#oh my god renjun v???:)/7/$
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hvangrenjvns · 3 years ago
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Balenciaga is His Thing
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alicanta77 · 4 years ago
NCT Dream Reaction: Dating Jaehyun’s younger sister
ok this is probably his worst nightmare
like 7 billion people on this planet
and mark somehow managed to fall for his bandmates sister
he 10000% did the biggest face palm in history when he realised he had feelings for you
takes him about a year to feel even slightly relaxed in a room with both you and jaehyun in at the same time
he just feels like he broke the bro code
even though jaehyun has said to him multiple times it’s okay
he can’t relax around him for a while
eventually tho he gets over himself with a LOT of convincing from you and jae
and things become much less tense
and it probably ends up with a really nice dynamic
it’s essentially the Ross, Chandler and Monica dynamic from Friends
when mark hadn’t seen you in a while cause of work, jae would be the one to invite you over
jae would be the one to help convince management to let you visit them on tour
and he would often offer to go out on your dates so that people didn’t question it if you were spotted
he essentially does everything he can to help your relationship cause he loves the both of you
would really love it if you didn’t tell him
like ever
but unfortunately you have at some point
so you drag a whiny renjun to the 127 dorms to tell him
jaehyun probably only annoyed that it took you so long to tell him
he wants to know what’s going on in your life so that he can support you
however happy jae seems to be for the two you
renjun still thinks that jaehyun is orchestrating his death for the next four months
‘why do you think he wants you dead???’
‘because i’ve corrupted his baby sister!!!! everyone knows he’s protective of you!!!! why wouldn’t he want me dead???’
‘because he can see i’m happy???’
this is basically how your conversation goes everytime
until hyuck causally drops into convo that jae was talking to the guys about how much he loves that you’re dating renjun
and renjun feels like he just got a blessing from god
feels the need to see you immediately
‘thank god you realised! if only someone had been telling you that for the past few months!’
yeah he just shuts up you sarcasm with a massive kiss
not that you’re complaining
goes straight to doyoung for advice on how to tell jaehyun
doesn’t appreciate doyoung laughing at him because jaehyun’s going to kill him for dating his baby sister
when doyoung realises it isn’t a joke he probably freaks out
‘huh?’ *jaehyun walking into doyoung’s room*
both jeno and doyoung just sit there staring at him
‘jeno, are you dating my baby sister?’ 
jaehyun’s eyes start narrowing as jeno’s are widening in fear
‘possibly’ *voice crack*
‘oh thank god it’s you, i thought it was doyoung for a second and i would have hated that!’
jaehyun’s laughing and ruffles jeno’s hair while jeno tries to catch his breath as his soul returns to his body
the boy’s just realised he’s not going to be murdered
‘you- you really don’t mind?’
‘no i always thought the two of you would end up together, i’m just glad you figured it out quickly’
after this jaehyun can’t help but see how much jeno’s smiles around you
and how you always seem to be in a good mood around him
and he decides that he doesn’t want see the either of you any other way
as teasing as donghyuck is
i think it would take him a while to become teasing about this with jaehyun
he just cares about you so much and doesn’t want to lose you
so he refuses to do anything that may give jaehyun a reason to take you away from him
literally goes to the length of acting as jaehyun’s personal slave for a week until jae feels too bad to let it continue
‘haechan, i’m not going to make her leave you. you don’t have to do this’
hyuck relaxes a bit after that
but i think he would be one to avoid talking about your relationship as much as possible
jaehyun probably has to find everything out from johnny
he probably pretends to switch rooms with johnny for a night just to mess with hyuck
after that it becomes a slight war
that poor you becomes stuck in the middle of
you act as a mediator for their arguments too
every so often hyuck forgets you’re jaehyun’s sister and makes a joke or something
‘sorry boys, gotta spend some time with the old ball and chain’ *wink*
‘no wait i was joking please don’t take her away from me i love her so much’ *on his knees*
jae would definitely abuse enjoy this new found power over hyuck
im pretty sure jaehyun is jaemin’s favourite hyung
they have a v cute dynamic and have mentioned that they were close in trainee days
so i think jaemin would be absolutely terrified for jaehyun to find out
like properly terrified
like, when he does find out jaemin just accepts that the relationship is over, terrified
so you have to calm him down and talk to your brother and bf separately
jaemin would probably also do some nice things for jaehyun leading up to when you’re planning to tell him
such as buying him food and stuff
poor jaemin’s really bricking it
but after jaemin realises that jaehyun isn’t going to kill him and you aren’t going to leave him
he relaxes into the ultimate bf material that we all know he is
isn’t shy about showing his affection for you around jae
but always makes sure to keep it respectful
jaemin easily proves to jaehyun how much he loves you
and it takes jaehyun very little time to become so damn supportive of your relationship
it’s probably jaehyun who argues with management about letting the two of you go out in secret
so now you’ve got both your brother and boyfriend who are willing to do literally anything for you
jaehyun has said multiple times that chenle is his favourite younger brother
so i feel like out of all the dreamies jaehyun is probably most relaxed about chenle dating you
the one thing that does send jaehyun through the roof however
is that chenle doesn’t live in the dorms
he is at his own apartment
with you
and little supervision
his older brother senses are tingling
expect phone calls from him so that he can check you two are being appropriate
and god forbid you miss a call from him
you end up shutting your phone off and telling him off when you get back
other than that it’s probably surprisingly chill
like even the others members are impressed with how little of a deal it is
chenle and jae don’t deliberately avoid or talk about it when they’re together, they just continue as normal
overall a nice, low pressure, casual environment
and you best believe jae is your number one shipper
is probably too nervous to tell jaehyun himself
makes you do it by yourself even though you wanted to tell him together
but sung hits you with the pout and big eyes while he begs you
and of course you caves because who wouldn’t
but the first time he saw jae after he found out about the two of you, jisung was contemplating moving countries
he just panicked went the most formal he had ever been in his life
bowed so low so quickly he thinks he cracked his back
spoke with every formality in the book
jaehyun was watching him in so much confusion
‘sung, you know i’m okay with you dating my sister right?’
‘yeah didn’t she tell you? i’ve been rooting for you guys for like two years now’
sung looks to the side
just to see you watching him laughing to yourself
‘why would you do that to meeee?’
‘make me tell him by myself and i’m gonna get payback somehow’
huffs and pouts into the night so you make sure to give him extra lil kisses to make up for it
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specsforwoo · 4 years ago
Son of Lachesis | Demigod!Jung Jaehyun
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Parent Deity: Lachesis (Goddes of the String of Life; the Second Fate)
Allegiance: Hades
Dark Humor was a thing
He probably picked it up from his dad
His dad was this super successful thriller author
So they had this huge penthouse in New York but Jaehyun was your normal edgy emo teenager
He claimed to hate his life, hate his family, hate his friends
But like, his dad wasn’t bothered by it???
At first Jaehyun thought it was because his dad just didn’t care about him
But then he started to realize that his dad was the same way
He would rather disparage himself in the name of humor than anything else
It was more of a coping technique but oh well
And for some reason, Jaehyun’s senior year of highschool, he moved to Korea
Still doesn’t know why tbh
Something about his dad telling him that it was safer for their family to be closer together
But like his family only comprised of himself and his dad
And his beagle Chu-Chu but that’s it
As far as he knew, he didn’t have any family in Korea
But surprisingly, he fit in well
His last year of high school went by quickly
And soon he was accepted into the medical examiner’s program @ KAIST
He felt more comfortable around cadavers than live humans
It wasn’t weird he just had hella social anxiety
He had a real gift for it too
He could just look at a body and be able to tell how they died
He was oddly able to tell how long ago they died too
He was actually starting to get creeped out by it
So he started talking to the only person he could ever confide in
His dad
It was a long weekend off of uni
And the Friday before he got into a huge argument with his toxicology professor about the substance that one man ingested that led to his death
His professor swore it was Croton tiglium
And he doesn’t know why but something in his gut was screaming that the diagnosis was wrong
So what did he do?
He stole the toxicology report to review it
And he barged into his professor’s office claiming it was actually Daphne mezereum
What scared him the most was that he could swear the man who was lying helplessly on the table was the one who told him what the poison was
So back to his dad’s apartment
Jaehyun was in tears explaining what had been going on to his dad
And sure his dad was the one to lighten up any room he could
But his dad just laughed
And for the first time he actually felt like he was going crazy
He thought that if anyone would be able to help him understand it would be his dad
I mean what was that Ph.D in psychology hanging on the wall for then
But his dad placed a hand on his shoulder and talked to him very calmly.
I think it’s time that you met your mother.
Sniffing, he looked up
I thought she had been dead since I was a baby.
How can someone be ‘sorta’ dead?
She’s more like… undead?
Suddenly a gray smoke started swarming around his feet.
And a young woman, dressed in black with a rose in her hair appeared behind his dad
Jaehyun almost screamed
Dear, Many people are in need to relief so why are you calling me up?
She spoke and her voice was as light of as the mist swirling around her feet
She looked up and made eye contact with Jaehyun
Dear, you know how dangerous it is for them to meet their other parents… why is he here?
She didn’t break eye contact with Jaehyun as she spoke to his father
It’s time he knew. Maybe Taeyong or Yuta could help him? They’ve been through this before.
The anxiety and stress was piling up on Jaehyun until he couldn’t stand it anymore
Knew what? Who is this? Why is our apartment filling with smoke? What have Taeyong and Yuta been through before?
You are a demigod Jaehyun. The woman spoke up, inching closer to his side.
My son, the son of Lacheses.
Lacheses…. The goddess of the string of fate.
I’m the son of a death goddess.
He burst out laughing
He couldn’t tell if it was from shock or denial
Everything made sense
His ominous ability to tell how people died
How long they would live for
So you are telling me Taeyong and Yuta are demigods too?
He looked between his mother and father
Yes, sons of Themis and Bia, respectively of course.
So that summer Jaehyun ended up going to camp with Taeyong
He didn’t feel that comfortable in the Hades cabin, and ended up rooming with Sicheng in the Achelios cabin instead
He also tended to help out with medical care when super dangerous competitions were taking place
If he remembered correctly, Sicheng asked him to because your weird ass ability to tell how long people have to live comes in handy so I can override it.
He said it with all smile on his face too, like people thought Jae was creepy
He is still actively attending uni, still the top student is his toxicology class, despite his prof throwing the hardest cases his way
But camp is his life now
He never knew what he would have done if he didn’t have the support system that he did because of it
Yuta is his best friend
Partly because they are apparently first cousins
But also because they just mesh really well together
Whenever Yuta is fighting or practicing
He is there to makes sure to call game before anyone gets fatally injured
It actually got close one time
But other than that
His life is really normal
He eats out a lot
He studies a lot less than he should
He has made lasting friendships
And he has the hugest crush in the world that he refuses to reveal
hey , you
Just tell me! You know I can keep a secret from the hyungs!
Cue Jisung pestering him as they run the track at camp
How do I know that?
Taeyong still hasn’t found out that Chenle and I sneak out every Saturday to go to the arcade and that we were the ones who broke his cat mug.
Good Point.
Still not telling.
Honestly though, not like it wasn’t obvious enough
Sometimes he wonders if everyone is oblivious to him staring at the back of your head while you run rounds for Sicheng
Or how his eyes follow your figure when he spots you in a crowd
Dude has it bad
And might be a little possessive too
He saw Taeil hug you once and he refused to talk to Taeil for a week
Until Kun saw what was going on and forced them to make up
But you
Girl you might have an even bigger crush
Who knew volunteering was so fun when you got to see Jaehyun every day
Highkey only Renjun knows that you both like each other
What? Renjun knows E V E R Y T H I N G
At least he is like ‘passively’ helping Jaehyun score a date with you
And by ‘passively’ I mean he straight up walked over to you and asked you if you would want to grab dinner with Jaehyun on Thursday, something about studying for toxicology finals
And by ‘passively’ I also mean him straight up telling Jaehyun that you were going to be a the hole in the wall diner on 53rd street a 7 o’clock and if he didn’t show up he was going to kick his ass
So you both showed up
You with study materials
And him with flowers
Johnny told him that flowers were always the way to go
And Jaehyun was beyond embarrassed and confused when you looked up and saw him standing there in a button down shirt that definitely wasn’t his holding a bouquet of flowers
And you were sitting there in sweatpants and your glasses falling down the bridge of your nose
So he did what he does best
Laugh it off
Oh, these are to thank you for helping me study.
Of course, you didn’t have to get me anything though.
In his head he is sitting there cussing Renjun out while also trying to create that empathy link with Yuta so he could tell Yuta to go beat his ass
But he brushed it off and starts studying with you
Only after ordering pecan pie and hot chocolate
Because everyone needs snacks for studying
But you suddenly looked up and stared him straight in the eyes
Why do you even need my help? Aren’t you like top of this class, and IDK you can talk to dead people? Just ask them what happened.
Jaehyun is back to being embarrassed and this time he can’t laugh it off
Well– ummm— you see– Renjun— I—-
Oh for Zeus’ sake can’t you just say that little twerp set us up on a date?
Well… yeah, yeah he did.
YoU — umm— you can leave if you want, I understand if you don’t like me
Why would I leave. And you shouldn’t understand because you are a great guy, of course I like you.
You gave off a cheeky smile before stealing a bite of his pie
Y’all started off really casually
Like a group date here and there, nothing alone
Something in Jaehyun told him it wasn’t going to get serious unless he made the first move
Your father was probably to blame
Zeus was known for being a little aloof when it came to love
But Jaehyun
God Jaehyun had no guts whatsoever
Not until his best friend from New York came to town
Jameson had come to visit over his own spring break, claiming he wanted to see why Korea was so special and “Jeff” as he knew him, never returned to the US
And Jaehyun had taken you with him to the airport, better than dragging along Jeno or Jungwoo, who for some reason was terrified of planes themselves, and Yuta was out of town for a competition and Johnny was still passed out from last night’s party
And when Jameson stepped off the plane, he came barrelling towards Jaehyun, screaming JEFFFFFFERRRRRYYYYY as loud as he could and tackled him into a hug.
After that he began speaking in English a mile a minute
To say you were a deer caught in the headlights was an understatement
Jaehyun obviously wasn’t fazed, he was able to talk back to Jameson at the same speed, not even stuttering
So you felt kinda lost, shrinking away from the boistering boys, opting instead to starting rolling his friend’s luggage to the car
Jaehyun caught wind of your suddenly shy personality and cut off his friend to instead walk over to you
In a much calmer voice, and this time in a language you were actually able to understand, Jaehyun asked if you wanted to be introduced to his friend
You nodded and Jaehyun grabbed your wrist before shutting the trunk of the car.
Pulling you back over, Jaehyun spoke in English again
You could barely make out something along the lines of This is my friend, Y/N, daughter of Zeus.
You gave a small wave and bowed, hoping he wouldn’t speak to you directly, prompting you to speak in your broken tongue.
Just a friend, or something more? Jameson smirked at Jaehyun before looking back over at you
A friend that you can’t have. You couldn’t really understand what Jaehyun said but you could tell that whatever was said, he wasn’t happy about his friend’s comment.
After that you all got into the car where Jaehyun made you sit in the front seat, holding your wrist the entire time, in obvious view of Jameson
Things died down for a while and it went back to the usual
You were still on the track team (more like Pegasus Racing team but whatever)
And Jae came to cheer you on at every game
And Jae was still top of his classes @ KAIST
And you came to cheer him up when the workload got to much for him
But it STILL wasn’t serious
So one night
Specifically, Jameson’s last night in Korea
Everyone decided to head out to Hongdae to go club hopping (pls tell me you people know what club hopping is)
And you were all having fun, dancing, most were also drinking, especially Jameson
Jaehyun somehow ended up being DD after a brutal battle of scissors, paper, rock
So he was sitting there on the side lines, nursing straight tonic water watching everyone else get shit-faced drunk
You weren’t any better to be honest
Jameson started having a habit of trying to get you alone or get you to dance with him
So you thought that if you had to deal with that all night you had to have a couple shots in your system.
PSA TIME PEOPLE!!!!!! PSA!!!!! If someone in your group keeps trying to get you alone or get you to dance with them, both men and women, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT resort to drinking to deal with it. If they don’t get the hint by you avoiding them, tell them straight to their face that you don’t want to be with them. If they still don’t get the hint, seriously consider just leaving wherever you are. Under no circumstances is it okay for them do that. PSA OVER!!!!
Jaehyun had been watching you try to avoid Jameson from the bar all night and after Jameson came up behind you and grabbed your waist he was done
The vision of fully sober, properly pissed off, ready to throw punches Jaehyun was not a pretty sight
Thankfully, at the moment he had enough self-control in his system to not deck his friend straight in the throat
He instead opted to grab your wrist, much more forcefully than last time, and drag you out the back door of the club into the alley way
Then, much more gently, backed you into the wall of the club
He was so close that you could feel his breath on your forehead
Muttering to himself in English, you couldn’t understand what he was saying
Suddenly he looked down and his eyes kept snapping from yours to your lips
I’m probably going to do something I regret right now
Poor you couldn’t even understand him because of him still speaking in English
Next thing you know he was kissing you, pushing you up further against the wall, wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer
After he let go, worry flashed across his face, like he finally realized something
Oh my god, did that bastard hurt you?
He started checking your arms and wrists, even running his hands along your waist to make sure there wasn’t bruising there
For once, Jaehyun actually had the guts
He ended up calling everyone rides, and left early with you so he could take you out on an ‘official first date’
To an ice cream shoppe
Mind you average temps in Korea during, let’s say March is still around 28 degrees Fahrenheit @ night
He realized his mistake after seeing you sit there in the booth, shivering as you picked up your ice cream
So he quickly shrugged off his jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders and grabbing your hands in his to warm them up
First date was still a success in his mind
And all the dates there after
Renjun takes full credit for your relationship, but so does Sicheng, they actually fight about this
Jameson actually isn’t in Jaehyun’s life anymore
And Jaehyun is madly in love with you
Proposes after he graduates, in front of all of his friends, @ the stupid little hole-in-the-wall diner that he claims was his first real date with you
While they all scream JEFFFERRRRYYYY in the background.
really tho, Yuta has it on tape, along with Doyoung forced feeding Jaehyun wine, and him sleep talking about your first official date, all of which he plays at your guy’s wedding
Good luck having all of these idiots as brother in laws :::)))))
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years ago
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chenle as your best friend
ok so like the 2 of you met when ya'll were about 6-7 at some summer art programme
at that age, you just liked to see colour on paper regardless if it looked shit or not.
NOW, chenle sits beside you right and he notices be doesn't have a blue crayon with him, but omg! you have it (a/n: cries in cliché)
so this kid who's prob wearing the finest clothes from head to toe just grabs your blue crayon from the tray— and boy are you annoyed and angry
'hey you could've at least asked!'
'well can I use the blue crayon?'
'oh... i guess yeah'
lmao you were such an awkward bean (still are)
anyway after the whole crayon thing, you were waiting for your mum/dad/guardian to pick you up, and so was chenle. chenle then sat beside you again and ya'll just started talking and playing together
ya'll were in different schools. but that didn't stop the 2 of you to meet each other on almost e v e r y weekened, like
'hey i got the uno machine, wanna play on saturday?'
'chenle i have test on monday'
'it's an uno machine'
'okay yeah sure.'
so when ya'll were like 11-13 (puberty ew), ppl started questioninh your friendship and was asking if it's mORe than that— but lol it's not
you just enjoyed having each other around since ya'lls characters balances out so well; chenle is far far more loud, cheerful, and optimistic. whereas you're more on the 'serious' side and usually stays quiet— but you have a galaxy brain soOooO
so whenever ppl do ask, the two of you say 'no,' but then again,,,, who tf will take 'no' for an answer
SO 15-16, zhong chenle moved to korea to be a part of nct dream, and it was painful for the two of you
you went to drop him off at the airport, and he promised to you that he'll try to message and call you as much as possible while you hug him tightly cause you really don't want him to go even though you know he deserves it and it's just pure emo hours at this point
so during his training years he tells you all the good tea like 'omg there's like 6 chinese members here whoAaaa' 'yo yo yo there's this guy named taeyong andD HE IS SO COOL WHOAAAAAA' and it's so cute and ur really happy he's having fun, but you do miss him a lot
eventually chenle also misses you a lot, and he starts to tell renjun, winwin, and basically everyone about how he misses his best friend y/n ~soft~ hours are open
CHENLE DEBUTS YEy. you're having like severe palpitations rn cause that's ur fucking best friend living his dream like yEAH!!!! you tell your parents, your friend group, your chemistry tutor, your dog, the cashier— EVERYONE god you're annoying skjskjdkssk
you message chenle a LOT!
'goddamn ya'll look so cute and the song does nOT help'
'also is that the jeno guy? he really cute 🤭'
but ofc, he's busy. and yeah, he hasn't been responding as much as before. although you understood his busy schedule, you can't help but feel disappointed and sad.
BUT, whenever he does get time, i promise you he apologises and calls you whenever he can. chenle is a sweetheart, he'd never betray you like that.
so like any other typical fic, you managed to book yourself to korea and surprise your best friend for his birthdayyyyy
over the years you got to know renjun a lot through messages and calls since he always joins chenle when ya'll call each other so yeah— renjun is THAT guy
kneeways, you and renjun talked abt the plans, the cakes, and even helped you with korean so that you'd be able to talk to the rest of the members (and maybe jeno if ur confident enough but let's be honest, they've ALL become gorgeous humans you must be insanse to think you'd be able to talk to them casually)
you've arrived in gimpo airport, renjunnie arranged someone to pick you up— and it's time to surprise your best friend lele
so yeah while jisung and chenle were filming, you got to help out with the decorations and stuff with the rest of the dreamies.
the boys were all so nice to you despite the language barrier,
'AHHH so ur the friend chenle keeps talking about, do you know any shit that he does so we can use it to blackmail him or some—'
'haechan it's his birthday, calm the fuck down for one second.' renjun being the true dom he is
OkaYY SO THEY COMING and you were panicking cause you havent seen him in years and you werent sure what to do and just before they came in ofc you tripped
chenle started laughing and screaming. he was so overwhelmed with the surprise, until he saw you flat on the floor probably moaning in pain
'Uh yeah, listen i wanna give you a hug and all but help your friend out'
he immediately went over to you and helped u up and ya'LL just hugged and like he lifted you up a little and he's just so happy rn and he doesnt know what to do except to hold you
'AWWWWWWWWWW' -00 line
you genuinely start crying cause you missed his chaotic and happy ass so much. you looked up at him and you can tell he's changed so much. you saw from pics that he has changed, but you didnt fully acknowledge how much he grew up.
he starts laughing at your emotional and crying state and hugs you even more�� it's all cute stuff at this point
'okay uhh i know ya'll miss each other and stuff, but chenle your cake is gonne melt' - park jisung, 2019
ya'll celebrated, ya'll spilled stories about each other, and everyone just had a good time
'jeno hyung y/n has a crush on you'
that little fucker
chenle couldnt have been happier, and neither could you
a/n: okay please hate me all you want i've been silent for so fucking long. university applications have started and i have to meet deadlines and shit so yeah, i've been prioritising my school work these days. laces and things WILL continue from December onwards cause i'll be on break then, so please stay patient. also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY LELE. he's been my bias in dream for god knows how long, and he's such a loving and cute guy, how can you not love him. i hope you had the best birthday with the ppl who genuinely deserve you.
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sorijilleo-beoreoghae · 6 years ago
NCT “Meta”
Hey guys! Let me know what you think! Also, feel free to send any related asks, questions, or opinions!
**this includes all subunits!**
Overall Thoughts:
Amazed this concept actually worked out well given SM
The members are ALL incredibly talented
Also all incredibly odd lol
They all get along well and have lots of neat, complex relationships and interactions
Each subunit is so unique and has their own vibe
Let's be honest, we all need more ot21 interaction
Very diverse music
(the best subunit lol fight me)
Super talented group
All really talented
Cohesion and team blending is top tier
Always have super complicated choreo, often end up on the floor
Fresh and not too cutesy, can be rebellious
Consistently good and diverse music
Members GRADUATE as they hit 20 :C
Babies of NCT
Taken care of by other NCT members
Neglected by SM the most (not including U)
Funniest subunit, vlives are gold
Too much chaos in one group
Kings of BOPS
Member Breakdown:
Renjun: Fiesty little baby lol. Voice of an angel, very sweet and strong. Is smol, his humor is rather dark and honestly so relatable. Chinese and Korean bilingual, unable to understand Korean when it suits him lol. Artiste, paints, reads, thinks of philosophical debates. Solid dancer, teaser.
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Jeno: No fun lol. Very sincere and kind guy, kind of boring lol and gets teased by members. Great dancer, good rapper, very innocent, kind of like a human puppy. Loves his cats lol. Does ASMR a lot. BFFs with Jaemin.
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Haechan: Chaotic devil. Constantly teasing other members and making life difficult, a little diva. Very unique vocal tone, great voice, also very good dancer. Manages to harass everyone despite being in 127 as well as DREAM atm lol.
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Jaemin: Actual prince charming. Is literally the kindest soul to exist, super sweet to everyone, fans, members, children, etc. Still manages to joke around and tease them sarcastically a lot. Can play piano, does a lot of volunteer work. Good dancer, great rapper, very distinctive style. Always tries to be cute, especially to fans. BFFs with Renjun and Jeno.
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Chenle: CEO lol. Actual dolphin, very clear high voice. Has been singing since he was tiny, BFFs with Jisung. Can rock really weird hair colors, i.e. orange, teal green... Calls Kun "mom" lol knowing it annoys Kun. Little trickster.
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Jisung: THE dance prodigy. LOW voice, good rapper and good vocalist, incredible dancer. "Maknae", but really rules DREAM. Great stage presence and total fluff ball off stage. Easily frightened, squishy, literal baby. Doesn't like to do things alone. BFFs with Chenle.
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Favorite Song: Drippin'/Boom Most Underrated Song: We Young Song That Grew On Me: My First and Last Favorite MV: Go Favorite Era: We Young Favorite Title track: Boom Favorite Non-title Track: Drippin'/Dream Run/Walk You Home
Album Ranking: 1. We Boom 2. We Go Up 3. We Young 4. The First
Top 10 songs: 1. Drippin’ 2. Boom 3. Dream Run 4. Go 5. We Young 6. Walk You home 7. DNYL 8. We Go Up 9. 1,2,3 10. Fireflies
Bias(es): 1. Jisung 2. Renjun 3. Jaemin
Favorite Dancer: Jisung Favorite Singer: Renjun Favorite Rapper: Jaemin Favorite Choreo: We Young Least Favorite Title Track: Chewing Gum Least Favorite Choreo: none (bruh their choreo is the best) Favorite Rap Part: Jaemin's We go up intro Favorite Vocal Part: Renjun's part in Walk You Home, all of Drippin' Favorite Dance Part: Jaemin's kick in We Go Up, Renjun's center part in We Go Up Popular Song I Don't Like: none Unpopular Opinion: I think DREAM is better without Mark... it's a more complementing fit and blend of member instead of Mark overpowering everything and I love the OT6 balance
Visual Ranking: 1. Jaemin
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2. Renjun 3. Jisung 4. Jeno 5. Haechan 6. Chenle
Vocal Ranking: 1. Haechan 2. Renjun 3. Chenle 4. Jisung 5. Jaemin 6. Jeno
Rap Ranking: 1. Jaemin 2. Jeno 3. Jisung 4. Haechan 5. Renjun 6. Chenle
Dance Ranking: 1. Jisung
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2. Jeno 3. Jaemin 4. Haechan 5. Renjun 6. Chenle
NCT 127
Definitely have a very specific sound they like to bring to their music
That does NOT mean that all the songs sound the same
Their ballads are STRONG
A lot of their songs inspire absolute love or hate
Not very even line distribution sometimes, lead vocals get hardly any and Mark/Taeyong get a LOT
Cool choreo
Overworked babies lately
Strange mix of people that somehow manage to thrive lol
Member Breakdown:
Taeyong: Fluffy little ball of sugar and cuddles, like a baby chick. Diligent leader, very responsible, parent of all NCT children LOL. Fantastic rapper, has so much stage presence it's SCARY and dominating. Best on stage, cutie off stage, incredible dancer, works ridiculously hard. Affectionate to members, easily embarrassed.
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Taeil: Power main vocal with great range. Dorky, oldest member but often doesn't act like it. Affectionate, especially to Winwin lol. Pretty quiet in general but is kind of out there when he does talk.
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Yuta: Real Life anime prince. Red haired Yuta is the superior Yuta (no I do not accept criticism). Super charismatic, great stage presence that varies according to the concept well. Can rap and sing very well, great dancer. Very outspoken and opinionated. Likes to tease the other members and can be ruthless lol.
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Johnny: MUSCLES, thick boi, little bit of a thot. Rapper, dancer, vocalist, all around talent. Funny one of the group, naturally entertaining. Likes teasing the other members mercilessly, jokes a lot, sexy king, Chicago boy.
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Doyoung: Bunny! Incredibly angelic voice, very distinctive vocal tone, yet he can match his style to any genre of music they produce. Basically a model, super charismatic gaze on stage. Mom of the group, also takes care of DREAMies a lot. Likes to do cover songs, good cook.
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Jaehyun: Heartthrob of the group, visual god, great at everything, speaks well, kind, thoughtful, raises eyebrows at the other members antics sometimes but doesn't stop them lol. Knows EXACTLY what he's doing to fans when he's onstage...
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WinWin (in this house we will NOT exclude WinWin): Quiet (ish) but savage, does NOT tolerate other members bulls***t, not a fan of touching, but sometimes lets his members hang on him. Traditional Chinese dance, cute without trying, even when specifically not trying. Great at adapting stage persona to genre i.e. Regular v. Touch. If it weren't for WayV we'd never know what his voice sounds like.... *cough* *cough* SM give him lines and DO NOT EXILE HIM I SWEAR TO GOD.
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Jungwoo: LITERALLY, and I cannot stress this enough, THE biggest uwu. Kind of oblivious lol, big fluff ball, likes affection, shy and nervous sometimes. Low self esteem, works really hard to improve at all times. Deserves more lines lets be honest.
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Mark: SM's supreme rapper, in a constant state of confusion. Silly boy with uncontrollable giggle. Innocent yet not all at the same time. Usually in every possible subunit lol, finally decreasing for once. "oh Canada"
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Haechan: Chaotic devil. Constantly teasing other members and making life difficult, a little diva. Very unique vocal tone, great voice, also very good dancer. Manages to harass everyone despite being in 127 as well as DREAM atm lol. BFFs with Mark.
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Favorite Song: Simon Says/Highway to Heaven Most Underrated Song: Come Back/ Baby Don't Like It Song That Grew On Me: Firetruck Favorite MV: Simon Says/Touch Favorite Era: Simon Says Favorite Title Track: Simon Says Favorite Non-title Track: Good Ting
Album Break Down: NCT #127 (2016)  Limitless (2017)  Cherry Bomb (2017)  Regular-Irregular (2018)  Regulate (2018)  We Are Superhuman (2019) 
Album Ranking: 1. NCT #127 2. Limitless 3. We Are Superhuman 4. Regulate 5. Regular-Irregular 6. Cherry Bomb
Top 10 Songs: 1. Simon Says 2. Baby Don't Like It 3. Good Thing 4. Highway to Heaven 5. Touch 6. Regular 7. Cherry Bomb 8. No Longer 9. Paradise 10. Firetruck
Bias(es) 1. Doyoung
Favorite Dancer: Taeyong Favorite Singer: Doyoung Favorite Rapper: Taeyong Favorite Choreo: Come Back/Simon Says Least Favorite Title Track: Limitless Least Favorite Choreo: Touch Favorite Rap Part: Taeyong's rap intro in Simon Says Favorite Vocal Part: Cherry Bomb bridge/Doyoung in Baby Don't Like It/Haechan and Doyoung in Highway to Heaven Favorite Dance Part: chorus of Come Back/the pointing bending part of Simon Says Popular Song I Don't Like: Limitless/Wakey-Wakey Unpopular Opinion: Mark and Taeyong are great, but they need to spread the parts out more evenly, especially letting some of the dancers be in the chorus choreo center more
Visual Ranking: 1. Taeyong
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2. Doyoung 3. Jaehyun 4. WinWin 5. Johnny 6. Jungwoo 7. Yuta 8. Haechan 9. Mark 10. Taeil
Vocal Ranking: 1. Doyoung 2. Taeil 3. Jaehyun 4. Haechan 5. Jungwoo 6. Yuta 7. Taeyong 8. Mark 9. Johnny 10. WinWin
Rap Ranking: 1. Mark 2. Taeyong 3. Yuta 4. Jaehyun 5. Johnny 6. WinWin 7. Haechan 8. Jungwoo 9. Doyoung 10. Taeil
Dance Ranking: 1. Taeyong
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2. Yuta 3. Jaehyun 4. Haechan 5. Johnny 6. WinWin 7. Jungwoo 8. Mark 9. Doyoung 10. Taeil
Most under-utilized subunit
Should be the most used to allow collabs between members of different units, could bring the Chinese and Korean units together a lot too, even doing Chinese promotions
Could help test groups of members for new subunits
Has arguably the BEST songs of any subunit, okay not arguably, definitely
Member Breakdown: not happening since there isn't a recent U comeback :C (not counting the OST)
Favorite Song: Baby Don't Stop Most Underrated Song: The 7th Sense Song That Grew On Me: The 7th Sense Favorite MV: Baby Don't Stop/The 7th Sense Favorite Era: Boss Favorite Title Track: Baby Don't Stop Favorite Choreo: Baby Don't Stop Favorite Rap Part: Taeyong's Boss rap Favorite Vocal Part: Ten's adlibs and "feels so nice/feels so right" in Baby Don't Stop Favorite Dance Part: the iconic (chorus) Baby Don't Stop part
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Top Songs: 1. Baby Don't Stop 2. The 7th Sense 3. Boss
Unpopular Opinion: NCT U will reign supreme among subunits if SM ever lets it
Solid group
Good cohesion, concept
Good original music as well as new takes on a few existing NCT songs
Choreo for Take Off is legendary
FULL of talent
Should really be integrated with other units more so people stop separating WayV from NCT :C
Member Breakdown:
Kun: Mom of the group, waited for debut forever, easily frustrated with members' antics. The other members intentionally tease him. Promotes the rest of NCT harder than SM lol.
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Ten: Dance GOD, talented vocal, good rapper, absolute chaotic MESS of a human being. Little filter, limited self control. Leads the younger members astray. Struggles with Chinese sometimes (but also knows at least 4 languages, so...) and gets help from the other members. Thai legend who is LEGITIMATELY AFRAID OF FRUIT. Wears glasses most of the time, giggles a lot, very suggestive. The other members get tired of his bulls***t XD.
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WinWin: Quiet (ish) but savage, does NOT tolerate other members bulls***t, not a fan of touching, but sometimes lets his members hang on him. Traditional Chinese dance, cute without trying, even when specifically not trying. Great at adapting stage persona to genre, if it weren't for WayV we'd never know what his voice sounds like.... *cough* *cough* SM give him lines and DO NOT EXILE HIM I SWEAR TO GOD. IN THIS HOUSE WE STAN A HAPPY, INVOLVED WINWIN.
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XiaoJun: Vocalssss. Angry eyebrows lol, but still handsome. A bit reserved compared to some members (at least outwardly LOL), but still young and fun. Dorky dances and causes chaos with YangYang and Hendery. Works hard at dance and all aspects as well.
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Lucas: Big dumb puppy lol, very oblivious, jokes a lot, other members tease him a lot for being an idiot XD. Highly entertaining, knows how to make people laugh and put on a show. King of iconic NCT lines (lets not forget "YOU ARE NANA??"). Good dancer, rapper, and vocalist. Visuals too, model proportions.
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Hendery: Talks a LOT, looks like Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid and Donkey from Shrek simultaneously. Spontaneous goofball, jokes around with Ten a lot. Was in SM rookies for a while so trained in Korea for good bit.
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YangYang: Kind of crazy? Chaotic, uncontrollable. Baby (should've been added to DREAM too, don't @ me), good rapper but also solid vocalist and really tries in everything. Speaks German, which is cool.
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Favorite Song: Dream Launch Most Underrated Song: Dream Launch Song That Grew On Me: Say It Favorite MV: Let Me Love You Favorite Title Track: Take Off Favorite Non-title Track: Dream Launch
Songs Ranking: 1. Dream Launch 2. Take Off 3. Let Me Love You 4. Come Back 5. Regular 6. Say It
Bias(es): 1. Ten
Favorite Dancer: Ten Favorite Vocal: XiaoJun Favorite Rapper: Lucas Favorite Choreo: Take Off Unpopular Opinion: WayV is good as it is, I don't think DREAM China line (Renjun and Chenle) should join when they graduate DREAM. They don't really fit the image for the group and I'd much rather see an OT5 or OT6 DREAM fixed unit than adding members to already established units.
Visual Ranking: 1. Lucas
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2. Ten 3. XiaoJun 4. WinWin 5. Hendery 6. YangYang 7. Kun
Vocal Ranking: 1. XiaoJun 2. Ten 3. Kun 4. Lucas 5. YangYang 6. Hendery 7. WinWin
Rap Ranking: 1. Lucas 2. YangYang 3. Ten 4. Hendery 5. WinWin 6. XiaoJun 7. Kun
Dance Ranking: 1. Ten 
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2. WinWin 3. Lucas 4. Hendery 5. YangYang 6. XiaoJun 7. Kun
Let me know what you thought! Also, if you have any suggestions for future metas please send them to me!
Previously done:
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vampirevhs-moved · 6 years ago
bias tag
i was tagged by @loser-dot-com ty 💓💓💓
rules: list 10 biases and then answer the following questions.
renjun (dream)
doyoung (127)
mark (127)
winwin (wayv)
chanyeol (exo)
han (stray kids)
jae (day6)
soobin (txt)
yeosang (ateez)
v (bts)
between 1 & 4, who would you rather kiss?
renjun vs winwin
hhhhhh,,,, i mean i think i’d have to say renjun,, he is my ult after all 🤕🤕 but god could u imagine kissing winwin i'd die
between 2 & 7, who would be your best friend?
doyoung vs jae
jae lmao from the videos i’ve seen it seems like we would pe a good pair
between 5 & 10, who has the better voice?
chanyeol vs v 
fuck !!! they’re both great !! but i have to say chanyeol,, i melt for his voice :^((
between 1 & 8, who is the funniest?
renjun vs soobin
i haven’t seen a whole lot of soobin, but i think i’d still say renjun, the lil brat lmao
between 6 & 9, who would you date?
han vs yeosang 
i think probably han, just because i’ve been into stray kids longer than ateez and i know that i adore han’s personality
between 9 & 10, who would you collab with?
yeosang vs v
i think v, again bc i’ve been into bts longer than ateez and ive loved v’s voice for quite a while
between 4 & 8, who is the best dancer?
winwin vs soobin
oh you know i gotta go w my boy winwin ☝️☝️💓
between 3 & 5, who would you most likely marry?
mark vs chanyeol
listen,, okay listen,, just listen okay,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mark and i are the same age okay,,,,, and god lately ive been SO soft for a mark lee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,okay i'd do anything for chanyeol but,,,,,,,just,,, listen,,,,,,,,,,,
between 1 & 7, who would you nurse when sick?
renjun vs jae
renjun !! cute lil pouty sick boy,, my love for him alone would make him better
between 2 & 3, who has the better smile?
doyoung vs mark
my lil peanut boy mark 🥜
between 6 & 8, who would you rather vacation with?
han vs soobin
han probably, idk it just seems like we’d be down to do the same things??
i'm gonna tag: @honeyhyuckle , @hyuck-s , @junemyeon , @lattejaemin , @renjunvenus , and @floral-jaemin 💓
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dwaekkichaos · 7 years ago
thank you to @honeyboyhao for tagging me in this! You’re the best!
1.) 5 favorite groups?
god ok, Xeno-T, Seventeen, Day6, Stray Kids, NCT
2.) Top 5 on your bias list?
Taemin, Sangwon, Jungwoo, Seungkwan, Hobi
3.) Ult Bias group and why you love them?
(welcome to uwu hours with Mich) Xeno-T! They were the first kpop group i ever got into before i even knew what a kpop was. just these 13 charming, funny, talented boys, and i fell in love. they’ve never released a song i didnt like and these boys just deserve the world and more. they’ve been through so much and they’ve come so far and im so proud of them. 
4.) Ult Bias and why you love them?
Taemin,, oh my god where do i even start. firstly,, a KING, a LEGEND. wow. also he’s so genuine and sweet and then he can be the mischievous maknae at the same time. also meme taem is what im here for lmao. do i even need to mention his dancing and vocals. do i. if u wanna make my heart happy just send me Taemin content
5.) Favorite Kpop Meme
look at my header
6.) Favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one)
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he leggy
7.) 5 Favorite Kpop MVs
When You Love Someone- Day6, Clap- Seventeen, Arario- Xeno-T, Boy Meets Evil- BTS, Breathless- Astro
8.) 10 Favorite Kpop songs?
im tired and lazy can i skip this it changes like every 4 seconds
9.) Favorite Kpop crack video?
this fuckin video
10.) Favorite content creator within the fandom?
idk? i dont really follow specific creators for any groups that closely? 
11.) What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of?
toppklass, army, nctzen, mydays, carats, aroha, vip, monbebe, ikonic, n.fia, universe, fantasy, shawol, whatever stray kids fans are called, once, vav, 
12.) Take your top 3 biases- fmk
F - 
Marry - 
Kill  - 
SIKE i dont have a top 3 biases 
13.) If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose?
i feel like Renjun has a pretty similar personality to me so im gonna say Renjun
14.) If you could date any idol, who?
idk?? Jungwoo is soft and v much my type but also.. Taemin...
15.) What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
literally every toppdogg/xeno-t album and taemin’s entire discography
16.) Are you a soft or a hard stan?
varies from group to group
17.) An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
j u n g w o o, and taemin
18.) An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
literally anyone short and/or soft,, so,, everyone
19.) Favorite vocalist?
Seungkwan or Jinho
20.) Favorite Rapper?
Jooheon or Suga
21.) Favorite dancer?
do i even need to answer this
obvs Taemin
22.) Things you have in common with your ult?
soft, loses things often, occasionally questionable fashion choices, some tragic previous hairstyles, will roast you,,
23.) The most beautiful trait any idol can have?
feeling they can be honest and happy within themselves
24.) Songs that will always make you jam along?
i have a playlist of Angery Bops bc that’s always the Mood
25.) Your worst wrecker?
Ten, Johnny or Woozi
26.) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to?
none yet but im trying to get bts tickets for later this year!
27.) Favorite choreo?
currently obsessed with Taemin- Drip Drop
28.) Favorite live performance?
that one Arario stage where they look like bananas
29.) Favorite debut mv?
District 9 probs idk
30.) Recommend a rookie group!
listen,, stan VAV,, noone ever talks about my sons,, but also N.Flying (do they still count as rookies??) and IZ! 
31.) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
literally every Taemin song
32.) Tag some cute mutuals you’d like to get to know better (and to do this challenge)!
im gonna tag:
@yoongisbandana @blueberryxiu @hotswaggerzuho @jongyuns @reallyreally
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serendipei · 8 years ago
NCT Dream Reaction to Their S/O Being Under 5ft/152cm
Requested? Yup!
Summary: You’re! So! Smol! How adorable! (Also I’m going to assume you meant their s/o being short.)
Again I’m so sorry for the long wait Anon!!! I feel awful seriously. Anyway I am smol myself (I’m 5′0″), so this was really fun to make (I squealed a couple times ngl) -Admin Nine
Mark is everyone’s favorite awkward baby (maybe aside from Jisung and Taeil), so it’s hard to remember that hE IS 5′9″/ 174cm!!! Like holy crap!! Everyone in NCT is pretty freaking tall so he would think it’s a blessing to have someone smaller than him. Mark is the leader of NCT Dream so doting on people wouldn’t be that much of a change, other than the fact that you’re a whole foot shorter than him! He would absolutely love to give you back hugs 24/7 because he would feel like a koala. Although he wouldn’t be too into affection, if you ever gave him little neck kisses, he’d get so flushed and quickly give you a rare peck on your forehead, even if the other members were around. He’d love it when the other members talk about how cute and petite you were, and would feel ecstatic knowing how much happiness you brought to him and the group.
“Omg you’re so cute Y/N. Come here and let me hug you.”
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He would ADORE THIS. Renjun is the mom of NCT Dream and thus loves to shower people in affection! Having a significantly shorter s/o would make him be x1000 more cuddly than he already is. Oh, you can’t reach something on a stereotypically tall shelf? Renjun will squeal and put you on his shoulders. You can’t kiss him because you can’t reach his face? He’ll shower you in kisses instead. (I’M DYING AGAIN WHY IS HE SO CUTE I CAN’T PICK A BIAS.) While being the cutest thing in the w o r l d, he would feel slightly manly whenever you needed help. Every time you asked him for help, his heart would swell with pride knowing that you could always depend on him for anything. If you didn’t like him doting on you, Renjun would refuse to stop until you became taller than him.
“If you want me to stop, you’re just going to have to drink more milk!”
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I don’t see Jeno caring too much about your height; he would still think of you as the cutest thing ever. He’d be much more considerate not to bring too much attention to your height, just in case you were self conscious. If he learned that you couldn’t reach the tall shelves in the NCT dorm, he would move everything a shelf down or move bowls onto the counter before you visited so you wouldn’t feel embarrassed. Sometimes on dates, he would even remove the insoles of his shoes to try and match your height. You would notice of course (or am I the only one who notices sudden changes in height differences idk), but wouldn’t mention it as you were busy internally screaming about his cuteness.
“What do you mean I got shorter? I’ve always been this tall. Maybe you got taller!”
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Y’all, let’s be real. Haechan makes fun of  e v e r y t h i n g. Those of which include your height. At first, before you started dating, he would tease you in order to get your attention. He would laugh that you had to stand up in order to see ahead of Ten, who was seated in front of you. (This boy istg he’s evil but I lovE HIM.) When he eventually found that provoking you was not the best method to win your heart, he would back off of the short jokes. Haechan would instead become your protector from those who would bully you instead. Someone was holding you pencil above your head? Donghyuck would pull it from their hands without a second thought and give it to you with a cheesy, yet adorable, smile on his face. Once you two began dating, his patience would reach its limit and the short jokes would ensue. The sass would be ever so prominent in his teasing, only this time with much more love laced within his words. That wouldn’t stop you from pinching him if things got out of hand though.
“Hey Y/N! You’re so short that you would have to stand on a chair to reach puberty. No? Okay how abou- OW OKAY I’LL STOP. You really have a SHORT temper.”
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Personally I don't think Jaemin would be overly affectionate or tease you for days about your height, but he would be somewhere in the middle. When he feels like cuddling, Jaemin would scoop you in his arms (or if his back was particularly hurting that day drag you by your arms) and cuddle in the dorm. He would love spooning with you, especially if you wrap your tiny feet around his. If he was feeling playful that day, he might sneak up from behind you and lean his arm on your head, much to your displeasure. But if anyone besides him ever tried to make fun of your height, *cough* HAECHAN *cough* Jaemin would make it clear that only he could make fun of you in anyway. Being the Taller One™ in the relationship would definitely encourage him to be more outspoken, especially when it came to defending you.
"Hey come on guys, that's not cool. Only I can make fun of Y/N's height! Maybe if you got a s/o, you could tease them too~"
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Chenle isn’t exactly the tallest person in NCT, so he’ll use all the leverage he can get. That’s why whenever you’re around, he’ll make sure to stand next to you the whole time. He likes the sense of feeling taller than someone, making him feel somewhat manly. Whenever you’re not looking, he’ll sneakily measure how tall you are compared to him with a coy smile on his face. When you two are dating, his little obsession would slowly fade away, now that he’s around you much more often. Instead of worrying about his height, he’d worry much more on how to impress you in new ways. He’d learn new Korean phrases from Renjun in order to compliment you about your height, trying to make you feel less self conscious. Sometimes he would mess up his wording, and accidently insult you instead. You knew of course that he was only trying to be sweet, but would still pretend to be hurt until he apologized with kisses and food.
“Wow Y/N! You don’t even look all that short today. Have you grown tal- OH MY GOD WAIT DID THAT SOUND INSULTING? I’M SORRY!”
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If he was around the members, Jisung would be EXTREMELY flustered whenever he stood next to you. Not because he was embarrassed of you, of course, but because he was embarrassed of NCT’s constant cooing over how cute your height difference was. It was practically a whole foot! Maybe even a bit more!! You would love to tease him whenever he was like this, whether it was holding his hand or giving him small pecks on the cheek (if you could somehow manage to reach him). Once you did any of these things, his face would turn as red as a FIRETRUCK (I’ll take myself and my NCT jokes with me and leave). If you two were alone though, I would see Jisung absolutely adoring your height difference. He would love to give you piggy-back rides around the dorm and resting his chin on your head during cuddles. (HE’S SUCH A CUTIE PLEASE PROTECT HIM)
“Y/N?! Can’t you hug me later?? The hyungs are going to tease me all week~”
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