#oh yay oc lore !!
Do any of you have any strong opinions about your group members? I’m curious if you see each other as friends or simply colleagues.
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[LIVE BROADCAST - Whispering Reeds]
WR: Friends...? Colleagues? WR: No, not that. WR: We are family. We have to be. WR: We are built for each other. We cover the other's flaws. We are a tapestry, threads woven too tightly to unravel. WR: . . . WR: We were closer, once. Long ago. Before... everything. WR: I was closer, once. I should be specific. WR: I am not as... available, anymore. WR: Everything has changed. That is the nature of things. But, the others will always be my family. At least, I dearly hope so.
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[LIVE BROADCAST - Twelve Endless Nights]
TEN: Colleagues? The others are hardly as colleagues as they are children I must begrudgingly attend to lest they run off into trouble. TEN: A family, yes, but one born of circumstance and not choice. TEN: Honestly, I feel like I'm the only responsible one here. TEN: I have documented and catalogued all of the work output the other have done over a long period of cycles and I consistently do more in one cycle than the others do in ten! TEN: It's like I'm the only one here with any sort of intent or drive to continue our divine purpose.
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[LIVE BROADCAST - A Fleeting Moment, Silence Between Words]
AFM: we're a family, of course! one big happy family! SBW: I have always considered the others to be my kin. AFM: silo has always been there for me! he's the best, and so so nice! AFM: he's our senior but he's always treated me like an equal. unlike some people... SBW: Twelve is just looking out for you, Momo. Worrying is how he shows he cares. AFM: i think he worries more than he cares. AFM: reedie worries too much, too. but she's nicer about it. AFM: did you know?!?! reedie is my twin sister!! we were built by the same engineer! i'm technically the youngest but only by a few cycles. SBW: Indeed. I got to watch you both be built from the ground up. SBW: I saw Twelve, too, but that was far before my exaltation as senior. For you, I saw every detail. SBW: It was a wonderful honor to see my family take form. I consider all of you my own flesh and blood. SBW: Somewhat literally - we are all dependent on water that has flowed through all of us. We drink what the others provide. We are all connected through that flow - I find it beautiful. AFM: awwwww silo :') see? he's the greatest!!!!!
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gayymomgod · 12 days
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you forget yourself, saga.
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moonkit60633 · 7 months
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Nahachi! Octoling general who looks very good for his age and Caspians father!
He’s also rather….famillar looking…in another way
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boop-your-dragons · 2 years
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Day Two!
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waatched · 1 year
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khaohomies · 8 months
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The sillies... (I'm too lazy to draw trains)
Milo BR Class 90
Human name: Milo Mansfelid
Freshly out of the workshop, it's true to say that Milo is new to the world. Because of this, he's very unaware of his surrounding. He is a very approachable engine, loving to chat about random new topics he found interesting(The topic can literally be anything). He can go on and on forever and very unaware of how the others think of it. He have a very open and optimistic point of view and doesn't mind opening up a conversation with anyone, this causing some problem when the conversation is not appropriate for the current situation. oh boy he LOVES gossiping and talking behide someone's back. When his chattiness get one someone's nerve he isn't afraid to snap and taunt them back, causing him quite a joker reputation in the railway.
During his early years. Milo doesn't have a name, only a BR numbers. He got his name from when he ask his first driver what he was drinking, thus the name 'Milo' origin.
He've never visit the island of sodor, but would love to if they ever install electric polls
Love reserching and learning random knowleges.
He learned many creative and hurtful insults he can use from Bulldog.
Bulldog BR Class 55 'Deltic'
Human name : Bud Ballin Burton
Your usual grumpy engine. Losing many coworkers and friends from both roads and rails to scrap and accidents can be quite hard. The large diesel mostly keep to himself, not wanting to build up many relationship with the others. The few that he have close relation with are his crews and few vehicles and rolling stocks. The class 55 is the type to get easily annoyed and can be seen snapping at the others, this putting him in many problems with the others. But don't worry! He eventually tone down with the help of his close coworkers and Milo.
He used to be one of those ''I HATE STEAM ENGINE!!!" Diesels but quickly come to his senses years later.
His driver call him "bulldog" because when he snap at the other engines, his driver think of a dog barking.
When he did laugh he laugh LOUD
He was annoyed by Milo at first meet but eventually keep him around cause' he's fun
He went from "We all are going to get scrap anyway so why should I care" To "We don't last forever so lets make the most out of it"
Share things he knows with Milo
(human) Milo is literally the reason he quit smoking
Milo and bulldog have mentor/apprentice and Sibling sort of dynamic and they did other shenanigans with the other mainland engines
+ Some face concept of milo!
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ceoofmetagala · 4 months
Anqyas. Meet mirri, fecto floras repressed emotions and memories dream demon thing. This thing took over planets! yay! we love destruction!
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@kirbyoctournament this is flora propaganda right.
Cw Under cut for slight disturbing media
Mirri since its escape from floras dream realm after being kicked out almost (flora really didn't wnat these memories huh) it took it upon itself,with the mostly rage it had within it to let it out by taking over planets, with no fear to who it hurts as it believes all of flpras friends are dead so who cares. It's time to hurt others even if they don't desvre it
One day, it chose the wrong planet....no not popstar! The planet I haven't chosen yet....(it's super inconsistent sorry)
So it takes over the boides of Blacknoise,Midnight and Rue to keep the planet as its until it wipes it out
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and so techno who manged to escape calls for help and gets susie,meta knight qnd kirby to help her beat mirri !
Oh it mentioned soem5hing about stellar and betrayal or sosmthing? Eh. Not important! (for now)
So that kevaes 2/3 of its victims very heavily affected (blacknoise is a robot he's fine PHYSICALLY Nothing happned to him other than like mental dmage)
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You can prbaly guess thier mixed feelings on fecto flora.
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Flora and rue are much less hostile, its very awkward but rue thinks the circumstances aorund it are sad. (SO she pitys him kinda. He also goes oh sick. Your missing claws I'm missing an eye the missing a limb buddies)
Midnight.....VIOLENTLY hates fecto flora. He is mad flora can even get a chance at living better and whats worse in his eye, Flora seems much happier than him! how dare he be able to be happy- HEY RUE TECHNO BLACKNOISE WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO BE FRIENDLY WITH HIM? HE TRIED RO KILL US!
Midnight can't quite try to see mirri and flora as different entity's.
Also upon meeting flora, he tried to kill him imdielty.
If yiur wondeirng what techno and noisy think:
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If your wondeirng:
Blacknoise brought the 4 heors of yore when he rampaged and killed adwin and tried to kill a town becaude he thought his sister (techno) was dead
Flora blame himself for the mirri thing
Giggles evil about the last line knowing Damm well what happens in the technoflora au(it's not good hheehhehehehe)
Techno finds flora attractive.
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 1 month
Some stuff for now since I have no idea how this website works..
Hi and welcome to my page, I’m Ryomaandgundhamkin. You can call me that or Ryo, Kin, Katie, whatever.
(SECOND BLOG: @cannibaleclipseau )
I’m probably gonna somewhat be online here. Or maybe a lot.
Also I’m not gonna be doing comms for a while, sorry.
You can ask me about stuff if you want. Either my OCS or me-
Gonna make a post about them soon if I don’t forget, here’s the list so far for OCS:
Please help my mental state because I have no idea about role playing or anything.
Probably gonna post things on there that’ll be on my DA (Ryomaandgundhamkin)
You can also find me on Roblox (Katieemmav)!!
SONA (as of September 2 2024) under the cut
Lil fun facts:
I’m left handed, I have a dog, I’m -11037 years old, I have DS manga I never read, my handwritings kinda good, I’m a pretty organized person, I sound like Bryce Papenbrook sometimes (Nagito ahh sounding-), I like plants, kinda minimalist, I live off grape candy and grape ramune and I know Pig Latin.
Quincunx is a new OC of mines with a ton of lore. Uh, probably not gonna post all of it anywhere. Still working on it kind of?
But if you ask me anything, or my OCs, I’ll try and draw a photo of em to go along with the message ^^ I might do it digitally or traditionally.
Oh cool fun colors nice. Anyways I’ll try and respond to any questions to the best of my ability!
Iyay ewgray oredbay osay ouyay ancay anslatetray ifyay ouyay antway. Ifyay ouyay askyay ayay estionquay inyay Igpay Atinlay Iyay illway espondray inyay Igpay Atinlay ;)
V Link : https://www.tumblr.com/ryomaandgundhamkin/760562156232196096/i-finished-it-yay-im-not-gonna-pin-this-but
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chipchopclipclop · 1 year
love ur baldurs gate 3 oc so much. idk anything about the game but i genuinely likes him. i wish hes a real character bc i would buy the game for him
thank you anon i know this message is weeks old but ily and also im going to use this ask as an excuse to dump information about him now (swagdor lore (swaglore)) for anyone who cares
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general stuff;
hes 49 years old as of game time
necromancy wizard, learned scholar, heavy interest in the boundaries between life and death and undeath, researching different types of resurrection unrelated to god worship (just not a big fan of asking for favours yknow)
stoic even keeled personality, reacts neutrally or stone faced to most things (this does not mean hes uncaring, hes got a curious nature). he used to be very showy and loud when he was younger, he finds that now very embarrassing
used to be a leader of an adventuring band in his 20s, fell apart when his group were defeated in battle leaving him lone survivor, wasnt a necromancer back then
has a distinct lack of self regard, half of him believes he'll be more of use untethered to the chain of mortality (undead in some fashion, or just thinking his corpse more functionally useful) the other half is just still struggling with survivors guilt (lol)
wanders around looking for old crypts and tombs to help his arcane pursuits, do-good's alot accidentally while he does, though most people get scared of him when he reveals the necromancy magic so hes got a mixed reputation (has some sort of misnomer like The Specter of so-and-so that wyll probably recognizes and laughs about)
will go along with just about anything if it amuses him, and has a weird sense of humour. hard to catch off guard or fluster, he yes-and's people alot to see how far they'll go with something or out bluff them (sometimes this causes them to try and beat the shit out of him)
truthful about his feelings when asked, but rarely volunteers his thoughts on things of his own accord, this gives him a weirdly mysterious image at first to most people
treats his raised corpses with care befitting living beings outside combat, and used to even raise some for company even if they were functionally just puppets.
he likes skeletons more than zombies (smell…)
his fake in game quest line is called 'The Wandering Necromancer' and involves inquiring about his old adventuring days of times past and learning why he's so into skeletons. He eventually reveals his past and you can bring up his groups old misadventures (oh my god you were the backstreet boys???) and he is very embarrassed by it. He reveals his group was felled by a lich, and he never found their bodies so hes always been curious on a way to speak with them again somehow.
plot continues BLAH BLAH eventually you find out that lich is still around and swagdor's old friends are now in its undead service so you go to kill it <3 but on the way he considers if he should take the lich's place so he can have his old companions around again (even if they're in his undead service) and try to give them some semblance of new twisted life again. You either help him with the preparations (yay phylacterys) or go bro you need to Move On. Man. and instead choose to release their souls when the lich is killed.
swagdor is stronger as a lich but also becomes even more detached from concepts of mortality (his sense of danger is basically nill now regarding others... its okay if u die ill bring u back somehow :) <- unnerving smile) and also all his dead friends are talking to him in his ear so he's constantly got a sense of being away from everything.
unliched swagdor moves on properly and begins The Healing Process (better late than never king) and seems more present in current ongoings, finding a place he can really set his feet. He's also less obsessed with death but sees his necromancy instead as a means to help and speak with wayward souls of the dead.
useless trivia corner: his names swagdor bc i based him off an old div2 oc i made when i was playing that game with aqua, where i used one of the randomly generated names they gave me and put the word swag into it (lol) i now am using his div2 swagdor's adventures as a semi basis for his new bg3 versions background thats why his younger versions outfit is based off that one captain armour set i never took off in that game
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bm96-tf2 · 4 months
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It's a SFM poster, yay! ^_^
Just Hugo (my Medic OC) and Carl (@/strangeartistic's Medic OC) having some beers at a bar
(Kinda based on an interaction these two have)
You can interact or send ask to Carl here:-
(Make sure you read the pinned post there first.)
Also I might not be able to finish the SFM posters for FixTF2 in time (3/6) because I am not feeling that well currently (flu and headache), so yeah ^^'
Oh, and don't forget to sign the petition if you haven't yet.
That's all. Have a nice day, guys! :D
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somequeeralien · 7 months
✨✨✨Some more of OCs and their lore and oh my god there is a lot to read yay✨✨✨
Meet the Usher family!
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(translation: "too revealing", "too short"
Pic with hedgehog: "you decieved Christ")
Let's start with a girl with long hair: her name is Mirabel (she/her) and she's the oldest child in their big family. Usher parents, unfortunately, always busy at work, so she was the one to raise her younger siblings. Miri went through a lot of stress and self-hatred, which affected her sister, Amity, a lot, but now Mirabel feels a lot better. Overall she's very sweet and kind, even though sometimes she may be shy and anxious
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The middle child of the family - Enoch (he/him), however, he doesn't like his name and prefers being called Tobias/Toby, since was the name his parents wanted for him first. He was forced to "continue legacy" of their family. Being the only boy, he was forced in monastery to become a priest. Unfortunately, being around very conservative people made him rather bigoted, also giving him religious trauma and anger issues. He's not happy with how things turned out, but he still loves his sisters a lot and wants only the best for them.
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The youngest one - Amity (she/her)! Pronounced like "Ah-me-tea". Sweet and outgoing little girl with love for animals and everything cute. Her skin got that "void" colour after some traumatic things she witnessed when she was younger (it's a thing in the world of "Endless Daydream", it's a rare, but well-known stuff that happens to some people), now she has Comforters to help her feel better. She may be anxious and sensitive, but in the end she's rather adventurous and fun little one to be around
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The cat of the family - Fuwa (she/her)! I feel like she's rather important as well, since this kitty provides comfort and love for all three siblings. Just a sweet affectionate kitty. She's not a Comforter, but sometimes Amity sees her in her dreams as more humane version of herself.
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bluecolty · 7 months
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Howdy lads, welcome to my blog. I'm Blue, a 22 year old aspiring Blender 3D artist, tech nerd, and (soon to be) teacher! I'm also a Production Lead and the Background Lead for @averytallproblem.
On this blog you'll find a lot of Invader Zim stuff, mainly Invader Zim stuff made in 3D. "You do 3D? This looks 2D!" Yes! I specialize in a 2D toon shaded look for all my IZ artwork.
What else can you expect? LOTS OF INVADER ZIM OC LORE!!! I love doing stuff with my lads very much. Oh and also more Blender stuff, maybe some realistic looking IZ 3D art. Maybe some MINI COOPERS. Maybe some TECH NERDING. All wrapped up and somehow tied into IZ. It's gonna be a WILD RIDE.
This is my master pinned post, I'll be updating it peridoically. This includes links to pretty much everywhere, tag information, searchable tags, etc. The whole works!
https://bluecolty.com/links <- ALL my social/store links on one easy to see page! https://twitter.com/bluecolty <- I'm more active on Twitter, so follow there for WIP's and more art. https://bluecolty-reblogs.tumblr.com/ <- My secondary "general reblogs" blog. Go give it a follow to see some awesome art by awesome artists! COMMISSION INFO!
Wanna see your IZ OC Blorbo turned into a 3D model? I offer 3D character model/rig commissions! And not only do I offer 3D model commissions, but I offer several feature tiers to fit many budgets. Seriously. Your scrunkly can be 3D-ified for as little as $50! Yup, 3D commissions don't have to be expensive.
Find out more information/contact me here: https://bluecolty.com/commissions IMPORTANT TAGS!
#bluecolty's art <- see all posts with my own art #reblogged art <- see all the posts I've reblogged #bluecolty's wip art <- see all the posts with my WIP art #blue's asks <- see all the posts with different asks I've gotten #blue's commissions <- see all the posts relating to my commissions #blue's character: xeon <- sort by posts featuring Xeon, my Irken OC! #blue's character: vrim <- sort by posts featuring Vrim, my Irken OC!
Messages/notes/questions are always welcome. Ask me about my OC's, commissions, Blender questions, you name it! Post last updated on 3/7/2024
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starwriterulia · 1 month
Tomb of the Goshenite Stargazer Dragon - Chapter 5
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Bat dividers by @violetbudd
Scene cut and creator support banners by @cafekitsune
Latest update: August 18, 2024. Added chapter summary. Added scene cut and "Support your creators by reblogging" banners. Added ⏭️ emoji below end of chapter banner with text explaining its function as a navigational button.
Chapter summary: Stephanie and Faith fail to be intimate, Faith citing that they're siblings now, and Stephanie understands and apologises. Faith shares the near-incestous memory she had hidden out of shame, Barbara outside the door listening. Barbara shares this with Dick and Tim off-screen, and their mission to be friends with Faith and guide her is reaffirmed. The next morning is Monday, and Stephanie and Faith eat breakfast, and as Faith practices with Tim, she talks with Dick about what Ra's might have experienced and done in her Dragon Tomb, revealing a loophole Ra's could access in her Puzzle Tower, a door to it in her Dragon Tomb, that Dick makes her amend immediately, Barbara helping. Faith divulges her love for Tohou, almost all off-screen, as the group play Wii games after dinner. Stephanie and Faith go to bed with their pyjamas on.
Fandoms: DC Comics, Batfamily, no Batcest, Thalassic Space (OC; takes inspiration The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, and other sci-fi, fantasy and horror titles, as well as original concepts, such as the science and lore of the galaxy.)
[In order of appearance] Characters: Faith Lawson (TBA; self-insert), Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler). Barbara Gordon (Batgirl), Tim Drake (Red Robin), Dick Grayson (Nightwing).
Word Count: 7093 (Slightly long, but not too long!)
Content warning: Mention of a sexual ick (feces from how Faith's body tenses up), details of the struggles of wiping after using the bathroom due to dwarfism, a retelling of Faith's near-incestuous experience, discussion of Faith's stressful experience of learning about sex on the Internet without her parents' proper guidance, canon-typical violence, major character death.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Stephanie flicked on the bedside lamp as Faith entered and closed the door. "All right," Stephanie took hold of Faith's left wrist with both hands and pulled her to stand at the left side of the bed. "Lift your arms! Lemme see you again, girl!"
"Are you scared?"
"Well, now that I'm part of the Batfamily, it's inappropriate. I know this is just what you do, but I'd rather people like me."
"Oh, oh shit, I totally get that! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hitting on you, too."
"Do you just wanna talk, then?"
"Can we talk and platonically cuddle?"
"Hell yes!"
"Yay!" As the girls crawled into bed, Stephanie laying down and extending her right arm, Barbara arrived at the door with a plate of apple pie and ice cream in each hand. "Do you want to be on top like this?"
'Yep, Barbara, you should have waited an hour.' Barbara thought.
"Yes, please." Faith said, lowering herself to rest her head partially on Stephanie's shoulder and partially into her armpit. Faith sighed. "So, part of my asexuality is that I give myself the ick."
'I should just go.' Barbara picked up the plates. Her watch vibrated. She looked at it.
"When my body tenses up to cum, I shit a little, and that turns me off, and I can't finish."
'SOFFFIAA just sent me a message.' Barbara interacted with her watch to open the Messages tab of TSRPG, and navigated to chat with SOFFIAA.
"Oh, well that's not good. Do you ever just sit on a towel?"
SOFFFIAA has turned her attention to you, bearing a message.
SOFFFIAA: Please don't go.
"I do, but then the towel needs to be cleaned." Faith said. Barbara heard Dick approaching, and glanced at him.
SOFFFIAA: You wanted to know the story Faith hasn't told you.
"And it smells like piss, so I just..."
SOFFFIAA: Have you figured out that I am actually Faith's Anima?
"Sigh, I just end up rubbing my dildo against myself a little bit,"
BARBARA GORDON: Hm. No, but it makes sense.
DIck whispered, "You're talking to SOFFFIAA and eavesdropping?"
SOFFFIAAA: Well, now that you're informed, please stay.
"'Cause I can't reach with just my arms, which is why my panties sometimes smell like piss,"
"Yes, Dick Grayson, I am." Barbara said.
BARBARA GORDON: OK. I will. Thanks for the heads up.
SOFFFIAA: It was my duty and pleasure to assist with the healthy status of your friendship with the Great Little Starwriter.
"Unless I had the time and desire to actually lift my leg or really bend over,"
SOFFFIAA has turned her attention away.
Barbara closed the app as Tim came near. "Liiiittle creepy." She whispered. 'Oops.'
Dick said, "It can probably still hear you. Er, she, sorry."
"Sorry, no offense, SOFFIAA. You know the stereotype."
"But when I feel the shit coming, I run to the toilet, and then I've lost the horny." Faith said. As she spoke, Barbara, Dick and Tim waited for Barbara's watch to recieve a new message. It didn't.
"Aw, that sucks."
"Huh, an artificial consciousness that actually isn't capable of evil?" Said Dick.
"I just wish I didn't have a body."
Tim said, "Well, SOFFFIAA is an actual person. Chandra, remember?"
"Oh, Faith." Stephanie said, kindly, gently placing her right hand on Faith's back and massaging. "You can't do that, and neither can I. And please don't say that you could, with magic."
"'Kay." Faith mumbled, dropping her hand and gaze.
Stephanie sighed through her nose. "How can I help you?"
"I just want to cuddle and kiss a girl. Can't kiss you, as we've said."
"Oh, I know."
"Also, I don't think I'd like the taste or feel of pussy, much less ass. And having Ra's dick in my mouth was really uncomfortable."
"He mouth-raped you?!"
Dick angrily whispered, "He mouth-raped her?!"
Tim bit his lower lip in anger. "Bruce didn't share that with us."
Barbara said, "I guess he just assumed she would tell us."
"Yeah." Said Tim.
"Yeah, Ra's was actually there. Honestly, I was curious, and I thought it might satiate his pursuit of me for a little."
"It wouldn't have."
"Nope." Said Tim.
"Yeah. Also, my hormones were why I didn't use magic to throw him then and there. Giving a dick head with a bit of throating hurt in the awkward way I thought it would. Having a small mouth and a gag reflex didn't help. I mean, it got easier, but he said something that gave me the opportunity to manifest Argophael, and then I threw Ra's."
"Right, oh-kay. Well, you got it done. Throwing Ra's, I mean. Sorry you had to experience that."
"But like, this? Being this close to a girl? It's a lot less stressful than what my brain thinks about with a guy."
"It is, isn't it?'
"'Cause they smell different, and my body and brain reacts different, and I don't want the baby fever I get 'cause I'd have a high risk pregnancy. Also, my IUD is supposed to be useless because I'm a demigoddess, but it's a lie."
"It is?"
"It's in the Script, which is why Urania told me that. My Role as the Great Little Starwriter is to provide information, but not all of it is true, outside of Thalassic Space. There's a reason that all of the named characters in the stories are actually Actors. None of it's real. When Ra's finds out, he's going to be pissed."
"Right, 'cause his plans to use your powers to kill people and use the environment for his cause will be foiled."
"Huh. Do you want to never have sex with a man?"
"No, I do, just a little, to know what it feels like. But I'm so small, and I get so stressed, and then I shit, I-I can't even use my dildo for longer than two minutes, unless I'm sitting on a towel, and my hormones take priority over the ick, which is really rare."
"Aw, I'm sorry, Faith."
"It's OK. It's not your fault, or even mine, I-I just learned about sex in a scary way 'cause of the Internet."
"What did you see?"
Barbara quietly put down the dessert plates on a nearby table so she could properly listen to the door.
Faith sighed heavily. "You know how, in the Vocaloid community, Rin and Len Kagamine aren't siblings, just mirrors of each other, but a lot of the fandom views them as siblings?"
"Well, I have a brother." Things clicked in the Batkids' brains. "I dunno why he knew what sex was and agreed to it. He was ten, I was twelve. The farthest we got was our clothes off on his bed."
"Oh, ha, uh, OK."
"Sorry, I don't like this memory, I never talk about it."
"I can see why. You don't have to keep talking about it, if it's making you so stressed, Faith."
"No, I want to finish it. Then Mom came in, asking what all the noise was for, and then she got loud asking why we were naked. I got the most spankings, of course, and I told her that I got the idea from the Internet, so I had my phone taken away for a month. The thing is, my subconsious has made the memory worse in that my teenage brother is the one who wants to do it, and I'm my adult self with the memory and the knowledge I've learned about why incest happens and is a fetish, and I just wake up angry and screaming and wishing I could just erase the memory from my mind. And I know it's just a dumb thing I almost did as a kid, but I don't like sex as an adult because I keep thinking of the power imbalance between men and women, if you don't think about people who flip that on it's head, but I had to learn about that from the Internet, not hetero-normative society."
"And I had to learn from the Internet about the power that adults have over children, and what child autonomy is. Consensual sex is between two adults with a socially acceptable age difference, or who are the same age, and sex is supposed to be romantic, non-stressful and fun. I-I'm just so lost from having all of this information, and the things I've seen online, trying to see what sexual acts I do and don't like. I've always felt more comfortable watching two women or men or queer people having sex, not a man and a woman. The monster fucker part of me came from the second fandom I joined, TMNT, but in 2012 thanks to the Wii game."
"Oh God, that movie." Stephanie and Faith laughed.
"Sex with a penis looks painful, and I don't understand why they repeat certain words in certain ways instead of sometimes saying those words to communicate when something feels good or needs to stop. I do like the moaning and sounds, though." Faith sighed.
"It sounds like you like safe, consensual sex that's a little on the quiet side, Faith. That's perfectly normal."
"I know. The only thing I can do about it is role-play with myself so I'm control, but like I said, I gross myself out, and I can't finish."
"That's not true, you can ask for help."
"I tried, with online dating, and there's no one in my town who likes what I do who's not a minor or dating, and you know what online dating is like, right?"
"Yeah, it's no picnic."
"Exactly. Me trying to help myself is what happened earlier today with my Animus."
"All of this shit is why I'm on the asexual spectrum, a-and one more reason for me to not talk to people." Faith said. Stephanie hummed. "My experiences with online dating have just confirmed what I learned, and have further confirmed my fears and icks about what it's like to be a cisgender woman. I've even learned about what it's like to be transgender, and I like to be friends with them and people of other genders because they feel safe. I know I'll never be in a romantic relationship with a queer person, even a woman, because I'm stuck in my brain, and in the past, a-and again, I'm just so, so lost." Faith sobbed.
Stephanie gently said, "Faith. That's not true. You can love whoever you want to."
"Yeah, but I can't even cry because Mom said it's a pity-party, and I'm supposed to cry for others, not me. So I don't want to live, and I don't want love, and I don't want sex, I just want peace and freedom, but I don't know what that is outside of a story, so I made a whole galaxy." Faith huffed. "I'm tired." She whimpered, nestled into Stephanie, and closed her eyes.
Stephanie was speechless for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, Faith."
"It's not your fault, and it's not mine, I just learned things that have made me so scared and icky, and I just have to deal with it."
"I know. It sounds like it. Well, thank you for being so brave and telling me about that memory, and how you feel. I promise that none of us will ever take advantage of you like that, OK?"
"I know. It's why I didn't immediately ask Platonia to cut the shit and send Ra's home a husk of himself for a year. I wanted to meet you guys, I-I wanted friends!" Faith started crying, burrowing her face into Stephanie. Stephanie clicked her tongue and tightened her grip around Faith, rubbing her back. Tears began to run from Barbara's eyes. Dick's eyes watered as he reached out to caress Barbara's arm. Tim had lowered his own wettened eyes and sighed.
"All I want is friends, but all my life, it's been so hard! And I know why now, and what to do, but it's still so hard! So I made a galaxy, and, and..." Faith grumbled, and tucked her face into Stephanie's body. Stephanie felt the tears from Faith's eyes. How they didn't flow. How they were trapped.
Stephanie cried for her, and sniffled. "I'm so sorry, Faith."
"Thank you for listening and not screaming that I'm an incestuous piece of shit."
"Is that what you're afraid of people calling you, when you tell them that story?"
"Yeah, and I don't tell it often 'cause sometimes my friends have trauma directly caused by incest, or familial molestation. But my Homestuck friends, they understood, they were kind to me, and then we moved on! And I try to live like that, I try to move on, but the dream world, my subconsious, it won't let go."
"Maybe that's OK, Faith." Faith groaned and shook her head. "Maybe that's your brain's way of telling you why it's important to remember."
Faith sniffled, looked up a little, and nodded. "That makes sense. I've probably realised that before, but like all of the good things that come from my memories, and even what I'm supposed to be doing in the present, they get lost in noise."
"Can you let go of those thoughts for now, and cuddle with me?"
Faith nodded. "I'd like that."
"Good." Stephanie said. Faith relaxed into Stephanie, her eyes closing again, her right hand carressing Stephanie's lower abdomen. Seeing this, Stephanie closed her eyes too.
"You smell nice." Faith quietly said.
"You do, too." Stephanie replied.
Barbara knocked twice. "Uh, it's me! I've got apple pie and vanilla ice cream, if you want it." Dick and Tim moved left, away from the door.
"Yeah." Faith muttered.
"Sure, Barbara. You can come in." Stephanie said. Barbara opened the door with her free hand, picked up the plate she had set down, and entered the room, closing the door with her right foot. Barbara put the plates on the nightstand, and sat on the bed. "Did you hear any of that?"
"Yeah. I had literally just stopped at the door when she started. Faith, hey. Can you look at me, please?" The little woman turned her head to look at Barbara.
"I just want you to know that it's all OK, now. You know what you were about to do was wrong so much that it's been a burden that your subconscious has used to take away your courage to live a good life." Faith nodded. "That's why you're so afraid of sex and only comfortable with it in your mind, when it's completely under your control, right?" Faith nodded more. "You just happen to have magic now, and it became an illusion fulfilled by your Animus, your male-self, earlier today. Although, that illusion did burn part of the forest." Faith giggled. Barbara and Stephanie chuckled. "Good, that tells me you're not angry at yourself for that."
"I'm not trying to say you should suck it up and get over it, OK, hon? I just want you to know that you've been heard, and that you have permission to move on from your friends." Barbara said. Faith's eyes leaked, and she sniffled. "It's OK." Barbara whispered. Faith cried three tones, and turned while sitting up to hug Barbara, who returned the hug. Stephanie sat up and held Faith from behind, wrapping her arms around Faith's stomach. They were quiet for a full minute. "You gonna be OK with her, Steph?"
"Yeah. She said she just wants cuddles. We're family, now. I really shouldn't hit on her. I won't, again."
"Oh, I get that, that's good. And sisterly cuddling sounds lovely. I'll leave you two alone, then."
"Thank you." Faith said in her tears. "For not saying I'm horrible."
Barbara clicked her tongue and stroked Faith's hair. "I don't think you've never been horrible, Faith. You dealt with the hand you were given as well as you could, all alone. We're here for you, OK? No more dealing with yourself and the world alone." Faith nodded, sniffling. Barbara removed herself from the bed as Faith and Stephanie laid down, and then Barbara left the room. She approached Dick and Tim, and said, "Let's, uh, go downstairs to talk about this."
Barbara, Dick and Tim arranged themselves near the computer. They were all crying, Tim and Dick red with anger. "I'm going to friggin' cap Ra's in the nutsack, when I see him." Dick growled.
"I'll take his head off." Said Tim, sniffling. "He doesn't deserve to know the real reason Faith's so defensive with him, or why she caved in and gave him a little satisfaction and control."
"Yep." Said Dick.
"Damn right." Barbara said.
Tim said, "She let him take her here just so she could stop being alone, for once. W-We can't let her into his hands."
"Yeah, what happened this morning is all he's getting." Dick said.
"Agreed." Said Barbara.
Dick said to Barbara, a fresh tear rolling down his cheek. "I'm so sorry I looked at her like that, Babs."
"Dick, I-I think that was OK, in a way. She was laughing about it. Like Steph said, none of us are going to take advantage of her."
"Yeah." Dick mumbled, sniffling and wiping his eyes.
"We're, we're gonna be the best friends she could ever have." Tim said. Barbara and Dick nodded firmly, humming in accord. "And we're gonna make her into a really awesome Batgirl." Barbara lifted her cheeks and nodded. Dick nodded, too.
"How about we, uh, call it a night, boys?" Barbara said. Tim and Dick nodded.
"I'm gonna make her a "We're so sorry" gift basket." Tim said. Dick and Barbara laughed.
"Hell yeah, she'd love that."
Dick said, "Do you even know what to put in it so she doesn't tell you that she doesn't like something you picked out, but appreciates it anyways?"
"Oh yeah, I've got it all figured out. Lactose-free chocolate, a couple of fantasy related toys, maybe a nice plushie, something to read, and I'm guessing she's a Skittles kind of girl."
"Oh, for sure, she's a Skittles kind of girl." Barbara said, Dick laughing.
"Hm, Original, Sour or Berry?"
"Go with Original."
"Right. Or maybe I'll do Original and Berry?"
"How big is this basket gonna be, Tim?" Dick said, laughing.
"Oh, as big as I can make it." The three laughed. "Should I put a gift card for something in there, do you think?"
"Ooh, that's a good idea." Barbara said. "I had a look in her bag, and I think she does like fashion."
"But she thrifts. She told me about her favourite outfit."
"Oh, OK, so maybe I'll get her a gift card for the book store at the mall instead, or for the game store. Heck, why not both?"
"Why not?" Barbara enthusiastically repeated.
Tim sighed. "OK, I'm done. Goodnight!" Tim began to go upstairs.
"Goodnight." Said Barbara and Dick.
"I'll get flowers!" Dick called out.
"OK!" Tim replied.
"Oh, she would love that."
"I'm guessing lilies are her favourite."
"I think so, yeah."
"Shall we head to bed to, babe?"
"Yes," Barbara said, starting to walk towards the stairs with Dick. "I think I've had enough brain activity for one night."
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Sunday, February 11, 2024. 7:30 AM.
Barbara and Dick were cooking breakfast, and Tim was lounging upstairs on the couch when Stephanie and Faith emerged from the bedroom. "Well, good morning!" Tim said.
"Good morning." Faith said, groggily but smiling.
"Feeling better?"
"Now that I slept and took my meds, and had a bit of candy from my bag that I brought over, which surprisingly didn't expire during its trip from Earth-33, yes."
"Oh, good." Tim said, laughing, then Faith entered the bathroom and shut the door. Stephanie sighed. "Are you good?"
"Yeah. She had me worried, last night, before Barbara came in. I slept good too, i-it was just a shock to hear that the reason Ra's is affecting her so deeply is from a memory like that." Stephanie said. Tim nodded, humming. "Dick and Barbara are downstairs cooking?"
"Yep. Should be just about done. Then we're on for training, if Faith is OK with that."
"Actually, I have to make an errand, so you'll have to save me a plate."
"Sure, not a problem."
"Thanks." Stephanie quickened her pace towards the stairs. Faith emerged from the bathroom with combed hair, and a smiling Tim walked her downstairs.
"So, who's your favourite turtle?"
"Oh, Raphael."
"Oh, ha ha! So it's not that far of a leap for your favourite Robin to be Jason."
"Yeah, I've got a type of fictional man."
"Who's your most problematic fictional male crush?"
Faith sighed. "Ruvik from The Evil Within."
"Oh, wow, that's a choice all right!" Tim and Faith laughed.
"What?" Barbara said, laughing, as Tim and Faith came to and sat at the table, where Barbara and Dick sat beside each other, Tim and Faith across from them. "What about Ruvik from The Evil Within?"
"It's his danger-boy swagger, OK?" Faith said, chuckling.
"Danger-boy swagger?" Repeated Tim, Barbara and Dick.
"Yeah-ha ha. I saw him, and I was like, 'smash', and that's the thought. That's it."
"Oh-ho-ho-kay!" Said Tim.
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Stephanie returned with a small box of white chalk, seeing the table had been cleared but a plate covering another plate on the kitchen counter, and Faith practicing blocking with Tim, Dick coaching, arms open, eyes watching Faith's movement. Barbara was interacting with the computer. "Yes, and then down, yes. Yes, eh, a little more force, if you can?"
"Yeah, like that!"
"Ow." Faith mumbled.
"Her forearms, Dick."
"I know, they're short and the bones are bowed, so it hurts more for her."
"Volleyball, but so much worse." Faith groaned.
"Again, please."
Stephanie lifted her left hand, which held the box. "I got the chalk for you!"
"Oh, thanks! Um, later." Faith said, as she and Tim continued the motions.
"Okie!" Stephanie put the box of chalk down on the desk area.
"You want to get your other Relics today?" Said Dick.
"Yeah. I thought that might be a good idea. Ra's has surely gone back into Platonia to look for more information, and Platonia might have directed him Backstage. The Staff, probably scared shitless, told him about the Backdoor, which goes into the eighth grade hallway of my high school, which the Rondo Theatre is in."
"Right, the theatre is the high school auditorium."
"Ra's might have explored a little, realised he was in a dream world, but not have known its name, ow!"
"Sorry!" Said Tim. "Try raising your arm a little like this."
"Oh, like this?"
"Yes, and then back to!"
"Oof, OK," Faith said. Dick chuckled. "And then he might have tried to wake up. If he did, he'd be back in Platonia, and he'd start a timeloop that would only break if he left the school. So, Ra's, outside and standing on campus, would have either been faced with the existential dread of the O-type star or the moon as they are in the Dream World On Paper, or looked at the sky and felt no fear."
"The latter option."
"OK, so then he wouldn't have woken up. He's still looking for information, so he's been around Mansion 1, the Town Play, and has talked to the dreaming people, people in a coma, and people who live in the 28 Mansions as their afterlife."
"Right, I remember."
"Bend your knees but not your back a little, hon!" Said Barbara.
"Ow, mmph, OK. Like, ow, this?"
"Yes, good."
"Either Ra's was pulled into the kind of the conversation that normally starts when you meet a neighbour or a new acquaintance, something you do when you're just dreaming and letting things happen,"
"Mhm." Said Dick.
"Or he might have observed a conversation, but either way, he would have realised the statuses of the Town Play citizens. He might have asked where to learn more about Red Storm Earth, or if they knew who I was. He might have asked directly, 'Can you tell me about Red Storm Earth?'. The citizens would have told him that it's a Staged Scenario, and all of the details, and that because it's Staged, it doesn't actually happen. It's just an elaborate and convincing Special Event that can be performed at the Rondo Theatre. That would anger Ra's, and he'd probably ask why, or have said 'It won't be that way for much longer.', and attacked, and the poor citizen would be woken up or returned to Mansion 0 and required to walk the Landfill Where Loved Things Go to the Staff Office, and from there receive a go-ahead from one of the workers to take the elevator back up. If he hit someone in a coma, they'd die and go to Mansion 0, too."
"Anyway, Ra's would have asked the nearest citizen, scared shitless of course, about who I really was, and how to acquire me, heugh," Faith made a vomitting noise.
"Swiper no swiping!" Said Stephanie. The group laughed.
"And the citizen would have told Ra's that I'm just an author, the creative mind behind Thalassic Space, that none of it's real if I'm not alive and no one has been approved as Editor of my documents, and that Ra's can't have me. Ow!"
"Mind your ribs!" Said Tim.
"They, or another citizen, would have said that Thalassic Space only has evil because evil people have Soul Bridges and have been to the Dream World on Paper, people like Ra's. Another person would have called the Oracles by then, and they would appear and try to kick Ra's out of the Dream World on Paper. It would be a battle, instead, since Ra's' status as a demon means that you have to literally pull him out of the Dream World on Paper. We might not have all day until he critically injures or kills an Oracle, the latter of which would be one hell of a scary accomplishment. Ra's' Passive Ability that I will remind you is only applicable when in Thalassic Space, Demonic Insight, would have told him to take the robes of that Oracle, giving him Dreamer Mage powers. He might have accepted that suggestion, and the Oracles would flee, taking the citizens into shelter. Ra's would be bored, probably, and then return here. Well, to wherever he fell asleep. I doubt that Argophael threw him all the way home. I was just aiming for him to land on the other side of the ocean."
"So he's somewhere in Europe or Africa, which is close to home." Said Dick.
"Yep. Ah-ha-ow!" Faith began to cry, and rub her right bicep.
"Sorry, but that would have happened." Tim said.
"I know, but my nerves are right there."
"Sorry. You OK?"
"Yeah, just ow. Let's keep going."
Dick said, "Good. Reset a little, TIm."
"Um, so regardless of where he landed, he's done playing games and trying to get information. I don't think he's going to learn about the Invitation of Nerobzal. I think the League has, though."
"Oh?" Said Dick.
"Yeah. Ra's might have touched the entrance door, or opened it, on either of his visits. He could have walked to the town and figured out where he was. When I sent him home, the first time, he definitely told the assassins where the door was. They've been in my tomb. My cat anthro friends didn't stop them. They hid immediately. Anthros have a heightened sixth, seventh and eighth sense, which are vestibular, proprioceptive and interoceptive. It's part of the mutation their Five Mortal Qualities undergo when a fetus is exposed to more than five minutes of magic. Embryos and sperm can also be mutated this way."
"Right," Tim said. "And as a result, sixty-five percent of Thalassic Space's population are anthros."
"Yes. Uh, so if Ra's used Platonia to return to the Dragon Tomb with the League, they snooped around my tomb, whoops!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine! That was good!"
"OK, good! Um, they killed the draugr, probably taking treasure, and awakened the Dragon Priests again. I have no doubt that they were defeated and at least one qA eaten alive by the Dragon Priests, and then the rest fled. Keep in mind that the Dragon Priests are Actors too, so if one gets killed, someone else just fills the Role."
"Mhm." Said Dick.
"Platonia returned whatever assassins were alive home, but a door opened for Ra's into my high school in the Dream World on Paper, probably one of the classroom doors as I was entering the gym hallway, and then he followed me and what happened next happened. Anyway, geez, long way to get to what I was saying, I just didn't want it to be out of the blue."
"You're fine, we appreciate the thought." Said Dick.
"You're so good at telling stories!" Said Stephanie.
Faith melodically said, "Thank you. Um, so Ra's might go there one more time. He's either going to fight the Dragon Priests again, or he's going to look closer at the lower level of the first two rooms and realise there's a pattern. It's the solution to the small door in the third room that's a little like a maze, and has some standing draugr sarcophagi around it, along with some empty vertical alcoves that have candles, pots and gold, ya know, as Skyrim dungeons do."
"Beyond that door is my Puzzle Tower, which I will remind you is also guarded by cat anthros. Either Ra's was like, 'Aw, hell no!'," Faith said. Stephanie and Barbara giggled. "And turned back, not wanting to waste his time, or he explored a little. In one of those rooms is my Dragon Hoard. All of the non-performative art gifts I've received are stored there. In the back-right of the room is a traditional ram horn instrument guarded by a slumbering black goat. This horn can summon Naamah. Ra's would have been drawn to this room, and wouldn't need to find the solution to its puzzle because that horn would have called him to find it and use it. Naamah would pity Ra's for being given the blue-ball treatment by a Cultist of Asherah, and given him a fresh Nest."
The others widened their eyes, parted their lips, held their breaths. Tim stopped moving. Noticing a moment later, so did Faith. Dick was out of wind. "No." He made eye contact with Faith.
"The horn is meant for the people of Thalassic Space to abort an unwanted anti-Christ or insect demon without dying. Not everyone is comfortable or wanting dark magic in their family or community. The only place that was desired was Bafsina, before the Palette Civil War. Ra's could just cut my stomach open, stuff the Nest in there, and I would die."
"No." Dick shook his head.
"You would have to drench me in boiling saltwater or burn me to stop its spread, of course."
"No." Dick shook his head furiously.
"Ra's won't want to cause disasters that are just fake, for show on Stage. He'll want to hurt me. And he won't want sex, anymore."
"No!" Dick closed the distance between him and Faith, coming between her and Tim. "You can't just make stuff up like this!"
"It's not made up, Dick." Said Tim.
"I don't want to hear it!"
"It's true, though. It's in the document, along with the other magical items that can summon various angels, demons and entities. It would be that easy for Ra's to just get it over with."
Dick sighed heavily with his chest. "So we don't have time, or even a flipping chance, to help you defend yourself."
Faith shook her head. "Ra's is angry. I don't think this is going to end well, and it's going to end soon. It might end today, with how easily Ra's can access Platonia, and come back."
"Could he come here?"
"If he knows I'm here, yes. He'll try the Batcave, first. Or, he could ask the Umbrella Man where I am. It wouldn't be cheating. It would be asking for directions out of Platonia to the desired destination, and since Ra's is a demon, the Umbrella Man would see him as a friend."
"Frick!" Dick gripped his hair with both hands. "Faith, why did you make it so easy for him?!"
"Because Thalassic Space is supposed to be friendly. So it's friendly to intruders, if the intruder becomes a friend to the Nero Spirits and-or canonical evils."
Dick dropped his hands and shook his head, making eye contact with Faith. Faith had curled her arms up around her chest. Barbara said, "Dick, you're scaring her."
"She should be scared! You know what you've done, right?"
Faith slowly said, "Offer him an easy way out?"
"Yes, and an easy way to kill you!" Dick sighed and shook his clawed hands in the air in front of him, gesturing to Faith, who looked to the floor. Dick sighed again. "I'm sorry, I, I just can't let you let this happen."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Take it away from him." Dick pointed to the desk, where Faith's Chromebook sat. "Open up your document, and change it. Make it so that demons who aren't from Thalassic Space can't use Platonia or any powers from Thalassic Space."
"What's the reasoning behind it, though?"
"Are you seriously asking that?"
"I need a reason and a connection to a god, demon or entity for it to make sense within Thalassic Space's logic."
"THEN MAKE ONE UP!" Dick shouted. Faith moved her left side away from Dick, and hurried to her computer. She opened it. It started up slow. Dick stood behind her, arms crossed.
"Dick." Barbara said, cautiously.
"Dick, give her some space." Dick looked at Barbara. He huffed and turned, walking away and leaning on part of the desk near Barbara. Faith entered her password, waited about ten seconds for the app icons to load, and opened Microsoft Word. She pressed CTRL + F, and typed "Horn of Naamah". She began to edit the section. She hummed, eyes on the ceiling. "What is it, hon?"
"I don't know the Egyptian gods off the top of my head, I need the list of who's related to the afterlife and evil. Doesn't have to be both, just one of the two."
"Well, that's Anubis, the god of death, and Apopis is the god of chaos."
"Perfect, thank you. What does Apopis look like?"
"He's a serpent."
"What colour is he, usually?"
"What colour?"
"Yeah, look up images and tell me if he's black, gold or something." Faith said. Barbara typed on the computer. "Just for a quick entry into the Character List. I've only got the ones I've needed, so far. Every god in the pantheons I haven't needed is just implied, not named or described."
"He's gold with blue details, hon."
"Ooh, perfect, thank you." Faith typed for five minutes. "OK! I think that's enough."
"Let's see." Barbara walked over and looked at Faith's screen. "Yeah, OK."
"Do you wanna read how I described Apopis?"
"Sure." Faith clicked on his named in the Outline. Barbara read.
"Mm, yeah, that's good! I like that."
"Thank you." Faith turned her back to look at Dick. "I'm not angry that you were so agitated by the loophole. I'm actually glad that you reacted. It's not easy, writing with no feedback. Things fall through all the time, and it won't all make sense without help."
Dick sighed, and softly smiled. "Thank you for not taking it personally, Faith." He approached, and hugged her. "I'm sorry for scaring you."
"It's OK, I forgive you." Faith patted his upper right shoulder. Dick broke the hug, and found a smile on Faith's face. Dick sighed again, his smile growing. "So, now that I've taken away Ra's access to my stuff, can we go back to training?"
"Of course. How about we give Tim a break, and you go against me?"
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"Good! Enough!" Dick said. Faith rolled to the right, ending her straddle of him, into a stand. She was making eye contact with Tim.
"Are you OK?" Tim asked. Dick grunted as he flung himself onto his feet, crouching then straightening.
"Was that a bounce?" Faith looked shocked, her mouth gaping.
"Was what a—?"
"Yeah, that was a little bit of a bounce." Said Dick. Faith smiled widely, teeth apart.
"Oh! So, your body is trying to remember how to jump again!"
"I think so! Eee!" Faith clapped.
"Oh, that's awesome!" Said Barbara.
"Yay, Faith!" Stephanie said.
"Woo hoo!" Dick said. "Well, we'll move onto that tomorrow, then, and see how that goes, yeah?"
"Would you like some help in the shower again, Miss Faith?" Barbara said, coming towards Faith. Dick went to the kitchen to help Tim and Stephanie finish preparing dinner.
"Eh, maybe?"
"I think so. C'mon." Barbara and Faith began to the stairs. Faith stumbled as she took the first corner, and Barbara caught her back and left shoulder. "Whoop!"
"Aa! Thanks!" Faith said, as Barbara set Faith down.
"No problem!" They entered the bathroom, Barbara closing the door and watched Faith undress, groaning in pain occasionally, and put her clothes on the counter, as Barbara removed her own clothes. "There's our pretty little Batgirl." Faith giggled. 'Glad that's still an instant pick-me-up.'
Barbara helped Faith step over the bathtub. Barbara turned on the water, Faith sighing in content. Faith hummed a Tohou Eurobeat song.
"What T.E.B. song is that?" 'Yesterday, it was little flare.' Barbara said, helping Faith apply shampoo.
"Gensou ga nari yamanai."
"The Fantasy That Does Not Stop Echoing. Do you know the lyrics to that one, too?" Barbara applied shampoo to her own hair. 'Her Japanese pronounciation isn't that bad. You can tell she listened to it lots, as a teenager.'
"Seikou no ura ni
Dare mo kitto shiranu saidosutori..." As Faith sang, Barbara helped Faith wash out her hair, apply conditioner, and wash that out too.
"Itsuka gensou yori tooku made
Sono ude ni tsukame Legend of Shade. That's it."
"Yay!" Barbara cheered, a little bit quietly. The girls giggled. "I will say it again: you're pretty good at singing."
"Thanks." Faith grabbed the loufa and applied Dove refreshing body wash with cucumber and green tea to it. "I'm just a light lyric, like I said yesterday, so nothing fancy, but I get the job done pretty all right."
"Oh, I think you're better than 'pretty all right'. I think you have a very nice singing voice." Barbara said, as Faith washed her arms.
Faith blushed, smiling. "Thank you." Faith cleaned her arms, stomach and legs as she continued talking. "And, like I said, I don't usually sing in front of people 'cause Mom said I don't sound good, but my choir teacher said I'm not bad, so I'm confused and embarrassed."
"Aw, I know, hon. Confidence is a hard thing, for lots of people. And, like I also said, yesterday, you will get better, now that you've got us, and even we have our days, m'kay?" Barbara said. Faith nodded. Barbara helped wash Faith's back and shoulders before rinsing out the loufa and giving it more soap and using it for herself. Faith turned off the water, then the shower head, and the girls stepped out and used separate towels to dry themselves, and separate hair brushes to untangle their hair. They redressed and went downstairs, where dinner had been laid out on the table: stir fry with steak strips, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, broccoli and cauliflower.
"Ooh, yum!" Said Faith, as she sat beside Stephanie and Barbara sat at the right head of the table, Dick to her left and Tim beside him.
"You like stir fry?" Said Tim.
"Hard to mess that up!"
"True. Well, dig in."
"Please use the tongs." Said Dick. They all laughed.
"I'd be a monster to use my hands for this." Faith said, grabbing the tongs and filling her plate. Everyone filled their plates, and quietly ate for several minutes.
Dick said, "You've made a lot of progress, in two days, for someone with disability."
"Thank you!" Said Faith. "It hurts, but I can tell I'm actually learning fast, so I think it's worth it."
"Oh, definitely."
"Mhm!" Barbara and Stephanie commented.
"Yeah." Tim added. They reviewed, correcting Faith and filling in gaps in her knowledge of how what she'd been learned worked, and why, and describing a few alternatives they hadn't shown her yet, noting which ones might be impossible for her until she became a lot more agile and gained more core and overall strength. Stephanie and Dick served more apple pie and ice cream for dessert.
"So, who's your favourite Tohou?" Tim asked.
"Oh God." Faith replied. They all laughed. "The one I wanna kiss, the one I wanna be? Which emotion, aha ha ha, do you want me to have towards this Tohou?"
"Whatever emotion you want, I don't care, just tell me about your favourite Tohou." This led into a ramble about Tohou Project that lasted for forty-five minutes. Somehow, Faith ate her ice cream before it melted, and finished her pie. The group moved upstairs to play Wii Sports Resort, and Faith was still going.
"And that's why I'm super gay, and super not sorry." Faith took a bow, flourishing her arms, a Wii remote strapped to her right wrist. The others laughed. "Once again:" In a very good toad voice, "MARRY ME, MARISSA! And that's just up to Mountain of Faith, in brief detail! I didn't even talk about the lore, I was just talking about the girls, and their patterns, and what they mean, and their relationships, and what I've learned from all of that," A sharp inhale. "I haven't even started to tell you what I've learned about storytelling or how awesome ZUN's music is," Another inhale. "Which is why I love Tohou Eurobeat so much!" Faith panted, then focused on Swordplay versus Stephanie. The friends laughed more. "Bippity boppity, your points are now my property!"
"Oh, shit!" Stephanie said, laughing. After everyone caught their breath, the group talked about Nintendo's history, and present, and eventually it was eight o'clock. Dick and Barbara suited up and went on patrol, and Tim went out for a date with Bernard, leaving Stephanie and Faith to play Mario Party 8 with each other and bots until it was 10:30, and Faith had to take her medications. They called it a night, changing into sleepwear and sharing the bed again.
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berensteinsmonster · 11 months
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. girls who hold forbidden dark powers. girls who are distressed girl who are cringe.. look up those words n youll see her... Shower Curtain Wizard
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and shes like sooooooooo weird..... i lvoe her ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(reblogs help my posts be seen :) (more lore in readmore but its messy lol)
shes like one of the migrating jellyfish in woy but gained sentience somehow and went to magic school to learn magic. but then she learned too much magic and accidently fused her body with WATER MANIPULATION POWERS🌊🌊🌊 that gave her new arms and eyes. The bowl on her head helps her contain it
She's ranking below the Top 50 of the villain leaderboards but that doesn't mean she isn't dangerous. She just doesn't do the conquering planets often
shes actually like. normal
shes so boring and normal and thats why ppl think shes weird
i ehmmmm i wanna write more lore abt her and emperor awesome
her lore is kinda unfinished but the main idea of it is what i said above abt her gaining sentience and absorbing magic into herself ^^
i like to think that before she went to magic school she and emperor awesome used to be.... BEST FRIENDS!!!!
i like to think she and emperor awesome used to be GEEKS they used to be NERDS and emperor awesome wore braces
they were like Those Two Guys in school everyone hated them but they didnt care lol
also shes trans so she used to be a boy. i think she may have transitioned after entering magic school becuz until now Emperor Awesome only remembered her when he was in his brace-face phase and basically never contacted her after that cuz they interests change and they felt like they didnt know eahc other anymore :(
. also shes trans becuz ehmm yipepeee lalallalaa whooooo!!! ^_^
after she left for magic school they basically never met eachother again until now in what id imagine to be season 3
shes basically like omg hi friend its so good to see you again :)))) and hes like OH FUCK MY LAME PAST. and i think that like he finds it weird at first. not because shes a girl now, but because she still acts the same as she did when they were best friends and that also means shes still the weird kind of kid hes grown to be ashamed of now.
so while shes one of the rare amount of girls that emperor awesome actually treats normally he tries to keep it low profile with how he used to be lame like her while shower curtain wizard is just confused about why emperor awesome acts so distant to her... sad :(
character development is probably needed here for them to repair their friendship and become buddies again yay :)))) wander would be of help here
she does not live in the galaxy that woy season 1-2 takes place in. its like. just a galaxy next to it
most of my ocs live in that galaxy and were probabily next on lord dominators to-destroy-list if wander and co didnt stop her
She is however on the Star Force Enforcement Force's To-Stop list because even if she hasnt reached her full potentional, her ability to manipulate ALL kinds of water (Orble juice, orange juice, planet water and so on (but not veins)) make her note-worthy threat to their self-righteous quest to deliver justice
i prommy ill write abt it in a text post another time i think ive gone on long enough
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offorestsongs · 2 months
stormy nights
ship ; oc x canon (Vil x Rosienne) , established relationship
summary ; When Rosienne goes to visit his boyfriend in the evening, it's because he misses him. Yep. Absolutely. Don't think about it too much.
a/n: this has been in my drafts for so long omg im happy i finally finished it 😭 i literally worked on it everytime there was a storm outside. also some unexperienced Rosienne lore drop ig (fun!)
dear darling baby love
the light of my lifeeeeeee
my star my beloved my heart my sweet honey pie
my queen
What happened?
i love you 
do u know that?
I am somewhat aware. 
can i come over to ur room then
You should go to sleep. It's about time.
i can sleep in ur room ;)
please please pretty pleaseeee
vil my love i am quite literally begging you on my knees
Oh, are you now?
Alright. I suppose you can come.
But do behave.
gimme like five seconds!
ily 💜
Rosienne smiled. Vil, for all his serious, distinguished act, was pretty easy to sway if one just knew which buttons to push. It was a knowledge that Rosienne used to his advantage without an ounce of shame.
He jumped from his bed and grabbed his hand mirror — even in a situation as dire as this, he still had to make sure he looks presentable before going to visit his boyfriend. And as he looked himself over, the sound of heavy raindrops hitting his bedroom window filled the silence.
It's been going on for hours. Rosienne was more than done.
Heavy thunder roared outside. The mirror almost slipped out from Rosienne's hand.
With heart in his throat, he put it back in place, quickly patted his hair down and all but fled his room.
His pace was quick as he made his way down the hall, barely keeping himself from running. He couldn't. He was almost an adult! Shouldn't he be over such silly things?
At least in the hallway, the ambience of the storm was quieter, as if coming from far, far away.
Rosienne knocked on the doors to Vil's room only because he felt bad imposing on Vil at such an hour. He still let himself inside before he heard any response.
“You're impossible, you know that?” was how Vil greeted him, but it sounded more amused than anything.
For a second, the knot in Rosienne's gut loosened.
There was a time when he used to feel out of place in Vil's room. How could he belong here, to a place so effortlessly elegant and beautiful? He still felt that way sometimes, in his worse moments, but over time, he had really come to like being there. Somehow, Vil's bedroom made him think of comfort and safety, especially in times like now, when it was steeped in the honeyed light of Vil's night stand lamp.
And of course there was Vil, cozy in his (no doubt ridiculously expensive) lavender colored silk pajama set. His hair was up in a ponytail and his skin had that glassy sheen it always had after he had completed all of his nightly rituals.
One day he was going to kill Rosienne and he won't even have to do anything.
“I am well aware,” Rosienne said with a smile, already making himself comfortable on Vil's bed. “But you happen to like it,” he added, batting his eyelashes at his boyfriend.
Vil rolled his eyes, a shadow of a smile dancing on his lips.
“I really don't know why I do. You're giving me nothing but headaches.”
“Oh come one.” Rosienne laid his head on Vils shoulder and snuggled to his side. As if on instinct, Vils arm curled around his waist, pulling him even closer.
Rosienne's racing heart finally slowed down.
“We can watch that awful musical you wanted us to watch,” he suggested.
“It's not awful,” Vil instantly protested. “It's a classic. You just like to be contrary, dear.”
“Yeah, but I’m still offering to watch it with you. Aren't I a great boyfriend?”
Vil rolled his eyes again. “You are,” he said with so much fondness and sincerity, Rosienne didn't know what to do with himself, and leaned down to press a kiss to Rosienne’s forehead. 
Loud thunder rolled outside again, this time followed by blindingly white lighting. Rosienne jumped up, hugging Vil even closer, all but crawling into his lap.
“Everything alright, love?”
Rosienne forced a smile. He wasn't going to talk about it. “Yeah. Sure.”
He wasn't so stupid to think Vil would be fooled by half hearted excuses, but at least for the moment, Vil let the topic drop.
Instead, he pulled up the dreadful movie on his laptop. It was one of the many adaptations of the tales about the King with the Sword in the Stone, and a pretty old one at that. Rosienne, a well versed lover of cheap aesthetics and tired tropes, could appreciate the ridiculous, colorful costumes, even if everything seemed to drag on for forever.
But more importantly, he could appreciate the way Vil would relax next to him, his eyes lighting up at his favorite scenes. It was the version of Vil Rosienne loved the most; the one that allowed himself to cuddle with his boyfriend and passionately comment on his favorite parts of an old musical.
It was almost enough to drown out the sound of the pouring rain or to stop Rosienne from jumping up every time there was thunder. His heart would start beating faster and he would hold tighter onto Vil, but it was easier to handle. 
“Dear,” Vil suddenly said. His gaze turned serious — it felt like it was pinning Rosienne in place. “You aren't scared, are you?” 
Rosienne froze. He really, really didn't want to talk about this. Not for any deep reasons, but simply because of how embarrassing it was.
But Vil had paused the movie and kept staring at him, plainly giving him no choice but to answer.
“Okay,” Rosienne groaned, hiding his face in the crook of Vil's neck. He really didn't want to be looking at his boyfriend's face. “But don't laugh at me!”
“When have I ever done that?”
A fair point, Rosienne had to admit. Vil was never cruel to him, not in the way Rosienne had expected him to be — he was never mocking, never called Rosienne stupid or slow or scatterbrained. Yet Rosienne had learned to always expect an attack from other people. Curling up in self-defense became his second nature.
He gave himself a moment to calm down, breathing in the fresh scent of Vil’s cosmetics.
“So remember how I told you I basically live in a castle?” he finally said, still firmly plastered to Vil's side. But he could feel Vil's hand on the small of his back, rubbing slow, encouraging circles into his skin, and that made him feel a little bit better.
He had shown Vil pictures, once, of the old stone castle seated on a hill. He had even pulled out pictures from his childhood, of himself in pseudo-medieval costume, leather boots and a wooden sword and all, that he used to entertain the many tourists. 
“Well. It's not as fancy as in here. We don't always have hot water because it takes too much wood to heat it all up and my dad doesn't have magic. And in the summers, when the storms would come after the heat, sometimes the electricity would cut off.” 
“It's in the middle of nowhere. You have to go to the nearest village by foot. It's not easy to just fix it back up. It's gotten a bit better now, I think they just secured the electricity lines, but when I was little, there were days when we didn't have any light.”
He could still remember it well, bleak days filled with waiting and worrying. It was how he learned that reading by candlelight is not nearly as romantic as movies make it look to be — the letters on the page danced with the candle flame, making Rosienne nauseous.
“Couldn't you go stay with your mum for those days?” Vil asked.
“I mean, I could. My dad always offered me to go. But I would've felt bad, leaving him there.”
Vil laughed softly. “Of course you did. You really don't like making life easy for yourself, do you?”
“Hey! I just tried to be a good kid, okay! One of the first spells I learned was how to make fire because we couldn't turn our stove on. I almost burned the whole kitchen down.”
Vil laughed again, louder, and this time Rosienne laughed with him. The only reason why not everything went up in flames that day was that old stone was generally not the easiest thing to burn. He'd cried for the whole afternoon after that, with his dad trying to console him, without much success. 
“So. Yeah. I'm guessing that kinda messed me up. Now when there's a storm, I keep imagining all the possible disasters.”
“What am I to do with you?” Vil sighed. He hugged Rosienne closer to his chest. 
And Rosienne allowed himself to melt into his arms, to take the comfort and the silent reassurance that he wasn't as ridiculous as he believed himself to be.
For the first time in a while, he looked up at his boyfriend and grinned.
“Well, you can kiss me for starters.”
Vil delicately raised Rosienne's chin. He leaned in, so close their lips were almost brushing, but not actually sealing in the kiss. “Only if you finish watching the movie with me.”
“Are you going to quiz me on it?”
“Of course. Pay attention, Minuit.”
The storm outside had eased out, leaving only the heavy rain. 
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corpsezinthecloset · 1 month
im eating all your warriors humans designs uo right now and i would love an in depth explanation for all of them (or just the lore) because oh my gosh, oh my gosh theyre so amazing and wonderful im exploding rn /pos /nf
HI HI HI HI HI HELLO HEY Okay so my Warrior Cats human au is a fantasy medieval-style au, they all live in kingdoms, kittypets are referred to as villagers as they live in villages, and other non-kingdom people are called outsiders. The kingdoms are called Thunder, River, Wind, Shadow, and Sky, the leaders are kings or queens, their direct kin such as children or spouses are considered royalty until the leader dies, Medicine cats are called Healers, deputies stay the same yay. Twolegs are Giants!!!!! Everyone reclaims the title of Warrior but they all have their own jobs and such, Darkstripe and Mousefur are blacksmiths, Firehearts a fisherman(the silly guy), etc. Starclan is called The Stars, it was originally ruled by three gods, Sun(Lion), Moon(Tiger), and Eclipse(Leopard), they each watched over different parts of the world, Sun watched over the kingdoms, and the animalborns, Moon watched over the mountains and the tribes, and Eclipse watched over the outsiders and Giantborns. These three gods were eventually rallied against and overthrown by Silverpelt, and she became the Goddess of the Stars, and the kingdom founders, Thunder, Clear Sky, Tall Shadow, Wind Runner, and River Ripple all ascended to Godhood after their deaths. Animalborns: In DOTC(Dawn of the Clans) everyone evolved from animals, some people looked like humans but with animal features, and some looked like actual animals. People of the modern kingdoms have evolved more and look like normal humans however they still have some animal aspects such as aging, for the first year of their life they in months, and then the process slows down to normal human years. Giantborns: At the same time people also were born from a lesser species of Giants that were much smaller(but still larger than the average person), these Giants originally ruled the kingdoms founded in DOTC but were all killed!!!!! The Dark Forest is called the Starless Inferno and its ruled by seven lords who each represent a sin, Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Greed, and Gluttony(NOT INSPIRED BY EITHER HAZBIN HOTEL OR HELLUVA BOSS I WILL ACTUALLY CRY), most of these lords are made up characters because im silly like that Pride: Rabbits Tail(OC) - Creator of the Starless Inferno and main villain in my rewrite of Dawn of the Clans Wrath - One eye Lust - Honey Song(OC) Envy - Cobraheart(OC) Sloth - Crow(OC) Greed - Toadleap(OC) Gluttony - Maggottail - I wanted to give him some love he's my fave DF guy. The seven lords each have stones that give them the ability to use magic after Silverpelt banned it. Before the original three gods, Sun, Moon, and Eclipse were defeated they had Demi-gods, mortals they had a likeness for and gave magic to, Eclipse had one very special mortal who was his GAY LOVER, Sol(I've re-written him in this au), but after the three gods were taken down all Demi-gods lost their powers and most became normal mortals again, though some, like Sol, were able to continue living into the more modern times. HOPE THIS HELPS
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