#often it is his fault in a positive way don't get me wrong. but also.
love saying shit is pete wentz's fault bc it is often true
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mochinomnoms · 19 days
Silly JadeYuu idea but!!
I've seen it so often in fanfics where Jade can dig up info on literally anyone in the school, so he decides to get his hands on any and all information on The Prefect as he can.
Except, there really isn't a lot to dig up on The Prefect, is there? Don't get him wrong, Jade loves a challenge but it seems like he forgot that Yuu didn't even exist in Twisted Wonderland before September, there is no digital footprint to doomscroll through, no hometown he can research and become an over night expert on. Crowly doesn't even have your birthdate recorded on file!!
All Jade has to go of off learning anything he can about Yuu is your besties Adeuce and Grim (awful, he'd die before he let's himself owe Ace Trappola a favour) or ask you all about yourself which...sounds almost too easy to work, right?
Or something 💦
Aaaaa it's such a predicament for him! At first, he didn't really need to gather too much information on you, but now that he's interested and needs to know you inside and out, the weirdly limited amount of information about you is concerning....
this can take place in the later chapters of ptm when you are starting to pine back for jade~
tags: @ghousus
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Jade had meant an unfortunate roadblock. Which was rare for him, especially when it came to intel.
It only took him but a few days to compile the intel on his dorm's freshmen for Azul, he even managed to find students' secret social media accounts.
Yet you were simultaneously NRC's worst and best kept secret.
He's positive that Crowley had intended to keep your transdimensional status a secret to but himself and the staff, yet it became increasingly obvious as the last school year progressed that you were not from this world.
If the lack of basic magical knowledge for didn't tip someone off, the gap in basic history facts and the random things you spewed out did.
"WHY IS THE CAT'S EARS ON FIRE? AND BLUE?" "Is that, like, your actual ears and tail or?" "Wait, so you're not an elf? Isn't that the same thing as a fae?" "Oh yeah we have a story about a kid and a beanstalk too! No guns on school grounds though, too many school shootings." "HOLY FUCK WHY DO YOU HAVE SCALES?" "I'm not making it up, people back home go to space, we have flags on the moon! You mean to tell me you guys didn't have a space race or something? ...What do you mean what's the point!? IT'S THE MOON!"
No one could really fault you for your cluelessness, thought Jade found it quite cute.
Unfortunately, that made it difficult to find information on you, especially back when Azul task him with finding dirt on you to get Ramshackle.
"I'm sorry to say Azul, but there is no information on Ramshackle's prefect prior to their attendance here. Not even evidence of their birth." "Well look harder! It's not like they popped out of nowhere! I need that dorm Jade, so do your job and find me something I can work with!"
After Azul's...outburst shall he say, and their discovery that the Prefect did actually pop out of nowhere, Jade has held it over his head quite smugly.
He wasn't so smug anymore, though, not when he was so invested in getting your heart and keeping it all to himself. Hard to do when there was little to no information about you.
Here's what Jade did know:
You liked dancing, though you weren't particularly good at it. Same with singing.
Silver had taken to teaching you how to use a sword, and you were quite good at it.
You tend to split your meals with Grim, even when offered your own plate.
Sam's soda that Azul had acquired last year was your favorite drink. You also liked the milkshakes at the lounge, though you rarely got them.
You scare easily and are near incapable of scaring someone else.
You were reckless when it came to your friends, to the point that you've nearly died about 9 times since arriving to their world.
And, of course, there were the little things that Jade noticed. Like the way the color in your eyes brightened in the sun.
Or the way you picked at your nails when nervous.
And the way you purse your lips when you get confused.
Oh! He thought the way you chewed on your pen was awfully cute.
Ah, the way you looked at him sometimes with an embarrassed look was something he's come to memorize. He's memorized many of your various facial expressions...like the one you made when you caught him staring at you. Despite his best efforts.
It's like you knew he was thinking about you...
He also knew that you liked to hide your smile and laughter when either got too big, big enough to show your teeth and gums. Big enough to make you snort and cackle like a witch from one of those human children shows someone showed him once. He knew your laugh like the beat of his heart.
Jade knew a lot, and yet nothing at all about you. What was your family like? Friends back home? What did you study? What were you wanting to be? Did you have a pet? A partner?
Don't worry about the last question! He's just a bit curious about the company you keep is all.
In any case, your little group of friends throwing you your birthday party was the perfect excuse for him to delve into your personal life with a plausible excuse.
"I thought Grim would be doing the interview questions for them? It's all we're letting him do so we can throw the Prefect a decent party this time."
Most people remembered the 'party' that the group of five then freshmen tried throwing you. It was hastily put together, no white suit as traditionally provided for a first year's birthdays, and the cake was a pile of tuna cans that Grim placed several small candles on top of. Which promptly fell over, caught a window drape on fire, and nearly brought the whole of Ramshackle into a blaze.
It also wasn't your birthday at that time. (That at least is a piece of information he could get his hands on.)
Now Ortho was involved, and Jade wasn't positive if that decrease or increased the potential fire hazard.
"Last year he did, yes. However, since the new freshman have been taking residence in Ramshackle, they've taken over the yearbook duties."
Usually, Jade would be able to gather his intel with little to no help from others, especially considering most of the school logged their activities on their social medias by the minute. Plus, his father's “questionable” career provided him with ample access to private investigators and databases.
But when it came to you? He didn't have much of a choice other than to depend on others. How troublesome.
"Aspen offered to take over the interview along with his other party tasks, but the poor thing has been struggling to juggle all his duties at Ramshackle and in Octavinelle."
Lies. Aspen was doing perfectly well, but when Aspen complained rather loudly in the Mostro Lounge kitchen about having to do the interview, Jade was more than happy to offer to take all the tasks from him. No future payment or favor required.
Aspen, with pink cheeks and hearts in his eyes, was more than happy to hand all of his tasks over to Jade with little thought.
"Oh, I guess then…" Deuce looked back at Ace in the kitchen with Trey on a video call. Saying that he was attempting to make a cake would be generous.
"…You know what, it's fine. We got a lot going on here. But, uh, when you're asking the Prefect about their ideal party, the sort of presents they like, and the usual stuff, try to be discreet. It's supposed to be a surprise!"
Jade raised a brow in amusement. "Really? How did you manage to get them fitted for their birthday jacket? I imagine that would be hard to keep a surprise."
Ace turned around, cradling a bowl in one arm and waving a wooden spoon. Jade is positive he could hear Trey cry out at him to not wave the batter around.
"Epel told them that Vil wanted them to come by to that film festival we when to last year, and needed to measure them for it."
The ginger flinched at Trey's voice chastising him through the phone.
"Hey! You asked for my help now pay attention before you drop the entire bowl and have to start over!"
"Okay! Okay! Jeez, you're almost as bad as Riddle when it comes to baking…" Ace grumbled, scrunching his nose like a child being scolded by his parents.
Jade withheld an amused snort at the thought, turning back around to Deuce to give him a polite nod and smile.
"Well then, it seems that you both have your work cut out for you. I'll leave you to it then."
Turning to leave, Jade ignored Deuce 'whispering' to Ace.
"Are we sure he should be asking them all these questions? You know how they'll probably get…"
Their voices faded out as he left Heartslabyul's kitchen, out the lounge, and to the entrance. He had previously been joined by Floyd, but his brother took off to find his favorite person entertainment.
Based on the rising voice of Riddle somewhere off in the rose maze, Floyd was successful.
Now, it was his turn to find his own favorite person.
You weren't hard to find, just follow the loud direbeast's noises, and you were bound to be there. It also helped that Jade had memorized your weekly schedule.
They should be finishing up their flight class soon, so I'll check the fields first.
It wasn't a particular trek, but it was a bit a walk from the Hall of Mirrors. Though, with how vast the campus was, it was expected.
Maybe he can stop at Sam's to grab a nice cold water to offer you. After all, he needs to demonstrate just how caring and dependable he is for you, and he'll start digging his place in to your heart!
Though, it seems that you were ahead of schedule, currently making your way to Ramshackle. Limping, even.
Oh dear, did you get hurt my pearl! I hope you're alright.
Like always, you seemed to sense him before he could even process your presence.
Those pretty, mesmerizing eyes widened, blinking at him with a piercing stare.
"Jade, hey, what are you doing here?"
Jade had to keep himself from running towards you like he wanted, instead taking a leisurely pace as you jogged towards him.
"Hello Prefect," My darling pearl~ "What a coincidence, I was just on my way to see you."
You gave him a knowing smile, eyes squinting as you did.
"Birthday, right?"
"Oh? And here I thought it was a secret~"
You snorted, covering your mouth to cover your grin. Cute.
"I have my...ways!" You looked to the side, pursing your lips before looking back at him. "But I'm guessing you got wrapped up in helping somehow?"
Again, that look, like you already knew the answer to your own question.
"Yes, I offered to help get a list of important party preferences for your friends. I do believe Deuce in particular is worried about your gift preferences."
Personally, I think the sea glass ring I had commissioned is going to be your favorite. But I'd rather exchange the gift privately, more intimately...cherish your reaction.
The thought of you, looking at him completely dazzled and struck by his confession was a fond thought. To finally make you his and his alone would be a dream. He just needed to know your idea date, which is what this little mission of his could help with.
"You know Jade, you don't have to find an excuse to find things out about me." Jade blinked, feeling himself warm up under your gaze.
How do you always...
"Oh?" Jade chuckled, hiding his smile behind a fist. "Did I give off that impression? I'm simply providing my assistance to those in need."
You rolled your eyes, pausing as you made eye contact with him and looked at your feet in embarrassment.
"No you don't—I mean not intentionally—I can just tell..." Jade let his smile soften into something more fond as he watched you stumble over your words.
"It's alright, I am always curious." And you just happen to be a strong topic of interest. "There is very little known about you, are you aware that you didn't have a student file up until a few months ago?"
Squinting your eyes at him in suspicion, you poked an accusatory finger into his chest.
"And why do you know that? I thought Azul didn't need you to dig up dirt on anyone since last fall."
Placing a hand on his chest, Jade pouted. "That's rather harsh little pearl, I prefer the term 'conducting research', it sounds much nicer. Besides..."
Jade couldn't help but give you a smug smirk, curling his finger for you to come closer. Hesitating, you leaned in on your tiptoes as he leaned down. His gray strand brushed against your cheek as he heard you take in a sudden breath.
In a soft, low, almost heady voice, he whispered, "...you're just something I'm particularly interested in. I want to know you inside and out~"
Oh, how he delighted in seeing you fumble back and clasp your hands together in a fluster. Though, from the heat in his cheeks, he's probably no better off right now.
Covering your lower face in your hand, Jade could just barely make out your muttering.
"When did you get so direct..."
As quickly as he got that sweet reaction, you straightened up and smiled at him.
"Well, as long as your helping the others, I can give you my free time." You gestured for Jade to follow you to your dorm, swinging your arms as you walked.
Before you even made a few feet, you stopped and turned back to Jade with a shy expression.
"Um...but you don't need an excuse to go out or anything like that." Jade felt an electric shock fly up his spine as you gingerly reached for his right hand.
Your thumb rubbed over his hand in a tender gesture, like you were trying relax him as the tingling sensations and the rapid beating of his heart increased.
"I'd like to be with—or, I mean, be around you more." You looked like you were burning up with embarrassment, while he rejoiced internally.
YES YES YES! I want to be with you! I want you, let me have you! You will won't you?
"...Of course, I'd like that too." Jade brought the hand holding his up to his lips, barely brushing the skin with a kiss. "I'm more than happy to indulge my whims, why not take advantage of you offering?"
You both made eye contact, staring into each other as if waiting for the other to make a move.
Gods, I love you...
It didn't take long for you to jerk your hand back, looking up at him with a like he just confessed his love and offered his soul to you.
He didn't say that out loud...right?
"Um, let's head to Ramshackle to talk." You turned back around and started quickly walking, leaving Jade to catch up to you, though with his legs it wasn't hard. "I wanna get out of my uniform..."
I could help with that~
"I'll just change into something really baggy! Nice and comfy!" You let out a nervous laugh as you continued walking.
Makes for easier access~
He wasn't sure what was in your way, but somehow you managed to trip over air and smack into the ground.
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thebucketpail · 1 year
When You Accidentally Kill a Clown pt. 3
Pt.1. Pt.4 Ao3
Woah part 3?? Crazy, enjoy!
Jason could hardly hold back his grin as Barbara hit play for probably the hundredth time. It was child's play for her to get ahold of a video of the Joker's death, and damn was it worth it. The footage was anything but high quality, which was a given considering it was in a random alley. But the Joker was unmistakable as he pulled a scruffy ravenett off the street at gunpoint. Luckily however, the camera was poised at the perfect position to catch the whole affair, in however grainy the imagery.
Only moments after Danny was pulled into the alley, a short struggle ensued, followed up by a bright flash of green light that threw Joker further into the alley. The video ended on a frame of a panicked Danny crouching by the body, checking his pulse.
“I need you to send this to me,” Jason said, his smile creeping every further.
“Already did,” Babs responded with a snort. “I also sent it to Harley, and I was going to send it to B, but I thought I'd let you break the news” Her own cheshire grin split as Jason nodded.
“Anything new on Danny?” he asked, nodding toward the screen.
Barabara’s expression turned to something more teasing, “I’m not here to get you a boyfriend Jason. But I did get you some surface level stuff,” she said, cutting off his slight protest, as she switched screens, pulling up some documents. “Danny Fenton, He’s an Aerospace student at Gotham U, starting this semester. He just moved here from Illinois. He lives in dorm 206B in the Truman building on campus, and he currently has no occupation. There’s not much on his hometown, there’s some kind of blackout I need to get past, but his parents are scientists of some kind, and his sister and father are both documented metas. Overall I don’t think he’s much of a threat, just a kid who got caught in the wrong place.” Jason Hummed in response, reaching for his helmet.
“Thanks so much Babs, you’re a godsend”
Barbara smirked, turning back to her computer, “I know”
Jason slipped out the window.
Jason didn’t often watch the sunrise. Usually he was too tired, or too busy. But today he was so awake he could practically feel the energy buzzing in his bones as he watched the sun rise over the docks of gotham.
He hadn’t been able to shake the feeling since he found Danny hunched over the dead clown. But something in his chest was pulling at the thought of them. An ache of something familiar yet so distantly unknown filled his thoughts. There was something about that person that had lodged itself in Jason’s brain and refused to leave.
Unfortunately, Jason was pulled from these thoughts by the loud crackle of his comm.
“Hood, report to the cave for debrief,” Jason groaned, just because he wasn’t ready to sleep doesn’t mean he wanted to haul himself across all of Gotham to the Cave. He stood slowly, taking his sweet time to reply and savoring the satisfying pops as he stretched.
“Hood, report”
“Yeah, yeah, don't go getting your cape in a twist. I’m coming. Though I don’t see why it's necessary to pull me across the whole city when an email could do.” he grumbled that last part to himself more than anything.
Jason took his time driving through the city, stopping muggings, taking care of stragglers on their way home from late shifts. And if it took him an hour longer than usual to get to the cave, well then that wasn’t his fault. When he finally got there, though, there was no doubt; this definitely could have been an email.
When he arrived B, Stephanie, Tim and Damian were going over various minor things from their patrols, that didn’t really affect him much to be honest, just the routine; drug rings, arms deal busts, and oddly enough; ghost sightings.
“Finally,” he heard Tim mutter, as Jason killed the engine in his bike. “B! He’s here! Can we start now?”
“Start what?”
“B, wants to touch base regarding the Arkham breakout,” Stephanie said, sending him a withering glare, probably for making them wait so long. “I think he’s just being paranoid because Joker’s been unusually quiet.” Jason had to stifle a snort. If he played his cards right, this would be the perfect time to tell about the new lack-of-threat to Gotham.
“Paranoia and caution are not the same thing,” The bat himself growled from his place at the computer. “It’s been a week since he broke out of Arkham, we should have heard from him by now. It’s uncharacteristic of him to not have a scheme cooked up and in motion by now.”
“Father is correct, we should be looking further into finding the Joker,” Damian said, “If any of you have information regarding this case, I suggest you share,’’ he sneered, and if he wasn’t practically three feet tall, it would have been fairly intimidating.
“We're doing the best we can, Damian, if Joker’s up to something we’ll know about it” Tim said.
Up to this point Jason had been watching the conversation, trying to hold back his laughter, but a few chuckles managed to escape and he folded into it. Everyone in the group froze and turned to Jason as he pulled his helmet off, still wracked with giggles.
When he had finally managed to calm himself down, wiping a few stray tears from his eyes, Damian piped up, sounding wary at Jason's sudden outburst.
“What is so funny Todd?”
“Nothing, nothing,” Jason said, fighting back another round of laughter before schooling himself into a more serious disposition. “Joker’s not up to anything, don’t worry.” He said. We watched as his family’s faces went from wary, to confused.
“And how do you know that?” Damian questioned further, bristling.
And this was it. Jason delighted in the way everyone’s faces fell when he said with icy diction,
“Because that motherfucker is dead.”
And everyone exploded.
By the time he managed to escape the cave (and the incessant questioning) all his earlier energy had been sapped out of him and Jason was ready for a very long nap. He was heading back to his apartment in Park Row when something caught his eye. Or perhaps someone.
“Twice in eight hours? I know you’re not from here but that’s still gotta be some kind of record,” Jason quipped as he tied up the assailant he’d just knocked out.
Danny Fenton stared down at him from his place pressed against the alley wall. His face set in an indignant frown. His ice blue eyes glinting slightly in the ever growing morning light that had finally made itself through Gotham’s thick smog.
“Well it’s not like I’m trying to get attacked,” He ground out, “I just wanted some fucking coffee.”
“At four in the morning?” Hood responded, raising an eyebrow under his helmet.
Danny’s mouth opened and closed a few times before he turned to collect his discarded belongings. When he spoke his voice was softer, “I wasn’t planning on sleeping anytime soon.”
Oh. Jason had forgotten that, even if it was an accident, even if it was the Joker of all people. Killing was a hard thing to deal with, and this must be weighing on Danny. Jason mentally kicked himself for not accessing them for shock. In retrospect all the signs were there, hidden just slightly behind the shaky facade. It was in the way Danny hadn’t touched their food at first. How they were despondent and their eyes kept drifting between empty and piercing, it was how they sat stiff as a board until Jason had mentioned their major. Until Jason had distracted them.
After a long pause that seemed as though it would last forever, Danny sighed.
“I should probably be going now,” He said, pushing past Jason to the entrance of the alley. “Don’t worry, I’ll be more careful this time,” He threw a half hearted grin over his shoulder, disappearing around the corner. Jason couldn’t even get a word in before he was gone.
Ack! Sorry if Jason is a bit out of character here, I haven’t actually gotten around to reading most (Read: Any) of his canon content yet, and I’m running mostly off Fanon and various character analysis I've read over the last few months.
What are your thoughts? This is only my second ever attempt at writing something to post. I promise I read every comment and they make me so happy to see people interact with my word vomit. Next bit will be from Danny POV. Let’s see what's going on in their head.
Fair warning; I don’t plan on doing tag lists for the future, so this’ll be the only one. If you want to see more I recommend following me (I promise I do other cool things too)
@always-be-a-stranger @dragonfirefeather @thatonegaybitch68 @uraniumwizard @ace-aro-as-shit @rosiea184 @amyheart19 @sadpersonmadeoffruitpunch @dat1angel @tkiesai @idkmrpianoman @crystalqueertea @bianca-hooks123 @blep-23 @stargirl1331 @sjrose1216 @thegatorsgoose @akikkobara @help-i-need-a-cool-username
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epickiya722 · 3 months
It's hard to believe that people actually dislike Izuku for "What he stands for" or the fact he's a flawed character when for years, years now people will hate on him for less.
This is the same fandom I have seen some people say Aoyama, a child who didn't actually have a choice, got off "too light".
Same fandom where some people will call Horikoshi a misogynist and then turn around and reduce the female characters to nothing but love interests and future wives. Some of you still only see Ochako as a girl with a crush. Some of you like to bash on Miruko's uniform and people only being horny for her and yet still won't say anything about the male character's costumes and are also horny for those characters yourselves.
Same fandom, now, that will ignore a character's development and that character has admit to being an ass and still be like "He didn't develop at all" and even worse? That character is a child. A child who never even is awarded for his behavior. In fact, often times is punished by the narrative in some way. And yes, I am talking about Katsuki.
Same fandom where some people will attack others over ships. And with shipping, that's the only time some of you will "care" about these characters. Izuku is the main victim of that!!
Same fandom who will be like "fanon is better" when fanon is actually worse.
Same fandom who at a time actually hated the villains, still do and even going as far as to making fun of some of their appearances (like Shigaraki and Dabi)... and really only started to "care" when they "showed out" during the Villain Arc. And by "care" I mean, only finding Shigaraki and Dabi hot as hell and still don't understand their characters. And even if you get why the villains do what they do, some of you still won't acknowledge they're in the wrong, too.
What about the minor villains who just want to cause havoc? For all we know, some of them may come from good homes and just want to be menaces to society. The heroes aren't completely good people either, but don't act as if it's every single one of them who do it for fame (Rock Lock is an example of a hero doesn't actually sees being a hero as a JOB) and every villain has some "excuse" because they don't.
In the case of Izuku Midoriya, some of you will say that Vigilante Deku was the best version of him. No. No, it's not. It was the worst version of himself.
It's not because he was a vigilante. It was because he wasn't taking care of himself. In what way is that the best version of anybody? Neglecting your health?
BNHA: Vigilantes is a perfect story that shows vigilantes not neglecting themselves and still doing what they needed to do to save people.
Often times when I do cross Vigilante Deku fanworks, it's like a totally other character.
My grievance with people "criticizing" Izuku isn't because of what he stands for. Their attitude will come off like he shouldn't have flaws.
Yes, he is a teenager who can only do so much and even as he gets older he can only still do so much because he is still just one person. But he can learn. He still has a long way to go even after however the story ends. Is he not suppose to learn or what?
Question: If Toga dies, will you hate Uraraka? If Spinner dies, how about the other characters? Will you hate them?
Kurogiri is gone but I don't see people hating Aizawa and Yamada.
"But it wasn't their fault! They were trying!"
And Izuku wasn't? Was it Izuku's fault that Shigaraki turned out the way he did?
Izuku wasn't the problem. He tries to be the solution and yes, sometimes it's a flawed solution.
But he shouldn't be the only character the fandom chooses to criticize and hate on for his flaws.
"But he's the main character!" Played out excuse. Played out, it's ridiculous. You're telling me that you're choosing to hate Izuku because he's a flawed main character?
Bullshit. So a character's position in a story is why you're choosing to hate him?
Even though other main characters before and after him have are loved and practically fucking worshipped and yet will have just as much flaws or even more?!
There are folks who love a character despite being gross as hell and they're not the main character. So that "main character hate" is bullshit.
For me, I will hate or love a character not because of their position in story but because of how they are as a character. Sometimes, it just so happens they are the main character. Sometimes, they're not.
Of course, their role can play a part as to how they're written.
Honestly, again, it's hard for me to believe people are "criticizing" Izuku for what he "stands for" when this fandom has shown me countless times the amount of bullshit it will pull. This fandom? Really? Same fandom who will adore other characters for less? Hate characters for less? Who come up with cold ass takes that do not make sense?
What? Exactly what kind of character Izuku Midoriya is meant to be? I'm curious, I really am! (No, no, I'm not.)
Because what it seems to me that even if Izuku was "perfect", the fandom will hate him no matter what.
"BNHA is cop propaganda!" Really? Because the police force here seems pretty "useless" to me. (A lot of the work is done by the heroes.) Sometimes, I forget they even exist until I see like Sansa or another police officer. (Actually, I be forgetting Sansa is a cop.) They're not even the main focus. Maybe it's just me, but BNHA comes off as a story that shows the ongoing cycle of what a previous generation's actions will do to shape the next generation and what that next generation may do to change. It's just that it's being told through heroes and villains and in between.
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leonawriter · 4 months
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Okay apparently I'm going to do a study on this introduction, because going back to it? Especially knowing more about Hakuba via more recent Magic Kaito chapters? Fascinating stuff.
So. Hakuba's introducing himself, and he starts out by bringing up "My father spoke of you often" and "It seems you're a very sharp detective." Both of those are positive!
Hakuba is... high society, compared to Hattori simply hanging out around high ranking people and treating them like normal. Hattori argues with Kazuha in a very down to earth way, while Hakuba knows how to drink tea and probably how to set the table with a full set of cutlery (or at least how to use them).
So, Hakuba using their fathers to introduce himself is, to him, a normal enough way to say "I've heard good things about you, we're similar, I hope we can get along well."
What's more - Shinichi realises that, pretty quickly. Even if they hadn't met previously, he'd have been able to figure out by the words being used, that Saguru's father knows Heiji's father, or that they're in the same business.
If anything, I'd say that this slight culture clash is the second step of things going wrong between Hattori and Hakuba here, right after Hakuba being present at all, since Hattori had wanted Shinichi to take his rightful place where Hakuba is currently sitting.
Strike one, strike two.
Unfortunately, it gets worse from there, and I'm gonna go into it.
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But then Hakuba brings up that he's not even fully based in Japan. To which, mostly Hattori is just "wait, what?" - but although I'm sure he means it simply to be as clear as possible, that could also be read as "I would say that, but I'm actually better." As in, being smug.
Strike three.
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Still with "Kudo is the high school detective of the east, that's obvious, isn't it?" and rubbing salt into the insult to Hattori's bro with "they'd have liked me to represent the east in his place" but...
Oh boy.
This... this is also where I just stared and held my head in my hands because now? Because of something Hattori's said, and what he's going to continue saying/leaning into... we need to go back in time.
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All the way back in Hakuba Saguru's first appearance, the papers say "just returned from London," suggesting (as I've seen someone say before) that he'd spent at least some, if not much, of his youth in Japan.
Certainly, he doesn't seem to speak with an accent in the present day, so he can't have grown up in the UK and only sometimes lived in Japan.
In Japan, however, he is referred to as...
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In Nakamori's (uncouth) words at their first meeting, "Y-you're that bastard from London!"
No mention of how he has a fully Japanese name, partially Japanese features, a Japanese father, and no accent.
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His introductory splash also frames him with the Union Jack behind him, showing off his Holmes cosplay and light hair. Almost all the major characters in the series have blue eyes, but here it's rather... plainly emphasising his Western features. His non-Japanese-ness.
Now, I do have to wonder if Gosho wrote that back in 1990 and hadn't given much thought to it. I certainly don't think it was intentionally cruel.
However, by volume 40, released in 2003, he's learned a bit more about social prejudice, and shows this with the Professor's First Love story:
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This shows something that happened 40 years ago in-universe, with a girl of Japanese-American descent who has light, gingko colour hair, being very aware of how different she is, and not wanting her friend to see. She calls her hair "weird" and starts to cry.
Coming back to the present - content released in 2006 - let me go back to Hakuba Saguru.
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Hattori "That's obvious, isn't it? And yer not even from this country to begin with."
Oh, Hattori. Only the previous case had you seeing how words can be as sharp as knives, and can hurt people.
Saguru doesn't seem too bothered at first, however...
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First off, he points out that it isn't even his fault he's "taken Kudo's place" in the first place!
They contacted his housekeeper, who he's been shown to be very close with (I'd hazard a guess to say that, having not seen his mother at all, or seen her mentioned, Baaya is closer to him than his parents are), and when she heard that her charge would only be taking someone else's place since they weren't there, she got offended on his behalf.
Saguru, who loves this woman like she's literally his nanny, could hardly say no at that point.
More to the point: how he says "But it appears I am unfit to represent the East..."
So now we have Hattori having come in wanting his best friend to be represented and not sidelined just because of circumstances out of his control, and being in a bad mood immediately because of someone else having been called in. He also possibly inflates the number of cases he worked on or solved, by including childhood adventures, leading Saguru to point out that his count is only low if you only count the ones in one country. Saguru attempts to make friends with him regardless, and that doesn't work because Hattori is still stuck on how Saguru is "taking Kudo's place" and then focuses in on how Saguru "isn't even from this country" which... starts leaning into the uncomfortable territory of "Hattori I love you to pieces but are you being racist/xenophobic right now?"
I say that in the context of how Japan has a really big problem with seeing anyone who isn't fully Japanese as Not Japanese Enough, as I went into earlier. I don't think he's aware how he's coming across, by the way; he's simply got a big case of foot-in-mouth.
So now instead of having come to this conclusion organically and naturally, Saguru is offering to take the place of "Guest Participant from Overseas" to placate Hattori.
I'd imagine he won't be wanting to tell Baaya about that, for sure.
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Saguru goes on to suggest that Conan (i.e, Shinichi himself) should represent the East instead.
I reiterate: they could well have come to this conclusion over a friendly conversation, because of how they have five detectives. But instead now Saguru has ceded his position to (as far as he knows) a child. A very clever child, but a child nonetheless.
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The next time we're back at the island with Hattori and the others, he's already decided he doesn't like "that smug guy."
As said before, there are plenty of things that Hattori could have picked up on that'd suggest Saguru "looked down on people" and "had a prideful way of thinking" and he certainly could appear smug in his achievements.
Hattori himself says that Saguru was "was like a copy of [Kudo]." But he has decided he doesn't like Hakuba, therefore he won't like Hakuba.
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A moment of Saguru bonding with Natsuki over their natural brown hair, a shared trait - we can see him smiling after saying "But... there aren't any tv cameras yet, so you could do what you want for tonight?"
In a way I feel like I'm making too much of a big deal out of this one thing, but I'm not the one bringing attention to it - Gosho is. Gosho's the one who reminds us that kids get into trouble for their natural brown hair, and Saguru got that too.
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Those who've read Magic Kaito will know that he DOES have a Japanese school uniform - but as we saw at the start of the post, when he arrived, he arrived from his school in London.
This further emphasises how he's set apart from the others.
(An aside: it's entirely possible that his "school abroad" is more likely him going to sixth form, since our Secondary schools last (or did for me) up to the age of 16, and depending on the time of year he may have transferred over to the new school year already. Or he's just finishing his last year of Secondary. We don't know.)
Honestly... I'm going to leave this at that for now, because for one thing the post got away from me a bit, and became longer than I expected, and for another thing, I've covered the majority of the first meeting and both of them getting off on the wrong foot.
In short:
Hattori arrived with an idea of slipping Shinichi into the event, and was offended and upset when someone was already in his place. He, being the loyal friend he is, wasn't willing to simply let it lie.
Instead of backing down and accepting the situation and make friends with the new detective - who Shinichi knew and was acting friendly with, and who was willing to befriend him - he let his bad mood get the better of him and made offensive remarks of his own, most of which to the others would seem entirely unwarranted.
Because of that, Hattori still has a bad opinion of Saguru, and Saguru's opinion of Hattori has gone from "my father's spoken of you [positively]" to "rude asshole."
Neither of them are innocent, but when you look at them individually and fairly, neither of them are the only one in the wrong, either.
Like... no wonder they don't get along from here on? Wow.
I did not expect there to be so much in it, but there we go.
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kit-williams · 27 days
The Raven in the Belfry
So this is ANOTHER Night Lord (though actually a Raven Guard) I like making scary old men please guys stop me from making ancient ass mfs
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog @the-raven-lady @remembrancer-of-heresy
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The Terran Raven Guard looked down at the human child, distinctively Nostroman and surprisingly healthy looking, but also a little girl. "Anrir. Where is he." Sanne Witherstrike demanded with a halfhearted growl.
She gestures for him to follow before she goes running down the hallway, "Anrir." He hears her say before a yeowl and a sob of someone getting their bone reset.
"That will teach you for being stupid." Sanne hears Anrir hiss before his voice getting softer, "What is it Sophia?"
"There's a man here in black armor here to see you. He has crow bones on him." She says looking back at him for a moment before looking back.
He could hear Anrir walk over to the door just looking at Sanne tilting his head as he looked surprised that Sanne was here. His tongue clicking, "Alright everyone get out for a few hours." He barked behind him before looking at the little girl in front of him, "Go get your token and then go help Ayana in the kitchens." Sanne watches her run off as Anrir leans on the door frame waiting until his charges were gone. "So... you're a sight for sore eyes. I thought you would be with your Primarch? I remember how excited you were hearing about him." Anrir chuckles he looks at the Raven and he watches the prideful man just suddenly break a little. "Oh oh shit. Come on." Anrir's posture shifts leading his old friend into the cramped room.
Anrir's position was such an oddity to Sanne but perhaps this was simply the difference between the Raven Guard and the Night Lords... Anrir was old and skilled and could easily be a veteran company Apothecary... Sanne was certain Anrir was the eldest and most skilled Apothecary that the Night Lords had and yet... he stayed out of his Legion's politics. Comfortable to be taking care of children and bitterly Sanne knew that if Anrir was a Raven his genesire would like him better then himself.
"Stop looking so sad Sanne it isn't becoming of you." Anrir says pulling out a bottle of mjod and grabbing two empty beakers.
"I don't know what's becoming of me anymore."
"And here I thought Konrad was a shitty Genesire. What the fuck happened?"
Sanne took the beaker of mjod and downed a mouthful making a face, as he closed his eyes just feeling it burn his throat slightly, "Piss and the Fenrisians drink this often?"
"Yes and maybe if the Great Crusade finishes in a decent amount of time I can make something that tastes better... now talk." Anrir's playful voice returns to ice as Sanne knew the pit child could be so serious.
And so Sanne told Anrir the meeting with his Genesire. Sanne was the few astartes left with the ability to cry and just something inside of him hurt so badly he felt no shame in shedding those tears in front of his long time friend. The silence that grew between them as Anrir let him talk... let him weep as the Raven cawed silently, "What did I do wrong Anrir?"
"Nothing Sanne..." Anrir sighed feeling his age resting on his shoulders for a moment, "You did nothing wrong. If you really want to find fault... you stuck to the old ways of the legion... your roots were planted too deep. I'm glad you survived the culling. Don't give me that look Sanne. What happened sounds like a culling and now he's sent you and your brothers out into the void out to the fringes like the carrion birds you are to slowly die out." Anrir grimaced as he drank from the beaker, "I wouldn't be surprised if some Night Lords joined your brothers... we always were very much alike before your father was found. And well Konrad hasn't endeared himself to many of his sons."
"Will you not join us out in exile?" Sanne offers watching the nearly black eyes of Anrir stare at his drink.
"While my loyalties to the Primarch might not be there... I cannot abandon the legion. The Emperor... " He stops his thought with a sigh, "You've heard my prattle about my feelings on this before. But no Sanne I will not leave my kids nor the legion but I know dozens of brothers that will probably eagerly and silently sign up for duty on the ship you came in on. I know a few Apothecaries that I probably wont see anymore after this month. What about you Sanne?"
The Raven cocks his head confused, "What about me?"
"Why not join the ranks of the Night Lords?" Anrir lets out a slurred laugh at his thought, "Spit in daddy's eye and become the thing he accused you and your brothers of being. Become a terror... a killer... a fiend!" Anrir laughs as the tattoo on his neck lets out a phantom itch... long long dead was the innocence that it claimed he had and all that was left behind was a man with his claws deep into a sense of justice that struggled to expand beyond what he had made it for.
"Do you think I could?" Sanne says softly.
"Yes. I will not lie to my Primarch but I will have to note that you and any brothers that decide to follow will be counted as recruits." Anrir says honestly.
"I will see if any of my brothers want to.."
"I will not abandon you Sanne. And you know how good my promises are." Anrir says...
Anrir does always keep his word even after ten thousand years in real space time he has not abandoned Sanne... and Sanne is always silently thankful for that. He and some of his brothers followed Anrir when the legion was falling apart... Sanne eagerly becoming Anrir's second in command. Even as his brothers were picked off or sold their souls to the ruinous powers... Anrir kept Sanne grounded and he owed the pit child everything... even if at the end of the day he was the child of slavers and Anrir the child of criminals. They kept good company with each other at least.
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"Ahhh you're not dead Sanne." Sanne hears as his eyes open up looking at Anrir grinning down at him.
"I should be given that you shoved a xenos inspired organ inside of me." Sanne groused.
"It was either the xenos organ or a chaos organ. Pick your poison, Sanne." He said with a happiness in his voice which means to Sanne that Anrir was successful in his pursuits of playing god. "Are you excited?"
"Should I be asking you that? You're the one who is giddy for this." Sanne says sitting up.
"Yes well my way to spite my Genesire is a long term plan... your way to spite your Genesire is easier to do." Anrir says turning around.
Sanne remembers how they discovered about the Mor Deythan and his small desire to take what was Corvus' ability and have it as his own. He feels cold... Sanne gasps as he is suddenly melting out of the shadow behind Anrir as he grabs Sanne before cackling like that madman that he is. "I always make good on my promise Sanne!" Anrir says clearly in the high of success.
"Yes and what of your next thing? To find a way to populate astartes numbers with ease... or whatever insane idea you had?" Sanne says as he leans on Anrir feeling rather dizzy.
"Don't you worry about Sanne... lets just get you back down as we'll celebrate this success before I head off planning my next one.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
To expand that point about queerphobia (also, to an extent, gender equality) from the tags on someone else's post and sort of tying it back to my post yesterday about wanting to see characters work through similar experiences: I think it makes a lot of sense in the case of Exandria and Hale to build a world that does not have queerphobia and to allow people to choose to insert it if that is something their table wishes to explore. It's very much a case of wanting to build a diverse but non-utopian world that is welcoming to a wide variety of players.
I think it's a very understandable urge to want to see characters deal with the same challenges we face, and I think there are TTRPG settings that have done a good job depicting homophobia or transphobia; it's present though not common in Fantasy High, and The Unsleeping City is very close to the modern-day real world and has, well, period-typical attitudes.
The reason I get frustrated when it comes up in discussion of Exandria, and now Hale is that it's almost always used for one of two reasons: explaining why people (either specifically or generally) don't like a character; or even more frequently, explaining hesitancy between two characters in a ship. It's a convenient way to say "this person is oppressed or afraid for reasons that are objectively in no way their fault and which make the people who dislike them objectively bigoted and wrong". The problem is, while that's a valid story to tell it's often really not the story the cast is telling with these characters. Even more frustratingly, it often is used to steamroll other stories that may place those characters in just as innocent a position.
Some good examples in which this has happened in the fandom are Jester and Dorian. Jester lives on the Menagerie Coast, which is referred to a pretty wide variety of materials as being a place that is especially trans friendly (in a world where trans and nb characters already frequently occupy prominent positions and are not depicted as experiencing pushback). Her mother, a courtesan, indicates that she takes clients of varying genders. The biggest influences on her life are her mother and an otherworldly fey entity who famously can shapeshift. There is absolutely no canonical evidence that Jester would be unaware of the broad range of genders and sexualities in the world nor that she would feel obligated to embrace one that she is not; in fact there is quite strong evidence to the contrary. But if you claim that she's experiencing compulsive heterosexuality, it excuses you from having to consider that Jester is genuinely not interested in Beau, or at the very least is genuinely interested in Fjord.
Similarly, it was, at least prior to the reveals of early Campaign 3, common to headcanon that Dorian had run away from his parents because he was trans and they were transphobic. A trans reading of Dorian is still obviously entirely valid, but he left because his parents were suffocating and overbearing and often pit him against his brother. Dorian is still absolutely the victim in this! It's a valuable thing to relate to for people who have experienced parental abuse and impossible expectations. But it does still force you to think about Dorian's parents as complex people who came to this conclusion of childrearing (even if they are still in the wrong) and not just mindless bigots to be disregarded. And I think the former is nearly always a better story than the latter.
What also frustrates me is that this rarely works through the ramifications. The systemic queerphobia that would be required to put compulsory heterosexuality in place still exists once someone overcomes that and comes out; but that never comes into play when people are talking about the ship, because it's only ever used to explain why the ship hasn't happened yet, never as a significant part of the world that would affect the characters throughout their entire lives.
These are only two examples; there are countless others, some particularly egregious (*cough* Essek comes from a society that explicitly believes in reincarnation across bodies of varying genders and the queen for eternal life is in a lesbian relationship, I promise you his fraught relationships with his parents are way more complicated than simple homophobia or transphobia) but all of which seek to incorporate bigotry not as the destructive and deadly phenomenon it is, to be explored in the safe space of fiction, but as an incredibly lazy shortcut to be discarded as a continuity error once it's served its purpose.
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nekrosdolly · 9 months
Hey is it okay if you could write a fic where the reader uses the safe word for Albert Wesker, im curious on what you think about that. If not, then I hope you have a nice day!
hiiii anon! i'm not taking requests for full fics but i will definitely indulge you with a ficlet since i haven't written anything like this for re5 wesker yet! (also you're never a bother don't think you are <𝟑)
quick cw here; cnc (consensual nonconsensual), degradation, collaring + leashing, bdsm elements, dom/sub dynamic, dom!wesker sub!afab!reader, hurt/comfort aspects, reader is wearing a skirt
albert's been more brutal than ever, his grip on your hips so hard you fear they'll break. he's stressed- that much is apparent just from looking at him- furrowed brows, a fierce frown, and threateningly red eyes behind his shades.
that's why you're here, though. his cock is buried in you so deep you can feel it in your gut, the fat head nearly piercing your cervix with every single thrust he gives. his words are mean and normally, you'd like them, but today is weird for you, too. you're not yourself today and you'd hoped, that by putting on your collar and surrendering yourself to him like you do often, you'd feel better. you don't. if he can tell something is wrong, he doesn't say it. you have a safeword for a reason. your noises are quiet and muffled with your head being shoved into the couch cushions. the way he's filling you is heavenly, but you're not in the right headspace. it worsens when he tugs on your leash.
"umbrella!" the safeword you two agreed on leaves your lips in a sob, and you're a wreck. it's a hard stop, a means for you to get out of any scene that became too much and skip to aftercare.
the scene falls- he pulls out and takes your collar off, tucks himself in his pants, and straightens out your skirt before he even thinks about trying to move you into a different position.
"i'm here, darling. it's alright. i'm going to move you so you're on your back, alright?" he places his hand high on your back, between your shoulder blades to negate anything sexual about his touch. you nod weakly, quiet little sobs escaping you. he gets out from between your legs and flips you over so you're able to breathe easier and so he can soothe you better.
he's by your side within seconds, knelt beside the couch and fixing your shirt to cover your breasts. his other hand cups your face, giving you something to hold on to.
"shh, dove, it's going to be alright. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you." he takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to your knuckles. you shake your head lightly.
"not your fault. i just don't feel right today." you mumble, turning on your side to face him properly. he sighs, his eyes not as red anymore, and kisses your forehead.
"you should have told me earlier, sweet thing." his worry for you becomes visible as he removes his sunglasses and sets them aside. your tears are less severe now that he's comforting you, your body not shaking as much. you ache from his rough treatment, however.
"i know. i'm sorry." he strokes your hair, a small "tsk" leaving him.
"it's just fine. come, let's get you cleaned up." he picks you up bridal-style with ease, your head resting against his shoulder as he carries you to the bathroom. standing would be a lot for you right now and he knows that, so he sets you down on the bathroom counter with a kiss to your temple and runs you a bath.
you're as still as a doll as he undresses you, kissing every inch of you to further reassure you of his love. he's sweeter than usual for the rest of the night- practically coddling you- because he knows you need it like he needs you.
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yokiidokii · 2 years
How would the gang react to a reader who constantly says sorry ? like for every stupid thing at the end of a sentence due to being Bullied majority of their life . So now I their adulthood it’s just kinda automatic “oop I’m sorry” even when it’s not necessary
My smile is immeasurable- I do this so often you have no idea. I have absolutely been worried about not knowing if I was gonna do the request just right. This is not one of those times. I did have a surprising amount of trouble with it though? Despite it being something I myself do constantly lmao, ah well I hope I did it justice!
Also hi! I was in college so this is so very late and I’m so sorry about that <3 My prof mentally threw me around like a rag doll and I came out with my brain fried.
Warnings: I don't think any? Maybe some general allusions to anxiety just because of the prompt itself? Andre mentions weed but uh- nothing else! Relatively safe<3
I feel like she understands, I could see her thinking of it more in a like, a logical sense? Not like she doesn’t understand the more emotional side of it- she’s got her own issues. But in the like “Oh, usually when people do this it means they are scared of what people think and don’t like conflict. I’ll keep that in mind.”
She gets it, and I want to be absolutely clear- I cannot see her being one of those people saying “It’s fine.” Because like, for her it doesn’t feel like it ever really is? But she will be the person to help you feel like, it’s okay that you said it but know that you do not have to. You didn’t do anything wrong.
If you want to tell her the reason why you do this, apologizing and explaining she will feel for you. I mean we’ve seen her school experience, we had one friend and a buncha kids who were way older than you and treated her like shit. Also her father, very much her father.
She won't ever press you or act like you aren't trying harder to get better but she'll make sure in her own way that you know it's all gonna be okay one day.
One day you won't have to think about the past and everything will be okay <3
Andre may or may not have told you about his experiences with his family and how they really affected him.
You have probably also- at least once maybe seen him without drugs and how that can make him.
Long story short he is in no position to judge even if he for some reason wanted to.
Would offer you some weed
He means well and will not pressure you if you say no, though he will totally ask “Are you suuuureee?” because he cannot stress enough the wonders of medical marijuana
Whether or not you take it is up to you, but he will absolutely let you chill either in his office if you're at work or at his house- would come to your house to make sure your comfy if you need it<3
He is a loving man with lots of his own experience in this kind of regard and he will help you no matter what!
He is more than the drug guy though please literally let him be known for more than that he deserves it so any tips he's used to help himself out he will give to you.
A very caring man with his own issues and lots of advice and love to give if you'll have it~
Oh honey, this man? This man understands.
Brett will apologize after you do because both of you think that is is somehow both of your faults.
Though he will undoubtedly let you know in every way he possibly can that it is not your fault in any way and that he loves you.
He would absolutely mention therapy- it helps him! It might help you?
He would absolutely be holding your hand anyway and if you do apologize while it happens, he’ll squeeze it in his own and shoot you a quick “No need to be!” before continuing the conversation. He doesn’t wanna spend the whole time acknowledging it just in case putting too much attention on it in the open would embarrass you or make you feel worse.
But he will be there for you, and he will be listing off things that he’s learned to help him when he can’t stop doing it either.
I can see Myc start by just being a little bit sarcastic. Like he isn’t entirely sure why you do it just yet, but he doesn’t want you to be saying it and thinking that you did something wrong.
He gives those like “Oh yeah? You’re sorry?” and you know that if he had actual eyes, he would be giving you a look of ‘You really wanna do this rn?’.
And he will probably continue to do so even after he knows why.
He isn’t going to treat you differently per se, at least- he acts like he isn’t going to…
But you feel the tentacle that was already wormed around your waist squeeze just a little tighter before you end your sentence to remind you that you didn’t do anything, and you don’t need to apologize. 
I mean he gets it, he got bullied. He ended with a different outcome for himself, but he still understands. It sucks, and even if you don’t want to think about it or you don’t want to constantly feel like life is repeating itself over and over again but sometimes it’s just going to feel that way even if it isn’t.
Though Myc will be there to help you understand and work through all the woes of getting to inside your own head.
She would raise her brow at it at first.
Hit you with that “Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” and make sure you know that it’s all okay.
Is teaching you how she ignores her haters constantly, if you say anything about it not being on the same level and you start apologizing again, she is going to lovingly slap you in the face with her words (She would not lay a hand on you ever-)
Comparing yourself gets a “tsk tsk” from her and a long list of all the parts about you she thinks are beyond stellar.
Gigi would be very honest -like the most honest maybe- about whether or not you actually have anything to be sorry about. 
If you do, she’ll accept your apology but try to figure out a way to do it in a way that won’t encourage you to do it when you don’t actually have to.
And when you don’t, she places a hand on her hip and gives you a look, eyebrow raised just lightly in a ‘really?’ sorry of fashion.
She’s not questioning it; she knows it happened. But she’s asking if you really wanna do it, you know that she will no doubt spend her time talking your ear off about not doing this again.
She does it with the upmost amount of love I promise- but like,,
Do you dare question her? I wouldn't
Okay. I don’t want to say Glenn doesn’t get it at first, but out of all of the people in the gang it feels right to say he might take the longest to adjust and learn how to handle it.
But just because he might not get it at first doesn’t mean he’s rude!!
It’s more of a “What? Why are you saying you're sorry? You didn’t do anything?” Kinda confused-
He’s a confused ol man, forgive him.
Though, he would understand the bullying thing like 100%
He’s no stranger to rude comments or being talked to as if he has no feelings, typical bully behavior even if he wouldn’t talk about it or call them bullies, just,,, assholes?
That and the feelings that come from thinking about those comments is something he understands, and something that he can try and a headspace he will gladly try to help you out of.
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cardentist · 4 months
(Note I'm seeing this through lens of being horribly ill and struggling with health providers rn but)
I never saw it as an addiction metaphor I saw but how disabled people are denied aid and stuff because its 'wrong' and you 'should just be able to exist without it'.
But 'it hurts me to see you using cane/meds/wheelchair'
So it made sense to me that yeah he'd feel great using it but also feel horrible guilty
Context: [Link]
I didn't get into this in the original post because I was worried I wouldn't be able to word it right (in part because I haven't finished my relisten, and in part because this is More than just meta about a story I like and I didn't want to say anything ignorant).
BUT I'm absolutely glad that you're bringing this up.
because the truth is that my Other problem with the discussion about monsterhood in the magnus archives as addiction (in holding characters morally accountable for being monsters because they "should" be able to just Choose not to do monstrous things if they were good people) is that it Is accurate to how people treat addicts, and that's a bad thing when people parrot it without realizing that.
because the truth is, addicts often Do need their addiction to survive. medically, emotionally, or just. You Know. because addiction often means you can't just cut cold turkey without major consequences (consequences that, to be clear, Can Kill You). and they Are often treated poorly by the people around them for not just being able to Do Better as if anyone could be expected to do "better" in their situation.
when ""better"" means being in pain, when ""better"" is unlivable without the necessary support to Make it bearable.
and this Absolutely crosses over with ableism. in real life And in the show.
you don't Need to be an addict for someone to treat you like you're immoral for needing aid they don't. though I think it'd be a mistake to talk about it without Also keeping addiction in the conversation, because it's not right when people do it to addicts either.
needing aid to survive And being an addict aren't mutually exclusive, and that's what I meant when I said my last post was In Conversation with the addiction metaphor.
jon's situation being a mirror (in many ways, it's not an exact one to one of course) with addiction doesn't mean that he's Less deserving of compassion or that his situation was somehow his own fault, it means that we should be taking that compassion and understanding of his situation and Apply That to the real people who are also deserving of those things.
we Watched jon be stripped of his own agency and forced into a position where he could Only be a monster or die, and in response many people have said that he should've just Chosen not to be, as if the choice is Reasonable. as if asking him to starve or die is Reasonable.
and of course, I'm not qualified to speak about addiction in detail, but it's just something that's sat wrong with me for years. the Show's use of addiction as a metaphor works for me because of the empathy and humanity it's Meant to show to addiction. but the fandom's reception to that messaging isn't. always stellar.
and I don't think people necessarily do it on purpose, but I Do wish there was more of an awareness of it. how it might come across, you know?
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pandorasfavorite · 1 year
Punching Bag
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AN: guys proof read this for me, I'm too tired. FLUFF FINALLY MY LOVES.
Something about Dominik getting hurt never sat right with you, Of course, you expected it to happen and you didn't think much of it often. Lately, though Dominik had been getting thrown around all because the scriptwriters thought it was good for the plot. Truthfully you were starting to get frustrated because out of everyone in the Judgment Day, Dominik is the only one getting the bad end of the stick.
Dominik was holding his side when walking into the dressing room, making your eyes twitch in anger and irritation. You stand up and meet him in the middle of the room, lifting up the side of his shirt to see a large bruise forming on his side. "Shit babe, again?", you trace around the bruise as you process it. Your anger changed into worry when Dominik walked in. Don't get anything wrong here, the anger is still burning inside, but it's not Dominik's fault.
Dominik winces at you touching his bruise, making your eyes snap up to him. Like whiplash, your mood changes again back to anger. The rest of the Judgement Day is just watching; trying to see how far this will go. Your heart aches for Dominik, his bruising and constant pain resonating with you. You step back running your hands down your face; heat tingling at your fists. You take a few short breathes, but you soon realize that isn't enough to calm yourself down. You stride towards the door muttering to yourself, "This is fucking bullshit". You swing open the door and let it slam behind you.
The room is awkward. Everyone is trying to understand the anger and the context of everything that just happened. Dominik doesn't ponder on it, he's worried for you. He puts his shirt back into place and runs a hand through his hair, walking out of the door to find you. There isn't much Dominik can do to comfort you; other than rubbing your back and reassuring you he's okay... he's at a loss here. You know he's not okay, hell his side is black and blue and the rest of his body is recovering from last week.
The reassurance from Dom meant nothing to you. There is also nothing you can do right now, but everything in you begs to take a hit for him just once so he doesn't feel so much pain.
Today Rhea is going against Raquel at payback. The match has had some build up and the Judgement Day is looking forward to what is hopefully a win. Dominik was instructed to go out and "check on" Rhea in the middle of her match for dramatic effect. Which is fine because its all friendly and a way to show that Judgement Day is tight nit. You are already at ring side cheering Rhea on, and ridiculing Raquel because you didn't like her much either. Who knew today was the day that you want a match against her for contributing to Dominiks pain.
Dominik tumbles in, laying his front half on the ring reaching for Rhea in order to help her. Rhea pulls Dominik in not realizing what could've happen to him, Dominik slides into the ring but backs up almost immediately. Raquel has the upper hand here and was going to deliver a power slam onto Dominik. Youve studied the way Raquel fights and just based on her posture Dominik was in for it.
Maybe you arent in the right mind when you do it but you fling yourself off the floor sliding in front of Dominik and standing up in front of Raquel. She wastes no time putting you into the position with you thrown over her shoulder. You kick and trash as much as you can; knowing well and good your not prepared for the crash. Raquel holds onto the back of your head and flips you over, your back slamming onto the ring along with the rest of your body.
The stinging feels so unberable, your roll away trying to touch your back... to sooth the pain that Dominik would've felt. You can practically feel your shoulderblades brusing on instinct, you went into that blind. Dominik goes into these things blind too, not knowing what is awaiting him. Sure it hurt physically, but you feel so much better knowing that it was you and not him. You push yourself to hang off the side of the ring, your head and a arm hanging off the side while you try and catch your breath. Dominik runs to the otherside of the ring where you lay winded struggling for clear breathes.
His hands not so stubly shake as he holds your face, his eyes glide over your back and your painful look. He whispers to you not trying to get the attention of the cameras, "Baby, Im so sorry", he feels the tears of shame gather in his eyes and he tries to breathe through it. His voice trembles some, "Im so sorry". You pat one of his hands, smiling the best you can at him for now. You manage to slide of the ring to stand next to Dominik but he doesn't let that last for long. His arm snakes around your waist as he holds you up. His eyes urging Rhea to hurry up.
Its some kind of miricale but Rhea finishes up the match, showing off her belt and then coming to hold you up as well. Rhea still shoots daggers at Raquel and then looks back at you so Raquel knows she's still in for it. You all move to the infirmary, Dominik deadly silent, only the clicks of shoes can be heard in the infirmary. Dominik and Rhea sit you down, Rhea looks at Dominik and him and her share some kind of look. Rhea nods and walks out.
Dominik eyebrows are furrowed in and his eyes are sad when he looks at you, Dominik pulls up a chair in front you. He takes both your hands into his and he lays his head on them for a moment to collect his thoughts. He lifts his head up, rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs. "Dont ever do that again. Please I don't want you hurt" he pleads. You shoot back instantly, "And I don't want you hurt", you say trying to justify your reasoning behind this.
Dominik shakes his head no, grimacing with guilt... you got hurt for him. He kisses the backs of your hands, his eyes squeezing shut for a second before he talks, "Please" it comes out in a whisper. A plead. Your eyes soften and you see how hard he is taking this. He moves closer to you, looking at you with expectation, "Baby, Please?" it comes out soft like its his last resort. Your lips pull to the side but you nod none the less.
"Let's talk to our boss. They will have to understand you can't be the punching bag Dom", you say with a mildly stern voice. Unegotiable. Dominik opens his mouth to say something like, 'it's okay' or 'there's no need'. "They will understand", you say every word defined with purpose, your eyes stuck on his. He nods holding your hands up to his face, "Okay". He says softer than ever, certain.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 18]
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Me whenever Khan ogles Bakara: boooring.
Me 5 seconds later ogling Atcham the same exact way: oguhuhhggghuhhq
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They only just met, and are already a perfect team. :)
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I like to think that Joris has always wanted to hear the other side of the story, be it from Atcham, Lou, or Indie. This isn't the best time to ask, but he might not get another chance...
I also guess that Atcham's deep hatred for Kerubim bewitches Joris as much as Joris's love for Kerubim bewitches Atcham.
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Out of all the possible answers, — from the implied bullying, to being abandoned and called a psychopath by Kerubim, — the answer that Atcham gives is so fascinating.
Because he's pretty much acknowledging, that he hates him because he feels inferior. He's always been mistreated because he's the opposite of Kerubim. He's not handsome, or lucky, or good with people, so he's suffered, — and Kerubim is everything he wishes he could be. Even if it's not Kerubim's fault that he suffered, he hates Kerubim the very most because he's a walking-talking reminder of how life could have been.
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Joris is even a bit taken aback by this. I bet he expected something deeper.
And it is deep, don't get me wrong. But it's not "when we were kids, he never helped me, when others did me harm." or "he had always looked down at me."
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It's literally just "other people dislike me, and not him, even though he had the exact same shitty life as me. The only reason he lives better than me is that he is prettier and luckier. I want to punish him for that. Because it's easier, than hating a god, or the kids from the temple, or anyone else. It's easier because he's nearby, and I know him the best out of all of them."
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They are two sides of the same coin. Both of them are orphans. Both of them hate their own bodies. And both of them could probably talk for hours upon hours on what Kerubim makes them feel.
Except Joris feels lucky to have had Kerubim, indebted even, — while Atcham is the opposite, feeling like Kerubim, simply by existing, took everything from him.
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Joris appeals to their solidarity in his attempts to defend Kerubim's Honour: while it sure sucks, Atcham's struggle with being hated and degraded by people is neither special nor unique.
Note: I understand it might be somewhat controversial to say this, but I do think that both Joris and Atcham are disabled, or at least discriminated against.
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Atcham is referred to as disabled in one of the canonical sources, even if it is a joke. Logically speaking, even without any canon sources, within the universe's context his lack of fur is undoubtedly a disability.
Joris, in the context of the real world, would definitely be a person with dwarfism, which, just like Atcham's lack of fur, canonically impacts his social life, with the way he is often not taken seriously by other people.
So, their solidarity is very cute to me.
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Besides that, he appeals for Atcham to understand that his negative experiences with Kerubim aren't universal.
Or maybe, he appeals to whatever positive memories Atcham still he has of him.
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And I am pretty sure Atcham knows what Joris is doing. And it's working.
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Joris really dislikes how shallow Atcham's dislike for Kerubim is, when Kerubim has done nothing but support and love him, because of how different he is from others.
But for Joris to feel so passionately defensive, — like Kerubim has done him a service by treating him well, — we can understand that Kerubim's "I want my son to love himself as he is" parenting didn't work that well.
You can't really parent your way out of your son noticing he's short, bald, and weird compared to other people. And at some point, saying "you're special" probably just feels insulting, or, more likely in Joris's case, like Joris has failed at feeling special, and that Kerubim would be sad, if he knew how Joris really felt about his body.
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If Atcham didn't love Kerubim, — if he didn't feel nostalgia for the times they were still close, — none of what Joris said here would ever work, y'know?
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While the show had 52 episodes and then some to sell me on Kerubim and Joris's dynamic, the movie only has three scenes to develop what goes on between Joris and Atcham, and we've already seen two of them.
And let me tell you, by god, does it succeed.
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Yes, Atcham and Joris are foils to one another, because of their orphanhood, body issues, and relationship with Kerubim.
But Atcham and Bakara are also foils: because of their feeling of inadequacy, compared to their brothers.
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Bakara can't acknowledge what she feels: hatred. Towards herself, for not being good enough. Towards Julith, for seemingly taking her brother away. Towards Joris, for being the product of the woman who ruined her life. Towards Kerubim, maybe for taking Joris and giving him a good life, devoid of having to face or know any of these terrible things, or maybe for not dying instead of Jahash.
And she hates Jahash too. For leaving her alone. And for leaving such a huge void where he once stood — one she can never hope to fill.
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Atcham is quite the opposite, really. He needs so badly to hate Kerubim to feel better, that he can barely face the fact that he loves his brother too.
Honestly, is it even hatred, when all you do is sing him praises? "You're the coolest, the hairiest, the luckiest—" doesn't suddenly stop being a compliment, if it's followed "instead of you, it should be ME." (yes, I am taking this moment quote one of the most Atcham-core songs ever created at you. hi.)
There's a very thin line between hatred and love, and I think, that in that line there lies jealousy and obsession.
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Atcham's purr is so cute....... kbitty.
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This confirms that under the fur, Kerubim and Atcham look pretty similar (we been knew). If you shaved Keke, you'd see a mini-Atcham, and vice versa. The main difference is the ear size, and the fact that the sides of Atcham's face point downwards, instead of upwards, like with Kerubim
However, I have some qualms with this design: sphynx cats have spots in the same exact places that they would have if they had fur. if Atcham had fur it'd be more like this:
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And man. It makes him look even MORE like Kerubim. jhgsjkfgsdfg
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Like Suga, he's a really protective yandere and he will do WHATEVER the HELL it takes to keep you safe 
He is a yandere who is aware of his abnormal yandere tendencies about himself for you and he knows that being really obsessed with you is really creepy ASF but he really can't help himself. It's not HIS fault you looked so cute in that jacket you were wearing today BUT that skirt of yours.... he gets really overprotective of you when you wear kinda revealing clothes EVEN if it's a cold shoulder top
Daichi is an intelligent guy and there's no WAY you'll be able to escape from his fervent stalking like, at ALL
He is a really terrifying yandere to be precise. He will not hesitate to murder someone if they do something wrong to you. Remember that crazy Karen who slapped you on the face a few days back while you were going grocery shopping? Well, looks like she went missing and her family had several 'accidents'
Daichi is a man who will make sure you feel safe and protected at all times when you're around him and before you ask me WHY, it's because of the protective aura that he gives off 
Daichi knows how to interact with you in public and he's the type of guy who always insists on holding your hand no matter where you go 
He gets paranoid as HELL every single freaking god damn minute of the day since he's really worried about your health and safety. Are you sleeping properly? Are you eating regularly? Are you taking good care of your health? And he's also the type of person who will freak the freak out if you're hanging out with someone else OTHER than him and though he knows what he's doing is wrong by following you wherever you go and stalking you here and there, he just doesn't care. It's all to keep you safe of course 
His mind will be revolving ONLY around you 24 FREAKING 7!!!
Daichi finds the things you do subconsciously really cute like when you bite your lip if you're thinking about something (Don't do that too often since if it starts bleeding, he's gonna but you the entire line of lip balms in a cosmetics store), when you pout when something happens and when you shift or pick your nails etc etc. He admires and respects your daring and outstanding personality and he'll go over the memory of how you handled yourself in a bad situation over and over again in his head 
Now, when it comes to rivals, he's not going to think twice to use his position and pin the blame for something HE did on someone else and it works 99 percent of the times and he does this since he doesn't want anyone else taking advantage of your wonderful personality. He just wants you t be dependent on him and not anyone else. And so, when people start avoiding you like the Corona, you'll of course be really sad and miserable but don't worry, your Prince Charming Daichi has arrived with tissues, a tub of your favorite snacks and made you some of his delicious home made cookies :)
He will kidnap you within less than a month if I say so myself and when he does, he'll know how confused and lost you're feeling and so, he'll be ready to hold and hug you when you scream and cry and sob. He's prepared for all your little tantrums and will make sure that you love him one day 
If you're trying to escape, he'll behave like he's punishing a little kid. Taking away their favorite items, gently scolding them and putting them in time out and unfortunately for you, that's the same way he's going to inflict punishments on you 
He will hug you after that and tell you how sorry he is and it was your fault since you weren't willing to cooperate with him 
He is awfully affectionate and really doting on you and so, the best thing you can do is just accept him for everyone's sake and if you don't, he's willing to pull you into a bone crushing hug. When it comes to keeping you safe from the outside world, believe it or not, he'll actually let you go out but you have to hold his hand no matter what or else, you'll be confined to the house for the rest of your life
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hikennosabo · 8 months
#tristampparty day 5, episode 5: child of blessing
day 5 of @tristampparty let's gooooo
our radio djs today are... show hayami!!! (aka original wolfwood) and masaya onosaka again! i'm OBSESSED with casting hayami as the religious radio dj, i love these cameos so much and clearly there was a lot of thought put into where the cameos would be. very very cool
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one thing i really think is interesting about trigun - every version of trigun - is the fact that god and religion (christianity) have such a presence but there is never confirmation one way or the other about the existence of god.
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who is Missionary Michael
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"newly"... we know they've been around for a while, though... and roberto's the guy with Information and Knowledge so i don't think he would make a mistake timeline-wise... EoM had an established presence in (or, more like an iron grip on) windmill village, so it's not like they were operating in complete secret until recently or anything like that. soooo, new relative to what?
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wind... typhoon... is this anything
wait no i'm cooking. rollo was born on a windless day -> vash met rollo when he was a baby, the photo is taken -> rollo, as we see in the flashback at the beginning of the episode, prays for wind, implying that there hasn't been any wind in a long time -> rollo runs away, meets vash again, vash makes a promise he can't keep -> rollo gets turned into monev the gale... GALE... WIND... -> vash returns, "reunites" with rollo -> monev gets killed -> the wind blows again
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this is when wolfwood notices that monev is a product of EoM... that's all he needs to know to decide what must be done.
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vash has no idea about EoM or the experiments or the village sacrificing children, BUT if he hadn't brought rollo back to the village... maybe none of this would have happened. or it could've ultimately played out the same. maybe rollo would have been found by someone else. or maybe he would have died out there in the desert. but still. another thing for vash to feel guilty about even though it wasn't really his fault.
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savior complex bouncing between him and knives like a ping pong ball
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i love the phrasing. he's not god. he's a man. as much as he positions himself as a god, he's still... very human. as loathe as he would be to admit that.
*looks at previous screenshot* i'm seeing a pattern here.
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as much as i don't like elendira ii, i think we should consider also giving little fangs to elendira i.
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SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS I DON'T LIKE. tristamp conrad is so unbelievably cruel, what the hell. don't get me wrong he's still not GOOD in the manga and he DOES bear responsibility for, y'know, resurrecting knives and all... and generally being too little too late in taking action against knives... but THIS conrad is just so. ugh. why did they do him like this...
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so the timeline would be...
20 years ago, the village was destroyed. assuming he was in the lab for 5 years (in other words, he was not let out and could have not wrecked the town during that time), would mean 25 years ago, rollo was taken and became monev. we don't know exactly how old he was at the time, let's say he was 10 for the sake of keeping it even. so ~35 years ago the photo with vash was taken, give or take.
we also don't know how many children were taken before rollo, or how often. but it was an established practice in the village which no one questioned. how long has this been going on exactly?
also just wanted to note that roberto notices the EoM banner in the house. i think that's a detail that gets forgotten because meryl finds the photo of vash right after... but remember that roberto is the one who tells us what EoM is (or rather, what their cover story is) in the first place...
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... i don't need to say anything.
actually no there is something i want to say. right after this, monev loses one of his gun... arm... gloves...? uncovering his hand underneath. and also his mask turns off. and we see his face. in other words, there's still a human under there.
wolfwood vial count: 1
wolfwood drinking a vial right before shooting monev... revealing/reinforcing his own "inhumanity" (to the audience? to himself?) right before mercy killing a fellow EoM victim...
i wonder what vash would have done had wolfwood not killed rollo. like. what was the plan. was there a plan? (probably not...) like, had rollo lived, he wouldn't have been able to live a normal life no matter how you look at it, right? wolfwood's mercy kill seems to have been not just the right call, but perhaps the only call...?
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vash asking him to wake up... foreshadowing perhaps. maybe foreshadowing livio not actually dying from a gunshot wound to the head, unlike monev. or maybe foreshadowing the words vash might say when... no. i shan't.
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speaking of livio... this is gonna come back next episode.
yeah, a lot of what wolfwood says about monev can be applied to himself and livio both. really makes you think.
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god i love that the village lights up after everything is over. it makes me think... i don't know what to make of this. like. the reason why the village kept sacrificing children to EoM was because they believed sacrifices would bring blessings. and we know the village was struggling due to a lack of wind. so was EoM preventing the wind from blowing somehow?? there's no way, right??? how would they even do that...? and why would they continue to prevent the wind from blowing in a place that got destroyed 20 years ago?? so this brings me back to the beginning of this post... does god actually exist in this universe?? did god make the wind blow??? and why now? i... i don't know!!! i don't know, man!!!
i do like the way orange adapted monev. or... adapted isn't the right word. they reimagined him from the ground up. they made him more intertwined with vash, used him as a vehicle to introduce EoM, tied him into wolfwood and vash's clash of ideals... and the episode itself is tight, self-contained. and very tragic.
we don't actually know that much about the original monev... he was imprisoned, he has a line about "the man i thought was my father"... i don't remember anything else. the main reason why the monev fight in 98/trimax is memorable is because it contains vash's diablo moment, and it's the first time we really see him seriously consider killing someone. but here, this version of monev... well, we get the opposite. vash wants to avoid killing monev - rollo - at all costs. makes me wonder if we'll get a diablo moment from vash in season 2...
there's probably more to say but i'm tired and my brain isn't working at full capacity lol i need to go to bed. see you tomorrow for episode 6!
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billthedrake · 2 years
Kevin bobbed up and down on his husband's cock. He'd been married to Paul Stanson for five years now and had dated him for five years before that. So Paul's dick was by now familiar. Every inch and curve and ridge on the seven incher, the slightly flared head, the way it spasmed as it neared orgasm.
It was getting there, now, he knew, also from the way Paul was sucking harder at Kevin's own smaller cock. Faster, more furious in his sucking pace, with more suction. It was going to get Kevin to the finish line, too.
It wasn't split-second timing, but Paul's seed spurted into Kevin's mouth. Kev loved the test of his man's cum... sweet with just a little salty flavor. That taste and the sensation of it gushing into his throat was often the trigger for his own orgasm and indeed he felt his cum hit his body with waves of pleasure. His husband sucked down his ejaculation as greedily.
They uncoupled and rearranged themselves to meet in a kiss. "Favorite way to start the weekend," Paul said. The man had long hours as a CFO for a small company and often had his sexual needs backed up if he and Kev didn't have enough time for regular sex during the week.
Kevin loved 69-ing, too, even if he sometimes wished they fucked more. Mutual oral was an act he never got the hang of till he met Paul. But his husband was a great cocksucker, having both technique and enthusiasm and their bodies were proportioned similarly enough in height to make it work.
"You came a lot," Kevin said, grinning.
"Should hold me for a couple of hours," Paul winked. He looked over at the clock. Almost 6pm. "What do you say we shower up and get some dinner?"
"Sounds good."
Life with Paul was great. Comfortable, even. Kevin Connors had been a personal trainer in his 20s and early 30s before getting into the marketing and then sales side of the business. Now 47, he worked in sales for a tech company specializing in apps for gyms and fitness companies.
The main challenge was their schedules, since Kevin traveled a lot for work, and Paul put in long hours. So weekends were their time for hanging out, and for sex.
And the sex was good. Great, even. Sure, familiarity sets in, but that had its positives as well as its drawbacks. Surprisingly, for as much as Paul was a type-A, even controlling guy in most aspects of their lives, even their relationship, in bed it was all mutual. He even liked it when Kevin topped, though Kevin would consider himself very much on the bottom side of the vers spectrum.
The one disagreement they had was about threesomes. They had done them a few times, and yeah they could be fun, but Kevin never liked the emotional aftermath or the awkwardness. For him, it just wasn't worth it. He had settled down and married a handsome, successful, and considerate man (faults notwithstanding) and wasn't looking to play the field.
Paul, though, LOVED threeways. He stopped pestering Kevin, but he did talk him into them a couple of times after their marriage. Kevin had started to get the sense that Paul enjoyed watching him with another man more than actually wanting to join in.
Kev brought that up with him and Paul admitted, sheepishly at first, that this was one of his big turn ons. "I don't know what it is, but it's crazy hot to watch you service some guy. If I can be honest, I'd love to watch some man fuck you some time."
"I don't know about that, babe," Kevin said, a little bothered by the suggestion. When they had played with a third, it was all oral, or both men topped the guy. Having the third fuck either of them seemed wrong. "I don't feel comfortable with that."
Paul smiled. "It's just a fantasy, and if you don't feel up that, that's cool."
Paul brought up the idea a couple of times, almost in jest, but didn't pursue it any more after he saw Kevin was not warming up the idea.
Kevin still wasn't crazy about it. But Paul's 50th birthday was coming up and Kev wanted to do something special for him. The man made a good salary and could afford most of the things he wanted to buy. And being the type-A control freak, he actually planned his own 50th party, with friends, some from out of town.
The idea had come to him and it seemed perfect. He knew Paul had a strong fantasy for a threeway, and a threeway where the man fucked Kevin. It would be a special treat, something only Kevin could give him. And he knew that it would be a one-time thing. A man turns 50 only once.
Kevin couldn't decide whether to tell Paul in advance and arrange for the threesome on his actual birthday or to wait till his birthday to tell him of his "present." He chose the latter, waiting until they were coming home from Paul's party, more than a little tipsy.
He knew Paul had some anxiety about turning 50, but he seemed to be in a good mood. "I'm the luckiest man in the city," he said as he slipped his arm around Kevin's and pulled him in for a quick kiss. "Ended up with the hottest guy."
Kevin ate up the flattery. He always did. He'd always had "it," the stuff that gay guys went for. Good looks, great body, and a Midwestern personality that meant he never was short of admirers. He kept his middle aged body in perfect shape, even if that took more effort than before. The result was that Kevin's presence lit up a room... 190-something pounds of lean muscle at 6-foot-even, light brown hair that was getting gray at the temples, green eyes, roman nose, and bright smile.
It's what drew Paul to him, and it always amused Kevin to think that the guy wooed him with the same headstrong determination the man had in every aspect of his life. His husband was always proud that he'd snagged a hot stud like Kevin and never hesitated to express his gratitude.
While Paul wasn't in the same league, physically, Kevin had fallen for him immediately. Tall, strikingly handsome looks, trim swimmer's build, the man's serious personality was also an appeal for him. He looked up to Paul's educational and professional achievements, which inspired him to pursue his own MBA degree and get more serious about his career. He loved the way Paul's rationality balanced out his own often impetuous nature.
And, not to mince words, Paul had a bigger cock. Longer, thicker, at 7 thick inches. Kevin loved sucking on it and loved the way it felt fucking him. Kevin didn't like to think of himself as shallow, but he preferred a guy with a big dick.
Now, Kevin was proposing that another man fuck him, for the first time since he and Paul got involved.
"You serious?" Paul asked, surprised and very excited by the idea.
"Yeah, babe. You deserve to live out your fantasy once," Kevin said, clarifying that this would be a one-time thing.
Paul embraced him, holding him tight and planting a kiss on the mouth. Not a normal husband's peck but a heated, sexual kiss. Paul was turned on, for sure, and Kevin could feel his rigid boner in his pants as he started thrusting and backing Kevin toward the bed.
"I take it you like your present?"
"Fuck, yeah," Paul growled and they kissed again.
They couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. Paul was horny and his desire fueled his husband's.
They made out on the bed, gripping each other's muscle. Paul's trimmer build was on top of Kevin and his legs were kicking his husband's apart as he reached over to the nightstand for the lube. Paul was going to top and Kevin was very OK with that idea. It had been too long.
He slicked up and took just a second entering. But Kevin was horny and relaxed both and pretty quickly his pucker gave way and he felt the hot, hard shaft burrow in.
"Fuck me, babe," Kevin growled.
"Oh yeah," Paul hissed, his hips bucking fast. The alcohol was going to delay his cum just a little but they were going for a sprint rather than a marathon. "Fucking hot stud."
Kevin spread his legs wider and took his fucking. "You thinking of it already aren't you?" he asked. "Some guy fucking me."
Paul nodded, not embarrassed but turned on beyond belief. "Oh yeah." Then all of a sudden he started cumming, with a loud cry. Then he collapsed on the buffer man, taking a second to catch his breath before raising himself on his arms once more. Paul now pumped Kevin, slowly now, but it felt good.
"I want you to come, Kevin," he growled. "Come with my cock inside you."
"Oh yeah," Kev nodded and started stroking. His orgasm took just a little longer to arrive but when it did it felt great, and Kevin shot white ropes of jism on his chest and abs.
They kissed and uncoupled.
"Thanks for an amazing birthday, Kevin," he said, smiling and relaxed, like a happy kid.
They went online to arrange it. Kevin had a long defunct profile from a hookup site, which he updated with new pictures. He made it very clear in the language: good looking, in shape, married guy, 48, looking for a fit, masc, good looking top to fuck me while my husband watches. Should be hung, be able to fuck for more than five minutes. Safe only, no strings.
As predicted he got a lot of replies. He and Paul scrolled through them, laughing at some of the cheesy things guys wrote and mentally putting some of the guys on the short list. They finally came across a simple, straightforward message. "Dude, you're hot as fuck, but you know that. I'm younger and can usually come a couple times in one go. I'd love to show you what your husband's not giving you."
"What about that one?" Paul asked. It was almost a statement - let's pick this one - more than a question. Paul was definitely excited by "Mike."
Kevin looked at the profile. Something about the cocky nature of the message was a turn off, but he had to admit that Mike was a seriously hot guy. 25 years old, 5'11", 180, muscular as fuck, 8 inch fat cock, buzz-cut brown hair and blue eyes. "He's hot," he admitted to his husband.
"This may be my present, but I want to make sure you're into him," Paul said, patting Kevin's knee.
Kevin was. Maybe that was the problem. This guy was almost too hot. He wanted to seem open to this experience but not too eager. And his heart did pump faster imagining this younger man doing him. And especially looking at the photo of Mike's hardon. It was hard to judge the real size from a picture, and guys always exaggerated their size on these apps anyway, but the prick looked beautiful. Big, hard, ready to fuck. "All right," he said.
And just like that, he was firing back a message. It didn't take long for them to set up details. Next Saturday night, at Paul and Kevin's condo.
Saturday came and Kevin was nervous. Not ready to back out but feeling like he'd be happy if Paul called this off. In fact, he kept observing his husband that afternoon and it was clear that Paul was excited. It was a warm early summer day and Paul was wearing a preppy pair of khaki shorts and a blue-striped Oxford button down. He was handsome and Kevin couldn't help but remark how attractive his man was. Tall, distinguished looking with more salt-and-pepper hair than Kevin, who had just several flecks of gray coming in along the temples.
Kevin for his part went casual. Just a pair of gym shorts, commando, and a faded T-shirt of his Big 10 alma mater. He figured it would show off his gym-conditioned body. There always was the possibility with an online hookup not panning out. First Kevin had been nervous Mike wouldn't live up to his profile. In his single days he'd seen the flakes and the dudes with misleading and outdated pictures. Then, he worried he wouldn't live up to Mike's expectations. That message was right: Kevin knew he was hot. But he also was no longer in his 20s.
Before he could contemplate longer, the doorbell rang. Paul bounded up to answer it, and Kevin could hear their conversation down the hall.
"That's me. You must be the birthday boy."
"Yes," Paul laughed. "Paul. Come on in."
Kevin watched as a medium-tall man entered, living up to his picture but somehow even better. He was dressed in jeans and a tight gray T-shirt that accentuated his build. He had just a hint of padding on his body, the kind of thickness 20-something guys often have when they focus on putting on muscle and don't want to avoid the occasional beer. But Mike was in shape and big, almost football player beefy. The man's smile broke out when he entered and saw Kevin. He was clearly pleased with what he saw.
"Mike," he said offering his hand to shake. Firm grip, steady eye contact. His eyes were almost sea blue in person, and his hair looked lighter than his picture, not quite blond but definitely light brown.
Kevin stood up, the nervousness fading rapidly, as he shook the hand. He was very much into Mike, the guy was definitely masculine with a laid-back deep voice, but there was something cute about his face, surprisingly, a bit of that boy next door appearance and a playfulness, too.
"I'm starting to think it's my birthday," Mike grinned and winked.
Paul seemed very pleased this was going to work out. He could tell Mike's interest immediately and read a similar lust in Kevin's face. "Can I get you a beer? Wine?"
Mike could barely take his eyes off Kevin. "How about we get down to business, if you guys don't mind? It's been a couple of days since I've gotten a load off and I'm horny as fuck."
Kevin laughed. There was something brash but adorable about this guy's approach. Like he was living up to the cocky messages he'd sent but not in a cheesy or overbearing way. More like he was just a horny young guy who craved sex.
"Oh yeah, we can do that," Paul answered for them. "Let's go to the bedroom."
When they got there the men were just a little awkward of how to start. Thankfully Mike took initiative. He turned to Paul: "It's your birthday, Paul, tell us what you want to see."
Kevin was glad Mike was looping Paul into this. Deferring to his husband in fact. With a wry grin, Paul sat down on an armchair we had off to the side in our bedroom and nodded toward me. "I want to watch Kevin suck your cock for starters."
Mike turned, an impish look on his face. "It was like he read my mind, dude." He started undoing his belt and unbuttoning his jeans. Kevin didn't waste time kneeing in front of him, and he had a close view of Mike's cock appearing. Not fully erect but very full looking. Mike was going commando and Kev sighed excitedly as he hauled out his meat.
"Fuck!" Kevin growled when he saw the length. He had assumed the guy was bullshitting about his size but there it was. At least eight perfect inches, real fat ones, too, maybe even a shade bigger than advertised. He leaned forward and took the head into my mouth.
"Oh God!" Kevin could hear Paul's excited gasp as he started sucking on the younger man's dick, feeling it firm up in my mouth. He never considered myself an expert cocksucker - Paul was more talented in that department, actually - but he did his best. Opening his mouth and relaxing the jaw and throat. Slowly working more and more into his craw. Kevin was almost deep throating him when Mike finally placed his hand on the top of my head to ease him off.
"Enough of the warm up, bud," Mike said. "Don't want to cum just yet." He reached down and hoisted Kev up and just like that initiated a kiss. The couple hadn't talked about kissing, but Paul wasn't making any objection now and Kevin was definitely keyed up for it. He kissed Mike back, feeling the strong hands slip down his shorts and massage his exposed ass cheeks. Mike's hands were strong, all right, gripping Kevin's gym-toned ass muscle.
"Fucking perfect ass," Mike mumbled and leaned back to remove his shirt while Kevin followed suit. He stripped off his jeans and now their naked bodies connected. His muscle felt warm to the touch and Kevin could tell he was getting off on the better definition.
Mike walked the two back toward the bed and they collapsed in embraced. The man may have been young, but was a skilled lover, covering Kevin's body with his own and humping against him. He kissed up the older man's neck, muttering into his ear. "You like your husband watching?"
Kevin hissed. This was Paul's part of the scene, the voyeur aspect. Kevin just enjoyed the sexual contact.
Maybe Mike mistook his silence. "Don't worry, man," he whispered. "I'm going to give you a fuck you'll remember."
"What are you guys whispering about?" Paul said, a tone half amused, half annoyed.
Mike craned his head back and looked at the 50 year old. "I was telling him I'm going to give him a fuck he'll remember."
With a grin he scooted down and lifted Kevin's legs up. Kevin aided the process by pulling his legs back the rest of the way. He trembled as Mike's breath fluttered against his crack and then moaned as the man planted his face right there.
"Oh fuck," Paul gasped and as Kevin looked over he could see Paul undoing his shorts and pulling out his rigid prick. As rigid as he ever remembered seeing his husband. He was glad Paul was enjoying the show. He was even happier feeling Mike's tongue circle around his hole. Paul wasn't a big fan of rimming, either giving or receiving. In contrast, this young stud was downright enthusiastic, munching Kevin's hole for a good five or ten minutes before pulling back.
"Hot fucking hole," he growled, giving another swipe or two of the tongue.
"Fuck me," Kevin urged. As he said it he realized it was the first time he'd actively initiated the process. Not waiting for Paul's request. He wanted Mike to fuck him. Bad.
Mike leaned up, grinning big. "Gladly, stud." He turned over toward Paul, showing off his large erection. "You ready to see me stuff this in your husband?"
Paul was so horny he could barely speak. "God yeah." He didn't touch his cock which was reddened and throbbing and dripping precum down its length. He couldn't remember ever being so turned on. "Just wear a rubber," he reminded.
Mike nodded his agreement as got off the bed and picked up the condom and lube. He walked over to where Paul was sitting. "Maybe you should put it on."
Kevin lay back, his legs still spread but now resting on the mattress. He hadn't expected this turn of events, for Paul to be brought in physically. He wouldn't have minded getting this young stud prepped and ready, but it was insanely hot to watch Paul take the Magnum and tear open the foil packet with his teeth, then gripping Mike's rigid prick in his hand to roll the rubber down.
"You like feeling this cock, man?" Mike asked, his hands on his hips as he looked down. "It's going right up your husband's asshole. Is that what you want?"
"Oh yeah. Please," Paul's voice was soft but definitely excited.
"More lube," Mike instructed. "Your husband's got a horny hole, but he's not used to cocks this big."
That made Paul audibly grown. Kevin wasn't sure where this was coming from. It must go beyond the voyeurism, he guessed. Paul seemed to get off being put in his place by a more muscular, better hung man.
Finally Mike stepped back and then crawled back onto the bed, his hardon throbbing and waving with each step. Kevin was nervous he'd get right to fucking and was growing apprehensive given the girth of that dick. The length he could take just fine, he knew, but Mike's cock was fat, almost cylindrically shaped.
But Mike just squirted some lubricant on his fingers and started working it into Kevin's hole.
"Lean back, buddy," he urged. "Relax." Then as his fingers pushed in and out, first two, then three, he hissed, "feels good."
Kevin was getting into that horny space again. That I gotta-get-fucked urge. He pulled back his legs to his chest, hiking his toned ass up. Mike got the message, withdrew his fingers and scooted forward.
The penetration was slow and steady. Kevin's hole would tighten then relax again, and more of that gloriously fat cock would slip inside. He forgot about Paul entirely, in fact, as this hunk was hovering over him, looking down with an intense, lusty smile. His fucker was about 20 years younger than him and was definitely into Kevin. Hungry, almost possessive in his fuck. Mike was enjoying this, and that somehow thrilled Kevin even more.
Pretty soon his pubes pressed against Kev's hole. "All the way in ya, man," he boasted. "How's that feel?"
"Incredible," Kevin grunted.
Mike pulled back just an inch and pressed in. Then again. Priming the pump. When he was sure Kevin was ready, he started fucking.
Kevin's mind was feeling overwhelmed with the sensation. He felt full, amazingly full. Possessed, stimulated inside and out. His dick was rigid and leaking on his hairy taut abs.
Mike built up a steady pace, working both men up. Not rushed, but gradually faster and harder. "Yeah you love this," Mike growled, putting more power into his hips. Rhythmic hard thrusts, that somehow Kevin was able not only to take but to crave. "Love being fucked by a real man."
At those words, Paul came, shooting his seed all over his hand and stomach. Mike looked over and saw the man go through the aftershocks. "Your husband just nutted," he grinned as he looked down on Kevin's horny state, muscles tensed, dick hard. "You about ready to come, too, bud?"
"Fuck, yeah," Kevin urged. As much as he wanted this to last, it was all so intense. He gripped his bone and started stroking.
That seemed to urge Mike to fuck faster, that fat rod hitting Kevin's internal gland more insistently. "Do it, man. Come on my cock."
Kevin did. His body shook and he gave it up. Heavy hard spurts of cum sprayed all over himself, some spurting against Mike's smoother torso in the process.
Mike's look of satisfaction was giving way to his O face. Kevin's spasming hole was gonna make him come. "FUCK!!!" he cried as he held his hips steady and filled his condom. Leaning forward he met Kevin in one last deep kiss, as his body tensed in the waves of pleasure.
That rubber was bulbed at the tip with jizz when he pulled out at last. He stepped off and Paul could see that magnificent, powerful cock.
"Mind if I rinse off?" Mike asked.
Paul had come a second time and was wiping his hands off with kleenex. "Yeah, sure, the bathroom's there," he said, pointing to the master bath.
"Thanks. And I may take you up on that beer if you don't mind me sticking around just a bit."
"Least we can do after that performance," Paul observed. As Mike stepped into the bathroom, Paul got up and crossed over to where Kevin lay, relaxed and satisfied. "You doing OK, babe?" he asked.
Kevin looked up with a dreamy expression. "More than OK. That was awesome. Was it everything you wanted?" He felt guilty now he'd enjoyed it so much but Paul seemed to have enjoyed it too.
"Oh yeah," he nodded and met Kevin in a soft kiss. "You can clean up and join us."
Ten minutes later, the men sat, dressed once more, in the living room sipping their beer and making small talk.
Finally Mike addressed the elephant in the room. "You guys done this before?"
"No," Kevin said. "Not exactly."
"We've had a few threesomes," Paul clarified. "But never a scene like this. With me watching. What about you?"
Mike nodded. "Yeah, a couple times. I had a running thing with a couple... you know, one of the guys had a big-time cuck fantasy." He took a sip of beer and looked squarely at Kevin. "The bottom wasn't as hot as you, though. Not by a mile."
"Thanks," Kevin replied.
"I'll just say you surpassed our expectations when we decided to do this," Paul said, his arm affectionately around Kevin's shoulder. "Guess we didn't expect a younger guy."
Mike got a sexy grin. "Oh, I have a real thing for older guys. Especially DILFs. It's one reason I come into the city to hookup with guys." His expression turned more serious. "Besides, I'm not out on my job, so it's just easier this way."
"What do you do?" Kevin asked.
"State trooper," he replied, clearly anticipating the surprised reaction from Paul and Kevin. He'd seen it before. He didn't usually tell guys his profession, but he felt comfortable with these men.
"No shit?" Paul exclaimed.
"You definitely look every bit the part," Kevin observed.
"I wish I was in your kind of shape," Mike answered truthfully. Kevin was his type to a T.
"Kev was a personal trainer," Paul volunteered proudly. "Hard keeping up with a dude this hot, I'll tell ya."
"You're a good looking dude, too, Paul," Mike admitted. "Thanks for setting this little play date up. Made my week. I think I was a little backed up."
"Looked like it from what I saw trapped in the condom." Paul observed.
Mike laughed. "Yeah." He reached down and gripped his crotch. "I could go again, too."
Paul looked shocked. He'd assumed the sex part of the evening was over.
"You're not fucking me again," Kevin said, his eyes locking on Mike's. "But I'll suck you off."
He was too nervous to look at Paul for confirmation on this. But his husband was the one who'd hounded him to play this scene, and Kevin knew he wanted another chance with Mike's amazing cock, since this was a one-time threesome. He stood up and crossed over, getting on his knees between the state cop's spread legs.
"Fuckin' A." Mike hissed, undoing his jeans once more.
Paul didn't think he had any more boner left after two cums not even twenty minutes ago. But here he was growing hard as he watched Kevin give Mike the Cop head.
Kevin felt a little more comfortable Mike's big dick this time, slowly working more of the thick shaft into his throat with an up and down bob. Sucking on that dick in the process and rubbing the cop's heavy nut sac with his right hand. He wanted to give the young stud pleasure.
Mike for his part seemed engrossed in the blowjob, looking down on Kevin's bobbing head, guiding him a little, until he looked up and over at Paul. "He's really good at this. Man your husband is so friggin hot." He leaned back and let the pleasure climb until he was having his second orgasm, firing a healthy load into Kevin's sucking throat.
Now it was Kevin with a look of proud satisfaction as he stood up, gripping his boner to calm it, and returned to sit next to Paul as Mike tucked in and buttoned back up.
"Fuck," the cop growled. "I won't say that was better than your ass, but... wow."
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scaly-freaks · 2 months
What do you think Amara and Aegon are like as parents? All I know is The one that looks like Amara the most is going to be daddy’s favourite. But in a modern world, Would they be the type to always fight in front of them? Will they bring them to the world just to ignore them and throw them to the nannies? Will they be Alicent and Vizzy T no.2? I read YSMMC and whenever children were brought up Amara was convinced they’re going to suck at parenting. Got me scared for them kids fr. I also love how in every au Jaehaera is always their daughter!
Since they already are parents in the medieval AU, I'll go with Black Hole for this one.
I think they'd be extremely overprotective considering what happened to them as children. The fact that they themselves often regress to a more childish emotional state also might not always help and they may accidentally end up parentifying those children. They say you can get emotionally stuck at the time of your trauma, and theirs was so horrific that I think when they are in a bad place, the regression is severe. For Amara, that's six years old and so scared her brain blanks out. And for Aegon he was eleven when it happened for the last time and started when he was eight.
I don't think they'd trust them with the nannies, not without insane levels of vetting. They'd definitely make a massive effort to be very involved, even if that's in careless ways (on Aegon's part). He'd absolutely gobble down vodka whilst rocking Jaehaera on his knee and watching insanely violent films. Amara would be so happy with a little girl and the chance to share with her everything she knows and loves. She hasn't had much family for a long time, and now she'd have this part of her that she is in a position to protect, the way her parents couldn't protect her (it wasn't their fault, as they trusted the wrong person, but she has a paranoia about being asleep whilst something bad happens to Jae).
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