norashelley · 14 days
tagged by @murderballadeer to make myself in this picrew and talk about my current interests.
I made two! One of fall vibes that I'm dreaming of and one of just every day me at home.
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I'll tag - @grusinskayas @maudeboggins @chantalstacys @oftwodarkmoons @joanleslies
@valancystirling48 @monstrousdaughter
I never know who to tag so if you want to do this you can say I tagged you, and if you don't just ignore it!
hmm what are my interests? Besides scrolling through tumblr & adding to my queue, I'm not really sure these days! I still love my old movies and watching movies in general even though I don't watch as much as I'd like anymore. And of course always listening to a wide range of music and doing lots of things in and for physical therapy but is that an interest or just what I have to do? I don't know but it takes up most my time. I always loved cooking & baking & creating recipes so I guess one of my main interests now is coming up with creative recipes that actually taste good and fit with my extremely limited digestive abilities which is always a challenge but so fun when I do come up with something good. And of course my cats, spending time in all the beautiful nature around me, and although I can't do it very often anymore I love taking photos as well. And figure skating season is coming up so pretty soon I'll probably be hyper focused on that again. I've been dreaming of going to an orchard to pick apples lately and the first picrew is the style I'd want to wear doing it. Although it's not quite cool enough for that outfit yet and I have no one to go with but it's still something I think about every year! I dream a lot about different outfits and what I would do wearing them if I could! So maybe my main hobby/interest is actually dreaming of all the things I'd like to do if I could~
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thehiddenbaroness · 8 months
15 People, 15 Questions
I was tagged by @plumcoloredblazer -- sorry it took me a hot minute to get to it! I appreciate it. <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
I've long disliked that none of my names are 'mine', in that both my first and middle names are from other people -- my first is my maternal grandfather's middle name (which he also sorta went by), while my middle name is my mother's middle name (which she went by when we moved to the UK).
2. When was the last time you cried?
I had a few frustrated tears over the weekend, but it's rare nowadays that I actually cry-cry.
3. Do you have kids?
I do not, unless you count the two fur-babies. No intention to.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played field (read: astroturf) hockey for a few years in middle school; before that, I was a dancer (yes I count dance as a sport). Lately I'm not really a sporty type but I am getting more active.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Usually what comes out of their mouth, but also how they carry themselves -- do they look interested in where they are? Are they engaged with what's at hand? Do they have good posture? Are they trying to shrink into themselves? Are they oblivious to being in someone's way? Are they close to the gap?
7. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Err...I hesitate to say neither, because while I don't like scary movies and don't *dislike* a happy ending, movies with ambiguous/bittersweet or even tragic endings are typically the ones I've enjoyed more.
9. Any talents?
Writing, I'd like to think. I'm organized and efficient. I have a deep well of empathy and understanding and feel like I'm good at helping folks wrestle with life's troubles. I'm a spice sorceress.
10. Where were you born?
Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing (who knew?), history (especially art and natural, and archeology), reading, word games, languages, organizing and decorating, gaming somewhat, jigsaw puzzles, travel.
12. Do you have any pets?
We have two! Molly, our sensitive and loving Shepinois (German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix), and Penny, our eccentric and brave gray/peach dilute calico shorthair.
13. How tall are you?
A delightfully average 5'4; as my mother used to say, at least I don't have to bend down as far if I drop something.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I actually had a love/hate relationship with English since it was the one I was most invested in, but I liked it the most because I did the best in it.
15. Dream job?
Taking this to mean more of an occupation than a *job* -- since I think if something is a job it's not especially enjoyable or rewarding -- the answer is perhaps obvious: a published fiction author. But really, I want to be occupied with my writing, tending our dream house in the woods, making my own salves and tinctures, reading, entertaining close friends with the finer things. I'd like to be occupied with love in its different forms, and for my time to be largely my own.
No pressure, those of you who I'm tagging! Just something to perhaps fill an idle few minutes. @ohtobealady, @in-a-storm-glass, @dahliasgloom, @malglories, @webedragons, @oftwodarkmoons, @lastoftheptolemies, @daughter-rhaenyra, @karrova, @ofallingstar, @marrogerson, @naryamirie, @aryasnow, @modernamericangirl, @saffron-mantled-dawn
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aryasnow · 6 months
15 Questions:
tagged by @thehiddenbaroness, @oftwodarkmoons, and @daughter-rhaenyra thank you all!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Allegedly named after my mom's favorite author, but my first and middle combo was basically the default name for girls in my class growing up. It was her second choice of a name which is disappointing considering her first choice was awesome. Instead I am literally Trendy McTrendName for the year I was born.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't really cry unless I have gone through something life altering or am very, very drunk. As such I'm guessing the last time was last St. Patrick's Day, as it likely will be again tomorrow.
3. Do you have kids?
No, never wanted them
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Competitive swimming was my entire life from elementary school on until I had to dial it back and eventually quit in college (too many injuries). I also did a fair amount of skiiing/snowshoeing/hiking/kayaking/etc growing up. In my 20's I got very into distance running but had to quit in 2019 because of (new and different!) injuries. These days I mostly do running (though less than before) and weights. Since the TikTok brigade took over my gym post-pandemic, I have been trying to somehow build a home gym in my 800 sq ft apartment and at this point I am only a stationary bike away from being free of them forever.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
You could say so, yes
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly I am usually trying so hard not to make eye contact with people that I don't see much of anything. I suppose the honest answer is that I can tell if their body language is genuine or fake. And to really answer it, eyes and also arms. I love that my husband can pick me up like it's nothing what can I say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. What’s your eye color?
Very, very dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I am pretty indifferent to scary movies though I do enjoy them from time to time. I do like happy endings mostly because I hate loose ends. It's okay if they're bittersweet though.
9. Any talents?
Cooking and baking. They're my primary hobbies for a reason.
10. Where were you born?
The most beautiful state in the Union.
11. What are your hobbies?
Cooking (I try to do a new recipe once a week), baking, fitness, trivia leagues, word puzzles, garbage television, this godforsaken website.
12. Do you have any pets?
yep <3
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they are 10 and 11 this year and it's absolutely killing me. I need them to live forever.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I loved English and US history a lot, but biology was always my favorite. In college it was biological anthro and archaeology.
15. Dream job?
My first thought was wine critic but I realized I would need to get better at describing wine as things other than "good" or "okay" (It would take a lot for me to call a wine bad. I drank exclusively Two Buck Chuck for years).
I think some sort of hotel or restaurant critic would be my dream. Letting me sample pretentious things while being professionally judgmental really would be ideal for me.
Please consider yourself tagged if you would like to fill this out!!
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elena-ferrante · 1 year
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@boshemians thank u for tagging me! ❤️ i wish i was more adventurous but these are the 4 albums i’ve been listening to lately lol
tagging @tenderlady @yeats-infection @piovascosimo @oftwodarkmoons @sullypants
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jadecoded · 5 years
Derry Girls?
Nah | haven’t seen yet | didn’t like/gave up | like it | love it | highly recommend.
a reason why:
it is compulsively watchable and genuinely hilarious! also i learned something about irish history from it which is not usually what happens when you watch a comedy!
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holmesandwhatson · 7 years
What do you look forward to at this time of year, if anything? Like weather changes, clothes, food, etc...
hi! I love winter (I know I’m weird but fall and winter feel so ‘cosy’ to me) so I’m one of those few people who actually feel a tiny bit sad when it ends and I also have hay fever in spring… - but other than that I look forward to wearing more dresses and light clothes and more comfortable shoes like my white converse. I also like it when I can go out in the evening and it’s warm and the sun is still shining. I like hanging out with my friends and eating ice cream almost every day because you can’t get enough of it. Oh and I miss fresh seasonal fruits :) thank you for your ask!!!
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jacquesdemys · 3 years
oftwodarkmoons For me it was their offshoot Mariposa I used to try on all their stuff But yes! to missing Le Chateau and late 90s malls
Oh my god, I haven’t thought about Mariposa in eons. I remember shopping there more than Le Chateau, which always seemed a bit too mature for me.
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elinesophie · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @oftwodarkmoons :).
Favourite colour: Various shades of green, except neon
Currently reading: Francine Oomen - ‘Hoe overleven we’, an illustrated Dutch novel about intergenerational trauma

Last song: Chequerboard - Dunes

Last movie: The Truffle Hunters. A documentary about the truffle hunt in the Piemonte, Italy
Last series: Haven't watched anything lately
Currently craving: A very long, warm, cosy hug - being held
Tea or coffee: Tea always, coffee sometimes
Currently working on: A crochet project and two Christmas gifts
Tagging: @randomitus, @viciousbritish, @calmandtalented, @mirameh @ooira @lelind @brekfstinbed
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lily-of-elysium · 3 years
I was tagged to do this by mlle-julies-paper-cutter and oftwodarkmoons thank you so much dears! 🖤 And since it’s basically the same game I combined the two sets of questions, hope you don’t mind!
Favorite color: Black and all jewel tones
Currently reading: A number of poetry books
Last Song: California - CHVRCHES
Last film: Haven’t had time to watch one lately
Sweet, savory or spicy: Sweet and savory
Currently working on: A couple of art projects
Last series: The Unusual Suspects
Currently craving: Less anxiety!
Tea or coffee: Both!
I tag whoever feels like doing this!
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waistofthebeast · 4 years
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@oftwodarkmoons tagged me to post 10 pics from my camera roll that represent me.
Rules: describe yourself with 10 pictures you already have. No downloading or searching for new ones. Then Tag 10!
(the ‘read Kerouac’ and ‘psychotherapy’ pics are placed next to each other for a reason... this is a shout out to my 13yo self ✌🏻)
I tag @freshparking @aryasnow @bironism @foreheadtouch @achlles @ouidius @rosymirth @sunsymbolism (I’m sorry if any of y’all have already done this!)
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starcrosses · 4 years
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@oftwodarkmoons​ tagged me to post 10 pics from my camera roll that represent me. Rules: describe yourself with 10 pictures you already have. No downloading or searching for new ones. Then tag 10!
I tag @bog-nymph​, @norvegiae​, @jouissants​, @killclaudia, @scarlok, @pre-life-crisis, @pitcherplant. @owlsongsandgoblinlaughs, @what-alchemy and anyone else who fancies it!
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norashelley · 3 months
i was tagged by @grusinskayas (thank you so much!❤️) to make a poll with five of my all-time favorite characters and then tag people to do the same. Even limiting myself to the 1930's & 40's it was hard to decide on only 5 but I loved doing this!
I'll tag @chantalstacys @maudeboggins @joanleslies
@nitrateglow @oftwodarkmoons @filminghere if you've already done this feel free to do it again with 5 more characters if you want!
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thehiddenbaroness · 1 year
Three: Songs, Books, and Movies
Thank you again, @daughter-rhaenyra! <3
+ River, by Anonymouz + The Real Warrior, by Yutaka Yamada (from the Vinland Saga Season 1 OST -- genuinely a beautiful cello piece) + Gospel of the Throttle, by Minutes to Midnight
+ The Gift of Rain by Tan Twan Eng + Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury + The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje
+ The Last of the Mohicans (1992, Michael Mann) + Dune (2021, Dennis Villeneuve) + The Deer King (2022, Masashi Ando and Masayuki Miyagi)
I tag: @ohtobealady, @in-a-storm-glass, @ofallingstar, @dahliasgloom, @plumcoloredblazer, @aryasnow, @malglories, @karrova, @naryamirie, @saffron-mantled-dawn, @oftwodarkmoons, @motorradfahrerin, and @lastoftheptolemies. No pressure! And if I missed you it wasn't intentional -- consider yourselves tagged!
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Tagged by #oftwodarkmoons for ten things that represent me from my camera which is terrifyingly overfilled. I don't know why tumblr is so confusing to me...thankfully i don't know any other people on here! I never do these challenges because then u have to think of people to tag...
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elena-ferrante · 2 years
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@oftwodarkmoons you are so right! normally i don't care what i reblog here since my taste is my taste and i can't change it in my old age but sherlock was so unbelievably badly written and constantly insulted its audience towards the end that even my good memories kind of disappeared (not to mention the deranged fans who came up with all those elaborate conspiracy theories...... like girl trust me they are not that smart) which is a shame because the first time i went to london was around the same time s1 started airing and i remember watching those 3 episodes over and over again trying to determine the places i will visit&falling in love with the city. and s2 finale literally DEVASTATED me lol. so i have fond memories!
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jadecoded · 5 years
45 of the What Would You Wear Ask They’re all good questions and I’d pay attention to your answers for any of them!
thank you for humoring me Ashley! here are a few I chose:
24. a dance in the 1920s
a long and loose silk shift dress, the more heavily beaded the better, a opera cape with a fur collar, a painted metal mesh bag, and cuban heeled shoes with lots of straps. 
will they all clash? yes. will I look like your tacky great aunt who buys all of the latest trends and layers them on top of each other in a failed attempt to fit in? yes. do I care? no.
26. ..to the art museum ?
one of atelier delphine’s jackets, a solid colored colorful turtleneck to coordinate with it, linen pants (maybe these?), a pair of earrings I own inspired by matisse’s cutouts
31. ..if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life ?
navy blue pleated wide legged trousers from uniqlo, a striped shirt, flat oxfords, my mother of pearl moon earrings. 
ooh or a 1940s style jumpsuit!
37. ..within the theme of ‘dark academia’ ?
cream button-down, beige pleated + tapered trousers, crocodile belt, oxfords, a foppish oversized black silk bow around my neck a la Oscar Wilde in this picture 
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