#oh my gooddddddddddddddddddd
httpsjaemin · 5 years
you know that video where the kid says january february march april may june jason derulo.... i think about that everyday
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roses-and-oceans · 7 years
Cafe. (ffxv twin au)
For @ubeshibe; my half of our trade!
I hope you don't mind, I added a little bit of a twist to it... And then I think it sprialed out of control like most of my writing does LOL I AM SO SORRY. HHHHHH. I SEND U ALL MY GOOD IGNIS PICS AS RECOMPENSE. IM ALSO SORRY IT TOOK SO GOTDAN LONG AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH ENDLES SHRIEKING.
Scientia Twin HCs
Aurelio sat down on the plush leather armchair in Ignis' study and propped his feet up on the coffee table. Not a moment later did Ignis come in, arms laden with a tea tray and books. Aurelio looked up in astonishment from his twin's amazing balance and as Ignis handed over the books, Ignis also kicked off Aurelio's legs off the table with a stern, "Oi." 
Aurelio scrunched up his nose in a besmused expression as he examined the spines of the books, "Ah, lovely. These are just what I've been looking for!" "Will they help with your expedition notes, then?" Ignis asked as he poured them both cups of tea. He sprinkled in a bit of sugar in Aurelio's cup and placed the cup and saucer next to the books. As Ignis was readying his own cuppa, he looked over to Aurelio peering over the lip of his own teacup. He was smiling... Ignis felt his nerves bristle a bit and steeled himself for Aurelio's probing. A beat passed. Obviously, he had to engage him. Ignis sighed as he raised the porcelain to his lips, "Yes?" "So who was that lovely person I heard that you were ogling at the coffee shop?" Ignis had enough grace to keep from spitting out his tea. "I beg your-?" Ogling? No, he couldn't have been staring for that long for it to be called "ogling". It was polite interest and-. "What a miraculous shade of pink you are, brother dear." Ignis gave a little cough and took a deep breath. "How did you even know about-?" "Noctis is easily persuaded by pizza." Aurelio laughed as his brother glared daggers at him, "Oh cut him some slack, Igs! He's a growing boy-" "With a severe vitamin deficiency-" "-and is also not the choice of subject for discussion..." He put down his cup on the saucer and inched forward in the armchair. "I want to hear about this mystery person... Noct couldn't glimpse hide nor hair before you were scolding him to make him pay attention to whatever it was you two were doing." Ignis rolled his eyes and simply said, "No," and took a swig of his tea. Aurelio scoffed and leaned back. "Ignis, why not?" "Because, I'm not all that keen on discussing it." "Have you talked to them, at least?" "I told you, I'm not-" "So you have! You would have denied it, otherwise!" "Pipe down, you git! Alright, yes, I've talked to-" "I knew it! I was just bluffing-" "I swear to the astrals... Shiva, grace me with the strength..." ** Somehow, Ignis found himself seated in the cafe he frequented with Noctis during the week, between meetings and study sessions. This little corner shop was modest in decor and prices, yet they brewed a cup of Ebony to pure perfection. Though enjoying a nice cup of his favorite coffee, Ignis’ leg was twitching. He watched Aurelio calmly sip his chamomile tea, his brother’s eyes roaming everywhere to take in everyone’s faces. Ignis tried to look everywhere but at your face. You were working diligently on Astrals’-knew-what, completely oblivious to the bustling shop around you. Ignis spared a glance. He knew he shouldn’t have but he couldn’t resist your focused expression. He found it endearing, charming even. He liked seeing that glint in your eye. He watched you pause the task to glance at your phone and he could hear your bark of laughter through the cacophony of the clinks of porcelain, the mindless chatter. He wondered if he should brave a conversation with you, today. But you looked dreadfully busy, he couldn’t possibly-. “Hold my tea.” A lukewarm cup of tea was thrust into Ignis’ empty hand and before he could snatch Aurelio by the nape of his cardigan and force him back down on the chair, he strode over to you.   You looked up from your work as a tall shadow loomed over you. Aurelio couldnt help but feel a little warm jolt at your smile.   Your voice was nice and warm, a little rough, “Hey there, Stranger.” “Hello to you, too,” Aurelio said as he took a seat next to you, “How are you?” “I’m doing good,” you said as you settled into your seat, uncrossed and recrossed your legs, “I’m finishing up a few sketches.” You tossed your pencil onto the table and stretched out your wrists, reveling in the swift pops, “You look so different than usual. Day off?” Aurelio’s eyebrow quirked up, “Hmn?” You brought up a paper cup to your lips, “Your hair’s not up. And you’re not in a suit. I like the round specs too.” Gods above… did you really think-? “Aw crap! I gotta go. I’m gonna be late for this thing…” You began shoveling things into your backpack and said, “Y’know, I like this laid-back style you’ve got going today Ignis. I’ll see you next time!” You heft your bag over your shoulder and walked out of the second door, just barely missing the actual Ignis, whose upper lip was covered in a sheen of sweat, his leg jiggling miles a minute. Aurelio stood up, completely stunned into a state and walked back over to Ignis. "Well?" Ignis hissed as Aurelio sat down and took back his now cold tea. He took a sipp and said with a mild smile, "She thought I was you." "Oh, gods above," he winced as he wiped his forehead, "That's exponentially worse... What did you say to her?" Aurelio finished off his tea and gave a cough, "I really didn't say anything, other than greeting her. I just thought she was a chatty person. But I cant believe she mistook me for you! I am my own person!" "I have told her I've a brother, i didn't specify." "And why didn't you? I'm-" "Enough with your identity crisis, Aurelio! Gods, I can't believe you went over and talked to her. I want to take my time with this friendship." Ignis downed the rest of his Ebony and slammed his cup on its saucer. He started making his way out of the cafe, and Aurelio followed, a string of apologies flowing out as they walked back to their apartment complex. "I really don't need your help, Aurelio," Ignis sighed. He was tired, his head was about to explode thanks to his brother's chatter. Ignis sat on the couch and rubbed at his temples and said, "Alright, enough... Its fine, Aurelio. You didnt mean any harm. She was smiling, at least." Aurelio gave Ignis a small, sheepish smile, "Bet I can get her to laugh." "I can, too, and I dont have to resort to idiotic antics." Aurelio scoffed, "Is that a challenge, brother dear?" Ignis could feel his headache turning into a migraine. ** The very next day, Ignis withdrew the best chortle he's ever heard in existence from you. After he recounted ridiculous anecdotes from experiences with Noctis,  he couldn't help but laugh along; your laughter lit up the entire cafe. The tips of his ears were pink the rest of the conversation, and eventually, you had to shoo him away. You had loads of work to do. The next day also had Aurelio trying to make you laugh. To say it had worked were to be an understatement. At least he was kind enough to bring you napkins to help clean up from your spittake. Some of your tea had even come out from your nose. "I'm so sorry, I've nearly killed you." "Its fine, really! My notes aren't all that wet." He got you a really nice cup of tea to make up for it. Then, when you decided to also shoo away Aurelio to get some work done, he noticed how your lips formed your smile, how your eyes shone. As he walked home, his ears felt warm. He still hadn't told you his name, yet. ** A week had already gone by and Ignis had not told you about Aurelio yet. It was actually rather nice to hear how kind he was to you. Not that Aurelio lacked manners, it was that he was a bit bolder than Ignis; Ignis with the bass boosted. The fact that you were easily able to converse with both about anything and everything was amazing. They both remembered your favorite pastries, your favorite tea blend, your cat's name. They remembered your friends' names. When you were with Aurelio, everything is so relaxed, calm. Plenty of more laughs to be had. You chalked it up to his "days off". With Ignis, you still laughed, of course, but there was sometimes silences, yet you both found comfort in the silences. He often brought you a home-cooked lunch. You liked to see the apples of his cheeks slightly flush when you thanked him. When you were with either of the boys, your world was a tiny bit brighter. You looked forward to seeing them everyday. It was just that they hoped that you didn't mind the little twin trick. Ignis decided to tell you this upcoming weekend. You were going to be going out of town and he thought it would be best to ruminate over the details. And hopefully, you'd still decide to be friends with them when you'd come back. Both boys were a mess of twitching legs and tapping fingers. Whaf if you were repulsed, or worse, angry? Ignis continued to dwell and dwell in the negatige thoughts of you breaking of the friendship. He thought of every grave outcome and he edging himself close to the brink of madness. Oh please, god above, forgive him. Forgive him for- "Look, there she is, I don't think she's staying." Ignis looked up to see you holding a travel cup, tea string dangling. He saw you head over to the bar to grab honey and sugar and he immediately followed. He had collected a fine sheen of sweat on his brow when he got to you. "Oh hey, Ignis!" You greeted him with one of your smiles, "Sorry,  I wont be able to stay. I have to leave in a few minutes." He smiled, "No worries at all. Getting started on your weekend?" You looked up from stirring honey into your tea, "Yeah, my friends are excited to see me and I'm ready for a nice weekend away." "Alright, well I do hope you get to relax and enjoy your time." Ignis had started flapping his hand to motion Aurelio to start coming over, "But, before you leave, I've hoped to introduce you to someone." You had finally gotten the right mix of sweetness for your tea when you looked up and saw Aurelio and Ignis standing right next to each other. "Oh, my Gods!" You shrieked. Tea went flying everywhere. It hit Aurelio’s right cardigan sleeve, Ignis’ vest, and your shoes. The brothers were happy to buy you a new cup and a pastry. It was a wonder the cafe hadn't kicked the three of you out.
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inkandmoonbeams · 3 years
I am literally so bored and avoiding work so I would not be opposed if y’all sent me random asks 
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