#oh also my graphics card is not good enough to play the sims 4 on anything but low resolution which like.. fuck bro
fingertipsmp3 · 3 years
Found out I can’t play sims on my new laptop. Life is pain
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taiblogcomics · 7 years
Originally posted to Xanga on December 6, 2012
Hey there, sacred artifacts. Well, it's been a while. I'm sure we're all better off for it, but eventually that time had to come again. And so, here we are. It's time once more to read a ridiculous children's horror novel by R.L. Stine. Since we already covered books three and four in the Hall of Horrors line earlier, let's move right along to Goosebumps Hall of Horrors #5: Don't Scream!. Just don't do it, man!
This book sure has a cover:
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That disembodied mouth really needs to see an orthodontist, let me tell you. In fact, I'm not even sure that lower jaw has any human teeth at all. Surprisingly, this image does happen in the book. It's not indicative of the story in any way, but it's there.
Our protagonist for this go-round is Jack Harmon. His one-dimensional character trait is being picked on by bullies. His most frequent tormenters are "Big Mick" Owens and Darryl "The Hammer" Oliva. Darryl is never referred to as "The Hammer" anywhere but the first page, but this is such a cool name that we're going to keep using it, quotes and all. Today they're twisting Jack's arm, stealing his Red Sox cap, spitting in it, and then getting off the school bus. This is how we're introduced to our main character, guys. Certainly a sign of good things to come!
Jack slumps in some random seat, disappointed he can't be as lucky as you blog readers and be spared all the description of the spit in his hair. As an extra bonus, the story kicks off right away with Jack finding a cellphone in the seat. And if you're wondering, yes, it's specifically a smartphone with "all kinds of apps". Jack doesn't think to check the address book or anything, he just turns it on and puts it to his ear. To his surprise, he's immediately greeted by a girl's voice. Possible references to make jokes on:
A) The Ring 2) Calling D) When A Stranger Calls ?) [reader's choice of phone-based horror story]
The girl on the other end introduces herself as Jack's new best friend. I'm going to save myself some trouble and reveal now that her name is Emmy, since she doesn't actually get a name until late in the book. Jack at first thinks it's his younger sister's babysitter playing a prank. What the heck kind of babysitter is this that this is your first thought? In fact, her name is Mindy, not Vicky or Rosalyn. Jack continues trying to insist it is Mindy, at which point Emmy snaps and says she's not Mindy, and Jack better not make her angry. He wouldn't like her when she's angry.
So if she's not Mindy, the girl must be Jack's pal Eli. Eli wears the hat of "improbable electronics geek" in this story, including a voice changer that clearly Jack thinks can make him sound like a girl. See, Emmy, if you had introduced yourself at the beginning instead of three-quarters of the way into the story, you could avoid this whole thing. This was just a clumsy way to introduce us to characters without introducing the characters, wasn't it? As it is, Jack gets tired of the whole thing and tries to hang up. Unfortunately, turning the power off doesn't make the creepy voice go away, and Emmy continues to talk to him. Hanging up on people is rude, Jack, maybe this haunting will help you improve as a person~
Jack is at first terrified and confused, but then he gets a great idea: get off the bus and leave the phone behind. Ah, Goosebumps: where a main character's intricate plan equates to a real-world person's common sense. Jack puts this daring plan into action, only to be thwarted by an incidental character throwing the phone out the window to him. Wow, what if this had been different circumstances, where the owner cared and she missed? In fact, why did Jack bother to catch it? You knucklehead. Everything that happens now is directly the fault of your hand-eye coordination. Jack then starts screaming at the phone, saying how it can't call him because he switched it off. Passersby give him "this kid is a lunatic" stares.
Jack gets home and starts fiddling with the phone some more, despite it containing the threatening voice of a disembodied girl. He checks the section labelled "My Photos", and finds it's all full of pictures of him and his family. And, like, not candid shots either. Though that would've been a good, creepy, "holy shit, real-world stalkers" bit. No, it's just more supernatural nonsense that is never explained or mentioned again. Jack decides this is the best thing to freak out over and trots downstairs to show the phone to Mindy. Mindy's in the kitchen making mac-and-cheese for little sister Rachel. Jack doesn't want any, which baffles Mindy. "Everybody likes mac and cheese after school." And if you don't, you're an America-hating commie Martian!
Jack decides to tell everything to Mindy, and Mindy is appropriately skeptical. She picks up the phone herself and begins asking into it for the girl. There's no response, and Jack looks like an idiot. Ah, a Goosebumps protagonist in their natural habitat. Rachel chimes in that Jack is always a liar, and I've used flimsier excuses to post the Applejack meme.
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"'Course some girl talks to me through the phone! Ah get loads of calls from girls every day!"
Jack shamefully goes back to his room, and Emmy chides him for trying to show her to the babysitter. Jack counters with the notion that he could just give the phone to his parents and ask them to find the owner. Emmy is quiet for a moment, then electrocutes Jack. Why, of course a phone's battery has enough charge to reduce a person to twitching spasms! Also, completely reasonable reaction, and a sure route to friendship. Emmy threatens to do it again if Jack doesn't listen to her, and even threatens his sister. More friendship!
Eli shows up now, having been summoned by Jack earlier. Eli is described as a little chubby and wearing cargo pants with pockets full of junk and T-shirts with jokes that aren't funny on them. Finally, an accurate description of what a kid would wear. If you were wondering, today's shirt says "I'm with brilliant" and points up at Eli's face. Wow, they weren't kidding about the "not funny" bit, eh? Now that we've had some accuracy, are you ready for irrelevant nonsense that I'm going to rant about anyway?
Eli also shows up playing a handheld video game system. It's a touch-controlled game with glasses-less 3D graphics. Why, it's the... Digi-GameFreak 4. What. C'mon, guys, these books have referred to the Wii by name before. And this book came out in January 2012, only a couple months before the 3DS hit the market. Did you really have to make up some generic bullshit system that doesn't exist? Also, stop saying "game-player". Nobody calls them that. They're handhelds or portables. I normally wouldn't mind so much, this is pretty standard for Goosebumps to make up fake things (see: any time comics are mentioned), but they have specifically mentioned the Wii by name before, as I said. It just feels horribly inconsistant
Jack explains the whole story to Eli, and he's a little more believing than Mindy. In fact, Emmy even obliges him a "go away, Jack has a new best friend", and Eli has to think about that for a while. Eventually, he comes to the conclusion that the phone has two SIM cards in it. And a second set of receivers and speakers, too. I'm not sure you can get all that junk inside a thin little smartphone and have it still function, and even if you can, that's a really elaborate and expensive prank to play on a middle schooler.
Jack considers this, then decides that even if this is a thing, Eli can't open it up because of how shocking Emmy reacts. Eli comes up with another plan. He'll put the phone in a box, and then he'll put that box inside of another box, and then he'll mail that box to himself. And when it arrives, he'll smash it with a hammer! Or, to save on postage, he'll just skip to the last step and gets a sledgehammer out of Jack's basement. The phone is quickly reduced to its component parts and splinters of plastic. Emmy doesn't even have the decency to scream.
Well, book's over, right? Not quite.
Satisfied that his technical knowhow (i.e. breaking stuff) has triumphed, Eli decides to play his bullshit video game some more. Oh, but this turns out to be a dumb idea. Emmy has moved from the broken phone to the handheld. So, she's basically the Cyborg Superman now. And boy is she miffed. And thus, she electrocutes Eli so badly that the game melts. Um, wow. The fact that he even moves after that is kind of unbelievable. The only damage he incurs are various burns on his hands. Jack's dad (Peter, I hope) walks by and notices the smoldering wreckage. He comments that games shouldn't overheat like that, it could be dangerous.
Eli stays for dinner, Emmy stays forever, and Jack's dad decides they should all go to the big electronics store after dinner. Dad has an itching for a new HD TV (you know what HD is, Stine/ghostwriter, but not the 3DS?), and he invites Jack along. Jack decides to yet again tell everyone about the phone and the girl inside it. His parents are horrified that he would wantonly smash a piece of electronic equipment that didn't belong to him, and they're kind of skeptical about electronic ghost girls, too. His mom shows her general ignorance of modern technology by suggesting the idea that he just didn't turn off the phone good enough, so Emmy just kept talking. They then demand to see the ruins of the bullshit handheld game.
Dad looks over the device for a minute, asking the girl to speak up. Then he hits it against his palm as if it lost its picture or something. This causes the handheld to let out a deafening screech that keeps on screeching. Eventually it subsides, and everyone is in quite a bit of pain. Dad decides "That player is defective. It's dangerous." Please refer to my previous Pinkie Pie clip. Conveniently, Eli bought the thing at the same place Dad intends to buy his new TV, so he's going to show it to the manager while there and get it replaced for Eli. He then herds the two boys into the car with him, and Jack wonders what the worst Emmy could do if she found out where they're going. Eli replies, "She could blow up the car." Yes, you're being very helpful.
Unfortunately for us, Emmy does not blow up the car, and the story continues. In fact, pretty much nothing happens at all. They get to the store without incident, and the defective video game is turned in to the manager. Eli and Jack dare to hope they are finally free. This is an incredibly dumb thing to do, because almost immediately all the lights and televisions flicker, and a giant pair of lips appears on each screen. Hey, there's that cover image. The lips start announcing that Jack can't outwit her and she'll always be here. People are confused, and it goes away as suddenly as it happened. Wow, this was such a climactic scene that it needed to be on the cover, yes?
Anyway, Eli gets his new handheld, Dad mistook the sale date of televisions, and they leave almost without incident. Then Dad suddenly remembers what else they should be doing: he buys Jack a cellphone. You know, the very device you were just deeply upset with him for destroying 20 minutes ago at dinner. Dad says it's high time he had one, so I guess destroying equipment is a rite of passage in the Harmon family? Hey, try wrecking the car next, Jack. After lengthy paperwork (one of the true horrors in the book), Jack has his own phone and is at home. Suddenly, Emmy starts talking to him through the phone, telling Jack not to worry, she's still here~
Jack thinks it's high time for some damn answers. He wants to know exactly who Emmy is (who still hasn't been named at this point, remember), and she's reluctant to say anything. Eventually she fesses up to being an AI glitch. Just an experiment in artificial intelligence that somehow got an electrical glitch and became a sentient digital lifeform.
Anyway, Emmy (finally named now) is a living virtual pet, basically, and she can manipulate electricity (or "digital signals", as she says) to attack or move around. They're what keep her alive. But being alive isn't enough for her. She wants companionship. She's sure other digital people like her exist, and Jack's going to help her find them. In fact, he'll do whatever she wants or she'll hurt him. How fun~ All this aside, shouldn't this be a sci-fi book, and not horror?
Next day at school, Jack tries to text this to Eli, but Eli reports he didn't get them. Eli is intrigued by this whole artificial intelligence slant, and believe me, he's the only one. They head for class, and class is uneventful. That is, until Emmy starts detecting a signal. Another digital person is nearby, and she wants Jack to go retrieve it. Yes, in the middle of class. Jack refuses, of course, and Emmy threatens to burn all the flesh off his leg if he doesn't. I'm no leg expert, but that may hinder the retrieval of electric friends, you know. Either way, Emmy orders Jack to steal the laptop. Jack protests that he's in the middle of class, but she doesn't care. In fact, she finds him highly disobedient, and demands a show of obedience or she'll flashfry his pants. "Stand on your head, Jack," she commands.
Jack, not wanting the book to be any stupider, refuses. He gets a big shock for his trouble, and yelps and falls out of his chair. The teacher asks what the commotion is, and Jack claims to have been stung by a bee. The teacher dryly replies that it must've been a very big bee for him to make such a fuss. Hey. Hey, teach. Fuck you. You ever been stung by a bee? It fucking hurts. I'd like to see you not yelp and jump when stung. Hell, maybe he's allergic and is now dying. But no, you gotta be a snarky bitch about it.
Despite all this, Emmy still demands headstands. The chapter ends, and it cuts to after class, where he has clearly done a headstand. Mick and "The Hammer" are riding him about it, and Jack says that the bee sting just made him loopy. Everyone in this school is nuts, and I'm even including Emmy in that. Seriously, Emmy, you haunt technology, and this is the best you can do? There's more generic harassment, Mick expresses interest in Jack's digital watch, and Jack threatens to tell the bus driver, and she'll throw them off the bus. They laugh and say she can't do that, she'll lose her job. Um, hi, dumbshits, that's exactly what she can do. She won't lose her job, that is her job. This is completely ridiculous. It's like the author lives slightly left of reality. Handheld video game with touch controls and 3D graphics? Some other brand. Bus driver enforces rules? Lose her job. Bruce Wayne's parents shot in alley? Becomes the Joker.
The next day, Jack hides in the school so he can steal a laptop with a digital person inside. I totally just typed that sentence. He doesn't even wait until nightfall when all the teachers have left. No, just 'til, like, five. All the kids are gone, but there's still plenty of adults around. Yeah, I feel good about this plan. I'm excited by this. Well, long story short, due to this plan being super dumb, Jack is caught with laptop in his hands. The teacher questions him about it, and he makes up a story about how he was putting the laptop back. The teacher buys this, and Emmy is annoyed. But what can they do~? Emmy says Jack better do better next time. Jack is sure next time he'll be caught. And he narrates to us that, in fact, he was. But that's a long frightening story. So it has no chance of being in this book~?
The next next day, Emmy now detects a signal from none other than Mick's camera. Naturally, Jack is not keen on stealing from Mick. But after Emmy makes his backpack burst into flames, Jack starts to warm up to the idea. Jack makes a show of bumping into Mick at lunch, and deftly steals the camera in the mashup. Mick and "The Hammer" respond by eating Jack's lunch. Emmy doesn't have time to check out the camera yet, and thusly on the bus, Mick decides to go through Jack's backpack when he notices the burns. He finds the camera, but doesn't realise it's his. Instead he decides to give it to "The Hammer" as a present. So they lose the camera without accomplishing anything. Way to waste our time~
Not having had his fill of doing dumb stuff, Jack sneaks out of the house that night to wander the streets until Emmy picks up a signal. Finally she notices one outside a darkened house, one of Jack's neighbours. She commands Jack to break in and steal whatever it is that she's registering. Since this is obviously the best possible plan, Jack does, in fact, break into the house, reasoning that his neighbour is out late. There's a brief scene where Jack is startled by a cat that adds nothing, and then he locates the source of the signal: a clock radio. He takes it and leaves. Here's the super-dumb part: Emmy has him stop and let her scan the radio before they get too far. Couldn't she have done that in the bedroom? It'd be easier, because now Jack has to sneak back into the house and put the clock radio back. Predictably, he gets caught in the middle of this.
We cut away, and return to Jack being returned home and explaining this whole thing to his parents. Jack has the brilliant idea of saying it was a dare and pinning it on Mick and "The Hammer". What he doesn't realise until seconds later is that his mother would call up their parents. There's a brief phone conversation, and Jack's mom comes back mad. Turns out Mick figured out the camera switcheroo. Jack apologised a crazy amount and basically goes to bed mad.
The next morning, Jack wakes up to find his sister in his room. She's messing with the cellphone, and Jack realises what's going to happen just before it does: the cellphone messes back, and little Rachel is electrocuted. Jack finally snaps like a twig and smashes the cellphone with the sledgehammer that just happened to still be lying around. Emmy chides him for being dumb and says he can't get rid of her that easily. Jack smashes his iPod too, followed by his computer. Then the TV. Then the clock above the bed. Jack later discovers himself being hugged by Mindy, completely unaware of exactly what went on. Jack may be the first Goosebumps character to officially go super nuts~
No, really. He even sees a child psychologist. There's talking, there's therapy, there's a timeskip. And Jack doesn't hear from Emmy at all. Until one day a couple weeks later, he does. He's not happy about this. Turns out she's been hiding in his digital watch the whole time. And she's ready for him to find more friends for her again~
Jack suddenly has an out, though. Mick walks up, mocking Jack for talking to his watch. He's going to beat Jack up for stealing his camera, and then he's moving away to Detroit. Jack suddenly gets an idea. He gives Mick his digital watch as a gift. Mick's been admiring it throughout the book, and he decides this is good enough. He exits, and takes the watch with Emmy in it with him. And this time, Jack is really free~
Oh, except we need a crappy twist ending. Mick moves and days pass. Emmy is not heard from whatsoever. Eventually, the phone rings, and Jack nervously picks it up. Fortunately, it's not Emmy. It's a boy's voice. Mick's, to be exact. He begs Jack to help him. He's trapped in the phone, thanks to Emmy. And he can hurt Jack if he won't help... Haha, that makes no sense~
Sheesh. Well, despite what you might think, this book is not the worst thing I've ever read. In fact, this might be one of the better books I've read in this series. It's kind of a clever idea, and as usual it's ruined by shoddy execution. It also makes no sense as a Goosebumps book. It's like a sci-fi novel that got misappropriated into crappy children's horror. The ending also comes right the fuck out of nowhere, and has no explanation with the rest of the text. Were there even any other digital entities? Who can tell~? And yet, despite the dumbness present throughout, it wasn't the worst thing ever. It was at least readable, and had a interesting premise. But really, leave the technology-based horror to those who have actually used technology invented in the last 20 years~
One more thing: what the hell does the title have to do with anything? Were there no phone puns available?
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spectralsims-blog · 7 years
After seeing @flamedeyes​ have fun with this, I decided to do it myself :)
1. What’s your favorite sims death? I genuinely tried to kill a sim with (cheated) hysteria in my last game (before starting this simblr I had a game involving septuplets and I wanted to kill the dad off to explain why he wasn’t around) and... it did not work. It’s my favourite  solely because I’ve never felt so told off by a videogame before
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match! It’s good for my graphics card lol 
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope! I am a genuine fat kid from a family of fat kids so I really have no issue with weightier sims. As you’ll see in later installments of my legacy, Raven puts on a lot of weight that, tbh, I did not even notice until looking back on old screenshots. 
4. Do you use move objects? Sometimes. I’m not much of a builder so I don’t really need it too often. 
5. Favorite mod? MC Command Center by @deaderpoolmc​, tbh. I know it’s not one of the ~cool~ or ~weird~ mods but I’m such a control freak and it keeps me from spending too much time in console. 
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I’m on a shared account (shh don’t tell Origin shh)  so by the time I bought in, the other users had already bought Get Together, Get To Work, City Living, Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, and Dine Out. 
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE. I just heard somebody say it like LIVing and it freaked me out tbh.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I’m going to ignore ts3 and say Amina, who’s my icon rn. 
9. Have you made a simself? I did for very embarrassing reasons but the save file it was on got wiped months ago and I get really weird about simselves. 
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Creative, Ambitious, Loner. Other applicable traits include childish, geek, gloomy, hot headed, music lover, and noncommittal. It’s really dumb but I was actually upset that sims got less trait slots rather than more in the switch from ts3 to ts4. 
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? I LOVE the slightly greying brown. It’s some quality content.
12. Favorite EA hair? The slightly pulled-back with barrettes hair from Dine Out. I’m a sucker for that hair.
13. Favorite life stage? Teen! It’s has the most opportunity for making up stories tbh. 
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? GAMEPLAY! All of my games are based in story. I only made my simblr because I feel like I’m wasting my time making up stories that no one else will be able to see. It’s been more difficult than I expected because I’m so used to suspending my own disbelief for the sake of plot but I constantly worry about how weak my voice is in my sim stories (since there isn’t much wiggle room there). It’s also been so much more fun than I expected though, so worth it. 
15. Are you a CC creator? Technically not yet but I’m working on some stuff! I’m more interested in script mods than anything else tho since I love coding. 
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Nope! I’m still a bit of a newbie here so I haven’t had enough time to make friends. I’m very much planning on starting a discord chat for maxis match simblrs tho, so if you’re interested in that, stay tuned. 
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4):  I’ve been getting really into 4 but I still don’t have the level of fluency I did with 3. I feel like modding got a whole lot easier with 4 tho, which is a major bonus. 1 and 2 were always more my mom’s games, so I didn’t get into them nearly as much. 
18. Do you have any sims merch? ...There’s merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Not yet but I’m planning on taking up streaming just so I don’t have to be so lonely this summer :3c
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? When I first started out in ts3, I would literally pick the same face, hair, clothes, and traits for every sims I made. I can still see their generic-ass faces in the corner of my mind. I then went on a huge cc binge and downloaded anything I could find, which was a BAD IDEA. Then, when I first got ts4, I was determined to use purely maxis content- a sentiment which lasted about a year before I got bored and went back to modding my game. I still tend to use game-generated faces rather than trying to have any specific style (I’m so worried about all my sims turning out the same), but now I can at least add face overlays lol
21. What’s your Origin ID? Again, I’m on a (super top secret) shared account and my friends are not cool with me giving it out :(
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? Anyone who makes mm-friendly hair for black sims and mm menswear is literally a god 
23. How long have you had a simblr? I made this back in... April? May? Towards the end of this past spring semester. So only a bout a month and a half or so at most. 
24. How do you edit your pictures? I, uh, crop them in the built-in windows picture editor. The furthest I’ve ever gone was pixlr for a shitty edit of Amina and mspaint for introducing my legacy founders. I’d love to improve my editing game but let’s be honest, photoshop was not my favourite part of computer camp. 
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Seasons is always a fun one and of course Pets is a classic, but what I REALLY want is a full supernatural pack for ts4. Supernatural for ts3 was my SHIT Oh, and University. That was some good stuff
Also I’m not kidding. If a supernatural pack is not at least hinted at by the time sims 5 is announced (if it’s ever a thing lol) then I will personally mod my own supernatural pack into the game. Don’t test me
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? City Living and Parenthood have been the most enriching to my playstyle, tbh. 
I’m gonna follow in @flamedeyes‘ footsteps and tag literally anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet! Just remember to tag me so I can see :)
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cowardlytrait · 7 years
☀ 100 questions no one really asks ☀
i was tagged by @batsysims , thank you ! 😊
i sleep with it closed !! it’s mainly so one of my younger sisters doesn’t go in there tbh 
2. DO YOU TAKE THE SHAMPOOS AND CONDITIONER BOTTLES FROM HOTELS? i’ve never actually stayed at a hotel so no djghdfgbd
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? out?? whenever i do sleep with a sheet on my bed, because i tend to not remake my bed so i generally sleep without a sheet for a while which i know isnt good for you so im trying to break that :/ 
4. HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? i considered it once, bc i was walking to my friends place on new years eve and i saw a street sign that fell in a storm , and i almost took it.. except i still had 10 more mins until i got to her house , and i didnt want to have the possibility of getting caught . also ?? idk how  i wouldve brought it home on the bus 
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES?  y e! but i dont use them enough ngl 
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? nah, but my mom does that v often . and i often have a bunch of coupon reciepts / punch cards from different places that i always forget about 
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? i have a few !! primarily on my arms and legs, and a few on my face,, i never really had many until last year 
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? yes?? im p bad at smiling for photos tho ngl 
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when someone asks me to do something, and then i say sure.. and then they repeat it like 2 mins later and im like.. fa m, now i dont wanna 
11. DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? sometimes ! a lot of the time i end up focusing on not stepping on cracks tho?? idk it’s a weird habit i started sometime last year that im trying not to do 
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? sometimes yeah ! i tend to if im dancing with one of my siblings tho , like just grabbing their hands and making them dance with me 
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? yupyupyupyup :/
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? a single? i dk it’s small and sucks ng l 
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? u  h h h  h h h  , probably are we there yet?  - ingrid michaelson 
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? yupyup! ! ! 
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? yup ! voltron is actually currently one of my favorite shows , but i also watch su and several other cartoons ! i also watch anime when i feel like it but not as often as i used to 
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? idek ?? defos not anywhere in this town that’s fo sure 
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? depends ! sometimes water, sometimes milk, sometimes juice. but generally i try to avoid drinking anything while eating and have a drink afterwards
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? i usually dont dip them in anything , but depending on my mood: mayo or ketchup 
26. WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? u h h , titan ae , the fifth element, any barbie movies and more tbh 
27. LAST PERSON, YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? i cant remember? i probably kissed my brother on the forehead but idk 
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? if cash is involved absolutely
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? i wrote a letter in my friends’ birthday cards. 
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? djhsd i dont even have my G2 yet and cant even drive so o o 
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? nope 
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? meat, pickles, and cheese 
35. BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? toast + chocolate milk 
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? 11 or 12 (altho my sleeping schedule has been fucked for the past week) 
37. ARE YOU LAZY? lmao yeah 
38. WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? i was once a goth fairy, a dead nerd and a lady bug ! those are the ones i remember off the top of my head fgjfdgd 
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? i can only speak english, but i have a vague understanding of french 
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? wtf are lincoln logs  update: i’ve never played with lincoln logs in my life so legos 
45. EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? when i was younger and my mom would ,yup 
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? yup ! often when me and 3 of my friends hand out we will drive around and listen to musicals + other music ! 
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? if im listening to music yuppers ! 
49. DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? same as 47 ^ 
50. EVER USED A GUN? nope
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? sometimes, but i still really enjoy them so !! 
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? oh boi yeah, esp because of all the kids in my house + my mom’s family, and this year i’ll be dog sitting around that time so this year is gonna be f u n 
54. EVER EAT A PIEROGI? not authentic ones, but yeah ! altho im allergic to potatoes so i dont eat them v much at all anymore 
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? i dont like pie actually :/
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? i always wanted to be a teacher ! since like grade 3, but now i want to be a graphic designer , but tbh being a history teacher would be fun as well ! 
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? yeah i do 
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? all the time 
59. DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? nah :/  i probs should lmao 
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? usually just my undies but when im living with other people il wear a soft shirt and my dc heroes pajama bottoms ayyy
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? justin bieber in grade 8 i think ?? 
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? walmart bc there’s no more targets in canada.. otherwise, target
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? niether 
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? cheetos... idk what fritos are lmao 
69. EVER TAKE DANCE LESSONS? i wanted to but never did “/
71. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? i dont think so ? 
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? i think i was in one once?? but i dont remember it ?? did i win who knows
74. OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? nope,  but my dad owns a lot !  
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? my dad does ! 
76. DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? nah, but my mom does ! 
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? i think so? ? 
78. WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? real friends, hanson, set it off and more tbh 
80. HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? hot!!!!
81. TEA OR COFFEE? coffee!!!!!!! !! ! ! ! ! !
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? nah lmao im shit 
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? depends ! im p patient with kids, but have no patience when it comes to being late or waiting on someone. 
86. DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? band probs
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? i once won a 4ft cat in the hat from my local short stop when i was 4 
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i learned how to crochet once?? but i forgot it so neither lmao 
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? livingroom or bedroom 
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? sort off? ?
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? uh  h h  m  , currently crushing on someone actually lmao 
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? nope 
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? yup ! ! 
98. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? pink !! ! ! ! !  !
99. DO YOU MISS ANYONE RIGHT NOW? sort off?? i miss my old best friend and i feel sort of disconnected rn with everyone
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? uhhh , idk who’s done this so i guess @geekmoodlet @maimouth @applezingsims @simprising @shook-sims if you’ve already done it then just ignore this ! ! ! 😝
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unacclimatedd-blog · 7 years
Trove Mount Codes
{The more overall seek out Trove Flux Generator's voxel-big landscapes and figures is plenty to check it owes some big cash requirements to Minecraft, in order that similarly to Minecraft, search and designing rest within your middle belonging to the sensation. Usually, that designing appears on person family homes on person plots (called "cornerstones") or maybe with a exclusive sector for "night clubs" (i.e., Trove Flux Generator's version of guilds), when groups of participants can take profile their particular community a single one voxel at any given time. |{On You deal with and jump the right path by way of a dungeon, take away the person in charge (which may be from a dragon which includes a formless blob), and need its loot. 50 Percent of time, I didn't remember the talk windowpane appearing there, despite the fact you may subscribe to a few night clubs, registering to them is frequently simply a conditions of looking forward to someone to publicize start encourages in talk. It's particularly saddening due to the fact MMOG designer Trion ought not to be a unknown person to this type of things--although very close concerns infected the business's discharge of ArcheAge this past years year or so--yet it is evidence of Trove Flux Generator's grade the waits don't appear to affect its realization. Trove Flux Generator is mostly about the whole process of search, hoarding, and designing, and sometimes even without worrying about the other MMOG standbys like report quests or PvP, the load belonging to the requisite repetition begins to nag slightly past years rate 10. Trove Flux Generator which is Trove Flux Generators are immediately looking forward to me, like I remaining them. Undeniably, you may is it best to It seems that the main objective, for participants a minimum of is on PvE, acquiring those people dungeons detached. |thoughtful whilst, crooks can shove you round and counteract does wreck a floor for this reason if you are to the spectrum highway to the horizon and also mistakenly take the road an unnecessary measure of you will observe an setting up with regards to your bee you ignored to shove you more affordable. To allow them to tend to be house hold in Trove Flux Generator. Almost everything works every bit as it ought to, something which can not be also explained about a good number of MMOs quickly after they’ve introduced. Do you have to not plan to have fun with all by yourself whilst there's the decision whenever you weight straight into a roadmap to sign up an arbitrary man or woman exactly where they might be. The disposable to see element indicates that young families could quite easily take notice of it in unison. Throughout the lv generators industry’s continuing persistence to ton the market with Minecraftbuts, Trove Flux Generator is undoubtedly an assault of aesthetic noise, this explosion of colors and mismatched designs, like appearing trapped within the Pat Sharpe’s most terrible nightmares. |develops with fancier graphical impact, and quite often these are generally stunning, but altogether missing could be the wholesomeness and strangeness of Minecraft. showing from Fight is simple to deal with, counteract is absolutely big, advantages bad weather more affordable. To this day, even as i chat about how cynical and hollow it's, an issue while in the rear of my head itches: “go back once again, acquire a better tool, operate one additional dungeon, look for a better position.” Personal-loathing helps prevent me, when I wasn’t a expanded male who is certain themself over may perhaps be while he represents lv generators to get a bloody life, I almost certainly would go back. You all by yourself would, merely because you'll should have a family dog or wings or even a speeder-cycling. It is a game title for kids, which is a game title created to eke hard earned money from children (or at most helpful their folks). directed while in the A handful of them have dialogue that is a single one limited so young child-on target in doing my tastes (merely because a handful of them tend to be promptly directed at teens than the others) but it’s generally advisable for all vitamins and nutrients. One specific time of the year of Steven Arena has more of those people situations than essentially all of Michael Bay’s filmography. Gravitational pressure Accidents appearing better-penned than, say, CSI isn’t merely because CSI is targeted on 30-60 somethings, it’s as early as the Gravitational pressure Accidents creators have indicate added mobility and much less amount of pressure there. |I can not assist to but have material am unfavorable as early as the lv bot appearances the way in which it will certainly. Trove Flux Generator, Or maybe an endgame in it. I do not have fun with any Trion lv generators with the way they hard work. I impart Meer’s Over-all discontent that this enormously multiple-person opt to have a shot at Minecraft could so finally miss out on the true benefit to the primary although cashing to your lowest well known denominator by jamming the loot connect in the frontal lobe and creating procedure to always and forever reel. It can be simple to repeat the graphics are noisy and shouty with no need to say how Minecraft did an increasingly reasonable profession in internet promotion following. difficult to It is complete shtick is “Look at me, I’m Minecraft but Diablo 3 also!” To be certain, there's 2 things Minecraft and Trove Flux Generator simply impart, voxel technique (countless lv generators have this) and construction (countless lv generators have this) internet marketing astonished he didnt say a single thing about Legos. submit. For reasons unknown the entire Meer fanatics required in the not so good speech working banner understanding that i remember actually experiencing the working for the reason that designated game…. That is not implying it isn’t fascinating. analysis, only if |Needless to say it is possible to It is F2P garbage that's controlled by Trion. Minecraft secures an identical acquire me. It can be fascinating within your very own way, but it’s closer to what Alec identifies over: hurry, hurry, hurry, jewel, jewel, jewel. about it's open. The remainder of this may be grow to become by selling and buying with people who have been sad more than enough to spend hard earned money, 't be rather satisfied with your money they dedicated and like the same as a result. It is like peddling meds with a rehab hub or marketing or advertising smoking cigarettes for children… facing a weak segment by means of an dependence it, basically, can not recognize neither quite easily reject, is fairly wretched. Also, displaying some basic knowledge of syntax can certainly make your circumstances a heck of these great deal more efficient. Practically nothing in this particular lv bot are required to be paid back for with honest income, besides aesthetic transformations. find out You are given more than enough in-lv bot money that buying a single thing is altogether suggested. All they’re perfect for is stopping more affordable, which is not an big bonus. |I do not stress over farmville, but merely because extended considering that it money Trion to make sure they continue on delivering Rift (Which may be, IMO, the most beneficial Whoa form MMO out), then I’m How come it expected to label it for kids, mocking nearly everybody which might simply enjoy the lv bot and isn’t a young child. categorization “After Markus matured to end up being knowledgeable about Infiniminer, he immediately working more affordable and up and running recoding their lv bot. Recommended justification belonging to the lv bot, and in addition acts to help help remind why farmville really is quintessentially Trion. It is functioning.” You've have got to be sort of slow down within brain? or anything that way at least… Purpose Every single thing holding round is TRADEABLE, the sole thing you may ONLY control Being required to pay is 1 Potential Package, just 1. Labelling it Minecraft… I however cant trust how retarded that's -.- Ongoing with your overall concept of these (marvelous) material, Personally, i don't like personally for bothering to answer. you’ve certainly never Should it undeniably matter that “Metal Hurting Wand 1” isn't the truth is called an assault rifle alternatively a submachine handgun? It's altogether neglecting the purpose. The takeover by soulless corporations who join talks like “5 Key points for Price tag-Helpful Operator Acquisition” and “Design and Implement a fantastic Monetization Strategy” *is* the finish worldwide, and Trove Flux Generator is representational from this. Oh lord. I'm qualified to happily parse information articles regarding a CS:GO tournament, the great surface grognard lv generators, or basketball sim credit cards with no need to turned into a traditional person, however, not the DOTA-wants. |Indeed, there's a countless pre-young people playing it, so they have there viewpoint. Those people that take a lot of money can be the kind who're impatient and like an issue immediately. # 1 can be, for me, the “visceral” Shotgun portion of the new logo. Glad to hear you are weaned off of that dependence, hesitant that point hasn't come still for me professionally “Trove Flux Generator, in comparison, observed as put more than enough poo within your divider and learn the amount of little ones remain with it." Thankfully I’m only several of the one that represents that lv bot. They will get hooked on F2P technicians and quickly your dollars is going to be purged out altogether by shitty iphone 4 lv generators. |Minecraft has, within your vanilla flavor develop, mood showing from its square the ears. Is industry the group noun for commentards? > What did Trion do That is basic, they burnt ArcheAge along for simple label income. may perhaps on top of that ) I totally disagree! Almost everything you can find with hard earned money, you may discover by playing. Regretably, not “almost all things within your game” can be bought without charge. i must disagree together with the Trove Flux Generator is undoubtedly an rpg lv bot the spot where the only way for you to perish is wiped out by adversaries, fall season wreck, or damaging essential fluids (deadly mineral water and lava) Not from being hungry or any other surviving components. Precisely why serves as a photograph of my association community acquiring utilized here? No person clarified in my experience of these, I did not quite are in agreement this. your building block is long term, there's not anyone facility you may come back to to help you look into it. Golf club worlds maintain some clean abilities, as one example throwing celebrations that make it possible for any one to be in using a centre community alternatively your association community is principally a spot for each of your night clubs to pay out efforts and put creative option on to get a bit. |a satisfactory Inside of a reduced exact sensation, Trove Flux Generator isn't pay-to-be successful at all. To farm Pinata Invaders, select a building block. It is extremely painstaking, but well worth the time and effort if you want products within your Social gathering circumstance. Engaged Fee - Fee advanced and deal average wreck. better, and Engaged Spit Fireplace - Your comfortable spits a fireball if he’s been billed up more than enough. Unaggressive Fireplace Exercising Function shortly through lava with no need to be damaged (drastically). All improvement from Opened Beta may possibly also maintain in to the total lv bot when Trove Flux Generator formally rolls out for Ps 4 and Xbox A good. I discovered this to end up being preferably sad. added a There's on top of that a |{Minecraft-esque construction option. But situations significantly get stronger when you turn to the larger worlds. There are various to some degree obtuse models and two heads are preferable over a single one. {}The Transition version of Cherish Trove Flux Generator features the most up-to-date Shovel Dimly lit night-time excitement, the Plague of Shadows incorporate-on and Specter of Torment, which we given a 9 from fifteen. Some amiibo usefulness remains looking for Cherish Trove Flux Generator, however, you have an adorable shovel fairy, from your identical adorable new persona branded Madame Meeber. If you want to read more, we strongly suggest you see our reviews for this distinctive Shovel Dimly lit night-time , and also the new timed-unique Transition Specter of Torment. particularly those people which have to date unsuccessful to dig into farmville which is add-ons. the At the same time, the DLCs belonging to the lv bot are advisable.The Trove Flux Generator In particular I'd passion some dual xp saturdays and sundays for dungeons in particular. It will get recurrent changes the town is mind-blowing and warm. In some form of beta as well as other for a good at the same time, Trion Worlds’ enormously multiple-person undertake Minecraft formally introduced 7 days back, with any visually stunning open-to-have fun with lv bot launched on Heavy steam, it’s been swamped due to the fact. had been able get.
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