#oh my gd silver im going to go lay down now
whitesuited · 2 years
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she can’t remember the last time she was so relieved to see the inside of a hotel room ------ her boots kicked off one by one near the door and quickly nudged aside to keep @ichormotel​ from tripping over the pair as he follows her inside. the next piece of her characterization to get abandoned now that they’re safely out of sight is the undoing of the knot on the top of her head and a decent shake out of her hair, the motion sending blonde waves in every direction possible as she makes her way further into the honeymoon suite and gives her aching scalp a good one over with the tips of her nails.
( an unexpected perk of showing up in vegas four days ago with their little newlywed cover story had been the sheer amount of upgrades the hotel had been more than happy to bestow upon the new mister and missus; the spaciousness of their new hotel room was at least double or even triple the size of the one they’d booked before they left montana, the string of complimentary drinks and desserts sent to the room had been accepted with a practiced and sincere smile each time one appeared from room service. and there was still the hope they’d have this case wrapped up in enough time for her to use the free full - body massage voucher for the in - house spa before they have to head back. )
it’s practically automatic that she reaches behind her back ( as best she can, at least ) for the tab of her zipper next, “babe?” pawing in vain at a little tab of metal she isn’t going to be able to reach on her own without resorting to some impressive acts of contortionism. “can you do me a huge favor?” forgetting for a moment that all of this is fictitious ( and while she and beau might be friendly with one another as can be, they’re still not on a level where she should be calling him pet names and getting undressed right in front of him ), she asks in the hope that he’ll come over and help her, already gathering up her hair to one side, giving him a better look at the back of the dress that’s been her cover for the night while they went from poker table to poker table looking for their guy. 
            “it doesn’t have to be all the way down, just until i can reach ---- ” the sudden effort to clarify means she’s gone and realized what she asked might come off as a little inappropriate, but she hasn’t let go of the blonde rope that now circles her hand either. she won’t look in his direction ------ her eyes stay fixed on the ceiling ------ listening for the sound of his boots coming closer until she feels the back of his fingers lightly brush against her skin before the familiar slow pull of metal teeth separating and the first deep lungful of air in hours.
and when she turns back around, he’s still there ---------- closer than she’d anticipated, and looking just as surprised by the fact that neither one of them has bothered to move now that her request’s been fulfilled as she is. “thanks,” it’s practically a whisper when she does manage to find the ability to express her gratitude; eyes quick to shift between the way he’s looking at her and his mouth ------------- the pull of the latter proving to be just a little too much as she pushes herself up on her tip - toes and kisses him; tentatively at first, but then a beat passes, then two; three ---- but three seems to be the limit as she realizes he’s pulling back and apologizing now, while she waits for her head to finish swimming. “beau — ” ( she can’t even blame it on the whisky she’d had downstairs; not that she would anyway. she’d barely had three sips of that drink before they’d come back up here … this was her acting on something she hadn’t even completely realized she wanted as much as she did had. but he’d pulled back and begun an apology, sharon quickly beginning to offer up one of her own while very much afraid she’s gone and completely wrecked both a professional and personal relationship in one quick brush of her lips. “no, no, it’s my fault, im —”
            “sorry, i shouldn’t have done that. .... definitely shouldn’t have done that,” she presses the pads of her fingertips to her temple while her other hand stays pressed flat against her back in an attempt to keep her dress in place as the reality of what she’s done sinks more and more in. “i should .… go shower, maybe.” she motions quickly to the bathroom; it’s not all that far away, but considering this might as well be a walk - of - shame for her, there’s no scenario where her aching feet will be able to carry her quick enough. all she can do is start stepping backwards, away from him and closer to the sanctuary of the bathroom.
once inside she closes the door quietly with a string of curse words, threatening to turn the white marble bathroom blue, a deep breath following as she once again runs her fingers and nails through her hair while she lets the last few minutes play over and over in her mind ( and lets her dress finally fall to the floor in a sad, sequined pile ). fuck, fuck, fuck. the only thing she can do now is prolong the time she spends in here ---------- how else is she supposed to make sure there’s space between the two of them while she essentially hides if not by taking as long and hot of a shower as her skin will allow?
as she opens the glass door to the stall and starts up the water, she’s counting on the volume of it will be at least enough to drown out the way she’s berating herself in her head ------- from asking for his help, to misreading the way his fingers lingered on her skin, to the kiss ..… if only shampoo washed away bad decisions too. she gives the water a minute or two to come to temperature before she climbs in and shuts the door behind her, content to simply stand there and let the hot water wash over her for now until she remembers how exactly to wash her hair.
she’s almost sure she hears the door open; realizing she hadn’t locked the door like she always does ( a force of habit from her youth; she even does it when she’s alone at her place ), but the sound is fleeting, and the water feels far too good beating down on the back of her neck for her to make the effort to turn around and look. it isn’t until she feels a sudden; brief chill ------------ the glass door to the shower stall opening and closing again, as she comes to find out when she does turn around this time; the curiosity on her face to see him standing in there with her obvious even through the steam that rises around them.
------------ “beau?”
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