#oh this hit me right in the feels
shima-draws · 6 months
Hey. Hey you know what would be cool and fun. First post of 2024. 1000 notes. We can do it. Yeah? Yeah??
Take a picture of my dog as an incentive
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bruhstation · 1 month
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Liam (about Orym during this week's 4 Sided Dive) said:
"he's just a sorta average guy trying to do right"
"he can't do anything except for run and jump"
"he really felt like a failure"
Matt, in response:
gave Orym a memory of Will's presence
gifted him a brand new magical weapon that he gets to name himself
did both of these things through the Wildmother herself
Matthew Mercer heard that Orym was feeling downtrodden and lesser and went this is not allowed, and I for one thank him for it even though it is destroying me on the inside—
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grandwretch · 2 years
fully believe that if the party could discord chat, steve and eddie would have really dramatic fights in the group chat about idk steve flirting with jonathan (in the chat. nancy was there. they were joking) or something else stupid and then someone would ping robin and she would be like "they are curled up on the couch together with the straightest faces I've ever seen"
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alchemicaladarna · 4 months
So like I'm still trying to process everything because mentally I'm like a week late from everything that's been happening so far.
I already made a post about Jaiden leaving the server but I think it's just kind of hitting me now that I'll never get to see qjaiden interact with Empanada or be part of the breakfast village or get an answer about her wings and connection to Cucurucho. And I'll probably watch old clips or vods and just feel really sad that it's over but so glad that it happened.
Because like, do y'all remember that one day before the ice chamber gang joined the server and Cellbit, Foolish, Bad, Jaiden, and I think Roier were just hanging out and spending time together until they got kicked out of the server.
I think the Jaidens' entire adventure is and will always be one of my favorite days too.
Oh! And of course, Festa Junina and Jaiden finding out about Cellbit and Roier and her comforting Roier and subtly threatening Cellbit for breaking his heart.
Not to mention she is literally the most iconic lawyer ever. Like juanaflippa's trial will always be one of the most iconic server moments because of Jaidens' speech. Literally blew everyone away.
And of course... I'll never forget the day Bobby died. That day, that trip to the dungeon is one of the only two times I cried for the lore of this server. Many things make me emotional but seeing qJaiden climb up on the tree alone, watching the sunset and grieving her dead son...fuck man, it felt so real...
There's just so many moments of qJaiden specifically from June to September, that just stick out to me and I'll always look back at them with a bittersweet fondness.
It's been so long since I properly thought about qJaiden, but now everything is coming back to me and man... I'm just...I guess I'm more happy that we got qJaiden and everything she did and was a part of is there to look back on.
For me, even though the qJaiden brainrot wasn't hitting as hard as it used to, I think she will always be a part of the narrative because there was just so many amazing moments with her and I will always be a fan of her lore and this character will always be close to my heart.
Sending nothing but love to Jaiden and the admins. Especially Jaiden. Thank you for letting us experience this wonderful journey <333
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
That fic from Akutagawa's pov that remarked how although Dazai had left a bomb under Chuuya's car, at least that showed he had thought about him before going, while he never cared enough to spare a thought for Akutagawa.
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youremyonlyhope · 7 months
Living with Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Me: *Is super stressed over life.*
Trichotillomania: Time to pull some hair! C'mon. You won't even notice you're doing it. It'll make you feel better.
Me: NO. *Spends 4 days putting hair in a mini twist protective style* There.
Dermatillomania: Hey. Your hands are free. And restless. And dry... Pick your skin. Bleed. Bleed.
Me: Stop! *Starts up a new crochet project to keep hands busy.* Ok cool.
Onychophagia: Hi hi. Your nails are.... perfect biting length... you should do that.
Me: Noooooooooooo *Paints nails.*
Dermatillomania: Oh look, you got some nail polish on your skin. Pick it off... now pick some more...
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 2 months
love how fresh out the slammer builds and then at the bridge the energy dies and moves to the weird, different rhythm. it’s SO foreboding!!! and it makes the way she finishes the song with “but it’s gonna be alright, i did my time…..” feel like such strong foreshadowing. like, is it really??
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starflungwaddledee · 7 months
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it's the day before my birthday, and my girlfriend surprised me with an outing to a local bird aviary/botanic gardens in the mountains!!!
this was an absolute delight for me, known bird enjoyer, and i got to have many cute and phenomenal birds perched on my head (which i loved and plushie magolor 'tolerated', on account of it being my birthday). i even got to see a nicobar pigeon, which i had never seen in person before!
they also surprised me with an early birthday present to use at the incredible mountain-top picnic spread my gf planned (😭😭) of this extraordinarily cute kirby themed liquid-glitter cup!!
and of course, in true starflung fashion i injured myself twice
once, not three minutes into the outing when my umbrella (which i only require because i'm allergic to both the sun and sunscreen) bit me, and my gf had to run to reception to get me a bandaid. later, when i just totally fkn stacked it on some loose gravel on a slope and i got the umbrella back by slamming it into the ground, along with my knees and one palm. but not the other palm, which was holding plushie magolor, who touched neither gravel nor dirt and never will while i still breathe!
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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weather's turnin' cold
#pokemon#swsh#champion leon#assisant sonia#gym leader raihan#three parts of a whole idiot#hi hello! hi. wow I have NO energy recently#got sick 1.5 times. made two cakes of various levels of deflated. walked a lot. slept SO much#and the weather is indeed cooling here! in fact a storm is hitting central vietnam right now#and I uh. I dont think its gonna affect the north a lot. but thats a good thing. I do not envy the folks down there at all...#gonna keep an ear on the ground for them. hope it's all gonna turn out rather uneventful#meanwhile. I draw little comic#this is how I (chronically tropical person) feel whenever I see snow and bare skin in the same frame#it's honestly a bit funny to me always that postwick is southmost and wyndon is like. the center of the north#forest imps leon and sonia vs city slicker raihan. and now temperate beautiful weather children leon and sonia vs#hail/snow/windstorm/humidity rotate raihan#raihan's childhood dream of seeing torrential rain outside and saying 'hm no. I think not' and weather manip hammerlocke into dryness#these are not textual impressions I do not fucking remember how the weather is in in-game hammerlocke. I just think itd be funny#also my brain was doing donuts around like. leon being exasperated at raihan's bare legs every winter#until he went on T and by age 16 he's like oh. oh I get it#(that doesnt last long he's still a frostbait southerner. u see the leggings. u know how it is)#okay. I'll doodle some stuff and transcribe this tomorrow. now I sleep#have a good night lads! bundle up
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 days
Even with the fun of the entire Beyonce ranking section aside, the "Love on Topp" and "Say My Nayme" editing jokes got me more than they should have.
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The fact that nobody has thought of a fastfood au where Spider is this neglected teenager working at McDonald's so that he can save up to like move out and get away from Qauritch (he's so desperate to get out that college isn't even on his radar atm) and Neteyam is this popular boy at their school who's is a year younger than him and comes in to McDonald's with his little sister frequently and Spider doesn't think he even knows his name but one day on their way out Neteyam turns to him and says "have a good day Spider" or some shit like that and the romance only grows from there with Neteyam figuring out his problems and trying to help him/get him into a good collage and I mean honestly people the fic just writes itself.
UGH I LOVE IT, I am simply shocked no one has written me personally a nocorro fic yet. A nice long one with all the pain and drama we've been describing but I want the COMFORT TOO PLEASE.
But anyways, you've brought up something I've been mulling over for a while now for one of my headcanon posts. Part of Neteyam's pressure and expectations come from him being the next Olo'eyktan. I can't figure out how to translate this into a modern au. Most of the time it'd be easy to make him the heir to a big company or the son of a politician in a weird Young Royals way, but clown couple Jake and Neytiri Sully simply do NOT have the vibes for that, nor does it fit their characters. I've thought about maybe Neytiri's family running a large non-profit that Neteyam is somewhat expected to take over, or perhaps something like the free clinic in my other au.
Either way, the reason I bring it up is because I love the idea of them both having similar but fundamentally different problems to bond over. This is what I mean, bear with me:
-Spider works at McDonalds to save money like you said. He's barely got any friends because he just moved there from another one of his dads deployments, and he's so busy picking up every possible shift he can that he can. He needs the money. He opens before school and closes most nights.
-Neteyam picks up Tuk from ballet practice at night on Wednesday's, because it is his parents Date Night. He gets his sister McDonalds one night because he stayed up way too late studying for an exam last night and he's far too tired to cook. The drive through is manned by the prettiest boy ever.
-By the third Wednesday Tuk is suspicious, but he keeps buying her McDonalds as a bribe to keep her mouth SHUT about it. At least, she keeps her mouth shut to the family. She won't stop talking to him about it. It's always "Neteyam, did you see McDonalds Guy today? I think he goes to your school, he has to. Neteyam, if we go to McDonalds tomorrow will he be there too? Does he only work Wednesdays?" She's like his inner thoughts because he wants to know all those things too.
-I mean, it's only a matter of time before Tuk opens her big fat mouth TO Spider. She rattles off personal questions like she's the goddamn census, and Neteyam wants to die.
-But, he learns quickly that Spider is a military brat and he wants nothing more than not to be in the military. It sparks something for Neteyam, because he wants nothing more than to be like his parents, and do what they do and do it just as well. It's the same sort of long shadow, just a different tactic for getting out from under it.
-Tuk is sick the next Wednesday mysteriously, but Neteyam is still craving McDonalds.
-It becomes a regular thing, but not on Wednesdays. Wednesdays he starts sometimes bringing Tuk home for a regular adult meal. But Thursday's he spends at McDonalds, and he brings Spider real food in Tupperware containers marked with the name Sully like Spider has other Tupperware to mix it up with.
-Somehow it becomes almost every night. Doing his homework in a booth, Spider joining him when he's free, sliding in and out. Neteyam's full attention on him every time he has a free second.
-One night Neteyam invites him over. Neteyam stayed until closing time and suddenly can't bear the thought of Spider going home, to no one if he's lucky and his dad if he isn't. Spider refuses and after that they don't speak for a couple days, silence in the booth. No one says anything but Neteyam still shows and brings Tupperware, and Spider still slides in to join him when he has a free moment.
-Eventually Spider agrees, and Neteyam is forced to show up at close to nine pm with a stranger that he has never mentioned but Tuk is DELIGHTED to see.
-Jake and Neytiri are confused but can recognize a tired, fairly neglected kid when they see one so they offer up the basement couch with no fanfare at all.
-Neteyam is slightly peeved because he was going to have Spider share his bed, it's a king it's plenty big enough, but Neytiri wasn't born yesterday lol. Even Jake is like nah nah, you've been gay since we watched the first Percy Jackson movie kid. Go have a sleepover with Tsireya or something.
-I think Jake Sully has a fairly excellent gaydar, honed from time in the military. You gotta know which guys to fuck. @dinas-bracelet this is the bi Jake Sully agenda.
This is a bonus because this is already FAR too long:
-Neteyam gets increasingly exasperated because no matter how many nights Spider is there or how long into their relationship it gets, Spider downright refuses to move from the basement couch. He will cling to it like a cat if Neteyam tries to move him. He goes boneless and becomes a dead weight.
-Finally Neteyam just sleeps down there one night. This concept has clearly never occured to Spider, who upon realizing there is no moving Neteyam (he can go boneless too, damnit), lays there stiff as a board mummy-wrapped in blankets to keep Neteyam's hands off of him. When he falls asleep though, Neteyam gets in there. Spider is unconsciously tactile, and basically spoons him the entire night.
-The next morning Neytiri walks into the basement to check that Spider is awake for work, turns around and goes back to the top of the stairs, and then walks down again really loudly to alert them to her presence.
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
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it's almost time. when? idk, when i stop being a coward LOL
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atanxdoesstuff · 5 months
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Here, some Ryley sketches ft. Cuddlefish skritches, Peeper, Bladderfish, and This Is Ozzy From The Cafeteria What The Hell Guys!
i haven't drawn in quite some time but yknow its exam phase so :/ ofc my motivation comes back when I really should be doing something else like idk study? or somethin
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hauntingblue · 3 months
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making a collection
making another collection with a threatening aura
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#davy back fightbpart 3 letsgo#HOW do the three big guns get wasted on the eating contest... horrible plan.... luffy is fine bc well... but not sanji and zoro like damn.#luffy DOESNT WANNA EAT??? CALL THE NAVY!!!!#what was i saying.... bad idea putting the three beasts there#FRANKY FRANKY FRANKY!!!! they captured the two princesses :(#one sided beef squashed between luffy and foxy. friendship ended with random ex marine guy. now luffy is my best friend#usopp and franky bonding time hell yeah. throw usopp by the head once more pelase#nami with zoros swords just like holding them looks so cool like she should get a few swords too... nami three sword style oda drawing pls#i think this man underestimates nami and luffys power together he doesnt know about shiki#luffy saying he knows its a trap and sorry for being late.... lets go on an adventure all nine of us.... usopp yes anding his lie..... omg#cant believe nami isnt there yet. she could take this guy. oh there she is!!!!! she does look cool with the swords and jumping to get luffy#zoro screaming in agony from luffy getting shot omg THIS FUCKING GUY OF COURSE!!! this looks like its so over#zoro and sanji must feel so useless rn. they didnt even get the chance to fight like damn#komei-kakka??? more like come caca. boom#luffy face down dead on the floor akdjkaa chopper have you tried looking at the wound to see if it harmed him idk#it hit the face akdjskn usopp that was coom also#was robin flirting with the other guy and zoro caught her and she told hum to shut up???#'your friends got the best of me but you are still in my arms an-' 'HEAT EGG!! ALSO YOU'RE ON FIRE!'#flare maneauver that was so slay also luffy and nami in the same frame so twins of them. my children. birthed them one right after the othe#zoro and sanji fighting back to back. back to back to back to you i dont wanna fall right back to us maybe you should run right back to her#that is such a bop song. also post wano zosan. and post wci. see the recurrent theme#fighting in water.... being on top of the sword that was a slay... red hawk ace i will never forget you it seems#foxy liking his jolly roger omg nami fooled him ahdhsjs i think they should have pirate game event every year they yearn for contests#now since this experience foxy should make monthly multitudinary pirate games olympics hoping the strawhats join them a la gatsby#the faces at the mushroom akdhaksjs#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies#kinda loved how robin betted on franky against usopp.... i will take the crumbs
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leupagus · 6 months
I’ve had a post go moderately viral, oh God
but I will say I’ve been scrolling through the replies/reblogs to this and it is F A S C I N A T I N G to see how many people use it to complain about the way others have behaved toward them without once examining how they in turn have behaved.
Thinking of yourself as primarily the victim of other people’s unkindness is treating yourself as a character (albeit a main character) and that might be the most fucked up thing of all.
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