#oh look it's another neglected alt of mine
mabwee · 4 years
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Nyactis meets Noctis
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Viper’s Vengeance Chapter 1
Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that I am returning to writing once again! This story in particular is one I’ve been looking forward to posting. I’d like to give credit to EngineerHoist, a person on YouTube who did a live reading of the first two paragraphs of this story. Without his reading, I wouldn’t have the motivation to continue writing the rest of this chapter and figure out ideas for the future ones to come. Here’s the reading itself alongside the two paragraphs to follow along.
A pure black visor stared at the acid green flames dancing higher and higher above the fallen Cobra base. His acid gun slipped down worn fingers, Viper's knees gave way to the course sand surface. Wings lowered and bullet ridden. Spent a whole day, by himself getting rid of his creators. Humans, they've done nothing but cause chaos in his life. Memories racing in his head. Torment, lobotomy, neglect. They're dead, all of them. The red symbol he detests on his wings, the first born human made Cybertronian. Meant to be a weapon against other inferior humans. He got up, taking his battered body away from the sea of acid he'd inflicted on the pitiful humans.
The pain overwhelmed him, those tanks, the copters, forced him to land into the sand once again. Tiny grains blowing against ruined true blue paint. Maybe its best to die now, he killed those who brought him to this world, to stifle his life because of a failure, yet, he danced with Decepticons. As he listened to the fire cackling from back at his 'birthplace', a shadow overtook his vision. One with yellow optics; processor trying to bring back any memories of those with yellow. It stung, its always hurt to look through memories due to the lobotomy. Got difficult to remember important things, most assumed short term memory loss that Shockwave didn't bother to look through. Maybe if he does survive this pit he'll force that lazy scientist to help. For now, this mysterious fellow seemed to be helping him out. Other colors became recognizable. Nightbird...
His processor kept repeating the same visions. A record player of rotating screams of torment. Flesh melting away into the puddles of their creation's tears. Among the fragments is of a human cowering in a corner, his face cut and green jacket torn off. Instead of fear, he scowled.
“I gave you a new life Viper! You can't do this to me when I wasn't involved with what happened! I freed you from your prison!” Luca screamed, shaking his fist up.
“You betrayed the Decepticons, for a few dollars more...” Viper replied, taking aim and letting the green flames come to life... One traitor down, never deserving to wear the silver badge on his jacket.
The agonizing screams started to grow numbing as the malfunctioning processor stopped thinking. Focused on preserving the battered soldier, for his mission is complete at last. Nightbird, the last thought on his mind, wondering why she came. Did Megatron ask the ninja to investigate? Too tired to question, gotta sleep...
Music began to play, the kind that'd be relaxing to whoever took a listen with its keyboards. Optics lit up to the sight of the bright lights meant for surgery. A figure came into vision again, this time, its one with a red visor. Dang it, more faces to identify. At least his bright green paint job helped determine which of the Constructicons this is.
“Well, I thought you wouldn't turn gray because your human made.” Hook smirked, stepping back to grab a few more tools.
“How'd I get here?” Viper tried sitting up, yet pain spiked in his back, forcing him to lie down again.
“Nightbird dragged you in here and told me to get to work. Sounds like you made them all pay. Megatron will be glad to hear the details.” He grabbed one of the wings and began to pluck out the bullets. Viper's servos clenched, wishing he could get up and clobber the mech. Everything's too numb, like something's in his system. It could be either that or armor is still recovering from the trauma.
“Did Megatron ask her to come along?” Optics watched as the boxy helmed mech shook from left to right. His tray piling up with small metal pieces. Other Constructicons began to assist their brother and repair the damaged armor. Hook pulled off the broken black glass, revealing two vibrant blue optics underneath.
“Nope, he didn't order anyone to see your attempts. We thought you would've died. Looks like you're made of sterner stuff.” Viper didn't retort, rest, must rest and wait until he could find that canary and force the answers out of her.
It felt odd to not wear a visor anymore. His once unseen optics inspected the long hallways of the military base. A few Decepticons walked by the broken freak of a soldier. Some glanced by, but others chuckled, giddy that they aren't made by flesh creatures. Viper remained firm as he walked, wings still in pain, but will get repaired another time. Hook and others had to deal with other tarnished things. He's already broken, always been since the failure. All to think about was the silver emotionless face before his processor got torn apart. The former Cobra mech didn't notice the three fingered hand grabbing his shoulder. A great smirk embedded into one's golden face.
“Well done Viper, I enjoy human sacrifices. They were my favorite parts of Aztec history.” The one whose name would send shivers down one's Energon veins. His grin became twisted as a Cheshire Cat's. Viper glanced back, seeing the purple glowing in his vision.
“I don't care Malus, you can interpret it any way you want, but its my story, and I ended it.” Viper tried moving, yet the demigod kept a firm hold.
“Where are you going? Do you believe that I am not worthy for a conversation?” His frown changed as much as a mask for the audience of an opera.
“I want some time to myself. I spent all day fighting for my freedom while you and everyone else sat back and enjoyed my suffering like a show!” Viper's wings flared, even if he's shorter than him, that fire burned in blue optics.
“Your war, not mine.” Oh, if the snake had his acid gun, then there wouldn't be any trace of this rotten fruit anywhere. Who cares if he's the guardian to some shiny balls, none of his business.
“Be lucky I spent all my rage on the humans, rather than you.” He stomped away as Malus scoffed.
“Toodle pip Viper.” Spat out as he transformed into his spider tank alt mode and crawled away.
More faces, the same faces rewinding faster as the figures passed by. Some showing hints of concern, but hidden by their tough attitudes and looks. Viper shrugged each off, not caring if anyone was walking around this morning. Sometimes questions about the ninja, yet none replied. Until he reached up to Swindle with a fist aimed at his face.
“You're the last scumbag I'll ask today, where is Nightbird?” Viper hissed, showing the scars on broken fingers. The mech smirked, trying to cower away from the situation.
“Come on Viper, I know you had one heck of a night, but give me some credit. I didn't sell anything to Cobra,” bam! A fist to the face, letting fresh pain reel in pristine faceplates.
“Say that word again, I could go for another injection of their venom into my veins.” He goaded, before noticing a glimmer of yellow that vanished down the hallway.
“Hey!” The Rattler ran, leaving Swindle to cough up some Energon.
A giant hanger, of all places to hide in. Dark blue came in, broken glass trying to inspect wherever the femme could be. He noticed her shadow among the dim lights. Dancing around old machinery that'd been defunct for a long time. Human made items, Hook would use them for spare parts when needed. Swindle pawning off each piece for big bucks. A flicker of yellow again right beside him. Nightbird, what is she doing? She held up a blade against his neck.
“Sever the cables, and you will do nothing.” She spoke in such stillness that wouldn't alert anyone of her presence. Viper tensed, gripping the yellow weapon and making sure it wouldn't leave its mark.
“I want answers to why you were following me!” He yelled out, flipping the femme over. Nightbird groaned, unable to get up before he pressed his arm onto her neck. His other servo gripped the blade in her hand. They stared, optics burning in the morning sunlight as it crept from tiny windows in the room. Blue and yellow, much like an electric storm.
“Didn't want to continue living?” She whispered, leaning up even when he tried pushing her down.
“My life is over, I have no reason to continue, so why bring me back?” Nightbird looked away.
“We're soldiers, and you're purpose shouldn't end in such a way.” She exhaled, kicking the mech off, Viper stood back up, retaining his balance.
“Then why try killing me if I wanted to say thanks?” Blue optics observed Nightbird's own. A hint of concern behind that bright yellow often coated in anger.
A large hangar door opened, letting Soundwave come in. His armor is much more chunky on the legs and torso. A result from getting kidnapped by Cobra. Red visor caught the attention of the duo, with his cassettes tagging along.
“Viper, our lord Megatrons request to meet with you.” Said in his monotone elegance.
“I'll not keep them waiting, we'll talk about this later.” The Rattler strode away from the short conflict. Soundwave looked at Nightbird, seeing how upset she appeared to be.
“Is something wrong?” The femme shook her helm.
“No, how do you feel about that armor?” She tapped onto his shoulder, feeling the strong materials constructing it.
“It is an inferior version of myself, but I will adjust.” He transformed and let his little minions climb aboard before driving back outside. Nightbird stared, pondering what thoughts are rushing in Viper's processor right now.
Chapter 2
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pooktales · 4 years
Reflection on Chapter One: Hercule Lecoffret
Some funny notes about the first chapter of “Master Daddy: The Last Nightborne Godfather”. I’ll try hard not to spoil you on what happens, just tease you... but no guarantees. If you absolutely don’t want to be spoiled, then definitely go read it.
Read chapter 1
Not gonna work too hard on this reflection cause I always have a ton of writing projects I’m neglecting, but I’ll sneak and jot it down while it’s fresh, and it’s actually kinda funny, and awesome! to give ya’ll an inside look into what I was thinking for Chapter 1: Hercule Lecoffret of “Master Daddy”. There’s also a little writing advice in here about first chapters, too.
First off, I want to say... Fanfaction makes me feel electric. I love writing anyway and I just cackle when I’m writing fanfiction. I do this really to practice writing and for the joy of it. It’d be nice to get some recognition as a writer but, whatever. So lemme share about how I developed this. I mentioned on my Trixany blog that the initial concept started when I re-watched a Gankutsuou clip (you’ve seen the Count of Monte Christo anime right?) and I was like ‘Okay so... that guy is a Nightborne!’
Chapter One got re-written like, a bajillion times
I did my fangirl thing, became obsessed with the idea... Then it came time to write chapter one. If you write or you’re just starting to write (a lot of us gamer-roleplayers do) you’ll see how this is true... what I started as chapter one actually became chapter three which you’ll see go live on Friday 11/27. (And then I really enjoy writing long-form so I messed with all my chapters again, breaking them into about two parts each. It was a little agonizing when I crafted them so carefully and pay attention to pacing, etc. but it had to be done.)
Influences from the My Life for My Prince series
Originally, I wanted to do something similar to what I did with another fanfiction of mine “My Life for My Prince 4: Fall of Quel’thalas”, which is to have the freedom to leap around to any character and any timeline encompassed in the plot. That was fun and I loved the flexibility, but I learned some hard lessons from that fanfic. Not that it was ‘so successful’ or anything that people really read it or told me what it was like to read it; it’s just a fanfic like I said. Um, but in writing it, and re-reading it plenty of times, I felt like it did not flow well. It didn’t flow as easily as I thought it did. (If you’re curious and new to my stuff, I write a lot of ‘Kael’thas survived Outland and he’s the king of Quel’thalas with badass Blood Knights’ alt-universe fanfiction. In the fourth story I decided to go way back in time to let you meet his mother and show how something that happened to her affected the series timeline in crazy ways.) But, thing is, if you get to a point where you think you need to explain the timeline as a guide, it’s probably not the best setup. Hey, practice makes perfect. That’s why I don’t restrain myself, I’ve learned to write as much throw-away stuff, and as much fanfiction as I like, as long as it isn’t really interfering with other projects (don’t worry, it IS) and then re-read it as much as you can to study and see if you’re really achieving your goals as a storyteller.
I forgot what I was talking about
Oh, my whole point--it went much like this... I wrote chapter one. Then I wrote another chapter one with Thalyssra and later put Lor’themar and Silgryn in it. And then I decided to make sure they were there throughout the fanfic as a result. More on that later. And then, I re-wrote chapter one yet again, to focus on the um... shower scene mainly. There used to be lot of extra text about Lor’themar arriving at the prison and stepping out of a fancy armored carriage drawn by Hawkstriders, and then he talked to the chief investigator Heron Audobon who you’ll meet much later... and then he was thinking about Thalyssra and how much he missed her, and then he had some toast (I’m joking, there was no toast but I love Futurama references), but I cut all of that out because it was taking waaaay long to get to the point. I’ll be recycling Lor’themar’s pensive walk it in Part Two. And it’ll be much different, and feel really new. You’ll like it.
So we’ll be meeting each of the main characters in a fresh way for “Master Daddy” as we go, and then I took a page from The Romancer Turaho. (This fanfic is about a Tauren detective investigating... you guessed it, Kael’thas. Actually, this is holiday-themed and I’m about to pick it back up again so you should read it if you want something funny and messed to read about Kael’thas stealing Winter’s Veil... again.) and decided to enjoy writing things first-person too. But Lucien will always be at the center, and things will progress chronologically, day-by-day in his life at the start of this ‘incident’ he’s been jailed for. And as I said, originally, chapter one was something else. It was one of Lucien’s relatives complaining about him to the authorities. And this kid truly hated his uncle which was really funny.
Advice on writing first chapters: It’s okay to do it over plenty of times, throw it out, get new ideas
What I have now, that first page you’ve read/will read? That came from backtracking and wanting to frame the story a little better. The whole point is that Lucien is in trouble for a crime, big trouble, so we make that clear up front and ‘raise the stakes’ which is another writer’s strategy. That means, add Thalyssra, and we also push that most important part, that he’s in trouble for a crime, up to the tip-top of the story. But it took a long time to figure out that an interrogation scene was how I needed to do it. And he’s a sexy guy so, even though Lucien isn’t there himself, I made sure to do something... that something turned out to be letting the jailor talk about his tattoos and fantasize about him. Usually, I just listen to my gut and eventually several small decisions about how to probably frame a story at the start add up to a brand new presentation.
I’ve read somewhere that the first three chapters of a novel should always let you know two key things. First, what is this story really about? The main conflict should be clear. Second, all those main characters need to be introduced. Maybe they don’t have to actually have to be face-right-up-in-the-camera speaking their lines at the very start... For example, Darken Rahl in Terry Goodkind’s The Sword of Truth series wasn’t sitting there at the reception watching Kahlan hate cheese, but we knew he was going to be there in the plot soon enough in the story. It’s been a while since I’ve read "Wizard’s First Rule”, one of my favorite novels, but it’s a good example of how flexible you can be with introducing main characters, as long as readers at least have a guide, a roadmap. Nothing so jarring that they feel thrown out of the story later or cheated if it turns out the main characters aren’t the main characters after all. I’m a little worried that will happen, but hopefully people are at peace with Lucien being the protagonist and Thalyssra and Lor’themar being more the muses or the chorus who usher us into this grand tale of a Nightborne villain.
What else can I say about the actual chapter one you’ve read or are about to read?
Shower scene. The um... flaming arsehole thing was something I thought about a long while and re-framed a lot before going with the way I presented it. I decided it was too compellingly gruesome an element to leave it out. It is very much the ‘bloody horsehead in the bed’ you encounter in The Godfather.
Thal’remar. I think Thalyssra was just interviewing Lucien’s jailor on her own initially but there were too many excellent connections with Lor’themar, and their romance, and also it occurred to me that he had experienced a rough imprisonment situation so that fit perfectly. Funny thing about that too--I had put this draft together with them ‘dating’ and at this interview because I was aware that the Warcraft fandom shipping them. And then Blizzard put an actual story on their website about them and I was just so pleased!
Silgryn!! Having Silgryn in there as well made me fangirl squeak every time I got to let him say something. Other than quest dialogue we don’t have a lot so I’m going to imagine some consistent character traits for him so he’s consistent, and feels real, breathing, in the fanfic. My favorite part with him in it was him... wait, his heroic comeback is in chapter 2. I won’t spoil that for you.
Goofy mystery story names. In the tradition of other mystery stories out there, some of the character names are ironic. Lecoffret means “coffin” in french I believe. Hercule, Hercules, giant dude... giant coffin? You can see what I felt needed to happen to that guy for how he ran Nighthold, Cell Block E. I also had Hercule Poirot on the brain since it was an investigation, and, well, as Hercule Poirot will tell you, he’s not French, he’s Belgian--but that came into it as well.
What’s up next?
See how the valiant Thalyssra handles Lecroffret and then how Lor’themar encourages her to handle the man himself, named for a saber’s sly grin. Whatever crime Lucien committed to get thrown in prison in the first place, I’m not sure if Thalyssra will ever let him get away with it.
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dawnajaynes32 · 6 years
A Compelling Summons
A Compelling Summons
By Tom Wachunas
   “In wildness is the preservation of the world.” ― Henry David Thoreau 
   “Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” – Albert Schweitzer
   “…Man has been incorporated into the menagerie. He’s been summoned to this gathering of species to answer for some of his previous actions.”   - Brian Jarvi
EXHIBIT: African Menagerie: The Inquisition – work by Brian Jarvi / THROUGH JULY 22, at the Canton Museum of Art, 1001 Market Avenue North, Canton, OH 44702 /330- 453- 7666 / Hours: Monday: Closed; Tues - Thurs: 10am - 8pm; Fri - Sat: 10am - 5pm; Sun: 1 - 5pm
   Before reading much further, PLEASE consider taking the time to click on this link to the web site of Minnesota-based painter Brian Jarvi to see the video and read accompanying text on his African Menagerie: The Inquisition. It’s an artwork of epic proportions, 17 years in the making, consisting of seven connected oil paintings on panels – a breathtaking panorama, 32’ wide and 14’ high:
     Jarvi’s motivation for this work began during a journey to Africa in 1989, the first of 12 such trips. Of that first excursion, he has said, “The sights, the sounds, the smells – it felt like landing on another planet. It was jaw dropping. You could witness the cycle of life on a regular basis, which was intriguing to me.”
   Jaw dropping indeed. When I picked mine up from the museum floor during my first visit to this exhibit, I felt enthralled in a way I hadn’t experienced since my boyhood. I was maybe nine years old. I remember marveling at the astonishing artistry of elaborate illustrations in a sumptuous Time-Life book about dinosaurs that my parents had given me for Christmas. I also remember being somehow saddened in knowing that those life forms, depicted with such gripping immediacy and realism, were in fact no longer extant.
     As if Jarvi’s towering panels weren’t riveting enough, the exhibit also features more than forty additional drawings and paintings. Some are  studies (including pencil and/or charcoal), while many others are sublimely finished oil paintings in their own right – lavishly detailed pages, so to speak, in an ongoing saga of astute, passionate observation rendered with  wondrously masterful technique.
   One particularly arresting quality of Jarvi’s monumental centerpiece is the  sensation of immersive warmth. The African sun made palpable. It’s as if the pigments themselves have been infused with sunlight. Uncanny.
   And what of “The Inquisition” in the work’s title? Yes, the painting is certainly an imagined scenario, a theatrical fantasy of sorts, and an otherwise unlikely convening of 209 species. But notice the lone, naked human figure seated at the bottom of the panel to the right of the taller center panel. He’s a Caucasian, looking like Leonardo da Vinci, that genius purveyor of the idealized human form. You could think of him in this context as a symbol of Western culture itself, arguably the strongest hand in the disruption of natural dynamics on the so-called Dark Continent. 
   Something to think about: The stability and diversity of the animal world has been progressively and negatively impacted by the actions of one species – us. The results of our activities have grossly exceeded the kinds of natural occurrences (predictable or not) that can affect the lives and habitats of creatures in the wild. In relation to the survival of Africa’s indigenous wildlife - and for that matter the survival of too many other creatures across our planet – we are not simply a migratory species, but a vigorously, purposely invasive one as well.
   And all those meticulously painted animals? Are they a grand jury of abused citizens looking to indict? Or is the naked man there to propose to them a plan for harmony and healing?  
   The appeal of Brian Jarvi’s art goes well beyond its technical, illustrative excellence.  Jarvi is not just an illustrator (albeit a truly superb one) so much as he is a highly accomplished illuminator. He presents us with urgent questions. 
   Are we willing to step into the light he so elegantly sheds on our accountability in preserving the dwindling abundance of wildlife around us? Or will the relentless march of “civilized” humanity, all too often driven by greed, neglect, and cruelty, completely kill our capacity – our moral obligation, really - for respect, gratitude, and compassion? 
   Is it so implausible that in the next generation, some child somewhere might encounter these paintings merely as an academic remembrance – fossils of a kind – of the magnificent life forms that once graced this earth?
   PHOTOS in order from top: No.1 through No. 5 – African Menagerie: The Inquisition / No. 6 – The Oracle / No.7 – Ground Hornbill Study / No.8 – Bongo Study
A Compelling Summons syndicated post
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