#oh seungmin imagine
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gunilslaugh · 7 months ago
Building Blocks
Oh Seungmin Summary: It seemed like your whole life you were destined to live in your older brother’s shadow. Although there are still people who have the ability to see you, one of them being Oh Seungmin, your brother’s best friend. WC:~10.1K  Warning: Inaccurate information about architecture.  Note: Reader is Gunil’s younger sister.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
It was your first day of your second year of college tomorrow and you were just the slightest bit hopeful that people would stop comparing you to your older brother. 
“Goo? Like Goo Gunil? You’re Gunil’s little sister aren’t you?” Your sprinkle of hope was quickly crushed upon those words being the first thing your professor asked you. 
“Yes, Goo y/n…Gunil’s little sister” you say a bit reluctantly. 
“I expect great things of you then,” your professor tells you. You nod and go take a seat. 
“So you’re Gunil’s little sister?” A fellow classmate is quick to turn to you. 
“My name is y/n,” you inform them. 
“Right, you’re gonna have it easy,” they said. 
“Huh?” you ask. 
“Oh come on, your brother is Goo Gunil. He’s a legend and like the ultimate cheat sheet for you. If you ever need to help you can just go to your brother. I’d kill to be you man.” 
So you’d rather be referred to as Gunil’s sister more than your own name? You want to have 95% of people who approach you talk about your brother? You’d rather be seen as an extension of your brother rather than your own person? These are all things you want to say, but instead you brush the person off, turning to face the front. 
“Y/n!” your best friend Jiseok, one of the few people who sees you as your own person, excitedly greets you. He slides into the seat beside you. “I was scared they would try to separate us,” he joked. 
“No way. I don’t think I would survive if we got separated. The first thing the professor asked me was if Gunil was my brother,” you state. 
“Already?” Jiseok looked at you sympathetically. 
“Why would my second year of college be any different than the rest of my life?” you say halfway joking. 
“Don’t say that. I’ll come into class shouting your name everyday till people get it through their skull that you and Gunil are two different people.” 
“Thanks” you smile at Jiseok appreciatively. 
“Alright it seems like the last of you have filed in, so I’ll get on with it. Welcome to Architecture 102. For your first assignment I’d like to create your own house model. Don’t worry about it being perfect, I just want to see where you all are at. What your styles are. To get to know who you are as people through your work. Submit your sketch to me by Friday and the model will be due the week after,” your professor announces to the class. 
“You gonna stick to your signature look?” Jiseok asked you. 
“I think that’s the point of this assignment” you chuckle. 
“Yeah, but still figured I’d ask. We’re starting out fresh. Thought maybe you’d want to try something new,” he said. 
“We’ll see,” you say, pulling out your supplies. You and Jiseok get to work, working on your sketches. 
Arriving home after your first day you feel exhausted. Knowing that you have another three years ahead of you fighting against what seems to be your fate of being stuck in Gunil’s shadow. It feels like the title of “Gunil’s little sister” weighs heavier on you than it used to. You really thought college would be better. Everyone was adults now, so certainly they would have more things to care about than who your older brother was, but alas it somehow seems that the comparisons of you and Gunil are about to reach an all time high. 
“Hey y/n you’re back,” Seungmin smiles at you from the kitchen table. “How was your first day?” he asked. 
“I think half the campus knows me as Gunil’s little sister. All the Architecture majors do at least,” you sigh. A frown tugged at Seungmin’s lips. He knew how tiring of a feat it was for you to always be casted into Gunil’s shadow.
“Should I start picking you up from campus everyday yelling your name till everyone gets the idea that you are your own person,” Seungmin suggested. You let out a chuckle. 
“Jiseok said something similar,” You told Seumgmin. 
“What did he say?” he questioned.
“He said that he’ll come into class shouting my name everyday till people get it through their skull that you and Gunil are two different people,” you relay Jiseok’s words. A small smile graced Seungmin’s lips. He looks at you with a sincere look. 
“There are people who see you for you y/n and I-”
“Y/n when did you get back?” Gunil entered the kitchen. 
“Just a bit ago. How was today's meeting?” you questioned before he could ask you about your first day. 
“With the help of your planning and preparations it was smooth sailing. Wasn’t it Seungmin?” Gunil responded. 
“Went off without a hitch. We’re just tying up the loose ends of it now.” He gestured towards their open laptops. 
“You better hurry up and graduate quickly cause as soon as you have your degree I’m passing the business over to you. I love architecture, but being the head of dad’s company was never what I envisioned. He always talked about handing the business over to you and that was certainly for a reason.” Gunil rubs his thumbs over his temples. 
“Dad would be proud of you if was still around,”You tell Gunil. 
“He’d be proud of you too,” Gunil says. You and him exchange smiles of solidarity. 
“Well I have a sketch to work on, so I’ll leave you guys to finish tying up your loose ends,” you  say with a hint of playfulness in your tone. You walk out of the kitchen and head up the stairs. 
Once you’re out of earshot Gunil says, “I wish y/n was the first born sometimes. She’s way more cut out for this than I am. A better architect too.”
“You’re doing a good job Gunil. Plus you’re not alone, you have y/n and me,” Seungmin comforts him. 
“I know and I’m very grateful because I would be at such a loss right now if it was just me.” 
“Your style is much different from your brother’s,” your Architecture 102 professor notes upon viewing your sketch. 
“Well we are different people,” you point out. 
“Right, of course you are,” he says offhandedly. “What did your brother say about your sketch?” your professor asked curiously. 
“I didn’t show him,” you state. 
“You didn’t show him?” he chuckles. “You don’t have to lie. Honestly it would be silly of you not to, so what did he say?” he pressed. You let out a small sigh. You really didn’t show Gunil your sketch, nor did he ever ask to see it. 
“He said it reminded him of our father’s work,” you lied. 
“It is very reminiscent of your father’s work. The old cabin based framework. It’s nice to see. I look forward to your model.” Your professor approves of your sketch. 
“If he brings up Gunil everytime I submit something I’m not going to survive,” you tell Jiseok, slumping down in your seat and letting your head fall onto the desk. Jiseok reaches over and pats your back. 
“I can ‘accidently’ whack him with my carrying tube if he keeps it up.” Jiseok’s insinuation successfully makes you laugh. 
“I might like to see that even if he discovers that there is no need to continually bring up Gunil whenever he speaks to me.” 
“Guess he better watch out for me then,” Jiseok said mischievously.
You and Jiseok are sitting at a table discussing working on your models together when a dirty blonde haired guy approaches the two of you.
“Hey Jiseok, can I get my notes back?” he questioned. 
“Oh yeah, of course.” Jiseok begins to dig through his bag. 
“Who’s this?” the guy asked Jiseok, tilting his head towards you. 
“Oh right. Jungsu this is my best friend y/n. Y/n this is Jungsu he’s in my business management class,” Jisedok introduces the two of you and hands Jungsu his notes back. 
“You major in architecture too?” Jungsu asked, pointing to your sketch that laid beside Jiseok’s on the table. 
“Yeah,” you smile. 
“Jungsu is in his last year. He’s gonna open a flower shop after he graduates,” Jiseok informs. 
“Oh, that’s nice. Jiseok and I will have to stop by once you open it,” you say. 
“Thanks, what are your plans after graduation? Or is it too stressful to ask sophomores that?” Jiseok laughs a little. 
“It’s cool man. I’m gonna work at y/n’s company,” Jiseok states. 
“Who said I’d hire you?” you joke. Jiseok gives you an offended look.
“How could you not hire your beloved best friend?” You shake your head playfully. 
“I’m gonna take over my dad’s company. My brother is running it right now, but he’s more than eager to pass the position over to me,” you inform Jungsu. 
“Who’s your brother?” Jungsu questioned. A shocked expression quickly covers your face. 
“W-who’s my brother? It’s possible for me to be asked that.” You look at Jiseok. Jiseok chuckles at your shocked expression while Jungsu grows very confused. 
“You just made her month man,” Jiseok states, making Jungsu grow even more confused. 
“Sorry,” you say slowly, coming out of my state of shock. “I get compared to my brother a lot. In fact most people know me as his little sister rather than my name, so…thank you.” Seeing how shocked you are and after hearing your words, Jungsu feels a bit of a tug on his heart. He is still a bit confused though. 
“You don’t need to tell me who he is then. I should get going now, but it was nice to meet you y/n.” Jungsu takes his leave. 
“I seriously didn’t think that was possible,” you say, still feeling taken aback. Jiseok laughs again. 
“Looks like Gunil is only a legend in the architecture world. Outside of it there are plenty of people who have no clue who he is.” What just happened gave you some hope that maybe you aren’t fated to be stuck in your older brother’s shadow forever. 
“You always look so at peace whenever you’re working on a model.” The voice breaks you out of your tranquil, yet focused state. You turn around to see Seungmin sitting on the couch behind you. 
“How long have you been there?” He’s been there a good fifteen minutes. Seungmin has always liked watching you work. You always looked so calm and focused. There was this light in your eyes that showed how much you loved building models. It made Seungmin’s heart feel warm. He thinks that he could watch you work for hours. 
“Not long,” he replied. He gets up from the couch to join you on the floor, taking a good look at the model you're currently working on. 
“Does it get the Seungmin stamp of approval?” you jokingly question. 
“Your own stamp of approval is way more valuable than mine, but yeah I’d give this my stamp of approval.” He gives you a thumbs up. 
“Why are you over so late?” 
“Gunil needed some help with investment paperwork.” 
“He could’ve asked me. You didn’t have to come out here at night.” 
“Ah yes cause the five minute drive between your house and mine is just so intolerable,” Seungmin jests, making you chuckle. “He knew you were working on your model, so he didn’t want to bother you,” Seungmin explained. “Are you nervous about having to present it?” You shake your head. 
“No, I’m not nervous, but I’m not looking forward to the comments I’ll get about how I probably asked Gunil for advice or whatnot,” you voice. Seungmin places a hand on your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. 
“You and Gunil kill me sometimes,” he states. 
“What?” Laughter rumbles through your chest at his unexpected comment. 
“You found yourself stuck in Gunil’s shadow, always getting compared to him. Getting your own talent downgraded because ignorant people just assume you must’ve turned to Gunil for help. Meanwhile Gunil is constantly comparing himself to you. Trying to improve himself to be more like you. It’s like this weird cycle that doesn’t make any sense,” Seungmin informs. 
“It’s oddly ironic in a way,” you say, a solemn feeling stirring in your chest. 
“Finish up your model,” Seungmin gives you a smile, giving your shoulder another squeeze before pulling his hand away. He gets up from the floor and takes his previous spot back on the couch. 
“Shouldn’t you be heading out?” you questioned. 
“I like watching you work,” he said. 
“O..k?” you let out a mix of a scoff and a laugh turning back to put the finishing touches on your model. You quickly fall back into your tranquil, yet focused state as does Seungmin as he watches you work with a small smile etched onto his lips. 
“Alright, now we're gonna do a fun little group project. Working with the people sitting behind you. You will work together to build a framework that can withstand an earthquake,” Your professor announces. You and Jiseok look at each other first before turning around in your seats to face the two people behind you.
“Ooh we get to work with Gunil’s little sister.” One of your project partners immediately comments upon you and Jiseok turning around. 
“Her name is Y/n,” Jiseok states with a hint of annoyance in his voice. He too has grown tired of the constant use of your nickname. 
“I-I know, but she is also his sister. It’s not wrong to refer to her as that,” they defend themselves. Clearly a bit taken aback by Jiseok’s tone. 
“It may not be wrong, but it does get annoying when I hear that more than my own name,” you voice. 
“Aye come on why are you two being so uptight? I didn’t mean any harm, I was just having fun,” they said. 
“Let’s just get started on the project,” your other project partner cuts in. The four of you begin to design the framework. 
Later towards the end of class the groups took turns setting their designed frameworks on an earthquake simulator to see if their created design was strong enough to withstand an earthquake. When it came time for your group's turn you placed the framework on the simulator and stood back, watching anxiously as your design shook. The shaking of the simulator came to an end and the framework you and your group created was still standing tall. You and your group exchange celebratory high fives.
“I didn’t expect anything less of the group that had Gunil’s sister, but very good job nonetheless,” your professor compliments. However, even in your own victory Gunil’s name was still being brought up. It made your victory feel less sweet. Your happy smile falters slightly and Jiseok notices it. It makes his own happy smile falter as he watches you try to brush it off. Replacing your once happy smile with a fake one. Your group heads back to your seats. 
“Should we have lunch with Jungsu today?” Jiseok suggested. A genuine smile makes its way back onto your face that makes Jiseok feel at ease. 
“Yeah I like eating with Jungsu and we only have five more months with him before he graduates,” you say.
“Precisely, we need to bother him while we still can. I’ll text him,” Jiseok said, pulling out his phone. 
After finishing up your last class for the day you make your way off campus. You walk by a crowd of people. You’re a little curious about what they could be crowding around, but not interested enough to find out. 
That was until,”Y/n!” you hear your name being called. You turn around to see Seungmin emerging from the crowd and hurrying his way over to you. The crowd of people watch and almost follow him making you realize that he was what the people were crowding around. 
“Seungmin, what are you doing here?” you ask.
“I met with a client in the area. Figured I would pick you up afterwards,” he tells you. 
“And create a crowd?” you poke lightheartedly. 
“I didn’t think that after graduating three years ago that I would still be popular on campus. I would’ve stayed in the car if I’d known,” he chuckled. 
“You and Gunil are legends. Top two of your class,” you say. 
“That’s because of you.” Seungmin bumps his shoulder with yours. He escorts you over to his car and opens the passenger door for you. 
“Thank you,” you say, slipping into the car. He closes the door behind you and jogs over to the driver’s side, opening the door and settling in. 
“Have you thought about interning yet?” Seungmin asked. 
“Seungmin I have five, well four cause you need to send in the application a month ahead of time, but still four months before needing to decide where I’ll intern for the summer,” you chuckle. 
“It never hurts to be prepared. I was scrambling at the last minute to figure out where to intern.” 
“I appreciate your concern. I was planning on deciding after we have the intern fair,” you tell him. 
“Speaking of that, I need to prepare for it,” Seungmin notes. 
“You’re having a booth?” you question. 
“My father decided to let me represent the company this year, yeah,” he answers. 
“Represent or draw people in with your pretty face.” You playfully reach your hand out to cup his chin. 
“Behave, I am driving.” He grabs your hand with one of his, taking it away from his chin. His hand remains holding yours for a few moments longer than necessary before letting go and bringing his hand back to the wheel.
“Because holding your pretty face is so distracting,” you snicker. Not knowing how distracting it really is for Seungmin. The way he had to try and control his racing heart the moment your hand cupped his chin. How he wanted nothing more than to turn over and look at you. Too see the cheeky smile you probably had on your face. The sparkles in your eyes. 
He knew that you would have pulled your hand away from his chin on your own accord. Probably only in a matter of seconds, yet he could not fight the urge of wanting to feel your hand in his.
Seungmin has actually long had feelings for you. He may be best friends with your brother, but you were actually the sibling he saw first. His father had some business with yours and just so happened to bring him along. They were walking up to your father’s office when he saw you through the window. Sitting on your dad’s lap helping him with a model. You looked so at peace and content it stirred something inside Seungmin’s little nine year old heart.
“Mr. Oh you are here, welcome,” your dad greets Seungmin’s father. Standing up from the chair and lifting you from his lap, setting you on the ground. “This is my daughter y/n and son Gunil.” Your dad placed a hand on your shoulder then with his free arm gestured over to where Gunil was sitting on the couch. It was only then that Seungmin noticed the presence of your brother. 
“This is my son Seungmin,” his father introduced him. 
“How about you kids go acquaint yourselves over there?” Your dad points over to the couch sitting area where Gunil sat on the couch. “I believe our sons are the same age, nine?” your father checked. Mr. Oh nodded in confirmation. 
“And your little one?” Mr Oh asked, looking at you.
“Six!” you answered proudly. “Come on, let's leave our fathers to their business.” You take a few steps over to Seungmin grabbing his hand and leading him over to the sitting area. Seungmin smiled at the feeling of your little hand holding his. 
“Wait ,does that mean Gunil is going to do a booth for our company too?” you questioned. Seungmin waits a moment before nodding.
“He is, but he doesn’t know if he’s going to go himself or have another company staff go,” Seungmin tells you. 
“He can go,” you say. Seungmin glances at you. He’s about to say something, but you beat him to it. “It’s because of me right? I’m the reason he’s unsure about going himself.” You fiddle with your fingers. 
“It’s not just that. You know he’s still not really comfortable with all the business stuff. He’s worried about not doing a good job at representing the company,” Seungmin discloses. You let out a sigh. 
“Why is he such an overthinker? The intern fair isn't solely about talking business. It’s a lot about talking about the stuff he loves about architecture. Plus most students will just want to intern there because it’s his company. His name on its own will be enough to fill an intern list,” you ramble. Seungmin chuckles lightly at your rambling. 
“Tell him that yourself then,” Seungmin insists. 
“But do I mention that I’m ok with him doing it or do I just smack him upside the head and tell him to stop overthinking it?” Seungmin can’t help but laugh. 
“Do whatever you want,” he says while giggling. 
Soon enough Seungmin pulls up in front of your house.
“Are you coming in?” you asked. 
“Of course I am.” Seungmin smiles at you. The two of you get out of the car and walk up to your house. You and Seungmin enter the house together and your feet stop in their tracks. 
“Mom!” you called out excitedly, dropping your bag onto the floor. Your mom just as excitedly opens her arms rushing over to hug you. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back?” you asked, whilst you two sway side to side, embraced. As far as you knew your mom was supposed to be on her business trip for a few more days.
“I wanted to surprise you,” she says, pulling away to look at you. “How’s college going? I can’t believe you’re already halfway through your sophomore year. Growing up so fast.” She rubbed your shoulders. 
“If you think she’s growing up fast then what am I?” Gunil appears through the front door. Your mom immediately goes over to hug Gunil. 
“Oh don’t worry you make me feel very old. Seeing you run your dad’s company,” your mom said in a playful tone.
“Does Seungmin make you feel old too?” you jest, resulting in your mom chuckling. 
“Yes, of course he does. He is like a second son to me. I watched him grow up with you and Gunil.” Your mom then goes over to give Seungmin a hug too. “Thank you for keeping my house standing,” she tells Seungmin. An offended look falls over both yours and Gunil’s faces. 
“Mom we’re literally architects, how can you imply that we would knock the house down? That’s one problem you shouldn't have to worry about” Gunil states.
“Ok, so maybe you two wouldn’t knock it down, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I walked into it and it was completely remodeled one day.”
“You say that like it’d be a bad thing,” you remark. A warm chuckle erupts from your mother.
“Oh, I’m sure you two would do an amazing job.” She slings one arm over either of yours and Gunil’s shoulders, pulling you each into her sides. “But I like the house how it is right now.”
After your cute little reunion you all settle in. Your mom going off to her room for a bit. You were about to go off to your room to work on whatever you needed to get done, however before you can Seungmin stops you by gently grabbing your wrist. Before you can question what he’s doing his eyes shift over to Gunil, who was sitting on the couch, typing away on his laptop. You remember the conversation you had with Seungmin in the car about the intern fair. Then you nod in understanding and make your way over to Gunil. You sit down beside him and knock him with your elbow.
“What?” He turns to look at you. 
“Stop overthinking it and do the intern fair,” you tell him. 
“How did-” Gunil looks at you puzzledly then looks over to where Seunmgin is sitting at the kitchen table. Seungmin shrugs in response and Gunil sighs. He knows Seungmin must have told you about his troubles concerning the intern fair.
“You showing up only would be enough to get people to sign up for an internship,” you state. Gunil sighs again. 
“But that’s not what I want. I want to show that Building Blocks is a really good company. I want people to apply for internships because they want to work for the company. Not work there because it’s my company,” he explained. 
“Still we spent probably more than half of our childhood inside of those walls. You know what to say to show how great of a company Building Blocks is. Stop overthinking it.” Gunil remains silent for a few moments, letting your words sink in. He knew that you were right, but his head was still filled with doubts. 
“But what if it doesn’t sound professional enough?” Gunil voiced his concern. 
“It’s an intern fair not a business proposal. It doesn’t have to be the most professional thing ever. You’re just talking about the company, what they would do as interns there. Just explain how you would to a friend,” you tell him. 
“See, you’re so much more cut out for this than I am,” Gunil says. 
“Gunil I’m honestly not. You just get too caught up in your own head.” You poke your finger into his head. “Look if you’re too stressed about it I can help you put in together ok?” you offer.
“If you’re offering help I could probably use it too,” Seungmin says in a lighthearted tone, joining you and Gunil on the couch.
“I helped y’all through college, now I’m helping you run companies.” You shake your head jokingly.
“Just think of it as practice, cause Building Blocks will be yours soon enough,” Gunil says. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re more than eager to pass it over to me, but in order to do that I need to graduate. So if you excuse me I’ll be going to work on my assignments now.” You stand up from the couch. “But seriously. Don’t. Think. About. It. So. Much.” You pat Gunil’s head a little harder than necessary in between words. Gunil smacks your hand away from his head. 
“Go do your assignments,” he sends you away. You chuckle at his bossy tone as you walk away, heading to your room. 
“So you can tell y/n about my problems, but you can’t confess your long time feelings for her?” Gunil turns to face Seungmin after you disappeared off to your room. 
“First off, we both know you wouldn’t have been able to do the fair without her telling you too. Secondly, I can’t just confess to her. I’m pretty sure she only sees me as a brother too. She doesn’t really treat me any differently than how she treats you,” Seungmin said. 
“‘Doesn’t really’ isn’t ‘the same’ now is it?” Gunil points out. 
“We have an intern fair to get prepping for,” Seungmin adverts. 
“Seungmin,” Gunil said sternly. “Are you just never going to tell her?”
“Shouldn’t you be going all protective big brother. ‘Stay away from my sister!’ right now?” Seungmin again tries to escape the conversation. 
“Seungmin, let's be real you fell in love with her the second her little six year old hand grabbed your little nine year old one. I’m shocked she hasn’t caught on to how you really feel about her,” Gunil states. 
“Fortunately she has other things preoccupying her mind,” Seungmin says. Gunil lets out a heavy sigh. 
“I don’t think I can just watch you be silently in love with her for the rest of my life man,” he says. 
“So what? Are you gonna rat me out?” Seungmin questions. 
“Unfortunately, ratting out somebody’s feelings for someone else isn’t really cool, so no. However, I will start bothering you about confessing to her,” Gunil declares. 
“Gunil please, I will tell her how I feel one day. I just don’t think now is the right time,” Seungmin states. 
“No time like the present,” Gunil pokes. 
“Just give me some more time,” Seungmin says. 
“How much more time? Till we’re forty?” Gunil folds his arms. 
“No, not till we’re forty. Just till I get it fingered out,” Seungmin defends. 
“So forty,” Gunil sassed. Seungmin sighed, dropping his head. 
“Not forty,” he refuted again. He doesn’t really know how to go about confessing to you though. How was he supposed to tell the girl that he had been in love with his entire life, that he had been in love with you his entire life? He wanted nothing more than to tell how he truly felt, but at the same time he had no clue how to get the words out. 
It was the day of the intern fair and frankly as you stood outside of the double doors you seriously debated turning back and just ditching it. Despite the fact that you were so supportive about Gunil doing the intern fair, you were actually dreading it. Mainly because you know that once you walk in through those doors you will be no more than Gunil’s little sister. People won’t want you to intern at their company because you’re you. It will be because you’re Gunil’s little sister. With a deep breath you put on a brave face and walk in through the doors. 
After entering the room your eyes scan the room, looking at all the different booths set up. Your eyes fell on where Seungmin was standing talking to a small group of students. A small smile graced your face as you watched Seungmin interacting with the students. He looked so natural as he went over the information in the pamphlet about his company. 
“I’m a little shocked to see you here,” the voice of one of your classmates pulls you from your trance. 
“Why?” you asked, turning to look at them. 
“I just assumed you’d intern at your brother’s company. Seems like the simple thing to do,” they say. 
“I’m not interning there. I don’t need people gossiping about how I was handed an internship,” you state. Your classmate nods understandingly. 
“But with your last name companies will still probably be quick to offer you an internship you know?” they said. You let out a sigh. 
“I know, I’m cursed into being Gunil’s little sister,” you responded. Your classmate’s lips draw into a line at your words. 
“I’m sorry by the way,” they apologize. 
“For what?” You gave them a slightly perplexed look. 
“I just viewed you as Gunil’s little sister too, but after seeing you work in Architecture 102. I can see that you are a really good architect on your own. You don’t need your brother,” they expressed. 
“Thanks, that means a lot actually. Most people don’t ever bother to try to get to know me after finding out Gunil is my brother,” you say. 
“I will reluctantly say that I was one of them too, but then I overheard you explaining to your group mates during the earthquake simulator and I realized that you really did know what you were talking about,” they tell you. 
“Thanks,” you say once more.
“Well, enjoy the fair,” your classmate tells you. You nod telling them a quick “you too” and part ways.
Admittedly the fair was already going better than you expected. However the real battle had not yet begun. You stand there for a few moments looking around the room, trying to decide which booth you should start with. 
“If you don’t start with my booth I might be a little offended,” Seungmin spoke from over your shoulder making you jump. “Sorry,” Seungmin chuckles, placing his hand on your shoulder. 
“Where did you come from?” you asked, eyes darting over to where his booth was and back at him. 
“I saw you and wanted to say hi,” he tells you. 
“Yet you didn’t start with that,” you said jokingly, making Seungmin laugh. 
“You’re right, my bad. Hi y/n,” he greeted you properly. 
“Hi,” you return with a subtle chuckle. “Show me your booth,” you add. Seungmin nods and leads you over to where his booth was. Once you’re at his booth he humors you by handing you a pamphlet and going over the information with you. 
“Any questions?” he asked you playfully after he finished. 
“Just one I suppose.” You pause for a second before continuing. “If I intern at your company do I get to see your pretty face everyday?”
“I know you’re saying that as a joke, but you’re actually not the first person to say that today,” he informs you. 
“Are you serious?” you asked in disbelief.
“I wish I was joking,” he replies in all seriousness. 
“How’s Gunil doing?” you change the topic of conversation. 
“You can go over there and see for yourself you know?” He gestures over to where Gunil’s booth is set up. “He’d probably appreciate you popping in over there too.” 
“Yeah I should,” you state, looking over at Gunil’s booth. Watching him as he organizes the pamphlets on the table. Despite knowing that you should. You find yourself feeling nervous about going over there. 
“Go on,” Seungmin says, giving you an encouraging smile. You smile back and turn to walk towards Gunil’s booth. It feels like you can hear your steps echo throughout your ears as you approach Gunil’s booth. 
“For someone who was so nervous you look pretty composed right now,” you say announcing your presence. Gunil looks up at you, letting out a breathy laugh. 
“I’ve been managing, but you were also right. This isn’t as serious as it seemed in my head,” he states. 
“See you just need to relax,” you say. 
“That’s easier said than done. Have you checked out the other booths? Any ideas where you want to intern?” he questioned you. 
“Not yet, I only stopped by Seungmin’s,” you tell him. 
“Now who needs to relax,” he used your own words against you. 
“Very funny,” you remark sarcastically. “Plus it’s not like I’m scared about going over there and talking to the people. It’s like how you want people to intern at our company because it’s a good company. Not because it’s your company. I want companies who want me to intern there because I’m me and not because I’m your sister,” you explain. A bit of a glum look took over Gunil’s face, but he perked up pretty quickly to say. 
“Seungmin’s company would gladly take you for you.” A smile tugged at your lips. 
“Yeah they would, but I feel like that’s taking the easy way out,” you voice.
“You can decide that after you check out the other companies,” Gunil tells you. You nod. Your conversation with Gunil ends shortly after that and you find yourself walking to the first booth in the line of booths. 
Unfortunately visiting the other booths seemed to go just as you thought that they would. Once they found out you were Goo Y/n, Gunil’s sister they became ten times more interested in you and the topic naturally shifted over to him as well. You were able to keep up a foe happy persona for the first four booths, but by the eleventh and final booth you felt completely drained. 
A big sigh fell from your lips as  you sat outside in an empty courtyard. You stared at the mess of pamphlets in your hand, recalling all your conversations with the representatives running the booths. 
“We would love to have Gunil’s little sister interning for us.” “Even if you’re half as good as your brother. You’d still be an amazing asset to us.” “Not that we wouldn’t be more than glad to steal you away from your brother, but why aren’t you interning there?” 
“Are you ok?” a voice asked. You turn your head to see Seungmin standing a couple feet away by the door. He makes his way over to you, taking a seat beside you. 
“None of them cared about my preferences or skill set. Once they found out my name was Goo they instantly were ready to offer me an internship,” you vent. “I really should hurry up and graduate. I don’t know how much longer I can put up with this.” 
“Y/n,” Seungmin starts. 
“No, I mean like I’m fine. It just feels really exhausting every now and then and I can’t even really blame Gunil, cause he hasn’t done anything. He actually is a really good brother. I guess it’s my fault, in a way, actually. I’m the one who helped him become the aritech that he is. I set the expectations upon myself really. It's just really frustrating that everyone assumes I get his help, you know? Like they’re constantly discrediting me. Is it really hard to believe that I can be a good architect on my own? Seriously, you know when I showed my Architecture 102 professor my first project he asked what Gunil thought of it? When I told him that I didn’t show him he didn’t believe me. He said that it would be silly to not show him. Others essentially have the same reaction when I say I don’t go to Gunil for help. They think I’m lying. I try my best to not let it bother me but it does,” you let out all your pent up feelings. Some tears gloss over your eyes. 
“Y/n,” Seungmin says your name again. 
“That too.” You take a breath. “I feel like I hardly even get called by my own name,” you say. A sniffle leaves your nose and a tear slips from your eye. 
“You’ve always been y/n to me,” Seungmin tells you. He cups your face ever so gently in one. Almost as if you're made of glass. He swipes his thumb across your cheek, drying your tears. “Ever since I saw you sitting on your dad’s lap all those years ago.” 
“I really miss my dad,” you smile sadly. “We were supposed to be architects together…and I was really looking forward to it.” Seungmin pulls you into a hug. He lovingly cradles the back of your head and rubs your back. 
“I know,” he soothes you. “But you know he would be so proud of you. He talked about you being the future heir of Building Blocks when you were only seven. I’m sure he knows how amazing of an architect you would become.” He pulled away from the hug to look at you. “Plus you know what else?” 
“What?” you ask. 
“You inspired me to become an architect,” Seungmin tells you. Your eyes widen in surprise. 
“I did? Weren’t you always going to become one because of your dad?” you asked. 
“My dad wanted me to become one to eventually take over the company, yes, but I didn’t really want to be one until you,” he informs. 
“What did I do to make you want to be one?” you question. 
“You were so passionate about it and you always looked so at ease when you were drawing sketches or working on models. It made me think that maybe there were things I was missing. You made me want to fall in love with architecture.” 
“And you did?” you smile. 
“So hard and-” The words “and I fell even harder for you” were right on the tip of Seungmin’s tongue, yet he held them back. Maybe now wasn’t the best time to confess to you. You were already upset. A lot of your pent up emotions came spilling out of you. He didn’t really want to confess to you when you were feeling vulnerable. 
“And?” you urged him to continue. Seungmin takes a breath and grabs the mess of pamphlets from your hands. 
“And, I think this company would suit you best for interning.” He hands you the pamphlet for Archway Architecture. 
“I was half expecting you to give me your company’s pamphlet,” you say with a slight chuckle. 
“Oh if you want to come to Construct Creations I will welcome you with open arms, but this company's preferences and style are similar to yours. I think you would be a good fit there,” he tells you. 
“Thank you,” you sincerely thank him. 
“Don’t mention it. You know I’m always looking out for you,” he reminds you. 
“I do and I appreciate it. Know that I’m here for you too,” you say.  Seungmin smiles. 
“I know and I appreciate that too.” 
“And since I look out for you. It’s probably time for you to head back to your booth and draw more students in with your pretty face,” you lighten up the mood. 
“Yeah, I probably should be getting back,” Seungmin stands up. “You sure you’re alright? I can leave Hyeongjun to fend for himself. His pretty face does a good job at bringing in people too.” 
“I’m ok now Seungmin.” You stand up. “Get back to work.” you playfully shove him. 
“Ok, ok, I’m going.” He raised his hands in defense. “But.” He turns around to face you and places his hand on the side of your head. “Let me know whenever you’re having a hard time, ok?” 
“I will.” you nod. Seungmin nods as well and removes his hand from your head. He then turns to go back inside, taking one last look at you before he disappears behind the door. 
“It's just really frustrating that everyone assumes I get his help, you know? Like they’re constantly discrediting me. Is it really hard to believe that I can be a good architect on my own? Seriously, you know when I showed my Architecture 102 professor my first project he asked what Gunil thought of it? When I told him that I didn’t show him he didn’t believe me. He said that it would be silly to not show him. Others essentially have the same reaction when I say I don’t go to Gunil for help. They think I’m lying.”  Gunil overhears your words from the other side of the door. He feels a heavy weight tug on his chest. He knew that you had a hard time due to being his little sister. That you could get casted into his shadow, but he didn’t think it was this bad. Certainly people could see how great of an architect you were? If people paid any attention to you at all it would be easy to see that. 
“Oh Gunil it’s you. I was hoping I would get to see you today when I heard you were coming.” The Architecture 102 professor greets Gunil. 
“Yeah, long time no see,” Gunil greets back. 
“So how’s it been running a company now?” the professor questioned.
“Oh I can’t wait to pass it over to y/n. The business running side of things has never really been my forte,” Gunil answers. 
“Pass it over to y/n?” the professor repeats. 
“Yes, she’s so much better at working the business side and she’s a better architect in general. She has been helping me since I started college. You know that first project you have us to do? Building the model.” 
“Yeah it’s my mandatory first assignment, but are you telling me y/n helped you with yours?” the professor checked. 
“She tried,” Gunil chuckles as he thinks back at the memory. “I showed it to her the night before and she told me that the doors didn’t match with the overall style of the house. That they looked out of place, but at that time I was in my first year of college and she was still a mere highschooler. I pulled the I’m a college student I’m sure I know better than you card. And you know what you said to me about my model?” Gunil tells the story. 
“That the doors looked like they didn’t belong,” the professor finishes. 
“It was quite the humbling moment. I always listened to her after that though. I had to get the y/n stamp of approval before I turned anything in.” 
“And you graduated top of your class,” the professor notes. 
“Owe it all to my sister,” Gunil says proudly. “I can only hope that I can be as good as her one day,” he adds. Your Architecture 101 professor feels a great amount of guilt stirring in his stomach. Here your brother was talking so highly of you, so proudly of you and all this time he was thinking that you were going to Gunil for help. It’s not like he didn’t think you were a good architect. He’s seen how you work in class, but he definitely thought that Gunil was playing a part in your skills.
“So she’s the brains behind the operation?” He asked with a bit of a self-reproached tone.
“You could definitely put it like that,” Gunil chuckles. 
“Y/n can I speak to you for a moment?” your Architecture 102 professor asked you after class.
“Did he just refer to me by my name?” you look at Jiseok with a surprised and confused look. 
“I think he did,” Jiseok replied with a just as confused and surprised look. 
“Well, let’s catch up after,” you say. 
“For sure,” Jiseok said. Jiseok makes his way out of class and you head over to your professor's desk. 
“You wanted to talk to me?” you state. 
“Yeah I talked to Gunil at the fair the other day,” your professor started. You nod along. “I owe you an apology,” he told you. 
“For what?” you ask. 
“Gunil told me that you were the one who helped him through college and that you’re still helping him now,” he discloses. “So I’m sorry for thinking that you needed your brother’s help to be as good as you are,” he apologized. 
“I learned most of my skills from my father,” you state. 
“That shows a lot in your work honestly. Your style actually differs a lot from your brother’s, so thinking back on it I’m not sure why I was so convinced that you were using him for help,” he says. 
“Once people assume that I’m using him for help they don’t really think about it,” you said. “Once they cast me into his shadow, they don’t care about actually getting to know me,” you added. 
“I’m sorry that I was one of them too. I especially feel that as a professor I should have known better,” your professor apologizes again. 
“I really appreciate your apology sir,” you express. 
“Gunil is really proud of you too, you know?” he checks. You let out a bit of an awkward chuckle.
“I mean surely there is some part of me that knows he is, but it is kinda awkward to have those kinds of sentimental talks with your sibling,” you say. Your professor chuckles at your words. 
“Yeah I get that. Somedays I wouldn’t be caught dead telling my brother I love him,” he laughs lightly. 
“Well if that’s all, I’ll get going now,” you dismiss yourself. You walk out of class feeling lighter. Like maybe you weren’t destined to spend your whole life stuck in Gunil’s shadow. 
When you met up with Jiseok to tell him what just happened his eyes grew as wide as saucers, but he recovered quickly to throw a humorous comment. 
“So I don’t have to accidentally whack him with my carrying tube anymore?” he played. 
“I still think that that would be a funny sight, but no I suppose there is no reason for you to accidentally whack him anymore,” you reply. 
“This is a good thing, but it feels really weird,” Jiseok notes. 
“Oh I know,” you chuckle.
“My Architecture 102 professor apologized to me the other day,” you notified Gunil. The two of you were sitting at the kitchen island working on getting stuff done. 
“He did?” Gunil asked. You nod. 
“It was because of what you told him at the intern fair,” you say. Your statement makes Gunil think back to the internfair, but not the conversation he had with your Architecture 102 professor. The one he overheard you having with Seuingmin. 
“You know I have been meaning to talk to you, but I didn’t really know how to bring it up,” he says. 
“Bring what up?” you question, feeling a bit confused at his words.
“I overheard you talking with Seungmin a bit. About how people always assume that you get help from me when it comes to architecture. That it feels like they’re constantly discrediting you,” he speaks with a hesitant and careful voice.
“You heard that?” you ask, feeling a little bad. As frustrating as it was to go through it was never Gunil’s fault either. 
“I never realized how hard of a time you had because of me,” he tells you with a sorrowful look in his eyes. 
“It wasn’t your fault. You are a good brother,” you say. 
“Then why did you never tell me?” he questioned. 
“I didn’t want to stress you out any more than you already were. Plus what really was there for you to do?” you explain. 
“Something, I don’t know what, but certainly I could have done something.” You could hear the upsetness in his voice. 
“Gunil this is why I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to be upset,” you tell him. Gunil takes a calming breath. 
“I’m not upset…No I am, but how could I not be? You’re the best architect I know and you’re telling me that no one has been acknowledging your skills. It is upsetting,” he firmly states. 
“Not no one. Jiseok has always acknowledged my skills. He became my best friend for a reason you know and obviously Seungmin treasures my skills. He’s always been there for me,” you smiled. Gunil smiles too. He’s glad that you have people around you who support you, but he still wishes that you got the recognition you deserve.
“You know sometimes I can’t help but think that if dad was still here how different things would be,” Gunil admits. The atmosphere of the room falls to a more somber mood. 
“I think about that too,” you share. “My dream wasn’t just to be an architect, but to be an architect alongside him. I wanted to work with him on projects. I mean I know technically did, but like I wanted to do it when we were both professionals,” you disclose. Gunil nods. 
“I know, you were practically dad’s right hand man. I kinda regret not spending more time with him,” Gunil reveals. 
“Gunil you were being a regular kid, running around and playing. I was the weird one who would rather work on models than play with toys,” you laugh. Gunil can’t help but laugh as well. 
“That’s true you were a weird kid,” Gunil jokes. “I still wished I spent more time with him though. Then I wouldn’t have to rely on you so much.” 
“He left us suddenly, so there are lots of things we didn’t get to do,” you say in a voice filled with penitence. “But I think he would be super proud of us,” you try to bring the mood back up. 
“He would be proud of you for sure, but I feel like a let down sometimes,” Gunil disclosed. 
“Do not say that!” you smack him upside the head. “You are not a let down,” you tell him. 
“I struggle so much with running the company though. It’s hard to not feel like a let down.” He rubs the back of his head. 
“Dad never expected you to run the company. He knew you were never into that. He would be so proud that you still took the task of running Building Blocks on,” you state. “You know I’m right, so don’t even try to say otherwise,” you quickly say before he can argue with you. Gunil sighs, knowing that he is at defeat. 
“This was supposed to be about me confronting you for hiding your struggles from me. How did you flip the tables on me?”
“Cause I’m ok Gunil. It does get rough from time to time and I do have my moments, but I always pull through,” you say. 
“I just wish it wasn’t like that for you,” he said. 
“It’s fine, Seungmin was really good at picking up when I was having a hard time. He always knows how to make me feel better too,” you told. Gunil smirks and lets out a mix of a smirk and a scoff. 
“Obviously he is. Seungmin never wants to see you sad. He always wants to make you happy,” he said. 
“He does,” you replied without thinking much of it. 
“He’d be very pleased to hear that,” Gunil remarks with a hint of something in his voice. 
“What do you mean?” you questioned. 
“Are you really that oblivious?” Gunil remarked. 
“Huh? Oblivious to what?” you shrug your shoulders. 
“Do you see Seungmin as another brother?” he asked. You paused for a moment to think. You didn’t really understand why Gunil was asking you this, but it did make you realize that you didn’t view Seungmin as another brother. 
“No, I don’t. He’s…Seungmin” you chuckle. “Why are you asking though?”
“Cause I don’t wait till I’m forty,” Gunil answers, but it only makes you more confused. 
“What?” Gunil shakes his head as he sighs. 
“You should understand soon, hopefully,” he replies. You and Gunil’s focus returns to the work in front of you, but a piece of your mind is still wondering what Gunil was talking about. 
“Congrats on finishing your second year of college,” Seungmin says, taking a seat beside you on the couch. It was nighttime and you were just basking in the feeling of not having to get any work or studying done.
“Thanks, I got two more to go though,” you say. 
“You got it no problems.” Seungmin nudges you lightly.
“I wouldn’t say no problems. You know I had a few moments this year,” you chuckle. Of course Seungmin knows that. Cause it became increasingly harder for him to keep his feelings for you in each time he watched you go through a hard time. 
“Yeah, but I was always there for you wasn’t I?” he reminded. 
“You’re always here for me,” you nudged him back. Seungmin was quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking about something before he answered. 
“Cause I care about you,” he spoke. 
“I care about you too,” you return. 
“No, I mean…” he trails off. He wants to tell you how he feels so bad, yet he also doesn’t know if this is the right time. Should he make it more special? He feels like telling the person that he’s loved for his love life that he loves them should be more special. However, he also kind of thinks that special enough doesn’t exist. That if he keeps holding himself back he may actually turn forty before he ever confesses to you and that would be much too late. 
“You mean what?” you asked. 
“Do you remember the first day that we met?” he questioned you. 
“Of course it was at my dad’s office. I was sitting on my dad’s lap working on a model with him when you and your dad came in,” you recalled. 
“You held my hand too.” Seungmin placed his hand over where yours rested on the couch. 
“Yeah I did, so that our dads could talk,” you state. 
“I barely knew your name then, yet I still didn’t want you to let go of my hand once you held it,” he tells you. 
“Seriously?” you ask. Feeling very aware of his hand that was on top of yours, especially as he wrapped his fingers around your hand to hold it. 
“Mhm” he hummed. “And remember how I told you that you made me want to be an architect? That you made me want to fall in love with architecture,” he checked. You nodded. “As I fell in love with architecture I also fell in love with you too. Actually I probably fell for you first,” he confessed. 
“You love me?-Like love love me? Romantically?” you check with a bit of a shocked stutter. Seungmin smiles and holds your hand tighter. 
“Yes, I love you romantically. Has that really not been obvious?” Suddenly you recall your conversation a couple months back. 
“He’d be very pleased to hear that,” Gunil remarks with a hint of something in his voice. 
“What do you mean?” you questioned. 
“Are you really that oblivious?” Gunil remarked. 
Maybe you really were that oblivious. Seungmin’s care for you always did feel different from how Gunil’s felt, so that’s probably why you never viewed him as a brother, yet you never picked up on the real reasoning behind it either. Now you feel a little stupid for not realizing it. 
“I really was that oblivious,” you laugh lightly. 
“Yeah, you were. I don’t know if I'm grateful for it or not,” Seungmin laughed too. “Maybe I would have confessed sooner if you picked up on it,” he adds. 
“I mean you did it before you hit forty,” you say jokingly. 
“How did you know that?” questioned with his eyebrows raised. 
“It really confused me at the time, but Gunil said something about not wanting to wait until he was forty,” you explained. 
“Dude tried to out me,” Seungmin played. 
“Yeah, but I was dense as a rock apparently, so it didn’t do anything,” you say. Seungmin laughs, squeezing your hand tighter and you realize that you quite like the feeling of his hand holding yours. “And even though I was as dense as a rock. You always made me happy,” you tell him. 
“Then are you saying?” He looked at you with hopeful eyes. 
“Maybe I obliviously fell in love with you too,” you reveal, making Seungmin’s eyes light up. 
“So, I can ask you to be mine then?” he questioned. You smiled, squeezing his hand.
“Yes, I’ll be yours,” you answer.
“I’d say that I’ll be yours too, but I’ve already been yours for a long time,” he says. 
“Ok, that was cheesy,” you lean away from him, but Seungmin pulls you into a hug now instead. 
“Whatever, I’ve been in love with you since I was nine. Let me be a little cheesy,” he said, resting his chin over your shoulder. You wrap your arms around him too and lean your head against his. 
“I guess I can let it slide considering that” you say playfully. Seungmin feels his heart fill with warmth, just as it did when he was nine years old and you grabbed his hand. Only this time it was so much better. You were his now. His to hold and love. He surely was never gonna let you go. 
Gunil happens to walk down stairs seeing you and Seungmin embraced. 
“If that’s not a we’re dating now hug. I’m going to be very disappointed,” he says, breaking your and Seungmin’s cute little moment. The two of you pull away from each other to look at where Gunil is standing, leaning against the chair diagonally across from the two of you on the couch.
“I told you I’d do it before we were forty,” Seungmin responded. He holds your hand in his again, lifting it up. 
“I honestly doubted that, but I’m very happy to have been proven wrong,” Gunil said. He stands there for a few more moments before standing up straight. “Ok, I’ll leave you two alone now,” he excused himself. 
“At least don’t have to worry about him being an overprotective ‘stay away from my little sister’ big brother,” you joke. 
“Oh, I think he was ready to shove you into my arms if I didn’t confess soon,” Seungmin says. You chuckle at the mental image of Gunil doing that. You and Seungmin sink against the back of the couch, your head falling onto his shoulder. 
“You know I think I feel as at ease as when I work on models when I’m with you,” you voice after several minutes of silence, just enjoying one another’s company. The warm feeling spreads even farther across Seungmin’s chest. His heart filled entirely with happiness.
“I think that’s the biggest compliment you could ever give me.” He wraps his arm around you, letting you fall into his side. 
“Maybe.” You adjust your head to lay on his chest. That’s where the two of you stay for the rest of the night and if Seungmin could have his way he would have you to stay like that for the rest of your lives. He loves nothing more than having you be by his side and you could say the same.
taglist: @purplelady85 @gingerjunhan @ezlynkisses @chewednails @mon2sunjinsuver @mxlly143 @seungseung-minmin
comment or message me to be added!
A/N: I'm back! Did you miss me? lol I worked really hard on this fic so I hope that you guys like it. I know it's more slice of life than romantic, but I hope I added enough romance to make you all satisfied.
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joohanisms · 2 years ago
xdh + soft intimacy 💭💫
i'm not god's strongest soldier. i need fluff too.
cw: disgustingly sweet fluff, suggestive for jungsu, junhan and jooyeon, biting in jooyeon's, 1 little gross comment in ode's.
soft slaps on the ass.
drying your hair for you <3333333
getting ready for bed together. just being side by side with him in parallel play fashion while you put on your skincare, brush your teeth, etc.
if he's done sooner than you are, his arms are around your waist and his chin is on your shoulder, just holding onto you while you finish getting ready to finally join him under the covers and cuddle until you fall asleep
wearing soft, comfy pyjamas to bed every night. he might have even got you a matching set :-( or maybe he bought a single set and gave you the shirt so you're literally wearing the same pyjamas :-(
likes to wear said shirt to bed when you're away </3
taking showers together !!
it doesn't even have to go the sexual route (although sometimes it does), only washing up and helping each other with gentle touches is more than enough.
would know your favorite shower temperature by heart :-) my loveliest.
would take your shampoo and wash your hair soooo gently, massaging your scalp .. if you have any tangles, he'll take the conditioner and slowly go through them.
but as much as he loves taking care of you, he loves being taken care of.
wash his hair with the fancy hair treatment shampoo, massage his scalp, make sure none of the suds fall too close to his eyes. he melts every time.
when it comes to washing your bodies, this is where the danger is at. sometimes you'll get too touchy for it to be .. sfw .. but! most of the time it's just soooooo tender.
body wash suds everywhere, hands everywhere, the occasional tickle and/or pinch..
also, if he was alone and he missed you for whatever reason, he'd steal your body wash so he can try and curb the longing :-( it never worked.
looklooklook. sciency booky boy. if you're in uni he's coming with you to wherever you go to study.
he knows practicing guitar might make you lose your focus, so he likes to read or look into science thingies!!
baby likes being close to you and no matter how different your lifestyles might be, he likes to be included :-)
won't let you overwork yourself though.
if you're in public, he'll gently pull you out of your bubble and suggest you go eat something, take a walk, whatever.
though if you're home, he can be more affectionate. he'll come behind you and massage your scalp, run his hands along your body and go baby, let's rest a little, yeah? i have snacks ready for you!!!
if you end up dozing off beside him on the couch he'll nearly pull a muscle trying to get a blanket without waking you up. you wake up because of the jostling and he's actually a little relieved tbh.
will go c'mon, let's nap in a bed. we don't want your neck to be stiff in class tomorrow :-(
i'm so sorry to say this. if you have acne he Will go can i pop it pwease... idk if this is a common couple practice throughout the world but it is where i live . peak levels of intimacy = popping your partner's pimples for the oddly satisfying vibe
loves online shopping with you!!!
you would sit together with a laptop on your laps and go babeee you'd look so good in this !!!!
cocky little bastard he is, he might go you should see me/yourself without it ;-) the only way to make him stop talking or smiling like a fool is to kiss him.
then you often end up saving money because you simply forgot about shopping lmaooo
on a softer note, you'd would window shop through the internet, falling into rabbit holes. when you realise, you're looking into real state in minnesota or baby shoes.
even though those seem funny and really far away, your hearts grow a little warmer <3
idk personally i love i adore boys that are not afraid to be vulnerable.
okay, when the pair of you were still too fresh, too shaky, jun would be more reserved and think he'd be bothering you.
when the relationship gets established/stable though, he would get clingier, softer, coming to you with his worries, leaving you to pet his hair and reassure him :-(
when taking a nap he'll cuddle up to you, head under your chin and making himself as small as possible, and it's so endearing to see your lanky boyfie trying to be tiny so he can be babied and cooed at .. little does he know you'd do that to him even if he was 3m tall.
now, sex wise: when he feels vulnerable and in need of affection, he might go 🥺 could you. uh. lead tonight 🥺 and he'd be theeeee softest warmest loveliest little sub
holding your titties non sexually when you are alone.
cuddling? boob in hand. napping? head on boob. stressed? free stressball.
they're just really warm and soft :-(
omnomnomnom his love language is biting.
will lovingly bite any body part in reach of his mouth. nips at your neck just to watch goosebumps rise in your arms.
might've bitten you too hard once .. was So apologetic, he never wanted to hurt you :-(
but when the bite would bruise eventually, he would like it a little too much. he won't open this can of worms right now though
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faunandfloraas · 1 year ago
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jooyeonsvape · 4 months ago
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𐐪ɞ Coffee and Sex 𐐪ɞ
Jooyeon Smut
warnings: nonidol!jooyeon, smut, dirty talk, cursing, dom!jooyeon, a little fluff
wc: 2.2k
a/n: hiii! this is my first time making a ff so please be kind and enjoy! i will be making more and for other bands as well, stay pretty!
"jooyeon, the coffee shop isn't going to close itself." you yell, with a laugh to your coworker. "i know, i just thought if i stayed in the bathroom long enough you'd already be done." he teases back and grabs a rag to wipe down the coffee machines behind the both of you.
"well, while you were checking yourself out in the mirror, i made us both frappes with extra whip cream." you hear him clapping and grabs it from your hand with a soft 'thank you' in his cute baby voice he does. 
"you can thank me by locking up, i need to head to the bookstore before it closes, we were too busy so i couldn't earlier." he just nods while he was turned around and you grab your purse. 
you make an annoyed noise when you unlock the door so you could leave, it was colder than the weather channel said and you forgot your spare jacket for these occasions. 
jooyeon heard the noise you made and chuckles to himself, whispering 'cute' under his breath. "you'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your body." he smirks, walking over with his large jacket. "it's okay joo, i don't like owing people favors." you smile kindly and try to leave but he grabs your wrist. "no one said anything about favors, it's freezing and i live closer. also, you forgot one more thing." 
you've seen enough dramas to know he's already fallen, you have worked together for months now, and he's about to kiss you. with little experience you close your eyes tight and purse your lips.
his eyebrow raises at your lips and smiles when you lean in when you don't feel him kissing you yet, "your frappe..." he whispers, making your eyes shoot open. "what did you think?" he smirks and puts some whipped cream on your nose. 
your face scrunches up when he touched your nose and you grabbed the drink from his hand. "i-i'll see you tomorrow..." 
at the bookstore you weren't focused on finding the book you came for, instead you were hitting your head on the wall softly. "stupid, stupid, stupid." you whisper over and over to yourself, embarrassed about what just transpired. 
the scene was replaying in your head and you didn't care if people were staring at you with strange glances. 
"as if i would've even kissed him." you psych yourself out and when your forehead was about to hit the wall again, a hand was placed in front of you. "you wouldn't have?" a familiar voice asks with a bit of rasp. 
you look up at jooyeon who's face was blood shot red from the weather and a few snowflakes set on his work uniform. "joo, what are you doing here?" you ask and take the jacket he gave you off, wrapping it around his big shoulders. 
"i came to see if you wanted me to walk you home, it started snowing a few minutes after you left... you didn't answer my question." his voice was more serious than you've ever heard and his adams apple moved when he gulped, anticipating what you were going to say. 
"i mean, i would've, if you asked politely.." you whisper and his big smile showed, pushing you slowly against the wall, "leave it to you to make a joke in a situation like this." 
you look around your surroundings, seeing the people lessen but you still felt insecure about someone seeing you kiss him. jooyeon could see your eyes and he knew what you were thinking, "how about this?" he asks, lifting up the collar of his jacket so it was just the two of you in his large jacket, face to face. 
"i can't wait longer [Y/N]." when you opened your mouth to reply he pushes his face against yours, his lips were sweet from the frappe and it was so gentle. 
both of your lips work together perfectly, the tension made you use your tongue and slowly slide in between his lips. when you start playing with his tongue, a soft noise came from his throat and you giggle, pulling away. "maybe we should save the rest for later, this is a bookstore after all."
he agrees and grabs his jacket, wrapping it around you for a second time tonight, "let me walk you home." before you could walk out the door he gave you another kiss, just a peck this time but he wanted more. 
the walk home was a tad awkward, the feeling of his lips still lingered, but both of you were silent. 
'oh no, what if he expects to come inside? would that even be bad? you definitely wanted to kiss, but were you ready for more? of course, it's only polite, at least until he orders a taxi, he can't walk in this weather.' 
a smile confirming your decision crept on your face and you look up to the tall man who's eyes were looking straight ahead. 
your inner monologue, then staring at his beautiful face distracted you from feeling him grab your hand, but when you look down and see it, your tummy turns warm. 
"we're here," he whispers, still awkward from the situation and you kept his hand tight in yours. "it's snowing, i'm not letting you walk home." you say in a demanding voice, his eyebrows raise from your tone. "i dont like owing favors." he syas quickly back, mocking you from earlier.  
you laugh and grab the back of his neck, guiding him to your lips again, this kiss was more passionate because you felt more comfortable than in the bookstore. "that was the favor, now come in." 
jooyeon chuckles and follows behind you closely, but you stop when you unlock the door. "it may be a bit messy, i was busy and didn't have a chance to clean." you warn, not preparing for guests. "open the door and kiss me, i dont care about anything else." 
you comply and drop your keys on the side table by the door, turning around to look at jooyeon. "i've always wondered what it looked like in here, it fits your personality perfectly." he mumbles, looking around at your different decorations and lets out a "oooh!" 
your head turns and he's holding a pikachu stuffed animal that was on your couch, "oh yeah, that's my cuddle buddy." you whisper, realizing how pathetic it came out.
a grin shows on his face and you gulp, his smile makes you weak. "well, now you have a replacement." he smirks and sits on your couch, welcoming himself quite fast. jooyeon's arms open wide and you accept the invitation, sitting on his lap with a bright smile, facing him. 
"you make me think sinful things when you stare at me like that." he whispers and your tummy does those flips again. "do you feel that way at work too?" you ask, wondering how long he's been wanting you. he nods and grabs ahold of your waist, "you get hit on at the shop and turn everyone down so i didn't think you were interested." jooyeon smirks, rubbing his thumbs over the exposed skin that showed from your hips. 
"maybe i didn't go out with anyone because i was looking at someone else." you whisper, inching towards his neck, giving it a small peck. with this action, he throws his head back against the cushion of your couch and thrusts his hips a tad without meaning to. "s-sorry, my neck is sensitive." he whispers with a awkward laugh. 
you smirk softly at the feeling of his hips jerking, leaning down to kiss his neck again. "don't be sorry, i like the effect i have on you." 
his breath shallows and lifts your shirt up more so he could see just above your belly button, biting down on his lip. you took this chance to suck on his neck and leave a small mark, pulling away to see his eyes closed, his head hanging back. 
you could feel his dick slowly rise and it made you more confident, pulling your shirt quickly off. it left you in a pretty yellow lace bra with flowers decorating it, jooyeon admires your chest with his mouth agape. 
"damn, you are truly beautiful." he whispers, grabbing your boobs through the fabric and a moan leaves your lips. his ears perk up and takes you off his lap, laying you down so he was on top. "i need to hear that again." he smirks, taking your bra off, leaving you in only a skirt and panties. "pretty." he whispers gently, kissing your lips and playing with one of your nipples in his hand. 
this made you wetter than you could have ever imagined, feeling impatient. "can you touch me?" you beg in a whisper, both of your lips red from the hard kiss he gave you. 
panting, he trails his hand from your nipple to inbetween your thighs, rubbing a finger slowly against your beating clit. he knew exactly where to rub to make your body jolt with pleasure. "you're already so wet." he smirks, sliding off your skirt and panties off with one swift move, "may i have a taste?" jooyeon asks, a finger still slowly rubbing your now bare clit. you nod excitedly, never feeling someone's mouth on your pussy before. 
he scoots down on the couch and leans down, giving your pulsating clit a soft kiss. "i can't wait to do this everyday." he says mostly to himself, before traveling his tongue from your clit to the folds, flicking it gently. 
the moans that came out of your mouth didn't feel natural, you've never felt this way before and you definitely didn't think jooyeon was the one who would make you feel like this. 
he opens your folds with his tongue and slides it in your hole, one of your hands gripping his hair roughly, the pleasure was too much. 
when you felt the approach of your climax, he pulls his tongue away, kissing your clit once more and stands up. his clothes were soon on your floor and you admire his beautiful body, reaching out for his hard dick. 
he smiles when he feels you slowly start to jerk, still in a laying position. "want to make it wet?" he asks, and without answering, you take him all in at once. 
his moans echoed through your small house when he stood, looking down at you bobbing your head. when he couldn't take any more, he pulled his dick away from your mouth, slowly jerking himself until he was positioned inbetween your legs. "are you ready?" 
"yes, im ready for all of you jooyeon." he just nods and rubs his tip against your clit to tease you a bit, chuckling low when he sees you squirm under him. 
you've never seen this side to him and it turned you on even more. "please." was all you muttered out before he slides himself inside of your pussy easily, lifting both of your legs up in his arms. 
it hurt a bit when he stretched you out but when he started pumping, you got used to it fast. the pain soon changed to pleasure and you moan loudly for jooyeon. "god, you feel amazing around me [Y/N]." he mutters in your ear, going faster with each of your moans. 
jooyeon lifts your legs higher and leans down to kiss your lips, biting on your bottom lip. "you're so big jooyeon." you moan out, throwing your head back in pleasure. 
when he hears this it makes him go as fast as he can, moaning deeply in your ear. "i'm already close [Y/N], you make me so horny." he whispers, kissing the side of your neck softly, never losing his speed. "i'm close too, i've been wanting to cum since you were eating me out." you let out a giggle that turned into a moan and he pulls away from you. "lets cum together." 
he was now pounding in your pussy, both of your legs high in the air as he licks his thumb and reaches down to your clit, starting to rub fast. 
this made your body jolt and you could feel it coming within seconds. "im cumming jooyeon." you yell out, not caring about neighbors at this point. 
he throws his head back, still rubbing your clit skillfully, "cum with me [Y/N]," he moans out and almost simultaneously you both reach your highs. 
the moans could probably be heard 3 houses down but the pleasure was too much, you couldn't be quite at this moment. 
his warm cum fills your insides and his pumping slows down when he starts to get more sensitive, pulling out of you. 
the feeling of his dick leaving you made you sad but he made up for it by wrapping his long arms around your body. "that was the best i've ever had, thank you [Y/N]." you turn your head over and give him a sweet kiss, both of your sweaty bodies cuddling close. 
"i forgot to call a taxi." jooyeon admits after a few minutes of silence and you giggle, "get up, we're going to my bed. you can spend the night." you say as you stand and he jumps up like a kid with candy, smiling from ear to ear. 
"bring pikachu, he can cuddle with us." jooyeon chuckles, and you grab the stuffed animal from your couch, "poor pikachu had to see what we just did." you frown jokingly, rubbing his head softly. "he'll get used to it, we're about to do it again anyway." jooyeon smirks, lifting you up and carrying you to your room. 
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blue-jisungs · 6 months ago
love burning brighter than a fire
author's note. this is for zanzan @slytherinshua actually <3
genre. fluff, lil angst + comfort, might seem suggestive (i am sososo sorry this man just awekens some kind of beast in me); kindergarden teacher!y/n x firefighter!seungmin <3
extra info. mention of fire n burns ! vcha and nmixx cameo teehee
word count. 2828 (so satisfying lmao)
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“so, my beloved lilies, today is a career day! i decided to give you a small surprise and asked someone very brave to come here today. any guesses?” you asked cheerfully, clasping your hands. 
one of the small hands sprung up and lily shouted before even you told her to.
“a soldier!”
“wo- ah, no” you laughed nervously. bringing a soldier to meet kindergarteners could be quite… traumatic “but that person saves lives…”
“a doctor?” camila asked shyly.
“a close guess! maybe last hint: that person has to do something with…” you stopped to make some suspense, curiosity twinkling in the kids’ eyes “... fire!”
a gasp could be heard in the small crowd.
“firefighter! firefighter! firefighter!” haewon shot to her feet and started jumping excitedly while you clapped.
“bingo!” you hummed “let me go get him. please be nice and remember, what do we say?”
“hello, nice to meet you!” the choir of children's voices answered confidently and you sent them a thumbs up. then you left the room and saw the firefighter looking at the kids’ drawings with a huge smile. you tiptoed and wrapped your hands around his waist. the man didn’t budge and just put his hand over yours. 
“they seem very excited to meet you” you mumbled into his back and peeked to look at the drawings “it’s cute, isn’t it? that’s me and bae, she drew it” 
your partner huffed.
“the size of your head is about right” he said and turned around.
“shut up. she just has a huge heart and it shows in her gestures” you scoffed, poking his exposed arm.
“‘shut up’? that’s not a nice word” seungmin teased, causing you to roll your eyes.
“just get your ass in there” you pointed at the door with a dangerous glint. seungmin saluted, following your orders.
“yes, ma’am” he said and went to open the door and hold it for you.
well, apparently the stare worked not only on disobedient kids.
he walked in and the girls giggled. you gave them a wink.
“hello, nice to meet you!” they shouted rhythmically, waving at him.
“hi everyone!” you watched his smile grow ten times bigger. he waved back “and hello ms y/n”
he reached his hand. you scoffed and greeted him. right, the kids didn’t know that was your fiancé. his foxy smile only amused you even more.
“hello, mr seungmin. we are very honored that you agreed to meet with us today and tell us a bit about your profession” you grinned and let go of his hand. “for starters, mr firefighter will share something about himself and then you’ll be able to ask questions”
“it’s my pleasure to be here” he smiled and you noticed the tenderness in the way he looked at the cute, intrigued kids. “i’ve been a firefighter for about four years now but before i volunteered at the local station and went through basic training. it is a quite dangerous job and requires a lot of responsibility but i love it” 
you scanned the faces of your group. the twelve girls looked very interested, nodding their heads. 
“i even brought some equipment to show you!” 
they squealed in excitement and you just sent him a huge smile. 
another hour went by in a blink of an eye. the girls could try the helmets, gloves and boots - seungmin even brought small coats. he also went through the usage of a fire extinguisher (even though the instructions were very simplified). after taking pictures of the kids in the firefighter attire, he prepared a quick quiz and then they could ask questions. 
kaylee, the youngest, rose her hand shyly.
“did you ever save a cat?” she mumbled, almost incoherent. seungmin broke into a huge smile and nodded.
“i did! it ran away and was too scared to come down. it returned safely to its owner” he answered and you held eye contact with him. kaylee wanted to ask something else - you could tell by the way she fiddled with her fingers and her gaze stuck in her little shoes. 
then, she walked up to you and whispered her question. you giggled and nodded.
“what was the cat’s name?” you asked, trying to stop your lips from stretching into a huge smile. 
you huffed. simba was your cat, that’s how you two met. he saved simba and in return you gave him your number. the rest was history.
“do you, like, have a pole to sling down?! like in 'fireman sam'?!” kyujin asked, too excited to even raise her hand. seungmin laughed and you noticed some of the girls whispering. 
“we do, yes. we use it in a case of an emergency. maybe one day, if your lovely teacher agrees, you could come visit us. and slide down”
they all gasped and looked at you with sparkles of hope in their eyes.
“we’ll see” you smiled. 
keira rose her small hand politely.
“yes?” seungmin nodded.
“did you ever got in a fire so serious that you had to go into a hospital?” she asked calmly. 
your fiancé hummed in thought, tapping his chin.
“no, i don’t think so. i did get burned once but it wasn’t serious. it’s thanks to our suits. and hopefully it’ll stay that way” he answered, quite surprised by such a serious question. 
jini, jiwoo and savanna kept whispering loudly but you couldn’t decipher the words.
“any more questions?” you cleared your throat. jini nudged kendall, who was listening to them.
“do you have a girlfriend?” she asked and it caused quite a chaos. all the girls started giggling and laughing. 
seungmin exchanged looks with you. 
then, he rose his hand.
“i regret to inform you but i’m engaged” he laughed and pointed at his ring. they sighed in disapproval. you could see cogs turning in lexi’s head. she scanned his ring and then yours. 
“out teacher is engaged too!” lexi grinned. 
“well, that’s true but–” you started, trying to think of a possibly logical answer. 
“so what? that’s like… she could be engaged to anyone” sullyoon huffed and lexi crossed her arms.
“hey, that’s out of the topic. does anyone want to ask something else?” you cut them off sternly but not raising your voice. they shook their heads.
“can we draw something for mr seungmin?” savanna asked with a pout. 
“of course” you nodded and watched them run to the tables, already squealing and giggling. 
he walked up to you, arms crossed. 
“how do you manage to do that all day…” he sighed and you just nudged his side. 
“i could ask you the same thing. they are like fire in a way, huh?” you chuckled and saw lily eyeing you two “they liked you”
“good. i was nervous” seungmin admitted.
you chatted quietly, waiting for the kindergarteners to finish their art pieces. occasionally, your fiancé would subtly brush his fingers against you with a sneaky smile.
three days passed since the career day and seungmin has been acting a little strange. not weird or suspicious but something definitely shifted in him. 
it was the way you treated those kids. you were so gentle and caring, love on your eyes – even though they weren’t yours. his mind couldn’t help but wander… how would you act with his children. he found himself imagining a small family, something that you never really discussed. he knew you loved kids, hence your profession of a kindergarten teacher and studies in pedagogy. 
you were snoozing on his bare chest, leg thrown over his. it was a lazy sunday, a rare occurrence of you two having a day off. it was past noon, the warm dinner made you sleepy so you decided to take a nap. seungmin too but he woke up and grabbed his phone, not wanting to wake you up. 
his left hand was wrapped around your silhouette, drawing small circles on the skin of your hip that got exposed by your shuffling in your slumber. his other hand scrolled on instagram, reading all of the old reels that his friends sent him. 
then he started exploring his for you page and clicked on a vid with a baby. dressed in a fox onesie. 
a smile formed on his lips, liking the video. he’d definitely dress up his child in a fox onesie. 
you tucked your head under his chin and sighed softly in your sleep. he continued to scroll down, the beyond cute videos of kids taking over his feed. 
it clicked suddenly - he was having a baby fever. with a grunt he shook his head. he has to keep his cold and mysterious facade–  
“you’re watching baby videos?” 
he sighed and moved his free hand to rest it atop your head, ruffling your hair.
“yes” he answered shortly, swiping down. a reel of a baby trying to say their first words. 
he turned off his phone and sighed. you decided to climb on top of him and he saw your grin. even though your features were still sleepy and hair messy, you looked energetic. 
“i don’t know, i just… when i saw you with the girls… they were so cute and you treated them so gently” he mumbled shyly. you leaned down and grabbed his chin gently, locking eyes with him. “and i have a baby fever, okay? i just… we’re getting married next year and i know we’re still young but i want to have a baby with you. one day… if you want to, too”
seungmin could swear that the smile that broke on your face was the largest he had ever seen. you nodded and your answer was quite simple: your soft lips landed on his. sweet taste lingered on his tongue as he kissed you back, heart growing in his chest. 
soon enough your hands started roaming on his bare chest, toned body warm underneath your fingertips. once out of breath, you pulled away. with blushed cheeks you traced the ink tattooed a little below his ribs, feeling the slow rise and fall of his ribcage. 
“maybe i’ll add two dates here in the future” your fiancé reached for your hand and placed a gentle kiss on each of your fingers, not breaking eye contact. 
then, out of the blue, he flipped you and had you pinned to the mattress. his necklace was dangling in your face. seungmin leaned in and softly kissed his way down from your nose to your neck. 
the chilly breeze in the room could be the reason for the hair standing on his neck but it was probably the way you played with his hair. 
“if it’s a boy… hyungjun…” he murmured, pillowy lips tickling your skin. your body shook with laughter, the sound like music for his ears.
“we are not naming our child after your best friend” you kept on giggling, the idea cracking you up “what, so if it’s a girl it’s gonna be jiseokette? jooyeonlia?” 
he snorted and looked at your face, a lopsided smile adorning his features.
“you have a point” seungmin smiled and just when he was about to kiss you again, lips quite literally against yours, a ring phone echoed through the room. you knew it was his due to the fact that he had his favorite song set up as the tone. 
with a dramatic, guttural groan and a roll of his eyes, he rolled to the side and reached his cellphone. 
as he talked, you went to trace his tattoo yet again. your mind kept wandering to the image of your own small family. fingers brushing against the ink and then moving to trace the moles and beauty marks scattered on his honey-colored skin. 
suddenly, your fiancé sprung to his feet and ended the call. throwing hurriedly one of his tank tops, he started looking for something.
“what is it?” you asked, concern ringing in your voice.
“a really massive fire in a block of flats. they still haven’t located the source and the cause but apparently it’s a quite old building and there’s a risk of collapse. they haven’t rescued everyone yet. i need to go” he spat out words like a machine gun, collecting his necessary items. then, he walked up to you and placed a quick kiss on your lips “i will be back, love you”
and with that, he hurried out.
you were always nervous when seungmin got calls like that. it is a part of his job but you can't stop the panic from overtaking your thoughts little by little. with a racing heart you made the bed and decided to distract yourself with grading a file full of drawings. you had to do it anyway.
the door opened with a quiet creak, the heavy footsteps waking you up. glancing at the clock you realized its past three am. 
“seungmin?” you called, voice sleepy. your arms stretched involuntarily, due to the cramped position you fell asleep in. 
“it’s me, baby” he answered and went into the room. the light that you forgot to turn off casting illumination on his face. face full of scratches.
“oh my goodness, what happened?” you asked in a panicked voice, standing up to rush to him.
he shook his head, and then pointed at his bandaged arm. 
“got burned. do we have a first aid kit? i rushed out of the hospital before they took care of my handsome face” seungmin asked, voice soft.
“of course we do. wait, the hospital?” you repeated and stood in place, frozen “are you even okay? you should go back!”
“i’m fine, they said. it’s just the burn that needed urgent care. besides, others got more burns” seungmin sighed and sat down at the dinner table, closing his eyes. you gulped, heart racing. he heard you pace around and soon enough you were standing between his legs. he hissed quietly when you did so, your eyes shooting wide.
“i might… have smaller burns. but i’m okay, i promise” your fiancé opened his eyes and sent you a reassuring smile “everyone is alive and that’s what matters,okay?”
“but… the burn…” you bit your lip, concerned. you just took a deep breath and started cleaning the scratch looking wounds on his face. 
“i’ll be fine. who’s a firefighter without a burn scar, hm?” he hummed “and those… you won’t believe it”
you just frowned. a groan left his lips when he felt the stinging feeling above his right brow.
“one of your girls lived in that building. lily.” he said quietly and you blinked, halting your movements. tears gathered in your eyes, thinking of all the–
“she’s fine, she’s alive! i should’ve specified that. sorry, darling. she’s okay” seungmin panicked and pulled you onto his lap, clenching his jaw at the faint pain. but he had to comfort you.
“how… how did you know?” you asked, trying to calm down. he needed your help, not tears. but the sole thought of seungmin or lily getting trapped in the dangerous grips of fire…
“someone told me there’s a girl in the apartament. i went it to save her and i recognized lily. she must’ve been listening well to me when i visited your kindergarten, you know? she was doing everything i told the girls in case of a fire emergency. i grabbed her and left but she suddenly started panicking. only when i left and took off my helmet she calmed down… for a moment, at least”
your heart swelled. lily was a bit chaotic at times but also mature for her age. 
“i think it was the anxiety. she accidentally scratched me because she started panicking where her parents were. i helped her look for them” he explained and rubbed your arm “they were fine. no one got hurt.”
“except you” you sniffed and pulled away, returning to patch his small wounds.
“it’s a risk i’m ready for” he hummed and watched you. “i’m sorry i scared you like that”
you just shook your head and once the scratch was cleaned, you put the only bandaid you had. one with my little pony characters on it.
“are you sure your burn wound doesn't need any more help? i can drive you to the hospital” you asked, worry pooling in your eyes. seungmin just cupped your cheek, his hand warm and calloused against yours. 
“no. although i know what would make me feel better” he smiled softly. 
“meds? tea? anything you need, just tell me” you asked but he just pulled you closer and sealed your lips with a passionate kiss. it was a bit rough, in a way that you could feel his plump lips imprinting on yours. but you knew why; he just wanted to make sure you’re here, and he’s here, and you will be together. no fire will be able to burn your intertwined souls.
“i need you, nothing else” he said when he leaned away, wiping a tear that escaped your eye “don’t worry about me”
taglist. @primoppang ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua
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dwaekkiforpresident · 1 year ago
bsf!seungmin that loves the way you smile, how your eyes light up and the crinkle of your nose. don’t get him started on your laugh.
bsf!seungmin that always makes sure to text you “good morning”, “did you eat”, and “good night” no matter how busy he is.
bsf!seungmin that is mindlessly crushing on his best friend, not realizing that friends don’t just fantasize about kissing their other friends. let alone any of his other more erotic dreams.
bsf!seungmin that proposes a movie night one weekend when neither of you have work, he buys a bottle of peach soju for fun. he really was truly unaware of how fucked he’d be at the end of the night.
bsf!seungmin that is stuck to your side, holding one of your hands in his while he hopes your other hand will never leave his hair.
bsf!seungmin that feels like crying when the movie is over, the protagonists having shared mutual feelings of love for each other. oh how he yearned for that kind of love…
bsf!seungmin that rambles over his jumbled thoughts of the movie, letting one too many of his own feelings slip.
bsf!seungmin that gets embarrassed when you offer to kiss him, he accepts nonetheless. his hands are shaky and his face is flushed, but he’s as handsome as ever.
bsf!seungmin that keeps his lips pressed to yours for as long as he can before you pull away to breathe with a smile.
bsf!seungmin that passes out after the kiss and believes it was all but a drunken dream; he never brings it up.
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moontyun · 6 months ago
XdH: The type....
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☆ xdinary heroes masterlist ☆ ...when you fall asleep on them ☆ warning(s): mentions of urination, drooling, long/short haired you ☆ word count: 768 ☆ genre: attempted humor, fluff ☆ requested: Hey! I Hope you’re good. I have see that your request are open, and I wanted to know if it is possible to make a reaction of xdinary heroes members when you fall asleep on their lap or shoulders? - @la-grenouilles-posts
semi-prideful when you do because you trust him that much
adores your cute snoring noises
The very first time you had fallen asleep on his lap, he was so happy and a bit prideful when you did. You were being vulnerable with him and he appreciated it. When you had woken up, he was there beaming at you, like a puppy. You had been taken aback with, what you perceived as, a mischievous smile on his face. "What did you do? Did you draw something on my face?" You asked, whipping out your phone and looking at your camera to be sure. "No, you were just adorable and I'm just smitten with you, that's all." he laughed a little as you continued to accuse him of causing trouble, playfully.
absolutely adores it when you accidently do it one time
internally squealing at how cute you were
This week had been particularly hard for you. You had pulled 4 all night-ers in a row. Balancing work, school, and everything in between was proving to be more difficult than you anticipated. Today, you had made plans to spend some time with Jungsu before you had to head into work. However, your body had different plans. Jungsu knew you had been over working yourself lately, so, when you inevitably fell asleep on his shoulder while watching a movie, he let you and couldn't help but coo at how cute you looked dribbling drool on his shoulder as you slept. When you had woken up, you were so confused as to where you were but once you had oriented yourself, you wiped your face and profusely apologized for drooling on him, your face burning from embarrassment.
most of the time it's him falling asleep on you
loves it when you do it though
He dared not move, you were too at peace for him to even want to move but the problem was that he needed to pee. Really badly, he had been sitting like this with you for about an hour. He was practically ripping at the seams to go. But you were too cute for him to want to move! He didn't want to wake you up! But he absolutely has to...he taps you on the shoulder, "[name]...[name]...!" you slowly woke up, "sorry to wake you, but I really have to pee. You can go back to sleep on my lap when I come back." you nodded and he took off to do what he needed to, following through with his promise afterward.
thinks its cute when you talk in your sleep
protects you from being woken up
You were at the studio, enjoying your time with the whole group. But your social battery was running low. So, naturally, you wound up crashing out as the boys started to filter out, leaving you and Seungmin alone. you were fast asleep on his shoulder. "Forgot my chapstick." Jooyeon said as he slammed the door open. Seungmin pressed a finger to his mouth shushing the younger with an angry expression on his face. "Sorry." The younger answered, slowly leaving and closing the door softly.
doesn't mind it, barely notices it
absent mindedly plays with your hair
The gentleness in which he was playing with your hair as you curled up on his lap, was heaven to you. It was just so calming and relaxing, often times, you fell asleep on him. He didn't mind it, it was just something you guys did regularly without even thinking about it. No, he wasn't one for physical affection but this wasn't something that bothered him all that much. He liked it, in fact. He got to put cute hair styles in your hair without waking you up. You had woken up a number of times with a whole different look than what you had fallen asleep with. Today was no different, when he had cute little pigtails.
absolutely lives for it when you do
teases you when you wake up for making his shoulder sore
He would scorch the whole earth for you. He would do absolutely anything for you and was proven time and time again every time you laid your cute head on his shoulder nearly everyday when you needed your post lunch nap. His shoulders killed every time afterward but he let it happen. "You have a heavy head." He'd tell you. "And you love it, suck it up." you replied in a half awake state. He'd ruffle your hair and give you a forehead kiss before starting something in the house that needed to be done.
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youreyeson1y · 3 months ago
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MI'S NOTES — sike! guess who's back on schedule ??
STEAL THE SHOW. a kim seungmin smau
SYNOPSIS — kang y/n's focus was divided between the looming competition and the obnoxious and infuriating kim seungmin. his mocking and sarcastic online jabs sparked her retaliation, entertaining the university with their petty banter. but as their online repartee became routine, curiosity supplanted irritation, threatening her priorities and composure.
TAGLIST — open! (send in an ask to be added 🤍)
@babrieeee @starlostastronaut @charlieg1rl @queen-in-the-shadows @estella-novella @chocolateislife @saintcosette @yaniluvs @gnabnahcbby @seungzmin @puppy-minnie @jeonginnieswifey @bookswillfindyouaway @keiizzx @hanniemylovelyquokka @jeonginplsholdmyhand
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minhosbitterriver · 7 months ago
─── ⋆⋅☆ STEADY LOVE ( xdinary heroes )
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❛ A collection of heartfelt stories where love finds its strength in gentle understanding, as partners navigate the world together with unwavering support and care for each other's unique needs.
𝐱𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬 + gender neutral reader ೯ ( 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 )
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7.4k 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: 29 mins
꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ This was so self-indulgent to write, so a very big thank you to my lovely 🍀 Anon for this request! Reblogs and feedbacks are always appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 )
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Y/N has AuDHD in each member's piece, mentions of bees as a special interest, descriptions of being burned out and struggling with change, some very slight ableism mentioned (not from any of the members), descriptions of overstimulation, mentions of stimming, terrible flirting, overall this is very much hurt + comfort, let me know if I missed anything!
( 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ) ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ) ( 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ) ( 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐣𝐚𝐫 )
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구건일 ── GOO GUNIL.
The day felt like it had conspired against Gunil, stretching itself out into an agonizing eternity, as if determined to sap every last bit of energy from him. Each second dragged on, the clock's hands moving at a snail's pace, mirroring the heaviness in his limbs. Finally, after what seemed like an endless rehearsal, an exhausted sigh escaped his lips, the sound barely noticeable amidst the hum of tired voices from his bandmates. With a practiced, almost mechanical motion, Gunil returned his well-worn drumsticks to their designated holder, a small nook on the wall that had become as familiar to him as his own reflection. The drumsticks settled into place with a soft click, the only sound in the practice room that had served as their second home. 
As his bandmates began to shuffle out, their movements sluggish, weighed down by the day’s efforts, Gunil barely registered the chorus of goodbyes. Jungsu’s voice cut through the haze, a final “see you tomorrow” accompanied by a wave before disappearing into the hallway. Gunil mustered a lazy half-smile, lifting his hand in a farewell that felt more like a reflex than a conscious action. The room, once alive with the pulse of their music, now felt eerily quiet, the silence amplifying the fatigue settling deep into his bones. He reached for his backpack, its weight pulling down on his tired shoulders, just as the sharp ring of his phone shattered the stillness.
The sudden sound jolted him, but when he saw your name on the screen, a genuine smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, chasing away the exhaustion, even if just a little. “I’m done rehearsing, love, I’ll be—” Gunil’s greeting was cut short by the unmistakable sound of your excited squeal. He couldn’t help but chuckle, his heart swelling with affection at the image of you practically vibrating with energy on the other end of the line.
“Goo, you have to come home as soon as you can!” Your voice was bright, almost bursting with excitement, and Gunil could easily imagine you doing your little wiggles of joy, the ones that always made his heart melt. 
“Yes, baby,” he replied, his tone gentle, hiding the weariness in his bones so as not to dampen your spirits. “I’ll be home in no time. What’s got you so excited?” 
As he turned off the lights in the now-quiet practice room, the faint clicking of your keyboard reached his ears. He pictured you perched at your desk, your laptop open before you, eyes wide with curiosity. The image made him smile. 
“I found this new video, and Goo, it is so cool! It's a swarm of Japanese honeybees defending their nest by slapping ants with their wings, but this one is honestly so fascinating because apparently, this colony got infected by the Varroa Destructor Mite — but they were still so aggressive against the ants and they won! Isn't that so cool? Oh, Goo, please hurry, you have to watch it!” 
Your words tumbled out in a rush, barely pausing for breath, your excitement making the details spill over each other in a joyous cascade. Gunil found himself chuckling softly, warmth blooming in his chest as he listened to your passionate rambling. There was something so endearing about the way you got lost in your own world, especially when it came to bees. He could listen to you talk for hours, your voice animated and full of life, a stark contrast to the weariness that had settled over him.
He thought back to the early days of your relationship, when you had nervously explained your autism to him, worried that it might be too much, too different. But to Gunil, it was simply another beautiful facet of who you were, something that made him love you even more deeply. “That does sound very interesting, my love,” he said, trying to match your energy despite the exhaustion tugging at him. “I really can’t wait to watch it!”
The promise of coming home to you, to your bright, infectious enthusiasm, gave him the strength to push through the final stretch of his journey. “I’ll be home in about ten minutes, so hang tight,” he added, a smile in his voice as he ended the call. As he neared the apartment you shared, the sight of a family-owned flower shop caught his eye. 
Even through the fatigue, his gaze lingered on the blooms in the window, your favorite flowers standing out like a beacon. The thought of surprising you with them, especially when you were already so happy, sent a thrill through him. Without hesitation, he ducked into the shop, the sweet scent of fresh flowers wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. He selected a bouquet with care, imagining the way your eyes would light up when he walked through the door with them in hand.
The weight of the day began to lift as he paid for the flowers, the simple act of thinking about you bringing a renewed sense of energy. The thrill of coming home to you, your voice still echoing in his mind, made each step lighter. As he walked out of the shop, the bouquet cradled carefully in his arms, he felt the anticipation build, knowing that soon, he would be by your side, sharing in the simple, beautiful joy of being together.
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김정수 ── KIM JUNGSU.
The corners of Jungsu’s lips tightened into a worried frown as he gently rapped on the door of your shared bedroom. Not waiting for an invitation, he nudged the door open just enough to peer inside. The sight that greeted him was one of persistent discomfort. There you were, lying on your side of the bed, your expression etched with visible distress. Your laptop, casting a soft glow in the dim room, played the familiar episodes of your favorite show—one you had practically memorized through countless viewings meant to soothe your troubled emotions.
Jungsu let out a soft sigh, his concern growing with each passing moment. He stepped into the room, the plush carpet muffling his footsteps as he moved towards your side of the bed. Perching himself on the edge, he settled into the space beside you, his presence both reassuring and tender. You kept your gaze fixed on the screen, as though it were the only refuge from the turmoil roiling within.
The silence stretched between you, thick with unspoken words and unshared burdens. After a few moments, you finally turned your head to meet his gaze, a weary sigh escaping your lips. Jungsu’s heart ached at the sight of your frustration and weariness. “I ordered takeout,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper as if afraid to shatter the fragile calm. “It’s your favorite.”
He noticed the fleeting flicker of interest in your eyes, a brief spark that was quickly extinguished as you turned back to the screen with a frown. “I don’t want to eat right now,” you murmured, your tone resolute and final, leaving no room for negotiation. The firmness of your refusal stung, and Jungsu could only nod in resignation. He sighed once more, his shoulders slumping slightly as he retreated from the room, leaving you to your solitude.
For nearly a week now, this had been your reality—an ongoing struggle that Jungsu could only partially grasp. Despite the year you had been together, he had never seen you like this before. He understood that adapting to sudden changes was particularly challenging for you, especially when they disrupted the routines that provided a semblance of stability. The day you had called him from work, sobbing uncontrollably while locked in the bathroom, was seared into his memory. You had told him about your old manager’s abrupt departure and the arrival of a new, unfamiliar face. The sudden shift was more than you could handle, especially when your new manager refused to accommodate the adjustments necessary to make your work environment bearable.
As the days went on, the pressure became insurmountable. Each day, you returned home to face the aftermath of panic attacks you had kept at bay and to collapse into bed, seeking solace in the comfort of a show that could no longer ease the heaviness you carried. The joy and relief it once brought you were now overshadowed by a pervasive numbness, a stark reminder of the emotional toll that had become all too familiar.
Jungsu’s heart ached with the weight of your struggle, and though he sympathized deeply with your plight, it did little to quell his worry. He remained steadfast in his resolve to support you through this storm, even as he grappled with the helplessness of seeing you so diminished. Each day, he hoped for a glimmer of recovery, a sign that the storm within you might begin to abate. But for now, he could only offer his silent presence and unwavering support, waiting for the day when you would once again find your way back to the light.
Jungsu was grappling with uncertainty about how to pull you from the depths of your distress, but a sudden spark of inspiration ignited within him as his gaze fell upon the television in the living room. Resolute to offer you a sliver of comfort, he began a frenzied quest to transform your shared space into a sanctuary of solace. For the next half hour, he darted around the apartment, arms laden with an assortment of blankets, comforters, and pillows—each one a small testament to his unwavering determination.
With every trip in and out of the bedroom, his expression was a mixture of earnest concentration and quiet determination. You watched with a blend of curiosity and amusement as he repeatedly entered the room, his movements a flurry of purposeful activity. At one point, he even attempted to gather your collection of stuffed animals, struggling under the weight of their collective softness as he staggered out, his focus unbroken by your gaze.
The sounds of his labor—the shuffling of furniture, the occasional grunt of exertion—filled the space, drawing your attention away from the show you had paused. You listened intently, your curiosity piqued by the rhythmic clamor of activity. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bustling, Jungsu reappeared in the doorway of your bedroom, his face illuminated with a blend of triumph and excitement. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his forehead, catching the soft light of the nightstand lamp as he panted, his chest rising and falling with each breath.
“Baby,” he called out, his voice breathless but laced with an infectious enthusiasm. His hands rested on his hips, a gesture of pride and anticipation. “Can you please come out? I made something for you, and I think you’re really going to like it!”
Despite the storm of emotions swirling within you, the sight of Jungsu’s eager, childlike gleam in his eyes tugged at your heartstrings. Intrigued and touched by his effort, you pushed yourself up from the bed, the pull of his unwavering support more compelling than the urge to remain cocooned in your sanctuary. He extended a hand towards you, which you accepted with a grateful smile, allowing him to guide you toward the living room.
The transformation that greeted your eyes as you entered the living room took your breath away. The coffee table, once a fixture in the center of the room, had been pushed to the far wall. In its place stood a grand fortress, a whimsical creation of mismatched blankets and comforters meticulously draped and layered into a cozy haven. Strings of Christmas lights peeked through the folds, their gentle glow casting a warm, ethereal light that danced across the room. The television, positioned just in front of the fortress’s entrance, was primed to play your favorite show, a comforting familiarity in its soft glow.
As you inhaled deeply, the fragrant aroma of your favorite meal wafted towards you, a final touch to the heartwarming scene. Overwhelmed by a wave of gratitude, tears threatened to spill as you turned to embrace Jungsu. Your arms wrapped around him tightly, your body shaking slightly with the emotion you struggled to contain.
Jungsu chuckled softly, his arms enveloping you in a hug that was both firm and reassuring—just the way you liked it. “Is this okay?” he asked gently, his voice barely above a whisper as you pulled back to look at him. The tears in your eyes glistened with a profound appreciation as you nodded vigorously, your voice wavering with emotion. “This is perfect, Jun,” you managed to say, your voice cracking slightly. “It looks exactly like how my grandmother used to do it when I was upset as a child.”
Jungsu’s smile widened, his satisfaction evident in the warmth that radiated from him. As you turned and practically bounded towards the fortress, a trail of contented giggles followed in your wake, each sound a balm to his worried heart. The sight of your joy, so vividly reflected in your laughter, made his heart flutter with a tender affection that seemed to encompass the entire room.
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The outdoor market was a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds, alive with the energy of families and couples weaving through stalls brimming with fresh produce and handcrafted jewelry. The air was thick with the mingling scents of spices, flowers, and street food, a cacophony of sensory delights that usually set your heart racing with excitement. But today, the thrumming pulse of the market felt more like a storm brewing on the horizon. 
You had been standing in front of a stall, fingers lightly tracing the delicate patterns of handmade trinkets when a sudden influx of noisy tourists swarmed around you. The once-open space now felt suffocating as their loud voices clashed against one another, creating a wall of sound that made it impossible to think clearly. The proximity of strangers pressed too close, stealing the breath from your lungs and sending your heart into a frantic rhythm. You glanced around, searching desperately for Jiseok, who had been right beside you only moments ago, but the crowd swallowed him up, leaving you feeling isolated and vulnerable.
As your anxiety began to claw its way to the surface, your body responded in familiar, desperate ways. Your fingers found their way to your hair, twisting and pulling at the strands as if they might tether you to something solid. Your leg bounced uncontrollably, tapping out an erratic rhythm on the cobblestones beneath you. The sharp sting of your nails digging into your palms became the only thing anchoring you, yet it also edged you closer to a breaking point that felt terrifyingly near.
It felt like an eternity, but finally, Jiseok emerged from the crowd, his eyes immediately locking onto you with a mix of relief and concern. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong—he could see it in the way your body had tensed, in the rapid, shallow breaths you struggled to control. Without a word, he reached out, gently but firmly taking your hands in his, halting the destructive cycle of pulling at your hair and digging into your skin. He interlaced your fingers with his, grounding you with the warmth of his touch.
"Hey, let's get out of here for a bit," Jiseok's voice broke through the chaos, a soothing melody that cut through the overwhelming noise around you. He didn’t wait for a response; instead, he drew you close, wrapping his arms around you and pressing your head against his chest. The steady thump of his heartbeat against your ear was a familiar comfort, a lifeline in the middle of the storm.
Guiding you through the press of bodies, Jiseok kept you close, his arms a protective barrier against the world that had become too much to bear. His grip tightened slightly, applying the firm pressure that always seemed to calm your racing thoughts. "Look, we can go there for a little bit," he murmured, nodding towards a small park that sat like a hidden gem amidst the market’s frenzy. The greenery promised a respite, a quiet place to breathe again.
But it wasn’t the park that brought you solace—it was Jiseok himself. The vibration of his voice against your back as he spoke, the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat, and the warmth of his embrace all worked together to gently pull you out of the whirlpool of anxiety that threatened to drag you under. As he continued to speak, his words becoming a soft, mindless ramble meant only to distract, you could feel the storm inside you begin to subside. Your heartbeat, once wild and erratic, slowly began to sync with his, finding a steadier, calmer pace.
As Jiseok gently guided you through the bustling market, his hand remained a steady presence on your shoulder. Every so often, he would give a gentle squeeze, three soft pulses of reassurance—a silent code you both had established for moments like these, where words seemed to dissolve into the fog of your anxiety. It was his quiet way of asking, "Are you okay?" The simple gesture, familiar and comforting, anchored you amidst the swirling chaos. 
In response, you reached up to grasp his forearm, fingers curling around his warmth as you squeezed twice, signaling back, "I'm better." The exchange was small, but it spoke volumes—a tender conversation held in silence, where no words were necessary, just the understanding between two souls who had learned to navigate these storms together.
The noise of the market gradually faded into the background as Jiseok led you to the park. Here, the world softened, with the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant murmur of others who had also sought sanctuary from the market's overwhelming energy. The park felt like a refuge, a place where the intensity of the outside world couldn't quite reach you. Jiseok spotted a secluded bench beneath the shade of a large, ancient tree, its branches stretching out like a protective canopy. The dappled sunlight danced through the leaves, casting a soothing pattern on the ground, and the bench offered a quiet place to rest, away from prying eyes and the relentless pace of the market.
Once seated, Jiseok remained close, his presence a calming force beside you. Your breath, which had been shallow and quick, began to slow as you settled into the quiet of the park. Jiseok's fingers found their way to your hair, gently playing with the strands in a tender contrast to the earlier harsh tugging you had subjected them to. The soft rhythm of his touch was a balm, easing the lingering tension in your body. His other hand rested on your thigh, grounding you with its comforting weight.
He spoke in a low, soothing tone, his words a gentle caress to your frayed nerves. "We can leave whenever you're ready," he suggested, his gaze drifting out to the serene view of the park, "Maybe we can grab some food and cuddle at the dorm. I'm sure the members won’t mind. I’ll kick Seungmin out of our room if I have to; he’ll just have to suck it up."
As the tension within you began to melt away, you found yourself repeating the last few words of his sentence—a familiar and comforting habit, a happy stim that signaled your return to a place of calm. "...have to suck it up," you echoed, your voice lighter now, carrying the trace of a smile that tugged at the corners of your lips.
Jiseok chuckled softly, the sound rich and warm, wrapping around you like a blanket of comfort. He squeezed your hand gently, checking to ensure your nails were no longer digging into your palm. "That's my favorite sound," he teased, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he grinned at you, his love evident in the gentle curve of his smile.
This shared moment of lightness, of humor, further dispelled the remnants of your anxiety. In his presence, you were reminded that you didn’t have to face these moments alone—that even in your most vulnerable states, Jiseok was there, offering his unwavering support and love. The park, with its serene beauty and the quiet strength of your bond, became a haven where you could breathe again, surrounded by the safety of his embrace.
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JYP Entertainment hosted an exclusive and lavish party at a luxury hotel, where the atmosphere blended the grandeur of celebration with the intimacy of a private gathering. Unlike the typical public events, this one was strictly by invitation, creating a sanctuary for idols to bring their partners, friends, and families without the constant pressure of cameras. The setting was resplendent, with elegant decor that reflected the significance of the occasion.
The entertainment options catered to a variety of tastes. In one corner, a live band played soft jazz, filling the room with soothing melodies. Nearby, a DJ spun upbeat tracks, enticing those who wanted to dance. For the more playful guests, a karaoke setup allowed for uninhibited fun, and a photobooth adorned with glittering lights stood ready to capture the night’s memories. A gourmet buffet stretched along one side of the room, offering an array of international cuisines, the rich aromas mingling with the laughter and chatter that filled the air.
Despite the festive atmosphere, the constant flashing of lights and the relentless pulse of the music began to overwhelm you. This was your first time attending an event of this magnitude, and though you had agreed to come because of the way Seungmin’s eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of sharing this moment with you, the environment soon proved too much. Even as you admired him, his figure so striking in the finely tailored suit that accentuated his lean, muscular build, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the grand room was closing in on you. Your hands trembled despite your best efforts to maintain composure, and a cold sweat began to form along your hairline.
You stole a glance at Seungmin, who stood a short distance away, his face illuminated with genuine joy as he engaged in animated conversation with his bandmates and senior idols from the company. They were discussing the future direction of their music, reminiscing about their journey since debuting, and Seungmin’s laughter rang out, a clear sign that he was fully immersed in the moment. For a brief second, you hoped that his distraction would allow you to slip away unnoticed, just for a moment, to calm the rising tide of anxiety within you.
The party, though well-intentioned, was far beyond your comfort zone, and the sensory overload was beginning to take its toll. You needed to escape, to find a quiet space where you could breathe without the weight of the world pressing down on you. But as you discreetly made your way to the bathroom, seeking refuge from the overwhelming stimuli, Seungmin caught sight of your retreating figure. 
Unbeknownst to you, Seungmin had anticipated the possibility of you feeling overwhelmed in such a busy atmosphere. Understanding how easily you could be overstimulated, he had made sure to pack your well-loved noise-canceling headphones in the expensive messenger bag his stylist had provided. As soon as he saw you slipping away, his concern for you took precedence over the conversation, and he politely excused himself, following you to the bathroom.
Upon entering the lavish bathroom, Seungmin offered a polite bow and murmured apologies to the few occupants before your shallow breathing caught his attention. He quickly moved to stand outside the stall where you had taken refuge. 
"Love? It's me," he called softly, his voice gentle and soothing, careful not to startle you in your vulnerable state. Inside the stall, your hands clenched in a futile attempt to stop their violent trembling as you struggled to steady your breathing. 
Seungmin reached over the door, his hand holding the familiar headphones — a lifeline in the storm of your frenzied thoughts. "I thought you might need this," he murmured. 
You reached up and snatched the headphones, the urgency in your movements reflecting the desperation you felt. As you placed them over your ears, the chaotic world outside was mercifully muted. The overwhelming cacophony faded, replaced by the comforting silence you had so desperately needed. Finally, you could breathe again, the noise-canceling barrier providing a sanctuary where you could begin to reclaim your peace.
You were immensely grateful for Seungmin’s patience, relishing the brief respite as you took a few moments to catch your breath. The bustling noise of the party seemed to fade into the background, creating a cocoon of calm around you. Just as you began to steady yourself, your phone vibrated in your hand — a text from Seungmin, despite him standing right outside the bathroom stall. His name illuminated the screen, and a calming wave of relief washed over you, your erratic heartbeat finding a more measured rhythm.
Seungmin understood that in moments like these, communication through text would be the most comforting method. The message on your screen read, Feeling any better? 
Your fingers, still slightly trembling, moved to reply. A lot better, thanks to you. Everything just became a little too much for me. 
The reply came almost instantaneously, and you noticed how the tight, claustrophobic feeling had dissipated. I’m glad I thought of bringing the headphones. Why didn’t you tell me though? The words on the screen seemed to convey a trace of concern, as though you could almost see the frown forming on his lips as he awaited your response.
A pang of guilt pierced your heart. You knew Seungmin would have dropped everything to help you if only you had spoken up. But you didn’t want him to worry or to spoil such a significant night. I didn’t want to ruin such a big night. I thought I would be able to handle it...until I couldn’t anymore. You sent the message with a sigh, already anticipating the comforting words that would follow. 
Baby, these parties mean nothing compared to your well-being. You didn’t ruin anything, I promise. A warm smile tugged at your lips as you read his soothing words. 
Moments later, another text from him appeared. Do you want to stay here for a bit, or would you like me to take you somewhere quieter? 
Relief flooded over you as you replied, Can we stay here for now? I don’t want to go back out yet. 
Of course. Do you want to let me in? The offer was genuine and well-intentioned, but it made you feel uneasy. 
You texted back, No. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can handle being touched or having anyone at close proximity right now...sorry. 
Hey, I get it. I’ll just stay here until you’re ready to come out.
Seungmin settled in by the door of your stall, his presence a reassuring anchor in your storm of anxiety. Leaning against the door, he continued to text you intermittently, checking in without overwhelming you. Despite the guilt that gnawed at you for keeping him away from the main event, you found solace in the sight of his polished shoes peeking out from beneath the stall door. His calm and patient demeanor provided a sense of security, a reminder that he was there for you while respecting your need for space.
To lift your spirits, Seungmin sent small jokes and snippets of gossip from the party, aiming to lighten the mood without pushing you too far. His thoughtful gestures made the wait more bearable. When you finally felt ready to emerge, you texted him, signaling that you were prepared to leave the bathroom. Seungmin maintained a respectful distance as he guided you out, his focus on ensuring your comfort. He stood by your side, a steady presence as you stood by the bathroom sinks, allowing you to regain your composure.
As you began to feel more at ease, your heart soared when Seungmin gently pulled you closer, swaying with you to the rhythm of a slow song that was apparently playing at the main party. The music and his embrace melded together in a soothing harmony, offering a sense of peace and connection that made the night’s earlier chaos feel like a distant memory.
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You and Hyeongjun had been together long enough to know that your bond was more than just a fleeting connection—it was a deeply rooted love, a steadfast commitment that had withstood the test of time. The idea of moving in together had always felt like the natural progression of your relationship, a step that would solidify the foundation you had built together. The thought of creating a home, a sanctuary where your love could continue to blossom, was a dream you both held close to your hearts. 
After months of searching, of walking through countless doorways in hopes of finding the one that felt right, you finally discovered a small, charming apartment nestled in a quiet neighborhood. It was perfect in its simplicity, a place that felt like it could become your own little haven away from the world. The moment you stepped inside, hand in hand with Hyeongjun, you could almost see the future unfolding before your eyes—a future filled with love, laughter, and the simple joy of being together.
However, as thrilling as this new chapter was, the journey to get there was anything but easy. The excitement that buzzed in your chest was often tempered by the looming dread of packing up your lives and making the transition into this new space. Despite the weeks you had spent mentally preparing, gathering boxes, and organizing your belongings, the reality of the task ahead felt overwhelming once the packing began in earnest. The room that had once been your sanctuary, a place of comfort and familiarity, now looked as though it had been ravaged by a chaotic whirlwind. The bed, once a cozy nest of warmth, was buried beneath a patchwork of clothes—some folded neatly, others discarded haphazardly in the frenzy of sorting. Your once-tidy shelves had succumbed to disorder, with books that had been carefully arranged now lying in disarray, their pages splayed open as if they, too, were crying out for the order that had been lost.
Boxes were strewn across the floor, some half-packed, others overflowing with belongings that seemed to resist categorization. Trinkets and mementos from your relationship and childhood, tokens of memories that had shaped you, were scattered across every available surface. The room had become a chaotic testament to your inability to start a task and see it through to completion, the once-organized process now devolved into a mess that mirrored the storm of emotions brewing within you.
As you stood in the center of the chaos, trying to take it all in, the room seemed to close in on you. The sheer magnitude of the task at hand made your head spin, and the weight of the change—of leaving behind the familiar to step into the unknown—pressed down on you like a heavy blanket, smothering you with a growing sense of panic. Your breaths came in shallow gasps, your chest tightening as the reality of what lay ahead threatened to overwhelm you entirely. You felt frozen, trapped between the urge to curl up on the floor and the fear of succumbing to the full-blown panic attack that you could feel building inside you.
In that moment, the dream of a shared home, of a future filled with love and laughter, felt impossibly distant, overshadowed by the immediate reality of the overwhelming chaos that surrounded you.
Hyeongjun had been meticulously packing utensils in the kitchen, each clang and clatter a small, careful note in the symphony of your impending move. The rhythm was comforting in its predictability, a soundscape of progress amidst the chaos. But it was the sudden, uneven hitch in your breathing that cut through his focus like a knife. The familiar, faint tremor in your breath sent his instincts into overdrive. He abandoned the half-filled box without a second thought, his concern drawing him swiftly to the doorway where he paused, eyes immediately searching for you. The room’s disarray only served to heighten his worry, but it was the look on your face—pale, strained, eyes wide with the first signs of panic—that sent him rushing to your side.
His presence was immediate, solid, a tether in the storm of your thoughts. His hands hovered just above your trembling frame, a question in the tension of his fingers, as if even the act of touching needed your permission in this fragile moment. His voice, calm and steady despite the urgency he felt, broke the silence, "Touch or no touch?" It was the question he always asked, a gentle reminder that he was there, ready to offer exactly what you needed.
Your throat tightened, the pressure of unspoken fears constricting your ability to breathe freely. It took a moment, but you managed to force the words past the lump of anxiety, your voice barely above a whisper yet laced with raw desperation. "Touch, please. Hard." The plea was met with immediate action. Hyeongjun closed the distance between you in an instant, his arms wrapping around you with a firm, reassuring pressure that felt like a lifeline. He pulled you close, your face pressed into the warm, solid comfort of his chest, as if he could shield you from the overwhelming chaos that threatened to consume you.
His embrace was everything you needed—strong, grounding, enveloping you in a cocoon of safety. His hands moved over your back, each squeeze purposeful, designed to remind you that you weren’t alone in this moment. The weight of his arms anchored you, offering a physical connection that countered the spinning in your mind. As you struggled to sync your breathing with his, he guided you gently, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, coaxing your frantic gasps to slow. The familiar scent of him—warm, comforting, like home—began to permeate your senses, grounding you further with each breath.
Hyeongjun understood you in a way no one else did. He knew how deeply change unsettled you, how even the most exciting transitions could unearth old anxieties that clung like shadows. This move, this beautiful step into a shared future, was something you had both yearned for, yet the enormity of it was daunting, and he recognized that. 
Still holding you close, he gently guided you to the edge of the bed, never loosening his protective grip. His voice, soft and steady, filled the space between your breaths. He began to speak, his words a soothing balm, painting a picture of the memories he hoped to create with you in your new home. 
He spoke softly of lazy Saturday mornings, where the two of you would linger in bed, wrapped in each other’s warmth as the world outside moved on without you. He painted a picture of sunlight streaming through the windows, casting golden hues across the room as the smell of fresh coffee filled the air, mingling with the comforting scent of your shared space. He imagined those moments when you would shuffle into the kitchen, still half-asleep, to find him waiting with a mug in hand and a soft smile on his lips. The day would stretch out before you, unhurried and serene, a canvas for whatever simple joys you decided to indulge in. 
He envisioned quiet evenings in the living room, where the two of you would sit side by side, your legs tangled together as you watched movies, your laughter or quiet conversations filling the room. Or perhaps, he mused, there would be nights where no words were needed—where you’d simply sway to the rhythm of music only the two of you could hear, dancing slowly in the dim light of your cozy space. Those were the moments he looked forward to, where nothing else mattered but the gentle pulse of your love, a steady, comforting presence that would fill the apartment with a sense of belonging.
He spoke of the laughter that would echo through the kitchen as you experimented with new recipes, each attempt a delightful adventure, whether it ended in culinary success or a flour-covered mess. The thought of you animatedly talking about bees, your special interest, brought a tender smile to his face. He was excited to hear you ramble on about your latest findings, to listen to your voice light up with passion as you shared the intricacies of something you loved so dearly. For him, the simple joy of coming home to you after a long day, of seeing your face light up when you saw him, was a treasure beyond words. It was in these everyday moments, he believed, that the true beauty of life together would unfold.
Each word he spoke was a delicate thread, weaving a tapestry of the life you would build together—a life rich in love, comfort, and endless moments of shared happiness. As he continued to paint this picture with his words, you felt the tightness in your chest begin to ease, the panic that had gripped you slowly loosening its hold. The overwhelming mess that surrounded you, while still daunting, no longer felt like an insurmountable mountain. 
When he offered to help you pack your bedroom, it wasn’t just the task at hand he was addressing—it was the unspoken promise that you wouldn’t have to face any of it alone. With Hyeongjun by your side, you knew that no matter how overwhelming the process might seem, you would get through it together. The future you were moving toward, though filled with uncertainties, was also brimming with the promise of love, and that was more than enough to keep you going.
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Since childhood, Saturdays had been your sacred ritual, a cherished time when you sought refuge in the comforting embrace of your favorite internet cafe. Nestled on a tranquil street near your home, this digital sanctuary had become your second haven. The space was a dimly lit enclave, bathed in warm amber hues that softly illuminated rows of screens and keyboards. The gentle hum of cooling fans and the rhythmic clatter of keys created a soothing symphony of focused activity. The walls were adorned with neon posters of popular games and vibrant advertisements for energy drinks, their colors shimmering and pulsing with the memories of countless gaming sessions. Each desk bore the marks of countless hours spent in virtual worlds, with personal touches and signs of frequent use that told stories of dedicated gamers. The chairs, worn and comfortable, had molded to fit their occupants perfectly.
The employees, who had long grown accustomed to your weekly visits, had come to appreciate your presence. They reserved a specific PC for you, tucked away in a semi-secluded corner you had claimed as your own years ago. This desk, bathed in the soft, reassuring glow of your screen, was where you felt most at ease, completely immersed in the digital adventures you embarked upon. The ritual of arriving, settling in, and losing yourself in your chosen game was a comforting certainty, a bubble of predictability in a world that often felt overwhelming.
However, recently, this cherished routine had been disrupted by a new and vibrant presence. Jooyeon, as you would eventually learn, was the boy whose frequent visits began to unsettle the calm monotony of your Saturdays. His arrival was like a burst of vivid color and exuberant energy crashing into your serene haven. The air would come alive with his boisterous laughter and animated conversations with friends, his presence a dynamic contrast to the quiet you had grown accustomed to.
Despite this disruption, you found yourself surprisingly receptive to the change. Jooyeon, with his strikingly handsome features, was impossible to overlook. His mischievous grin, ever-present and wide, seemed to illuminate the room as if he were the very essence of playful charm. Dressed in soft, well-worn hoodies paired with relaxed jeans, and with his shoulder-length hair cascading like a dark, flowing waterfall, he exuded an effortlessly cool demeanor. His interactions with friends and his choice of games created a vivid contrast against the backdrop of your reserved routine, adding an unexpected layer of excitement to your once predictable Saturdays.
There were moments when, despite your best efforts to stay focused on your own game, you would catch fleeting glimpses of him from the corner of your eye. You tried to remain unobtrusive, but Jooyeon's unabashed enjoyment of the popular games he was engrossed in was impossible to ignore. The occasional flicker of movement or the burst of his distinctive laughter would effortlessly draw your gaze, breaking through the veil of your concentration.
On one particular Saturday, Jooyeon’s frustration had reached its zenith. After what felt like the hundredth defeat in his solo game, he dramatically slumped back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head in a gesture of surrender. His eyes, alight with a mixture of defiance and amusement, wandered towards your screen, where you were deeply immersed in a particularly demanding quest. As you navigated through the game with meticulous keystrokes, Jooyeon’s gaze lingered on you, an unspoken challenge mingling with curiosity that sent a flutter through your heart.
Despite the distraction of his intense scrutiny, you managed to achieve a hard-fought victory, leveling up with a triumphant flourish on your screen. The soft hum of intrigue that escaped Jooyeon’s lips prompted you to finally look up, your heart racing as you became acutely aware of the flush warming your cheeks. Jooyeon’s grin remained undiminished, his eyes sparkling with an affectionate, teasing light. After a moment of shy silence, his laughter bubbled forth, a soft, infectious sound that seemed to fill the space between you. His amusement wrapped around you like a playful embrace, acknowledging the unspoken connection that had quietly woven itself into the fabric of your Saturday rituals.
When he finally spoke, his voice was a low murmur, meant only for you to hear. “I heard that game is pretty good. Do you mind if I join?” The simple invitation opened the door to a new, intimate connection. From that moment on, Saturdays transformed into a shared adventure, where you and Jooyeon would indulge in games together, swapping playful jabs and cracking jokes. The hours spent with him became the highlight of your week, and the growing affection you felt for him added a layer of significance to each interaction. You found yourself seeking ways to show him how much he meant to you.
Noticing his habit of picking at his skin whenever he was stressed or anxious, you returned the following week with a thoughtful gift: a textured, silicone stress ball from your own collection, designed to help him redirect his nervous energy without damaging his skin. On another occasion, as you patiently waited for him to clear a level in a game you were both playing, you couldn’t help but be charmed by the expression of concentration on his face. Without fully thinking through your words, you blurted out, “You have this cute habit of pouting when you’re really focused. It’s kind of distracting, but in a way that makes me want to keep watching.” The sudden boldness of your words left you both blushing, but Jooyeon’s shy attempt to hide his wide smile made the moment feel worth the slight embarrassment.
When Jooyeon revealed that he was an idol, the bassist for the rock band Xdinary Heroes, you found yourself spending the entire week immersed in his music and learning everything you could about him. By the time Saturday rolled around again, you were eager to confess your newfound knowledge. As he settled into his usual seat beside you, you said with a grin, “I was thinking about you so much that I ended up reading every article, watching every video, and listening to every song from your band. I have so many questions about you guys!” The sight of Jooyeon’s typically casual demeanor giving way to shyness, while his grin widened, was heartwarming. He eagerly entertained each of your questions, his enthusiasm is infectious as ever.
Finally, on one late evening, as the employees of the internet cafe gently nudged you both towards the exit, you lingered outside, a smile playing on your lips. Turning to Jooyeon, you said softly, “I really like spending time with you. You make my brain feel all fizzy, like I’ve had too much caffeine, but in a really good way.” 
To your surprise, he chuckled lightly and replied, “Okay, so, I don’t usually say stuff like this, but...whenever I’m with you, it’s like my brain gets all tangled up in butterflies and excitement. I really like spending time with you, too.”
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꒰ 🏷️ ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! @joosbasschick (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)
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puppyluvfics · 9 months ago
NSFW Alphabet | O.de/Oh Seungmin
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O.de/Oh Seungmin | WC: 1.7k Genre: smut Summary: nsfw alphabet game thing Warnings: this is just. PURE filth. I'm sorry. (No im not). NOT proofread, just straight up rambles. uhhh like lots of kink stuff but nothing graphic, lemme know if theres anything specific that i need to add pls! A/N: X is excluded bc i will Not be writing about him in that kind of detail <3 screaming crying im SO normal right now :)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
HELLO literally the sweetest angel in the entire world, are we kidding? He’s absolutely the type to come so hard that he needs a minute to remember where he even is, but once he does, he’s all over you, holding you tightly. His mind would still be hazy - somewhere between needy and fucked out, so he’d lick sweat off of you before kissing your temples and pull your hair a little just to bring you closer to him as he kisses you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Do I even need to say it? Collarbones, arms, chest, RIBCAGEEEE!!! GOD tracing his tattoo with your tongue would drive him NUTS, I already know.
On his partner though… he seems like the type to like the sensitive spots that would make you arch your back whenever he’d kiss or bite at them… your pulse point on your neck, your inner thighs, a spot on your hip…
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to see his cum on you, it doesn’t matter where. On your chest, on your stomach, on your ass, on your back, on your face!! Literally, does not matter. It’s not that he’s against coming inside you, but the sight of you panting and waiting for him to make a mess of you drives him insane.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I’ve said this phrase before but… is it really a secret if it’s kind of blatantly obvious? You can’t tell me he doesn’t love taking tasteful nudes. Setting up his phone or even a camera and just posing, showing off his body and how perfect his cock looks when it’s hard…
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Man… he knows how to fuck. Did y’all see that clip where he was gripping the keyboard? Don’t even play with me, he knows how to fuck, and he is so good at it. I’d even go so far as to say he knows how to make you squirt…
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Ooh… if I say standing? Pushed up against a wall? That way he could have the most control, fucking himself up into you, yanking on your hair, telling you how he wants to hear you moan - hear how good he’s making you feel and also slap your ass whenever he felt like it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be… he isn’t usually, like, he’s more serious, but he can have fun. The fun would come more in the foreplay aspect, by asking you to model short skirts or lingerie, or asking you to bend over to get something, but once he gets going… he’s a different person.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
You all know the drill… short, sweet, simple. Trimmed and neat if not fully shaved. King of self-care and maintenance.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
There’s always a bit of romance in it, even in the moments where he’d have two fingers quickly moving inside you, coaxing you into an overstimulated orgasm. He’d praise you while degrading you, yknow? Calling you a beautiful slut, a dumb, needy, pretty little thing… AND he’d so be the type to five you small spanks or slaps (if you were okay with it) and tell you that you take it so well, the basis of it all being the fact that you trust him enough to know he’d never hurt you…
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
There’s no way he doesn’t love jacking off in a mirror… coming on the mirror and just watching it drip for a sec while he catches his breath… yeah. Admiring his own neediness and how flushed he looks right after coming… yeah. Yeah. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Light impact play and brat taming!! I say light because I can’t imagine him enjoying leaving marks on you from that other than on your ass, and even then, it’s just from his hand - he wouldn’t venture into paddles or crops or anything. Brat taming though… he knows all too well that you enjoy biting back and testing him, especially because he knows he could grab a fist full of your head and shut you up, literally and figuratively, reminding you of your place.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Favorite place? Home. Places he enjoys on occasion? In public. Again, not in the “let me ride your cock in the park” way (everyone be normal, come on), but pulling you into bathrooms at parties and clubs on the rare occasion you both go, somewhere public enough where you could get caught but probably not.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Is it lame and cheesy to say that the very idea of it is what gets him going? Just knowing that he gets to watch his cock disappear inside you, feel how wet and tight you are around him… being with you like that is enough to get him hard. Touching you and teasing you would have him so needy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
It’s not crazy out there, but I think he would be so adamant about not sharing you. The very idea of including another person just kind of pisses him off more than turns him on. You’re his. Why would he let anyone else taste you? Touch you?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a munch too, I don’t care what anyone says. I would even go so far to say that like, it’s not that he hates getting head. He’s a guy, he loves feeling your tongue on his cock, but more than anything like that, he loves being pussy drunk. Sucking on your clit teasingly and stopping whenever your whines would get loud, lapping at you like it was the last thing he’d ever have in his mouth… 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
We’ve all seen him hit those keys… when it comes to fingering? It’s hard and its rough and you Will feel it. Sex itself can vary, but I don’t think it would be slow for the sake of savoring it more than it would be for teasing. Especially in front of a mirror?? Yeah, he’d slowly fuck into you and make you watch how he stretches you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If you really wanted him to, he would, but he’ll never initiate one, and even then, he wouldn’t be the eagerest to give in either. It’s not that he wants to make it all rose petals and special every time you fuck, but he wants time to savor you, to feel you around him and lose himself without worrying about a time limit. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Now… I can really see him being the kinky type. Maybe not to a super extent, but he’d try things. Wax play, shibari, temperature play (!!), sensation play… anything that’s safe and easy to come back from, he’d try at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He is also someone I see who is one round and then done. It’s not for lack of wanting to keep going, but he just loses himself with you, and by the time he comes, he’s fucked out. Of course, if you wanted to keep going, he’d let you sit on his face and he’d eat you out until you were satisfied, but there’s no double come action from him. (Sad.)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I think he would love toys, honestly. This is making me want to write a “Shopping for sex toys with him” thing… because I can just imagine him being so excited and entranced with all the options. How he’d laugh and ask if people really used things like Bad Dragon toys, how he’d be so eager to learn about just how many different types of toys there are…. Someone stop me.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Do I even need to answer this? I can’t stop thinking about him teasing in front of a mirror too… he should stop posting mirror pics for my health. The way he’d tell you to keep your eyes forward and run his fingers up and down your body, taking his hand away the second you shut your eyes and leaned into the pleasure.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not silent, but you really have to coax it out of him. He’d absolutely oblige once you asked, especially if you said it in a whiny, begging voice, but moaning is not on the top of the list of things to do for him.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
Oh my god okay listen I’m sorry I just got reminded of this on twt and it will probably mean nothing to anyone except me but JUST LISTEN!! There’s this clip right… Seungmin as Sephiroth… GOD HELP ME “Such a puppy” with the cocky attitude… the brat tamer in him… guys… these posts are usually more put together and less about my personal desires/fantasies but FUCK!!!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
If we look at it as how many times a week… I’d say a solid 3 days, at least. More on good weeks, a little less on weeks you weren’t feeling it, but he’s content just keeping his hands on you in any manner, sexual or not.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He’d be up for a while after. Not too long, of course, he’d be spent. But he wouldn’t fall asleep immediately after. He’d stay up until either you fell asleep or the both of you recovered enough to go on with the rest of the day. <3
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gunilslaugh · 1 year ago
Valentine's Day Past to Present
Oh Seungmin
Summary: Your Valentine Days with Seungmin from past to present. (non-idol au)
Warning: one cuss word
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photo not mine credits to owner.
3 years ago
“Here, happy Valentine’s Day,” Seungmin tells you as he hands you a box of chocolates. 
“Why are you giving my sibling a Valentine’s Day gift?” Your brother cut in before you could properly thank Seungmin. 
“Calm down. He’s clearly just being nice,” you say, taking the box from Seungmin’s hand. 
“Yeah, acting like I didn’t give you a box of chocolates too bro.” 
“I’m just making sure you remember the rule. Y/n is off limits,” your brother reminds. 
“And my friends are off limits from you,” you reminded him. There was this rule you and your brother had. You guys weren’t allowed to date each other’s friends. Your brother developed the rule first when you were back in middle school after he saw you looking at one of his friends with heart eyes. He told you that your little crush needed to die because his friends were off limits. To which you rebuttal that your friends are off limits too. It was more of a petty thing on your end. Truthfully you didn’t really care if your friends were to take an interest in your brother and date him, but since your brother had the audacity to tell you to stay away from his friends. You thought it was only fair to tell him to stay away from your friends too. 
Now you're in your junior year of highschool, your brother in his senior year and your “friends are off limits” rule still stands. You thanked Seungmin for the box of chocolates and headed to your room. You sat down at your desk and looked at the box of chocolates for a moment before taking off the lid. You picked up a piece of chocolate and plopped it into your mouth. You’re a bit surprised that Seungmin actually got you something. You had only met him twice before. 
The first time was a brief encounter. You were waiting for your brother at your designated meeting spot that you would meet at before heading home together. Today was a little different as your brother approached you, you noticed that there was someone else walking alongside him.
“Hold my bag for a sec.” Your brother dropped his bag in your arms before opening it up and looking through it.
“Why do I have to hold it?” you complained. 
“Just for a sec. Stop whining. This is my sibling y/n by the way.” Your brother fished out his binder from his bag and opened it. 
“I’m Seungmin,” the guy introduced himself. Your brother hands Seungmin some papers then puts his binder back in his bag and takes it back from you. He gave Seungmin a quick bye and that was it. You didn’t even get to say a single word to Seungmin. 
The second time you met Seungmin you actually got to talk to him. Your brother had invited Seungmin over for the weekend. You walked into your living room to see the two of them playing games while sitting on the couch.
“That’s y/n you met them before,” your brother states. 
“For like ten seconds” you remarked. Seungmin laughs at your comment. Your brother turns to look at Seungmin, but you can’t see his face. “I’m grabbing a water, do you want anything Seungmin?” you offered. 
“Yeah I’ll take water, thanks,” Seungmin responds. You head to the kitchen to grab the watters. 
“Grab me one too!” your brother yells. You grabbed three waters from the fridge then went back to the living room.
“Here,” you handed the cool bottle to Seungmin.
“Thanks,” he smiled. You tossed the other water at your brother then returned back to your room. 
2 years ago
The front door swings open and you hear multiple pairs of footsteps enter along with some chatter. It’s your brother and his friends. Only minutes after you heard the group of boys arrive you heard a knock on your door. 
“Yeah!” you called out. Your door knob rustles as it turns and followed by your bedroom door pops open. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Seungmin appears holding a heart shaped box of chocolates and a tiny bear stuffed animal. You can’t contain the smile from your face, climbing off your bed to walk over to Seungmin. 
“Thank you.” You take the bear and chocolates from his hands. 
“The bear came with the chocolates,” he tells you. No it didn’t, but Seungmin is scared buying you a stuffed animal and chocolates may seem like a bit too much for him “just being nice”.
“I didn’t ask,” you played. “I got you chocolates too, hold on.” you walked over to your desk grabbing the small box of chocolates you got for Seungmin.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” you express, trying to not let a shade of pink take over your cheeks.You hand him the box. 
“Thanks. You didn’t have to,” he said, taking the box.
“You don’t have to get me anything either,” you told him. 
“I want to,” he says.
“I want to too.” you laughed lightly, so did Seungmin. 
“What’s taking you so long? Do I need to drag you out of here?” Your brother suddenly entered your room. 
“Relax. We were just talking,” you say. Seungmin was very sly with the way he slid the box of chocolates you gave him into his pocket. You didn’t even see him do it yourself, you only noticed that the box was no longer in his hand. Your brother proceeds to lead Seungmin out of the room. After Seungmin is gone your brother turns back to you, opening his mouth. 
“He’s off limits I know,” you state. 
“I-well yes he is, but that’s not what I was gonna say. I was gonna ask, didn't you have plans with y/f/n today?” he asks.
“That’s this weekend. They’re working today,” you inform. 
“Oh. Stay in your room then don’t bother us,” your brother orders you. 
“Yes sir,” you replied sarcastically while laughing. It was a bit weird though. Yes your brother told you that his friends were off limits, but he never made you stay away from them physically. 
1 year ago
“So I’m not allowed to break our rule, but you are?” You popped up in front of your brother as he was hugging your friend after giving them the Valentine’s Day presents he got for them. Your brother immediately jumps away from your friend. 
“You’re not supposed to be home,” he says in a panic.
“Actually I never had any plans. I knew about you dating y/f/n since the beginning of your two’s relationship.” You wrapped one of your arms around your friend, pulling them into a side hug. “I just thought today would be a fun day to confront you about it and y/f/n agreed,” you smiled. Your brother looks at y/f/n with a face of betrayal, but you have a bigger bone to pick with him. “Are your friends still off limits?” you arched your eyebrow at your brother. He remains silent. 
“Yes. I told you they were off limits for a reason,” he says. 
“Then you and y/f/n have to break up,” you tell him. 
“What? You can’t-”
“I can’t what?” you cut him off “I told you my friends were off limits too. You’re being such a hypocrite right now. I don’t care if this is a complete bitch move. If I can’t date your friends then you can’t date mine. Break up right now!” you rant out angrily.
“Y/n seriously?” 
“Right now!” you half yelled, stomping one foot. 
“O-ok fine.” Your brother raises his hand in surender. “If you want to date my friends go ahead. Let’s stop our rule.” A smile grazes across your face. You swipe your hair away from your face with one hand. 
“Pleasure doing business with you. You two have fun.” You went to head out of the door. 
“Wait! You weren’t actually mad or was that just a really fast mood swing and I thought you said you didn’t have any plans!” Your brother hollers when you're already halfway out the door.
“I have plans now!” you called out, shutting the door behind you. Your plans: find Seungmin. 
You found Seungmin at a cafe. You knocked on the window to get Seungmin’s attention. His eyes widened when he saw you standing on the other side of the glass. You motioned for him to come outside. Seungmin couldn't get up fast enough as he rushed to you.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” he questioned as he approached you. 
“I’m not off limits anymore,” you tell him. 
“Huh?” Seungmin felt his heart speed up with hope. Did he not have to repress his crush on you anymore?
“My brother is dating y/f/n, so I told him if I couldn’t date his friends then he and y/f/n have to break up. He gave me permission to date his friends. Our rule is over now,” you inform. Seungmin smiles the biggest, brightest smile.
“Come with me.” He takes your hand in his leading you to his car. He opens the car door for you and closes it behind you. Then he rushes around his car to the other side. As soon as he enters the car he’s reaching over to do up your seatbelt for you.
“Where are we going?” you asked when he began to drive. 
“First, my apartment. Then it depends on you,” Seungmin smiled over at you. 
The two of you reached his apartment fairly quickly. Seungmin rushes back to your side of the car to open the door for you. Even giving you his hand as you step out of the car. He doesn’t let your hand go either. He holds it all the way to his apartment. He only lets go once you both step inside. 
“I’ll be right back,” he tells you, leaving you in his living room. He soon returns with a box of chocolates and a penguin plushie that had a heart in the middle of its chest. 
“Will you be my valentine?” he asked you instead of his usual “Happy Valentine’s Day”.
“Yes.” You eagerly nodded. He hands the gifts over to you and wraps you in a hug afterwards. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve liked you,” Seungmin confesses.
“How long?” you asked him.
“When we met for like ten seconds three years ago,” he reveals. 
“Really?” You pulled away from the hug, but remained close to him. Seungmin nods. 
“When I first saw you I was scared you might have been his partner, but then I saw the way he practically threw his bag at you. I figured that you were siblings and I was so glad when he confirmed that. However then he told me about how you were off limits. That you guys had a rule to not date each other’s friends. I tried to repress my feelings for you, but it didn’t really work,” Seungmin chuckles. “You know just about every time I talked to you your brother scolded me afterwards. Especially after Valentine’s Day last year. I’m pretty sure he knew that I liked you. I don’t know why he was so against it though,” Seungmin tells you. You grab his hand, lacing it with yours. 
“That doesn’t matter anymore. We can like each other as much as we want now,” you said. 
“Good, cause I like you a lot.” Seungmin brings your hand to his lips and presses a delicate kiss onto your knuckles. 
“I like you a lot too.” You squeezed his hand lovingly. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day Beautiful.” Seungmin holds out a dozen roses and a box of chocolates. Your heart melts. 
“Thank you,” you reached out for the flowers, leaning in to smell them and taking the chocolates too. 
“Of course.” Seungmin takes your face in his hands and kisses your nose sweetly. “I got one more too,” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box from it.
“What’s this?” you questioned, setting the flowers and chocolates down. 
“Open it.” Seungmin gestures to the box. You take the lid off to reveal a bracelet. It has a little heart shaped pendant hanging from it. Upon looking at it closer you see that it has yours and Seungmin’s initials engraved on it. You're at a loss for words. “Do you like it?” 
“I love it, thank you.” You feel so touched by his gift you feel some tears wanting to prick your eyes. 
“Let me put it on for you.” Seungmin takes the bracelet out of the box and carefully wraps it around your wrist, securing it. It’s now that you notice the necklace hanging from his neck that matches with your bracelet. You bring your hand up to it, gently taking the heart in between your fingers. Seungmin places his hand over yours. 
“Are you ready for our date now?” He looks at you, eyes filled with love. You nodded looking back at him, eyes filled with just as much love.
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joohanisms · 1 year ago
i am on my period and in pain which means
i deserve shameless selfish fanfcition
xdh + your period 💭💫
cw: periods, period sex, shower/bath sex, mention of taking pictures during sex, boys taking care of you, toys, slight crack, fingering, pegging
takes care of you so nicely :-(
even carries you around if you want to
makes you laugh, handles your mood swings, gets you chocolate or sweets, pets your tummy, etc. the perfect guy
is somehow against fucking you on your period because he's so scared of hurting you + the blood makes him even more uneasy because he associates it with hurting you
he likes the bloody mary blowjobs but feels bad you're not getting off :-(
until you get home with one of those phone controlled vibrators. and somehow now you're sitting at your couch shaking in your metaphorical boots because you're not allowed to cum before he says so
always gives you the go ahead. he can"t deny a woman in need
takes great care of you :-( my lovely oldest child
has a hot pack at his place for your cramps 🥺
def is one of those people that will clean the house for you when you're not feeling well. you'll take a nap and wake up to your dishes in the dishrack, your floor swept, the living room organized..
when it comes to sex, he is a little afraid to hurt you – but everytime you assure him you'll be fine he breaks his resolve
but in his head, the best thing to do is fucking in the bath. hear him out
1) it's warm. it's relaxing. it'll help with the cramping and the full-body horrors menstruation brings with it
2) he'll wash your hair for you!! he'll give you a massage!! let him pamper you a little
3) you can lay on his chest and he'll either finger you with his head on your shoulder or put his cock in you and fuck you sooooo lazily, just grinding and making you feel full
4) no clean up, no staining, only water and a nice orgasm to tire you out a little
first off, always goes thank god you're not pregnant even though you're on birth control + you're both careful. he's ridiculous
ALWAYS!!!! has ibuprofen on him
"how's the uterus?"
def the uterUS guy
which means. he's with you every single second he can. you can't get off your bed? neither can he, guess you'll have to cuddle. you wanna take a walk to ease your cramps? he's by your side, hope you wanna hold hands. you need a good cry? you're crying on his shoulder. you want to eat a mountain of carbs? he's ordering double so you can eat together
guess who's getting fucked!!!!! if you're down ofc.
lays down a towel on the bed Or.. fucks you in the shower <3
used to lift your leg up onto his hip but you nearly lost balance once and now ya'll are scared so. your hands are on the tiles and you're nearly bent over while he slams into you !
really likes how the squelching is louder because of the blood+fluids and
every time he can see blood smeared on the top of his thighs/on his cock everytime he pulls out he goes a little bit insane .
not because it's blood, but because it's SO messy. probably has pictures somewhere in his phone.
likes cumming inside because you were already loose and messy before and now you're even looser and messier .
and thinks it's cute when his cum drips out a shade of pink. he's ridiculous
DEFINITELY has a period tracker app
"hey baby have you started your period yet? i'm bringing you some cake either way i know you get grumpy without a sweet treat <3"
response to this ranges from who are you calling grumpy seungmin to full on sobbing because your boyfie is so nice to you
either way, he embraces you in a hug and coos about his baby being emotional
softest ever when you ask him to fuck ;-(
delicate with how he touches you
softest love making towels on the bed missionary.
tender touches tummy pats
"are you doing okay baby? do you want to keep going?"
"is my baby feeling better? is this helping?"
you'd NEVER believe it's the same guy that is usually a menace to you
don't let him fool you though.. his head Is spinning with how sloppy your cunt is
nicest boy alive. is at your beck and call. if you go [sighs] i wish i had a sweet treat :-( he's already putting shoes on to buy you cookies
lays his head on your stomach because the weight and the warmth makes you more comfortable :-( pet his hair as a treat pls
NOTHING a good nap can't cure. the blinds are closed, the ac is on, the fluffy blankets are on top of you, hyeongjun is spooning you with a firm hand on your tummy, you're only waking up 3h later with a whole new mood. now the gamble is Which Mood
will do Anything you ask fr
now in this blog we have established he's fingering master. that's what you'll be doing .
it's not that he thinks it's disgusting having actual sex on periods or anything . he's just so lazy. it's sooo much easier to just wash his hands later instead of prepping the whole bed in case of any leakage or blood stains
(he has seen you cry over staining the sheets. he's not taking chances)
it's so much faster to shove his hands down your pants and finger fuck you clothed, pad and all.
plus its super common to feel icky about yourself on your period and he respects that so much !!! the clothes only come off if you want them to come off
if it gets Too Much he's not opposed to fucking you in the shower, pressing his whole front against your back and covering your stomach with a giant hand.....
unfortunately for some, he won't be eating you out.
i don't think he'd love the taste of blood (i don"t think many people do,) so it's generally off limits ? but he's making it up to you for sureeeeeeeeeee.
his favorite way to do so is being pegged.
once joked about how once a month you switch both roles and holes and earned a slap across his head.
goes :-( can i pls suck your boobs and if you say no because you're tender he goes :-( pls just the tip just a little bit i swear i'll be gentle
if you give in, he's actually unbearably soft with kitten licks and soft little kisses. and now you want him to be rougher and this fuckass won't do it
has emergency pads/tampons at his place!!!! your period is NOT messing with cuddle time. oh you suddenly started it and stained your pants? no one is going home your clothes are in the washing machine you're wearing boxers and you're chilling under the blankets.
tried to hit you with the hey babe what size pussy you wear and received absolutely NOTHING in return. joo was IGNORED and REJECTED so he bought what felt right+whatever had the same color of the package you had at your house
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seungmintenshi · 1 year ago
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jooyeonsvape · 2 months ago
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first part of my favorite hairstyles on xdh!! little things jooyeon is supreme 𓈊
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piillow · 5 months ago
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xdinary heroes as your lab partner
(hs acquaintance xh x reader)
wc : ??? | genre : short imagines, sorta silly | a/n : i still suck at science im so sorry, these were literally done in class so they're all bad
( •̀ ω •́ )✧
GUNIL 건일 -
will definitely somewhat take charge, but isn't stopping you from doing anything
like he'll be all "okay so we gotta do blah blah blah" but if you're like "but we have to do this first" he's like "oh okay"
does that make sense ???
would joke around and laugh at a scenario where something goes wrong, but is genuinely hoping it doesn't happen (especially if chemicals are involved)
lowkey praying it doesnt happen if im being honest 💀
would let you do all the work if he has no clue what he's doing
if you don't know what you're doing, you're both screwed ...
would help you with the lab report, even if you don't need any help
"y/n it's just in case, trust" (LMAOO)
loves working with you and thinks you two work well together!!
doesn't try to get up all in your face especially if you're hyper-focused on the current task at hand
would lowkey rather be doing the lab report, but if he has to do the actual lab, he will (he has to anyway)
since he doesn't want to do it, he's basically your little "assistant"
grabbing any beakers or other supplies you need, yk stuff like that
so yeah, you're the one doing most of the work (sorry)
i feel like he might fall asleep if he gets really bored ?? lmao ??
idk i just see it tho
anyways, he'll still enjoy the outcomes you "both" make, especially if it refutes your hypothesis !! :D
GAON 가온 -
our favorite science boy omg
he's gonna do anything you don't want to do
dissections? cleaning? he'll do it because he dgaf. it's for science. that's like, his brand.
would make a lab report draft (that he didn't have to do???) and let you check it over (HELLO???)
alllways making sure you're both wearing/following the proper safety precautions
"y/n, don't touch anything without wearing gloves!" or "put some goggles on first"
i could sob 20 rivers omg 😭😭😭
will always listen to anything you have to say, whether it be feedback or smth
will also write it down if you both agree it sounds important!!
ODE 오드 -
will constantly ask if you're okay if you show a little bit of worry if something happens
if you back up a little too quickly... "omg are you okay?" OHHH MY GOD WHAT IF I CRIED 😭
he will also make sure you don't inhale anything that'll damage your lungs, or just you in general
same goes with touching stuff ^
he is also going to be very stingy if you miss a step, even if it's fine
"we can skip this par-" "no we can't, follow the instructions y/n!"
so you can expect him to take the actual thing very seriously
which he does (thankfully)
still! it will be good i promise he wouldn't mess anything up
but let's be real he's very observant so idt he will
he probably won't talk toooo much
but he's defo gonna help you out
he's usually writing down any observations he sees, and makes sure he doesn't miss anything
especially if he can add it to the lab report if your hypothesis is refuted ^^
soooo intricate with every move he makes
he'll be so in the zone it's pretty crazy !!!!
especially for any type of dissection
so locked in
will be kind of upset if he messes up, but you'll help him get over that dw
if you two finish early, he'll probably chat with you while one of you works on the lab report
which he will gladly help you on if he needs to
he's definitely gonna be making jokes left and right while you two are prepping your things LMAOO
but dw he's gonna make sure he doesn't mess up anything
(he'll try his best at least..)
he might let a joke or two slide while you're both working, but it won't be too intense
definitely gonna get distracted and start talking to one of his friends
until you shut him up and get him back on task
he absolutely hates writing lab reports oh my god
"do we haaave to do this? we can just... not do it." "... no?"
but yknow, he'll help you
"i guess i'll help you... 🙄"
he'll celebrate when you two get a good grade tho!!
send requests pls </3 i'm so desperate it's not funny i fear
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blue-jisungs · 9 months ago
# warnings … wow um there’s a lot to unpack but swearing, yn calls him a slut once LMFAOOO, shirtless seungmin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a bit chaotic at first teehee ++ not proofread bc i literally started typing w/o thinking n just wanted to post it for @slytherinshua
oh right it’s inspired by this pic here 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
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“what the absolute fuck is that?”
your voice echoes through the room, causing seungmin to jerk up. his slightly sore muscles from exercising moments ago tensed, a hiss escaping his lips.
“what do you mean, angel?” his voice was soft. your eyes scanned him up and down, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. seungmin was scared, to be frank. you never were so distressed about… anything, really.
“this, dumbass!” you whined and turned your phone to face him.
your boyfriend’s eyes widened upon seeing the picture he shared with villains today. his rib reveal tattoo, to be specific. he didn’t think you’d mind, it’s not like he didn’t share pictures of his chest or arms before. 
“villains get to see your tattoo before me?” you grunted and tucked your phone away “and, and… what even is that behavior, seungmo?!” 
crossing your arms and looking away, he started to understand what was your issue.
seungmin returned to his previous position before you barged into his bedroom and leaned his back against the wall. scanning your face, only to notice the flushed cheeks and nervous lip biting, he was certain what was it really about.
“you don’t have to be jealous, you know, angel” he hummed, a satisfied smirk forming on his face when he saw your eyes widen now. gotcha, that was exactly it. or maybe… “are you shy?”
“no!” you replied a bit faster and louder than intended, so you cleared your throat “no, not at all. i see men’s bare chest allll the time”
“oh really?” seungmin scoffed, clearly amused. you were so cute, he was about to burst “don’t say that or i’ll get jealous too”
“yeah, it was a lie. other men aren’t such sluts” you giggled and saw his eyes roll. obviously he liked the attention, you didn’t even blame him for that. but still…
you let out a deep sigh and plopped next to him onto the bed.
“i guess just give ma a warning next time…” your quiet murmur was followed by a sudden, sharp inhale.
seungmin lifted his back slowly and leisurely, almost teasingly, took his shirt off. the sun peeking through the window shone on his bare skin, making the tone of it even more honey colored and contrasting with the white sheets perfectly. then it hit you like a train, and a wave of heat spilled over your body. his perfectly toned stomach is on display and you are staring at it like a dog at a piece of meat–
“like what you see?” he asked with a boyish smirk. one hand traveling to rest under his head, atop of that his arm muscles flexing.
turning your gaze away, you bit the inside of your cheek. when you wanted to scold him about the picture, you didn’t expect him to do this. seungmin is still opening up to you, being the timid person he is, and skinship in your relationship so far only consisted of handholding, hugging and kisses. not that you minded, you enjoyed taking time and slowly but surely building your relationship based on trust. 
but this… 
“ah, come on. don’t be shy now” he hummed smugly, observing your eyes trace back to his exposed skin. 
“are you okay with… yknow…” you stuttered, not even able to finish your thought. seungmin giggled, possibly killing you inside even more. wanting to hide from his sight, a bit overwhelming at the moment, you leaned and laid next to him. burying your face in his neck seungmin could feel the heat radiating off it. 
“i’m fine. villains got to see it, so you should too, hm? besides, it’s gonna be summer soon. get used to this sight, angel” he said and his other hand traced down to your waist. drawing small circles on your skin, you sighed. 
“you’re way too cocky” with a mumble, you fixed your position a bit and saw his stomach again. you could see the way it rose up and down rhythmically and you were wondering if he was in distress as much as you were. 
suddenly you noticed the ink on his rib and smiled softly. 
“can i…” you gulped, shyly. it took him a while before realizing what you meant. with a gentle nod, you decided to reach out slowly. 
as you traced the tattoo subtly, almost feather-lightly as if scared that you will hurt him, the skin underneath your fingertips was hot and tender. only when you did that, seungmin’s composure fell apart - like a building made out of legos - and his breath hitched. 
he never showed the tattoo to anyone (well, besides villains now), not to mention touching it. but he enjoyed the intimacy of the gesture. seugmin adored the way you were so careful with it, love and care in your eyes.
“what does it mean?” you whispered, the weight of this moment bringing a sudden realization of how quiet it is in the room. 
“always be thankful six nine nine nine oh two” your boyfriend’s voice had a tint of melancholy in it, casing your heart to melt. it was what the tattoo said. “those are the birth years of my parents, brother and me” 
you hummed in acknowledgement, smiling. you leaned a bit closer and pecked the tattoo. then you returned to your previous position and rested your head in the crook of your neck. 
basking in the quiet and calm moment, at the verge of falling asleep, you heard seungmin’s wiper as he pulled you closer.
“i should add your birth year there one day”
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masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @mon2sunjinsuver,, @eternalgyu ,, @haecien ,, @slytherinshua
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