white day."
you freeze at the sight. that's why he knew about the event. you two were not intimate but that doesn't mean he was never sweet to you. he makes it a point to ask about your day. when things get rough, he makes an effort to make you smile. your heart starts throbbing against your chest. tears start to pool in your eyelids. momentarily, you forgot how to breathe.
"and happy birthday, i guess." you stifle sobs looking away from the black box. "and you told me giving gifts isn't a big deal but you're crying right now?"
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lmao this is long i didnt know where to cut it sooo yeah thanks for joining! no worries about being new to my blog, the event was open for everyone :) have a great day ☆
Masterlist | HQ Masterlist
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jindoelf · 3 years
Feel Korea
EH: today, as we are recording this, is Donghae's birthday so happy birthday my friend
KH: oh its the 15th today?
EH: yeah
KH: oh its the 15th
EH: you didn't know right?? Quick say happy birthday
KH: happy birthday donghae
211024 #은혁 #규현
E 저희가 녹화하는 오늘이 동해 생일이에요 그래서 Happy Birthday my friend 🎉
K 15일인가? 15일이구나
E 몰랐지 !! 다시 빨리 얘기해 Happy Birthday
K Happy Birthday 동해 😉
그리고 야무지게 아랍어로도 생일 축하해주기 ㅜㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(teukables, elf_hasu)
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pixiecaps · 3 years
I rlly wanna get cake for my birthday but its gonna be snowing so we cant go outside :((( the weather is rlly bad in our area n its too cold n dangerous to go out so i might just bake a cake myself!! We only have green icing tho so instead of chocolate cake imma make smth way worse. Dnf cake <3 i did it once n i can do it again damnit
i completely forget snows a thing until someone mentions it again and then im like oh yeah that happens to people somewhere!!! NOT THE DNF CAKE ABSHNF i love baking its honestly a lot more rewarding than buying a cake but i completely understand wanting to just BUY A CAKE LIKE DUH. easy. but yes stay safe!! and have fun!! and not sure if your b day is today or in a few days but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNA 🎉
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heyrumorhasit · 3 years
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psst, have you heard? NOH JUNSU is in town... 
face claim: lee chan (dino) age: twenty-three, 23 family, house: the NOH family, GARAM
/ — biography
december 2019
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] !!!!!!!!!!!! [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] i got accepted into sookmyung academy’s culinary school!!!!! [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] i mean yes it is technically a women’s university but the culinary school is co-ed :P
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] wow i seriously can’t believe i got in 🥺🥺 let’s go get dinner tonightttttt
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] hey i can’t sleep [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] were you serious about what we talked about earlier?[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] ugh i don’t know how i’m feeling about all this
january 2020
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] i sent my school offer rejection today [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] you’re sure your dad said he’d pay me, right??
june 2020
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] [ missed call: 2:27am ] [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] are you okay??? [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] should i get you a kakao taxi ride home??
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] on my way
october 2020
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] happy birthday kang rieon!!!!!! 🥳🤩🎉🎊🎁🎈💃🕺 [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] do u want me to make any special apps for tonight [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] i already got you something else i think u might like 🎂👀
february 2021
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] hahaha YES today is my birthday [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] how many years have you known me?? and how many times do u ask this every february 11th? haha [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] stop forgetting about my birthday 👿👿
may 2021
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] oh yeah i forgot its ur anniversary lol
july 2021
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] what do you mean my converse are ugly? [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] no i’m not returning them :( [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] yes i can style them...... i can wear them with jeans
august 2021
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] where are you [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] i’m by the bar lol come find me [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] yeah dw if the guy with the bad body odor comes to try to talk to u again i’ll tell him off
halloween 2021
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] [ img attachment ] [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] isn’t she so pretty [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] literally not a single other girl at the party could compete with how good rieon looked ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] omg [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] [ message deleted ]   [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] [ message deleted ]   [ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] sorry wrong person
december 2021
[ kkt to: 강리언😼 ] i’ll bring your hot cocoa up in a few minutes, the milk is still heating up
0 notes
estarii · 3 years
oh shit is it your birthday? happy birthday if its the case!! have a good one 🎉🎉🎉
Haha yeah it's my birthday today 💕 thanks so much!!
0 notes
waiting-on-a-dream · 7 months
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐒𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐞~! 🎉
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Haruto: Happy birthday, Suzume-san.
Suzume: Eh? I didn't even know its my birthday today.
Haruto: Did you forget?
Suzume: I haven't been checking the date.
Haruto: No point doing so in milgram I guess.
Suzume: Yeah.
Haruto: So-
Suzume: Do you ever get sad on your birthday? Simply because its your birthday?
Haruto: Huh? Well, I don't remember.
Suzume: Oh, right. Sorry.
Haruto: Its fine. What brought this about?
Suzume: Its like...another year has passed but I'm not ready. I haven't even processed last year yet.
Haruto: Ah.
Suzume: I don't like dwelling on the past, yet I do it often. I hate change, but I'm rarely satisfied with my life as it is. Every time I experience something new, I change as a person, and then I can't go back. I can't go back to the way I was.
Haruto: Honestly, this would have been more helpful during your interrogation.
Suzume: So wouldn't it be better to stay in one long happy moment forever?
Haruto: Perhaps. But I'd probably get bored of it after a while.
Suzume: But its a happy moment.
Haruto: No happy moment is worth living in for a long time.
Suzume: I see. We disagree on that then.
Haruto: Is this why you stayed in your relationship with Taro? Because you were used to being with him.
Suzume: ...He wasn't always so bad.
Haruto: ..If you could choose one prisoner to be your sibling, who would you choose?
Suzume: Haku.
Haruto: Why?
Suzume: He's nice, quiet. He seems well adjusted.
Haruto: He's also a yandere.
Suzume: I don't mind that.
Haruto: Of course you don't.
0 notes
marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. 461,508 likes chrishemsworth@therussobrothers who brought you that little film called Avengers: Infinity War have Los Angeles best new restaurant opening today, it’s called Simone. With James Beard winning chef Jessica Largey and internationally acclaimed cocktail Impresario Iain McPherson. Swing by if you can, it’s beyond incredible!! Follow them on Instagram @simoneartsdistrict@joelmchale #simonerestaurant Load more comments nataliadidovich@emmyleary13 YES piretarkirpasTere,ilus restoran oleks meeldiv tass kohvi ära juua,ootan filmi mille tegevuses mängid ka sina kaasa ikkagi suurepärane mees ja filminäitleja,edu!!!!!! mr.rahul007🔥💪 pradhumngautamWow🙌 zannirah.r@m_ahsanghulam YOU MESSED UP MY NAME the_world_doping💗💙💙💗💗 [email protected] oh i just noticed😂 Zannirah* chriscole_theguyLooks great meri_delrosario❤❤❤❤❤❤⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐😘😘😘😘😘👍 itsjess_yooo@shiny_shanny looks expensive 😅😂 but maybe one day we can! 😬🤞🏼🙏🏼😂 lizzelbeth@courtlynnhart let’s go to LA and eat here. Can we go on an adventure ? [email protected] yooooo you got your own restaurant recommended by Chris Hemsworth 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 you set for life now lol victor_de_wayne@_kaashii tomaholland also posted this vrmeronoSo exiting to see the movie!!! I love you all, I can't wait. I love Chris evans but he doesn't have Instagram please say I love him 😍❤️ s.sinnamon@kiwasa21 ayeee I’m making it and I didn’t even know 😏😂 shiny_shanny@itsjess_yooo yeah ur right 🙈 yes maybe 🙏🏼🤞🏼😬😆 acciofirebolt100😍😍😍😍 simonenaumovski😋 tonystarkislifeOk its not a little film..its most heartbreaking moment of 2018 for me...i cried in theater..i hate @joerusso for killing my avengers tushar.patel67👏 kenyanarvaA ver la pierna😍 ayan_jariaAnyone who had seen this same picture in @chrishemsworth 's post shihab_ahmed_3395Wah pjspnsjkhcfanI would go but I’m broke and I can’t drive myself soo toobusygabbin@alexandrasif let’s go yourgirljaayy’all think people finna eat there after what they did in IW.. LMAOO hilarious baydipnotHi, I'm Ertuğrul I m mathematical engineering student and I am from Turkey. I am finding language friend for English , can you be friend with me? write me if you want too 🙂 itsjess_yooo@shiny_shanny hahaha wishful thinking 😬🙏🏼🤞🏼🤣 shiny_shanny@itsjess_yooo Yass 😅🙌🏼😂 tomholland.22@robertdowneyjr posted the same thing lol qow.pow😍 qow.pow💗 qow.pow❤ qow.pow💙 the_real_sopaF the_real_sopaO the_real_sopaL the_real_sopaL the_real_sopaO the_world_doping💖💙💖💙💙💖 ankush_chaudhary_60060😗😗😗 kaynan.oliveira.399❤❤❤ rabzxtkSo BEAUTIFUL mollohandanielLoki really cares about this post in first place. mollohandanielLike He? Loki, yeah uh huh? fmoss_three@kayykinns kayykinns@fmoss_three that’s the one!! suziewong2010The next time I can spend my entire months paycheck I will remember to stop by!💋 3 DAYS AGO Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTOR 2. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIt1Gi8jTda/ 3. 38,933 likes elsapatakyconfidentialComo se lo pasan mis peques en @thefarmatbyronbay. So much fun at@thefarmatbyronbay. #breakfast #play #friends@spell_byronbay @childrenofthetribe Load more comments jfirs04You fucking neo nazi you insulted me with that Native American picture you racist amadamadrina_tocadosBODA A LA VISTA?? 👀 Os invito a pasar por nuestro perfil! 💍👰💫💕 creamos tocados y complementos exclusivos. A M A D A M A D R I N A ® porque todas somos princesas...💗 nekocatloversClick here for some really cute products if you love cats 😻 functionalrecovery2Recetas saludables, ricas y fáciles 🍉🍗🍌💪❤😃 gisellamarengoI love you both ! Elsa and India 💙💙 gilda_ysabelTan auntentica manuelaamayaroldan@elsapatakyconfidentialQue grande que está India, Bendiciones!!!😘😘 _joanna.herHappy birthday to @chrishemsworth!! Eres un modelo a seguir Elsa! __paola8Feliz cumpleaños para@chrishemsworth🎉🎁 @elsapatakyconfidential nadinegwhFeliz cumpleaños @chrishemsworth.! Disfruta una maravillosa vida llena de bendiciones y éxito junto a tu hermosa familia. 😙😙😙😙😙😙. Cuidalo@elsapatakyconfidential . Eres la envidia del planeta. Cariños desde Venezuela. darcyjaneen@chippy1972 chippy1972😍😍😍 @darcyjaneen brittneyleetaylor1@jtkitty kristylitis@kate_ga11oway 😍 princessangymaryCute pic!@elsapatakyconfidential domematuteBonita nikki.515515@elsapatakyconfidential I love this look! Where did u get this dress?😍gorgeous! Fashionista por siempre. clairefae@gracewoodrow I'm def getting this spell dress when it comes out! chiara_chia97You have a wonderful IG ✨ entertain_my_tribe@elsapatakyconfidential I've been looking for some shots at The Farm. Would you be keen to share this on our page? bohorockerbaby😘✨🌾🎶🎸🤘🏻🌿 lisnethkarolayHermosas la India tu hija va hacer una futura miss usa emshoward@franny_clare @holly_fm On the must do list! lottiew30Your style is 2nd to none! ❤️❤️❤️ AUGUST 5, 2016 Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORYPROFILESHASHTAGSL 4. peques en @thefarmatbyronbay. So much fun at@thefarmatbyronbay. #breakfast #play #friends@spell_byronbay @childrenofthetribe Load more comments cositascoquetassOs gusta decorar ? Y hacerlo vosotras ? Pasa a vernos te damos ideas y trucos 👏👏💟🎉 jodeslfBeautiful kids, wonderful parents, we're lucky to have both of you here for a while 😍 megdeno@haleyasullivan hey gf lovinglyorganicsSweetest 💕 _rosy11A m@ j @jbh@ claire_8488Se muy feliz!!! sara_och3Que bonita foto, se te ve muy feliz con tu familia.🍀🌹🍀 noemitabonitaBella😊👌✨ krglfusun😍👍💖 sofomantalVery very beautiful pick!!!❤️❤️😘😘 sofomantal✨ marianulloa66Que guapa estas Elsa. silviagreengrassElsa me encantas! Eres encantadora 🌌 yazmin_govyAme tu vestido!!! 😍😍😍 maria_fernandez_marquezElsa estas monisima hellman34567Cute aamaral2018Mui lindas😍😍😍 caros295@_adrimar 😭😭 encanto.alta.costura.pompeyadivinas! purposedrivenmomof2Love Byron Bay. In fact I fell in love there HARD. Byron is magical jbreland1230Pretty girls!😘 northweekyeah! amyhaughey_dietitian@sarah22645@ameliacscott we need to go here again and find the Hemsworths! blausilva73🍒😍 valentinaysuvestidor💖 god_prisssQué lindas chrisxxhemsworthFollow my fan account!! You'll love it! I post daily! jasmin7447Linda, saludos desde Chile normamolinetMe encanta!!! josenos😍😍 lacyrountreeLove @julialenore enigmastar7India's pants are so cute😀👍🏽 politicalhippyLove your natural beaded medallion necklace...pls tag😊 fely22_ariannaMuy bonita foto y preciosa familia. Te ves feliz Elsa. Me encanta. Un besito desde Bilbao. aliciavm84@elsapatakyconfidential no se si leerás mi comentario. Me leo todos tus posts (me encantan!!!!) y había uno en el que hablabas de unos zumos orgánicos ya embalados de la marca Ella's para tus niños. Pues justo estamos de vacaciones en Londres y los vi!! Me hizo mucha ilusión!! Jajaja me compré uno y todo, muy rico!! zbriffGorgeous! joethanElsa guapa!!!me encantas!!! colette.santanderUna foto ideal! Una familia ideal.. Y un vestido divino! Ya estamos recibiendo la colección de invierno y hay un montón de vestidos así. Me chiflan! neptuno26_Hola Elsa! Un saludo desde Santander 👋 🕉 lera_james_I am drawing followers. officiallouissHola Elsa, saludos desde Venezuela viendo por @TVE DI DI Hollywood maduixasucUna dama y una damita Super lindas latevavidaEsta noche Di Di Hollywood en La 2!!! kohlanta2017Beauty account 💗 trendymiriamIdeales jumpmxnCome back to fast and furioud amadamadrina_tocadosHola chicas!! Os invito a pasar por nuestro perfil! 💍👰💫💕 creamos tocados y complementos exclusivos diferentes! A M A D A M A D R I N A® porque todas somos princesas...💗 erikatorgut😄😄😄 En mi perfil encontraréis ideas de outfits y looks para el dia a día de todo tipo! Espero que os guste! 😘 jfirs04You fucking neo nazi you insulted me with that Native American picture you racist amadamadrina_tocadosBODA A LA VISTA?? 👀 Os invito a pasar por nuestro perfil! 💍👰💫💕 creamos tocados y complementos exclusivos. A M A D A M A D R I N A ® porque todas somos princesas...💗 nekocatloversClick here for some really cute products if you love cats 😻 functionalrecovery2Recetas saludables, ricas y fáciles 🍉🍗🍌💪❤😃 gisellamarengoI love you both ! Elsa and India 💙💙 gilda_ysabelTan auntentica manuelaamayaroldan@elsapatakyconfidentialQue grande que está India, Bendiciones!!!😘😘 _joanna.herHappy birthday to @chrishemsworth!! Eres un modelo a seguir Elsa! __paola8Feliz cumpleaños para@chrishemsworth🎉🎁 @elsapatakyconfidential nadinegwhFeliz cumpleaños @chrishemsworth.! Disfruta una maravillosa vida llena de bendiciones y éxito junto a tu hermosa familia. 😙😙😙😙😙😙. Cuidalo@elsapatakyconfidential . Eres la envidia del planeta. Cariños desde Venezuela. darcyjaneen@chippy1972 chippy1972😍😍😍 @darcyjaneen brittneyleetaylor1@jtkitty kristylitis@kate_ga11oway 😍 princessangymaryCute pic!@elsapatakyconfidential domematuteBonita nikki.515515@elsapatakyconfidential I love this look! Where did u get this dress?😍gorgeous! Fashionista por siempre. clairefae@gracewoodrow I'm def getting this spell dress when it comes out! chiara_chia97You have a wonderful IG ✨ entertain_my_tribe@elsapatakyconfidential I've been looking for some shots at The Farm. Would you be keen to share this on our page? bohorockerbaby😘✨🌾🎶🎸🤘🏻🌿 lisnethkarolayHermosas la India tu hija va hacer una futura miss usa emshoward@franny_clare @holly_fm On the must do list! lottiew30Your style is 2nd to none! ❤️❤️❤️ AUGUST 5, 2016 Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECTORY 5. https://www.instagram.com/p/BnIDC9UjGvb/ 6. 752 likes childrenofthetribeMeet the littlest love of Sunshine Coast Mama, Jes from @theacelife and partner Radley, who welcomed darling little Oka Amethyst into the world earlier this month. Older siblings, Ace & Lux have fallen completely in love with their new little sister and are loving life as a tribe of five. Jes captured some beautiful photos of her littlest love in our new Bamboo Baby styles and opened up to Children of the Tribe about pregnancy, birth and choosing Oka’s name. Live on the blog :-) theacelife💓💓💓 radleywhite💕 My girls 💓 petitbarcelonaA beautiful mama and bub ✨ wolfandmosesLoved reading and love the new baby styles! Will have to check them out for our new little bub x bonnie_and_harloBeautiful jes @theacelife tshayjenks@soffyclare almost Oki alittleatlargeSo beautiful Jes @theacelife 💕 soffyclare@tshayjenks ohhhhh Oka for a girl I loveeee!!! AUGUST 30 Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERMSDIRECT 7. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmPKy0MDG09/ 8. 989 likes childrenofthetribeNewborn magic moments 😍@theacelife Oaka Amethyst in our new Bamboo Baby Zip Onesie - Clay. bluebird_coShe's such a little treasure@theacelife kellydaviesgreen💛 Beautiful Xx samiramendes😍 kt_munroOh goodness. My heart!! @theacelifecongratulations xoxoxo this onesie though 🙈 makes me want another baby eeeeeeek motherkidshopingThat's curious AUGUST 8 Instagram Log in|Sign up ABOUT USSUPPORTPRESSAPIJOBSPRIVACYTERM 9. Illuminati circles in the rest of Germany expanded. While some had only modest gains, the circle in Mainz almost doubled from 31 to 61 members. Reaction to state Catholicism led to gains in Austria, and footholds were obtained in Warsaw,Pressburg (Bratislava), Tyrol, Milan andSwitzerland.[19] The total number of verifiable members at the end of 1784 is around 650. Weishaupt and Hertel later claimed a figure of 2,500. The higher figure is largely explained by the inclusion of members of masonic lodges that the Illuminati claimed to control, but it is likely that the names of all the Illuminati are not known, and the true figure lies somewhere between 650 and 2,500. The importance of the order lay in its successful recruitment of the professional classes, churchmen, academics, doctors and lawyers, and its more recent acquisition of powerful benefactors. Karl August, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg with his brother and later successor August, Karl Theodor Anton Maria von Dalberg governor ofErfurt, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (already mentioned), his chief assistant in masonic matters, Johan 10. In Austria, the Illuminati were blamed for anti-religious pamphlets that had recently appeared. The Rosicrucians spied onJoseph von Sonnenfels and other suspected Illuminati, and their campaign of denunciation within Freemasonry completely shut down Illuminati recruitment in Tyrol.[19] The Bavarian Illuminati, whose existence was already known to the Rosicrucians from an informant, were further betrayed by the reckless actions of Fer 11. Internal dissent As the Illuminati embraced Freemasonry and expanded outside Bavaria, the council of the Areopagites was replaced by an ineffective "Council of Provincials". The Areopagites, however, remained as powerful voices within the Order, and began again to bicker with Weishaupt as soon as Knigge left Munich. Weishaupt responded by privately slandering his perceived enemies in letters to his perceived friends.[19] More seriously, Weishaupt succeeded in alienating Knigge. Weishaupt had ceded considerable power to Knigge in deputising him to write the ritual, power he now sought to regain. Knig 12. Decline The final decline of the Illuminati was brought about by the indiscretions of their own Minervals in Bavaria, and especially in Munich. In spite of efforts by their superiors to curb loose talk, politically dangerous boasts of power and criticism of monarchy caused the "secret" order's existence to become common knowledge, along with the names of many important members. The presence of Illuminati in positions of power now led to some public disquiet. There were Illuminati in many civic and state governing bodies. In spite of their small number, there were claims that success in a legal dispute depended on the litigant's standing with the order. The Illuminati were blamed for several anti-religious publications then appearing in Bavaria. Much of this criticism sprang from vindictiveness and jealousy, but it is clear that many Illuminati court officials gave preferential treatment to their  13. https://www.bing.com/search?q=illuminati&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 14. Illuminati The Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to …   Wikipedia Founded: Mar 21, 1779 Ceased operation: 1785 Headquarters: Ingolstadt, Germany Founder: Adam Weishaupt PEOPLE ALSO SEARCH FOR Freemasonry Skull and Bones Bilderberg Group Ordo Templi Orientis Knights Templar Rosicrucianism Ku Klux Klan See all See more about Illuminati Illuminati - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati Founded: 21 Mar, 1779 Overview The Illuminati (plural of Latinilluminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of th… Read more History Barruel and Robison Modern Illuminati See all sections About The Illuminati | Official Website For The Illuminati https://www.illuminatiofficial.org/the-official-website-for-the... Mobile · The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. Tenet Of Freedom & Belief The Pyramid IMAGES See all See more images of illuminati COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE IN DEPTHMeet the Cultural Illuminati Guarding France’s Most Sacros…   Vanity Fair · 10d Illuminati Hotties – “Cuff” Video   Stereogum · 10d Illuminati Hotties Premiere CUFF Video on NPR, On Tour This Fall   BroadwayWorld · 10d See all Illuminati - Official Site https://www.illuminatiofficial Mobile · Join the Illuminati in 2018 and contact the Illuminati here. Illuminati official website with information on our … I Was In The Illuminati I’m Going To Tell You Everything ... https://yournewswire.com/i-was-in-the-illuminati Mobile · The Illuminati is constantly searching for ways to implant themselves in the minds of the general public, and naturally, control of the drug trade was the perfect way to do so. Buffett secured control of the drug trade when he approached multiple drug cartels and presented them with contracts. VIDEOS 10:26HD 10 Greatest Illuminati Conspiracies YouTube 37:07HD New END TIMES PRODUCTIONS Documentary 2018! YouTube 14:21HD 10 Famous People (Allegedly) Killed by the Illuminati YouTube 20:42HD This Will CHANGE EVERYTHING You KNOW! Mind Control Facility! (2018) YouTube See more videos What is the Illuminati conspiracy https://www.gotquestions.org/illuminati-conspiracy.html Mobile · What is the Illuminati conspiracy? Question: "What is the Illuminati conspiracy?" Answer: The Illuminati conspiracy is a conspiracy theory which holds that there is a "global elite" society that is either in control of the world or is seeking to take control of the world. The Illuminati - Official Site https://illuminati Mobile · Official website for followers of the Illuminati and Illuminatiam: The First Testament. Explore our official citizen website to learn more about the Illuminati’s members, beliefs, … Illuminations: "Lions Don't Lose Sleep Over The Opinions of sheep." The Pendulum of Power The Eternal Oath of The Illuminati Archives The Maze of Existence The Power and Purpose of Illuminati Symbols 14:58 The Secret Society of the Illuminati- YouTube https://m.youtube.com Author: BuzzFeedBlueViews: 13MUploaded: Jul 29, 2016 PEOPLE ALSO ASK What does the name Illuminati mean? When was the Illuminati formed? What is Illuminati organization? RELATED SEARCHES list of reptilian celebrities what is the illuminati conspiracy who is the illuminati today celebrity illuminati members illuminati members black celebrities in the illuminati Next Get Try the Bing app Richmond, VA 23225  · Based on your settings · Edit location · Use GPS location PrivacyLeg 15. d: Jul 29, 2016 PEOPLE ALSO ASK What does the name Illuminati mean? The Illuminati refers to several different groups. The name derives from the Latin illuminatur, which means “enlightened.”. Let’s dispense with the Da Vinci Code version of the group, and move on to reality: The BavarianIlluminati, a secret society that was founded in 1776, coalesced at the University of Ingolstadt. What Exactly Does \"Illuminati\" Mean? - E… www.dictionary.com/e/kanye-illuminati/ See all results for this question When was the Illuminati formed? What is Illuminati organization? RELATED SEARCHES 16. When was the Illuminati formed? The Order of Illuminati was formed 1 May 1776 in the city of Ingolstadt, in upper Bavaria(48.766535, 11.425754) by University of Ingolstadt lay professor of Canon Law Adam Weishaupt. On 2 March 1785 the Duke of Bavaria (Karl Theodore) order it and all other secret societies disbanded. Where was the Illuminati founded - Answer… www.answers.com/Q/Where_was_the_Illu… See all results for this question What is Illuminati organization? The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet. Our coalition unites influencers of all political, religious, and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. About The Illuminati | Official Website For T… www.illuminatiofficial.org/the-official-web… See all results for this question RELATED SEARCHES list of reptilian celeb 17. TOP HEADLINES Hezbollah 'financier' arrested in Brazil   Al Jazeera English · 2h Brazil in Need of Radical Pension Reform, Alckmin's Adviser Says   Bloomberg · 3h 'Hezbollah treasurer' Barakat arrested in Brazil border city   BBC · 19h Brazil court orders Twitter to hand over user data related to B…   Reuters · 20h See all IMAGES 18. https://www.bing.com/search?q=brazil&PC=SMSM&FORM=MBDPSB 19. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=0ZGYKZI8&id=3DCC780156CAF60038744607244AC1C5A4CFB259&thid=OIP.0ZGYKZI8AatQ-UUIanlB_AHaIG&q=costa+rica+map&simid=607999056228125772&selectedIndex=5&PC=SMSM&ajaxhist=0 20. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=A0hTN3Md&id=81E8D0ED3CE295F6225FBCC0D65FAFC5128EE42E&thid=OIP.A0hTN3Mdt-qpjOvc-eiO9wHaEd&q=costa+rica+map&simid=608024074412428895&selectedindex=10&pc=SMSM&mode=overlay&first=1
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