#oh my god finally done w this
neattles · 7 days
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killa-trav · 1 year
happy birthday r kid
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END OF VALENTINES JUMPSCARE I'M FINALLY POSTING THE FOR THE FUTURE REQS!!!! Another anon also asked for stringbean content so this is for both of you lol <3
[ID: 2 digital drawings based on the owl house. The first image shows Luz in her outfit from for the future. She's posed similar to azura in the opening scene of the first episode, holding stringbean who's mouth is open and ready to fire. Luz is making a smug expression, saying "now eat this sucka". The background is a bright yellow. The second image is a doodle featuring Luz, Vee and stringbean. In the image, Luz is showing stringbean to vee, saying "she's a snakeshifter! Just like you" as Vee looks at her with a teary eyed comical expression. The background is light yellow. End ID]
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‼️ dear fob fan reading this ‼️
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all of the results are below the cut, as otherwise this would be wayyy too long (warning ahead of reading: this is long but worth the read i promise)! Thank you again to everybody who participated in this, this year the census received double(!!) the amount of responses as it did previously!! i hope you all enjoy the results and find them as interesting as i do, lets get into it:
A couple small disclaimers before the results: due to some technical difficulties i had to make this whole post on mobile, and because of that had to deal with tumblr mobiles image limit! that's why some questions are paired with others even if there isn't a theme between them. Along with this, tumblr naturally ruined the quality of the images a bit, clicking on them helps if you wanna see more detail! hopefully these things don't disrupt the viewing experience too much! enjoy <3
Questions #1 + #2: Eras
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Question #1: Here it was asked what era you became a fan, and the era with the largest response was Save Rock and Roll, with just over a quarter of you all having become a fan in 2013/2014. The most notable thing to point out here is that over half of you become fans after the hiatus! With a good amount becoming fans (8.5%) in just the last couple years!
Question #2: This question was also about the era's of fob, but asking what your favorite era is personally. Coincidentally (or perhaps not 👀), Save Rock and Roll came out on top in this question too as a majority of peoples favorite era of fob (thus far).
Questions #3 + #4: Favorite + Best Album(s)
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Question #3: Here you were asked to pick which album is personally your favorite, with Folie a Deux being over a quarter of respondents favorite album. This was not too shocking, as Folie came out on top the past two years as well. The love for that album is incredibly strong and unwavering!
Question #4: In this question, the distinction was made in asking which of fobs albums is objectively their best. Part of me knew to expect the answers would be the same as the last one, part of me wondered if maybe things would be shake up- they were not! The only thing that changed was slightly less people believing Folie is their best album, rather than it being their personal favorite (39.7% vs 39%)
Questions #5 + #6: Least Favorite and Worst Album(s)
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Question #5: Here you were asked the flip of question 3, that being which album is personally your least favorite. Here, the answers were not too shocking (but hurtful) to me as abap stan #1 with over a quarter of you all voting abap as your least favorite fob album. Notably, but perhaps not surprisingly, here is that all the albums people voted as their favorites had a Very minuscule amount of people saying they were fobs worst.
Question #6: Just as the last question, this one was a flip of question 4, and as questions 3 and 4, the top answers for these two were the same. However, the order partly flipped, with take this to your grave being considered their worst album, and abap and mania trailing close behind. Interestingly, despite a large majority of people considering folie their best album, it was not the album with the least votes here- Infinity on high is.
Questions #7 + #8: Eps and Music Videos
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Question #7: Number 7 asked you all to pick which Ep of fobs was your favorite, with My Heart (etc etc) pulling ahead to be your #1 favorite. Interestingly here, this was the first year i included project rocket... And only 2 people picked it. Perhaps it will be the last time i include that option...
Question #8: Unrelated to the previous but they're together anyway lol, this question was a new one asking you all what music video is your favorite! Sixteen candles won by a relatively large margin, though several music videos got shown a lot of love. Essentially, despite there being a clear majority favorite, almost each of their music videos got at least one vote, which is pretty cool to me!
Questions #9 + #10: Your babygirls both fob and otherwise
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Question #9: Though it goes without saying that we all love and support each member of fob very very much, we all have our special babygirl, and that was shown here. It appears that a majority of census takers are Patrick girlies (gnc), though each member got a large chunk of votes!
Question #10: Every year this question goes the same, with my chemical romance coming out on top as your guys' favorite fob related/adjacent artist. It feels this year the love for them was even stronger, which is interesting to me! Their resurgence can be felt even in other fandoms, like in this case, which is prettyyyy cool!
Questions #11, 12, + #13: First, Favorite, and Best songs
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Question #11: This question made a comeback this year asking which fob song was the first you ever heard. I want to acknowledge that i included an option for can't/won't remember, as i understand that can be a difficult thing to remember sometimes! That answer, rightfully, came out as the second most answered option. However, i wanted to show the actual top songs, so just put those! Something else to note is the shocking wide variety of first songs for people! Very cool.
Question #12: Here you were asked for your personal favorite overall song, with probably no one being surprised that disloyal order came out on top, dominating any other song, as per usual! The love for Folie truly is so song, with 3 of the top 5 songs being songs from Folie.
Question #13: And here you were asked objectively what your favorite song is andddd... disloyal order won this one as well, perhaps rightfully so. Interestingly here, (coffee's for closers) dipped from the list where it was 5th in peoples favorites, being replaced by the ever so popular dance, dance! What a catch makes an appearance here too, maintaining a majority of the top 5 songs being ones from Folie.
Questions #14 +#15: Under and Overrated songs
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Question #14: One of my favorites to ask every year so far, this one asks which song you believe to be fobs most underrated. Surprisingly to me, Snitches came out as the most underrated. It was interesting to see which songs were chosen for this one, as I feel a lot more mania/posth songs were considered underrated, despite less often being considered favorites!
Question #15: On the flip side, this question asked what fob song is most overrated. Every year, the answers here are very consistent: centuries is their most overrated song. Abap is the album with the most overrated songs. In that way, one could consider abap the antihesis of Folie lmao
Questions #16: Seeing fob live
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Question #16: Interestingly to me, last year the results were flipped with more people having seen them live than not. However this year, with some newer fans that previously, more people have not seen them than have. hopefully this changes soon!
Questions #17 + #18: This or That
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Question #17: Here, I took the top 2 answers for what your favorite fob song was and put them up against each other. The entire time the census was open, this was so so insanely close. A majority of the time, hum hallelujah was beating disloyal order. However, at the last minute, the two songs tied. So i guess we have to wait till next year to see the true favoritez
Question #18: And with this one, these two were the top two answers last year for the most overrated fob song. Centuries was absolutely decimated by My songs, truly solidifying this fandoms apparent distaste for centuries.
Questions #19 + #20: Album Covers and Lyrics
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Question #19: A census first, this question asked which album cover is your guys' favorite cover. I was super interested to see how the results of this one came out, as i had my own perception of what i thought is their best cover, but really didn't know what everyone else thought. and infinity on high came out on top! (with me agreeing with that heavily)
Question #20: Last but certainly not least, question 20 asked you all to pick which fob song has the best lyrics. We experienced a tie here, with an interesting variety of songs here. Hum hallelujah, like it has in past years, came out as number 1! Interestingly, despite Folie being the fan favorite and alleged best album, only one Folie song is present here, with a majority of them being from Infinity on high!
And with that, the 2023 fall out boy census has come to a close. Once again, thank you all for participating in this and indulging me and my love for data and statistics lmao! i really do hope this is as enjoyable for everyone else as it is for me. i look forward to year 4 next year, as by then we'll have an entirely new album to add to the mix! mwah <3
I want to add lastly that if you have any further questions, data you wanna see, or general comments about this please feel free to come into my inbox and chat with me!! :D
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astrxealis · 1 year
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show me this and i'll be ruined immediately every time :")
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emblazons · 1 year
reading the nearly unanimously approved WGA strike announcement + the proposals/counter proposals between them and Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), knowing damn well I not only have friends who write for the major networks insulting them with this “gig economy” undermining their union, but that every single writer on the ST staff listed on the official WGA roster…and we sure as hell aren’t getting that season until 2025 now:
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kiwichaeng · 2 months
Can't fucking believe it's been an entire year of tarlos being married what the fuck
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dylanconrique · 2 months
gabby: "i wanna be detailed to arson" 🥺
boden: "why? why do you wanna leave me?!" 😠
gabby: "i-i'm pregnant!" 😨
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acaciapines · 11 months
staring at the nimona daemon au breaking 40k when i still have the entire ending of the movie left: oh my god. this one might be 50k after all
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moe-broey · 1 year
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#final one tonight (and the one i was looking for when i found the other one i was initially looking for)#(in my. fucking. folder.)#this has to be book 1??? i'm certain it is (shot taken revisiting prev books)#still like. this is so fuvked up. like. it's been so long and so it's easy to forget (esp w gustav being canonically dead now)#but like. imagine having a parent who refuses to fucking talk to you in your own fucking house#just cause they disagree w a choice you made.#and like as i say that i know for some people they don't have to imagine. severely fucked up and i'm so sorry.#UGH..... IT'S JUST...... SO UNFATHOMABLY CRUEL.#oh but he's just strict. a stern father figure. dude shut up i'm gonna throw up LMFAOOOOO#also not to be queer about it but oh my god. holy shit. oh my fucking god. jesus fucking christ. FUCK#there are many reasons alfonse fire emblem makes me insane and unwell and this js one of them#to me he's like. def queer but not in a way where it's visible. heavily influenced/defined by his agab and how he was raised due to it.#he has Just Enough things going for him to make it so he has done Everything Right.#and yet. that does not free him from SO many horrors. in a way he's punished for it. but it's all he's ever known.#it's normal. he's normal. everything is normal. this is just how it's supposed to be.#i'm going to chew on his arm. gnaw at his fuvking shoulders. have him sit on my lap and be held.#for once in his fuckinh life.#what thw fuck ever man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXPLODE ‼️‼️‼️💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#fe alfonse
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deerteatime · 2 years
rotating him in my brain full speed at all times (click for better quality)
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Please don’t repost w/o my permission!! personal use is fine with credit. rbs appreciated!
version w/o bg vic backgrounds are hard
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satellitedyke · 1 year
graduating college tomorrow 👍
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killa-trav · 2 years
do you ever just think about how lando was too shy to ask seb for a photo at the autosport awards many moons ago and then on seb’s last ever gp weekend, was in the middle of the paddock with seb on sunday singing sweet caroline
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noxtivagus · 2 years
ffxv makes me so emotional oh my god 🥹🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxv. ]#i love love love final fantasy so much like. video games in general i cld rlly ramble abt each of my interests for hours like i'm#v much ffxv mood rn. god esp that one story two years back i've mentioned it so much here atp but IT REALLY IS SO PERSONAL N#CRINGE???? IDK IT MAKES ME EMBARRASSED A BIT but like embarrassed /pos like. it's me. younger me. n i'm still v fond of it.#..still makes me shy though but even more i finished writing that uh oneshot back then w noctis#childhood friends to lovers uhuh secretly in love but both think it's unrequited uhuh#why has that always been among my fav tropes.. I DON'T EVEN RLLY HAVE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS? there's nothing irl that inspired it at all.#but then ^ that's also w my uhhhh original characters n then my wol too in ffxiv honestly n#even with other characters.. a v similar sentiment w claude n like lancelot or lucifer. ffxv / fe3h / gbf were my top 3 back in 2020#botw hades octopath acnh & other ff were games that i rlly rmb then too. but ever since ffxiv i haven't been able to play much other vgs 😭#the witcher 3. nier automata demo. code vein demo. genshin. hzd. rdr2. ac odyssey n lots more but god i've barely finished any#OH I NEARLY FORGOT.. I'M SO SORRY must be bcs i was listening to it earlier so i thought i already wrote it but kh3 yes#AAAA WAIT I'M RAMBLING AGAIN I WAS GNA WORK ON SOME STUFF BEFORE I SLEEP 🥹 sleep by 3 for more hours or by 4 so i can uh#get some stuff done before tmrrw? i will. do my best this week as quickly as i can so i can.. rest? my mind rlly needs a rest i think ><#yk what i can always write n do more the next day yeah i'll sleep no later than 3:30#i think i'm going back more to my old self again but i'll do my best to not isolate or distance myself too much i don't want to destroy#things even more like. in that. dream n. in the past when. i thought i was over it but i think those wounds r reopening#but i'm stronger than them n. fuck. it's the same as before n that's why i'm crying that's why i'm so afraid that's why it hurts so much#but i've written too much here. it hurts so much but even if it feels too similar to.. back then it's. not the same it's not the same#i've improved i've gone this far i've made friends i've made so much memories. but i'm so afraid that i'll fuck up again n#i think i'm like this bcs. oh ffs my dream told me basically that i really do think i already fucked up. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry#the past.. present. the future. too fast too much n it's just like before n that's. why i'm helpless to it. i can do better but this#i forgave them but maybe i haven't forgiven myself. entirely at least. so. the familiarity of this rn is keeping me frozen in place?#n then other stuff r so overwhelming too n fuck i don't want to think about this anymore i'll be fine i'm fine i can do this on my own#..no. i can't do that again. fuck i'm crying so much why does this feel the same as two years back#i'm sorry please don't forget me please don't leave me please tell me i didn't fuck up please don't tell me i did it again#i'm sorry i was doing better i was healing but i'm back to this again i know better but i can't do any more rn n i'm sorry i'm so sorry#fuck it i'll wipe away these tears. it feels so empty inside but i'll feel better somehow by the morrow. i don't want to be a burden nymore#i know it's bad n i don't want all my progress to be for naught but.. no i can't fuck this up again but i feel i alrdy have. i'm sorry. gn
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vaugarde · 2 years
head pounding bc ik i shouldnt really be blowing money on pokemon center for a plushie of a pokemon i already have otherwise rn esp when my bday is creeping up and my familys gonna ask abt gifts. on the other hand pc is constantly raided by scalpers and also if i put it on a wishlist i know for a fact that my family will be like I Do Not See It
#bday and christmas w my family is so frustrating to me bc im admittedly hard to buy for but i do have wishlists i add to over the year#but bc its all geeky stuff my family just tosses it aside and tells me ‘’no we cant indulge this anymore cant u ask for anything normal’’#and even if they do buy a plush theyll find a low quality bootleg instead of like a $15 plush on pc#like i have a hornet plush but its a very wonky bootleg and what i linked was the critter cling hornet keychain on fangamer#bc i wanted a decoration for my bag but my sister went ‘’well ur gonna like hopefully get over whatever this is so i cant get u that’’#and then after all that theyll get me something i pretty obviously hate but THEY love and theyll just be guilt tripping me as i open it with#‘’we’re sorry we’re SO sorry we just had NO idea what to get oh my god we’re so horrible u must HATE us’’#and then theyll either go ‘’we couldnt find an amazon or bootleg’’ or ‘’its too expensive’’ (none are over $20 bc i have money guilt)#(besides video games and even then i get like 2 max bc again limited taste)#or most confusingly of all ‘’its not expensive enough so clearly its trash and u have poor judgement so we ignored it’’#ik this sounds very bratty like this isnt a massive issue (and my fam has done far worse) but it’s literally a solid season of guilt#and people moaning and moaning abt what a pain i am and how i never give them good ideas and this lasts from september to december#and i’ve already gotten a couple of comments. its honestly made my bday like a lot harder bc its just guilt slinging#anyways that turned into an unnecessarily long rant. i promise im not a brat lol i just hate their behavior abt it#and the disappointment and interest shaming snd trying ti force theirs onto me#actually another thing they did was ONLY buy me or gift secondhand earrings when i got my ears pierced#bc that was an acceptable feminine thing so they gripped it so hard it bled#so now i have a lot of earrings that arent even my style at all and are uncomfortable bc they bought what THEY like not what i like#and it made me feel like shit bc they went on and on abt how normal i finally was#actually had to say i was closing my ears so theyd stop. my aunt walked in and saw me wearing them last month#and went ‘’THATS IT im getting you earrings again u liarrrr lol finally’’#its just me btw lol no one else gets this and it pisses me off#echoed voice
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astrxealis · 2 years
i will watch the trailer in english soon :))
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#HALONE PLEASE PIERCE ME THROUGH THE HEART PLEASE#and zero PLEASE BE OKAY i love you so much#AND NOPHICA OH MY GOD (I LOVE WOMEN)#from the heavens orchestria version will be the DEATH of me. omega ultimate oh my fucking god !!!!!!!!!!#after that... hm....... will there be for the four lords. but 7.x#febghbahbghebjhgehbghjbehgbhjehjbhsejghjh hi yeah rambles and thoughts about the 75th ffxiv live letter (for 6.3) !!!#tbh i really love the tataru questline in enw. like. we're going thru our journey again in a way and also we will FINALLY be#giving back to tataru after all she's done for us !! did you know i love her so much :(( <3#THE LOPORRITS OH MY FUCKING GOD (OF COURSE BUT ALSO YEAH) LET'S FUCKING GO I LOVE THEM SO MUCH#they are so silly and cute whgbehbgjhabehgheb#LAPIS MANALIS i love the name (what does it mean. OH FUCKING FUCK I JUST SEARCHED IT UP. i am deceased /pos)#i love enw w the greek references. euphrosyne !!!!! the three graces being the alliance raid names. + their themes matching !!!!!#i love that ffxiv is all about love and hope... it means everything to me actually. <3#PUZZLE MECH FOR THE TRIAL WTF I AM SO HYPED AND GOD ZERO FOR DUTY SUPPORT. i will not be able to concentrate#on fighting the ENEMIES i will be focusing on my WIFE ??? oh... oh. duty support for baelsar's wall. will that... include... :)) i will CRY#anden custom deliveries... anden who. okay but i'll look forward to that hehe <3 (erenville WHERE though !!!!!!!!!!)#OH NO FUCKING WAY IT'S THAT GUY !!!!! huh. i really wonder how this'll go. looking forward to it hehe <33#NEW LEAP OF FAITH COURSE OH HELL YEAH ??? and the ui improvements ofc <3 looking forward to that SO much <33#OH THE MISC UPDATES ?? I AM SO EXCITED ??? esp for the retainers glamour being easier now GOD I'VE BEEN WANTING THAT SO BADLY#portraits for duty finder is very interesting. excited to see how it'll be like tbh! OH MY GOD UMBRELLA AUTOMATICALLY OPENS W RAIN FUCK YES#wow ffxiv devs definitely have a bigger budget now. LMFAO. really happy fr though <3 !!!!! these stuff i've wanted for a while now#the new glamours. holy SHIT.#WAIT NOT NECESSARILY GLAMS HEBJGBESJGBS GEAR. THE NEW GEAR.#EUPHROSYNE OH MY GOD !!! OH MY GOD THE MUSIC !!!!! I WANT TO GPOSE HERE SO FUCKING BADLY.#G'RAHA MY LOVE EGNHESBGJHBSEJHBGHEBGHSBEHJGBSJEHGB OH MY GOD HI HI HI RAHA HIIII I LOVE YOU RAHA HELLO THERE HELLO HELLO HELLO I LVOE YOU R#okay i stop rambling for now bcs 1. i dont want to see the new alliance raid just yet 2. i'm running out of tags. oops!
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