#oh no he's wolfed out and ready to hunt
orriculum · 1 month
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really unfortunate, honestly.
(pre-order mated to my ex)
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weaselle · 3 months
You came face to face with a wolf in the woods? What’s the story in that
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ok ok so i'm driving through the woods down from Oregon to visit the fam in California, right? And right as i'm about to cross the border from OR to CA i'm like, oh shit, pops is the only one i don't have a christmas present for.
So i see this big weird log-cabin-ass liquor store and i'm all, he loves a unique bottle of wine, gotta be something in there he can't get back home so i pull in.
It's a building made of logs all by itself on the edge of the woods in the hills along the N. border of California. While i'm in there i ask to use the bathroom and they tell me sure, it's a small separate building behind the store
just walk down the foot path into the woods a few yards until you get to the fork and take the right side path to the little bathroom hut. Don't take the left side path unless you want to disappear all the way into the woods. Cool.
So i walk into the woods on the little trail, and i get to the fork in the path, and i can see the little bathroom hut off to the right. Before i take the right, as i'm standing there, i look down the left side path that trails off into the woods.
And right then this full grown wolf steps out onto the trail, about 15 feet from me.
it was in fact, this exact wolf. Altho he is older in this picture than when i met him. When he stepped out to come face to face with me that day, he was quite a bit thinner.
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Now at 15 feet, i instantly knew he was a wolf. Not a coyote, certainly not a dog, when you're close and you look in their face it's just different in the snout and eyes.
So i freeze, and i'm looking at him but i'm not making any sustained eye-contact and i'm feeling that weird calm feeling i get when shit is too serious to panic. And i'm trying to look bored because that's the safest middle ground between acting like prey and acting like a threat and i'm like, shit. Shit. Okay. This is a wolf. This is a whole ass wild wolf in the woods, only about 3 body lengths from me. What is about to happen here. One of us is going to do something soon and it better not be the wrong thing.
Wolf is just standing there the same as me. Wouldn't surprise me if it was having basically the exact same thoughts
i wasn't working professionally with dogs yet, but even then i knew canines real well, and as i'm standing there getting a real good look i realize, fuck, this wolf is like, just under 2 years old.
This is very bad news for me.
See, an experienced adult wolf knows things. For instance, an experienced adult wolf knows exactly what it prefers to hunt (not humans) and has probably gotten good at hunting those things (and is therefor not desperate for food) and an older experienced wolf knows that it really can't afford to get injured in a fight if it can avoid one, and probably has figured out that humans are to be left alone.
But a wolf between a year and a half and two years? Is just becoming an adult. This is a wolf that meets an animal the same size as it and has questions.
Questions like "Is this a creature i want to eat?" or "maybe this is a creature that wants to eat me?" and the problem with both of those questions is the answer can easily wind up being "i should probably try to kill it"
Because a mature wolf will assess a threat for the safest way to deal with it, but, like a twenty year old person, a young inexperienced wolf is more prone to brash actions, such as preemptively attacking something it perceives as a threat.
I'm checking his body language and it is reading as uncertain, patient, fairly relaxed but ready for explosive action. Not great, but could be a lot worse.
All this is going through my calm calm head. Like of course i am frightened, but in emergencies my heart like, actually seems to slow a bit? and i get this weird calm clear feeling.
Anyway i'm standing there looking at this wolf, and this wolf is looking at me, and i start to realize... i'm the mature adult in this situation. I have to be the one to decide how this encounter goes.
It was at this point i recalled something i read in a book about cats.
In this book, the author goes to visit her father who is studying lions in Africa. He's staying in a village and when she gets there she is told she might stumble across a lion in the brush if she goes walking around outside the village for any reason (which is why her father is there) and that if she DOES come across a lion, for generations the locals have had a little social exchange worked out with the lions, so she should speak loudly but politely to the lion, and then walk purposefully away at an oblique angle to the lion.
So of course she's on a walk one day and a lion suddenly stands up not far from her. She freezes, unable to do the thing she had been told to do. After waiting and waiting, finally the lion makes a series of loud grunts, and then walks off at an oblique angle, as if to show her how it was done.
I remembered how much sense that made to me when i read it. An oblique angle is like, not straight ahead of you and not straight to the side of you, but sort of halfway between, like one of the branches on a "Y". An oblique angle is more toward than away, so it cannot be mistaken for any kind of running away, but it isn't directly toward the animal enough to be threatening. it is the physical communication equivalent of "You're in my way, but i'll be polite and go around you".
At an oblique angle to my right was the bathroom. So trying to seem like i didn't care about the wolf at all while simultaneously keeping very close track of its reactions, I walked kind of toward him, but way off to one side.
He relaxed more as i did so, watching me go. Then i was inside the little bathroom with the door shut and all my calm went away.
I didn't have my phone on me, and i was in a tiny room in the woods, and all i could think was, jesus christ that was a wolf. A fucking wolf. I just like, walked right by a wolf. A wolf, dude. What if I open the door and the wolf is RIGHT there on the other side? Can i get the door shut fast enough or will he be able to force its way into this cramped space with me? Have i just trapped myself in the woods with this wolf?
Since i was in there anyway, i peed and washed my hands... and then i cracked the door open with my heart in my throat. But that wolf was long gone -- probably melted back into the woods the instant my eyes were all the way off it.
I went back into the liquor store and told the lady in there that there was a wolf nearby, and she said they'd caught a glimpse of it a couple times, and they thought it was a dog jumped out of somebody's truck? I'm not sure she believed me.
Couldn't really blame her. As far as i was aware, there hadn't been any wild wolves in California in close to a hundred years.
So when i got where i was going and found some time to myself around a computer a couple days later, i looked it up.
Sure enough it turns out this wolf on the northern border of California was Wolf OR-7, who, wearing a tracking collar, at one and a half years old, became the first confirmed wild wolf to be in California since 1924, crossing the Oregon border within two days of my sighting him in that area. I found a thread online of people who had managed to get photos of him crossing their property, and while i'm not an expert at identifying wolves, it seemed to be the same wolf. And the right age. And confirmed to be on the border of California the same time I was. And was the only wolf in a hundred years to be there.
I didn't notice a tracking collar on him, but he's also wearing it in the above pic i included, so you can seen how i might have missed it.
So, I met wolf OR-7 face to face! And it was very memorable.
He did very well for himself. Went back up to Oregon and got himself a mate, and founded the Rogue Wolf Pack, the first pack in west Oregon in forever. Most wild wolves are lucky to see six years, but OR-7 (sometimes called Journey) lived to be 11. Some of his pups grew up and started their own packs.
Somebody wrote a book about him, and there's some kind of movie or TV documentary about him i haven't seen, it's called OR-7's Journey or something like that.
Here's a map of his travels
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These are his grandchildren, sired by one of his sons
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and here is some documentation of wolves in Oregon and California that includes, for example, that OR-7's daughter, OR-54, traveled over 8,000 miles around California and even into Nevada. This is her:
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Anyway, that's the story of the time i bumped into a wild wolf in the woods!
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Ten
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
Feel free to buy me a coffee ☕☕
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Of the six dates they'd been on, one of them had cancelled or rescheduled yet. It was just Oscar's luck that he was the first to do so.
"I'm really sorry guys," he said, holding the phone up to his ear. He couldn't sound more apologetic if he tried.
The ring around Lando's contact picture lit up green as he let out a growl. But it wasn't a growl of anger, and Oscar knew that. He couldn't blame Lando, though. He'd planned this date out and he'd been so excited.
"It's okay," she quickly jumped in before Lando could bite out some angry remark, ring around her contact picture lighting up purple. "Lando and I can get takeout and watch a movie instead. You'll join us when you're done, right?"
The breath Oscar let out was full of relief. "Of course I will, sweetheart," he said.
"What're you doing tonight?" Lando asked, voice clipped.
Oscar swallowed the lump in his throat. He coughed slightly, delaying answering the question. "I... uh, we're getting food tonight," he said and coughed again.
"Oh," The two of them answered.
He hated talking about feeding with them. It was disgusting, it wasn't normal. And it was something he never wanted the two of them to see. "Are you sure you still want me to come back?"
"Of course we do, Osc," she mumbled. "Take as long as you need."
The call didn't last much longer than that. Lando didn't have much to say and Oscar had to get going. "I'll see you guys later," he said. Not an I love you, they weren't at that point yet.
He ended the call between the three of them, slipped his phone into his pocket, and walked into the living room. There his fellow vampires were, waiting for him. Mark gave him a nod as he sat down between Logan and Max.
"Is everybody ready?" Asked Mark and the vampires let out different whoops and cheers. Mark clapped his hands together. "Let's get going, then."
Oscar let out a breath and followed the rest of his fellow vampires out of the house. He checked his phone one last time, checked for any messages from her and Lando.
She'd texted him, something cute. Just a quick, 'see you later, Osc. Miss ya!'. But Lando hadn't said anything. He was pissed, Oscar knew that. He was a werewolf; he didn't understand. Lando could eat whenever he wanted, he didn't need to wait for nights like this to hunt.
Yuki elbowed his shoulder and Oscar slipped his phone into his pocket. He sucked in a breath and followed the others into the woods.
"You can't be mad at him," she said as she ran her fingers through Lando's hair.
He let out a huff as he laid against her, his head on her boobs. God, he was comfortable, but he knew he would have been happier if Oscar was there with them. Lando would have been laying across the both of them as she played with his hair and Oscar ran his nails up and down his back.
But Oscar wasn't there and Lando was mad.
He looked at her, wearing a pout. It was pathetic of him, to be pouting like a petulant child, he knew. But he couldn't help it. He was sad and a little mad, and she had to know it.
Her finger poked his nose. "You're lucky you're cute, Norris," she whispered.
And suddenly he was on top of her, his lips on hers, hips pressing against her own. Hips hips were against hers, grinding ever so slightly.
Beneath them, her bed was squeaking. "Lando." She pushed at his shoulder. "Lando, stop. Stop, before my dad comes in," she whispered.
With a giggle, Lando laughed and sat back. "Did you know I had a crush on you when we were kids?" He asked as he laid down beside her and pulled her closer.
"Yeah," she answered as she began planning with his fingers. "Yeah, I knew."
Lando frowned at that. He stilled his hand as she continued to play with his fingers. "You knew?" He repeated, and she nodded. "But you didn't like me back?"
"No, I did. But I was only gonna be here for a few weeks or months at a time, so I didn't see any point."
Lando pulled his hand away from hers and sat up straighter. "Aren't you only here for a few months this time around?"
She rolled her eyes. She hadn't meant to, but Lando was being a pouty baby and it was over nothing. Except, this time, he wasn't pouting. No, anger and fury was in his eyes. "C'mon, Lan. This is different. We were kids then, and saying goodbye after only spending a few months, at most, together would have been so painful."
"How is this any different?" He barked back. "Oh, wait, I know. This time you'd leave for four years, instead of nine months."
The laugh he released was like poisoned air between them. "You're saying my name like you're not gonna leave in a few months."
She had no defence for that. Tears sprang to her eyes, but she couldn't stop herself from glaring at him. "This isn't fair to me, you know," she whispered, pulling her legs up to her chest. "Yeah, I was gonna have to leave, but I was gonna come back! And you guys could visit me!"
But Lando had moved over to the window. "I need some air," he said as he pushed the window open.
"Lando!" She called again. But, in the blink of an eye, he was gone. She climbed out of the bed and raced over to the window, but Lando was long gone. Her eyes scanned over the yard and back towards to the woods, but he was nowhere to be found.
She left the window open, just in case Lando came back, but she crawled over to the bed and threw herself on top of the comforters. The movie was still playing, but she had no idea what was happening. She didn't care as she cried into her pillow.
How long as she laid there? She didn't know as he buried her face against the pillow.
There was a noise, the unmistakable sound of someone coming in through the window. She sat up and wiped at her eyes as she looked at the intruder. The welcome intruder.
"Sweetheart," Oscar said as he strode towards the bed. "What happened?"
His hand was on her back, moving in soothing circles as she moved closer to him. "He's such an asshole," she spat, and Oscar wiped her tears from her cheek.
"Lando?" He asked, and she nodded. Oscar let out a sigh. "Okay, tell me what he did."
She did just that, telling him everything as she laid against his side. Oscars hand was still against her. Cold and so still. He squeezed her, kissed the top of her head.
"He just lashed out? For no reason?" Oscar asked as her head sat on his shoulder and her lips nipped at his neck.
"Yeah," she mumbled.
There first fight, and he wasn't even there. If he had been, he could have stopped it. He could have stopped Lando from leaving and he could have gotten them to talk it out.
"Oh, sweetheart," he whispered and kissed the top of her head. "Do you want me to and speak to him?" He asked gently.
Her hand was against his chest as she pushed him back against the bed. "Later," she said and laid beside him, head on his chest. "Just... be here with me."
Oscar stayed with her. His arms were around holding her close as they watched the rest of the movie. Neither of them really knew what was going on, but Oscar didn't much care as he felt her breathing even out.
As soon as it did, Oscar untangled her body from his own. He laid her on the bed and pulled her blanket over her body. "I'll be back soon," he whispered as he brushed her hair away from her forehead. He leaned down to kiss her head and took off, leaving through the window.
The moment he got into the woods, the wolves made it clear he wasn't welcome. He walked with his hands in his pockets as he made his way to the pack house.
And, suddenly, a wolf was in front of him. His black fur made him almost invisible in the dead of night. "Carlos," Oscar said as he stared down at the wolf. "I need to speak to Lando."
Carlos growled. His stance was ready to bounce, but Oscar stood firm. He was getting to Lando one way or another, even if he had to go through Carlos.
"Stand down, Chilli," came a familiar voice.
Oscar looked just past him. Daniel Ricciardo, one of the friendliest wolves around, strode towards him. "You're here for Lan, right?" He called and Oscar gave a nod. "Right, let's go." He waved for Oscar to follow him and Carlos stepped to the side, letting him through.
He followed Daniel towards the pack house, acutely aware of Carlos behind him. But he ignored it as he moved forward. "So, you two are really together? You and Toto's kid?" Asked Daniel as he navigated through the woods.
"Yeah," Oscar answered. "Yeah, we are."
Daniel gave a laugh, but it wasn't mocking. "You guys are making history here," he said as the pack house came into view. "A werewolf and a vampire together. I never thought I'd see it."
He walked him through the front door and up the stairs, ignoring the growls of the other wolves. As long as Daniel was leading him, Oscar knew he was fine.
At the first door on the left, he knocked. "Piss off!" Lando called, but Daniel nodded for Oscar to enter.
"Lan?" He called as he walked into the room.
Lando swivelled his spinning chair to face the door. "Osc," he said with slight surprise. "I thought you were busy."
"I was," he said, shutting the door and pressing his back against it. "And then I headed to come meet you guys. Except, when I got there, you had already gone and our girl was crying."
His voice was so gentle, it had Lando bowing his head. "I didn't mean to make her cry," he mumbled. "I just... I was so angry. She's gonna leave again and I can't handle that," he admitted.
"Talk to me, baby," said Oscar as he came to sit on Lando's bed. "What's got you so angry?" He looked around the room, at all of the things Lando had on his shelves. His gaming set up and childhood sports trophies were no surprise, and Oscar knew how much he loved golf. It wasn't the bedroom of a man, but Oscar loved it.
And then he spied the calendar on the back of the door. Just on date was circled, the date of the full moon. "Oh, Lan." Oscar sighed. "It's the full moon, isn't it? That's why you've been extra angry, right?"
"It's no excuse, Osco," He mumbled, head thrown back and eyes shut. "She probably hates me."
Oscar kissed his head. "That's why we're gonna gonna back to hers and you're gonna apologise and you two are gonna make up. Sound good?"
Lando nodded his head. "Sounds good," he said and pulled Oscar towards him.
Taglist: @biancathecool
Series taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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alcinaslittlemaid · 7 months
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Naughty Little Lamb~
Pennywise 2017xFem!reader
•Warnings: Smutty smut, degradation, spanking (a lot), angry sex.. and much much more, Mild DD/LG (tiny bit) uses of pet names
(I’m not great at writing buts it’s the red hour 😳🌶️)
Come join the clown~
The hour was very late, you had struggled to get to sleep and Pennywise had gone out hunting. You felt a familiar throbbing in your underwear, by god you were missing him so much, your hand slipped down between your silky thighs and coating your fingers were your own sinuous juices.
You smirked and began pleasuring yourself, grabbing your vibrator imagining penny’s long slippery tongue slurping your insides out, your toes began to curl as you bucked your hips in submission, your mind travelling further, now imagining how smaller tentacles would slither out, gripping your thighs to keep you in place, long slimy tentacles restricting your movement, as his long, hard alien-like tentacle is forcible pushed into your tight hole, the ridges of his length hitting your clit as he completely ruins you.
Trying to get his entire length inside your tight, little cunt, you were getting close, finally going to be rid of your need for him (until tomorrow that is) you were almost riding your vibrator with pleasure
“Dooonnnt youuuu Dareeee~” that taunting voice in your head rang out like a bell you had recognised all too well
“Fuck…” you whined “Watch your mouth little slut” the voice growled, it’s raspy voice grunted in your ear as you slowly peeked up at the darkened side of your room, there…two golden orbs stared back at you, dark red circles rimmed it’s golden stare
“Oh my~ look at the filthy mess you’ve made, you dirty little slut” pennywise barked, stepping towards you “my! Dirty little sewer slut” he grinned before sitting down
“Come” he snapped patting his lap “But you said I couldn’t-“ you attempted a joke, but the state he gave you was stern, cold and deadly
“I said…COME!” He snapped, before dragging you roughly over his knee, your ass now presented to him like his next meal on a silver platter “Ah! Ow your hurting me! Penny what the fu-“ you were soon cut off by his to clawed fingers “Good little girls should be seen and not heard” his fingers were almost in your throat, you hadn’t a clue what was happening.
“You’ve been such a naughty, filthy little lamb Y/N” he teased before hiking your skirt up higher, his tentacles keeping you tightly in place as his hand slowly lifted behind your rear
“Now, we’re gonna play a little game~” he began, you shook your head at his silly games, but he was having none of it
“your gonna count every time I spank that little ass” he continued “and if you mess up or miss a number, they’re gonna restart and be even harsher…got it?” He hissed, you squealed and tried to squirm out of his grasp
“Ohhhh you wanna play hide and seek? Okay! If hide and I don’t find you in under 2 minutes I won’t punish you! We can doooo whatever you want~” he had crossed his fingers behind his back while saying that. You nodded and took off running, trying to find a hiding place he hasn’t seen yet, meanwhile the clown began to the countdown to your demise
“Shit” you winced
“Fuck fuck fuck!”
You finally found a spot, sliding into it and shutting the door behind you ever so silently, you sunk beneath the piles of sheets and bedding
“10! Ready or not little bunny! Mr wolf is coming to find you hahahah” He cackled maniacally and began searching for you, his boots thudding against the ground in desperation. This was horrifying, he could do anything to you…you could hear doors opening and the disappointed sigh when you weren’t there “Oh my little lamb you are clever..” He then opened the door to your linen cupboard “but not clever enough- oh! Oh fuck where on earth is that little girl?” He slammed the door shut and began walking away…or so you thought
As soon as you heard a door downstairs creak open, you poked your head out and began sneaking back to your bedroom thinking you had won.
You were suddenly pinned to the ground by his clawed glove “You! You are so gullible…you think I couldn’t smell that throbbing, aching slit? Hahaha oh little one, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! You are a fly in my spider web” he giggled maniacally in pure pleasure, before dragging you back to the bedroom, a thread of drool trailing behind and a sinful, sadistic look in his eye.
End of part 1🎈
Lemme know what y’all think and I’ll write the next part!!
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hyperfixat · 8 months
HI!! i have decided on a posting schedule for this fic!! once a month, every month on the 25th, i hope you look forward to it <3 due to someone asking i will have a taglist, so please leave a comment or ask (i won’t post if you ask me not to) to join. any comments or reblogs mean a lot, thank you all for the support i have received.
also, dunno if i mentioned; while the reader is intended to be inclusive toward everyone they are, in the canon of me writing them, bisexual. everything else is up to interpretation
< prev .. next >
** Written PRE 1.5 – Any mentions of new characters is pure speculation and or headcanons.
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The Astral Express decides to stop at the Xianzhou Luofu first, then wrap things up on Jarilo VI. According to Pompom the train’s warp is near instant, so they won’t set for take off until the early hours of tomorrow.
Due to them being the first to offer, that night you spend in Caelus’ room. It’s pretty bare bones, an uneven mix of Dan Heng literally living in the archives and March 7th’s tasteful over decoration.
They offer their bed to you, willing to sleep on their relaxing-chair, but Caelus is the proud owner of a queen size bed. Long story short, their bed is large enough to share, and you do.
Initially you had fallen asleep on separate ends, but throughout the night, you migrated closer, making it so that when you crack your dry eyes open as the lights at Herta’s station turn on for the day, you’re greeted with front row seats to Caelus’ face.
After the initial fluster of emotions, you calm your body and mind and get ready to seize the day.
“So who, here, are we gathering up, again?” March questions you merrily, holding a hand out to help you off the express and onto the landing port.
“I hope everyone will still be here,” you muse, basking in the cool air of the flagship. “Will the Stellaron Hunters be here, you think?”
“Probably,” Dan Heng affirms, moving to stand next to you. You glance at him and smile.
“There’s Jing Yuan, Loucha, Fu Xuan, Bailu, Yukong,” you briefly consider mentioning Jinglui or Tingyun, but decide against it. “Yanqing, and of course Blade, Kafka, and Silver Wolf.”
“I doubt Silver Wolf will be here in person,” Caelus nods. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her not as one of her fancy holograms.”
The six of you, the whole Express minus the conductor, casually walk through the scape of the Central Starskiff Haven, taking in the sights.
The weather (which is likely simulated) is nice and cool enough not to warrant you drowning in sweat. March 7th casually slips her arm through yours, tugging you closer to her. Your gaits are forced to be in sync, but you weren’t walking that much differently than her.
“Be gentle with them, March,” Himeko lightly chides. Her hand falls on your other shoulder, lightly squeezing.
“I’m fine, Ms Himeko,” you reply lightly laughing. “March wasn’t rough.”
“Oh? Well if it isn’t the Astral Express!” Jing Yuan is walking at your group, crossing the flow of walking traffic. He’s so much larger than the game made him seem; he’s taller and broader (especially in the chest) than his game model portrayed. His hair looks shiny and smooth, and you’re staring, aren’t you? Alluring golden eyes meet yours, “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
You don’t want to speak, too afraid you’ll make an absolute fool out of yourself in front of the General.
“Hey Jing Yuan,” Caelus, ever the angel, redirects his attention. “We need to have a meeting with you and a few others later on. Are you free this evening?”
“Hm?” Jing Yuan gives a distracted sound of affirmation. “Indeed, I am.”
The next person you run into is Master Diviner, Fu Xuan. The short pink haired girl (Fu Xuan in this instance, not March 7th) looks up at the commotion of your group’s entrance.
“The Astral Express and… friend. How can I help you today?”
Caelus and March help lead the introductions throughout the day and before you know it you’ve tracked down Qingque, Loucha, Sushang, and are now on the hunt for the hunters.
“Are we sure they’re here?” You ask after another detour down an Aurum Alley backstreet leads to nothing. “Could they be… I don’t know… at their secret base?”
Welt frowns, resting his weight onto his cane as he comes to a stop next to you. “We can only keep looking, as we don’t know where that so-called secret base is. If we don’t find them soon,” he sighs. “We will have our discussion without them.”
Your group resigns to having your meeting with the Xianzhou Luofu residents without the Stellaron Hunters.
Qingque listens to what you say with a blank, contemplative face, her hands fiddling with her Mahjong pieces, fingers rubbing the smooth finish. She looks at you when you move your gaze away, eyes watching you curiously.
“I know it’s hard to believe,” you finish off your mini-speech. “But, please, you all are vital parts of this world and its story, and I don’t know who else to turn to.”
Loucha has long set his coffin down beside him, letting the thing take up an entire chair’s space. Jing Yuan looks across the table at the blond man, “what do you make of this situation?”
“It sounds absurd.” The voice didn’t come from your table. You lift your head and look around the empty plaza.
“Silver Wolf?” When you utter her name, her hologram flickers beside you. She’s semi-opaque and looks down at you.
“You know my name.” Silver Wolf aprases you. “That does help prove your point, I’ll give you that.” Her gaze moves to a well maintained shrub across the way, “I think it’s legit, Kafka.”
“Kafka?” Jing Yuan’s eyebrow raises. At that moment her well maintained, elegant form slips out from the branches of the bush. She pulls out a stray leaf from her hair and nods at the General.
“How intriguing.” Kafka switches her focus to you, “if what you say is indeed true…”
“It is.” You say before you can stop yourself. Her eyebrow lifts at your eager reply.
Fu Xuan crosses her legs and stares harshly at the wine haired woman. “You are a wanted criminal on the Xianzhou Luofu.”
Kafka gasps, faux hurt on her face. Her hand lays over her chest, right where her heart is. “Imprisoning me would be against your better interests regarding this one right here.” She says, referring to you. “If Elio were to know of how this little one has come to our world, who would be able to ask if not me?”
“Silver Wolf could, no?” Fu Xuan bites back. When her gaze moves to where Silver Wolf’s hologram was though, she has disappeared. Kafka giggles softly.
“I take it that is a no,” Jing Yuan chuckles.
“A game…” Qingque muses softly. Sushang, seated beside her, nabs a lone Mahjong tile, flipping it in the air idly. “It’s so odd. I have a whole life of memories, yet you say I am only built to be a side piece for entertainment.”
You look down at your lap, face feeling hot with shame at ever evening playing Honkai Star Rail. It’s not like you could have known…
Madam Yukong hums, “while I am inclined to believe you, is there any proof you can offer us? Something you know that would otherwise be unexplainable?”
Loucha is silent in his seat. “How much do you know about us?” He seems troubled.
You think, wondering where the question came from at the same moment a certain cutscene comes to mind. Loucha was somewhere he shouldn’t have been and is carrying more than just a coffin laden with secrets around.
“As a general rule of thumb, I won’t be revealing anything possibly hurtful or incriminating about anyone here.” You sigh, a line of worry coming across your forehead. This is all a lot to deal with. “I… I will do my best not to infringe on any of your private lives.”
“Hey now,” March puts on a sympathetic tone and pets the crown of your head. “I’m fine with you infringing on my private life.” The words most definitely contain an innuendo that you don’t think anyone at the table failed to miss.
With pink cheeks Dan Heng says as well, “You have become somewhat important to me in the limited time we’ve known each other. I would not object to having a more private relationship with you.”
Rounding back to the Foxian’s question you address her. “I mean, yeah, I could tell you what I know of your lives, but honestly? It’s mostly trauma, and sad, sad things.”
Yukong takes a long pause, lips thinning. “I see. I will lend you my trust for now, though I wish to have a private moment with you later on.”
The whole table shares with you that you have no need to worry about forging bonds with them, and it makes you tear up a bit. “That’s very kind of you all, thank you.” Once the emotional moment has come and gone, you realize the absence of one key character.
“Kafka, where’s Blade?”
Her face, that remained unchanging for the whole duration of the conversation, falls slightly. “The Mara is harsh on him today.”
“Oh,” you’d almost forgotten about the Mara. The affliction that curses those who don’t die by it, leading Blade into an undying fate of misery. “I would like to talk to him and fill him in on me being here.”
“He will come and find me soon enough. Wait here with me, darling.” A warm feeling covers your face and chest at the pet name she gives you. Everything about this woman makes you feel crazy….
“Leave them alone with you?” March's tone makes it clear how much she detests the idea. “No way!”
Kafka pouts, eyes lidding as she looks over at the girl, “would you rather I take them to meet Bladie?”
Caelus calls your name, meeting your eyes considerately. “You played our world as a game, so you must have an answer to this. Do you trust Kafka to bring you no harm if we leave your side?”
Now that… it’s not like you’re alone in a desolate place with her. Screaming is always an option. The thought of spending time alone with her makes your heart beat faster and fills your head with its sound. You got sidetracked, imagining sitting side by side with the woman… rather you should focus on the question at hand.
“Yes.” It’s half true. You wonder if her Elio has given her orders regarding anyone from other worlds. Hopefully nothing like ‘eliminate them on sight.’
The Xianzhou Luofu and Astral Express crew bid you goodbyes, Himeko making a point to narrow her eyes threateningly at Kafka as she exits the pavilion.
Kafka drags a chair out next to you and leans on her elbows, gazing at you. You force yourself to maintain calm, even breaths, willing and praying for the heat in your face to dissipate.
The two of you sit there in silence for a moment.
“I wonder if Elio foresaw me coming into this world,” you muse, gazing into Kafka’s pupil-less eyes. The color, a captivating mix of red wine and magenta, doesn’t give away emotion.
“I doubt it.” Her words are floaty and smooth, “As much as I don’t want to admit that, but your existence seems beyond even Elio’s grasp of understanding.”
“Will…” those words send an uncomfortable feeling down your spine. “Will he be angry about that?”
“Who’s to say?” Though in her unchanging eyes you swear you see a hint of amusement. “Though the way you captivate the hearts and minds of everyone you come across, I don’t believe you to be in any danger.”
Well, at least you don’t have to worry about being nuked or anything at the moment. That’s a relief.
Occasionally making small talk, the sun sets on the Loufu as you and Kafka watch. It’s quite intimate for having just met today, but you find your head leaning on her shoulder, breathing in her scent.
While the sky is painted twilight purple, Blade finally makes his presence.
His gait is cool and slow and had you not known of his Mara-Struck status you would think he’s calm and relaxed. His red pupils dilate when he catches sight of you, and they flick over to Kafka where they stay.
“I am late.” He says, though does not apologize.
“Don’t worry about it, Bladie, I had plenty of time to learn about this little one.” Kafka rubs the back of her hand on your cheek, the rings unnaturally cool against your face. It envokes a rush of heat to your face, making you divert your gaze to Blade, who takes the seat next to you.
You’re caged in between the two most beautiful, cool, and awesome Stellaron Hunters. Breathe. Just breathe and don’t pass out or get a bloody nose, because that’d be so cringe.
Kafka’s laugh twinkles in the air like wind chimes at your reaction.
“Are you planning on staying with the Astral Express?” Blade probes. He traces the planes of your face mentally, taking in every detail that graces you.
“Oh?” Kafka leans across you to tease her… (dog) comrade. “Recruiting them already, are we?”
Recruiting you? Are they trying to get you to join their organization? What use would you be as a Stellaron Hunter? You have no battle experience (how would battle even work? Turn based fighting, even in the real world?), so you’re useless there. You have some tech know-how, but clearly nowhere near Silver Wolf’s talent. All you have is— oh.
They want your knowledge about being from beyond this world, don’t they? That revelation brings a sour feeling to your soul. So you weren’t being paid attention to out of genuine interest rather they’re using how you react so positively to being fawned over to gain your favor.
You pull back, away from Kafka and Blade. The chair scrapes the pavement painfully, shrieking as it does so. Both of their gazes flash over to you.
“Where are you headed off to little one?” Kafka calls for you as you gather yourself and stand. Blade remains silent, but his gaze makes up for it in intensity. Though with Kafka’s eyes being clouded and without pupils, it’s not a high calling.
“Restroom.” You lie comfortably.
“Let me come with you,” Kafka says, moving to standing as well.
Even if you do not use the same restroom, you shake your head. “It’s okay, I’ll be back,” maybe.
Himeko finds you wandering Central Starskiff Haven alone, her fiery hair flowing behind her as she speeds up her walk to a brisk pace. She calls out your name, making you look up and offer a half smile.
“Ms Himeko.” You greet.
When she reaches your side, she wraps a lean arm around your shoulders, and tugs you a tad bit closer. Her sweet perfume feels like a second hug.
“Did Kafka abandon you?” Himeko’s words bring a more genuine smile to your face, and respond lightly.
“I didn’t want to continue the conversation we were having.”
Her hand strokes over your hair, “hm? Do you want to elaborate on that or would you rather not breach that topic for now?” You wrap your arms around her waist, seeking comfort, and ignoring the way her golden accessories dig into your torso.
“I want to go home,” you reply quietly, speaking into her skin. Though you don’t know if you wish to go to your home, your home in the real world, or simply seek out the safety and privacy of the Astral Express.
“Let’s get you home, then.” Himeko keeps you close as you navigate through the thinning crowds. Her arms are sturdy as she keeps you close from other pedestrians.
“Where are the others?” you wonder idly. Perhaps they took the time to catch up with the Xianzhou Luofu locals. You hope they won’t leave early for your sake, childishly running away when things don’t go quite the way you’d wanted. That’d make you feel far worse than you already do.
“I believe Caelus and General Jing Yuan are training with Yanqing,” Himeko begins. “March is at the Divination Commision. Welt and Dan Heng are in the Exalting Sanctum. As for the native citizens, I can’t say I paid much attention to where they headed off to.”
You nod contemplatively. “Can we get something to drink, or eat, before we head back to the Express?” It seems like a decent way to spend the time, and your body seems to have realized that you haven’t eaten much today.
Himeko agrees, and both of you find your way to an outdoor table at the Sleepless Earl, the both of you nursing Immortal’s Delights and sharing a new cake they’re testing out. Mengming was eager to offer up the slice to you both, and well, free food is free food. It’s delicious too.
At a certain point you realize just how much of a date it is you’re on with Himeko, a classic coffee shop date. It makes warmth flutter in your chest like butterflies on fire. And she’s not doing it out of desire to wring you for information. Perhaps she feels some moral obligation to not let you get lost, but it seems that she likes you, genuinely, as a person. That brings a soft smile to your face that you cover with a sip of your sweet coffee.
Before you find yourself lost once more in the gold of Himeko’s eyes once again a flash of orange hair and brilliant fire catches your attention from your peripheral vision.
There’s a familiar looking street performer showing off dangerous fire swallowing tricks with a crowd surrounding her. With a start you realize it’s an unreleased character, one you had not accounted for being here.
Gui… something.
Himeko follows your gaze when you jolt, “I’m sure those tricks are safe, she looks well practiced.” Her cool hand covers yours, her gold rings clinking against the table.
You shake your head, “she’s part of the game.”
“Hm? I thought we rounded up everyone on this nation already?”
“I thought so too. She’s unreleased, but I’ve seen her trailer and some leaks. Gui, ah I can’t recall her name, but we should probably catch her attention when we can.”
Gui is amazing at keeping the crowd around her engaged. She’s a natural performer.
There’s a round of cheers as she leans back comically, covering her mouth like she’s going to cough before leaning upwards and blowing out a sharp stream of flame from her mouth.
“She’s really good,” you murmur to yourself, transfixed by her crowdwork.
“Indeed,” Himeko nods.
Guinaifen, you remember her name just as she takes a large, performative bow. The citizens around her disperse and you whisper her name under your breath. As if she could hear you, her amber eyes meet yours from across the pavilion. Her head tilts, her side ponytail leaning more crooked than it was.
“We should talk to her,” you say, but shyness is a hard beast to battle and you drop your stare.
Himeko lets out an amused huff as she stands and crosses to talk to the girl.
A few moments later the two fiery haired women return to your table. Guinaufen drags a chair from an empty nearby table and sits next to you.
“Ms Himeko here says you need to talk to me about something? I saw you watching my performance, so if you’re asking for trade secrets, I have to let you down now. A magician never reveals her secrets~.” There’s a sheen of sweat across her forehead and her baby hairs make a halo around her face. Your mouth dries up when you look at her.
“Oh, it’s nothing like that,” you say with a hoarse chuckle. You lift your refreshing drink up to wet your palate. “Actually, it’s a bit on the serious side. I would have invited you to the meeting earlier, but I didn’t expect to find you here.”
“Hm? What meeting?”
“You have to take my word for it but I am not lying. Make an audience with the general if you want. He will back up my claims.” You ignore her question, instead focusing on carefully delivering your words. “This is a game. I played this world as a video game, but somehow I wound up here and I’m letting you know because you are an important side character. I did not know to search for you, because you aren’t a part of the story yet. If a time comes where I need your assistance to get me back to where I belong or something like that, I wanted you to be informed of this.”
After thorough explanation with Himeko’s assistance, you bid Guinaifen farewell.
The artificial lighting of the Alliance ships dims as time passes, simulating a sunset as a natural planet would have. When the sky turns orange and pink, the same soft pink as a certain March 7th’s hair, you and Himeko decide to make your way back to where the Astral Express docked.
To your surprise, when you step into the passenger cart the breasts of Jing Yuan greet you. You blink, then look up to meet the man’s eyes.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Jing Yuan chuckles to help alleviate your embarrassment.
“It’s quite alright, I must be going now, I hope to see you again, and soon,” he finishes by saying your name, the deep rumble of his voice bringing more warmth to your face.
“You too, me too. Uh, bye Jing Yuan, I hope to see you soon.” You’re going to die, that was so embarrassing, what the fuck, you’re so so silly. Himeko hides a smile, wrapping her arm around your shoulders to escort you back down the sleeping cart and to the safety of her room where you can recover from your flush.
taglist. @leafanonsforest
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blondwhxrewrites · 6 months
what about mattheo with a werewolf s/o? Like imagine being like all worked up and horny before a full moon and having angry pre-transformation sex with him
(I’m actually in love with this man)
You tell him your a werewolf, and the first thing he asks is, 'So does that mean we are like considered as mates or some shit?'
By the way he already knew, because my boy is EXTREMELY observant. He just never told you because he wanted you to be ready to tell him. When he figured it out he immediately sat his ass down at the library and read every single book on werewolves he could find.
He's doing everything he can to support you
He isn't at all afraid of you and dude would square up with werewolf you with no hesitation because he has no sense of self preservation
(also I'm adding my own werewolf system because fuck JK Rowling imma do this my own way 😤)
He finds out that werewolves won't hurt the people that they consider 'mates' or a part of their 'pack', and he is taking full advantage of that. 
He sees your werewolf form for the first time and it's literally just a giant wolf and he's standing there like 🧍while you're just wagging your tail all happy because OH MY GOD ITS YOUR MATE 🥰
You have a little spot in the dark forest where you transform and he'll come and visit you.
You bring him the corpses of the animals you hunt and he'll just awkwardly pat your head, and praise your hunting skills
(this link is an accurate representation of what werewolves look like because ain't no way am I gonna let them be that ugly shit from the prisoner of Azkaban)
You get extremely clingy and possessive the days before a full moon. It's not just towards Mattheo, it's towards your friends too because your senses see them as your 'pack' and you gotta protect them and make sure they are okay
You literally growl at people
Mattheo: She don't bite
You: *Growls*
Person: YES SHE DO
You also get extremely horny and Mattheo lives for it
You wanna fuck? Mattheo is down and ready to be used 🫡
He is your man slut
You get aggressive during the act and end up biting him on the neck and shoulders and he is wearing those marks proudly. He's strutting around Hogwarts proudly marked as yours 💅
During those days before the full moon, he will be your subby little manwhore
Anything for his princess 🤷
You wanna suck his dick and call him a good boy? He's melting into a puddle of goo. He becomes all blushy and shy because he loves being praised 🤭
Eating your pussy like a man starved.
Please sit on his face and suffocate him (:
You wanna ride him? Bros staring at you in awe while he watches your ass bounce up and down on his cock in reverse cowboy.
My boy is just along for the ride 😁
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thesongoficeandfir3 · 2 months
The wolf, the raven, and the hunt ( the wolf, the raven and, the arrow part 2)
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Benjicot ‘Davos’ Blackwood x fem!Stark reader
A/n: The long awaited part twooooo!!! I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t planning on making a part two but since so much of you asked I just had to!
I hope atleast some of you like this because I know I don’t , I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes :/ 💔
Warnings: female reader, female pronouns are used, Canon typical sexism but not really, sexual themes alluded but not described, canon typical violence, sa is talked about but happens to no one, No deers were hurt in the making of this story, lmk if I missed anything
It was the earlier hours of the morning when the courtyard of Riverrun was hustling and bustling with activity. The hunting dogs are barking, the horses neighing, and the servants, stable boys, maids etc.. are all moving about urgently getting everything ready for the hunt that is about to leave.
You and your brother were supposed to leave the Riverlands a week ago, but a certain Stark had taken up interest in a certain Blackwood. That being Cregan and Alyssane of course…..
As you walk among the chaos of everyone preparing, you spot Benjicot sitting on a bench in the corner breaking his fast. After the archery incident you two had spoken here and there not as much as you hoped. The reason being him having to go back to Raventree for a few days for some urgent Lord of Raventree Hall business, but you’ll never admit that you were disappointed when he left.
As you approach him he shoveling food into his mouth not even noticing your presence until you sit right across from him.
“Seven hells Blackwood, you sure can put it away.” you
laughed resting your head on your chin as you looked at him.
“Wot can I say, I’m veruh hungrry.” He laughed back food still stuffed in his cheeks.
“Yes and very messy.” you say as you take the cloth near him wiping the food from the side of his mouth.
He raises an eyebrow and grins as you wipe the corner of his mouth and doesn’t bother to pull away. “Oh? You going to clean me up, My Lady? That’s quite the wifely task, no?” he taunts you.
“Please I do this for my nephew Rickon, who is only a year I might add.” you reply neatly folding the napkin and putting it to the side.
Instead of feeling offended that you were in fact just treating him like a child his grin just widened. “Aww well aren’t I in luck you’re the wifely and motherly type” he says reaching out to grab another chicken leg.
You roll your eyes to the sky at how fast his comebacks are. He snorts at your lack of comeback and continues to go the town on his chicken leg as if this was his first time eating in days which you knew not to be true giving his status.
“I wonder if you’re this hungry when it comes to other things.” You ask rhetorically taking a strawberry from his plate and slowly biting into it, trying to tease him back even if it meant you had to tread in dirty waters.
“I can assure you, Lady Stark, my insatiable appetite is... very much not limited to just food.” he smirks looking at you, his eyes slowly trailing down your figure not covered by the table. He then leans closer taking your hand with the strawberry eating the rest of it. You could feel his soft lips brush against your fingertips, he then darts his tongue out licking the rest of the strawberry’s juices from your fingers.
“It was a jest!” you practically yell as you felt your body heat up. You shoved his head away not expecting him to reply so fast and more so not expecting him to do that.
He laughs and sits back down in his chair, finishing his last chicken leg “Oh was it? My mistake, I thought it was a request…”
“So the hunt!” you quickly try to change the subject. “is there anything you riverlord do differently than us in the North?”
He shakes his head throwing the rest of his food to the ground near him and stray dogs quickly began to snack on it.
Not necessarily except we just have different types of game, but speaking of the hunt you’ll be riding with my party“ he says it more like a command that a request.
“Seven hells and why would I want to do that” your face twisted in disgust.
“Come now, it’s either spending several hours alone in the woods, with your love sick brother and my love sick aunt or you could spend the whole day with me and my much more entertaining friends.” he says before downing his cup of ale in one go.
You groan at the thought, already not liking when you sit near them during dinner in the great hall. You can’t imagine how’d they’d be in a more private area.
“Are they as dumb as you…..if that is even possible?”
“Lady y/n! I’m hurt that you even have to ask that,” he feigns shock. “of course they’re dumb, but we're also far more charming than the other options available to you.”
You giggle at his dramatics. “Very well then least I’d be entertained.”
He smiles as he hears your laugh, a warm feeling in his gut growing at the sound. “Oh, you won’t be disappointed, I have plenty of ways to entertain you I promise.”
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You walked up to the carriage Benjicot told you to be and found him near it along with two other lads you knew to be lord Kermit and Oscar Tully. You only ever spoken to then once or twice but it was in a much more formal setting and it was with both your families so you did not know the two young lords well.
If your brother were to find out you ditched going with him and Aly, to go with three young men out in the woods alone he’d for sure strangle you but what he doesn’t know won’t kill him.
Realistically however, from an outside view this did seem like an extremely dangerous and wild thing to do. A highborn lady, who was still a maiden confined in a carriage with three other young men then going to an even more isolated place, the woods....Yet you did not for a moment feel like this was unsafe.
You may have called Benjicot psychotic many times but in reality you never truly meant that. Yes, he could be a bit crazy, but not in a way were it made you feel unsafe to be around him and you’ve been around men who made you feel unsafe. A prime example being lord Bolton and his sons who you’re sure crawled out of the seven hells themselves.
The Boltons always give you such an uncomfortable feeling and made you cling to your dagger tighter when they were near … but not Benjicot … he didn’t make you feel like you needed to be alert around him, you trusted him so by extension it goes onto Kermit and Oscar.
“Ah, she’s here, the Lady Stark herself.” Oscar, who you believed was the youngest , says as he approached you excitedly.
“My lords” you bow, though it was a more informal setting you still didn’t forget your manners.
They both bow respectfully before Kermit steps forward, clearly the more well mannered of the two lads “It’s an honor to finally meet you, Lady Stark. Benjicot has told us so much about you.”
“Has he now?” a small smile appearing on your face finding it cute Benjicot still talks about you when you’re not there.
Kermit and Oscar exchange a glance with each other before a wide grin appears on their face.
“Oh yes, he just wouldn’t shut up about you, going on and on about “Y/n Stark this” and “Y/n Stark that”. Kermit starts.
“He wouldn’t stop gushing about you” Oscar rolls his eyes pretending to be annoyed.
You laughed wondering what else they would spill. “Did he also tell you how I elbowed him last time he got too close?”
“He told us all about it the very same day it happened. He said he’d never been more attracted to a woman in his entire life.” Kermit says as he snickers.
Oscar grins and nods, then suddenly burst out laughing when another thought came to his head trying his best to get it out through the laughter.
“And… and he said he nearly threw himself on his knees and thanked the Sevens above that you’d touched him, no- no matter how violently it was.” the younger and clearly more immature Tully brother doubled down laughing.
Your eyes widen in amusement and Benjicot who was sitting on the stairs of the carriage the entire time, just giving you three a chance to familiarize yourself with each other immediately shoots up at what Oscar says. He stomps over and shoves the Tully lords away from you which caused them to laugh harder.
“Haha, ignore them they’re just being arseholes, come let me help you into the carriage” Benjicot throws them another glare putting you in front of him, using himself as a barrier so the Tully brothers don’t say anything worse.
You don’t speak on what they said for now… taking a mental note to bring it up later if you two have another one of your unofficial teasing battles. Benjicot takes one of your hands, leading you up the stairs to the carriage and the other on the small of your back. Once you make it to the top his hands stay there longer than they need to be, but then he quickly pulls away when he realizes what he was doing.
The carriage ride went relatively smooth enough. Kermit and Oscar both calmed down with embarrassing their friend and you all just spoke about different things, nothing in particular.
By the time you four reached the hunting grounds it was mostly set up and hunting parties were already making their way out.
“So how do you guys do this?” You ask stretching your muscles from the long cramped carriage ride.
“Oh we uhh we usually split up that way we can cover more ground.” Kermit lies and say but you didn’t know it.
“Huh? No we d-“ Oscar is about to say but quickly change his mind realizing what his brother is trying to do “oh yes! We certainly do.”
“Yes it’s the fastest and most efficient method. Plus it makes it more fun and exciting since we get to see who’s able to catch the most game.” Benjicot replies immediately catches on, silently thanking the brothers for their support.
“Oh well in that case,” you pretend to think looking between the three riverlords “I want to team up with Kermit.”
Benjicot opens his mouth about to argue but then when you laugh he relaxes.
“I only jest.” you say with a laugh and Kermit and Oscar laugh with you already liking you being apart of their little group.
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The two of you are walking through the woods, the sound of other parties echo in the not too far distance from different directions. You can hear other hunters laughing and shouting, and dogs barking as they find a chase to follow.
“There’s far too many people here, all the animals have already ran off from the noise, but don’t worry, I know a place where we can go to hunt come on.” Benjicot says motioning for you to follow.
You two walk deeper and deeper into the woods doing a few twist and turns and soon come up to a tall old stone wall that stretched too far to just walk around it. Benjicot easily went over it, you have no doubt he’s done this many times. You handed him the hunting gear before you began to climb over. You sat down on top of the wall about to jump off, when before you could,he grabbed onto your hips lifting you down without a second thought.
You unconsciously hold onto his shoulders as he lifted you down and thought the moment was for a second your heart races as your chest was pressed against his. Once your feet hit the ground he held onto you just for an extra second but only to make sure you were stable.
“Did it look like I needed your help?.” You say faster than you could process and inwardly curse to yourself at the fact that was what you say instead of a simple ‘thank you’.
Benjicot fortunately just laughs and rolls his eyes playfully. “You know you don’t have to act so tough, I can see right through your cold northern ice exterior.”
“Wow so original comparing me to ice.” your voice laced with sarcasm.
“I can’t help it, you’re such a feisty, stern, tough, she wolf of the North. I’m trying so valiantly to melt that frozen wall you’ve built around your heart.”
“You somehow prove to me everyday why you’re the most annoying person in Westeros and even across the Narrow sea.” you mutter pinching the bridge of your nose at his horrible attempt to be poetic.
“You say things like that and yet you keep talking to me, it’s almost like you enjoy it Lady Stark.” He looks at you deeply trying to gape a good reaction out of you.
“Shut up and keep walking or else I’ll shoot you and call that my game. “ you try your best not to sound flustered pushing him forward.
You two soon made your way to a clearing with a river, its waters flowing past the trees. The only sounds being the rippling water, songs of the birds and the occasional sound of the whistling wind as it passed through the tall trees. You follow him as he stoops down behind some bushes near the river.
After a couple of minutes some birds and rabbits go over to the river for a drink, but Benjicot doesn’t draw his bow just yet. More time pass and a deer trots over going for a drink oblivious to you two hiding. It wasn’t such a huge deer were it would beat records but it wasn’t so small where it would not be a good catch.
His eyes gleam at the sight and he picks up his bow handing it to you. You look at him as if he was mad and push it back against him but he then just pushes it back to you.
“You know I am not near the level where I can actually catch game.“ you hated to admit it, but it was the truth.
“That’s why I’m here, I’ll be guiding you the whole time. I’ll make sure you don’t miss, now take the bow.” he gives you a reassuring smile pressing the wooden material to your hand.
You take the bow and ready it as if you were going to hit a normal target in the training yard. Benjicot moves closer to you, his shoulders pressed against yours as he looks at the deer and back to your bow to see if it was in line of fire. The position was no where near as close or…. Intimate as the first time he’s helped you with your archery skills. Feeling his warmth pressed up against you like this however, reminded you of it.
Eyes still on the buck ahead he reaches out and gently lifts your hand more to where he thinks is the better position, his large and callous hand a stark contrast to your smaller and soft ones. Your mind wonders back to that day in the training yard, your body reliving every detail. From his smell, the feeling of his hot breath on the shell of your ear, how he made you feel warm in the cold and how his words left a coil in your stomach.
Still thinking of the day you nearly miss when he gives you the command to shoot, only now remembering the deer in front of you. You let go of the bow without realizing it. The bow soars through the air and gets closer and closer to its prize but then hits the water mere inches from a head shot.
Benjicot lets out a frustrated groan and wasting no time the deer runs back into the forest startled. You slump your shoulders in great disappointment.
“ I’m sorry.” You mumble.
Benjicot looks over to you and see how disappointed you are. “Why are you apologizing that was your first hunt ever. You can’t really expect to hit it on the first shot do you?” He says in a casual tone standing up and dusting his pants off.
It had not even been a full year since you picked up archery yet you still couldn’t help but constantly get frustrated with yourself when you miss.
“I suppose but we’ve been here for so long and have nothing to show for it…. You were better off going with Kermit or Oscar.”
“Please, don’t be ridiculous. Kermit and Oscar aren’t going to find anything either. They’ve probably been walking around in circles and shouting at each other the whole time. If by the Seven they do catch something the poor beast was probably on its deathbed and wanted a quick death.” He shakes his head able to imagine the whole thing while throwing the quiver over his shoulder.
You laugh feeling a bit better, you haven’t known them for a long time yet you could definitely see that going down.
“Besides more importantly I picked you to go with me not Kermit or Oscar… you. Now come on let’s go see if we can find those idiots.” he starts walking ahead.
You two walk back through the path you came from and once you left the thick dense and woods you felt a drop of water on your head. You stick out your hand and a few more drops fall onto it causing you to frown.
You knew it was going to rain, when earlier you saw the dark pregnant clouds rolling in from the north, but you thought you’d make it back to camp my then.
Before you could comment on it a very familiar red and black cloak is thrown over your head momentarily blinding your vision. You lift it from your face and quirk an eyebrow looking at Benjicot.
He meets your glance and smiles slightly, amused by your bewildered expression. “What?, what kind of man would I be if I let you walk through the rain and get all wet and soaked?”
“Oh well Umm thanks.” you gulp as the rain starts to fall harder.
He adjusts the cloak, pulling it around you more to make sure it’s covering you properly. With you wrapped up in his cloak a surge of possessiveness runs through him. He’ll be damned if the sight of you wearing his clothes doesn’t send a warm tingling shiver all over his body. He clears his throat, trying to ignore the impure thoughts flooding his mind, and he tries to sound nonchalant as he responds “Don’t mention it… let’s keep going.”
As you continue on back to camp you glance over to him and see how at this point he is completely soaked. Compared to you who, save for a small part of your legs that your boots and his cloak doesn't cover, is dry.
You glanced back at him your eyes looking at the way how his dark wet hair sticks to his forehead and how his wet clothes cling onto him. He doesn’t notice how you scan over his body or how your gaze lingers a little too long on how his clothes cling to his frame fortunately for you.
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By the time you reach camp the rain stopped. You walk him up to his tent where he’ll get changed into something dry before joining you for dinner. He already started to unbutton his doublet not wanting to bring the soaked material into his dry tent.
“I feel bad.” You say as water still rolls off of him, you felt so guilty he sacrificed his comfort for yours.
He glances down at you with a small smirk, trying to make light of the situation and ignore the uncomfortable feeling of his now wet clothes sticking to his body. “Don’t worry about it. It’s just rain, I’ll be fine.“ he says as he throws the doublet to the side.
“Oh right you’ll probably want this back.” You go to take off his cloak but he quickly stops you.
“No, keep it It’s alright. I’m going to change out of these wet clothes so I won’t need it,” he gently puts his hands on your arms to keep you from taking it off. “besides I think you should get use to wearing my house colors. ” Benjicot teases.
You scoff at his words but your heart flutters at the same time.
“You can’t go an entire hour without being a smart-arse can you Blackwood?”
“Only for you my lady, only for you.” he says as he walks into his tent.
You walked away from his tent going to find a place to sit and wait for him. You subconsciously pull his cloak closer to you inhaling the scent… it smelt of the forest mixed in with metal. Your mind starts to wonder throughout the day and think back on how kind and gentle Benjicot was.
You’re so engrossed by the cloak, you don’t realize you were about to walk into the group of drunken Bracken men, but at the same time they don’t notice you.
They seemed to be getting rowdy and rough with each other as men their age do. They were all boasting about how tomorrow they’ll catch an even bigger game and argued who was the better hunter.
The lord of Stone Hedge Aeron Bracken had the most say.
“Hey this sword is good enough for killing Blackwoods it’s well enough for killing a beast besides what’s the difference.” they all roar in laughter.
One of his brother’s then mocks him telling him how he’s never killed either teasingly pushing him. Aeron not suspecting the push stumbled back and at the same time you just so happen to be walking behind him which caused him to stumble right into you, you both crash to the ground.
You slightly groaned in pain at the weight of the man on top of you, Aeron quickly stood back up and looks down at you shocked and guilty for what he just did. He was about to apologize and offer a hand for what he just did when in a blink of an eye. Benjicot, who just turned the corner and only sees you on the ground with a Bracken looming over you acts before he knows the full extent of the situation. He roughly slams Aeron up against the tree and pins him there firmly, looking at him with a glare that could kill.
“What in the seven hells do you think you’re doing Bracken ? Picking on women now, is that it? Huh?” his voice low and threatening as he slams the male against the tree again, knocking some wind out of him.
You are shocked by the suddenness of everything and look around to see if anyone would intervene ,but no one seems to care as if this was a normal occurrence and the rest of the Bracken men look worried but don’t dare get up. You had heard of the Blackwood-Bracken conflict before, but you never knew how bad and often it was.
It’s taking everything in him not to run his sword through the Bracken’s neck,the only thing stopping him from doing so is the thought of you seeing him commit violence. He’s not sure if he’s ready to show you why they call him “Bloody Ben.”
You stand up rushing over to him. “Benjicot wait no- it was an accident I swear it’s fine!”
His angry glare softens ever so slightly when he looks at you, yet he still doesn’t release Aeron.
“He’s a Bracken bastard they thrive off of putting others down.” Benjicot already hated the Brackens as is, but the fact of all people they mess with you makes him angry beyond measure.
“Yea well not this time, I swear I’m fine, please let him go.” You truly did not want someone to get hurt for what was an accident. You wrap your hands around Benjicot’s arm trying to pull him away.
The urge not to at least punch the Bracken bastard in the face is hard for him to subside, but not wanting to disappoint you is even stronger.
He shoves him away from behind the tree. Aeron nearly falls at how hard Benjicot shoved him but catches himself walking back to his group where they immediately walk away in case Benjicot changes his mind.
“Cowards.” he huffs out a sharp breath and watches the men walk away, his eyes still filled with anger as he glares at the group.
“I’ll do it.” You say bluntly
He looks back at you and frowns a confused expression on his features.
“huh? You’ll do what?”
“ I’ll marry you.” You say without any hesitation.
He just stares at you for a moment, his heart stopping in his chest and his breath catching in his lungs. For a moment he just stares at you, completely lost for words as his brain struggles to wrap around the words that just left your lips.
“You…. Wait… I-I….” he stuttered not being able to complete a sentence his cheeks turning pink. “look I get we have this thing going on where we tease each other, but bloody hells Stark your killing me.” he says as he pretend to wipe his face to hide the blush.
“No Ben,” you pause saying his nickname for the first time and liking the way it feels on your tongue “I’m serious.”
The gears in his head starts to turn slowly and he stares at you for a long while just waiting for you to blurt out it was jest,but when you don’t he drops to one knee grasping both of your hands in his.
“I swear to the old and new gods to be a good spouse to you. I promise to always protect you, and care for you. I promise to worship and be devoted to you with my body, mind and soul….. so will you Y/n of house Stark be the lady of Raventree Hall….. will you accept these vows and become Lady Blackwood?” for the first time since you’ve met him he seems nervous.
“Yes I want to be Lady Blackwood.” you smile down at him.
His heart swells and a rush of excitement and nerves, but mostly excitement, flood through him. An enormous smile spreads across his face. He gets up and is about to pull you in for a hug when you stop him.
“But….” you raise a hand to stop him.
“But?” He asks nervously expecting the worse.
“I have a few conditions.”
“I want a traditional Stark wedding.”
He relaxes slightly, a small amused smile on his face as you declare one of your few conditions. He can’t help but chuckle slightly as he nods.
“Simple enough.”
“It has to be in the godswood not the sept.” you say your second condition
“I want to be able to visit Winterfell a few times a year”
“Of course I know how important family is to you Starks“
“I want some of my ladies-in-waiting to be from the North.”
“ Very well, is that all or are there more demands? he says jokingly
“Andddd “ he says in a sing song voice.
“I want Visenya to live with us”
He quirks an eyebrow. “and that is?”
“My direwolf of course.” you say as it’s the most obvious thing.
He smiles extremely amused, but not entirely surprised you own a direwolf. “Well obviously,” he matched your tone “can’t have my special girl living without hers”
You open your mouth to speak again then realize that, that was all your requests you were fully expecting to have a bit of an argument not expecting him to agree so easily.
He noticed and smirks grabbing your hips and pulling you into him. “Why so surprised, I did say I’d give you everything and more the first time we met didn’t I?” he smiles his thumb tracing circles in your waist
Cregan then just so happens to be walking towards your direction and when he spots you two his face goes from disgust, to anger to confusion, then anger again which causes you to laugh.
“Before you go doing anything unwise Blackwood, I suggest you ask for my brother’s blessing first.” you laugh nodding your head towards the direction of your brother who stood behind Benjicot boring holes at the back of his head.
Benjicot body froze and you swear he got pale, he didn’t dare turn around to meet eyes with the wolf of the North and instead he slowly takes his hands off of you pulling them back to his sides.
“Danm, it was already hard enough to convince one of you” he mumbled.
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' ᴍᴀᴛᴇ - ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ.'
warnings - monster au. werewolf johnny. thoughts - kidnapping, baby-trapping/pregnancy, yandere, werewolf behaviour. pt2 for this.
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werewolf!johnny crowding you as you get home. you’d only gone to the store to get some groceries but he’d whined and made a fuss as soon as you had started getting ready this morning. you knew some animals picked up on things but he managed to do it awfully quickly. nose pressed against your clothing - he backs up and growls a little while looking up at you with the most human-like eyes you’ve ever seen on a wolf. not that you’ve encountered many wolves but his seems so…different. 
“big puppy.” you call to him affectionately but he lets out a huff - showing you he hasn’t forgiven you for ‘abandoning him’ at the house nor has he forgiven you for coming back smelling like other people. he wants to whine out - tell you that he spent so much time scenting you and yet you’ve ruined all his hard work. oh, it would be so much easier just for johnny just to talk to you. he knows you’d panic though - be scared and confused like any other human would be. that’s the only thing holding him back. 
but, all that was going to change soon. johnny knew it. knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back soon enough. it was already hard enough to do so when you strutted around your home - in towels, sundresses, and the like. he’d have to bite the bullet and hope you accepted his explanations - his rut was right around the corner and he’d drive himself mad if he couldn’t give you the pleasure you deserved by breeding you. 
as the days stretched on, you could tell there was something wrong with the wolf you decided to share your little home with. he was…off. he was behaving differently - usually, he’d go out during the day and scratch at the back door when he expected you to open the door for him. always nuzzling into your hip as he walked past you - sometimes he’d give you a nudge you as if he was a little offended that you kept locking the door on him but that had become the routine with the both of you. 
now, he stayed in during the day. becoming your shadow as he followed you around everywhere you went. even as you tried to go out for more groceries this morning - he backed himself against the door and blocked off the exit. letting out warning growls when you tried to move his bulky body away from it. you had huffed - told him that you two would have nothing for dinner tonight then went back to lounge on the sofa. you knew you weren’t getting past your big boy if he had decided not to let you out this morning. 
later on in the day, you decided to take a nap. that’s when johnny had slipped out the back door - having to take a risk and open it himself but he had nothing to worry too much about since you were typically a heavy sleeper. he’d made his way to the forest out back and then dragged home ‘dinner’ for the both of you. you have the shock of your life when you open your eyes, freshly rested, to come face-to-face with a whole dead animal in your living room. you had screamed and used your hand to cover your mouth - johnny’s tail had been thumping against the wooden floor up until then. that’s when his ears had lowered and a whine came from him. wondering why you weren’t impressed by his kill. he’d provided for you - like he would do for you and his pups once he finally had the chance to fill you up. 
his rut was soon - johnny knew what he had to do. he’d let you go out today. let you go shopping since you were so unhappy the day before when had he hunted for you. johnny had paced the cottage, finally, able to stretch his legs in human form. he only stopped once he heard the car pull up outside. letting out a sigh as he sat himself down on the sofa. his leg bobbing up and down as he waited for you to enter your home so he could finally explain the situation to you - hoping his mate accepted it. but, if you didn’t accept it, he’d still go through with it. he’d rebuild that trust once more and live a happy life with his mate - no matter if it was unwilling or willing in the beginning.
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year
Naww funny asf idea you might like, the reader having a thing for their male yautjas chest, you know overall like “BOOBIES, THE TIDDIES” and their mate just having to put up with their shenanigans
(Don’t forget to stay hydrated🫵)
Boobies, Yes
Pairing: Wolf x Reader
Word Count: 1808
Summary: A menace, a daring menace. That's what you are. Any chance you're given, you attack. How can you resist? They're right there! Your hands need to hold them. They look so heavy for your Yautja.
Author Note: This, this is gold. Tiddies are the best, no matter one who or what. Muscle or not, Yautjas have great boobies. Thank you for this wonderful ask.
How could you ignore them? Especially when they’re right there! Even though Wolf was leaner compared to a few of his hunting buddies, he had enough to grab. You snickered quietly as you eyed up the lethal Yautja sitting in his pilot’s chair. He was none the wiser as you stood off to the side. Well, you believed he didn’t know you were there. But this is Wolf we’re talking about. He scented you the moment you entered the room.
One of the things he taught you from the time you’ve stayed with him, you were able to step lightly as you snuck over to him. You kept behind him, bare feet not making a sound on the warm metal floors. A poised hunter, trained from one of the best.
The chair sat about three feet in front of you. This was your chance! You took a step to the right, ready to spring around it and surprise Wolf.
“What do you think you’re doing, little hunter?” The question hung in the air. You tensed up, muscles freezing up. Damn… You stayed where you were, hoping he’ll just brush it by. ‘Hope’ that won’t do much for you in the situation. Wolf said your name, not a warning or anything. He just spoke it.
Air pushed out of your nostrils as airy scoff. Finally, you stepped out from behind the chair and relinquished your hiding spot. Wolf sat relaxed in his seat, one elbow resting on the arm rest. His other limb was messing with a screen. By the looks of it, he was checking his messages. As one of the greatest hunters out there, he was quite busy.
Wolf’s eyes glanced at you for a moment. The Yautja held a nonchalant gaze when he looked at. “What are you doing?” You placed a hand on his unused arm rest and leaned a little in. A playful grin growing on your smug face. You didn’t try to hide it once of ever.
“Oh nothing, nothing at all.” A total lie but he had no idea. Probably. Your eyes flickered down. Target acquired.
Today was a relaxing day. All Wolf was wearing was his loin cloth a leather shoulder guard. The leather band went over his chest and up his shoulder. He was free to show off his body that you loved. You were happy to drink it in. But that’s not why you were standing next to him. There was a special part you were after.
A scaled brow was raised slightly. His gaze was still on the screen before him, pointer finger flicking through messages. Wolf hummed his suspicion at your retort.
Perfect. The grin on your face widened more. Then you attacked. Your free hand surged forward and latched onto one of the pecs of Wolf. You squeezed, the muscle for the second soft, not being flexed. The very next second, they were rock solid in your grasp.
A massive, calloused hand wrapped around your wrist, easily swallowing it up. The limb tugged you forward towards Wolf. Instantly, you gulped and laughed softly, almost nervously.
Deep down, you don’t know how this alien tolerates your antics, but he does.
Said Yautja leaned in close, hot breath fanning over your skin. “What do you think you’re doing?” he reilerated and emphasized by pulling on your limb to get you even closer. Wolf flicked his upper mandible. It brushed against your cheek.
You kept that grin plastered on your features. “What do you mean?” you asked of him oh-so innocently. All of that was a lie.
Wolf huffed then his eye glanced down at your hand still holding his pec. You still pretended to not know what he’s referring to. This is what you loved about him. One of the many things you loved about Wolf. He let this happen. He let you fool around – safely of course.
Since you hadn’t moved the limb, Wolf flexed his muscle you were holding onto. He left it untensed once he was done showing off. This was a new opportunity. Your hand squeezed it again. You giggled excitingly. Afterwards, you were able to remove Wolf’s hand on you and walk off.
The entire interaction confused Wolf. He let you go though and returned to the screen before him. An amused smile on his face as he shook his head. Whatever will he do with you?
That was the first time you’ve done but it wasn’t the last. It’ll never be the last! No matter how many times you do it to him, no matter what he wears, your hands find his boobies. Soft, velvet skin continuous met the palm of your small hands. After so many tries, you’ve lost count of the successes. Not that it matters though. Mostly.
This time consist of a drive-by. Multiple success in one day. Four in total. Time to make it five.
Your feet carried you swiftly down the main hall. Wolf was lifting himself out of his chair and strolling down the same hall as you. Since the atmosphere of the ship is to his liking, he can freely discard his biomask. In conclusion, you could see his eyes closely watching you. It was like Wolf already knew what was to happen. There was suspicion floating in his eyes.
Careful steps lead towards your known target. Each one counted down. Wolf tried to keep a wide berth but he can’t escaped you. Not when he’s trained to be a hunter like him.
“Boobies!” you shouted and grasped his free pec lightning fast. One squish and you were racing down the hall away from him, towards the cockpit. Sometimes he’ll give chase after you. Other’s – like this time – he’ll stop, turn to face your direction, and quirk a brow. Nothing will be said in exchange. He’ll just watch you, trying to hide the minute smile on his alien face. But you’ve spotted it, twice. He likes this game you rope him into playing. Different, fun, and seeing you smile, that’s what matters to him greatly.
This incident consisted of the two of you back on Yautja Prime. Though, considered dangerous for you, a ooman. No one dared laid finger on you. Not when you smelled like Wolf or when he was around you. Many barely gave you a glance before giving you the space Wolf silently demanded. All the males, of course did this. The females, they were different. Thankfully, not many of them were out today in the shopping district of Wolf’s hometown.
While in the public’s eye, Wolf wasn’t the most friendly. As one of the most deadly hunter’s out there, he had to keep up his image.  With that in mind, Wolf couldn’t be touchy-touchy with you. No holding hands, not even a hand on your shoulder. That didn’t stop you from being extremely close with Wolf. Like any hunter, he knew the dangers of his own planet. You were kept in front of him at all times.
Wolf corralled you towards a vendor he was needing to visit. It was easy to keep you contained. Once the two of you arrived, Wolf began to speak to the other alien. You were expected to stay between Wolf and the table. The safest place to be. And that’s where you stayed, mostly peacefully.
The vendor’s table didn’t have much that interested yourself, computer components by the looks of it. You looked at what they had before quickly losing interest. Instead, you turned around to face Wolf. He had his biomask on, a way to hide his emotions better. But you could read his body language plainly.
Standing in front of him, about to his midriff, you couldn’t contain your smirk. It was your precursor to your actions. Your hand grabbed at his pec once again and squeezed. The Yautja didn’t even move or flex the muscle. You huffed and fake fell towards him. Now, your face buried between his glorious boobs. Mmm, best place to be!
Now, your Yautja stiffened slightly, spine tensing but he did nothing more than that. You happily stayed there. Wolf didn’t do anything with his hands. He let them hang at his sides, though his fingers did twitch. Not that you saw or even felt them move.
After the two of you were done at the vendor, Wolf stepped back. You weren’t expecting this and stumbled since your weight was pressed into him. He placed a hand on your shoulder for one moment to catch you. Then it fell away back to Wolf’s side. He turned around and started walking away. This sort of thing wasn’t unnatural out in public. You don’t take any offense to his actions out here. That didn’t stop you from teasing him. All with a smirk on your face.
He stalked away like a predator, like the hunter he is. You were quick to scramble after him, a pep in your step.
Two perfectly shaped breasts just sitting there. All of this has been going on for weeks. And it won’t stop. You couldn’t help but snicker quietly as you walked alongside Wolf in the ship. Dinner had been prepared. He had come to get you so the two of you could eat.
As the pair of you made their way into the kitchen, you spun on your heel and stopped in front of Wolf. He paused as well, head tilted down to look at your smaller frame. A brow was quirked up. Recognition flashed in his eyes. Yet, Wolf didn’t move. You giggled. Immediately, you placed a hand on his exposed pec and squeezed. You leaned in and stood on your tippy-toes. This was Wolf though, he stood far too tall for you to press a kiss to his mandible.
The wall met your back, a hand cushioned the back of your skull. Then, that limb pinned your hip. The other hand was firmly wrapped around your neck, promptly pinning you to the wall as well. You gasped harshly and stared up at Wolf in shock. Nevertheless, your fingers still grasping his chest.
Wolf leaned down, warm breath fanning over your face. Dark tresses creating a half circle curtain around us. His three mandibles twitching, dark eyes scanning over your features before locking onto your eyes. The upper fang caressed your cheek bone. “Are you going to continue doing that?” he growled. Internally, you knew that didn’t have a single bite in it.
You stretched out your neck to be closer to him. “Yes.”
Dinner was forgotten about.
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mint-yooxgi · 10 months
Depravity - Yandere!Wolf!Bang Chan
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Yandere AU & Wolf AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Bang Chan X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 2,024
Warnings: Establish relationship. Predator/prey dynamics, and implications of consensual non-consent (cnc). This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I honestly had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy it, too! It's feral, but sweet? At least, in my opinion lol... Anyways, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Fourteenth of The Feral Drabbles
I can smell you.
Oh, Baby Girl, knowing you’re as excited for this as I am just makes needing to catch you all the more sweeter. The pull you have on me is even stronger than that of the moon itself, and tonight, you’re mine.
I’ll admit, when you first suggested that I chase you around the woods like this, I was a little hesitant. Surprised would be an understatement, considering I thought I was dreaming again. There was no way you were letting one of my deepest fantasies come to life. Yet, here we are.
I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The mental image alone of how your eyes lit up in excitement after I agreed to this fuels every movement I make. I need to get to you. I need to have you. There’s no escaping your fate, Baby. I’ll catch up to you, and when I do, you better be ready. After all, it was you who told me to unleash the beast.
He craves you. I have always craved you. Since the first moment I saw you, I knew that we were meant to be. I did everything in my power to ensure you only ever saw the best of me, but you’ve secretly wanted me to let loose. All this time, and I thought you were perfectly content with me being nothing but a gentleman.
Oh, how wrong I was.
You seek the thrill of the hunt, too. If only I had known sooner, I would have gladly made your heart shudder as it is now while I chase you through the foliage, creeping closer with each step. 
I can hear everything, you know. I can hear the way your breath hitches with every snap of a twig. You heart stutters each time my footsteps approach you. I can tell you’re trying to be sneaky, but there’s nothing you can do that would throw me off your trail. Your very being calls to me, and like hell am I letting you slip away.
Though, I’m not unreasonable. I even gave you a head start, just like you wanted. The goal is to end in our little cabin, deep within the darkness of the woods. No one to disturb us; I can have you all to myself. 
I plan to make you scream tonight, Baby Girl; only you, me, and the moon.
Tracking you has never been easier. I’m already attuned to your every move. I have to be. I care too much about you to not know every little detail I can about the beauty I plan to spend the rest of my life with. Our story will be timeless, as will our love. I’ll make sure of it, even if it’s the last thing I ever do. I’m never letting you go, though from the way your excited giggles fill the air, I can tell you don’t want me to, either.
With every passing moment, your scent becomes stronger. I could end this quickly, but you wanted to draw this out. Besides, I want to give us a satisfactory prelude to the night I’m about to give you. You told me not to hold back, and the longer I spend hunting you, the more that burning desire within me swirls and builds.
Fuck- I can’t wait to have you spread out beneath me, naked and trembling in ecstasy. I want to see your eyes roll, and your thighs shake. I want to hear you scream my fucking name, praising the moon for bringing us together just as it has always been fated to be. I plan to take everything from you, and give everything of me in return. I won’t stop until we’re both satisfied, Baby Girl. I’ll show you just how insatiable I can be…
I’m getting closer, I can tell. I wonder if you’ll be able to see my golden eyes cutting through the darkness. You told me not to hold back, and I don’t intend to. Of course, I promised not to chase you in my true form, that’s just unfair. There wouldn’t be a chase if I did that, and I swore I would never hurt you. Though, it would be fun to see your reaction when a large, handsome wolf comes bounding up to you, only for it to shift into me in the next second.
Perhaps next time…
Just wait until you see how strong I can be. All those times I’ve held you close, I’ve cut back on how tightly my arms would wrap around you. Now, I don’t have to. You want me to lose control. You want me to claim you, just as I’ve always desired. By the time I’m done with you, all you’ll be able to think about is the way my hands feel all over your body. Your mind will be so consumed by the pleasure of it all, the only thing you’ll be able to remember is my name. My fingers will leave marks all over your skin, igniting a fire over your body just as your touch does to mine. Tonight, as with every other night, I serve you. I will always serve you.
Fuck- just thinking about the way my fingers are going to sink into your plush skin makes me quicken my pace. I want to feel you beneath me, squirming and begging for more. I want to make your hips buck into my mouth as my tongue explores every dip and crevice of you. I already know you taste amazing, but tonight, it’ll mean that much more.
Oh, Baby… I can’t wait to feel you dripping all over me. My fingers ache to be buried in that tight little cunt of yours. My lips long to be pressed against every inch of your body. A body which brings me to my knees every single goddamn time I look at you. If only you could have heard the way I whined for you when this whole thing started. I’m desperate, Baby, and you should know that it’s all for you. All because of you, and once I’ve unleashed him, there’s no turning back.
I’m going to have you fucking begging me for more as my tongue buries itself in that precious cunt of yours. I can’t wait to taste you, and have you dripping down my chin like you usually do. I want to feel your thighs squeezing around my head as I drown in that addictive nectar that flows from between your legs. I’m gonna fucking lose myself in you, just like I always do.
Hmm, I wonder how many times I can make you squirt? Five? Six? …Seven?
No matter. I plan to lose count, anyways.
I’m almost there…
With every step I make, there’s a steady crunch of leaves beneath my feet, and I can heart your heartbeat growing louder and louder. Even you can tell I’m close, and that only makes the thrill rushing through my own veins that much stronger. Once I catch you, I’m dragging your ass back to that cabin and having my way with you. There’s no escaping the monster lurking in these woods. He belongs to you, and he always will.
Oh, you cleaver little minx…
You purposely threw me off with your scent. You left a little gift for me to find, and at the giggle I can hear drifting through the air, I can still tell you’re close. Only now, I’m not holding back. My Baby is walking around these dark, cold woods without a shirt on. I can’t let you weather the elements like that alone. What type of beast would I be if I let My Girl get cold?
Your playfulness might just be your downfall.
I’m coming for you, Baby Girl. You ain’t seen nothing, yet.
Alright, then…
Ready or not, here I come…
Every sense I have is honed in on you. Your scent, your breathing, your heartbeat. I can feel you surrounding me, and even I can tell my eyes are getting darker with each passing moment. The beast is lurking beneath the surface, just waiting to come out. I can practically taste the desire and excitement rolling off of you, and it only makes me move faster.
I need to get to you. Now.
Low growls escape me, my teeth sharpening into fangs as my claws extend. I know you can hear me using the trees to propel myself towards you, leaving my marks on them just as I’m going to leave my marks all over you.
My eyes scan the woods frantically, low snarls escaping me with every breath. I can hear you. I can smell you right in front of me, yet you’re not-
My breath hitches, and I look up, a wild grin pulling at my features as pride swells in my chest.
Clever girl.
Have I ever told you that I love it when I make your heart skip a beat? You seem to enjoy it when I grin like this, but I never thought I’d get this type of reaction from you. Perhaps I should do it more often… There truly is no greater feeling than knowing the effect I have on you.
That’s it, Baby Girl, let me hear your heart race as you attempt to climb further up the tree you’re in. It’s cute that you think you can escape me now.
It takes me no time at all to race up the tree, appearing right in front of you in the blink of an eye. The way your breath hitches is music to my ears. And that spike of arousal? Divine.
I’ve got you now.
Struggle all you want, I’m never letting you go. Though, it’s quite amusing to feel you attempt to break free from my hold, even as I jump down from the tree. I always told you that I could easily carry you if I wanted to, and getting to prove that fact now only makes this moment that much more sweeter. Your body was made for me, and mine for you. See how well we fit together?
The warmth of your skin against my shoulder only makes my own heart race that much faster. Fuck, Baby- you said anything goes, but just being able to hold your ass in my hand as I carry you towards the best fucking night of our lives is making my head spin. Always so plush and soft… 
Can’t wait to have my hands all over you… 
You’ve already made me so fucking hard from all the thoughts about what I’m going to do to you. From your intoxicating scent that surrounds me, I can already tell you’re fucking dripping, too.
Do you like the fact that I’ve been stalking you around these woods without a shirt on, letting you see all of me as I hunt you down like the precious little prey you are? Do you feel the electricity between us as your bare skin touches mine? Can you feel the way you make my own heart race, aching for you inside my chest? Everything I am, everything I do… Do you know that it’s all for you? That I’ve always been all for you?
No matter. Tonight, I’ll show you. There’s not an inch of this plush body that will go untouched by me. Lips, hands, cock, tongue… everything I am is yours tonight, Baby. You’re mine, just as I am yours.
That’s it, Baby Girl, go ahead and whimper my name like that all you want. Beg for me… It’ll only makes the beast inside that much more desperate to claim you. I’ve kept him at bay while the chase was on, but as soon as we step through that cabin door, you’ll see a whole new side of me. 
I would never hurt you, though. Even I have my limits. That being said, I’m not finished tonight until you’re either begging me to stop, or you pass out from the pleasure of it all. 
Finally, the beast is going to claim his prize.
It’s you. It will forever and always be you.
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darkficlord69 · 1 month
Cregan Stark x Targ!Reader
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Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected sex, 18+ language, death, character death, angst, sadness, not proofread
Cregan Stark was indubitably a wolf: ever since he sprang up from his mother's northern womb he had a savage attitude kept in place by his house's sterling reputation for personal integrity. But when his gaze locked onto yours, all semblance of restraint evaporated from his big muscled body like a snowflake slowly melting under the hot sun. When he met you, he felt like a starved animal ready to pounce, to hunt, to eat something so positively delicious that it would satisfy him to no end...
Despite having lived your whole pampered life on Dragonstone, under your mother's constant and loving supervision, you felt at home in the snow covered Winterfell. And when you descended from your mauve scaly beast with a wingspan bigger than the tallest watchtower in Deepwood Motte, you shivered although you were drowning in thick layers of fur and wool. That is, because you met Cregan. He looked at you with an intesity that was at odds with the iciness of the climate and you could do little but avert your gaze to avoid losing yourself in those stormy grey eyes that twinkled with desire.
"My lord, it is an honor," you curtsied clumsily due to your heavy attire but Cregan quickly put a hand on yours to help stabilize you and prevent you from falling face-first in the snow.
"The honor is all mine, my princess," he replied in a husky voice that almost brought tears to ths corners of your eyes. Whatever passed between you was a dangerous thing, hotter than fire, yet fickler than a shard of thin ice.
"I hope your journey was pleasant," he said.
"Oh, definitely, my lord of Winterfell. Now, I believe the politics and scheming can wait for the morrow, but riding Kocsaryon has made my belly rumble in hunger. A feast is in order, if it please you."
Cregan gave a curt nod and led you to the Main Hall, where a feast had already been laid out. The long wooden tables groaned under the weight of hearty soups for each heart, each dish more decadent than the last, the aromas mingling in the air like a seductive promise of indulgence.
At the center of the hall stood a massive boar, its skin crisp and golden, crackling with fat that had been painstakingly rendered over hours of slow roasting. It was stuffed with onions, apples, and a medley of herbs that filled the air with their heady scent. The juices ran clear as it was carved, pooling on the thick wooden platters beneath, where hunks of dark meat were passed around to eager hands.
Beside it, platters of venison, seasoned with juniper and garlic, had been seared to perfection, the meat tender and pink within, the crust dark and fragrant. Roasted root vegetables, earthy and sweet, nestled alongside them, their edges caramelized to a rich mahogany.
A serving girl approached Cregan to clear away a platter of untouched meat and your eyes darkened when her hair brushed against Stark's shoulder.
You stuffed yourself until your belly groaned and then you chanced a glance again at Cregan who was watching as you cleaned your fingers by putting them in your mouth and slowly sucking in a suggestive gesture that was meant as a provocative invitation. Lord Stark's eyes hardened with unmistakable lust and he rose abruptly, mumbling excuses to confused guests. He promptly grabbed your hand and led you outside.
"If you will follow me, my lady. I have something to show you."
By the time you left the warmth of the Great Keep, you were wholly intrigued by this escapade. Cregan knelt before the weirwood tree that seemed to weep blood as you joined him in prayer.
"So, are going to..." No sooner had you started to ask your question, than Cregan's lips were on yours, kissing you with a ferocious intensity that went beyond mere words. His expert tongue left a trail of saliva down the column of your neck, your jaw... He licked and sucked like a newborn wolf pup, but his groans were the howl of a fully grown member of the pack.
"Oh, gods!" you yelled, uncaring of who may hear.
He quickly disrobed you, your smallclothes thrown far, far away and then you were naked beneath his lord's piercing gaze, trembling with anticipation as heat pooled between your legs.
"Cregan, pleaaase!"
The night beneath the godswood was a symphony of passion and primal need. The ancient trees stood silent witness as you and Cregan came together, your bodies intertwining with an intensity that left you both breathless. The air was cold, biting even, but the heat in your lower stomach was enough to ward off the chill for a time.
He kissed you with a fervor that spoke of years of restraint finally unleashed. His hands, rough and calloused from a lifetime of wielding swords and axes, were surprisingly gentle as they roamed your body, tracing every curve and dip as if committing you to memory. You shivered beneath his touch, but it wasn't from the cold. It was from the raw power and the undeniable hunger in his eyes, the kind that made you feel like the only thing in the world that mattered.
As the night deepened, the cold crept closer, seeping into your bones. But you were too lost in him, too lost in the way he made you feel alive in a way you had never experienced before. You clung to him, seeking warmth and comfort in the strength of his embrace, in the heat of his body pressed against yours.
But the North was unforgiving. The warmth of passion was no match for the biting cold of the northern winter. Even as Cregan held you close, his hairy body shielding you from the worst of the elements, the chill began to seep into your skin, turning your breath to fog and your lips to ice.
Cregan sensed it before you did, the way your shivers became more violent, more uncontrollable. He pulled back, his brow furrowing in concern as he looked into your eyes, now glassy with the onset of hypothermia. His heart clenched painfully in his chest at the sight.
"You're freezing," he murmured, his voice rough with worry. He pulled you closer, trying to rub warmth back into your limbs, but it was too late. The cold had already taken hold, and no amount of heat from him could chase it away.
You tried to smile, tried to reassure him that you were fine, but the words caught in your throat, your lips too numb to form them. You could feel the warmth of life slipping away, could feel the darkness creeping in at the edges of your vision. But you didn't want to let go, not when you were here, in his arms, where you had always dreamed of being.
"Cregan..." you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath. "I'm sorry..."
His eyes widened in horror as he realized what was happening. "No," he growled, shaking his head. "No, don't you dare leave me."
But you were already slipping away, your body going limp in his arms. The last thing you felt was the warmth of his tears on your face, the last thing you heard was the desperate, broken sound of his voice calling your name, begging you to stay.
When the dawn broke, the godswood was silent, the snow around you undisturbed save for the imprint of Cregan's body beside yours. He held you tightly, even as the life had long since fled from your body, refusing to let go, refusing to accept that you were gone.
The godswood bore witness to many things over the centuries, but the sight of the Lord of Winterfell, the fearsome wolf of the North, cradling the lifeless body of the one he loved, was something that would linger in its memory forever.
For Cregan Stark, the godswood would never again be a place of peace, but a place of sorrow, a reminder of the warmth he had once held in his arms and the cold that had stolen it away.
Guyss, this is my first fic! 🫣 Please let me know what you think so that I can improve my work 🐺🌙💫 Thanks for reading! 💝
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craziechwiv · 3 months
RWBY Monster girls Vs ...Jaune.
Jaune Arc.
The next heir to a blood line full of successful monster hunters. He has heard tales of how his grandparents went toe to toe with rabid beast of all sorts, cryptids sought out to be just mere legends, and what terrors truly go bump in the night.
Whenever he heard one of these stories, he'd always play it as if he himself was hunting down the ferocious monster he'd wish he could vanquish. But he wasn't a kid anymore, but now a (semi) trained hunter. He left his home, leaving only a mere note behind for his family on his track to lead on their legacy.
A sword and shield on his person, and a bunny sweater from his grandma underneath his armor, he was ready to become the next legendary Arc in history! And nothing, and he means NOTHING, will stop him from doing so!
Jaune: ...what?
Wraith!Ruby: *somehow got captured by Jaune's most basic pit trap* ...
Jaune: Wow...uhm.
Wraith!Ruby: What?! Didn't think I'd go down just like that?! Cuz this is all part of my plan to end you, just you wait till I-
Jaune: N-No. Not that. Just didn't think I would be face to face with such a...beautiful sight? M-My name's Jaune by the way...
What is even going on...
Wraith!Ruby: Uh, Ruby? Wait...You think I'm beautiful?
~ Wraith was added to the hunting party! ~
Okay so maybe this was a blunder, but at least he's the first of his lineage to actual befriend a monster! That's something, right? Totally not making him a disgrace to his family.
Hopefully this is the only time though! As he must vanquish a monster far more dangerous now that he has the help of a supernatural being such as Ruby!
???: HOOOWL~!
Jaune: Oh, I guess we're tracking down a were wolf now.
Wraith!Ruby: Oh! Maybe we're gonna meet my sister too!
Jaune: I'm sorry, you're who?
Werewolf!Yang: *snuggling up to Jaune's arm while her tail wags*
Wraith!Ruby: How-
Jaune: In my defense! She had me pinned down!
Wraith!Ruby: That still doesn't explain what happened between that altercation when I was trying to find you!
Jaune: I may have...made a slight joke on seeing two full moons...
Wraith!Ruby: Oh...oh god no.
Jaune: How was I suppose to know that was all it took for her to fall for me?!
Wraith!Ruby: FALL FOR YOU?!
Werewolf!Yang: Soo, wanna share him Rubes?
Wraith!Ruby: >:O *How holding onto Jaune's other arm* LIKE HELL I WILL!
Jaune: I think I'm already in hell...
~To be continued...possibly later today lol~
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theemporium · 1 year
🐈‍⬛ lestappen werewolves where sometimes the animal instinct takes over and they feel the need to provide for you…like bringing a bunny to the back porch
basically we need to see them in wolf form being adorable
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
“Is that…is that a bunny?”
Your eyes widened from you spot in the kitchen as you quickly grabbed the drinks from the fridge before rushing back out to the living room where Alex was currently standing. He was by the window, staring wide-eyed and shocked at the dead bunny lying on the small porch that led outside to your garden.
“Uh yeah,” you said as you handed him his drink, trying to stay as calm and casual as you could. “Poor guy must’ve had a bad run in with a fox.”
Alex frowned sadly. “Poor guy indeed. Are you gonna…dispose of him?”
“Are you asking me what I’m gonna do with the dead bunny on my porch?” You deadpanned, watching as the Brit grew sheepish.
“Well you haven’t moved it yet so,” he trailed off before shrugging his shoulders. His expression became a lot more teasing as he grinned at you. “Why do you not get one of your little boy toys to move it?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “They aren’t here right now, they are—”
Alex frowned at the way you quickly cut yourself off. “They are what?”
“Camping,” you said suddenly, frowning a little at your own excuse but you had already dug your grave, you may as well lie in it. “They, uh, wanted to get outdoors for a few days.”
“And you didn’t go with?” Alex asked.
“Pfft,” you let out a small laugh. “Nah, I don’t do the outdoors. That’s their thing.”
And that much was true, so very true in a way that you could never disclose to your best friend or anyone else for that matter. Your relationship with Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc was already constantly under question and scrutiny, the last thing they needed was another thing to obsess over.
And you knew they would love to find out you were practically dating two massive puppies.
“You can’t keep doing this,” you said with a sigh as you stood on the porch, a blanket tightly drawn around your shoulders to battle the evening chill as you watched the two wolves pad towards the house. “I can’t keep explaining the dead bunnies.”
Max approached you first, slightly larger than the two of them with light brown fur and narrow eyes that reminded you of a predator. Charles had darker fur, slightly leaner and smaller of the two.
The lighter wolf padded forward, dropping the small animal at your feet before looking up at you expectantly.
You huff out a small laugh, shaking your head. “I appreciate it, baby, but I don’t know how many more I can handle burying.”
The darker wolf let out a whimper, his head tilted to the side. It took everything in you to not roll your eyes as you leaned over, softly scratching behind his ears as he nosed at your legs.
It was rare for them to get like this, to crave their animal form. But it happened. Not very often, and honestly you hadn’t even seen it many times in the time you had been dating. It was just these deep, primal urges that made them crave the wolf side of themselves, that made them parade around the woods behind your house for days in their animal form until they were ready to come back home.
But even in these moods, your boys had an overpowering sense of caring for you. And unfortunately in wolf form, that meant hunting innocent bunnies as a small present (and probably dinner) in their eyes.
“I forget how cute you two are like this,” you murmured as you sat on the steps of the porch, both wolves curling up by your feet as they preened and flourished under your attention. “My lil’ puppies, hm?”
Max lifted his head up to glare.
“Oh hush, you’re the biggest puppy,” you smiled as you leaned down to softly pat his head. A smile that widened when he whined after you pulled away.
“But I seriously mean it, no more bunnies or you’re both staying in the dog house.”
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harque · 5 months
" debt "
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💭 . . . 0.6k "whenever you're ready." aventurine pov, gn!reader, angst, mild spoilers (aventurine's real name + backstory), pre-relationship, starvation
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Aventurine was charming in every sense of the word.
He was handsome, a poker shark, always the life of the party, and a better friend than some might guess. He was well-learned about finer things: liquor, gems, and numerous other small, but interesting tidbits that could start a conversation. But he doesn’t know how to be a boyfriend. Or, really, how to be anyone who isn’t on the verge of falling apart.
So, Aventurine’s initial reaction to your confession was not at all soft or romantic. His knee-jerk response is to withdraw. If there was any truth left in him, you were uncomfortably close to unearthing it and he wasn’t prepared to deal with the carnage built up underneath his delicately cultivated persona yet. He does, however, understand love. He is not heartless. He had been loved, when he was younger. He could not love you now. What more did he have to offer?
His sister loved him, his people loved him—the harsh sun, coarse sand, and fleeting rain all once adored him as if he were their own. Kakavasha was very loved, but there is no sense in loving dead things. Aventurine was needed. He likes that.
Aventurine likes and wants to be needed, because being craved, sought after, desired or even admired by someone, no matter the person—makes it easier to twist the game in his favor. He can control others by being relied upon, can make them want him. As long as he could trick other people into thinking he was indispensable, he was safe.
(He carved away pieces of himself to sell as commodities, a fine cloth for the wealthy to wear until there was nothing left, no remnants of his former self, just a hollow shell to be discarded.)
You didn’t need him. He doesn’t feel safe. You know he isn’t who he parades himself as, and he’s scared.
You were too patient. Too gentle—he sees you, the wolf in the clothing of a lamb, prowling the edge of his enclosure. (My friend, we are one in the same, why do you insist on living among them? You cannot hide. You are not like them. You can layer all the pleasantries you like on top of your appetite, try to bury it, but it is always there. I know how to get it out. Kakavasha, aren’t you starving? Do you eat in secret because you can’t bear the thought of becoming an outcast?)
He sees a lover with lips that drip sweet rot when open. You lean closer, pressing a chaste, warm kiss to the birthmark on his wrist right above his watch and oh—like the pathetic, wretched sheep he was, Aventurine wants so desperately—but he was too wary of taking more than he was allowed.
“I understand," You said as you pulled away, replacing your mouth with the pad of your thumb. His pulse raced as you traced his veins. “It’s about time for me to go, anyways. Whenever you’re ready, come find me, alright? We’ll talk.”
(Come closer, come closer. The table is made, the world is your plate, I will give you everything so you will not have a need for anything. Indulge freely in my bounty, savor the flavors and feast to your heart’s content. No, even then, you are not filled, you still hunger. Do you ever stop wanting more? Do you ever feel satiated? When your belly is bursting, when your teeth are stained with the juices of the hunt, is your thirst ever quenched? Never. Never.)
With an even and calculated tone, he simply responds, “Of course. I always keep my promises.”
The smile on his face was nonchalant. It is only his hands that betray him, trembling behind his back when you leave.
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© harque — all rights reserved — notes & reblogs are much appreciated ¡¡¡( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و!!! thank you for reading!
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catcze · 11 months
It’s Halloween soon, so here’s a Halloween au idea for you: Wriothesley and gn reader as Little red riding hood and the big bad wolf
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Imagine that it's supposed to be any other day for you. You pack your basket full of bread, jams, cold cuts and cheese, and don your red hood and your walking shoes, ready to set out to your friend Neuvillette's house by the lake in the forest. He's a bit of a recluse— he doesn't often venture into the city unless summoned directly, so you often come to say hello so he doesn't get too lonely.
The problem is, on your way there, you got delayed by a while. So when you get to the forest, you debate between using your usual, longer path that merely circles the forest, or one that pases directly though the woods. On your usual path, you'd get to Neuvillette's house late in the afternoon return home well in the evening. If you cut through the forest, though... you were certain you'd arrive on time. Earlier, even. So you gulp, steel yourself, and take your first step into the trees.
It's fine at first. A cooler walk than had you been under the sun, thanks to the shade of the leaves. But then you begin to hear the crunch of leaves behind you, as if there was something trailing behind... you quicken your pace, too fearful to look behind. But as you hurry your steps, so does the rustling and the crunching of leaves and twigs grow quicker as well.
Eventually, you're damn near running through the forest, taking turns, breathing hard and barely able to hold on to your basket. The steps follow you the until... they fall behind, then fade, then disappear. You quickly run behind a tree, leaning against it and catching your breath. When you peek out, you see there's nothing behind you and breathe a great big sigh of relief. Whatever animal was chasing you probably lost interest, you think, turning around and taking a few steps forward—
Then suddenly there's a grip on your hood, yanking you back so hard you stumble back onto the ground. "Hey—!" you yell, only to quiet when you realize who (or what) is standing before you. A man, quite tall, with spiky black hair and sharp blue eyes. There's a frown on his face and a furrow to his brow. Amidst the fluff of his hair, you make out... wolf ears? When you peek a little, you can see a similar wolf tail swinging behind him as well.
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Is the first thing the wolf says to you, a brow raised as he crosses your arms. "Running all over the place, causing a ruckus. Not looking where you're stepping." His attitude immediately turns your fear into indignance, and you rise up, pointing a finger at his (admittedly rather sculpted, you can see the definition even though the top he wears) chest.
"You!" You yell, and the volume has his ears twitching. "You were the one chasing me? You gave me a heart attack!"
He snorts. "I was saving you, Red. Not every day a human wanders in here. Most of you fear the dark and the unknown too much to ever step foot in the woods."
"Oh, so scaring the shit out of me is saving me now?"
He rolls his eyes, crouching down to take a large, hefty stone in his hand. Lifting it like it weighs nothing, he tosses it at the place where your foot had almost been—
You watch in horror as a rusted old animal trap snaps around the stone with such force that the metal contraption jumps. You gulp, just thinking of what could have happened to you.
"Those are everywhere," says the wolf by explanation, looking at the hunting trap with disgust. "Left a long, long time ago by crueler humans. We try to remove them where we can, but—" he shrugs, "—The forest is a big place."
You can't take your eyes away from the trap, feeling sick to your stomach. You clutch your hood closer to you, a safety blanket of sorts, and feel your hands tremble.
"Th... thank you," you tell him, sincerely.
He just shrugs again. "So. Why are you here? It's unlike you. You're usually seen on the human path, not passing through the forest."
And that snaps you back. You frantically check the contents of your basket, sighing when you see that nothing spilled or broke.
"I'm here because it was getting late and I have to see Neuvillette, so i thought i could take a shortcut" you say. Then your eyebrows furrow. " 'Usually?' " you echo.
"Humans aren't around here often, like I said. You're one of the few that come on a regular basis, though." He kicks away the trap with his foot, feet heading in one direction. You, however, stay rooted to your spot, watching the way his tail swishes as he walks. When he realizes you aren't following, he turns back.
"What, you wanna try getting around on your own? I thought you were late to see Neuvillette." He prompts, and you gasp, hastily bounding (and being careful of where you step, this time) up to his side. you both walk in pace, the wolf leading the way and you trailing slightly behind.
It's... odd. You've never even met him before, but there's something about him that makes you feel comfortable relying on him like this. Relying on him to get you where you need to go, and not lead you into another trap.
"So..." you attempt to ask. "You know Neuvillette?"
"For a similar reason to how we know of you. He's one of the few odd enough to set their place up somewhere like this," he says.
The rest of the trek through the woods is rather comfortably quiet, sometimes broken by you asking a question, and the wolf answering. You learn a few things about him: that he hasn't always been here, but that he came early in his childhood and lived here ever since. That he rather likes the sunshine. And, funny enough, that he also likes bread with honey and jam on it, if the way he took the symbol of your gratitude is any indication.
But eventually the trees give way and you can see Neuvillette's house in the distance. And you're right on time, too! You smile widely in delight, gripping your basket tighter. You turn to the wolf, who leans on the trunk of a tree leisurely, ears twitching atop his head.
"Thank you for saving me. And for showing me the way," you tell him, smiling gently.
The corners of his lips curl up, just a bit. "You're welcome. Be more careful when you walk through the woods, next time. You never know if there might actually be something out there trying to eat you."
You laugh, ducking your head to hide your face behind your hood, just a little. "Noted, mister wolf."
"Or better yet, you can just save us both the trouble and call for me if you want a shortcut," says the wolf, a large hand gently pushing at the small of your back, nudging you on your way. "I'll hear it, don't worry."
"Oh?" you ask, a quirk to your lips as you turn back at him, draped in shadows. "And what might your name be, big bad wolf?"
You see the gleam of his grin. "You can call me Wriothesley, Red."
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lemon-russ · 2 months
I have finished the Leman Russ smut from the poll. A vague followup to the first Russ breeding kink fic lol. I have a clear bias here.
(Thanks for the divider @squishyowl :) )
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Leman Russ x F! Reader
CW: BREEDING KINK, YOU ARE WARNED, Pregnancy, sex obviously, straight smut, Size kink, fingering, praise, again I cannot stress enough how breeding and pregnancy kink this is.
Somewhat sequel to this one, if you squint. Natural consequences lol.
Word count: 1,726
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“My little wolf mother” he murmured into your ear as you stirred awake. You hum and smile, rolling over in his arms. He has to reach over and help you, gently taking some of the weight of your belly so that you can move more freely.
He curls around you, pulling you against him so that you are resting on his arm, and gently runs his hand over your swollen belly.
“Did you sleep well, my little love?” He mumbles into your hair as he kisses the top of your head.
You hum happily. “Mm, mostly. The baby kept me up a bit.” You say sleepily, snuggling agaunst his broad chest.
“He's a feisty one.” He says happily, smiling down at your bump.
You giggle softly. “Or she.” You add.
He frowns. “Nonsense. It will be a strong boy, feel how he kicks!” He says playfully, rubbing his hand over your belly as the baby moves under his palm.
You chuckle, enjoying the feeling of his hand rubbing soothing circles.
“And if it is a girl?” You ask, smiling up and running your hand over the stubble on his jaw.
He smiles a wolfish grin down at you. “Then she will be the toughest and strongest girl on Fenris.” He says, leaning in to kiss your neck, scruffy jaw scratching your face as you giggle.
He kisses the crown of your head and gently untangles himself from you, tucking you back into the furs. “Stay in bed, I’ll be back with some breakfast for you.” He says as he heads to the door.
You pout and watch him leave, but cuddle back into the soft bed and rub your belly absent mindedly. Your primarch husband has gotten so protective since you got pregnant, and has taken you to this safe little cabin to pamper you while you’re in the last stages. Of course he has midwives ready to help when the baby comes, but for the most part you two are having a little honeymoon before the baby is here.
Of course the privacy is nice, since Leman can’t keep his hands off you. It’s been a month of sleeping in, being fed whatever he scavenged and hunted, and him seemingly trying to put another baby in you. You joked with him that it doesn’t work like that, but he just joked back it doesn’t mean he can’t try.
You fall into a light nap, and wake to the smell of meat sizzling over the fire.
You yawn and smile as you attempt to roll towards him, and he chuckles and offers you a large hand so you can sit up.
“That smells wonderful, love.” You say. You’ve been craving rabbit, and you’re sure Leman has hunted out the whole forest for you by now. He probably has to go miles away to find them for you still.
He grins and offers you a skewer of meat, which you happily take and nibble on.
“A proper little wolf in there.” He chuckles. “Making their mother crave wild meat. They’re going to be an excellent hunter.” He says with pride, biting into his own meat.
You giggle, and jump a little when the baby gives you a firm kick to the ribs. “Ah-” you grumble, hand going to rub the offending spot. “I know, you’re tired of being in there, I’m tired too.” You playfully scold your belly. “So hurry up and get out so we can both have more room.”
Leman frowns a little, reaching over to snuggle you into his lap and rub your bump. “Calm little one, you hurt your mother like that.” He says with soft admonishment. “She carries you, feeds you with her body, protects you, and you kick her ribs?” He chuckles.
You smile and giggle. “Oh, they don’t know, they’re just getting cramped.”
He hums, nuzzling your neck again, taking your empty skewer and tossing it to the fire. “You know what the midwives always said helps move things along?” He says with a sweet grin.
You roll your eyes, but smile. “Is there anything you think about besides feeding me and fucking me?” You chuckle as he lays you back on the furs, kissing up and down your neck and shoulder.
He makes a low growl in his chest. “Mmm, no.” He murmurs against your skin, tugging off your sleep pants.
You hum a happy noise back as his hands quickly find your nub, slipping under your panties and making gentle circles as he nibbles at your neck.
“I just love seeing you so heavy with my child” he grumbles into your ear, looking pleased with himself when his fingers draw a small gasp from you. He gently bites your shoulder, growling happily and sliding a finger between your lips.
“You- are terrible-” you giggle weakly between gasps. “I’m a little worried- you’ll never leave me not pregnant after this”
He rumbles a pleased noise and bites a little harder on your shoulder, only releasing a moment to reply, “Don’t tempt me love, I think you’d be happy here, cared for and pampered.” He bites again and teases your entrance with his finger.
You groan a little as his finger works its way into you, gently rocking in and out of you and making wet sticky noises. He shifts himself over you so he is straddled over you, and moves his other hand to your swollen breasts, massaging them with a calloused palm. The rough skin runs over your sensitive nipples, making you moan a little and involuntarily rock your hips on his hand.
He smiles, then pulls your shirt off over your head, taking a moment to admire your chest. “Mmm, this is my second favorite thing that has changed.” He says in a happy, low rasp. He palms your breasts a little more. “So big now. So sensitive. Your belly is my favorite, but this is a close second.” He grumbles, and lowers himself so he can suck on your other nipple.
You whimper a noise at his warm mouth attacking your sensitive flesh, but he only responds by sucking harder and letting his wolf fangs graze your skin. You gasp and shiver at the feeling, not enough to hurt thankfully, and melt under him as he pushes a second finger in you and rubs your clit with his palm.
“Leman-” you groan, feeling that feeling in your lower belly coil like a spring. “Leman, please-”
He growls, nibbling at your nipples. He curls his fingers as he pumps them in you, hitting that last spot every time he pushes them into your increasingly slick hole. “Good girl” he growls, “That’s it, I love seeing you fall apart for me” he grumbles as he picks up speed.
You buck your hips as much as you can under the weight of your belly, reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Leman, yes—” you gasp, mind going fuzzy as he hits all of your sensitive spots at once. You match the rythm of his fingers and feel the heat build around them, and when your walls start to clench around him, he growls a rumbling noise, and pulls his hand out.
You gasp and whimper at the sudden emptiness, but hold your complaints when you see him fumbling to pull himself out of his pants.
He pushes his already hard cock to your entrance, and you almost come just from the friction of rubbing on his pre-cum dripping head. He shifts you under him so he isn’t putting pressure on your gravid belly, carefully cupping a hand under your ass to move you against him.
He slowly works you over his head, grunting and having to take breaks to calm himself. The feeling of being stretched makes your mind go blank, already so close to the edge of coming that it feels like torture when he has to stop and let you acclimate to him.
“How-” he growls, working himself a few inches deeper. “Do you always stay- so tight, little love-” he groans as you clench around his cock.
You can’t actually form words enough to answer, trying to roll your hips onto him. He helps, gently lifting your ass with his hand to assist your attempts at riding him. He chuckles. “You are so gorgeous right now, little love. Belly huge, eyes glazed over…” he pushes himself the rest of the way that he can, which is only about a third of his length with how the pregnancy affects things.
You cry his name as his free hand plays with your clit again, and he growls a loud, deep sound as he feels you come, your walls squeezing around him as you pant and wiggle your hips. He gently pumps in and out of you as you ride it out. “Such a good girl for me-” he grunts through clentched teeth, trying to be gentle. “Always so needy for my cock, always wanting to be filled even when you’re already so full-”
You shake as you come, soaking the furs and his hand below you, and he leans down and gently bites at your shoulder as you do. “Good girl, thats it- come for me-” he murmurs between bites.
His hips pick up their pace, stretching you over him faster and harder as he looses some of his control. “Yes-” he growls, “I’m going- to keep you pregnant-” he rumbles and bites your shoulder a little harder, making you gasp. “I’m going to make sure you’re always like this for me-” he growls more, then bites your shoulder hard as he bucks deep in you.
You feel the pulses twitching from him, pushing though your overstuffed hole, and feel his hot seed fill you and then leak out in pumps, no where to go in your already stuffed body. His teeth grip you as he jerks against you, growling ferally. Eventually his cock stops pulsing and he unlatches his teeth, groaning your name and slumping to your side. He grumbles and pulls you to his chest, still dazed and occasionally twitching his hips up into you. “My little love…” he mumbles, kissing your hair. “My little wolf mother…”
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