#oh but they literally say jesus ch-- no!
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to-know-how-it-ends · 5 months ago
jewish Curtis brothers. send post.
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joaniscruzing · 9 months ago
stars between us - ch.3 - h.c
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Here's chapter 3! I'm looking to do a one-shot or two before continuing this further. I'm always taking requests for anyone in my Masterlist. Comment on this post if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this fic!
Summary: The first day of the two-day camping trip with Hazel. I'd recommend the song "how soon is now?" by the Smiths, for at least the beginning of this chapter.
Contains: overwhelming amount of fluff, sad hazel, mean!pj, slight angst, a wee bit of flirting, mention of weed/drugs
To say that you were scared awake is an understatement. PJ quite literally BLASTED a horn into you and Hazel’s ear the next morning. You jolt awake, not realizing you were still holding Hazel’s hand. However, in your jolt, you squeeze it. You then realize that Hazel got very close to you in her sleep last night. You let go of her hand under the covers and rub your eyes.
“Morning Haze.” you said sleepily.
“Morning,” she replied in a raspy voice.
“Gee, aren’t you guys tired! What, were you guys finger-fucking each other all night?” PJ interrupts. All you and Hazel do is give her an annoyed look, as you had barely woken up and were already done with her shit.
“PJ, just because two people slept in the same bed and are tired waking up, does not mean they fucked each other,” Brittany points out.
“Okay, okay. Jesus.”
You and Hazel begrudgingly get out of bed, knowing that staff would be knocking at the cabin’s door to wake everyone up soon. You both got changed into comfortable outfits for the day. Today on the trip, everyone would be picking up trash, planting flowers, and hiking.
“Your shirt is very pretty,” Hazel says as you’re fixing your hair.
“Oh, thanks!” you smile at the unexpected compliment.
“What flowers are those?” Hazel motions to the flowers on your shirt.
“Oh these? They’re irises.”
“Are those your favorite flowers?”
“No, they’re tulips. Do you have a favorite flower?”
“Actually, yeah. They’re daisies.” Hazel smiles, looking at you with her gorgeous blue eyes. You nod, internally reminding yourself to keep that in mind.
“Alright, are you ready to go to breakfast?” you ask Hazel. She nods, and stands up. She looks at you for a second, contemplating something. She shakes out of it though.
“Yeah! Let’s go!”
“Wait, Hazel, I need to talk to you.” you hear from PJ from the corner of the room.
“You can go without me. I’ll meet you there.”
“Are you sure? I can wait, I don’t mind.”
“No, no. Just save a plate of breakfast for me, okay?” You give her a thumbs up and leave the cabin, closing the door behind you. Mid-walk to the tables, you remember that you forgot your book. You make your way back, but hear your name being said in the voices you hear when you’re at the door.
“She probably doesn’t like you Hazel. Look at her, she’s friends with the cheerleaders.” you hear from PJ.
“How is that different from Josie and Isabel?” you hear from Hazel.
“Well Isabel was gay. Your new little friend is not.”
“Well we don’t exactly know that yet. Plus, I want to get to know her. Not stick my tongue down her throat.”
“I’m just saying, don’t get disappointed if she doesn’t hang out with you after this weekend.” after that you hear silence. You hear footsteps, which cause you to scramble away from the door. However, you still need your book. You approach the door again, opening it, and seeing Hazel waiting there, her eyes swimming with tears.
“Hey.” she says quietly, a small break in her voice.
“Hazel. Are you okay?” you put your hand on her shoulder. She nods her head, although you know damn well that that’s a lie.
“Let’s go somewhere else.” You lead Hazel outside, and go about fifteen feet away from the cabin, near some trees.
“Can you explain to me what’s wrong?” Hazel tries to calm down, but keeps on crying. You put your arm around her shoulder and rub her arm soothingly. “Talk to me. Let me know what’s going on.”
Hazel’s breathing becomes less erratic and she’s able to catch a breath. She leans her back against the tree.
“I guess, uh, PJ doesn’t really think that you and I are really friends. She told me that you’re just being nice to me because I’m really clingy, and that like I haven’t stopped being around you since the bus ride.”
“Well, you’ve told me once, and I’m seeing once again, PJ is an asshole. Why are you even listening to her in the first place?”
“I, um, don’t know. She’s known me for a really long time, and I feel like I have to trust her.”
“You can know someone for all your life and not trust them. Haze, I can tell you right now that that’s not true. I’m really excited to spend the day with you today. I mean it. I could’ve just tagged along with Brittany and Isabel today, but I chose to hang out with you. Because you’re cool. And I like you.” Hazel immediately hugs you after you say that. You hug her back. When you two pull away, you teach her a trick to make her eyes less red after crying. The two of you go to the breakfast table and grab two bagels. You sit at a table and make plans for the day.
“What do you want to do today, Hazel?”
“I definitely want to go hiking. Some people were saying there was a waterfall somewhere.”
“I bet we could go while picking up trash.”
“We also need to find a time to look at the stars. I’m not letting myself forget today.”
“I’m hoping the skies are clear tonight.” 
The two of you finish up your breakfast and grab gloves and bags to pick up trash. The morning is quite tiring, but you and Hazel’s chatter and jokes help brighten it. Hazel ends up being very funny, leaving you laughing hysterically. For lunch, you eat with everyone in the cabin.
“I’m glad to see that you and Hazel have become friends,” Isabel admitted.
“Me too. I’m really glad you told me a bit about her. I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to talk to her. But I’m glad I did.” Just then, PJ bounds up to the table, her hands pounding on it, causing the five of you sitting to go quiet.
“I have weed for tonight.”
“PJ, none of us like smoking.” Josie points out.
“THAT is why I thought ahead. I got us edibles.”
“And how did you get them?” Brittany asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I gave some old man I came across while planting some flowers like ten dollars.” All of you, being young, dumb teenagers, shrugged it off. The rest of the day was declared free time by the staff, as you all had fulfilled your requirements for the trip.
“Do you want to go on that hike?” you asked Hazel. She nodded, and the two of you left the table to begin your hike. You somehow both still had things to talk about while trying to find the waterfall Hazel had been talking about earlier.
“Oh my god, Hazel! There’s daisies!” you grab her hand to pull her over to the field of daisies nearby. She happily runs with you, picking a few. You do as well, and the two of you stick a few handfuls into your backpack. Eventually, the two of you to get to the waterfall. You both sit down.
“Can I see the daisies we picked?” Hazel asks. You nod, and watch her begin to make a daisy crown with them. She puts one on your head, before you ask her to teach you how to make one. She teaches you, and you put one on her head as well.
“We look absolutely stunning in these.” you say dramatically, putting your wrist up to your forehead.
“You definitely do. You look like the fairy flower princess.” Hazel says, without contemplation.
“And who said there couldn’t be two fairy flower princesses?” you smile and look at Hazel, who looks at you too. Your eye contact with her stays for a few (very long) seconds before the two of you resume talking.
“Are you going to do the edibles PJ brought later?” Hazel asks.
“Maybe. I don’t really know if I’m being honest. I don’t exactly trust PJ’s source.”
“I’ll do them if you do them.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll let you know if I plan on doing any.” The two of you decide to head back, as you were both quite tired from the day, and really just wanted to take it easy for the rest of it. You were looking forward to reading your astronomy book for a bit before stargazing with Hazel, but you were greeted by all the girls in the cabin in a circle, and PJ waving at the two of you.
“Who’s ready for some truth or dare? Huh?”
taglist: @at1nyzen @slaughtercarrie @sophia2414
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immoralimmortals · 3 months ago
Ah! Hello I've been reading your stuff (and it's pretty damn good, I've been enjoying it a lot) and I saw something last night where Tobi was your sleep paralysis demon. It was so goofy I thought I'd share, I was also thinking you could make a like a little one shot with this idea or like a little skit
Tobi is your sleep paralysis demon! Why not, let’s do it!
You’re what the kids call “edgy”. You got a Tor browser, went on the dark web, and started looking for sites to fuck your shit up. Conspiracy theories, mostly, with some epilepsy-enducing graphics-- all the “standard” sites you’d find on any list of websites to never under any circumstances visit. It was just about to get boring when you click on a hyperlink that leads to the following statement:
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!
...Okay, that’s got you curious.
Turns out, it’s not too outrageous of an idea, as far as suggestions on the “real sleep paralysis demons” blog go. A bit of you is tantalized, even; you’re on this site with a small smidgen of hope that maybe, just maybe, there might be some legitimate advice that could help you dispel your own waking nightmares halfway through peaceful sleep. Gist of it is simple: get another demon to beat YOUR demon!
That’s so stupid that it might work!
You print out the suggested incantation and sit up in bed that night, reading it aloud and putting your heart and soul into it. Let’s be honest, though: you’re edgy but not that edgy. Not to the point of delusion. The creature you see during sleep paralysis is a figment of the mind and exists in the mind alone. Demons aren’t real, you aren’t LITERALLY going to summon one to knock the lights out of the thing you see at night.
...But if you want something enough, maybe it’ll trick your brain chemistry into solving its own problem.
Man in the mask
Slay my nightmare
Man in the mask
Save my dreams
Man in the mask
Hold my life tender
Man in the mask
Come down to me
A deep breath in...out. Alright. Let’s see if that tricked the monkey that controls your brain into pulling the lever that actually lets you sleep through the fucking night. You shred the computer paper in half, lay down your head, and reach for the chain that turns your light off.
Ch-ching, the switch goes.
Your heart is racing too much. Dammit, just the acknowledgment of your visions has put your anxiety on a fast track to staying up all night. Jesus fucking Christ! Knowing there’s no saving you tonight, you sit up once again and turn back on the light. Maybe you can read a book or make a cup of tea-- no who are you kidding, you’re just gonna stare at your phone.
The light turns on and there is a man in your room.
You scream.
He screams.
You’re both screaming.
“Who are YOU!” he shouts back, voice high pitched and finger pointed right at you. It’s hard for your eyes to make sense of what you see… Orange?! Orange and black…?!
“Oh!” The person next to your bed perks up and calms down, as if it makes total sense. “I guess that’s right! My name is-- OOF!”
You hit him with your pillow as hard as you can. The man flails his arms forward like an inflatable at a car dealership.
“Y/N, STOP! Ouch!”
You hit him again, leaning into it this time. And again, as well, he says the magic word:
...You stop mid swing. “How. H-. How do you know my name?! Who the HELL--?!”
“You summoned me!”
“You!” he says, raising both gloved hands and pointing index fingers at said ‘you.’ “Summoned!” He uses the fingers to mime drawing a circle on the ground. “Me!” And finally points thumbs back to his face. It’s only now, of course, you see he lacks exactly that-- a face. What lies instead is a bright orange spiral that ends in a black hole. You squint so hard you’ll have headaches for weeks.
“That-- that’s not--… What?!”
“Man, for the host of the party, you sure are bad at keeping track of your guest list!”
That kind of talk brings you right back to reality. “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!”
“Allllright!” the shadow singsongs, raising his palms and shaking his head as if to symbol he’s giving up. “But you’ll miss me when I’m gone!”
“What the fuck are you—”
Chain for the light is pulled down. Ch-ching!
Light on.
He is gone.
The summoning worked, all in all. You don’t sleep that night. In fact, your eyes burn as you try not to blink at all. Police find no evidence of a break in once you get the nerve to call them. No broken windows, door is fine...not even an attempt to crawl through the chimney.
It’s like he never existed.
...You’ve made a hell of a convoluted situation to live with, brain.
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daydreamgoddess14 · 2 years ago
Support System pt. 8
Roy Kent x Reader, spicy rating - MASTERLIST
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6 | CH 7
It's gala time! With a sprinkle of Tedbecca cos I've missed them!
ohh and this is the gif on repeat in my head (that SMILE!! JFC):
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He hasn’t seen the dress yet. You’ve hung it up in his spare room while you deal with the other stuff you don’t do all that often like hair and make up - and when you do do it, you have a little shadow following you and asking if she can share your lipstick, what’s mascara, and why do you need to put that weird thing on your eyelashes. You’d both had to rush to get ready for work after he’d fucked you in the kitchen, everything taking that little bit longer when you could hardly keep your hands off each other. He’d gone off to Nelson Road with the promise of meeting you in the city so he could collect his suit. He’d run you a bath when you’d both gotten back to his, kissed each little fingertip bruise on your hips. You’d gone with Sara to get a manicure for the first time in a very, very long time, while Phoebe played Princesses with Roy.
“Jesus, you’re glowing. It’s sickening.” She laughed.
“I know you don’t want to hear this but just pretend it’s not Roy for a sec, cos it’s not really about him anyway, but it’s insanely different. Like night and day different to anything I’ve ever experienced in my life, Sara. My whole fucking life. It’s like I’ve been struck by lightning. With Andy it was just about him, with anyone else before actually. Like they didn’t actually care about me, it was only ever about them. And I mean that in every aspect, not just the sex.” She pulled a face, “I know, I’m not going to talk to you about the sex, I promise. I wish I could, because I need to shout it from the rooftops in all honesty.” 
“I told you, he’s so ready to make someone happy. I’m glad that person is you.”
“I’m still nervous about tonight.”
“Don’t be!” She said, full of confidence.
“These people mean as much to him as you and your mum and Phebs do. It’s like you three top tier, then this entire building full of people he adores.”
“You’ve met Jamie though?”
“Yeah, but he still thinks I’m just your best friend. He’s going to know as soon as he sees me that that’s not the whole truth.”
“So are you labelling this thing when you meet everyone later?”
“He said it’s up to me. But I don’t want it to be up to me. Or not completely anyway.”
“If anyone asks, you’re friends. They don’t have to know that you’re friends who are sleeping together and are almost certainly more than friends.”
“Hmm. You’re right, we can do that. That sounds easy.” 
“Ah. Wait, no. Forget that. I’ve seen his face around you. It’s literally impossible for him to disguise that he likes you. And tonight, with the dress and the boobs and the legs he’s just not going to be able to keep his face like,” she exaggerated Roy’s impassive, grumpy face, “that all night. He’ll never be able to manage it.”
“So they find out you’re seeing each other - does it really matter?”
“Suppose not.”
“Exactly. So just enjoy it. Enjoy grown up company, drinks and a really fancy night on the town with a whole football team. You’ll have a blast.” You knew she was right, you repeat her comments in your head as you potter around Roy's room - hair done, make up done, you've just finished putting in some earrings and now you're having trouble with your necklace. 
"Not going to fucking lie, if this is the outfit then I'm fine with that. I want my money back and we're not leaving the house, but I'm fine with all of that." He says from the doorway where he's been standing for goodness knows how long. His suit leaves you speechless, perfectly tailored with sharp lines. You know he can tell that it's had an effect on you.
"Make yourself useful." You tell him, handing him your necklace and turning your back on him. 
"There are other ways I can do that," he suggests once he's done the necklace up, hands tracing the line of your strapless bra and your underwear. 
"No time babe, the car is due soon isn't it?"
"I'm sure I've got time for something at least." He hooks his thumbs into your underwear, using them to pull you over to the bed and sitting down, moving you between his knees. You cup his face in your hands and kiss him, knowing you made a wise choice in not putting your lipstick on yet.  
"I don't think we do. God, you look gorgeous." You run your hands down the lapel of his jacket. 
"Bet you a fiver I can make you come and leave you enough time to finish getting ready before the car gets here."
"I'm not taking that bet," you laugh,
"Cos you know you'll fucking lose." He teases. You swat at his shoulder, 
"Aren't you wasting valuable time?" His eyes light up, hands squeezing your bum.
"Well, it's not exactly what I wanted but you'll only tell me off if you have to do your hair again." His hands, as promised, make very quick work of you while he talks about everything else he wants to do. He holds you to him as you come back down from the high. "Dress on then." He tells you, taping your hip. "I'll be downstairs." He leaves you with a lingering kiss filled with promises for later. You step into the dress and lift it into place, reaching around for the zip. You slip on the shoes and apply your lipstick, checking the whole look in the mirror. You feel amazing, you just hope he agrees. He hears you on the stairs, "just in time-" He starts, but stops abruptly. "Holy fucking shit."
"That's what I said." You laugh. "It's OK?" He hasn't said another word or taken his eyes off you while you navigated the stairs. You wring your hands nervously. "Roy? Fucksake, say something please? Is it awful?"
"You look incredible," he finally says hoarsely. "Fucking incredible. Show me?" He takes your hand, urging you to turn around and show him the whole dress. When you stop in front of him again, his hand goes to the thigh high slit up the front of the dress. "I definitely can't wait to take this off." 
"When's the car coming?" You ask, stepping into his arms. 
"It should be outside." He leads you out. In the car, his hand slips under the split of your dress to rest on your bare thigh. "Remind me to take advantage of this later when you’re less fucking nervous."
Your grip on his hand gets progressively tighter the closer you get to the venue. 
"Look at me?" He asks quietly, "It's going to be fine. They're going to love you. And god, you look gorgeous." You take the arm he offers at the start of the red carpet, you'd tried to skip it completely but you couldn't bear the thought of Roy having to do it alone. Photographers had also asked for Roy on his own but his response had been a very tame "No." Inside the venue, you spotted the only people you knew, the American coaches and Jamie both at opposite ends of the room. Once people noticed that Roy had not arrived alone, they seemed to all be looking at you at once. 
"Royo my man, why don't I escort your lovely date inside and get a table, seems the fellas need you and it might be a bit like throwing this poor young lady to the lions. Maybe give them a Kent word of warning before you introduce them?" Coach Lasso kindly offered you his arm and before leaving your side, Roy checked in with you. 
"Think I can cope with that." You smiled. 
"I'll bring you a drink back." He kissed you softly and walked over to the first group of young men you'd seen out on the pitch. A couple of them clapped him on the back in greeting, looking over at you and then back to him. You could see from his profile how much he smiled. Ted led you into the ballroom which was decorated to perfection. 
"This looks amazing." You breathe,
"It does, right? The boss likes to make it one of the best nights we have. She does a damn good job too."
"Wonder if I'll meet her," you muse.
"Oh you sure will, Faith Hill, she and our Roy are good friends so if he wants you to be meeting anyone tonight, it'll be her."
"Oh. Great," your smile falters just a little.
"She's an incredible woman. Lotta fences, but once you've hopped over those, it's like winning the Premier League. I'd imagine, anyway."
"Hopefully you'll get to find out. Only a couple of matches to go."
"That's right, Manchester next week and then West Ham." He's easy to talk to, friendly and sincere and he has you laughing so much you forget your unease. When Roy joins you with drinks, he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you in front of everyone, happy that you're happy. 
"Right, the boys are on their best behaviour if they talk to you."
"You didn't need to do that."
"I did, the dickheads would have been bloody asking for your life story. No filter on 'em. You been OK with Ted?"
"Totally fine, we've been talking about work."
"We're both at an impasse. I need something new, he's not sure what to do. It's all very dramatic," you drink your wine and look around the room at the assembled guests, "I didn't get through the two interviews from the other week." You admit.
"Shit babe, I'm sorry. They're missing out, it's their loss."
"Thank you. Feels like a ticking clock looming over me."
"We can figure it out. I can help." You know he doesn't just mean financially, emotionally too, but your mind is focused on the practical issues first. 
"I wouldn't want you to do that."
"I know. You might have to stop being so stubborn at least for a bit and actually accept help though." You run your fingers over his knuckles, his hand firmly in yours. 
"I know. I'll think about it when I have to though, ok?" He nods. "No more boring talk. Who you going to introduce me to?" You look around again, Ted is talking to Rebecca over by the bar. He's making her laugh. "Think anything is happening there yet?" You ask, leaning in to talk quietly. 
"Not yet, but I think she likes him too." You sigh,
"That's so cute. Look at how he looks at her."
"There is someone I want you to meet," he tells you, pulling you to your feet, "but only if you want to?" You laugh a little nervously. 
"It's Keeley, isn't it?" He kisses you and it’s just slightly over the line of publicly appropriate. 
"Only if you want to." He promises again. You might as well agree, it's easier to get it done sooner rather than later and every time you've looked at her she's been looking curiously at you. He leads you by the hand to where Keeley is sitting with Jamie and two other players. 
"This is Keeley, Colin, Isaac and you already know Jamie." You smile warmly at them all and they welcome you to their table. 
"I knew it!" Jamie grins, "you sly git, I knew something was going on the other week. Friends my arse! You look lovely, I like the Chelsea blue." He nudged Roy, clinking their beers together, you watched the smile bloom across Roy's face, it was infectious. 
"It's lovely to see him so happy. You look fantastic!" Keeley teases. 
"Makes our life easier too, y'know." Isaac laughed with Colin who readily agreed. 
"Alright, alright. I'm not that bad." He grumbles. Everyone around you falls silent but you truly can't help the giggle that bubbles up and out until you're laughing so hard you can't catch your breath. They watch you for a second before Jamie breaks first, followed by Keeley. Colin and Isaac soon relax and laugh too.
"Oh babe, I honestly say this out of love, you are though!" You laugh again. Next to you, Jamie stops laughing straight away. Roy looks at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Next round on me. Wanna help me Roy?" Jamie asks and gets up from the table, Roy's hand just squeezes yours before he gets up. On the stage, Rebecca is welcoming the gala guests. Keeley turns to you and you grimace at what you think she's about to say. 
"Don't worry, he just needs a minute to process that and wonder if you meant what he thinks you might mean. Better have an answer ready for later." She offers with a gentle smile. "So what do you do?" She's guiding you to a safe conversation topic but you're not quite sure why. Then it registers - your passing comment, her advice, and your eyes widen as you realise what you said, "I know. Spiral later, deep breath now." You try and relax, finishing your wine. 
"I'm a deputy Comms Director. Well, I was. I quit recently so I'm looking for something new."
"Oh wow, I love working with internal Comms, you guys know exactly what you want. Makes my job so much easier!" She laughs and pulls you into a deep discussion about external PR and internal department politics. You glance at Roy occasionally, meeting his eyes more than once. His face is impassive, unreadable. He still holds your hand, thumb resting on your pulse point while he's in his own conversation with Isaac. Your table is visited frequently by other guests and you get introduced to many other people as the evening draws on. At the auction, Roy looks relieved and nudges against you, 
"Thank fuck I don't get auctioned off anymore."
"Tell me about it, I couldn't afford you." You joke, brushing his lips in a brief kiss. 
Once the auction is over, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. You're maneuvering yourself in the cubicle when you hear the doors open. 
"You look cosy with Roy's new squeeze." You hear an elegant voice say. 
"She's so fucking cute, Rebecca. Honestly. I hope he's ready for her because she could be the best thing that's ever happened to him."
"OK, that's not what I expected to hear from you. Really?"
"Really. We're friends, really good friends and yes, I loved him so much. But I wasn't the right person at the right time. Maybe she is. As long as he doesn't cock it up."
"Maybe your time hasn't happened yet? What if it's still to come?"
"All respect, Rebecca, I think how Roy and I go our separate ways is not too tricky to work out. You and Ted however…" 
"There is no Ted and I."
"Exactly! That's my point, and my problem! You can't let him leave, babe!"
"I can't force him to stay either."
"Do you love him?" It's no good, you have to move. Doing so will make your presence known but you just have to suck it up. You emerge from the cubicle to see the two women sitting on a small sofa with a cocktail in hand. Keeley noticeably gasps so you hold your hands up in surrender. 
"I'm sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping, I promise. I didn't realise what a nightmare it was going to be to go for a piss in this dress, it's so fucking big and there's so much sodding material-"
"I'm sorry," Keeley starts, Rebecca is watching the two of you with interest.
"Oh don't be, god it could have been worse! You could have said I was a right bitch, or not good enough for him. Believe me, I'll take what you said no problem." She sighs with relief. 
"Thank fuck for that! Have you two met yet?"
"Not yet, you must be Roy's new girlfriend. Gorgeous dress." Rebecca reaches out to shake your hand. 
"Thank you. Not sure I deserve that title just yet, it's early days."
"You like him, don't you?"
"Like him? She might have just admitted in a very roundabout way that she loves him, Rebecca!" Keeley squealed.
"Well then the girlfriend title definitely fits"
"Stop deflecting Welton, I asked you a question." Keeley got back to business. "Do you love Ted?" She looks at you and you make to leave, 
"Don't mind me, I'll leave you both to it."
"Stay." She urges. "Yes, I think I am Keeley, and I don't know what to fucking do about it."
"Tell him!" You and Keeley both exclaim.
"You can't let him leave without telling him." You tell her. 
"She can't let him leave at all, he's brilliant." Rebecca seems ready to give up on the discussion.
"I'm not going to let you both gang up on me. You should know better," she points at Keeley, "and you, I hardly know. No offence." She points at you. She leaves the bathroom first while you and Keeley linger.
"So, what I said about my feelings for Roy? Totally true, we're friends. I'm getting closer to Jamie again, but I don't know what that really means. The only thing I don't know for sure, is how Roy feels. We've been split up for nearly a year, there's no reason he should shy away from anything with you. But his mind works in mysterious ways. You're better off talking to him. My advice is to be honest and open with him no matter how scary it is." She's taken your hands while she talks and when she's finished, she wraps her tiny arms around you. You're not tall but she's so petite it's comical. "So, we should go and fucking dance?" She gives you a wicked grin. "Maybe we'll get lucky and Ted and Rebecca will start something on the dancefloor. God, I'd pay good money to see those pair bang!"
Roy is looking out for you from across the room as you leave the bathroom, he gives you a little salute. 
"Keeley wants me to dance," you tell him, going for your drink. 
"Told you you'd get along." He leans down to kiss you. "I get one later though." You join Keeley and half the team on the dancefloor where you spend the majority of the rest of the night. As the evening winds down, Roy takes you into his arms where your stay for song after song. You notice Rebecca and Ted out of the corner of your eye dancing together and turn both you and Roy so he can also see. "Fucking idiot should tell her." He chuckles, holding you tighter. 
In the car on the way home, his hand finds its place on your thigh again. The quiet and the alcohol make you pensive, you're mulling over almost admitting that you love Roy, and Keeley's comment about making sure that he's moved on from her the same way she has from him.
"I'm sorry for saying what I did in front of everyone. It just fell out of my mouth, I didn't mean to ambush you with it." You start. He knows you're not done, you're worrying your bottom lip with your teeth, and you won't meet his eye. "Keeley's so beautiful, Roy. I mean, really so gorgeous." You'd never been one for comparing yourself to other women. You especially tried to avoid comparing yourself to the exes of someone new. You believed in the right person at the right time, and that exes helped shape a person. It had taken leaving Andy to help you regain who you were, for example, so like it or not - he had helped you become you. And so, you absolutely couldn't dislike Keeley, you knew that she'd helped Roy become this version of himself. She’d been so gracious, kind, and sweet during the evening, you’d had a lovely time. But that almost made it worse - comparing regular exes to footballers exes was like comparing apples and oranges. And try as you might, you weren't able to escape the fact that you were not a model. "I'm not her." You tell him, the worry evident in your voice. "What if she's the 'big love of your life’? I don't… I don't want to be a placeholder girlfriend. If you're not done with her, then I need to know." He didn't say anything for a long time, he keeps his hand on your leg while the car travels past the stadium and into his street. He thanks the driver, comes round to open your door and still hasn't said a word. He unlocks the front door and slips off his suit jacket before he turns to you. He takes your hand and guides you to sit you on the stairs and paces in front of you, rubbing his hand over his beard.
"If you'd asked me probably before Christmas, I think I would have said that I still had feelings for Keeley. But in the last six months, I've seen her change and I think I've changed too. Fuck it, I've tried to. I think it's crept up on me and I hadn't fucking realised it, but I am done with Keeley." He's still pacing methodically in front of you, making sure he says exactly what he wants to say, the way he wants to say it. "Properly done, I mean. I love having her as a friend, she's really good at that shit and I'd be lost without her. I could say the same about Jamie too but don't tell him, he's already a massive twat." He pauses to collect his thoughts. "She might have been the big love of my life… if my life had gone in a different direction. But it didn't. It's led me to you, and you could never be a placeholder girlfriend." It takes a couple of seconds but he kneels so that he's lower than eye level with you, leaning back on his heels. "I don't want you to be a placeholder girlfriend, I want you to be my fucking girlfriend, and I honestly say this out of love," you giggle through the tears that have started to fall, "you're a really good one." He leans up to kiss you. "Now please tell me that's the answer that covers all the shit that's been worrying you?" You kiss him back deeply, sliding forward on the step to bring your knees either side of him. 
"I think that covers it. God, I really fucking love you." His laugh is magical,
"Fucking love you too. I love Lexie. I love that you can't park for shit and you're late for everything, and that you made my mum like you within about 5 minutes. She didn't even like me within 5 minutes." You kiss him again as his hands open up the split of your dress and slide up your thighs. He brings you further forward on the step and brings your underwear down your legs. "I'd spend the rest of my life on my knees worshipping you, even if it kills my bad knee." You lean back on your elbows as he brings his mouth to you and you believe every word he says.
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goldom · 3 months ago
Flipping back to part 2 in HI3. I went over to it when I thought catching up would be required to get the free Elysia, but then it wasn't, so I went back to pt 1. But now it really is required to get free gems, so okay fine let's try to get it done. Chapter 4.
Dreamy's single-track focus on "Where's my girlfriend" and completely ignoring whatever Vita's trying to get her to do is what I wanted to see from Stelle in HSR 2.1.
That said, I have just as little clue now what the actual plot here is as I did what was going on in Penacony in 2.1. Why does she need to relive this simulation over and over?
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Oh no she's Acheroning me
Y'know if Theresa et al are willing to see Dreamy as a real girl despite being an artificial being they made (right?) why don't they grant that same consideration to everyone else inside the simulation? And, like, not make them relive their entire existence of suffering over and over for (whatever purpose) because that's kinda inhumane?
*whispers* why is Bronya named PROMETHEUS (not really asking I'll get to the rest of part 1 some day)
Theresa getting AMAV (assigned male at Vita)
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...who? Is it me? Is this a [Omikron: the] Nomad Soul situation?
I actually really like real-world Theresa's outfit way more than this weird sleep-deprived gremlin thing they turn her into
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Literally 5 minutes ago
It's really annoying how you can't open any of the menus during story missions in part 2. I can't even tell if I'm still in the first section of the chapter or if it's been autoplaying into later ones. (Really hoping it's the latter because god these are so long)
Hey cool, I have learned a tiny bit of Chinese. Just heard Theresa say 好累 (Hǎo lèi) and matched it with the caption of "so exhausting" because it's one of ZZZ Ellen's voice lines (which I never knew the meaning of, being unsubtitled)
Wait didn't Songque just say that Thelema was an imaginary friend in this loop why is she standing there
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I thought it was the Age of Girls Bands
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say ittttttttt
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Same, Vita. This is really boring... can something of any importance happen sometime again?
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Now I'm in my element.
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Jesus Christ, Vita, I know we were bored but you didn't have to bomb the entire city just to get the plot moving
whoa whoa whoa, wait, this game has combat in it too? Wild.
...well, 10 seconds of it.
okay, so Vita doesn't see the people in here as real. (Or she's playing the heel for... some reason.)
*everyone staring at the appearance of Evil Lady* Me: am i supposed to know who that is?
Dreamy: "Is that me?" Thank you for explaining. Face blindness strikes again.
OH THANK GOD that was the whole chapter. I was so scared this would all end up being just that first little segment of the chapter and that I'd be in ch 4 for days and days. I did it I beat the chapter!
Aside from that... annoyingly got baby-Durandal in the discounted 10x (annoying because I didn't really want her and I was 20 off pity, but who can resist 50% off?), but then I reluctantly figured I might as well try for her weapon and got it in another single 10x! So I guess I use her now. Probably for the best because I had NO physical damage or IMG types from the last few years, so that was my weakest spot.
Still, kinda would have rather gotten Sena in upcoming rerun. I don't really need her at all, but... Sena...
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Code Blue Ch. 50 - Red Dawn
Summary: A tense car ride is full of twists and turns. Josie gets an upsetting message. Craig softens and he and Jo seem to bond as they share another long talk. A phone call leaves Jo with more questions than answers.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, anxiety, drinking,
Chapter characters: Luke, Josie, Craig, Lee
Chapter word count: 7,953
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist:
Salem, Massachusetts
March 22, 2022
The tedious drive back to Salem seemed like an eternity and it was deafly quiet, except for the cat-like purr of Luke's Charger. As soothing as the subtle sound was, it still couldn't calm the seething tension between you and the law abiding bad boy that consistently chewed on his thumb nail, for it was much too close for comfort in the compacted side by side space.
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But as the cruising car entered Essex county, your focus then went to the mile long monster that lied up ahead. The Salem Harbor Bay bridge that you had recently drove over with Orlando with no choice, for time had been of the essence to get to Dave and this time, your reaction was not much different as your anxiety began to rise, but at least that time, you were in the driver seat. You had control and had someone with you that you trusted and felt safe with and that got you through it. Now, you were literally bound by your wrists and at the mercy of a man who's personality was all over the place. Hot, cold, gentle, savage. It was mood swing madness and you had been stupid enough to wake the lion.
The no speaking agreement was now over for you as you became desperate. "Can you please go another way?"
Luke's tone was cold and his words were straight to the point. "Nope. Freeway. Nowhere to turn around. This way is faster. The sooner I get you out of my car and my sight, the better."
You supposed you couldn't blame his anger after shoving him like you did. You were angry with yourself too, for look where it had landed you. In cuffs and facing prison time for assaulting a cop. Jesus, how were you going to get out of this one? You hated to admit it but Luke was probably right. Gerry couldn't do anything for you. Not without jeopardizing his job and his morals, but...it didn't mean he wouldn't try and you had to hold out hope for that, for if anyone could find some loophole to free you, it was your ex-fiance. You also knew that his guilt over his drunken one-nighter with your sister would give him the extra incentive, not to mention, he still loved you and now you were the one who felt guilty for even thinking of using that against him. BUT, you had the same issue you recently had with Dave. Gerry was M.I.A. and now with that added onto the Brobdingnagian bridge rapidly approaching, your nerves might just send you into a code blue.
Seconds before the wheels thumped over the divide from stable ground to an abyss of lung filling liquid, Luke couldn't help but notice your fear through his random side eyed glances at you as your body stiffened up, your breathing ceased and your eyes clenched shut. He pretended not to notice as he stared straight ahead and tried not to care but deep below the hardened shell of a man, the Grinch's small heart grew 3 sizes that day.
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"What's going on Jo?"
"Just shut up and drive. Faster would be great." you muttered, eyes still closed.
"Can't. There's a truck in front of me and I can't pass. Double lines."
Your left eye peeked at Luke. "Oh my god mister holier than thou. Trying to make up for the shitty things you've done by being a model citizen now? What happened to the skillful driver who perfectly whipped my Monte Carlo around every turn in town like he was Luke Duke in the General Lee trying to outrun Rosco P. Coltrane?'
"But Bo always drove the majority of the time."
"Yeah I know that! I just thought it was more fitting to say Luke since that's your name and your hair is dark like his."
"True I suppose. I didn't care for Bo anyways. I don't like blonde hair."
There was silence as both of your eyes were now open and glaring at him as he stared straight ahead with that curled smug smirk of his.
You then raised a smart ass brow. "So that's why you cuffed and stuffed me."
Luke's eyes swung right over to yours and now you were giving the smug smirk.
"I cuffed you because that blonde hair of yours caused you to do something extremely stupid. Now, I thought we weren't talking?"
Your lips pursed and your eyes slitted. "We're NOT! So just hurry up and get us over this bridge already."
"We've been over it for the past 30 seconds."
You straightened up in your seat and looked around to see that you were now on a rural road surrounded by forestry.
"Hmmph." you marveled as you burrowed back into your heated leather seat. "Guess I was distracted."
Luke grinned as he glanced at you. "Exactly. It usually does the trick."
"Wait, so...you only engaged in conversation with me to distract me from my fear??"
"Yep and it worked like a charm. Guess I' m not such a bad guy after all."
"Says you."
His eyes snapped to you as he grimaced. "Why do you hate me so much?"
"Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question??? Can you please just STOP talking now??"
"Whatever." he mumbled and sped up.
Not even a minute passed and Luke was speaking again. "So...you're afraid of bridges huh? Why's that?"
Rolling your eyes, you sighed and continued to gaze out the window as you reluctantly replied.
"I'm not afraid of bridges. I'm afraid of heights. There's a difference."
"So, more so, you're afraid of falling really."
"Well duhhhh...and falling into what lies beneath it. All the weight of that water, just pulling me down further and further into it's ice cold depths where there's nothing but darkness and it fills my lungs as my panic forces me to suck it in, trying to breathe."
"Or...you could always swim."
Your eyes lowered as you became quiet and began fidgeting with your fingers.
As Luke looked at you, awaiting your usual mordant riposte, he quickly realized why you hadn't.
"You...you can't swim?"
"Does this even matter? Why can't you just leave me alone and quietly revel in my misery? I got my just deserves. But hey, if you do happen to find a heartbeat under that cold and austere armor, could you not mention this to my mother for the time being? This is the last thing she needs right now."
You wriggled your hips in the skintight seatbelt so you could turn towards the window to hide the oncoming tears of shame and once Luke couldn't see you, they poured out of your eyes like a waterfall. What you didn't consider was that he could see your emotional reflection in the glass as you silently sobbed.
5 minutes of faint intermittent whimpers and sniffles were unwillingly heard loud and clear by Luke. As he came to a stop at a red light, he looked over at you and that's when his own anxiety got the better of him.
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Seeing you all vulnerable and huddled against the door like a child sent a stinging twinge of empathy through his heart and made him question if what he was doing was right, even if you did break the law, for he had goaded you and not only that, your anger was justified about Lee. He wasn't going to tell you that though or the fact that he spent many nights weeping and beating himself up over what happened between him and his once upon a time good friend. It was extremely hard for him to speak about just as it was for Lee, for Luke knew it was all of his own fault by intentionally knocking over the first domino, he just never knew the chain of events would lead up to what it did. What he did know is that someday, you would know the ugly truth.
As Luke neared the road that led straight into downtown Salem, the guilt trip he was on forced him to abruptly stop and turn around.
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As he pulled to the side of the road and parked, you were already sitting straight up with wet and wildly confused eyes.
"What are you doing? The police station is the other way?"
"I'm not going there. Give me your hands."
"Jo, just give me your hands before I change my mind."
As you slowly and unsurely swayed your hands in his direction, he grabbed them, startling you as he vigorously unlocked the cuffs, then yanked your seatbelt off.
"There. Go on. Get out of here."
You sat speechless for a moment, staring at him as he stared out of his window, chewing his thumb nail once again.
"You...you're letting me go...just like that??"
"Did I not just take the cuffs off and tell you to go?"
"Ok but...here? You want me to walk? It's at least another mile to get back to my apartment."
"Can't you just thank me and get out?"
"Why won't you look at me and WHY are you doing this?"
"God damn it." he grumbled and side eyed you. "Why are you such a pain in the ass??!! Just fucking go!"
"Not until you tell me why you changed your mind and are freeing me into the wild like some caged bird??!!"
His palms slapped over his face and then he roughly dragged them down as he groaned in frustration.
"If I tell you, will you fly away???"
"Depends on what the answer is."
"Holy fucking hel..." he began as his fuming eyes met yours, but abruptly paused when he saw the remnants of your tears, then popped the glove box open, ripped a tissue out and held it in front of you as he continued, refusing to look at you once again.
"It's what you said about your mum. You're right. She don't need this. I spoke with her briefly last night and she was quite distraught about Megan so, I just feel with all her grief over one daughter, she don't need the added stress from another."
"So you're telling me you're doing this for my mom??"
"You sound like that's incredibly hard to believe."
"I don't know what to believe from you anymore Luke. One minute, you're this sweet and caring man that seems to have a heart, like the one who once came to my mom's house and comforted me through an anxiety attack and even defended me against my sister and stopped me from strangling her, WHICH ironically I was doing for you with Landy only 24 hours prior when you morphed into robot Arnie the freaking terminator...and the next minute, you're back to being human again, helping me back there on the bridge and now you're claiming to let me go out of sympathy for my mom."
You sat back in a huff, realizing that Lee was behaving the exact same way and you were at a crossroads, literally, on what to do anymore about either of these messed up men.
Luke sighed and softened up a bit. "Look Jo. I don't know what else to say. I pushed you over the edge, waving a red flag at you. If I hadn't done that, I don't think we would be sitting here right now."
And so you softened up a bit too. "Yeah well, I pretty much came at you sideways and got you all riled up."
Luke chuckled and shook his head, then looked right at you with a disbelieving smile.
"What?" you asked, returning a half smile as your eyes curiously tried to figure him out.
"You. You're so afraid of all these things that are bigger than you and here I am, at least 3 times your size, yet you weren't afraid to shove me on my ass. I'm not sure what shocks me more. The fact that you did it or the fact that you were even able to do it. I admire that fire in you Jo. Don't ever let anyone try to put it out. With that said though, use that fire on those other than authority. If it were anyone other than myself or Gerry, you'd be at the station right now being booked as we speak."
You gasped. "Oh god, speaking of, I better call Dave and tell him because I guarantee he's already on his way to bail me out and you'll be busted. I mean, it's the least I can do so you don't lose your job over me."
Luke sat quietly stunned as you made the call, telling Dave to turn around and asking him to keep what he knew under wraps.
"There. He won't say anything. I really hope you are going to lay off of him now."
"As long as these ferry tickets he gave me and the ferryman's words all coincide, he should be good. Thank you Jo and... for the record, I wouldn't have just left you out here. I would have let you sweat for about 5 minutes and then came back." Luke teased with the usual curled grin, then put the car in drive.
Your riposte came out of left field and definitely struck a nerve. "Thanks for sparing me from being another victim of love em and leave em Luke."
Luke gritted his teeth, appalled by knowing that either Orlando or Lee had told you about his notorious moniker of his younger days that he had long forgotten about and wanted to keep it that way.
"This joy ride is over. It's time for you to go home and...about Lee. Just stop asking me. It's his story to tell. Put your seatbelt on."
"It's not just his story when you're involved."
"Wasting...your...breath." he firmly certified and slid a cd in, hoping to shut you up.
You buckled your belt then crossed your arms and scoffed as you sank back into the seat. When a song came on, Luke cranked it up and began mumbling the words as he tapped his fingers upon the wheel and both the singing and the choice of music had your eyes gaping at him with an severely raised brow.
"There'll be no strings to bind your hands..." he began and then snickered as he glanced at you. "How fitting eh?"
"Seriously? You have a Juice Newton cd? Why am I not all that surprised."
"You're mocking me when you clearly know who she is?"
"Nope. Not at all. It's just that the night you drove my car, your choice of music was quite different and frankly much better."
"Oh, you mean Radar Love. Yeah well it was fitting for the occasion just like this one because now here we are with you, a cheery oh angel of the morning." he razzed and then beamed a snarky smile full of teeth.
Shaking your head, you heavily sighed and looked away, trying to ignore the overgrown infant beside you, but that quickly became impossible when he began crooning out the chorus, which you knew was solely just to annoy you.
"Whad'ya think? Next American Idol winner?" he gloated and howled on with his karaoke session, which if you were to be honest, Luke had a damn good set of pipes but you wouldn't dare tell him that because then he would certainly never shut up.
"Goblin king, take this baby away from me!" you irrationally jeered, then flung your head back against the seat and closed your eyes to try and zone him out, hoping he would take the hint to leave you alone, but you should have known better than that.
Luke's speedy riposte was a breath stealing punch to the gut and you had pretty much had set yourself up for it.
"Oooo ouch. That's rich coming from you. You know Jo, you should really be careful what you wish for since children seem to go missing when you're around."
Just as your eyes snapped open from the sting of his tongue, Luke was pulling up in front of your apartment and low and behold, Craig was outside speaking with what appeared to be a gardener.
"What a coinkydink. Daddy dearest in the flesh. So, does he know that Blaise was right within his reach that night and you knew and didn't...."
"He knows alright! I..I told him yesterday and now, I guess I'll be moving back in with my mom."
"Oh? Why not move in with Lee? You're basically at his place and up his arse all the time anyways aren't you?"
"Now you're the one wasting their breath. We're done here Luke. And if I were you, I'd get out of here before Craig sees you. Besides me, you're not exactly his favorite person."
"Not worried in the least."
As you opened the door, Luke touched your shoulder. "Hey Jo."
"What now??"
"Just be careful around him ok? You're probably better off to get away from him."
"And that's rich coming from YOU." you argued and got out.
Before you could close the door, Luke had more to say.
"Oh and Jo."
"Oh my god, what Luke??"
"Don't let the door hit you in that cute ass."
You shot a death glare at the derogative detective, then slammed the door and heard the blacked out window roll down.
With an arrogant wink, Luke put on a pair of mirrored sunglasses and attempted his best terminator voice. "I'll be bock."
Your eyes rolled so hard, it made you dizzy. "Ughhhh!"
As you stormed off, he revved the engine and sped off which then alerted Craig to your arrival. The last thing you wanted was another confrontation, especially with your rightfully pissed and soon to be ex-landlord, so you kept your head down and moved quickly, feeling his eyes upon you the entire time as you trekked up the sidewalk and into the building, but he never said a word.
You were now safe inside your apartment, all alone to finally gather and process all of your scattered thoughts, but first, you needed to call your mom and see how Megan was.
Slipping off your coat, you let it fall to the floor and went straight to the fridge for some wine, not caring that it was only 10 in the morning, the same time Craig had been drinking yesterday that you hypocritically gave him a lecture about. As you sat down on your bed with your full glass and turned your phone screen on, there was a text from Lee.
When you opened it and read his woeful words, your heart dropped down to your stomach as if you were falling.
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Lee always expressed himself with such endearing words from his heart, but sometimes, he let poetry and music speak for him and this time, it was lyrics from a song you knew.
"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met. I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you. Take me back to the night we met when the night was full of terrors and your eyes were filled with tears. When you had not touched me yet. Take me back to the night we met and then I can tell myself what the hell I'm supposed to do. And then I can tell myself not to ride along with you."
Your heart began to pound, for Lee was basically telling you he wished he could go back to that day in the hospital and never visit your room and that meant you never would have found his bracelet under your bed and took it to his house where your love story all began. You knew he wasn't trying to hurt you. He was just being honest about how he was feeling, but it still hurt. It hurt immensely.
You didn't reply. You didn't even know what to say to that, so you just picked up your wine and let the entire contents of the glass roll down your throat as you fought back the burning tears.
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Desperately trying to distract yourself, you called your mom. She told you Megan was doing well but was still too groggy to speak. She also told you that she saw Lee that morning when she came down for coffee. He was on the phone with someone, seemingly upset, so she respectfully kept her distance but she couldn't help overhearing his scolding tone to the unlucky recipient. He spoke about his father's one month of passing and that he was going to his grave to pay his respects after attending the evening mass and told the other person that they should be going too, then Lee abruptly hung up and stormed out. You knew instantly it had to be Gordon and had something to do with the farm dispute between the two bitter brothers.
You told your mom you would be there later to sit with Megan so she could go home, eat and shower. When you hung up, you then nervously wondered if you should still go to the cemetery too, like you and Lee had planned, for if you saw him, you might not be able to walk away again.
Undecided, you got up to begin packing up some things since Craig had given you till the end of the month to move out and that was now only 7 days away. Luke's words haunted you about moving in with Lee as you sorted through your clothes. Yes, you were there all the time and everything was perfect in that area. You were so happy there with him. You would have been happy anywhere with him because Lee was home to you.
Your distraction tactic of keeping busy was failing miserably and it was quickly blown to bits when you were going through clothes you hadn't laundered yet and found a shirt of Lee's that you wore home a few mornings ago. And if that wasn't gut wrenching enough, it was still saturated in his Drakkar cologne and all you could do was scrunch it up against your nose and inhale his intoxicating essence as you laid down and cried your exhausted eyes to sleep.
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Meanwhile, Craig was on his way up to your apartment to give you back your deposit and as he approached your door, he raised his hand to knock, but humbly lowered it when he could hear your muffled laments from within. Whatever you were going through, he felt that he should not add to it and it aggravated him that he even cared. Was any of it due to how he had treated you?, for he just witnessed you had rushed to avoid him at all costs or was it because of the depraved detective he had come to despise?, solely because he was Ethan's brother. Craig's street smarts told him Luke was still a red flag, no matter what surname he took on to disassociate himself with the flyblown Bloom blood and if Luke became a threat to you as Ethan had, he would handle him too. Regardless of what was ailing you, Craig decided to leave you alone for the time being and slipped the check under the door, then left, feeling rather disheartened over making you leave.
3 hours later.
You awoke in the same position that you fell asleep in, still tightly clutching Lee's shirt against you and now, not only did his sweet succulent scent seep from your pores, it was also imbedded in your purple satin sheets. You had to get rid of it. ASAP.
The bed was torn apart as you ripped the sheets from it and threw them in the basket along with the perpetrator, Lee's guilty shirt and then headed to the door to take them all down to the laundry room which is when you discovered the check laying on the floor.
Upon picking it up, the amount floored you, for it was hundreds more than what you had given Craig and attached on the back was a sticky note, scribbled in red ink with incredibly perfect penmanship for a man.
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Craig certainly seemed to be on the wealthy side but this was too much and was clearly not about your clothes. It was his guilt over kicking you out and you weren't about to accept a payoff apology, especially when he didn't even have anything to be sorry about. You were the reason his 4 year old daughter was missing, even when you weren't the one who snatched her.
Exasperated over that and everything else, you hurried downstairs and packed the washer full of clothes along with an undetermined amount of soap while sobbing the entire time, then went back up to cry some more in the shower, a shower that was cut short by a burst of water as cold as the Atlantic and rust as red as blood....just like what happened to Dave. AND...you had the same reaction as he did.
Gasping and frantically rubbing your eyes, you huddled in the corner waiting for your sight and the water to clear. What was happening?? You did not believe that to be a coincidence all in a matter of 8 hours at two far away different locations, especially when that had never happened in your shower before. Was it some kind of sign, more so an omen or was it merely a plumbing issue like Dave believed his was?
Now that you were all primed and primped for the day, you resumed your packing while debating on calling Craig about his demonic shower needing an exorcist and to come get his money, or...you could just simply shove it back under his door with your own note attached so you didn't have to interact with him. Option 2 seemed best.
You scrawled out a note on the back of his and reattached it to the check, then quietly creeped down the hall to his studio where all was silent inside. Hoping he wasn't in there, you bent down and slipped it under the door, cringing at loud the sound was. Just as you stood up to tiptoe off undetected, footsteps swiftly approached the door.
Spinning around with a gasp, you rushed off only to freeze solid at his shout from directly within the door.
"Just Josie. Come on in!"
With a gulp, you hesitated then slowly made your way back to the door and walked in. There he stood, dressed in all black attire as usual and wickedly grinning while holding your check.
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He then turned it over and began reading your note out loud in a trenchant, yet amused tone.
"Thank you but no thank you. My outfit only cost twenty bucks at a thrift shop."
"Well, if that's so." he continued, "then you obviously like deals and that's what this is. A hell of a bargain actually."
"Craig, the added amount is almost as much as one months rent. All you needed to give me was my deposit."
"I was trying to apologize for my wine induced behavior and the harsh things I said to you and a simple "I'm sorry" just didn't seem to cut it."
"You don't owe me an apology Craig. I deserved all of it and the paint bath too."
"You were only trying to help my drunk ass up and even after the first failed attempt that ruined your clothing, you still tried again. And no, you didn't deserve my spontaneous misguided anger. You didn't kidnap my child and you certainly couldn't have known that it was going to happen."
"How could I have not?? I witnesses Elizabeth drop her off at Angel's in a panic over Ethan harassing her about paternity. I should have tried a hell of a lot harder to reach you, end of story... and for that, I will forever be so damn sorry, but as you said, those words just don't seem to cut it. I..I pray that you find Blaise safe, sound and soon. I really do and I will do whatever I can to help make that happen and make things right for you and her. Now, I have to go finish packing. Your apology is accepted and please just keep the money."
"Alright." Craig agreed with astonished disappointment all over his face as he watched you walk out.
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His agreement was short lived though and he chased after you, squeezing in your door just before you turned to close it.
"Craig, what the..."
"Just hear me out. Please?"
"Do I even have a choice since you barged right in?"
"Do you want me to leave?"
"Ok fine, but whatever you have to say, you'll have to say it while watching me pack. I have a lot to do today."
"Fair enough. I guess I'll start with Jason. Are we even now?"
"Even?? Craig, I swear I didn't use Blaise to get back at you for..."
"No no no. Jo, I know you didn't and I'm sorry I ever said that. What I meant was, well...if I forgive you, can you forgive me for not telling you your brother was alive? I mean, you were pretty rabid mad that day. Just a little bit scary." he teased with a smile.
You chuckled as you thought of what you just did to Luke. "Yeah umm...I guess I too had spontaneous misguided anger. It was meant for Jason, not you. I know you were just trying to keep him safe and you did. You saved his life, so how can I not forgive you?"
"Sweet. So we're square now. Well, except for one thing."
Craig walked over to your suitcase and began tearing your clothes out of it.
"What are you doing??"
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm unpacking your clothes."
"What...wait...why?? Put those back!"
"I will not. I don't want you to leave. I kinda like you a little bit if I'm honest AND I think you kinda like it here and maybe even me too and..."
He held up a long blue dress and placed it against his brawny body. "And oooh wow. Smokin hot."
"Give me that!" you barked and grabbed it, but Craig laughed and wouldn't let go.
"Nope. Not until you agree to stay." he demanded as you both were now playing tug of war...until the dress split right down the middle.
"Oh, well THAT'S great. It's all yours!" you huffed and plopped down on the edge of the bed.
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Craig sat down too and slowly handed you the ripped remnants.
"Sorry." he whispered.
You couldn't even be mad, especially when he had the shameful expression of dog who got busted for chewing up a pair of shoes. Instead, you did what you were becoming a pro at lately. Broke down crying with your face buried in your hands.
"Whoaaa, hey now sweetheart. What's this??"
"Everything!" you squeaked and then rambled on. "My sister was hurt really bad and is in the hospital. She could have, would have died if she hadn't been found and I know Ethan did it, and I was almost arrested today for what you described as my rabid madness and Jason took off with Britt because of your creepy ass father and Lee, he is...I don't even know anymore with that and then everyone's showers are spraying blood and..."
"Alright slowwww down and breathe love. Let's start with the psycho scene. Showers are spraying blood??"
"Yes, mine and Dave's. Well, he said it was rust but with all this ghost shit, I don't know what to think."
"Long story. Is your shower doing that?"
"No...and what did you do to almost land yourself behind bars?"
You mumbled your answer in shame. "I...assaulted a cop."
Craig's eyes popped wide open as he released a titter out of is grinning lips. "Oh how I would have loved to have had a front row seat to that event. What a little baddy you are. Remind me to never piss you off."
"Not funny." you sniffled.
"Ok, maybe not then, but you're obviously not in jail. So, how'd you get out of that mess? Oh wait, was it your ex-fiance cop?"
"Let's just skip this part ok? I shouldn't have mentioned it."
Considering Craig saw Luke drop you off and how fired up you both seemed, he knew it was him you spoke of, but per your request, he would drop it and the overwhelming desire to take the little piggy to market...for now.
"Yeah cops aren't exactly my favorite subject either. Ok so...what's going on with your sister? Ethan attacked her?"
"It certainly appears that way but she hasn't been alert enough to finger him. I'm going to the hospital later to see if she's talking, but I just know it was him. I think he did it because she told Luke that she thinks Ethan took Blaise because he thinks he is her father or maybe he did it to scare me because he hates me and wants Lee all to himself."
"That measly inbred maggot. I should have just taken care of that problem when..."
Craig stopped himself but, it was too late.
"When? Does that have something to do with what you said yesterday? About something you did for me involving him??"
Craig seemed stunned and he was. "I...said that??"
"Yes..I...I just forgot with all that was going on. Craig, what did you mean?"
"Jo, I was quite sauced yesterday remember? I tend to say a lot of things when I drink. What...exactly...did I say?" he probed with an curious brow so he could figure out if he had to tell you what he knew about Ethan and Lee.
"You said you protected me from him but never said why or how."
Craig made sure that his explanation wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the entire truth because he felt you didn't need to know Lee was still Ethan's husband during a meltdown.
"Ohhh...that. Yes, well...I...I saw him once and I basically told him to stay away from you or he'd be fish food." he paraphrased as his heart began to beat again.
"You did that for me?"
Craig suddenly felt awkward. Not in a bad way, but more in a "too close for comfort" kind of way, so he gave a logical answer instead of admitting he had taken a sweet fancy to you, which was the last thing he wanted. He had vowed to himself after Elizabeth's destruction that he would never allow himself to become close to another woman ever again.
"Well...you're my best friend's little sister, so, you know. What's important to Jason is important to me."
"Well thank you and well... I wish you HAD fed Ethan to a mosh pit of sharks, still ALIVE and baited in a pool of his own blood and then let me watch so I could hear his screeching screams and the satisfying crunch of his bones as the angry aquatic vampires with a thousand razor sharp teeth chomped him to death in a splashing feeding frenzy of pure diabolical rage."
"Yeeesh. Easy there Annie Wilkes. Tell me how you really feel, minus the Stephen King synopsis. Horrifying image."
"Arrrgh. Jason was supposed to have taken care of him by now and for saying that, I feel like such a fucking hypocrite for giving him and Lee such a hard time about Liz when she was no better than Ethan."
"And I married the black widow. Even had a kid with her, or so I thought. Creator of life, destroyer of mine. "
'"So did Lee basically. She fooled everyone, EVEN Ethan. God Craig, how could she do that to her own son??? That little boy was my nephew and now Ethan has your daughter and I know he's not just going to forget about Lee. So much keeps happening. No wonder I ended up in the hospital."
"I...I heard about that and...I wanted to maybe send you some flowers or come visit but...I..I didn't think my presence would have been appropriate, you know, just being your landlord and all and well...there's the little tidbit of my primary profession as well that I'm sure Lee isn't too fond of. Anywhoooo...I'm really glad you're ok. You're...ok..right?"
"For the most part yeah. Just gotta keep my iron intake up and stress levels down, which you can see is damn near impossible with the life I'm stuck in."
"You're only stuck if you choose to be."
"It doesn't feel like a choice anymore, even when I try to...ugh, it doesn't even matter."
Craig's ocean-like eyes were consoling as his hand went to your cheek. "Hey, it does matter. What else is bothering you? I have really good listening ears like that of a faithful family dog, only much less hair and a strong but soft shoulder to lean on and even comforting arms if you recall."
"I don't know. Like, for one thing, I'm supposed to hate my sister after all the horrible shit she's done to me and yet, I'm having a hard time hating her after what happened. Like, why...why do I care about people that don't deserve it???"
"Because you have a good heart which can sometimes be a curse really. You're supposed to be able to trust the people closest to you and when they go and give you a reason not to, it's a total mind fuck. It's hard to let them go even when you know it's what's best for you. I get it Jo."
"What I don't get is why I'm not good enough for the truth. I'm always being lied to. It's become nothing but a pattern and how am I supposed to trust someone when I don't know what they're holding back?"
"Ok first of all, you are good enough and if someone doesn't see that, then they are the ones not good enough and second of all, why do I feel this is not about your sister?"
"I appreciate what you're trying to do Craig, but...it doesn't matter."
"It does matter because you're clearly not happy. Tears don't lie. Are...you happy?"
Your eyes fell. "No. No I'm not. I'm miserable."
"Me too. Why don't you stay. We can be miserable neighbors together and drink wine every day and night to the point of inebriation, creating terrible art as a hobby while being covered in a rainbow of paint. You know, kind of like I already do? It's actually kinda fun and therapeutic. A little bit of good trouble..per se. I could use some inspiration as you well know."
You giggled. "Right...because we would actually be the artwork. How inspiring."
"Exactly! Except you'd be a firework. Oh, and you still owe me a viewing of your own masterpieces. So...whad'ya say?"
Craig got down on one knee and took your hand as he gave you a pathetic puppy face.
"Will you be my neighbor?"
"Oh my god you're such a nerd. Get up." you chortled and stood up.
"Well, I've been called much worse. Things I cannot even pronounce. You don't want to know, trust me. Sooooo, is that a yes?"
"I'll think about it."
"YES!" he jeered like an old lady at a bingo game winning the jackpot.
"So now, I'm really sorry but I need to get going. Thank you Craig...for listening and for the advice. It was nice. I want you to know I'm thinking of Blaise everyday and if I can help, I will. You'll never convince me that it wasn't my fault."
In the blink of an eye, Craig became all serious as he placed his hands on your arms. "Alright but, before I go, I need you to listen to me. Don't be letting your guilt cause you to do something dangerous. You let me handle this ok?? I don't want anything happening to you. Let me know what you decide on the apartment and...I'm really glad you're ok Jo and I...I hope you will stay. I like having you around."
He softly smiled and headed to the door, then turned back around.
"Oh and...I'm also glad you don't hate me."
"Ditto." you smiled. "Talk soon."
Craig left and you felt terrible for him. The formidable mafia man, always full of quirky humor wasn't so tough on the inside and was clearly lonely, but even so, you had to do what was best for you and if you stayed, would it really be a good idea? Had you known when you first moved in that Craig was one of Sonny's men and Jason's bff, you most likely would have ran away as fast and as far as you could. On the other hand, he could protect you and he wanted to and you felt safe around him. BUT, that didn't mean you would be. Things could always go wrong, especially in his world, which was now your world. Although, hadn't it always been your world because of Jason? And things always went wrong then, no matter where you were. Even your own brother couldn't keep you safe.
In your confliction, you knew you may still need to leave on a temporary basis because of your sister. No one knew yet what happened to her or where Ethan was, so she could still be in danger and that put your mom in danger as well with Megan living with her.
As you carried on with packing the rest of the one suitcase for the time being, once again you were interrupted. This time by the cordless phone ringing that Lee had talked you into getting for extra ways of communication. You decided to let the answering machine get it because you were in a hurry to get to the hospital, but when Lee's hypnotizing voice was heard, you stood frozen in time.
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"Hey sweet girl. I tried your cell but...I don't know, it must be on silent or maybe you just don't want to talk to me. I wish you would. I'm sorry about my text. I didn't mean it in the way you must think. If you're there, could you please pick up? I'd really love to hear your voice."
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He paused and waited a few moments, then continued.
"Ok, well, I...I'll just say what I need to say and leave you alone. Jo, I know I've said this so many times and it just sounds so meaningless, but I mean it, with every ounce of my being. I'm so sorry baby. For all of this. For all I have put you through. It's only been a single day and I miss you in ways that there are no words for. You are a mental and physical ache. A longing woven deep into my DNA and I...I don't know how to live like this. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm nothing without you. I'm inside out. I merely exist in this soulless shell and because I know you exist, there's no going back for me. There will never be anyone else for me but you. No one else could ever do. The heart wants what it wants and mine wants you and I knew it. I knew you were the right one from the get go and I still know it because the word "forever" does not sound like enough time."
As your heart was being torn in two and devoured by his agony, you walked over to the phone and picked it up, letting your finger hover over the call button, but you couldn't bring yourself to answer, so you just kept listening to his unintentional torture.
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"I know I have no one else to blame but myself. I know I'm broken. We were both broken. By life. By others. By our own serious dysfunctions, but we finally found each other after a decade of near misses. We were so close to each other all that time, yet so far apart and when destiny finally stepped in and we finally came together like the sun and moon during a total eclipse, all of the jagged edges of our broken pieces fit together like a puzzle, as if all that time, we were being broken for that purpose, to be a perfect fit for each other. But now I feel like I don't fit anywhere at all. Not anymore. Life goes on around me as i sit here and watch the boats sail by on the bay and I feel like I'm just a spectator, watching from the sidelines. You were...are my life. You are where I belong. You are my purpose, my reason. God Jo. Without you, all I want to do is drown my sorrows away and Lord knows I've tried, but even then, a sea full of whiskey couldn't intoxicate me as much as a drop of you. Because of you, I believe in love and fairytales and soulmates and everything that is magic. I followed the signs because you showed them to me. Just tell me it's not too late. Don't give up on me. I want to tell you everything and if I can bring myself to do that, maybe then you'll understand. I guess I've wrote a novel here and I should go. I still wish you would come today...to the cemetery. I'll be there around 4. If you don't come, it's ok. I will understand. Ok well..."
There was a pause and then he finished as his voice became very shaky. "I...I love you Miss Massachusetts. God I love you."
Lee quickly hung up and sat down. He had too. The 3 Red Bulls he downed earlier paired with the threat of an oncoming panic attack had him jittery, weak and breathless.
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"Lee wait!" you shouted as you punched the red button, but there was nothing but a dial tone.
Should you call him back? It would be so much easier than speaking to him in person because he had this wicked way of breaking you down and getting what he wanted from you that no one else had ever possessed, but of course he could say the same thing about you. Now the real question was, should you go? Lee clearly needed you and you were worried about him. You could hear it in his voice, the fear, the destitution and desperation...the love. And just because you and he were having problems didn't mean you would abandon him, but were you strong enough to uphold your boundaries in his presence? The mere sight of him was like some invisible magic in itself. You felt so guilty because he was fighting like hell for you and you were keeping him at arms length and just running away. Fight or flight? That was the all out question now and you knew exactly who to go to for the answers. Someone who had been through it all. Your mother.
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ranchracoon · 4 months ago
"Make Me Yours" Ch. 9 The Betrayal
Chapter 8
"Very well, when we're done with chores we'll meet here in the library. You have a point; might as well study you while you're still alive, or at least literate."
Carmen gulps and is dragged along with Bela back to the room from before where the Lady is standing impatiently. She narrows her eyes in Carmen's direction, and Carmen stupidly smiles at the attention. The Lady scoffs and returns to her desk, working in silence as before as Carmen organizes the reports one by one. The next day is more of the same, she follows Bela and the lady to the office and continues to file reports away, occasionally stealing a glance in the lady's direction. Her wolf beams at the close proximity and Carmen quickly looks away when the lady looks up even if it's not in her direction. 
True to her word, the next day after Bela completes her chores they meet in the library; Daniela asks questions about Carmen's family and she wastes the hours away by beaming over her brother and sister. Cassandra asks about her jaguar record which Carmen proudly retells, she finds that Cassandra adores the details and goes nearly graphic on how the hunt went. Bela is silent the entire time, even after dinner she reports very little to their mother. They're dismissed, and Carmen returns to the staff quarters only to find Bela there, waiting, before dragging Carmen away to another section of the castle. They pass by some other staff members who look away to avoid eye contact with Bela, and they avoid looking at you. Carmen looks around frantically as she's dragged off into a far corner, soon joined by Daniela. 
The room is cold, Carmen shivers and hugs herself as she notices the girls also standing closer to one another unlike before. Bela narrows her eyes upon looking at Carmen, then breathes out when Cassandra arrives. 
"Mother is in her quarters" Cassandra states.
"What are we doing here?" Carmen asks.
"This is the only place Mother can't hear us, no matter how loud we are" Daniela answers. 
"Okay? So why are we here?"
"I have one question" Bela states. 
Carmen tilts her head and shivers, "okay?"
"Why do you think our mother is your mate?"
Carmen swallows again, her entire face heating up as she rubs the back of her neck. Is she really about to admit everything to, basically three strangers?
"I want to believe you, but right now you're considered a threat and a prisoner. If you can prove to us that she's your mate, and this isn't just some ploy, then we'll help you. If not, I'll be the first to hunt you down" Bela threatens. 
"Okay okay. Jesus" Carmen breathes out. 
She retells what she can remember. Starting with the night she went to the moon pool and only having vague bits and pieces of the dream. She remembers the emblem which led her here, seeing the Dimitrescu Crest which is found on every bottle of their wine. Then she remembers finding the pathway through the woods, only to be chased by something, and finding herself in this castle. She mentions the lady she's seen numerous time, describing her in detail and noticing the girls glancing at one another nervously. 
"From your expressions, I'm guessing this woman is important?"
"You're describing Mother Miranda, and if she's visiting you in your dreams, then that means she knows about you."
"Is that bad?"
"Having Mother Miranda's attention has never ended in a celebration if that's what you're asking" Cassandra answers.
"Well, that's why I'm here. I don't know what these dreams mean, and I keep getting a sense of deja vu, or like someone is watching me."
"She must know you're a threat" Bela states coldly. 
"Or, maybe she knows she's somehow important to mother, and she's trying to keep them apart" Daniela interjects. 
"Only one way to find out" Cassandra says smirking. 
"Which is..?" Carmen asks. 
"Finding out if you're telling the truth or not about mother" Bela states. 
"Which means, we're gonna help you" Daniela chimes in. 
The next morning Liliana is 'sick' and her tasks are appointed to Carmen via orders from Daniela. Carmen wakes before everyone else and arrives in the kitchen to find Daniela waiting. She shows her how to brew the tea for her morning cup, and the special ingredient which is blood. Carmen gulps when Daniela brings out her sickle and slices a cut into Carmen's arm, pouring the blood into the pot. Carmen flinches and covers the wound, glaring over at Daniela who licks her blade and hums approvingly. 
They arrive at the lady's quarters, Daniela knocks on the door for Carmen before disappearing into her swarm but Carmen can still hear the faint buzzing nearby. There's no answer so Carmen awkwardly looks around before shifting the tray to one hip and opening the door with her free hand. The entire room smells like her; lavender oil with hints of smokey residue from the fire which is a nice break from the acidic smell of cigarettes. Every room seems to have a fireplace, which she's thankful for because the staff quarters are damn near freezing. There's a desk adjacent to the bed which is in the corner, there is her sleeping mate. Carmen places the tray down on a nearby bedside table then stands there on what to do, she looks around again for any sign of Daniela or even Bela for some guidance but there's nothing but the crackling fire. She clears her throat and looks at the lady, she slightly stirs so Carmen clears her throat again and gently reaches out to shake her awake. She greatly underestimates just how big the lady is, she'd have to crawl onto the bed to reach her shoulder so that's not an option. Damn. She kind of hoped to at least touch her. 
Suddenly the lady shifts in the bed, Carmen tenses and stands upright without moving a muscle. Perhaps her vision is based on movement like a t-rex. If Carmen doesn't move, the lady won't know she's here. The lady slowly rises from the bed, groaning softly before she stands up on the opposite side of the bed and walks around toward the fireplace. Carmen swallows thickly as she watches, the lady is wearing nothing but a nightgown which reaches her mid thigh and leaves very little to the imagination. Her cleavage is on full display, and Carmen stares are her long, slim legs which flex with every step she takes. Even in only the  firelight, Carmen can make out the details of her body, every curve including her hip dips and love handles. Carmen has to bite her lower lip to contain herself, her wolf internally going haywire at how badly she wants to sink her teeth into her. Feel her flesh on hers, the give when she bites down and-
"Liliana, you are not one to slack."
Carmen snaps out of her fantasy, her body now hot and bothered as she sees the lady standing by the firelight, the flames encompassing her body in a yellowish glow. 
"Um- Liliana is sick" Carmen chokes out. 
The lady tenses and suddenly swings around to look at Carmen, the sleepiness from her eyes gone instantly. What is this vermin doing here? The lady grabs what she can of her nightgown and tightens it to cover herself. The lady growls under her breath as she rounds about from the fireplace and stands next to Carmen. Carmen looks up at her, resisting every urge to look at the edges of her gown, knowing that would be a fatal mistake. 
"What are you doing here?" She asks with venom in her voice. 
"Uh, well, Liliana is sick and she asked me to cover for her since you said yourself that I have to work under you or Bela."
"I know what I said" she pinches the bridge of her nose and grumbles, "no one gets sick in this castle. Bring her to me."
"What?" Carmen stammers. 
"I want to see for myself if she's truly sick. You expect me to believe you?"
Carmen scrambles out of the room, panting once the cool air of the hallway hits her overheated body. Fuck. She shakes her head and runs down the hallway to the main room only to come face to face with Bela. Bela crosses her arms and stares at Carmen, bunching her nose in disgust. 
"Ugh. Calm yourself down. You reek."
Carmen's face flushes, her body becomes hot once again as sweat forms in the mid of her back. She hugs herself and covers her face with one hand to hide her embarrassment as Bela scoffs. 
"Let me guess, Daniela put you up to this?"
"What was her plan?"
"Tell your mother that Liliana is sick so I have to take her place."
"Now she wants you to confirm she's actually sick?"
"You do know what being sick means here...right?"
"You...get the day off?" Carmen asks with feign hope.
"I didn't think so" she sighs defeatedly.
Bela doesn't answer and turns to walk away, Carmen follows as Bela comes to the dining room and finds Daniela with Cassandra already there. Liliana is standing there petrified, her face pale and sweat drenching her clothes. Carmen approaches but the poor girl flinches back, whimpering and cowering away. 
"What did you do to her?" Carmen asks.
"Made her sick. I had a feeling mother would want to see her for herself. Come on" Daniela chimes. 
Cassandra grabs Liliana and leans in to whisper in her ear, the girl frantically nods her head while whimpering. Carmen looks at Liliana who refuses to look at her; her, Cassandra, Daniela, and Carmen walk back to the lady's chambers and knock on the door. Carmen looks down at Liliana who hugs herself, sniffling, and crying silently. 
"I'm sorry" Carmen says quietly. 
"You've sentenced me to death" Liliana says bitterly. 
"Shut it" Cassandra orders.
The door flies open and the lady stands there, moving aside so the two of them can enter and stand in the center of the room. Carmen stands there, fidgeting with her fingers and once again picking at her nails. Liliana remains motionless, she's stopped her crying and refuses to look up until the lady approaches and forcibly grabs her chin. She examines Liliana who whimpers and sniffles. 
"Such a shame, I was beginning to like you"
"Please my lady!" Liliana cries out, startling Carmen.
Liliana doesn't get another word in before Cassandra and Daniela grab onto the girl's arms, holding her into place. Carmen's eyes widen as another wave of deja vu hits her, the lady's long claws elongate and puncture the girl through the stomach. Carmen flinches and grabs onto her own stomach, falling backwards and scrambling until her back hits a wall. The lady's claws retract back into her hand and she waves her hand, Daniela and Cassandra drag the limp body of Liliana away. Carmen hyperventilates as she looks up at the lady who approaches her, Carmen tries to scoot away only to find herself in a literal corner. The lady halts and smirks down at Carmen, her golden eyes glowing even with her face covered in shadow.
"Looks like you've been promoted."
Chapter 10
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artificialgrinder · 1 year ago
Dylan receives the strangest, yet darkest phone call of his life.
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I actually started a new job but I have to admit, I've also found It extremely difficult to find motivation as of late. But I'm trying to force myself to continue on. So I hope this wee update is enough to keep you all going until I next update.
TW's for this chapter: underage drinking // violence mentions // drugging mentions
“What…the fuck?”
Breeana just…stood stunned. Fuck, she knew shit was bad when she caught the now-winged Cymbeline the first time. 
But now, it was even worse.
“I-I can explain,” Breeana stammered.
Yasmin still stared at the sky, watching the glowing dot that was Cymbeline become less and less visible. Cloe on the other hand, rubbed her elbows and edged towards the forest.
“So - So, like, she’s a pixie.” Yasmin stated, despite it sounding more like a question. Her eyes were wide and her skin pale, unable to determine if this was some weird fever dream.
Breeana shook her head feverishly. “We don’t say pixie. But that’s - -” 
“Oh, sorry. I meant ‘fairy’,” Yasmin continued sarcastically.
“Well…fairy is also a term we don’t use.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“We say fae or…”
“Breeana! It doesn’t fucking matter! Cymbeline literally just flew off right in front of our fucking eyes! I mean…what…? How…?”
Again, the youngest Devlin struggled to find the right response. But what could she possibly say to make all this go away.
“We gotta go!” Cloe shook her head, her anxiety just as high in the sky as Cymbeline. “W-We gotta get back to Sasha and Jade and - -”
“You can’t tell them!” Breeana blurted.
“Breeana! How?! How can we not?!” Yasmin held her arms out by her side. “Cymbeline is our friend! She - -”
“Then, if that’s true, and you really care about her, then you won’t tell anyone! I’m serious, Yasmin. This is…This is more complicated than it looks.” Breeana’s voice cracked, already shivering from the growing panic and the breeze from the cliff top.
“More complicated than it looks?! Bitch, are you kidding?!” Cloe yelled.
“God, now I wish she was just acting too cool for us!” Yasmin added.
Stuttering and fighting to find her words, Breeana slowly realised not a damn thing would keep these girls from staying silent. And the only thing she could bring herself to do…
Well she’d have to have a long and heated talk with her Dad.
She raised both hands, pointed at both Yasmin and Cloe. “‘So will those mere mortals be silenced, and unable to speak…’” She spoke quietly, reciting the spell she had learned so young. Outside of practising under her father’s gaze, things never came down to this. She was breaking his trust, but for his own good. And it hurt. 
Despite the few drinks both teens had before coming to the Devlin’s home, Yasmin and Cloe were too quick for Breeana.
“Oh, shit, let’s go!” Cloe snatched Yasmin’s hand, and both teens dashed into the sea of trees.
So many voices in Breeana’s mind told her to run…Take off after the frightened girls. 
But her feet remained planted. There was no hope in stopping them.
Her knees gave in, bringing Breena down to the ground, her head empty of ways to fix this shit.
For what felt like the tenth time, Dylan messaged Sasha.
‘Yo where you at girl?’
Standing off to the sidelines of the club whilst everyone else lost their shit to the music, Dylan stared at his phone screen, begging whoever was listening to his inner thoughts to allow him a response. Yes, it seemed obsessive and extremely annoying, but with Cymbeline not here either, it was possible shit went down.
As concerned as he was, he was a drama thirst. He needed to know the T'.
Forty-five minutes had passed since Sasha let him know they were swinging around the Devlin’s house first, nothing out of the ordinary considering the two sisters were a bit out of town. But with no response, something had to have happened.
Sighing, Dylan looked away from the screen, impatience getting the better of him. And along came Cameron, and he was very very trashed.
“Yo, so I’ve been thinking, Dyl’.” Cameron slung an arm around his friend’s shoulder, the drink in his hand sloshing over the side of the cup and onto Dylan’s shoes. “About what you said.”
“What I said?” Dylan mourned the white colour of his shoes.
“Yeah. About Cloe.”
“Uh huh?”
“I just…you know…I gotta just - -” Cameron hiccuped, “be myself, you know? I mean, we made out at Nevra’s party that one time. I’m already a foot in. You feel, homey?”
“I feel, homey.”
Before Cameron could continue his ramblings, the music came to an end, only the sound of the crowd remaining. Koby was at the front of the stage, sweating dripping from his beaded forehead. He panted, peeling the black t-shirt from his form and tossing it into the screaming crowd of fans.
“Gross.” Cameron commented.
“You guys are awesome,” Koby said into the mic before pointing at Cade, the boy knocking back shots at the bar. “Cade? Happy Birthday, my dude. My brother from another mother for life.”
Not wanting to break his streak, Cade took another shot and raised a thumbs up, signalling his approval.
“Love you, dude.” Koby breathed into the mic before addressing the audience again. “Alright, so…I need a break. I need some water for real, guys. But this ain’t the end of the music.”
The crowd went wild again, as if they knew what was about to happen.
“So I’m gonna have a friend of mine take over for a bit.” And Koby looked over his shoulder, already seeing said friend make her way on stage. “Dudes…Dudettes…All you peeps in between…here's Roxxi Sin.”
Both Dylan and Cameron joined in on the cheering as Roxxi stepped up to the mic, adjusting her guitar. The girl let her eyes trail the audience, just for a moment, before they landed on one girl in particular – her girlfriend.
“Hi, Nevra,” Roxxi smiled into the mic.
“Hi, baby!” Nevra waved her hand around, excitement coursing through her. She looked at those around her. “That’s my girlfriend! She’s my fucking girlfriend, and I love her!”
“You’ll love this one, babe.” And Roxxi strummed her guitar, bringing the rest of Koby’s band to join in.
“Man,” Cameron started, “Love is like…love is the tits. You know?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” Dylan laughed now.
“But what would you know, my guy?” Cameron continued, taking a large swig of his drink. “You used to be, like, in every girl’s DM’s. Nowadays I never see you with any.”
“Cam’, my entire friend group consists of girls,” Dylan squinted his eyes.
“Yeah, but you ain’t dating any of them.”
“Well, maybe I don’t wanna date them.” Dylan went back to watching Roxxi serenade her girlfriend, telling Cameron the conversation was over. But now lost in thought, he knew his friend was right. Once upon a time, Dylan was the biggest player in school. But times had changed. His friendship with the five girls enlightened and educated his juvenile mind, and even though he still had a long way to go, he rarely ever felt the need to comment on the appearance of attractive girls. 
Of course, there was that time Lina was introduced in chemistry class, but that soon fizzled – just a quick fascination that passed.
As for now, there was one girl on his mind. And yet, he wasn’t so sure if it was even possible.
Pulling his phone out again, he hoped for a message from her only for those hopes to diminish. Sasha had yet to reply as well. Crazy.
But there was one message – an unknown number.
‘We need to talk, big boy. Call or she’ll be hurt.’
Immediately, his heart was struck by a sting. Staring at his phone screen, his stomach as seconds passed. Who the fuck was this? Who would be hurt? To call the police or just call the person right then and there?
“Hang on, Cameron,” Dylan quickly pat his drunk friend on the shoulder as he rushed towards the exit.
The music became quieter and quieter the closer he got to the door. And once outside, it was just a thumping beat. 
Dylan’s hands shook as he called the number, wishing so much that it would just keep ringing. He was a nervous wreck, but the thought of something happening to someone because of his carelessness...
The ringing ended, and yet, nothing was heard on the other end.
“Hello?” Dylan said quietly.
Another moment of silence ensued before, finally, someone spoke in a low and dangerous tone. “What’s up, Dylan?”
Just like that, his nerves diminished. “Zach. What the fuck do you want?”
“Straight to the point, my guy. Nice,” Zach continued, chuckling to himself like he was getting off. “Now look, you and me are due a fight.”
“Since when?”
“Depends how you look at it. Maybe it was the recent spat we had in the hall. Or maybe the long years of competition.”
“Competi - - Man, what the hell are you talking about? Are you high?”
“Shut the fuck up, Dylan. Now listen to me; get your ass out to my location right fucking now so I can kick your ass to ground. Got it?”
Dylan could have laughed. “You really think you can beat me down? You think you scare me? ‘Cause all I hear right now are pathetic bitch ass words and an asshole breathing heavy on the phone like he’s touching himself.”
Zach completely ignored the comment however. “I’m not alone, Dylan. Did you even read my message?”
And now did Dylan’s anxiety return. “H-How do I know that’s not just some pathetic way to get me to come to you?”
“You don’t believe me?” Zach chuckled darkly again. “Well then, I guess I gotta prove it to you then. Here, baby.”
Dylan squinted. Baby? Was he even talking to him anymore?
Another moment of silence…
Before a sweet voice came through...
Her voice...
The boy’s eyes widened. “B-Breeana?”
“Dylan, c-can you…” she paused, sounding weak, “Can you come get me? I…I don’t know where I am.”
“Breeana!” Dylan began to pace. “Breeana, ha-has he hurt you? What did he do?!”
“I can’t…I can’t move. I’m sinking…I can’t…” Breeana trailed off as Zach clearly pulled the phone back to his mouth.
“Believe me now, tough guy?” Zach glowered. 
“What did you do to her? I’ll fucking kill you if you’ve hurt her!”
“Relax, man. All I did was…probably slip something in her drink. But don’t worry. I haven’t laid a finger on her, Dylan. Well...not yet, at least. Just depends how fast you can get here. Have I made myself clear?”
Dylan was panting now, his blood boiling. Just the thought of anyone hurting that girl made him see red. “Drop the fucking pin, man. I swear to God, you’ll never live to see the day.”
“We’ll see about that. Bye, Dylan’.”
Not one moment was wasted. Dylan flagged the closest cab he could get. No matter where it was, or how much it would cost, he was going to get to that absolute waste of human life, and he was going to smash his skull with a rock.
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year ago
Thelreads, MHA 286, Replies Part 2
1) “Neither do y'all know what’s actually in there, fighting them. If any of you knew you’d run away in fear, but there’s no running away.”- It’s a rock and a hard place situation, except both of them are walking incarnations of destruction, and both of them are moving closer together as time goes on…. 2) “WAIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIGARAKI PUTTING HIS HAND ON MIDORIYA WHAT NO NO NO NO ABSLOULTELY NOPE NOPE NOPE”- Actually, in this case we’re lucky, because it’s AFO putting Tomura’s hand on Izuku’s face, and his first order of business is to steal OFA before dusting Izuku, which gives our boy a second’s breathing room that others don’t have. 3) “OH THIS PLACE SEEMS FAMILIAR
IS THIS GONNA BE A BATTLE IN THE MINDPLACE ARE WE GONNA PULL A STAN PINES”- Unfortunately, Izuku doesn’t have an ironclad defence built into his brain like an Iron plate or such, as evidenced by the crumbling jagged cracks you can see seeping into this place, originating from the presence of the mental fusion between Tomura and AFO. Just them being here is already starting to eat away at OFA’s defences, and once that goes, so too does Izuku. 4) “OH GOD THERE’S THEM
OH THIS IS NOT GONNA BE GOOD”- Putting him down by assimilating his mind into nothingness. Tomura always thought he’d be the big bad villain, was told by Garaki and AFO this would be the case, and it was technically correct….with the cravat that it was always going to be AFO in the driver’s seat once Tomura’s body was ready. 5) “OH GOD IT LOOKS LIKE HE’S GROWING OUT OF SHIGARAKI LIKE A PLANT, OR A FUNGUS”- The positioning also makes Tomura look like a literal ventriloquist’s dummy, underscoring how he’s becoming a puppet of AFO’s in body and mind.
(MHA ch 285)
6) “HE REALLY FUCKING TOOK OVER OH JESUS FUCK WE DIDN’T EVEN GOT TO SAY GOODBYE TO SHIGARAKI”- Well, Tomura’s not completely gone within, but it’s only a matter of time before the assimilation finishes….
IT’S HER ISN’T IT???”- Izuku’s fought until his body and soul literally can’t stand up straight anymore. It’s about time the adults in his head pulled some weight of their own. 8) “IT’S HER
I’M REALLY NOT LIKING THIS”- It’s again a showcase in contrasts. AFO’s hand on Tomura is full of “bad Touch” (in all senses of the word) vibes, almost petting him, whilst keeping his face bowed towards the ground, so he can’t stand up straight, showing his oppression. Nana’s hand is there as a support to Izuku, to let him know that he doesn’t need to keep trying to do it all himself and to just rest back for a moment whilst they take over the fight, now it’s moved into a realm where the Vestiges can contribute. 9) “Midoriya can’t lose his quirk here, but I’m having a feeling that he won’t leave this fight unscathed. There will be a price to be paid for being that close to the Lord of Evil himself. He is staring into the abyss, and his face is close enough that the Abyss can reach him”- Say, do you remember how AFO seemed to somehow know things about Izuku, like when OFA was awakening to the dormant Quirks of the past holders?
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And do you recall how, in Harry Potter, it was revealed that Harry was actually an unknowing Horcrux to lord Voldemort himself, giving the latter the ability to mentally influence him in book 5, in order to serve his will? And how the wills of the past holders are similarly capable of controlling Izuku’s body if his own will is overridden?
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I’m not saying that the Vestiges won’t be on guard against mental intrusion from AFO, but there’s a hell of a lot of overlap between the HP books and this whole “stealing my protégée’s soul to live forever” plot AFO’s cooked up, and that should be very concerning for Izuku…
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On a related note, the reason Izuku's depicted as a cute sheep as his spirit animal is because of thier shared adorableness, but also, if given enough time to train/grow, a sheep can fully grow their horns in, and become extremely capable of messing you up with them, just like All Might the Ram with the grown horns is the strongest hero in the world, so it's to showcase how he's both cute and deceptivly dangerous at the same time. Aaaand, here's the chapter recap by Doodlelotl:
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writerrobinarnett · 2 years ago
jokes aside i have shorter questions this time (yes, i elaborated chapter 20 LMAO).
ok i noticed this particular earlier but i just wanted to be sure when i asked you this. is it mullo (the kwami ​​of multiplication– oh well, the mouse) who sends the diary pages to will and eleven? tbh i already figured it that was a kwami who was ​​sending them the informations, and i suspected it was mullo (to clarify, i just googled her name because until today i had no idea what her name was lmao). chapter 20 only confirmed the thing. but why a kwami should be free when the miraculous should be in the miracle box?
we were just talking about love square and will is just starting to notice mike (destiny). i'm really curious how will will understand that mike mayfield is actually mike wheeler (sometimes i forget that he's supposing to be max's brother LMAO). and i'm also curious to know how el will react if will confesses to her his feelings for mike (⚰️ <- this is eleven)
henry creel is the felix of this story. i just elaborated that. that's cool. that's not really a question but that's cool.
can vecna and tikki unify (i didn't understand this tbh) ?i
i've run out of questions for now 😃👍
ohmygosh Hello again! 😄
I see you’re back at it with the super insightful and awesome questions!
This is such an astute observation! Tbh the references are pretty subtle, so I’m impressed that you connected the mouse that keeps appearing to the diary pages. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is a spoiler, since it will be revealed later in the story. You won’t get the answer for a long, looooooong time, but you will get an answer, I promise! (Lmk if you want a very vague hint though lol)
Also, I’m curious, why do you think it’s a kwami that’s leaving the diary pages? Not confirming or denying it lol, just wondering 😊
Ahh, you’ll just have to wait and see how Will discovers the truth about Mike’s name. (but you won’t have to wait long hehe) I don’t have a moment where Will confides in El about his crush on Mike… But if I did, I think it would totally go like this:
Will: I think… I might like Mike El: *stares silently ahead, dying inside* El: *inhales deeply* Will: Um… El? El: JUST ASK HIM OUT ALREADY JESUS #$@%*& (the rest is censored, but it would go on for like five min lol) Will: geez okay omg. Calm down! I guess… I guess I’ll ask him tomorr– El: *grabs Will’s phone and throws it at him* No. ASK HIM OUT. RIGHT. NOW!
That’s such a cool idea!! I honestly didn’t realize they were so similar (I kinda wrote that chapter before I saw s5, but now that you point it out, I totally see it!) I just wanted to make a villain that was a big threat but had good intentions. But yeah, he really is a very Felix/Argos like character! Such a cool parallel 😊
Great question! I’m sure you’re not the only one confused, so I’ll try my best to explain it well. Okay. So, when Tikki and Vecna “unify” in ch. 18, it’s meant to be very different from how unifying kwamis works in MLB, and that is because of Vecna. As opposed to being an entirely new kwami, Vecna is half of Tikki. “Unifying” the two, in my story, is more like recombining two halves of a broken kwami. When I say “broken,” I mean how Tikki was losing control of her creation power (as well as her miraculous literally being cracked). To put the unification process simply: “broken” Tikki + Vecna should make a Normal Tikki. However! Vecna was created by a dark/fundamental magic that is “of the Earth.” That magic is not compatible with normal kwamis (who come from space). Because Vecna and Tikki can’t fully recombine, they have a partial unity. They are both tied to Will’s soul and bonded to each other, which stabilizes Tikki (filling in her cracked miraculous), but they can never recombine fully.
If the explanation for unifying doesn’t make sense, then don’t worry too much. 😊 It’s not super important how it works. All that matters is Will has two kwamis. He can’t ever take off his earrings or renounce his two miraculous. And he can switch between his upside down powers and his ladybug powers
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llycaons · 2 years ago
final ch lb reposted bc it's not showing up in the tags???
AUGH THE CHAPTER IS CALLED DUNGEON MESHI. it's simple but I love it when they do that. perfect for dm, which is pared-down in themes but applies itself perfectly to what it wants to say
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wow, damn, guess that makes sense, it's so amazing that laios brought so many people together with the simple promise of something that unites all living things - nourishment - and they in turn brought their own food to add to the communal pot. I would have liked to see more exploration of this community-building through food, but this is literally one of the only things I would change about dm it's so impeccable crafted
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damn marcille
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aw man, that's genuinely an awful thing to live with. this might be a happy ending, but laios lives with the consequences of his defeat of the demon
this is an actual medical condition too...people can get really sick
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celebratory panel!!! ofc senshi is stoic (though without ever being unkind! he's unruffled without being cold) and izu doesn't rly care
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sorry but 👀
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THIS IS SO FUNNY. senshi being like 'I'm politely staying out of this' and everyone else being like 'yeah there's no way he's that selfless'
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damn, what a step for marcille, who was so terrified of losing the people close to her
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she's so hot here ugh
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OHHH this visual is so cool
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mmm tasty! her face says hehe she's so cute I missed her so bad. real babygirl material
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yayy!!! and standing up suddenly able to walk, and TAKING the dragon with her??? that's so cute like a little plush
it would have been an interesting ending for her to maybe not recover the use of her legs? ending the story with a disability wouldn't have been a tragedy, and it's been done really well in other stories. like, I'm still me, this is a change that happened because of something I've been through, and it's something to adjust to and keep moving forward with. sorry to bring up tgcf here but sqx's storyline is truly so compelling like she DID that
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SHES SO CUTE I CAN'T STAND IT. farlyn are you free friday I can take you to a movie and buy you dinner
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really incredible how she's hot in one panel then charming in another then ravenous in the third. her range...
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this is such lover behavior <3
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marcille love!!! her legs lmao
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😭😭😭 not many stories end this straightforwardly satisfyingly and honestly it's really really nice. a more bittersweet ending or a more 'mature' one might have had farlyn not come back at all a lesson abt death or w/e but fuck that!!
ohhhh sexy
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STOP THIS IS SO FUCKING CUTE!!! LOOK HOW HE'S SMILING. CRYING OVER THIS!!! character who barely know each other and have met like once before but will absolutely be friends for life. this might be my favorite panel in the chapter and maybe even series
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aww she's trying to reach out to izu. she's not someone who warms up to people easily but farlyn is just so lovable and sincere and weird that I can def see a friendship potentially for them
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STOP STOP THIS IS SO CUTE. im so glad farlyn didn't get paired off or even god forbid MARRIED to that guy who likes her can you fucking imagine. maybe farcille isn't confirmed but they're real in our hearts and nothing disproves them
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damn, pizza? I don't remember that
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of course she does!!! she's outgoing and adventurous and loves to eat!
you know this story wouldn't have worked half as well if farlyn wasn't legitimately a charming and lovable character who was easy to get attached to and root for. if they tried going the jerk with a heart of gold route, it would have taken a lot longer and been harder to create sympathy for her. like how cql's appeal rests disproportionately on you liking and rooting for wwx, dungeon meshi's driving plot relied on you WANTING this woman to come back to life, to eat and see her friends and do her magic and get into her weird hobbies. and she's perfect! the writing doesn't rely on one cliched line or scene to get you to realize 'oh they're a good person despite their harsh exterior' to get you to root for her (even tho that's an underutilized technique for writing women), it just presents this oddball and lets you love her. rk is so good at writing women who feel like real people, it's a reason adore marcille - for her awkwardness, her judgement, her readiness to blow things up without thought. she's just a deeply uncool person who's very endearing
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not to be a monarchist or anything but this is probably the best they could have gotten given the situation so I'm not going to complain too much. it's not like I read dm for in-depth and realistic political engagement
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and this is like the easiest way to be a good leader. just care about your people getting the food they need. that's enough, really. I don't think laios is capable of much more anyway. it's not like he's a politican
also what does the succession line look like? I know he's not having a kid. omg kabru!! his face is so ajshdksad. and yayy marcille and farlyn staying to advise him together!!
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oHHH SHIT. thesis statement of the series! also these babies are so fucking cute I can't deal. ik that one of them is a dog person but the other one??? is that an orc??? well take back what I said about just food being important. integration is happening here too - it's clear that laios's kingdom is welcoming of people like orcs who have historically been expelled from other places and violently targeted by other races. idk how he managed that but like, well done, laios!
you know I adore cql but it's such a relief to step into other stories that aren't quite so much about Good (TM ) in a vague and all-encompassing sense and also have characters who aren't laserfocused on one person and who you can envision making connections to and becoming close with other characters 😭 loving lwj is so hard sometimes loving farlyn is so easy always
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onlyjaeyun · 1 year ago
HEY QUEEN 🗣️ girl u have done it again 🤭constantly raising the bar for us all, and doing it FLAWLESSLY ☝️i’d say i’m surprised but i know who you are 🤷‍♀️ i’ve seen it up close and personal ! girl u make me so proud and i love you 🫶🏼 now look at how u ate that. LOOK AT HOW U DEVOURED THAT WHOLE SMUT. AS U FUCKING SHOULD 💯 bro the amount of emotions i went through in those 25 mins of reading ouhhh lord jesus have mercy on my poor soul GAWD how are you SO GOOD?! i need an actual scientific research on ur thought process because HOW do u manage to keep gagging all of us AGAIN and AGAIN OVER AND OVER. miss zadie, im afraid you devoured the hate sex scene so eloquently you had me dizzy for a good 4 mins after reading 🤕 your writing game is UNTOUCHABLE 🙅‍♀️ #theseotherhoescouldnever i love you and ur brain so so much. okay now im gonna start talking about what the FUCK 🧍‍♀️ happened.
alright so first of AWL 🤨 FIRST SEX SCENE OF CH COMPLETED LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO 🗣️🗣️🗣️ anyways now fuCK OFF NA JAEMIN FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING OH MY GOOOODDDDD like this is actually insane a whole ass phonecall for a laptop (i get it but for him i don’t) broke ass bitch u STILL HAVE THE AUDACITY TO CALL when u shOULD BE IN JAIL BITCH. (also i read ur explanation about the freshmen students and yes, it was infact a jumpscare. im totally ignoring the fact that my right kidney stopped and my left eye went blind after reading “9th graders” but thanks for clarifying baby 🫶🏼) anyways when is the execution date for j***** like i need to see him live 4k 1080p quality on that electric chair 🪑 bro.
moving on from the rat that escaped the sewage! what the FUCK. that hate sex scene was tEW GOOD. 😩 u know what really had me almost become one with the floor was the way u made him ALMOSSTTT become pussy drunk 🙏🏼 i’m blushing and giggling rn but i love love LOVEEE when u make them like that 😭 anyways can’t wait to see sunghoon singing “best i ever had” to yn 30 chapters or smth from now. BUT AYYYEEEE HEESEUNG WOMB ESCAPE DAY PARTY LETS GO 🗣️💯 i can’t wait to see the events that will happen in the party & in the next few chapters 😁🤞
anywho! hope you’re taking care of yourself angel !! sending u so many hugs & kisses thank u zadie for ur service :D
firstly, thank you SO much for these baby i hope you knwo i appreciate them with everything i have and if you dont i will try harder to make it known to you 🫡
STOP THE PRAISING AND COMPLIMENTING IS TOO MUCH IM GONNA BLUSH AND FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU RN 🤕 thank you so, so so so much baby i love you and am literally so smiley rn like i might have a crush on you dont make me delulu 🤥
NOT YOU WANTING THE CHAIR FOR CH!JAEMS 😭😭 valid but DAMN ngl and im glad i got that cleared up bc yes he's bad but not THAT bad 🤥🤥
and you know i will make hoonie admit that he's never had pussy as good as ch!y/n's just bc i promised to make him fall to his knees and BEG for her mercy like she's gonna be so mean to him but he deserves it so its okay 🤭🤭
thank you so much again baby, always so happy to see you in my inbox and hope youre having a great day, pls accept ALL my kisses 🥺🤍🫧☁️
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nicegaai · 8 months ago
Ch 5:
Im a little proud of myself for trying to give everyone separate typing quirks. Timo types like a terminally online goober and Ber always ends sentences with a period boomer-style… etc… idk. I thought that was fun. I don’t remember all the details of my texting hcs anymore so I’ll be winging it going forward
Did ao3 break my formatting? Im pretty sure that was supposed to be a “:3” :-( they killed my kitty smile…
Ohhhhh!! This was the ch I finally got a little horny with it, for real. Nice. I think I was like, ‘okay I need to work myself up to actually making this fic nsfw’ … lmao. Im still nervous about actually making them fuck I cannot lie…
WHY DID I CALL EMIL HIS NEXT VICTIM ,,,,,, oh wait I meant like. After touching on Ber he went for Emil next. That ws kind of a fucked up way to say it. I did not like that. But honestly, warranted
Literal actual basic typo. I know exactly what happened there, it was a tense thing and I was clicking thru edits too fast … FUCKK !!!!! 
Cuckold Berwald Real. TO ME. I should have made that exchange funnier. There was squandered opportunity…
THIS S IS SO OOO OO OOOOOO O. OOO OOOOOOOOOOO stupid. I hated that line. Im going to cry. Norgway my delusional insane king . Role model for children around the world. Worlds best brother. i think I have given myself a tension headache
ANOTHER TYPO HELLO?????? Once again I know exactly what happened in the editing process, that was on me for going too quick. Im a dumbass for not noticing until now 
Yeah okayyyyy… I might be a little bit of a bad person for writing this fic. This is so awful, lmao. Cest la vie…
LajglkjsdgjkajksdgjlkalkjdaljKJLkjlsjALKJLGAKSJDGLA I can barely handle this what the ehll man what the hell wha the hell im in distress. I shut my laptop on accident. Yay Emil is being included by his loving considerate older brother figure. This is so evil actually I need to take a walk or SOMETHING.
Emil my beloved king of reading the room incorrectly. He’s just like me frrrrrr
That line sucks. I hated that. Mads would not talk like that wtf. Im going to leave a mean comment on this fic OP needs to know. its WAYYY too late to change it though im just gonna get over it and move on. Sorry for having bad taste last year im a different person now <3
Oh this is so bad. Thats so BADDDDD. im having a GREAT time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hav u ever um >< been to a pride parade? Girl im going to kill myself this is so much
Im so mean to Mathias. Brainless senseless manwhore with no moral compass. This AU rules
Damn okay bad writing strikes again. This whole section needed another rewrite. I could still fix this. I could make it funnier. I could even describe something for once
AWWW. AWWWWHHHHHHHHHH. Oh my god I adore these guys. i LOVEEEEEE them. Kicking my feet + cartoon hearts circling my head
I don’t want to read this. I know I wrote this horribly. i did NOT expect to run into full on smut already. Jesus h christ … Save meeeeeeee
Ok no sorry this is exactly the kind of reaction I need to desensitize myself to if Im hoping to write an orgy ending. Which uhhh spoilers ofc I am. Its going to build character , for me personally, because I am so so averse to writing porn. We r going to do it. im gonna do it. And right now i gotta read this <- hyping myself up
Um right so. This is really bad and I don’t want to be here. I am not sure how to enjoy this. I want to be enjoying this but I kind of want to jump into a volcano (not sexually).
Everything I write is cringe to me and porn is like 10x as bad (this is why i needed the liveblog accountability to stay motivated). im sorry for subjecting anyone reading this to my poor self esteem. I will continue to be like this though<3
EMIL REACTIONS. I LOVE REACTIONS. I love the grappling with wtf is going on in this AU. Thats my favorite. The implications. TEE HEE
“Berwald is an only child with “my mom will never get grandchildren” gay guilt, and Timo, also gay, has two sisters—Sápmi (older) and Åland (younger). I’ll edit the previous lore A/N soon.” <- OHHH ok I did say something. Good. I forgot about Åland tho sorry girl. Maybe add fixing that A/N to the list of things I need to edit bcz uhhhhhh
im attempting my fic reread today. im announcing this bc i will be liveblogging to keep my morale up, NOT THAT anyone cares but i personally need this, like ill only commit to do the thing if theres an imaginary audience holding me accountable. & i like to have fun :3
anyway. captains log, its a beautiful sunny july weekend. i just finished my morning coffee, and, i am dreading this so much. i dont like rereading my own writing but i shall get over it. ok here we go.
Þetta Reddast vagueblogged directors commentary edition
Ch 1:
*opens fic and starts convulsing immediately* god i wish i smoked weed rn. i cannot chill out ever for the life of me
My Mission For Today Is: to remember what plot threads I’ve left hanging so I can resolve this story properly. And also try n remember where the flow is going. I have the end plotted out, I just am a little lost … it’s been a while :-(
Abrupt beginning!!!! I’m not mad because I have . I HAD. Almost no writing experience when I started this. it isn’t ideal but I refuse to be one of those fanfic writers that starts rewriting early chapters without finishing the last ones. Ive never seen one of those types actually finish a longfic. …I’d already rather yap than actually read LMAO AHH
Oh this is worse than I remember. thats cool that s great ok alright *coughs up blood*
"20 somethings" WOW I really did not know where I was going with this when I started huh
LKJSDLKSJDLGKGDJSLDGJK ??? Who authorized this. Who let me cook. What the hell
I could write this better now. I could edit this into something beautiful. <- devil on my shoulder
"generously offered nothing to the exchange." wait STOPPPP. I’m so funny
GRAMMAR ERROR DETECTED why is there two periods. I’ll be coming back to fix that …………………. :-(((
Fuck. This is a lot. Marge Simpson Hiding Her Face dot Png
Oh this is stupid this is gayyy this is fukcinnn . Who fucking did t his. What was wrong with me,. This is so good actually. what was i ONNNN. 
Im gonna throw up and I don’t know if thats like/. A complimentary thing or if im just cringing that hard . Im feeling emotions. I love my OTPs..OT3~5? I love them so so much
Ok as much as im like “eww bad writing” this is .. dare I say, rly good in places. Not to suck my own dick but maybe all hope isnt lost and imposter syndrome is an illusion
Grammar mistake #2. Goddddddd. they should ban me from the archive for this
Urghhh gritting my teeth… Im fully expecting the flow of events to start not making any gd sense. There’s no way this came together the way I hoped in my head and .... For real I was never able to read this all the way thru. this is my first time, lol. and it was all disjointed on the authorial end to say the least. Im scared T-T
Im not liking the ratio of dialogue to whatever the other stuff is. scene-setting I guess. prose maybe. i could have dragged this out way longer... By which I mean made it a more satisfying read. But WHATEVER !!!! 
TIMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIMOOOOOOOOOO NUMERO UNOOOO DO MUNDOOOOOO I really need to utilize him more. As soon as I finish this fic I need to write a Timo POV spinoff where he gets cancelled on furry twitter for proshipping in real life
Hmmmm chapter ending didn’t hit as hard in practice as it did in drafts. Oh well. God damn that was a lot to happen in one chapter LMAOO???
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lookismaddict · 2 years ago
Lookism Chapter 439 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
God, I was looking forward to doing this chapter review today but then my day really started off not as good as I hope for. But it’s ok. I just hope that this review will be uplifting for me while it’s being made. Anyways, CH. 439 EVERYBODY!! WOOOOOOOO!!! I LOVED READING THIS CHAPTER. SO, LET’S GET INTO IT.
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Um... Jichang? Try him. 😀
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Wow. So it really has come to this, huh? I didn't wanna do a Master vs. Student comparison because Daniel was trained by Gun, not James. Although James didn't personally train him, Daniel did get some of his moves from him so he's clearly a beast... Damn.
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Daniel Park, a model? 👀 I can't believe I made a clothing brand flyer out of these panels. 💀💀💀
Tbh the Allied shirt that Daniel is wearing looks so fucking dope. 🔥 If PTJ ever drops the actual merch for Allied, I really wanna purchase one so badly. The design is so sick, and you already know Imma stunt on them hoes if I ever get my hands on a shirt. 🤪
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He's really just playing around with them, huh? Especially Daniel. 😭
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I swear, Hudson and Jay are only in this chapter to provide reactions to the fight. They really do be representing the crowd. 🔥 THE CROWD SAYS :O
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This shot of Jichang is so cool ngl... and hot. 💀💀
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Bruh he really do be thinking this.
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Jichang looking all sinister, like he about to end Daniel with the most deadliest Karate chop of the century. BUT OH GOD, DANIEL NOOOOOOOOO!!! 😭😭😭😭
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*inhales* Bro... you guys had no idea how much I was jumping at that first panel right here. Jumping and running around and shit. My reaction was literally, "No... Noooo wayyyy... Nooooo FUCKING WAAAAYYYYYYYYY... PTJ, YOU'RE LYING!!!!!! IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????? OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! UI DANIEL IS BAAAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!" 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
And not me anticipating a Gun Park memory because it always happens whenever Daniel is in UI... (or at least, Gun is mentioned whenever he's in the zone... Auto Zone. 😩 If you get the reference, ily.)
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S GUNNNNNNN!!!! I KNEW IT, WE'RE GONNA GET ANOTHER SCENE WITH THIS HOT ASS MESS OF A MAN. 😩😩🔥🔥🔥🔥 UGGGHHHH IMMA CREAM ON HIM I SWEEEAAAARRRRRRRRR. HE CAN EAT ME UPPPPP AND BEAT THIS COOCH UP ANYDAY. GOT ME QUIVERING SHIIIIIII 😩😩😩💢💢💢💢💢 Also, is he NAKED??? 😳 Bruh. He's naked around Daniel, but he isn't naked around his previous successors. Hmmm... do I sense... favoritism? And why is Daniel kneeling down in front of him. Don't tell me they "fought". 👁👁 Or he gave Gun a good suck. Pero come on Daniel, tell us that his dick is huge. GINORMOUS. MASSIVE. LENGTHY. THICK. HEAVY??? LMFAAAOOOOOOOO OK, I'LL STOP.
Hehehe, if you aren't familiar with this by now-
*N S F W M E M E W A R N I N G*
(If you're not comfortable with inappropriate memes, then just scroll past them.)
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This really is my mind 24/7. You should know me by now and how I want this man soooooooo badlyyyyyy. God, I want this man to ram me so goddamn good. Legs shaking, loud moaning, ass smacking, hair pulling, back blowing... AEUUUUGGGGHHHHH. 😩😩😩💗💗💗💗 I just wanna keep it real. I'm not ashamed or sorry. 🤷🏽‍♀️ If you don't want me to simp so badly, then you shouldn't have followed a Gun simp in the first place. 😤
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Ok I'm done. *sighs*
*E N D O F N S F W M E M E S*
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Man... I love psychotic men. Men who go crazy insane with power. Men who are overpowered. Men who can silence anyone. Men who can dominate others. Men who can beat the shit out of anything and anyone. MEN WHO CAN RUIN OTHER PEOPLE'S SELF-ESTEEM. MEN WHO CAN TAKE AWAY THEIR WILL TO FIGHT. MEN WHO CAN SLAUGHTER ALL OF THEIR ENEMIES ONE BY ONE WITHOUT CARING. MEN WHO- ok I'll shut up about my taste in men.
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Oh my lord, look at UI Daniel fight so diligently and so swiftly too. AND DAAAANNNGGG DUDE, LOOK AT THE IMPACT HE HAD ON JICHANG'S BACK!!! He for sure is a menace, no doubt about it.
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I KNEW ITTTTT BRO. IT'S THE SEOUL GRANDPA. Also, I'd like to point out how interesting it is that UI Daniel suddenly faded away as if he doesn't exist anymore, when Daniel suddenly retreated from subconsciousness. I almost forgot that it took UI Daniel a while to cease due to the drugs that Daniel's other body was on in that room full of shrooms, back in that arc with Vivi's Club.
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YEAH BRO, YOU BETTER RESPECT DANIEL NOW. And how did Jichang not notice that he looked like Jinyoung Park? Like... everybody did except for him. Come on sir, get with the program. 🧍🏽‍♀️
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OMG...??? GAPRYONG KIM'S DRIVER??? 🤭🤭🤭 DAMN, EVERYONE WHO WAS A PART OF GAPRYONG'S FIST CAN BEAT ANYONE UP. EVEN HIS DRIVER CAN KICK ASS. 😧 Also... bro. Wtf. Does that mean that they fought for no reason? They got THEIR ASSES BEAT FOR NO REASON??? MAAAAAANNNN WHAT DID I FUCKIN TELL YOU, JICHANG AND DANIEL??? IN THE PREV REVIEW, I SAID THAT YOU COULD'VE SETTLED THIS THE CIVILIZED WAY, BUT WHAT DID Y'ALL DO? Y'ALL THREW HANDS. And poor Jay and Hudson. They fought their asses off against some people of Chungcheong and FOR WHAT??? 😭😭😭 WELL, I GET IT. IT'S FOR DANIEL. BUT COME ON MAN, THEY BEEN THROUGH SOME TRASH-TALKING AND SOME INJURIES FOR NOTHINGGGGG. Idk, that just pissed me off. But, the purpose of those fights was to show how much they improved. I admit though, they did improve A LOT and I'm proud of the both of them. Even Daniel too, who just fought with a First Generation King to the point that Jichang had to get into serious FIGHTING MODE. Here kings, your crowns. 👑👑👑 I keep saying this repeatedly, but we better get the full explanation of Jinyoung's backstory or else. Imma go over to PTJ, grab him by the collar, and- 😤😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 /j
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Not kidding. Oops-
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storiesofsvu · 2 years ago
Second Chair Spark Ch 7
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Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, smut, public fingering, sex, oral, squirting.
The two of you were on your way out of the Judge Donnelly’s chambers when you ran into Rita about to leave the courthouse.
“You know after all that I’m pretty sure you owe me a drink.” She commented, 
“Oh come on, that was fun to watch wasn’t it?” You quirked a brow over at Casey, “Besides, I don’t think I’m allowed to drink with defence attorney’s anymore.” Rita didn’t miss the teasing hidden behind your words, rolling her eyes. ‘Jesus, these two…’
“Your babysitter’s allowed to come too.” She shot back with a smirk, “C’mon.”
The three of you were tucked at a high top table in the back of the bar, drinks and a few appi’s spread across the table. The conversation flowed easily, sometimes about work, sometimes asking about other things. Rita oh so casually asked if you were seeing anyone, following it up to ask Casey if she was still talking to that nurse she’d mentioned last year (she wasn’t…and Rita already knew that…) both of you completely oblivious to the fact that she had suspicions. A few of the SVU squad dropped in, congratulating you and Novak on the case, sticking around for a drink or so before taking off. 
Then none other than Nikki Staines herself stopped by, originally planning to just say Hi, Rita instead convincing her to pull up a chair and share a few drinks with all of you. She turned back to Casey, asking her about one of the cases she’d worked last month, leaving you and Nikki to tumble down a hole of stories and laughter. 
You felt Casey’s hand slip onto your bare thigh, squeezing lightly, (the small table meant slightly cramped quarters, and the height of it blocked anyone from seeing). A lightning fast glance out of the corner of your eyes found her completely captivated by what Rita was saying, you leaned forward, elbows on the table as if everything was normal. As you laughed heartily at something Nikki said, you felt Casey’s fingers trail their way up your thigh, tracing patterns as they found their way up your skirt. Your breath hitched quietly as she delicately slid your panties to the side, tantalizing your folds, drawing out your arousal. You shifted slightly in your seat, attempting to give her somewhat of a less awkward angle, heart palpitating in your chest as she circled your clit torturously slow with her thumb. You literally choked on your drink when she pulled back her thumb, flicking your clit at the same time that she sunk a finger into you, gaining the attention of the table.
“You okay Y/N?” Rita questioned, you nodded, a couple smaller coughs coming from you before you were able to answer.
“Yup…I’m good.�� That was deemed acceptable as you grabbed a sip of water, turning back to Nikki. Casey continued to pump her fingers dangerously slow, feeling your walls fluttering around them, occasionally whirling your clit, bringing you right to the brink as you struggled not to squirm in your seat. She could feel the familiar pulsing around her fingers, pulling them out completely, trailing your wetness around your thighs, as soon as you’d calmed down a bit, she repeat the torture. Casey had managed to bring you just to the edge roughly 8 times over the past hour, smirk evident on her face as she felt your thigh quivering beneath her hand. You’d had enough, reacting like you heard your phone go off, you pulled it out of your bag, swiping up to the message app.
“Cragen?” Casey asked, her attention now fully on you, noticing your pupils completely blown, a flush creeping up your neck.
“Yeah, we’ve gotta go.”
“Hmm…shame…it was just starting to really get fun.” You pursed your lips, shooting her a well knowing glare before pulling out cash to cover what the tab was currently sitting at.
To say it was hard as hell to keep your hands off each other the entire way to Casey’s apartment was a goddamn understatement, she’d barely unlocked the door before you were collapsing into each others arms. Lips grinding in passion, you nipped at her bottom lip, running your tongue across it as she granted you access, tongues dancing, the taste of scotch and cinnamon simply enhancing the entire situation. Hands were moving everywhere, groping, squeezing, pushing off blazers, un doing shirt buttons as they went. Casey managed to pull herself away from your lips, moving a trail of sticky kisses down the side of your neck, nipping into your pulse point, eliciting a moaning gasp from you.
“You’re a fucking tease Novak, you know that?” She laughed against your skin, her hands deftly pushing your shirt off your shoulders.
“You’re not much better. You have any idea how hot that show you put on the courtroom was?” You laughed, pulling off her shirt as you moved through the apartment, continuing to lose articles of clothing, collapsing onto her bed left simply in your soaked panties. You managed to roll her onto her back, straddling her hips as you ground against her, nipping your way across her collarbone, settling into sucking a mark into the crook of her neck. Casey let out a series of breathy gasps, nails gently scratching down your back, the feeling of your skin finally against hers filling her with a carnal need. Your fingers traced down her body, sliding a hand underneath her panties, a strong stroke through her folds caused you to chuckle as you circled her clit, spreading her dampness.
“This wet already?” You murmured against her, gently kissing her, she bit at your lip, pulling it into her mouth, letting out a whimper as you plunged a finger into her pussy, curling it gently against her walls. 
Casey’s skin was on fucking fire, she had realized weeks ago that the burning passion of rage between the two of you wasn’t simply that, and the moment you’d wrapped a belt around your neck in front of a room full of people, she’d felt herself clench, a wetness developing in her panties. Then fucking Staines, even with the knowledge that nothing was going on, she had the immediate urge to remind you that you were hers, and only hers. She gasped out your name as you added another finger into her, thumb beginning to tantalizingly roll over her clit. You sped up your fingers, pumping in and out quicker, curling against her g-spot as you nipped your way down her body, sucking a nipple into your mouth, letting out a lewd pop as you moved to the other one, repeating your motions. She curled her hand into your hair, tugging at the roots causing you to moan against her skin as the pressure of your thumb increased, speeding to match your fingers. Her hips thrust up involuntarily in response, her body wriggling beneath you, 
“Fuck! Y/N!” Moaning as she came around your fingers, you tapped her clit, she whimpered, hips jutting up again before you stopped the action, slowly thrusting her through her orgasm with your hand. Your head lay on her chest, gazing up at her in awe as she came down from her high, the hand still loosely tangled in your hair pulled you up to her mouth in a blazing kiss as she attempted to roll you onto your back. You pulled away, chuckling, 
“Oh sweetheart…I’m not done yet…” You smirked, she let out a huff, tossing her head back into the pillows, she suppose she deserved it, she had been torturing you practically all day. You moved your way down her body, tossing her underwear off the bed, giggling lightly when her thigh trembled as you swiped through her still sensitive folds. You trailed light kisses up the sides of her inner thighs, biting into one, knowing if you left a mark there she couldn’t complain. 
“Y/N….” Casey whined, begging to feel your mouth against her, wrapping a hand back into your head as you moved closer to her. You gave a small slow stroke with your tongue, flicking against her clit with the tip of it. You buried your mouth into her pussy, truly tasting her for the first time, like fucking honey. Moving up to her clit you sucked it into your mouth, teasing her with the tips of your fingers, resulting in a series of whimpers. Your mouth continued its sucking, you couldn’t get enough of her, moaning at how good she tasted. Casey couldn’t get enough of the electrifying feeling moving through her body, the vibration from your moans making her entire cunt throb. She felt the fire within her burst quicker than she’d expected, letting out a cry of euphoria as she came again.
Casey barely waited to come down before she was on top of you, feverishly ripping off your panties, lips in a searing kiss, tongue delving into your mouth, she needed to taste every inch of you. You gasped out as her lips traced their way down your body before she settled between your thighs. Her tongue lapped up the stickiness left from earlier, murmuring against your skin how fucking soaked you were. 
“Casey please…” You mewled, a hand stroking the side of her face, she nipped your thumb into her mouth, dragging her teeth over the soft pad of it. Letting it pop out of her mouth, she began her ambush against you, moaning at how fucking delicious you tasted. Her tongue swiped through your lips with incredible expertise, sucking, licking, fucking you with her mouth. Your hands gripped the sheets until your knuckles were white, whimpering, body trembling. A yelp escaping your mouth as she sucked your clit into her mouth, plunged her fingers back into your cunt, curling them, tapping your g-spot. You were so wound up from earlier you barely had time to lift her chin before you squirted, your release spilling onto her hand as you pulsated around her fingers. Casey chuckled softly against your inner thigh, 
“Good girl…” She praised, moving back up your body, kissing you intently, the true tastes of the both of you swirling against your tongues. Casey pulled you against her body, rolling onto her back, hands trailing your bare skin, making you shiver as you came down from your high. She felt your breathing return to normal, “Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t let you come at the bar.” You huffed out a sigh of annoyance,
“I fucking hate you.” She laughed at that, kissing your head, humming in response. You stayed tangled in each others limbs for a while, pulling up a sheet as your bodies started to chill. You started to feel your eyes flutter against Casey’s chest, shaking your head gently, you sat up, “I should call a cab…”
“Just stay…” Casey murmured, you looked back at her, a questioning look on your face, “I think I’ve tortured you enough today, I’m not gonna kick you out in the middle of the night. C’mere.” She was right about that, and you were fucking exhausted. You curled back up beside her, letting your eyes actually flutter shut that time. 
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aoikibou · 3 years ago
Over the Moon Past the Future
a fairly shorter chapter, sorry about that.
— ☆
[Ch 2] The key for a brother
In the Turtle Tank where everybody was sitting in their respective seats, Leo had his feet perched on top of Raph’s seat watching the light from the moon through the large glass in the front of the tank.
“They sure picked a spacious part of New York to free the Krang,” Donnie commented as he watched the continuous red dot beep on the map of the tank, “why not just pick a warehouse dead in the middle of New York City to cause more chaos?” he wondered to himself, he rubbed at his chin thinking of several scenarios.
Leo looked over to Donnie with a somewhat shocked expression worn, “dude. Are you seriously trying to figure out why the Foot Clan is trying to destroy the Earth in some remote location?” he let out a scoff as he leaned into the back of his seat, “we can’t let that happen,” he mumbled quietly to himself.
Donnie dare not bat an eye at Leo, still keeping his focus on the map, “I’m not saying I want it to happen either way.”
Leo slugged further into his seat, beginning to grow bored of simply waiting to arrive there. He had his sword, and his sword could teleport him to anywhere he wanted, he could’ve just teleported to the key right now and grab it—winning the bet, and saving the world overall.
“Alright, I have a brilliant plan. Why don’t I just teleport over to where the Foot Clan is with my sword and snatch the key?” Leo suggested, already setting his mind to it.
Raph, April, Splinter, and Mikey gawked in bewilderment at Leo, Donnie simply coughed and snickered at Leo’s idea.
“You’re kidding Leo, that’s gotta be the dumbest idea yet to date!” Mikey exclaimed, shaking his head violently to clearly show how much of an idiotic plan this was.
“If _____ was here, they’d be laughing and berating you just about now,” April said as she rubbed the space between her eyebrows.
Leo frowned and crossed his arms over his plastron, “how else am I, the leader, supposed to be the leader if I can’t do that?” he pouted to himself, he wanted to impress _____. He wanted to impress everyone as the leader now.
Raph sighed long and hard after hearing Leo’s cry of disappointment and turned to face him, “you don’t need to do outrageous, or stupid things to be the leader,” without giving Leo a chance to speak, Raph turned back around.
“Enough blabbering, we’re here,” Donnie warned.
Splinter immediately hopped off his seat and peered through the window. It was dark but he could make out some of the things in the darkness such as the destroyed, and also an unusually large greenhouse with a bunch of Foot Clan members all crowded inside.
“There’s too much for all of us to take on,” Splinter warily said, the tight grip his fist held only grew tighter as he stared at the moving figures inside the structure.
“We could try to sneak in there …” April offered, “do I still have my spare Foot Clan uniform in here Donnie? I can snatch it out of his grip when he’s not looking.”
“That’s too dangerous April-”
“Dad, she’ll be fine. If you’re in any trouble you have that wristwatch I made, and we’re literally in the area,” Donnie reasoned with Splinter, and for once Splinter remained quiet which meant he trusted Donnie—enough to execute a plan he was against.
Leo was now the one to stare in bewilderment, “what did you do to make dad so compliant?” Leo hushedly asked Donnie as he slid over to the turtle.
“I don’t know …” Donnie answered somewhat shocked as well, “oh and yeah, your uniform is still in the back of the Turtle Tank.”
April nodded with a serious expression and marched off towards the back of the tank, everybody turned forward to give her space while changing in the back. “Jesus, I forget how tight this stuff is sometimes,” April struggled to say as she slipped on the pants.
Once April finished changing she set out from the tank and quickly made her way to the greenhouse. Leo stayed behind with everyone else watching, anxiously. He wanted to be the one to snatch the key, despite it sounding selfish firsthand, he didn’t realize that.
“You sure I can’t go assist her or something?” Leo asked while an itching in his hand to make a portal was getting harder to subdue as each second passed by.
“If you want to possibly ruin another mission, sure you can go ahead,” Donnie retorted.
Leo frowned, “I don’t ruin missions, I just extend them.”
“Guys, can you hear me?” April’s voice suddenly came over comms from the watches on their wrists.
“Yup, This is uh … Red Rover, over.” Raph looked over to Mikey who was holding in a laugh at the code name, he just scratched his neck and whispered, “I have like three code names alright?”
“It looks like a ceremony is happening here …” April cautioned over the comms, her voice was low but still loud enough for the turtles to hear. “Is that cylinder thing with the weird marks on it the key?” she described, catching the affirmation of all turtles.
“Moving in. Over,” April briskly set her arm back down to her side as she moved through the crowds of sweaty Foot Clan members, it reeked of rotten pizza.
The head of the Foot Clan, Foot Lieutenant, held the key up high in pride. “Today is the day, our superiors, the Krang, will be welcomed to ravage this world!” he spoke, with the cheers of everyone following after.
April slid through the left side of the greenhouse to remain undetected, there was the surprise appearance of Warren and Hypno standing near the front of the crowd, the gazes they held towards each other just as confused as April was to see them.
Foot Lieutenant swiftly turned around and just then, April knew if she didn’t run up to grab the key, they’d all be doomed.
Pushing through some of the members of the Foot Clan as she rushed towards the Foot Lieutenant, she leaped towards the podium he was standing on with the key. Tackling him in the process, she quickly double pressed the screen of her watch signaling distress a.k.a on Donnie’s end, help.
Donnie’s mini-tablet on his wrist illuminated in red with the words HELP APRIL boldly planted on the screen. Leo immediately got up from his seat and began making circular motions with his sword, “I got this!” he proudly announced.
“Leo, there's no time to be showing off!” Raph blurted out while still watching his brother attempt to make a portal.
Alas, after those words were muttered into the air, a blue glow emitted into existence. “See, I told y- woah!” being pushed into the portal by Donnie, Donnie was the next to step through the portal with his jet pack on standby.
Raph sighed and followed Donnie. Mikey and Splinter were the next to go after him.
As Leo fell through the portal that was placed in the middle of the air, his body crashed into a bunch of Foot Clan members. “Ouch!” he let out before being tackled by more Foot Clan Members.
“Those turtles!” the Foot Lieutenant growled, him being distracted from the turtles gave April enough time to snatch the key away from his grasp.
“Aha!” April cheered, scurrying off to the side as far as she could get from the Foot Lieutenant.
Leo, who had cut through the small group of Foot Clan members that were previously on him, raised his hand from the crowd high up for April, “toss the key!” he invited over.
“No, toss it over to me! I’m open!” Donnie shouted amidst the yelling from both sides, he was in the air using his jet pack. Leo snapped his head to Donnie, who was beginning to catch the attention of some of the Foot Clan members, and they began to toss the broken glass from the floor at him.
Leo scoffed and kept his hand outstretched, despite the influx of Foot Clan members constantly coming at him.
Splinter was busy attacking the members to actually focus on April, Mikey was busy distracting the Foot Lieutenant and Raph … Raph was free! Despite his big build none of the Foot Clan members paid him much attention, aside from the ones who did and ended up getting punched into the ground.
Just as April was about to toss the key over to Raph who looked dead at her in the eyes, something heavy, like a boulder had pushed her to the floor. A force that hit her like a train had made her lose the grasp she had on the key. Leo, who was the closest one to April at the moment, quickly rushed to her, reaching for both the key and her but was quickly shut down. He was slammed into the glass wall by another Foot Clan member, Leo was now further than he was before to April.
Donnie dived down to reach for the key but the brute force that once rammed into April grabbed onto the key first; it was the Foot Brute, and he quickly aimed a punch at Donnie’s face.
Receiving a fist full of fire and force into his face, Donnie was sent flying backwards into the glass which he ultimately flew through. Raph, seeing what was happening, fought through the crowd spotting the Foot Brute going towards the Foot Lieutenant, “Mikey!” Raph called out.
Mikey, who kept a couple of Foot Clan members rounded up, noticed where Raph was running towards and saw that Foot Brute had the key in hand while running towards where the Foot Lieutenant was.
“Not so fast!” Mikey shouted as he used his other nunchuck to wrap around the Foot Brute, and tossed him into one of the dusty wooden planks hidden in the greenhouse's corners. A loud crash shook the entire structure of the greenhouse but it didn’t collapse just yet.
The Foot Brute grabbed onto the chains that held onto his body and swayed his hips with an extreme force that forced Mikey off the floor and into a random mix of Foot Clan members along with Raph.
All four turtles groaned in pain as they tried to get up from their concussions, “my sons!” Splinter acknowledged and quickly fled to April who was laying on the floor knocked out cold. There was a trail of blood coming from the back of her head onto the cold floor, “April, April, get up!” Splinter urged, but it was no use.
Somewhere in this mess, the Foot Brute managed to pass the key onto the Foot Lieutenant. Leo in a desperate attempt swirled his sword in a circular motion, and a portal formed in front of him and on top of the Foot Lieutenant. Rushing into the portal, he fell onto the Foot Lieutenant and began thrashing all over to grab the key.
“Give me the key!” Leo grunted as he reached for the key.
A brief glimpse of Casey talking about the future shook Leo to the core, he was about to fail the future—he was going to set the course of events that eventually destroyed the Earth in Casey’s time, here.
Touching the key for a split second, the Foot Brute harshly clutched onto Leo’s shell, lifting him above and away from the key. They were doomed.
Leo who still had his sword held tightly began stabbing at the Foot Brute in a poor attempt. He was growing dizzy, the world was spinning right before him.
“To the Krang! Not even you mutant turtles can stop us,” the Foot Lieutenant barked, he held onto the key and moved towards the middle of the greenhouse which had a podium with a small space that seemed like it’d fit a cylindrical shape in there.
The key was slid into the small empty space meant for it, and a bright purple flash emitted from the key. The ground shook as the Foot Brute dropped Leo onto the ground, staring at the beam of purple light that came from the ground and shot up into the sky.
They had officially lost.
A portal opened in the middle, and an ominous figure passed through. It was all slimy, square-shaped, tentacle-like creature with sharp teeth, a sadistic smile flashed over its features, and looked dead straight at Leo, then to their surroundings.
Donnie who had been gone up until now came through the glass he had flown through earlier and looked fearful, Leo hadn’t seen that expression on Donnie in quite some time, it confirmed the dire situation they were in. That this was no nightmare or a scenario Leo had thought up.
“My sister and brother, come through and take a look at this pathetic mess,” the creature spoke. It used one of its tentacles to display the array of mess in the greenhouse.
Out came another creature that appeared just like the first one that came out, but a lot shorter. “Leo!” Donnie shook Leo trying to get the turtle up, “we’re gonna need to use … we’re gonna need to use my escape pods,” Donnie shakily exhaled.
Leo slowly got up while the two other creatures were waiting on another one to come through, “we’re all injured including dad, come on,” Donnie put Leo’s arm around his shoulder as he tried to reach within closer proximity to the others.
“No … the- the key. We need the key,” Leo coughed. He yanked his arm away and turned to face the creatures, which he presumed were the Krang. The doom to their home.
“Leo, April’s hurt really badly, we can’t stay here!”
Raph’s words were nothing but muffled to Leo’s brain, “Leo, don’t!”
Leo glanced at the key, it was just in reach, he could swoop in and snatch it if he were just quick enough.
As he stared at the portal, while the others frightfully called out to him, “get your head out of the gutter!”
Finally, a third Krang came through the portal, a much taller one than the second one came through. “Ah, sister, glad you could join us,” the first Krang spoke. So, the second tall one is the sister, Leo thought to himself.
“Look at these disgusting creatures,” the sister spoke in disgust.
“With a great amount of work, we could change them to be better,” the first Krang spoke, “starting with the low-life humans.”
The first Krang began spreading its tentacles to some of the Foot Clan members, engulfing them with its slimy tentacles, the Foot Clan Members began horrifically mutating into something that sort of resembled the Krang.
Soon, the other Krang followed suit and began transforming the other Foot Clan members. The painful, and agonized screams of the Foot Clan haunted and echoed throughout the greenhouse.
At some point, Donnie released the escape pods which were specifically fit for each one of them. April, Splinter, Mikey, and Donnie himself all flew off as soon as the thick metal encapsulated them. The Krang attempted but shortly failed in trying to keep Donnie’s escape pods at bay.
Now it was just Leo and Raph, “Leo! Let’s go!” he yelled.
Suddenly, Donnie’s escape pod for Leo began to form around him as the medium-sized circular metal stuck onto the middle of his plastron near his chest, but all Leo could see was the key. Out in the open, vulnerable.
They all depended on him, especially Casey.
He just wanted a future for all of them.
And he needed to win that bet.
Quickly ripping off the circular piece of metal from his chest, Leo leaped towards the key. Successfully grabbing it in the process, as he landed on the floor the Krang watched his actions unfold carefully, and once Leo’s shell hit the floor—it was over for him.
A sharp tentacle came aiming at Leo, right for his plastron with the intent to kill. It all happened so fast, Leo hadn’t even thought about what he wanted to say right before he died.
Except, he didn’t die. There was the sound of something being pierced through, awfully sounding a lot like a shell, but it wasn’t his. It wasn’t Leo’s.
The worst came to be, not even death could sweeten the reality he was facing right about now.
No, but the tears from Raph landing on Leo’s plastron, his shell being the one that was stricken through, made this situation a lot more surreal.
Through a second’s worth of a painful gaze from Raph, his eyes full of panic and bitterness, he quickly placed what was meant to be his originally; the metal pod, onto Leo’s chest.
“Raph?” he muttered out, “no- no, no, Raph!” Raph’s pod began to cover Leo’s whole being, only leaving a small window to see his brother being taken away from him.
Banging harshly against the metal that separated him from Raph, the screams of Raph’s name only echoed back into Leo’s ears.
There was a specific void that formed in his chest, one guarded by rage and the uncertainty of getting his brother back.
All of this, for a damn key.
For a future that was now altered, but to what extent?
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