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emotionlcss · 8 months
﹝ closed starter ⇾ @highinfidelty ﹞
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❝ one more, then i'll let you stop for the night. ❞ sutton spoke as she was turning around with a bowl in her hand. tonight she was testing different whipped cream flavors, and she was happy to have her own personal taste tester. scooping just a bit onto her finger she held it out to his lips, an expectant smile playing on her lips. ❝ tell me the truth, if it's bad then i need to know. ❞ the blond added, hoping that he'd tell her the truth without her having to say it.
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silkchvffon · 2 months
closed for @invcntions it's show time baby !!
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THE DOOR SQUEAKS LOUDER THAN EVIE REMEMBERED when she enters the house, one trembling hand pressed around the knife jutting from her abdomen still. she doesn't think it's particularly deep, but it hurts like she might as well have been sawed in half. it's almost blinding and she stumbles through the hallway the best she can, convinced she can make it into the bathroom to patch herself up the way she always does. she's lost count of the scars she keeps hidden from her brother, the bloodied garments she discards of when everyone else is too distracted by the violence they love to cause. she's making noise, evelyn's aware of that even when the only thing she can hear is the blood roar in her ears. it doesn't worry her until she stumbles and crashes to the ground, bringing a coat rack with her and only just twisting her body to not land directly on her wound. « fuuuck, » evie groans loudly, kicking at the familiar pair of shoes that tripped her, teeth sinking into her bottom lip to keep from crying out. « vance, i'll fucking kill you, » she adds in a hiss.
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ryeonah · 1 year
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Here's a temporary promo! Please give this a ♡ or a  ↻ ( PREFERABLY ) if you would be interested in interacting with a canon, independent, crossover-friendly, and highly selective blog for Koo Ryeon of MBC's Tomorrow and the Webtoon by Llama of the same name! Raised from Hell by Morgen. Temporarily iconless. Blog is 21+ minors DNI!
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mcltiples · 2 months
S.C || @captainbuzzkill88
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There wasn't much choice in the matter. Rick got kicked out of the place that he once lived at and he couldn't really spend the night on the streets. This Hotel had a reputation for taking in strays. Right now, he currently was one of them.
So, he rang the doorbell and once that door opened, he blinked. "I-Is there room for another guest? I-I'd like to stay here for a little while, i-if that's alright."
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vindicain · 2 years
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the unfamiliar city has grown dark but not entirely silent, glowing lights dotted in creeping black and people still bustling about just beyond the buildings to their left. it's not as comforting as it should be; he's used to everything slowing to a crawl when the stars become visible. it should be quiet, and he should be alone, well on his way to the next person on the list he keeps stored in his own head.
he's not. somebody jostles him, and cain's jaw flexes around grit teeth. they duck into an open doorway overshadowed by an arch - and realize far too late that someone is just coming out, keys jingling in their hand. at least they avoid stumbling over him.
“ you know of anywhere a guy could go to get some quiet? ” he glances down and to the side, back towards the street. “ it's busier than i figured for this time of night. ”
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mingunissi · 2 years
They say that marriage can be considered to be a successful one, not because of how long two people stayed married but instead of how many challenges and obstacles that they faced and overcame together.
'It must be true then' he thought with a smile. After everything and EVERYTHING, he was confident that he and Hyejin remained.
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His steps were light as he rounded their bedroom, brown eyes centered onto her turned back, her hair styled the way she liked it the most. He watched as her fingers hands over the canvas a splatter of paint colored here and there. He couldn't figure out what her muse was for that day, he wasn't that artistically inclined either. But still, he knew whatever it was Hyejin was creating---it would be a masterpiece.n
"I knew I'd find you here." He smiled.
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sansloii · 1 year
@hhemeraa | moved to the beta editor from here
Bears, he says, and doesn't bother elaborating on whether or not it's a joke. Instinctively, Mikah has half a mind to view it as such given the elf's tone. However--rather than take it lightly and eventually regret that choice, the thief elects to not do that and treads carefully when they leave the elf's side. They aren't overly cautious… but they do stop here and there when they think they hear something far off in the surrounding woods ( rustling leaves and what they thought was a snapped twig ) just to be safe.
When they return, they're met with an already burning fire, a pot already bubbling with stew, and two small cups with spoons set up on the ground. Dark brows rise and fall in the time it takes them to place what they'd gathered off to the side for later…if that was even necessary.
“…Looks like you've got everything under control.” they say softly, eyes eventually drifting over to the still covered elf — flexing and rubbing their hands
The rouge gives Myles a grateful nod paired with a low “Thank you.” as they accept the small cup and spoon. Like their companion, they take a seat next to the fire with their food. However, they lacked the luxury of having a cloak draped about their frame… and now that the sun was setting, it was getting much cooler. As versatile as their current clothing was, it didn't offer much in the way of keeping them warm without some help.
They greatly underestimated what they needed out here….
“…No — not anytime recently, at least.” they say with a low exhale, stirring their stew around with their spoon “I've never had any reason to so… I stayed in the city were I was comfortable.”
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“Any time I have left the city, I typically didn't have to travel very far and thus didn't really have to deal with…“ They pause to vaguely gesture around them with one hand. “….this.”
Only when their hand returns to the cup they held do they start eating, taking one or two spoonfuls of soup, chewing, swallowing, and only continuing after that.
“…I don't have much in my pack aside from a few things so If you hand any to spare for the night, I'd appreciate it.”
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jfouler · 2 years
from here ! @hungryyheart
with an annoyed grimace - one that was steadily getting more irritated from the chaos the moment they entered - jamie stumbles back at the fresh splatter of blood on the floor, and thinks, well, at least it's on the kitchen tile and not the carpet. 
"okay, damn! are you sure you're fine? i gotta say, you're acting pretty relaxed for a guy with a gaping wound who's gonna get his guts everywhere in my house." he rummages through the cabinets. "and if you're gonna die on my floor, that's even worse. lucky my mom's not home, 'cause if i had to explain this…" 
he plops a box of various first aid supplies onto the counter with a thunk and takes out a roll of bandages and gauze and wound antiseptic, holding them all awkwardly in his hands. his expression shifts to a helpless gaze when he gets closer to that whole situation - the size of it, the blood seeping through... he's feeling a tad squeamish.
"my pops taught me first aid a long time ago. but, uh, i dunno if that's gonna cut it. are you, like, actually good? i don't know how it all works with... you. there is a hospital five minutes from here, so..."
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hlysins · 1 year
Like this for something from Yor!
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blueberryserpent · 2 years
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「  ✖ ✖  ━ 。
       It would be lying if he said it didn’t hurt. As much as he loved and supported both Marinette and Adrien he was sad to see Marinette leave his side after also pouring his heart out to her. The serenades, the affection, the time he had set aside for her ... The moment they gazed up at the stars in a way he knew that this gaze was not meant for him. It was all for Adrien.
       Now that they were dating he wouldn’t say he’s sad -- he’s definitely happy -- but a small sense of loneliness does wash over him from time to time. When ever they were together her eyes were always on Adrien instead towards him ... It was always just so bitter sweet. The blue haired musician strummed his guitar, a slight bittersweet tune coming through the instrument.
                  I’m sorry, Luka ...
      Marinette’s words echoing in his head as he tries to shake his head of the image.
           ❝ It’s not her fault. It’s not Adrien’s either ... Still ... This heartbreak is bittersweet. ❞
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fastfists · 1 year
✖ <3
✧ send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character ✧
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Thank you QwQ I am glad you enjoy my portrayal...it means a lot to me that you have enjoyed my Punchie Boi >//w//&lt;
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emotionlcss · 8 months
﹝ closed starter ⇾ @spillurgvts ﹞
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if he was being honest with himself, chase still wasn't sure what he'd needed to be getting from the store, or why he had to be here in the first place. it had all been his fathers idea, some type of pr stunt, or even just something to help him get ahead with the other big guys in town. regardless, the last thing that chase had wanted to be doing was helping out at some church - he couldn't even remember the last time he'd been in a church, hell, he'd probably burst into flames the second he stepped inside. but still, he found himself walking into the supermarket, pulling out his phone, and dialing a number. once the other had picked up he began speaking. ❝ what the hell am i supposed to be looking for again? ❞ 
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silkchvffon · 3 months
closed for @invcntions surprise shawty !
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SHIT. THAT'S WHAT THIS IS AND HOW SHE FEELS. and the vacation had been going so well too — dj had fallen into the pace of jaiden's family so fast, baking gingerbread cookies side by side with his mother, laughing at the numerous baby pictures of jai, being presented a matching christmas sweater. she had felt at home, which she doesn't much at all anymore. and then she'd fucked it all up. she's pacing outside of his bedroom door, unsure of where to even begin her sorry excuse of an explanation. truth is she'd kissed him because she wanted to. because it felt right — nothing's ever felt so right, and yet now her stomach hurts like she's swallowed rocks. she feels so stupid in her short light blue lace nightgown, even if he's seen her in it more times than she cares to count. everything feels weighted now. purposeful. bigger. she knocks rapidly before she loses whatever little bravery she's mustered, and when he opens dj can barely meet his eyes. « hi, sorry, i uh — can we — can we talk ? »
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ryeonah · 1 year
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          ❛ What question can I ask of the thing I am? All I have done and failed to do. The furrows I tear with my grief-mouth, a map of myself carved by my own horns. ❜  
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billieag · 2 years
tag dump.
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vindicain · 2 years
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“ that's quite the assumption to make. ”
it's the first time in recent history cain's heart has beat this fast - outside of more physically demanding situations, anyway. they're nudged up against the door frame, arms crossed over their chest. it's not quite achieving the picture of nonchalance that they're aiming for, but they're trying. their pulse thuds in their temples, the deep line between their eyebrows belying the steadiness of their small, bemused smile.
he thinks of the knife he'd been sharpening in the front room, wonders if he could get to it in time. probably not. his gaze drops rapidly, comes back up. no gun.
it doesn't settle his nerves one bit.
“ i hope you have something a little better than you seem familiar to follow up with. ”
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