#oh well. i'll get another shot in five years
levil0vesyou · 4 months
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eddiesxangel · 8 months
Need You Now | Eddie Munson x F!Reader
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Requested by @mmunson86 : Eddie and Reader were best friends who secretly liked each other, but then they went their separate ways after high school and kind of lost contact. one day, Eddie runs into Steve, who still talks to Reader, and after five years he realizes that he should’ve taken his shot and I don’t know maybe he has the urge to call her and instead he just shows up at her doorstep in the pouring rain he’s drenched in water, and he tells her how she feels and hopes that she does and well she does feel the same (Eddie finally asks her to be his girl) & well it gets smutttty 🥹💗 included the song Need you Now by Lady A
Cw: angst, mutual pining, friends to strangers to lovers, fluff, no use of y/n reader is referred to with nicknames (Peach, sweetheart, baby) smut, p in v, dirty talk, one mention of birth control, no use of condoms, creampies? Alchohol.
wc: 7.6k
comments and reblogs are always appreciated and encouraged <3
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August 1984.
"So this is it, huh?" Eddie was completely taken aback by the suddenness of it all. He had known deep down that this day would eventually arrive, but it had always felt like a distant threat. Now that it was here, he struggled to come to terms with the fact that you were leaving him. You had always been ambitious, and he was incredibly proud of everything you had accomplished. But the thought of being left behind while you went on to bigger and better things was a tough pill to swallow. Despite his own feelings of loss and sadness, however, Eddie knew that he couldn't stand in the way of your dreams - he would never be the kind of person to hold someone back from reaching their full potential.
"Y-yeah." you sigh with shaky breath.
How could you leave him? The guilt gnawed at you because, even after everything, you never got to tell him how you felt. Now you are standing in the airport, feeling lost. It's too little, too late for confessionals.
Since you can remember, going to school in England has been your dream. You made it a mission and are now attending the University of Cambridge. You got in on a scholarship and scrapped up every penny working at Family Video for your four years of high school.
"You better write to me and all that shit" he pointed.
This made you giggle. "Of course, I'll even call once in a while. Hopefully, the long-distance charges won't be too lethal." You play with the chain hanging from your neck. You never took it off.
"Oh! I almost forgot... here!." Eddie rummaged around his pockets and pulled out a small wrapped gift. "Uh, open it when you get there, okay?"
"Teddy, you didn-"
"I wanted to. Please? Just take it." Eddie’s heart fluttered at your name of endearment.
You reach for the gift, fingers brushing, and you swear you feel sparks fly. You instantly jump into him, arms wrapping around his neck, taking in his feel, scent, and touch. Fuck this hurts more than you thought it would. But you kept telling yourself it wouldn't be forever, only four years; you could survive that. And you would be home in the summers. It wouldn't be so bad.
Tears threaten to fall as they rim your lashes. "I'll miss you," you sniffle, and your voice cracks.
It breaks Eddie's heart to see you like this. You were his girl, well, not technically, but you had his heart. You had it from the first moment he saw you in ninth-grade science when you were assigned to be his lab partner. From then on, you were as thick as thieves; if only you felt the same way...
"All passengers for flight 739, please make your way to gate 67; you are now boarding." Your heart sinks at the announcement; that was you. No more stalling.
You turn to your parents, giving them another tight hug, then quickly turn to Eddie again. You hug him once more, as tight as you can this time.
"You're squishing me, Peach. Can't. Breath." He jokes, and you look up at him with glossy eyes.
You reach up to your tiptoes, kiss his stubbly cheek and mutter the words he has been waiting to hear for the past four years. "I love you, Eddie."
Eddie was stunned, did he hear you correctly? You don't give him time to answer because you quickly turn without another word, not giving him a chance to speak, and you run. You run to the gate and don't look back.
For most of the flight, your mind was racing. You couldn't help but feel like a coward. Your mind was racing with questions and doubts. What if Eddie misunderstood your words as just platonic love? Or would he understand that you were actually in love with him?
You sat on the plane, staring at the gift box Eddie handed you. It was a small black square box with a red bow. Nothing fancy.
Once you were over international waters, you decided you couldn't wait anymore and opened it up.
As you slowly lift the lid, the tears start to well up in your eyes again. Your heart is pounding as you peer inside the small box and handwritten note and a silver mood ring were nestled inside. You reach in and carefully pick up the note and begin to read.
Dear, Peach
I am going to miss you so much, so here is a small token to remember me by…
Your Teddy.
You sniffle as you pick up the ring and hold it up to the overhead light to get a better look.
You turn it over in your fingers, examining every detail, trying to confirm whether or not this was Eddie's ring. It looks exactly like the one he wore daily, but you can't be sure. You had never seen him without it before? You try to think about if he had it on at the airport.
As you examine the ring, memories of Eddie flood your mind. You remember how he constantly fiddled with it, absentmindedly twisting it around his finger. You remember how he told you it was his mother's ring and how much it meant to him. But now, as you hold it in your hand, you can't believe he did this.
You try to slide it onto your fingers, but it's too loose to stay in place. You don't want to give up on the ring, though. It's too precious to lose. Suddenly, a thought strikes you, and you take off your necklace. You carefully latch the ring onto the chain, ensuring its security. You can keep it close to your heart as you wear it around your neck...
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Now, 1991
"Peach?!” You jump and turn; you were startled when browsing the chips section at the Dollar Store. “Holy shit, it is you!"
"Steve?" You smile brightly and embrace him in a hug when you realize who is speaking to you. Not even twenty-four hours back home, and you’re already bumping into old friends. You had forgotten how small Hawkins really was.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" he asked with a bright smile across his face.
"Brian-you remember my brother Brian? He's getting married, had to come back for the wedding." You smile.
"When did you get back?! Have you seen anyone? Oh god, everyone is going to be thrilled." He hugged you again for good measure to make sure it was really you.
"I got back late last night; I'm still jetlagged, so I haven't seen or reached out to anyone yet... I don't think I have anyone's numbers anymore; it's been so long..." You felt so guilty. Your life in Hawkins was worlds away. You had been so busy once you graduated. You hadn't been home in about four years; visiting you was easier for your folks.
"I'll alert the media; I'll be the town crier! Let everyone know Peach is back!"
"Thanks, Stevie," you giggled.
"How long are you in town for?"
"Ummm, that's the thing; I think I am back for good?" Sure, you loved being overseas, but seven years was so long you missed your life back home, your family, your friends, and your visa was running out.
"This is amazing! Oh, we have to all get together to celebrate!"
"How um- how is everyone?"
"Good! Robin and I are roommates, Nancy and Jonathan are still going strong, Dustin, Mike, Lucas and Will, El and Max are off at their different colleges..."
"What, uh-what about Eddie?" You hadn't mutter his name in years. Things fell off like they did with everyone else. You used to write almost every day, but then school, friends, and boyfriends happened, and eventually, the letters stopped altogether.
The two of you never spoke of the "I love you" statement you made at the airport. You tiptoed around it like it didn't happen. Sometimes, you wished you had stayed to hear what he would have said, and other times, you were glad you ran. You took the hint that he didn't feel the same way when he never said anything back in his letters or the few times you called him.
"Oh, Ed's is great! Yeah, he has his own shop downtown; you know how good he was with fixing cars and all that. He got promoted a few months back when Richards decided to retire..." You smile at the thought of Eddie finally owning up to his potential.
"Oh, well, um, that's amazing! I really missed you guys." You sighed, subconsciously playing with the ring attached to the chain around your neck. You hadn't taken it off in the seven years you had been away.
"Well, I better get going, but I'll call you, ok?"
"Yeah, I'm with my folks for now until I find an apartment, so same number,” you smiled.
When you leave Steve, your mind can't help but race with thoughts of seeing Eddie again. Seven years is a really long time; would he still have his long hair? Would he have a girlfriend? Oh god, what if he has a girlfriend? Of course, he would have a girlfriend. He's Eddie. He is the most flirtatious guy out there; there is no way he would be sitting around waiting for you. Not that he would be waiting for you... he never said those three words back.
It's been less than twenty-four hours since you've been back in Hawkins, and yet your thoughts are consumed by memories of him. The sound of his voice echoes in your mind as if you had heard him yesterday... The way he laughed, the way he walked, and the way he used to look at you. His presence has left an everlasting mark on your psyche, and you can't help but wonder what he's doing right now, whether he's thinking about you too, or if you'll ever see him again.
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Your stuff was all over the new apartment. You managed to score a place not too far from everyone, and it only took about a week and a half to find, sign and finalize a place to live.
The living room was filled with countless cardboard boxes, each one crammed with different items from your childhood home and England.
As you rummaged through them, your attention was suddenly grasped by a photo album that had been buried deep inside one of the boxes. It took you by surprise - I had completely forgotten about it. As you held it in your hands, you couldn't help but feel a rush of nostalgia and curiosity, wondering what picture-perfect memories were inside.
You grabbed your drink from the side table and crawled on the messy couch covered in old newspapers and bubble wrap. Pictures of you with the gang, in the Wheelers basement, at lovers lake, in the trailer…
Memories of late nights, early morning school pick ups, dnd creation sessions, forcible study sessions that ended up just you two talking for hours on end, Eddie making you fall for him and him you with neither of you were the wiser.
The phone ringing breaks you out of the trance. You scramble up off the couch the photo album falls off your lap and onto the floor as you scurry over to the phone mounted on the wall.
“Hello?” Nice to know the phone company installed it correctly.
“Hey! It’s Steve, how are you?”
“Good, just settling in; my place is a mess,” you giggle.
“Good, good. We are all getting together on Friday; maybe you can take a break from unpacking? We thought it would be nice to meet at my folk's place, old time's sake.” you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You hesitated. “Is, um, everyone going to be there?”
"Yep! Folks are out of town; we can use the pool to put advantage. Everyone is so excited you're back" emphasis on everyone.
“That’s great, Steve; I’m happy to be home, glad no one hates me," you chuckle uncomfortably. "I was kinda worried since I fell off the face of the earth...”
“Nah, we could never be mad at you.”
“Okay then! I’ll see you guys Friday,” you smile. Oblivious to the fact that none of your friends knew you were in town…
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“So Stevie, what’s got you bouncing off the walls?” Robin asked.
It was Friday, and Steve had everyone already over for an hour before your arrival.
They had no idea you were back because Steve wanted to tell everyone simultaneously. So he invited Nancy, Jonathan, and Eddie so he could share the big news.
“Yea, you’re killing us, man,” Jonathan smirked.
“Okay, okay, okay! Everyone sit down.” Steve instructed. “So I was out running some errands, and you’re never going to guess who I ran into!”
“Vicki?” Robin asked.
“Nope, guess again.”
Amidst the incessant guessing, Eddie's mind drifted away to a memory of you. He pictured you walking through the front door with that enchanting smile you always had on your face. The sound of your voice was etched in his mind as if he had heard it only yesterday. His heart yearned for you, how you used to take over his whole world and light up his day with your infectious energy and captivating aura.
Just as Eddie is about to get lost in his thoughts of you, the doorbell snaps him back into reality.
“You uh expecting anymore else man?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah, you uh mind grabbing the door for me?” Steve was up to something, and Eddie could sense it. Maybe Dustin was home early?
“Why? Are you busy or something?”
“Yea, 'bout to get the pool ready..” he winks.
With his suspicions, Eddie tentatively stands and reaches the door. Behind him, in the distance, he hears Nancy, “Oh my god, shut up!” He must have shared the mystery person while he was out of war shot… jackass.
With his heart racing, he took the last few steps towards the door. His curiosity was piqued, and he felt a sense of anticipation building up inside him, wondering who could possibly be waiting on the other side. As he jogged, he could hear his own footsteps echoing in the hallway. Finally, he reached for the doorknob, ready to discover the mystery person on the other side.
You rang the doorbell once again… what had been taking so long?
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold your horses-” Eddie swung open the door without any hesitation as he was in the middle of his sentence. However, his words trailed off when he saw you standing on the other side.
“Hey, Teddy” you smiled as your heart pounded. It was pumping so hard he could probably see it beating through your chest.
“Oh my god.” Eddie looked like he had seen a ghost. The blood drained from his face. His eyes are wide with shock. Did Steve not tell him? “Oh my god!” You were suddenly knocked off your feet as Eddie's weight collided with yours.
“Hi,” you giggled, wrapping your arms around him.
"Peach?" It took him a second to process. “Holy shit, you’re here!” He spun you around before putting you down.
“Did Steve not tell you?” As you slowly stepped back, your eyes fixed on his face.
His once baby-smooth skin now bore a few fine lines, a testament to the life he had lived. Life was never kind to Eddie, but he held on to hope. His facial hair added a more mature rugged charm to the baby face you once knew. You couldn't help but admire the beauty that was Eddie Munson.
You also couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off your face and Eddie was so thankful because he had never been witness to something so beautiful.
“No! Oh my god! No, he didn’t tell us anything.” He couldn’t let you go; he needed to feel you to convince himself he wasn’t seeing things. You smelled just as he remembered, but also sweeter.
“She’s back?!” You hear Robin's voice coming from far inside the house. That made you giggle, and Eddie heard angels singing.
The loud sound of footsteps fills your ears, and you see Robin running towards the door. She bulldozes her way past Eddie and engulfs you in a suffocating hug.
“How long are you here?!” She squealed.
“For good!” You smile as you see Nancy and Jonathan run out after Robin.
“What?! You’re back forever?!” Nancy came running out the door
“Yes, forever!” You smile, glancing over at Eddie.
Eddie needed to process everything and stepped back so everyone else could say their long-awaited hellos.
He missed you so badly; of course, he tried to move on, but nothing was the same. Feeling overwhelmed by the avalanche of information he had just received, Eddie needed a moment to gather his thoughts. With a smile, he excused himself from the room and went through the house to the backyard.
The warm afternoon breeze hit his face as he leaned against the deck railing. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air. He reached into his pocket for his pack of cigarettes, and with a flick of his lighter, he lit one up. As he took a long first drag, he closed his eyes and let his mind wander, hoping to find clarity amid the chaos because you were back.
He hadn’t been out there for two minutes, barely making a dent in the cigarette, when he heard the sliding glass door open and close behind him.
“Hey, you okay, man?” It was Steve.
“Yeah, yeah, just in shock, I guess...” He took a long drag of the cigarette and blew the puffs of smoke in the other direction, away from Steve's face.
“She looks good, huh?.” Steve smirked as he also leaned back against the railing next to Eddie.
"Yeah, uh yea really good" He tried releasing his tense shoulders, but it was of no use.
"I didn't see a ring on her finger… but I did see one around her neck… looked familiar too.”
"What?” Eddie’s head snapped up.
“See for yourself.”
You were now in the kitchen, facing him through the window. Clear as day your exposed chest dawned his ring.
What did this mean?
"Looks like now's your chance." Steve clapped his back.
"It's been so long… things are- I don't know, things just won't be the same. Too much time has passed."
"That's why I say seize the day!"
"Don't Carpe Diem me," Eddie scoffed.
"Well, you better because there is no way I’m going to let someone else swoop in and snatch her up because you’re too dumb to say you love her back." In a swift motion, Steve reached out and plucked the cigarette from Eddie's lips, brought it up to his own mouth, took a long drag, and savoured the taste of the smoke. As he exhaled, he brought the cigarette back down and carefully stubbed it in the ashtray, snuffing out every last bit of ember. The two friends sat silently for a moment, lost in their thoughts.
"Don’t fuck this up again,” he smirked before slipping back inside with the others.
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Your gaze automatically finds Eddie as you make your way out the door and into the yard, it was a pool party after all. You even bought a new swimsuit for the occasion because you wanted to make an impression on Eddie. He hadn't seen you since you were no more than a few weeks older than eighteen, when you were still awkward and pimply. Now at twenty-five, you’ve come into your body, and you looked fucking good.
You knew that your body had changed considerably since you were a teenager, and you wanted to look your best.
So when you went shopping you settled on a navy blue option with little white anchors, cute without trying too hard, or so you hoped. It accentuated all of your best assets.
Confidently, you let the shawl slip down your shoulders. Eddie felt like you were moving slowly as he watched you bend over to remove your jean shorts.
If Eddie didn't know any better, he'd think you were doing it intentionally. His hands were getting sweaty, and he needed to tighten his grip on the beer bottle so it wouldn't slip. You made him nervous; you were beautiful, elegant, and not to mention sexy, even more so than he remembered.
As you reach out to grab the drink from Robin's hand, you can sense Eddie's intense gaze fixed on you. Robin, who seems oblivious to the brewing tension, turns around and walks towards the pool chairs where Eddie, Steve, Jonathan and Nancy are lounging. You watch as Robin joins the trio, leaving you standing alone, wondering what Eddie's piercing stare could possibly mean. With a deep breath, you take a swig and join your group of friends.
Like a flip of a switch, Eddie's face softens when he sees you coming towards them. He takes in your body the closer you get. As soon as he caught a glimpse of you, his heart began to race uncontrollably. He couldn't believe how stunning you looked, and his eyes were immediately drawn to his ring that adorned your necklace.
You watched as Eddie gazed at you with admiration. It was like he was noticing every detail about you. Memorizing you - the way your hair cascaded over your shoulders, the sparkle in your eyes, the curve of your lips as you smiled. Eddie always knew how to make you feel special, even with just a look.
"Here, you can take mine." Eddie gets up. Alwasy the gentalman.
"No, it's okay. They are big enough we can share." You smile as you lay out your towel to sit at the end of the long white chair.
Conversations about everyone and how they have been lasted about an hour before you decided it was way too hot to not take advantage of the pool. While living in England, you have had to endure the cool and damp weather. It's such a contrast to the hot and humid summers that you grew up with in Hawkins. The scorching heat can sometimes get unbearable, yet a refreshing change from the gloomy weather back in England.
"I'm going in if anyone wants to join me." You set down your sweaty glass and walk over to the pool. Nancy and Robin follow closely behind before you glance back at the boys.
“Hey, come in with us.” You offer with a smile.
You hear a splash from the pool and see the two other girls' heads bobbing up from under the water.
Steve and Jon nod their head while Eddie shakes his no.
“You sure?” You offer once more, raising your brow.
Once again, Eddie shakes his head no before the other two boys grab him by the arms and drag him to the water's edge.
You giggle before taking a graceful dive in to join your girlfriends. The three of you tread water as you watch the boys struggle from land.
"Hey! Come on, I still have my shirt on!" Eddie protested.
"Take it off!" Robin yelled, pulling another giggle from you.
"Oh you think seeing me shirtless is funny, Peach?" He quipped. He was kidding, of course, but you couldn't help to fight off the blood rushing to your cheeks.
Too flustered to reply, you don't say anything; however, the boys save you by throwing Eddie in the pool. You flinch away from the splash of water that gets in your eyes and wait for Eddie to come back up for air. You stare at the spot that he was thrown in, but he doesn't come back up.
"Eddie?" you ask, feeling a bit worried. However, as you are standing in the water, a feeling of terror fear overtakes you as something grabs your waist from below the surface and pulls you backwards. You let out a small scream, but quickly cover your mouth as you feel strong arms wrap around you, holding you close to their chest.
"Teddy, you idiot!" You play scream but also can't hold back your laughter as Eddie pops back up for air, trying to swim off with you in toe.
"What? I'm saving you from sharks." He shrugs like he is doing the most obvious thing in the world.
"God, you haven't changed a bit, have you?" You gaze into his eyes as he pinned you against the pool wall. You can’t help but take in his beauty.
"What is that a bad thing?" He cocks his head.
"N-not at all," Your breath hitches.
For a fleeting moment, you lose the sense of your surroundings. You forget about group's presence that is intently observing your and Eddie's every move. It's as if you are in a bubble, separate from the rest of the world. Your attention is drawn to the black t-shirt that now clings tightly to his wet body, accentuating every contour of his muscles in a way you hadn't noticed before. During your high school days, you remembered him as a lanky teenager.
Now, you noticed he had put on a lot of muscle mass. His chest was broad and well-defined, his biceps looked like they were about to burst out of his shirt, and his forearms were thick and veiny.
You couldn't help but feel a slight tingle through your core as the thought of running your hands over his muscular chest crossed your mind…
"I like what you did with the ring." He flicked your necklace with his index finger, his touch sending shivers down your spine.
"Oh yeah, I, uh, it didn't fit, so... Had to keep it safe, you know." You chuckled awkwardly. "Never took it off."
"Never?" He was shocked.
"Never," You whispered back.
"Your boyfriend okay with having another man's ring around your neck, Sweetheart?"
"I-I-uh- no, no boyfriend." God, why was it like you had forgotten how to speak.
"Noted." You can't help but want to kiss the stupid gin off of his face.
You reminisced about the countless hours you had spent lost in your own thoughts, daydreaming about kissing his lips. Maybe, just maybe, a new beginning would allow Eddie to finally see you in the same light that you had always seen him. Little did you know Eddie also daydreamed about your lips. Especially the memory of watching you say those three words in the airport. It plagued his dreams day and night. He should have said them back, but he was too shocked to react, and before he knew what was happening, you were boarding the airplane to take you far far away from him.
"Okay, love birds, enough of this. We are playing macro polo!" Robin announced, popping the bubble that was you and Eddie.
You were suddenly embarrassed by your behaviour in front of your other friends. You were there to see everyone, not just Eddie, but you can’t help yourself, you have missed him so badly, sometimes you felt like your chest was in physical pain from how much your longed for him.
He still was the last person you thought about before going to bed many nights. Even the times when you had a boyfriend…That’s why none of your relationships worked, because he was right. You wore another man’s ring on your neck and refused to take it off no matter your relationship status. You were forever his, even if you technically never were, but your heart belongs to him.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and catching up on old times. You tried your best to divide your attention to everyone but somehow you and Eddie were drawn to one another. He needed to be sitting next to you, to touch you whenever he could. To convince himself that you were in fact real and not going anywhere.
To Eddie you were the one that got away. The endless nights he stayed up thinking about you, the day you left, the days and nights spent, platonically, wishing he had just made a move… but maybe that would have made your move all that harder?
The ring was a spur of the moment decision that he was glad he made. He always caught you looking at it. He loved that you loved it and that you would have a piece of him while you were gone. He knew you would protect it and cherish it because he knew how much you knew it meant to him. It was one of the last things that he had left of his mother, and he felt that it symbolizes how much you meant to him…
Saying goodbye to every wasn’t half as painful as the last time you had to do it because it really wasn’t ‘goodbye’ but ‘see you later’.
Eddie offered to walk you to your car, before you left. He wanted to speak with you alone.
“It was really good seeing you” you lean against the door of your car.
“Yeah it really was… Um, hey… look can we talk?”
“Of course, what’s up?”
“I just need to know, why?”
“You gotta be more specific there Teds” you giggle.
“You tell me you love me then run away to England for almost a decade!.”
How was it that this conversation was happening now, in Steve’s parents driveway? Things were fine a minute ago back in the house?
“How was I supposed to process that? What was I suppose to do with that information? Tell me Sweetheart because let me tell you it really fucked with my head.”
“Teddy I’m sorry, I was so young and scared but I had to let you know… I couldn’t stand the thought of you not knowing.”
“You didn’t even give me the change to say it back…”
“ I said you-”
“I know what you said Eddie but you had plenty of chances! We wrote every week and we phone once a month what about them!”
“I can’t do this again…”
“Wh-what?” Your words betrayed you as your voice wobbled.
“It’s good to see you, but I don’t think I can go through all of this again.” Eddie couldn’t stop the words. He didn’t know why he was saying these things? This was not how this was suppose to go. But he was so mad you left him and he never got closure.
“Go through all of what?”
“You left. You left me here in Hawkins while you went out and became someone! I was held back two years, a fucking super senior as you were out in the world without me.”
“Oh I see. So this is my fault?” Now you were pissed. How dare he pin his mistakes on you.
“Forget it.”
You didn’t know what to do. You and Eddie never fought before? Now he’s a perfect stranger and yelling at you because you had left him. But he knew you were to leave eventually. How could he expect you to not go to your dream school? Why did he give you his ring?
“Well if that is how you feel.” You reach up to unlatch the chain from your neck and let go of the thing that had been attached to you for the past seven years.
Without a word you hand it to Eddie, and get in your car and drove home.
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You cried the whole way home. It was a miracle you were able to see through the burning tears that stained your cheeks. Fitting that it should start to thunderstorm the second you get out of the car; at least it will hide your tears from your nosey neighbours.
As you stepped inside your apartment, the weight of the day's events pressed heavily on your mind. You reached for the nearest bottle and poured yourself a glass, savoring its amber color and the warmth it brought to your throat. The first glass went down quickly, followed by another and then another, each one helping to ease the pain of disappointment and frustration.
After a few hours of wallowing in self-pity and letting the alcohol work its magic, you finally gathered the courage to walk over to the phone. You braved the hallow ringing as it seemed to go on forever.
There's a fat chance he will answer, but you had to get this off your chest. You still love him.
"Hey, sorry I missed your call, just leave a message after the" beeeeep
"Hey, yeah, it's me... Peach. Just been thinking about everything tonight…And I don't know,” you sniffle. “I just miss you so much. I thought about you all the time… did you think about me? -shit- I’m a little drunk I uh…just ignore that last part. Give me a call back if you can?"
Shit, this was so stupid... could you sound any more desperate? “Did you think about me?” God, you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. He’s already shot you down twice, but at this point, you would rather be hurt than feel nothing at all. He has found a permanent home within your heart, and the eviction notice has been shredded and burned.
After you hung up the phone, you went straight to bed. You did nothing but toss and turn for two hours. Thinking about Eddie and the words he spoke. You had to do something; you regretted giving him the ring back. Your neck felt bare without it like a part of you was missing.
As the rolling thunderstorm rumbled in the background, you heard a knock on the front door. At first, you were sure it was just the storm playing tricks on your mind. But then, you hear it again - three distinctive knocks that make you freeze in place. You couldn't help but wonder who could be knocking at your door at this hour and in the middle of a storm? Your mind raced with thoughts of potential intruders, lost travellers seeking shelter, or even a neighbour in need of assistance. With a sense of caution, you waited another minute, hoping to hear something that would help me identify the person on the other side of the door.
Again, three more knocks.
You let out a string of curses under your breath as you nervously glance towards the door, wondering who could be knocking at this ungodly hour. The darkness of the night envelopes you completely, with no one else around to offer you any comfort or protection. So you flick on the hallway light for some semblance of comfort.
The howling wind outside only adds to your anxiety as it whips through the trees with a mournful wail. The rain pelts against the ground with a relentless force, creating a deafening crescendo that echoes through the stillness of the night. You feel as though you're trapped in the middle of a horror story or some twisted nightmare.
“Peach, it’s me!” You hear a deep voice coming from the other side of the door as you slowly approach it. You peer through the peephole to double-check, but as soon as you see who is on the other side, you wrench the door open so fast that you almost take it off its hinges.
“Eddie?” You look at him with swollen eyes. "It's one in the morning."
"Quarter after, actually." His heart sank a little when you called him by his actual name.
"You cheated me out of the chance to say it to your face! That's the least you and I, for that matter, deserved!" Eddie barged his way past you and into your home, not caring that he was leaving a puddle from the relentless downpour. He was drenched from the tips of his hair to the soles of his shoes. "You didn't even let me say it back!"
“You loved me?” The realization of his words sunk in.
“Not loved, sweetheart.”
“Oh,” the disappointment was evident on your face. Eddie could always read you like a book.
“Love, present tense.”
Your heart rate at this point should have been concerning. After all this time?
"and to answer your question, I thought about your every goddamn minute of every goddamn day."
"Please, I didn't mean any of that stuff I said back at Steve's. I don't know what came over me; I'm an idiot, forgive me? I take it all back!"
"You love me?"
"Yes, oh god, yes, I have since the ninth grade and never stopped!" Eddie's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited your reply. Maybe this was stupid? Perhaps he fucked up so badly that it was irreversible. Never did he ever think you would give him the ring back. He knew he fucked up the second you placed it in his hand, but he was too hard-headed to apologize.
When you exited the driveway, he immediately snapped out of his foolishness and started chasing you down the street. No way he was losing you again because of past hurt feelings and pure stupidity on his end. He can't believe he was about to let you walk away from him. Again.
"Please say something?" Eddie pleaded, stepping closer to you.
"I don't know what to say, Eddie? You've been sending me mixed signals all day."
"What is it you need? Space? Time?"
"Then what?"
"I just need you now." With a surge of courage, you stepped forward and closed the distance between you and Eddie.
Heart racing, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his, feeling the cold, wet rain residue and softness of his mouth against yours. It was a moment of pure bliss, leaving you breathless.
After years and years of imagining, dreaming, and picturing, this moment finally came to fruition. Some may say it was a manifestation; others might say it was destiny.
An overwhelming heat bloomed from your core and spread throughout your whole body as Eddie’s strong hands explored your exposed skin. Your burning need to overpower the feeling of the coldness of Eddie’s wet, damp clothing. You had been wearing an oversized shirt and underwear when you opened the door, but that only aided him.
His hands trailed up from your hips and slid under your shirt so he could hold you by your waist. As he tasted you, he pressed his body further into you, pushing you back further down the hall towards the bedroom.
"You have me." He pulled away breathlessly as he took you in. Your once dry white shirt was now damp and translucent, sticking to your body. Eddie couldn't help but groan at the sight of your peaked nipples trying to pierce their way through the thin material blocking you from him.
You could feel the pool of arousal collecting in your panties. Never had you been so turned on in your life than in this moment.
“I have you.” You mumble before taking his lips once again. You let his tongue part your lips as he explored your mouth. You tasted like mint toothpaste and a hint of whiskey.
"Baby, I need you now." He moans.
Baby. A plume of butterflies erupted deep within you at the name. There was no going back now; you and Eddie were destined to be together like it was written in the cosmos.
Despite the tension between you two, somehow, you managed to break apart just enough to lead him to the bedroom. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as you both stood there, breathing heavily, staring into each other's eyes.
"You're perfect," Eddie whispered as he backed you up onto the bed that stood in the middle of the room.
You willingly fell back onto the soft sheets below as his lips met yours. Needy hands pulled at the fabric that separated you.
Lightning lit up the room as your silhouettes danced on the walls. Eddie, atop your body, melted into your plush bed as you both stripped fully.
“Please, Eddie,” you whined as he was taking too slow; the wet fabric clung to his clammy skin. He needed warming up, but you knew just the cure. “I’ve waited for so long.”
“Me too, Sweetheart.”
Having been confined for what seemed like an eternity, he was finally able to break free from the shackles of his own clothes that had become a wet and cold prison for him.
You are both now fully naked in your room. You take in the sight of the man before you and what a man he is. Drinking in every last detail your eyes could see in the dim light. He had more tattoos than when you had left, and you were right about his body being more filled out than you remembered. And his cock, so beautiful you could almost cry at how perfect it was.
“God you’re beautiful.” Eddie whispers as he did the same thing.
"So are you." You reach up to take his rough cheek in your palm, gently pulling him down towards you. You sigh into the kiss as you feel Eddie’s weight fall on you.
You can’t help but grind your hips up into his throbbing cock. It’s rock hard as it rests on your soft middle.
Eddie reaches between your two connected bodies and finds your wet pussy with his fingers. A feral moan leaves your lips, and his calloused fingers brush against your swollen, sensitive clit.
The lewd sounds of lips smacking and Eddie playing with your wet pussy fills the room with the pounding of the storm in the background.
“Please, Eddie, I can’t wait. I just need you now.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, please I need your cock so bad.” You begged. There was no time for foreplay; you’ve waited long enough for this moment.
Eddie couldn’t believe this was happening to him.
“I don’t-I didn’t- shut I don’t have-”
“I’m on birth control,” you blurt out.
“You sure?”
“Please, Eddie, I need to feel you… to fill me. All of you.” You craned your neck to reach up and kiss the side of his. You marked him, leaving a significant bite mark that would let everyone know he’s taken. He is yours. Always has been.
“Shit, okay,” he moans as your mouth explores his throat. Eddie would do anything you asked of him at this point.
Eddie slowly guides through your folds, collecting your slick on his shaft, and glides into your pussy.
God, you felt amazing, so wet, so warm, so tight. His perfect girl.
“Oh my god,” you arch up into him so you could feel every inch of him.
“You look so pretty like this.” he mewled as he slowly ground his cock into your needy pussy.
“Fuck fuck fuck” Eddie rambled as he hit the hilt. He slowly dragged his cock back and rocked gently back into you like he didn’t want you to break.
You captured his lips on yours once again, muffling your throaty moans.
Eddie was tender; Eddie was sweet. He wanted to make sure you knew he wasn’t just fucking you; he was making love to you.
God, he loved you, even though all those years separated you. He still loved you.
“Eddie, feels so good!” Your mind was captivated by him. Everything in this moment was eternally Eddie.
Eddie’s hips never stopped, they sped up only a little to gain momentum as the sticky heat between you only grew more are more delicious.
“You feel that baby?”
“Oh god, yes.” You hook your ankles around Eddie's back, pulling him in deeper. His cock hit your g spot with each grind and roll of his hips.
His hands find yours, and he laces his fingers between your own, bringing your hands above your head.
“You make me feel so good; oh god, your pussy is taking me so well, fuckin’ made for me.”
“Mmmmhmmmm,” you agree, “made to be with you,” you moan.
“Yea, baby, you think we were made for each other?”
“Yes,” you answered, too fucked out to be self-conscious about what you were saying.
Your orgasm was quickly building and building as Eddie’s hips continued to grind into yours.
“I love you,” you let slip as Eddie continues to make you feel like you’re floating.
You’ve died and reached heaven. You swore nothing could make you feel better. But you were mistaken; Eddie proved you wrong with the next words that were uttered out of his mouth.
"I love you." He sealed his declaration of love with an emotional kiss.
Your head spun with his words. Did he really just say that? Are you really here? The reality of where you are hits you hard as your orgasm rips through you. You were in bed with Eddie, your Eddie. Eddie, who makes you feel safe and loved and important and worshiped.
“Oh my god, oh my god!”
“Shit-fuck” your cunt clamped down on Eddie so tightly as he tried to hold on a little longer, savouring the moment, trying to hold out as long as possible.
“Where do you want it?” He breathlessly asked.
Still making love to you for as long as he could hold off until you told him you loved him again over and over, totally overcome by the serotonin washing your brain, you don’t even know you’re speaking.
“Inside,” you look up into Eddie’s eyes, and he cums immediately. He swore he never heard more beautiful words.
Eddie slowly pumped himself inside of you as he rode out his orgasm, and you kissed every inch of his face.
“I’m never letting you go.” He sighs as he collapses his body weight on top of yours.
“Good, because I’m never going anywhere without you again.” You incase him in a bear hug as your legs and arms wrap around his body one more.
“I love you, Peach.”
“I love you more, Teddy.”
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Taglist: @seexyyprincess @cigarettesaftersmut @urdadsnewgiirlfriend @sunnythespookyghost @babybimbo777 @luxaeterna13 @edge-just-edge @slayyymisha @veemoon @asimpforthe80s @chrrymunson @skyline4446 @xxhellfirebunnyxx @paperbackprettyboy @hellfirenacht
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itsonlydana · 6 months
"Can you meet me halfway (I'll meet you halfway)" | hobbit
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pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader x Bard 👑 [king's special]
you went out clubbing on new years eve when a gorgeous rich couple hits on you and invites you back to their apartment to finish what you started right on the dancefloor
warnings/tags: NSWF! THIS IS ADULT CONTENT ✋️, modern!AU, threesome, oral sex (male & female), dirty talk, semi-public-sex, soft dom! bard and bratty dom!thranduil, protected sex, fingering, passing out during sex, slight overstimulation, age-gap (reader is of age, though its described that thranduil and bard are older), hairpulling, aftercare,
words: 13,8k
an: this is by far the dirtiest thing i've ever written and my god i'm not a smut writer; i get too flustered over my own writing lmao. Hopefully you can enjoy this out-of-character story even if it isn't new years anymore!
inspired by early 2000s club bangers like Kesha, Britney Spears, Black Eyed Peas (that's where the title came from) and Lady Gaga
+ masterlist + 
🌿 reposts and comments or anonymous messages in my inbox are very appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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"I said," the barkeeper leaned closer and pushed a filled to the rim shotglass over the counter, "this one is from the pretty one to your right!"
With a myriad of people in this club who fit your definition of "pretty" you found yourself on the brink of shouting at the red-haired bartender once more.
This would mark the third attempt, given that the club's 2000s music was blaring to the extent that communication was damn near impossible if you weren't screaming or using your hands trying to get orders across the sticky, littered with neon glowstick wristbands counter.
Before you could ask her who the hell she'd meant, the bartender had turned away, leaving you to figure out the mystery man for yourself.
You lifted the shot glass to your nose and took a deep breath— pure tequila.
At least you would enjoy this one; the last few shots other men had sent over to you had been nothing but disgusting, ranging from vodka to Jägermeister and one you didn't even bother to drink.
The world spun a little when you turned your head over your shoulder and for a second the flashy lights blurred the people crowding the bar into one mass, unidentifiable and mushed together; then your eyes zeroed in on him and pretty didn't even begin to cover it.
Next to the bar, holding out his own shot glass in hands that could've fit three or five of them, stood a man that was intimidatingly gorgeous and decently tall even as he rested his hip cheekily against one of the chairs, elbow on the wooden top while he flicked his fingers against the rim of the glass.
Not even that he was just tall, and he was –surely taller than most of the men standing between you two –, but he had this quality about him that let him stand out of the crowd.
Maybe it was the hair, blonde like starlight and pulled into a long and messy ponytail, with just a few loose strands framing his strong jawline. Or maybe it was the smug look on his face, the smirk that tugged on his lips when you dragged your eyes over the see-through shirt that clung to his well... and oh so– so well-defined chest.
On any other occasion, you would have simply raised the glass and disappeared back into the crowd of dancing people, but tonight felt different.
New Year's Eve had that ring to it. The careless "Fuck it all, it's all going to shit anyway"-attitude.
Any newspaper or media marked today the last day of yet another frustrating, wonderful, soul-crushing, draining, exciting, and overall overwhelming year, full of things you regretted having done, and as you stared at the man meeting your gaze with a questioning arch of a dark eyebrow, you found yourself giving a flying fuck about whether you'll add another mark on that board.
There was a surge of power washing through your body as you toasted the glass in his direction before tipping it against your lips and letting the tequila rush into your mouth.
The alcohol went down burning, hot, and dry and left a warm trail down your throat into your stomach.
"I see you not only bear a resemblance to the devil, you drink like her as well," a sultry voice drawled, sufficiently loud for you to lift your head.
Somehow the man had managed to appear right next to you within seconds and got so close that you were confronted with a very exciting view of his chest.
You eyed it, naturally because who wouldn't take their time looking at the flexing pecs covered in silver glitter and sweat?
Slowly, you dragged your gaze upwards, only faltering for a moment at the sight of a pink tongue running over plush lips. You met his eyes again, this time with no more than half a meter separating you and you were glad your knees didn't buckle like they threatened to do.
"And what are you? Some angel that has fallen from heaven?" Your counter was weak, a bad example of what was usually some excellent flirting, if you dare say yourself, but it's all you could manage with those cerulean eyes staring down at you in interest.
He laughed, thank fucking god, and tilted his head to the side. "It must be fate that we met, is it not?"
"Buy me another drink and we'll see"
Somehow, it didn't surprise you that he simply raised his pointer finger and the server immediately rushed to prepare whatever order he'd signaled her.
"Unfair, I waited, like at least five minutes for some water," you complained, not really putting any real annoyance into it but pouting nonetheless for the effect.
It went a long way because the stranger stepped closer, up into the little bit of personal space one could have in an overcrowded club, and cooed, "What a shame. Who could ever pass such a lovely face and not serve you right away?"
"I don't know," you sighed and smiled at him sweeter than sugar, "I do know that we shouldn't let that tequila go to waste though"
"Then be a good girl and drink up"
Oh, yeah.
Suppose you hadn't already contemplated sleeping with him, that certainly solidified your decision.
This wasn't just fate, this must be compensation for all the shit you've been through this year, wrapped up nicely in 6 feet and more of dripping sex and sultry smiles.
Eyes locked, you both clinked the glasses together before throwing them back. You couldn't help it when your lashes flutter shut.
Once again, the tequila burned all the way down to your stomach, adding to the cocktail of drinks that lowered your inhibitions and made your core throb in excitement.
You would've asked him for salt and lemon if he hadn't looked so unbothered by the pure taste. His lips didn't twitch, while you're sure yours were pulled into a grimace.
"Thank you, Sir," the words left your mouth without a second thought.
Thinking, in general, started to become more of a theory than something you were willing to do tonight; much too exhausting if you could simply let your tongue run wild.
He rewarded you for that decision, for his eyes widened and he stepped even closer, now slotting one of those long legs - and fuck, was he really wearing leather pants? Who had access to your wet dreams?- between yours as he leaned down.
"I must say you caught my interest the moment I saw you on the dance floor," He placed a hand on the countertop, not touching you yet, though the invitation he gave you, the silent question for permission, spoke for itself.
The second move was on you to lure him in and you blinked up at him while you trailed your fingers over the arm, scratching hairless skin with the tip of your nails until it changed into the fishnet top and you placed the hand to rest on one strong shoulder. The red color of your nail polish made such a beautiful contrast to his fair skin that your mind conjured imagines of how they must look on other parts of him.
Surely, with the size of him…
Now that you initiated the contact, he drove forward with his second hand, and the large palm cupped your chin.
While the touch was hot in how it's delivered, so dominating, and fuck if that didn't send warm licks of pleasure down your spine, his hand itself was surprisingly cold.
The temperature in the club was almost unbearable, only manageable through refreshing drinks and a trip or two to the bathrooms, and the spikes of the cool touch fought the heat pooling in your body.
One of those silky locks of hair brushed your neckline, falling right into the cut out of your dress that his eyes shamelessly took in from his higher-up viewpoint.
You took a deep breath, maybe even pushed out your chest as he eyed it in the knowledge that the lace bra was showing through.
All you inhaled was the intoxicating smell of his cologne, vanilla (even though you suspected he is anything but...), and something sweet and without a doubt expensive.
You're addicted to it the moment it hit your nose and clouded your mind.
"Do you not believe that an appropriate thank you is in order?" he inquired; no, he demanded.
You decided to play dumb, not because you thought he's into that – on the contrary, he seemed the kind of man who admired eloquence and intellect rather than dullness – but because it's a game you both enjoyed playing.
There was intrigue in tip-toeing around what is most obvious (lust as well as the urge to rip each other's clothes off as soon as possible, maybe even a fuck in the bathrooms).
"I thought I already said thank you," you mused, pushing out your lower lip into a pout again, "and that lousy shot is hardly worth more than a few words. You can't expect something greater if there is nothing to thank for."
He raised a dark eyebrow – you wondered if he colored his hair or eyebrows – and the hand around your chin lifted your head to twist it right and left.
One smooth thumb brushed over the pout, and he clicked his tongue. "Now now, I would consider this greedy if you were not in the right. You poor thing must be exhausted after all the dancing"
His eyes flashed when yours widened; he really did notice you before, had watched you.
"Yes," he drawled as if he read your mind, and his lips curved into a smirk that flashed a row of perfect bright teeth, "I saw how you moved out there, how wanton you presented yourself. However, it did not escape my notice that you rebuffed anyone who dared to approach."
When you opened your mouth to say something, his finger swiped over your lip again. Without hesitation, you sucked on the fingertip, collecting a few drops of tequila that you made a show of swallowing.
The protest disappeared with it down your throat.
He was right, why deny it?
The way you danced was just an expression of how comfortable you felt in your own body, the rhythm provided by provocative music a tool to follow the movements.
Everything you did, you did for yourself, not for the men who attempted to touch you simply because they were captivated by the dancing. As if you would accept some clammy hands grabbing for you.
"Maybe it was wanton," you said after releasing his finger, but not without scratching your teeth over it.
His pupils dilated, his chest raised at a sudden inhale of air; he apparently underestimated you.
You nodded your head toward the dance floor, "maybe I came here to look for a good fuck, but it's my decision who I take and not theirs"
"As you should. Those boys who tried and failed miserably were amusing to watch. None of them were good enough for you, right, sweetheart?"
You hummed in agreement as well as disagreement. "I'm not searching for anyone good enough," you thought back to all the good-guys who had lured you in with promises of treasuring you only to become insufferable with their need to control in the end.
"Then what do you need?"
"I want someone bad," the tone in your voice was challenging, just like the stare you gave him. "I want someone who won't be afraid to break me"
There was a slight tug on your chin, his hand pulled you in slightly but any further without any movement from you, it would've cause a strain in your neck.
You craved it.
The blonde god, he must be, the thought became clearer with any passing second, a gift, a god, an angel, crushed his mouth against yours. There was a fleeting moment where you realized you didn't know his name, but then his other hand wrapped around your neck, and your teeth clashed, and you found yourself not caring one bit.
You're sure he wouldn't mind if you moaned "God" instead of his name. Maybe he would even get off to it.
Only one way to find out.
It turned out quite hard to manage saying anything at all, his kisses stole every last bit of oxygen, robbing you of the ability to string together words and turning you into a whimpering mess with his tongue and wandering hands.
He called you a devil yet here he was, corrupting you in a way that will ruin you for any other person.
"You taste divine," he sounded as breathless as you felt when you separated and dizziness cultivated in your lust-clouded head at the compliment rasped in that deep voice of his.
"Do not worry," he continued, smearing the string of spit that connected you over your plush lips, "If you allow me I will try my very best to break you"
Hell or heaven, wherever he was leading you right now, your need tripped over itself eagerly.
When was the last time you were this aroused? You felt yourself growing wetter and wetter, and that only through his words and kisses; the state he could push you into if he truly fucked you would be completely new territory, you realized.
A nod is all you could manage.
The last you saw on his face was a wide grin before he kissed you again, this time though, he moved on to your jaw and then your neck. You beared it to him by tilting your head, eyes falling on the ceiling where the neon lights hushed over black brick, coloring your sight while your face took on a flushed red.
The blond devil nipped and bit, sucked and scratched in a manner so animalistic you wouldn't have thought a surely unquestionably sophisticated man to be able to.
You whimpered again, and your hands rose to grab something, anything and you found that ponytail the most accessible. Your fingers twirled a few soft strands as you gasped when his teeth sunk into the delicate skin right where your neck and shoulder met, and the slight pain following wasn't unwelcome.
It made you feel alive.
You're close to pulling him away to the bathroom– an amused laugh to your side prevented that thought from festering any further.
"I'm away for one smoke and you just couldn' wait?"
Unable to think straight after the assault on your neck, it took a moment for you to come back to your senses that don't revolve around lips, kiss, bite, fuck, suck…
Your sight spun as you snapped your head back, nearly knocking your chin into the man still busy marking you up, unbothered that there was another man watching you and clearly waiting for an answer.
So you decided to do the only thing that must convince him to let go, and you pulled on his hair.
He growled, fucking growled, and his lips twisted, flashing his teeth again.
Your heart dropped into your wet panties until you found he wasn't pinning you to the floor with the hard stare but the new arrival.
"Did you not see that I was busy?" he snapped at the dark-haired man, and while you felt slightly scared he was going to rip his handsome head off, the man only sported an annoyed expression.
"Yes, exactly. If I remember correctly, we decided to wait until I get back?"
Decided, waited?
"You took too long"
The man threw his head back in a raspy laugh, "Incorrigible bastard. Will I have to sit you down with a toy to keep you busy while I'm away?"
The blonde turned back to you and smirked, "That will not be necessary as I am quite capable of finding my own toys"
"Hey!" you cut into the conversation, not amused that they talked as if you weren't right there, "I'm not a fucking toy!"
Both men turned to you now, towering over you in their height, and mustering you so intensely that you slightly squirmed under their gaze.
The man with salt and pepper hair chuckled. "I am so sorry, Darlin'. I hope Thranduil didn't play too hard?"
Considering that you still felt the scratch of his teeth on your neck and the wet spit he left there, you felt like some kind of chew toy one would throw their dog but nevertheless, you pushed your chin up high. "Nothing I can't take."
The blonde's, Thranduil's, hand on your waist pulled you into him possessively. "I told you there is some bite behind the pretty face," he smirked.
While it didn't escape you that this hinted to a previous conversation, a plan formed over you, it's the attractiveness of them that led you to turn a blind eye.
"Weren't you the one biting a minute ago?" The music made it hard to talk normally and you stood up on your tiptoes to yell the words, but all that it resulted in is a deep chuckle.
"Oh, I like you," the other man laughed as well.
You took him in, the tight pants that showed off strong thighs and the black and gold shirt with more buttons open than actually buttoned that presented muscles and hair leading down and oh–
"What a surprise," you said, looking up to meet his hungry eyes, "I find I like you too" You turned your head to Thranduil, who smirked and sent you a wink that had you blushing, "So how's this gonna work? I'm going to be blunt and say that five minutes ago I was convinced you and I were on the same page, what's with your friend?"
"Husband?!" you parroted, unconvinced yet when your eyes fell on their hands a gold ring flashed back at you from both fingers.
Heat curled in your body like molten lava at lustful and otherwise utterly inappropriate thoughts this provoked of these two married man having their way around your body.
Thranduil bowed his head lower again, playfully nipping at the part of your neck that surely was already bruising. "I have to admit that I promised Bard to wait for him to come back, though I found I could not follow through when I saw you approaching the bar."
You swallowed. Hard. Not that it helped your very dry throat.
Bard came closer, reclaiming your attention.
His face, more defined than Thranduil's, was adorned with a rugged layer of dark stubble, crow's feet framing his vivid green eyes when he smiled at you. He looked the picture of a soft soul, but you remembered that this couple was picking up a third partner on New Year's Eve, so you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
There was some spice behind the old-armchair-and-book-vibes.
"Will that be a problem, Darlin'?" he asked in that ruff voice, posh and Welsh accent dripping over you.
A refreshment to hear that accent in this city, so enthralling in how it wrapped around you; especially that damn nickname. There was no way you would say no to him.. both of them if he called you Darling one more time.
You shook your head. "No. I think I'll just need a bit more liquid encouragement if I am to survive this night."
"Oh, what a shame," Thranduils lips left where they continued to suck and lap on your neck, peppering kisses, leaving bruises, and moved to your earlobe. His voice dropped as much into a whisper as the music allowed it, "I had my hopes on fucking you into heavenly spheres"
There went the last string of sanity holding you back.
Hearing a man who was seemingly hell-bent on avoiding abbreviations like "don't" and "can't" at all costs speak in such a filthy way was something you never knew you needed.
"I hope you can follow through with that," you trailed a hand over his smooth chest, collecting glitter on your way and smeared it over his throat where his adams apple bobbed, "because if you break that promise like you did the one with your husband, I will just have to let him finish the job"
Thranduil yanked you back into him, back into a kiss that seared itself into your memories and burned the touch, taste, and movement of his lips into every cell of your body.
It was almost aggressive how much teeth went into the kiss, how he bit down and all you could do was gasp and whimper.
Briefly, you thought of the poor people around you, because if all you wanted to do was get a drink and were confronted with one person devouring the other, you would be seething but right now you were being the one he kissed, whose sounds he swallowed and whose hands held you to him.
So fuck them.
With your senses heightened now that you wanted these men all over you, the sensation of Bard leaning in, hair tips tickling your neck as he licked Thranduil's throat, led you to pull away from the blonde. You watched as Bard sprinkled something flaky and white onto the spot wet with spit, and only when he lifted a shot glass the thought crystalized that he salted Thranduil for you.
"Come on," Thranduil's smirk taunted you just as much as his words, "What is another lousy shot? We even made it easy for you poor baby, after you could not take the first one easily"
Rolling your eyes at the mocking, you dove in to copy Bard. The salt sticking to his neck coated your tongue and you took longer than necessary to lick the skin free of it. The rush that this sent through you was exhilarating.
As soon as you were finished, your head got tilted backward firm and yet gently.
Rough fingertips cupped your neck and one thumb moved to press against your jaw, as you felt a solid chest in your back.
"Open wide, Darlin'," Bard ordered and encouraged you to follow him as his other thumb pushed between your teeth.
You obeyed, never once breaking eye contact with Thranduil and taking in his lust-blown pupils, as Bard poured the tequila into your mouth, directly down your throat. Then, while you pulled a grimace, shutting your eyes for a second, Bard turned you around, sandwiching you between them.
When you opened your eyes again, you saw the green slice of lemon between his teeth and following the wink he sent you; you knew exactly what was to come next.
Kissing Bard was very different from getting kissed by Thranduil.
His lips were slightly cracked, not soft and they tasted like smokey whiskey and cigarettes, with hints of coffee and lime instead of fruity cocktails and rose chapstick. Lifting one hand to his face, your fingertips grazed the rough beard growing on his sharp jawline, the stubble scratching you in a promising way.
While you had been surprised when Thranduil had kissed you, you eagerly answered Bard's kiss with fervor. Your mind already teetered on the brink of shutting down and you poured the desperation into his mouth with a moan.
He chuckled, drawing back just enough that he could spit out the lemon – sucked empty – before wiping his thump over your lips.
"Sweet thing"
There was a softness in that gesture, but only short-lived before he kissed you again. His hands trailed your body, coming to rest on either side of your neck again and even that slight of pressure loaded a million images through your head.
A second pair of hands joined him on you, it's confusing until a large body pressed into your back and you realized- it was only Thranduil.
Well, only…
It had been clear that the man could and would not accept being reduced to anything. He radiated an attitude that you would call bratty but with his expensive clothes, that rich perfume, and the wave of the hand that brought him drinks, aristocratic diva seemed more fitting.
His demanding character became clear when his hands set on your waist, immediately fingering the seam of your jeans, pulling you more into him by the belt loops.
You followed that tug, though Bard deepened the kiss to keep you by him, his tongue exploring your mouth and enticing you to breathlessly moan against his smiling lips.
Despite the loud music, Thranduil's voice was loud in your ear.
"As stunning as you right now, I can not help but imagine you squirming on our silk sheets– moving those bewitching hips of yours," Thranduil playfully took the burning tip of your ear into his mouth, "If you want to follow this invitation, of course"
"Whatever you just said," Bard broke away from you to look over your shoulder at his husband, "It better have been the idea of finally getting out of here" he pushed his hips against yours for you to feel the hard outline of him, "because I don't want to wait til the ball drops"
"Is that a metaphor?"
"Thran–" There was a warning edge in Bard's voice, and you felt Thranduil huff.
"Funny, how this old man can not take a joke as soon as he is aroused"
It's absurd how casually he said this while his hands slid down the front of your jeans, earning himself a gasp from you.
Unashamed as a man only his status can be, he toyed with the seam of your underwear, not caring one bit for the glare of his husband.
Your body arched into him, answering the question he had whispered earlier.
The only thing keeping you from getting down on your knees to worship him and his obviously talented fingers was the blaring music, reminding you that you were not yet somewhere private and very much on display.
You briefly wondered if these two were rich enough to simply pay their way out of a public indecency arrest. You wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't even get arrested.
Since Thranduil made no sign of disengaging himself from you, you stepped away from him, right against Bard's chest.
"Shall we go? Your husband mentioned luxury sheets which I bet are more comfortable than a threesome on the dance floor"
The way out of the club presented itself as more difficult than you would have thought.
With Bard shoving a path through the dancing crowd in front of you, holding on to one hand, Thranduil breathing down your neck and you pausing now and again because "Oh my gosh, I love this song!" it took a lot longer than necessary.
Not that any one of you minded.
Lost in the mass of people shouting, dancing, and pushing you three closer together and the tequila in your bloodstream you ended up undulating to Nicki Minaj's 'Pound The Alarm' completely lost on the fact that both men had stopped to watch you.
The lights were colorful and sharp and in their hues, Bards and Thranduil's jawlines looked even sharper tinted red, blue, green, and whenever the disco ball flashed white across their faces the lust in their eyes caused shivers on every part of you.
Thranduil's hands moved to your lower abdomen, making it easy to grind against him as you raised your hands to Bard's strong shoulders.
Two huge pairs of hands gripped your waist from either side and held you steady and close to themselves, keeping everyone else from getting any nearer than they allowed.
"Fucking hell– Darlin' you drive me crazy!" Bard yelled over the music as you suddenly decided to drop down intact with the beat, dragging your nails over his torso.
You laughed, low and full-heartedly.
Coming up, his hands moved to the flushed skin that your shirt had revealed by riding up, holding you tight to sweep you away into a kiss.
One thigh, leather, and flexing muscles shoved itself between your thighs and you responded eagerly, grinding against it without a second thought.
Just when you thought you were ready to finally go, the song ended and faded into yet another pop hit. 'LoveGame' by Lady Gaga and intact of the low thumping beat, Thranduil's hips circle against your behind, pressing what was an impressive hardness into your arse while his deep voice switched from singing to humming the lyrics.
One of his hands spread over your abdomen, the other arm blindly reached for Bard and pulled him into a kiss right over your head.
Amid the mass of sweaty people and the multicolor array of colors flashing over Thranduil's blonde hair, the 2000s music blaring through the speakers and resonating in every cell of your fevered body, they looked hot enough for the porn industry to sign them under contract.
You were never making it out of the club.
You did make it out eventually, sweat dripping down your temple, Thranduil's chest in your back whenever you stumbled, his hands steadying you.
On what you assumed was an oversight or blind eye of the club owners the crowd had doubled in the last hour.
Far too many people joined the floor and even with Bard's commanding presence leading you it had been close to impossible to step forward and not swerve out of the way of someone drunk.
Outside, the line curved around the block, and those who waited or didn't get into the club or even just hung in groups celebrating on the streets blocked the whole sidewalk.
A number of fireworks were already soaring into the air, sent up there by early birds who couldn't wait until midnight – cheered up by loud excited screams and laughter as the dark night sky lit up here and there with colorful explosions.
Quite sobered up, the dancing had contributed to that, you stared at them.
"How the fuck are we supposed to get out of here?" you asked and crossed your arms in front of you; the winds were biting cold and you hadn't bothered bringing a jacket, "It's madness."
"We will just get a cab"
You barked out a laugh though Bard stayed completely serious.
"Wait, that wasn't a joke?" you rubbed your palms over the naked skin, still warm and thrumming with the afterglow of the unbearable heat of the club, although the cold fought hard and unfairly.
"No, sweetheart, it wasn't," Thranduil said, not bothered by the chaos of people pushing each other, waving their hands like they're trying to flag down a spaceship.
On this day, the chances for that to happen were more likely than actually getting a cab.
He took one step into the busy street, and you yelped, overcome by the shock that he just walked into fucking traffic, his long ponytail swaying with his steps.
Then, like movie magic, a car swerved to the side and stopped right next to Thranduil.
Bard pulled you along, your hand cradled to his chest so as not to lose you. Thranduil opened the door, gracefully sitting down behind the empty passenger seat.
You stumbled onto the back seat next to him, and mumbled a half-hearted "Hello" to the driver, who gave you a nod – a nod, an hour before midnight, from a cap driver, fucking miracles– before shut the plastic window close.
"Holy crap," you exhaled. "Is this what the high life's like? Getting drinks and cabs without any fucking effort?"
Despite the crude and cutting words swinging in their direction, Bard and Thranduil chuckled. The synchronized deep sound reverberated in the quiet cab, warming up the space instantly.
"Do you really think that this" – Thranduil languidly gestures to all of him – "takes no effort?"
Bard huffed. He leaned into you as if he wanted to whisper a secret, but didn't lower his voice: "We were supposed to be here five hours ago. Took him that long to figure out what to wear." He shot a teasing grin at his husband.
"Oh, I have had enough of your whining," In one elegant movement Thranduil folded one long leg over the other. The point of his boot caught your shin in a soft tap that drew your attention to him.
He smirked, one eyebrow raised. "If you are interested, though, I could show you what it is like to ride the waves of the high life"
"Is that a metaphor?"
"No," Bard's lips ghosted over your neck, peppering more kisses to the skin there, "A promise for an unforgettable high"
You were unable to think of what they could propose.. well, you could, but they wouldn't, not here in this cap, right?
Bard's legs were spread a little far apart and, fuck, the flickering lights of the city flying by highlighted a very prominent bulge that he made no effort of hiding. Was he going commando?!
Your eyes snapped back, burning a hole into the roof of the cab.
A hand fell behind you on the headrest at the same moment as Thranduil's cold fingers slipped onto your thigh.
Thranduil's hand snuck to your jeans and played with the button and zipper before,
he opened your jeans and immediately slid his cold, long, slender fingers down your panties.
Oh, fuck
Your hips twitched into his hand and you had to bite down on your finger to muffle the gasp that itched behind your teeth.
Without a care in the world, Thranduil cupped your sex, mumbling something to himself under his breath that sounded like a "So fucking wet- for us?" and worked his middle finger into you.
Pulling it out again, he started circling your clit, smearing your own slick over it, moving right over the spot where your nerve endings were sparking white and hot and you shuddered uncontrollably.
The chill of his fingertips heightened your sensitivity. Still flushed all hot from the club, you instinctively arched upward, a soft gasp escaping your lips as Thranduil's fingers tapped against your swollen wet clit.
The noise prompted his gaze to lock onto yours.
Your gasp broke off as your hips nearly flew off the seat and it was only for the belt snapping tightly against your lower abdomen that your head didn't make contact with the roof.
That, and the arm Bard put around your shoulders. He held you down and gave you his biceps to let your head fall against something that wasn't the uncomfortable seatrest.
Your cheeks flushed under Thranduils scrutiny, as well as at the general scene and obscenity of everything, and a subtle smirk played on his lips.
"Do you enjoy that?" His voice was flirty, and while you want to retort that it should be very clear how much you liked his fingers fucking into you, you only managed a nod.
"Say it." He leaned forward, a teasing glint in his eyes. His fingers stopped, clearly waiting for you to obey his order. "Use your words, you still know how, right? I haven't even started, clearly there must be something you could tell me."
"Yes," your admission was barely a whisper, but it sufficed.
Thranduil hummed, using his other hand to open your legs as wide as the tight jeans allowed it before he worked two agile fingers into your throbbing cunt.
You stared at him through half-lidded eyes, watching his relaxed demeanor while fingering you open without caring about anything else.
The heel of his hand pressed into your pelvis, giving him a reasonably steady hold in the jolting cab so that he could hit a spot inside you with precision and with every, goddamn, perfect, thrust of his fingers that made you pant out.
"Thran-" the nickname you heard Bard call him slipped out unconsciously, it's the only thing you could pull out of the depth of your mind, "Thran.. please"
"Beggin' already?" Bard chuckled, "Darlin' you have seen nothing yet and here you are, beggin' to cum in the back of a cab."
"Bard you have no idea how fucking wet she is. She's dripping down my hand, squeezing my fingers, and fuck she's so tight," Thranduil muttered and as he slipped his other hand to the one slipping and sliding against your g-spot in a maddening relentless rhythm, he rubbed them over your folds.
He collected some of your wetness on those fingers, circling your clit again before pulling them away, out of your pants, and to your horror, he held them up into the air, inspecting how his fingers glistened in the city lights.
He rubbed them together, all right in the view of the rear back mirror of the cab driver, who – thank god – kept his eyes on the road and only turned up the radio in unspoken ignorance of what was happening in his car.
God, you hoped these men would tip him adequately.
"Here," Thranduil reached his arm out past your half-opened lips and for a moment you thought he was going to offer you his fingers, but he leaned further forward.
A gasp broke out of you as you watched Bard open his mouth and greedily took both fingers right between his lips, and.. sucked.
His eyes fell shut with a contented sigh as if he were tasting his favorite drink.
You saw his tongue run thoroughly over Thranduil's patiently waiting fingers, cleaning them off every last bit of you, and god, you wanted to be those fingers so damn bad at that moment.
Then he looked at you again. There was such a deep hunger in those eyes that would look beautifully between your legs, brown hair falling messily into his sight as he ate you out.
Meanwhile, Thranduil's fingers inside you moved harder and faster, curling to brush every sensitive spot of your walls, in, out, in, another curl, and then out.
You clenched your entrance in anticipation, the feeling of two of his fingers filling you this deliciously and continuously.
You were so so close, almost there–
"Shit, you're the sweetest. I think I'll eat you for breakfast tomorrow"
The abrupt halt of the cab barely registered for you; instead, it finally propelled you over the edge.
Thranduil's precise movement hit that spot inside you perfectly, crooking his fingers just right to brush against it. Combined with Bard's downright filthy promise, you nearly let out a scream as the powerful orgasm surged through you and you had to flex your muscles so you didn't continue riding his hand.
Thranduil, however, didn't stop, even though there was no way he didn't know you climaxed and he kept up the same pace, same fucking precision and pressure that your body convulsed around those long talented fingers and you couldn't even go anywhere, the seatbelt cut off your escape to the front and you were so far into the seat that wasn't an option as well, and it took a soft broken whimper, for words were long lost, for Thranduil to press a kiss to your neck before he sucked his fingers dry.
Your legs were still shaking as the elevator took you up to the penthouse at the top of the skyscraper the cab had stopped in front of.
Four mirrors gave you a splendid view of Bard's broad back as he crowded you against one of the walls, his thick fingers down your jeans again, as he mouthed hot kisses onto your neck.
"Gonna have to work you open," Bard grunted, his slippery fingers curling inside your cunt in a sinful squelch that sounded absurdly loud in the confined space of the elevator. "You're really too tight, don't wanna hurt you"
Thranduil watched the whole scene leaning at the railing, hands curled around the pole behind him as his hips twitched whenever you let out another whimper; your hands trying to get a hold on his husband's shoulders.
The ride was far too short, Bard's fingers not fast enough for you to reach another peak though the constant movement kept your head in such a nice empty mindless space that you didn't complain.
As soon as the doors opened Thranduil led the way, sauntering into the darkness illuminated by the first exploding fireworks. He pulled on the tie holding his hair up and flung it away let his hair flow down his back, ending just barely over his exquisite arse.
You didn't get to see much of the penthouse, all three of you were very eager to take this party finally somewhere comfortable and you only made out a giant white couch in front of a fireplace, an open kitchen with two glasses, one crystal with golden stains of whiskey, and the other high, the rim still dripping red wine, and a few bookshelves.
"You can get the full tour tomorrow," Bard said while you two kicked away your shoes, leaving them behind on the dark wooden parquet.
You stumbled over his left sneaker and halted in your tracks at the offer. While you had considered his promise of breakfast a spur-of-the-moment chit-chat, it now settled in your head that this wouldn't be like any one-nightstand you had in the past.
This observation only solidified as Bard caught your hand and raised it to press an open-mouthed kiss to your palm. "Do you need anything before we go into the bedroom? Any wishes or no-gos? Safeword?"
"Red," you immediately answered, and he nodded in acknowledgment, "and no, well– maybe hold me a bit afterward?" You blushed at the question though this should be the least embarrassing thing after all these two did to you in the span of a few hours. You continued to ramble, "And sometimes I cry, so.. you don't have to stop then. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed but you can continue your.. thing. Don't bother, I'll be fine on my own–"
Bard's eyebrows scrunched together the more you babbled, the look in his eyes becoming more confused until he shushed you with a quick kiss.
"Darlin', there is no need to explain what you want or don't want. If this is what you need then we won't question those demands," his eyes wandered over your face, making sure you were listening; which you were, heart pounding fast in your chest.
"And it's important you don't push yourself just because of us. It's not our intention to use you for a simple release. Thranduil and I don't take whoever is the first best, especially not to our home. We're looking for someone who suits us, with whom we feel completely comfortable and that should also be equally important to you."
You trusted them both, Bard as well as Thranduil.
The fact that Bard was asking you, nevertheless listening and responding to you was feeding something very primal.
They had done this before, unlike you. They had experience in this, but you were willing to learn, to submit yourself to these imposing men who surely would change something inside you forever.
The pride you felt at his admission of choosing you specifically mingled with the need to get this perfect man inside you quickly, especially now that he said such meaningful and reassuring words.
You nodded and croaked out a soft: "Alright, then please hold me after we're done" which he rewarded with another soft yet sensual kiss.
"Good girl"
Then his hands traveled south and slapped your ass so that your hips flew towards him.
"Now, let's not keep Thran waiting any longer. He tends to get a bit… impatient if left on his own for too long, as you've probably noticed."
You were so on the money earlier.
With that as well as the guess that the blonde was more kinky than the vanilla of his perfume.
At that moment the deep voice of his called out from down the hall.
"I swear, if you two started without me, I will fuck you until neither of you can walk for a week!"
Bard chuckled, then caught your widened eyes.
"He's joking," he said and you let out a relieved breath.
Bard pulled you along, a wink thrown over his shoulder.
"Mhm, partly; he won't fuck me tonight."
You needed a deep breather to ready yourself for what was about to happen, then you nearly tripped over your own feet as you raced after him through the dark hallway and to the only opened door.
You crashed fully into Bard, who for whatever reason, stood right in the doorframe of their bedroom.
"It seems Thranduil got tired of waiting," he chuckled and you wondered what he could mean when he turned sideways.
Your eyes instantly fell onto Thranduil, spread out on the enormous bed in the corner of the room– completely naked except for black, very tight boxers.
There was no air in your lungs, not a single breath left to take as you drank in the sight of him, fair and marble skin shining in the moonlight that fell through the big window next to the bed; the remaining glitter gave his body an unearthly glow. His hair fanned out all over the pillows, silver against grey, moving with him as he lazily lifted his head to stare at you.
There was an indescribable beauty in this man, he could lounge in the bed, his long legs opened in an invitation that you yearned to take, and his lean yet softly defined body posed as if he was waiting for someone to draw him.
"There you are," the corner of his mouth twitched into his smirk, "Strip"
His words, spoken in a gentle tone, boomed loud in your ears.
Your hands flew to your jeans in no second, though they were stopped by Bard, who covered them with his larger, rougher ones.
"No, Darlin', let me"
He stood behind you, taking over the job of undressing you. He did it much slower than you would have, not ripping everything apart in a hurry to obey the command of the blonde whose eyes were heavy on your body, taking in every bit of skin that got revealed.
Bard unbuttoned your jeans first, then his large and warm hands rubbed over your arms.
"Are you cold, sweetheart?"
You shook your head. "No, not cold. I– I feel like I'm burning up"
It was the truth, and nothing but the full, honest truth; you felt as hot as you did in the club, though the reason wasn't the hundreds of people and the alcohol but rather the sight of Thranduil, whose hands trailed over his own body and teasingly played with the waistband of his underwear.
Bard followed your fixated gaze to his coyly smiling husband.
"Should we turn down the heating? We would not want you melting away," Thranduil blinked his long lashes at you in faux-concern. He must've known the goosebumps covering your skin were his doing.
You would've rolled your eyes if you were able to look somewhere else than Thranduil. The man had to be magical, how else could you explain the spell he put you under if not for some supernatural powers?
"Stop the teasing, Thran," Bard cut in, slipping his hands under your shirt and kissing your shoulder. You melted into his touch, comforted that he took care of you like this when he continued, "This poor sweet thing hasn't even all her clothes off. It would be a shame to make her blush like this and not see it"
"Oh, and who's fault is that? Certainly not mine, I have been waiting so long I was close to wrapping things up myself"
Bard pulled your shirt over your head, covering your sight long enough for a wave of braveness to surge through you. "I sure hope you wrap it up," you said and heard both of them snicker.
"Do not worry," Thranduil began.
"There is enough protection for weeks," Bard finished and the band of your bra snapped against your skin.
Despite the warmness of the room your nipples puckered as soon as the lace fell away, growing hard under the avid eyes, cerulean and green, so different yet similar in the way both are dominated by the blackness of their pupils.
Bard's hands came up to your front and he cupped your breasts first tenderly, mapping out how perfectly they fit into his large palm, then rougher as his fingers found the hard buts of your nipples and rubbed them between them until every pinch had your legs trembling and you whimpering.
You cried out, body bucking on its own.
"Oh how nice," Thranduil's comment was full of sarcasm, followed by a click of his tongue against teeth, "Why, let me lay here and play all on your own, why not? After all, I am nothing but pure decoration"
Bard huffed a puff of hot air onto you, "Grow a pair of tits like this and maybe I will get to you first"
Thranduil's dark eyebrows raised to his hairline, passing an unspoken threat that had Bard scoff before he grabbed the waistband of your jeans. He pulled them down slowly, getting on his knees as he did and you were acutely aware of how wet your panties were when you feel his lips kiss your ass.
"This must be uncomfortable," he murmured, holding one leg to help you step out of the jeans. He kneaded your thigh, fingertips against muscles and flesh, before moving on to do the same on your other leg.
He used the moment where you lifted the second leg, to dive his hand to your cunt again, dragging his knuckles over the dark-colored patch, and he laughed as you buckled into the touch. "Oh, the fun we'll have"
Finally, undressed to your panties that cling to your crotch like a second skin, you were free to walk toward the bed. You would've lied if you said you didn't swing your hips a little bit, relishing the raspy groan this evoked from Bard.
Feeling like you should await further commands you stopped (un)patiently when your knees hit the mattress.
Thranduil's lips curved into a devilish smirk at this sign of submission.
He let his legs fall open wider, waving in an elegant gesture into the space in between. "Come here, sweetheart"
The bed was raised and you rose to your tiptoes and, making sure your eyes were trained on Thranduil, you crawled over the mattress, knees digging into the silk duvet he had promised you.
He reached out as soon as he could, one hand curving around your neck to pull and you landed directly on him, legs spread on either side of his thighs, hands somehow, despite their nervous trembling, found their place against his collarbones, standing out from his broad chest rather delicate.
Not that you hadn't suspected and expected him to be big, but, fuck, he was long and hard, a pulsing pressure against your stomach.
"Be a good girl and remove this unnecessary fabric, will you?" Thranduil whispered and you scrambled to lose your panties, throwing them off into the distance only to turn again and find him smirking. "I meant my boxers, but it fills me with joy seeing you this eager"
Lowering your head to hide your laughter, you grabbed his boxers. He lifted his hips just barely for you to pull on the black boxers, rolling them over his tight ass, and after giving you a loving pat on the head, he crossed his arms behind his head, relaxing into the pillows.
His cock sprung free from the containment of the tight boxers, twitching as it hit his abdomen and you felt your throat dry out.
Of course, he was smooth everywhere; not one bit of hair covering the flushed beauty of him.
You sat up, hands pushed into his flexing thighs, to take him all in. No one should look this perfect, this utterly ridiculously beautiful, right? There should be something on him, a scar, a mole, anything to prove he wasn't straight-up carved out of marble, but you found nothing.
You glared at him as you sat down a bit lower, ass in the air, and spit into your hand before you wrapped it around his cock. The sight of his size had your mouth water, and seeing how your fingers couldn't meet had your cunt clench around nothing.
No way any of their preparation had been enough for this intimidating masterpiece of Mother Nature's creation.
"Tell me, how is it fair that you are rich and have a dick like that?" you asked and just as Thranduil opened his pretty lips for probably another witty answer, you interrupted him by letting his cock slide over your tongue deep into your throat until you gagged around him.
Whatever he wanted to say was forgotten.
Instead, Thranduil groaned a low: "Fuck" and threw his head back.
You wanted to see him come undone, to unravel him until he lost this bratty attitude and reduce him to that wild behavior he had shown in the club.
You had the feeling that that's only possible if he thought he had the upper hand.
You bobbed your head, taking him a bit past what you could manage without gagging before lifting your head again.
"Use me," you said and his eyes flew open.
Cocking your head, you shot him a confused look, while spreading his precum over the head of his cock with your thumb. "I said," – you spit again, mixing it and coating his dick further – "Fuck - my - mouth"
Every word was punctuated with a kiss to his slit, and you swore you could see his eyes darken further; black taking over blue – desire fought whatever held him back to fucking give into whatever you offered.
Behind you, Bard swore nearly breathlessly: "Fuck me" though you stayed focused on Thranduil.
"Are you sure?" his voice was raw, his facade of composure cracking ever so slightly.
"Wouldn't ask if I wasn't"
His hand was behind your head in seconds, drawing you down his cock again and you opened your mouth wide to not hurt him. He pushed you down until you choked on him and although your eyes watered, you couldn't take them away from the sight of his mouth and the low throaty groans that passed the opened lips.
The lack of air cut off your moan, the tip of his cock bullying the back of your throat just barely short of painful. Reminding yourself to breathe through your nose, you inhaled deeply.
"Good girl," Thranduil's hips bucked, pulling back until he was only half-lodged in your throat, "Just like that, fuck"
He gave an experimental thrust, keeping his sharp eyes on you, his hand in your neck, ready to stop if he saw any discomfort, but all you showed him was how you choked on spit and salty precum.
"Oh, you sweet girl. Behaving so well," his voice was ruined, and he thrusted again, punching away the little breath left in the tiniest space that wasn't occupied by his thick cock.
This was by far the first time you have ever given a blowjob, but it was a first to let someone use you like this. Controlling when you could suck or when you just had to take what he gave you.
And oh– how much you loved it.
So much that you wanted to rub your thighs together only to be stopped by rough hands grabbing them.
A confused sound left you, no more than a choked "Huh?" vibrating around Thranduils cock continuing to fuck into you, just like you had asked him, hindering you from turning to see what Bard was up to.
He didn't leave you wondering for long, just as Thranduil's thrusts took on a sharper edge, hitting the back of your throat every time, filling your mouth like no man ever had, Bard's flattened tongue licked through your exposed cunt and the moan you let out sounded so pornographic you surprised yourself.
"Do it again," Thranduil took in the sight of your wet lips, the drool dripping out of the corners of your mouth, his cock disappearing so deep inside you that felt him in your lungs, "Fuck, Bard, do that again now!–"
He talked for you, praising Bard as he licked your pussy again, this time using his fingers to pry you open further and there was the delicious scratch of his beard stubbles, burning on your skin.
You cried out, tried to do, stopped by Thranduils cock stuffing your mouth again and again, his hands curled around your neck as if he wanted to feel the imprint of himself pushing through.
"Prettiest woman out there," Thranduil groaned. His thump reached over to stuff some of the spit back into your mouth, opening your jaw up impossibly wide.
Bard's tongue was as precise as their fingers have been, covering your folds, fucking into your hole and sucking on your clit with expertise that no man should be allowed to have. Two of his wet fingers slid into you while his tongue mercilessly attacked your clit, the other hand buried itself in the soft flesh of your ass, kneading and pulling, opening you up further for his face.
"C'mon," his voice was muffled by your thighs, drowning you in his accent while he drowned his tongue inside your opening, circling the rim in maddening figures, "Give me one more, gorgeous."
Electricity flowed through your body, hot tingles of nothing but fire spreading into your fingertips wrapped around the inches of Thranduil's cock that didn't fit into your mouth, to your nipples that brushed against his muscular thighs.
"Fuck Bard, please–"
Not sure what you were begging for, for his tongue to stop the attack on your clit, for his fingers constantly finding that spot inside your spongy walls that had you wailing and rolling your hips into his face, or for him to get on with it and get you over that build-up.
Bard kept going, somehow finding a rhythm that matched the one his husband hammered down your throat and you were helplessly stuck trying to hold on.
Until you lost the fight to keep yourself upright. Your hands slipped on Thranduil's thighs, your body crashed down and if it wouldn't have been for his quick reaction of pulling himself out of you, you would for sure have impaled your head on his still hard and throbbing cock.
Instead, it just wetly slapped your face as you collapsed into his lap.
Bard's rough hands grip your thighs, blunt nails digging into soft flesh as he maneuvered your legs around to give his head more space.
The other pair of hands, soft, delicate, Thranduil's, cupped your face, lifting it gently yet demanding, giving him the perfect view of your cute face, all scrunched up as you gasped and mewled, and your backside, ass arched into the air under Bard's commanding hands.
"Such a beautiful thing," Thranduil mused.
His fingers danced over your cheeks until he used another whine, another desperate moan when Bard alternated between open-mouthed, sloppy kisses and using the point of his tongue, to slip his thumb into your mouth.
As soon as he did, you closed your lips around him. Staring up at him, begging him silently for a release only Bard could give you, you started sucking on his finger as you would have done on his cock if not for the stars dancing in your field of vision.
Thranduil tutted, "So needy as well. Bard, if you were so kind as to stop, I can not stand seeing her this distraught. I think you are working her up far too much"
"Nooo! Please, please, I'm alright, I'm– please, so close," The desperate scream that came out of your mouth at his words was probably loud enough to alert the neighbors, followed by a cry and sob as Bard kissed your clit one last time.
"Of course, babe" The words were muffled, spoken directly into your dripping cunt.
Which he then shuffled away from, beard stubble scratching you, his fingers letting loose on your thighs.
"No, no please, please," you were already babbling, reaching behind you in a sad effort to force him back between your legs, "Please, I'll be good, please!"
"You sweet thing," Thranduils arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you up into a kiss, "I think–" his voice dropped deeper and you heard the rustle of plastic, felt Bard's hand rolling the condom over Thranduil's cock pressing into your stomach, "–you have behaved so well, you deserve a reward"
You nodded fast, legs spread wide apart sitting on his thighs and your cunt stretched open.
Staring into his eyes, you saw how much his pupils were dilated, how he only watched you, only saw you.
You could see and feel his chest lift as his cock slid through your folds, finding you drenched from all their playing around.
"Eyes stay on me"
Your pussy was wet enough for the tip of his cock to slip right into you and right away you wanted to shut your eyes at the sensation of him spearing you open.
"Please–," you gasped, and tried to move your hips to get more of him into you than just those few inches, but he didn't budge, didn't loosen his grip on your waist, "Please, Thranduil. Green, my color is green, fuck me, I can take it!"
"Yes, and if not," his voice was back to the self-controlled powerful tone, "I'll make you take it, sweetheart."
Thranduil let go of you the second he snapped his hips upwards and suddenly, you were split open.
You keened as his cock sunk into you in one fast, swift, hard movement. There was a burn, in your thighs as you flexed them, in your throat as you cried out, in your pussy at the intrusion of his long cock.
When Thranduil bottomed out, his head shoved against your cervix, the whole length forcing you to stretch, to make room, and fuck you wanted your pussy to be carved into the shape of that perfect cock.
It should've been uncomfortable, but you only groaned as you appreciated the second he gave you to relax while making room where they shouldn't be some.
"Fuck–" he moaned, "you are tight, so fucking tight"
Bard moved next to you, and you could only get one short look at his naked body, the brown hair coating his muscular chest, the happy trail leading down to his thick cock, before Thranduil began to fuck you.
His strokes were fast, hips snapping into you and nearly throwing you off his lap at the speed and brute force and you fell into his chest, clinging to his arms.
This, him rutting into you like your pussy could quench a year-long thirst at a punishing pace, this was surely the epitome of getting fucked. How he knew how to fuck you just right, hitting your g-spot with every single thrust was a riddle you couldn't and wouldn't want to solve; not with his cock penetrating you hard enough you swore you felt him in your throat as you called for him through moans.
You had no chance of even trying to meet his thrusts, not while he pounded into you like a madman.
"F-Fuck, good fucking girl– so tight," Thranduil groaned out his gritted teeth, his face turning a beautiful shade of rosé, "Even tighter than you, Bard–"
Bard, you totally forgot he was even there, laughed and moved on the bed again, slipping back behind you, "Yeah? Tell me more"
And you wanted to scream, to yell at them to stop talking in words that only added to the overstimulation, that spun around your head without meaning because how could anything have ever any meaning more important that Thranduil's cock fucking you a little further, a little deeper.
"So tight, s-so hot, clamping down on me like this sweet, fuck, pussy doesn't want me to leave"
"Mhm, I can see that," Bard hummed and his hands caressed your shaking thighs, before leaving his mark on your ass with a soft slap that had you wailing into Thranduil's shoulder.
It was too much and not enough at the same time.
You were going to lose your mind like this, fucked to near-unconsciousness.
"More, I–" your speech was slurred, brain scrambled into loose words hanging onto thin threads.
You tried to hold on to Thranduil but it was impossible with your sweat and the glitter covering him.
Luckily for you, Bard found the time to stop ever kindly toying with the pearl of your clit to lean forward.
"Put them inside his hair, Darlin'. He doesn't mind" There was a lopsided smirk on his face that you could barely see out of the corners of your eyes.
You still hadn't stopped looking at Thranduil.
The attempt to tentatively guide your hands to his head was prevailed by another particular hard thrust, and your fingers slid through blonde locks, grabbing onto them as you fell back down on Thranduil's cock.
You tugged on them much harsher than intended.
Thranduil's eyes blew wide.
You wanted to apologize when his lips quivered and his hips snapped into yours even faster.
Quickly you reached for him again, nails scraping his scalp as you readjusted, gripping more, much tighter.
"That's it, Darlin'.. that's my girl," Bard leaned back, and not shortly after his fingers were back on your clit, tapping intact of Thranduil's thrusts.
It was only a matter of seconds until the pleasure became too much.
Thranduil's hips fell into a stutter as your walls clenched around him; even for someone with his stamina the heat of you surrounding him, and your sweet moans drove him into a raging need to imprint the shape of his cock inside you.
"F-fuck.. Thran–" you whimpered, hands fisting his hair, trying to get a literal grip as reality started to shift around you.
Outside, close to the windows, there was a whistle as the first of many fireworks greet the New Year and just as Thranduil pushed you over the edge, your whole body shaking and tensing up as you screamed his name, the darkness of the sky exploded into an arrangement of thousands of colors.
The white fuzziness that enveloped your vision transformed into creeping darkness at the edges.
Your eyelids closed shut as you descended into blissful oblivion.
When you came back to yourself, it was to the murmur of deep voices mixed into the loud bangs of fireworks.
For a moment you had no idea where you were, enveloped in a haziness inside your mind, but the gentle nudge of something against your lips forced you to open your eyes.
There were two faces very close to yours, was the first realization.
Then, following up, you let out a giggle.
"Don't look so concerned, I'm fine," you greedily took a sip from the water bottle that the very flushed blonde held in his hands.
"You said it was possible you would cry, not bloody pass out on Thran's dick!" Bard wiped the drops you couldn't swallow away from the corner of your mouth with one hand and continued to rub your thighs with his others.
You hadn't noticed they were still shaking.
"Yeah, that never happened before," you shot a smirk up to Thranduil, "Never had a guy fuck me like this as well"
He snorted into the bottle of water, "Believe me, I never had someone lose their consciousness on me before as well. I came shortly after you and when I opened my eyes to find you completely out of it I nearly passed out on the spot as well"
"Would have been quite a shock for you," you said and let your head fall to the side to look at Bard, "both of us orgasm into fainting"
"Not funny, Darlin'," Bard warned, though he laughed as you stuck his tongue out at him.
Stretching your hands over your head and raking them into the air until your bones cracked, you sighed happily. Blissfulness was all you felt after cumming harder than you ever had.
For the first time, you could really enjoy the sight of both men in the nude, you hadn't had the chance to appreciate how fit Bard was while Thranduil had fucked you and you reached out to run your hands over his chest. Twirling some of the hair on there, traveling lower to scratch nails down his happy trail like a route description straight to his still-hard cock.
Stopping shortly before his pubic hair, you glanced up at him, a coy smile playing your lips. "You haven't cum yet." It was much a purr as it was an invitation, your legs falling open right when Bard's hand came to a still on your thighs.
He shook his head, chestnut hair swaying with the movement. "No, Darlin', no! You just passed out. I won't force myself on you. Thran can suck me off or I'll take care of it myself if you want to rest"
Your heart contracted in adoration for this man, and an embarrassing amount of slick gushed out of you.
"Bard," you said, voice wavering as you suppressed a whimper. Somehow this turned you on even more, "Bard, there is enough time to be this caring later but please–" Once again you were begging, and the man wasn't even inside of you yet, "please fuck me"
On the other side of you, Thranduil chuckled, "Insatiable, I knew it. Bard is right though, if you are not well, then he can fuck me"
Slowly but surely you were losing your patience.
As sweet as their concern was, the fact that these two gods were both sitting naked in front of you, one sweaty because he just knocked you out, and the other hard as steel and flushed, only aroused that much more.
Without saying anything else, you maneuvered yourself in the bed until you could rest your head on Thranduil's stretched legs and angled your legs in an invitation.
"Come on you stud. It's the new year after all"
The brunette scanned you with a piercing gaze, you could see him struggling with himself, but the twitch of his cock told you what he'd decided before he nodded.
"Thran, condom please"
You giggled again, excitement and the need to be catapulted to new heights spreading warmly in your stomach.
As Bard put the condom on, you wiggled around, your hand on the move to beat time, but Thranduil reached over you.
He caught your wrist before you reached your center, grasping it with his much larger hand and pulling your arm back with him enough that it forced your shoulders up, a "Tze, tze, tze" admonishing the behavior.
"Impatient brat, make up your mind!" he hissed and tugged some more until you whined, "Feel free to use those pathetic little fingers, knowing they will never fill you the way Bard could" Now that Thranduil knew you were on the same page, his voice dropped into that rebuking tone that left you whining and pouting.
He was so good, so fucking mean in the right amount you never knew you needed a man to act in bed.
"I just wanted–"
"I know baby," he cooed, and patted your cheek, "you just need your cunt to be filled, right? Just need to be stuffed full. Bard will do that for you, no need to worry your pretty head about it"
"That's right, Darlin'," Bard shuffled in between your legs, hooking them both over his thighs as he leaned over you. His cock landed on your abdomen, pressing against your pulsating clit, "Tell me what you want," he grabed himself, guiding it slowly toward where you leaked for him, completely drenched from the orgasms they had already given to you.
"I can go slow, or I can go fast"
You contemplated for a moment and lift the free hand to stroke over his handsome face. His beard tickled the inside of your palm, the chestnut waves silky as the sheets.
"Slow," you whispered, "I want you slow first"
"Alright," he gently nudged his nose against yours before capturing your lips in a kiss.
Although you were still sensitive, still pulsing and throbbing due to Thranduil (who caressed your face and your neck, having let to of your hand to arrange the pillows in his back for more comfort), you relished the stretch and sting of Bard as he guided his cock into you.
He was thicker than Thranduil, not by much but that inch made itself known, splitting you open heavenly so. You gasped into the kiss, giving up the fight of tongues to swallow back the drool that collected the further Bard pushed inside you.
It's just a little bit, one inch at a time, but you cried out all the same.
The thrum of excitement pulses, leaves you trembling and begging in incoherent moans and whimpers.
You could feel him throbbing inside you.
"Good girl," Thranduil's praise washed over you, chilled fingers tweaking one of your nipples as a reward for the exhausted smile you gifted him at that, "Has anyone ever told you that you make just the sweetest sounds? Give me one more?"
He twisted your other nipple; you moaned again.
"Fuck, Thran, you were so right," Bard grunted, his fingernails digging into where he held you by the waist, leaving crescent moon-shaped imprints that you hoped wouldn't fade for a while, "She's fuckin' tight; how are you still this tight?"
"For you," you fisted your hands into his hair again, hoping he enjoyed it just as much as his husband, "J-just for you, everything, ngh– for you"
With one last push, he sheated himself in you completely, filling you up just like Thranduil told you he would, stretching your walls thin.
You felt him everywhere, in every part of your body.
Every nerve, every tendon, every cell burns and was lit aflame, sizzling hot fire licking your skin and bursting when he dragged himself out, leaving barely the tip and pushed back in.
His cock nestled deep inside you, Bard stilled.
There was a silent vigilance in his mesmerizing green eyes. "Talk to me beautiful, is this alright?"
You nodded and pulled him down on his hair into another kiss. "Yes, god, yes"
That's all he needed to hear and while licking over your lips, entangling your tongue with his playfully, he set a slow rhythm. Nevertheless the tempo, he brushed that spot inside you with every stroke.
Pins and needles all over your skin, goosebumps wherever Thranduil's fingers wandered.
There were more fireworks, lightening up the bedroom filled with gasps and grunts, whispers of encouragement and begging. The sound of Bard's hips snapping into yours, the wet squelch of his cock driving itself inside of your pussy again and again.
"There we go," he murmured and positioned his arms on either side of you, using the balance it gives him to roll his hips instead of just thrusting. Mumbling between kisses, he talked against your lips: "Aren't you just the sweetest? Darlin', I couln' believe my eyes when I saw you in that club, shining far brighter than anyone else"
He swallowed your gasps with kisses, nipping at your lip then moved to your earlobe, "You are so perfect, letting us fuck you like this"
In one swift movement, he dragged Thranduil towards him, long blonde hair curling at the edges hanging into your vision in a starlight waterfall. Their kiss left you breathless and you would have felt left out if Thranduil didn't lean down further to you, kissing your lips upside down.
This time it was his fingers that found your slick, poor and abused clit. A couple of firm circles had your hips bucking up to meet Thranduil's fingers, crying out for both men in a mix of their names.
You whimpered as the next orgasm build up fucking fast, your breath catching in your throat.
"Bard," your hips moved on their own, trying to get him to fuck you faster, "Please– more, I need m-more,"
"Darlin'," Bards forehead pressed against yours, his grunts strained as if he was holding back himself but kept the same and steady pace you asked him for, "You sure?"
Grabbing his hair again, you weaved your fingers through it, tousling it haphazardly, achieving nothing but adding to its wild appearance.
When you met his gaze again, his eyes were fixed on you, it felt electric and charged, akin to lightning, causing you to momentarily forget to breathe.
He obeyed instantly, with the next thrust you screamed at the pure force of it. Bard wa spiraling the same way you were, becoming erratic as his teeth grazed over your collarbone, biting every mark they have left on you.
Raising your legs to keep him close, your ankles locked behind his back, heels digging into the tight muscles of his ass. The new angle allowed him to drive impossibly deep, reaching pleasure points inside you you didn't knew existed before him.
The pleasure was blinding, high electricity running through your veins and into every part of your body and soul. This was nothing you have ever experienced before, not with anyone and they made sure it would never feel like this with anyone ever.
Bard, feeling how your walls clenched around him, fluttering and pulsating, begging him to stay inside, sucked on your nipple, hard.
"I need you to come, fuck. Let me feel this pussy come, I'm right there with you," he rasped, voice like gravel, leaving you to scream for him, head knocking into Thranduil's legs, who dared to add to the crescendo of your pleasure and pressed down on your clit.
You found yourself gripping the bed covers, fingers twisting, in an attempt to anchor yourself, sobbing and shaking.
Instead, the coil inside you snapped.
Soaking Bard's cock choking and sobbing, tears spilling out of the corners of your eyes as every limp of you tensed up, he pushed you over the edge, his moans in your ear the most erotic thing.
You felt Bard following you, felt him spilling inside the condom, his cock twitching inside of you as he reached his peak moaning and burying himself to the deepest point, hips flushed close against yours, still rolling and shoving into you.
Moments of silence and heavy breathing followed. Of broken sobs, hushed murmurs of praise, even more affirmations.
Thranduil scootched closer to you, laying down next to you while Bard's weight on top of you was just what you needed. The heaviness of his much larger frame and Thranduil's long arms wrapped around you held back the cold that threatened to take a hold of you as the shivers of pleasure subsided.
"Gods," Bard exhaled, chest moving, pressing more into you. "That was something"
"Happy New Year" Thranduil rumbled.
Minutes passed, more fireworks exploded, celebrations of the New Year while you weren't even sure you even knew what time was anymore.
Bard tried to move, though your legs must have cramped for they felt disconnected to your body.
"Darlin'," he dropped another kiss to your neck, laughing low as your head lolled to the side.
"Mhm-mhm," you groaned, eyes still shut close, "Stay"
His lips moved to your ear, continuing to bathe you in soft kisses that leave you floating in that blissful headspace. "I know, I know–"
Thranduil's hands cupped your face, caressing your glowing cheeks and wiped away the loose tears that rolled over them. "Aftercare first, then cuddling," he whispered and cradled your head, massaging the spot in your neck that started to ache after Bard had folded you in half.
Despite knowing he was right, that you needed to use the bathroom, the warmth their bodies provided held you back.
You whined, arching your back into Bard's chest as he pried your legs away and slowly pulled himself out of you, stopping when your hips twitched at the overstimulation and only continued after a soothing kiss.
As soon as he left to stand up, tying up the used condom and going into the ensuite bathroom, Thranduil's steady hands on your back helped you sit up on the edge of the bed, where he wrapped the covers around your shoulders and gently tapped your nose, before scratching his nails over your head.
"You did very well, sweetheart," One finger tipped your chin up. "Thank you, you are a wonderful partner."
Thranduil, crouched to your level in front of you, still naked as the day he was born, simply picked you up. Legs folded over one arm, your head fell against his glittery chest that was covered in red streaks of where your nails had scratched him.
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up"
The afterglow of the very much fantastic sex lulled all three of you in a comfort that blurred the barriers of you being a stranger in their home, laughter and giggles as the shower washed away sweat and glitter.
While there was a liveness to massaging soap into hair, hands rubbing away soreness and splashing water around until the mirror was all but fogged up and steam filled the entire bathroom, the exhaustion of the night caught up close after Thranduil dressed you in one of Bard's large sweaters.
Smelling like wood shavings, pine and toothpaste, hair still damp and eyes dropping close even though you tried to stay awake, Thranduil carried you to the bed.
The sheets were changed, encasing you in laundry detergent and brushing against your naked legs as you let yourself be placed on the pillows.
Outside, the world still celebrated and you did as well, in your own way.
There was a shuffle, a murmur of voices, then the bed dipped on either side as Bard climbed to your right side and Thranduil to your left, leaving not much room between all of you, legs entangling with each other, more giggling until everyone lied down comfortably.
Face tugged under Bard's chin, one arm of his reaching over your head so that Thranduil could nestle his face into it and the blonde wrapped around your back, you were surrounded by something you couldn't put into words.
"Maybe– maybe you can stay for breakfast and lunch," Bard's low words were murmured with a deep sigh, his other hand sliding down under his sweater, resting just below where your heart sung contenly.
"And dinner," Thranduil added and you heard him kiss Bard's hand.
"No talky-talky," you snuggled your face deeper into Bard, nose bumping into his neck, "But I would like that, very much"
Just as you fell asleep, held tightly by them both, you could hear them exchange quiet I love you's and you smiled, feeling their love seep deep into your bones.
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stargirllanaa · 8 months
୨⎯ "Cruel World” - Rafe Cameron
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❥ Masterlist
Warnings: Dark!Rafe, Noncon smut, toxic relationship, Abusive relationship, Domestic violence, Gun violence, Drinking, ex!rafe, Rafe is actually terrible, psycho ex bf Rafe
Summary: loosely, based on ‘Cruel World’ by Lana Del Rey, everything goes wrong when you spot your psycho ex bf at a New Year’s Eve party.
A/n ✎: Thank you so much for 100 followers! Ahhhh!!!! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying my work, I recommend listening to the song ofc but you don’t have too. Bold and italics are flashback. Enjoy <333
Wc: just under 3k
“Does anyone know where I put my eyeliner?” Your friend Nora asked you, as well as your other friend Violet.
You were all getting ready for some New Year's Eve party at Nora's boyfriend's house; everyone would be home from college for winter break, so you were excited to see all the people you went to high school with.
“No, but I know where the vodka is!” Violet chuckled,
“Come on, let's all take a shot!” Violet continued as she made her way over to you.
“Come on, y/n, are you going to pout all night? He might not even be there.” the brunette expressed as she sat beside you, bottle in hand.
She was referring to your ex, Rafe Cameron, and you knew for almost a fact that he would be there. Nora's boyfriend happened to be his best friend, Topper, and you and Rafe hadn't exactly ended on the best terms. The two of you had been broken up for about a month and a half; for the first two weeks, he would not stop texting and calling you, profusely apologizing, saying things like, ‘I'll go to therapy.’ ‘give me another chance.’ ‘I'll be better.’
It got so annoying that you had to block him; obviously, that wouldn't stop him. The thing was, Rafe was fucking crazy; he would always find a way to get to you, and if he didn't, he simply didn't want to.
“He's going to be there.” You said with a sign, “I'm just going to get fucked up, ignore him, and hopefully get some dick tonight.”
“That's the spirit!” Violet said as you tilted your head back, and she poured the vodka down your throat.
“Are you kidding me?” Your boyfriend asked you in a harsh tone as he stalked toward you.
“What?” you respond as you tried to take a wobbly few steps back.
His eyes narrowed at you, and his eyebrows furrowed.
“Well, aside from the clown makeup,” Rafe said, referring to your red lipstick.
“How many times do I have to tell you I don't like that dress?” Rafe interrogated as he roughly grabbed your waist.
“How many fucking times, y/n?” the blonde shook your body roughly. “For you to get it through your thick fucking skull?”
You were silent, frozen almost; whenever Rafe got violent, you didn't know how to react. You didn't fight; you didn't try to run; you stood wide-eyed in shock because if you did respond the wrong way, you knew it would make things 10x worse than they already were.
“Huh?” He asked you, shaking your body roughly again, waiting for you to respond.
“I- I don't know.” You mumbled weakly.
“You don't know,” he mocked with a dry humorless laugh.
“Go and change. Red looks trashy on you.” He stated before letting go of you with a harsh push into the wall.
All your friends knew that Rafe was bad, but they certainly didn't know how bad he was. You were so good at hiding it, concealer, color corrector, foundation, you name it; if it could cover a bruise, you had it. Every story you told them about your fights with Rafe were very watered down, and because of that, no one knew how truly scared you were to run into Rafe at this party. Not in an ‘Oh, no, my ex!’ way more in a ‘he might kill me way.’ But with every shot you took, you felt your fear start to fade slowly, and when you arrived at the party five shots in, in your little red party dress, you felt way more confident than you should have.
Your arm linked with Violet’s as your friend Nora lost the two of you to find her boyfriend. You and Violet stumbled through the house, passing through groups of people, trying your best to find the drink table.
“By the way, I love your dress,” Violet approved, looking you up and down. “Red is your color.”
“Thank you!” you smiled, taking the compliment to heart; she didn't know just how much that meant to you; you hadn't worn red since Rafe had told you it was ‘trashy’ on you.
“Fuck, is the Britney Smith?” Violet giggled, pointing at the short blonde girl.
“Isnt she pregnant?” you wondered as your eyes fell on the drink table.
“Oh my god, look who's right next to the drinks,” Violet says before covering her mouth with her hand.
“Is that Alex?” you replied, squinting your eyes to get a better look.
Violet nodded in response, eyes wide with excitement.
“Go talk to him!” you smiled at her. “I'll sit right over there,” you said, pointing at the elegant velvet couch.
As you sat on the couch, you couldn't stop thinking about Rafe. Your anxiety slowly started to rise, and you regretted every choice you made up to this point. First of all, you and Rafe had ended on horrible terms; second of all, you came to a party that you knew he would most likely be at, and now you are all alone and a little more drunk than you'd like to be.
You couldn't stop thinking back to that day, your breaking point, the last fight you had with Rafe before you ended things for good.
“Why are you following John B on Instagram?” Your boyfriend asked you as he looked up from his phone.
The question confused you a bit; you honestly didn't even know you were following him in the first place.
“I don't know?” you replied with a shrug. “Probably was an accident; maybe Sarah tagged him in something or-”
“Was it an accident when you smiled at him the other day at the wreck?” he cut you off.
Was he serious right now? John B had waved at you, and you simply smiled in return. You were just being nice; it was nothing more than that.
“Rafe, I-” You were going into very dangerous territory, and you knew that, even though Rafe was physically attractive, he was very insecure, which showed a lot in your relationship.
“If it's another bullshit excuse, I don't want to hear it,” he scolded as he stalked towards you.
He wasn't even giving you the chance to defend yourself, and frankly, it was pissing you off even more than his stupid questions.
“Rafe, I don't even know what you're talking about; I literally-” you plead with your boyfriend, taking a step back for every step he took forward.
“Of course you ‘Dont know,’ you never do.” Rafe hissed at you, moving closer and closer.
“That's what you do; you act all fucking innocent and then sneak around behind my back.” the blonde accused.
“Do you think I'm stupid?” He sneered, backing you against the wall.
That was the final straw; now he was accusing you of cheating from a simple smile and an Instagram follow. I mean, how delusional could he be?
“Are you fucking crazy?” you asked him, eyebrows furrowed.
You could tell he was shocked at your response by the way his eyebrows arched upwards slightly, but you could also tell you pissed him off by the way his jaw ticked.
“What did you say to me?” He asked; he heard you loud and clear the first time; he just wanted to see if you had the guts to repeat it.
“Are you fucking crazy? I follow him on Instagram. So what? I can unfollow him if it's a problem.” you argued, shocked that this was even an issue.
Rafe's hand shot forward without warning, delivering a sharp slap to your face. Time momentarily slowed as the impact echoed through the room. As the sting of the slap registered, a deep sadness clouded your features. You hated to say it, but you were used to rafe hurting you.
“Who do you think you're talking to?” Rafe asked you. Blue eyes are darker than their everyday shade.
“Huh?” He scoffed, laughing slightly.
“Calling me crazy…talking to me like I'm the one in the wrong?” your boyfriend shouted as he snatched a big chuck of your hair, gripping it tight enough to bring tears to your eyes.
“Rafe, I-” you tried to defend yourself as tears clouded your vision.
“No, I'm talking now.” His voice boomed as he screamed in your ear.
Rafe slammed your head against the wall behind you, using your hair as leverage; at this point, your ears were ringing, your head was banging, and you couldn't speak from the pain alone. And Rafe just kept going on and on about how important trust is in a relationship, but how could you even listen when he was gripping your hair so tight? But obviously, Rafe didn't see this as punishment enough because he dragged you by the hair to his closet, and even as he rustled through his sock drawer, clearly looking for something, he didn't once let go of your hair.
“Rafe! Stop-” You were cut off by the feeling of ice gold metal pressed against your temple; you were completely frozen, not knowing what to do; there was no way your boyfriend was pressing a gun against your head over an Instagram follow.
“If you even look at john b again, your fucking dead.” Rafe threatened coldly.
Your heart was racing; Rafe was impulsive knowing him; you could breathe the wrong way, and he would pull the trigger. That didn't stop your breath from fasting and your tears from falling, though.
“You hear me?” he asked, pulling your hair back just enough to make eye contact.
You didn't say anything; you had been sobbing ever since you felt the metal against your head in the first place.
“Do you hear me?” He shook you, demanding an answer, “I will fucking kill you.”
“Yes!” you cried out, hoping and praying for him to put the gun down and let go of you.
And when you left his house that night, you had never returned. Rafe did have his good moments, but was he worth your life? You broke up with him over text the following day, and you hadn't seen him since.
Since today, as soon as you looked up from your lap, lost in thought, you made eye contact with Rafe. You felt sick when you saw him; you knew he would be here, but you weren't expecting to see him this soon.
You stood up, making your way through the separate groups of people; you needed to find somewhere you could be by yourself because right now, you felt like you might have a panic attack.
“Excuse me,” you repeated over and over as you drunkenly stumbled to the stairs. No one was upstairs, other than maybe a few people hooking up, but other than that, it was pretty empty. You looked for a room, apologizing when you opened the door to see Nora and Topper making out. You stumbled through the halls until you found an empty room, sighing in relief as you closed the door behind you.
Your relief was short-lived because you didn't realize that Rafe was following behind you the entire time, and when he entered the room, you instantly regretted isolating yourself from the rest of the party and your friends.
“No.” you panicked, anxiety rising deep within your stomach.
He was intentionally standing in front of the door. There was no way out.
“Hey, Listen, y/n-,” Rafe said calmly, trying to calm you down.
“No! Get away from me!” you interrupted words slurring, not wanting to hear a thing from him.
You had no desire to speak to Rafe, not after all he had put you through in your relationship, not after you had been in therapy for the past month to heal the pain he had caused you. He wasn't just a regular ex, Rafe was fucking crazy, and you both knew it; you knew he was waiting to see you in person again, probably planning it, planning out exactly how he was going to get you back and what he was going to do if you declined his offer.
“Can you just listen to me!?” he snapped at you, slightly losing his calm demeanor. “I just want to talk-” He said through his teeth, walking over to you and away from the door.
“Well, I don't want to talk!” you barely even knew what you were saying; your head was spinning, and you regretted every shot you had taken earlier.
“So that's how it's gonna be, huh?” Rafe mumbled to himself more than you, fist clenching as he spoke.
As he got closer and closer, the room seemed easier and easier to escape; you knew you couldn't scream for help because of the loud music banging throughout the house; no one would hear you, and you knew you couldn't put up the best fight because you were drunk and Rafe’s also way stronger than you, he had proved this time and time again.
So you took the opportunity to run for the door while you still could. But two steps in, Rafe had already caught you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against his stiff chest.
“I didn't want to make this complicated.” he hissed into your ear. “But come on, y/n, it's almost like you want me to hurt you.”
You thrashed your body, wiggling side to side, trying to escape his grip.
“You’re fucking crazy!” You shouted as you continued to attempt to free yourself.
“Yes! I'm crazy,” Your ex admitted as his grip around you tightened, and his nostrils flared. “I'm crazy for you.” he dug his nails into your side.
“Get off of me!” you cried out, voice raw with emotion.
“You come to my best friend's party wearing the fucking dress I hate! Knowing I'm going to be here!” he criticized, pushing your body towards the bed. “It's almost like you want me to take it off.”
“Rafe, stop, I-” you were cut off by Rafe throwing you on the bed and wrapping his hands around your throat as he hovered over you.
“Shut the fuck up!” He sneered, looking down at you with dark eyes.
“You fucking left me!” His grip got tighter the more he spoke. “Not even a call, but a fucking text.” he scolded. “Do I really mean that little to you?”
You didn't end things the way you did because you didn't care about Rafe; you cared about Rafe so much, more than you ever wanted to, and that hurt; throughout everything he's done to you, all the pain he's caused you, you still cared. You broke up with Rafe over text because you were terrified; he had threatened to kill you over an Instagram follow; you couldn't imagine what he would have done if you dared to break up with him in person.
But you couldn't say any of that because he was choking you so hard that you couldn't breathe, let alone speak; all you could do was hit his hands repeatedly, hoping he would let go.
“You didn't care about my feelings. Why should I care about yours?” He asked you, looking deeply into your bloodshot, teary eyes with his blue angry ones.
Your mind was racing; Rafe was actually going to kill you. You saw this day coming many times throughout your relationship, but you didn't expect it to happen when you guys were finished. You had shared your body, your mind, everything with him, and you had been happy it was over; you finally were starting to feel like yourself again. But now he was going to take that all away from you.
Rafe finally let go when he started to see your eyes roll back as you started to lose consciousness.
You gasped for air in between coughs as you held your throat, desperate to soothe it from the pain he caused with his harsh grip. You had accepted death. You knew exactly who you were dealing with, and the thought of him killing you over a breakup wasn't too far-fetched.
“You have a lot of making-up to do after the stunt you pulled last month,” Rafe sighed as if he was inconvenienced by what he was doing to you.
The stunt you pulled? Your break up was serious, and for a good reason; he was lucky you hadn't called the police; if anyone had pulled a ‘stunt,’ it was him. He had pulled a series of stunts throughout your whole relationship. He was pulling one now.
Before you knew it, Rafe was tugging at your dress, attempting to pull it off you. If there was one thing you weren't doing, it was going down without a fight. You tried your best to kick him and scratch him, everything, but you were drunk, had just been choked, and Rafe was much stronger than you, so he pinned your wrist above your head with one hand and pulled the bottom of your dress up with the other.
“Remember this, y/n,” He said as he positioned himself up against your cunt. “Remember this feeling the next time you think about trying to leave.” He taunted before pushing into you roughly.
As he thrusted into you repeatedly at a rough and harsh pace, you sobbed. You thought Rafe was behind you; you told yourself you would never let a man hurt you the way he did again. You were so happy when he was gone.
“Fuck, take this off,” Rafe moaned as he pulled your dress over your head.
With every hash thrust, your cries got louder. Rafe didn't care about your pleasure or even his; he wanted to hurt you; he wanted to see your tear-stained face. This was your punishment, and he was succeeding. The only thing you felt between your legs was severe pain.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” you heard everyone downstairs scream in unison.
“Happy New Year,” Rafe smirked as he pulled you in for a rough, sloppy kiss.
Rafe was fucking crazy.
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mizgnomer · 1 month
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Behind the Scenes of The Star Beast - Part Eight
Excerpts from Benjamin Cook's Star Beast Set Visit - discussing the Camden night shoots:
Is nobody here having a bad time?? WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM? "I had a little lull earlier," admits David, "at 2AM when we were waiting to turn over- I definitely yawned, maybe twice - but then the blood starts pumping again." Wrap isn't till 3AM. David lives across town. Isn't he worried he'll wake up his family when he gets in? "Listen, the kids are at Davison's," he says (this is Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison, who happens to be David's father-in-law), "so I'm full of beans. Oh, and sugar. Do you want some?" He's bought a churro from a market stall that's stayed open because it's very much in shot. "You can have more than that." He breaks me off a bigger piece. "The sugar rush will do you good." He offers the director [ Rachel Talalay ] some too: "Go on, Rachel, you deserve it." "Are you doing OK?" she asks him. "Yeah! Sugar! I'll move on to the Yorkie bars next. I give not a fudge at this time in the morning." He claps his hands, dusting off the sugar from his churro. "But are you OK?" "I am at this moment," she says, waving to some fans. "Tomorrow at 4:30AM I might not be. Ask me again then." "You do get a lot of love from the fans, don't you?" says David. "In a tiny way, which is just lovely. I mean, I'm not you," she says, with a laugh. "I love hearing them scream for you. But I'm not used to any of this. And… I think it's stopped raining." "OK, here we go," says Scott. "Let's go for one. Stand by then, folks…" They go for another take. And another. When I catch up with Rachel later – much later, it’s October 2023, and she’s chatting over Zoom from her home in Vancouver – we’re five weeks away from The Star Beast airing on TV. “I didn’t know quite how well the episode was working,” she says, “till my family watched an almost-finished cut. I came downstairs, and my two girls were crying. It was like, oh, OK, this does work! And on a much, much deeper level too. To have them go, ‘We knew it would be full of joy’ – which I think it is – ‘but we didn’t expect it to be so emotional,’ that was very satisfying. It was an emotional time all round.” It was. In more ways than one. Which is something that Rachel wants to talk about – here in DWM – for the first time publicly. “I think I can now,” she says, “because I’m close to two years in remission. I will be this month. Two years in remission. And Doctor Who really helped heal me. Directing Doctor Who while I was only a couple of months post-chemo.” A deep breath. “I had lymphoma,” she explains. “I’d been in chemo for seven or eight months. I wasn’t sure if I was going to survive. Then I was offered The Star Beast. I thought, I’ve got to do this. I didn’t tell anybody I was sick. I hadn’t told anybody except very close family. And I didn’t tell anyone on Doctor Who till I was there long enough to say, ‘Look, I’m well enough, so I don’t want you worried about me.’ Because, frankly, I don’t know that they’d have wanted to hire someone who might not have made it through the shoot. I totally get that. That’s fair enough. [...] “I could not have been surrounded by a more supportive crew,” says Rachel. “The best crew in the world. When I realised, it’s all night shoots, I thought, oh god, and I’m two months post-chemo. But that crew – David especially – made those night shoots so fun. It’s weird now, because I look back at the pictures – like that lovely one of me and David you published last issue – and that was my chemo hair. I was just getting my hair back. But I got healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger, as the shoot went on. When I got back to Canada, the doctor said, ‘You’re a poster child for how well someone can do after chemo. This is what people are capable of.’ “But it’s just what you do,” she reflects, “isn’t it? – when you love Doctor Who in your heart so much. There was no better place for me than Doctor Who.”
Additional parts of this set are in the #whoBtsBeast tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
We’ve seen Hobie drunk but may I request drunk reader?
Yes you may!!! Thank you for requesting! 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, CW drinking, CW vomit. FLUFF
Hobie enters the rowdy pub, weaving through the crowd and avoiding the eyes of his mates from across the pub or else he might get dragged into their drinking. It's not usually a bad thing to have a spontaneous drink with the mandem, but tonight he only has one mission: get you home.
Before he left for patrol, you've specifically given him explicit instructions to get you home before the sun starts to peek up from the horizon because you know if you don't manage to go home by then, oh your friends would most definitely get you blacked out drunk. You needed a scapegoat, and that's Hobie. You had it all planned, he would burst into your group, saying there's an emergency at home and you got to get out and help him quickly.
Well that was supposed to happen but seeing you down five shots in a row, feet wobbling from just standing, he knows he's in for a ride.
Hobie guesses that your friends managed to figure out your plan beforehand and got you to drink so much that your loud laughter triumphs over the already noisy pub.
He sidles up to you, a hand over the small of your back to help stabilize you on your feet. The group cheers when they spot him next to you, numerous shots and pints get shoved in his face to which he refuses immediately.
Meanwhile, you stare at him with wide eyes, mouth agape, hand tapping on his chest to get his attention.
“Yes, love? What's got you like that?”
“You.” Sighing, you say it breathlessly. “How are you so handsome?” The low light of the pub illuminates his face, casting shadow in all the right places.
He chuckles, hand squeezing your hip. You sharply turn to your friends, gesturing wildly at him. “It's Hobie Fucking Brown!” You yell at the top of your lungs. Said man blinks at you in surprise.
Your friends cheer drunkenly except for the designated driver who just shakes her head, the glass of orange juice swishing as another one of your friends suddenly loops their arms around her neck.
“Look at him!” You screech again, getting the entire pub's attention. Grabbing his face, you squish it in your hands. “So fucking handsome!”
Hobie chuckles as everyone's eyes look at the chaotic scene. A friend of his notices this, he whistles, hooting and hollering a ‘fuck yeah, he is!’ You seem to agree by yelling back a cheer towards their table.
He's never seen you this drunk, you're usually quiet when you get remotely tipsy, this is a new side of you that he's never seen. He loves it, if only you're not in public then he'll tease you back a hundred times more.
Holding your wrists, he takes your hands away from his face to your dismay. With a pout, you watch him gather your things, saying a quick goodbye to everybody before he gets roped into drinking too.
Knowing that you'll squirm and protest, he drapes your jacket over your face like he's done with a bat that accidentally entered the houseboat a few years ago. Sure enough, you try to wiggle out of the fabric, but you're too drunk to find the end of the jacket.
With his arms around you, he leads you outside of the pub, your muffled curses falling on deaf ears.
Hobie takes the jacket off you, your pout and glare greeting him. The fresh air flutters your lashes, waking you up a bit from your drunken stupor.
“You'd thank me once you're sober.” He's the one that takes your face this time, pressing a chaste kiss on your warm forehead.
“You took me outside like a wild animal” you pout as Hobie puts the motorcycle helmet on your head. Clipping it on securely.
“It was needed or I wouldn't have gotten you out in time before they started dousing me in beer. ‘m sorry,” He takes your pout in between his fingers, moving your head from side to side. “I'll make it up to you tomorrow, yeah? I'll take care of your hangover self.”
Your liquor addled brain makes you open your mouth wide, almost taking a bite of his fingers. Thanks to his quick reflexes, he dodges it.
“Awwe let me bite, Hobart”
“Really?” you say, smiling.
You look at him with puppy dog eyes, Hobie doesn't falter, shaking his head with his hands on his hips. Inside, he's fighting the urge to scoop you up and let you bite wherever you want.
“Get on the bloody bike.” you do as you're told with minimal groaning.
The wind whips at your face, eyes closed, savouring the cool breeze.
Hobie's driving slower than usual, his hand flying back to you everytime you lean too far back in your seat.
While idling in a red light, his arm tucked behind him to grab your hands and enclose them around his waist.
Surprisingly, you don't grumble. Instead, you lean closer to him, face nuzzling on his back leaving a goosebump inducing kiss on his nape.
Hobie could only tap your hands that's holding his waist tightly. Glad that the helmet obscures the giddy smile on his lips.
He kind of regrets living in a houseboat now that he has to guide you down home. With you still wobbly on your feet, you hold on to him for dear life as he tests his balance.
“Fuck it.” Hobie grabs the back of your legs, carrying you effortlessly.
You almost puke from the sudden movement. “I'm gonna be sick.”
“I’ll point you right on the water then”
“Noooo, I'll hold it in!” You mumble a ‘poor fishies’
Finally getting you to bed, all clean and in clean clothes that he has to wrangle you to get it on. You cuddle nicely in bed, arms reaching up to hold him.
“Hobieeee! Cuddle?”
“What in the bloody hell did they let you drink?”
You giggle, flexing your hands to beckon him closer.
With a roll of his eyes, he flops down on you, earning a happy screech from you. Long arms enveloping you, you bask in his warmth while he rubs affectionately at your back. You fall asleep not long after, with your hand balling his shirt, using his chest as your personal pillow.
Oh the hangover would be horrible for you but Hobie's more than ready to help you with so much care and love.
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buddierecs · 2 months
angst buddie fics
all mature rating!!! make sure to kudos/comment on these amazing works :)
leave the light on (i'll be coming home) by: hmslusitania "an accident on a call leaves buck with custody of chris after eddie is... missing presumed. while they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite eddie's parents' best efforts -- a john doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home." word count: 44k important tags: amnesia, mourning, grief, hurt/comfort, getting together, happy ending tomorrow will always and forever now be today (tomorrow is our always and forever) by: withmeornotatall "eddie gets trapped in a time loop on the day buck marries natalia" word count: 43k important tags: time loop, minor buck/natalia, weddings, love confessions five minutes by: onelonely_tortillachip "after the lawsuit, buck decides to take a small vacation to take a break from the stress of coming to work each day to a group of people who can't forgive him. he decides to fly back to wyoming to the ranch he worked on as a younger man. but the flight he is scheduled to take doesn't make it to its destination" word count: 71k important tags: post-lawsuit, emotional hurt/comfort, airplane crashes, found family, depression, oblivious!evan buckley, grief, survivors guilt i'll feel you forget me like i used to feel you breathe by: turningthepages "a car accident leaves eddie without ten years of memories. he forgets meeting buck, falling in love, getting married, and bringing two more kids into their life. as eddie struggles to adjust to this new life, buck struggles with being in love with someone who doesn't want to remember him. oh, and they have really cute kids." word count: 128k important tags: amnesia, car accidents, hurt/comfort, married!buddie, hurt!eddie diaz, insecure!evan buckley, slice of life, future fic when it comes back to you by: gisellelash "the one where eddie and buck meet when they work together on eddie’s uncle’s ranch, and again when eddie walks into the 118 eight years later." word count: 21k important tags: different first meetings au, first love, internalised homophobia, second chance, emotional hurt/comfort, mental health, soft!buddie, boys in love both blade and branch by: daisies_and_briars "the chances of being struck by lightning twice are incredibly minute, but buck still manages to pull it off. during a double date with marisol and natalia, nonetheless. eddie manages to resuscitate him, but as buck recovers from yet another trauma, eddie can’t help but notice there’s something very different about him. he’s not quite sure what version of buck he got back." word count: 62k important tags: paranormal elements, slow burn, hurt!evan buckley, eventful comfort, emotionally hurt!eddie diaz like when the sun came out by: spaceprincessem "buck can see ghosts au" word count: 39k important tags: ghost au, hurt/comfort, mentions of suicide, happy ending, boys in love, getting together the light's been out through, baby by: hattalove "six months after the near-fatal shooting of a member of the lafd, footage of the incident surfaces on social media." word count: 15k important tags: shooting, minor buck/taylor, getting together alone again tonight with you by: woodchoc_magnum "in which eddie and ana are dating, buck is secretly in love with him, and christopher isn't handling it well." word count: 37k important tags: pre-relationship, pining, team as family, jealousy, season 4 standing on the brink of emptiness by: woodchoc_magnum "in which eddie is struggling in the aftermath of being shot, learning how to take care of himself and realising he's in love with buck; and buck is dating taylor, taking care of eddie and christopher and trying to figure out why he's so goddamn confused about everything." word count: 70k important tags: season 4, injury recovery, ptsd, slow burn, minor buck/taylor, pre-relationship, getting together
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wholoveseggs · 9 months
Christmas Khaos
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~Five days of Fluffmas~
You settle in with the Mikaelsons for a cozy Christmas movie night, but when movie choices spark a sibling feud, chaos ensues.
1k words - No warnings, no smut! just pure fluff.
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You were cautiously carrying your mug of hot cocoa into the living room of the Mikaelson compound, observing Kol and Rebekah putting the finishing touches on the Christmas tree as you sat down on the sofa next to Elijah. The plan for the evening involved watching one of those cheesy holiday movies while snuggling in blankets with hot cocoa or eggnog.
"So, what movie did you all decide on?" you asked curiously.
"Die Hard," Kol smirked as he finished placing the last ornament on the tree.
"We already watched that a few days ago," Klaus huffed as he walked into the room. "I want to watch the Grinch."
"Of course you do," Kol scoffed.
"Those movies are terrible. We should watch a better one, like Love Actually!" Rebekah argued.
You turned to Elijah, who had decided not to involve himself in the argument. As the rest of the siblings bickered, you asked him quietly, "What do you want to watch?"
He looked over at his arguing siblings, then back at you. "I will always vote for whatever you want to watch."
You blushed and smiled, "Awww. That's sweet, but I'd still like to know your opinion. Do you have a preference?"
He was silent for a moment, looking deep in thought. "The Nutcracker."
"Seriously?" Kol said, breaking out of the argument he was having.
"Absolutely, The Nutcracker it is then," you announced, earning a raised eyebrow from Kol.
"Are we seriously going to watch a ballet?" he exclaimed, feigning disbelief.
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, Kol! It's a classic! Plus, it's way better than your Die Hard obsession."
Kol shot back, "Die Hard is a Christmas masterpiece, unlike your sugary romantic dramas."
"We are watching The Nutcracker," Elijah said firmly.
The siblings groaned, but they still settled into the living room. You got up to put the movie in the DVD player, then returned to the sofa, sitting between Kol and Elijah. You grabbed the remote, and when you went to press play, nothing happened. You tried again, same result.
Elijah let out a deep sigh and stood, kneeling in front of the TV to fix the issue. Kol turned to you, giving you a sweet smile.
"So, darling, have any plans for New Year's?"
"Yeah," you nodded. "I'm going to a party in the Quarter."
"A party," he hummed. "I suppose you will be needing a ride there."
You gave him a questioning look. "Yeah… I guess."
He leaned in close to you, whispering into your ear, "I will gladly take you. In fact, I could take you home as well."
He leaned back, giving you a devious smirk. You bit your lip, feeling a little flustered. Kol was so hot, and the two of you had hooked up a few times. He was always so sweet and charming afterward and was just a good time in general. However, sometimes he was a little too flirty and mischievous for your taste. He had a habit of getting you into trouble. As his hand came down to rest on your thigh, you realized how easy it was for him to talk you into doing something reckless and dangerous. You had already done a lot of reckless things with him.
"H-how's the TV looking?" you asked Elijah, trying not to sound flustered.
"I can't figure out the source of the problem," Elijah replied, looking behind the TV.
Kol's hand started slowly inching higher up your leg. Your breath hitched as his thumb brushed against the inseam of your pants. You looked up to see Kol's smirk widen. He was really enjoying messing with you, and you were tempted to let him.
"Well, if it's not getting fixed anytime soon, I'll go get another hot cocoa," Rebekah announced, walking past the couch.
Suddenly the room erupted into chaos, the beautiful Christmas tree came crashing down, ornaments shattering on impact and scattering across the floor like glittering confetti. The air was filled with the jarring sound of glass breaking and the collective gasp of astonishment from everyone present. Everyone looked at it in shock, then jumped as the TV began blasting Christmas music at an alarming volume.
"Oh, for the love of—" Klaus started, but his voice was drowned out by the blaring Christmas music.
Elijah, still on his knees in front of the TV, frantically tried to mute the sound.
"Klaus, what did you do now?" Rebekah exclaimed, narrowing her eyes accusingly.
Kol, seizing the opportunity, grinned mischievously, "I bet Klaus sabotaged the tree to avoid watching The Nutcracker. Crafty move, brother."
“How am I getting blamed for this? I was standing across the room!” Klaus yelled in defense.
Rebekah crossed her arms, unconvinced. "Convenient, Klaus. Very convenient."
Kol chimed in, "Maybe the tree was threatened by Klaus's Grinchy energy."
Amidst the chaos, Elijah rose from in front of the TV, his calming presence attempting to restore order. "Enough, all of you! Let's focus on cleaning up this mess and salvaging what's left of our evening."
As Rebekah and Klaus continued to argue, and Elijah attempted to restore order, Kol's lips brushed against your ear again, his tone suggestive, "Care to get out of here?"
"Absolutely," you said, getting up from the couch.
Kol grabbed your hand and led you upstairs to his room. The moment you both entered, he pulled you into a kiss. The door closed behind you, muffling the echoes of the Mikaelson drama downstairs. Kol's mischievous grin persisted as he gently pulled away, guiding you backward towards his bed.
"Care to share what exactly you did downstairs?" you asked, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Just a little Christmas magic, darling," he smiled, leaning in to kiss you again.
You were sure the Mikaelsons would figure out it was Kol and come looking for him, but you weren't too worried. You knew how much trouble Kol was going to get in. Maybe you'd let him get away with it for a little while.
Besides, it was the most wonderful time of the year.
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Credit goes to Anon for this idea ♡♡
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luboy7rt · 2 months
After Mission Drinks - Keegan P. Russ x GN!Teammate Reader
(A bit of angst, no happy ending, sorry, feel free to ask for one though and I might write a part 2? Keegan and teammate Reader have feelings but they are on the same team and both know it is indeed against the rules to be in a relationship with someone on their team.) (I tried only using you/your pronouns)
Keegan was quiet as usual as he sighed, Hesh had gotten shit-faced during a celebration bar trip, poor Elias and Logan attempting to ‘ease’ him so they left early. Just him, Merrick, Kick, and you now. Less people to worry about as he sipped his beer, Kick and him were placing ‘bets’ on what would happen next between some woman and her boyfriend..? Keegan assumed he was her boyfriend with the way they were bickering. Kick placed down a bet that he was willing to pay for a whole round if they broke up by the end of the night after he caught the guy checking out another girl. Keegan bet against it though, it was a simple glance, after all, the guy hadn't done anything that bad. Keegan glanced away from the fight to an agitated Merrick, who seemed ready to leave, having had spent enough hours at the bar. “..Getting ready to leave already?”. Keegan pondered under his breath, adjusting his mask over his nose, as he glanced over at you as if to question if you were also leaving.
“Hm?” You glanced away from the fight, zoning into the conversation while making eye contact with Keegan. A bit too intense for the many years you both have known each other. You held it for another beat of silence before breaking it to look at Merrick who spoke and Kick who was also shit-faced and stumbling.
“Fuck yeah. Thinkin’ about heading off now. Text me when you all are finished, I'll pick you up” Merrick offered, as he was one of the designated drivers tonight, seeing as Elias had already left. Merrick was their best shot at getting back to the barracks tonight. Kick shot up to go join the other man, claiming something in incoherent drunkenness for Merrick to come back, placing five bucks..? Five bucks wouldn’t cover a round but Kick placed it on the table for Keegan. Who simply slipped it into his wallet, he wasn’t paying for a round but he would indeed keep the five.
“Yeah, Thanks” You waved him off to busy peeking your head noticing everyone was now gone, leaving just you and Keegan. “...My entertainment…” You murmured under your breath, everyone leaving meant not seeing any more stupidity between them, like Logan and Hesh getting shit faced and babbling on about their childhood stuffed toy that Elias 'kidnapped’ years prior, and Elias just sighing at his sons’ dramaticness (Elias didn’t even kidnap the toy, one of those two lost it and refused to admit such a thing). 
“If that's your entertainment I think you need a hobby” Keegan deadpanned to you, cracking his neck as he waved Merrick and Kick off, the bar suddenly seemed dimmer, as if all the lights faded softly as you became his main focus, as he chuckled quietly under his breath. The bartender had shifted away from the two of you to go serve other customers. 
“I have hobbies. Something about you tells me you don't” You raised an eyebrow under your mask, glancing over Keegan's form. Earning a look from Keegan, You were basically saying Keegan didn't have a life outside of being a soldier… which was maybe true but you didn't have to say it like that.
“Oh yeah? Bold coming from you.” The two of you made eye contact once again, as Keegan traced the edge of the glass he was drinking out of, his gloved hand grazing over it as if to capture your attention who took a deep breath. As you two didn't cut eye contact, like a million times before.. You both held it deeply. Both of you knew… subtly that your relationship was..  complicated. 
The secret looks, glances, how well you both truly know each other after so many years of working together, the bond and trust you both have built up together. Just.. everything was so difficult. Keegan was the first to break away, deciding he didn't want to stare into your pretty eyes for too long. You kicked him out of his thoughts, your leg nudging Keegan's under the bar stool, quite harshly actually. “You're in your mind again” You ‘informed’ him, as rested your hand on Keegan's shoulder. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” You questioned him gently, settling comfortably where you sat, your hand pulling Keegan's shoulder to face each other once again.
“Nothing. Don't you have a drink to finish?” Keegan huffed back quietly, forcing his face back into his own drink, faking being distracted by drinking as if to not answer your question. You only rolled your eyes in response but did pick up your drink once again, your hand slipping off Keegan's shoulder, painfully slow as Keegan stiffened.
You both were always like that, back and forth, snide comments, maybe even subtly flirting. Yet you both had a tension that could only be seen as romantic interest in one another, it made Keegan's blood boil. How could he fall for a teammate, you both knew the rules. Yeah, Task Force Stalker bent the rules sometimes on missions and shit, but never like this… Keegan knew he would never have the guts to.. do anything with this knowledge.
Keegan’s hand grazed your own hand as you both attempted to grab the water on the counter. Your gloved knuckles brushing over each other, both of your breaths catching in your throats and you both made eye contact once again, staring into each other's eyes without a word between you, neither having the voice or words to say anything. But.. they both knew, you knew. You both knew how you felt about each other yet over the decade you have known each other you both never once voiced it and never will.
“..Are you alright?” You asked, tilting your head as you leaned forward against the bar counter as Keegan took a swig at the beer, his heart.. racing? That was new. He needed to end it, thinking of anything to do so, imagining you doing something downright embarrassing or stupid to try and lose feelings. This never worked though, and never will.
“Yeah, yeah.” Keegan scoffed back, crossing his legs over each other as he sorta.. blocked you out. Why did it have to be you? was all Keegan could think about, his eyebrows furring as he did so, eyes glaring at the counter of the bar. Keegan knew the rules well, no romantic/sexual relationships with teammates. It was a fair rule, rules were needed within the military's strict protocols, and it could put a lot at risk. 
Keegan knew he would never voice his thoughts to you or anyone in this world. He was willing to take this ‘confession’ to his deathbed. But… It was comforting to know you might feel the same way, your fingers still touching, but it was hidden by Keegan’s jacket that rested on top of it… How you both hesitantly took your hands off each other when someone came too close, it was almost painful when your fingertips grazed over his own, yet you both backed away when you and Keegan deemed it inappropriate.
Were you both... Content? No. Keegan wasn't content, he wasn't actually sure how you felt. The man was hard to read, well over the years, it had gotten quite hard for you to understand Keegan. Maybe it was these feelings clouding his judgment. Keegan… wanted more, so much more. He wanted you.. but for now? He was willing to simply be your battle buddy until the end. Perhaps in another lifetime, you both would be something more.. permanent, but for now. You were only co-workers and friends, you will never be more. Keegan swallowed deeply at the thought of it all, a bit of sweat dripping under his masked jaw, he was.. even hesitant to lock your pinkies together, yet he did it as it seemed.. natural. Keegan's lips thinned into a straight line as he frowned as he felt like his heart hurt...  But you both knew you would never do more than these unspoken acts and glances. 
(NOTE: Please Do not repost my work on this site or any other site, I prefer this stays to my account only, thank you, and feel free to comment, reblog, or like though!)
(I know this isn't like my usual content (As I usually post headcanons, but I felt like writing a one-shot, I'll be back to posting my usual content soon, this is my first time writing a full story-ish thing, so feel free to give advice! Thank you, it would be welcomed. :)
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taking transfem stevie at a metal concert into my own hands yall gotta see the potential
also on ao3 here
This isn't Eddie's first rodeo. When he sees the pretty girl standing at the side of the concert, looking out of place in her baby pink sweater and light-wash jeans, he wonders what the hell a girl like this is doing at a metal concert, clutching a bottle of coke and watching the crowd like a hawk. And more importantly, as a red-blooded American male, he wonders what he can do to make her look at him that intensely. 
So he sidles up to her, gives his best winning smile that shows off his dimples, and introduces himself. 
“Hey,” he says. “Hope you don't mind the cliché, but I gotta ask: what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?”
The girl gives him a sideways look. She's got pretty eyes, droopy and a lovely warm brown, and her face seems to go through a wild array of emotions before settling on something lightly amused, huffing out a laugh. 
“Babysitting,” she says. She's got a nice voice too, a little husky but musical. Eddie’d love to hear her sing. “Some kids I used to watch in middle school wanted to come, but their parents wouldn't let them unless I came to make sure they stay out of- what's that thing called where everyone makes a big circle and beats the shit out of each other? The mash pit?”
She says it with an adorable tilt to her head, her shoulder length brown hair bouncing a little as she does, and Eddie swears he falls in love right then. Mash pit. That's hilarious. 
“The mosh pit, yeah, good call. Not the best place for little kiddies.”
The girl snorts. “Not that little. They're seniors in high school, I’m only like five years older than them. Doesn't stop them calling me mom though, little shits.”
Eddie laughs. He likes this girl. “Well, I’m Eddie,” he says, holding out his hand. The girl gives it a slightly bemused look, and shakes it. “Can I get momma bear a drink? Another coke?”
She looks at him for a second, assessing him somehow, then shrugs. “Sure, as long as you promise never to call me that again. I’m Stevie.”
“Stevie,” he says, rolling the name over his tongue. It suits her. “Pretty name for a pretty girl. Be right back!”
Stevie blushes a pretty pink as he leaves, practically the same shade as her sweater, and as much as Eddie’d like to stay to see what else he can say to put that colour on her face, he's made a promise. 
He makes his way over to the little bar at the back of the concert and orders a coke for her and a beer for him. As he's waiting for the bartender to pass him the drinks, he hears someone call his name. 
“Henderson!” he yells, immediately pulling the kid into a hug and obligatory noogie. “Been too long man, look at you! Almost human sized!”
It's been three years since he'd last seen any of his little sheepies, since he'd put Hawkins in his rear view mirror and gotten the hell out of dodge. He'd missed them. And Dustin had shot up in those years, as tall as Eddie now. If Eddie's not careful he'll start to tear up. 
“Fuck off man,” Dustin says, goofy grin spread wide across his face. “Come on, you gotta say hi to everyone! Mike and Will are here too- Lucas didn't wanna come he'll be so pissed-”
As Dustin says it, the bartender returns, setting down the beer and the coke. Dustin clocks it immediately, little genius that he is. 
“Oh are you with someone?” he gasps dramatically. “Does Eddie the Banished finally have a girlfriend?”
Eddie rolls his eyes as he grabs the drinks. “No, but I was working on that before I was so rudely accosted by a child-” pause for outrage- “but don't worry man, I'll be right over, it's been way too long, gotta see how my babies have been doing navigating the hell that is high school without me! Just lemme drop her drink off, I don't wanna be rude.”
Dustin nods, following behind Eddie as he weaves through the crowd, talking a mile a minute about Hellfire and all the campaigns they've been running the past few years. Eddie half listens, but honestly kind of tunes him out. The crowd is thick and loud, he's trying not to spill the drinks, and honestly, while he loves the kid, Dustin kind of sucks at re-telling stories. He'll get the rundown from Will later. 
All this means he doesn't notice when Dustin falls silent, just as they reach Stevie. Her eyes are wide as she sees them, blankly taking the coke from Eddie and staring at Dustin with a weirdly panicked look on her face. 
“Sorry, baby, really wanted to get to know you better but I ran into-”
“The girl you were flirting with is Stevie????” Dustin shrieks, and god, Eddie’d forgotten how loud he could get. 
He looks back and forth between the two of them. “You two know each other?”
Stevie sighs, looking up to the sky as if begging god to strike her down. “Yeah, this is one of the kids I’m babysitting.”
Something niggles at the back of Eddie's mind, even as Dustin and Stevie get into a heated back-and-forth about the use of the term ‘babysitting’ which ends up in Stevie getting Dustin in a loving sisterly headlock. Something about how Stevie said she’d babysat the kids since middle school, about how she kind of looks familiar if he tilts his head just right, about how when Eddie first met these kids they'd never shut up about-
“So yeah, sorry about this, and thanks for the coke,” Stevie says, avoiding eye contact even as she maintains her grip on Dustin. He seems to have given up fighting now and has resigned himself to his position tucked up against her side. Eddie's never been more jealous in his life. “Uh, last I saw Mike and Will were over by the stage, if you wanna catch up with-”
“Wait, Harrington?” The cogs in Eddie's brain have finally stopped turning, and arrived at the inevitable conclusion. Because yeah, looking at her again, this girl is definitely Harrington. Same hair, if a little longer, same golden skin spattered with moles, same bedroom eyes. The only major difference is the boobs (and the hips and the thighs and the lip gloss and good god, those boobs- Eddie's gotta stop that train of thought. Dustin’s right there).
Eddie's still pretty sure the reason he failed his second senior year was because of Harrington. He'd just figured out he was bisexual, and as a man with working eyes he'd immediately developed an unhealthy infatuation with the prettiest boy in school. They had like every other class together, and Eddie had not absorbed a single word any of their teachers had said during them. 
At his words, Stevie's face shuts down. She drops Dustin, who immediately places himself between her and Eddie, eyes flitting back and forth between them as he shuffles uncomfortably. 
“Uh, yeah. Well, it's Henderson now, my parents didn't exactly love-” she waves a hand vaguely up and down her body- “this. But Mrs. Henderson took me in, so…”
She's tense, and so is Dustin, and it breaks Eddie’s heart a little bit. He knows it never really came up during Hellfire, although he'd tried his best to let them, Will especially, know that everyone was welcome there, no matter what flavour of freak they were. But Stevie doesn't know that, and Dustin doesn't know it for sure, so he does his best to look non-threatening. 
“That's cool. Not the parents kicking you out thing- that sucks obviously- but I bet Dustin’s psyched you're officially his sister. Kid never shut up about you during school.”
And watching Stevie relax at that, the little smile that paints her lips, it's intoxicating. She's so beautiful when she smiles. Eddie never wants her to stop. 
“Thanks,” she says, quiet. If Eddie wasn't paying probably the most attention he's ever paid in his life to this woman, he might not have caught it over the sound of the music and the crowd. “And hey, I’m sorry about how I was during school, if I ever-”
Eddie waves her off. “Honestly you weren't that bad. It was mostly your friends. And I mean, benefit of hindsight, I can see why you wouldn't wanna speak up, draw attention to yourself.”
“Still,” she says with a little shrug. “Not cool.”
Eddie grins. “And heaven forbid the queen of Hawkins High do anything uncool.”
Stevie laughs, a beautiful bubbling sound that seems to surprise her as much as it does him. “Yeah, I guess.”
And the night goes on. Stevie waves over Mike and Will and they spend the rest of the concert barely listening to the music, just reminiscing and catching up. Eddie insists on buying all of Stevie's cokes and she insists on buying all of his beers. And at the end of the night, Stevie piles the kids into her beemer, the same one she had all of high school, and turns to look at Eddie. She's got that look in her eyes again, sharp, assessing, and Eddie has to fight off a blush. 
“Here,” she says, pulling a pen out of her purse and pulling Eddie's hand close. She writes a number on it. “Call me sometime. And Henderson I guess, we do live together. So you know, don't open up with anything too weird, he could answer.”
“No accidentally flirting with your little brother, got it,” Eddie replies with a giggle. He's so happy he feels high. This is embarrassing, he's pathetic. 
“Good,” she laughs. Gives his hand a little squeeze before she pulls back and gets into her car. 
He watches her go with a little wave, and makes sure she's definitely gone before he does a dumb little jump and punches the air. He looks down at the number on the back of his hand. There's a little heart next to it. He's never washing his hand again. 
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vynanaa · 1 year
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Dazai x GENDER NEUTRAL Reader.
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TW/CW: Dazai (typical suicide mentions), bottom Dazai, dom!reader, gender neutral reader, oral, strap usage (if you're AFAB), hardcore top reader, little to no plot, profanity, mature themes, (Y/N) usage, mentions of alcohol, he calls you master here.
Note: I do not own any characters in this fictional work. Everything is fake and all by imagination. Thank you. Viewer discretion is advised.
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DAZAI IS A man full of mysteries. The only way to figure him out is by reaching his vulnerable points. Though, even it'd be that level of trust, he'd still be hard to figure out. Through his years of living, it was never really easy to get along with him without feeling uneasy, to you, at least.
In despite of his unsettling demeanor, it was still obvious that this man was easy to control in more... intimate, ways.
"Happy Birthday, Osamu!" You greeted with a warm grin as he arrived at your shared apartment, holding up a tray of his favorite dish; crab. He looked worn out, but at your appearance, he smiled. A warm, genuine smile that made the past falter.
"Thank you, belladonna.." The man in question cooed in response, eliciting a soft chuckle from you. You wanted to ask how was work, but you were too far gone to even remember that. He looked very pleased to see you, and maybe eventually, he'd tell you how things had gone in the agency.
Since it was his birthday, you've obviously prepared the apartment clean, and had cooked food for him; which he was very grateful for. The lousy set of alcohol was put aside as to keep him sober, and the it looked rather warm than cold and depressive when it always used to be.
"You did this all for me? That's adorable, my (Y/N)..." Dazai lightly teased as he looked around, munching on the crab with eyes that shine in awe. He looked handsome; you couldn't believe you were just realizing. "Of course, Osamu." You replied with a sweet, yet cunning smile. Though it wasn't obvious, he felt cautious, and a bit challenged, by your look.
"I sense that you're planning something, hm?"
And oh, his senses were so right. You sometimes forget that this man may seem so easy-going, and yet he can read through pages so easily.
"Oh well, that's true..." You teasingly voiced out in a whisper just by his ear, and he seemed to tense up at this. It's not so often he's reactive to these types of stuff, and you were loving it. "Tell me," Dazai started, "tell me what's on your mind, belladonna..."
His voice is hypnotizing, almost bribing your throat to spill your vicious plan; but of course, you stayed tough.
"C'mon now, I want it to be a surprise." You cooed, your fingertips touching the tip of his bandages that were plastered around his wrists. His eyes slightly widened at the action, and he smirked with anticipation of what comes next. "Then, I'm required to eat so I'd not starve, hm?" He hummed in delight, his tiresome demeanor slowly faded away; good. You thought; he ought to remain in the mood in order for him to receive his birthday gift.
Minutes, an hour, a few seconds... The time passed as the two of you were last in a nicely shared dinner before alcohol even came place. You'd best say it's junk, but it's his birthday after all.
"You aren't drunk, still?" You inquired in disbelief that his alcohol tolerance was that high, well, considering it was five glasses, and you rarely drink, it's a bit surprising to you. "Oh, no I'm not. I won't be anytime sooner, trust me."
"Oh, right... you reek of alcohol every night you come home, so I'll not question any longer." You smiled at Dazai, making him finish another shot. This time, he seemed to stop pouring himself a glass. You've only took two shots due to wanting to be sober.
He knew.
"Actually, I'd rather drink something else..." Dazai teasingly cooed, leaning closer, and playing with the cloth of your top's collar. "Oh? What is it? Pray tell me.." You teased back, a light smirk showed your confidence in the given moment. It was obvious he was flushed at this, and he stood up, knowingly, even.
Heading to the room, you toyed with his coat, taking it off and hanging it on the closet handle, while he on the other hand, started to unbutton his vest.
"You're eager," You started, "are you that excited, hm?"
"Just give me my gift.." He replied with a cunning smile. As that came to event, you slowly leaned in to kiss him, and he returned the kiss with neediness full of passion, that of which you originally didn't expect from him.
Making out eventually led to sensual touches, but the man was impatient. He unbuttoned your shirt, trying to touch you all over, but unfortunately for him... you wouldn't allow him without a little begging.
"Nuh uh. No touching." You whispered into his ear, receiving a light whimper of dissatisfaction from Dazai. "But-" You cut him off, "No, you stay put. Or do you want me to punish you, hm?" Cunningly, you smirked and leaned back, fully removing your shirt and your first layers off. His eyes wandered all over your figure, and the desire was vivid.
"Does my boy like what he sees?" You teased and straddled him, making him lie down on his back. Helplessly, he gave in and gave you a needy little expression. How pathetic, you thought. He's such a needy bastard, though he'd never admit that out loud. Maybe he would...
"Please, just give me my gift," He whimpered, "Please... please master?" Dazai bucked his hips upward, allowing you to feel the bulge underneath his clothing. He was getting desperate, and really aroused. "I wanna hear more, now." You teased.
"Fuck me, please, fuck me." He sternly begged, his breath was airy and squeaky, enough to indicate his desperation and submission towards you.
"Hmm.." You pretended to hum in thought, "But you've been really naughty.."
"I promise, I'll be good now! I-I'm.. I'm a good boy, master.." His voice slowly quieted down, as if he's embarrassed to admit this. He was that vulnerable in this matter. "Fine, but I do things my way here. Got it?" You asserted yourself, though giving in.
As he nodded in approval, your hand traveled to his waist, while the other rubbed on his crotch, supposedly feeling down on his hard, clothed dick.
He let out a desperate gasp, his voice hitched and he threw his head back. "I want to hear more. Tell me more, tell me what you need." You teased, enunciating your words as you whispered right into his ear, your breath hitting his plush skin.
He was so obsequious.
"Please, please, please... Please, master (Y/N)," His pleads were rolled out of his tongue, so clearly and so dirty. Hearing him beg was like listening to a classic, it stroke right through your head, your heart. "Fuck me." He finished.
"You're so needy." You commented, though you weren't completely unfazed by his present needy demeanor. His words got to you, the tone of his voice pierced right through your essence. You had to remind yourself that this man was manipulative, and he was in this to get what he wants— what he needs.
It was almost as if his manipulation was getting to you, but... you wouldn't let that happen now, no you won't.
"Alright, but you take what I give you, and what I give you only." You whispered with boldness painting your voice. Dazai nodded in agreement and desperation, permitting you to do as you please to him. He was a mess under you, he always is.
His messy brown hair seemed messier as he's lied down on the soft cushions of your bed, strands almost covering his beautiful hazel eyes. His fingers wrapped around the blanket, looking for some comfort for himself under you.
Seeing this, your hand slipped down to his waist, reaching the bands of his underwear. As you unbuckled his belt, your wrist pressed down his crotch, and though you've felt it just minutes ago, it seems like he's harder than that moment you were toying on his clothed dick.
This provoked you to slide his pants down, making his dick spring up to his stomach lightly, greeting you with a subtle twitch. You've seen it before, but this moment, you can't help but admire its details.
All in a darker shade of beige from his pale skin, the way one vine from another has its own specific size, the length, and how it isn't too girthy... enticing, you told yourself.
Your hand wrapped around his dick, making the precum drip down your hand and around the area it slid through.
"H-hnng-.." Dazai whimpered, closing his mouth and biting his inner lips to conceal his little noises, and tightened his grip on the sheets like he was trying to keep himself calm.
The man was a bit too out of it, his eyes closed tightly— and probably even nibbling on the insides of his lips. So, you gave his dick a sudden rough stroke down. You were eyeing his every reaction, and listening carefully to whatever noise he'll release.
"A-aah-aah..!" He moaned in complete bliss, his naturally noisy and talkative behavior dimmed down by his present obsequiousness. It was just another time he's submitting to you. "Oh, that was barely something.. you're quite sensitive now, hm?"
"S-sh- shut up..! Ah-!" He gasped, before he completed his complaint about your teasing, his dick is damped by your warm and plump lips. Your hand was wrapped around his base, and slowly but surely, you take in his length and girth inside your mouth with pleasure.
"A-ah- ah more, please, more.." Uncharacteristically, the man continued to writhe and beg for more. The mood he lets out was different from his usual outer facade. "P-please- aah!"
He gasped as your tongue reached his base, taking him fully in your mouth. He let out a shaky whine, almost convincing you to do more for him. Your fingers were toying on his skin, right on his stomach; caressing and tracing on his slightly toned body, scarry and textured.
Your eyes met his as you sucked, hard, on his long dick. He seemed close to tearing up, his pupils dilated right in the middle of his hazelnut irises. "More, more please!" He begged and pleaded, while his slender fingers gripped tightly into the soft sheets.
"Mm.. mmnnh..." You hummed softy as you continued to please him, your head ployed up and down his dick, your lips hugged tightly onto his skin. Your hum sent vibrations from his dick to his very soles, his fingertips tingled and weakened from your motions.
His leg twitched slightly, one of his feet slightly moved upward in pure ecstasy. He couldn't control the noises coming out of his mouth any longer, and his face contorted in pleasure. You knew he was about to finish.
"D-don't stop, don't stop, don't sto- aah!" You cut him off by going a slight bit harder tham you already were.
He threw back his head once more, his eyes rolled to the back of his skull uncontrollably. This provoked you to give him a little more than he wants. You went a little faster, your tongue swirling around his veiny shaft as your hands now gripped tightly onto his curved waist.
"H-haah! G-ghh-!" The man's needy whimpers slowly turned high-pitched minute by minute, indicating that he's getting just where you want him to be. So suddenly, his hand's near your scalp, gripping onto your hair softly and pushing you down on his dick.
You eyed him from below; if you weren't right there, you would've been smirking slyly at his desperate reactions to climax.
After a few more movements, he moaned with a light growl, releasing his seed right into your throat. "Mmppf-" You slightly struggled, though consuming all of the fluid he shooted through your throat.
You pulled back to watch him breathe heavily, his chest rising up and falling back down briskly, his voice shaky, to the point he sounded like he was whimpering.
"You're spent, and just because of a blowjob?" You chuckled softly and teasingly, the man who was laid down on the bed immensely embarrassed. "No, I'm not.." He spoke in a breathless whisper, gasping as his chest heaves.
"Alright, keep up your act." You smirked, and made your way to the closets. You fully removed your bottoms, your member springing up to your stomach softly with a light tap noise. "On your hands and knees now, pretty. I'll give you what you want,"
"It's your birthday after all..."
Dazai immediately obeyed, on all fours like a good boy. You decided that you'd give him what he deserves, after a long week of work without much rest to both of you. He was exhausted, and surely needed something to get him off on his free days.
"Good boy, now tell me what you want."
He replied with a whimper and lightly squirmed on the plush sheets. He whispered something you couldn't make out at first, and so, it provoked you to give him a light smack on his rear, now sensitive, rear. "Louder." You commanded with a dominating tone.
"Ah! Please fuck me!" He begged— more so, yelled. He was getting desperate, and it was so easy for you to control him. "Good boy," you cooed into the man's ear and entered him, the tip of your shaft embraced by his needy little hole.
Dazai gasped as he gripped the sheets, his slender fingers making their way to the pillows, just to grip on them for extra friction, or to console himself from losing his mind.
You moved slowly, halfway into his asshole.
"H-hnngh- a-aah!" The man softly whimpered below you, his thighs were mildly shaking from the friction left from his previous ejaculation, and the current stimulation from your thick member stretching his asshole out once more.
"Take it, take it baby..." You— almost comfortingly— whispered into his ear, nibbling on it softly as you held his shoulders for a better grip, to push him further down on your shaft.
"H-h-haah!" His breath hitches as you did this, making you let out a satisfied smile towards him. He didn't dare look at you— he didn't want to. He was too embarrassed to admit he loved it.
With your dick fully sheathed into his warm, tight hole, you let out a soft hum in contentment. A few seconds after, you almost completely pulled out, his little hole pulsed around nothing, waiting to have something to grip onto, to squeeze.
"Good boy, take it for me. Enjoy your birthday gift."
And with that, you gave a harsh thrust into him, leaving him almost jolting up the bed, gripping onto the pillow sheets, and slightly arching his back in pleasure. Your tip kissed his very deepest, which elicited a beautiful whimper from Dazai.
You took your time; slowly and gently pulling out, then suddenly thrusting up against him.
He loved it, every second of it. He couldn't help but whine and writhe under you, resting his face onto the pillow, almost shoving himself down to arch his back and let you do your thing.
"H-hnng-! M-mmnnh..!" Little by little, he whimpered. How adorable, you thought as your thrusts eventually roughen and quicken. He seemed to have shut up from the friction your two bodies made. If this was all it took to shut him up, you'd do this everytime if he was by you, you thought to yourself. A part of you wants to absolutely claim him, and make him cry.
But you're too nice, you even rewarded him for sitting pretty and doing nothing to help you.
You were lost in your thoughts, partly, in the pleasure. All of these thoughts were cut off by the man underneath your skin, by a loud and high-pitched moan that seemed to beg, "more!" You groaned yourself, immensely pleased by the sight unfolding in front of you.
"My good boy wants more, hm?" You cooed into his ear as your hands travelled down to his waist to get yourself deeper and deeper into him. In response, he whined, loudly even. You observed as his hands gripped the pillow tighter while his legs shook in pleasure.
"P-please, please..." He breathlessly begged and ground himself backwards against your shaft. His tip dripped with pre-cum, though it looked a bit intense on the sheets below you both.
You gave in to his desires, going faster, harder. In went on and on again, his response always being a series of whines, whimpers, and moans. Some breathy pleads here and there.
His reactions were amazing, and you took note of every single jolt, and even noise. You'd maybe use your techniques another time.
"Cu-cumming- cumming, please, please let me-"
"Do it. Cum for me, Osamu." You cut him off, fingers laced around a part of his neck, making him face up the wall to the ceiling to get a better quality of sounds from him. You loved it, surely, he did too.
As if hypnotized by your words, the man tightened all around your member, his cum dripping uncontrollably onto the sheets. They'd stain for sure, but you didn't care, and neither did he.
"Ghh- a-ahaaah..!" Dazai moaned as he lied down properly, chest flat against a pillow underneath him, hugging it closely to calm down from the remnants of his ejaculation. You came after pulling out, "ngh.." You groaned, messing on his back and his ass. He didn't quite mind, or he was out of his head to even complain yet.
"Feel good?" You quietly queried as you lied beside him, pulling him into a hug and brushing your fingers onto his brown locks to get a better view of his fucked out face. "...That was amazing," he chuckled, cuddling up to you better, now that he's out of the daze you out him into.
"I love you, baby. Happy Birthday..." You kissed his cheek softly, earning a lovingly teasing kiss on the lips from him.
The two of you then slept well, cuddled up together with the sheets over your bodies, not bothered to clean up the mess, since the two of you were miserably exhausted. Anyhow, the night was warm, and so were your hearts.
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lovewisegirl06 · 1 year
- Neil doesn't like sweets (Canon fact) but he was willing to take baking classes in order to gift Andrew some chocolate cookies for his birthday (Among other things he learned how to prepare) If the foxes notice him walking funny the next day, Andrew's death stare kept them at bay.
- Andrew knows Neil's schedule and makes sure to remind him to take something with him to eat between breaks. Sometimes he makes small sandwiches and Neil dies inside every time he finds one in his bag.
-Neil leaves post it notes in the fridge when he goes out for a run and Andrew keeps them inside a small box (He also keeps there the receipts from every book Neil has gifted him and of the places they have gone to different dates.)
- When Neil has a nightmare and can't go back to sleep, Andrew tells him about the new book or series he's been paying attention to lately. As they get better with touching and casual PDA, Andrew lets Neil rest his head on his chest and curls his fingers through those red curls until Neil falls asleep again. (Somewhere down the line, this starts happening even when the nightmares are gone.)
- Once, Andrew took a class where he learned how to profile criminals. Neil helped him with all his assignments because damn is he good at figuring people out.
- Sometimes, when Andrew wants to mess with Neil before a game, he leans in and whispers in Russian "The amount of times you score tonight, it's the amount of times I'll let you score when we're alone" at first Neil doesn't get it, but later when they are...celebrating...well, while he's catching his breath and his tights are trembling and he's panting like he ran a marathon and Andrew asks him if he can give him a fourth one...How can he say no? (Kevin and later on Robin learned to make themselves scarce when Neil is determine to at least score five times during a game)
- When Andrew graduates and they are doing long distance, they make sure to call each other every night to talk or simply hear each other breathe. It's the only times Neil keeps his phone fully charged.
- Andrew once tells Neil how there was a cat on one of his foster homes and how much he liked the cat, especially since once that furball scratched and fought when his foster father entered his bedroom one night. Neil mentions how they should get one when they are living together after graduation and can't understand why Andrew kisses him with so much desperation (It's the fact he said When instead of If. But Andrew won't tell him that)
- During Halloween of Neil's second year, Allison wanted to win a bet and convinced Neil to dress up as a bunny (I'm talking about shorts with high tights and bunny ears, with drawn moustaches and everything) Andrew kept quiet the entire time at Eden's and Neil through something bad had happened. Later that night, when he was riding Andrew in their room at Columbia and he heard the "That's it, keep doing that bunny" he understood it was anything but bad. (And if the pet name stuck, it's between them and them only) (Oh my God, maybe I'll write a one shot about this? Should I?)
- Sometimes Neil lets out words in the different languages he knows because he can't remember the English word (Things we bilinguals know can happen) Andrew refuses to tell him the correct word and it's one of the few times something akin to a smile appears on his face.
-Andrew allows Neil to fight his own battles, especially regarding Jack. But after Neil punched the guy, Andrew made sure to carefully explained him what would happen if he ever made another comment towards Neil's appearance.
- Neil leaves scratches down Andrew's back when they're having sex. The first time it happened and he was about to apologize, Andrew pounded into him so hard he saw stars. Andrew won't say it, but he finds the tiny marks something interesting to look at after they're done (Plus, Neil only does it when he's about to come, so it's a great tell tale if he wants to edge him for a while. Scientific purposes)
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morganacorp · 4 months
How about..... some of this 👀
"Oh, Kara you're still awake." Lena said dropping her bag on the kitchen island.
"You didn't let me come and get you home." She smiled at her, opening her arms for Lena to snuggle into her. 
"You had a rough day today. I wanted you to rest." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around Kara's frame and kissing her jaw gently.
"I can't sleep when you're not home." She said softly. "And you've been working so much lately that I barely see you anymore."
"I know, I know... I’m sorry about that." Lena sighed, sitting up and caressing Kara's hands with love. "I just... I'm working on something huge that-"
"Huge and secret."
"For now... I'm so close to finishing- Kara... I think this will be one of the biggest L-Corp projects in recent years." She smiled proudly. "You will be the very first person I show the final product, but-"
"You can't tell me yet... Yeah." She pouted and Lena smiled brightly at her, cupping her face gently.
"I'm sorry, darling... I promise that as soon as I'm done with this then we'll go on vacation just you and me, okay?"
"Sounds too good to be true." Kara mumbled. "But if there's one thing I'll never lose, that's hope." She sighed and Lena rewarded her with a quick kiss.
"Let's get to bed." She said softly and guided Kara back to her bedroom, stripping off their clothes and getting under the covers eager to feel Kara's warm skin against hers.
The next morning Kara woke up and tried not to move too much, noticing that Lena was still peacefully asleep by her side, her calm breathing and gentle heartbeat reminding her of how much she needed to rest. She waited until the very last moment she could, knowing that if she didn’t start moving they’d be late for work, so she carefully slipped out of bed and grabbed her discarded t-shirt and shorts on her way out of Lena’s bedroom, making her way to the kitchen to start on breakfast.
She prepared some toast and fruit for Lena along with her coffee, and then some eggs and bacon for herself since she needed the calories to start the day right. As soon as everything was ready, she went to wake Lena up, smiling when she saw her snuggled into her side of the bed that was still warm, hugging her pillow.
“Hey, baby…” she whispered, sitting on the bed next to her, a hand gently caressing her head. “Time to wake up.”
“What time is it?” Lena mumbled without opening her eyes. Kara knew she was exhausted, it was evident with the dark circles around her eyes, and the fact that she hadn’t woken up as soon as she heard her in the kitchen.
 “It’s 7:30… breakfast is ready.” She insisted, moving to lay down by her side. “Fresh fruit I got yesterday.” She smiled, her finger tracing Lena’s facial features with a featherlight touch that had been well rehearsed in her years of controlling her strength.
“Five more minutes.” She croaked out in a groggy voice, scooting closer until she was snuggled into Kara.
“Okay.” She kissed her hair, closing her eyes and enjoying her warmth.
She wouldn’t dare to recognize it out loud, but she sometimes missed the early days of their relationship when they’d spend lazy mornings tangled in the sheets, kissing and talking until Lena remembered she’s no longer Kara’s boss and she needed to make it to work. She understood why Lena’s work was important, why her obsession with her projects is necessary for her to achieve her own perfectionist standards and help the world in her own way, but she still missed her girlfriend and the time they spent together.
“I have to meet Alex at the DEO later today.” Lena said after a few minutes, a little more alert.
“I’ll stop by your office for lunch.” She smiled, knowing that if Lena had to leave her lab during the day it would only mean another late night making up for the time she lost. “And then I’ll bring you dinner at work.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to… I miss you.” She confessed and Lena looked up at her with so much love in her eyes that Kara felt bad for even saying anything. “I know work is important, but-”
“Let’s take the weekend off.” Lena proposed, her hand resting over Kara’s heart. “No phones, no calls or texts, no emails… just you and me at the lake house.”
“What about your project?”
“It can wait… I’ll focus on that today and tomorrow and it can wait until Monday. You’re my girlfriend, and I love you- I’ve been too absent.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry.”
“Are you sure? That you want to take the weekend off.”
“I am.” She smiled, leaning up to kiss her gently. “Good morning, love.”
“Good morning.” She smiled, pecking her lips. “Let’s go grab some breakfast.”
They got off the bed and headed to the kitchen, with Kara helping Lena into her silky robe since she wasn’t wearing anything other than her sleepy smile. She poured her the perfect black coffee she knew Lena loved, and then sat down across from her to eat her breakfast, using that quiet moment to catch up and talk about everything that wasn’t work related.
Once they were done with that they moved to the shower, keeping business strictly to themselves since they had no time to waste. Lena picked a nice dark gray dress and black heels she knew Kara loved, and was happy to see her girlfriend would wear a beautiful soft pink dress that showed off her shoulders and arms as well as her figure, her abs pressed against the front of the dress in a way Lena always found tempting.
“I’ll see you for lunch.” Kara smiled when they got out of the elevator and walked to the front of Lena’s building where her driver was waiting for her.
“I’ll ask Jess to send you some menu options.” Lena smiled back at her and leaned to peck her gently, careful to not leave her soft lips stained with her deep burgundy lipstick. “Love you.”
“Love you back… have a great day.” She said with warmth, holding the door for Lena and then closing it gently.
Later that morning Kara received a call from Alex asking if she had time to help her out moving some inventory items from the desert facility to a secure warehouse, since they suffered some damage from a particularly angry alien that broke out of his containment cell, so she made up an excuse at work saying she’d be following a source and headed straight there. They talked for a moment and soon enough Kara started helping everyone out carrying some boxes and other stuff out of the old room, needing only a couple hours to be done with the whole process.
She headed back to CatCo and saw a text from Lena telling her she couldn’t make it to lunch due to an emergency situation with a production center, which made Kara feel angry. She almost slammed her phone down against the desk, getting a few confused looks in return, and focused on work until Andrea came looking for her.
“Kara, is your article about the mayor’s-”
“It’ll be on your desk as soon as it’s ready.” She interrupted her without looking up from her screen.
“You’re aware that the deadline for that article was at 11 this morning, right?” she frowned, slightly annoyed by her attitude.
“I know, and I will give you the article as soon as it’s ready.” She said with a roll of her eyes. “Now, if you let me work, I’d be done even sooner.”
“Careful, Danvers.” Andrea said and walked away from her desk. “You have one hour.” She said loudly, startling everyone.
“Whatever.” She scoffed under her breath.
“Kara, is everything okay?” Nia asked as she approached her, sensing that something was going on with her friend since she seemed tense and she wouldn’t normally confront Andrea like that.
“Everything’s perfect, I’m just finishing this tyrant’s article.”
“Kara!” she said and looked around to make sure no one heard her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” “I said I’m fine. Don’t you have a nap to take or something? Get off my back.” She said dismissively, making Nia look at her in shock for a second longer before she went back to her desk.
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darlingsfandom · 11 months
Steve’s trying his best to rush reader home so she won’t piss herself. Until she does. Until her embarrassment turns Steve on and he’s gotta pull over to fuck her against his car
I have something similar here ✨
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"Do you think they survived without us?" You asked as Steve drove you two home from your little get away. It was your one year anniversary and Steve took out to a nice hotel for the weekend.
"I'll be surprised if Eddie has his pants on when we get home." Steve laughed as you shifted in your seat. "Are you okay honey?" He asked as he patted your thigh while keeping his focus on the road.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine just getting comfortable. We've been in the car for awhile." You patted his hand that was resting on your thigh. You tilted your head to the side and watched as all the trees blurred past.
Another forty five minutes passed when it hit you.
"Uh oh.." you whispered to yourself but Steve heard it.
"What's wrong baby and don't say nothing."
"I have to pee!" You whined as your thighs squeezed together.
"Oh... we'll be home soon." Steve did his best to drive as fast as he could without breaking the law. You nodded along and tried to focus on anything but the feeling of your heavy bladder.
"How soon steve ??" You we're squirming in your seat before you realized that Steve was pulling over on the side of the road. "I'm not peeing on the side of the road!" You pouted your bottom lip at him.
"Either the road or you wait about another hour until ..."
"Oh no!" It was too late. You did your best to get out of the car as the warm liquid dropped down your legs. Steve sat there in shock for a minute before his brain turned into a lump of mashed potatoes. He got out of the car and ran over to your side.
"Steve please! It was an acci.." His lips were on yours as his fingers yanked down your panties.
"Oh my god! Are you turned on by the fact I just pissed myself?" You pushed him off of you. Steve stood there with the familiar look on his face. "You're not serious! I pissed myself and you got a boner?"
Steve cupped your face and slid his tongue into your mouth while pushing you up against the side of his car. You whined into his mouth as his hands ran all over body before he took your leg and lifted it up over the hood. Steve undid his pants , dropped his boxers and spit in his hand to coat his cock before he slipped his dick into you with ease. Your eyes rolled back as you wrapped your arms around steve so you could pull him closer.
"Good girl! Taking my cock so well!" He kissed the side of your neck before biting into it. Steve was an animal on you as he pounded into your pussy. It dawned on you that anyone could drive by and see that Steve was balls deep in you on the hood of his car. He bit down your neck and over your exposed breasts that was peeking from your dress.
"Steve!! I can't believe me kissing myself turned you on this much." Your nails scrapped his scalp as he pulled your hips down on his cock harder .
"Of course it does baby!" Steve panted heavily as he felt his balls starting to tighten as his thrusts were slowing down. "SHIT!" Steve froze as his cum shot deep into you. You whined at the feeling. Steve held onto you as he looked up into your eyes.
"Your turn baby!" Before you could even ask, Steve's thumb was against your clit rubbing fast as he peppered your breasts with warm open kisses. You were close. You pulled on his hair as your orgasm washed over you. "GOD STEVE!" You cried out as you squirmed below him. Steve gave you a soft kiss as he helped you clean yourself up along with the mess in his car.
"Baby... this is our secret, okay ?" Steve kissed your temple as he buckled you up before he got himself buckled up and the two of you back on the road from your little detour .
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kurtismcilroy · 11 months
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Lil Ghost!
Thought I'd try a oneshot style for once on Tumblr (and hopefully do these more often ^^), I hope you all enjoy!!
Caregiver: Mobius, he/him
Little: Loki, he/they (3 years)
Loki LOVED October, it was a time to cause as much mischief as they wanted and get away with it! Well, Mobius would allow it anyway since his excuse always was: "Halloween's just around the corner, the kid's just excited!" Which didn't really go down well with Steve after Loki poured all of his cake mixture on top of his head. In truth, Loki just liked to cause a bit of disruption but still be perceived as an angel by Mobius. It gave them comfort, but today they were feeling extra mischievous!
After a rather poor attempt to pull a fluffy blanket over his head, Loki was now a ghost and ready to haunt! Holding the blanket over his eyes so they could see where they were going, they made his way downstairs to find his papa making breakfast. However, that made his mind race with thoughts. What if they spooked papa at the wrong time and made him mad? What if he didn't get any breakfast because of this? And what if-
Loki's brain worked like this a lot from his childhood experiences. Deep in their fears, they knew they'd be okay. It was just Loki having a hard time trying to figure that out for themselves, especially when so young. Thankfully, Mobius was quick to notice Loki standing with glazed over eyes. "Hey sweetheart, are you alright?" He said as he walked over to them, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Their head whipped to look at him, eyes now wide and blown. They couldn't respond - it felt as if his jaw was locked. "It's okay. How about we sit and cuddle for a bit?" Loki could only nod, his fingers making their way up to their lips.
Mobius carried his baby up to the sofa, swaddling them in the blanket and cuddling them on his lap. He had about five minutes until Loki's pancakes needed to be tended to, so he used that time to calm him. "Some yucky thoughts again?" Mobius asked gently, not wanting them to dwell on it. They nodded, keeping close to his warmth. "Nothin' to be worried about, kiddo. They can't hurt you." They shared a quiet moment, just basking in each others company, until a timer sounded. "Oh! There's your pancakes, bubs!" Loki, seemingly forgetting about his worries for a moment, shot his head up. "pwancak??" They asked, intrigued. "Yeah that's right, baby!"
Pancakes were one of little Loki's favourite foods. While food wasn't so much a comfort when big, little Loki was enamoured by it, especially as an Asgardian. Mobius knew this well, always wanting his sweetheart to be happy. In this moment, he was carrying Loki in one arm as he tended to the pancake in another, plating it and sitting Loki in a high chair.
"Alright buddy! Are we ready?" Loki nodded enthusiastically, waiting as Mobius cut off pieces of pancake and fed it to them. It was a little unusual to Mobius that pancakes could make Loki this happy, but he wasn't going to question it. They were happy, and that was all that mattered to him.
Loki couldn't have finished the pancake quicker, both joyful to have his scary thoughts gone and to be eating chocolate first thing in the morning. Mobius had to chuckle a little, little remants of chocolate still present on his chin until he cleaned it up. All dishes aside, he carried Loki back to the sofa and turned on the tv to a kids channel. "Hey darling," Mobius began, "what did you have your blanket around your head for? Are you cold?" Loki giggled behind their paci. "nwoho! m ghos'!" They put the blanket back over their head. "boo!" Mobius feigned being scared, even giving out a little scream. They couldn't stop laughing. "Awh man! You got me really good! Now, I'll have to get you back!" He leaned forward and gently grabbed Loki before tickling his tummy.
Loki squealed, but he also laughed. He was happy, and so was Mobius. He'd much rather spend forever caring for his little than having them suffer through night terrors and such alone.
A/N: I am so sorry about this being late, I started it in early October, however I have a bad habit of just putting things off -_- I am happy that it is done though and I hope you all liked it! ^^
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itsnotzka · 3 months
Lost Scenes Thursday! Get to know your favourite authors better. Show five scenes from either abandoned fics where you regret they will never see the light of day, or five scenes from WIPs where you are impatient to see them out there. Long, short, one-liner... it's all good reading. Tag five other authors where you are curious.
Sounds like fun :) I'm going to share only one though, as I don't want it to take me five years to answer this (choosing and editing is not my forte, can't you tell?🤭)
This is from a story called 'This Town is Plotting Against Me', originally written in Polish. It's inspired by one of my fics but has already accidentally turned into a different story 🤭 I'm not entirely sure if I'll ever publish it anywhere or be able to finish it, so here it is (quickly, quickly! before I change my mind 😅). It's a translated excerpt, I left the names unchanged :)
. . ....... . .
"Well, let me guess," Aleksander carefully placed the last book back in its rightful spot, straightening the peeling catalogue number on its spine. "The house collapsed while some local kids were ransacking it for fun. Five deaths at the scene, one person still missing."
Ms. Renata Kubasinska, a short, middle-aged librarian, shot him a disapproving look, her blue eyes flashing with irritation. "As if! You and your catastrophic imagination!" She frowned at the ceiling. “Even you would’ve heard about that, no matter how much of a recluse you are, don’t you think?"
"Alright, fair enough… We're not talking about me here. What about this house?" He smiled, steering the conversation back on track, wary that Ms. Kubasinska might start lecturing him about his solitary habits once again.
"Nothing about the house itself..." she muttered, irked. "But seems some woman’s moved in. Saw her car. It’s from Warsaw," she added in a hushed tone.
“So? Is there something wrong with her? Other than being a newcomer from a big city?” Aleksander feigned indifference as he pondered over another unexpected stain on a familiar book.
"Oh, you know..." She glanced at him sideways as he leaned against the bookshelf, staring out the window. "It’s just odd! Folks wonder what she’s up to there. Alone, can you imagine! In that creepy old house? It's a bit dodgy, innit?"
“Not really. Maybe she's a horror fan—there are plenty of those these days,” he laughed quietly, a bit taken aback. “Besides, Ms. Renata, you live alone too. And you know I wholeheartedly recommend that lifestyle.”
"I don't live alone, I've got my cats…" Renata huffed, disappointed by the young librarian’s lack of interest in her juiciest gossip. And she loved her gossip.
At that moment, the bell at the library reception desk rang, interrupting their conversation. Both Aleksander and Ms. Kubasinska turned towards the sound with a shared reluctance, each prepared to curse the world and anyone who dared to interrupt them, albeit for vastly different reasons.
“Will I ever be able to finish talking?!” the woman huffed.
“That bloody thing, I swear to–” Aleksander muttered simultaneously.
“Oh, no! Don’t you even try anything funny again!” she wagged her finger at him.
Before he could respond, the high-pitched, unbearably irritating 'ding-ding!' sound of the bell assaulted his ears once more, almost like a shock wave of an atomic bomb. He resolved then and there to rid himself of this nuisance once and for all, though it wouldn't be his first attempt. Oh, no. No matter where he hid the bell, Ms. Kubasinska always managed to find it. She might be clueless with computers or smartphones, any kind of technology was evil incarnate to her, but she possessed an uncanny knack for locating hidden desk bells.
“Go see who it is, love, eh?” Ms. Renata winked mischievously. “I’ll go make us a cuppa.”
“But Ms. Ren– oh, bugger…” the young librarian cursed inwardly at his own delay, because before he could protest, his coworker had already darted behind the office door.
With a sigh, he cautiously approached the reception desk, peering out from behind the bookshelf to assess the visitor and anticipate how much energy this innocent conversation would drain from him. He hoped the matter would be resolved swiftly and without hassle. That seemed unlikely, though, considering he didn’t recognise the person.
The young woman, appearing slightly impatient, swayed on her feet, then tapped one nervously. Just as she leaned forward to ring the bell a third time, Aleksander preempted her. Swiftly lunging forward, he deftly retrieved the metal, round bell and, with an air of nonchalance, stowed it in the third drawer of his desk, right beside the stapler and calculator. Not a perfect hiding spot, but good enough.
"That's better..." He sighed in relief, knowing the vexing device was tucked away, at least for the moment. Then, he finally turned his attention to the visitor. "Now. Welcome to Mystki’s library. How may I assist you?
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