#oh the hair is wodnerful
christiangeistdorfer · 3 months
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oh mmy god your heathcliff... he's so wodnerful please the way you draw him is so cute...
i think heathcliff has seriously grown on me. there is something so interesting about this catty british dude and seeing him flesh himself out as a character. show me your nuances, boy
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also heathcliff long hair propagnda... take a proper ganda at that...
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justshapesandchaos · 6 years
Can Bo55 tell a fairy tale for Cry :3
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“It was roughly… two years ago. Yeah. When I was 35 years old. There was this real young Square. She was around 16 years old. A little rebel and thief, if you ask me, but she had the heart at the right spot. Tended to steal veggies from my mom’s stand, but mom told me that she did that to provide her orphanage she lived in with food and such. Therefore my mom wasn’t really mad at her…
But I’m getting carried away. So, there was this 16 year old, with a pretty big heart. Our current priest, from my village, and the Treeangle decided that she would be the right one to follow up in his position. But that was just a feeling. They needed proof first. So they put her up for the test.
First she had to get through the basics. A little parkour prepared by the Treeangle herself. And boy, that girl was fast. She learned the pattern in no time and with the help of her speed, reflexes and stamina, she finished the basics no problem. But that was nothing special. Anyone could that. Heck. Even I managed those a few times before. Those basics are really no big deal.
Anyways. The basics were just the start. Just a little warm up for the girl. No big sweat. No surprise, said dad back then. The real challenge came against some aspects of the Treeangle herself.
The girl had to go through the simulated case of someone being unintentionally corrupted. For that she had to face off against the Piece of Time, Chronos, the Piece of Space, Milky Ways, and the Piece of Mind, Logic Gatekeeper. She had to survive their attacks, one more challenging than the other, defeat the respective pieces and then cleanse them from the corruption.
And oh boy. There were three or four occasions where we thought, this girl ain’t gonna make it, she’s gonna fail the test. But she didn’t!! She made it by a hair’s breadth, beating and cleansing one piece after another. The Treeangle was pleased so far, my folks were astonished. I think she even started to get her first fans, me counted in.
But if you think that was all, then you’re wrong, lil’ buddy. Cause then came the grande finale. The big guy himself: our priest, Cain, himself. He was one tough enemy to beat, no wodner he got chosen as a priest in the first place. No other candidate before had beaten him yet nor proven themselves worthy of being his follow up in that position.
So there she was. Facing off against the Great Priest himself. Her nose was high, her chest swollen up with pride and confidence - and perhaps a tad bit of cheekiness. The Priest praised her effort and good work so far, something he rarely did before. And before we knew it the fight began.
It was by far the most heated battle with seen, both parties giving their best. The beats let the earth shake under our feet, the attacks blowing a cold wind of excitement and adrenaline among the audience, as everyone watched in anticipation. One blow after another, the girl dodging in the last second possible, causing everyone to gasp and their hearts to stop for a second in shock. She took a few hits and everyone worried she might not make it. We all were hoping she would make it. The fight went on and on feeling like an eternity. One dodge after another followed by one attack after another. Both were equal, but as the fight went on, it felt like the girl slipped more and more into disadvantage.
She got cornered, no way to escape to, the Priest charging his laser. But then, she suddenly dashed - right towards him. The laser missed her, passing right above her head. He reacted quickly, his four arms surrounding them, striking down.
But you know what happened? What he didn’t expect at all??
She didn’t got hit. She slipped right underneath him, between the legs, the arms missing her and hitting our Priest instead!! Taking him by absolute surprise and off guard!! That knocked him off his feet and with that, she won!!
Everyone cheered and congratulated and once Cain was back on his feet, he and the Treeangle welcomed her as the new pupil and future Priestess.
She’s been learning under Cain’s guide for two years now, though lately she and the others seem to be… stressed. I wonder what’s going on. I hope she’s doing fine…”
[Smol Kid (13/14)]
[Timey-Wimey (8/15)]
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thatoneshadyshop · 6 years
7th of Sun’s Heaight, 2E 582
All in all, one would call the act involving the mammoth troupe to be quite the success.
Oh, to be sure, Sinder is displeased, complaining as he is about his servers having to watch out for dirty beasts underfoot, fussing about hair in the food. As if he himself is not a Khajiit, even with his heritage. One swears, that man could find something to complain about whilst being indulged in his every whim at the very heart of the White Gold Tower. One is well used to hearing his voice crying out in complaint; tis more unusual that Tanis joins him. At least one can understand why he would be complaining; the bar is that much closer to the stage, and the unusual spectacle upon the stage rather detracts from the tricks and turns that the bar staff themselves perform on a nightly basis.
Still. A few complaints aside, one would call the show a success. Footfall has increased as word of the novelty was shared, and with increased interest, we have had cause to increase the cost of ticketed entry. Moreover, Ma;Riahni has near been besides herself with joy, taking any opportunity possible to take to the stage with the mammoths. The creature’s handlers have thankfully found her enthusiasm rather endearing, and have responded by indulging her, choosing her nightly to ride atop the beasts and to be part of their performances. That alone, to one at least, has made hiring them a success, even if Qau-Dar did have stern words for one when he found Ma’Riahni attempting to hide one of the miniature strains of the beasts under her bed.
Not that Qau-Dar has had overlong to dwell on his daughter. One has scarce known the Khajiit to take against another before - that one guard woman being an obvious exception - and yet to hear him complain of the Mer, one would say that Tel most definitely is not one of Qau-Dar’s favourite people. Not that one can blame him. The Dunmer is a lazy liability, one who refuses to partake of necessary work around the Den whilst still taking free room and board. It takes an amount of skill nearly beyond one not to laugh whenever he claims to be an Artist. One has seen children with more skill - Ma’Riahni truly is making impressive advances in her technique. What he calls art is nothing of the sort, and is scarce reason to feel entitled to avoid a reasonable share of work. One can well agree with the Mother Matron’s demand that he either make himself useful here, or else go somewhere else to doodle. 
He is an oddity, to be sure. He insists that he is not besotted with Fayrl, and then spends his time glued to Qau-Dar’s side, trying to win the Khajiit’s approval for his friendship with the so-called bard. As if such a thing is needed, or as if Qau-Dar would care to grant it. He has one’s sympathies, having to deal with such a useless sack of grey attaching itself to him as it has. To say naught of said sack’s naivety - a trait which is bad enough even not when combined with misplaced haughtiness seemingly bred into each and every Dunmer. Then there was the odd delivery from the local mages sent for him - what the fool requires a collection of charged soul gems for is beyond one. “To help with the problem you are having”, or so the note claimed. Problem? Ha. The Mer is being indulged, allowed his comfort at one’s expense, entertained purely because nobody knows what else to do with him. He has no problems, whatever Fayrl has given him aside, and one cannot see how soul gems would help with that.
Pah. One should not give him any thought. One’s time and energy is better spent on other things: One one’s Bosmer shaped atronach and his demands, on preventing him from slitting the throat of any customers, and on mollifying the hurt egos of those customers who had been led to believe he would service them personally. On one’s children, on their lessons, on showing them the city and the wodners it holds. They have not yet seen the Temple of Y’ffre, for instance, nor seen the sun set from the uppermost boughs. They have not been to see one of the centaur villages in the nearby Green, nor to the Court of the Camoran Kings. They have not seen the ancient ruins of the Orrey, nor heard the Spinners singing to the Graht-Oak at the height of the sun’s passing. 
One should rectify this. The Matron and Angan have between them a handle on matters here, even with preparing for the upcoming surprise raid we have arranged. One can spare a day or two to show one’s children the city. One’s cannibalistic scamp leaving may even be persuaded to join, should one flatter him enough. It would be no harm either to invite Qau-Dar; he has seen little enough of Elden Root while we have been here. 
So long as we stay away from that so-called circus tricking money from the idiot locals, it may even be pleasant. Circus. Pah. One has seen more genuine entertainment within one’s own naval. Charlatans and frauds, the whole pack of them.
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bun-writes-things · 4 years
Pairing: Alfred x Francis, Alfred x Arthur (mentioned)
Content Warning: drugs, dubcon,noncon, alfred is dumb and has no ability to read people in this.
Note: mun does not condone any of this. Based off the hetalia 2010 halloween art. I think. Francis is an incubus. Alfred is human.
Let me know if I should continue.
Alfred F Jones loved anything that was risky, he was, after all, popular, the top football player, and not to mention a rather good student grade wise. He was also the hero to anyone who needed it. However as said he loved taking risks and that included coming to this rundown club. He heard his friend Gilbert talk about it and how awesome it was and naturally if Gilbert liked it, he would too. He was pretty surprised because when he entered there were lounges, a dance floor, a bar with neon colors and lights strobing ahead as different colors flashed among the bodies of those dancing. It was loud, full of energy, everything he enjoyed. But he was still leery, if he had a friend with him maybe but it was Halloween and he was dressed up like Indian Jones (his Hero) and so with a deep breath entered the club fully and started to let the music wash over him, making him calmer as he moved over to the bar.
A few drinks first, he thought, after all it was a rave club they should have mixed drinks if nothing else. That was when a man offered to buy him some, and naturally while Alfred could tell characters he was a bit nervous and this man looked scary so he accepted, unaware that with each drink it was spiked with XTC extract.
Francis Bonnefoy was normally not the man one would expect to see at a rave. With longish blond hair, a silky, cultured voice, an old world sort of laize-fair about the world and his self-proclaimed sex appeal, many would think of him more of the more artsy type. Truth be told, though, he loved these sorts of events. They pulsed with energy as bodies crowded against each other and moved in sensual ways that made him desire the companionship of a lover more than he normally would. He smirked as he sat in the bar. Tonight was Halloween. Not only were people dressed as scantily and risqué as normal, but in costumes. Who was the God to create a holiday for such a fetish to be proudly celebrated?
He had to thank this God amongst humans. In celebration, Francis had also chosen to dress up. Gause, and plenty of it, draped over his body to hide what would be appropriate to hide any... indecent features. Those with his boots, his hair tied back loosely, and some chains to add for the slightly scary but lusty look. In front of him sat a half-full glass of wine. In the folds of his outfit, he hid a small friend of his. It came in so much good when he really felt like he needed the company of a warm body. As a young blond dressed as a cowboy 'saddled' up to the bar, he smirked. Such a handsome young man... Francis discretely removed some of the drug from his attire and ordered a beer. He slipped the drug into the drink, then offered it to the young man, who warily accepted it. Things were going well already.
Alfred never once noted the drink may be spiked, instead choosing to just accept it. It was only after the fourth one that he felt high, like he was flying. Everything seemed to glow, pulse with its own energy, its own movement and oh he felt warm. So very, very warm like when his boyfriend Arthur would hug him at night type warm only, more intense, wanted. His blue eyes were glazed as he glanced to the man who sat no more then a few seats from and moved to stand, finding it hard as his legs were like jelly at the feeling of pure bliss that washed over him. He moved carefully though, getting used to the feeling and smiled charmingly, the drug making his anxiety die down.
"Hi..." he said, blue eyes not being able to stop themselves from traveling across the gentleman’s body. He looked to be in his mid twenties, classy, sophisticated...and sexy with come hither sapphire blue eyes and luscious blond hair he wanted to touch. Not to mention that body...oh gods that body...
Francis smirled coyly and looked up at the cowboy. He had taken a little longer than most to succumb to the drug. But that just made things more fun. Such a wonderful game... "Bonjour..." he said, practically purring as he lifted the wine to his lips and sipped luxuriously. It was fun to play this up, to see how his victims would reply. This all ended the same way, of course, but to get there... that was most of the fun.
"Comment ca va... mon cher..."
Alfred blushed brightly at the man's accent, how smooth his words sounds leaving those kissable lips. If he had been in any right state of mind he'd have slapped himself. He was with Arthur, but it was one night so surely he wouldn't be mad if he flirted right? After all he was the one who denied coming so he could just sod off then and spend time with his imaginary friends.
"Uhh...tres bien? " he asked, hesitant in the language.
He never much cared for other languages, preferring to have others speak his language, not the other way around. A typical American mindset but...well...he was just that. American. Though he couldn't stop the heated feeling he kept feeling in his core as his stomach did flip flops, body breaking out into a cold sweat as he stood before this man. Why did he have to be so damn hot looking?
"I'm Alfred," he said trying to keep his mind from being filled with a hazy lust that seemed to radiated from this man, it was dizzying.
"Mmmm... Alfred..." The Frenchman replied, watching him with half-lidded blue eyes. "Je m'appelle Francis... It is good to meet you... Alfred..." He consented for English, though his French accent dominated his speech. To make his to be lover exert so much effort would not be good. After all, how would he be able to have fun with someone asleep?
"Nice to meet you," He said blushing at the purr in his voice. His pants were feeling a bit tighter then they should be, and he knew why. Maybe it was him but Alfred loved accents.
Hearing them, trying them out but he loved it best when the accent was spoken in a purr, like when Arthur spoke to him during their heated lvoe making sessions or even when he was simply instructing him... oh merely the sound of his voice was enough to drive the American mad with desire, with love. But this accent, oh this accent was different it made him feel lust, need...want... something that he was always careful to control, because a hero never let themselves succumb to such needs, such wants....right?
Francis crossed his legs in a sensual manner, arching his neck backwards so that his hair would fall aside, reveling even more bare flesh and skin. This was working all too well. "Do you come here often, mon cher~?" He bit his lower lip with mock innocence and winked at Alfred, the man with the cowboy hat and the American accent. "I have not seen you before..."
"Ah yeah my friend Gilbert normally comes here, he was talking about coming here but he got tied up with our friend Antonio so I decided to come by myself...its my first time..." he said innocently, though his speech was a bit slurred and his actions were more slowed, but he was closer now, closer to the man who seemed to be like a drug to him, pulling him ever deeper, ever closer with those words, that accent, that beautiful fuck me body...but it was the smile, the look in his eyes that made the poor twenty year old man blush and feel a lust he never felt before with anyone.
"Ahhh, mon ami, Gilbert~" Francis said, sighing wistfully. "Such a shame he could not be here. However... if he were here... I would never have met you, mon Alfred~" The Frenchman sipped again from his drink. "Would you care to sit next to moi~?"
"I would thanks," he said, leaning away from the Frenchman and sitting on the stool, trying to hide the obvious bulge he was sure was visible. The music was still pounding and it seemed to make his heart beat in time. Poor drugged up Alfred. "You know gil?"
Francis nodded. "Oh, oui. He frequents here as well. We became... quite close..." He smirked and winked seductively at the poor straining American, allowing him to imagine the meaning in his words. "But I am glad I was able to meet you on your first time, mon cher~"
Alfred let out a stifled groan as he twitched some, fingers tapping rapidly on the bar top as he watched, lsitening to the man speak, not so much his words, wodnering what it would be like if he were to whisper in his ear. At the mention of becoming close naturally he could only imagine the sex that seemed toi be hinted in those words. OH fuck.
"I...see..." he said, voice strained as the drug began to work more, fogging his mind, making everything heightened. Was this what his friend Yao felt like when he took opium?
"Oh oui..." he said before finishing the glass of wine with a dignified sip always the gentleman, after all. Francis smiled and stood, letting the bandages settle naturally again along his body.
"Mon cher... you look so uncomfortable on the stool. Shall we retire to... somewhere more comfortable~ Oui?" He approached Alfred and smiled, leaning down to whisper in his ear. "I know of a wonderful little couch in the corner where we can get... better acquainted."
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kitsn0w · 7 years
I was tagged by @gadisnaplasma​. Thank you :)
Rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
the last...
1. drink: h2o (i'm boring)
2. phone call: mum
3. text message: mum's friend
4. song you listened to: bts's 21st century girls (i htink that's the title lol)
5. time you cried: while watching wodner woman UGH
6. dated someone twice: oh yes yes hah
7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope
8. been cheated on: don't know :0
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope favorite colors

12. burgundy
13. black
14. grey
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: nope
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. met someone who changed you: nopeeee
20. found out who your friends are: YES
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: ewww general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: ZERO i dont have FB :p
23. do you have any pets: yes 
24. do you want to change your name: ???
25. what did you do for your last birthday: got the home to myself!!
26. what time did you wake up: a very ungodly hour of 4am-5am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: probably dremaing of kit harington
28. name something you can’t wait for: to see jon snow and his magnificent bun on my screen
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: wow.... a year ago :(
31. what are you listening to right now: the sound of birds chirping not kidding
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope
33. something that is getting on your nerves: .... aggressive people
34. most visited website: hbo go :D
35. hair colour: black 36. long or short hair: short
37. do you have a crush on someone: DUH
38. what do you like about yourself: all of me? hahahah
39. piercings: yes
40. blood type: oh....forgot!
41. nickname: none
42. relationship status: ugh
43. zodiac: sagi 44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: GoT
46. tattoos: none
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: yes
49. piercing: what
50. sport: i'm sedentary
51. vacation: what am i supposed to day here? do i have to scroll up #oldforgetfulart
52. pair of trainers: yes
53. eating: yes?
54. drinking: yes?
55. i’m about to: cook dinner
56. waiting for: game of thrones
57. want: to sleep
58. get married: UGH
59. career: been there done that
60. hugs or kisses: hugs
61. lips or eyes: eyes
62. shorter or taller: shorter
63. older or younger: older
64. nice arms or nice stomach: -----
65. hook up or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
67. kissed a stranger: ewww
68. drank hard liquor: yes
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope
70. turned someone down: yes
71. sex on the first date: nope
72. broken someone’s heart: ummmmm 
73. had your heart broken: not really haha
74. been arrested: no
75. cried when someone died: i mean???
76. fallen for a friend: nope do you believe in …
77. yourself: yes
78. miracles: yes
79. love at first sight: nope
80. santa claus: nope
81. kiss on the first date: nope
82. angels: yes other
83. current best friend’s name: BEST FRIEND hah!
84. eye colour: brown
85. favourite movie: cant choose
i tag @steveetrevor @chrisfine @manbunjon @mcrvel @madaboutasoiaf @kitappreciationsociety @itsallaboutkitharington @puke-silver @repeat-script @haringtonchristopher @bailarina-raven @kalimadevi @my-youngworld88 @mysuunandstars @goodqueenalys @riahchan @patethenovice @devotedtokitharington @ranpyon @lizzybennete
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barasikh · 7 years
drakon, when he was younger and human, slicked his bangs back and kept his hair in a sort of long and wild/unruly state because it helped to keep him differentiated in his own mind from his elder brother and give him some closure that he was not barbarossa nor should he compare himself to his brother
he also happens to dislike the way his bangs fall because it looks so similar to his brothers and he hates it so keeping it slicked and out of the way not only helps him by keeping his hair out of his face to see but also gives him a sense of security in seeing himself instead of his brother when he looks at his own image
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