youngforevr · 4 years
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she smiled brightly at her --boss? she supposed even if she was no longer at the restaurant -- “great news! the iced teas and coffees at the cafe are selling out! i’ve been told by one of my regulars, it’s a mixture of the heat and the flavor!”
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triceturned · 5 years
Account details
To think he’d see her again in a place like this. Among the cracked, dirty facades and narrow alleyways. The closed shops and old neon signs. It was almost laughably improbable. Really what were the odds?. Among all the grime, she was certainly a welcome sight, even if they had parted on .. let’s say strange terms. But he knew one thing. That this was more his world than hers.And if she was here, she had a good reason. Because neither of them did anything without a good reason.
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“ Freya Rosen. What are you doing here? “
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plutoridden · 5 years
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DIMITRI came colliding down on the table, no doubt interrupting his cousins reading with the loud thud of arrival. it didn’t especially bother him, as the ravenclaw boy had meant to interrupt her anyway, “did you hear? Marcus apparently has a friend. a girl in his house, elena. she seems... nice, but she's a halfblood. do you think he’s blackmailing her for something? It's not like him at all, to not be a twit about blood purity.” 
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extrcvagance-blog · 5 years
“ i understand you. ”
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         ❛ Really? That’s a relief, ‘cause half the time I can’t understand me. I talk too much, my point gets lost and suddenly I don’t even know what I was trying to say. ❜ 
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heirbaltasar · 6 years
@ofmsfortune​ / starter call
His father and their family were prolific in Paris and France as a whole, but Rufus Lohr - and subsequently, their sons - knew they were not the only inhuman family to inhabit the area. All largely known to one another, and occupying large areas of the city they inhabited, it was no surprise that they would have frequent run-ins with one another.
      “ You might already be aware, but...there’s a lot of hunters out tonight, a few people that have been on my radar for a while. ” Certain she was already aware of his presence, he spoke up without greeting from the old city wall upon which he sat. His own ability to detect his own race may proceed hers, but he didn’t know of her personal situation...perhaps their family had also produced half-bloods like him, capable of forewarning them of those with bad intentions.  “ I would be cautious. The may wish to do your kind some harm. ”
Unlike most of the creatures that inhabited this world, being a Dhampir rendered him almost entirely fearless when faced with Vampires; it was his own kind that perplexed him, as they often took to the Parisian streets to scorn the race from which they were born. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t understand their anger. It was just not a path he could follow himself, nor would he allow anyone he didn’t despise to get caught up in it.
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heirranier · 6 years
         He detests this kind of weather - grey, dreary; heavens opening the flood gates upon his city in the dim mid-evening. Wet clothes were weighty and troublesome for a creature of vampiric descent, hindering aerodynamics and taking the stylish edge so mercilessly from his designer cloak - after all, what was worse than looking sub-par?
Umbrellas were also cumbersome but sadly, in this instance, entirely essential if he wanted to look presentable in the city he so often chose to lord over. Beneath it, he sheltered from the elements and the prying gazes of straggling commuters making their way home ... though, he soon realised, there was some people from which he could not hide, for they could likely sense his approach to a greater ability than he could sense theirs.
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           “ Miss Rosen ... ”  Freya’s family and his own were no strangers and, thankfully, had had no quarrels great enough to speak of, so Ranier thought it best to maintain that civility.  “ Our encounters have been so infrequent for two people who have lived in Paris for so long  -- I wonder, do you find that as strange as I do? ”
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a-crocusblooms · 6 years
@ofmsfortune liked  this post
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      Green eyes wide as she looks upon the blooms of a nearby flower stand, the young woman is clearly entranced by the vast array of colourful bouquets. “ ...My goodness, aren't they beautiful..? ”
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t-tribulation · 7 years
ofmsfortune liked for a starter!
Of all the days he could have picked to spend at home...apparently, they were hosting some kind of get-together for the close associates of his father's business. And, of course, their families. Lots of people that he most definitely wasn't in the mood for.
He could leave the house entirely, but he knew he'd suffer the consequences with the grand punishment of his mother's wrath. So, he did the next best thing and took shelter in the library, silently praying that no one else would think to come here to escape the hustle and bustle of the stuck-up gatherings they were obligated to attend.
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Alas, he had no such luck. He never did. A silhouette of a girl appeared in the doorway, and Joshua couldn't hold back his passive display of irritation: a heavy sigh.  "Lost..?"
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p-polluted-blog · 7 years
@ofmsfortune - ACCEPTING.
Business arrangements between their parents were frequent; they were becoming even more so now that their equally awful mothers had gotten closer with one another. And as always, Bonnie had insisted on dragging him along with them, in spite of the fact that most of the goings-on between them were strictly confidential.
James found this particularly vexing - he was an adult now, and had officially acquired his own share in his father's newspaper, all responsibility included. In his opinion, his involvement here had become his mandatory right.
Unfortunately for him, such was not the case, and he had been left in some form of sitting room to entertain himself for what might be hours to come. Briefly, he checked his phone, before lighting a cigarette. Maybe the smoke would set off the fire alarms and bring this dull evening to an end.
It wasn't until he'd drawn in a lungful of polluted air that he noticed the familiar girl - a daughter of the hosting family - entering the room in which he sat. She looked a little more...worse for wear than usual. He exhaled slow, before breaking the silence between them.
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   "...remind me of your name?"
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ghezenblesseda · 7 years
@ofmsfortune // liked. ♥
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“uhm, please just call me wylan. i’m not mister van eck. mister van eck is my father.”
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a-infusedwithamber · 7 years
@ofmsfortune // starter call.
Needless to say, he hadn't been expecting anyone to appear in the foyer of his father's offices at a time like this. No one had scheduled an appointment with the man at the top, nor any of his colleagues - that was something Jasper checked obsessively. He liked to know what to expect from the day ahead, after all - at least as much as one could foresee in this industry, anyway.
Thankfully, this young woman wasn't entirely unfamiliar; she was likely the daughter of one of his father's associates, and her name wasn't too far from his tongue, either. It only took a few seconds, and a quick once-over of the familiar face stood before him, for it to emerge from him.
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         “ Miss Rosen, ”  Freya, in fact.  Jasper kept his tone even, the attention of his fingers shifting to straighten out his tie and suit jacket.  “ Is there anything I might be able to assist you with? ”
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triceturned · 5 years
“ there is loneliness in being with the wrong person. ”
Maybe this was a jab at him and their short time together. But why would he care when it had been a dated thing from the start and all the had wanted was some fun outside of work. He might have never asked what it was she wanted, but he’d always taken that one thing for granted. Not wrongfully so, he still thought. Then again, if she hadn’t wanted some nebulous thing, she would not have left just like that. But there was no way of knowing that for certain. Perhaps she had found it, perhaps not.  
If he thought back, he’d have to say that he’d always experienced loneliness as a universal thing in the first years of his immortality. Those days were behind him by now. He did not know what special sort of mess her other relationships had been but he’d never felt lonely with Laelia, despite the fact it was an arranged marriage. But that too belonged to a life long gone. He wasn’t a good enough judge in terms of relationships to argue with her on this and neither could he understand her meaning. Nor did he care to. 
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   “And if there was you’d know?“  
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yulanjie · 7 years
ofmsfortune replied to your post: ofmsfortune replied to your post: ...
………………………………..you should make it happen in an ic thing
he will say bollocks he will say bloody but never the two combined
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heirbaltasar · 6 years
CHILDHOOD MEMORIES   ( accepting! )
There were many advantages to being an observer; to always see and to always know. But every blessing had its shortcomings, and to always see and to always know often brought with it a heightened awareness that bore sharp teeth. 
From his window the young boy would watch the families of Paris at work and play, the gentle interactions between mother and child; the friendship like no other that young humans usually developed with their grandparents and more distant relatives. On evenings like these he was often left perplexed and deflated over how little he could relate to mortal children's carefree experience of life.
He had never known his mother, who had passed the same day he had been born; female presence in his life had rarely been permanent and it was rarer still for them to contain any ounce of maternal affection. His father, though not unpleasant, had never indulged such severity of soft nature and the one woman who was kind to Baltasar lived in an entirely different country.
Another rift between himself and mortals his age was their relationships with their ancestors, people who always had the backs of the children even when their parents were critical or disciplinary. Bal had never had such a presence in his life, and ‘ally’ was the last word he would use to describe any of the Lohr family senior. Even in his short, juvenile existence he had managed to be a black mark against their name; a burden and a disappointment before he had even had the chance to prove his worth.
Baltasar loved to see, to know, but as he watched from behind stained Parisian windowpanes, he was reminded that the knowing was so unkind when it reminded him of his shortcomings.
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a-crocusblooms · 7 years
LYRIC MEME - accepting!
It was nice to have some familiar female company among the boy-heavy, Fiore-Rosen gathering. It wasn't that she found her brother, or Freya's brothers, bothersome or troubling. It was simply pleasant to be in the presence of another woman...at least, one that was not Audierna.
Even Hisui had never quite been able to take to the Rosen matriarch.
Soft green eyes cast out towards the ocean view, so different from her London home, and yet she felt content here.
     “ You must be used to it by now, but...Isn't it beautiful? ”
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beiracrowned-blog · 7 years
EMERY wasn’t doing anything wrong. 
IANTHE’S royal family couldn’t punish her for exchanging letters with her siblings. There was nothing treasonous ( at least, not to this kingdoms royalty ) in any of the letters. In fact, Emery would have had them go through the normal mailing channels if she had to. 
HER only reason for the discretion was because the letters were personal. She hardly trusted the royal family not to read the letters themselves, to ensure that there was no devious plotting & that was very much something Emery would like to avoid if possible. 
AS such, she’d arranged for a poor boy she’d met while on one of her rare visits to the public, to meet her at the gates every fortnight to give her anything her siblings had sent && to send back her responses. She paid him well &&& he’d been nothing but loyal so far.  
SOMETHING that might soon be tested, she thought bitterly, as she regarded Freya Rosen. Unexpectedly, the blonde had caught Emery in mid-exchange. Recovering quickly from the surprise, she continued the transaction as if nothing were amiss. If she acted upset or alarmed, it’d only raise Freya’s suspicions. She wasn’t doing anything wrong & she wasn’t about to act like she was.
TUCKING the letters she’d received into the belt on her dress, Emery dismissed her messenger boy as usual. A small bit of her hoping that in the dark, Freya hadn’t gotten a very good look at him. Part of her was tempted, if only to avoid the effort of conversing, to simply walk off without acknowledging the Rosen girl. Instead, as the potential consequences of a slight like that could be even more troublesome, the foreign princess chose a passive observation. 
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“ I can’t recall ever seeing you out so late . “ 
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