#oh what happened was i bent down to put on my shoes for a date with my fiancee
cereusblue · 9 months
A minor piece of advice from a Healthcare worker, listen to the reviews on emergency rooms before you ever have to go to one.
As someone who just went to the ER today, I'm glad I knew what I was getting into. The big hospital in town has been known to make people wait for over 24 hours before even moved to Triage, which for those who don't know? Is the first stage after being checked in. This is where they take your vitals/urine sample/and ask you basic questions on what's been going on. Literally the one I went to today? 15 minutes till triage. We were there a total of like 2.5 hours. People who very nice. The other hospital? A family member had to go to via ambulance. Took us 4 hours just for a nurse to look in his room and tell us he could be seen. And this is before greed took over and they fired their good nurses. And I'm talking a shit ton. Like 30% of their nurses. (Maybe not that much, I'm kinda outta it right now and I'm not looking up statistics for privacy.)
Next thing is my pcp is apart of the same organization as the ER I went to. So I didn't have to do the shitty intake stuff too. So that was nice. They also had all my previous x rays.
In short, you will eventually have to go to an ER in your area *eventually.* Please, please do your research and weigh your options. Also, always, always when you move somewhere establish a new primary care doctor. Because when things happen, they are a much cheaper option (in USA) to follow up with rather than the ER. They will also help refer you to the places you need to go. When you get hurt, having places to turn to that you know you can rely on is so, so important and makes the process so much easier. When you're hurt, you're going to be exhausted. Having the quickest path to recovery/diagnosis is so important. Because there are many things the ER cannot diagnose you for. Viruses and the like, broken bones, easy as pie for them. But deeper problems? Not so much. Make sure you have a support system ready just in case.
Also if you live in the US, your specialists/pcp NEED to see you within 3 years to keep you considered an active patient. So if you can't afford two times a year or even once a year? Go back every two years for them to check in on you. This will keep you active and not have to go through the new patient process again (because insurance sucks.) Re-establishing care after those 3 years means they have to consider you a new patient and the appointment can take months to get to. The best option I had when I established my pcp when I moved here was 3 months out. The next best was 9 months. No I'm not kidding. Every, and i mean *every* other pcp in town were at capacity and couldn't take new patients. Set up your pcp because you never know what the area around you is experiencing.
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bobbasmultiverse · 5 months
strawberries & cigarettes
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8. newbie bimbo
warnings: profanity, cat and dog-ish fights, not proof-read
word count: 998
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the rapid knocking sounded throughout the place as you got up to get it. mingyu had almost put his fist in your face if you hadn't moved back the slightest bit. with a glare of yours and a full-canined smile, he walked into your house, acting as if it was his own and making himself comfortable on the couch.
“why is it reeking of a male?”
it was unexpected, really, but that didn't stop you from dropping to the ground in laughter at the man's reaction. he’d screeched, grabbing a throw pillow and shoving it your friend's way before grabbing one to protect himself.
“what the actual fuck, woman? i thought you were an intruder.” he whined, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. you saw yoon's eye flit to his biceps for a split second before she was completely looking away from the man.
mingyu huffed, standing up and crowding the room with his height alone before he moved to the kitchen. “well, this is your first date here in korea, so it's still a first. plus, it's with one of your brother's best-oh god, soonyoung is one of wonwoo's best friends.”
the bottle of water was in his hand as he zoned out with his mouth agape. “how could he do this to wonu? how could you do this to wonu? oh my god, you monsters.” he gasped dramatically, leaning back on the counter and covering his face with his hand.
“you should've signed up for theatrics instead.” you commented, feeling a ball of fur curl up at your feet as you bent down and grabbed the little guy. “i just remembered that jihoon wanted to see cheeto.”
“jihoon? the snow white from pledis cafe?” mingyu asked, dropping the act as he straightened up slightly.
you sighed. “he doesn't like going out much, okay? so stop that.”
“wait, what jihoon? when did y'all meet at pledis cafe? which page did i miss?” yoon asked, following after me into the room with mingyu trailing after us, keeping a safe distance from cheeto to not start sneezing.
“i was hanging out with hoon and gyu happened to be there…with his group of friends.” you explained, setting the feline down on your bed and plopping down next to it while mingyu took rest on the bean bag in the corner of the room and yoon laid on her bed.
“is that when he dipped on you and asked minghao to go instead-”
“i didn't ask minghao, he volunteered, okay?” mingyu protested, throwing his head back against the thing. “seokmin had something come up-”
“seokmin was hanging out with me and seungkwan.”
“you know seokmin?”
“who doesn't know seokmin, himbo?”
“sorry for asking, newbie bimbo.”
“guys!” you cut in, throwing a pillow yoon's way to stop her from lunging at the man. “i don't want my room to be a crime scene, okay? fight in the corridor or something.”
mingyu grumbled under his breath before the pillow you directed at yoon was hitting his face. “let's t. swift and get you dressed, yeah?” she stood up from the bed with a victory smile and a well needed stretch. “i'll get us some drinks while the himbo thinks of an outfit or something.”
“so, you think my fashion sense is good?!” mingyu beamed, pointing at her accusingly, but yoon only threw him a dirty look before walking out the room, and you could only sigh at the scream that erupted from her after mingyu threw a smaller pillow at the back of her leg, making her crumble to the ground.
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“aw, you look so pretty.” yoon cooed as mingyu snapped a few pictures of you from behind her.
“yes, oh my god. put on your shoes, c'mon. you're gonna be late.” mingyu urged, grabbing a pair of sneakers and dropping them in front of my feet. “i'll grab my keys and meet you at the front door.”
“okay!” you called out after him as he shut the door and you were left alone with your friend.
“ryu is gonna be home tomorrow morning, right?” you asked, tying the laces tightly and ensuring they're okay before you stood up.
“yeah, i'll be alone tonight.” she sighed dramatically, leaning on the back of the couch. “all alone, in the big place-”
“with a hot dude next door.”
she chucked a pillow at you as you dodged it with a laugh. “c’mon. even a blind man can see that you have a thing for him.”
“that himbo? never in a million years. i've already got enough on my plate.” she shooed you off, just as a knock sounded on the door.
“yeah, bang chan, of course. when are we gonna let go of him? no one knows.” you murmured to yourself, grabbing your bag and heading out of the door. “see you later, yoonie.” and then you were heading off with mingyu, with your brother probably in his room, gaming the night away.
“i know soonyoung's my friend and all, but if something you don't like goes down, i'm one call away.” mingyu stated, stopping the car in front of a restaurant.
“isn't it weird that he hasn't been home the whole day, though?” you asked, gripping the door handle but not attempting to open it.
“he was at seokmin's, probably. now go and have fun.” he urged you out, driving away once you were out of the car and back towards the dorms.
walking inside the restaurant, you took a seat on one of the tables and settled down. you were right on time for once, but soonyoung was always late so it was okay.
being ten minutes late is nothing. he probably just hasn't checked the time yet.
“would you like to order something now?”
“yes, just water till we decide on something, thank you!"
your mouth hung open, staring at the breathtaking breathless man in front of you before he smiled bashfully. “hey. sorry, i'm late.”
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pairing: kwon soonyoung x wonwoo's sister!oc, xu minghao x wonwoo's sister!oc (ft. SVT)
genre: college au, love triangle, brother's bestfriend, fwb, angst, fluff
synopsis: two minor, what you'd call, incidents, lead up to the craziest few months of your life, where you make friendships and break some and you end with having to make the craziest choices of your life; to be young and free forever, or to have the best love of all time.
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bobba talks | and so the drama officially starts. its also kinda short, sorry
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sunshinebingo · 1 year
I Hate You Too
Summer Acotar Writing Circle - Part 1
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Hello! I've had the pleasure of participating in another Acotar Writing Circle and this is what I've written as my Part 1. The second part of this fic will be posted on July 2nd by another writer and the third part on July 23rd by another writer. Thank you @azrielshadowssing for organising this event and thank you @lulling-night-sky, @hlizr50 and @headcanonheadcase for providing emotional support during the writing process 😅
Pairing: Jurian x Vassa
Word Count: 1.9k
Warning: None
Synopsis: She hates him. He hates her. At least that's what they say. What will happen when they find themselves on a blind date with each other?
Read on Ao3 here
I hope you enjoy! ♥
Vassa rolled her eyes for the hundredth time that night. She snapped her fingers in front of her best friend’s face. Elain startled and looked up from her phone. ‘’Elain, can you forget about your boyfriend for a minute?’’
‘’I’m listening,’’ Elain retorted. Vassa knew that she was not. It seemed that Elain could not go more than an hour without being in touch with her boyfriend, Lucien. At least she had abstained herself from checking her phone during dinner.
‘’What was I saying?’’ Vassa furrowed her eyes.
‘’You were complaining about the hot guy again.’’
Vassa gasped and removed a hand from her tea cup to place it on her heart. ‘’I never said that he was hot.’’ She remembered telling Elain that he was annoying, infuriating, irritating and exasperating. She never said that he was hot. Did she? No she did not. Not that she remembered.
‘’Vassa, you talk about that man more than you have ever talked about anyone.’’ No she did not. Did she? Maybe. But she had a reason.
‘’That’s because he is aggravating,’’ she said through gritted teeth.
Elain sighed and rolled her eyes. ‘’Why do you torture yourself so much with him if you hate him so much? You are almost turning into a masochist.’’
‘’I am not turning into a masochist,’’ Vassa pinched the bridge of her nose, ‘’it’s just that he invades my personal space All. The. Time.’’ She stabbed the table with her index after each of the last three words.
Elain hummed. ‘’Maybe you do need someone to invade your personal space.’’
‘’What?’’ she removed her hand from her face and looked at Elain incredulously.
‘’Don’t you think that it’s a sign that you seem to always be bumping into him?’’
Elain was not the crazy type of superstitious person who wore their clothes inside out or put salt in their shoes. But there were little things that she believed in. Elain believed in making wishes, she believed that dreams could sometimes reveal more than one thought, and she believed in little signs, like the universe plotting to put two people together at the same place and at the same time.
‘’Elain, when you met Lucien, he smiled at you and told you that you are beautiful. That one either looks at me like he is disgusted or smirks at me like he killed my cat.’’
Elain started to laugh but stopped when she saw the serious look on Vassa’s face. ‘’Maybe that’s how he flirts,’’ she shrugged.
Vassa snorted. ‘’Oh really?’’
‘’You should not complain. You do often look at people like they killed your cat.’’
‘’That’s only when they look at me like they did,’’ Vassa almost shouted. She was aware of her slightly fiery temper. But that man deserved every single flame sent his way since he was always hell bent on pushing Vassa to her limits.
‘’Nobody killed your cat Vassa so calm down. You don’t even have a cat.’’
Vassa took a deep breath and willed herself to calm down. She did not know what it was exactly about this man that set her aflame so much. Elain was probably right about this being a sign. Maybe the gods had sent him to punish her for every bad thing she had done in her past lives and this one. Maybe this was a sign for Vassa to change her life by drinking more water and giving more compliments to people. Although the only thing she wanted to give that man was a black eye.
The first time she had met him was at a coffee shop a few weeks ago. Vassa had just come out of an exhausting day at work when this asshole had made it worse by cutting in line before her. The next day, she had seen him again at the store where she swore that, despite his protests, he had bumped into her on purpose just to annoy her.
"Not you again," she had mumbled and he had responded with, ‘’Trust me, it’s not a pleasure for me either.’’
The next time they saw each other, he was waiting behind her at the post office. ‘’Are you following me?’’ Vassa had turned to ask him.
‘’I have better things to follow,’’ he had replied with a smirk.
The next time she saw him after that, he was again waiting behind her, but this time at a drive-thru. Vassa had resisted the urge to pull her car back and crash his own when he had kept honking at her to move when she clearly could not.
All of their encounters after that had gone more or less in the same way. They accidentally crossed path, she scowled at him, he either scowled back or smirked, they exchanged insults, they parted ways, and she waited for the next time when she would see his stupid face again. Because she had accepted that she was bound to cross ways with him. Vassa remembered every single place and time where they had seen each other. She could not even walk past these places anymore without thinking about him.
‘’Listen,’’ Elain reached across the table to place a hand on Vassa’s. ‘’I’m going to propose something to you and I want you to seriously think about it.’’
Vassa put all thoughts of her unfortunate encounters aside to listen to her best friend.
‘’Remember when we talked about you going on a blind date?’’
Vassa rested her head on the wooden table and let out a loud and exaggerated sigh. Elain had been pushing her to start dating again for a while. But she had refused every time. Vassa did not want to go back to casual dating with men who were too soft for her temper or women who would get jealous of her best friend.
‘’I’m complaining about a man and you want to set me up with another,’’ Vassa grumbled.
‘’The problem is not men in general Vassa. Your problem is that man.’’ That was the understatement of the century.
‘’I know what you will say,’’ Elain continued. ‘’But you won’t know where that could lead until you try. Plus this time I already know someone great.’’ Vassa lifted her head up and looked at Elain.
‘’His name is Jurian and he is Lucien’s best friend.’’ Vassa sat straighter at that. She had met Lucien a few times in the past 4 months that he had been dating Elain. On their first encounter at her and Elain’s shared apartment, Lucien had even laughed when Vassa had told him that she would always be Elain’s favourite redhead.
Lucien was hot, smart, kind and funny. He was Elain’s perfect match. If his taste in friends were as good as his tastes in clothes and women, then hopefully his best friend could be worth a try. Vassa stared at Elain as she pondered if she was really ready for that.
Elain smiled at her across the small table. ‘’I’m not forcing you to do anything. But as I’ve told you, you could just try.’’
‘’Are you sure you’re not just doing this so we could go on double dates?’’ Vassa raised her eyebrow at her.
‘’I would never do that,’’ Elain replied as if she was hurt by the assumption. But Vassa saw the gleam in her best friend’s brown doe eyes. She knew Elain only wanted her to have a chance at happiness. Much like what she was currently experiencing with her own boyfriend.
‘’Well I hope that this Jurian is nothing like the asshole who keeps following me around.’’
Elain shrieked and clapped her hands in excitement. Vassa rolled her eyes at her antics and at the realisation that she was again thinking about the asshole.
Credit card? Checked. Phone? Checked. Perfume? Checked. Hair? Looked good. Outfit? Looked great. One final check in the mirror and Jurian was ready to leave for his date. If it was not for Lucien, he would not have even gone on a date. But his best friend had insisted, telling him that he needed to find something else to do apart from watching TV with a beer and complaining about random people he met on the street.
He did not complain about random people he met on the street. He complained about one and only one. He could not even explain what it was about her that obsessed him so much. Maybe it was her stupid face. Or her annoying voice. Or the ways that she made his blood boil when he teased her and she insulted him back. He was certain that whoever he was about to go on a date with tonight would be nothing like her. No one could be like her.
And it seemed like she was determined to annoy him even when she was not there. As he drove to his destination, Jurian passed in front of all the places where he had come across the brat. The coffee shop on this street was where they first met. The bank on this street was where she walked on his feet and pretended like it was an accident. The store in the corner of that street was where she took the last Twix bar and smiled at him triumphantly and after which Jurian had flipped her off with a middle finger. It was like she was following him everywhere he went. The only place she had not miraculously appeared at yet was his apartment. Jurian was convinced at this point that the universe had sent her to test his patience.
As much as it exasperated him, he took great pleasure in being smug with her sometimes. At least when he was not so pissed that he wanted to throw something at her face. There was just something about that brat that made him want to challenge her. Lucien had often called Jurian out for being petty. But that did not stop him. If she wanted to go low, he would kneel before her and go even lower.
Jurian tried to push all thoughts of her aside as he reached the restaurant where Lucien and Elain had made the reservations for him and his blind date. Now was not the time to bother himself with brats. He had promised Lucien that he would be nice to Elain’s best friend. And that was what he intended to do. Lucien would have his balls if things did not work out with Elain and him just because Jurian had been an asshole to her best friend. Plus, Lucien, the one who knew Jurian the most, had told him that Vassa would be his type. He had refused to tell him what she looked like because Lucien did not want to spoil the surprise. But his best friend had assured him that meeting her would be worth it.
He parked, checked his appearance one last time in the rear-view mirror and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant. It was a pretty fancy place that promised good food and high quality wine. If the date did not lead to anything, at least he might enjoy a good meal. He pushed the glass door open and the first thing he saw was –
"This is a fucking joke."
"You have to be kidding me," the familiar brat mumbled at the same time.
To be continued...
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leo's "demonic :[ " nightmare
alrighty tumblr it's time for a doozy.
date: sometime early 2023
ooh-hoo-oh a nightmare this time? leo-and-jay-nightmarers-duo???? no. this nightmare sucks ass. it had me fucked up about sleeping for a few days. but it's metal as fuck. so i'm gonna share it. don't read if you don't wanna hear some mildy disturbing descriptions of body horror
this nightmare starts with me sitting on my porch at night with my dad, as i often tend to do. he hears "a weird noise" and goes to check it out. i follow him out of curiosity. when i see him he's fighting with a crying, red eyed, demonic looking version of himself. i jump back and yell, "AHHg- DAD!" and i throw pick up a broom to help him fight but he yells at me to go inside. after a internal battle, i throw the broom at the demon dad's feet and run inside. i tell my mom and brother what's happening and my mom tells us to run upstairs. she grabs a dagger from her work bench and runs outside as well. i convince my brother that he can't fight the demon and i manage to get him upstairs, not before grabbing a weapon though. i take my crossbow and a bolt, and i give my brother a big knife because i know he can't work anything else. we get upstairs and hide in my room. eventually my brother insists he should sit in his own room, so i let him go. then, i get really sleepy so i lay down on my bed. i wake up(within the dream) to the sound of groaning and howling. sounds like anguished spirits is the most accurate way i can describe it. there's red light coming through my window and i see those things that fly off of fire. what are they called? the little bits of fire that like fly off into the sky? whatever, i see a bunch of those outside my window. i walk over to it, i see our yard, now dead and black, i see just enough of those fire things for it to seem scary, isolated, and apocalyptic out there. but most importantly i see more of those demons. i hear a door open and i see the silhouette of my dad. "oh dad! is everything o-" "wait…" i step back, towards the window, leaning against my desk, "a-are you… no. oh no" he walks over to me. i see from the red light of the window, that this is indeed the demon version of my dad. his eyes look like the're bent permanently into a sad and tortured expression. tears fall down his face and fall into the large glowing red cracks in his face. on all of his skin. my dad's tattoos are nonsense, either they've changed into some sort of jibberish, or the cracks make it so you can't tell what any of them are. i sit on my desk now, trying to get as far away from that THING as possible. demon-dad stops when he's right in front of me. he falls to his knees, grabs onto my wrists, and just holds them there. he's squeezing pretty hard. he's shaking and making painful whimpering noises. the cracks on his skin, which look a bit like coals from a fire, slowly burning outward and turning into ash. the horrific demonic version of my father holds on to my wrists with increasing pressure, shakes violently, whimpers in pain, in MY dad's real voice may i add, and turns into ash right in front of me. after a minute, he's gone. and there's ash on my shoes, and on my floor. i stand up, i'm shaking. there's a wet feeling under my eyes, from crying i'm sure. i take a shaky breath and look up at my room. i can still hear the sounds from outside. more are coming. i walk slowly over to my bed. i pick up my crossbow. i hold the weapon up to my chest. not pointing it at myself, more like hugging it. it's all i can do. i have a thought for a moment about my brother, my mom, and… my dad. the dream then ends.
the night before having this dream i was having trouble sleeping, so i put on my red led lights, causing my room to have that very red light from my nightmare when i woke up, though i'm sure the light was the reason i had the dream in the first place. that was a few months ago. still every time i put my lights on red, i change it immediately. i saw my other father demon-dad sitting in front of me whenever i close my eyes for the next couple of days. yikers.
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honeycombstrawberry · 2 years
isn’t she lovely?
pairing: steve rogers x bucky barnes x reader (she/her pronouns)
rating: gen
word count: 1,187
prompt (from anonymous):  “can you please do an imagine where the reader is in a poly relationship with steve and bucky and she’s pregnant with their baby?”
one-sentence synopsis: steve comes home to find a domestic scene between you and bucky.
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“Hello?” Steve called into the house, kicking the door shut behind him. He dropped the grocery bag onto the kitchen island and ducked his head into the living room. “Hello?”
“In here!” Bucky called back. Steve put the few groceries he had away in the cabinets and freezer and headed for their bedroom. He found you and Bucky laying there, Bucky propped up against the headboard, you with your head in his lap. You smiled up at him.
“Hi,” you said softly. Steve slid his shoes off at the door and crawled up onto the bed, placing his head beside yours in Bucky’s lap. He laid his hand alongside your cheek, pressing the pad of his thumb into your chin. “How was your day?”
“Uneventful,” he told you. He stroked your hair back, away from your face, then looked down, running his hand over the swell of your baby. “How was yours?”
“She ate half a box of Frosted Flakes,” Bucky informed him. You laughed, covering your face with your hands and rolling onto your back. “You should’ve seen it, Stevie. It was something else.”
“Something to be proud of, I’m sure,” Steve laughed. He reached up and pulled your hands away by your wrists. “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m okay,” you said, tipping your head back to look up at Bucky. Bucky bent over and kissed you on the forehead. “I’m about ready for this kid to come out, though. Feels like there’s seven of them in there.”
“God forbid,” Steve laughed. He shifted and sat up, shuffling to sit beside Bucky against the headboard. You sat up and stretched, yawning. “Maybe the baby is Bucky’s, then.”
“We don’t know how the serum is going to affect them,” you reminded him. “Besides, there’s no ‘the baby is Bucky’s’ or ‘the baby is Steve’s.” You arched your back, popping the joints in your spine. “The baby is ours. You’re not getting out of this one, Rogers.”
“Damn,” Steve joked. He motioned you over, then shifted you in front of him so he could start combing through your hair. “You know I’m always trying to get away.”
“Seventy years in the ice wasn’t enough alone time?” you asked. Bucky snorted; Steve swatted at him. He pulled your hair back and started braiding from the crown of your head down for you. Bucky handed him a strand he had missed.
“I thought of another name today,” Steve offered. Bucky groaned. “Oh, shut up. My names are great.”
“Your names are ancient,” Bucky complained. “Get with the times, Rogers.”
“Forgive me,” Steve said, “but it should only be the 1950s for my brain.”
“What’s the name?” you asked, hoping to stop the bickering before it could get started.
“Ruth,” Steve suggested. Bucky groaned again, flopping forwards onto the bed. You hid a laugh behind your hand.
“It’s a bit of an old name, Steve,” you told him. He acted shocked.
“I thought you were on my side,” Steve said. You laughed.
“I’m on the baby’s side,” you said, “and the baby probably doesn’t want a name like ‘Ruth.’”
“I like Ruth,” Bucky offered. “I dated a Ruth.”
“Never mind on Ruth, then,” Steve said. Bucky kicked at his shoulder lightly with a socked foot. Steve reached for your wrist and pulled off one of the elastic ponytail holders. He tied off the end of your braid. You laid your head in Steve’s lap, your feet up on the small of Bucky’s back as Bucky turned Netflix on and started scrolling. You smiled, watching the back of his head, before you flinched, your hands going up over your stomach. Steve and Bucky were both over you in a second.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Steve asked, at the same time Bucky said, “What’s going on, what was that, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you said. “It’s just-” You stopped, then reached up, frowning slightly. You rested your hand against your stomach and waited, then felt it again. A flutter, against your palm. You laughed, then reached out. “The baby’s kicking- They’re kicking right here, here, feel-”
Bucky put his hand in yours first, and you guided him to the spot you had felt the kick. The two of you waited, Steve hovering over you anxiously, until the baby kicked again. Bucky laughed, flopping back down on the bed, covering his face with his hands - one flesh, one metal - as Steve placed his hand in the same spot. He waited, too, and he soon felt that same flutter, and he immediately had tears in his eyes, the back of his free hand pressed under his nose.
“Oh, Steve,” you said, reaching up to rub his back. Bucky sat up and kissed his temple.
“It’s a good thing,” Bucky reminded him. Steve nodded, then sniffled.
“Yeah, I know,” Steve said. He straightened up and smiled. “I know. I’m just so happy.”
“Me, too, Stevie,” Bucky said. He looked at you, grinned, then turned back to Steve. “Remember, when we were twelve, and I told you I was gonna be a dad with you someday?”
“You did not,” you laughed, but Steve shook his head.
“He did,” Steve said. “He told me that. He told me we were going to be dads together.”
The three of them were silent for a moment. Then, you said, “Didn’t factor me in?”
“You weren’t even kind of born yet,” Bucky reminded you, shoving at you. You laughed as Steve caught you and held you upright. “I would’ve factored you in if I knew you, believe you me.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you said, then startled once more when the baby kicked again. “Oh, good God-”
“Are they doing it again?” Steve asked. He and Bucky immediately looked to your face. You rolled your eyes, then guided their hands to where the baby was kicking again.
“She doesn’t feel like a Ruth,” Bucky commented. Steve raised an eyebrow. “More like a… James.”
“Even for a girl?” you asked. He smiled.
“Maybe,” he said. “Maybe we’ll just use your name.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you said. “I kind of like Steve. Or James.”
“Or Ruth,” Steve piped up. Bucky swatted at him.
“We’ll find one we like,” you said. The baby kicked again, and Bucky looked away. “Oh, getting sentimental on me, now, are you, Barnes? It was supposed to be me and you against Steve.”
“What happened to not taking sides?” Steve asked. He kissed the top of your head, and you leaned into him; Bucky shuffled up to tuck himself against the two of you.
“I’m on the baby’s side,” you repeated, yawning. “They won’t be sentimental like you two. They’ll be hard and cold, like me.”
“God forbid,” Steve said again. He scratched his nails along your scalp, and you hummed, shutting your eyes. “Get some rest. Bucky and I will make dinner tonight.”
“We’ll see about that,” Bucky mumbled, then yelped when Steve, presumably, punched or pinched him. “Jesus, Rogers, cut your nails.” Pinched, then. You fell asleep listening to them bicker, feeling your child kicking inside of you, completely at peace with the world.
requests are open!
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butwhyduh · 3 years
"There is only one bed" "Exes forced to work together" and "Accidentally cuddling in sleep" with homeboy Dickie please <3
There were certain members of the Titans who said Dick’s superpower was being friends with his exes. Not very many of them had ill feelings for him after breakup despite everything that happened in their relationship. You tried to be like them. Kori could laugh at his jokes while he dated Barbara. Zatanna would often give him an open mouth kiss when she saw him and yet had no interest in dating him again.
But you weren’t like that. You didn’t know how to act around him. Possibly because you didn’t exactly break up normally, or at all. He just disappeared. It had been for a mission but still. He could have called or talked to you afterwards. That’s why you were mad. It was inconsiderate, you thought as you ignored the tiny voice that told you that you couldn’t be normal around him because you still liked him.
And currently you were dying because you had teamed up with Dick on a mission. Both of your skill sets matched for the mission’s needs and so this is how you ended up at the front counter of a Swiss hotel high in the mountain trying to get 2 hotel rooms instead of one. Or even just another bed.
“Madame, I apologize but there is no other room at this hotel. We are very sorry for the mix up but this is all we have. The nearest hotel is 30 kilometers north so I have very little I can do. Again, I apologize,” said the man. “It is the busy season.”
You sighed. “That’s fine. I’m tired. It’ll be fine,” you said grabbing the keys a little rougher than necessary. Dick looked at the man apologetically before following you.
The hotel was actually really nice. Very traditional with red ornamental patterned rugs and golden brown beaded board halfway up the wall. A gold chandelier hung in the front entry. A bellboy carried your bags up to the room and let you in.
The room was just as nice but tiny. Barely had enough room for the bed and a small table with 2 chairs and a tv stand. A little closet sat behind door and the tiny window with covered in thick curtains.
You tossed your bag in the closet without a care and pulled off your shoes. You groaned and stretched your toes before flopping on the bed.
“I’ll sleep on the floor,” Dick said grabbing a pillow.
“No just get in bed. There isn’t enough floor to sleep on. It’ll kill your back to sleep weird,” you said with a yawn. Dick stood awkwardly. You hadn’t thought about it but you were probably his only awkward ex and he didn’t know what to do about it.
“You sure? I don’t wanna be in your space,” Dick said tentatively laying down the pillow. You patted the mattress.
“You could sleep in the room beside me and I think you’d still be in my face with how tiny these rooms are,” you said and he chuckled.
“Yeah, this hotel is probably like 500 years old or something,” he said laying down. He was on his edge of the bed and you on yours. “Did I ever tell you that we toured out here when I was a kid in the circus?”
You turned to look at him. “No you haven’t. What was it like?”
“It was cold but fun. My mom got mad when I tried to do flips barefoot in the snow,” he said with a laugh. “I was probably 6. She thought I was going to get deathly sick from the cold.”
“That sounds exactly like something a mom would say,” you said with a smile.
“I also remember one of the sword swallowers tried to learn the language to speak to all the pretty women that came to the shows but he learned Swedish instead,” Dick said and you both laughed.
“I bet that didn’t go well.”
“He got lucky and the first woman he talked to spoke Swedish! It was pretty funny,” Dick said with a yawn. “We should probably get some sleep.”
“Yeah,” you said and the pillow felt like heaven. Your eyelids felt heavy and before you knew it, you were asleep. Hours later you woke to light hitting your eyes through the curtains so you snuggled closer to get it out of your eyes. Arms that wrapped around you tightened a little and you felt a humming noise that threatened to put you back to sleep.
Hot breath against your cheek made you move again. This time you woke up to take in your surroundings. A collarbone. Arms around your back. Legs tangled in your own. You hadn’t taken anyone home last night. Who was that? You blinked before realizing that you were in Dick’s arms.
You pulled back a little and he whined in his sleep and held you tighter. His touch was warm and comforting and you almost wanted to be lulled back to sleep with him. But Dick wasn’t your boyfriend and you needed to move. You shifted again and he opened his eyes to look at you in surprise.
“Oh,” he said. You both froze. “Sorry,” Dick muttered before moving his hands away slowly. His didn’t scoot away from you.
You looked at him and the way he looked at you stopped you from moving. It was raw and unfiltered in the mornin light and he clearly wasn’t over you. He looked down at your lips before looking back at your eyes.
“Morning,” you said softly. You looked down as he licked his lips. They looked soft and shiny. You slid your hand to his arm. Almost painfully slow, Dick scooted closer to where your lips were almost touching. You inhaled a little faster than normal.
“Can I,” he said already hold his head slightly turned. You leaned up to meet his lips. Dick’s hands went back around to grip your waist. The kiss started out tentative but didn’t take long to deepen. He tasted the same as you remember and his touch was familiar and comforting.
After a little bit of you both laying on your sides, Dick laid back and pulled you on top of him. You straddled his hips and kissed him hard. Dick made a moan against your lips and gripped your thighs. You rubbed down against him. You could feel him grow hard in his thin sleep pants. Dick pulled back to breathe.
“Fuck baby,” he panted. You huffed out a laugh. “What?” He asked and you grinned.
“Still has the same weaknesses, I see,” you whispered and he chuckled before shrugging. You ground down on him and he inhaled quickly.
“Yeah but so do you,” he said before flipping you over and pinning your hands above your head. You gasped into a moan as he nipped at the spot behind your ear. Dick smirked against your skin. “Yep the same spot.”
“Hmmm using it against me,” you asked and he nodded.
“Always take advantage of weaknesses. That how I was taught,” Dick said. He bent and sucked hard on the spot and you pulled at his hands, wanting to put your hands in his hair. Dick kissed down your neck to your collar and nipped at your collarbone. You made a keening sound.
“Not fair Grayson, not fair,” you said breathlessly and he chuckled.
“I could always stop,” Dick said, his breath was hot on your skin. You groaned and he chuckled. Dick slid his hands under your shirt and pulled back to slide it off. His fingers traced a new scar that you had gotten since the last time you had been together.
“Two Face,” you commented and he nodded before kissing the arcing curvature of lighter skin. You pulled at his shirt and he pulled it off too. He had some more scars too. A pair of red healing marks on his forearm that looked like claws you touched with your thumb.
“Killer Croc,” he said before kissing the valley between your breasts. You hummed in agreement before realizing what he said.
“Killer Croc? You got very lucky,” you said and he pulled back a little.
“Yeah. I mean, it got mad infected and I was out for 2 weeks but yeah, he could have ripped my arm off,” Dick said. He ran his hand along the waistband of your sleep shorts. You inhaled quickly.
“You’re too casual for a man that almost died,” you said.
“Yeah, I know,” Dick answered sliding his hand in your shorts to play in your folds. Your eyes closed and you forgot all about scars and Killer Croc as he fingered you.
“Condoms?” You gasped. He grinned as he kissed along the column of your neck.
“One minute,” Dick said getting up. You watched him move around the room. His boner extremely obvious in his sleep pants. He came back with a few attached together.
“Let’s start with one and go from there,” he smirked and you laughed. That was Dick for you. Cheeky no matter what. He pushed down his pants and rolled it on as you slid out of your panties and shorts. Dick stared down at your wet pussy. He already knew from fingering you but he certainly wasn’t complaining about the sight.
Dick climbed back over you and kissed you soundly. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded. Dick slowly thrust in and you made a soft sound. He started moving and found a good pace. It was great for missionary but it wasn’t like either of you didn’t have the ability to be a little more flexible in positions.
“I want to try something,” you whispered in his ear and he looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Go on,” Dick said excitedly. You pushed him off of you and he eagerly complied. You stood up and bent at the waist and wrapped your arms around the back of your knees with your legs closed giving Dick one hell of a show.
“Oh fuck,” he whispered. Dick moved behind you. “Like this?” He asked and you nodded. Dick slowly slid in with his hands on your hips making all kinds of little noises. “You look fucking amazing baby. Truly.”
You let Dick move for a while in this position. He alternated between holding your hips and grabbing your ass to slightly spread it to watch better. It was possible he’d never been that horny in his life. It felt amazing on your part but there was something you wanted to try without telling him.
You slowly moved your hands to the floor and put your weight on one leg. And with a smirk, you lifted one leg up and Dick inhaled deeply as you lifted it up to his shoulder. He held your leg and moaned loudly. His hips stopped and he was panting.
“Fuck, you almost made me cum right then,” he groaned. His hips started moving and all of took was a little shake of your ass for him to cum despite himself. “Fuck,” he groaned while burying himself deep. As soon as he was done, he pulled out and helped you stand up. You noted a little dusting of pink in his cheeks and ears.
“I’ll get you back. Lay down,” he said and you nodded and laid on the bed. It was no time at all that he had his lips wrapped around your clit and fingers in your core as your grabbed his hair in pleasure.
“Fuck! Dick! Fuck!” You cried, completely ignoring the fact that it was 7 am and you were in a hotel. He seemed to be hell bent on making up for the fact that he came first. Your thighs shook and you weren’t even sure but you probably screamed when you came. Dick peppered kisses up your body with a smirk as you heaved in breaths.
“Like that,” he said wryly, pulling you into his arms.
“You already know that,” you answered. He ran a finger along your arm and kissed your hair.
“So this...” he started but trailed off.
“Do you wanna... try again? Us?” He asked.
“Maybe,” you said biting your lip.
“Give it a shot?” He asked hopeful. You sat in silence for a second.
“Yeah. Yeah.”
“Yeah?” He said with a smile.
“Yeah,” you answered shyly. He grinned and kissed you again. He rolled on top of you.
“Since I fucked up the first round, I should make it up to you,” he said playfully. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“If. You. Can,” you whispered in his ear. By the end of the morning, the hotel security had come to knock on your door to quiet down.
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
you have a nightmare that they cheated on you
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characters: akaashi + iwaizumi + oikawa + (gn!reader)
request: hi! can I request a headcanon where akaashi, iwaizumi, and oikawa wake up to you having a nightmare that they cheated on you? something fluffy please 🙏🏼🥺 • by @vitamingummies
warnings: mentions of cheating ig but it doesn’t actually happen obvi– + a lil bit of angst
notes: hope u enjoy <3 i tried to make them all a bit different! (i don’t think i’ll do anymore of these tho cause i feel like i’ve run out of possibilities for it to go)
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akaashi stirred awake slightly when he felt you moving around on your side of the bed
he was half asleep, drifting in and out
and he felt the bed dip as you got up, which he assumed meant that you were going to the bathroom
but once he realized it’d been a while since you left, he checked the time, 3am 
he got up to go look for you, wiping his eyes sleepily
he went to the bathroom and frowned when the lights were off and you were nowhere to be found
he slugged off to the kitchen, then the living room and was shocked to see you sitting there in the dark, wrapped up in a blanket
“baby?” his voice was deep and groggy as he padded over to you, yawning before continuing. “what are you doing out here?” 
you noticed him, but didn’t look up, trying to hide your face from him, which, even in his drowsy state, he knew was a bad sign. 
he bent down in front of you and felt the fatigue jump out of his body when he realized you had tears falling down your cheeks. “what’s wrong? what happened?” he brought his hands to your cheeks and tried to wipe the tears, but more kept falling seemingly at a faster rate once he touched you. 
he tried to catch your eye, but you wouldn’t let him. “come on baby, please talk to me? i’m not going anywhere until i figure out what’s wrong.” 
he sat down next to you and pulled you into his lap, making sure the blanket was secure before holding you tight and running his hand up and down your side soothingly. 
when your cries had reduced to sniffles and you calmed down a bit, you spoke up, playing with the collar of akaashi’s shirt to distract yourself. “i just...it’s stupid––”
he interrupted immediately, “of course it’s not stupid, if it made you this upset then we should talk about it. i wanna make sure you’re alright, okay?”
you nodded and swallowed, psyching yourself up to reveal everything to him. “well i––i had a dream, no, a nightmare really,” you laughed humorlessly. “where you um...you left me? well that was after you cheated on me but...” you felt him take a deep breath, “it just felt so real, you know? it hurt like a lot and then i woke up because it was so painful and i guess...the emotions carried through even after i left the dream.” you sighed, “i’m sorry i didn’t mean to worry you, i just...i don’t know, i needed to clear my head, i guess.” 
a few seconds passed before you felt a gentle hand under your chin, raising your head. you finally looked into akaashi’s eyes and he spoke up. “baby, i’m sorry that you experienced that, even if it was just a dream. just hearing about it hurts me too.” he swiped his thumb over your cheek and you nuzzled into his touch. “but know that i would never ever do that to you, i could never hurt you like that and i won’t, okay?” he waited for you to nod in agreement before nodding as well and pulling you into a hug. “i’m here to love and protect you, remember that.” he kissed your cheek but didn’t let you out of the hug. 
“are you better now?” again, he waited for you to nod. “let’s go back to bed, yeah?” he hugged you tight. “i’m not letting you go tonight.” 
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iwaizumi grunted, confused when he felt you moving around more than usual behind him, 
no longer wrapped around him with one leg over his waist like how you had fallen asleep
when he heard you mumble a few things under your breath, he thought maybe you were just dreaming 
but when he heard a whimper of his name, followed by “please no––”
he turned around immediately, and turned on his bedside lamp, concerned and alert
he noticed that your face looked like it was in pain, like you were hurt
he put a hand on your cheek and stroked it gently with his thumb
“wake up sweetheart.”
you shook your head from side to side, seemingly wrestling with what you were seeing in your nightmare
he kissed your forehead, “come on, come back to me. open your eyes for me baby.”
he shook your side a few times and you finally opened your eyes, but he frowned when he noticed the pain still hadn’t left your face
his eyes widened when you suddenly threw yourself into his arms, burying your face in the crook of his neck, sniffling as you blinked the tears away. he wrapped his arms around you immediately, “hey it’s okay, i’m here. you’re safe.” 
he rubbed his hands up and down your back soothingly and whispered reassuring things in your ear, kissing your temple every now and then. 
after a few minutes of holding you, he spoke up. “do you wanna tell me what happened in your nightmare? i’m right here, nothing bad’s gonna happen i promise.” 
your hand came up to hold the side of his jaw and neck and you sat up slightly, but he made sure to keep you secure and not let you run off, not that you were going to. “um...well i was coming over to your house cause we had a date night planned...” you trailed off slightly and felt his hand rub your thigh reassuringly. you sighed, “the door was unlocked so i came in, and i noticed another girl’s shoes in by the door?” you felt him stiffen under you but you went on. “so i went to find you, to ask you about it...but when i got to your room, you were...on top of her, and you can...fill in the blanks i’m guessing...” 
he opened his mouth to say something but you spoke before he could. “and you don’t have to apologize or anything, i know it wasn’t you and you wouldn’t do that...it just felt real and that really hurt me. but i’m sure i’ll get over it soon.” you tried to smile but it felt like a grimace more than anything and iwaizumi sighed. you mistook it for annoyance and your eyes widen, “oh i’m sorry, you’re probably tired, i’ll just––”
you tried to get off his lap but he stopped you, confused. “no, darling i don’t care what time it is, this is important. i only sighed because i don’t like how you’re pretending to be okay when you’re not.” he put a hand under your chin, “it’s okay if you’re not okay. but i’m here for you, to help you feel better, yeah?” he kissed your nose lightly. “you have nothing to apologize for, and i know you said i don’t either, but i’m sorry that i hurt you, even if it was in a dream.”
you smiled for real this time and kissed his cheek, making him blush lightly. “you’re too sweet to me, you know that?”
his brows furrowed, “not possible.” he gave you a quick peck on the lips and lied you back down on the bed with a small smile before turning off the light. he slid back in with you and put his arm around your waist to pull you close. “you ready to sleep?” 
you nodded, “do you mind cuddling me until i fall asleep?”
“of course not, but you’re funny if you think i’m letting you go at all, even in my sleep.” 
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oikawa was sleeping peacefully, rolling over to wrap his arm around you and pull you close and his brows furrowed when you swung his arm back to his side, but he stayed asleep
he kept sleeping even after you repeated this three more times 
but when you did it one more time, this time with more force, he whined and blinked his eyes open slowly
“y/n-chaaan, let me hold you~”
you simply huffed and kept staring in front of you, into the darkness of your room, your arms and legs crossed as you sat up against the headboard
you don’t even know how long you’d been awake, it was 4am, but you couldn’t be bothered to care
as soon as you saw oikawa with his tongue down another girl’s throat, while she sat in his lap, you were so mad you couldn’t think
...this was in a dream of course, and you know that––
but it still pissed you off
“wha––” oikawa leaned up on one arm to get a better look at you and make sure he wasn’t imagining things. “what are you doing up?” he turned his head to look at the clock on the nightstand, “wh––four a.m??” he turned back to you dramatically, and while normally you would’ve found it amusing, today was a different day. 
you felt oikawa drag himself to a sitting position as he stared at you frantically and utterly confused. “what is going on here??” when you didn’t respond, his shoulders drooped down and he placed a hand on your thigh which you quickly slapped off. he squawked, “baby??–”
“you don’t get to call me that.” 
his head bobbed back, offended. “what do you mean?! what happened in the hours that i was asleep?” 
again, you stayed silent and of course, he kept talking. “y/n-chan you can’t just not tell me what’s wrong, this is outrageous!” 
you sat there, brewing in your annoyance for a few moments before cutting off his rant, voice completely monotone. “you cheated on me.” 
there was a brief silence, a moment of processing before he exploded. “i’m sorry, what?! i most certainly did not! what are you talking about ?! i am loyal!”
you shrugged, only fueling the fire and his eyes widened. “what do you mean?” he imitated your shrug mockingly, “where did you get this insane theory from?!” 
he was talking far too loud for 4am, and you did not want a visit from the neighbors. “tooru––”
“tooru?! who is that?! i’m baby! love! your loyal boyfriend! soon to be husband when we’re ready!––”
you finally turned to him, “you’re being too loud! it’s four am––”
he glared but lowered his voice, maybe a fraction. “y/n-chan you are not gliding over your preposterous accusation like this––why on earth do you think i cheated?!”
you blinked, unfazed. “i saw it.” 
“that’s impossible because it never happened!”
“yes it did! i saw your tongue go down her fucking throat and your hands were all over her and she was in your lap, tooru. that’s why i woke up because i saw it and i got mad. how dare you do that––” 
“i’m telling you that never happened! i don’t know who you saw but it wasn’t––wait.” he blinked a few times and you could practically see the gears turning in his head. his eyes narrowed and he tilted his head. “did you say you saw it and you woke up? are you talking about a dream??” 
you clenched your jaw, “more like nightmare but that’s irrelevant, the point is you cheated–”
“y/n-chaaan––” he threw himself on you and wrapped his arms around you, ignoring your protests. he placed his head on your lap and looked up at you, with a pout. “you scared me! i thought you were really mad at––”
“i am mad at you.” 
“what?! but it wasn’t even real!”
“dream tooru and real tooru are basically the same.” 
“when are you going to stop calling me that?” he frowned, giving you puppy dog eyes and you groaned, slapping a hand over his face (gently), but he still yelped anyways.
“don’t look at me like that.”
he took your hand off and kissed your palm softly. “why, is it working?” 
you sighed and looked away. “...i know it wasn’t real but it still hurt seeing you like that, you know? that’s why i was so annoyed––it wasn’t even real but it still affected me so much.” 
he sat up against the headboard and pulled you into his lap, pleased to see you weren’t complaining. you placed your hands on his shoulders and kept your eyes down, focused on his chest. he squeezed your waist and ducked his head down to peck your lips, smiling victoriously when it made you smile. 
“i would never be as dumb as dream me and throw our precious relationship away, i love you way too much and value having you in my life far too much to do something like that.” he kissed your cheek, “you’re it for me, got it?”
you nodded, looking up into his eyes to see how serious he was. you could see the love he had for you. “okay...i love you baby.”
he smiled, “i love you too. so much.” he kissed you on the lips gently. “now can we please cuddle? we both need our beauty sleep.” 
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kaiqarker · 3 years
the watchtower’s lighthouse | stan vogel
pairing: stan vogel x reader
warnings: smut, swearing
summary: months after a disasterous first date with stan vogel, your paths cross once more when you’re lost within the depths of kern canyon national park during a thunderstorm and stan happens to have inherited a shift patrolling from the watchtower.
a/n: back from the dead because of this man. hope y’all enjoy :)
THE SKY EMULATED STAN VOGEL'S morals, consisting of gray unpredictability. If he was within the familiar walls of his assigned cabin, located along the grounds of Kern Canyon National Park, it would be an indication he wouldn't have to do much patrolling. Campers usually stayed put if there was rainfall, sticking to their own site and not off doing God knows what to the land Stan takes pride in preserving. Cascading a thick husk of superiority and knowledge was his favorite thing about the job, which is why he was disappointed he was stuck maintaining the watchtower for tonight.
The surveillance for the watchtower was run by a tight knit schedule of volunteers and the occasional firefighter that needed a change of scenery for a couple days. Needless to say with all the strange occurrences and sightings, there have been less and less people willing to take on the task. And now the duty was bestowed upon the park ranger— at least for tonight. He swore to himself that at sunrise he would be out of there and back to being the persistent, vexing gum stuck to the bottom of everyone's shoe.
Stan now sat in a wobbly chair, feet propped up on the desk and his trusty binoculars in hand. His surroundings were darkening, quicker than they would at his cabin because of the parade of trees towering over the area. He could mostly only see shadows and the outlines of the forest. His paranoia kept him on the lookout, knowing all too well what kind of perilous entities the park harbored, dark secrets he was trusted in keeping.
It was why his body jolted and he nearly fell out of his seat at a sign of movement. His hands itched to drop the binoculars and reunite with the shotgun propped up in the corner. His burst of anxiety was halted, however, once the lenses revealed a person. A wandering, soaked person clearly becoming victim to the thunderstorm that had been periodically easing and worsening for the past two hours.
Stan stood, walking over to the window with his binoculars hanging from the strap around his neck. He easily pried it open and stuck out his head. The drizzle of rain didn't reach him because of the roof stretching out along the perimeter of the watchtower, but he still felt the dip in the temperature. He estimated that it had dropped at least fifteen degrees since the start of the storm, the disappearance of the sun only escalating the drafty change.
He was about to shout down at what is most certainly a woman who had strayed too far from her campsite but then she twisted around, finally noticing the light emitting from up above. Recognization crumbles both of their attentive expressions. She becomes more than a drenched, carmine tank top, huddled body, and ropes of wet hair. He transforms into the exact opposite of a saving grace when his beige uniform and ironically angelic face are perceived.
"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Stalking your ex, eh?" Stan called down to her. The pattern of swift and drawned out words, swirled into a provoking and often mocking Australian accent, reached her ears over the light patter of rainfall.
She sighed, dramatically enough for Stan to see the rise and fall of her diaphragm. She considered turning around and braving the unknown of the wilderness again. If it wasn't for her sore feet and her prediction that she would develop some sort of hyperthermia if she stayed out in the cold, then she would've already been on her way.
"We went out on one date. You don't count as an ex," she clarified, craning her neck up at him. His smirk from knowing she was in a miserable condition and that he was the only one that could do anything about it ignited the first sense of heat she had felt in awhile. Her fists clenched against her crossed arms. "And you're the one with the pervy binoculars. On the prowel for half-naked campers, are you?"
He scoffed, winding his head to the side for a moment. "Enough with the bullshit. Are you coming up or not?"
In any other situation, he probably would've dragged their reunion out, teased her for being so helpless and naive. But she was shivering and looked so small curling into herself; it was a sight that played his heartstrings like a mystical harp. Even after a date gone wrong and the resentment that followed, he couldn't bare to see her like this.
She, on the other hand, still clung to some hesitation. Cozying up in a small, confined space with Stan where there were no other people around to ground her into the realms of sanity wasn't a compelling option. The both of them simply didn't get along. The nightmare of their date was very vivid in her mind, too, and she didn't want tonight to be a repeat of that.
Almost like nature could sense her doubts, thunder crackled and reverberated around the forest. Lightning flashed, incandescent and forbiding. The rain intensified, hitting her bare skin with a harsh force. Muddy shoes stumble forward a few steps but still don't gravitate towards the ladder.
"Better move your ass, sweetheart! Unless you'd prefer to get struck by lightning? Not to mention all the dangerous things lurking around that you haven't the slightest idea about."
Undeniable complacency was weaved into his taunt. However, it did get her moving. If she would've bothered to look up or if there wasn't such vast distance between them from their differing heights, she might've seen the concern nestled into glimmering, cobalt eyes.
Suffering through a climb where her wobbly legs and white knuckles were put the use, she eventually made it to top. Stan already had the latch swung open, bent down in the center of the room and waiting for her with an outstretched arm. Reluctantly, she took his offered hand and allowed him to pull her inside the watchtower.
"Crickey, you're freezing," he murmured. There was a softness to his features and the low timber of his voice. He'd even began rubbing over her fingers with his own, attempting to summon some warmth back into him, before he realized what he was doing and backed away.
"That's what happens when you get lost and separated from your friends and then get caught up in a storm," she summed up, monotonous.
"Your friends are idiots," Stan muttered.
She was about to deter the insults back his way until she suddenly felt a subtle weight on her shoulders. The scent combination of spearmint gum and lingering campfire smoke was sensed with a mere sniffle, and soon her hands were reaching up to pull on the sage green trim of his coat.
"You don't even know them," she settled for saying.
"They let you get lost, didn't they?" Stan's eyes found her wide ones, squinting slightly in familiar anger, but she could tell—this time at least—it wasn't directed towards her. "Yeah, bunch of mates, they are."
It was her turn to break the intimacy blossoming between them. She disconnects their stare that was inevitably going to convey all the unspoken feelings that still flourished inside of her to spare a glance over his shoulder. The furnace filled with a burning stack of dry wood lures her away from Stan, and she kneels down in front of it.
His hands go to his belt, elbows bent outward like he was posing as a chicken. He was unsettled by how consumed he was by his emotions. He wanted to give her space but then he finds himself reaching for her. He wanted to remain civil but the distaste in her tone and her infuriating, unreasonable glare casted towards him causes him to delve into his own hostile urges. The confusion of what to do and how to deal with her presence was boardering on insufferable.
But facing her, watching her beneath the firelight, the strain of his internal compass ebbed. He was no longer directionless or purposeless. The orange glare enducing a riveting shine to her hair and her tranquil countenance she upheld gazing into the flames had him feeling certain in just about every single thing that made the universe, the universe.
"You're staring," she whispers, a tremble in her reply she blames on recovering from the weather.
"And you won't even look over at me for a second." His observation coaxes her into peering at him, finding that he enclosed the distance between them by a few steps. A playful smile twitches across his lips. "What? Don't like a man in uniform?"
"I wouldn't be bragging about your outfit, Stan. You're a glorified Boy Scout," she remarks, rising from her position on her knees. Her thumb and pointer finger pinch the small, golden slate pinned to his shirt. "Even have badges and everything,"
"Get your grubby little hands away from my name tag. You're gonna smudge it," he grumbles, smacking her hand away; she lets out a humorless, short-lived laugh at his overreaction.
"Still an uptight asshole, I see."
"Still a mouthy brat, then?"
His retort makes her face harden. "Being honest doesn't make me a mouthy brat."
"Just inconsiderate?"
"You're preaching to me about being inconsiderate? You live off of ridiculing people. On our date, you insulted and humiliated our waiter because he didn't know the exact species of deer mounted to the wall."
"I was just taking a moment to educate him!"
"You called him a fumbling idiot who didn't know the basic fundamentals of biology!"
"Oh, like you were any better! Shoving your tits into the bartender's face to get free drinks!" He throws his hands up, easily overtaken by frustration and unresolved jealously.
"I know how much you make, Stan. You should be thanking me for that," she says slowly, deliberately, bringing up the one thing she knows will push him over the edge. He takes the bait, but she doesn't expect what he throws back at her.
"You're right. Thank you, sweetheart, for acting like such a slut on our first date that all anyone had to do for dessert was crouch down between your open legs."
Her mouth dropped at his statement. His exasperation dissolves to shock at processing his own harsh comment. He isn't able to focus on it for long, though, because she properly acts by allowing her palm to connect to his cheek.
Head snapped to the side, he can begin to taste a droplet of blood on his tongue, emitting from where his incisor pinched his bottom lip. He licks over the minor wound thoughtfully, heaving out a breath of false amusement. When he looks at her again, his face is dark and full of cruel intentions of revenge.
Stan surges forward and doesn't stop until her body crashes against the wall like she was just a bag of dismantled bones. His coat falls from her shoulders and slumps against the hardwood floor during the journey. His towering height and weight pin her in place, leaving her at the mercy of splayed hands and the relentless motions of his mouth against hers.
The awakening, leftover flavor of gum he must've chewed eariler just sinks in when he bites down hard on her lip. A whimper, the first sound she makes besides the ejection of a surprised gasp, is forced out her from the harsh gesture. A metallic taste replaces the one prior, one eager swipe of his tongue rolling past her parted lips.
The instinct to shoot her hands up and enmesh them in the soft, chestnut strands of his cropped hair is interrupted by an action of his own. He eases the intensity of the kiss, allowing her to breathe through languid, desperate puckers she reciprocates, but his fingers hook around both her bra and tank top straps, yanking them down her arms. She lifts herself out of them only to have him grasp the collar of her shirt and pull it down, her bra in tow, until they were just bundled material around her midriff.
Calloused hands fondled her breasts while his mouth diverts to her neck, sucking and nipping until her skin resembled the colorful patches of a quilt. She throws her head back against the wall, leaning into his touch and letting out the most delicate moans that had all of his blood gushing to the apex of his legs; she felt proof of it when he rutted himself against her.
Her forearms are squeezed between their bodies so she can reach the buttons of his shirt, manicured fingers working hastily and with not as much care she knew Stan would've liked, but he seemed to be too preoccupied by kissing her all over. Soon her hands were tugging up the white t-shirt he always wore underneath his uniform, and he helped her out by shifting it over his head and discarding it to the growing pile of clothes.
His chest was warm and inviting compared to hers. Her skin felt like cool marble underneath his fingertips, keeping her nipples pebbled and sweat from the heated exchange at bay. It was quite a contrast as their bodies continued to press together, her hands sliding along the expanse of his taut back while he concentrated on undoing her shorts.
"All mine," he mumbled against her jaw; it was certainly hard to disagree with him and all his handsy clutches and kisses that left her craving more.
"All yours," she confirmed softly.
The words barely left her mouth before she felt the heart-jolting sensation that was his hand sliding past her unzipped shorts and underwear. His fingers ran up and down down her folds, taking his time, ever the explorer. He often grazed her clit, encouraging her hips to arch into him for more direct contact, but he was careful to only give her a slight, fleeting amount.
"Stan." His name parted from her in a low whine—somewhat shamefully because she never thought she'd be in this circumstance, begging a hardass park ranger with a major superiority complex for a release.
"So wet for me. Awful naughty of you to get this soaked from one arguement with me, don't you think?"
She nuzzled her face into the side of his, nose brushing along his chiseled cheekbone. "Please."
"Aw, look at you. So sweet. You'd never think that you live to slander me."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. I am nothing but nice to you."
"Oh?" He inserts his middle finger into her, curling it precisely, while the heel of his hand grinds against her clit with every deliberate pump.
"Yes," she gasps.
Shallow pants gradually rack through her torso, and the ache of his throbbing cock becomes unbearable at the sight of her defenseless against his advances. He adds another finger, the grip and warmth of her slick walls causing him to shudder in anticipation.
"Such a little liar," he groans out after a particularly provocative contraction around his digits, one that rids him of whatever patience he had left.
He abruptly removes his hand from her shorts, something that makes her closed eyes flicker open. Her mouth immediately morphs into a pout and she squeezes his biceps in protest.
She isn't left waiting for long, hands on her hips guiding her away from the wall until the underside of her knees hit the edge of a cot. His mouth parts from hers once more, a sweet dragging of overlapped lips exchanged during the slow steps, so he can pull back the blanket. She looks over her shoulder at the neatly presented cot, which Stan must've brought with him along with his own fitted bedspread. She was now appreciative that he always came prepared.
Without having to be told, she crawled underneath the covers after ridding herself of the remainder of her clothing. Stan did the same once she was settled, becoming the final layer that draped over her body. The blanket and the crisp white of a top sheet stopped at the dimples of his back, and she was trapped in warmth, intensified by the glorious weight of his bare body on hers. Arms on either side of her head latch the cage as he leans down for another kiss.
"Don't mistake me keeping you warm as forgiveness. I'm still very mad at you. You drive me crazy," he sighs against her jaw, his eyelashes fluttering against the apple of her cheek.
"Don't mistake me moaning for you as an apology. You don't deserve one." Her strokes at the nape of his neck never faltered. Her thighs spread, legs winding around his, desperate for him to do something with his cock that laid twitching and swollen on her navel. "Well, you might if you fuck me hard enough."
"Shut up already."
Long fingers brick over her parted mouth in time with the repositioning of his hips, muffling the cries of consumption that came from him sinking inside of her. Eyes roll to the back of her head, almost completely sated by just the feeling of being filled. The head of his shaft glided against her most sensitive spot like a brush of shoulders, and her thighs tightening around his waist was her turning around, ready to chase shattering gratification.
Although slow, his thrusts into her were brutal. They held onto to each other like you would to ropes of a ruinous bridge connecting two cliffs, like they would be faced with a plummeting death if they were to let go. And yet, they were fighting along the wobbly planks, the semicircles of hip bones clashing together like medieval swords. It was all extremes, but neither of them would have it any other way.
He was making the most beautiful sounds above her. Through his ruthless motions, were breathy moans and whines of her name, the occasional praise intertwined into his enticing responses. Eventually, he allowed his hand to stop sealing her lips, sliding it down to clutch the flesh of her thigh with the promise of bruises. Her soft pleas and moans of euphoria joined his to create a symphony worthy of a ballet orchestra.
Strings of saliva conntected rouge lips to the marked skin of his neck, where she continued to suckle and playfully nip. The roll of their bodies picked up speed, both becoming impatient by the delicious ache they kept provoking, daring one another to spasm out of control. They craved for their muscles to become a tightrope and for the most intimate parts of them to pulsate from the finality of release.
"You've never looked prettier than you do right now. Your cunt squeezing me so tight, your mouth only able to form breathless whispers... completely wrecked. I love it."
"Please," she cannot help but beg, flickering eyes undecided on whether to shut her continue their hazy, half-lidded stare into his own.
"You want to come?" The inward pull of his eyebrows and the slight curl of his parted mouth way as well have been a mocking pout. "I know you do. I shouldn't even let you, though. You've been intolerable. I should just come all over your writhing body and leave you here without any satisfaction. Even if you were to finish yourself off, it wouldn't be enough. It would only feel subpar, and you know that, don't you?" His breath fans her face like the furnace had moments ago, and she can only whimper in reply. "Only I can sate you, sweetheart."
Her hands, whose nails had already inflicted damage to the freckled canvas of his back, sweep over his shoulders to cup his jaw. Her thumb strokes his jawline while the other ventures down the column of his throat, feeling the bob of his adam's apple with every constristing swallow he took. She could tell he was close, too, and decided to nod her head gently in agreement to his words, to wave her white flag.
Her surrender is reassured by fingertips dragging down her torso to her enlarged clit, granting bone-vanishing swipes that causes stuttered gasps and limbs going slack. It only takes a few seconds of coaxing rubbing for her release to erupt, the molten lava bursting from the pit of her stomach to electrify just about every nerve in her body. Her encompassing walls clutch around him so tightly that it summons a delirious climax from him.
His strenuous pace wavers, his hold on the cot becoming prudent, as if it was a buoy keeping him afloat through the thrashing waves of pleasure. White, sticky ribbons coat the inside of her thighs, and it's only when his heartbeat ebbs from his eardrums that he cracks his eyes open and collaspes into the small remaining space between her and the wall.
Stan speaks after catching his breath, remaining pants interwoven into his declaration. "This should've happened sooner."
"It would've if you weren't such a prick," she noted, sparing him a quick glance.
"Okay, maybe... I wasn't on my best behavior. But I was nervous. I liked you a lot. I wanted to impress you."
"And you thought bragging about how you're a know-it-all when it comes to plants and wildlife and the park's terrain was going to the trick?"She questioned, snorting at his logic. His nose twitch, an indicator of embarrassment, and she grabs his arm and tucks herself into his side. "You're such a dork."
He smiled at the gesture before she continued, "I'm sorry that I flirted with the bartender. I didn't mean to make you feel like you were second best or anything. Honest to God, I just wanted free stuff."
"Well, the cream puffs you got out of it were actually delicious," Stan admitted, tilting his head in her direction.
She smiled back at him. "I know, right?"
Stan may not be a prime example of a good guy but he had always took glory in being good at his job. That's what kept him going, that's what fueled him all these years. Now, he was considering what life entailed outside of that. Outside of the stressful responsibilities and government conspiracies and the never-ending studious tendencies. She came to him for refuge tonight, but, the truth is, he had been relying on her for a long time. To fascinate him, to stand up to him, to guide him back to where he belonged.
He felt like he was finally pursuing something that was more important than his duties here, than anything else he's ever experienced. He was an off-bound ship, cruising blind into the dead of the night, and she was a lighthouse, promising purpose and salvation from every bad thing that ever tried to sink him.
// idk who to tag but i think @sojournmichael @fckinsupreme & @instinctsxbaby might be interested (you’re all so talented)!
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bvccy · 3 years
Hi!!! Hope you're doing great
Can I please have a mix between number 2 from the soft and 8 from the dark one
Thanks, lost of love ❤❤❤
Thank you so much, nonnie! I am so sorry this took so long, I meant to post yesterday but it wasn’t done. Also, the 8th dark prompt was requested just before you sent in this one, so that is filled separately here.
I tried to do the mix you asked for, and I took the liberty of writing this with Bucky (specifically 40s!BB), and I hope that it’s ok. It’s a bit of a more specific story, actually, that I’d wanted to write for a while. I also did a kind of first for me, because it involves Steve x reader as a backdrop 😂 Anyway.
Lots of love to you too, my dear! 💗💗💗
— PAIRING: soft!dark!Bucky x Reader • preserum!Steve x Reader — PROMPT: Asteria - gazing at one’s object of affection, from afar + Prassius - an impossible desire, and unclean love — LINKS: Masterlist • love stones prompt list — WORDCOUNT: 2.5k
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It had taken long enough, and sometimes it seemed like it would never happen, but he finally found Steve a girlfriend — or rather, his girlfriend found him one. Dottie had exhausted several of her close friends and most acquaintances, but she knew how tired Bucky was of seeing his friend mope around, feeling like a third wheel, getting into trouble to pass the time. And honestly she liked Steve too, just not like that — but, wonder-worker that she was, Dottie found a girl that did.
She agreed to come on a double-date one night, and she and Stevie hit it right off. It was the first time Bucky met her too, and he didn't think much of the girl. Small, shy, not quite sickly-looking but not far from it, shoes a bit scuffed, clothes a bit too big for her and smelling of plain soap — in a word: perfect. She was perfect for his sickly, skinny friend who nobody else wanted, and by the looks of things, nobody had wanted her either because she seemed to have no idea what to do around a dance hall. As they were returning home that night, he even heard her confess to Steve that she had never been to one before.
They went out on two more dates, all four of them, within as many weeks. Bucky loved to dance, and Dottie too, but Steve and his girl weren't so fond of tripping over their feet and being laughed at. So they sat together at the table like a pair of broken toys, sharing an ice cream sundae, swinging shoulder-to-shoulder with the music when they liked the tune. Bucky waved at them when their eyes met, and they waved back and cheered at his dancefloor performance, but that happened less and less as they got caught up in each other. Steve would start to sketch things on the napkins while they chatted: the band, the sea of dancers, the fancy chandeliers, and eventually her.
"She said nobody's ever drawn her picture before," his friend said dreamily as they walked back, after they wished a good night to the girls. "Can you believe that?"
"Sure can…"
"She almost didn't let me do it. But she's so pretty, Buck."
"Mhm, nice girl."
"I mean yeah, she's no Dottie, but… I don't know, there's just somethin' I like so much about her… I guess her eyes, the way they look when she's smiling, or how her hair looks when the sun shines on it…"
"Get a load a' you," he grinned, wrapping his arm around Steve's shoulder in a playful grip that moved his friend's whole body. "One dame's sweet on you, and all of a sudden you're Romeo."
"At least I'm not a punk like you," Steve teased, slipping from his grasp.
"You know what I like best about her?"
"What?" he asked, with a hint of jealousy.
But Bucky smirked without a care. "How she keeps you out of trouble."
It had, indeed, been a while since Steve got in an alley brawl, and by their fifth date his last few bruises healed. He'd almost gotten into one by a cotton candy stand at Coney Island, but his girl was there to pull him back.
"Stevie, leave him alone…"
"You heard what he said?!"
"Who cares," she sighed, clinging to his arm and throwing the other man a hateful look. "Come on, didn't you want to win me that stuffed teddy bear?"
"Better listen to your girl, pal."
"Oh go find a sty to wallow in," she hissed.
"I ought'a smack some manners into you, you two-bit broad!"
"I'd worry about my own manners if I were you, buddy." Bucky slipped between them, coming from behind, standing now close enough to punch the guy if things got heated. But, seeing himself outnumbered, the other man cursed them and left. Just then, Dottie finally caught up.
"What's going on?" she asked, a little out of breath.
Bucky turned around, and was met by the heart-melting sight of Steve and his girl holding each other, her hands on his cheeks as she quietly chastised him, but loving enough that it made him smile and giggle. She closed it with a kiss to his cheek that made the boy blush, and a kittenish rub of their noses together.
"Nothing, everything's fine."
It was around the time they went to see a movie together that Bucky's joy for Steve turned into something else. They sat in the back while some musical played, and through the flashing lights and the corner of his eye, he could see his friend with his sweetheart holding hands on top of her lap throughout the whole performance. Meanwhile Dottie kept rubbing up against him, sometimes leaning her head on his shoulder, daring in the darker scenes to kiss his neck, but when she tried to get more of his attention —
"Buckyyy, what's wrong?"
— he shook her off. Hearing his name spoken by her voice suddenly felt disappointing.
He caught himself staring more and more, and not just when they went out together. Sometimes, the girl came by and spent some time with Steve, looking at his newer sketches, trying her hand too — oh and how disgusting they looked, Steve taking advantage of the situation to sit behind, and wrap his arms around her, and whisper in her ear. The pair greeted him cheerfully when he stepped through the living room and caught them, and he grinned back at them as he took a glass of milk, but all his appetite was gone.
And when they walked together through the park, and he saw them holding hands again… When Steve dug for some change to get her an ice cream, and they giggled stupidly as they made a mess of sharing it… When she fell asleep by his side one night at the dance hall, and Stevie woke her up with a tickle down her cheek, and she shivered and murmured like a bird and hid her face in his unworthy shoulder…
"Why don't you ever wanna dance, doll?" he asked as they were fetching drinks.
"Not much good at it, I guess," she shrugged. "The fast ones make me dizzy and I always trip."
"I can teach you. It'll work out great! Stevie teaches you to draw, I teach you how to dance… What do you say?"
The girl seemed to think, but shook her head. "Hmmm… No, not right now. Thanks," she smiled politely. "Besides, what would Stevie do meanwhile?"
She told him no just for the sake of keeping his scrawny little friend company, and Bucky had never felt more insulted — not that she wouldn't dance with him, although that hurt enough, but that he couldn't remember the last dame that gave something up just to stick with him, or got into fights for him, or kissed his wounds away, or held his hand in hers with no ulterior motive, and he'd found a girl that did that, and he wasted her on Steve.
So what if she was a little on the smaller side? So what if her dresses didn't fit right? So what if she came down with the cold at every change of season? He put up with it for Steve and he wasn't half as charming. The girl, instead, looked very delicate, more feminine in her own way, like when she braced her fingers on a table as she talked and mindlessly swung back and forth, animated in whatever she was saying, and her digits bent in such a childish way he feared they'd break, and it only made him want to kiss them. Or when she took her shoes off when she came to their apartment and he could catch a hint of shapely ankle, just perfect for his grip, or a peachy pink instep small enough to fit his palm. And when she fell asleep on their couch that one time and Bucky saw her all curled up, and noticed the arch of her hips and the cinch of her waist and pictured how good it would feel to hold them, and angle them upward, and…
Slowly, he started to appreciate some of what his friend had said that night, because she did have lovely eyes, and hair that looked so soft and warm, and her scent, unburdened by perfume, was sweet and girlish, and her lips looked kissable, and her wrists and knees and ankles too…
"Going out again, tonight?" he asked as the blond boy fixed himself in the mirror.
"Yeah, she wants to try this new place we —"
"Alright, alright…" sighed Bucky, already sick of hearing more. "So, that's all you're gonna do?"
"Well… yeah."
And then he voiced an evil thought. "Don't you ever want to… you know?"
"Y-you think we should?" Steve asked, turning away from his pallid reflection.
Bucky sat sprawled across the couch, and shrugged. "If she really likes you, she'd be up for it, don't you think?"
"I don't know about that, Buck."
"No? Ok," he nodded. "After all, what do I know?"
The aftermath of this particular advice was a draught of dates for poor ol' Steve, because just like Bucky had expected, the girl shrinked at the suggestion and couldn't stand to see him. For a while.
"Can you believe it, Buck?!"
"She'll see me again!"
"That's great, Stevie."
"What's wrong? You're lookin' real dour today."
Bucky knew he shouldn't. "I just…" He knew that it was wrong. "Look, it's great that she's forgiven you, but you gotta be realistic about this, pal." He had been happy for Steve at one point, long ago.
"What do you mean?"
But that was before he saw just how much love a girl could give, and realised he'd never felt it.
"Just don't delude yourself this is anything more than what it looks like, ok? She's only forgiven you because she knows nobody else will have her."
"That's mean, Buck."
"Yeah, well… I'm just looking out for you. You're my best friend, you know that. I don't want you getting hurt." It stuck in his throat to say it, but the bitterness stuck more.
And after Steve went to bed that night, Bucky took out the box of candy and the pricey perfume he had bought for her, threw them in the trash, and firmly promised to himself to never wait too long again.
But as he learned a bit later on, when they went back to double-dates, he might not have had a chance at all, because there was an unwitting element of truth to this cruel tirade.
"I can't exactly blame you, honey," Dottie consoled her as they stood in line for the ladies room, not knowing Bucky was just behind the thin divider leading to the men's. "If he does something like that again, I know this other fella —"
"Oh no, Dot, please… We're fine now. He explained things and… he's really sweet, I think he just had a moment of —"
"But just let me introduce you to Jim, see if you don't like him better."
"I… I don't know."
"He's a real charmer," Dottie grinned, "and he has these big, broad hands, jaw like an anvil. He just broke it off with Marcie cause she was a flirt."
He didn't hear anything next, but the girl must've shook her head cause Dottie asked, "You're sure?" and "Really? Well, if you change your mind…"
"Thanks, Dot," she lightly laughed.
"I don't know why you're so stubborn though, it's not like he's that far out your league. You just need to fix your hair a little bit and get a better brand of powder."
"It's not that easy."
"It's all it took me to get Bucky on my arm. That, and a better set of heels," she laughed.
"Yeah but you've always been pretty, Dot. Like, really pretty, and you know it. I guess some girls are for the James Barnes of this world, and some are the for the Steves."
She giggled as she said it, with not a hint of anger or resentment, and that's what stung the worst.
Bucky arranged to go see a late night movie with Dottie after that, while Steve and his girl went back to the apartment to listen to a boxing match on the radio and have some cherry sodas. Dottie went ahead to buy the tickets while Bucky walked them home, and after wishing him good night, she went upstairs to set things up. Steve was meant to go to the store and buy the drinks, but he stayed to chat with his friend a while.
"I can get some eggs and milk as well while I'm at it," he offered, swinging on his heels with his hands in his pockets.
"Or do we have enough for breakfast tomorrow?"
"Go ahead and buy them, pal," Bucky smiled, pretending to be less tired than he felt.
"Ok. And what about — darn!"
"What is it?"
"I just realized, I forgot to give her the keys," he said, taking a hand out of his pocket and holding them out. "I gotta get to the store, can you go up and give them to her?"
"Er, why don't —"
"You know I always trip on the stairs when I'm in hurry, Buck, they haven't changed the lightbulb yet. Don't make me do it."
"Fine, I'll go."
"I owe you big."
"You always do," he grinned, and took the keys from him.
Steve made off for the corner store, while Bucky started the long slow climb upstairs. It was completely dark inside at that hour, and the few candles some neighbours left to light the way had all gone out.
"Stevie, is that you?" he heard her call, standing right outside their door.
He kept one hand against the wall and walked his way toward her, stopping as he heard her whisper, "I think I lost the keys."
Blindly, she moved her hand forward, coming right across his chest. He felt her jolt at the unexpected contact, then burst into a giggle. Bucky could already feel the fanning of her breath right at the level of his chin. With an unseen smile, he took her hand, and placed the keys within it.
"Oh," she laughed. "You had them."
As her hand closed around them his own moved up her shoulder, fingers threading around her hair, and as he touched her jaw he felt her tilting slightly upward, shivering under the feeling.
"Is everything alright?" she asked.
He felt the warming tickle of her breath as he leaned close until, through the pitch black, he touched his lips to hers. Bucky did it lightly, just a little, just enough to taste and sip a kind of love he'd never really had. She stood surprised but took his kiss, and he felt her smiling into it, even beginning to kiss back just as he was parting from her.
"Your lips are softer than before," she giggled, in a sweet but altogether crushing way that made Bucky's heart beat stronger. "Stevie?"
Her hand moved through the air to touch him but felt nothing anymore, and down the stairs the heavy steps echoed, moving downward and away.
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ prompt: you’re going to a chistmas party with your ex in attendance and you try to find a replacement as quick as possible. 
♡ song suggestion: HIP - MAMAMOO
♡ pairing: jon kent (superboy) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes 
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“i can’t just go to this party and not show up with a date, do you know how humiliating that is?” you exclaimed to Damian, chugging back the last bit of wine you had in your glass, “it’s easy for you to show up like that because you’re fucking Bruce Wayne’s son and you aren’t the one who actually lied here...I DID!” 
Damian saw the panic arising in your eyes as you tried to come up with just anything to get out of the Wayne Christmas party but nothing was coming up in order to actually get you out of it. it was too late to actually back out and you swore to Damian you’d attend the party so it wouldn’t be so miserable for him. 
“who exactly did you lie to that you’re that deep into a lie?” Damian asked, kicking his legs up on his desk. “Michael from human resources! he’s been up my ass about taking me out that i finally broke one day and said I was already in a relationship and while he did back off, he’s expecting me to bring a date,” you confessed. 
Damian started laughing again, not knowing whether to fire Michael to finally put you out of your misery or actually take the opportunity to make you meet his oh so single best friend...Jon Kent. he sat on the idea for a few minutes as you ran your fingers through your hair nervously. 
“good lord, if I bring a friend of mine as your date, will you be quiet?” you looked at him in confusion. “you have friends?” you laughed, instantly dodging his wad of paper. 
“for your information, I actually do,” you sighed, not really knowing if you wanted to take him up on the offer, “he’s a friend of mine from Metropolis. he’ll say yes, it’s up to you,” you cautiously agreed, threatening him that if his so called ‘friend’ ended up being some creep, you were within your rights to hurt him. 
as you and Damian exited the building, you saw the copious amounts of reporters standing to the side, trying to capture photos of Damian or getting information on the party for tomorrow. 
you sighed, giving the reporters the middle finger, not really in the mood to deal with their bs. there were a few times those nosey reporters had made stories about you and Damian. claiming that you were sleeping with him so you could get closer to the Wayne family heir. it didn’t exactly help that you were in the assistant and secretary role as well. 
“wow, feisty aren’t you?” you heard Damian’s eldest brother, Dick, say out of no where. you quickly greeted him, seeing that the street to get out of Wayne Enterprises was getting clogged up with traffic, “see all of you tomorrow! Damian, don’t let me down!” 
Dick looked over to his brother, wondering what you meant by that. “I’m bringing Jon as her date for tomorrow,” he explained. his eyes widened, “really? him?” he asked, surprised that he would even set up a date for someone. “yeah, he has way too much time on his hands and it’d be better for me to set those two up to finally get them out of my hair.” Dick laughed knowing exactly where that could go wrong. 
the morning finally came, much to your unamused pleasure. you had told Damian that you’d meet him at his place so if anything funny happened with his date, it wouldn’t happen to your embarrassment at your work place. you were not sure who your mystery date was and Damian refused to give you a name. all he had told you was that he worked in Metropolis and had been his friend for years. 
you dragged yourself into the shower and unwillingly got dressed. your makeup was the hardest part of the entire outfit as you were going to try and perfect it as much as possible. you had never really gone all out with the makeup in what felt like years so you figured today would be the day. 
“almost ready?” Damian asked over the phone. you rolled your eyes, “yeah, i’m just pulling my shoes on before heading over to your place,” you responded as you munched on a granola bar, “why do you care?” you asked. 
you heard two voices laugh, “because your date is here so hurry up!” Damian exclaimed before hanging up the phone. you didn’t bother to play into his antics before finishing up. the dress you had bought was something you had from a previous event and up until now, you hadn’t worn it again. 
the dress you had picked was one from a previous event that no one hardly saw. it hugged the curves you wanted to show and you knew it would surprise those who hardly saw you gala or formal party attire. 
you got into your car and chugged back a red bull before heading into Damian’s home. you saw a few cars parked in his garage along with a limo to which you assumed you and a few others were going to take. you annoyingly pushed the doorbell to strike a nerve in Damian. 
“woah,” you heard Dick say as he opened the door, “I know, I look good,” you said smiling. he nodded in agreement as the two of you walked in farther into the house. you could tell Dick kept looking at you every so often and even dropping a few compliments and pick up lines. 
as the two of you were walking, you hadn’t realized you had completely passed Damian and his friend. you were so enamored with your conversation with Dick that it wasn’t until Damian half-annoyed screamed your name out to catch your attention. you turned around and stopped mid way through when you saw Damian and his friend. 
“oh hey,” you whispered, not wanting to look at Damian’s friend in the eye. he was a lot more attractive than you had anticipated. “didn’t know you could actually clean up nicely,” Damian murmured, not even hiding the fact that he was checking you out. 
you gave him the middle finger in response, “this is Jon Kent, Jon, this is ( your name ), I guess she’s my friend,” he rolled his eyes at the last thing he had said. you slowly stuck your hand out to shake but much to your surprise, Jon had shook your hand rather excitedly. 
“nice to meet ya!” he exclaimed, his slight southern drawl coming out. you laughed at his excited tone, “heard a lot about ya!” he continued. you looked at Damian, “aww, you do like me!” you said, a mischievous smile appearing on your face. 
Damian kicked you in the back of the leg before murmuring that all of you needed to head out before any of you got into trouble for being late. you met up with Dick and Tim who were arguing about something as the three of you waited for Alfred to pull up with the car. 
the entire ride to the venue, it was just you and Jon talking here and there. you could tell that Jon was the very exact opposite of Damian and it was a wonder how him and Damian even got along with their personalities being the exact opposite from each other. once the car came to halt, all of you piled out, the cameras immediately snapping as they realized the Wayne’s have arrived. 
“don’t kill them this time,” Damian threatened you as you put up your hands in defense. you looked over to Jon and gave him a small nervous smile, “ready?” he asked as you nodded. 
he put his arm around your waist, tightening it as the two of you walked up to the red carpet. you smiled fakely to the cameras. Jon looked down at you, not expecting this reaction to the paparazzi. “not a fan, eh?” he asked. you shook your head no, “god knows how many times those idiots have thought that Damian and I were together.” 
Jon gave you a look, “but the two of you are like siblings?” you shook your head, “I know but they think we’re hiding behind all of that.” the two of you reached inside of the building to see the long extended tables as you and Jon were seated on a two chaired table. 
Jon pulled your chair out, making sure you were comfortable before sitting down across from you. the menu was pre filled as it was your job to make sure everything on it was correct and put everything they were going to serve for the course of the night. 
“so, what do you for a living in Metropolis?” you asked as they put small appetizers in front of you. Jon smiled, “I work for the newspaper,” he replied, “I bet it’s tough to be Damian’s assistant, huh?” he asked as you nodded yes, dramatically. 
through the course of the night, you and Jon talked, Jon making sure the conversation never died down. you had to give Damian credit. you weren’t exactly trustful in Damian that he would pull through on his blind date for you but Jon up till this point had not made you seem uncomfortable or even slightly creeped out. he was like the perfect gentleman. 
“wanna dance?” Jon asked, getting up from his chair and grabbing your hand softly. you held his hand, giving it a squeeze as a response. 
the two of you walked to the small dance floor as you saw a few of your coworkers, those who were either married or in long term relationships dancing. you gave them a wave as they waved back before going back to their conversations with their partners. 
“I’m glad you came,” you told Jon as you took a sip of your champagne shyly. he looked down to you and grinned, “I’m glad I did too. I wasn’t going too originally but once Damian told me a bit about you, I just knew I had to meet you,” he replied as you hid your face in his shoulder, slightly embarrassed. 
the song playing in the background happened to be a piano rendition of ‘Someday My Prince Will Come’. you had watched Snow White a million times as a child and the fact that this song was playing as you were dancing with someone who you hoped would give you a second date made your heart swell. 
“I have to admit, I’m glad I told Damian as well. the date was so last minute and honestly, Damian is the last person I would ever trust to put me in a blind date situation but I’m happy that he actually pulled through for once.” 
Jon laughed as he bent down a bit and kissed your cheek in response. you noticed that the more nervous Jon got, the more his slight southern accent would come out. you reciprocated the kiss but this time, you kissed him on the lips. he was taken by surprise but nevertheless, he returned it. this time deepening it a bit. 
after the two of you danced a few more songs, you took a break as Jon excused himself to the bathroom and you made a beeline to the bar to refill your glass along with Jon’s. 
“hey there gorgeous,” you heard the voice from the last person you wanted to see. you turned to Michael and gave him a tight lipped smile, “good evening Michael,” you responded, trying to get back to getting your drinks. “I saw you with your little boyfriend earlier but I knew I had to come over here and tell you how fine you looked.” 
you felt yourself wanting to gag by what he was saying as you felt him grab your wrist, “since your boyfriend isn’t around, how about you give me a little dance,” he asked. just as you were about to response, you felt Jon’s presence behind you, “who’s this, baby?” he asked, staring down at Michael. 
to Jon’s credit, he was towering over Michael. “no one,” you replied, shaking yourself off of him, “hiya! I’m Jon, ( your names ) boyfriend. you are?” he asked. Michael scoffed, half scared at how Jon was looming over him, “I’m her coworker,” he replied before leaving. 
you look to Jon in relief, “thank you so much,” you said. he smiled, putting his arm around your waist, “no problem, isn’t that what I’m here for?” he asked with a smile on his face. without actually realizing what you were doing, you happened to snuggle closer to Jon as you saw Damian approaching the two of you. 
throughout the rest of the night, you kept yourself to Jon’s side as you remained with Damian and a few others. every time you left, Jon made sure that once you returned, he always had his arm around your waist or shoulder. Jon’s grasp was firm and even slightly possessive but you did not mind it one bit. 
if you were being honest, you were hoping that at some point in the future, the two of you would get farther than that but for the moment, you enjoyed being in his grasp. 
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marvelsdc22 · 3 years
Meeting The Kids
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I hope you guys are enjoying all the pride content!! Here’s the next one for ya!! Enjoy!!
Note: Y/N and J.J. have been dating for a while, J.J. suggests she meets her kids, how will the night go?
Word Count: 1293
For pride month, could you do a JJ x reader fic where the reader is meeting the kids for the first time and she’s super nervous they won’t like her but they end up loving her and falling asleep  on the couch together or something?
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You and J.J. had been dating for a few months, she was still getting used to dating again after her and Will had divorced almost two years prior, the two of you had met at a bar after she had finished a particularly long case, you were the bartender for the night and just happened to be serving her and the others, you enjoyed their slight rowdiness, especially Dereks and Spencers antics, they were all quite the entertainment, by the end of the night, you had slipped J.J. her receipt and had tried your luck with writing your number on it, you having received a message from her the following morning.
Currently, you had her over for a movie and dinner, you were in the kitchen, making up some concoction with some of the alcohol you had, taking your bartending as more of a passion than a job “Babe?” J.J. called, peeking into the kitchen, her sweater having fallen down one shoulder and her sweatpants hanging loosely on her hips with her hair down and to you, she was the definition of gorgeous even in the most casual outfits “Yes?” You asked, filling two glasses with the drink you had just made before you checked on the chicken that was in the oven, you in an old t-shirt and some shorts.
“I was thinking-” “That’s dangerous” you teased with a snort, earning a small, playful shove from her as she approached you “I was thinking you should meet the boys” she said, jumping when you dropped the metal cups in your hands onto the floor, them luckily being empty minus the bit of alcohol still stuck in them as they hit the floor with a loud clang “What?” You stuttered out, looking at her and knowing this was a big thing since you had not met her children, knowing she had wanted to make sure you were going to stick around which you understood, but you had proven to her that you weren’t going anywhere, at least not anytime soon.
You bent down and picked up the cups, looking at her once you stood once more “I want you to meet Henry and Michael” she said, looking at you and reaching over to gently grab your forearm “Are-Are you sure?” You asked, looking at her and wanting to make absolutely sure that she wanted you to meet them since their thoughts on you would mean a lot and you really wanted them to like you.
J.J. smiled and leaned over, giving you a gentle kiss “I’m sure… Might as well let the kids meet the person who drags me away every friday night” she said, smiling at you as she rested her head on your shoulder and you nodded, giving her a nervous smile “Well, I can’t wait to meet them then” you said, kissing her head and the two of you standing there in content silence until the stove beeped, indicating that the chicken was done “Can you take those to the table and I’ll put these in the sink then grab the chicken” you said, gesturing to the drinks sitting on the counter and smiling when she kissed your cheek “Of course, you didn’t have to do all this, you know” she said, referring to the drinks and the nice dinner as she pulled away from you and grabbed the glasses “Oh, but I wanted to” you said simply, setting the cups in the sink before grabbing some oven mitts and pulling the chicken out, making sure to take the temperature before setting it on top of the stove.
A few days later, you pulled on something that looked nice, but not too nice since even though you were meeting your girlfriends kids for the first time, you didn’t want to go all out, heading into the kitchen, you grabbed the bouquet of flowers and the bag that held two toys, one for each boy, wanting to show them that you meant no harm to them, plus J.J. had told you what all the boys liked to do, so you knew your gifts were stuff they’d enjoy either way, taking one last look at yourself before you grabbed your jacket, wallet, and keys before you headed out of your apartment, locking it behind you.
When you got to the house, you took a deep breath before knocking, you had been there before when the boys weren’t there, but it didn’t make you any less nervous “Well, don’t you look lovely” J.J. said, smiling at you as she opened the door, moving out of the way so you could come in and you handed her the flowers after you took your shoes off “You didn’t have to” she said, smiling at you and you smiled back “I wanted to” you said, leaning over and pecking her lips before you followed her into the kitchen “The boys are in the backyard, come on” she said, leading you outside and onto the patio.
You looked and smiled as you watched two blond boys run around the backyard “Boys!” J.J. called, watching as they turned to look at her before heading for the patio when she waved them over “Boys, this is Y/N… My girlfriend, Y/N, this is Michael and Henry” she introduced and you smiled at them before kneeling down to their height “Hey, I got something for you guys” you said, opening the bag and handing them both the toys, watching as they grinned and excitedly showed J.J. “What do you both say?” She asked, looking at them and both boys turned to you before they launched at you “Thank you!” They both said excitedly, you smiling and returning the hug “You’re welcome” you said, the anxiety starting to go down as you watched them rush off to play with their toys.
Later that night, you had played with the boys in the backyard with J.J. after dinner before you all got comfy in the living room and watched a movie, by the end of the movie, you were resting your head on the back of the couch, sitting with one leg on the couch and both of the boys on your lap, them both passed out while you were borderline as your eyes drifted closed until you felt a hand rub on your arm, your eyes fluttering open as you looked at J.J. who was smiling warmly at you “Hey” you whispered, stretching your arms some “Seems they like you” she commented, you looking down at your lap and smiling “I like them too” you said, looking at her and smiling at her “We should get them to bed” she said, standing up and gently picking Michael up, leaving you to carry Henry to his room.
Once they were both tucked in, you were getting your shoes on when J.J. walked into the living room “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked, looking at you as she leaned against the wall by the stairs “Oh, I thought-” “Come on, lets get to bed” she said, holding her hand out and you didn’t need to be told twice as you kicked your shoes off again and rushed over to her, grasping her face in your hands before crushing your lips to hers, her not resisting as she melted into the kiss “Lets take this to my room, hm?” She suggested, pulling back slightly and you smiled before picking her up, her wrapping her arms and legs around you, carrying her into her room and making sure the door was shut and locked before setting her on the bed, planning to show her just how much you cared for her.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​ / @natasha-danvers​​ / @hopingforbarnes​​ / @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​​ / @venablemayfairgoode​​​ / @mmmmokdok​​
Criminal Minds Taglist: @wokeupinawalnut​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you’d like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me an Ask or a DM!! Have a good day/night!!
Requests Open
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kkusuka · 3 years
hi <3 I saw this on tiktok and it was Haikyuu boys who would fake bang you whenever you bent down so can I have headcanons of which Haikyuu boys you think would do this? <3
and of course, there are literally so many of them that would do this, it’s almost ridiculous.
Atsumu Miya
He takes it as serious as nationals 
You could be across the cafeteria and he’s sprinting towards you
Anything for the bang 
He would give an arm to fake fucking bang you
Ass to hips, ass to hips, ass to hips 
It never stops at just that does it though? 
Oh no, never with Atsumu
Every single time  you crouch down to tie your shoes
He’s right there grabbing your had and pretending like he’s fucking your face
A habit, as annoying as it is, just makes atsumu atsumu, and you love him
Osamu Miya
He shares DNA with atsumu
That's all that needs 
But with Osamu it was slow build up to full on fake banging you
It began with him just watching your ass as you bent down
Second was the reaching and rubbing circles on your ass
then came the ass slapping, HARD ass slapping
And it slowly it evolved into getting up and just grabbing your hips
And now he just goes for it 
You know it's coming too
Sometimes he doesn't move his hips, he just lines his dick up with your cheeks and just stands for a second. 
He likes to humiliate you
Well that's what he tells you, you just think he likes to have his hands on you
He’ll do it in front of your parents too
This man has absolutely no chill whatsoever
It doesn't stop at the fakebanging, (does it ever) 
(no, the answer was no) 
When you bend over he’ll shove two fingers into your crack, and he spares no strength with it either
Why are you dating this man???????
He’s just horny 
And kind of an asshole
He is also awful at making it happen
He just not fast enough to get there
But when he does he makes it worth it
He stands behind you and has his arms up like killua 
And he literally bangs his hips into yours 
Then laughs if you fall down, again why are you dating this man? 
He’s done it when you were just friends too
He makes a whole scene too
He grabs your hips throws his head back and moans as loud as he can muster 
And he’ll take a minute to just bang his hips into yours
And he’ll just come up to you and bend you ever to do it
Literally in the middle of the hallway or the grocery store
It's a whole performance to him, go big or go home 
He saw someone else do it
And now  he can't stop
It's like an addiction
He is not smooth at all
Lev will be laughing the entire time and his bangs will be messy
It’s a joke to people around you
But he really really really likes to do it 
Horny MF
You bending down? 
He’s already behind you 
BUT that's not the horny part
He puts a hand on your back and makes you arch
Then he gets banging
Your never alone when you bend either
It's like a primal instinct , he feels you bend down he’s there
This is not really associated but i feel like kuroo would sit in a chair, seat you in to and just grind
(i’m sorry i had to get that out) 
You cannot fight me on this
Bokuto is secretly VERY horny
And he clearly likes touching you, so when you began to date this was a total given
He’ll grab you and just have at it 
He main goal is to make you squeal
It makes him happy when you do that because it makes him feel like you enjoy it too, which you do
And don’t lie about it, we all want to experience that
started as a joke
The twins did it, so he did
And now he just waits for you to bend over
Its the fastest people ever see him move
He’ll leap up and try to hold you there so he can do it
He’ll change tempo too
He’ll go slowly, then faster, then slow again
It takes minutes for him to get over all of this 
He usually only does it at home but if he’s the mood he’ll do it anywhere
Just for not as long 
any opportunity to touch your ass
And i mean it 
He see an opportunity and takes it 
No matter the setting, the entire team knows about this infatuation at this point 
Let's be real the whole school has seen him do this to you
Any slight angle of your back and he’s on you
He’s also a hip  grabber, BUT
Instead of his hips moving
Sometimes he’ll pull your ass into him
He’s also a moaner
“Ah ah ah” in rhythm with his hips 
Or just a loud “god”  
You guys can just never fake bang in peace 
He is very versatile with his methods 
He’ll do the tik tok f-boy body roll right on you
He also sticks his tongue out when he does it 
(tongue tongue tongue) 
He is not a hip grabber
He is a waist grabber, and he pulls you into him
He has an entire ritual for it 
You bend
He grabs 
He pulls
Then he laughs and lets you go <3
Has no shame with doing in in front of anyone 
Sometimes he’ll moan, just depends on the mood
Part of the moaner club 
He makes his short time worth the ass
He’ll yell “bang bang bang” 
God he went all out the first time too
And from then on you knew your life would be filled with obnoxious “bangs” and hips slamming onto yours
 likes your ass
He really really likes your ass
But he won't do this all that often, he does it as much as he can without looking like a total perv
But if your within reach and bending over he’s on you
Sometimes he’ll grab your hair and pull it, like you two are really banging
This has gotten you in trouble more times than you could count 
But hey, if he’s wearing sweatpants, you can feel his v-line
Or if he’s hard, yk, you can feel his dick
I will take no objections
Komori is a secretly horny boy
Well, actually, he started it to make fun of sakusa, then he just had to do it more and more
now its a habit he never wants to shake off
He just does it for fun, just a bit less serious than the rest of the list
He just loves when you're near him
extra for this bby:
He really wants too
Like so so so badly
Your ass looks so perfect and he wants to touch it as much as he can 
But he’s just too awkward to figure out a good way to do it
Poor bby is too awkward :(
He just suffers in silence. 
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enhalovebot · 3 years
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moonlight ੈ☪⋆。
➻ yang jungwon x reader (gender neutral)
➻ fluff
➸ ˗ˏ ➶ [☁️]. ✧ ˚
⤷ over the course of your relationship, you never thought you’d love the nicknames that came with it. no matter how cheesy they can get.
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Never would you have thought that you’d end up with Jungwon. The boy was so reserved and quiet when you first met him that you didn’t notice just how cheeky and playful he could be. At first, it wasn’t noticeable at all, but after some time, it gradually became very apparent. It started with something simple.
It was a lazy afternoon, and the rest of the boys were out, claiming you both deserved some quality time. Either that was the reason, or maybe Jungwon might have shoved all of them out the door. We will never know. But you’re just happy to spend time with your boyfriend.  
“Hey, bubs? Can I lie down there?” Jungwon pointed at your lap. He didn’t notice the nickname. It just slipped out. But judging by your reaction, he may use it a couple of times until you're ready to blow up from the heat flowing in your cheeks. 
“Yeah, s-sure.” You adjusted from your previous position, allowing him to lie his head on your lap. The moment his soft hair made contact with your pajamas, you knew you were doomed. Jungwon made himself comfortable on your pajama-clad thighs, enjoying the feeling of being loved as he is. 
“We should do this more often, bubs.” There it was again. It was a simple nickname, yet it brings so many emotions you can’t control. “I agree,” you replied as you carded your fingers through his soft hair.
It has been a while since you’ve seen Jungwon since both of you have different schedules, and finding time together is starting to get a little bit difficult. And now, for the first time in months, you finally found the time to visit the boys. 
“y/n’s here! Make way losers!” Ni-ki excitedly pushed the door open to let you inside. Sunoo pulled you in by the arms in an attempt to hug you but was quickly interrupted by Jungwon, who whisked you away from the other boy’s arms. And the next thing you knew was the smell of familiar cologne. 
His cologne. 
“That’s not fair. You always hog y/n all to yourself when they visit.” Jake called Jungwon out from the couch, while the others only smirked in return. It was obvious the boy missed you. He missed you so much that he didn’t mind the countless teases thrown at him. 
Whatever, Jungwon thought. He’ll deal with them later. 
“I missed you so much, babe.”
There folks, is an arrow straight to the heart.
You stood on the pavement waiting for Jungwon to meet you at the bus stop. He initially planned out a date, but it seems like he’s running late. Tirelessly, you sat down on the metal seats, moving your feet back and forth. Sounds of vehicles passing by kept you occupied as you waited for him. 
You were expecting to wait for another ten minutes for Jungwon. However, sounds of aggressive panting came your way, followed by frantic footsteps. You glanced up to search for the source of the noise, and lo and behold, there he was. His hair was a mess, strands all over the place. His navy blue sweatshirt was ruffled and disheveled. And his shoelaces came loose by his furious running. And to top it all of, his flushed face matched his flustered state.
“I’m here, present.” Jungwon bent down, putting his hands on his knees, taking in massive inhales as he caught his breath. 
“What happened to you?” You patted his back. 
“Just took care of something.The guys were chasing me, kept asking me where I was going on a Saturday.” Jungwon met eyes with you, lifting his hand to caress your cheek.
“Glad to see you made it out alive.”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world, darling.” He slyly wrapped his strong arms around your waist as he emphasized the word ‘this.’ “Let’s get going, yeah?”
“Hey, y/n?” Jungwon’s booming voice resonated from your doorway, feet planted on the floor in a stiff stance. You hummed, not looking up from your laptop. “Hmm?”
“Can you do the thing?” Jungwon drags his feet on the ground, shoulders slumped. “Do what?” Your eyes connected with his. There was a pregnant pause in the air as he carefully chose his following words.
Jungwon fiddled with his shirt, wringing the material in nervousness. He didn’t know what’s happening to him. His heart was going crazy. “You know..” He shifts from his weight on his heel. “Can you do the thing?”
Your eyebrows arched in confusion before it finally clicked.
Oh. The thing. 
A smile slowly formed on your face as you stared at Jungwon, who was now sitting on your bed.  He leaned in, eyes sparkling in admiration. “There it is. There’s the thing.”
“You feel better now?” You raised a hand to brush away the strands from his eyes.
“Yeah. Thank you, cheeks.” He suddenly stood up, racing out the door. But he made sure to give your cheek an affectionate squish before exiting the room.
“Jungwon, have you seen my blan-” You paused, cutting yourself off as you saw Jungwon wrapped up in your favorite blanket on your bed. “Nevermind, I found it.”
Jungwon rolled on his side to face you with his face squished on the mattress. He looked adorable. “Sorry. It’s so soft I couldn’t help myself.” He paused and looked up at you in realization. Jungwon slowly raises the blanket, “Wanna share?” 
A chuckle left your lips, shaking your head at his cheekiness. Jungwon happily invited you in his warm embrace once you started getting comfortable in his arms. “This is nice,” you yawned. 
“Right? I could get used to this.” Jungwon hugged you even tighter.
Your breathing evened out as time passed by, and this didn’t go unnoticed by Jungwon. “Sleep well, honey.”
You were laid down in the middle of the living room, bored out of your mind. “This is so boring.” You said, dragging out your words. 
Jungwon, who was sitting down on the sofa, judged you in your current state, his eyes full of judgment as he looked you up and down. He didn’t mean to do it, he just loves seeing you react with just his eyes. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” You snapped at him.
“Like what?” He grabbed the remote, switching to different channels as he did so, searching for something good to watch. Jungwon doesn’t meet your eyes, though he feels like burning from your gaze.
“Look at me, Won,” you sat up, arms folded over your chest. 
Jungwon mindlessly allowed his eyes to meet yours. “What?”
“See? Stop looking at me like that.” You pointed out the way his eyes stared at you with so much judgment.   
Jungwon laughed upon seeing how you reacted to his staring. “You’re cute, buttercup.”
Sounds of sheets shuffling emitted from your phone speakers, “Why aren’t you asleep yet, angel?” Jungwon placed his phone on his bedside to see your face better. 
You released an exasperated sigh, “I got a lot of work to do.”
“You can continue doing it tomorrow. You need your rest.” Jungwon insisted on the other side of the screen. 
“But I can finish it tonight if I stay up a little longer,” you took a glance at your screen to see, Jungwon already looking at you with a stern gaze. 
“Go to sleep, angel. It’s past two am already.” He reasoned with you once more. 
You bit your lip as you contemplated the consequences. If you get to sleep now, then maybe you’ll have more time to do your task. Then, on the other hand, if you don’t go to sleep now, you’ll have to face headaches the next morning. And for sure, you also have to face the never-ending speech Jungwon prepared for you.
“Fine, I’ll go to sleep.” You settled your things away, cleaning your desk of the mess you created. 
“Goodnight, angel.”
“Goodnight, Won.”
“Don’t come near me!”
“Love, you’re being a dramatic mess right now. It's just a cold.” Jungwon placed his hands on his hips as he stared you down from six feet away.
“You’re gonna get sick if you come any closer.” You dramatically swatted your arms in the air. 
Jungwon howled in laughter, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. He loves you so much, honestly. 
“Nothing will happen to me, love. Put some faith in me.” Jungwon ignored your protests as he brought himself closer to you, not stopping until he was face to face with you. 
Heat came rushing to your cheeks when you noticed him come closer to you. So, you lifted the sheet up to your face, hiding from the boy in front of you. 
A teasing chuckle slipped from his lips. Jungwon slightly tilted his head to the side. “Hm? Why are you hiding from me?” His hand came up to gently tug the soft material off from your face. 
You mustered a weak reply to save yourself from embarrassment. “No... I’m sick.” Your voice muffled under the blanket.
“Don’t get all shy with me now.” Jungwon grinned at your actions. All he got in reply was a slight nudge, indicating you said ‘no.’
Feeling his lips on yours left you speechless because it wasn’t really a kiss. But it had the same impact. The things Jungwon does to you.
Again, he shakes his head while giggling like a fool. Jungwon tipped his forehead on yours, pressing a soft kiss on your lips, which was covered by the sheet. “Get better soon, love.”
Music blared from the studio, booming like there was no tomorrow. Noises of shoes squeaking against the floorboard kept you going. But mostly, it was because of the boy dancing in the middle of the room. He had a smile painted on his lips, his eyes full of love, and his hands were reaching out to you.
“Come dance with me!” Jungwon ran to you, his hands holding yours as he spun you around. 
You laughed at his antics. There was no other place you'd want to be. Being here with him was enough. Maybe more than enough. The both of you continued jumping around the room, not counting it as dancing anymore.
The song soon goes somewhat quiet, building up to the beat drop. Jungwon drew closer to you, preparing for the right time for the bass to drop. You stared back at him, confused as to why he also went quiet.
“Baby, you’re my starlight,” he perfectly timed his actions to the beat. And as the beat drops, Jungwon tugs you closer, giving you a light peck on the nose. Then, the sudden urge to get him flustered washed over you. “I think you missed,” you pointed to your lips.
Jungwon chuckles at this, but nonetheless, he still pulled you in for another kiss. This time on the lips.
It was late. 
Like, really late. But that didn’t stop Jungwon from dragging you out to the night. “Isn’t this fun?” Jungwon spoke with a mouthful of noodles in his mouth, making his cheeks look even more adorable than it was before.
“Chew your food, love,” you patted the stains away from his cheeks. Jungwon’s heart almost leaps out of his chest from how beautiful you looked under the convenience store lights. Simple is a word he associated with you. He loves the simplicity looming around you, reminding him that he is human too.
Both of you were in some 24-hour convenience store, spending your extremely early morning together. “Want some?” You pushed a plate of sandwiches. Jungwon shook his head, instead, he picked up a napkin and proceeded to dab away at the stain you didn’t notice you had. 
“You got a little something…” Jungwon’s voice faded into a soft whisper as he concentrated on wiping away the mess on your chin.
“And... Done!” He threw the tissue, shooting it straight in the bin. You continued to stare at him while Jungwon went back to eating his meal. He didn’t notice you until he peered back at you from the corner of his eye.
“What?” Jungwon asked, unknowingly tilting his head a bit to the side. 
You shrugged, “Nothing.”
“What is it?” Jungwon scooted his chair closer to yours.
“I’m just glad I met you.” You couldn’t meet his eyes. So, you fixed your gaze on the table in front of you while you fidgeted with your long sleeves.
There was a profound silence.  
“I’m glad I met you too, moonlight.” 
You almost flinched at his voice, seeming that it was so quiet before he spoke up. But something felt new.
“Moonlight?” You questioned. 
Jungwon nodded, “You make me want to give you my heart, y/n.” 
“Well then, you’re my moonlight, too.” Your hand traced the dimples slowly revealing themselves as Jungwon smiles at you like you’re the only person in the world. 
They call me moonlight, too. Jungwon smiled at the thought. 
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all rights reserved © enhalovebot
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Hair Bows
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Roy Harper x batsis!reader
Summary: a date turned into a play date turned into work. Basically Lian taking over Titans tower. And canon has no home here.
“I’m just about to head out the door,” you said over the phone, still doing your hair. Roy wasn’t the most punctual guy and this was your way of coping. If you were also always late, it didn’t bother you as much.
“Wait,” Roy said and you heard a muffled sound like him running his hand down his face. “I can’t go.”
“Why not?”
“My babysitter punked out at the last minute so I can’t leave Lian. I’m sorry,” he said.
“Oh, uhhh, bring her,” you suggested, hopefully sounding casual. You’d met her a few times but nothing big and your date was just a walk in the park. Nothing a kid couldn’t do. And you were hoping to be a little more seriously dating.
“Seriously?... on a date?” He asked.
“Not if you don’t want to. But I just thought we were going to the park and we can let her run around. You know what? Never mind, if you need to stay home it’s cool. I don’t know anything about kids-“
“Hey, it’s a good idea,” he said stopping your ramble. “I just wasn’t expecting it. Most people don’t want someone else’s kid on their date.”
“Most people shouldn’t date people with kids if they can’t be around them,” you answered, finishing up. “Now am I meeting you both at the park or..”
“Now I know why I’m dating you,” Roy said and you could hear the smile through the phone. “I’ll pick you up. Lian’s not a fan of riding in other people’s car so Uber is out.”
“Can’t blame her. See you soon,” you answered.
You had changed into a slightly less sexy and more family friendly top and sensible shoes by the time Roy picked you up. Can’t chase a kid in heels.
Roy looked nice in a button down and jeans with no holes in them. Not a trucker hat in sight. And of course, Lian was a doll in a spring themed dress and leather bottomed sandals. The first thing she showed you was an impressively high kick.
“And it’s okay because dad makes me wear shorts under it. For taking out punks,” she said knowingly. You nodded.
“For punks. Good idea.”
“In case they get fresh,” Roy said to you as she ran to a slide.
“Fresh? She’s 5. Maybe Lian should teach me that move. I know this guy that’s always trying to get fresh,” you said as he wrapped an arm around your waist from behind and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Hmmm, should I kick his ass,” Roy said playfully.
“I’d pay to see you kick your own ass,” you said with a laugh.
“Ouch, and I thought you liked me,” he said, sounding dramatically wounded. You laughed again.
“The entertainment value tho. Hard to beat.”
“So many ‘hard to beat’ jokes I would make right now,” he whispered in your ear and you pulled out of his arms. You were rolling your eyes but the grin ruined the disapproving air you were trying to have.
“Not that kinda date,” you reminded him and as if on cue, Lian ran over to Roy and grabbed his hand. She started dragging him to a food truck.
“Can we get a funnel cake? Or ice cream? Or a hotdog?” She asked excitedly.
“Hotdog and then ice cream on top of a funnel cake,” he said in a mock serious tone as he bent down beside her. She grinned widely. “We aren’t animals!” She squealed and dragged him to food truck.
You grinned as you watched them. Roy had fucked up a ton but this was not one of those times. Nope, he was a great dad. He looked back at you confused as why you hadn’t joined them and you jogged over to them.
“Sorry, just lost in thought,” you said as they made your food. Roy had a hand casually around your waist as Lian tried to swing on his other arm.
“Bout what?” He asked.
“How good a dad you are,” you admitted. He gave you a shy crooked smile before kissing your forehead.
“You bats are always in your head too damn much. But thanks,” Roy ended softly. He handed Lian a giant hotdog that she promptly started eating before giving you your food and he his. “Let’s find a spot to sit before you drop that giant hotdog.”
As Lian licked sticky sweet ice cream coated funnel cake pieces off of her arm, Roy’s phone went off. He smiled apologetically before getting up to answer it. A few minutes later he came back to the table looking even more apologetic.
“Titans business. I have to go but...” he started, running a hand through his red hair. “I don’t have a babysitter.”
“I could watch her,” you suggested and Lian looked up at him kinda sad. “I could watch her at the tower. You’d be right there but we’d stay out of the way.”
“You sure? That isn’t too much?” He said unsure, looking between you both.
“Yeah, I’ve watched kids before. And I know the tower really well. We’ll watch movies and fall asleep. Do you want a sleep over?”
“Yeah! Go on dad, I’m fine,” she said waving a hand at him. You both laughed. “Dads,” Lian said rolling her eyes playfully. Yep, she’s Roy’s alright. “Do you have popcorn?”
“Yep! And I know where my brother Tim keeps the good imported stuff,” you said and she grinned.
“Not too much. Or staying up too late. Or anything scary or too grown up,” Roy said on the way to the tower. “And if anything happens. Anything. Get to the panic room.”
“I know the procedures,” you said putting a hand on his shoulder. “And I can keep her safe. Don’t worry. We’ll have fun.”
“And I can kick punks!” Lian said proudly.
“And she’ll kick punks! I’m hoping she hits Gar first. Did you know he can turn into any animal? He just chooses to be a punk,” You said and she giggled.
“Alright. No kicking punks unless it’s really important because-“
“My body is a weapon. I know, dad,” she said, rolling her eyes.
Roy repeated the same sort of things up in the living quarters of the tower before giving you both a kiss. “Stay safe,” he said before going downstairs.
Some of the younger Titan recruits didn’t leave on the mission and were hanging out or training. You walked Lian over to the couch and went to find a movie she might like. You dusted off the dvds they had. Probably hadn’t added any new ones in many years with the extensive funding of Batman giving them every streaming service ever.
“How about this movie,” you asked, holding up a sun bleached dvd case. “Space jam?”
Lian looked at it carefully before nodding. You put it in the player and came back. “What about popcorn? Dad says movies are crap without it.”
“Oh,” you said. “Right. I’ll make some.”
“Popcorn?” Came a voice around the corner before the next you saw was a wind of red. “Hey kiddo,” Bart aka impulse said to Lian before shaking her hand. “Let’s pick a movie. There are some pretty good ones I haven’t seen. I’ve seen 12 movies.”
“Only 12,” she frowned skeptically and you took the opportunity to go in the kitchen and make popcorn.
“Hey, did you let Lian have speedster piggy back rides,” Tim aka Robin said ducking his head in the kitchen.
“No,” you said quickly running in the living area quickly. “Okay, enough of that. I don’t think her dad would be cool with this,” you said pulling her off of him. She pouted a little.
“Why does it smell like fire,” Cassie asked from the hall and you hurried back in the kitchen to see a flaming bag turning in the microwave. Before you could do it say anything, Bart opened the microwave and tossed the bag into the sink where the sponge lit on fire. Lian shrieked and you jumped up turn on the water to put them both out.
“That popcorn smells ewwie,” Lian noted. You sighed and pinched your brow. This is fine.
“I’ll make more and you go pick out a movie. And nothing else,” you emphasized.
“Yes, ma’am,” Bart said with a salute. Tim winced.
“Sorry, he’s a lot.”
“One minor kitchen fire is not too bad. Have you heard from the mission?” You asked as you cooked the popcorn.
“Not yet. But no news is usually good news,” he reminded you and you nodded. That’s what Roy always said. You grabbed the bag and went in the living room to see an entire hot pink tackle box filled with every kind of hair tie and bows and baubles. Bart was sitting on the floor and Lian was currently tying a bright yellow bow in his huge mass of red hair.
“She wanted to do his hair so I got my stuff,” Cassie said.
“She’s a natural. She doesn’t rip out half as much hair as Cassie,” Bart said with a grin. You sat on the couch near them and started the movie as the popcorn passed around.
Halfway through the movie, Tim’s phone goes off. He looks at it and frowns. “Alright guys, we got to suit up.” They grumble but get up. Bart does a quick shake that reminds you of a dog and all the bows vibrated out of his hair. Lian laughed and tried to catch them as they fell out.
“Lian, give me just a minute to talk to Tim,” you told her and she nodded before putting a red barrette in Cassie’s hair. You walked in the kitchen with Tim.
“Is everything okay? Dick? Roy?” You asked quietly.
“I’m not sure. We’re just being called in. I’ll try and let you know more,” he said. You nodded and hugged your baby brother.
“Be safe out there.”
Lian was sitting on the couch as the cartoon played and she had moved on to putting bows on the fuzzy blanket on the couch. She yawned as she put bows in your hair and you looked at the time. It was probably close to bed time for her.
“Lian, do you want to lay down while watching your movie?”
She yawned again and nodded. “Yeah, dad will be home late again, hu? Work?” She was pretty used to his hero duty.
“Yeah, but I’m here.”
“Yeah, you’re here,” she said before laying on you. You froze for a second before feeling your heart warmed. She rubbed her popcorn greasy face into your shirt before getting comfortable. After a short while she was asleep and you pulled out your phone to take her photo.
You wanted to send Roy the photo but didn’t dare disturb him. You kept worrying about him and Dick and now even Tim as they fought. Why had they needed the back up? Were they hurt? In too deep? You had a hard time doing anything but worry.
Lian turned in her sleep and all but pinned you to the couch with her little fists gripping your shirt. You pulled the blanket over her. You tried to stay awake but once it hit 2 am and you were trapped on a couch with no lights on, you fell asleep.
Around 4 am, the team wandered in the tower slowly. They hushed one another as they saw you and Lian on the couch. Roy came in and stopped to look. He took out his phone and took a bunch of pictures of you both with a smile before he hobbled to the medical bay to be cleaned and patched up.
“Hey,” he whispered while gently tapping your shoulder a little while later. You woke up blinking in the light. “I’m going to carry her to the car. Are you coming?”
“Oh, yeah,” you whispered back. Roy carefully pulled the little girl off of you and she clung to his shirt in sleep. He grabbed his bag of gear as you got up with a stretch. You waved bye to everyone before leaving.
Halfway down the road, Roy turned to you. “She really seemed comfortable on you.”
“Yeah, she climbed up herself. I was a little surprised. I guess I didn’t mess up tonight,” you said with a little self deprecating laugh.
“Nah, you did great. I had to hear all about it from the kid heroes on the way back. The hair bows was genius,” he said. The car quietly pulled in his driveway.
“That was Cassie. And when Lian saw all of Bart’s hair her eyes went wide like a cat at a ball of yarn,” you laughed.
“Yeah, she’s a fan of long red hair. Ask me how I know,” he said shaking his hair and you laughed. Lian moved in her sleep.
“So she ripped out your hair so Bart’s could survive,” you said quietly.
“Something like that. Can you get the door,” he said before scooping Lian out of her car seat. You held the door as he carried her to her room and laid her in her toddler bed that currently had a Superboy blanket. She had just about any hero you could image in some product or another.
Roy met you in the kitchen. “Thanks, you know. For watching her today. I appreciate that,” he said. You tossed him a water bottle.
“Yeah, she’s awesome. We had fun,” you said, leaning on the counter with your elbows. Roy came up behind you and rubbed your shoulders.
“Not everyone is cool with dating a dad so thanks,” he said. You turned your head to look at him.
“Well, they are missing out. Got my own DILF,” you teased.
“Oh god, I’m a DILF,” Roy said with a hint of horror in his voice. “Speaking of ILF... I know someone I’d like to ILF,” he said kissing your neck and pressing himself against your back. His hands moved under your shirt and up to your chest. “Wanna take it to my room?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
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swtki · 3 years
My Game - Spencer Reid x Reader
This is a part 2 to Teachers Pet
SUMMARY: After Y/Ns little test, she takes Dr. Reid up on his offer. She also takes him back to the apartment. 
It had been three days since Dr. Reid emailed me. I hadn’t texted him yet, too afraid of not knowing what to say. When I pulled that little stunt at his desk, I expected nothing to come of it. Just seeing his cute and pink face was enough of a reward. But it was obvious to me in the days following, he wanted to cross his finish line.
My phone sat comfortably in my hands, the series of numbers lining the top of my screen. I had not an inkling of an idea of what I would say. Should I go casual? Professional? Sexy? I mean, did anyone ever know how to aproach their crush?
Y: It’s Y/N, sorry I took so long. I’ve been kinda busy.
S: No worries, I was beginning to think I had read the room incorrectly. What are your plans for Saturday night? Theres a great Italian restaurant next to where I’m staying in DC.
Y: That sounds wonderful, actually. I’ll meet you there at 7?
S: Perfect.
I reluctantly pulled my figure from the sofa, and soon eagerly jumping into the shower. When the water hit my face the entire day melted away, and left only the anticipation of that night. I felt so special, I mean I was living my most vivid fantasies and not every woman gets to do it with a genius professor.
With my makeup carefully applied, and my dress matching my shoes, I started down the stairs. As my heels made a clicking noise, I started to feel a familiar flutter in my stomach. I was nervous; First date nervous. Though I had met him many times, and most recently met his body with mine, the event of a first date was a pâté of emotions.
The door of the restaurant was cold against my hand. I didn’t expect a high end dining experience, and when I walked in the entry way I was glad it wasn’t. The entry way was filled with cozy items. The faded rose pattern on the wallpaper complimented the display of family photos.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a tall brunette man, it was a table for two.” I said to the hostess. She paused for a second, tapping on her tablet as she checks the current table descriptions.
“Ah yes, party of two for Reid?”
I confirmed and she led me through a hallway to our left, which led into a small dining area. The room walls were a burgundy color, illuminated by the candle sitting at the head of each table.
I thanked the woman as I walked toward Spencer. He looked a tad bit cleaner than usual, his hair was combed and tucked away behind his ears.
“Oh, here let me get that for you.” He rose from his seat and rushed over to the chair across from him.
“How gentleman like, Doctor.” He laughed and we both took our seats.
“Please, call me Spencer.” His form was more relaxed than it usually was in class, giving him a calmer and peaceful demeanor.
Dinner progressed, a glass of wine was nursed, and he insisted on paying our check. Though I had been on dates before, this felt like my first real adult date.
“How did you get here?” He inquired as we stepped onto the rough parking lot terrain.
“I took a cab, I’m thinking I may catch the train though.” I said. His mouth spread into a displeased expression.
“Nonsense, please let me drive you home. I would hate for those statistics we learned last week be applied in this manor.” I laughed and rolled my eyes. I hesitated to answer for a moment, instinctually I looked down and shifted my weight on my feet. The thought of him driving me home could end up in a number of ways; Mostly good. But, if I did take the train, it would end in a few ways; Mostly unmentionable.
“Alright, since you asked nicely.” His cheeks grew red as he avoided eye contact with me. I knew right then where our night would likely head.
“Would you like to come up? We can have a drink if you aren’t hell-bent on going to sleep before nine-thirty.” I joked with him.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to feel forced into anything because I know that theres a certain expectation when-“
“Spencer, if I didn’t want to fuck you, I wouldn’t have asked you up.”
Sure, having to say it in blatant terms is less than sexy, but thats what I adored about our dynamic at that point; I led the relationship.
I leaned into my fridge, purposefully bending over so my skirt lifted to show my ass.
“Well...fuck,” I said, “As it would turn out, someone stole my wine bottle and filled my fucking vodka bottle with water.” I stood up and shut the door, walking over to the counter inches away.
“One time I took the drink turn when it came to our friend-team-dinner-night, the bottle was forty dollars, which granted is the cheap wine more or less. To this day I still have no idea who stole the bottle, because I wanted to take it home.” Spencer reminisced. I laughed at his unusual way of trying to understand.
“Wasn’t really mine to begin with,” I started walking over to the sofa where he patiently sat. “I’m not of legal drinking age. But of course it tastes better when its forbidden, everything does.” I stepped in front of the man, his knees only an inch from my shin. "Can I touch you, Spencer?” I said in a soft voice, the lids of my eyes relaxed in a sweet shift.
“Y-yes.” He gasped, obviously so turned on by the way I stood over him, in power of him. I threaded his hair through my fingers and tugged back, pushing his head as far up as I could. His eyelids fell and he was no longer looking at me.
“Look at me, sweetheart. I want you to see everything.” He opened his eyes, his irises were colored with lust and desperation. I connected our lips in a long a sweet kiss. Rather than just having a mess of tongues, the kiss was filled to the brim with emotion, of pleasure that this was happening again. His lips were slightly swollen when I pulled away to unbutton his shirt. While I fiddled with the garment, he put his hands on my hips firmly.
“Can I- can you sit on my lap?” he asked, a red tint forming on his face. I smiled and obliged, sliding his shirt off of his lean torso. I started kissing him once more, this time I made sure to press my dripping panties against the large tent in his trousers.
“Would you like to take this to the bedroom?” I ask,hands resting comfortably on his neck.
“Please”, I stood and laced our hands together, leading him to my bedroom. Once we both entered through the doorway, I pushed him onto the bed, he fell softly.
I reached my hands behind my back to unzip my dress, as I felt it fall past my legs and onto the floor, I saw his eyes scan every detail of my body.
“One might say you were planning this.” He eyed my matching lace set.
“Wanted to make sure Spencer Reid had the best.” I replied, climbing on top of him so that I would be straddling him. I felt his hands connect to my waist as we kissed, his hands were warm and excited me even more. He pulled away, quickly pressing his lips to my neck and collarbone. My breath hitched in my throat as he bit down lightly on the skin. “Lets get these off, shall we?” I motioned to his pants, which had to be killing him right now. While he does that, I reach into my drawer and retrieve a condom, laying against the plush material of my pillows after I set it down on the table.
He gets on top of me , pressing his lips with mine as he rubs the back of my bra, signaling he wants me to take it off. I ,of course, reach back and unhook it, tossing it onto the floor. He grabs my tit while dancing his tongue with mine, making me more wet than I thought was possible. Usually, these actions signified a need for control, but when Spencer did it, it was like a desperate sixteen year old boy. Its clear he needed me.
“Can I...” he nods down to my cunt, still covered by the thin material of my panties.
“Can you what, Spencer?” I lace my fingers in his hair and pull, earning a soft groan from the man hovering over me.
“Can I please eat you out?” He begged. I smiled and pushed his head down, spreading my legs when his face met my stomach. He started by taking his thumb and rubbing over my clothed pussy. I bucked my hips, desperate for more friction. “Is it okay for me to take these off?” His eyes met mine, searching for confirmation. I smiled and nodded, moving my hands to stroke his hair rather than tug at it.
As his fingers latched onto the last piece of fabric that covered me, instinctually I pushed my hips upwards. He looked at me, silently asking if taking the garment off was still okay. When I bit my lip, a rose hue covered his face. He was flustered by me, by the escalation of us. But nevertheless, he slowly pulled off the last piece of modesty I had.
To re-assure him, I lightly tugged at his hair. Thankfully, he took the hint and licked a long stripe on my clit. My voice was caught in my throat as he continued making flat-tongued movements. I felt his hands slowly wrap around my thighs, pushing my heat into his face more than it already was.
He devoured me without hesitation, but when he pulled away for air he replaced it with two fingers and then when my stomach tensed and my eyes rolled back into my head, he used three. I finished with his mouth sucking on my bundle of nerves and his fingers buried inside me.
“Do you want to keep going?” He raised his head up and his thumb stroked my thigh, which he was still grasped onto.
“Yes, God yes please, Spencer.” I whined, the high fading away. He stood up off the bed and removed his strained boxers. He was beautiful; His lanky form was now a lean masculine type. I smiled at him, to which he obviously thought he was being laughed at. He couldn’t make eye contact with me, resulting to the floor instead. “Spencer,” I crawled towards the edge of my bed and placed my hands on his shoulders, “You are so gorgeous, the reason I’m smiling is because you always hide it in those sweater vests.” he relaxed.
“Thanks” he mumbles, still avoiding my eyes.
“Now please, come back here and let me take care of you.” He climbed back onto the bed while I rested against the pillows. He was nervous, and obviously he wanted to do it right. I could see his hands shaking as he unwrapped the condom and put it on.
“You’re sure?” He asks, the tip of his cock resting on the top of my inner thigh. He was easily six inches, my hand could probably wrap around and be too small.
“Yes, please fuck me.” He slowly inserted himself into my dripping cunt, causing me to let out a lewd string of words. Once again, my hands flung to his hair and tugged harshly, causing his arms to almost buckle beneath his own weight. I could feel his pelvis against mine, his muscular bottom torso pressed up against my clit. “Move, baby, its okay.” I reassure him. His hips pull away from mine, then snap back with a nice pressure. He quickly started to pick up his pace, small grunts escaping through his clenched jaw. “Do you like the feeling of your pathetic little cock inside my cunt? I bet you feel like a special little bitch now.” I moaned into his ear. “Well, are you going to tell me how much you enjoy my cunt?”.
“God, yes! I love it so fucking-“ his moan paused the sentence and he focused on getting his movements right.
“So fucking what? Go on, finish the sentence baby.”
“So fucking good, I love being inside of you so much!” He was practically whimpering in pleasure.
“Be a good boy and make me cum all over that pretty little cock of yours?” I struggled to contain my moans, I could not fall apart this quickly.
“Yes I will!” His fingers reached down to rub my clit, impressively keeping a steady rhythm. I felt the knot in my stomach becoming hotter and hotter as the minutes passed by.
“Oh my god, such a good- oh my god!” my eyes rolled back into my head as the impact of my orgasm was full forced. When my head cleared, I tugged on his hair, pulling his head so he could look me in the eye. “Gonna cum soon? Are you going to cum all inside of me?” his thrusts got off beat, he was close.
“Yes, I’m gonna-“
“Ask permission to cum, Spencer.”
“Can I please cum inside of you? Please?” He whines.
“Of course you can, baby.” With that he makes a strained moaning noise and his hips slowly stop moving. We’re both panting, while he flushes the condom I walk into the bathroom next to him. I turn to the shower and twist the hot water knob.
“We might as well get clean together, yeah?” I said.
“Yeah.” he smiles and kisses me once more.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
You get drunk and lost.
You go out with some friends drinking, get plastered and somehow you've broke away from your group. after walking around the city you have moment of clarity you text you boyfriend, "Halph! me loss...!!" before he can respond you accidently put it on silent, and he freaks and nearly tears the streets upside down looking for you, only to get a call at the ass crack of dawn by random person saying they've found you...
Warnings : alcohol use, Smoking, theft and mature situations.
Dabi: He thought it was joke at first, sure his girl likes to let loose from time to time, But she never irresponsible about it! So, when he got that text he thought you were screwing with him, He texted you [Aww what'd ya lose Doll?] you didn't text him back... He thought she just put her phone away, as time passed by soon Dabi got worried, he checked his phone; the time you'd said you be home had long passed.
He called you and kept getting the busy signal. "Tch" without missing a beat he got his hoodie, face-cover and sunglasses on and went out to the bar that you said you'd be at just in time to see your friends drunkenly stagger out of the bar giggling like a bunch of hens. "Hey." He called out to them one them... Ayaka? If that's what her name was? Dabi wasn't really paying attention when you showed him her picture.
he was to busy fantasizing you in that tight little dress bent over couch while he rails you from behind…
Anyway, back to the present. 
Aya was dazed but seemed to recognize him. "ohz! Y/n's s-shy man! how ya doing bro?" the cremator stayed close to the alley shushed the drunk woman gesturing for her to come closer. "I'm fine, where's Y/n? She still inside?" he said in low voice nodded towards the bar, Aya gave him this blank look and Dabi didn't like how loud this silence was.... "Y/n? s-she said- said she was gonna go for a walk..." Dabi eyes narrowed resisting the urge to turn this drunk putz into a pile of ashes. "Aya focus, where did Y/n say she was going?" He said slowly trying to get the drunk woman to remember, this seemed to help as her eyes widened in realization, but that hope was soon dashed as she chortled out. "Your mamma's butt! hehe..." and broke down laughing. 
Dabi growled annoyed before shoving her back over to the group drunk girls waiting for their taxi, for the rest of the night Dabi spent his time looking through every alley, back road and crappy neighborhood, he could think of, But there was no sign of you anywhere! at around 5 am He sat on bench dejected and took his phone out; looked through his contact before stopping at 'Chicken-wings' he glared at the named with a lot of confliction, But before he could press call...
His nickname for You suddenly lights up his screen Dabi answered without hesitation. "Y/n?... where the hell are you?" He hissed feeling both relieved and pissed off at the same time, however the voice that answered him wasn't girlfriend but that of a man. "Who the hell is this... where's Y/n? if you touched her I'll-" Dabi snarled flames bursting from his chin, but the person on the other end told him to calm down and explained, he lived a few blocks away from where Dabi was. 
The cremator wasted no time getting there, he knocked on the door and was greeted by an old man who looked like a breeze would knock him over, The old man confirmed Dabi was the on he called, then apologized for scaring the young man, explained he found you passed out on his patio and didn't want leave you alone outside. "I have no bloody clue how these new-fangled phones work, had to wake my 8 year old grandson to help me." he explained as he led an awkward Dabi to his living room.
"I should be one who's sorry, for the trouble my girls caused you." the raven haired man sighed seeing his girlfriend passed out on the old man's couch, The old man just waved him off. "It's fine boy, we were all young once!" Dabi thanked him again carefully collected his girlfriend and carried her back to one of his safe houses that was nearby, Needless to say aside from nursing a gnarly hangover, You also had to deal with an very Angry, horny and tired Dabi who wasn't you out his sight anytime soon.
Hawks: [you lost? lost what? darts?] You don't answer him. [Angel wings? you there???] he didn't wait and see if you'd reply as Endeavor was giving him this look that screamed 'put that phone away, or else I'll launch it so far up you ass you're kids will born screaming your ringtone!' the avian man smiled coyly and put his phone away and waited for the meeting to be over, the meeting and late night patrol finally wrapped up at 3:30 am and Hawks walked outside recalling the conversation he had with you and checked his phone, Keigo felt his heart sink you hadn't answered him, He flew over to the bar while at the same time calling you phone, but all he got was voicemail...
When he got there he saw all your girl friends had gone home and only one of your guy friends was there, Akito if the blond remembered correctly. "Yo Akito-san." He called as he lowered down the ground, the drunk man looked around startled be for noticing Hawks above. "Sky-guy my dude! how ya doing?" he slurred at the number two hero, who stared at him crossed armed as he observed the inebriated man, very unimpressed.
"Nothing much, was Y/n okay?"  
"w-who wha?"
"Y/n, Akito did she get home alright?"
"Oh she went to the subway."
Hawks brows scrunched up in confusion, it was passed midnight the trains weren't running right now! So, where the fuck was his girlfriend?! "Akito, I want you to listen where did Y/n go?" Again the drunk said the Subway, making it very clear he wasn't gonna be any help, Hawks flew up into the sky and sent some of his feathers out to search for his missing girlfriend and focused to see if that one he snuck in to her purse was near by.... "Come Y/n, where are ya baby?" he muttered as he eyes scanned the from above, when he felt a tug from one his feathers and almost on cue his phone light up with your ringtone.
"Y/n? where are you? are you safe?!" He asked frantically and waited but the voice coming from other end wasn't his girlfriend's but older woman's voice. "Is this Kei-Chan?" the winged hero eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Who are you?" the woman voice cleared her throat. "I'm sorry, I'm Anko, I found this girl in front of the shop is her your friend?" Hawks confirmed this expecting this stranger to be a villain holding you hostage and told her to stay where she was. 
Instead when he got to his girlfriend's location; A Subway sandwich shop. *Ah...The subway, Hardee har-har...* He mentally deadpanned before looking down at the front and saw his girlfriend passed out on a bench with a tattered old blanket draped over her, while a little old lady in worn out clothes was standing next to a shopping cart. It didn't take a genius to see the old woman was homeless this seemed to strike a cord with the number 2 hero. 
Hawk silently landed "Excuse me." he called caused the old woman he assumed was Anko to jump by the sudden voice and saw Hawks walking towards. "Yes?" the woman answered warily. Hawks introduced himself as Kei-chan the man she spoke to, he asked how she stumbled on to his girlfriend? Anko adjusted her her old jacket said she saw her going into the with a group of girls, they left in a taxi without her! 
The winged hero looked furious upon hearing this, you had mentioned your friends were a little peeved that the two of you were dating... But to abandon you in a seedy part of town while intoxicated? that was over the line, had Anko not found you first then.... Hawk's jaw tightened not wanting to think about it as the old woman tale continued. You stubbled out a few moments, and passed out on the bench out front.
"I think those girl stole her jacket and shoes, I didn't want the poor dear getting cold, so I put my blanket on her and called you." She handed Keigo your purse a used his feathers to hold it while he gathered you in his arms he thanked Anko for guarding you. He promised to return the her kindness but the old woman said it was fine, but Hawks was already coming up with a few idea as he flew back to his apartment.
The next morning you were alone and confused how you got to Keigo's apartment wondered in your friend had called him, and went check your phone to check your messages, and were very bewildered over why your "Friends" were all apologizing, begging Hawks to call off his fanclub! You were flabbergasted about the situation, until Akito left you a screenshot of their original plan; they were going to make you and Akito drunkenly hook up and ruin your relationship with Keigo! 
Of course they didn't know that Akito was in fact gay, so when they figured that out they just left you alone in front of sub-shop at 3am with no way of getting back home, you were pissed off that's for sure! and blocked them save for Akito as he had nothing to do with their plan.
Then you checked the newsfeeds and saw Hawks was trending curious you checked to see why, and saw Keigo delivering a box containing a new jacket, shoes, blankets and food to a stunned homeless woman with a note saying to "my girlfriend's hero! forever grateful Hawks!" Okay... Now Keigo really needs to tell you what happened last night!
Fatgum: [Aw it's all right Teddy Graham, ya can't win them all!] Fatgum chuckled assuming you lost at darts or pool while having fun with your friends, however as the night wore on and patrol came to an end, Taishiro was getting concerned, You hadn't texted him back nor had you called him to tell him she got home alright, just that "Halph...me loss!" text! The BMI hero was loosing his appetite with worry as he wandered down the street looking for the bar you were supposed be at, only to find out from your very drunk friends who was shuffling into in a taxi van.
He stopped one of them asking where you were, did you home with one of the girls? but to his dread they said you went for walk somewhere, Taishiro tried to coax them into remembering where you said were you going? But at this point your friend was too far gone to answer coherently, and with that the blond man took off down the street, hoping to find a trace of his lil'Teddy Graham! 
He searched for hours even showing civilians a photo of you asking if they've seen ya? the answers were always no... it was almost 3 am he was considering calling the cops to help look for ya... as he leaned against a wall to take break, when he heard your ringtone on his phone, Taishiro's hand was shaking as he answered the phone as this nasally voice greeted him
"H-hello, Sir? assuming you're a sir! uh... we found this lady passed out in one of our aisles, could you come and get her, before my manager calls the cops?"
"Wh-where is she?"
"The 7/11 at (random block)."
"Yeah, I'll be right there!"
The chubby hero ran down the street so fast he hadn't noticed his fat was burning off so when he finally arrived at the 7/11 his clothes were baggy and hanging of his body. "Hey, I'm Taishiro, you called me about my girlfriend?" The now skinny hero wheezed catching his breath as the snotty manager turned around to mouth off at Taishiro only to blanch when they realized how much taller and muscular the blond was compared to him and his demeanor quickly changed.
"Y-yes, sir right this way" the balding man stammered leading the 8ft tall man to the back room where a female staff member was watching you, Taishiro let out a sigh of relief and picked you up like a toddler; with your arms around his neck and your head rested on his shoulder, as he was leaving his yellow eyes noticed a backpack stuffed with snacks and other stuff hidden under the manager's desk, he hummed not thinking anything of it and went to thank clerk for watching you as the manager had gone out for a smoke break, Since he was there anyway Taishiro asked for a couple meatbuns for the road.
"Thanks, for lookin after m'girl."  
"It was no problem sir.'
"By the way I saw a backpack, back there, wha's that about?"
(the clerk went white, made sure her manager was still outside, assuming that she'd be too afraid to tell the tall man about his scheme.)
"That lazy bully of a manager has been stealing snacks and other crap from the store, He was going to try and say your girlfriend did it, and scare you into paying him not to call the cops."
Taishiro's hold tightened on your thigh. "I'm guessing he chickened out, because... Well you look like you could crack his head open like an egg!" the blond snorted as he payed for his food "And you'd be right about that!" Taishiro huffed, he then thanked the clerk for her honesty and shot the manager a venomous glare as passed him outside, later that night Taishiro reported what clerk had told him to store's head office, and vowed to return as Fatgum just to make sure the balding thief was gone! 
The next morning you were very confused as to how you’d gotten to your boyfriend’s apartment? you sat up only to get pulled back down an exhausted Taishiro who muttered for you to go back to sleep, he'll tell you everything later. 
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