the-blackjay · 1 year
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the-blackjay · 1 year
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Please look at himb!
(This was my first ever embroidery piece, so please be nice)
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the-blackjay · 11 months
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An appreciation post for my cat, Onyx, who is otherwise known as: Mr. Onyx, bubby, bub, bub bub, bubbalub, Beelzebubby, blubblub, blubby, chubbawub, Mr. Bubs, Bubs McKenzie, 2 scoop sundae, hamb, ham n' cheese, loaf, bubbyloaf, beans, beanie baby, beanie boy, Beans McKenzie, green beans and hamb, poofy boy, poof baby, Mr. Poofy, ass-muncher, foot-grabber, grabby hands, Mr. Litternose, baby boy, big little man, little big boy, biggie smalls, Childish Hambino, Mr. Olive-eyes, 16 oz. can of Campbell's chunky soup, double stuff, chicken, chunky chicken, chicken leg, drumstick, round boy, Mr. Baby, loud boy, loud baby, purrbubbins, purrbub, stinky, little baby, flubby, Mr. Purrs-a-lot, and chubs.
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the-blackjay · 9 months
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Happy 11th Tumblrversary to my shitty blog that I sometimes forget about for months and then suddenly feel TheUrge™ to start posting again.
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the-blackjay · 9 months
The story of my life is actually "I thought I washed that plant good enough, but now I have several potato beetles on my ceiling."
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the-blackjay · 8 years
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Perfect, just the kind of dealer I was looking for. 
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the-blackjay · 8 years
Kid Icarus Go: Shoot arrows at people and eat food off the ground
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the-blackjay · 8 years
My friend just described Dragonball Z as "Buff Guy Rough Ride and the Quest for the Seven Balls: Starring Beef Testosterone."
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the-blackjay · 9 years
I was tagged by: @the-almighty-coral​ a really long time ago, but I had to wait until I was on the computer because my phone sucks. (sorry)
Rules: 1) tag the person who tagged you, 2) answer the questions and tag 20 people, 3) let the tagged person know they’ve been tagged <<
1. How tall are you?: 5′7
2. What colour and style is your hair?: Black, it’s long and slightly wavy. I keep my bangs in a side-fringe.
3. What colour are your eyes?: Blue
4. Do you wear glasses or contacts?: Glasses, I’ve never worn contacts
5. Do you wear braces?: No
6. What’s your favourite fashion style?: I lean more towards Gothic fashion
7. When were you born?: May 20, 1997
8. Where are you from/live?: I currently live in Ohio, but I don’t feel comfortable sharing which city.
9. Do you have any siblings?: 1 older brother, 1 (ex) stepbrother, and 1 half sister.
10. What kind of student are you?: The one that pretends that I have everything under control as I sell my soul to Satan in order to pass.
11. Do you like school?: To a a point
12. What are your favourite subjects?: In high school, my favourites were band, art, horticulture, and history.
13. What are your favourite characters?: *inhales deeply* Canada, Denmark, Germany (Hetalia), Vegeta, Goku, Pan, Piccolo, Raditz, Android 18 (Dragon Ball Z/GT), Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, Tavros, Terezi, Karkat, Dirk Strider,  (Homestuck), Pit, Dark Pit, Viridi (Kid Icarus), Link, Zelda, Tetra, Midna, Lord Ghirahim  (LoZ), LUIGI (SMB), Kirby (Kirby), and probably a lot more that I can’t remember off the top of my head. 
14. What are your favourite television shows?: South Park, Regular Show,and anything on Toonami.
15. Favourite pass time?: Video games or making cosplay in the day, but I prefer to read at night. 
16. Have any regrets?: Everyone does
17. Would you like to get married?: Not sure, I’ll find that out later on. 
18. Do you like shopping?: Depends on what it’s for.
19. Do you want children?: Not at all, fuck that noise.
20. What countries have you visited?: Canada (if that counts since I lived there).
21. Whats the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?: I had a dream that I was strapped to a table and some guy was cutting off my fingers and toes with a pair of wire cutters.
22. Do you have any enemies?: Like two
23. Do you believe in miracles?: “mOtHeR FuCkIn MIraClEs mAn”- Gamzee 
I tag: Anyone who wants to do this; literally anyone who sees this and wants to do it, go for it and say I tagged you.
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the-blackjay · 9 years
Psychic: *reads my mind*
My mind: *continuous Luigi's Mansion theme*
Psychic: w h a t
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the-blackjay · 9 years
I just binge-read the first five acts of Homestuck. It's now 8 a.m, and I have yet to sleep.
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the-blackjay · 9 years
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I feel like everyone can relate to Captain Linebeck to some degree.
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the-blackjay · 9 years
Do you ever just see something, and go “Well shit, I hope this doesn’t become a new meme.” only to find out that it has indeed, become a new meme?
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