#oh jimmy jimmeh
miss-violet · 9 months
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Happy birthday Jimmy!
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another-little-hippie · 6 months
Robert Plant: He’ll be your hype man, but it will be a reenactment of last night… when you were railing him. (Jimmy, I’m talking to you)
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In 14 days it’s JIMJAM’S BIRTHDAY
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edwige-fenech · 6 years
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
Jimmy page
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imoldgreggory · 4 years
... ... ...
They are both so hot in this I can’t breathe. They’re feeling it.
Jimmy, what the fuck was that at 01:32, I ask you?? This will now be playing on a loop on the inside of my eyelids. What did I ever do. And then 04:20? 04:38? I died. 04:55? Christ.
Robert - no comment. I can’t. Even.
And “Suck it, suck it”? Really? (After all this time? - Always.) Also, call me delusional but starting 05:14 he just sings “Oh my Jimmeh” all the way through XD Idec that’s what I hear.
I mean it’s the encore. What’s the plan here? Turn the audience on and leave them hanging? That’s cruel.
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Wait he can?? HI JIMMY!!!! JIMMEH!!!
Jimmy: D-Did some-somebody call me?
Gary: Oh gosh
Jimmy: We just got done with the show. Is every-everything alright?
[Jimmy is now open for asks]
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miss-violet · 3 years
Jimmy Page: Packing Heat or just BDE?
This is a companion piece to my previous post, Robert Plant: Packing Heat or just BDE? Jimmy also favors tight trousers, but he is pleasantly proportioned but not massive like Robert. And he's typically photographed wearing his low-slung guitar, so the DBA pics are a little harder (ahem) to winnow out. Let's have a closer look at Jimmy's rig, in the interest of balanced cockological research.
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This is the grand-daddy of all JP DBA pics, perhaps because Jimmy looks to be sporting wood while copping a salacious peek at Robert’s package. Zooming in, it’s really just a crease in his pants, so no DBA here, but the leer is real and the lads look fine. 
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Perhaps the only authentic semi-woody in this modest set, if you zoom in close there’s a definite roll-of-quarters effect
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Looking ice-cool in aviators and white satin, this photo illustrates his pleasing proportions and that he dresses to the left, so I’d call it a bona-fide DBA though no apparent wood. 
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Probably just a crease in his pants, but it’s too low-res to zoom in. It looks exactly like a boner so I’m including it anyway. 
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 Either some serious cockfade or a weird stain on his jeans, IDK. Maybe those are Robert’s Landlubber jeans?
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Are they are wearing the same jeans, both dressing to the left, and maybe Jimmy has a semi? Or more likely it’s my perverted imagination spurred by the suggestive cockfade. 
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Not sure what is going on here; maybe someone knows the context of this photo? Youthful mutton-chopped Jimmy looks generously endowed. 
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At the end, after the roadie abruptly grabs the guitar, you can see a little glimpse of the DBA of the Page package and it looks quite generous, based on my 1,000+ viewings of this GIF. 
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miss-violet · 4 years
Getting Handsy With Oneself
Robert likes to put his hand on his crotch every once in a while on stage. Who can blame him? It's magnificent.   
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 Here he is just sort of cupping it affectionately: 
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And sometimes he just put his hand down his pants:
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Seems like a classic Percy move, but Jimmy did it too, In his case it's less of an intentional cock-rocking strut and more of a "I've wanted to do that for the last 8 minutes" move. After playing Battle of Evermore in Seattle in 1977, there he was, sliding his hand right down the waist of his white dragon suit trousers and just going for it at the 7:52 mark.
Curiously Jimmy did the same thing decades later while shooting before recording "My Bucket's Got a Hole In It" (at the :48 second mark). He's sort of adjusting himself (while the camera is going!). While doesn't look in top form here, once he starts playing, he just comes alive and they sound fantastic. Admittedly this is a less of sexy hand-on-crotch example than those I posed above, but I'm including it for the completion.
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