adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Raspberry baked vanilla cheesecake with chocolate crust using Ketocal Vanilla 4:1, Holland and Barrett almond fluffy and butter. Cheesecake is Cream cheese, beaten egg and double cream with a little sweetener and vanilla powder. I added 2 raspberries chopped up to bring the carbs to 4grams which is his allowance. This goes down a storm.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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I have at last cracked the MCT Procal pizza....phew! Adam enjoyed but it was a little fiddly to make but worth seeing his face beam!
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Ketogenic diet still going well. Seizures reduced by a third so far. Managed to stay in Ketosis since January.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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My fabulous boy has become a teen. I think he is looking really bright and well. He seems more awake, more involved and much happier. Still more work to do but we will get there and have fun along the way. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Ketogenic diet for epilepsy...this is our life and it's not that hard, honest!
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Ketogenic diet still going well. Seizures reduced by a third so far. Managed to stay in Ketosis since January.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Ketogenic diet for epilepsy...this is our life and it's not that hard, honest!
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
Ups and downs
So we reached a state of ketosis last week and then as fast as it came it then disappeared. From 4.6mmol readings we started getting 2.2mmols. We have felt our hearts sink as we felt like all the efforts we put in were for nothing. Anyhow we have been in touch with Adam’s dietician and we have altered his diet prescription lowering his protein (and calories) down a little. He will be on a higher fat to carbs/protein ratio now. A big lesson we have learnt is not to do too much batch baking in the initial stages as there are often changes made in the beginning until we get the right ratio for our boy…no two diets are the same. So we shake ourselves down, find ways to keep motivated and off we go again….fingers crossed we get this right as we have no seizure control yet.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
Adam is in Ketosis
So happy, ketones reading last night was 4.0 now we have to keep it there!
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Steve has been batch cooking....loads of food ready for Adam.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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2 breakfast muffins to reheat tomorrow morning and behind I have prepped all the ingredients for Adams mushroom and chorizo risotto for dinner. He is doing well with all the new foods he is eating and he is looking really well too. Still high seizures but have not yet achieved a stable state of ketosis in week 2. Keep on keeping on 😘
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
One of those uppy down days!
So apart from Adam and I taking a tumble on the stairs as he went into a seizure the day has been a hive of cooking. This morning scrambly eggs with mushrooms, tomatoes, spring onions and cheese with a Betaquik shake. Lunch was a creamy chicken and celeriac soup which was so thick I like to call it "No spill soup" and dinner will be courgette carbonara which is Adam's favourite. His levels are getting higher and I hope he will creep into a smooth state of ketosis... wish us luck.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Mini peanut, pecan and walnut butter cookies to have with a betaquik and DaVinci sugar free strawberry syrup Milkshake. Perfect for an outdoor meal whilst on our travels. These are going to come in so handy. Recipe to come soon 😘
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Courgette and cheddar fritters with avocado and cherry tomato mayonnaise went down a treat but note to self....loose the tin foil as they stuck to it! Big mistake!!!
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
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Today we have been doing a little baking. Cheese, ham & mushroom flan with my secret pastry recipe. I serve with a peanut,pecan, walnut butter, butterscotch syrup(sugar free), cream and water milkshake. These go down a treat.
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adamsketoblog · 7 years
We have started the Keto diet
I meant to post yesterday as we kicked off but had no sleep the previous night due to Adam having seizures. Steve took over everything, thank goodness I have the best husband in the world, he is my rock. Anyway Its day 2 of the Keto diet. Its introduced slowly. Yesterday was one meal and snack that was keto. Today 2 meals and snack and tomorrow 3 meals and 2 snacks. Alongside this we give 50mg of apple juice for each 3 main meals that we then reduce to get a controlled balance of ketosis….simples!!!!! Wish us luck xxxxx in 2 weeks we “could” see a seizure free Adam but I am not getting my hopes up too high in case it doesn’t happen. Today I am cooking and writing up keto recipes for my folder. I will eventually post recipes and photos but once we get all this change under our belts and it all becomes “normal” life (whatever normal is).
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adamsketoblog · 8 years
Chocolate Muffins
Chocolate Muffins Makes 4
 Ratio for all 4   2.878 Kcal 726 Fat 69.9g, Protein 20.2g, carbs 4.1g
Yes my son could eat 4 in a row easily but what I plan to do is give 2 with half a supersized ham and mushroom flan (another recipe I made) which will make up his meal prescription for lunch.
Sukrin Almond flour       15g
Coconut Flour (Groovy Food company)    10g
Ketocal 4.1 Vanilla   11g
Tesco Full fat cream cheese 61g
Bicarb of soda   2g
Betaquik    30g
Eggs whole beaten   48g
Sunflower oil  13g
Coconut oil  20g
Cocoa powder 4g
 Add sugar free Liquid sweetener to taste or even sugar free flavoured syrup, chocolate is nice. I put a squirt of Waldons sugar free chocolate syrup into the centre of each muffin before baking using a small syringe…yummy xxx
Mix together all the ingredients apart from the raspberries until you have made a smooth batter.  Divide mix between 4 silicone cases and then chop and divide the raspberries equally between each muffin 2 g each.
Bake at 175 degrees C fan or 180 degrees C typical oven for approx. 20 to 25 mins. Tops of the muffins should be browning and spring back to the touch.
Leave to cool if you can wait and then enjoy.
Keep any left in the refrigerator for up to 2 days I would say.
I haven’t tried freezing these yet but guess they would be ok as long as fully thawed before eating.
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