#oh blegh thats so long. wait
14muffinz · 11 months
I cannot describe how badly I need them to have an ao3 tag
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aeroplaneblues · 4 years
Obi! :3
First impression: “wait...is that....nobu?....oh no” since i watched the anime first all i could think about was that he was voiced by bakugou’s va (absolutely instant fave lol)
Impression now: such a layered character, that we Still have a lot more to dig in for. Like pwease sorata gimme his backstory.
Favorite moment: SO! MANY! ok one that isn’t obiyuki: at the first lyrias arc, when he stays to help with the outbreak (too irl blegh) because zen asked and lets izana know of his presence but he makes it clear that he Only does whatever his master orders him to, but he is so cheeky about it calling izana “big brother” or something like that haha. OK obiyuki one: 10 seconds :) then how he brushes it off with “miss was about to cry” as if she wasn’t overwhelmed by the unapologetic unrestraint showcase of sheer pure love obi was pouring by his stare😳
Idea for a story: i have one comic about suzu believing that obi and shirayuki have been together for so long they are practically married, he even talks about them as what he’d like to have someday. Then one day Zen comes and he is absolutely confused as to why this new guy (doesn’t know he is the second prince) would think its ok to talk so Close to obi’s girl and obi “aren’t you gonna do something” so obi corrects him, but Suzu can’t wrap that reality so he becomes their matchmaker because he has seen how shirayuki Looks at obi, thats not how you look at a friend. Thats it idk if i’d make it LOL its obviously an au in which obiyuki are oblivious of each other’s feelings for the other and zen is more of a friend of shirayuki because he noticed how much they grew as friends than bf/gf so they let it grow out naturally (less kisses, less romantic everything, and more platonic love). HAHA idk if i cant write this tho.
Unpopular opinion: i don’t want obi to be the prince of a foreign land or whatever, i like him being a commoner like shirayuki, someone that had to presence the ugly side of life when they aren’t accommodated by luxury. 
Favorite relationship: LOL... with shirayuki of course THO i love his with ryuu as well. But ok obiyuki: is him being genuine about his love, respect, admiration for her, how he wants the best for her even if that means shirayuki marrying someone else, how even if his feelings are strong and he accepts them now that doesn’t get in the way of her goals, relationship or anything her life. Even if that’s his job, to meddle and keep her safe he doesn’t do it at the expense of her own agency or feelings. He created a safe place for her where she can be herself, a little tap on the back of her hand or a look to know he is still there is enough for her to stand tall and defend herself. Its her giving him a reason not to be reckless and throw away his life, is validating his existence, caring for him like he hasn’t been cared for (probably) all his life. Its them making each other their home, wherever they go it doesn’t matter where but as long as they have each other everything will work out one way or another. Plus ryuu is with them haha what a happy family 🥰
Favorite headcanon: that obi is colorblind therefore he can’t see shirayuki’s hair as everyone does so he doesnt care for it😂 like he knows is red but he can’t see it as red.
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boojersey · 5 years
cw for like some common lgbt+ topics such as dysphoria violence discrimination etc just. tread carefully if u get triggered easily by bad lgbt experiences
What do you identify as and what are your pronouns? -im a gay trans man and my pronouns are he/him but they/them is also acceptable!
How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?-oh wow i originally thought i was a lesbian because i didnt even know what transgender was i just thought wishing i was a man meant i was butch and then i met my friend donnie in eighth grade who told me he was trans and it was kinda a huge slap in the face but with a sack of gay bricks? and i found out i dont like women through actually having sex with cis women and finally realizing it. really wasnt for me so now im just a gay man as opposed to queer as an umbrella term but i periodically refer to myself as such
Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?-oh yea i literally was misgendered today i just kinda brush it off but it can be hard sometimes especially when people know im trans and do it
Who was the first person you told, how did they react?-i first told donnie about my gender, it was a thing where i went to bed the night i met him and was like  .. wait holy fuck and then the next day i was like BRO HOLY FUCK but sexuality? i dont really know???? it was so long ago it was honestly probably my group of friends on kik that i had in 2013 (u were included in that mister!!!!)
Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?-im not actually fully out but the first time someone who was an adult knew about my trans-ness was what really set in for me the fact that i could come out one day; my friends mom referred to me as seance (and like. obviously she respected my gender she has a trans kid) but it was just super jarring bc no adult had known yet abt my identity in any way and as a result i was rlly glad it was nighttime in that car bc i cried almost immediately; the first time i came out on my Own was to my cousin and he laughed in my face so that was pretty damn awful and its kinda funny cuz the bastard is bi so u would think hed have been accepting but n0pe!
If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?-im out to my friends now ! and the reception was generally positive bc i think i do an ok job at picking ppl to be around in terms of morals so there was little bad reception
What is one question you hate people asking about your sexuality?-i hate when ppl ask if im gay as in for men or gay as in for women because im trans, i am a man so when i say im gay i feel like that should be easy enough to put 2 and 2 together but when they ask that i feel as if they still view me as a woman
Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.-emo of the gods themselves it is absolute scene and emo vomit and i love it; its seriously hard for me to wear dresses and skirts without dysphoria and just general discomfort but i own a couple anyway bc theyre cute i just. never wear them
Who are your favourite lgbt+ ships?-my main thing at the moment is gerard/frank/grant morrison bc i love poly fics very dearly and gerard/bert because bert mccracken deserved better than gerawrds internalized homophobia lol
What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?-makeup to me is an androgynous thing so i wear eyeshadow a lot and lipstick sometimes, eyeshadow is easier on my eyes than eyeliner bc im allergic to a lot of makeup thats on the heavier side so if i put on eyeliner my eyes will water and burn throughout the day but with eyeshadow im mostly ok; other opinion is that makeup on Anyone can be sexy as hell if they do it for fun and wear literally what they truly want and not just what they think is accepted or what they Should wear
Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?-oh yeah my dysphoria is pretty debilitating if im gonna be honest; i used to have very little problems with it because my hold on reality was loose at best (before i was medicated to clarify) but now that i am almost completely Here my dysphoria is pretty bad and even just like. the knowledge that i have breasts is pretty awful; a few weeks ago i put on an outfit that i have to wear a victorias secret bra to fit properly in and just one look in the mirror had me sobbing and i had to change my clothes before i could leave the house and i havent worn a bra since because just the thought of showing off my chest makes this stark fuckin dread shoot through my veins but i also have dysphoria in regards to my voice that i discussed at my last trans therapy group meeting actually ; my voice has a tendency to bounce around my octave range so sometimes ill be like. excited then hear what i sound like. and ruin it for myself immediately u kno? im not even gonna talk about my dicksphoria bc thats just. awful. 
What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard said about the lgbt+ community?-ohhhhhhhh my god u know what? ive heard..so much .. that im gonna instead take this opportunity to mention my mother genuinely thinks dnd is satanic
What’s your favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?-the fact that were so strong. we are so fucking strong we deal with violence and opposition constantly and at staggering rates yet we stay strong and we continue loving through all of it, whether its in dark corners in secret or loudly in the streets we continue loving and do so with all of our beings because we know its our own truth and well gladly go to hell if it means we got to love on earth (not that everyone believes in hell or the idea that us gays go to hell but my point stands)
What’s your least favourite thing about the lgbt+ community?-we have this audacity to create divide (to the fault of mostly cis white gay men thank u very much) when what we need to do is love each other because we are different but at the end of the day we all need to remain in tandem and as a family or we will never get to where we need to in terms of acceptance and that means being uplifting and protecting our trans sisters of color, our disabled lgbt members, our autistic lgbt members, our anything past cis white gay man because we all need recognition, we all need love, and to exclude any letters of lgbt is to tear ourselves down and set ourselves on fire
Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?-no :((( no one would drive me in the past and i dont think ill have a way to get there this year either
Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?-brian molko! my bisexual, androgynistically-inclined father who birthed me at the tender age of 16 when i found placebo
Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?-ya theres been a few and i dont rlly like to talk abt my relationships with anyone unless theyre online relationships so im just gonna leave it at that
What is your favourite lgbt+ book?-pantomime by laura lam! its one of if not my favorite book to this day
Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?-y a every damn day bitch ! example is when i was deadnamed by my psychiatrist while she knows full well what my name is the other day; another is the countless times i get called a lesbian ???? and when strict lesbians ask me out i get a very bad taste in my mouth (i understand full well that sexuality is fluid, these are lesbians that spit the ‘penis is gross blegh’ rhetoric)
Your Favorite lgbt+ movie or show?-uh im just gonna say preacher bc its my favorite show altogether n cass is bi/pan/something similar
Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?-@ble3dmagic is my boyfriend in crime (not rlly thats a joke) and @musicalsense​ is my sunburnt Brother
Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?-queer! i also use f*ggot a lot when talking about myself and my friends that are ok with it
Have you ever gone to a gay bar, or a drag show, how was it?-i went to a drag show and it was so amazing and one of the first times i felt accepted in my own community that i cried
How do you self-identify your gender, and what does that mean to you?-well i identify as a man with no leaning towards womanhood or nonbinaryhood in any way, its just . man . but in terms of Expression i am quite androgynous bc i can rlly appreciate femininity (NOT the same as womanhood) and being a man to me means just that ive always wanted to grow up with that “gender role” like i always wish i was raised as a stereotypical parent would raise a son and ive always been more interested in stereotypically masculine things and people since i can even remember and i feel like puberty was just this unpreventable spiral into something i didnt want. i didnt want it at all . this is tmi but when i got my first period i cried my eyes out bc the idea of being called a Woman repulsed me so much and since i didnt even know that being trans was a concept i was just this scared puppy full of confusion and fear aimed at myself because all the stuff i heard i was supposed to be proud of the change but i wasnt i was so ashamed of it and the idea of being called a woman made me sick to my stomach and i just wish i could go back in time and hold myself and tell me itll be alright 
Are you interested in having children? Why or why not?-absoLutely not i hate kids (and by that i mean i hate being around them and the culture that surrounds having children; i do not treat kids like shit and i do not act like hating children is a personality trait; i get migraines and usually the second a child starts screaming or crying i am on the floor of my brain writhing in dire pain and i have absolutely no desire to support another human life when frankly i cant even support myself; its also just not a lifestyle i want to live)
What identity advice would you give your younger self?-god so fucking much. so fucking much. so many things i wish i could say to myself
What do you think of gender roles in relationships?-i think if someone wants to adhere to them then hell yea go ahead just dont expect others to do it or try to tell other people its a Norm or something; theyre for the most part christian in nature so i dont have any desire to follow them myself, i want a relationship (if any) thats more of a coexistence if that makes sense, like. roommates plus dick
Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?-i always used to anxiously chew on the idea that my chest dysphoria is just me holding disdain for the shape and size of my breasts but let me tell you. the second i put on my binder for the first time i immediately started crying because i was so overwhelmed by the fact that i was looking at something one step closer to myself and i know full well i am never going to have that doubt again. this week has been exponentially cathartic and therapeutic for me
What is something you wish people know about being lgbt+?-i want the cisheteros to know that nothing they learn about us is new. everything about us has been around for so so long but has been silenced and erased to the point where a lot of us dont even know many things about our rich and beautiful history
Why are proud to be lgbt+?-honestly? its hard for me to not just straight up say im not proud of my identity. its taken me years to stamp down the plain grieving toward my identity and wishing i could have the easier path but frankly? the fact that i am choosing this path of hardship and hell on earth just to be who i truly am i think speaks volumes of my pride in my identity at this point; further back in my archive by a few years my posts are littered with sentiments of bitterness wherein i stated that i hate being trans and not just cis but i like to think ive finished hating myself for my identity. i like to think im proud now. to ask me why is to ask too much of me, all i know now is that i am proud and thats enough for me right now.
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
gallionicTrickster 5
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 21:47 --
[09:47] GT: nerd
[09:47] TS: Hey dude. You've been offline for a while.
[09:48] GT: oh you know
[09:48] GT: i been busy
[09:48] TS: With what? Your corpse party?
[09:48] GT: yeah pretty much
[09:48] TS: Is that REALLY what you've been doing?
[09:49] GT: did you know that seadwellers REALLY dont take kindly to criticism?
[09:49] TS: Oh no
[09:49] TS: What did you do?
[09:49] GT: same thing as always
[09:50] GT: talk shit from the safety of my hovel
[09:50] GT: #yolo
[09:50] TS: They came after you? #UFuckinIdiot
[09:50] GT: well its fine
[09:51] GT: my lusus was kinda hungry anyways
[09:51] GT: theyve developed a taste for seafood
[09:51] TS: dude
[09:51] TS: So
[09:51] TS: Are you okay?
[09:51] GT: yeah im fine
[09:51] GT: i do this all the time
[09:51] TS: To seadwellers
[09:51] GT: well
[09:52] GT: they tend to last alot longer
[09:52] GT: but since my trap infested hive isnt where im actually hiding im not really in a whole lot of danger
[09:52] TS: Wait
[09:52] TS: You invited me over
[09:52] GT: pffft
[09:52] GT: yeah to my actual hive
[09:53] TS: PleaseExplain.exe
[09:53] GT: well
[09:53] GT: i kind of have a little bunker close to my "legitimate hive"
[09:54] GT: as a cerulean im given quite a bit of freedom in designing my hive
[09:54] GT: i live in a tiny underground box
[09:54] GT: right next to a giant deathtrap
[09:55] GT: im not much of a hunter myself
[09:56] GT: so i figured if i lured enough easily offended assholes to my hive i can just let them die to a bunch of traps
[09:56] GT: and my lusus get fed ma boi
[09:56] TS: Yeah, but... I mean, I'm surprised you'd go to such lengths. 'Specially considering hives are designed by wrigglers. You were a creepy grub.
[09:56] GT: yeah pretty much
[09:57] TS: So, if everything is fine, why've you been hiding out for days on end?
[09:57] TS: you haven't said a word
[09:58] GT: that last violet blood was a bit smarter than i gave him credit for
[09:58] TS: What happened?
[09:58] GT: almost made it out alive
[09:58] GT: gave my lusus a run for his money
[09:59] TS: Is your lusus hurt?
[09:59] GT: not too poorly
[09:59] GT: just a few scratcges here and there
[10:01] TS: Concerned.exe
[10:02] GT: shouldnt be.exe
[10:02] TS: AreYouSureAboutThat.meme
[10:02] GT: dankasfuckbro.mem
[10:02] TS: You ruffian.
[10:02] GT: pretty much
[10:02] TS: Do you know the seadweller's name?
[10:03] TS: Did you get their lusus too?
[10:03] GT: nah
[10:03] GT: unless you count clamSmasher69 as a "name"
[10:04] TS: I don't think so. Do you know the names of ANY of your victims?
[10:04] TS: Or is it just usernames?
[10:04] GT: usually just usernames
[10:04] TS: Does that make it easier?
[10:04] GT: yeah basically
[10:05] GT: i also usually target the upper end of the hemospectrum because the lifestyle of the high and mighty makes it easy to piss them off
[10:05] GT: but stupidity is universal
[10:06] GT: i get the occasional lowblood here and there
[10:06] TS: You've probably made a few enemies
[10:06] TS: to say the least
[10:06] GT: yeah basically
[10:06] GT: i kind of hate our species anyways
[10:07] GT: either i end up dead or i cull so many highbloods that our society changes in some slightly pleasant way
[10:07] GT: either way i kind of win
[10:07] TS: Wow. Bit of a black slut, huh?
[10:08] TS: JK
[10:08] TS: It sucks
[10:08] GT: eh
[10:08] GT: it is what it is
[10:08] GT: its why most of my freinds are lower on the spectrum
[10:10] TS: Nobody's ever figured out your secret technique?\
[10:11] GT: not yet
[10:11] GT: i give out my location so they dont really need to "track me down"
[10:11] GT: avoids them finding my hidey hole
[10:12] GT: i keep a few tricks up my sleeve just in case
[10:12] TS: And no one's been smart enough to think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, the fact that you hand out your coordinates is a touch strange?
[10:12] TS: Bleh
[10:12] GT: its almost like i specifically target trolls that arnt very bright
[10:13] TS: You can't know that as an absolute
[10:13] TS: You barely resaerch your targets at all
[10:13] TS: You don't even know their names
[10:13] GT: no
[10:13] GT: thats true
[10:14] GT: i usually pick people who consistantly act like an ass over trollian
[10:15] TS: Does that mean you'd cull yourself if you met you?
[10:15] GT: yeah basically
[10:15] TS: datk
[10:16] TS: *dark
[10:16] GT: the main difference being that i can laugh at myself and let it go
[10:17] GT: if someones so up their own ass that they need to go hunt someone down for calling them a pussy
[10:17] GT: then they kind of are just asking to get killed
[10:18] TS: *shrugs*
[10:18] TS: I wouldn't know
[10:19] GT: *shrugs*
[10:20] GT: *shrugmageddon*
[10:20] TS: *the shruggening*
[10:21] GT: so tell me about yourself lowblood
[10:21] GT: your one of like
[10:21] GT: 4 people i cponsider friends?
[10:22] TS: You have four friends? That's pretty wild
[10:22] GT: yeah basically
[10:22] TS: You seem okay, so...
[10:22] TS: What do you wanna know?
[10:22] GT: eh
[10:22] GT: nothing specific
[10:23] GT: so why do you roleplay a lime blood over trollian?
[10:23] TS: Well, I mean...
[10:23] TS: Mystery is cool, right?
[10:23] GT: thats fair
[10:24] TS: I mean, what if you ACTUALLY met a limeblood?
[10:24] GT: well idk
[10:25] GT: i dont really care much
[10:25] GT: i mean sure itd be rare and thats cool
[10:25] GT: but eh
[10:25] GT: blood color only really means how long you live and how beefy your arms are
[10:26] TS: You make an interesting point, Teivel. Why do you think the limebloods were hunted to extinction, then?
[10:26] GT: although i heard limes were crazt strong with psionics
[10:26] TS: Is that why?
[10:26] GT: well i mean
[10:26] GT: probobly
[10:26] GT: either that
[10:27] GT: or some petty grievance betweenthem and the highbloods
[10:27] TS: If THAT was all it took, I don't think limebloods would be the only extinct caste
[10:27] GT: because the highbloods tend to cull anything that displeases their delicate sensibilities
[10:27] TS: to a degree
[10:28] GT: so it was probobly because a caste that was lower on the spectrum had crazy strong powers
[10:28] GT: and the higher bloods wanted to maintain the status quo of "being top dog"
[10:30] TS: Most lowbloods have stronger psychic abilities, and besides. You're a highblood too.
[10:30] GT: blegh
[10:30] GT: dont remind me
[10:30] TS: Haha! Is it really so bad?
[10:31] GT: no not particularly
[10:31] GT: im just kind of a pansy
[10:31] GT: that and well
[10:31] GT: i dont exactly get the highblood treatment anymore
[10:32] TS: Not after killing off so many others, right? Or is it because of something else?
[10:32] GT: well highbloods killing highbloods is basically the morning salute for our people
[10:32] GT: its because of this thing
[10:32] GT: idk
[10:33] TS: What thing? :/
[10:33] GT: blegh
[10:34] GT: a couple sweeps back i developed a weird mutation
[10:35] TS: A couple sweeps ago?? That's unusual. I thought most mutations happened during wrigglerhood
[10:35] TS: WHat is it?
[10:35] GT: well fuck it
[10:35] GT: i have a third horn
[10:36] GT: its small and it grew in much later
[10:36] TS: Huh. That was enough for you to get excommunicated?
[10:36] GT: well
[10:37] GT: its not really commonly known
[10:37] GT: i stopped going outside basically
[10:37] TS: Oh. SO you've only recently become a shut-in? I thought that was just how you'd always lived.
[10:37] GT: well i tend to stay indoors anyways
[10:38] GT: i dont live to close to anyone in particular
[10:38] GT: but still
[10:39] GT: less its known less problems ill have
[10:39] TS: Then how have you lost your highblood status if no one knows?
[10:40] GT: its not like a club or anything
[10:40] GT: we dont have membership cards
[10:40] GT: its just how people talk to you and react to you
[10:41] TS: What's changed?
[10:41] GT: idk actually
[10:42] GT: mostly that ive become scared of going outside and that its inevitable that im going to get culled at some point
[10:43] GT: i never really exerted much of my highblood authority before that anyways
[10:43] TS: Join the club, I guess
[10:43] TS: It's interesting
[10:43] TS: I think
[10:43] TS: Yeah
[10:44] TS: Krolio is the only normal friend I have now
[10:44] GT: krolio rules
[10:44] TS: Tru.net
[10:44] GT: i find that olive bloods tend to be pretty chill
[10:46] GT: not constantly being stepped on by litterally everyone while not exactly being encouraged to treat everyone like shit tends to produce trolls that arnt that awful
[10:46] TS: I'll tell Krolio you think he's cool
[10:46] TS: So like, does it hurt? Your new horn, I mean.
[10:46] GT: oh like a sonuvabitch
[10:46] TS: :(
[10:47] GT: i can feel it growing
[10:47] TS: (lewd.gov)
[10:47] GT: its like if a knife decided to grow out your forehead
[10:47] TS: Oh
[10:47] TS: That's... awful, right?
[10:47] TS: Have you been stabbed before?
[10:47] GT: no
[10:47] GT: but i imagine its pretty awful
[10:48] TS: Not that you have a lot to imagine, I guess
[10:53] TS: Is that it, though? Just a new horn?
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] is now an idle chum! --
[10:58] GT: well
[11:01] GT: i can like
[11:01] GT: move stuff
[11:01] GT: if i think hard
[11:02] TS: Wait, really? I wasn't actually expecting you to get bitchin' powers or anything.
[11:02] TS: You're not pulling my leg, are you?
[11:02] GT: no
[11:02] GT: it makes my head ache a little when i do it
[11:02] GT: but its no so bad with tiny things
[11:03] TS: That's...
[11:03] TS: Really cool!
[11:03] TS: ^_^
[11:03] GT: dfgfcgcgvhbjkjhgfcgvhbjnnhgfg
[11:04] GT: im not used to compliments
[11:04] GT: you dont think im a freak?
[11:04] TS: Well, not really
[11:04] TS: I'm more freaked out by the killing, honestly...
[11:04] TS: I'm a shit troll
[11:05] TS: SHHHHH.exe
[11:05] GT: thats fine
[11:05] GT: you got better stuff to do with your life anyways
[11:05] GT: considering that statistically your like
[11:06] GT: not gonna live as long as others
[11:06] TS: Maybe not.
[11:06] TS: Hm.
[11:07] TS: I don't spend a lot of time thinking about my own mortality
[11:07] GT: well
[11:07] GT: its good to be aware of it
[11:07] GT: most highbloods think theyre gonna live for centuries
[11:08] GT: im sure youve already outlived several of them
[11:08] GT: yikes.superyes ;D
[11:09] TS: You're a real wild one
[11:09] TS: It's interesting
[11:09] TS: I appreciate you
[11:09] TS: Uh, sorry
[11:09] GT: dfghjnhgfccgvhbjhgvcf
[11:10] GT: thats very nice of you
[11:11] TS: WOWZERS/[email protected]
[11:11] GT: #capslockisgangsta
[11:11] TS: #bitchyouknowit
[11:12] GT: so what is your actual blood color?
[11:12] TS: Oh, well...
[11:12] TS: MMMMMMM
[11:12] TS: Okay
[11:12] TS: But stay shushed about it
[11:12] TS: I really am lime
[11:12] GT: wait
[11:13] GT: what
[11:13] GT: fo sho?
[11:13] TS: Yeh, for reals
[11:13] GT: fuck
[11:13] GT: thats awesome
[11:13] GT: i mean im sure its actually kind of terrible cause like
[11:14] GT: most trolls would kill you on sight
[11:14] GT: but still thats super cool
[11:14] GT: congrats
[11:14] GT: but also my condolenses
[11:14] TS: Dude
[11:14] TS: Nice
[11:14] GT: so like
[11:15] GT: can you shoot lasers?
[11:15] GT: ive heard you guys shopot lasers
[11:15] TS: I... Lasers? I'm surprised you believe me. Unless you're just being an ass.
[11:15] TS: Are you being an ass?
[11:16] GT: well idk
[11:16] GT: i was just trying to be polite
[11:16] GT: i figured you were telling the truth
[11:16] TS: Well, I AM, but...
[11:16] TS: You don't need proof? You just... trust me?
[11:17] GT: well sure i guess
[11:17] GT: i trusted you enough to mention my freakazoid horn
[11:18] TS: Huh. Well, I mean, it's not like I can hurt you for having a mutation
[11:18] TS: Not from here
[11:19] GT: then maby you should come to my hole in the ground and hang out
[11:19] GT: by hanging me
[11:19] GT: or something
[11:23] TS: You and your sinister overtones of drama and despair
[11:24] TS: Classic Teivel
[11:24] GT: yeah basically
[11:25] TS: That's swiftly becoming your catchphrase, you know
[11:25] GT: yeah
[11:26] TS: exhasperated.autorun
[11:27] GT: so are we like moirails?
[11:27] GT: or just shitheads?
[11:27] TS: Shitheads
[11:27] TS: definitely
[11:27] GT: ok cool
[11:27] GT: shitheads fo life
[11:28] TS: shithead_fistbump/DOIT.edu
[11:28] GT: fuck
[11:29] GT: dank
[11:29] TS: Is your lusus actually okay?
[11:29] GT: yeah they fine
[11:29] GT: they a big tough lizard
[11:29] TS: Lizards are the master race confirmed
[11:30] TS: stay tuned for more useful facts
[11:30] GT: YO
[11:30] TS: So, how big is that new horn? Does it match your others?
[11:30] GT: thats lewd
[11:30] GT: its tiny
[11:30] TS: dude
[11:31] GT: but its vlike
[11:31] GT: still growing
[11:31] TS: It's been growing for, uh... two sweeps, you said? And it's still tiny
[11:32] GT: compared to my normal horns yeah
[11:32] TS: Huh
[11:32] TS: So wait
[11:32] TS: how tall are you?
[11:35] GT: 6'4''
[11:36] TS: Huh
[11:36] TS: Still tall, but not as dramatic as I though
[11:36] TS: Aren't highbloods supposed to be massive?
[11:36] GT: eh
[11:36] GT: thats rascist
[11:37] TS: Nice
[11:37] GT: ye
[11:37] TS: SO are you a shrimp or not?
[11:39] GT: not particularly
[11:40] TS: Okay, that's a relief
[11:40] TS: I've never seen anything other than the Jade bloods
[11:40] TS: so I wouldn't know
[11:40] TS: Ignorant racism, I guess
[11:40] TS: caste-ism?
[11:41] GT: its fine
[11:41] GT: friendly cast-ism is a-ok in my book
[11:41] GT: be careful tho
[11:41] GT: might mistake it for a black-rom flirting
[11:42] TS: That's just because you're an idiot
[11:42] TS: and everything has to do with romance
[11:42] TS: Hey, dude?
[11:42] TS: I gotta go
[11:42] TS: prior arrangements
[11:43] GT: okey dokey
[11:43] GT: ima go sleep in my cacoon
[11:43] TS: You do that
[11:43] TS: Catch you later
[11:43] GT: cya later limey ;)
-- gallionicTrickster [GT] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 23:44 --
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thegeminisage · 8 years
more botw blogging, SUPER spoilery
this is a real long post sorry normally i break these up and this time i didn’t
and finally, off we go to a new province
this time im making its tower my first stop, since i can see it from here
i tried to paraglide across the river but i didn't have enough height so i landed on the cliffside and ITS RAINING!!!!! for fucks sake
i cant believe this game actually got me to hate rain..........
not only that but when i died in the water it didn't reload me back to where i started to glide from but a bit of cliff i stood on lol so #struggles right from the first minute
rain for the next 3 hours.......and i gotta climb it in the rain....jesus
i guess i could fast travel but i'd have to walk all the way back there :/
hmm. maybe the gae's throwing me the rain on purpose. an npc mentioned this river was notoriously difficult to cross :///
yep as soon as i turned away: it cleared. Great
well i see some bridge-like things further downstream i guess i'll check that out
lol jk i managed to glide across a different part and climb
like i saw my forecast change but then it changed back to sun so w/e i'll take it im up here now
aaaaah i can see so many cool things from here!!!!! i cant wait to explore them all!!!! that #new province feel
i hate like, feeling obligated to track down every last bit of stuff in the old ones when you're seeing new exciting stuff
but i love the feel of getting to a new one and not even knowing which cool thing to check out first
ohhh my god lol there's a big-ass bokoblin camp on the way to the tower i think i see a moblin but im not sure
aaaand im dead
at least there werernt any moblins!
tbh it isnt a difficult camp i just wasnt vigilant about healing
me every time i see something new: what the Fuck is that!?
in this case it was an ice wizzrobe which made it snow EVERYWHERE oh my god
That Was Difficult
if i didn't have my fire arrows and lynel bow it would have taken way longer
i died again!!!
those weird pattern bokoblins have SO much attack power ):
come on i have to clear out the camp AGAIN? and kill the wizzrobe?
naw dude i am skipping this nonsense i am going straight up the fucking cliff
HA i sniped them from above >:3
there's a zora on top of this tower!!!!!!!
omg poor thing he can't get back down i wish i could carry him on my paraglider
man i love the tower cutscenes and music and the way they unfold it's so cool
oh hey i found another zora down near these bridges
they all want me to go see their prince haha noooo i have too much to explore!!!
oooh it's so easy to get all turned around on these bridge thingies
man i love this province it's SO pretty
ah i found a goron on a sandbar!! how did you get out here with all this water...
nooo the blood moon again i knew it was coming the music has been funny all night >:(
lol jk the music faked me out its 2am and i warped to the stable for nothing (i was trying to get that one dude's reaction)
i came back and did the shrine and found another zora!! lol they all really want me to go see that dude
there's a thing i need to climb but ugh rain
while i was bored i chopped grass and attached octo balloons to things
now i am in the wetlands which are AWFUL to walk through i can practically feel the mud squishing between my toes and i want to die lmao
there are horses here!! i miss mine ):
ive done enough shrines now to get another upgrade but i dont feel like doing all that backtracking blegh
oh noooo i see a guardian out here, a moving one ;_;
ah it's been awhile since i failed to fight the still ones on the plateau...i wonder what the start screen meant by "the right tools" ive got a lot of damn tools!! did they mean arrows??
lol yet another zora telling me to meet with the prince.........dude
this prince must be either desperate or spoiled
okay maybe its a glitch but i think?? i see?? a flying island in the distance? What The Fuck
wait no it looks kind of like a ship or giant bird??
my pins don't stick to it, it's definitely moving around
jesus fuck
jesus christ i hate those things!!!! you can't kill them!!!!!!!
NO oh my god there's a hinox over here too
why this Why This
lol the hinox fighting music is giving me trauma flashbacks
actually that wasnt so bad with a defense elixir on
maybe it's just me but this province feels kinda small? i feel like i could finish exploring it p quickly, which is nice
not that i'm not having fun but i know i'm going so slowly ):
me every five seconds: i miss my hooorse i want one to ride around to go faaaaster
i guess...i could catch...one of these
and like. not register it bc the stable is 10000 miles away but
a temp ride. let's see if i can. need to use up some of my sneak potions anyways
i caught one and rode it awhile, but my heart's not in training it...i want My Horse
oh my god wait i hear town music!! is this a stable right here!! AAAAAH
so i did catch a pretty black one and named it luna - had to let the first one i caught go lol but it didn't have great stats and i only rode it once so it'll be happier in the wild probably
he's playing epona's song i'm gonna CRY
oh my god he had a story for me!! the same one that impa told!!!!! man
the music is still so good. fuck.
lmao i was talking to one dude and he was like well might as well head back inside ugh that place is so filthy and the women so free you might as well call it a manfill
i can see hyrule castle super close from where i am and it looks super scary and i super want nothing to do with it rn
i get the feeling you can like, go in there whenever? maybe even do the endgame stuff early? but oh my god i Dont wanna
OMG i just mounted a bear
i read that you could ride things other than horses but holy shit lmao
i mean
it killed me after i got off, but man
sadly i must now board my horse and continue with The Story see i explored the non-story bits of that province SUPER quickly dang
oh no
this shrine is called a minor test of strength
Oh No
Why, God
oh. that was actually like SUPER easy compared to the other two haha phew
this lady at the crossroads said the prince was creepy omg i knew there was something, ahaha, excuse me, "fishy"
whoa i love his music theme!!
lmao i always get so SHOCKED when they talk!!! even still!!!!!
voice acted cutscenes of this game are like fmvs of final fantasy games in generations 5-7 lol
oh my god...the wink/sparkle thing...he's such a HAM
he's flattering me TOO much omg dude what do you want.......
ok, ok, i like him
he doesn't seem very trustworthy but since his people are in trouble i'll cut him some slack on that one
oh nooo i gotta climb this in the rain......
ah, it's sunshowering tho! that's kinda neat
i just got attacked by octoroks and my heart wept a little because traveling up zora's river dodging octoroks to get to and save zora's domain...I've Been Here Before
listen, i could write a book on this
(lol i did write 300k on this but shhh that was a long time ago)
like...if link is actually a reincarnation does he get flashes of memory
oot happened in every timeline but i know wind waker didn't
but do you think assuming this is in the same timeline as wind waker something in him feels at home the first time he sails a raft again
or hears kass play epona's song at the ranch
or ducks an octorok on his way to zora's domain
people treat the incarnation thing as a kind of tragedy - the world will never be free of evil so long as ganon/ganondorf exists
but maybe there's happiness in it too
no matter what happens, no matter how sad the ending - i mean hell, in this very game, link and zelda LOST
no matter what though, it's guaranteed that they'll see each other again
over and over and over without end, link and zelda are gonna meet and be together for awhile while they defend hyrule again
frankly if that's not a soulmate idk what is
and frankly i'm perpetually offended that they don't develop ganondorf the man more like they did in wind waker...that was the Peak tbqh
i would kill for something like that again
i love how present the current here is, like with the stuff floating down the river, thats a NICE touch
tbh it's actually really nice that he keeps uselessly checking on me on the way up the river
like, i've been so lonely
even now i miss my companion going "what's WITH that guy" like they probably would if i had one
so this is nice. tbh.
i know it was probably a deliberate choice and makes the game stronger but a companion for this game, someone to share it with...that would've been cool
even just zelda as the protag, she could do some internal narration
but the whole thing is just so quiet.
this place is so pretty tho?? in the distance i see these like, pink coral looking plant things, and the blue columns and bridges are gorgeous
i think its an area thing too i cant just wait it out lmao im gonna Die
oh jk it's just rain now
idk why my entire forcecast changes to a particular type of weather and its only like that a few seconds...super weird and annoying
lol sidon all "you're almost halfway there i believe in you!!" and not helping fight and link's little "k" wave
i love link as a silent protag even if i did have him talk in my writing like it's so endearing
i wonder if link is like sgr like "i am 100 years old what is this zora kid even doing. what is he EVEN DOING."
lol just had to dodge some rocks rollin down a hill
you see this is what i mean. there's a weird sense of familiarity and nostalgia if you've played the games a lot. i wonder if the spirit of the hero feels that way with each new adventure, too
like if he's okay doomed to an eternity of fighting and parting with zelda over and over
because in the end he always gets to do this again
like i can see the spirit of the princess/goddess being high key miserable about those circumstances but i wonder if the spirit of the hero is maybe secretly glad
because part of him will always yearn for the next adventure
he never COULD be happy settling because this is what he was born for
WE love doing this again and again and again, maybe it's not such a stretch to think the spirit of the hero does too
or maybe i'm projecting so hard onto him because undertale has so successfully blurred the line between the player and the game for me LMAO
oh man i just noticed all the names on this map
lulu, mikau ;_;
i miss them!!!!
just once i wish zelda games would feature the same side characters in two or three titles
we never got to see saria or darunia or lulu again
we get to come back to the world but every friend we've ever made has been gone
like some narnia shit i swear to god
lol this is why i should never do story all i do is rant about My Zelda Feels, which are literally endless
oh NICE battle with a blue moblin on the bridge!!!!
ah i like the zora history here too please give me all the worldbuilding i wanna know everything about this world that i can bc rn all i know is "we got Fucked"
i guess i also know about the automans but i need More
i say, while procrastinating on getting to the story
in other news i have an ice and lightning rod which i havent bothered trying to use
bc when i tried to use the boomerang i failed utterly lol
but these? holy shit dude these are Powerful when you actually land a magic hit like Dang
i Love them im never avoiding another wizzrobe again (thats where they drop from)
oh wow
i finally made it, and
man. oh man. it's so beautiful
i wish i could see if better
jesus the zoras always had the prettiest parts of the games imo
OH NO!!! im gonna cry omg
it's the same melody from oot i think!! oh my god!!!!!!
omg there's a zora here named rivan who says he knows me?!?!
omg no he's listing some of link's old pals from Before im so sad why can't he remember
OOOH i shouldn't speak to the elderly bc apparently i am "guilty" of something?? i love this development PLEASE tell me more
i love that they all age so slowly #nice
am i walking into a fucking execution lmao sidon don't play me......
omg the little zora kids are adorable!!!
omg there's a statue of the zora champion ;_;
man this is all so cool i wanna know EVERYTHING about what happened back then!!!!
lol the shrine here was SUPER nerve wracking god you had to like, roll the giant ball down a hill and stop time at JUST the right moment skjghf
oh my gosh ANOTHER zora who knows me (lol "linny")
im so ;w; they all know me!!!!!!
i slept on the blissful water bed at the inn and was mystified and alarmed by the sound effects but i got an extra stamina wheel and 3 extra hearts!!! god damn you can't beat that shit
im so amazed at how many people knew link and like, blame him? i wanna know so bad what happened, i wanna know more about mipha
ten bucks says she's still alive and like trapped in the divine beast but corrupted
or a ghost or something like the old man ;_;
aww zoras sleep in the water aw aw :3
i'm loving this theme of link sleeping for so long like at first i thought of sgr but i just realized it's also like oot (and i can't believe i didn't make that connection first...)
like in oot the people who knew him Before are so happy to see him again and are sure he can help them
but in this game it's a bit mixed
and in this game we don't know the details of 100 years ago yet ;_;
zora's domain here is like. so GLOWY. reminds me of waterfall from undertale tbh lol i wanna paint it
so i'm talking to the king and this one elderly zora goes "the hylians abused an ancient society's power to turn hyrule into what it is today" & like...tbh my dude you have a point. if they had never gotten those guardians out then they couldn't have turned on them
oh my GOD
i just got my first look at a divine beast and i can't believe i was calling them jaegers
my jaw dropped irl holy shit
like that thing truly looks both divine and beastly (this one is an elephant)
is mipha still in there as like a ghost ;_;
it's so clear how much everyone misses her
and she seemed so sweet in the one short memory i recovered
every time sidon does his sparkle smile i love him a little more
i didn't trust him at first bc he seemed a little too eager but now i see he's just doing his best!!!!
especially as someone who thinks radically and progressively in a society where elders stay around hundreds of years
SWIM SPEED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omfg and it's an engagement thing just like the sapphire
thats right that other lady said link was supposed to choose between her and mipha
listen mipha seems cool and all but i've been shipping zelink for 19 years, so
oh NO, mipha had feelings for link
oh no poor mipha...oh my god
"no matter how bad the wound i will ALWAYS" heal you and then link wakes up in water
did she do that!!! did she save him ;_; oh my god im going to cry
"you are quivering like a hatchling" PLEASE protect my poor son
muzu is making me sad dude he misses her so much and he hates this so much
ooooh i have to fight another lynel for shock arrows...good Lord im not looking forward to that
"calamity ganon took control of the beasts and trapped the champions inside" yep either she's still alive like link and zelda or her body is in there and so is her fucking ghost
DUDE!! i just swam up my first waterfall and it was AWESOME!!!!!
so im at shatterback point now hwere lynel is just bc i wanted to swim up a waterfall but probably he will kill me quickly lmao
apparently you can mount him too which. sick.
but idk i dont have any good food or elixirs or weapons ready im just up here for science im probably gonna knock off soon i gotta Draw
Oh Fuck There He Is ):
it's super tedious to have top go back and delete every fucking picture i take for my copendium one by one those shouldn't save in my album automatically come on dude im trying to take a picture of this lion centaur thing here
aaah there's a rainbow here too #nice
ah well got him about a quarter pf the way down before i died :/ not bad for being completely unprepared
tbh i only had one defense food?? had i had more i could have whittled him down eventually
anyway thats all for tonight!! i doubt i'll play anymore tonight bc i have drawing to do
lol this is a long post but it's all in one bc i'm typing them in notepad now and don't have to worry about them getting too long
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