#oh well orz
gracefireheart · 3 months
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Did some fanart of @lenny-link TF2 x SU AU, 'cause I just went haywire for it :')
So have one drawing of me attempting to do a Heavy + Medic fusion (which I chose an Andalusite for), who are being lil' shits towards Scout. And one drawing of Peridot!Engineer in my more chibi-like style :]
(some small ideas I had below the keep reading line)
So, first off, I couldn't really see what gem Medic was, so I decided to just go with Red Agate. Mostly 'cause it's a gem that's a mix of red and white colors.
Now onto the lil' idea I had, which is Medic's power. Sure, it could be fun that he had just straight up healing powers (even if it's probably just Diamonds that have that power, but let's ignore that), but I thought about something else: An ability to enhance other gem's abilities. The ability only works when close to/touching the another gem, which- at the beginning- would mostly be gems that had moreso elemental, psychic-esque powers, or something else long-range rather than the gems who's prowess was mostly their brute strength or speed.
However. When fused with another gem, that enhancement ability of Medic's is way stronger. For Heavy, he will be way more physically powerful than he would be fused with anyone else. For Sniper, his arrows will not only multiply, but home towards their target or have some sort of elemental effect to it. Etc. Etc.
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sadmages · 5 months
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I miss this guy so much it's unreal
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u3pxx · 7 months
i adore your fem harry. i do have one question. she do got a beer gut right
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of course, why would i take that away from her!!!!!! (and hehe thank you im so glad u do <3)
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ahollowgrave · 1 month
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-- dawntrail ready.
][ Reshade Preset Here ][
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edenfire · 2 days
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technically it's haru's birthday in japan, so I'm not too early posting this😌💞
I wanted to try something new, and what better way than with the birthday boy~💗💗💗
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 26: Role-Swap
“Welcome to Kanai-Ward! Don’t worry, I promise I’m not suspicious or anything~♪”
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randowo · 7 months
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"Ah, she's so dazzling ... It's like she was born to be an idol."
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may8elle · 1 month
does it matter who wins the argument 🤔
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0509-brainrot · 9 months
only 210 days until 0509 day!!! (i am in misery)
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0509 JUMPSCARE TO CHEER YOU UP !!!! (But also yeah. Yeah we're all in misery in this corner orz)
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commander-wame · 4 months
go to a concert alone and suffer amsterdam at night or stay at home and miss out on one of my favourite bands. hrmrmrm.
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spaciebabie · 6 months
god i need my hips massaged dude these shits hurt BAD
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aviscranio · 1 year
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Mashle: Magic and Muscles || Episode 1: Mash Burnedead and the Body of the Gods
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fuckinart · 11 months
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you ever become obsessed with your own sentences
He could tell the truth. But he was frozen. Somehow he knew that if he did talk, they would just have found that fascinating, and probably would have started with his throat instead.
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shazzaofdoom · 11 months
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I have learned how to make glowy effects in Procreate, and I cannot be stopped. Anyway, here's a Magnus.
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suchine-toki · 1 year
Thoughts about Katsura
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Katsura is an amazing character that could’ve been even more amazing. He was always a chaotic presence in the daily life of the series, not for nothing his blood type is AB (according to him). But he has other facets. One aspect to highlight is the dichotomy of his character. He’s serious in nature but is so eccentric that he ends up being one of the funniest characters in Gintama. He’s very smart and a complete idiot at the same time. He can be extreme and measured. He’s a revolutionary.
I remember thinking that it was selfish of him to want to force Gintoki back into the Jouishishi. And he in a way he is. But then I realized that he’s probably just lonely. He lost his parental figures several times. His biological parents, his adoptive parents, his grandmother, his sensei…
That’s another matter. The relationship between Zura and Shouyou is usually not considered, other than Zura (apparently) imitating his appearance. I think this is one of the two most important aspects of his character that should’ve been explored more. At the end of the series, they’d a brief encounter, although it wasn't even in person, in which Shouyou called him his prodigy student. While it's an important acknowledgment, it's striking that this type of bond hasn't been shown before and that Shouyou never calls him by his name.
The series puts much more emphasis on Gintoki and Takasugi's feelings towards his sensei. In fact, the main reason they were fighting the war was to save Shouyou. However, while it's acknowledged that Zura was there for that reason as well, it wasn't the only one. He was more idealistic, and his goal was beyond rescue. He seeks political change in his country. Although the historical component of the series was never very developed, it presented enough elements to create a comprehensible story for the characters.
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It’s here that I must mention another important aspect of his character that should’ve been explored further: his political career. In the time skip Zura is shown as prime minister. However, this gets involved with Utsuro's plot, missing the character’s initial goal. Certainly, one could argue that he wasn’t seeking a political career and that it’s okay to step aside once the changes have been set in motion. But there’re a couple of things to consider.
Although Zura starts out as an extremist, part of his development is that he realizes that taking a violent path can hurt people he cares about, like Ikumatsu. This opens the way for moderation, and pursuing change through institutionalized political avenues makes sense for his character. The other point has to do with the fact that it’s absurd to step aside when social changes have not yet taken hold because because they’ll most likely be reversed.
This is why I feel that Katsura's character is great, but it could’ve been better if his bond with Shouyou had been explored more and if at the end of the series he had been allowed to grow. To become a masked vigilante on the run is to end pretty much the same way he started, without much sense.
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vegetabletaxi · 5 months
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wanted to update the trollsonas for my OCs :3
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