#oh hey what about those stick figures I used to draw
jamofappreciation · 2 months
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Oh hi, this is the next installment of the Stick Figure Episode Guide.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 2 months
And So It Begins
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: cockwarming and general conversation about sex but that's about it-
Genre: smut
Summary: Some things are not self explanatory, and Steve has decided he's going to fill in the gaps by coming to you to ask his questions about sex and some of those questions have more involved answers than you'd expect
The knock on your bedroom door barely pulls your attention away from the sketch you're working on in your bed, however, after a couple of minutes the persistence of it interrupts your focus enough that you finish up the line you're doing and put the drawing pad down with a sigh. You pause the show that was really just filling the silence while you worked and force yourself up to answer the door. Steve is standing on the other side of it, as stiff as ever.
"Hey Steve what's up?"
"You're a smart woman." He says.
"Thank you?" You frown unsure where he's going with this.
"I have some questions I'd like answers to and you're the only person here I trust to answer them truthfully without making me feel embarrassed about it." He explained.
"Usually when people have questions that they're embarrassed to ask, they just take them to Google. The search engine I've taught you to use several times."
"Oh I've tried Google but the answers I get from there are-" Steve trails off and clears his throat, avoiding your questioning gaze.
"Are these questions you need answered now or in the near future? Are there a lot of them? Did you make a list? What are we talking about here exactly?" You quirk an eyebrow up at him.
"I wrote a few down, but I'm sure some of the answers will lead to more questions."
"Alright, come on in. My knowledge is at your disposal." You step out of the doorway so Steve can walk into your room. He takes a seat in the armchair off to the side and flips open his notepad. You had been joking about him making a list but you shouldn't be surprised he did, this is Steve after all.
"Okay I'm not sure where to begin." He frowns at his list.
"Just start at the top babes, whatever you wrote down first." You shrug.
"Right, yes. What is- cockwarming?" He blinks at you. Your eyes widen in surprise. If you'd been drinking something you'd have spit it out.
"Jesus Christ Steve." You chuckle. He blushes when you call him handsome you'd never have guessed those words would come out of his mouth.
"Sorry, I should've warned you it was rather... vulgar." Steve frowns.
"I'm far from chaste Steve, I'm just- I can't believe you even know that word." You say.
"I read it somewhere and I didn't want to Google it because the couple of times I have Googled something like this the results were, undigestible. But you know a lot about sex so I figure-"
"Well hang I know a decent amount about sex, but that applies to a lot of things, it's not limited to sex I'm not the Kama Sutra." You cut him off.
"The what?" He asks.
"Kama Sutra- it's a book about sex and sensuality and what not."
"Oh okay." Steve takes a moment to scribble it down on a different page in his notepad. "Sorry okay so can you answer my question about the other thing or do you not know."
"Cockwarming? Yeah I know what it is." You shrug.
"It's pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Warming a dick. You stick it in a hole, but you're not supposed to move, you just- chill out."
"Stick it in a hole?" Steve blinks at you. Perhaps you could've done better than that but you've had to never explain sex things in a non-sexual relationship.
"Yeah. It could be your dick in a vagina, I'm sure queer couples do it also so it could be your dick in an asshole. Or a strap-on if it's about the... control of it all. Somebody's probably also tried it as an oral fixation thing but I can't imagine that would be nearly as pleasant." Your brows pull together as you consider the option.
"Oral fixation?" Steve asks.
"A desire to have something in your mouth." You say.
"What thing?"
"Anything. Varies from person to person really. Sometimes a dick, sometimes fingers, sometimes gags, the list goes on." You shrug. Steve jots down things as you talk, there's something a little endearing about his notetaking.
"This is all fascinating. But what's the point of cockwarming?"
"That is something I'm not sure how to explain to you." You shake your head.
"Why not?"
"Well because it's a thing people like, and obviously that's subjective. You may not like it but you'll only find that out if you ever try it and that's not something I can really help with."
"Why?" He asks.
"Excuse me?" You blink.
"Why can't you help with that?"
"Why would I help with that?"
"I told you I came to you because I trust your knowledge."
"Yeah but wouldn't a kinesthetic lesson like that be kind of crossing a line? Most people figure this stuff out through porn or with a partner."
"There are a lot of modern things I barely understand, this is an area I'd like to not make a fool of myself in down the line." Steve says.
"Okay. We're friends so- I'll help you out the best I can, I did already say my knowledge is at your disposal but we should probably have some rules if we're going to cross that line." You say.
"Of course. Whatever you think is best." He nods.
"I want to establish safe words. They're used like- referee cards during a sports game, kind of. I usually use a stoplight system. Green means keep going, yellow means slow down or proceed with caution, red means stop and whatever is happening would come to a complete halt. Of course we don't have to use the stoplight you can simply pick a word that works for you. Something easy to remember that won't get easily confused."
"Why wouldn't you just say stop?"
"Well- we can!  It's just that for some sexual activities saying stop may not be ideal." You say.
"Sometimes saying stop is part of the sexual situation so you say it but you don't mean it so it's not really an effective way to indicate that you actually want something to stop. Like impact stuff, spankings and what not, sometimes you'll shout no or stop instinctively but you're not actually trying to ask them to stop, you're enjoying it. So you pick another word to mean stop. Plus there's consensual non-consent-"
"That's an oxymoron." He cuts you off.
"Yes I know but they call it that because all the risk is manufactured, predetermined, discussed and agreed upon in advance. It's all the thrill without any of the actual danger. That's a lesson for a different day. You can write it down if you want to come back to it."
"I like the stoplight. It's simple and self explanatory."
"Great, you can use it at any time to indicate how you're doing. If something is uncomfortable, say so. This isn't some sort of interrogation training, you are not obligated to endure anything and since this is about you learning don't hesitate to communicate with me if you realize something's not working or you have a question. Did all of that make sense?"
"Perfectly." He nods.
"Great. Any questions?" You ask.
"Just a general one- will we need a schedule for this?"
"For when you're allowed to come to me with sexual questions?"
"Well- since sometimes it'll involve more than a verbal explanation, should we have a plan for when it's a good time for you?"
"Nah it's fine. Our schedules aren't consistent enough for that really. Just ask whenever you have one and if it becomes a bigger thing that needs a more in depth explanation we can figure it out." You shrug.
"Well if that works for you, I'm okay with it."
"Very well, we'll start with your first question as today's lesson. Cockwarming. I've already told you what it is but you don't seem to understand why anyone would do it. It's mostly an intimacy thing. For those that do it there's something about the closeness that appeals to them."
"It just doesn't seem very comfortable. Plus wouldn't you want to move." He frowns.
"Well I don't have a dick so I don't know, you can sit there speculating or we can turn this into a hands on lesson and you can decide for yourself it you hate it." You say.
"Hands... on?"
"Yeah, we just went through all the logistics for it. Might as well put it into practice since you're so- curious about the details of this one. You don't have to of course, if you're too shy, feel free to let me know."
"I'm not too shy. I just wasn't expecting that suggestion."
"You wanna get why people do it? Try it. You can either try it now since you came to me for answers or ask your girlfriend when you eventually get one." You shrug. "Up to you of course. What would you like to do?"
"I- okay let's... try it." He says hesitantly.
"You sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure." He nods.
"Do you want me to turn around while you ready yourself?" You offer.
"Would you mind?"
"You know Steve, you'll have to get used to me seeing you naked if this is going to be our arrangement." You say turning your back to him. You do smile a little to yourself, it's a little cute that he's so nervous, and even cuter that apparently his determination outweighs that.
"Well... I guess, but you offered to-"
"I know, you're more on the reserved side and I want you to know your comfort is a priority, but I'm just saying some of your questions might be hard to answer kinesthetically if I can't look at you."
"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. We'll get there. It might take me a while though." He says.
"That's fine Stevie, I'm just the tutor. We move at your pace." You shrug.
"Do I- this may be a silly question, but do I need to fully undress for this?"
"You can keep your top on if you'd like, but your pants and underwear have to come off."
"Okay then- I'm ready." He says. You turn around and Steve stands awkwardly and pantless in your room.
"Have a seat at the desk please." You nod your head towards your desk chair as you shimmy off your own shorts and panties. You can feel Steve's eyes on you as he moves to the seat you directed him to and you have to fight to suppress the smile pulling at your mouth. "Alright, it's pretty straightforward, I'm just going to sit in your lap."
"Wait do- we need to prepare at all for this? Are you sure you're ready?" He asks.
"Normally you'd be right but honestly I'm pretty good already. Trust me, we can skip that step this time around." You chuckle. That's as much as you're willing to tell him, whether he figures out what you mean or not is his business.
"Okay." His brow furrows a bit.
"Do you want to hold your dick for this or is it okay for me to do it?" You ask as you walk over to him.
"Oh- uh you can do it." Steve says his cheeks tinging the slightest shade of pink.
"Okay." You wrap your fingers around his dick and shuffle over his lap, hovering above him as you line him up with your entrance. He's hot and heavy in your hand as you gently rock your hips to help your body take him in. You're incredibly wet which helps but with how thick he is it takes a moment to settle fully onto his lap. He lets out a shuddering breath once you're seated. For a while you just sit silently, trying to control the reflexive clenching of your walls around his dick. You'll admit you haven't had sex in a while, and you don't really think about it often but you're really enjoying the feeling of being full right now.
"Christ." He eventually whispers.
"Are you okay?" You ask him.
"Y-you're so warm. It's like... a furnace." He grunts dropping his head to your shoulder.
"Yeah?" You hum. You almost want to laugh at the analogy.
"And you're so- wet. Are you, just always like this?" He asks breathily.
"I dunno, more often than not I guess? I've never given it much thought because usually there's a lot of foreplay involved in my sexcapades so, it's even wetter by the time I'm actually having sex." You shrug. Steve hisses and bucks into you, making you moan sharply.
"Sorry! Sorry. It just- you keep squeezing around me I can't focus." Steve groans, his hands settling on your hips. You hadn't even realized until now that he wasn't touching you.
"I'm not squeezing on purpose it just happens." You stutter.
"Really? God this is- intense." He sighs.
"Sometimes it's done after sex, if you don't want to lose the closeness of being joined this way even after, the act is over." You tell him.
"That- I can see how that would make sense." He grunts. "It does feel... nice. It's just- also really challenging. You're so- hot around me and unfortunately my anatomy reacts the same as anyone's would when in this situation. It's a true test of willpower."
"Do you want me to get up? If it's uncomfortable you don't have to- I think the point's been made. You've given it a try and-"
"No. No, I'm not- I like the feel of you around me. I'm not ready for you to move." His grip on your hips tighten slightly.
"So- you like it then?" You ask.
"Yeah- a lot actually." He nods.
"Well, now you know. Lesson successful I suppose."
"Do you- mind if we stay like this for a while?"
"Well I've got nowhere else to be at the moment." You shrug.
"Have you ever done this before?"
"Oh, yeah. This is far from my first rodeo."
"So you enjoy it?"
"I mean yeah, I like the closeness of it, and how full I feel. It's comforting, kinda like hugging a stuffed animal but- way different I suppose." You say.
"That's- one way to describe it."
"Sorry, I realize I'm being unecessarily genteel considering you're inside me right now." You chuckle.
"It's fine. It's, cute. But if it's about me, you don't have to be polite for my sake."
"I don't think you're ready for the kind of filth that could be coming out of my mouth in this setting Stevie." You warn.
"I'm not some blushing school boy you know." Steve scoffs.
"Maybe not, but I still think it's better to ease you into that version of me. I don't want it to take away from the point of this. We're not exploring my sexual preferences so no need to throw you into the deep end in that regard." You explain.
"I'm a pretty strong swimmer." He says and you laugh.
"You say that now." You hum.
"I feel like you have no faith in me."
"That's not it. I'm assessing. Thirty minutes ago I wouldn't have believed you'd be having an open conversation about sex with anyone in this tower, let alone me."
"You've got a lot to learn."
"So do you." You smirk, stroking his cheek. Honestly you think you could sit here talking to Steve like this for the rest of the day, as distracting as it is to have him inside you this way and not move, you're far more experienced in this than Steve, and the dull ache is easy to deal with when you're having silly conversations.
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hunter-burton · 3 months
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Recently, I’ve developed the headcannon that Alex owns a little sketchbook! Absolutely consumed by this idea, I made a physical “replica” of what I think it would look like- including some of the sketches inside! When making these pages in particular, I actually acted out a specific scenario to help myself figure out what to draw. This fic is that scenario a bit more fleshed out. Enjoy :)
Opening Up
It sucked coming home so late, especially with all that rain. After, yet, another dragging day of witnessing absolute horrors, coming home, Alex practically dropped their body into the door. Upon finally stepping into their house, they clicked the door behind themselves, muffling the sobbing clouds
Their weird ass cat, Clyde, sat at the small, round, dining table. Its yellow eyes blinked, “How was work?”
“Exhausting.” After closing and setting down their umbrella, Alex let out a sigh, lifting their uniform’s heavy coat off their hunched body and hung it on the thin coat hanger. “Y’know, the usual. Just gotta… sit down… maybe make a cup of tea.”
“Want me to make bubble water on the…” the creature traced circles in the air, “hot thing?”
“Stove? Yeah, actually. I’d really appreciate it..” Alex paused, brows furrowed, “Wait- you know how to use that thing?”
It nodded, “You turn on the knobs and, then the, sttt..circle thing.. tops turn red. I’ve seen you do it before.”
“Hm, yeah. That sounds about right.” They eased their boots off by the door, then made their way to the kitchen cabinets, “Have at it. I’ll get you a pot.”
As Alex reached for and opened the cabinet doors, Clyde tilted its head, “What’s in the rest of those little doors?”
“Oh, the cabinets?” Alex handed Clyde a small, metal pot, which it, then, took to the sink and began to fill with water. “Just general kitchen stuff. Pots, pans, spices…” they spoke over the rain hitting the road and the pot’s wet, metal hum, “Not the tea though. That’s kinda more where you’re at- by the sink.”
Once the pot was filled, it stopped the water, passed the pot back to Alex and then began to pull open all the little doors, “What does the tea look like?”
“They should be in little boxes. One should have a bear on it?”
Clyde squinted into one of the drawers, “keeyy… leee… sty.. all?”
Alex raised a brow, “Does the word start with a ‘C’” they traced the letter in the air.
“‘Celestial!’ That’s them.”
“Alright.” Clyde sifted through the boxes “Which one you want? Green? Sleep?… Gine grr?”
“Ginger? Ginger sounds nice.”
Clyde echoed Alex’s voice, “Ginger it is.”
Clyde huffed, “Don’t mention it.” The box rustled as it pulled out a tea packet. To the side of the boxes, it spots a brown oddity in the corner, adorned with colorful stickers. It pulls it out, along with the tea, “Hey, what’s this?”
Lights sparked on in Alex’s eyes, “Oh! That’s my sketch book!” They snatched the thing from its claws and began to flip through the pages, “Man! It’s been forever since I’ve opened this thing… I used to doodle in it all the time before this… fuck-ass job.”
Clyde scrunched up its face, “Doodle?”
“Yeah! Here, I’ll show you- hold on, le’me get a pencil!” Alex set the sketchbook on the dining table and raced to their bedroom and, soon, returned with a yellow pointy thing and a tiny metal object with holes. Over the trash can, they stuck the yellow stick into one of the holes, shedding off what appeared to be wood, then returned to the dining table to flip the sketchbook to a blank sheet. With the dark tip, Alex began to write symbols onto the page, narrating every movement, “I’ll start with a circle… then some rectangles… dot- dot… maybe some squiggles for the hair- then a neck…” with every soft scratch the tip made on the page, a line appeared. It was like watching magic. One moment, there was a blank page, then, the next moment, “Line, line, box box…” Alex drew an arrow and wrote
“…And that’s me!”
Clyde sat there for a moment with its jaw ajar, “gimme that thing.” It held out its claw, then shifted its eyes, remembering the magic word “..please.”
“Pencil.” With a wide smile, Alex dropped the pencil into those claws, then twirled their hand, “give it a whirl!”
Clyde clumsily situated the magic stick into its four fingers, then began to scratch the page with the tip. Lines turned into shapes and shapes turned into little units of invigoration. First, there was the face, then the horns, the uniform stripes down its sleeves, then the large zipper in the center of its chest. Once blank, this section of the page was now Clyde’s closest replica of its reflection. To top off the illustration, it, while admittedly crude, attempted to copy Alex’s arrow and Me.
Arms crossed, Alex sipped on their ginger tea and nodded, “Nice! That’s actually pretty good for your first time!”
It felt as if some tingling force was tugging on the corners of Clyde’s mouth and from the inside of it’s chest. For some reason, though, it didn’t mind- it couldn’t mind. Dismissing the sensation, however, it looked up to its next subject, sitting across from it, and, once again, scratched at the page, lines flowing more than they did before, now that the pencil was solid in its claws. Once the image manifested, Clyde, again, copied the arrow, pointing to the portrait of Alex, writing:
Seeing that the page was now full, it dropped the pencil.
“Yeah!” Alex took the pencil and wrote the word by Clyde’s drawing of them.
Clyde shifted its eyes to the previous page and up to the writing stuck up in the corner. It pointed to this mysterious text, “What does this, in the corner, mean?”
“That’s the date,” Alex passed the pencil back to Clyde, “I always jot it down when I finish my drawings so I can look back and know when I drew it.”
“Hm.” Clyde twirled the pencil back into its four fingers, “What’s today?”
“Uhm…” their voice trailed off as they stood up and made their way to their calendar, “1988…January…”
In the corner of the page, Clyde scratched down the year and its closest approximation of the spelling for what it heard:
“Today’s a Tuesday… the twelfth!”
The tip skating across the grainy texture of the page was an addictive vibration. Clyde flipped the page, then paused, eyes darting around the room for a new subject to draw, eventually landing on the front door. It scribbled down two rectangles, one for the door, then one for the door’s window, through which rain could be seen pouring down from the sky, then, finally, a circle representing the door’s handle. Besides the sketch, it drew an arrow, labeling the sketch:
“A door?”
“Well,” Clyde crunched its face, “what else am I supposed to draw?”
“Hm,” Alex put their chin on top of their hand, “What’s your absolute favorite thing in the world?”
After a moment, Clyde lit up and began to scratch at the page once more, first outlining several shaky curves, then scribbling in the one at top, and, finally, adding two triangles and a jagged mouth for a face, making a Jack-o-Lantern and, with an arrow, labeling it:
FAVORit thing
“Oh nice!” Alex beamed, “Yeah, I like Halloween too.”
Clyde dropped the pencil and slid it to them, now setting it’s chin on its hand, “What ‘bout you?”
“Oh- shoot…” Alex’s spine pulled them straight soon before they held their chin, “I need to think about this one- hold on…” their voice trailed off until, “Ah! Got it!” They snatched the pencil, twirled the book to face them, and sketched away. With five fingers, as opposed to four, their lines were, clearly, a lot more cohesive, dancing together to suggest depth in what appeared to be a ghost popping out out a TV screen, exclaiming,
Alex turned the sketch book back to Clyde, who read the note they left besides the illustration:
I really like horror movies!
“Horror movies, huh?” Clyde looked back up from the page to Alex, “Like that Critters thing you showed me last week?”
“Yeah.” Alex's eyes sparkled, “Oh- and especially- like- the really bad ones. I heard “Creepazoids” is supposed to be awful- I bought it yesterday.”
Clyde scoffed, “You humans are weird.”
Alex smiled, “Wanna watch it?”
There was a moment where the sound of rain hitting the roof filled the room.
A smile. That’s what that tingling tug was, “Sure.” Clyde smiled.
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kisscara · 1 year
O9. his way of thanks [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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the president of the decorating committee, keqing, makes her way to the front of the classroom. "okay, everyone. let's start planning on what we're going to do for this year's school festival. by the end of today's class, we should have our application submitted to the student council. any ideas?"
yoimiya excitedly proposes, "what about a maid café?" keqing smiles, "i don't know if the guys would be up to wearing those outfits." yoimiya pouts in response, "they could be butlers!" hu tao sputters, "that's boring. you know what we should do? a haunted house."
xingqiu glances at the brunette, "that does seem like your forte, hu tao." ayaka coyly suggests with a tilt of her head, "maybe a drama performance?" keqing uses a piece of chalk to list down the possible options on the board. yoimiya yelps, "why didn't you add the maid café idea!?"
scaramouche is sitting a seat away from you, watching you scribble little drawings on the corner of your desk. his pretty blue eyes deeply analyze your actions. everything you do is just so fascinating to him. "president, could you help us out?" keqing queries.
heizou nudges scaramouche, although it isn't enough to snap the male out of his trance. he hisses, "hey, scaramouche!" scaramouche mumbles, "drawing..."
keqing repeats in a confused state, "drawing?" heizou nervously laughs, "ha-ha, i think what he's trying to say is... ah, maybe we should do an art exhibition!" keqing hums, "interesting intake. any opposing of that idea?"
scaramouche finally gets back to the present and looks at heizou, who gives him a deadpan expression. "i just saved your ass! what caught your attention?" heizou whisper-shouts, scolding his friend. scaramouche glances back at you, where you still seem to be occupied with drawing little animals.
heizou teases him in a lilting tone, "of course."
after heizou leans towards his left side to tell xiao about it, the bell signals the end of class. scaramouche immediately stands up from his desk and goes to where venti's sitting. "hey, give me my headphones. you borrowed them long enough," scaramouche seethes. venti exclaims in return, "no way, the sound quality is so nice!"
the shorter male snatches the headset from him and venti frowns. "fine, i already know it's because you can't last a single day without listening to their drum solos." venti's playful whisper throws scaramouche off.
his complexion goes beet red as he places the headphones around his neck. kazuha lightly laughs, "your face says it all, scaramouche." scaramouche is bound to throw another snarky insult while leaving for the next class, however a tug at his sleeve stops him short.
he turns his head and raises his brow in confusion. "oh, (name). do you need anything?" scaramouche queries, trying to avoid your gaze as discreetly as possible. in the background, venti mocks him, "do you need anything?" scaramouche could clearly hear xiao, heizou and aether quietly chuckling.
"well, no, but yun jin told me to give this to you since she wants you to hear how much potential our band has." you hold out a cd in its case, covered in mostly black but with the unmistakenable, classic and iconic dark blue 5O5 graphics.
"she figured that if you did research on some of our past releases, you wouldn't have found our unreleased songs unless you went to our live performance. these are our most recents and we hope that it meets your standards," you politely say, arm sore from sticking out with the cd in your hand.
you didn't percieve the way he clenched his jaw in excitement, the way sparkles appeared in his eyes and the way he pursed his lips to restrain himself from smiling. "i'll... i'll see if i have any time to listen to it after class," scaramouche mutters. he ends up taking it from you and speed-walking out of the classroom.
xiao steps forward and gives you a few pats on the shoulder. "don't worry, that's his way of thanking you."
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @esquevl @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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jessicas-pi · 3 months
DIRECTOR'S CUT ON COMMIT TO THE BIT but only like the first two chapters i am so far behind 😭
girl I wish I had been as productive as you think i've been 😭 there's only two chapters so far-
(But, hey, good news! Chapter three is verging ever closer to probably being done! And it's only taken me about... eight months... hahaha *dies on the inside*)
Anyway, i'll do what I did with the other ask and just go through it and talk about stuff!
Okay, so this fic was originally called "The Con" because it involved winning a lot more bets via subterfuge and holding hands. That changed and so I renamed it!
Oh yeah! And so, this fic was partly inspired by the song Summer Nights from Grease, where the guys and girls are enthusiastically listening to completely different stories of the same event. I flipped it around so they had completely different reactions to the same story and Sabine and Ezra were very UNenthusiastic and that was what the scenes with their friends were based on!
Aylan (the vostress kid) definitely heard some obitine stories from his dad and finds the parallels very amusing.
I know i've said it a few times before, but it always delights me to mention that the three Togruta sisters (Chisica, Am-lee, and Khenna) are based on me and my sisters.
OHHH fun fact! Originally the conversation where they split up the profits from the bet and the conversation where Sabine brought up fake-dating were two different conversations! The first one was as-is in the fic, but the other one happened like a week later when Sabine was hanging out in a tree coral with some of the girls and watching Ezra doing lightsaber forms and maybe drawing him shirtless a little bit and they hype her up to "ask him out again" and she goes over and interrupts him and they end up having the fake-dating idea conversation while he's not wearing a shirt and she's blatantly checking him out (and at one point actually half-reaches-out to touch his abs before she catches herself) and he's just "????" the whole time. It was funny, but I decided it was too early in the (fake) relationship for her to be so obvious about it, and I needed Fenn Rau to overhear the conversation and that was easier if they were on the Ghost, so I combined the scenes.
Oh also! Originally, both Vinn AND Tarik were gonna get kicked out of the friend group for being nasty but then I decided to make Tarik less nasty and give him a redemption arc.
ok, reading on, la de da...
The post-stargazing scene! So, I had to keep dialing things back because my shippy writer brain was moving their relationship ahead WAY faster than it was supposed to go. For example, in this scene, originally, they were going to share Sabine's bunk and definitely not cuddle or anything, it won't be weird at all, but again--just too soon. I made up for it with excessive cuddles in the end of the chapter & in chapter 2.
KATKA CAMEO!! Ok so for those who don't know---katka is an OC from my Teenage Rebellion AU. She's Gar Saxon's niece but she's utter sweetness (with a slight twist of crazy) and totally on board to stick it to the Empire. In the TRAU, she also has a massive raging crush on Ezra (albeit an Inquisitor iteration of him), so when I needed a random character to be envious of Sabine here, I figured I'd reuse her lol.
Oh yeah! Another condensed scene! Where she tells him about the Mandalorian ways of saying "I love you" and where she asks him to fake marry her used to be two different scenes! Like with the other one, I added the second one to the first. I went through a few versions of the fake-marriage-proposal, including one where Aylan came along with Ezra to Mandalore and was the one to suggest they tie the knot, apparently unaware it's all fake (but actually 100% aware it's all fake because his psychometry revealed it)
not to brag or anything but "Ezra did not regret fake-marrying into money" is one of my favorite lines i've ever written.
(btw, I still crack up when I remember that in your comment on chapter 1, you called Ezra a repressed victorian maiden for panicking over being able to see sabine's arms and legs. and I think everyone should know that You Are Right, Ezra Is A Repressed Victorian Maiden.)
i had so much fun with this chapter because they're both full to bursting with love for each other and neither of them will admit it until the last possible moment. I think that might actually be why Chapter 3 is taking so long--they're not hiding their feelings anymore so there's no more poetic internal monologues about how much they adore each other lol
Ah yeah on the topic of repressed feelings--the line "Kanan is fairly sure it’ll take at least five years and possibly a child for Sabine to admit that she’s actually in love with her husband" was supposed to actually be what happened. Sabine and Ezra were going to go on pretending the marriage was fake for years and finally one night when they were cuddled up, Sabine blurted out that she was in love with him and he was like "Yeah. I know." and she was like "wait what?? how did you know?? I was so subtle about my feelings!!" and he was like "Sabine, you kissed me good-night ten minutes ago. you're constantly calling me extremely romantic pet names in mando'a. we have two children and only one of them is adopted. your feelings are about as subtle as a paint bomb to the face." and she was just like "....oh." and then that was the end of the story! BUUUUT then I decided to do a love confession during the Lothal arc, and that led to the... surprise... at the end of chapter 2, which led to there needing to be a THIRD chapter!
OH HAHA OK MORE FUNNY STUFF. So the part with sabine's nightmare that leads to the "two besties chilling in a bathtub...?" scene was ALSO split up into two different events! I've been thinking about doing some edits of both chapters of CttB because I didn't really stop to edit either of them before posting (and a good chunk of chapter 2 was literally written the day before I posted it), which I mention because I was considering reverting the two scenes back to their original versions because the og tub scene was pretty funny. It's hard to describe in brief words, but basically... yeah it's too hard to describe, just take my word for it, it was pretty funny. (it involved Ezra singing along to We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together with a shampoo bottle for a microphone and Tristan playing a petty revenge prank that goes sideways.)
The cut between Ezra worrying about Sabine being upset about his feelings for her and thinking "what would she think if she knew??", and sabine's pov opening with "Sabine can't stop thinking about kissing his stupid face" never fails to make me snicker.
Oh hey I just got to the thrawn pov and that reminds me. at one point I was thinking about having a scene including Ezra and Thrawn's conversation aboard the Chimaera and thrawn REAAAALLLY pushes his buttons about Sabine, using the information that he figured out about their marriage. Actually, if I do that edit, I might write that scene.
Poor Hera--she keeps unintentionally being responsible for all of the sabezra relationship development lol.
OOH SOMETHING ELSE! So, originally, the love confession was WAY different. First of all, it wasn't in their room--it was in one of the caves. Sabine still went looking for Ezra, but she found him by following a Loth-wolf. And he actually confessed his feelings first! In this version, he was afraid he was going to die and impulsively blurted out that he loved her. Then he got nervous and started rambling a little and she shut him up with a kiss. But I changed it--I wanted her to be the one to take the leap and 'fess up, and if I set it in her room, I could have the funny Ketsu scene afterwards.
And then True Love's Kiss woke someone else up! (aka kanan got yoinked out of his comatose state by telepathic TMI)
oh yeah and to anyone wondering, that "another dawn breaks" line from the Kanera scene was ABSOLUTELY a reference to A New Dawn.
Oh and that Ketsu scene---that was actually a scene I saved and reused after cutting it from a different WIP of mine! There were two variations--the one I ended up using, and one where she accidentally interrupts the very first kiss and they're both like "OH COME ON!" because they've been waiting for this moment FOREVER and like ten seconds in, it gets interrupted, and Ezra decides that, darn it, he's been waiting for this for so long, he's not going to wait any longer! and he just pulls Sabine right back into the kiss and uses the Force to shut the door in Ketsu's face. I did this version so that I could include dialogue!
I'm just now realizing that I actually skipped over the entirety of Family Reunion and Farewell, I went straight from Jedi Night to Happy-Ever-After. But in my defense, plot-relevant episodes don't matter much when it comes to crack fix-it fics.
And... I think that's all my thoughts I have on this! Thank you for the ask!! :)
*roll end credits*
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alina-awen-writes · 2 years
Floyd x GN!Reader, Soulmate AU
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Prompt: Soulmates can’t make each other feel pain
Today was as normal as NRC could get. Y/n had spent most of the day watching Grimm, Ace, and Deuce try to avoid studying, helped Ruggie drag Leona to class, and was even able to avoid Crowley asking for more favors.
Now that history class was over, it was time to take the long trek back to Ramshackle. Hopefully this time they’d be able to make it home before sunset. Since the dorm has been abandoned, the road wasn’t well lit and was honestly pretty creepy to walk alone.
As Y/N passed through the main walkway, they heard a familiar laugh, followed by someone asking for more time. Not being able to control their curiosity, they poked their head around the shrubs. After seeing the two near-identical mops of blue hair, with a random student sandwiched between, it was easy to realize what happened.
While Azul was doing better about his contracts, he insisted his restaurant and lounge needed to be staffed in some way. Now instead of placing restrictions on students’ powers in exchange for deals, they would agree to ‘volunteer’.
No clue why this student thought they’d be able to hide and run from the twin eels though. Y/N knew better than anyone that when those two had their eyes set on something or someone, they’d end up getting it.
As the three slowly got closer to the hiding spot, Y/N moved next to the nearest statue. Silently hoping that they’d be able to hide well enough and stay out of sight, particularly Floyd’s.
Y/N had no clue why that eel gained an obsession with squeezing them. Originally it seemed to just be Floyd's form of cruel and unusual entertainment, but now it was on another level. Each time they tan into each other, Floyd would chase Y/N around until something else came up. Until it was time for Azul ordering him to leave, classes started, or Y/N was just lucky at finding a good hiding spot, Floyd stopped for nothing.
Now that the trio was directly in front of the statue, Y/N couldn't help but hold their breath, scared that even the smallest noise would draw attention. Apparently hopeful thinking jinxed them, because right as they were about to exit the walkway, Grimm came bustling in yelling at the top of his lungs.
“Hey, Y/N! Whatcha doing behind the statues? Oh! Is there a hidden can of tuna back there?” Yelled the blue ball of fur as he hurried over.
As soon as Floyd heard the name and saw where Grimm ran to, he shoved the escapee into Jade’s arms and rushed right over.
“There’s my favorite Shrimpy! Why’d you hide from me?” He excalimed while leaning over and showing his usual big grin.
“Oh, well…I just saw the both of you were busy and figured it would be best to leave you be. Can’t have you be late when working for Azul!” Y/N stated with a nervous chuckle, still hoping they’d be able to escape without being used as a living stress ball.
“Speaking of which, man! Look at the time! Grimm and I have a lot to study and need to get back to the dorm. Nice seeing you, talk to you later!” Trying to end the conversation on that note, Y/N grabbed their furry companion and went to run past Floyd to safety.
Unfortunately, the universe continued to work against them. Their foot caught on one of the shrubs roots and all they saw was the ground getting closer. Right before impact though, everything stopped. Quickly realizing that Floyd wrapped his hand around their waist and was the only thing keeping them up. With this realization, Y/N felt their face slowly getting warmer with each second.
“Now, now Shrimpy! Gotta be careful and watch where you step. Could’ve squashed your little friend here.” Floyd said with a smile as he grabbed Grim by the collar and moved him out of reach. Grim wasn’t one to stick around when things were going south, so he started running as soon as he could. All Y/N could hear was him yelling something about meeting up at Ramshackle.
Before they could think of a way to get out of Floyd’s arms, he started to speak. “Well Shrimpy, guess you owe me now since I saved you and your little pet. Good news is I already know what I want!”, each word made his usual grin get bigger and bigger, only making Y/N’s stomach sink lower and lower.
While Floyd had never been able to ‘squeeze’ them yet, he kept saying how he wanted to. Normally, a tight hug wouldn’t be a big concern, but with how the students who’ve been through it have complained about backaches and rumors of a few broken arms, Y/N was pretty much terrified of what they knew was coming.
With their eyes squeezed shut and hoping for a quick recovery, Y/N just hoped that Floyd would be a little reasonable and try not to break any bones. However, even though the hug felt a little tighter than necessary, it didn't hurt.
After another minute of the hug, Y/N finally worked up enough courage to talk, "Um, Floyd? I think the squeeze is done now. Could you put me down?", they asked with a small smile. Hoping that asking nicely would help.
Unfortunately, Floyd seemed far too happy as is and just shook his head in response, "No way Shrimpy! You're the first one to like being squeezed. If anything, makes me think I should squeeze you even tighter." He stated blankly.
This argument would’ve continued for awhile, if it weren’t for Jade walking up. Y/N realized that they’d been so wrapped up in dealing with Floyd, that Jade had been able to take the student to Octavinelle and come back.
“Now Floyd, you know not to play too hard with your toys. Might be best to put Y/N down before you cause bruising.” Jade said with his usual fake smile
However, instead of listening to his brother and letting Y/N go, Floyd just held on even tighter. “But Jade, Shrimpy doesn’t mind it! If they did, they’d be like all the other fishies and yell for help!”
That comment made Jade reanalyze exactly what was going on, and once he pieced it together he let his rare genuine smile come to show.
"Well, it looks like I have wonderful news for our next phone call with Mom and Dad. They'll be so happy to hear about how one of us finally found their soulmate." Jade stated while eyeing Y/N with a half joking and half serious look, before turning around and walking away.
"Wait, soulmate? That's actually a thing? Jade come back here and explain!" Y/N yelled out as Jade disappeared into the building once more.
"Awww, don't worry Shrimpy! I'll take good care of ya!" Floyd stated with a happy sigh, back to squeezing his new found soulmate and loving how they only sighed and accepted the hug.
-———————The End—————————
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Hey! For your character ask game - what about our own 2k3 Donnie with any/all of: 2, 6, 7, 12, 22, 25? I do appreciate him <3
Oh! Thanks, hon!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That although he is a geek (affectionate) he is just as badass as his brothers. I know people often see him as a pacifist, but that is simply not the case. Just because he is slow to start a fight, it doesn't mean he's not gonna finish it!
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
That neither one of us can draw anything more than stick figures. I mean, I used to be able to draw, but I gave that skill to my daughters years ago...
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I know it is weird, but I like that they show us his trauma. I mean, after going through the events of SAINW and Good Genes and having to leave Kirby behind in that world he drew into life... I can understand why they didn't show much in canon, since it was a kid's show, but the fandom always knew... Don had to have come away with some issues.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
That he is the primary "doctor" of the family, but that he doesn't like it. He'd much rather be working on machines than people. In fact, I wrote this into Something Wicked.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I write far, far more than I read, so I haven't really formed any opinions on these!
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
After growing up with Don from the Mirage comics, the 1987 series, the Archie run, and the 90s movies, I went into 2003 with mixed expectations... and my first impression was that he reminded me a lot of Donatello from the Archie run. Their personalities are very much the same, and now when I go back to read those comics I "hear" Sam Riegel's voice.
My impressions of him have not changed much!
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biteforblood · 1 year
my favorite lines + details from huxley’s first vid ( contains spoilers + cursing )
him saying “nice” and “sick” and “like” and “bro / dude” a bunch
how he talks. i’m gonna be honest…used to annoy me, but now i love him for it <3
“woah! careful there. you almost just walked right into me. wouldn’t want you to, like…bounce off. hurt yourself.” face first into tits…nice ( as if i’m tall enough to be boob height /hj )
the way he says “wasthat?” like it’s one word
“my name’s huxley. or you can call me hux. or the people on my team call me 69 [ … ] eh, no, that’s not my jersey number, uh…why do you ask?” + hux’s confusion + fl being like ‘nevermind, nothing, moving on!’
the fact hux fails intro. elemental control every semster
how he wants to help, his patience and care and kindness and comfort, how he explains things, him picking up fl’s attempts to avoid the problem
( teaching fl about cores and magic ) “…but, uh— but hey! i mean, like, ya got me, i guess. so uh…that’s okay. uh, i got this” then softer to himself “i think…”
huxley not only drawing in the dirt, but also mentioning earlier how’s he’s gotten in trouble for it and digging holes and him being all like ‘i put it all back, earth elemental, duh’
the whole stick figure thing i love it so much graaaaaahhh!!!
“well, uh…s-so that’s you. [ … ] yeah, uh, the little stick figure.”
“so, you got powers. that’s uh, that’s what those wavy lines are. wavy freelancer powers and shit.” i…love you so much, huxley
“like if we cut the little stick bro open, he’s just gonna have, like…a stick heart and stick lungs and shit.” my favorite fucking bit!!! he’s so stupid and silly!!! /aff + pos
“[ … ] well, yeah, now that we’re talking about cutting him it up, it’s not you anymore, that’d be fucked. nah, stick bro :D” bet kody would do that /hj + neg
him calling fl fancy for saying ‘non-corporeal’ + saying it’s a two dollar word + the way he says it i can’t XD /pos
“oh, shit, yeah, okay, you don’t know what the meridian is, um…well…shit. i-i guess i don’t really know what the meridian is either. ( laughs ) fuck.”
“did the drawing help? [ … ] heh, yeah yeah, ‘m not like an artist or anything.” shush, ya make the best stick figures anyone’s ever made
huxley asking before touching fl ( unlike a certain soggy bitch… )
hux and his big hands hehe :>
him saying fl’s hands feel nice then getting flustered + making sure they’re okay to keep holding hands if they want to then getting flustered again!!! /pos
his righteous as fuck anger towards kody + “water boy’s about to become a fucking underground spring.” get is his ass, hux! get! his! ass! ( love that’s it’s the most replayed part )
then immediately comforting fl, worried he’s scared them, checking in
hux offering to walk them to their car / next class / etc. even if it means skipping a bit of practice
realizing they’re still holding hands graaaaaahhhhhh!!! /pos
calling kody a wet bitch + implying he’s gonna go after him after practice ( heheheh yeeeaaah get his bitchass )
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cody-helix02 · 8 months
Hey Cody! I was just thinking about how much I love your art, I admire it a lot! I do decent with traditional illustration but whenever I try with a tablet it’s like trying to speak a foreign language. What software or techniques help you? Or really anything you’d like to share!
Thanks! 🙏 ❤️
Hey ho! Oh thank you I am happy to hear that ☺️🤍
So eh to be honest I tested out a few different apps for my tablet...the thing is I got a samsung so that limits me a bit 💀 So I haven't tested procreate and such...
The app that I use is just IbisPaint X and I gotta say it is completly fine for the sketches that I am doing 😌
The style of it is pretty simple and I got the hang of how to work with it relatively quickly ☺️ BUT I am not big on using any like effects and colour stuff for shading and such which the app can do...I just never really used it 💀
If you want to look into it the app also has a website with loads of tutorial vids on how to use it! Which is pretty nifty when trying to learn new things or remember how to do certain techniques 😌
Other then that...ah yeah when it comes to my own drawing techniques...ABSOLUTE CHAOS. 💀 I don't know what else to call it...I put down a rough undersketch...like just a stick figure or some swishy lines and then I start 🤣
What helps me when doing those silly doodles is just keeping the lines loose and flowy...don't concentrate too much on perfection and sometimes just capture the vibe of the picture...I also gradually build line weight/thickness for details and shading...BUT if I get too tangled up in the details I get frustrated 💀 You can't imagine how many GIANT sketches I deleted cause I straight up HATED them cause they turned stiff...and urgh...💀
ANYWAYS! I am fuckin shitty when it comes to advice but I hope I was able to help out a little bit 😅🤍
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Best SAO Abridged Lines As RP Starters Pt.3
“Sheeptar the Sheep King, your reign is at an end.”
“If that thing hadn’t already killed seven of us, I’d say this was a really stupid boss.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, we can’t just go around sacrificing NPCs! Some of my best friends have been NPCs!”
“That makes way too much sense.”
“Choke on it! Choke on my vengeance! How does it taste?!”
“Yeeeah. You know what? Maybe he has a point. This is super uncomfortable.”
“Sooooo… how’s your day goin’? You’re looking pretty relaxed there, buddy.”
“This grass feels amazing.”
“I suspect that wasn’t a real question–”
“It was great! You should’ve been there! He was climbing the walls, spitting acid…”
“We’re still talking about a sheep, right? Not like a… fluffy Xenomorph?”
“Its a really stupid boss!”
“Apparently not that stupid if it killed seven of you.”
“…twelve now, actually…”
“I mean, you survived, so hey. Silver lining.”
“Okay, what the hell is wrong with you? You’re way too… mellow.”
“Well, I had some time to kill before the raid, so I figured I’d power level my alchemy a bit  by eating some weird plants, and now everything’s…. just… great…”
“Look, okay? I get it. You had a really bad day. You’re stressed out, seven people died…”
“Not the point. Look, they’re dead now. And really? Whose fault is that? That’s right. No one’s. So why don’t you lie down, relax, and watch the stars with me?”
“Its two in the afternoon! There are no stars!”
“Only if you’re looking with your eyes.”
“You’d better come down soon so I can kick your teeth in…”
“Huh… those dudebros make an interesting point.”
“I mean… as a man, there’s really only one option here.”
“I drew cat whiskers on you because I thought it would be funny, and it was!”
“Vhew eh pfftff Well… tff I… I dfff I-I mean… jju uu You know…! jj–… You- you could’ve… like… tjj ahu…”
“Yeah, remind me to draw on your face more often. I’ll eat like a king. Or at least a very wealthy janitor.”
“This coming from the guy who ate random plants off the ground?”
“Oh really? Well who’s dumber? Me, or the one who takes a nap next to some crazed drug fiend?”
“Need I remind you that YOU were that crazed drug fiend?”
“I can’t be held responsible for stoned _______. That guy’s an idiot.”
“Oh, looks like we are out of time! We’ll have to continue this next week, but in the meantime, please enjoy these lovely consolation prizes from the ________ Is Always Right Foundation.”
“Oh my god, you’re insufferable.”
“Huh… look. A human pinata.”
“He’s dying!”
“Uh… correction: he’s suffering. Probably hurts like a bitch, but he’s not gonna die.”
“Hey man! When you pop, could you try to send the candy over this way?!”
“I’m gonna go cut him down, you jackass.”
“Hey, anyone got like a thirty foot stick? I wanna take a crack at this thing.”
“So did anyone see where the candy went, or…?”
“For christ’s sake, a man just died!”
“Ah, yesss… but that just raises an even bigger question. Why do you care?!”
“I’m sorry, are you asking me why I care that a man was killed?”
“No, I’m asking why YOU care that a man was killed!”
“Welll… let’s see… most people would - charitably - refer to you as the crown prince of douchebags, long may he reign.”
“Your usual reaction to human suffering is to pull up a chair and crack out the popcorn! What’s your angle?!”
“I am shocked and appalled that that is your opinion of me!”
“Starts with an A---… right, Y. Starts with a Y. I mean its close, they’re basically neighbors, you can understand my mistake.”
“Its uh… Yo… Yo… Yo… Ya… Yoooooga pants?”
“Oh, spare me, Wonder Woman. You’re only doing this to prove I was wrong.”
“Hey! At least I PRETEND to be nice to people!”
“Yeah, whatever, uh—wait, ‘pretend’?”
“Well if its not my least favorite customer.”
“Aw, you just say that because I’m not dumb enough to buy any of your crap.”
“Yeah, well if there’s one upside to being trapped with these idiots, its that they’ll buy pretty much anything.”
“What’s the matter with you?! Why would you bring her here?! I thought we were friends!”
“What is up in dis… hizouse?”
“There’s just so much beauty in the world, you know?!”
“So dat’s da sitch. Think ya can scope da deets on dis gat for us, homey?”
“Um, but I’m da one dat asked you.”
“Why you ignoring me bro? You got cotton in your ears?”
“OH GOD! I-I didn’t mean it like that!”
“Grand Wizard _______ here’s not what you’d call a ‘people person’.”
“Um, excuse me?! Mr. Kettle? Mr. Pot called. He said you’re black!”
“What? Its a turn of phrase. It has nothing to do with race.”
“Okay, now you see dat? DAT was racist.”
“Well CLEARLY, I’m stabbing myself with this sword to see if it kills me– Oh god, what AM I doing?”
“Ah… handing the black man a murder weapon. Tale as old as time.”
“Do you really hate this place that much, or do you just love the sound of your own voice?”
“Its my gift to the world.”
“Hate to break it to you sweetie, but the world wants a gift receipt.”
“No refunds or exchanges. Only store credit.”
“Shhhhh. The grown-ups are talking.”
“Really? Then show me the body.”
“There is no body!”
“You can’t prove that he’s dead. Let me give this poor girl some hope.”
“Oh, don’t even PRETEND that’s what you’re doing!”
“________, why would ________ have wanted to make sweet love to your friend’s chest with the business end of a broadsword?”
“Meh, I’ve killed for less.”
“I knew it! They’re finally coming for me! It was only a matter of time! The walls are closing in!”
“Ever since he got trapped in here, he’s been terrified that his more… 'verbose’ commenters are going to make good on their threats.”
“I used to laugh at their comments! You hear me?! LAUGH! But now?! What if they actually DO chop off my limbs, rip out my intestines, and ride me like some sort of meat toboggan?!”
“You hear that? 'Meat Toboggan’. Try getting THAT image out of your head. Grippin’ his entrails like the reins of Santa’s sleigh. Streaking through the fresh morning snow on a trail of bile and gore, as his eyes beg the same question as the horrified children in his wake. 'Why…?’ ”
“This… may have been a mistake.”
“I disagree. I think you’ve got a real flair for this.”
“Did I say 'reason’? Sorry, I meant the screaming monkeys that live in her brain.”
“I don’t know about you, but I have a duty to my fans to survive this! …I mean, to the ones who AREN’T threatening to use my spine as a pitching wedge.”
“I think we can safely assume a ghost is not the culprit here!”
“Of course not. Obviously it was a Hit by the Mermaid Mafia paid in Leprechaun gold! But who was the puppet master? The Unicorns? No… they’ve had a feud going with the Mermaids for years.”
“Damn it, this is serious!”
“Weeellllll… I’m not a doctor… but I don’t like her chances.”
"Ah! Ah! Ow! Ah! Ugh! Ah.... aaaugh..."
"Really? I figured some random perp would be no match for the world's greatest detective. Oh-ho wait, no... THAT'S BATMAN. And you're not Batman, are you? You will NEVER be Batman."
"That, uh... cut surprisingly deep. Well played."
"I can't believe you just left me with that guy!"
"Really? What part of that was out of character for me?"
"If you say '_______', I'm going to stab you in the eye."
"So anyway, I think we should go over what we know so far."
"Why? I figured the whole thing out hours ago."
"My sandwich! It was innocent...!"
"SHHH! I must grieve."
"What do you want?! Scalps?! I can get you scalps!"
"Oh, I see. You're an orphan blood man! Do you prefer your victims pre-drained, or do you like to get your hands dirty?"
"Oh, so you like them crucified! Well, that'll be a bit trickier, but I'm sure I can work something out!"
"...so, where are we on the whole orphan blood thing? We talking heads or liters?"
"For the love of-- We're not ghosts! We faked our deaths!"
"Seriously, ________? How many people would you have killed if we'd asked you to?"
"Thaaaaat's... not important."
"And Samson said, 'With an asses jawbone, I have made asses of them. With an asses jawbone, I have killed a thousand men.'"
"No no! You sighed! That's not nothing!"
"Boss... I get what you're going for. Bible quoting serial killer... its a great motif. Classic. But... its a big book. They're not all gonna be gems."
"Okay, bigshot! Name one verse that's scarier than that."
"Oh, I don't know. How about 'no flesh shall be spared'? Mark 13:20?"
"Holy shit! That's in the Bible...?"
"Have... you ever actually READ the Bible?"
"Look, we're getting off-track. I'm the guild leader, and I say my verse was better."
"Don't you think the whole 'Jesus tells me to kill' thing is... holding us back? Plus... you're not even all that good at it."
"How DARE you! The J-man's teachings inform everything I do!"
"That's not even a word! Much less--- ugh. Forget it. Let's just kill these guys and go."
"Stupid horse! That entrance was almost perfect!"
"Don't patronize me, Yoga Pants!"
"I'm afraid that's impossible, officer. The Lord has ordered these sinners dead, in the form of a guy who pays fifty bucks..."
"Fifty bucks? Selling yourselves a bit cheap, don't'cha think? You guys provide an essential, in-demand service, and you're DEFINITELY the leaders in your field. I mean, you GOTTA cash in on that name recognition."
“The high-paying clients won't touch us. They take ONE LOOK at Reverend Killjoy over here, and think we're a bunch of crazy people!"
"You could reach a much wider demo if you just tone down the religious theme."
"What you guys need is a total rebranding. Ad campaign! PR blast! Get your faces out there! Let people know you're not just about the fire and brimstone! You are multifaceted, three-dimensional killing machines, and you have got a little something for everyone, because contract killing... is a beat we can all dance to."
"As payment, the lives of these sinners are now yours to command."
"Thanks! Jesus told me to say it."
"Huh... so I own you guys now. That's cool."
"Serves one per conspirator, may contain trace amounts of 'caaaaalllled iiiiit'."
"How did you realize I was lying?"
"Ah, well, that part was quite simple. You see: I'm not an idiot."
"Yeah, that'd do it."
"Of course... I do have some evidence. If you're into that sort of thing."
"My first thought was ___________. My second thought was 'Oh shit, window.' And with that, much like that window, the cracks in your facade started to form."
"As if anyone would let that moron in on a conspiracy. A friggin' landmine deals with pressure better than him, and would kill fewer people."
"You seem to have put a lot of thought into this..."
"Well, someone had to."
"BUT. This whole thing still leaves me with one question... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"
"Oh, right. Totally forgot. I should probably mention that he didn't do it."
"What? I just thought you guys might like to know. You seemed pretty interested in the subject."
"Well, I'm sorry. SHOCKINGLY, he wasn't very COOPERATIVE."
"How big is this web?! You're catching school buses in this thing!"
"Hey! We just gift-wrapped your friend's killer for you! You maybe wanna react here?"
"Ah! A valid point! But tell me. Do you think ______ would've trusted a stranger to do the job? Well then, you must think _______ was skilled enough to kill _______ one-on-one. Or perhaps smart enough to catch her unawares?"
"Oh my god, _______'s not the killer."
"Hey, people threatened to kill me for giving Pokemon: V&R a seven out of ten! At this point, I've learned to just assume the position."
"Hold it, I've got something I've been holding in for a while... That hat makes you look like a HIPSTER!"
"What? No! Bullshit! I had to go to a dark place to pull out that masterpiece! It was full of emotions that scare and confuse me. Now come on, get up! We're doing this again! And this time, you're not gonna fold just cause that hat makes you look like John Lennon joined the mafia!"
"See? There's no challenge in it! Verbal abuse, man. Its a lost art."
"You guys were the best slaves a boy could have."
"Fuck it! I tried! You all saw it!"
"We're gonna make sure you get the help you need, buddy. Behind this tree."
"Look, if this is about me being right about everything, I forgive you, okay?"
"Damn it, I'm trying to be nice and have a moment here, which isn't easy with SOME people being so LOUD!"
"Wait-- nononoNONONO---"
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incarnateirony · 11 months
...oh my god she even took me/his/our Rumpocky thing my ex has zero original thoughts.
My ex wife makes shitty website for pagan services
Pretends she was the hermes follower instead of her previous Shaman Schtick or occasional claims at Athena following.
Steals my hermes quotes, makes it her whole brand, something she never even heard from her magical friends
I. Can. Not. I literally have "rumpocky" on a 2007 LJ post and this bitch branded herself. bitch do you UNDERSTAND *WHY* it was rumpocky? Are you??? STEALING??? A MEDIUMSHIP STORY????????????????????????? ARE YOU THAT BORING?
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you dUMb CUnt
d u m b c u n t doesn't understand why even rumpocky those years ago and truly oh my god [facepalm] she really is just sitting there roleplaying every echo of my life, get therapy.
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The Rumpocky Pagan. Jesus, just admit you have nothing. He's. Not. With. You. No. Matter. What. You. Play. Neither is She. They haven't been for a long time. And you know it. Charging people out the nose for you badly miming my shadow is truly lowbrow though.
Watch the bitch be arguing in her head "well he takes it and likes it" yeah and he also takes and eats fried crickets on sticks, what the fuck about it. But that'd require him being there, and not you pretending to hide the dreams you know you're having and what they mean to wave and perform for your friends. Or maybe even to self soothe. But it isn't working, is it?
Hey, sweets.
Driving in reverse.
In five years this bitch'll be rebranding to Thee Crustdaddy Pagan or maybe The Incarnate Irony Pagan, maybe with some more stolen logo/character design.
Take the cue on why your art muse walked out the door two years ago, you had nothing but mirror mandalas, art that diminished to fractions of its previous quality, generally had to give up on your stores for it, and could only draw when you were ripping off my shit. It's a muse. You chased yours out. Everything else since is theater.
Move onnnnnnnnn bitch. You wanted me out, so stop trying to bring parts of me in.
My ass out here having to innocently kick rocks when a [redacted] agent is asking how tf I got involved in Some Shit and this bitch can't even figure out her pagan brand name without stealing my shit jesus FUCK yea nbd just disposing of this [other redacted] grade object like a nuclear hazard at sea after [damages removed] [deathcount censored] and a few weeks fuck all chaos, but this bitch is like mmmmmmmm Aaron told me a story about hermes and rumpocky once, that qualifies me as a follower that can charge people money for services lololol
Go back to arguing with ghosts in Alabama.
Damn, wish I'd put something of the bitch's in the final yeeted form too, it worked pretty damn well to yeet jarpad and his fans out of cons.
like Hermes' gramma says, if you're going to throw a box into the sun, you're going to have to do it yourself.
You know she's saying follower of Hermes but I bet you, she couldn't tell you a single axiom of tehuti or a single classic greek tradition or hymn or any of the neoplatonic branches associated with him literally all she has is psychotically larping him off of what she knows from me for others while stealing my shit and hoping nobody notices. while. she. charges. them. she's never studied a goddamn thing about him, and I goddamn know this. I was her pipeline of information or books or references or resources or whatever the fuck and she never once fuckin. even read the kybalion. She doesn't even know the alchemical steps. None of it. God. Dis bitch about to google it all now to update her LARP. Has she brainwashed her pals so bad they had a collective stroke and forgot I was the alchemist, and she constantly ranted that she was a shaman and totally different from my shit?
"durhur crowzzzz" like congratulations you know how to spell his name on wiki search and probably watched a video about Tricksters. Ffs. Start at Liber XXX, bitch, it's Morality For The Average Man. Try it. Start there. You might actually learn something that means something.
You would think even if she pretends to outsiders she isn't dealing with what she is since then. That after she made public that she got tricked by the world's most basic bitch cryptoscammer scheme into losing all their savings, that maybe the god of commerce, communication/internet, trickery and thieves is like. The opposite of in your favor giving you secrets.
Weird how that worked out, isn't it, sweetie? But I mean if you can't even think up a brand name without ripping my shit about him, how can I expect you to hear some godly warning transmission that bitch, you're fucking dumb as a brick, don't give him your login, you absolute mudbrain.
Boy am I glad I caught the vibe from him these last few years and just stopped giving her anything about him even before the split. Like no, no I wasn't projecting, he went out the door and took the art, success, and protection in transactions and life with him and with me and she still can't cope with that, huh
You know, before we left Alabama, Hermes expressed he was concerned with her habit of wanting to hide behind other identities and not own her own. I didn't understand then what he meant. Now I get it. Jesus.
And yknow what bitch. He said it to you, even back then. Stop playing. Either move on or fess up. You will never replace that shit. Stop with the bad echoes.
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indieblueart · 1 year
Hey, I really like your art style. It's really cute and I was wondering what you use to draw? I've been wanting to explore digital for a while now.
Another thing, I've been trying to get into the more cartoonish look. Do you have any tips or trick? I'm currently limited to paper, but I thought I'd ask anyway. It's all good if you don't feel qualified to answer, though! <3
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Oh, thank you so much!
I’ve used a variety of programs; currently, I use Procreate on an IPad! If you’re just exploring digital art for the first time and don’t want to spend money, though, I recommend Ibispaint if you’re using a mobile device, and FireAlpaca if you’re using a computer. They’re both simple, free programs that really help you get the feel for how digital art works.
As for the more cartoonish style (or any style, really), my strategy is studying, experimentation, and practice.
For studying, I recommend checking out your favorite cartoony styles and looking at them with a critical eye: what ways does the artist create the cartoony feel? Is it the way they use lines, the way they draw eyes, the colors they use? A combination of those? Learning the “how” is a very important first step!
Experimentation is taking all those little bits and pieces of your favorite styles and putting them together, with your own special twist! Figure out what pieces work for you, and which ones don’t, and find a combination that you enjoy working with. Art is about having fun, after all; make sure you enjoy the process!
Practice is repeating experimentation over and over until it’s ingrained in your muscle memory. Practice shapes, practice lines, practice colors. Just a single sketch, every single day (even if you think it’s bad!) will help improve your art drastically over time. Every great artist started with a stick figure.
Sorry that got a little long ^-^ I hope it helps!! Good luck on your artistic journey!
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nyx-sagau-dreams · 2 years
Hello, if it’s possible, could I have a match up?
I don’t have any preference for genders and ambiamorous, and I use she/her pronouns. I’m studying forensics, and I love doll making and sewing/embroidery, as well as music and D&D. I tend to be a little awkward, but I’m also incredibly empathetic once I get to know someone. As for scenarios, I don’t have any specific ideas, but maybe something soft? I’m in the mood for happy things.
Thank you for the ask! I have match you with! Hu Tao!
(As a reminder: MATCHUPS are currently closed, SAGAU REQUESTS are not!)
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Hu Tao is confused as to why you keep sticking around. She makes a point to annoy you specifically so you leave her and she won't get attached. But then the intentional annoying turns into genuine teasing, and then whoops, she's caught feelings! Turns out your empathy was exactly what you needed to draw her out of her tightly layered shells of fear and guilt.
Plus, she enjoys hearing your breakdowns on how and why someone might have died. She thinks it's cool how you can figure something out like that even if she only gives you a few details. Sometimes she invites you over just to talk about her most recent clients. Somewhat morbid for dates, though, so she makes sure that you both get chances to do other dates too! SLowly you get to know the real Hu Tao, not the Funeral Parlor Hu Tao, not the Business woman Hu Tao. The soft, scared, vulnerable Hu Tao. The Hu Tao who's afraid to lose those closest to her and has thus pushed everyone away.
You pushed open the door to your home, humming slightly. You'd had a fairly uneventful day, and now you were going to make yourself a nice dinner and relax.
At least until you saw Hu Tao at your kitchen counter.
This was not an uncommon occurence, so you just greeted her.
"Hey! I missed you!" she said in response, looking up from the papers she ha don the table.
"Are you in my house jsut because of that?"
"Yeah, pretty much," she replied, looking back at her papers. "Also you have a smoother table than I do."
You peered over her shoulder. "What are you doing?"
"Managing the Wangsheng finances. I'm not super great at it, but I don't want Zhongli anywhere near the money." She giggles as she pats your hand over her shoulder. "I'm sure you understand why. Luckily, he seems to have figured out his own bank account finally. I'll never understand what's up with him, it's like he's used to money just appearing in his pockets!"
You giggled with her, then remembered soemthing. "Oh, Tao, I have something for you! Stay here!"
You went to your room, and grabbed the box off your desk. You were going to wait till the weekend, but since Hu Tao was here now, you might as well give it to her. You returned and set the box down in front of her, but not on top of the sheets.
"I made you something."
Hu Tao slowly opened the box. Inside, she found a doll of herself! The details were immaculate, even down to her Wangsheng Uniform. She smiled, and gave you a hug.
"Oh my god, I love it! Thank you! I'm going to treasure it forever!"
"And if she ever needs repairs, just bring her back to me," you tell Hu Tao. "I'll make sure she's in good condition."
Hu Tao hugged you. "Do you think you could make one of you?"
Heat rose in your cheeks at her request. "We'll see. Now finish your finances, I'll start on dinner."
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laplacesdevil · 1 year
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@autismrobot5 yes. Yes tou can. I am SO sorry it took this long
We'll go over Miss B first because MMMMWAAAHHH!!!!! I LVOE HER!!!! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH SHE IS JUST SO!! OOOOOOO!!!!! All of this will be under cut because it's gonna be Lengthy. Most information can be found on their toyhou.se profiles as well! (They're in the Main Projects folder!)
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Miss B is a reporter! Specifically, she broadcasts to an outer audience (technically, us), making most, if not, all drawings with her canon. She also hosts podcasts, but she prefers to be seen the most! She has fourth-wall breaking powers where she speaks to the audience! I'd like to keep her backstory a secret for now, as I'm working on it on-and-off, but I will say she's drastically different from who she was back then and WILL stuff down all negative feelings bc of it. They hate talking about their past. I. Still haven't figured out their reporter voice, but their normal speaking voice is bugs bunny. They are both bunny-adjacent.
Miss B has her own universe btw! It's a floating-in-the-void studio mixed with a penthouse. Multi-floors. Middle floor is her whole studio. There's a compartment in the studio where all folders of possible candidates to interview. Btw the folders kinda hold like an wikipedia-level amount of knowledge on those characters.
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Oh yeah forgot to mention, but Miss B also has a little sidekick of sorts! His name is Frankie :3 (he/ted/hun) n he's a friend's oc! At the moment, while said friend also doesn't know Miss B backstory, Frankie is Miss B's cameraman! Also he is 2. (He's actually like. 7-10 I'm gonna be honest I don't remember.) Miss B and teds parents are on pretty good terms with each other. Miss B also cares a lot for Frankie and always makes sure ted stays behind when it's on dangerous interviews + when hun is sick. Miss B doesn't actually need a cameraman, as it knows it's always (or usually) being watched, but it appreciates the company! Think of them having a slight Sonic-n-Tails friendship
I need you to know that she was originally my fem Springtrap human design before FNAF 3 came out OK? I'm putting her old pic here. Her name was Boldenzie, if u even care...... also her red suit is inspired by old Spamton. Sorry for the gunshot. As for Miss B herself, she came to be because i thought boldenzie was pretty. and i wanted her back. she was actually gonna be a feddyverse oc (Rivals with gracie) but it wasnt workin. also she was gonna be a bit like junko from . the. the. the. the rompers. i thought it would be fun for her to be multiverse, i think bc of santana
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now..... santi..... My dearly beloved.
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so. Fun fact. He's been meant for MANY projects before, but I couldn't make him stick, or I couldn't figure anything for the universe he was in. His "most recent" (abt a year ago, tbh) universe, he was named Marikit Guinto, nicknamed "Calamansi"/"Kalamansi". He had a partner named Rey Basa (they/it), nicknamed "Juniper"/"Juni". Tammi's siblings were in the universe too, but like I couldn't figure out what the universe could be like, so I trashed it. Tammi's siblings are ok btw. Would love to draw them digitally some time. Santana's original design + personality were based off of vry2k gordon because he's so fucking pretty
So, how did Santana FINALLY get to stick? So you see, I had a dream where it was like fnaf roblox building mode. And then there was a pretty cute health inspector because Of Course There Was. I don't remember much abt what happened, but when I woke up, I IMMEDIATELY went to drawing him. Thats when I noticed "Hey this looks like cala". Not sure how I got to him being multiverse, tbh, but then i incorporated his past selves
anyways. to ACTUAL santana stuff.
santana is an angel. He has a true form, but he never feels quite comfortable exposing it, unless in dire situations. He was aware of his past universes, and used to answer to a being called The Almighty One, who he sees as the one who created all the universes he's been in. His backstory goes into it a bit, but basically, after so many requests of a new universe, The Almighty One offers Santana a deal of providing him a universe: record all of the universes that had been created. Santana was desperate and accepted it, and The Almighty One sends him off.
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so like that was a lie btw. well. not PARTICULARLY a lie, but it's an imposible task. The Almighty One isn't even the one who creates the universes, and there's different ones created every second.
Anyways I think I've said this before, but part of Santana knows his task is impossible. But he doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to admit that all this work is for nothing. Because if it's for nothing, then what does he have left?
He tries to make himself believe it's for something. To keep going. That the promise will be kept
By the dubs. he was also lied to that he couldn't interact with others. He can! The last time he did, The Almighty One FUCKED with him. Look, I've drawn Santana a few times and he seems elegant and shit, right? I promise you he is NOT that man is emotionally constipated but he's forcing himself to stay stoic and unattached because if he lets one vulnerability he's scared he will not be able to handle it.
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So, unlike Miss B, he has to record everything himself in a journal he conjures up! btw i need you to know miss b sometimes has santana conjure up accessories for their outfits smtimes.
oh this is important. santana and miss b relationship. they certainly do got sm stuff btwn them. problem is that they both have partner problems (i.e., for santana "i watched my boyfriend fucking die in front of me"). Miss B acts real sweet on Santana (she calls him Santi!) and finds him really fun and interesting! Like, wow! Another multiverse traveler! A pretty and smart one too! So fashionable!!! And there's no info on him too? Wowza... Santana, on the other hand, does enjoy Miss B's company after going so long without interaction (will not admit it) and believes she (and Frankie) are the only ones he can interact with safely. But also he pushes the both of them away because he's kinda scared otherwise. He does care for them though.
Santana and Miss B want to get close to each other, but at the same time, the two of them keep their secrets guarded HARD. they complement each other really well.
anyways here's their playlists
miss b: youtube spotify
santana: youtube spotify (missing a song </3)
btw i should note this bc i havent gotten to drawing it yet, but santana sometimes gives himself tits because he likes havin em. he's got some kind of gender going on and i want it
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ocverse · 6 months
OCVerse Christmas Collab 2022: The Cabin Part 1
by Realith
[A cold, almost blizzard-like wind bears down on three figures as they make their way through the night. Their destination shines warmly shortly ahead of them: A saloon, all windows lit, piercing through the darkness. Pushing through the last of the wind they find shelter in a brightly lit dining area.]
Myth: Ugh, finally out of that blizzard… [Looks around] And just to double-check, we're in the right place?
Nameless: [She pulls out a small paper tube and pulls out the small scroll within] -Yep, seems like this is it. A cozy saloon of two floors.-
Celle: Dang didn't think the OC-Verse would have access to a snug place like this!
Myth: Heh, so long as the creators can draw and screenshots exist, I don't think we're too limited when speaking of locations. [Raising his voice] HEY! IS ANYONE HERE?! TRANSLATING A BOOK??
[Silence, save for the low hum of the orange electric lights and muffled wind outside.]
Nameless: -I think it's a bit too early to be throwing out obscure references that only nine people on earth would get.-
Myth: Hey, there will always be room for a funny reference.
Celle: Well, at any rate, it seems like we're the first one's here.
Myth: Eh, better early than late. Guess we should just settle in for the moment.
[The three take off their thick outer coats and hang them over their shoulders. Celle then notices something on the large square bar table.]
Celle: Oooh, cookies! [She grabs two and begins munching on one].
Myth: And a note as well: "Make yourselves at home! Will be back soon! -Alessa." [Myth sees a stick figure girl holding a gun just below the words] Huh, ain't that a fierce signature.
Nameless: -Alessa… Ap0rc's girl, right?-
Myth: Yep, pretty sure. And yeah, just remember, I'm willing to bet that we're the only 'original characters' here on familiar terms with our creator. We don't want any existential crises so we need to stay quiet about it. We are also to keep a cap on our powers; would hate to turn this bar into a crater the size of the Atlantic Ocean.
Nameless: -Our lesser abilities should be fine?-
Myth: Yeah, I'm sure we can open portals or whatever without any hassle. We'll need to anyway since we still need to buy presents for the others. [Turning to Celle] How're the cookies?
Celle: [Speech muffled a little] They're pretty good actually! Though, I can taste a twinge of gunpowder in them…
Myth: If memory serves I think she has a little knack for guns and pyrotechnics. Wouldn't be surprised if a little of that touched her cooking. [Myth takes a cookie and gives it a bite] Hm! Well, not bad at all!
Nameless: -What are we thinking on the presents?-
Myth: [Finishing the cookie] I think there was a guest list somewhere- Ah, there, on the back wall.
[They walk over to take a closer look.]
Nameless: -It's a pretty decent list. Who're we buying for?-
Myth: Well, [Summoning a blue holographic screen showing the OC-Verse Discord server] Ap0rc didn't put any limits on gift buying, so I guess we can go one person at a time. [A moment of thought] Why don't we start with Alessa?
Nameless: -No objections there. We can even gift all three of her wishes!-
Celle: [Finishing her cookies as well] Sounds good to me. Though, I'd like to leave that to you two.
Nameless: -Oh? What will you do then?-
Cell: I'll stay here and mess around in the kitchen. [Making the stereotypical one-eye-closed smiling anime face] See if I can't whip up something warm for those yet to come!
[Myth and Nameless meet eyes, then nod.]
Myth: Fine by us, whatever you cook hits the spot every time.
Celle: Hehe, I won't disappoint!
Nameless: -I'll grab your coat and hang it up for you.-
Celle: Thanks sis. You two have fun shopping! Try not to get anything too extravagant!
[Celle hands her coat to Nameless and with a wave disappears behind the bar in search of the kitchen.]
Myth: [Looking at Alessa's entry on the guestlist] Alright, so a scarf, a cool knife, and tons of chocolate. Any idea where to get those?
Nameless: -Let's try Cellaria's kingdom. I'm sure she'll be happy to help pick the best of what her world has to offer.-
Myth: Sweet, to the Queen's domain then. Just one last thing before we go.
[With the wave of a hand a tall white-timbered coat rack materializes into being near the entrance. They hang the coats and a knife-slash looking tear in the fabric of space appears beside the two, glowing many hues of pink, purple and violet. Nameless and Myth step through and the tear vanishes, leaving no trace.]
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Alessa and Iris try coffee for the first time (naturally Alessa insisted on having hers black after being warned xD)
by ApOrc
by Realith
[Scene begins with Alessa, Celle, and Iris around the square bar table. They're enjoying cups of coffee alongside some tiramisu that Celle made.]
Celle: Hope that bitter coffee of yours doesn't mess with your taste too much; would be a shame if you couldn't taste the tiramisu!
Alessa: [Face crumpled] Mleh! It's Fine! If tiramisu counts as a sweet, then it'll just balance out! [She stabs a big square of tiramisu and gobbles it in one bite. After a moment of chewing, Alessa's fork drops from her hand].
Iris: [Concerned] You alright Al?
[Alessa's expression of shock quickly melts into an expression of ecstasy. A choir can be faintly heard as Alessa seems to glow.]
Alessa: [Speechless for a moment] It's SOOOO GOOD!
Iris: [Turning to Celle] What did you put in that Tiramisu?
Celle: [Grinning] Nothing special, just followed a video on YouTube from a guy who goes by Babish! Cooks a lot of good stuff.
Iris: Huh, I'll be sure to check him out. [She takes a sip of her coffee but then slightly doubles over with an expression of inner turmoil].
Celle: Uh, are you alright?
Iris: [Groaning a little] Ugh, just remembered I dislike coffee…
Celle: Well drat, the tiramisu wouldn't suit your taste then.
Iris: [Shaking her head and smiling reassuringly] No, no it's alright! You've done a lot for us already.
Celle: Even still, it doesn't sit well with me if you're forced to eat something you don't like. [She puts her hand on her chin, then, after a moment, puts a fist on her palm to express an 'aha!' moment] Alright, why don't we cook something we'll all enjoy?
[Iris' eyes light up, and Alessa snaps out of her euphoria, now replaced with excitement.]
Iris: Really? Won't we use up the ingredients meant for the entire group?
Celle: Not when your friend is an interdimensional traveler!
[Celle lifts her hand and beside it a rift opens; through it they can see a massive pantry full of ingredients. Ornate shelves almost overflowing with foodstuffs tower above their point of view. The rift then closes, vanishing with small embers of pink light.]
Celle: [Turning to them] You can say our resources are limitless.
Iris: [Shocked].
Alessa: [Using her hand to free her locked jaw] So… you're saying we can…
Celle: Cook whatever you want? [Pause] Absolutely!
[Alessa and Iris lock eyes. They then look at Celle with incredibly eager grins].
[Episode ends].
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
game night
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4 of the Chaotic friend group was seting up for a game night They didn't know they were also recording it to the group chat so they were not prepared for the Mayhem that was about to to happen
main ships are kuroshou goshiMiya(Hina
in the Chaotic friend group GC
osamu: has anyone see our sister everyone:nope Tachi:Goshi is missing too Yaku: i don't normally mind but Kuroo is missing kuguri:same but with captain
A live has started
Suna:A live?
Akaashi:has that always been a feature we never knew about?
they clicked the video
Atsumu:now what the fuckity fuck is this
Kuroo:You know I am very disappointed I will not be able to celebrate Kenma's Accomplishment tonight
He sounded so condsending when he said that
out of the video and back in the Group Chat
Akaashi:what Accomplishment pudding Kenma: Well I don't see it as a big deal but I just started up my business and its taken off everyone: are you kidding us not a big deal congrats kenma
they went back to the live
Goshiki:Me too but we'll see him tomorrow Kuroo:yes its just that all the years that I've known him He's never had the opportunity To really Receive my admiration And I was excited to see the look on his face when it finally happened Sho:you're unbelievable Kuroo:I know 😏
Daishou:all right Pictionary what are the teams
--------------------------Keep Reading --------------------------------
Back in the chat
Kenma:Daishou is there? Hiroo:Yeah that is actually surprising consider those two do not get on
back to the live
Sho:how about Kohai's vs senpais aka bf/gf vs whatever you two have going on Kuroo:oh that hardly seems fairs But I guess any team I'm not on Has a decided disadvantage Sho:Once again unbelievable Kuroo:Once again I know Sho:Alright round one here
sho show's kuroo a card with a word
meanwhile in the chat
Kenma:oh god i do not have high hopes for kuroo Atsumu:sis has this Samu:^ Kuguiri:captain is screwed Hiroo:hate but I agreed
back to the video
Kuroo:got it sho mumbles: doubtful
Back in the chat
Semi:do you though Suna:📸 Kunimi:oh send kuroo's epic fail Compilation to the blackmail GC Omi:please do Akaashi:The fact you guys have a blackmail GC and I'm not in it Kind of scares me
back to the video
Sho:okay ready set go
they start drawing sho is drawing a square
Goshiki:a box whindow
meanwhile on Kuroo's board he drew a stick figure
Daishou: Batman
kuroo drew another stick figure
Daishou: oh oh batman and Robin
He drew a 3rd stick figure confusing :Daishou further
Daishou: Wonder twins plus the monkey
back with Goshiki and sho sho just finished adding a bow to her drawing
Goshiki: gift Oh PRESENT!! Sho: Present Yeah!
sho gave Goshiki a kiss
Kuroo: oh Suguru how could you not get that Daishou: In what universe is that a Present Kuroo: It's not a present it's the present look there's you and me then chibi-chan and Goshiki we are playing Pictionany in the Present
back in the chat
everyone....🤦🏻‍♂️ Akaashi: Kuroo san I see where you're going with that but Wrong present
back in the video
Sho: Oh my god we're gonna kill them Goshiki: No please do
sceen changes and Daishou and Goshiki is at the boards both drawing Circles
Kuroo: core gluon plasma Daishou: 👎🏻 Kuroo: it's Asymptomatically free partons in side  a Quark-gluon plasma Daishou: Nothing to do with Quarks Kuroo: it's an observational rebuttal of the lambda-cdm model of the universe Daishou:👎🏻
Goshiki drew something similar and sho shouted out
Sho: It's a chocolate chip cookie Goshiki: yes honey Daishou: Now how can you miss that Kuroo: Hey if you want someone to guess chocolate chip cooking you put a glass of milk next to it
Back in the group chat
Kenma: So remember when I said I didn't have high hopes for kuroo Suna: um yes Kenma: Make that I have no hopes for him Semi: same though our kohai are doing better Then they are
back to the video
Daishou: Goshi got it Kuroo: Yeah after I eliminated all the Obvious answers You're welcome by the way
it switches back to sho and kuroo and hew drew Sausages
Daishou: oh oh sausage Kuroo:👍🏻 Daishou: Bratwurst? Kuroo:👎🏻 Daishou: oh oh oh a hotdog 🌭 Kuroo:👎🏻 Goahiki; sunshine aren't you going to draw something Sho: relax we got time  this is so fun
at this point it looked like kuroo was drawing anything
Kuroo: there Daishou: A solar system Kuroo:👍🏻
kuroo was getting visably angry
Daishou: unidentified flying liverwust Goshiki: Now?! Sho; Soon Kuroo: Come on Suguru I am spoon feeding this to you are Kohai are winning here Daishou: jesus Kuroo i don't know what you are drawing anymore is it casper the Alcoholic ghost
sho gets up Seemingly had enough of all the stupid Guesses
Sho: alright that's enough
she went to the board Started drawing
Daishou looks at the chat
Daishou: what the... has this been live recording the whole time Semi:yep we watched the whole time good job by the way sho and Goshiki Sho: thanks semi Goshiki:^ Sho: well we are going to end the video and go have dinner Atsumu: be careful sis Sho: hai onii chan
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kuroo offline
Goshiki offline
everyone else offline
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