#oh my god the origins server isnt named. what do i do.
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gtwscarsbignaturals · 3 months ago
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origins!milk aka Calpico ref :3 kibby... 🐈🐈‍⬛️🐾
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megablade · 4 years ago
One of the things that a lot of quackity antis dont get is that quackity is soft, even if he pretends he isnt. Dream cut hus attachments for power but quackity is gaining power because he thinks that is theonly way he'll get to keep said attachments. He doesn't just want that for himself however he wants that for others but he has such a twisted sense of helping others means because he thinks that his trauma made him tougher so he ends up traumatising others (namely, foolish and purpled). Also look at how he is with Tommy and slime, you cannot deny that quackity is soft for them. Quackity is soft, he only starts to act hostile when he feels threatened and i wish more people would get that.
oh my god you Get™ it and i think you might've just unlocked something in my brain that'll make me Ramble sfdlgkjhdg
you bring up a really good point—it's interesting to see people talk about the origin of quackity's desire for power, and i think it boils down to this: quackity's always wanted a place to belong, and he realized during manberg era that the only way that he could belong was to have power. after being repeatedly stepped on and pushed aside, the destruction of the one build he cared about in manberg, the white house, AS WELL AS the culmination of his mistreatment, was what caused him to defect to pogtopia.
it's true when people say that a major reason why quackity betrayed schlatt was because he realized he wasn't going to have any power, but a lot of people seem to misinterpret that as "quackity was always evil and power-hungry," instead of "quackity might've stayed with schlatt if he hadn't destroyed the white house, but it took the destruction of it for quackity to realize he wasn't ever going to get the respect & authority position he was looking for, and THAT'S why he left"
when quackity first discussed his plans for las nevadas with sam, he described it as a means to gain power over the server by giving everyone gambling addictions. does it sound evil? yeah. is it morally bad? also yeah, and that's something that they acknowledge.
but contextually, the past 2 months had been hell for quackity. he & his fiances had failed to make el rapids officially recognized as a country, and karl lost a life in the middle of it. quackity had led the butcher army, a ragtag team of ex-manberg cabinet members, all with severe unaddressed trauma, into carrying out an execution of someone they perceived as a threat, and quackity lost a life in the process. doomsday happened and the only place outside of el rapids that quackity (and many others) had called a home was destroyed.
it had been 2 months of chaos that quackity had absolutely no control over, despite the fact that he was doing everything he could to get some sense of control. he couldn't control his own country. he couldn't control what happened during the green festival. he couldn't control what happened to new l'manberg during doomsday.
so he made las nevadas into a country that he & his fiances could run together, without any authority telling them what to do, and thus, have power while keeping his attachments (which, i would say, includes his relationships with his loved ones. i think it'd be a pretty safe bet to say that he is very attached to karl & sapnap).
"he has such a twisted sense of helping others means because he thinks that his trauma made him tougher so he ends up traumatising others" is such a good way to put it because quackity is following the textbook guideline of repressing trauma AND he's also trying to convince himself that his shitty actions are justified, despite knowing on some level that his actions are morally reprehensible. (note that trauma =/= an excuse for shitty behavior, though)
and that reflects in his actions: he's all about "las nevadas has no place for emotions" but he's still infinitely kind & patient with tommy and slime. he expresses genuine joy when fundy wears a matching outfit, is very appreciative of foolish when he gets gifted armor, seems genuinely intrigued & supportive when purpled tells him about his building plans. and overall, quackity is always quick to consider their opinions on everything and also encourages them to take the reign in settling conflicts or building things. i won't fool myself and say that they're a true family dynamic because of quackity's initial manipulation, but they're something, and that means a lot quackity.
it's those kinds of small moments that makes me still have hope in quackity, that he's not going to completely cut himself away from everything he cares about. even recently, he wanted to diplomatically settle the outpost conflict with tubbo, who was challenging him, and even took down his own walls "in good faith." we keep getting glimpses of that kind of softness, and the concept of the "cold-hearted person who exclusively wants to manipulate people to earn power" that i see frequently painted on quackity flattens the complex history & nuance that quackity has !! that being said. there is a Lot of karma that's going to catch up to quackity, though, so i'm very excited for that >:)
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lostfieldranboo · 4 years ago
so... who is harpocrates?
half the fandom’s probably already put in their two cents here, but ive been thinking about this since the stream happened so here, have a compilation of all my ideas from discord
so basically harpocrates was originally an egyptian god but then later got adopted into the greco-roman pantheon as a god of silence and secrets, associated with children and roses and sometimes viewed as an embodiment of hope (sorry if any of this is wrong, i did one (1) google search)
my immediate thought was "oh shit it's dream isnt it"
bc dream is (somewhat?) allied with techno, very secretive, declared himself a god, trapped in pandora's vault, which is named after pandora's box, keeper of hope,
i also considered tommy for about thirty seconds before i realized techno would probably never work with tommy again. not willingly
and then my next thought was wilbur, because phil spent quite a bit of the stream today talking to ranboo about how much he misses wilbur and wishes there had been any way to not do what he did
(there's no fifth member bc he's dead.... theyre waiting for him to come back, saving a seat at the table.... techno and phil believe he'll join them when (not if) he comes back bc he was so willing to blow up manberg and end all that....)
wilbur was also somewhat secretive while alive (and probably moreso while dead)
then after that i found out about the rose thing and i was like "wait a second. one of the server members is hannahxxrose" but i dont have anything for that theory past that because i dont actually know hannah all that well whoops
and then i was like "hmmm what if karl jacobs" bc he has rose symbolism (they keep showing up in the inbetween when he time travels) and heavy secrecy (literally nobody knows he's a time traveler)
foolish would be my final option for this right now, as he has both the association with egypt and with children (his son, the totem? i think? i don’t watch foolish all that much)
so basically, the list: -dream -(not) tommy -wilbur (but resurrected) -hannah -karl -foolish
ive also seen a ton of people suggesting callahan, but i really don’t think it’s gonna be him. it’s so unlikely guys has he literally EVER been involved in lore at all
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jadecringecomp · 6 years ago
jade, of course, is still trying to deflect rather than own up to anything at all. im too lazy for screenshots so youre going to have to deal with text for this one. you can see their post here though. and if receipts are needed they are most likely on the callout blog or you can come to me if you cant find them.
“uses their own dead grandma as leverage out of nowhere literally months after the original argument”
jade are you really that braindead. like youre still just proving my previous point. youre still practically shitting on me for it. i gave a reason as to why that night was so traumatic for me because you keep trying to make it seem “like it wasnt that bad” by your own words!
also like uh, jade. you yourself have used your aunt having cancer as a reason to just... excuse every single action youve done. so again, take that and choke.
“abuses their own bf/ex but its fine because he abused her first lolololol!!!”
jade i... honestly have no words. youre still defending a pedophile, and you even admit he abused me. like, yes, i cheated on him. but how does the fact he is a pedophilic abuser not process through your head. why are you so set on defending that. a genuine question.
“flips back and forth on whether they were actually abused or not whenever it benefits her“
theres... nowhere that even says that in the link you posted. are you posting that to still try and imply i lied about the abuse you inflicted upon me or...?
“refriends their own ‘abuser’”
ok well one jade, you still have no actual proof ive befriended broden at all. all you have is a like on a fucking post. really how braindead is it possible to be at this point.
and regarding bailey, i never called her my abuser. you were the one to do that. you said she abused me after i showed you screenshots of what went down between us. and whats worse after i even came to you and showed you the screenshots and you got involved with that mess?? you still wanna try and say what happened was fake. like you wanna call me two-faced, yet youre so quick to change your mind once you realize that person doesnt benefit you anymore. 
also! for someone whos a survivor of abuse, you sure as hell dont realize a common thing between us survivors is literally going back to those who’ve hurt them right?? like you keep bringing this up as if im fucking lying about the whole thing when im not since again, i came to you while we were friends with the proof. i can even post them if need be. and honestly it doesnt even fucking matter anymore ive broken contact with her after shortly realizing my mistake.
“denies other ppls abuse just because they doesnt like them and a few vent discord messages means they knows literally everything abt it“
i can admit to saying i denied your abuse because there is actual proof that you werent abused two years ago, not because i dont like you. do you really just think nobody will believe proof right in front of them jade??? do you think youre some perfect princess who can do no wrong???? like jade the proof is right @deeancie, @estweri, @honeykeis-callout, and even here. you really expect me to just not believe it if i didnt hate you. you honestly need some real fucking help if thats the case jade.
and really like. if you say your bf clams up when you go to him... what else am i supposed to believe. sure i can be wrong, but reading that shit can really make you wonder what is going on between you two. and jade you wanna say that like you yourself dont do that shit. remember all the times you read vague text posts and would go on a tangent as if you knew every little thing about what was going on in my life. yeah kinda what i thought.
“says grooming minors is talking to people One time“
i love how you fail to leave out the fact that these people were minors and that youre practically defending loli. so if youre still talking to these minors and since youre still defending loli, then yes youre grooming minors into thinking loli is ok.
“straight up let a minor into their porn server on discord (they can go as rabid about this as they want but they still straight up showed an actual minor graphic porn but IM a pedophile bc i rb anime sometimes lmfao)”
again its been resolved. like ive acknowledged it was wrong of me to do and ive changed it. and how can you say you just rb anime sometimes when. you literally are reblogging this kind of fuckshit. like do you not remember reblogging that obviously naked child in a collar or what. the difference is i realized my wrong and changed it while youre still rbing actual loli.
“lied about the relationship (the one where they abused each other and she cheated on him with her other abuser???) having elements of pedophilia because they lied about her age”
this is so... ive told you i forgot. the ages. i was literally an age off for the both of us. like what else do you want me to do about this.
“has sketchy as fuck ocs, including one thats physically ten who would force their adult self insert to be naked around them and also drew them being physically beaten“
while the first was true (but i dont have that oc anymore), where in the fuck did i draw them being physically beaten lole??? are you pulling this out of your ass to deflect you yourself rbing beaten children????
and i swear to god if you bring up this comic, im going to scream.
“is a stalker and an abuser. by their own logic“
ok like. a couple of things to this. jade when are you going to get it through your thick skull i didnt give a shit if you were lurking or not, it was the fact you would comment on my every move. which is stalking by the way and incredibly creepy like get a life!
and an abuser “by my own logic”. the link you shared, again, doesnt show that anywhere. also with how badly of a hypocrite you are, thats you. you told me it was abusive to call people delusional. you started doing that once i realized my wrong and stopped. you told me it was abusive. you told me making people relapse was abusive. yet once i relapse you still didnt give a shit and somehow that makes you in the clear (though i still dont give a shit we both literally did that to ourselves the point is youre an abuser too to your own logic). you said trying to gaslight people is abusive (which it is). look at the stacks of proof i have of you gaslighting me. like i could go on but all the proof if here on this blog.
“oh and dont forget they foamed at the mouth that i didnt instantly know when they changed their pronouns but has been proven to have Actually knowingly misgendered me for weeks“
jade the fact you were lurking should make it fucking obvious you should have known my pronouns. and for weeks?? jade i misgendered you in your callout, which i immediately changed once pointed out. will you please stop lying to make yourself look victim and just tell the truth for once in your life.
“also apparently i can call them rae and its not deadnaming because its not their birthname so“
oh my god youre literally fucking braindead it hurts to watch at this point. no rae isnt my deadname. but i do prefer not going my that. the whole point of that was that you tried screaming transphobia because someone called you by a previous name you went by. you fucking dumbass.
“claims to have bpd but doesnt even know what cluster b is holy shit!!!“
what do i even say to this jade?? what does the fact i didnt know what that was at first matter to me having bpd??? also are you just gonna shrug off the fact that you first claimed you got misdiagnosed with autsim, then suddenly you do? you claimed to have bipolar disorder, then later you suddenly decide you have bpd??? kind of sketchy if you ask me!
“tries to send anons under my name but forgot that their friend levi doesnt even have me blocked so why the fuck would i go on anon if i would ‘sign’ it anyway hm“
a....... are you implying i was the one to send those....? is it because you realized once you did so it backfired?? jade for someone who wanted to claim i was the one making up conspiracies, you sure make up a lot of them.
in conclusion: jade you still are just deflecting! you still havent defended any of the shit me or my friends have called you out for! the fact you still havent admitted to them or so much as even defended the claims sure does speak a lot! stop deflecting and lying and just fucking come out about it!
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thisweekingundamwing · 6 years ago
This Week in Gundam Wing 30 September - 06 October 2018
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Tequila (Ch. 9) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15935852/chapters/37852445?view_adult=true
Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Long Meilan/Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom/Abdul Kurama
Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Heero Yuy, Hilde Schbeiker, Long Meilan, Chang Wufei, Catherine Bloom, Abdul Kurama, Rashid Kurama, Sister Helen, Solo, Maxwell Shinpu | Father Maxwell
Past Relationships, bad breakups, Tequila, Weddings, Car problems, love you so much I hate you, Military, Fights, hostage, injuries
It’s been four years since Trowa and Duo broke up, and now Trowa is back in town.
Battlefield (Ch. 1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/16208324/chapters/37882460
Solo, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner, Relena Peacecraft, Dorothy Catalonia, Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Hilde Schbeiker, Doctor J, Howard, Professor G, Roushi O | Master O, Kyouju H | Instructor H, Maganacs, Doktor S
Solo is alive!, Gundams, Solo being alive changes shit, this is me we're talking about so you know there will be angst, Angst, always angst
Solo survived the L2 plague, though believed dead by the others, he was left behind. He was found on Death's doorstep by an OZ soldier.
Standstill (Ch. 8-9) https://archiveofourown.org/works/11998518/chapters/36576537
Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Heero isn’t really the type of guy a girl would take home to her mother, but when they’re invited them to spend Labor Day Weekend at her mother’s Hampton’s beach house, Relena must find a way to make it work.
The bath-time bitch sesh https://archiveofourown.org/works/16167650
Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy
Bath Time, no sexy times, just bitching times, Preventers Era, lots of swearing, and exaggeration
Wufei liked to enjoy a long, hot bath. Duo does not enjoy crappy missions.
Snippet Saturday https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/178803581441/preventers-headquarters-geneva-switzerland-31-may
Heero says goodbye to the Preventers
Duo and Solo as rendered in ‘Tequila’
Duo Maxwell
Standstill in its entirety as an e-book... >_> and pretty artwork.
The Gundam Boys as Cats
Head Canons:
Quatre Raberba Winner
Duo & Trowa
Quatre, Duo, Heero, Trowa, WuFei
WuFei & Duo
Heero & WuFei
Hilde & Duo
Heero, WuFei, Duo
WuFei & Duo
WuFei & Duo
Catherine & Quatre
Quatre, Heero, Duo
Zero!Quatre & Duo
Duo & Heero
Zechs & Relena
OC October:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 1
Day 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 2
Day 5
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, between 3 & 5 pm EST.
Here’s the prompt for Friday October 12th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/178788787622/acocktailmoment-love-potion-martini
Prompt Calendar https://gwoc-october.tumblr.com/post/178493762370/hoping-this-is-good-for-a-final-calendar-if-not
Come have fun and tell us about your OCs!
Spooky Shenanigans at @gw-horror
A potential Meet Up on the Discord Server for GW fans!
Pick a time frame and we’ll set what works best for a majority of people and host it then!
October 13-14, October 20-21, November 10-11, or November 17-18!
Please reply to the linked post!
Heero Yuy Month https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/177808907580/iso-more-heero-yuy-fanpeople
The Month of January (obviously, as it’s 01 *winks*)
Stay tuned for more news!
(Edit: Forgot to add in the OC October things, it’s been rectified!)
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izanaginookami10 · 8 years ago
Now, as many others, I wondered why the hell Ye Xiu was so Overpowered even after restarting the game with a new account. I’m not too informed about MMO in general, but I believe that being able to be so strong at the beginning doesn’t really depends on the APM alone. Even with previous knowledge, this is a GAME, not a Virtual one, nor an Isekai, it’s a MMO. So, it should be limited what you can do.
I’m confused.
Anyways, thanks to a kind MAL user, fan of the Chinese Light Novel, we get some insight of the inner working of Quan Zhi Gao Shou’s world and Glory’s mechanics. I’m merely sharing the post as it is.
The anime is based on a Chinese light novel which has more than 1700 chapters. Episode 1-3 have the content of chapter 1-50 of the novel. It seems first season may include about 350 chapters. (Chapter of Chinese light novel is shorter than that of Japanese light novel)
u can find the novel here http://gravitytales.com/novel/the-kings-avatar https://www.webnovel.com/book/7176992105000305
Actually i like the Esports part of the novel better than MMO part. Esports part of the novel is as good as Slamdunk i think !!!!!!!!!
On the other hand, this novel is not just focus on fighting in game, it also a story about friendship. there is a moving story about the avatar and weapon MC used now. no more spoiler _(:3 」∠)_
Umu. So it won’t be only about the game, nice to know. And boi, oh boi. 350 chapters! I’m not too sure about their lenght, but that’s a lot when you think about LNs…
You smug lord. Tell us your secrets.
The game mechanism of Glory is not like the normal MMO such as World of Warcraft or ff14 e.g. The Glory seems like a game made up of “World of Warcraft” + “Overwatch” + “king of fighters”. It means big maps, nice scenery, 100 players raid, world boss (like World of Warcraft) First-person shooting , Non-Targeting even healing the teammates (like Overwatch) Not just use shortcut to release skill, you should do some operation like KOF (So APM is important) Of course it also has the mechanisms such as Armor, Launcher, Active Frames, Command Throw, Recovery Frames, Quick Rise Etc like a action game (by the way in Glory the control skill also can be used to the NPC Boss)
the class and skill of Glory is based on DNF, Here is the class skill introduction of DNF http://www.bilibili.com/video/av7076115/index_18.html
Although Lord Grim is a 1 Level avatar, it is NOT a NEW avatar MC created in 10th server. He transfer it from 1st server to the 10th server. that is why a 1 Level avatar has a 5 level Silver Weapon(umbrella) (According to the Chapter 3 of the novel)
Then what is Silver Weapon? u can find the info in Chapter 6 of the novel http://gravitytales.com/Novel/the-kings-avatar/tka-chapter-6 (By the way “a autumn leaf” is 70 level avatar which has 11 Silver Equipment) (the average of Silver equipment for a pro avatar is 5)
Oh. OHH. OHHHHHHHH! THIS ACTUALLY EXPLAIN A LOT! I now wonder why anime wasn’t this clear about that. It was seriously misleading! So he basically kept everything but the stats?
  It can transform?
Please nerf.
Damn cheat omni-umbrella.
In anime a flashback used to show there is a story of the umbrella. And the umbrella is also the foundation of a unspecified class.
The unspecified class can learn the basic skill of all the class (120 skill total) but cannot use the skill obtained when over 20 level of each class. (70 is top level) That is why the anime Chinese name is Quan Zhi Gao Shou which means All Class Master.
By the way, avatar has skill points to learn the skills and level up them, the skill points are not enough to learn all skills on top level So the player should build the suitable avatar with the skills they selected. It meas even the same class, same level, the avatar skill building may total different.
On the other hand unspecified class’s skills are all low level skill, think about the “king of fighters” Normal and Special. It means low damage but quick CD and Recovery Frames.
The technique, knowledge of the game, Pro APM, 10 years experience, umbrella and unspecified class let MC looks so OP
…I can hear Ye Xiu laughing…
Just look at that rape face!
On the other hand, the other Pros have not appears in the anime(1-4), the competitors in the game now is just elite players of the big guild such as Blue River. it is another reason why MC looks so OP.
Actually, in pro League there are some players considered as the same level as MC such as the Blade Master etc.
But YeXiu is not a solo player, in fact he is a team player and tactics master. He once said “Glory never be a solo game, with your poor attitude, don’t play Glory, Super Mario might suit you better” ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Complicated tactics always shown in a pro game from the novel.
MC cannt grind everything in MMO by himself, i mean Glory isnt a solo game as well, no one can solo the high level world boss or high level Instance (even 5 person Instance )
but in the beginning area of the mmo MC can solo the low level Instance such as frost forest.
On the other hand solo is ineffective in novel MC shows how to solo the frost forest for XiaoTang it takes he more than 1 hour, think about the record in the end of EP4 (﹁”﹁) world boss is the same case
I see… This is actually really enlightening, and I’m not joking. So we can expect great things in the future. This is only reassuring, as the first episodes reminded me a lot, a certain black swordsman beater trapped for 2 year in a VRMMORPG.
If you didn’t get it, then you should feel ashamed to call yourself otaku.
Another misunderstanding, Blue River isnt the leader of Blue Brook he only the leader of the branch of Blue Brook in new server(10th server) and Blue River also a smurf Blue Bridge Spring Snow is his main avatar.
when players get to level 70, they will go to a One World Server named God Area. Most power of big guild is in that server, in that high level area those guild can even get the help from pros. because in a sense big guilds also the branch of pro clubs
as all pro clubs need the rare material drop from world boss (to level up or build the silver equipment) ….so…. Other top Pros, big guild’s huge-crowd strategy (Top guild such as Blue Brook can organize more than 1000 players to PVP for the world boss) etc to kill the world boss u need fight with that firstly…and it always a scuffle of so many guilds(pros) lol
MC is not a person like his avatar’s name…….. Lord Grim is a wrong translate i think. ( that name in Chinese is self-mockery i feel) Many Avatar Names are from Chinese ancient poem. Sleeping Moon e.g. -.- Some Name Origins here i think it is helpful to understant those name of avatar http://gravitytales.com/page/the-kings-avatar/name-origins
And This is The King’s Avatar Glossary may be helpful too http://gravitytales.com/page/the-kings-avatar/glossary
Finally, There are so many characteristic teammates and competitors appear in the novel. It seems the main content of first season is MMO not the Esports So i think they just put in an appearance in first season.
Here is fanart AMV of the MC’s teammates and some main competitors from other pro club.
More details here. Credits to fellow MAL user: ycchen226 who decided to spend some of his time to enlighted Anime-only watchers. Seriously, thank you very much. You’re my hero.
Regarding the secrets of Ye Xiu (Quan Zhi Gao Shou)’s Coolness and Overpowered-ness. Now, as many others, I wondered why the hell Ye Xiu was so Overpowered even after restarting the game with a new account.
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