#oh he's gunna getcha
adventures-written · 2 years
Vash is gonna just wait until Nico isn't looking before sliding a whoopee cushion onto his seat with a wide little grin.
Normally he was the prankster. The one to put the jokes or little games on everybody else. And then it happened. The second he sat down, the second he heard the sound, he knew. That did not stop the red tinge from crossing his dark skin as eyes looked at him.
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He immediately was looking at Vash. "You-!?" He wanted to be mad, really he did. But honestly...there was a feeling of pride there. "You actually got me." He smirked. He'd have to get him back now.
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ickyguts · 1 year
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Did a fanart challenge thing with fliqpy >:)
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starheirxero · 1 year
what are your opinions on the cover art of moondrop in the tales of the pizzaplex (the one with him having swirly eyes)
what are your opinions in swirly eye moon in general
- 📦
I will start by saying that I have heard theories that “Moondrop’s Dream Sphere” this is like, a sort of remnant harvesting type deal? But personally my takeaway was that Moon is a sleep grim reaper LMAOAIQPSJA
I also think the sort of “lucid dreaming but not really” deal is interesting! I know that the books are meant to be an alternate world of FNAF to fill in any gaps the main timeline has, but at the same time I like the idea that this means that Moon might have a sort of hypnotic effect on some and used it to help kids with nightmares! Would it make sense? Absolutely not!! But still fun regardless!
So generally my take is thatI like it!! It slightly annoys me that the swirls are a pink/purple color rather than red because the book LITERALLY says multiple times that the mini Moon model in the sphere has red eyes BUTTR i know they probably did it for Afton hints or smth LOL
So yea, I like somnophobia and I got some pretty cool headcanons out of it!!
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phoenixryzing · 7 years
Twilight Family: School Start (Part Two, Chapter Three)
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Aster, Raven, and Amaya climbed out of the car and stood staring up at their new school. It was an old brick building,with a clocktower in the very center and old trees in front of it. The place looked a little run-down, vines growing up the walls and trees, cracks in the brick path leading to the door, an old flagpole that’d seen better days. But it had a quaint kind of charm all the same, like a place out of a storybook.
Twilight got out and went over to hug Amaya and raven. “Now, remember to be good, listen to your teachers... and if you need anything, just ask them to call me. I’ll come getcha if you need it, okay?” The girls nodded, nervous. Twilight gave them one last quick squeeze and said, “Now run along, go meet your classmates.”
The trio walked over to the playground to the left of the school, where a variety of kids were playing. The children ignored them, except for a few odd looks, so Raven boldly went forward and introduced herself to a knot of them. 
“Hi! I’m Raven! What’s your names?”
The kids looked over and introduced themselves as Dan, Robert, Julia, Pizza, and Sandy. Once done, Sandy- a Metazoan with large floppy dog ears- asked Raven, “So you’re new? Where you from?”
“Galvan! We just moved here two days ago! Are you from here?”
“We all are,” Dan said, sneering. “We aren’t backwoods bumpkins like you.”
“Bumpkin? What do you mean?” raven asked, confused.
The boy laughed. “Your clothes! They’re so ragged! What, you poor or something?”
Raven glanced sub-consciously at her clothes. She wore a black shirt and pants as usual, but the shirt was all torn and patched from the many scraps she got in- as well as blood-stained, though fortunately black didn’t show it much.
“I wear this because it’s comfy,” Raven said. “What’s wrong with ragged clothing? I think it looks cool!”
The other children laughed. Raven’s face started to fall, but then lit up as she said, “Hey, quit laughing at me! You’re just a stupid bully!”
The others stopped. Dan said, “Pf, I’m no bully, but you’re dumb. Come on guys, we got better things to do.”
The kids walked off, but one stayed behind- Pizza. The Foodie went up to Raven and said, “Hey, forget those guys. Dan’s just in a bad mood, he’ll warm up to you.”
Raven looked up and smiled. “Thanks, Pizza. That’s an interesting name! You from Fornax?”
Pizza nodded. “Uh huh! My parents moved here when I was a baby! Something about broadening horizons? Whatever that means! But hey, you’re from Galasa-whatever it was?? What was that like? Did you go to school there? Did-”
Raven laughed, and cut her off. “Whoa, whoa, one question at a time! Galvan was pretty cool! I didn’t see a lot of it though, I had to stay home a lot....”
“Why?” Pizza asked, tilting her head to the side.
Raven instantly realized her mistake. This is what Twilight meant about being careful. “Well.... I get sick pretty easily! So I had to stay home.” Not... too much of a lie, she did get injured easily at least.
“Ohhh, I’m so sorry! What did you get sick with? Is something wrong with you? Not like I mean something seems wrong with you, I mean....” Pizza went on, but Raven’s attention got drawn elsewhere, to a familiar, distressing sound. 
“Excuse me,” Raven  said, turning and running off. Pizza looked puzzled, but just shrugged and walked off.
In the distance, some younger kids had formed a circle around Amaya and were shoving her and teasing her. Amaya was crying, a high-pitched wail Raven would recognize anywhere. But she was afraid of what that meant... the kids had no clue what they were dealing with.
Suddenly, Amaya’s wail turned into an unearthly animal scream, and she suddenly flushed red. She raised both her hands, and suddenly slammed them into the ground, knocking the other kids back.
Raven reached her a second later, running through the circle of dozed children. She went up and bear-hugged her sister, trying to calm her down and keep her from using her magic again.
“Amaya, Amaya! Calm down! You’re gunna hurt someone!” Raven shouted, keeping a firm grip on her struggling sister. 
Amaya didn’t respond except to roar, and Raven felt the blood inside of her start to writhe, pulling her away. She gasped though, as the internal pressure started to break open her skin, scattering her blood in a line behind her. She hurriedly back away, out of Amaya’s range, all the while crying from the pain.
Aster ran up, and found Raven bleeding from the cuts in her back and new ones along her body, and said, “Lie down, quickly! I’ll heal you.” Raven did so, and Aster started to restore her, when she was distracted by a scream.
Amaya had made one of the kids stand up, and was raising him slowly up. The boy screamed, as the blood in his body rushed up and tried to rise, putting pressure on veins that threatened to burst.
Aster left Raven, and ran and tackled her little sister. The impact knocked Amaya to the ground, dropping the boy, who started coughing up blood. 
“What are you doing?!” Aster shouted. “Were you trying to kill him?!” 
Amaya didn’t answer, just lunched forward at her sister, and the two girls rolled on the ground, fighting. 
Then suddenly, two strong pairs of hands lifted them apart. “What is the meaning of this?” a woman said. “Stop this instant!”
Aster stopped struggling and looked up- a large woman with a nametag that read Mrs. Peters was holding her, while a large male was struggling to hold onto Amaya. 
“Stop struggling you!” the man said, tightening his grip on Amaya. From the look of it, he was a security guard, but even still he had trouble holding onto the little girl.
Amaya flushing had faded, though her eyes were still red. She made hand motions like she was trying to use her magic, but it did nothing. She had used too much.
“My sister gets fits,” Aster explained, “and she can’t control herself. She becomes like a wild beast. Please, try to understand. I only was attempting to inhibit her.”
“This is your sister?” the guard said, looking between the two girls. “And just who are you? I haven’t seen you before.”
“I’m Aster Stein, and that is Amaya Stein,” Aster explained. “We just started today.”
“You haven’t even started class and you’re already fighting. Despicable!” Mrs. Peters declared. “Well, we’ll whip you into shape I’m sure! Glad I don’t have you ruffians in my class though. I do have Raven Stein, where is she?”
“Raven!” Aster said, struggling out of Mrs. Peters grip. Before the teacher could grab her, Aster raced over to where Raven lay, breathing shallowly. She quickly went back to healing her while the teachers and guard walked closer, and soon Raven opened her eyes and sat up. 
“I’m fine,” she muttered. “Thank you Aster.”
“You can thank me by being more careful,” Aster snapped. “You trying to get killed?”
“Killed?” the teacher asked, horrified. “Is the child as dangerous as all that?”
Raven laughed. “No, I am weak as all that. But that boy....”
They looked over, but the coughing kid was nowhere to be seen. “Huh. Must be alright,” Raven said. Aster shrugged.
“Oh, John? He went to the nurse,” Mrs. Peters said. “Coughing something bad. Your sister do that?” she said, motioning to the still-struggling Amaya.
Aster sighed. “I’m afraid so. Her magic is blood manipulation, and she uses it when threatened.”
“The kids were bullying her,” Raven said. “I saw them. They were teasing her and pushing her around.”
“Make no excuses and tell no falsehoods. Her behavior wouldn’t be warranted in any case. I will have to send her to the principle’s office.”
“Oh please don’t!” Raven said. “She just started, it’s only her first day of school. And I’m sure she won’t do it again! Please don’t get her in trouble so soon.”
Mrs. Peters pursed her lips, and said, “I’m afraid I must. It is my duty as a teacher. If I let this fly, what kind of chaos would reign here! Come- oh, she’s still having a fit. Alright George, carry her to the office. Let’s go.” And the two adults walked off, George still carrying Amaya.
Aster looked at Raven. “Are you really okay?”
Raven nodded. “A little dizzy, but nothing I’m not used to. You know I was made tough.”
“Too bad that toughness doesn’t go to your skin,” Aster snarked. Then she sighed. “Any luck with the kids?”
Raven shook her head. “No. They called me a bumpkin. You?”
Aster shook her head. “They said I was a know-it-all.”
Raven cracked a smile. “What a way to start school, huh?”
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