warringpeace · 5 years
for @ofthcrnedrcses‘ hybrid verse muse: el.ijah mika.elson | verse: 1700s
The masque was in full swing. His brother did love a good party, and Niklaus was determined to thoroughly enjoy himself that night. Elijah wasn’t as eager to party as his younger brother, but he wasn’t about to be a spoilsport. So, he spent most of the night greeting and talking to guests, slowly establishing connections that would prove useful to their family later on.
One of the newer arrivals was a young girl ( she seemed to be with two slightly older boys...her brothers? ), and he paused in front of her, giving her the mandatory bow that was expected. 
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                 “Welcome to our home, my lady. It is an honor to                    have you here.”
The slight tickle that he felt from her aura was familiar: it reminded him of how his mother’s magic felt when she was trying to rein it in. Interesting. 
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soldativre · 5 years
{⚜ x @ofthcrnedrcses x}
Continued from here
Athos had been walking the halls in search of a quiet spot where he could sit down and read the book in his hand, when he had seen Scar rush past. It took him several seconds to process what he had just seen. Scar, yes. But she had been covered in blood - and lots of it. The question was, was it her own? Or someone else's? In the end, Athos decided that it really didn’t matter and quickly went after her. 
He hadn’t asked her any questions, but instead had helped her out of her clothes and into the bathtub. Given that she had no wounds, it was obvious that the blood hadn’t been hers. A fact that should have worried him, perhaps even made him turn away from her. Instead, he couldn’t bring himself to care at all. What worried him, though, was her behavior. He hadn’t seen her like this before, and it scared him. 
Kneeling down next to the bathtub so he could look up at her, he gently wiped the cloth across her other cheek and sighed heavily. “I shouldn’t have said that, Scar.” Even though he was afraid it was indeed true. He knew it wasn’t her first time, not even her second time. But did that make her a killer? By definition, yes. 
Shaking his head, Athos averted his gaze and instead took one of her hands into his own to gently, and carefully, clean the blood off of it. “I don’t care what you are. You are alive. That is all that matters to me.” 
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sistersweird · 5 years
@ofthcrnedrcses from here
              going to COLLEGE was completely her father’s idea, and although it was risky for someone like her, he had assured her that there would be no problem as long as she remembered not to let anyone know that she was a HYBRID— half-witch and half-wolf with a thirst for blood. not to mention, also the daughter of one of the most dangerous mafia leaders. on the first day of school, scarlett found herself in her dorm room, her belongings in boxes that she had teleported inside with a simple spell. upon hearing someone enter, however, she turned over, taking out one of her earphones and flashing her trademark SMIRK at her. “ HEY THERE. ” she said, accent still thick. “ HOPE YOU DON’T MIND I’VE ALREADY STARTED TO UNPACK. I’M GUESSING YOU’RE MY NEW ROOMMATE ? ” 
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“Hey there, and yeah, that’s me. Dorcas Night,” the redhead said, smiling as she wheeled her rather large trunk into the room, reaching her hand out to offer to the other woman.
The young witch resisted a frown as she looked at Scarlett. She tended to pick up most people’s surface thoughts without meaning to, her gift for it ambient. But there was something about the other’s mind that was strange. She didn’t press, she was here to have a human college experience.
Even if her room was someone from the mystical side of things. Dorcas was trying to behave. She’d have her whole, very long, life with her sisters to enjoy. “-And no, no don’t mind at all. I’m glad you didn’t wait for me or anything. I’m not picky, and I’d have felt terrible if you waited. Have you been here long?”
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( ( Jacob; closed starter - to @ofthcrnedrcses ) )
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Running into another assassin excited him on what was to come of this mysterious person. It made him wonder of their intentions, so he decided to try to learn as much as he could about the mysterious person. An another, unknown assassin was a rare sight.
He didn’t care much about them stealing his kill. It was a simple Templar and it wasn’t a very important person either. Keeping his distance, he followed them and tried to act as normal as he could while walking behind them at a distance.
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Once they turned a corner, he pushed them against the wall, his hidden blade against their throat and a firm grip on them. “An assassin, are we now? Trying to steal my kills, huh so-called assassin?” It was different for Jacob to use assassin in a threatening manner, but he felt like they wouldn’t communicate properly if it wasn’t the opposite of this. Doing it this way, he would probably get some answers. Depending on how they act.
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dcnouementarc-blog · 5 years
𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐅 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐘'𝐒 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄. it had been home since he was eleven years old, and he couldn’t see himself returning to his mother and her husband any time soon. he’d been gone for years now, and while he kept in contact with his mother... it was easier to just stay gone. as a son of ares and the man in charge of his cabin ( of his siblings ), billy had a sense of loyalty that could only be matched by the size of his temper.
❝  i’ve always been more of a... get my way with my fists and a sword type.  ❞  billy told her with a shrug. manipulation and charm weren’t his thing. he generally didn’t have the patience it required. but some things required a gentler hand. he laughed when she asked if he needed something before shaking his head,   ❝  no, not really. i’m just on team... scarlett definitely did something. i was looking for your side of the story.  ❞
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𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. ( for @ofthcrnedrcses from here )
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intelligentmiinds · 5 years
@ofthcrnedrcses liked this and gets Pete
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   “ -- I ... really don’t understand what you’re talking about, ma’am. ” The teens nervous smile is tacked onto the sentence, frowning as he tried to process the information given to him. Sure, he was used to the strange things of their world -- gods, aliens, and other odds.
“ Could you explain it to me again? ”
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“All of the wasted time, the hours that were left behind, the answers that we'll never find, they don't mean a thing!”  
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oflegxcy · 5 years
@ofthcrnedrcses liked this post for a starter (still accepting)!
Natakas didn’t talk much to the other Assassins, excepted when they were on a mission together. Of course, he was still quite FRIENDLY toward them, but because he did a few missions on his own, away from the others, he never became too close to them. After all, he was trying to understand what was were those dreams that felt so real, almost like it was a past life. He was more often on the battlefield or doing stealth missions though, so he didn’t study the pieces of Eden. But he eventually realized that Scarlett had studied some, he thought that she may have informations for him.
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“I have a question about the pieces of Eden.” He asked as he was sitting in front of her. “Can they like... show something to us ?” Well, he probably didn’t have one inside his mind, but he had to try to find new clues. This was why he had traveled to London in the first place.
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brashatted · 5 years
@ofthcrnedrcses liked for a Paramore starter || still accepting
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        “It’s not your fault and if it was I wouldn’t care.”  Jacob shook his head, as he paced the room, looking at the redhead intently.  He couldn’t even remember what they had gotten into an argument about but, right now none of that mattered.  “My hear is, bigger than the distance in between us.  You wanna know ‘ow I know?  I know it ‘cause I feel it beating.”
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pirateshcnor · 5 years
@ofthcrnedrcses gets a sad Edward
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Edward wasn’t one to sit in his feelings.  He did not like to do so, which is why he preferred to stay in the thick of things.  However, the journey was long and it made it seem as if the nights were longer.  The gentle rock of the boat as it moved across the water allowed his mind to wander to places he normally didn’t allow it to.  To places like home with Caroline or sitting around a bottle of rum with Mary and Thatch.  None of those things were possible now.  The man he’d become was someone he couldn’t send home to Caroline and the only people who’d ever truly cared about him on the crazy seas were gone with nothing he could’ve done to save them.  He stepped back from the Captain’s wheel, turning it over to Anne as he moved to look over the railing.  A gentle breeze blew across his shoulders and back, allowing him to close his eyes and let the wind carry him to the people who meant more to him than he’d ever care to admit.
The young pirate didn’t have much to say to anyone as he strolled across the deck.  He moved down the stairs, but as he moved towards his quarters he ran into a familiar flurry of reddish brown hair, his arm shooting out to catch her from falling backwards on her ass.  She looked as if she were about to open her mouth to speak but he shook his head.  “Not now Dalager... I’d just like to go and have a sit.  Whatever it is, tell Anne.  She’s in charge for now.”  One would be able to tell from his tone that he wasn’t feeling like himself but he was hoping she’d pass on asking, but knowing her she wouldn’t and he wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing.
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warringpeace · 5 years
for @ofthcrnedrcses muse: del.phini riddle | verse: golden trio
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              “The weekly reports, Ms. Lyssander.”
A thick stack of files gently landed on her desk, and Delphini stepped back. As Delphini Rowle, she was a member of the Sacred Twenty Eight. But very few knew her more dangerous name, one that the Ministry of Magic would try desperately to squash. It was almost ironic, then, that she was spending her summer in the Ministry to earn ‘experience’ before beginning her seventh and final year at Hogwarts. But she would never complain, and she did smile and greet the members of the Golden Trio whenever she saw them in the halls.
She tried not to think about how she’d lost her parents because of them: how her future was relegated to being in obscurity instead of relevant fame and notoriety. But she was, if anything, her father’s daughter.
She would be patient.
And she would wait.
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soldativre · 5 years
{⚜ x @ofthcrnedrcses x}
Continued from here
Whenever he had observed the whole situation - about to jump in and protect her by any means necessary - she had scared the living hell out of him. For a long moment, Athos had been convinced that man in front of her was going to kill her, but she had done exactly that to him before Athos could even get close. And perhaps it had been the mix of fear and adrenalin that was pumping through his body that made him fail to see just how efficient she had been, and how easily she had killed him.
Afterward, it took him some time to pull himself back together to the point he could properly speak, or even think clear thoughts. When he had, though, he had sought her out to confront her. Scar, however, seemed oddly unfazed by the whole situation; yet another thing he didn’t realize right away. “You ‘preferred to kill’?” Athos asked her incredulously, sitting himself down in front of her, and taking up the tankard she had been drinking out of to take a sip himself. Unlike her, however, he hadn’t expected rum and had to cough once or twice. “When exactly have you become a killer?” He fell silent for a moment, only now really realizing what he had witnessed. “That wasn’t your first time, was it?” 
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rassembleur · 5 years
( @ofthcrnedrcses ) « starter roulette ! | from tarene
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               THOR GIRL’S MANTLE had been placed down for the evening, and Tarene desperately hoped that she would be able to get through an entire night without some sort of emergency or melodrama forcing her back up into the air. She just wanted to watch a movie and eat food that was very, very bad for her. 
–– Or, would be bad for her, were she human.
Tarene fell onto the couch, her long legs falling on top of Scarlett on their way to the end of the couch. 
“Do you suppose we’ll have a night of peace?”
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angcltouch · 5 years
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he  was  cought  out  of  surprise  when  her  strong  grip  found  the  back  of  his  neck  pulling  him  closer  to  her,  he  felt  his  lips  being  pressed  against  hers  strongly  and  at  the  same  time  somehow  aggressively,  but  deep  down  damon  didn’t  even  worried  much  about  such.  his  lips  found  hers  in  a  eager  way  when  his  lips  grown  used  to  hers.  yet  she  pulled  away  quicker  than  he  was  expecting  but  he  did  not  showed  so  in  his  features,  instead  a  smirk  SLOWLY  GROWN  on  his  lips  when  her  words  fall  from  her  lips,  he  wanted  to  tease  her  foward  even,  if  he  could,  but  somehow  the  man  only  took  a  step  back  while  his  eyes  once  again  fall upon  her  for  a  quick  second.            ❛❛   well  it  seems  you  don’t  mind  so  much              ❜❜            there  was   a  pause  in  his  words  while  he  slowly  fixed  his  leather  jacket  once  again.           ❛❛   you  actually  like  it.   ❜❜   //  @ofthcrnedrcses  ⇾  sc.  ( cont from. )
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miasmuseemporium · 5 years
@ofthcrnedrcses​ liked this post for a starter, and asked for Peter!! The song is Trying by Molotov Jukebox.
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His eyes never leave his glass. “I wish I knew the right way to fill out my time.” He’s talking to himself; maybe it’s time he goes home. But I let the alcohol flow and I put on a show, but you know. He laughs wryly, picking up his glass and taking a swig. “I’m trying, so hard.”
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( ( Evie; closed starter - to @ofthcrnedrcses  ) )
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Evie wasn’t suspecting another assassin to be in London other than Henry, Jacob and her. An assassin that went unnoticed under her nose. It interested her, but she had to stick to the mission. She had to kill the Templar that was in high connection to Lucy Thorne than any other Templar. This on worked directly with her and it could lead her to the location of the Piece of Eden.
Still, she had an interest and curiosity into the other assassin, but time was ticking and her mind was racing on two things. It didn’t help that they both seemed to be after the same person.
Besides pure interest, she was worried that the assassin would cause harm to London and its people.
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She spotted the assassin sitting upon a high ledge of the building, looking directly down at Evie’s target. Before she was able to do anything, the assassin leaped down and took the target, killing them in a single blow.
As quick as the other assassin killed the target, they ran off. This was her chance to find out who this assassin really was after all. Racing upon the rooftops, after her new target, she tried her best to stay out of sight. She really didn’t want to use violence on the other assassin - who knew if they were from The Brotherhood, but she would have to if needed.
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