#og bohug
mysillycomics · 2 years
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mysillycomics · 2 years
I don’t really like sharing images of OG Bohug much these days because people who Do Not Get It always comment about how he looks “fucked up”. That’s what happens to a toy for babies when you cuddle and sleep with it every single day and night for 24 years I don’t know what to tell ya. Read the Velveteen Rabbit
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mysillycomics · 3 years
For years I have been trying to find and contact the people who originally made Bohug and friends. I may have finally made some progress today! Here is the journey:
Bohug, the bear from the “My Best Friend” thermal plush line, was made by the Prestige Toy Corp. and distributed by Carter’s in the mid to late 90’s. I received Bohug when I was born in 1999. I started by contacting Carter’s, who only have information about items 2 years old or younger. Dead end Number 1.
Looking up “Prestige Toy Corp.” gets us eBay listings for toys they made, various pages with mismatched addresses, and a page on the Giggle Guide with a dead phone number. Dead end Number 2.
Finally, I found an article on a blog specifically all about toys that said that Rashti and Rashti acquired Prestige Toy Corp. in 2015, and they actually have an active site and phone number!!! I called said phone number and explained my situation and inquiries, and even the person on the other line said it looked like there is little to no record of the company. They will get back to me by the end of the day with any new findings.
Not only do I want to get in contact with them to discuss image and likeness rights, but just to thank them for making My Best Friend. My life has always had Bohug in it, and for that I wish to extend my gratitude to the people who made him. The ultimate dream is to meet the person or the team that designed him. To speak with the people who made the one thing that has been a constant in my entire life. I hope, and even pray in the rare occasion, that the stars align for that to happen!
Thank you for reading this far! If I get any updates I will let you all know.
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mysillycomics · 3 years
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The entire Bohug family! 🧸🧸🧸
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mysillycomics · 3 years
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going through old stuff to put into storage and found one of the MANY pieces of Bohug art I’ve made as a child! I’ve been making art of him for a long long time, there’s even older pieces among my vast archive.
Bohug himself (depicted with a cane bc he was old even back then) was given to me by the best friend of my grandmother when I was born, then Bunny )left of Bohug) joined not too long after. Baby Bohug (far right), Baby Bunny (far left), and Corky (dog on the stool. were found in a bag with my mom’s sewing supplies. She used their parts to fix him up until I found them, cried horribly, and kept them. BB has one arm and Corky has no arms.
That was it for a long while, then I found what brand and type Bohug was, and have been buying Bohug family members online on eBay and the like. My collection is growing still and I love them all very very much! Bohug has been my very best friend my entire life 💖
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mysillycomics · 4 years
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Whoa.... Funny Bohug On Head Halloween Moment
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mysillycomics · 5 years
Many people have asked me about getting Bohug repaired at a stuffed animal hospital. I’ve always been hesitant because while I trust that the people who do repairs are kind, gentle, and do amazing work, I physically cannot sleep without Bohug. I need him to be there in order for me to properly sleep. He is the most important thing in my life and quite literally My Best Friend.
With that in mind, and a lot of thought, I have sent an inquiry to the famous Doctor Beth @doctorbeth . I will probably have to fly out to her to be there in person to hand Bohug off and to pick him up after his visit (I do not trust any postal service with him). His visit will not cost much relatively, but my travel expenses will. When it comes to him, however, money is not an issue. I can save up!
The first step of Bohug’s big repair journey has begun!
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Left to right: Baby Bohug, Bohug, and Pobug
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mysillycomics · 5 years
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I was very cute and epic at AMKE! Me and OG Bohug had a wonderful time!
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mysillycomics · 5 years
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Happy Teddy Bear Day!!!! A day like this called for a big family portrait •w•
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mysillycomics · 6 years
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mysillycomics · 6 years
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This picture of myself really captures my essence I think
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mysillycomics · 3 years
it’s my birthday! Bohug (the OG boy) and I are now 23 years old!
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For my birthday, take 23% off my shop with the code BIRTH23 but ONLY TODAY ONLY NOW
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mysillycomics · 6 years
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I crocheted a little Bohug, mostly based off of the way I draw him. He’s very huggable, not as much as the OG Bo, but pretty darn close!
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