#oh no i added gifs in the wrong order so now its stuck down here
whtsthevibe · 22 days
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Applause - Lady Gaga
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jjksblackgf · 4 years
BTS Reaction - You’re sick/injured and he’s jealous that another member takes care of you
kim seokjin
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He rushed over to the hospital as soon as your friend called to give him the news. He didn’t know any details and didn’t want to wait to receive them, he just grabbed his stuff and went to your encounter.
As he ran through the halls of the hospital, he didn’t mind when people recognized him. Trying to find the room the receptionist gave to him, all he wanted to do was to see you with his own eyes.
“How much pain, on a scale of 1 to 10?” he asked you once he was in your room, with very clear pain in his voice and furrowed brows.
“Zero” you answered “My shoulder is back where it should, so I don’t feel any pain. And the doctor gave me painkillers if I feel like I need it”
He wanted to ask more questions, but was interrupted by Taehyung, as he walked in with chips and candy he probably bought at a vending machine.
“Hey hyung” Tae spoke smiling and placed the treats on your lap. “Here you go, Y/N, go wild” he added
“Thanks, Tae, that was very sweet” you thanked Taehyung with a smile, making Seokjin kinda jealous. He wanted to be the one treating you nicely right now.
“Shouldn’t you eat something more nutritious than this?” Jin asked
“But hospital food sucks, hyung, she needs to have a little fun to heal faster” Taehyung said before you could, earning a giggle from you
“But you’re not the doctor, are you?” Jin asked with a cold voice, and he regretted the minute the words slipped his mouth. “I’m sorry, Taehyung, that was unnecessary” continued.
“Tae, can you give us a moment, please?” You asked and he left the room. Jin proceeded to apologize and explain his behavior.
min yoongi
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95% of the time he loves his job, even when he’s stuck at work, he knows all the hard work would pay off soon.
But now he has you, someone he could go home to. And now, being stuck at work was not as okay as it was before. Now every time he’s stuck at work he has an internal conflict.
Today was especially hard because you had a mild fever for most of the day and other flu symptoms. But he managed to get away from work to be with you, getting home not much later with some hot soup he knew you liked.
He didn’t like the sight when he got home, tho. Jimin was watching a movie with you. He doesn’t really mind you getting closer because he trusts you and trusts all the other members around you. 
What bothered him were the bowl of soup in your hands and a few packs of medicine recently bought. Jimin got to take care of you before he could, and that broke his heart a little. Not saying anything, he leaves the thing he bought for you at the dinner table and goes to take a shower.
“I’ll get going” Jimin said before you got to and you said your goodbyes.
After that you went to your bedroom and sat on the bed, waiting for Yoongi to leave the bathroom.
“Hey, baby” you said with a sweet voice. Yoongi didn’t respond, he just sat on the bed by your side
“I’ll apologise to Jimin tomorrow” he murmured to you
“Good” you said and hugged him sideways while he took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry for disrespecting you today, I don’t know why I did that-” he started to ramble but you kissed him to make him stop
“Apology accepted” you smiled “Let’s go to the living room, I want to cuddle with you while watching movies.”
jung hoseok
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He didn’t have the experience, but he could imagine how breaking a leg would suck. Good thing he was able to take a few personal days to the company, so he got to take care of you the first week. 
When you were better and more adjusted to your new routine, he decided to catch up at work. He would rather take care of you, but you reassured him you were okay, and you knew he was more needed at work than at home.
You would still be able to see him everyday. Perks of living together, baby.
But you were bored at home alone and missing him a little, but you couldn’t admit that to him, he would just simply stop working to be with you. So you asked Seokjin to hang out with you, he had finished recording early and was free for the day. 
And you just had a very fun end of afternoon with Jin. He helped you a lot, he even cooked your dinner. It was instant ramen since you didn’t have much ingredients, but still. He even scratched your feet with an old pencil. And that’s when your boyfriend gets home, he would sure want to join the fun
“Hi, honey” you said with a huge grin “Oh my God, Jin, this tickles too much” You said laughing loud.
“Hi, jagiya. Good night, hyung” Hoseok said, very polite but with a very cold tone. His angry face was about to show itself and you and Seokjin knew it.
“Is that how you greet your hyung?” Jin started with a surprised expression
“What? I said goodnight!” Hoseok responds
“I was here taking care of your girlfriend, don’t you think I deserve at least a thank you?”
“Don’t you think that I wanted to be the one to take care of her?”
“You guys, stop. This is not heading towards a productive conversation” you meddled 
“Listen to your girlfriend” Jin says as he gets up to leave “We’ll talk next time we see each other”
You got to talk to Hoseok and convinced him to call Seokjin and clear things out, you two knew everything was going to be okay in the end.
kim namjoon
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You went to spend his day off with him at the dorms, he said he didn’t mind your cold and you were really clingy these days. 
You two were taking a nap together and Namjoon wakes up to find that you're not with him at the bed. He doesn't think much of it until he hears your laughter and goes to check in on you and know where you’re at, finding you seated with Yoongi while he plays the piano.
‘Oh yeah? Bet’ he thinks. He knows it’s just his passive aggressiveness showing its colors, but he can’t help it. He feels like it’s his job to take care of you. ‘This is not a good color on you, Namjoon’
“Hey baby, are you having fun with Yoongi hyung?” he asks as he puts his elbows at the top of the piano.
“Oh yeah, we’re just playing random songs” you answered
“Have you taken your meds yet?”
“No, not yet, but I’m not-”
“I’ll go get them” he responded before you could finish the sentence and went running to the meds cabinet and came back in under a minute. “Here” he said, trying to catch his breath.
“I’ll take them later, baby, I don’t think I need them right now” you said with an apologetic tone.
“Sure, okay! What do you want to eat, we can order something, or I can talk to Jin hyung and see if-”
“Oh, it’s okay, we already ate” you said referring to you and Yoongi
“Oh…” He just stood there kinda staring at you both
“Are you jealous or something?” Yoongi asks, seeing Namjoon’s reaction
“Yeah” he responded with a barely audible tone. You got up from your seat and hugged him tight, leaving pecks on his face until he smiled.
“Ew” Yoongi said as he got up from the piano and went away.
park jimin
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At the practice room, you and Jungkook were sitting on the couch. He had a bunch of markers, the cast of your broken arm was a blank canvas to him. He just went wild with his creativity and drew different things, making it colorful.
Jimin was not a fan of the sight, even though your attention was fully on him, he was bothered by Jungkook getting all the space on the cast. You were his girlfriend, shouldn’t he be the one to draw a lot on it? 
He didn’t understand why he was so jealous, neither understood why he wanted to practice the new choreography in front of you and describe all the times he was better than JK or when he got the moves quicker. He did it anyway.
Jungkook just laughed a little and sighed, shaking his head, deciding to leave you alone with Jimin “I'll come back to work on it when hyung is not jealous anymore, just text me when” you nodded.
You patted the sofa and he sat on your side. “So…” you started, trying to get him to talk, but he didn’t know what to say. He was part embarrassed, part angry at himself. “You don’t trust me and the members together?” you asked after a moment, trying to see his point of view
“I do, I really do” he started saying “I don't know what got to me… I'm sorry, jagiya” he went for a hug and you hugged him back as tight as you could.
“What can we do to make you feel more comfortable, then?” you asked him
“I don't know” he responded honestly
“What made you feel jealous in the first place?”
And after that an idea popped in his head. He would feel very comfortable if Jungkook wrote his name in the cast with very bold letters.
kim taehyung
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Boy was so eager to get home and take care of you. He knew it was just a cold, but he just hated knowing you were in any kind of pain or discomfort.
He bought painkillers, a hot pack, coughing medicine, soup, and the whole shabang. All the thoughts running through his mind were how quick he could put you on the bed and place lots of covers on you.
But the sound of your laughter as he opened the door was as relieving as worrying. Who was here? He calmed down as he thought that maybe it was your best friend. But he was wrong.
As soon as he saw Hoseok giving you a glass of water, the “this is fine” meme was at the front of his mind.
“Hi honey,” you said as soon as you laid your eyes on him “what you got there?” you asked eyeing the shopping bags.
“I bought these things for you,” he said in a low tone “I even got you soup, but I can see you’ve already been taken care of” his smile was there but you noticed that it was sarcastic with a hint of pain.
Hoseok noticed too, “Get well soon, Y/N” he said as he stood up “I’ll see you later” he gave Tae a quick pat on the back and closed the door behind him.
You watched Taehuyng in silence as he put the bags on the coffee table in front of you. “Let’s share the soup” you spoke as he sat down by your side
“You’re the one who needs this more, my love” he said softly “Do you need anything else? I got pain meds, coughing meds…” he continued speaking, but all you wanted to do was to hug him, and so you did
“You know I love you, right?” you spoke to his ear
He smiled faintly as he hugged you back “I know you do”
jeon jungkook
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You had your hand immobilized after a torsion while working out, it was nothing serious but the doctors wanted to make sure the healing would go smoothly and faster.
You thought you could use only one hand, but you were wrong. You still wanted to bake cookies for your boyfriend so it could be ready when he finished with his video game.
He was doing a lot of things for you and you wanted to thank him, and also wanted to feel useful again. But it wasn’t going as you liked so you asked for Namjoon to help.
“Really? Me?” he was surprised by your request, he says he’s not very kitchen help material.
“All you need to do is to hold things still so I can mix it up” you answered, and so the baking started.
Jungkook decided he was done with the games and wanted to hang out with you more, finding you in the kitchen stirring chocolate chips in a bowl with what looked like cookies from afar.
“Hey, what are you doing over here?” he asks
“I wanted to bake some cookies for you, I know you like them” you said after he pecked your lips. 
“Oh, jagiya, you didn’t have to” he went to help but Namjoon was standing still in his helping position “It’s okay hyung, I’m the boyfriend, I’m going to be the help from now on” he said to Namjoon in a playful tone but you understood the subtext, and so did Namjoon
“No need to get jealous, Kook”
“I’m not jealous, I’m just saying-”
“Hey, hey” you interrupted them “You two can stop the chatting and put the cookies on the baking sheet, since I can’t at the moment”
After they did as you asked, Jungkook placed the trays in the heated oven and started cleaning in silence, Namjoon helped him, keeping the awkward silence in the room. You just sat back and watched the tension build.
“I’ll see you guys later” Namjoon announced as he finished placing the bowls in the cabinets.
“Next time promise me you will interrupt me so I can help you” Jungkook said after taking the cookies out of the oven.
“Fine” you rolled your eyes “But you promise to go apologize to Namjoon”
“Promise” and with that you two interlaced your pinkies.
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Heyy! Could you do a sesshomaru x reader where she’s also from the future and sesshomaru really really likes her but shes a little dense in situations like this and can’t catch onto his hints. In the end inuyasha gets annoyed and just blurts everything out. And everybody finds out that the reader like sesshomaru back.
This is cute! Got to appreciate the dense!reader. So, this is less of a dense!reader than I anticipated, and hoped for, but I had fun writing this nonetheless. 
Fandom: Inuyasha
Character: Sesshomaru 
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“You know, Sesshomaru really is fond of you,” Kagome exclaimed one day after that aforementioned demon had visited the village. After dropping new fabrics at Kaede’s house for the little Rin the demon had stayed around for a little while longer after you had invited him and his surrogate daughter for tea and some sweets.
“Something tells me it is the sugar,” you chuckled, twirling around the stick of melted sugar that you formed and morphed into all sorts of forms. “I did promise to create one in his likeness the next time,” you shrugged, cutting off the stray strings before you handed the little sculpture to the female next to you. “Rin is a great fan as well, she has been frequently coming by to visit. I’m sure Sesshomaru is enjoying watching Rin’s progress,” you continued, forever adding up onto reasons and excuses of why he would sit with you.
You were quite certain that the only reason why you enjoyed any sort of attention at all from the great demon lord was because of the rarity you sold. Sugar was, after all, a luxury only few could afford in this era, made even more of a sight to behold with the way you seemed to command one of its finest artforms.
“As much as I’m a fan of your works,” Kagome said, twirling her little sugar sculpture around in delight. “I really don’t think that Sesshomaru knows how to appreciate the arts, you know. He is more of a fighters type, growling and brawling all the time as he throws out scary threats,” the female continued, not seeming to flinch or even think of all that she had to say about her supposedly scary brother-in-law.
“Nope, pretty sure he is fond of you,” Kagome exclaimed once more as she brought the candy to her lips, a smile crossing her features as she turned towards you sharply.
“Oh, maybe we might be sister-in-laws!” she brimmed, earning a hearty laugh from you as you shook your head, your hand reaching for the bag of sugar that you once more poured into the pot heating up near you.
“The fact that it might very much happen is what scares me the most,” Inuyasha sneered, his arms crossed in a corner where he turned his nose up at the two of you. “What Kagome fails to mention is that you are head over heels for my brother,” he snarled.
You could see the judgement in his eyes, the disapproval radiating heavily from the male who had only recently married your friend from the modern times.
“I’m indeed very fond of him, but I believe it is one-sided,” you light-heartedly admitted, feeling no shame in having to confess your emotions for a certain man, though you knew that you could never display the same bravery in front of him. “Alas, at least I have my sugar for some sweet romance!” you continued, never one to let anything tamper your mood as you checked the fire.
“Have you ever asked Lord Sesshomaru to confirm this?” Another voice popped up, revealing Rin who happily skipped towards your little stand. “He is returning, you know. Tonight, for the festival,” she quipped, bouncing back and forth on her feet, obviously pleased at the thought of seeing her long-time caretaker once more.
Now you did manage a blush, a nervous laugh escaping you as you stared the girl down.
“It is a bad habit to eavesdrop, young lady,” you pointed your stick at the girl, a quick wink sent her way as you covered up your own embarrassment. Despite her lack of human interactions in the past few years you had found that Rin was surprisingly quick to pick up on all sorts of emotional details, especially yours.
“I wasn’t eavesdropping!” the girl exclaimed giddily, her hands clasping to her back as she stuck her tongue out to you. “I simply overheard because you were speaking so loudly,” she continued, careful not to name any names that the group already knew to be the culprit of.
“Ah, yes, those gossiping ladies. Once one hears the whole village knows,” Inuyasha nodded in agreement, earning a giggle from the three of you.
“Funny, but some of us need to make an earning.” you called, happy with the way the sugar was melting in the pot as you sent Rin off to ring the bell next to your stand, signalling that you were open for business.
“I really think you should take this opportunity to confess,” Kagome leaned over, still determined not to let you go as you dug your spoon into the melting substance, pulling and checking its temperature.
“Your order?” you called, ignoring your friends. Not looking up or down at the shadow that loomed over you, you were quick to hold up your hand as you continued to turn over the sugar in your melting pot.
“Your feelings,” a low voice brimmed, hand brushing over yours before you quickly retreated, your spoon coming to your defense as you pointed the utensil against the customer.
“Funny, but some of us are trying to make a-- Sesshomaru?”
Immediately lowering your weapon of choice you quickly dropped the tool back into the pot again, an apologetic look crossing your face as you laughed to yourself. “I thought you were a man of more nefarious intentions,” you excused yourself, your mind swirling as you wondered if you had heard the earlier statement correctly.
Brushing off your apology the demon lord merely brushed his hair out, picking out the sticky residue that had flown off your spoon in your attack as he flicked it away in disinterest.
“I’m sure that molten sugar will burn any regular man’s skin, but not mine,” he responded calmly, his hand landing on top of Rin’s head who was already clinging onto the demon in an affectionate hug.
“You’re early, lord Sesshomaru!” the girl exclaimed, whilst Kagome’s call for her brother-in-law went ignored with a glare.
“I heard something of interest on my way here,” the man merely answered the human girl as his eyes went over yours. “My brother’s loud voice is carried well by the winds,” he continued, eyes squinting in disapproval at your choice of friends before relaxing once more. “At the very least he had something useful to scream about, instead of his usual empty-headed barking.”
So, you hadn’t heard wrong. Feeling your cheeks grown warmer by the minute you were, for once, at a loss of words.
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allegra-writes · 4 years
“Once in twenty lifetimes”
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Tom Holland x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: Implied character death.
“In a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I’d find you”
The chaos of stars - Kiersten White
Just a little one shot inspired by the song “Cardigan” and this lovely past life reading by Adora’s light.
You cursed as your high heel got stuck on the cobblestone, making your ankle twist painfully. It would be just like you to be late, and injured, on your first day. But no, you still had about half an hour to spare, and the building was literally across the street. 
You tried to slow down your pace, and the beating of your heart, it would do you no good to arrive early, shaky and exuding nervousness like the inexperienced rookie you were. A smile broke through your face as you saw the coffee shop. Yeah, an herbal tea would do you worlds of good.
Your bare feet hit the stone tiles of the castle floor, running. People were running in all directions, screaming in terror: the enemy was inside already, the fires raging in the citadel nothing but a mere distraction. You heard the cries of your maiden inside your own bedchamber being beaten for information, you knew what the enemy wanted: You. 
“Meri Rani!” That voice. You knew that voice. “Meri Rani, this way!”
A strong, rough hand wrapped around your dainty one, guiding you behind a tapestry, to the hidden pathways and you could have cried in relief. 
Your brave knight. Your faithful guardian.
You were safe.
You were always safe in his arms.
The music hit you with a wave of melancholy as soon as you opened the door of the shop. That old Elvis’ song always made you strangely nostalgic. You smiled at the bittersweet feeling, stepping in line to order.
You didn’t want to fall into the “I was born in the wrong era” cliche, you really didn’t. And you knew a lot of people thought you were boring, too old fashioned, sometimes even snobbish because of it. But truth was, modern music just didn’t hit the same. The fast rhymes, oversaturated and monotone beats didn’t move you. You sounded like your grandmother, but they just didn’t make good music anymore. Not that good at least. 
“Wise meeeen say” You watched your boyfriend stumble under the streetlights, torn between exasperation and fondness. Drunk. He was drunk. Unbelievable. “Only fooools ruuuuusshh in”
As unbelievable as how nicely those Levi’s hugged his hips, as he twirled around the pole… and somehow managed to slip, face planting on it. 
“Yeah, you’re a fool alright, Thomas" 
You rushed to his side, prying his hands away from his face to check his nose.
"It’s all your fault, doll. I’m a fool for you” He winked, but the effect was somehow dampered by the blood falling freely over his lips. “We should go to that Elvis concert next month" 
His warm brown eyes lit up with enthusiasm at his own new idea.
"Hmmm I’m not sure we should” You feigned concern, “I could fall in love with him… he is very handsome”
Your boyfriend snorted,
“No way. You dig me way more than you dig Elvis" 
"Not when you’re all bloody and bruised like this…”
“Sorry!” You apologized, trying to be gentler as you finished wiping at his blood with your handkerchief. 
His arm snaked around your waist, cold fingers sneaking under your sweater, making you jump slightly.
“Is ok, love” he whispered against your lips, “I’ll let you kiss it better.”
“Hi, hun!” Chloe, the cashier, greeted. “Your usual?”
“Oh, no, I’m jumpy enough today!” You chuckled, perusing the tea menu, “I think I’ll have… some lavender tea today. Good for first day anxiety.”
“Wouldn’t lime flower be better for that?” The blonde teen frowned in confusion.
“Lavender is just as good, plus it won’t make me drowsy”
Chloe rang your order, taking a mental note of your words.
“I’ll try to remember that for the next customer that asks for lime flower. How do you even know so much about herbs?”
You simply shrugged, accepting your change,
“I don’t know, I guess I just have a memory for this kinda thing”
You raised your head from where you were harvesting berries of bittersweet nightshade, and felt your heart skip a beat. The image of your husband walking to you with your little girl in his arms still managed to take your breath away and fill your whole being with warmth and joy even after three years. 
You stood up, wiping your dirty hands on your skirts.
"See, bumblebee? I told you mama was just outside” You heard Tom’s soft words soothing the crying infant. “She doesn’t like it when she wakes up and you’re not there…” He added to you, the corners of his mouth belying his amusement.
“Is that true, sweetie?” You inquired, extending your arms toward the toddler, who practically leaped into them. Your daughter only nodded in response, hiding her face on your chest, fisting her tiny hands on the top of your dress, holding on as if she was afraid you were gonna disappear any minute. 
“Aye… I think she misses you almost as much as I do when you’re gone” Tom declared, wrapping his arms around both his girls, trying to squish down the uneasiness that had taken over him ever since he had heard…
“Is that so?”
Both your husband and your daughter nodded, making you chuckle. 
“What if mama makes some marzipan cakes tonight? Would that cheer you up? We could go to the village in the afternoon to get some flour”
Your husband’s stomach made a flip, the sound of your daughter’s enthusiastic approval drowned by his own worries and fears.
“Or we could just let your daddy make some of his honey candies. No need to go to the village…" 
You finished stirring the honey in your tea, and hurried to put the lid back to the cup, eager to leave. As much as you loved the little cafe, you couldn’t quite stand it in the mornings. You hated the fact that they served american breakfast. The smell of bacon and sausages, actually the smell of any meat being cooked, never failed to make your stomach churn. That was actually the main reason for your vegetarianism, even stronger than your convictions, your compassion and love for animals. Even stronger than your concerns or your wish for a healthier lifestyle, was your dislike. While most people found that smell mouthwatering and delicious, to you, it only ever smelled of burnt flesh.
Your beloved husband’s face was the only one you could make out in the crowd. His pale, tear streaked face, looking almost blue in the twilight. But no, it wasn’t twilight yet, it couldn’t be with the sun still so high in the sky. 
… Then why was everything so blue? 
The executioner tightened the ropes around you, but you couldn’t feel them. You were numb all over. 
"I’m sorry” He murmured, “but I will have to hurry up. Your husband gave me the tea but I think I used too much. If they realize what I did, they will burn me too" 
You understood then: wolfsbane. He couldn’t save your life, there was no way he could have, the archbishop had watched you like a hawk all the time they had kept you in the tower. But he wanted to spare you the pain. And not even the man of the church could find it in himself to deny you your last wish: a single cup of tea… that you hadn’t requested. 
"Why?” You managed to let out, “Why are you helping me?" 
"You helped me once. Or rather, my girlfriend. Well, my wife now”
You tried to remember. Yes, you were sure that was her, the blacksmith’s daughter. She was supposed to be a maiden, back then. If her father found out, he would have beaten her to death, but with a little pennyroyal you had put an end to her predicament. 
You could see the regret in his eyes as he let the torch fall into the pyre. You searched your husband’s face through the smoke. His agonized eyes met yours one last time.
No. Not the last. Only the last in that lifetime. 
“I love you” You didn’t open your mouth but you knew he had heard you, “forever" 
You tried to shake away the morbid thought, as you stepped into the busy street again. It wasn’t all that hard, as you immediately got swept away by it’s fast paced rhythm. There was something about the city, some hidden beauty in it’s chaos, a siren song, a presence. Almost as if somewhere in its darkest alley, there was a heartbeat calling for you. And in a way, you guessed there was, all of them were always crowded, teeming with life. Yet, unlike in any other city, here you weren’t shoved or pushed around. Here, if someone as much as bumped your arm, you would get a quick and embarrassed "sorry”. And you didn’t quite know why you found that so endearing, but you did. 
Just another one in the long list of things you loved about London. 
You collided with someone, hard, but you couldn’t afford to stop and apologize, so you kept on moving, advancing as fast as you could through the sea of bodies crowding the station. It was almost time, he was stepping into the last train and only god knew if you were ever going to see him again. He had asked you not to come, but you couldn’t, you wouldn’t let him leave without saying goodbye.
You heard him before you saw him. You almost didn’t recognize him from behind, the lush dark curls you loved so much all but gone, the strands shaved around the ears and cut close to the scalp on the back and sides.
He turned around just in time for you to jump into his arms, wrapping yours around his neck, hiding your face against his uniformed chest.
“I told you not to come” He breathed against your hair, undone from your race, holding onto you just as hard, “I told you I wouldn’t be able to leave this platform if you did…”
“Then don’t” You countered, “Stay with me. Let’s run away to the countryside, just… just stay" 
You felt his choked sob against your cheek.
"If we don’t stop the Germans now, there will be nowhere left to run. And I rather die before letting them anywhere near you”
“Don’t say that” You admonished, breaking your embrace to get a look at his coffee eyes, “Don’t ever say that!" 
He shook his head,
"It’s the truth, my love. Of all the beauty in this world, yours is the most breathtaking. Of all the kindness, yours is the most honest.” He took your hands in his, placing soft, reverent kisses on your knuckles “You are everything that’s good and pure in this world. You are everything that’s worth fighting for" 
"All aboard!" 
The tears were clouding your vision, when Tom’s brave facade fell.
"If anything happens to me at war…”
“Hush! Don’t say-”
“I must, my love” He interrupted you, urgently, “If anything happens to me, my family will take care of you. Listen-”
“No, you listen” You cut him off, “Whatever you were going to say, it won’t be necessary. Because you are going to come back to me, did you hear me?”
His reply died in his throat. He wanted so bad to be able to promise you what you wanted.
“Come back to me, Thomas. Say you’ll come back…" 
"Yes, ma'am” He finally vowed, before stealing one last kiss.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry!" 
His apology reached your ears even before you felt the hot liquid dripping down your chest, before your distracted mind could process what was happening. 
"I was walking too fast and I wasn’t looking where I was going and neither were you and when I realized, I couldn’t stop on time- Not, not that I’m blaming you for this, no, of course not! I mean, that looks hot” He gesticulated to your chest, talking with his hands almost as fast as he was rambling with his mind. You watched his eyes go big and his cheeks turn red as he realized exactly where he was pointing at, “The tea! I meant the tea not your… your- not you! I mean, not that you’re not… I should shut up now, right?" 
You tried to stifle your amused smile, but you failed, the brunet man in front of you simply too adorable in his awkward babbling for you to be mad. Even if both your favorite vintage tee and brand new phone were ruined now. 
"Probably, yeah.” You confirmed, “You need to stop and breathe, otherwise you might pass out from lack of oxygen. And I don't  think I can deal with that on top of” You pointed at your soaked self, “this" 
Relief washed over him at the realization you weren’t mad. The truth was, the only reason he had crashed into you was that he had been too busy staring at you to realize you were coming right his way. 
"Yeah, that would be just too rude” He let himself smile a little too, “crashing with you, making you spill your tea and passing out on you? So crossing the line…" 
You snorted inelegantly at that. 
And he thought it was the cutest thing he had ever seen in his life.
"Let me replace your t-shirt” He offered, hoping to buy himself a few more minutes with you, “and your tea, of course" 
You were about to refuse, when your eyes found his, the entire world shifting, tilting on its axis, as your irises met his warm coffee ones. 
You knew those eyes.
"I- ok” You cleared your throat, as if that would be able to conceal your shameless staring. “I have…” You checked your watch, “about 20 minutes before work”
“Right. Better make them count then” His boyish smile turned bigger, brighter, “I’m Tom, by the way. And I promise I’m usually smoother than this”
You took the hand he was offering, and it felt like deja vu.
“Y/n. And I hate smooth." 
He laughed,
"Great, cause that was a lie…" 
You walked back inside the coffee shop together, never noticing it was the hand of fate, the one opening the doors for you, all over again. 
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I Want Us Part 2
Fandom: SVU / Chicago PD
Series: I Want Us
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 (Final)
Pairing: Carisi x Reader
Warning/s: mentions of kidnapping
Word Count: 1,513
Summary:  When a child abduction case crosses state lines in New York, Intelligence flies out to meet the Special Victims Unit and track down the missing boy. With the clock ticking, both units decide to mix up partners in order to combine their knowledge of the case with knowledge of New York City, pairing Intelligence’s newest member Y/N with Detective Carisi. Soon these new partners find themselves staking out a potential location for their suspect, getting to know each other to pass the time.
Tags: @inlovewith3​ //
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“Chicago or New York, a stakeout is stakeout,” you yawned, checking your watch through tired eyes. It was coming up to 2 am and while you wanted nothing more than to be asleep, all your intel pointed to O’Connell conducting his business after midnight.
Carisi couldn’t agree more, sat next to you in the drivers seat as you watched bar O’Connell reportedly owned. The place was dark, scaffolding to one side of newspaper covered doors. Apparently, apparently this old run down building was his newest investment, and you’d thought it was a good a place as any to conduct private business, especially the kind involving a missing child that an entire city was out looking for. 
Voight and Benson had agreed, you and Carisi had found yourselves parked just down the road, undercover car largely obscured by a hedge and fence. Hours combing through files at his desk had cumulated into this, swapping intel between both units as you all tried to figure out and navigate your new temporary partnerships.
“What is this guy, a vampire or something?” Carisi half joked, half complained. You were both wearing your vests, but had since ditched your police jackets, the heat making both of you more tired that you’d like. The night had brought little relief from the Summer sun that had been beating down all day, the leaves on the hedge barely conveying any signs of a breeze. 
“Maybe I was wrong about this,” you admitted after a moment, watching yet another car that wasn’t O’Connell drive down the street and into the distance. None had stopped outside the bar, no one had even walked close to it except an elderly couple on the other side of the street.
Carisi glanced your way for a long moment, watching as you worried your lip as you thought about Logan. You didn’t know what was going through his mind, but he’d been torn away from his entire life by a man he barely knew, and you didn’t want to think about what would happen if you didn’t get him back tonight.
“You trust your gut?” Carisi asked, the question giving you pause. Gut instinct had always been something Voight valued in his Intelligence Unit, you had to trust yourself and those around you if you were going to make it through the day, and catch the bad guy. 
“I do,” you told him with conviction. With limited information and limited time, you could afford the luxury of spending days checking out each of O’Connell’s potential locations, it was now or never, and every fiber of your being was telling you that this was the place.
“Well okay,” Carisi replied, “then we stay put. The rest of our units are checking out other possible spots he might show tonight, we’ll get him.” He gave you a reassuring smile and reached into the bag by his feat, pulling out a tupperware box.
You had to ask. “How can you be so confident? I mean the Special Victims Unit, you guys do this kind of thing all the time, I’m not sure I could remain as optimistic as you.” He chuckled at that, offering you what looked like home made cannoli from the box as he thought over your question. You thanked him, devouring the sweet treat a little too eagerly, it tasted great and you hadn’t eaten in hours.
“I have faith, without it I don’t know if I’d have been able to do it for as long as I have,” he answered honestly, “what we do makes a difference, protecting those who need it the most and making the world a little safer, you just need to think about the ones you’ve saved, not the ones you haven’t.”
“But these cases... I mean we deal with the worst people, but you deal with the worst of the worst,” you continued. All the cases in Intelligence that stuck with you were like the cases SVU dealt with all the time, but despite the years he’d spent doing these cases, Carisi still had such a light and hope about him.
Antonio was your partner, and friend, you’d take a bullet for him in a heartbeat, but you’d seen what years on the job had done to him. The divorce, the drugs... it weighed on him, you could see it in his eyes. It had obviously occurred to you that Intelligence wasn’t your average unit by any means, but this different perspective was more refreshing that you expected.
“We also catch the worst of the worst, most of the time,” Carisi countered and you grinned. You hadn’t really thought about it like that, helping yourself to some more food. He regarded you for a second before adding: “you haven’t been a detective long have you?”
You shrugged, “couple of years, moved out of uniform as quickly as I could though, barely got the promotion before Voight offered me a spot in his unit.” You thought back to those early days, how excited you’d been to be offered the job, everyone knew about Intelligence and its reputation, you’d jumped at the chance to be a part of the unit and hadn’t looked back since. 
“Give it some time, you’ll find the right mentality you need to process these kinds of cases,” Carisi assured you, eyes flicking back to the deserted, half lit street. You could tell he was just as worried and determined as you were to save Logan, but he also had a calm about him right then that you really wished you could master.
“These are amazing by the way,” you told him, cannoli in hand as you tried to steer the conversation away from the serious edge it had acquired, “did you make them?” 
He smiled, eyes lighting up a little. “Yeah I did, family recipe. I like to make them on long stakeouts, keeps the blood sugar high and the spirits up.”
“Well I am going to have to cozy up to your family then if you all cook like this,” you laughed, thinking about your own family, and then thinking about Logan’s as the laughter died.
“So what about you, you cook?” Carisi asked and you pulled yourself out of your worried thoughts.
“Me? Nah, not so much. I mean, I used to, but I never seem to find the time anymore,” you admitted. Working in Intelligence was pretty demanding, worth it, but still, there was only so much take out a person should eat, and you’d definitely surpassed that limit getting back from work after all those late nights. 
“Order some of your pie pizzas instead?” He teased and you feigned dramatic insult.
“Oh really? You had to go there?” You laughed, “keep your paper pizzas alright, Chicago knows what it’s doing.” Carisi shook his head and you knew it was an argument neither of you would concede, but you’d found yourself getting pretty comfortable in the car. 
“Forgive me if I don’t take the word of someone who only once got a connecting flight through here, have you ever actually had proper New York pizza? Because I’ve had Chicago’s attempt,” he pointed out, causing you to pause with your mouth half open, knowing that you didn’t have anyway to dispute that.
“I- shut up,” you replied like a middle schooler and soon you were both laughing. Carisi was easy to talk to, not just with his clarity about the job, but his welcoming personality too. 
“You should try it before you go back to Chicago, after we wrap this case,” he suggested and you offered a little shrug to say you’d think about it just as another car was driving down the road. 
You were instantly alert as you noticed the car beginning to slow, both you and Carisi switching gears into police mode as the car pulled up outside of the bar. Gotcha.
You waited with bated breath, one hand resting on the handle of your door while the other inched towards your thigh holster. Carisi radioed in a potential sighting, both ready to go at a moments notice as three figures emerged from the car. Two taller, male, the other quite clearly a child. 
While the dimly lit street prevented you both from making a clear ID, the plates on the car matched the ones seen leaving JFK. You and Carisi nodded to each other, this was it. Carisi confirmed the sighting and you were ordered to hold your position unless absolutely necessary, with Voight placing pointed emphasis on your name as he relayed the instructions.
You clenched your jaw, hating waiting as they all went to the entrance of the bar, knocking before being let it. There were other people inside, maybe O’Connell himself. Part of you wanted to go in right now, finish it, but you didn’t know how many people were inside, or how armed they were. Waiting for back up was the only option for now, so you reluctantly sat tight.
“We’ll get him,” Carisi insisted, noticing your tension, just as ready to spring into action as you were.
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Johnny Storm x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Langauge, One Pick-Up line Summary: Ever since you got powers from a space mission, you’re stuck with your team who are figuring out how to get rid of your powers altogether. But your one teammate decides to plan things out to make a little money. It’s getting out of hand when he only annoys you.
A/N: @just-one-ordinary-fangirl​ is making me too obsessed with Johnny Storm. The perfect match, she says and I’m a little scared because I can see it. This is gonna be a disaster and we need more Johnny Storm on my list.
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Not everyday someone wakes up with powers and always gets told that they make a room not heat up. Out of every super ability you can have, it was ice powers. How stupid is that? Sue had the best one, you wanted to be the one to leave a conversation so easily by disappearing. But it doesn’t seem to be great when you have to strip bare. 
Not your ideal of having, so you just had to go with your own. You were told so many times how much yours weren’t horrible. You couldn’t say it in front of Ben. Everyone knew why. 
A walk in Central park, you were relaxing in the summer air. Seeing dogs run down the grass, people on bikes riding down or people walk down. You can hear someone pant and call out to you. Turning, you see a man who was running. “Hey, can you help me with something?”
You look at him in confusion and nodded, “Yeah, sure-” He shoves his water bottle into your hand and he kneels down on one knee to tie his shoe, “Thanks.” You couldn’t help but grip the bottle in irritation. The man stands up with a sigh, “Thank you.” He takes his water bottle and opens the cap. You look at the bottle and your eyes widen.
The two of you stared at the bottle that was now frozen. He stared at you, shockingly, “You’re...” The man stuttered and you can’t stand making a crowd if he ever bursts out in excitement. With a turn of your heel, you walked away. “Wait!” You hear him shout, you reached your hand out and the ground becomes frozen as you sprint walk. You hear the man slip and fall so you take that chance to run. 
Heading back to the tower, you shoved your hands in your pockets and made your way through the doors, greeted by the front desk. The elevator dings and you see two people walk out. “Hey!” Johnny jumps at you, hiding something behind his back, he grins a little too big. “I have something, you might want to see.”
“I’m not in the mood, Pretty Boy. Now move before I give you a frost bite.”
You take a step to the side till Johnny mirrors your movement and holds his hand out. “Come on,” He tilts his head at you, “I promise you, you’re gonna love this.” You stare at him stupidly to have him just show you and leave you alone. He pulls it out and grins, “Ah, isn’t it cool?” You gawk at the horrendous toy. “It’s you!” He says.
You can see the blue outfit that your team wears with the number 5 on it. He looks at the toy, “And looks it’s got this!” He lifts up the arm and pushes a button. “Johnny, I-” You get cut off by a squirt of water hits the center of your face causing you to look deadpan. 
Johnny kept a smile on his face like a five year old. Your eyes were still closed as the water drips down your face, “Johnny?”
“Yeah?” He asks, waiting for the most fantastic response from you. You reach up to your face and wipe away the water, you sighed, “I don’t have water powers.” Johnny looks at the toy, “But ice is water.” His shoulders drop, “Come on, I’m trying here.”
“You’re not even trying, Johnny. These aren’t things we should be happy about. We’re freaks now. And I don’t want... a toy that looks like me,” You say, “Besides these won’t sell.” Johnny lowers the toy and smirks, “Well, I saw these in every store. By tomorrow, we’ll be like the Kardashians.”
You roll your eyes and slowly thought of something. “Can I see the toy, I actually think these are cool.” Johnny hands you the toy with a cocky grin. You smiled at the toy and your hands grow colder. Johnny’s face drops, “Woah. Hey! That’s the prototype!”
The toy began to freeze up like an icicle and you dropped it on the ground, shattering it to pieces. You peer up at him, sadly, “Oops. Cold hands.” You hear the elevator ding and that gave you the chance to walk in like nothing happened. Johnny stood there like you just insulted his mom.
With a grin, you waved at him like a high school girl and fake grin in the world as the elevator doors close.
The next day, you hadn’t seen Johnny since morning. Sue and Reed were already gone and left on a date. Ben was in his own room while you sat in the kitchen, eating whatever you made from the fridge. You hear the phone ring and you made your way to it and picked it up.
“Ah, Miss L/N. I have a package for you.” You furrowed your brows to your doorman in the lobby. You never ordered a package, but if it was another of those fanart from kids, you couldn’t refuse. “Alright. I’ll be down there in a bit.” You hung up and made your way to the elevator. Pushing the Lobby floor, you waited in the small room, stopping to let a fellow person into the small room with you.
His small grin winked at you as you forced one onto your face. He shivers, “Brr. It’s a little cold in here, is it?” He asked. You rolled your eyes at him and sighed, “Maybe next time don’t wear short sleeves,” You say. The man looked over his shoulder at you, awkwardly. 
You obviously were the problem but you didn’t care one bit. 
Once the doors open, the man was the first one out and you met up with your doorman and he handed you the small box. “Ah, here you go, Miss.” You nod once at him and hear someone laugh.
“Look who it is. DQ Blizzard. What’s got you down here?” Johnny asks, leaning on the desk. You turn away and headed straight for the elevator. “Listen, Pretty Boy. I’m not in a good mood.” Johnny trots behind like a child, “When are you not in the mood? Look, I know yesterday with your own figurine was... too much. But in all honestly, it was sick.”
You turn toward the opens doors, “Keep talking, I’ll make you into a popsicle. Now shut up.” Johnny quirks his brows up as a ‘Got it’ and never spoken again. You two stood there in silent, finally being in a peaceful room with one of the most annoying people on the planet.
The elevator opens to a woman and she comes in with a small grin. Johnny nods at her and she faces away from you two. The woman sighs, “Strange. You guys feel hot and cold?” She asked.
Johnny glances over at you before turning to the woman, “No. Not at all,” He spoke. Seconds, you could see Johnny steam up a little. You hear the woman let out a gasp, “Didn’t they fix the vents last time? Whoo. It’s hot,” You watch as the woman began to take off her suit jacket and Johnny watched her slowly. You found a way to stop him, kicking him in the shin causing him to yelp.
The elevator dings and the woman leaves glistening with sweat and the doors close once again. You shook your head slowly, “You’re disgusting.” Johnny shoves his hands in his pockets and grins. “Come on. Enjoy it. You were hot, too, admit it.”
“Actually I wasn’t. Maybe try a little harder because you can’t get to me that easily,” You say, leaving through the doors once they reached your level. Johnny followed behind with a grin. “Oh, come on. I get to you all the time. Even when you’re 0 degrees below, you still heat up in the cheeks. Admit it, Snowflake.”
You turn around, “Don’t call me Snowflake.”
“Hey, you call me Pretty Boy, what’s wrong with Snowflake?” He asks, he glances at the box in your arms, “I wonder what’s in the box.” He smirks at you in a bad way that gets you thinking. What was this jerk planning? You ripped the box open and saw plastic wrap. You pulled it open and saw what looked like Johnny. As a toy.
“What the hell is this? Did you get me this?” You asked, Johnny glance into the box again and so did you. A letter inside made you read it instantly. 
Push the button on the back.
You look at the doll and pushed the button on its back. “Enjoy your new room.” You furrowed your brows and glared at Johnny. You raced to your room and pushed your door open, your mouth gapes at the scene. “What the hell, Johnny!” He comes in casually with his hand in his pockets. “What? I actually like it.”
“I don’t! Everything is...” You turned to the bed sheets that had his face on it, “You!” Toys of Johnny in his Fantastic Four suit were all over the place. Your curtains were blue with the number four on it. Johnny even added your figurine around the room.
“Where the hell did you get this stuff?” You asked, pacing around the room to gather all the merchandise. Johnny looks around like a proud guy. “Well, you know people get creative with us being top trending people, and I am the hottest guy here while you... hottest girl on the team as well, they made things for us. And I had a few people I know. It’s an early birthday gift.”
“My birthday was a month ago.”
Johnny pauses, lifting a finger up, “Okay... late birthday gift. But, hey...” He smiles like a child, pointing at you, “You are my biggest fan.” You grab the pillow case that had his face on it and threw it at him. “You’re so annoying! I hate you!” YOu shout. 
Johnny laughs and catches it. “Come on! It’s amazing! It took me hours.” You throw another object at him and he blocks them with the pillow. “Woah! Hey!” You throw more things, “You! Are! So! Annoying!” You say, you began to run over to him till he takes your face in his hands and your lips crash onto his. Your fighting stops and your hands go over his. Your lips relaxed on his and he pulls away.
You open your eyes to see his blue hues, his grin tugging his lips. “What?” You asked. Johnny still rested his palms on your cheeks, “You’re as red as I am on fire.” You stomp on his foot causing him to hiss and reach for his foot. “I hate you,” His back hunched over to grab his foot with his hand till you kiss him again and his head lifts up to kiss you back again. 
The kiss lasted for another second and you pulled away. 
“Now clean up my room. I expect it to go back to normal,” You say. Johnny looks around the room to see your obsession with him and it made him grin. “I think it is normal to have a room filled with myself all over. That bed sheet isn’t gonna be the only Johnny in bed.”
“Ugh, you need to work on your lines.”
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iamknicole · 4 years
Deja Vú (2)
Florian Munteanu/OC
Its probably pretty awful but it was stuck in my head 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️
After two weeks with her nieces their mother had finally picked them up from Angel. She didn't offer an excuse or extend a thank you but Angel wasn't expecting one either. She still checked on them while they were home because she knew her brother would want her to.
After work Angel decided to go to the hookah bar down the street from her house to relax. Her another friends usually went their together but they were all working but she didn't mind going alone.
She looked around the room as she sat in a booth waiting for a waitress. The room was dimly lit which is why she chose to sit at a booth with a small hanging light over it. Moments later, a brown skin girl dressed in black short shorts and a fitted black tee came to her table placing the hookah on it. She put fresh cubes at the top then smiled.
"Here you go. Its jungle juice flavored, love."
Angel looked at her strangely and took the hose from her, "Um ... this isn't mine. I didn't order this."
The waitress smiled. "It was from another customer. He asked me to send it to you."
"Oh no thank you. I'm good."
"Uh, no, I think you should keep it. Its the guy on the couch over there," The waitress explained pointing discreetly in the direction.
Rolling her eyes, Angel looked at who was on the sofa. When she did she spotted the man she had bumped into weeks ago sitting wide legged with the hookah hose in his hand. She smiled and sat back in the booth.
"Can you do me a favor and take it over to sit on his table? I'm gonna sit with him."
The waitress nodded waiting for Angel to get up and follow her. When she got to the table she sat beside him, turning her body sideways so she could look at him.
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"Jungle juice?"
He laughed taking a pull from the hose.
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"Seemed fitting. It got you here, didn't it?"
"I guess it did," she hummed picking up her own hose, "Why is it fitting?"
"Closest thing to jungle fever, no?"
Angel laughed for the first time in a while. She shook her head taking a pull.
"What do you think?" He asked watchign her facial expressions.
"Minty and fruity. I like it."
He nodded. "I have good taste. Looks like you do as well."
The two sat for another two hours talking about nothing in particular. They'd gone through four refreshers before Angel's phone vibrated on the table. She saw her nieces' picture pop up and answered putting her hand over her other ear.
"What's up, Nyla?" She asked quickly.
"Auntie, come get us, please."
"Why? Whats wrong?"
"Mama not here and her boyfriend got people in the house. They doin drugs, Auntie. I had to lock us in Nia's room."
Angel took a deep breath before answering. "Alright, I'm on my way. Stay in the room till I get there."
When they hung up, Angel looked over and started to call his name realizing she didn't know what it was.
"We've been sitting here and I don't even know you're name."
He leaned in close so she could hear him, "Florian."
She smiled and stuck her hand out to him which he took. His hand swallowed hers. "Well, Florian, I'm Angel."
"Hmm.... Angel? Never thought I'd see on walk the earth." He responded cooly slowly letting her hand fall from his.
"Cute," she laughed, "But I need to go, my nieces need me. "
Florian flagged the waitress down, "Give me a second to pay. I'll go with you."
"You don't gotta do that, Florian. I assume you were just apologizing for bumping me. All is forgiven."
After handing the waitress two hundred dollar bills, he laughed under his breath and stood up. He offered his hand to her which she took.
"Not what I was doing. Sounded like you were upset, I want to make sure all is okay."
Figuring that arguing wouldn't work, Angel followed him outside. He walked her to her car then told her to follow him to his building so he could drop his car off.
"Your nieces okay?" He asked fifteen minutes into their drive.
"As long as they're in their room, they are."
"Is there a problem where they live?"
Angel nodded turning into the neighborhood. "Yeah, their mama got shit for brains."
Florian laughed at the tone of her voice. He understood the seriousness but to hear her so upset was sort of amusing to him after she'd been so happy and carefree at the bar.
"Something funny?"
"Yeah, the way you said that. You sound pissed."
"Cause I am," she snorted. "Stop making me wanna laugh."
When they pulled up to the house, Angel parked across the street and killed her engine. She saw the cars parked in front of the house and shook her head.
"You mind coming in with me to get them?"
Florian shook his head and started to get out, "Not at all. Come on."
The door was unlocked when they got to the porch so they walked on in. Florian walked closely behind her looking around the small house. Angel went straight to the living room she spotted 6 men and 2 women sitting around it.
"Chanda know you doin this shit in her house, Rod?" Angel asked loudly.
Rod jumped then scoffed when he realized who it was. "Man, gone somewhere with all that. Take ya bougie ass on."
"Yeah, after I get my nieces I will. I don't know why she let your dumbass have a key anyway." Angel fussed turning to leave the living room.
"I don't know why she gave you a key either, bitch. Airways messing shit up."
Angel started to turn around but Florian stopped her telling her to grab her nieces. She knocked softly on the bedroom door then called their names softly promoting them to open the door.
"Come on. We leaving, yall. Yall got what yall need?"
Nyla grabbed both their bookbags then her little sister's hand and walked out the bedroom. Shaking her head, Angel followed them down the short hallway and found Rod pinned against the wall by Florian. She gave Nylah the keys telling her to go get in her sub then rushed to Florian pulling his arm to no avail.
"Let him go. Its okay."
"Its not," he said simply, "Apologize to her."
Rod stuttered out an apology prompting Florian to let him go. Nodding, Angel pulled her new friend out of her sister's house to the suv.
"Girls, this is Florian. Florian, these are my nieces, Nia and Nylah." Angel said pulling off from the house. "We're gonna take him home then get food. Okay?"
Florian turned in his seat to smile at them. "Nice to meet you, girls."
"You our uncle? We never had one and we want one." Nia said smiling.
Angel sucked her teeth, "Nia, hush. That's not your business."
"Correction," Nyla added, "You never had a uncle, Nia. I did. But Auntie said he wasn't shit so he had to go."
"Nyla! Watch your mouth!"
Florian laughed turning back around in his seat, "I like them. They're funny."
"We like you too, Uncle Flo!" Nia squealed. "You come over for dinner?"
"Sure, I'd love too."
Angel side eyed him as she drove, knowing this was another losing argument.
After picking up some soul food, they all went back to Angel's house to eat. She sent her nieces upstairs to bathe and change before they ate leaving Florian and her in the kitchen. Her phone rung while she fixed their plates, she answered it putting it on speaker.
"What, Chanda?"
"You been to my house?"
Angel sucked her teeth. "You know good and damn well I've been there. What do you want?"
"I want you to stay the hell.outta my house when I'm not there. Every time Nyla lying ass call you, ya bougie ass come runnin. Aint shit happen."
Angel put down the spoon she was holding and stared at her phone. "She didn't say anything happened other than Rod had people over there with drugs so what are you talking about?"
Chanda paused for a second then spoke, "Oh well don't worry about that then. But you heard what I said stop running over here aint shit wrong with them. They just spoiled cause of you."
"My nieces aren't liars and I'm always gon pick them up when they ask. You need to worry about leaving them there with Rod ass." Angel fussed rolling her neck as if Chanda could see her.
Chanda sucked her teeth. "You know what since you think you know everything and you and ya stupid ass brother think you can raise them better than I can then you keep they asses. I aint want them no way, lyin ass lil children."
"Whatver, Chanda. Thats fine, they would rather be here anyway."
Angel hung up the phone without waitng for a response and put her face in her hands trying to calm herself down. Florian, who she'd forgotten about in the midst of the argument, came around the island and wrapped his arms around him to comfort her. He rocked them from side to side letting her cry on his chest.
"So we live here now?" Nia asked softly from the doorway.
Angel pulled away from the hug wiping her face and pushed her hair behind her ears. She went over to both of her nieces, who'd been standing there since the tail end of the conversation.
"Yeah, I guess yall do. Is that okay?" She asked both of them.
Nyla shrugged, "Took long enough. Been tryna move here for months."
Nia hugged her aunt's legs smiling. "I love it here! We get to live with you forever!"
Angel hugged her back laugjing softly, "What about when ya daddy comes back?"
"Then he can come live here!"
Nyla laughed going to sit to the table, "No, Daddy said we getting our own house plus Auntie and Uncle Flo need their space."
Nia pulled away from the hug and ran to the table to her sister.
"Space for what?"
"To make our cousins, duh, Nia."
Angel rolled her eyes playfully when she heard Florian laughing. "Okay, okay, lets eat and stop talking about cousins."
"But I can still be their uncle," Florian asked playfully as he walked over to the table to sit down.
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hazel-writes · 4 years
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Summary: You begin your first official day of work and meet your new coworkers, who turn out to be full of surprises.
Word Count: 2,300
Notes: This chapter is a bit slow, but I'm excited to introduce you to some new characters! If you want to see Picrew face-claims for these characters, look here. Otherwise, imagine them to look however you want!
Warnings: brief mentions of violence
I'm trying hard to hide
Keep the sun out of my eyes
Close them tight
And now I'm waiting for the moon to rise
Belle and Sebastian ~ Waiting for the Moon
You walked through the door, nervously wringing your hands, despite your best efforts not to. Your eyes scanned the room, eventually landing on a large, grey reception desk. Sitting behind the desk was none other than Ms. Stoney, the uptight woman who had “welcomed” you onto the ship the day before.
You took a deep breath before walking over to her, waiting patiently for her to look up and address you — but she didn’t. You tried subtly clearing your throat, shifting your feet from side to side, and moving into her line of sight, but nothing seemed to grab her attention. Eventually you forced out a meek, “Hi, there!” to which she responded with an annoyed glance in your direction.
“Oh, it’s you again,” she grumbled with a mix of tiredness and disappointment.
“Uh, yeah, it is,” you smiled back, which you could tell bothered her. “I’m looking for the artist workspace? I know it’s somewhere within this department, but I wasn’t sure where exactly…”
“Artist?” she questioned, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah! Ya know, an individual who… does art?” Your attempt at an explanation was met by silence. “Umm… they’re usually covered in some sort of paint or clay, might dress a little funny, are often a little angsty, possibly tormented by some aspect of their past?” More silence. You give a strained smile; you really shouldn’t keep trying to talk over awkward silences. “Not ringing a bell, huh?”
Through clenched teeth she replied,“I believe the people you are looking for are through those doors on the left.”
She said the word people like it left a bad taste in her mouth. She obviously didn’t think too kindly of them.
“Great, thanks,” you replied, heading to the door she indicated.
You opened it, and to your surprise you saw no canvases, paint splatters, tin cans, or haphazard brushes littering the room. The walls and floors were a spotless white. A large, circular table was positioned in the center of the room, surrounded by sleek modern chairs and data pads on tripods. This didn’t look like your dad’s studio back home; a place where the remnants of unfinished projects were put on display for everyone to see and learn from. Here, you could already tell: making mistakes wasn’t an option. There was no room for error.
You returned your attention to what was in front of you, only to have three pairs of eyes meet yours.
The first pair belonged to a girl of medium height. She had long, slightly frazzled, blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that contrasted her pale skin. She jumped when you walked in, her face immediately lighting up when she saw you. The second pair belonged to a taller girl. She had warm, chestnut eyes that complemented her dark, sepia skin. Her hair framed her face in a fan of tight curls. She seemed to examine you carefully, squinting slightly, before turning back to her work. The final pair belonged to a boy of medium height. He had shaggy light brown hair and a tanned, terracotta complexion. He looked at you with curious hazel eyes, smirking ever so slightly.
The three of them looked to be about your age, somewhere in their 20's.
The blonde-haired girl ran over to you, pulling you away from your observations. “You must be the new girl!” she exclaimed. “I’m Rilea, your new best friend.”
You were taken aback by her enthusiastic and cheerful attitude; it wasn’t something you encountered very often on the Finalizer. You laughed nervously. “Oh, uhh… cool?”
The boy with the disheveled hair spoke up from the back of the room. “Don’t mind her, she has a new best friend each week.” He smirked at Rilea and she threw a box of tissues at him playfully.
“While that may be true,” she continued, turning to face you, “I can tell that you are going to be my favorite best friend.”
“That’s literally what you say to every single new person you meet,” the boy piped up again.
“For star's sake, Takoda, why do you have to be such a mudcrutch?!” Rilea shouted at him, frustrated.
You continued to observe in silence, still adjusting to the rapid shift of atmosphere in this room compared to the rest of the Finalizer.
You moved to go sit, finding an open seat next to the quiet, curly-haired girl. You gave her a small smile when you sat down, and she returned the favor, scooting her chair over to give you more room. Rilea, and the boy whose name apparently was Takoda, continued to argue like a couple of four year olds.
“Are they always like this?” you asked the girl seated next to you.
“Yup, pretty much,” she replied. “That is, of course, in between the times when they aren’t getting any work done… and the times when they still aren’t getting any work done.”
You laughed. “Well, at least one person here seems to have a level-head.”
“Make that two,” she said, giving you a smile. “My name is Akilah. What’s yours?”
You told her your full name before giving her your nickname, Wren, as well.
“Wren…” she pondered. “Not as in Kylo Ren, right?”
“No, no, no, stars, no,” you emphasized. “It’s the name of a- ” You paused, reconsidering. “I actually don’t know where it comes from, my friends just started calling me by it one day...”
Akilah stared at you intently for a few moments before Takoda shouted over at the two of you.
“Hey, you two aren’t gossiping about us now, are ya?”
You sighed, “Nope, just getting to know Akilah here.”
Rilea poked her head out from behind Takoda, “She's my best friend too!”
You mentally face-palmed and turned to fully face the group.
“So, this is the artist workspace?” you questioned, skeptically.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I wouldn’t go that far as to say we are artists,” said Takoda.
You were confused. “But I thought-”
“You thought wrong. Here, you just follow the rules and instructions laid out for you. We are given colors, words, and images, and it’s simply our job to assemble it all into a neat poster or flyer for distribution.”
“Oh…” you replied, disappointed.
“I’m not even an artist,” he continued. “They just stuck me here after I was medically discharged from the trooper program. For the most part, everyone in this sector just got placed here because there was nothing else they could do”
“So why did they bother hiring me then?” you questioned. “If I’m gonna be honest, I’m used to a little more creative freedom back home. They could’ve chosen anyone for this job.”
“I don’t know,” Takoda replied. “Maybe they want their propaganda to look good for a change.” He smirked.
“Where did you say you were from again, bestie?” Rilea asked.
“Oh, I didn’t,” you replied. “I’m from Lothal.”
Immediately, each member of the team looked at each other, worried.
“Lothal…” Rilea repeated. “That’s one of the Order's targeted planets right now. I have a feeling that pretty soon we'll be distributing posters there. Maybe Hux thinks you can help reason with the people there?”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Akilah added. “First Order propaganda would be a lot easier to accept coming from a fellow citizen.”
You pondered their words. What they were saying was probably true: you were simply a tool to be used by the First Order. They didn’t care about your talent or passion; they just needed your image.
“Well, I don't know how helpful I'd be on that front,” you sighed, pausing. “So what is the project you are working on now?”
“We’ll know soon enough,” said Takoda. “Our fourth member should be returning soon with our new assignment.”
“Fourth member?” you questioned.
At that moment, the door swung open with a dramatic bang, revealing a tall, lanky boy with jet black hair and evergreen eyes. He was pale with light freckles speckling his face and arms. His eyes narrowed when they met yours, scrutinizing your presence.
“Look, here he is, ‘fun-sized Kylo’ himself,” Takoda quipped.
Rilea leaned towards you. “He claims that he adopted the whole ‘tormented soul, dramatic hair’ look before Ren even thought of it,” she snickered.
You were confused, but luckily Akilah came to your rescue.
“This is Soren,” she explained. “Our fourth member… Well, fifth, now.”
“Oh!” you replied, stretching out your hand for him to shake. “It’s nice to meet you I’m -”
“Irrelevant,” he interrupted bluntly, briskly brushing past you to sit at the back of the room.
You stood there, hand still outstretched, looking to the others for guidance.
Takoda spoke first, turning to face Soren. “Hey, laser brain, why don’t ya try being a little nicer to our newest member.”
“This is our newest member?” he responded, disapprovingly. “She doesn’t look like the First Order’s finest.”
“That’s because I’m not,” you interjected, defensive. “I’m from Lothal originally. Today is technically my first day with the Order.”
At the mention of your home planet, Soren visibly tensed, his fingers curling into tight fists. The other three looked nervously at each other; they knew something you didn’t.
Akilah, again, interrupted the tense silence. “We should probably get to work… What’s the new assignment Sor?”
Hearing her voice, he seemed to relax a little, pulling out a few papers with various sketches and color swatches.
“They want us to design posters directed at the people of Dantooine. The First Order is currently working to establish a blockade on the planet. It is our job to convince the natives to submit, while also showing them that they have the ability to contribute their own assets to our cause.”
You frowned, unsure of a few posters' ability to do such a thing. You were familiar with Dantooine; its history was deeply rooted in rebel allegiance. You doubted that a few pieces of paper could somehow shift the ingrained attitudes of thousands of people. But then again, you were an artist. And as an artist, it was your job to put blind faith into your work, simply hoping that others could see what you saw in it.
“How successful has this First Order propaganda been in the past?” you asked, genuinely curious.
Takoda laughed. “Not very. Usually, it just makes the citizens more angry. But that kind of works in favor of the Order: as soon as the rebels and their sympathizers become violent, whatever happens to them at the hands of the Order is then justified, so to speak.”
“What would happen if we tried to mix things up a bit? Like attempting a different style, color scheme, or whatever it may be, to make the posters more effective?” you suggested.
Suddenly serious, Takoda spoke. “No. We don’t do anything without the Order’s permission. Never. That’s our number one rule. We can mess around and make jokes all we want in here, but whatever finished product leaves this room has to be exactly what was requested of us.”
Something in Takoda’s voice made it seem like there was history behind this rule — history that didn't conclude with a happy ending. Looking around the room, you knew you were right. Everyone, except for Soren, was avoiding your gaze, choosing to stare at their shoes or the floor. Soren continued to bore into you with a death-glare, but your instincts told you he was like this with everyone and not to take it too personally.
“Yeah, I get it,” you responded. Soren looked at you sceptically. “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about. I’m on my last warning with General Hux — another mistake will pretty much guarantee my head a new home in the trash compactor.”
“Speaking of Hux, we are to report to him tomorrow with drafts,” Soren finally spoke up.
“Tomorrow?!” Rilea exclaimed.
“Yup,” Soren replied, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Of course he would pull something like this, giving us less than 24 hours notice...” Rilea muttered, irritated.
“Stars, I swear that man is 90% petulant child, 7% attempted scariness, and 3% toupee,” you responded.
This earned a chuckle from the group. Even Soren managed a smirk.
“Yeah, well, sadly, that petulant child has a big red button sitting under his bony finger that can destroy entire planets in the blink of an eye,” said Akilah, quietly. “So, we should probably get to work.”
“She’s right,” you say, desperate to end any talk of Hux. “Let’s start.”
And with that, the five of you began work on what was your first official project on the Finalizer. Akilah showed you how to accurately read the diagrams that the Order had provided. Rilea and Takoda attempted to work for a few minutes before devolving into yet another tissue paper fight. Soren sat quietly in the corner, working on the new project, glancing up every now and then at you and Akilah.
Despite the hectic menagerie of personalities that surrounded you, you were glad that you weren't stuck working with cold, robotic First Order employees like Ms. Stoney. You desperately wanted to ask your new friends about their backstories and how they came to be “artists” on the Finalizer, but Takoda and Rilea were busy stuffing tissues in each other’s ears, and Akilah and Soren seemed like the ‘work in silence’ types. You decided to settle with your own thoughts for now; it wasn’t as if you were lacking them.
It occurred to you that tomorrow you would have to face Hux again, the memory of what he sneered at you in the hallway this morning still fresh in your mind: Strike two.
You didn’t know what strike three would involve, but you definitely didn’t want to find out.
Unfortunately, you didn't get that lucky.
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anika-ann · 5 years
The Line between Respectful and Stupid - Pt.3
How to Make Friends with a Superhero
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader       Word count: 2800
Warnings:  medical blood, swearing, mentions of nightmares, fluff
Summary: When things are a bit settled, one big question remains - or well, at least two, but one bugging the hell out of you; how are you supposed to face Steve now?
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Story Masterlist
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You woke up with a startle, a dull throb in your arm following you from your dream – an awful dream full of explosions and bullets. Taking a second, you came to conclusion it was the other was around – that the real deal of getting shot followed you to the dream and back. You ran your hand down your face tiredly, sitting up on the bed.
It was a huge bed. Unfairly comfortable. You were sure that if it weren’t for the pain, you wouldn’t wake up for a very long time, such action actually offensive the glorious piece of furniture.
But you did wake up. And you were still on a mission, so you needed to get off your ass. The man who was probably still in the next room motivated you enough to stand up and caused you to paint an unwitting smile on your face despite the shitty situation you were in.
Which was not silly at all.
You tried to fix your hair blindly as you walked to the living room, surprised to find it empty. There was no Steve, but there was Captain America’s shield leant onto a wall next to the fireplace, making you smirk. No matter what side of himself Steve had showed you, the man was sure attached to his toy.
To be fair, that ‘toy’ was a big part of the reason you were still alive, so you were definitely not about to call him out on it, let alone complain.
Making your way further to the cabin, you entered the kitchen connected with a dining room. Your smile widened automatically as you found Steve sitting at the table, laptop in front of himself, a cup of what you guessed was coffee right next to it. He immediately looked up from the screen when he acknowledged your presence and smiled right back at you.
“Morning. Feel better?” he asked, his eyes subtly roaming all over your figure, still dressed in the dirty bloody uniform.
Your appearance was in a stark contrast to his; he was dressed in a simple light t-shirt (that was not too tight around his muscles at all) and grey sweats and must have taken a shower, because there were no longer streaks of dirt on his face or anywhere else, no blood. He looked so disgustingly clean in comparison to you that you felt a pang of shame. Except he didn’t seem to mind, watching you with concern when you didn’t reply at instant.
“Yeah, much. Thank you,” you assured him, stepping into the room, forcing yourself to stop staring at him. It dawned to you had never checked him for injuries. The feeling of shame only throbbed with more intensity. “You?”
The blatant confusion on his face was almost funny. “Huh?”
“How are you? I was a bit tired and not thinking straight. I didn’t even ask if you had any injuries that I couldn’t see.”
Though you sure look just fine in this outfit of yours… or the uniform.
“I’m fine.” That’s what I thought. He seemed touched at your worry and slightly taken aback, flustered even. He gestured vaguely towards the kitchen units. “I dug up some canned soup if you’d like. You should probably eat something. And you know, liquids.”
You briefly followed his gaze, noticing a washed bowl and cooking pot on the rack next to the sink. Clearly, he had helped himself, so there was probably nothing wrong with you doing the same, even though your rank and his were very different. Judging by the uncomfortable clench of your stomach, it didn’t care for such things.
“Thank you. That’s very kind of-… is ‘kind-ass’ a word? I would put it on the list.”
Steve chuckled softly, raising a curious eyebrow as you made your way to the cooker.
“You remember that conversation? You seemed a bit out.”
“It’s fuzzy, but I do remember that… I’m sorry for putting my foot in my mouth,” you apologized, feeling a blush creeping up your neck and cheeks.
Steve had been very kind to you, treating you as if you were a friend and while he seemed to like to be treated the same way, thinking about it, you might have crossed a line. Blame it on the pain-meds. Speaking of pain-meds…
This time, Steve laughed, not bothering to hide his amusement at your practically drunken ass. Once again, you didn’t catch a single malicious note in that sound, because of course he wouldn’t laugh at you in a degrading way.
“Don’t be, it was refreshing. Don’t stop on my account. And I promise to keep that out of the mission report,” he assured you with a playful wink, making your face flush in crimson. You didn’t hold back either though.
“’Kay. Very kind of you, again. Should I keep that information out of my report? Do you have a reputation you’d like to maintain?”
“I leave that up to you. Now, food and liquids,” he ordered, letting a serious note in his voice for the first time.
“Yes, Sir. Can I get you anything?” you asked lamely, but his smile in return seemed genuine as he shook his head, gesturing toward his coffee as if he was saying he had all he needed.
“No, thank you. Actually, I’ve got something for you.” You looked at him curiously. “I left you some clothes in the bathroom, it’s Natasha’s, so it should be about your size.” Like Natasha Romanoff?! You gulped at the idea, ignoring the flutter in your stomach at Steve’s care once again. “And clean towel, supplies, hopefully all you need.”
You opened your mouth uselessly, only to close it again, which made Steve’s lips twitch. Good to know I’m funny…. You tried your best to charm a grateful smile, deciding that the shower was definitely number two, right after the food.
“Thank you, Steve. I really appreciate that. You’re sure— uhm, sure that Agent Romanoff won’t mind?”
The corners of his mouth rose higher. Oh great. “I’m sure she’ll live.”
Yeah. But if you don’t stop smirking and smiling like that, I might not. Captain.  
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You nestled in a chair with a bowl of soup in your hands, shamelessly savouring its heat in your palms. Steve gave you a brief smile over the screen before returning to the report he was writing.
You ate your food in silence, trying to pay attention to your doing instead of staring at Steve’s face. Needless to say, you weren’t doing a very good job and your commander caught your eyes few times, after which you always lowered your gaze to the bowl very quickly. He didn’t call you out on it though and you would actually swear he found it amusing if the crinkle in his irises was anything to go by.
You didn’t know how much time passed when he finished with a sigh, massaging the bridge of his nose – the gesture screamed ‘tired’. It occurred to you how much the mission’s outcome must have been lying or perhaps raging in his thoughts. With another pang of shame, you realized you were so tangled in your own little world that you almost forgot how you had got in here in the first place.
You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Any news?”
Steve’s hand dropped at instant and he charmed a professional smile for you. You didn’t like that. It didn’t reach his eyes and it was his close-off. You weren’t asking Captain America, you wanted to keep talking to Steve.
“Oh, the extraction team should be here in about eight hours.”
That caught you by surprise. You expected them to be faster. Then again, they had a lot of work… potentially. With the others…?
“Oh. Great. Thanks. Did they… do you have any information about the rest of the team?”
This time, Steve’s smile was more genuine, his shoulders slightly losing their tension.
“They caught four different signals. Hopefully some of the agents are in pairs as well.”
“Yeah…” you mused, thanking heavens you were stuck in pair with Steve of all people. “So what do we do in the meantime? I mean, besides hoping and changing the sheets, and scraping the couch clean, obviously.”
“Not much, I guess,” he replied and you couldn’t help but smile when he dropped his professional persona completely, opening up again. He gave you a pointed look. “And there are people to change the sheets too, you know? You can write a report if you want. You can have the laptop, I’m finished anyway—if- if you want to.”
He blurted the last part in a hurry as he must have seen the horrified expression on your face. Mission reports. You hated writing mission reports – well, missions you weren’t to, only trying out as a part of the training so far. Guess it was time to grow up and do it for real.
An unpleasant knot tightened your stomach at the idea of someone reading it after you – like someone potentially important, real – but you couldn’t help but feel excited about your first report as well. Though it would be very short, given how the mission went, i.e. very quickly to shit.
One glance at Steve told you he felt the same about it. He also seemed to be worn to a bone.
“Sounds like a good way of passing time – for me. About you… I hope I’m not overstepping… but you look like you could use at least a nap, Steve. I promise to be as quiet as a mouse…” He was looking at you with that strange look you had caught before, though not unkindly. You were totally overstepping, weren’t you? You needed to do something like—heh. “…and not to kill you in your sleep.”
Success! The corners of his lips twitched.
“Because that would look really bad, to be found in a safe house with a corpse, huh?”
“Corpse of Captain America no less,” you added, your mouth unwittingly curling up in a playful smile.
“With no defensive wounds.”
“High treason.”
“So cold-blooded.”
“If you weren’t so heavy I would just drag you to the shower, telling them you slipped, you know. But you’re all muscles, so I guess I wouldn’t handle that. So, no killing you in your sleep.”
That earned you a raised eyebrow and a chuckle. “Lucky me.”
“So… sleep? The sheets aren’t too bad, but I’ll change them for you… if you tell me where the fresh ones are stocked.”
His smile turned kind when he noticed your hesitation and he rose to his feet.
“I think I’ll handle. Thanks for holding the fort for a while.”
“Nah. What kind of an agent would leave their Captain sleep-deprived?” you joked and waved it off jovially, following his footsteps with your gaze.
“Not you, clearly.”
“What kind of a person would deny sleep to someone who needs it, especially when they were so amiable?”
You didn’t mean to say that part out loud, not wanting to admit that this was more of a friendly gesture than being a good inferior. You did though and Steve heard you; he gave you a gorgeous smile.
You pretended that the way he whispered your name before leaving the room didn’t make you shiver.
Taking a shower was the best idea you had in the past few hours. Making coffee was the second best, starting the report was the third, the fourth being taking a new dose of painkillers.
You weren’t sure if checking on Steve was the fifth best, but it was what you did – for all you knew, he could have taken pain-meds too. And what kind of an agent would let their commander to suffocate in their sleep because of an overdose? Not you, that was for sure.
Not to mention that you would be in an awful lot of trouble if Captain America died on your watch, especially like that.
You sneaked into the bedroom as quietly as you could, terrified he would catch you lurking around him despite promising not to disturb him. It turned out that your worries were baseless; Steve was curled up on the bed on his side, tangled in the covers, not facing you, soundly asleep. As you observed his form, examining whether his chest was rising and falling regularly, you noticed another movement.
You blinked, taking several cautious steps closer, half-expecting him to jolt awake if the floor creaked under your feet or something. But nope. You managed to circle the bed, enough to see the distress displayed on the soldier’s face, his brows furrowed, mouth twisted in the exact opposite of the smile you remembered seeing earlier today. And yep, he was totally shivering as his fingers were tightly gripping the sheets.
Was he cold? Was he just having a nightmare? Reliving an ugly memory? Not that you would blame him with what he must have seen during his years as a soldier and an agent-- you could only wonder if it was all of these combined together. For all you knew, he could even remember some of his frozen time…
You shook your head at your stupid and useless thoughts and rather decided to take action. Reaching for the covers on the other side of the bed, you pulled them over him – biting your lip the whole time, your heart racing at the idea of him catching you.
Once again, a baseless worry; he was out cold (no pun intended) and when you got a little bolder, trying to muffle him in the covers so the draft wouldn’t steal the tiniest bit of warmth you suspected he needed to savour, he didn’t even flinch or whimper or anything.
Mission accomplished…. Except while the shivers were less visible under the pile of covers, his face was still twisted in a grimace.
Your brain decided to go full carrier-suicide mode, because there was only one way to let the nightmare go away. And you didn’t like it. You sighed, mentally preparing for— god knew what. A yell. A scolding. A firing. Everything and anything.
You touched his shoulder carefully, attempting to wake him up – preferably without getting punched in your face if he jolted awake.
He didn’t. To be honest, he seemed grounded by the touch. His lips, releasing a tiny whimper, parted. A shaky exhale escaped him. Unwittingly, you did the same, your heart aching in your chest with both compassion and relief.
Well, you’d be damned. Captain America – and no, that wasn’t right, he was more Steve Rogers than anyone else when interacting with you – was touch-starved in his sleep. Or maybe not necessarily touch-starved, but… clearly, the contact helped.
You kept your hand on place, pretending your heart wasn’t beating its way out of your ribcage, melting at the same time. Pretending that this wasn’t the most beautiful picture of a man you had seen in years and that it wasn’t doing things to you. That it didn’t move you and physically ached you not to lay next to him and-
Alright. Stop it right there. No cuddles.
Seeing that his breathing evened and his face relaxed, you gulped and raised your hand, forcing yourself to spin on your heels and head out before he could wake up and call you out on your boldness, even when driven by worries.
You froze in the doorway when he let out a distressed noise you didn’t quite identify.
Well, shit.
You closed the door again soundlessly and made your way back, finding his previously softened features in a frown again. You sighed. You had to wake him up. You were not happy with that any more than before, but hey, what else-
That’s a stupid idea.
Not if you don’t cuddle him.
You mentally shushed the two voices in your head, sitting down on the floor beside the bed, your shoulder leaning onto the mattress in around Steve’s waist, you guessed – it was hard to tell with all the covers. With a shaky inhale, you reached for his shoulder again, your hand hesitantly slipping under the covers into their pleasant warmth.
Steve stirred at first – effectively giving you a heart attack –, but you could tell the tension of his muscles eased within a moment. You smiled despite yourself, not charmed by the peaceful expression on his handsome face in the slightest.
Right. Keep yourself telling that. And that you are not falling for the man who hides behind the mask of a hard-ass commander and the famous shield of his. Yeah, you’re great at lying to yourself, keep up the good work.
You barely held back a giggle when a cute and almost soundless snore escaped him.
Yeah. Cute. Right. You totally have this under control. Not falling for him at all.
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Part 4
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*throwing fluff around like confetti, grinning like a maniac* You get (plotless) fluff, and you get fluff and you get fluff as well!
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shawtygonemad · 4 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 2
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor was frowning at the screen. This was not good. The signal was getting stronger, meaning the plastics were as well. Good thing the Doctor made a portable device to track down the signal. The Gallifreyan stepped out of the blue box and was on her way.
She was lead towards a housing complex. The signal was very strong here. The Doctor was about to approach the plastic bin when a girl popped out of it. The girl walked over to the yellow buggie and got inside. She was definitely plastic. The Doctor was about to approach the plastic when Ross stepped out of the house. He started to walk towards the yellow buggie. The Doctor quickly hid out of sight. This boy is extremely danger prone. This handsome pink and yellow human seemed to need her help constantly.
"Handsome?" She quietly questioned herself. When did she start to think of him as attractive?
The buggie drove by her. A growl rumbled in her throat. Her distraction let the plastic get away, and with Ross! The plastic tracker was out in a matter of seconds. She quickly followed the signal again.
The Time Lord soon found the buggie once more. It was parked outside the little café she left the TARDIS behind earlier. She put the tracker away, and stepped inside. Casually looking around she finally spotted Ross sitting at a table with the plastic girl across from him. The Doctor quickly grabbed an unopened bottle of champagne off a table, unnoticed. She headed towards their table.
"Your champagne," she offered the bottle, waiting to be noticed.
"We didn't order any champagne. Where's the Doctor," the plastic demanded.
The Doctor frowned and turned towards Ross.
"Sir, your champagne," she offered again.
"It's not ours. Mickey, what is it? What's wrong," Ross asked this girl.
He cared for her, or at least this image of the girl and not the plastic. They must be in a relationship. The Doctor felt a little pang of jealousy.
'Stop.' She internally yelled at herself.
"Doesn't anybody want this champagne?"
"Look, we didn't order it," The plastic finally looked up to see the Doctor. "Ah, gotcha," the plastic smiled.
The Doctor started to shake the bottle vigorously. "Don't mind me. I'm just toasting the happy couple. On the house!" She yelled as the cork was released. It flew and stuck in the plastic's forehead.
Slowly the cork was absorbed into her forehead. She soon spit it out of her mouth. Ross looked horrified.
"Anyway," the plastic began to get up, and turned its hand into a chopper.
Ross let out a surprised yell, and fled as plastic Mickey busted the table. The Doctor grabbed the Auton's head, and pulled it off. The other customers saw this, and began to panic. All hell broke loose.
"Don't think that's going to stop me," the head spoke to the Doctor.
The plastic's body got up, and started to flail around. Ross, being the genius that he was, set off the fire alarm. This would allow the customers to escape.
"Everyone out! Out now! Get out! Get out! Get out!" Ross yelled.
The Doctor then led Ross through the kitchen. The head tried to bite the Doctor.
"Oi! Stop that!"
The body of the head wrecked the restaurant before following them to the back exit. The Doctor quickly sealed the exit shut while Ross ran down the alley, past the TARDIS. The Doctor found it ironic that she parked it there earlier in the day. Ross was panicked when he found a padlock on the exit gates.
"Open the gate! Use that tube thing. Come on!"
"Sonic screwdriver," she corrected him.
"Use it," he frantically yelled.
The Doctor casually walked over toward the TARDIS.
"Nah. Tell you what, let's go in here."
The Doctor unlocked the police box, and went inside. The Auton hammered on the metal door, making large dents.
"You can't hide inside a wooden box. It's going to get us! Doctor," Ross yelled.
He tried the gate again. The blonde finally gave up on the gate. He ran into the TARDIS. Ross paused, and stared wide eyed around the console room. He quickly ran out. The human was probably trying to figure out the 'bigger on the inside' concept. The boy finally ran back inside.
"It's going to follow us," he panicked.
The Doctor rushed around the console, pressing buttons and pulling knobs. "The assembled hoards of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried. Now shut up a minute."
The Doctor set the head on the console panel, and started to attach wires to it. If she could set up a connection, then she could get to the main signal!
"You see, the arm was too simple, but the head is perfect! I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source." The Doctor turned to the confused human. "Right. Where do you want to start?"
"Um… The inside's bigger than the outside…?" Ross spoke hesitantly.
"'s alien."
"Are you alien?"
"Yes… Is that alright?" The Doctor prepared herself for a scream and rejection from the boy.
'Thank Rassilon! I'm no good with emotional situations.' She thought to herself.
"It's called the TARDIS, this thing. T. A. R. D. I. S. That's Time And Relative Dimension In Space."
Ross looked ready to burst into tears.
'Please don't cry! Please don't cry!'
"That's okay. Cultural Shock. Happens to the best of us," she spoke awkwardly. She really wasn't good with the whole 'emotions' thing.
"Did they kill her? Mickey? Did they kill Mickey? Is she dead," Ross asked concerned.
The Doctor furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh, didn't think of that."
"She's my girlfriend. You pulled off her head. They copied her and you didn't even think?" He then wildly gestured to the console panel. "And now you're just going to let her melt?"
"Melt?" The Doctor turned to look and gasped.
"Oh no! No, no, no, no!"
She ran over to the console fast, and set the TARDIS in motion. She needed to follow that signal!
"What are you doing?"
"Following the signal. It's fading! Wait a minute," she quickly latched onto the fading signal. "I've got it!" The signal started to fade quicker and was almost gone. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Almost there. Almost there. Here we go!"
The TARDIS landed, and the Doctor bolted out the door.
"You can't go out there! It's not safe," Ross yelled behind the Doctor.
The night time breeze blew through the Doctor's hair. She frowned deeply.
"I lost the signal. I got so close!"
"We've moved. Does it fly?"
"Disappears there and reappears here. You wouldn't understand." She was frustrated with the situation.
"If we're somewhere else, what about the headless thing? It's still on the loose."
The Doctor began to stress out.
"It melted with the head. Are you going to witter on all night," she questioned bitterly.
There was a short pause before Ross quietly spoke up, almost heartbroken.
"I'll have to tell her mother. Mickey. I'll have to tell her mother she's dead, and you just went and forgot her, again! You were right, you are alien."
The Doctor faced Ross now. She was getting very cross.
"Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey-"
"She's not a kid!"
"It's because I'm trying to save the life of every stupid ape blundering on top of this planet, all right!"
Selfish. That's what these humans are. Ungrateful for the acts of heroicness she does. She risks her life countless times, and all they care about are themselves.
"If you're an alien, how comes you sound like you're from the North?"
"Lots of planets have a North." She was starting to calm down.
"What's a 'police public call box'?"
"It's a telephone box from the 1950's. It's a disguise."
"Okay. And this, this living plastic. What's it got against us?"
"Nothing. It loves you. You've got such a good planet. Lots of smoke and oil, plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air, perfect. Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs. Its food stock was destroyed in the war, all its protein plants rotted, so Earth, dinner!" She made an eating motion.
"Any way of stopping it?"
The Doctor grinned, before taking out a tube filled with blue liquid.
"Anti-plastic! But first I've got to find it. How can you hide something that big in a city this small?"
"Hold on. Hide what?" Ross asked.
"The transmitter. The consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic, so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal."
"What's it look like?"
"Like a transmitter. Round and massive, slap bang in the middle of London."
Ross stared behind the Doctor, but she didn't notice.
"A huge circular metal structure like a dish, like a wheel. Radial. Close to where we're standing. Must be completely invisible!"
Ross kept gesturing towards the Eye.
"What?" The Doctor looked around confused. She finally saw the Eye and caught on.
"Oh. Fantastic!"
The Doctor then began to bolt across the Westminster Bridge. Ross was running right next to her. She grinned and held out her hand to him. He took it. They both ran together hand-in-hand down to the Eye.
"Think of it, plastic all over the world, every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables-"
"The breast implants," Ross added in.
"Still, we've found the transmitter. The consciousness must be somewhere underneath."
Ross took off out of the Doctor's sight.
"What about down there," Ross calls.
The Doctor went over to investigate. She ended up finding a manhole. She grinned.
"Looks good to me!"
They ran down the parapet's steps. The Doctor opened up the hatch to find a red glow from below. She began down the latter. Once down, she cautiously opened the door. Inside was, to no surprise, the consciousness.
'Ross is fantastic! I might have to keep him around.'
"The Nestene Consciousness," She pointed to the vat. "That's it, inside the vat. A living plastic creature."
"Well then, tip in your anti-plastic and let's go," Ross said, a bit unnerved.
The Doctor frowned, before heading down the stairs.
"I'm not here to kill it. I've got to give it a chance."
She walked down to a catwalk overlooking the vat.
"I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to convention fifteen of the Shadow Proclamation."
The vat of plastic started to flex. It approved of her request.
"Thank you. If I might have permission to approach?"
The Doctor noticed Ross run straight to Mickey with worry. She just rolled her eyes at them.
"Oh god! Mickey, it's me! It's okay, it's all right."
"That thing down there, the liquid. Ross, it can talk!" Mickey was practically shaking from fright.
"Doctor, they kept her alive!"
"Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep her alive to maintain the copy," she informed him.
"You knew that and you never said," he asked slightly cross.
"Can we keep the domestics outside? Thank you." The Doctor shot as she walked down to get closer to the consciousness.
"Am I addressing the consciousness?" It replied with a yes.
"Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilization by means of warp shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?"
The vat of plastic started to reply angrily.
"Oh don't give me that. It's an invasion, plain and simple. Don't talk constitutional right."
The consciousness started to angrily splash back and forth.
"I am talking!" The Time Lord yells. "This planet is just starting. These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf. Please, just go."
"Doctor!" Ross yelled out.
She turned around just in time to see the plastics grab her. She struggled against them. One dummy took the anti-plastic from her pocket.
"That was just insurance! I wasn't going to use it!"
The consciousness was extremely angry now.
"I was not attacking you! I'm here to help. I'm not your enemy. I swear, I'm not!"
The consciousness screeched at the Doctor.
"What do you mean," she asked confused.
Just then, a door slid back to reveal the TARDIS.
"No. Oh, no. Honestly, no!" She knew where this was going. It was horrified of her, because of the war.
"Yes, that's my ship." It screeched at her more. "That's not true! I should know, I was there! I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save your world! I couldn't save any of them!"
"What's it doing," Ross called down.
"It's the TARDIS! The Nestene's identified its superior technology. It's terrified. It's going to the final phase. It's starting the invasion!" Her stomach dropped. "Get out, Ross! Just leg it now!"
The consciousness started to throw energy bolts around.
"It's the activation signal. It's transmitting!"
The Eye started to light up with energy.
"It's the end of the world." Ross stated.
The plastic in the vat was getting extremely agitated.
"Get out, Ross! Just get out! Run!" The Doctor was starting to get anxious. She just wanted Ross to get out safely.
"The stairs are gone," he yelled.
'Oh great.'
The Autons tried to push the Doctor into the vat. Ross and Mickey ran to the TARDIS hoping for safety.
"I haven't got the key," he yelled.
"We're going to die," Mickey cried.
"No!" The Doctor yelled.
"Time Lord." The Nestene spoke.
The Doctor continued to struggle against the Autons. She ended up tossing one over her shoulder into the vat just as Ross swung by on a chain. He kicked the other Auton into the vat along with the anti-plastic.
"Ross!" She grabbed a hold of him as he shakily landed back on the platform. They both looked down at the consciousness.
"Now we're in trouble," she tells him as she starts to run for the TARDIS.
Explosions start to go off everywhere. She quickly unlocked the TARDIS and hastily brushed past Mickey. As soon as she saw they were both inside, she started running around the console flipping switches and hitting buttons. She internally gave a sigh of relief once they rematerialized at a safer place. Mickey quickly stumbled out followed by Ross. The Doctor just smiled and leaned against the door frame.
"Nestene Consciousness? Easy." The Doctor grinned.
"You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me," Ross pointed out.
The Gallifreyan nodded. "Yes, I would. Thank you." There was a long pause before the Doctor spoke again. "Right then. I'll be off, unless, er… I don't know, you could come with me." She smiled at Ross, hopeful. "This box isn't just a London hopper, you know. It goes anywhere in the universe free of charge."
"Don't! She's an alien. She's a thing!" Mickey warned Ross.
"She's not invited," the Doctor pointed at Mickey. She looked at Ross, "What do you think? You could stay here, fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go anywhere."
"Is it always this dangerous?" Ross asked.
The Doctor smiled and nodded. "Yeah."
The Doctor inwardly glared at Mickey for hugging Ross's waist. "Yeah, I can't. I've, er, I've got to go and find my mum and someone's got to look after this dim lump, so…"
She nodded awkwardly. "Okay, see you around." She quickly retreated into the TARDIS, and took off for the time vortex.
Once in the vortex, she sat down on the jumper seat. She couldn't help but feel disappointed. Ross and she could have gone on so many amazing adventures together. He could have been great to have around even if he did aggravate her at times. He was brilliant! It's also been quite some time since she had a companion with her. She couldn't just give up so easily! Something had to make him want to join her. Just then, an idea hit her.
She re-materialized the TARDIS back in the same spot it was in just seconds before. She sprinted to the door, and poked her head out.
"By the way, did I mention it also travels in time?"
She watched as Ross gave Mickey a peck on the cheek, before quickly running into the TARDIS. And off they went.
Thanks for reading! 💙
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commanderpeggymcgee · 4 years
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Peggy quickly made her way out of the ballroom and couldn't help but softly chuckle to herself when she heard and enormous crash and a few screams and gasps come from the other room. While the woman at the front desk was preoccupied with her overwhelming curiosity as to what was happening down the hall, Peggy stuck her head into the giant room where all the men and women's coats had been hung and grabbed hers off the hanger, shoving her arms through it as she quietly made her way out of the room and to the elevator.
Peg checked her watch and added a timer for 15 minutes onto it giving herself more than enough time to get into the room in question, search for the disk, and get back out and to the party before her presence was missed...or at least that's what she hoped.
The elevator ride to the fifteenth floor felt like it took at least ten of her precious fifteen minutes, but in fact, with the speed of the elevator, it had only taken two minutes much to her delight. Once on the floor of her choice, she peeked her head around the corner to see if, on the off chance, someone wasn't at the party. Thankfully, no one was around. She made her way down the long, brightly lit corridor as fast as she come without running. Upon reaching the door in question, Peg reached into her purse and brought out what looked like a hotel key card. Instead, it was a card with a data encrypted chip in it that allowed the card to read the combination to any door taking a key card and open it with ease. A second later the door unlocked and Peggy slipped inside the room.
Suddenly, a strange feeling swept over the agent. The room was pitch black and she could barely make out anything in the room, but she was certain she wasn't alone. Peggy closed her eyes, a quick fix to get your eyes accustomed to the dark, and used this time to do nothing but listen to what the room had to say. Out of her right ear, she could hear movement. Very subtle, very quiet, but movement nonetheless. Tracking had been one of her specialties in the War which made this task easier; that and the fact her senses had been heightened by the super serum she had taken over two decades ago. Peggy was a statue where she stood until she heard the unmistakable click of a gun softly being cocked. At this moment, like a snake springing into action after its prey, Peggy also drew her weapon and aimed it where the sound had originated.
❝ Hold it right there. ❞ She said authoritatively, her fingers tightly wrapped around her gun as she waited for a response. What she heard next, wasn't at all what she had expected.
❝ English? Is that you? ❞ Came a whisper.
❝ Alex? ❞ Peggy returned, equally as confused as the woman before her.
Suddenly the little table lamp on the foyer table turned on and in front of her stood her friend, Alex Sokolov.
❝ You have got to be kidding me. ❞ Peggy remarked, shaking her head as she lowered her gun and de-cocked it. ❝ Why didn't you say anything? I could've shot you just now! ❞
❝ Same here, smartypants, and why didn't you? ❞ Alex returned, doing the same.
❝ What are you doing here? ❞
❝ I could ask you the same thing, but I think we both had the same idea in mind. ❞ Alex confessed with a shrug of her shoulders.
❝ At least I know I was on the right track. Did you find anything? ❞
Instead of answering, Alex reached into her pocket and took out the flash drive.
❝ I can see you also beat me to it...Wasn't it supposed to be a disk? The other ones have been disks. Why switch to flash drives? ❞ Peggy mused.
❝ Here, let's come away from the door. I'd rather not have our voices heard by passerby's. ❞ Alex replied, taking Peggy's arm and leading her into the living room near the balcony. ❝ Technically, being HYDRA and all of that, I shouldn't be telling you this information- ❞
❝ But you're going to anyway, right? ❞ Peggy queried, tilting her head to the side with a smile.
❝ Of course! ❞ Alex grinned. ❝ But only because you're my friend...and because I don't want HYDRA to get their slimy little hands on any of these plans if I can help it. Sources have informed us that things are changing with how the selling and distribution of the plans are taking place. ❞
❝ Changing how? ❞ Peggy asked, her brows furrowing as Alex explained.
❝ For one, they're not disks anymore. They're flash drives, as you see. And second, they're splitting up the information. Half now, half when they know the deal is sealed and watertight. ❞
❝ What exactly do you mean they're getting 'split up'? ❞
❝ What I mean is, two drives. The more parts there are- ❞
❝ The harder it is to steal. ❞ Peggy finished with a loud sigh. ❝ That means that there isn't four disks anymore. There is, at the very least, now eight drives in the mix. ❞
❝ Exactly. And that's not all. And this one makes things...especially tricky.❞
❝ Oh joy, just what I love. People making things a million times harder than this already is. And here I thought this was almost over...sorry, I'm rambling. What makes this especially tricky? ❞
❝ They're encrypted... ❞
Peggy cursed under her breath and ran her hands through her hair. ❝ Bloody hell. Of course they're encrypted, why wouldn't they be? I mean, why not just make our lives even more complicated?! ❞
❝ I'd tell you to calm down, but it only gets worse from here. Like I said, the drives are data encrypted, but that's not all. Once the drive is sold, the seller activates a timer within the drive. If it isn't accessed within that time, the data is scrambled and another level of encryption is added to it. ❞
❝ So essentially all we have to do is steal it before the timer is activated and open it. It'll be hard, but not impossible. ❞
❝ Yeah...about that... ❞ Alex replied awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck.
❝ Please don't tell me there's more to it than that. ❞ Peggy groaned, sitting on the arm wrest of the sofa.
❝ There's more to it than that...If you try accessing the drive before the countdown starts, all of the drive's contents will be destroyed. ❞
❝ So we have to let the countdown start, or let the transaction between the buyer and the seller go down first before we try and unlock the drive? ❞
❝ Exactly. And one more thing. ❞
❝ Oh, please, Alex, no more. My mind is already reeling, please stop adding on these little tidbits of information. You're only making this worse. ❞ Peggy pleaded, rubbing her temples. This was going to be much harder than she had ever anticipated and was going to take much longer than she had wanted.
❝ You'll need a specific code word in order to open the drive as well which will only be known by the buyer and seller. ❞
❝ So you're telling me that if we open it before the countdown starts, everything gets erased. If we let the timer start but don't have the code word before we run out of time, everything gets erased. If we have the wrong code word, everything is erased. Do I have that right? ❞
❝ Right on the nose, Peg. ❞
Peggy cursed again and shook her head as she stood up and winced, pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. ❝ This isn't going to be easy, is it? ❞
❝ When is it ever easy? ❞ Alex chuckled, trying her best to lighten the mood. She knew how difficult it was going to be, no doubt about it. This was their hardest mission yet, but if anyone could do it, she knew Peggy could. ❝ Here. ❞ She said a moment later, taking Peggy's hand and placing the drive into it.
❝ Alex, you can't give me this. You got here first. You got it fair and square. HYDRA will punish you if you don't come back with the drive, especially when they know I'm involved. ❞ Peggy warned, handing it back to her friend, who, in turn, pushed it back and closed Peggy's hands around the device.
❝ Look, I'll take my chances. Call it a freebee. I don't want HYDRA to get their hands on this weapon. But I can't give it to you freely next time we meet. Next time- ❞
❝ We'll have to fight each other for it, I know. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. But how do I open? I don't even know if the countdown has started let along the code word. ❞
❝ You can see the count down has started by the green light on the drive. It means it's been started in the last thirty minutes. Next, it'll turn yellow and then red when you're running out of time. And the code word is Charade. ❞
❝ Thanks, Alex. I owe you for this...big time. ❞
❝ Anything for my best friend, English. Now you'd better get back to your party before you're missed. I'm going to go throw myself down a flight of stairs or two to make it looks like I had a fight with you. I'd ask you to punch me, but I know your right hooks and they hurt like hell so I think I'd rather take my chances with the stairs and see how they like to tango. ❞ Alex smirked, giving Peggy a quick hug. ❝ Good luck, English. ❞
❝ Be careful, Alex. I mean it. ❞
❝ Always am! See you- ❞
Before Alex could finish her sentence, there was a knock on the door. Both froze in their tracks. Alex reached to turn the light off, but upon hearing a hissing noise from Peggy, she turned around to find her shaking her head vigorously. A moment of silence was followed by another knock. Then suddenly, the door burst open and in crashed Damian Griffin...
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
Chapter 15/?
❝ Cσмρяσмιѕє ωнєяє уσυ cαn. ωнєяє уσυ cαn’t, dσn’t. Eνєn ιf єνєяуσnє ιѕ tєℓℓιng уσυ thαt ѕσмєthιng ωяσng ιѕ ѕσмєthιng яιgнt. Eνєn ιf tнє ωнσℓє ωσяℓ∂ ιѕ tєℓℓιng уσυ tσ мσνє, ιt ιѕ уσυя dυtу tσ ρℓαnt уσυяѕєℓf ℓιкє α tяєє, ℓσσк αt thєм ιn thє єуєѕ, αnd ѕαу, ‘Nσ, YOU мσνє.’ ❞
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candicereeves · 5 years
(( To many to tag so just gonna tag Main: @centralcitysfinest-rp ))
Standing in the Science Lab of the Waverider, Candice debated on what music to put on while she worked. Just as she was about to ask Gideon for some music, a screen near by flicked to life. Looking over at the screen she immediately recognized the man looking at her.
"Gary, to what do I owe the pleasure? I thought our usual D&D game was postponed for this week, or did I miss it? Time gets confusing." Candice said.
"No this isn't about that Candice. At least not this time around. Besides you threw off the whole campaign last session." Gary commented.
"Huh.. almost like when you sent the Legends off in 1980 London." Candice quipped back. Gary adjusted how glasses and gave an awkward chough.
"Right, well anyway I actually called for a reason. Some coincidence that I happen to call you alone in the science lab right?" He said.
"Little creepy when you put it that way." She said watching him. "You do know that if you're creeping up behind me I have no problem torching your ass right?" Candice said.
"I'm not on the Waverider, at least not yet. See the thing is, we actually need you here at the Time Bureau. See we've noticed the Legends have become rather... Well crowded..." Gary said.
"Still not liking where this is going Gary." Candice said as she watched him. Though she did have to admit, he was a bit right, the Legends were crowded on the Waverider.
"Well the thing is in order to help build bridges between the Legends and the Time Bureau, some of you will be working here, present day Central City. You'll be paid, and of course given normal hours. Sort of a nine to five kind of job." He said with a smile as he explained.
"That sounds so corporate. You do know that I like the Waverider for a lot of reasons." She retorted as she grabbed a nearby piece of tech to work on.
"Candice, we're inviting you to help the Time Bureau with tech." Gary said. Looking over she gave a small curious glance.
"Go on." She commented as she watched him.
"We've noticed the stuff you've made. That pistol alone is closer to Rip's pistol than anything our techs could come up with. Plus our time couriers could use some upgrades. You'll get to take them apart." Gary said.
"Fisrt off the Tesla Pistol is a divergent of Rip's pistol, second you're going to allow me to take apart a time courier so I can upgrade them?" She asked.
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"Among building weapons and tech. You'll also be responsible for keeping track of the time map. Might of been thanks to a certain dm explaining how well you kept track of events in our D&D game." Gary boasted.
"Really Gary? You used our D&D game to help convince Ava into giving me access to all of that?" Candice asked.
"Possibly." He replied. Letting out a sigh she looked around the lab. "You still want to stay I know. Candice we need you here. Please help the Time Bureau, your our only hope." Gary said.
"You're not gonna Princesses Leia me. I'm not your Obi-Wan." She said with a sigh. "Look if I'm going to join the Time Bureau, there are a lot of things I need." Candice said.
"A list of demands? Candice I can't promise you will get what you want." Gary said. "I mean if it were up to me I would probably say yes." He added.
"That's cause you're a push over Gary. They aren't demands, you already won me over with the time courier. This is a list of things I need in order to work, and possibly to help whoever else is on my team. Wait who is on the team besides me?" Candice asked as she got sidetracked from her own train of thought.
"Well... Let's see, Rip Hunter will be the leader naturally, You as the team technician, Leo Rivera and Leo Snart as the Field Agents, and someone named Terry McGinnis as a Field Agent and History Consultant." Gary explained.
Candice let out a soft giggle at the fact that the team had two Leos. "Ah yes Team Leo, where you don't know who is who." She joked.
"Candice this is a serious list." Gary said as Candice laughed a bit. "Fia! Focus please!" He said trying to get her to focus.
"I'm sorry Gary, but you have to admit Leo and Leo on the same team is so stupid and funny." She said. Gary let out a sigh as Candice calmed down a bit.
"You had a list of demands you were going to make." Gary said. Candice rolled her eyes as she looked back at the screen.
"Not demands, requests. I need my own lab to work in. Not a small crammed room, I need space to work on multiple projects at once." She explained.
"I think that will get approved, I mean that just seems like a no brainier, but you do know that we won't be able to give you anything to big." Gary said.
"Yeah I know, still nice to have room to spread out. Also this is more for the team than just me, we need a meeting room, something kind of like the study on the Waverider, actually it might be better if I just worked up a floor plan." Candice said.
"This is starting to sound like its own building Candice. Pretty sure we can't get that approved." Gary said.
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"Trust me it won't be as bad as you're thinking. Just wait til you see the floor plan. In any case, I am going to need to be allowed to play music while I work. Nothing worse than being bored while working on a project." She said with a groan.
"I'll run it by Director Sharp." Gary said. "Is that all?" He asked.
"Let's see, meeting room, personal science lab, kitchen, library, relaxation room, bathrooms, ability to play music, I think that about covers it." Candice said. "I will miss Gideon though, and the others...." She added with a sigh.
"We can see if there is a way for you to keep in contact with Gideon and the others Candice. If you draft up a floor plan I will see what I can do about making it a reality." Gary said.
"I guess I should pack up my room. Well what little stuff I have here on the Waverider." She commented. Letting out a sigh she looked back at the screen. Candice could feel her heart sink a bit, she loved the Waverider and the adventure that came with it.
"I uh... I guess we'll contact you... At the very least I have your number from when we started playing D&D together." Gary said. Candice gave him a nod before the screen turned off.
Looking around, Candice grabbed a few of her items before heading off to her shared room with Zari. Peeking her head in, she didn't see the other woman. "Guess that makes this easier." She said to herself.
Walking away Candice got Gideon to make her a box to store her stuff in. Packing up what little she had, few extra clothes, couple of books, as well as some tech she had built in the science lab, she set off to leave the Waverider.
"Guess this is bye for now Gideon." Candice said as she stood at the cargo door.
"For now Ms. Reeves, but I am sure we will talk again soon." Gideon replied.
"I know, but some dumb science lab at the Time Bureau is nothing like the Waverider. I just... I don't know felt more at home here." Candice said.
"I know Ms. Reeves." Gideon said. Giving the frame of the doorway a light punch tap, she looked up at the com.
"Guess I will see you around Gideon." Candice said as the Cargo door open. Turning away, Candice left the Waverider. As she walked away, she gave one last glance before watching the ship vanish into thin air as the stealth plates hid the ship from sight.
Giving it a moment of thought, Candice didn't want to head home cause she didn't want to potentially wake Charlie, and heading to S.T.A.R. Labs would be kind of creepy without Cisco being around.
Digging into her pocket she pulled out her breeching device. Pressing the button a portal opened and she jumped through. There was no harm in heading home for a small bit, besides at this moment, Candice kind of wanted to be around her parents.
Jumping through the portal she landed in the near identical spot on her Earth. Taking a deep breath, she looked around to make sure no one had seen her. "Now to head home." She said as she pocketed the breeching device.
Walking into her parents house, she closed the door quietly. Setting the box of stuff down as she walked in, she noticed some lights on. "Hello?" She called out.
"Candice? What are you doing home?" A female voice called from the kitchen. Candice walked in and gave her mom a small smile. "Sweetie, you were just here not to long ago, aren't the Legends going to be upset with you for taking so many vacations?" Her mother asked.
"Yeah this is just for a little while, not a full vacation like last time. Where's dad?" Candice asked as she took a seat at the kitchen table.
"He's working late, but he should be home soon. So. What is wrong dear? The girl you like reject you?" Candice's mom asked.
"Mom!" Candice said like a teenager that was embarrassed. "I just.. I'd rather not talk about that right this moment." Candice said.
"Oh sweetie, come here let me give you a hug." Her mom said as she walked around to hug Candice.
"Ah gross! Mom hugs!" Candice joked as she hugged her mom.
"So what is wrong. Something is up I know it. If it isn't the girl, then it's your new team." Her mom said as she walked over to the fridge.
"Yeah. I'm going to be on a new new team. Still the Legends, but working for this group called The Time Bureau." Candice explained.
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"Yet you're not happy with the job are you?" Her mom asked. "Aren't they the ones that trapped you in London?" Her mom asked. Candice gave a nod of confirmation. "So why are you working for them instead of being on the ship?" Her mom asked.
"It's a new way to alleviate the crowdedness of the Waverider as well as build bridges with the Time Bureau. I get to be head tech girl for the team, and helping outfit the Bureau with new stuff." Candice explained.
"I get to do a lot of cool stuff for the bureau. I get to take apart some of their closely guarded tech to help improve it and I get my own lab which is nice since I've always been sharing it with someone. However the Waverider afforded me visits to the unknown and being stuck in the present is going to be boring." Candice said.
"It sounds like a more stable job though. One that would afford you more time with that woman you were telling me about last time." Her mom said with a small smile.
"I know and I can go back to volunteering at the hospital for the kids, I missed that while zooming around on the Waverider." Candice said.
The front door opened and a small sound of someone almost tripping came from the main hall. "Lonnie! Why is there a box of crap in the hallway?" A man's voice called out.
"Ted! That isn't a box of crap, that is Candice's stuff." Her mom called back. Though she did give Candice a parental glare at leaving stuff in the hallway.
"Sorry Dad! I thought you were home when I set that stuff down." Candice called out.
"What are you doing home?" He called out as he closed the door.
"Just needed a place for the night. I'll be back on Earth-1 in the morning." Candice called out. "Here let me come move my stuff before you trip again." Candice said as she got up from the table.
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Heading into the hallway, she smiled as she saw her dad. Wrapping her arms around him, it was clear that she caught him off guard. The man gave a soft chuckle before hugging her back.
"Everything okay Candice? This is twice in what? A few weeks?" He asked as Candice pulled away from the hug.
"Yeah, but like I said I'm heading back in the morning, just needed a place to stay for the night, and all my Earth-1 places were just not where I needed to be for tonight." She explained as she grabbed her box of stuff.
"Alright pumpkin, what happened?" He asked her.
"Just got transferred from adventure to a lab. That's all. Mom knows more gonna go put this in my room." Candice said as she headed upstairs.
"Wash up while you're up there! Dinner will be ready in a bit." Her mom called out as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Ugh! The worst!" Candice jokingly called back. Reaching her room, she placed the box on her bed before heading to clean up. She didn't really need to eat, but Candice wasn't going to pass up her mom's cooking.
Heading back downstairs she smiled at her parents. "I'd say I'm starving, but I don't lie." Candice joked. Her mom rolled her eyes a bit.
"Doesn't stop you from eating." Her dad joked.
"Look even a nuclear reactor needs fuel and mom does cook some really good food." Candice said.
Her mom slid a plate in front of Candice with a smile. "I caught your dad up on everything." Her mom said.
"So... I have to ask, what is so bad about the Time Bureau?" Her dad asked.
"Well one they have hated the Legends for a while, even getting us stuck in 1980 London for a short time. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm going to go join the Time Bureau branch, but I'm going to miss being able to zip around time." Candice explained.
"You know you didn't used to need time travel to have adventures Candice." Her mom said.
"Yeah well that is cause I worked with the Flash, got kicked off the team, help stop Reverse Flash, sealed up the world ending breech, came back and helped stop Godspeed." Candice explained. "Even then between vanishing and showing back up I was in a new Earth and learning new things." She added.
"Sweetie, you can always learn new things from a stable job like the one at the Time Bureau." Her mom said.
"I know Mom, it's just... I don't know saving time was fun and different. It was learning more about Earth-1 from actual history instead of reading about it in books." Candice said.
"What's wrong with book?" Her dad interjected.
"Nothing dad. It's just what is better, reading history written by the winner of an event, or living through that event in real time?" She asked.
"Fair point, but still I'm sure there is plenty for you to learn from in books." Her dad said.
"I know dad, just I'm going to miss it is all." Candice said.
"There feels like more you're not telling us." Her mom said.
"The Waverider, and the Legends felt like home away from home. We we're all a bunch of people who didn't fit anywhere and oddly enough fit together like a big weird family." Candice explained.
"And you feel like you're loosing that family by being at the Bureau." Her mom commented.
"Yeah.. a bit.. plus the ship has an A.I. named Gideon and I'm going to miss having her around. I asked the Time Bureau if there would be a way for me to keep in contact with Gideon, but stuff has to be approved and what not so I gave them a list of requests." Candice said.
"Please don't tell me you demanded stuff just cause you hate the group." Her mom said with a sigh.
"Mom! I said requests not demands. I plan on working there I just need some things in order to be efficient, my own space to work of stuff hence my own lab to build and tinker with and the ability to play music while I work." Candice said.
"Music can distract you Candice." Her mom said with a sigh. "Don't expect them to hand over that kind of stuff, they are going to have to justify allowing you that kind of freedom. If it comes down to it they might find someone else." Her mom explained.
"Mom, they need me the Legends can make due, Zari is really good at tech for the Waverider, but I built the Tesla gun after getting a glance of Rip's pistol and my speed force knowledge of how to throw lightning. That kind of engineering skills is not something they are just going to avoid just because I asked for some music and my own space to work." Candice said.
"I hope you're right sweetie, I'd hate for you to not get that job." Her mom said. The rest of the meal, they talked about mindless stuff, how things were since she was last there a week ago.
Once they were finished eating, her dad headed off to bed while Candice stayed and helped her mom clean the dishes. "Candice, are you sure you're alright with the job change?" Her mom asked.
"I mean we've already talked about this, I'm having to leave my family for some corporate job." Candice said. Her mom gave a small chuckle at her.
"It's not going to be a corporate job like you say it is dear. If they truly want you to be the head technician of this new team, it sounds like they hold you in high regards. I know another man that wanted to hire you for a corporate job as well." Her mom commented.
"Yeah, but Wells was impressed by my frozen spiders." Candice said with a smile.
"Please don't remind me of those. Do you know how many times I nearly put them in one of my drinks." Her mom said. "And do not get me started on that pet scorpion you had." She added.
"Look you guys bought me the scorpion, not my fault dad got spooked as smashed him with a hammer." Candice said.
"You left him out of his cage. Of course your father freaked out." Her mom said.
"I know, I just left him for a few seconds so I could go to the bathroom. I didn't really he would of traveled so far." She said. "Though I do have to say I was rather impressed by the scream dad let out." Candice said with an amused smile.
"You're dad couldn't speak for a week cause he damaged his vocal cords." Her mom pointed out.
"I know, and I helped be his voice at work that week remember, you guys pulled me out of school so I could help him." Candice said.
"You know, your dad and I worry about you." Her mom said as she dried off her hands.
"I know Mom, I'm okay I promise. I'm still working on the Multiverse phone thing, that way we can stay in contact more often, but it's been challenging getting it to work. Needs more tests and stuff." Candice explained.
Her mom smiled at her and handed over the hand towel. Candice took them and dried off her hands. "Go get some sleep, you have somewhere to be in the morning." Her mom said.
"Mom..." Candice said with a pouting lip. Her mom stared her down and Candice smiled at her. Wrapping her arms around her mom she let out a content sigh. "I love you." She said before heading up to bed.
Her mom smiled at her and returned the words before heading to bed herself. In the morning, Candice grabbed her box of stuff and headed downstairs. She said her goodbyes to her parents before heading out to find a hidden place to breech.
Jumping through the portal, Candice was once more met with the sounds of Earth-1. Letting out a sigh, she headed home to her place, at least long enough to set down the box of stuff. She couldn't lug that around all day.
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