#oh imagine if sophie could be on club classics..... :(
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kimmkitsuragi · 6 months ago
okay so after predicting the troye talk talk remix;
everything is romantic with caroline polachek (pretty much confirmed?)
spring breakers with chappell roan (kinda out of nowhere but why not, will this song even be on the remixes or not im not sure tho??)
apple with marina (marina on the album is pretty much a safe bet i think)
sympathy is a knife with carly rae jepsen (never gonna happen but imagine with rina sawayama for a minute tho) (also i wanna be hilarious and point out the taylor's version possibility again but I Do Not Want It. would be funny tho)
mean girls with dorian electra (please please please)
im really curious who will be on b2b, 365 and club classics, but i cant think of guesses right now? :p
oh, also would LOVE a surprise appearance by miss thee stallion ngl
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tradgicworks · 4 years ago
Heartfelt:P-1 A World of Sorrow
When a student of a private school disappears during stormy night, three strangers come together to look for her and end up discovering the dark secrets of the world around them. WORD COUNT - 3134
The light of the setting sun peered into the old diner. Black clouds dotted the sky. Sophie took a long sip from her milkshake and stared wistfully at the horizon. Her golden bangle bracelet slid down her arm as she did.
“What’s wrong?” Gwyneth asked as she noticed her gaze.
Gwyneth brushed her bangs aside. Her dark brown colored eyes were filled with concern. She had voluminous long black hair that covered her shoulders like a fluffy mane. She wore a uniform which consisted of a long skirt, a simple tucked in blouse, and a blazer- all in different shades of purple.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just thinking about some stuff,” Sophie said with a meek smile.
"What kinda stuff?" Gwyneth asked.
"Midterms, winter vacation, piano practice. The usual," Sophie replied.
“Wow, not even trying to hide the fact that you weren’t paying attention to my story, huh?" Gwyneth gave an exaggerated sigh.
"I'm sorry," Sophie awkwardly smiled.
 “It's okay, I forgive you. Anyways, remember that girl that went missing a couple months ago, she was a freshman, um, vice president of the chess club or something. Well some of the older students have been talking about how this isn’t the first time that it has happened,” Gwyneth ate one of her few remaining fries. “Near the end of last year’s spring semester a different freshman suddenly moved away. This normally wouldn't have been seen as strange except for the fact that it was right in the middle of finals. Supposedly, one of her friends decided to call her parents to ask about what happened only to be told that the phone number had been out of service for weeks.”
“Spooky,” Sophie commented simply.
“Mhm. So, the older girls started talking and it turned out that a lot of students went missing over the years. They say that it's been about fifteen students in total that have suddenly disappeared. For every single one of them there was a convenient excuse for why, but all of it just seems too coincidental,” Gwyneth leaned in for dramatic effect. “Me thinks there’s a conspiracy afoot.”
“Really? I suppose it is strange, but it could just be that the seniors get overactive imaginations with how much free time they have during finals,” Sophie sighed.
“Aw come on, humor me at least," Gwyneth leaned back. “Don’t you think it’s weird that the academy has a dedicated security team that answers directly to Capital City’s police department? We even have a creepy name for them- Wardens- that’s not normal!”
“Well, given the kind of students that attend it’s not that strange,” Sophie said.
“You really are playing devil's advocate today, huh?” Gwyneth gave a friendly smile.
“Sorry,” Sophie lowered her gaze.
Gwyneth’s smile turned to a face of concern. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay-'' Gwyneth started before she was interrupted by the chimes of their phones.
“Curfew,” Sophie swiped at her smartphone. “It’s time to head back.”
“Right...” Gwyneth gazed at her for a few seconds as she packed up her things and got ready to leave before following suit.
The two left a tip for the waiter and headed out into the cold air of the coming winter. The sleepy sky matched the energy of the few students that remained outside, all of them in a quiet hurry to get back to the main campus of Dorothy Elaine Atham's Private Academy for Young Women, or “the academy” as the students plainly referred to it. It was originally constructed in the early 1940s, yet it managed to remain one of the most prestigious high schools in Capital City. This was mostly due to the academy having the support of the Capital City Police Department. They would employ off-duty officers to act as the academy’s security team, or ‘Wardens’ as they were officially referred to. As a result the academy set itself apart as one of the safest private high schools in the entirety of the United States. Strict curfews, no relationships, mandatory dorms, quarterly inspections by the Wardens, uniforms and an arduous curriculum were some of the measures taken to keep the students safe. Wealthy families from all over the country enrolled their children with peace of mind that they would be safe, allowing the school to afford top of the line facilities, staff, and to further its reputation even more. It was said that the academy was so stern with its policies that even the lightest violation could lead to expulsion. Of course that was just a rumor.
Sophie and Gwyneth eventually found themselves back at the main entrance of the academy. Tall walls made of brick and black fencing led to two large half open gates. A flower bed filled with wilting violet roses that matched the student’s outfits sat underneath them. A tall Warden stood at the side of the entrance. Her bright green eyes filled with overwhelming sternness locked with Sophie’s. Sophie averted her gaze and made her way in alongside Gwyneth.
“W-Well, see you tomorrow,” Sophie said to Gwyneth as she took out a pair of wireless earbuds.
“Wait,” Gwyneth gently grabbed her arm before she left. “How about we walk back to your dorm together? I got some more spooky stories I want to tell you about.”
“You won’t make it back to your dorm in time if we do that, you’re on the other side of campus.” Sophie replied.
“I could just stay at your place, y’know like a sleepover,” Gwyneth doubled down as she let go of her arm.
“We both know you can’t do that,” Sophie let out a long breath and held Gwyneth’s shoulders. “I’m fine, really. I know you’re worried about me but I just haven't been getting a lot of sleep. That’s all.”
“Are you sure?” Gwyneth asked.
“I’m sure,” Sophie looked her in the eyes. “I promise that I’m okay.
“Breakfast?” Gwyneth asked dejectedly.
“Of course, breakfast sounds great,” Sophie gave a convincing enough smile. “Now let’s hurry, before the dorm doors lock.” She said as she let go of her.
“Yeah, goodnight,” Gwyneth smiled slightly.
“Goodnight,” Sophie replied before putting in her earbuds and selecting a classical music playlist.
The sun was halfway nestled into the horizon by the time they split. Night was rapidly approaching. The pitch black clouds moved as a mound, thunder rumbled in the distance. The academy resembled a small college more than a high school. Four buildings took up the majority of the campus, each housing their respective grade. A well decorated plaza rested in the middle of the four buildings, where the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors could interact with each other during lunch or after classes. The dorms sat a few hundred feet from their respective buildings. Wilting but mostly green grass took the majority of the empty space in the campus. Trees and flower beds stood beside the lamp posts that lit up the sprawling walkways. The campus barely had enough room for everything that was built on it, but it was efficient nonetheless.
Sophie’s brows furrowed as the freshmen dorm came into view. It was tucked away in the farthest corner of the campus. While the other dorms enjoyed a nice view of the academy, the freshmen dorms were greeted with the old auditorium. It was by far the oldest building on campus and in a desperate need for renovation. Unfortunately, the construction was inexplicably postponed until the end of the semester- leaving the freshmen with the sight of an ugly, half finished, and decaying building.
Sophie glanced at the front doors. A girl leaned against the doors as she chewed gum. Sophie overlapped the ends of her blazer together and averted her eyes. The girl stopped chewing as Sophie walked to the entrance. Sophie quickly took out her ID card and pressed it against the door’s scanner. The girl swatted her ID to the ground as it finished scanning.
“Whoops,” The girl, Eva, leered in a pretentious tone as she put her arm around her shoulder. “Didn’t see you there princess.”
Eva blew a bubble with her gum and popped it with a sharp snap. Her dyed ash blonde hair was tied into a messy bun. Her hazel colored eyes were flecked with dull orange blemishes. She wore a thick black hoodie and a short skirt which barely fell within the academy’s dress code. A faint but irritatingly smug smirk stretched across her face.
“What do you want, Eva?” Sophie said meekly.
“Nothing much, nothing much at all. I just wanted to talk to my dear friend for uh,” Eva glanced at her wrist watch. “Five minutes.”
“We’re not friends,” Sophie kept her gaze glued to the floor.
“It hurts me to hear you say that,” Eva squeezed her shoulder until she winced from the pain. “Listen, I need a little favor. As you know, winter break is in a week and I’m running low on funds, so I was wondering if you can help me. It’ll run you about five thousand dollars, but of course that’s nothing compared to all the allowance money your mommy and daddy are giving you, right?”
“No,” Sophie muttered.
“Excuse me?,” Eva tilted her head until she met her gaze. “You need to speak up, I can’t hear you through your teeth.”
“I’m not giving you anything,” Sophie pushed her off of herself. “Leave me alone or I’ll report you to the Wardens!”
“Oh, really now?” Eva chuckled dryly. “I think you and I both know you can’t follow up on such a threat, not without putting that friend of yours in a whole lot of trouble…Well you do have a point, I can’t take what’s not in my hands after all…” She glanced at her watch and gave a sadistic smirk.
“But neither can you,” Eva said before sweeping Sophie’s legs and causing her to trip backwards.
Sophie yelped in pain as she just managed to catch herself. By the time she got up Eva was already inside of the dorm with her ID in hand. She rushed to the doors only to find that they were already locked. The sound of a grandfather clock chimed through the PA system signaling the start of the curfew. 
“It’s a good thing you managed to scan the door before you dropped your ID, huh? That way it's on record that you got in here before curfew. Your perfect attendance is not in danger, though it was a real shame you lost your ID. Don’t worry though I’ll turn it in to the lost and found in the morning. Have a nice night, princess! I hear it's going to be a dark and stormy one,” Eva laughed while waving Sophie’s ID in the air. 
“Wait!” Sophie pleaded as she desperately tried to open the door, but no matter how much she pushed against them, the doors refused to budge.
She froze as she felt a cold drop of rain fall down her neck. She looked up at the rumbling dark sky. It began to pour. Sophie clung to what little shelter could find at the side of the building. She took out her phone and tried to call Gwyneth, only to find that her screen had shattered completely from when she tripped. She looked around for a Warden but found none. She yanked out her earbuds and angrily threw them into her bag in frustration. Pathetically faint music leaked out of them. She leaned against the wall and sunk until she was sitting with her knees to her chest.
Despite its claims to security, the reality is that the school can’t keep everyone safe. With the majority of students coming from wealthy backgrounds, treating one too harshly could lead to the parents withdrawing their donations. Without those funds, the school would cease to function- something the academy avoided at all costs. As such, there was an unwritten rule that the wealthier the family, the more lenient the punishment. Though many students did not take advantage of this reality, after all attending the academy was a privilege. All except for Eva. Nobody really knows why, but the school would turn a blind eye to her many misdeeds. Some speculated that it was due to her role as one of the academy’s star athletes, others thought that she was secretly related to the headmaster. Regardless of the rumors, the reality was that she was cruel, spiteful, and above all, manipulative. She made a habit of harassing students that had unfortunately drawn her attention. Whether it be through blackmail, harassment, or slander, she would abuse her victim until they were forced to do whatever she wanted. No matter how much students tried to retaliate she always seemed to have the upper hand and the academy would turn the other way. As a result she had gained an infamous reputation amongst the freshmen and sophomores as someone to be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately for Sophie, Eva seemed to be obsessed with making her time at the academy as miserable as possible. Eva’s persistence was so overwhelming that Sophie ended up being isolated from the rest of her class out of fear of Eva alone. The only person brave enough to still talk to her was her closest friend Gwyneth. She did her best to make sure that Sophie was rarely alone and felt safe. However, even that backfired. Eva had somehow managed to take a photo of Gwyneth that would lead to her expulsion if revealed to the public. Ever since then, Eva has hung that threat over Sophie’s head and she couldn’t let anything happen to her best friend. As such, Sophie felt so alone. She felt as if she was left to fend for herself against the clutches of a monster.
Sophie pressed her face against her knees, frustration weighing at her heart, and began to cry. Harsh winds began to pick up and slam waves of rain against her. Sophie took a shaky deep breath and slowly rose to her feet. She looked at her surroundings to try to find better shelter. Her gaze eventually lingered on the auditorium. She choked down a cough before grabbing her bag and heading towards the unfinished building.
. . .
The outside of the auditorium was a mix of moldy wood and peeling paint. Its towering size gave it the imposing essence of a Victorian mansion. Overgrown vines and unkept leaves dressed the entirety it’s walls. Sophie steeled herself as she approached the entrance. She stopped under a small awning that hung over the front doors where no rain seemed to fall. Lightning followed by thunder struck as she gripped her rain soaked skirt and wrung out the excess water. She shivered from the cold as she dried herself the best she could. When she finished, she leaned against the door. 
“The dorms open up at 6 am, I’ll be able to get my ID back then,” She thought to herself as she stared at the hole riddled awning. “Maybe father will buy me a new phone, it was pretty old anyways.”
She grabbed her wrist and felt for her bracelet, her only reminder of warmth. A wave of sadness surged through her.
“Mom, Dad, I want to go back home,” She whispered to herself.
Chills spread out through her entire body as the door she braced herself against suddenly flung open with a sharp clang. She regained her balance and turned around. The door’s handle laid on the floor completely broken. The darkness of the auditorium greeted her with a gust of musty, but warm, air. She took a step back only to have the freezing rain fall on the back of her neck. Sophie looked at the entrance with an uneasy face. After a few moments she hesitantly walked in.
The building was much larger than it appeared. A few work-lights left turned on lit the auditorium with sheets of inconsistent light. Door frames to rooms that were used for the construction’s storage lined the walkways. The long hallways on either side of Sophie curved out of view. In front of her sat two large doors. She pushed the heavy doors open and stepped inside. She found herself in the academy’s theater. Rows of weathered red fabric seats stepped down into the center stage. The stage’s walnut flooring was scuffed from years of use and subsequent neglect. Two large maroon curtains blocked the view to the backstage.  A small podium sat at the front of it, its paint flaking off to the bare wood. She climbed onto the stage, its visage faintly lit by the work-lights that peered through the half opened doors.
Sophie stared at the seats in a silent awe. She imagined what the theater would look like if it were full of people and wondered why the academy refused to finish renovations. As she pondered, her gaze lowered to the podium. Her eyes narrowed. Faint scratches lined the bottom of it. She wiped a layer of dust off with her hand and revealed a string of faintly recognizable letters.
“Save me?” Sophie slowly read out loud.
“Heard.” A breathy and raspy voice that stretched out every syllable echoed through the theater. “You.”
The doors slammed shut, snuffing out the work-lights and leaving her in complete darkness.
“W-Who’s there?” Sophie stammered.
A bittersweet melody of hums snaked through the dark and into Sophie’s ears in reply.
“Show y-yourself,” Fear gripped at her heart, she clutched her school bag ready to swing it whatever was lurking in the darkness.
“Heard,” The voice repeated, this time more strained. “You.”
“T-This isn’t f-funny, please stop!” She said with a slight whimper.
“Save. You. You. Want. Me. To. Save...” The voice called from behind her causing her to jump in fear.
She swung her schoolbag wildly but it collided against nothing.
“Go. Somewhere. Safe. You. Want. To. Go. Somewhere. Safe. Somewhere. Home...” The voice grew louder.
“Stay away…” She said silently.
Her breaths grew frantic. An overwhelming dread welled in her gut. Panic coursed through her entire body.
“I. Can. Help.” The voice whispered.
A raspy strand of flesh wrapped around her feet before she could react. Her horrified scream was cut short as another strand that gagged her mouth shut. More and more threads wrapped around her body until she was stuck in an airtight cage. She shrieked in muffled terror as she was yanked behind the curtains. Lightning flashed illuminating the theater in a pang of white before decaying back into darkness. Silence followed. The night continued as normal as a stormy night could. Though a few freshmen swore that they heard strange noises coming from the old auditorium that night. Screams of struggles, pleads for help, and a blood curdling shriek to name a few. Of course nobody took it too seriously. It was just a rumor after all.
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aliciameade · 5 years ago
Have Your Cake
Title: Have Your Cake Author: aliciameade Rating: E for Extra Fun Pairing: Beca/Chloe...and Aubrey?! AKA the juggernaut that is: Triple Treble Summary: “I want you.” Beca grins and pulls her close, words spilling out without thinking. “I want you...and her.”
Fully inspired by/based on S1E4 of The L Word Generation Q and Alice, Nat, and Gigi.
Shout out to the peeps who waited 3 years for me to write this threesome in Finding Harmony only for me to never write it. (This isn’t part of FH, to be clear.)
Also on AO3
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
“Are we busy Saturday night?”
Beca watches from the other side of the dinner table as Chloe thinks about it and then consults her phone’s calendar.
“Nope,” Chloe says with a smile before setting down her phone in favor of her fork and the Thai-inspired stir fry they’d made together that evening. “What’s going on?”
“I got invited to this thing.” She knows she’s being too vague. She should have been more specific to prevent further questioning.
“Ooh, what kind of thing?” Chloe asks with a curious waggle of her eyebrows before she takes a sip from her wine glass.
“A party. A birthday party,” she amends.
Chloe perks up. (Not that she was un-perky before.) “Ooh, fun! Do you want to ask Aubrey if she wants to trade weekends?”
Beca glances at their daughter, oblivious to the conversation thanks to the joy of rice noodles. Sophie had commented more than once during their cooking adventure that the noodles looked like her own blonde waves and Beca knows they’re still not clear of the possibility that one of them will be washing fish sauce out of her hair tonight.
“Uh, yeah, about that,” she chuckles and nervously rubs at the back of her neck. “It’s, uh...it’s actually Aubrey’s birthday party? So we’d need to find a sitter.”
She sees the perkiness fade from Chloe’s face. “You’re going to Aubrey’s birthday party?”
“You know we’re trying our best to make this work,” Beca says quickly and quietly, hoping to mend the tear before it frays out of control. “It’s just a party. Amy rented out a whole club for the entire night. There’s going to be a ton of people there. It could be fun. You know we have to try—” she glances at Sophie who smiles up at her just then with an enormous ball of noodles wrapped around her fork and chooses her words carefully. “It’s for the best if we can all have a nice time together.”
“Mommy’s having a birthday party?” 
Beca winces; she could have chosen a better venue to bridge this topic with Chloe, such as any venue where the daughter she had with her ex-wife wasn’t in attendance. Her relationship with Aubrey had been sudden and a whirlwind, or more like a hurricane. She stormed into Beca’s life and somehow they married, had a child, and divorced within five short years.
And now she has Chloe with whom, Beca realized way, way late but apparently not too late, she was always meant to be. She was dumb to not realize it earlier. Then again if she had, she wouldn’t have married Aubrey, but then she wouldn’t have Sophie, and she can’t imagine life without her.
(The fact that Chloe and Aubrey had been best friends when they were all in college together had made for a lot of contentious conversations over the years.
Beca has always wondered if there was more to the contention than two best friends falling for the same person.)
“She is!” she answers. “But this one’s for her grown-up friends. You’re going to celebrate with her on her official birthday.”
“Okay,” Sophie says happily before refocusing on her noodles.
Beca’s own focus shifts back to Chloe. The tension that had appeared in her features when Beca had explained the event has faded.
“I was just surprised I wasn’t invited,” she says, seemingly explaining herself. “What time on Saturday? I’ll see if Abigail can stay with Soph.”
Beca relaxes and offers a gentle smile. “She said you should come, too. I should have clarified. I don’t think she intentionally didn’t invite you personally; it came up when we were texting the other day. And she told me 9:00.”
“So, 10:00?”
Beca can see the humor in Chloe’s eyes and finds relief. “Yeah, make it 10:00.” Chloe knows how Beca hates being first to any event whether a baby shower or a red carpet and something about that, as small as it is, makes her feel warm and fuzzy.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Inevitably, there are photographers waiting at all entrances to Aubrey’s party venue when Beca and Chloe arrive; Beca even asks the driver to circle the block hoping to find a clear entrance to no avail.
Pushing through shouting photographers and blinding flashes, they walk hand-in-hand into the very upscale West Hollywood club Amy’s commandeered for the festivities. They both take it with a grain of salt; after all, there’s no such thing as bad press and Beca’s been in the studio working on an album with a number one pop star and the sequel to Chloe’s sleeper hit indie film is opening in a few months.
“Remember when we used to start our nights at midnight?” Beca asks over the music as they check out the lay of the land in the club. “It’s barely 10:00 and I’d like being in bed right now just as much as this. Maybe more.”
She means to be whining about how they’re getting older; after all, they’re at Aubrey’s 35th birthday party. However, in classic Chloe fashion that makes Beca roll her eyes just as much as it makes her smile, Chloe leans close to whisper hotly in her ear, “I promise, you’d like being in bed right now a lot more than this.”
“Keep it in your pants. We at least need to make an appearance before dragging me into a dark corner.”
“Like I’d really have to drag you,” Chloe says before pressing a kiss to Beca’s cheek, followed by her neck. “And I’m wearing a dress, not pants.”
Beca smirks to herself and slips her arm around Chloe’s waist. They’re still making up for a decade of lost time together and Beca is as wildly attracted to her now as she was when she was 18.
Dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb. 
Well, not that dumb. She was wildly attracted to Aubrey when she was 18, too. Aubrey was just the one that was brave enough to make a move. Beca can still remember the vitriol laced with sadness seeping from Chloe when she walked in on them kissing in Aubrey’s hotel room in New York while traveling for a competition.
When she spots a few members of the cast of her current favorite TV show, Beca muses to herself how absurd it is that the three of them found the success they did. The indie movie about dragons (with questionable special effects) Chloe had booked to help ends meet in grad school had blown up far past the core audience of the readers of the book it was adapted from. She now has three more films lined up—more adaptations of books in the series (with better special effects). It had almost been a joke when she auditioned and now she was one of the biggest movie stars in the world.
Aubrey started with Lighthouse Television as an intern on their legal team. Seven years later, she had a corner office on the top floor. Four more years and a massive corruption scandal that she blew the whistle on, and she was running the entire network.
Of the three, Beca’s the only one who planned to end up with the career she has today. But the fact that any of them have the careers they have at all is, she knows, more than a little unlikely. She remembers a journalist once asked Chloe what was in the water back at quaint Barden University.
When they finally find Aubrey, she’s talking to several people Beca doesn’t recognize but she can tell they all recognize her and/or Chloe by the looks on their faces as they approach.
“You guys came!” Aubrey says, interrupting her own conversation to leave the group and rush over to hug them, first Chloe, then Beca. She’s wearing a sparkly black dress, fitted at the bust with a free-flowing skirt that stops a few inches above her knees. Her hair is down, save for the bit that’s clipped back above her left ear, and for a moment, Beca remembers the things that made her fall for the woman all those years ago.
Beca feels her linger a second or two too long and eases out of their embrace. “Happy Birthday!” she says. “This party is amazing!”
“Oh, you know how Amy is,” Aubrey says with a wave of her hand. “The word ‘understated’ doesn’t exist in her vocabulary. Where are your drinks?” she continues, barely stopping to breathe. She’s already tipsy; Beca can see it in the color of her cheeks and the way her shoulders aren’t holding their perfect posture. “Let me get you a drink.” Her hand is up and snapping before either of them can politely offer to fetch one themselves. “These two are my best friends,” she says to the waitress who appears from seemingly nowhere. “Get them anything they want.”
She and Chloe exchange a look at Aubrey labeling them as her best friends. They’ve been little more than strained acquaintances since Beca and Chloe got married, keeping up the bare minimum of civility required when co-parenting a child of divorce.
“What can I get you?” they’re asked.
“Bourbon,” Beca answers. “On the rocks.”
Chloe eyes her and Beca knows what she’s thinking: that she hasn’t anything stronger than wine in a long time. They’ve both been so busy with work and family that nights out have been few and far between. “Vodka soda with a splash of cranberry,” Chloe orders for herself and Beca gives her the same look.
Maybe they’re both in dire need of a fun night.
Chloe shrugs in response and threads her fingers with Beca’s.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m actually in the middle of a business conversation,” Aubrey says with a glance over her shoulder at the group she abandoned. “Go enjoy the party. I’ll find you guys later, okay?”
“Working at your own birthday party?” Chloe asks. Beca thinks there’s more than a hint of judgment laced with the comment but Aubrey just nods in response before returning to her presumed colleagues.
“Come on,” Beca says to distract Chloe from whatever weirdness is happening. “Dance with me.” She gives her hand a tug to lead them toward the dance floor.
“But our drinks,” Chloe says with a glance over her shoulder even though her feet are following Beca.
“She’ll find us.” Beca reels Chloe in close when they hit the polished black dance floor; she’s determined to have a good time tonight. “Dance with me,” she repeats and watches Chloe’s distraction disappear. 
Chloe’s arms slip around Beca’s waist to hold her just as closely. “It’s been a while.”
“Exactly,” Beca says as she leans in to touch her lips to Chloe’s as they fall into an easy rhythm together.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
The waitress definitely found them.
Beca’s hanging on to Chloe to keep herself upright as they laugh. She doesn’t even know what they’re laughing about but it’s so hilarious she can barely catch her breath and Chloe’s laughter in her ear sounds prettier than any song Beca’s ever heard. Chloe runs a hand through her fiery curls and it stirs up her perfume. It draws Beca in like a magnet and her lips are on her neck while Chloe continues to laugh.
Not that Beca minds. A happy Chloe is the most attractive Chloe there is and Chloe’s hands are moving over Beca with possessive purpose. Parties like this, full of “industry people,” are the only places they’re safe to act like themselves. They can’t go to a regular bar on a normal night without causing an uproar, let alone feel each other up on the dance floor without angering their publicists with tabloid photos and trending on Twitter or becoming a meme.
She never got that freedom with Chloe; Beca was already walking red carpets when they finally found each other. Their entire relationship, they’ve had to do their best to be “appropriate” (whatever that means) in public. 
Tonight, though, Beca’s teeth nip at Chloe’s neck playfully when she feels Chloe’s fingertips slipping under the waistband of her black pants to tease her.
“What are you doing?” Beca asks before lifting her head to kiss Chloe instead of letting her respond.
“What does it feel like?” Chloe mumbles against her lips before cutting off any follow-up questions by giving Beca’s tongue something better to do.
She loses track of time after that. She can feel the edge of the bar digging into her back as Chloe presses against her like she can’t get close enough. They haven’t stopped kissing except for the brief moments needed to breathe or down their very, very strong drinks that keep appearing on the bar behind Beca without anyone asking for another. Chloe’s managed to undo at least three buttons on Beca’s white blouse and Beca is grateful that she isn’t wearing a front-clasping bra because if she was, she knows Chloe would undo it and people would really get a show.
Even so, Chloe knows exactly what she’s doing and how to touch Beca to have her teetering on the sharp edge of climax without having to unbutton her pants and Beca’s having to fight off the orgasm Chloe’s managed to drive her to. Not because she doesn’t want to come, but because she doesn’t want to come in a room full of people. At least, not tonight.
Her eyes flutter open when Chloe shifts her attention back to Beca’s neck and in the strobing, flashing lights of the club, Beca notices Aubrey a few yards away. She’s not sure why she noticed her of all the people in the club in the two seconds her eyes were open. Maybe it was because Aubrey’s eyes were already on her. Or them? Watching.
Maybe it’s the bourbon, but something about that manages to turn Beca on further. The hint of jealousy she can read. The memories of the times she and Aubrey were all over each other in a club under the shield of anonymity. The way she was always able to crack Aubrey’s resistance to risky behavior and have a lot of fun together over the course of their hot, heavy, and tumultuous relationship.
And it’s not like the divorce magically made Beca’s attraction to her disappear overnight. Sure, it has waned over the years. It’s hard to notice anyone else when Chloe’s in the room.
She still notices Aubrey, though, and makes a point of guiding Chloe away from her neck to give hers the same treatment. Aubrey doesn’t look away; in fact, a hint of a smile touches her lips when Beca holds her gaze while her tongue glides along Chloe’s skin.
Beca’s too slow to react when Chloe pulls away, intent on kissing her again, when she notices Beca’s eyes aren’t closed. Or even trained on Chloe.
“Who are you looking at?” Chloe asks, slurring a little as she turns to follow Beca’s gaze.
“No one,” Beca says. She knows she maybe should panic when Chloe spots Aubrey, at least a little, but the bourbon and lust are sitting so warm in her belly and brain that she just kind of smiles as she says it.
When Chloe turns back to her, she looks a little sympathetic. “She’s really beautiful.”
“You’re beautifuller,” Beca says as she tries to lean in for another kiss.
“Wait, wait,” Chloe giggles, though her question is serious. “Is there a tiny part of you that still wants her? You can tell me, you know. I trust you.” Her hands are still moving, caressing Beca’s face and neck and the bare skin of her chest where her shirt is open.
“I want you.” Beca grins and pulls her close, words spilling out without thinking. “I want you...and her.”
It’s the bourbon. It’s definitely the bourbon. And the arousal throbbing between her legs. A flash of regret zips through her when she realizes what she said. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought about until 30 seconds ago.
“Right?” Chloe says after a surprised silence. Her smile looks devilish before it’s kissing Beca again. Then she’s turning to wave at Aubrey. “Hey! Come here! We need you!”
Beca doesn’t know if Aubrey can hear Chloe but she crosses the room anyway, tottering a little on her heels with a drink in her hand.
Beca can’t help it. She can’t help but stare at her ex-wife and remember how every inch of her skin tastes and feels and the way her voice sounds when she— 
“Hi,” Aubrey says with an easy smile.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Beca’s not sure who brought whom to the club manager’s office but Chloe’s closing and locking the door behind them when Beca feels Aubrey’s hand on her lower back.
She also doesn’t remember a discussion happening. She remembers replying to Aubrey’s, “Hi,” with a “Hey,” of her own and now she’s standing by while Chloe and Aubrey seem to size one another up with a level of heat and intensity that shouldn’t exist between two former best friends.
Chloe glances at Beca who just nods, because whatever this is, whatever is happening, she wants it to continue.
And then her current wife is leaning in to kiss her ex-wife.
It shouldn’t be hot; she ought to be angry or jealous but instead, she bites her lip to stop the moan that wants to escape just from watching Aubrey tilt Chloe’s head to slip her tongue into her mouth. If Beca’s underwear weren’t already ruined from Chloe’s advances earlier, witnessing that would have done it.
And Beca thinks Chloe would have every right to be angry or jealous when the kiss ends and Aubrey turns toward Beca, but instead, Chloe’s hand is on the back of Beca’s neck, guiding her right into Aubrey’s kiss with a look of excitement.
She’d almost forgotten what it felt like to kiss Aubrey. She was a precision kisser, calculated even in their wildest moments, always working to make Beca’s toes curl and this is no different. Her tongue teases over Beca’s with skill and familiarity that makes it easy for Beca to shake off the last vestiges of hesitation about what’s about to happen.
What is already happening.
She’s barely getting used to it when the hand at her neck guides her away from Aubrey and pulls her into Chloe.
Unlike Aubrey’s precision, Chloe’s kisses are wild and barely contained, always walking the line of passionate sloppiness without crossing it (well, sometimes she crosses it when they really get going). She feels a third hand on her back, and then just two again, as a third tongue slips its way somehow into their kiss.
It’s not like Beca’s never done this before. She and Chloe have what Beca feels is a very active, adventurous, healthy sex life. They’ve taken a woman on a date, intentions and possibilities known and agreed to by all, and brought her back to a luxury hotel room (because they would never bring a stranger into their home) for sex. Not because they were bored with each other, but to the contrary: they wanted to see how wild and daring they were comfortable getting.
She thinks, foggily as she bows out of the triple-kiss to re-introduce herself to the way Aubrey’s neck feels under her tongue to let Chloe and her get used to each other, that having a ménage à trois with her former and current wives is pretty damn wild and daring.
There are hands on her, out of synch in their missions but familiar in their confidence. There’s one on her ass and she knows it’s Aubrey’s. There’s another in her shirt, somehow fully unbuttoned now, holding her breast and she knows it’s Chloe’s. 
Her own hands are roaming and long to touch Aubrey in places she hasn’t in so many years. It’s automatic to reach for and find the zipper at the back of her dress and, to her surprise, there’s already a hand there.
The fact that it’s Chloe, and that Chloe is on the same page, makes her dip her other hand right between Chloe’s legs, under her dress, to press against her.
She hears Chloe’s soft moan and feels Aubrey react to it (or to the fact that they’re both unzipping her dress), the hand on her ass gripping harder. Beca has to look because there’s no way this is happening (right?) and she eases back from sucking on Aubrey’s neck long enough to see that she’s found her wife’s chest and is quite actively toying with Chloe’s nipple, which is so hard Beca can see the details through her dress even in the dark of the room. It makes her mouth water.
She needs four hands and two mouths. That’s the only way this night isn’t going to be a constant battle of satisfaction versus frustration.
At the very least, they need to not be standing in the middle of the room. She’s about to push them toward the large sectional couch along the far wall when Aubrey starts to pull both of them in that very direction.
Aubrey lands first and she pulls Chloe down with her to resume a kiss that Beca knows, from first-hand experience, is surely melting both of them. Beca follows, everyone shifting further backward, and molds herself to Chloe’s back, chin hooked over her shoulder to watch them.
She lets her hands move over Chloe, over her chest to feel for herself how hard her nipples are, down to her waist and hips and thighs to notice that Chloe’s landed with her knee between Aubrey’s, straddling her thigh as she kneels.
It’s quite a show, Beca thinks, watching them kiss. They kiss like they’ve been waiting to kiss for years.
Beca would know. She’s been that person.
And she has a front-row seat to it as she clings to Chloe’s back, chin on her shoulder as her arms frame Chloe’s hips as her hands rest on Aubrey’s thighs. She can feel Chloe’s restlessness, shifting and twisting every few seconds that is a clear tell that she is starting to get desperate for touch. Chloe getting turned on by Aubrey turns Beca on even more. She can’t help but bite at Chloe’s shoulder, bare next to the strap of her dress.
Aubrey’s eyes flutter and their eyes meet before they’re closed again, Aubrey whimpering as Chloe’s entire body shifts forward to press closer. It makes Beca reach for Chloe to flatten her palm and run it under the hem of the top of her two-piece dress. She feels Aubrey’s hand skate over her own to run up Chloe’s body until it’s shifting to reach for Beca. Her hand finds Beca’s face and cradles it as Beca’s mouth shifts to Chloe’s neck.
She can feel Aubrey’s fingertips as they trace her hairline, the edge of her ear, the line of her jaw, the softness of Beca’s bottom lip until her finger is slipping into Beca’s mouth.
It makes Beca moan and she takes Aubrey into her mouth, lips traveling to her knuckle before she pulls back, sucking as she goes. Her hands move up over Chloe’s ribs until Beca’s hands are over her breasts. She squeezes and Chloe’s reaction is to kiss Aubrey more deeply, the two of them moaning.
But Aubrey retreats, pulling back from Chloe’s kiss enough to get her attention and turn it toward Beca with a tilt of her chin. Chloe turns to look just as Aubrey’s finger slips from Beca’s lips. Beca feels the tip of it under her chin, guiding her up to kiss Chloe—not that she needed guidance—who kisses her hungrily.
Aubrey’s hands are on Chloe and Beca knows it. Their hands are crossing paths as they both reach for her, grazing at her chest and bumping at her hips.
“Please,” Chloe whispers against Beca’s lips as they kiss. She doesn’t say what she wants, but she doesn’t need to. Beca pulls and pushes at her hips until she gets the hint and turns, falling back against Aubrey whose arms immediately encircle her. Beca takes a step back for a second, just to watch as Aubrey’s hands push Chloe’s top higher and higher until her bra is exposed, as Chloe tilts her head back so she can find Aubrey’s mouth, how Aubrey’s legs part so Chloe can sit between them.
Chloe’s hands reach out toward Beca and Beca makes her wait, just for a moment or two, until Chloe whines and drops her hands, one to Aubrey’s thigh and the other two her own. It quickly moves up Chloe’s thigh and Beca’s about to reach for it and stop her from getting too far when Aubrey does it for her.
She looks up to find Aubrey watching her, still kissing Chloe as she pulls Chloe’s hand away from herself with audible protest. It makes Beca reach for Chloe, hands skating up her thighs to hook her fingers into the waistband of her thong and pull it down her legs and past the heels Chloe is still wearing.
It takes the last ounce of self-control Beca has to not immediately reach between Chloe’s legs. Instead, she moves up, dropping kisses over Chloe’s bare stomach and the swells of her breasts where Aubrey’s hands are, to Chloe’s throat and chin until her mouth is on Beca’s instead of Aubrey’s.
Chloe’s entire body rolls with their reconnection, or maybe it’s because Aubrey’s hands are at her back unhooking her bra. She feels Chloe’s repeated plea against her lips more than she hears it, but Aubrey definitely hears it. Chloe’s suddenly being pushed toward Beca, guided until they’re both upright and on their knees. Beca blindly pulls Chloe’s loosened bra away and the top of her dress being removed interrupts their kiss for a second only to resume with even more fervor.
Beca can feel Aubrey moving and with a brief glance, sees her on her knees as well, behind Chloe so close as she kisses Chloe’s neck just inches from Beca. She can feel Aubrey’s hands moving between them; they’re on Chloe, on her stomach and on her breasts, but Beca’s so close that they’re touching her, too, and her impatience gets the best of her.
She stops drawing out the foreplay and skates her hand up Chloe’s thigh under her skirt until it’s between her legs.
Chloe’s mouth slips away from Beca’s with a startlingly loud moan and Beca can feel just why that is. Chloe’s so wet that it actually takes Beca a second to feel more than just slick wetness beneath her fingers.
“Fuck,” Beca exhales. She savors it, her own breath catching when she feels how swollen Chloe is. When she opens her eyes she’s expecting to see Chloe’s face but instead, it’s Aubrey’s. Her eyes are dark and fixated on Beca’s. Beca’s compelled to lean forward and kiss her and she knows Aubrey wants the same. They try, but with Chloe between them, they can’t quite reach one another. Instead, they stare until Aubrey’s eyes fall closed and there’s another, this time surprised, moan spilling from Chloe’s lips.
Chloe’s head lolls back to rest against Aubrey’s shoulder and she looks down her nose at Beca, nothing but wild lust in her eyes before her hips rock forward. It pushes Beca’s hand further between her legs and it’s Beca’s turn to moan. Her fingers bump into something she hasn’t felt between Chloe’s legs before: Aubrey’s hand. 
Specifically, she can feel where Aubrey’s fingers disappear into Chloe as Aubrey reaches her from behind.
It’s an out-of-body experience, really. To be sharing her wife with the woman with whom she used to share so much. With whom she still shares so much.
She and Aubrey had never done something like this, not with a third person. They’d been young and wild but in a different way than she and Chloe are.
“Oh, my God,” Chloe says through another moan as Beca feels Aubrey’s fingers start to slip in and out. Her hips follow and the motion spurs Beca’s own fingers into proper action.
Her fingertips press against Chloe and move in the way she knows can drive Chloe over the edge in a few short minutes. It isn’t that she wants it to end quickly, but she’s overwhelmed by the need to make Chloe feel good, to help Aubrey blow Chloe’s mind.
Hands grab at and touch Beca all over; she can’t keep track of whose hands they are and she doesn’t care to try. She’s too busy fucking Chloe with Aubrey, 
She loses herself in it, the cadence the three of them fall into, fingers and hips moving in a coordinated, if frantic, rhythm. Hands clutch at her hips and she knows Chloe’s close and fighting it. Beca opens her eyes to watch it happen and she meets Aubrey’s gaze first as Aubrey’s lips and tongue move across Chloe’s shoulder to her neck to her ear.
Beca sees the words Aubrey whispers in Chloe’s ear more than she hears them; it’s difficult to hear over Chloe’s voice and their empathetic answering moans.
Chloe comes with a wanton cry, one hand gripping Beca’s wrist between her legs, the other clutching the back of Aubrey’s neck.
It’s a beautiful sight and for a moment, Beca thinks she could come, too, right there, from watching Chloe’s experience and sharing in it with Aubrey.
Aubrey, who’s staring at Beca with a look she hasn’t born witness to in years. A look that Beca’s never forgotten and neither has her body if the way the ache between her legs spikes in intensity because she knows what it means.
Chloe’s still coming down from her high, half-collapsed against Aubrey when Chloe mumbles a breathless, “That was so hot,” followed by a whimper. A few seconds later, Beca notices Aubrey has her own fingers in her mouth and Beca knows they’re the same fingers she’s just withdrawn from Chloe.
Chloe, in her uber-relaxed state, slumps to the side and Beca and Aubrey help to slow her collapse. They’ve barely finished getting her situated when Aubrey’s surging forward to kiss Beca.
It makes Beca’s head spin. Aubrey tastes like Chloe and she moans into the kiss as Aubrey’s hands start to undress her.  Her shirt, already unbuttoned, is pulled down her arms, followed by her bra.
She doesn’t remember when her pants had been unbuttoned but they’re already loose around her hips when Aubrey’s pushing them down. They don’t make it far, still on her knees as she is, but Aubrey’s solution to that is to grab Beca’s hips and turn her to trade places.
“Up,” Aubrey says against Beca’s lips and she doesn’t understand until her ass hits the back of the couch. It’s deep enough that Beca is able to slide onto it to sit and as soon as she’s seated, Aubrey’s working her pants past her knees.
At the same time, Beca feels her heels be slipped off though Aubrey’s hands are definitely on her pants and she glances down to see Chloe, though still dreamy-eyed, has come back to herself and is helping Aubrey undress Beca.
Two different hands pull at her underwear and Beca knows she’s about to find out just how hot it was for Chloe to have the two of them fucking her. She feels dizzy and digs her nails into the edge of the couch and leans back against the wall, almost fearful of passing out because her heart is beating so quickly.
She already knows what Aubrey is going to do; the look she’d given Beca was her warning and she watches as Aubrey guides her thighs apart and gets onto her own hands and knees to be able to put her tongue on Beca.
It feels like it’s in slow-motion as Aubrey’s pointed, purposeful tongue draws a line between her legs, moaning as she does so.
It makes Beca’s jaw drop and her hand fly to the back of Aubrey’s head, fingers twisting into soft blond hair she hasn’t held this way in so many years. She’s sure she makes some kind of sound, probably a sound she’d be ashamed of in any other scenario. It hasn’t even finished escaping her lips when Chloe’s mouth is on hers.
She moans again, senses quickly overwhelmed by the dormant memories of how Aubrey used to make love to her roaring back to real life and Chloe’s wild, passionate kisses that seem to be as reassuring as they are purely sexual.
There are hands at her breasts and they aren’t moving in sync. One caresses while the other squeezes. One pinches while the other pulls.
She has to tear her mouth from Chloe’s to try to catch her breath but it offers little reprieve; Chloe’s lips drop to Beca’s chest instead to suck hard. She glances down and regrets it instantly because Aubrey’s hand is tangled in Chloe’s hair, pushing her mouth to Beca’s breast just as Chloe’s hand covers Beca’s to push Aubrey closer.
It sends her over the edge without warning, gasping for breath as she shudders. She can hear Aubrey moaning; she’d always gotten off on making Beca come, and she wonders if she’s touching herself and coming. Or if Chloe’s touching her. Or if she’s coming just from the intensity of the moment like Beca nearly did.
It’s the last coherent thought she has before she can’t think any longer.
She’s still trying to recover when she feels Aubrey disappear from between her legs. She whines at the loss and starts to protest when she sees the reason for her absence: Chloe’s pulled Aubrey away by her hair and is pulling her—not gently—back up to her knees until she’s claiming her mouth.
All Beca can do is watch; she’s too spent to do anything but watch as Chloe kisses Aubrey deeply. As Chloe’s hand disappears between Aubrey’s legs. As Aubrey’s head tips back with a groan.
They quickly lose themselves in each other but they don’t forget about Beca. Aubrey’s hand, the one not holding on to Chloe, roams Beca’s body. Chloe’s hand is on her thigh, just holding on as though she’s keeping Chloe from floating away.
Maybe she is, Beca thinks as, mind still hazy, she notices her hand is between her own legs.
She notices it almost distractedly, like an afterthought, that she’s touching herself while her wife and her ex fuck right next to her.
There’s no room to care about modesty or feel ashamed. She’s still so turned on that she has to press hard to get any friction against herself. Soaked in the same way Chloe was—and probably still is.
Aubrey and Chloe’s voices sound so good together, she does manage to note, and she focuses on them. It’s too difficult to keep her eyes open to watch so she listens. She listens to Aubrey’s increasingly desperate moans, to Chloe’s sighs and words of encouragement, to the unmistakable sounds of wetness—her own and Aubrey’s. She feels Aubrey’s fingers tugging on her nipple and Chloe’s nails on her inner thigh. Feels her own fingers on her clit.
She hears how close Aubrey is and, unexpectedly, how close Chloe is as well.
Chloe had been the sole giver when Beca had closed her eyes and she has to open them to see what’s happening, to see the way Aubrey’s hand moves between Chloe’s legs and how their hips buck as they ride each other’s fingers.
It yanks Beca right to the edge just as they climax and her own rushes through her in tandem with theirs.
All she can register beside her ecstasy is how good they all sound together. Just like they used to.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Beca is still drunk.
It’s the first thing she notices when she wakes up. She’s also thirsty and feels like she needs a shower.
It’s also far too early to be awake—it’s still dark—and she turns over to move in closer to Chloe, warm and soft next to her.
She’s just drifting off again when there’s movement behind her and an arm slipping around her waist followed by lips on the back of her shoulder.
Her mind is foggy and it takes a few seconds to register that it isn’t Chloe because Chloe is in front of her, not behind. Then she catches a whiff of familiar perfume.
The memories of last night surface and though Beca thinks she should probably be horrified or embarrassed, she’s instead filled with a kind of warmth and she moves her foot backward to slip between Aubrey’s.
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
The next time she wakes up, the bedroom is alight with the orange glow of dawn. She’s no longer drunk and she’s awake and is alone with her thoughts and memories until she feels Chloe stir.
She’s awake, too, and wiggles until she’s turned over to face Beca. “Morning,” Chloe says with a sleepy smile. For a moment, Beca wonders if Chloe remembers what transpired the night before until Chloe asks, “How are you?”
“I’m good,” she replies. And she is, Beca thinks. She’s okay with what happened. It was a wild, drunken encounter between three consenting adults, all of whom trust and care for the others. “Are you?”
Chloe beams at her, even through her hangover, and nods.
“Oh, my God, my head is pounding.”
The voice startles Beca as it breaks their whispered conversation. She cranes her neck to look over her shoulder at Aubrey sitting up next to her, one hand holding the sheet to her chest, the other clutching her forehead.
“I can make coffee,” Chloe says helpfully and starts to move but Beca touches her hip to tell her to stay.
“It’s okay, I’ll do it.” She’s been awake long enough that the threat of physical movement causing instant nausea has lessened.
She detangles herself from the sheets to crawl off the foot of the bed; there’s a familiar graze of fingertips across her shoulder and it stirs bittersweet nostalgia within her. It’s only when she’s on her feet and turning back while she tugs a T-shirt over her head to face what’s in her bed that the gravity genuinely sets in. She’s out of bed, out of the bubble, and she feels it pop.
She slept with her ex-wife last night.
So did her wife.
Nausea rushes her and she thinks she might gag but her reaction to the stress is interrupted by the pounding of a tiny fist on the door.
“Shit,” Aubrey hisses, suddenly coming back to life as she scrambles out of bed.
“Just a minute, sweetie!” Chloe sing-songs and Beca can hear the panic in her voice.
Beca feels stuck and her brain is struggling to process; she doesn’t know what will happen if Sophie walks in to find her Mom, Mama, and Mommy having a sleepover together.
“Can I lock the door?!” Aubrey whisper-shouts as she frantically searches for items of her clothing to get dressed. 
“Yes, you can lock the door!” Beca manages to say, brain beginning to work and feet starting to move to find shorts to put on. 
“It wasn’t already locked?” Chloe asks from the bed she’s making while she’s still in it.
Aubrey’s running around so quickly, Beca’s not sure she won’t set the floor on fire. “Aubrey, she can’t see you; slow down.”
“I’m supposed to pick her up for our trip to the aquarium in—” she looks at a phone she finds on the floor—“five minutes!”
“In your dress from the party?” Chloe asks as she crawls out from under the covers and to the end of the bed.
“Walk of shame, I guess,” Aubrey says she tries to shove her arms into the sleeves of her dress that’s on backward.
“Oh, my God, here,” Beca says as she finds and hands Aubrey another of her tees.
Aubrey looks at it and frowns. “Budweiser? Really?”
“Turn it inside out.”
“You know, there’s no shame in—” Beca starts but Aubrey cuts her off.
“I’m going to go around the back and ring the doorbell, okay?” she says, already heading for the sliding glass door. “Crush some aspirin and put it in my coffee? I’m dying.”
“Yeah, sure,” Chloe says from her spot on the bed. She’s eating a piece of cake and Beca does a double-take. She has no idea where she got cake from.
“Savior,” Aubrey says before she disappears, still holding her heels instead of wearing them.
“Mom!” Sophie shouts again.
“Just a sec, sweetheart!” Beca calls in response as she starts toward the door, only to stop and look at Chloe, naked in bed eating mystery cake with a smile. “Are we...fine?”
Chloe shrugs and sucks the frosting off the tines of her fork. “Why wouldn’t we be?”
Beca makes a mental note to circle back on this situation once they’re both clear-headed and pulls open the bedroom door just as the doorbell rings. “Good morning, my big girl!” she says as she reaches down to lift her daughter and hug her good morning. “Did you hear the doorbell? Mommy’s here! Let’s go say ‘hi’!”
Aubrey looks impossibly flustered when Beca opens the front door and, she realizes, the morning panic was unnecessary. It’s not as though Sophie is old enough to understand what a Walk of Shame looks like or what it even meant for Aubrey to spend the night with Beca and Chloe.
“Morning,” she says with a smirk as she hands her wiggling-with-excitement daughter to Aubrey who immediately showers her face with kisses.
Aubrey doesn’t quite make eye contact, instead choosing to stay focused on making Sophie giggle.
“I’m making coffee.” The words drift past them as Chloe makes her way to the kitchen. “You’re welcome to join us for a cup,” she adds.
Aubrey does meet Beca’s eyes then as if questioning the invitation, or maybe asking for permission.
“Come on in,” Beca says after a beat, stepping aside to let Aubrey [back] into their home.
She doesn’t understand what transpired between them. Maybe she isn’t supposed to. She doesn’t regret it, at least not yet. It was fun. It was hot. And Chloe actually inviting Aubrey [back] into their home this morning and not being upset is a relief. Their long-held and only-somewhat thinly veiled contempt for one another has been exhausting for Beca to navigate and, at least for the moment, seems to have evaporated.
Beca can’t say she minds as she closes the door to join them in the kitchen.
It would be kind of nice to have Aubrey around more without the tension.
And if there was tension...Beca thinks as she watches Chloe tease Aubrey by tickling at her lower back...they have a pretty good way to relieve it.
The End
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bunnywrites · 4 years ago
AHHH OMG WHAT A CUTE ASK MEME I'M ALREADY SCREAMING💍 - adrian x dove 💍 sophie x milo 💍 liam x grace 💍 madison x wyatt
don't feel like you have to answer everything for all of them but ah!!! ILY
ILYSM ur the real mvp for always sending these <3
💍 adrian x dove
where they get married: 
they’re totally having a beach wedding, for sure!!
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ):
Ok, hear me out. A summer wedding on the beach at sunset. Maybe in June/July 
what their wedding cake looks like:
they def wouldn’t have like a hug wedding cake, i feel like they would keep it pretty simply tbh!! maybe they even decorate it themselves (with the help of baby annie too!!)
….who smashes cake into whose face:
adrian totally would and dove would smash her piece of cake into his smug face right after and they would probably let annie smash cake in both of their faces too
who proposed to who first:
i think adrian !!!
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar
baby annie walks down as a flower girl and then waits next to her dad who’s at the altar and then comes dove look like a rl angel 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
since it’s a beach wedding, i imagine them in v casual clothing?? like nothing super fancy at all.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
i’m crying just thinking about them sharing their vows wow. i imagine since dove kinda write out her feelings in her journals that she maybe wrote a poem about him in there somewhere and she would share with him during their ceremony. and then probably just go into more depth over how much she adores him and AAAH my heart 
who cries first during the ceremony
oof, this one is a hard one!! but i think maybe adrian?? when he sees dove walking down the aisle?? and then she sees him crying and it causes her to start tearing up lmao 
where they go for their honeymoon
IF i remember correctly i think adrian asked her where she wanted to go once and she said italy and so i feel like he would totally make that happen for their honeymoon !!
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
since her mom will have passed away already dove would probably be given away by her aunt !
💍 sophie x milo
where they get married:
i totally see these two lovebird randomly deciding to get married right in the moment. they would totally be the kind to go to vegas and get married!
what their wedding cake looks like:
honestly since it’s all last minute they would probably have ice cream cake that they bought from a local grocery store or something LOL 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
since it’s ice cream cake i don’t think they would smash it into each other’s face, but they would probably slide it down each other’s backs or something lmao 
who proposed to who first:
oof man ok i think tbh at one point milo will be the one to say “fuck our family who cares what they think lets get married rn” cause he would probably be so sick of trying to continuously prove to them that he’s right for their daughter when he knows he is!! 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
milo totally waits at the alter with his new best bro liam by his side and grace walks down the aisle too before getting on the bride’s side of the alter and then GORGEOUS BABY SOPHIE COMES DOWN 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
so painfully casual it hurts. honestly i could see milo getting married in an mf tuxedo shirt LOLOL 
what their vows are:
super improvised for sure but completely from the heart!! 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other:
their new besties!! grace is soph’s maid of honor probs and liam would totally be milo’s best man 
who gives speeches at the reception:
i feel like liam would def give a speech if he was drunk enough lmao and it would be very sweet and funny tbh. milo would def give a speech about how much he loves soph and he would probably try to make it super funny but then he becomes a total sap at the end!
what their wedding photos are like:
the silliest ever! a bunch of selfies on their phones and polaroids. i imagine grace filming all of it too on a camera and editing the footage to make milo and soph their very own wedding video! 
what sort of food they have at the reception:
they would literally all just go out for burgers probably lmao
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ):
they would probably go out to some club to celebrate afterwards! milo is def dancing all kinds of weird from how wasted he is, but he’s having the time of his life. sophie is living for it, of course, and is even getting pretty rowdy herself, which we love to see. i feel like liam would be the one to keep buying drinks and making everybody take shots with him, especially milo lmao. grace would probably be sitting at the bar with her drink and smoking a joint before liam pulls her to the dance floor and forces her to dance with him
what their rings are like:
they would probably get the cheapest rings they could for the moment, but milo would def surprise with a diamond ring after he saves up enough money. 
where they go for their honeymoon:
i feel like since they got married in vegas they would just honeymoon there too!! 
who officiates the ceremony:
an elvis impersonator DUH 
💍 liam x grace
where they get married:
ok so!! i totally see liam wanting to make this one of the most special days ever for grace cause that’s just the kinda guy he is. and so maybe one of her favorite movie theaters is going out of business or something. so, before they demolish it, he rents the entire thing out and decorates it with twinkle lights and makes it all beautiful to have their ceremony there. 
when they get married:
CHRISTMAS TIME since their first interaction was at a christmas party
what their wedding cake looks like:
i see them having just a bunch of cupcakes made to look like a cake as a wedding cake, that way anyone can just grab one as a snack before they go watch their movie 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
grace would totally smash her cupcake in liam’s face and laugh so hard while doing it and i totally see liam just stuff his in her mouth to shut her up lmfaoo 
who proposed to who first: 
oh god i totally see liam proposing one day!! and just v casually too!! no big gesture or anything just like “i think i wanna marry you” lmao idk he seems like the type
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
liam totally waits for her and grace walks down to her favorite romantic film score 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
i think they def would dress up! but still nothing majorly fancy!! i can see liam in a casual suit and tie while grace wears a really simple white dress and maybe a flower crown to accessorize!
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have:
i feel like they would have a black and white color scheme tbh!! 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
grace would probably have a movie already set up that she would play on the big screen and it would be all about their relationship and new life that they started together and basically it’s just a collection of moments that made her fall in love with him !!
what sort of food they have at the reception:
all the movie snacks you can choose from, plus some take out that they would probably order in lmaooo 
who officiates the ceremony:
i feel like milo would totally offer to officiate their wedding and be so excited over it too lmao 
what song their first dance is to:
def the first song that liam ever wrote about grace !! maybe he starts off by performing it and then someone takes over so they can dance together i crY
💍 madison x wyatt
where they get married:
i def see their wedding to be more classic/traditional. i dont think they would get married in a church, but they would probably go to a beautiful garden or something. after everything wyatt put this girl thru he is going to make sure she has the wedding of her dreams lmao 
when they get married:
probably during the spring!! it’s a metaphor!! it’s a fresh start !! a new beginning!! 
what their wedding cake looks like:
probs v big and fancy with a cute little wedding topper on the top ofc 
who proposed to who first:
dude i feel like maddie would be too scared to even consider proposing LOLOL after all the pain he caused her!!! so i def think wyatt would be the one 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
wyatt waits at the alter with madison’s brother by his side and maddie walks down the aisle arm-in-arm with her father and it is the most beautiful thing EVER
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
we FANCY!!!!! this is probably the best wyatt is ever going to dress tbh 
what flowers are in the bouquet:
probably some white roses to match her pretty white dress 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
i think v traditional. wyatt would def have to write them down because he would not be able to formulate words since he will be dumbfounded by madison’s beauty!! 
if anyone’s late to the wedding:
maybe wyatt’s running late because of SOMETHING (we can plan later heheheh) and that causes madison to start freaking out and thinking that he’s leaving her at the alter but in reality he’s doing all he can to get there on time! 
who gives speeches at the reception:
maddie’s brother most def! and maybe her dad!! his will probably be nice, short and wholesome tho 
what their wedding photos are like:
i feel like they would have a mix of everything! they’d have an actual photographer taking pictures and then a photobooth set up to take random/silly pictures with props and ofc they will probably be taking all kinds of pictures on their phones 
who cries first during the ceremony:
tbh wyatt would have to look away from madison at first when she’s walking down the aisle cause he starts getting teary-eyed 
where they go for their honeymoon:
wyatt would probably take her to the place she find most romantic, a part of me wants to say paris but i also dont know if thats just because of emily in paris lmaooo 
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle:
madison’s dad gives her away and he probably looks so happy and full of nothing but love for his daughter !
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asiantheatre · 7 years ago
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Under the list are all the confirmed, announced shows in the 2018-2019 season featuring Asian writers, actors, designers, directors, etc in New York, London, and International. Listed are the dates for first previews, the theater it’s performed in, and a summary of the show. 
This list isn’t 100% comprehensive and will be updated as time goes on. If we missed a show, please let us know!
Make sure to tune in and give these shows your love! 
BROADWAY (source)
Straight White Men
Until September 9, Hayes Theater
“It’s Christmas Eve, and Ed has gathered his three adult sons to celebrate with matching pajamas, trash-talking, and Chinese takeout. But when a question they can’t answer interrupts their holiday cheer, they are forced to confront their own identities. Obie Award-winning playwright Young Jean Lee takes a hilariously ruthless look at the classic American father-son drama. This is one white Christmas like you’ve never seen before.”
Getting the Band Back Together
August 19, 2018; Belasco Theatre
“The musical comedy follows 40-year-old out-of-work banker Mitch who moves back in with his mother and decides to reunite his old high school band, Juggernaut.”
King Kong
October 2018
This show reimagines the famous movie King Kong into a story about fame, greed, and manipulation within the original framework of a young actress and film maker finding their way to Skull Island, the home of a 2000 pound monkey.
March 29, 2019; Marriott Marquis
“Based on the film, Tootsie tells the story of a talented but difficult actor who struggles to find work until an audacious, desperate stunt lands him the role of a lifetime.”
Walter Kerr; March 22, 2019
Info in the west end section
Be More Chill
Lyceum Theater; February 13, 2019
Info in the offbway section
July 1–14; Ambassador Theatre
Japanese star Ryoko Yonekura will make a limited run engagement as Roxie Hart before transferring over to Japan for the national tour.
OFF BROADWAY (source / 2)
Be More Chill
August 9, 2018;  Pershing Square Signature Center
Based on Ned Vizzini’s novel, the show tells the story of an average teenager who takes a pill purported to make people more—you guessed it—chill.
Henry VI
August 21, 2018 - NAATCO 
“Shakespeare’s Henry VI is the story of a great nation’s decent into barbarism and cruelty. It is a study of how the experience of a problematic foreign war erodes civil discourse at home, and how that erosion allows political self-interests to take hold and send a country hurtling into civil war.” 
Rags Parkland Sings the Songs of the Future
September 25, 2018; Ars Nova
 “250 years from now, constructed humans are built in black market labs, Mars is a forced labor camp and underground outlaws are brewing rebellion. You might not remember how Beaux Weathers and her band of “illegal intelligences” fought for the right to exist, but Rags Parkland does. Back on Earth for the first time in 10 years, Rags plays the music that carried us to where we are today. But on this planet, the more things change, the more we stay the same.”
India Pale Ale
October 2, 2018; Manhattan Theatre Club
“In a small Wisconsin town, a tight-knit Punjabi community gathers to celebrate the wedding of a traditional family’s only son, just as their strong-willed daughter announces her plans to move away and open a bar. As they come together for feasts filled with singing and dancing, one generation’s cherished customs clash with another’s modern-day aspirations, and ghosts and pirates from the family’s past linger in everyone’s thoughts – until one sudden event changes everything.”
Wild Goose Dreams
October 30, 2018; The Public Theatre
“Minsung is a “goose father,” a South Korean man whose wife and daughter have moved to America for a better life. Deeply lonely, he escapes onto the internet and meets Nanhee, a young defector forced to leave her family behind in North Korea. Amidst the endless noise of the modern world, where likes and shares have taken the place of love and touch, Minsung and Nanhee try their best to be real for each other. But after a lifetime of division and separation, is connection possible?“
The Resistable Rise or Arturo Ui
October 30- December 22, 2018; Classic Stage Company
The political allegory shows a Depression-era Chicago mobster, who, with the help of his henchmen, manipulates and murders his way to totalitarian rule of the cauliflower trade. The play uses a vaudevillian portrayal of American mafia culture to parallel events that brought the Third Reich to power.
A Chorus Line
November 14, 2018; New York City Center
“A Chorus Line, the 2018 New York City Center Annual Gala Presentation, is a joyous celebration of dance and musical theater—two art forms that City Center has been bringing to New York audiences for 75 years. In 1975, the stories of seventeen Broadway dancers were brought to life when A Chorus Line opened Off-Broadway. The musical was born of workshop sessions with actual Broadway dancers (eight of whom appeared in the original cast) who laid bare their personal stories and the challenges they faced in pursuit of their dreams.“
The Prisoner
November 24, 2018; Theatre for a New Audience/Polonsky Shakespeare Center
“The Prisoner examines the complexities of crime, justice, and compassion in a breathtaking new international production. A man sits alone outside a prison. Who is he, and what is he doing there? Is he free, or is he the prisoner?“
November 27, 2018; Playwrights Horizons
Noura and her husband have a successful life in New York, and, eight years after having fled their home in Iraq, they’ve finally gained citizen status—which Noura, as an Iraqi Christian, is celebrating by planning the perfect Christmas dinner. But when the arrival of a visitor stirs up long-buried memories, Noura and her husband are forced to confront the cost of their choices, and retrace the past they left behind.
Flower Drum Song’s 60th Anniversary Gala
December 2, 2018 - NAAP
The gala will begin at 5:30 PM with cocktails, followed by a 6:30 PM dinner (a traditional eight-course Chinese banquet). Throughout the evening will be entertainment informed by the history of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Flower Drum Song.
December 10, 2018; New York City Center
In his latest work, Nassim Soleimanpour explores the power of language to unite us in these uncertain times. No rehearsals. A different guest actor at every performance. A sealed envelope. Oh, and some surprises.
Blue Ridge
December 12, 2018; Atlantic Theater Company
“A progressive high-school teacher with a rage problem retaliates against her unscrupulous boss and is sentenced to six months at a church-sponsored halfway house, where she attends to everyone's recovery but her own. Set in Southern Appalachia, Blue Ridge is a pitch-dark comedy about heartbreak, hell-raising and healing.“
Merrily We Roll Along
January 12, 2019; Roundabout Theatre
Roundabout’s company in residence, Fiasco Theater, reimagines its next Stephen Sondheim creation. With Fiasco’s one-of-a-kind imagination, this audacious musical about a trio of showbiz friends who fall apart and come together over 20 years emerges as newly personal and passionate.
January 31, 2019; Second Stage Theatre
Before we can save the world, we have to save each other. From the Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning composer of Next to Normal and the Tony Award-winning writer of Red comes a deeply human new musical about a fractured family, the mysterious stranger in apartment 4-B, and the unexpected hero who just might save the day.
Anne of Green Gables: Part 1
The Royal Family Performing Arts Space; January 24-February 11
An adaptation of the book with the same title.
God Said This
Cherry Lane Theater; January 29-February 15
God Said This paints a portrait of five Kentuckians facing mortality in very different ways. With her mom undergoing chemotherapy, Hiro returns home, struggling to let go of the demons she inherited. Sophie, her born-again Christian sister, confronts her faith while tackling inevitable adversity. James, their recovering alcoholic father, wants to repair his fractured relationship with his daughters. And, John, an old classmate and thirty-something single dad, worries about leaving a lasting legacy for his only son.
Alice By Heart
MCC Theater; January 30-March 30
The show, by Waitress scribe Jessie Nelson and Spring Awakening duo Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater, adapts Lewis Carroll’s famed fantasy into a London-set tale against the backdrop of World War II, as Alice and her friend Alfred journey down a rabbit hole to find love, loss, and the courage to move forward despite harsh circumstances.
Man of God
January 31 - February 24, 2019; East West Players
A hidden discovery in a hotel bathroom changes the lives of four Korean Christian girls on a mission trip to Thailand. Samantha is hurt that someone she trusted could betray her. Jen is worried about how this might affect her college applications. Kyung-Hwa thinks everyone should adjust their expectations. Mimi’s out for blood. Amid the neon lights and go go bars in Bangkok, the girls plot revenge in this funny, feminist thriller.  
Mamma Mia
May 9 - June 9, 2019; East West Players 
On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother’s past back to the Greek island they last visited 20 years ago. The storytelling magic of ABBA’s timeless hits sets the scene for this infectious tale of love and frolicking fun, creating an unforgettable musical experience that will leave you dancing in the aisles!
Tours - Dates are subject to region
Miss Saigon
Hello Dolly
Lea Salonga’s Human Heart Tour
TV special live on Fox tells the story of the AIDS epidemic in New York City
The King and I
Until September 29, 2018
Set in 1860s Bangkok, the musical tells the story of the unconventional and tempestuous relationship that develops between the King of Siam and Anna, a British schoolteacher whom the modernist King, in an imperialistic world, brings to Siam to teach his many wives and children.
Love’s Labor’s Lost
August 23, 2018; Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
“Self-denial is in fashion at the court of Navarre where the young king and three of his courtiers solemnly forswear all pleasures in favour of serious study. But when the Princess of France and her entourage arrive, it isn’t long before the all-male ‘academe’ have broken every one of their self-imposed rules. Shakespeare’s boisterous send-up of all those who try to turn their back on life is a dazzling parade of every weapon in the youthful playwright’s arsenal, from excruciating cross-purposes and impersonations to drunkenness and bust-ups. It’s a banquet of language, groaning with puns, rhymes and grotesque coinages“
Dance Nation
August 27, 2018; Almeida Theatre
“Somewhere in America, a revolution is coming. An army of competitive dancers is ready to take over the world, one routine at a time. With a pre-teen battle for power and perfection raging on and off stage, Dance Nation is a ferocious exploration of youth, ambition and self-discovery.“
The Humans
August 30, 2018; Hampstead Theatre
“Hampstead Theatre is proud to present the Broadway production of The Humans by Stephen Karam, the winner of four 2016 Tony Awards including Best Play. Three generations of the Blake family have assembled for Thanksgiving in Brigid and Richard’s ramshackle pre-war apartment in Lower Manhattan. Whilst the event may have a slightly improvised air, the family is determined to make the best of its time together. As they attempt to focus on the traditional festivities, fears of the past and pressures of the future seep into the reunion and the precariousness of their position becomes increasingly evident.”
The Village
September 7, 2018; Theatre Royal Stratford East
“The Village transports the Lope de Vega’s Spanish play, Fuenteovejuna to contemporary India. It’s a powerful story of community and solidarity, and the lengths a person will go to protect themselves from tyranny. In Jyoti’s village, life is simple. People work and sing while living off the land. And finding a partner is far from her mind. She’d much prefer a delicious meal. Things are happy until the Inspector and his men come back to town. But when the tyrannical Inspector has his eye on Jyoti and he commits unspeakable acts against the village, everyone is pushed to breaking point. Will Jyoti dare turn him down despite what it may mean for her village?”
White Teeth
October 26, 2018; Kiln Theatre
“Rosie Jones, the Iqbal twins, their parents, their grandparents, Mad Mary and an avalanche of other characters who make up the everyday chaos of Kilburn High Road come together in an extraordinary revelry of NW6. An epic comedy with music and dance, this theatrical rollercoaster takes us on a fast-paced journey through history, different cultures and chance encounters. Zadie Smith’s breakthrough novel is adapted for stage by acclaimed playwright Stephen Sharkey and directed by Artistic Director Indhu Rubasingham in a major world premiere.”
November 2, 2018; National Theater
“In the warmth of summertime, songwriter Orpheus and his muse Eurydice are living it up and falling in love. But as winter approaches, reality sets in: these young dreamers can’t survive on songs alone. Tempted by the promise of plenty, Eurydice is lured to the depths of industrial Hadestown. On a quest to save her, Orpheus journeys to the underworld where their trust is put to a final test.”
Side Show - August 31, 2018
M. Butterfly - September 13, 2018
A Doll’s House Part 2 - September 15, 2018
Waitress - November 2018
Angels in America Spring 2019
Beautiful: the Carole King Musical Spring 2019
Matilda - September 8, 2018
The Greatest Showman - August 7, 2018
Bridges of Madison County - August 11, 2018
Jungle Book - closing August 26, 2018
Peter and the Star Catcher - September 28, 2018 
Other Local Shows
Fiddler on the Roof - December 16, 2018
Something Rotten - December 31, 2018
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 - January 5, 2019
Chicago - Osaka (August 1-4 at the Orix Theater) and in Tokyo (August 7-18 at the Tokyu Theatre Orb).
Full list of shows in Japan (translated)
Other Local Shows
Rent - August 30, 2018
Les Mis - September 27, 2018
Hamlet - November 28, 2018
Chicago - December 20, 2018
Other Local Shows
Come From Away (until June 30, 2019)
Next to Normal Toronto (April 26-May 19)
Dear Evan Hansen 
New Zealand
If/Then - November 29-December 8, 2018
81 notes · View notes
nickjlowe · 8 years ago
The Best Songs of 2017 (So far)
Right, so although I find it difficult to imagine 2017 will top last year in terms of music releases given that it’s only April, it’s fair to say some absolute 10/10′s have been released so far. Which is promising. 
10. Total Entertainment Forever - Father John Misty 
Despite the song being relatively short compared to the majority of his discography, it is amazingly progressive, political and will probably make you wish you were on a road trip somewhere in the late 60′s/early 70s. The whole track gives off a summery pop rock kind of vibe as Tillman addresses the ways in which we consume entertainment today and how technology is slowly degrading us. 
But yeah, the song is incredible really.
9. Won’t Look Back - Geowulf
Dream-pop really is the best sub-genre to exist, isn’t it? 
The duo have only released three singles to this date; Saltwater, Don’t Talk About You, and Won’t Look Back, however judging by the quality of these three tracks alone, their album is definitely going to be one to look out for this year. This song effortlessly captures feelings of nostalgia with it’s beachy vocals creating an ethereal atmosphere, similar to the likes of Beach House. 
8. Don’t Take The Money - Bleachers
Jack Antonoff has written and produced for artists like Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Lorde so it’s no surprise that Don’t Take The Money is a pop infused anthem. In terms of production and lyrical content it doesn’t steer too far away from Strange Desire but at the same time sounds completely fresh (despite it being nearly a year old). It’s not until the pace changes at the pre-chorus that you realise it’s probably going to be one of the best pop songs 2017 is going to give us. Oh, and then the chorus kicks in, which is the moment you kind of accept that the song is going to be queued every time you’re about to shower.
The track was co-written by Lorde so it’s only right that she adds a shimmer to this track with her backing vocals towards the very end of the song. 
A feel good banger, basically.
7. Enough (feat. Pusha T) - Flume
Following his second LP, Skin, Australian producer Flume (aka Harley Steten) chose to release companion EPs for the tracks that didn’t make the cut for his record. Enough is featured on the second companion EP and is an absolute banger however it’s not surprising the track didn’t make the record as it does somewhat sound different to any other track on Skin. It’s more abrasive and experimental (which I can’t help but think is SOPHIE-influenced) with heavy trap influence. But it works. Skin was one of my favourite albums of 2016, with Numb and Getting Colder being in my top tracks overall, so this whole EP idea that Flume has going on is great really. 
6. Best Behaviour - Louisa Johnson
The key change............??????
5. Plastic - Will Joseph Cook
Taken from his debut album Sweet Dreamer, this track is beachy/tropical/fruity and gets better with every listen. The steel drums and pop tones blended with his vocals make this song a summer anthem which is quite frankly going to be impossible to top. 
4. 1 Night (feat. Charli XCX) - Mura Masa
It’s the steel drums again.
Taken from his self-titled debut album, 1 Night features singer Charli XCX whose eloquent vocals perfectly compliment the bubbly and beachy production from Mura Masa. I mean the song’s only been out 40 days and I’ve already streamed it 47 times so it can’t be that bad can it.
3. Spun - Ängie
(The song that restored my faith in music)
From Sweden, Ängie only has three songs in her discography, all released through Death Team’s label Rich Parents who were drawn to Ängie after she wrote her debut single “Smoke Weed Eat Pussy” (unsurprisingly). 
Spun is genuinely going to be in my top songs of 2017 overall. The chorus is incredible. The melodies are perfection. While the production completely opens her up to a new demographic making it a track that could potentially be huge on the radio and the charts (if you know people stopped thinking The Chainsmokers is good music).
2. Roll With Me - Charli XCX
I mean if this wasn’t on the top half of this list I would seriously be questioning my hearing ability. Finally she releases the brilliance that is Roll With Me produced by SOPHIE (hence why it’s so good) along with the rest of her mixtape titled “Number 1 Angel” (which could have easily just been this entire top 10).
The energetic and sharp production by SOPHIE contrasted with the laid back and more relaxed vocals from Charli create a nostalgic vibe that will literally make you want to be in a club but crying at the same time. The only frustrating thing about this song is that SOPHIE uses the Burn Rubber stems within his production which is an absolute tease (but whatever just release the song already) 
1. 9 (After Coachella) featuring MØ and SOPHIE - Cashmere Cat
Now this song has been floating around for a very long time. Since Cashmere Cat first premiered it at Lollapalooza last year it was rumoured that the vocal feature on the song was actually Starrah, but no. Also it was completely obvious SOPHIE had contributed an enormous amount to this production on this track since well the entire song is full of classic SOPHIE sounds. To be quite honest I’m not actually sure what Cashmere Cat did but I’m not complaining. 
MØ sings “I know, I know.. You’ll never be mine / I like the way your body moving / I like the way you spread confusion / I like the way my heart is blooming on and on” which was written with Cashmere Cat after they both met at Coachella (given the track title). But yeah, the verses are nice but the SOPHIE choruses are much better. The hyperkinetic, harsh and elastic production completely change the tone of the song, making the juxtaposition between the verses and chorus one that feels like you’re on a journey throughout the entire track. 
To sum it up, the song is phenomenal. 
0 notes