#{ ic ; ✖ V-79 Rick }
mcltiples · 1 month
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[[ And the other pair xD ...technically I should have written homo/demisexual for my Weird Rick's sexuality, but someone is still in the closest -eyeroll- ]]
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There was one thing that looked off about the questionnaire. "Master, I-I know you look young, but I-I wasn't aware you went around telling people that you were," Which turned the tables on himself, he was used to dating older men back in his youthful days. Now, he was dating someone who appeared much younger than him. "I-If you think so, then I-I'll accept it,"
Now that was said, he could get onto the actual meat of the situation. "Th-This all seems accurate. However, I-I have yet to experience you lending me your clothes. I-I would gladly love to wear your shirts to bed when I sleep, i-it'll keep me very comfortable," Despite the romantic sense of the wording, he was very matter-of-fact, discussing it as if it was the most natural conclusion.
"A-And we haven't spooned very often, but I-I would like to try this with you. I-I want to see if you'd really be the big one," Sure, it sounded a little clumsy when he said that, but that was because the idea of doing things like that never appealed to him. Yet, he would do it. If it showed his Master how much he truly cared. "I-If you're free later, we should do this. As soon as possible. I-I'm impatient to see the results."
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mcltiples · 2 months
Rick V-79, what do you like about your Master? What do you like about your Morty? Would you ever let the two of them meet?
@countlessrealities -- mentioned
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That was an odd question. For someone like him, at least. Rick usually kept these things said privately amongst the people he held attachments for. However, an anonymous mask wanted to be nosey. And he didn't have the filter to really put a stop to it.
"I-I like everything about Master -- his hair, his way of thinking, the things that he does, his body, th-the way he fucks me," Those were just the surface level things that he could think of on the spot. "H-He's my everything; my God, m-my owner," All listing things that were plain facts.
Then he took a brief pause. The question about his Morty was a difficult one to answer. There were more complicated feelings involved.
Besides, he hadn't seen the teen since he revived himself.
"I-I like some things about my Morty, for the most part, I-I hate him. He betrayed me a-and everything I had built for him -- but, I-I still want him," The why to that question would be saved for a later time. He didn't feel like getting into it right now.
"Y-Yes, I would. Perhaps Master can put the spoiled brat in his place, m-maybe he can do it better than I could ever have done," Pale blue eyes looking off to the side. "A-And maybe we can become a family, i-if Master allows it. I-If he doesn't, then we could kill him together."
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mcltiples · 2 months
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There's a subtle amusement in Morty's eyes. "Rick, are you scary?" He held his hand out, expectantly.
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"I-I've been told that, yes." For a moment, he looked down at the hand. Only then to place his chin on top of it. Instantly receiving pets and scritches. As if he were some loyal cat. "I-I can be even more scary if y-you want me to, Morty."
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mcltiples · 2 months
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Send IC naughty fantasies that your muse wants to do to/with my muse and my muse will try to guess who it’s from. || accepting
anon sent; (IC naughty fantasies meme, for V-79 Rick ... if you can call this one "naughty") "You know what would be a fun game, k...Rick?~ If I put a pretty pink bow around your neck and take you to have a walk at the park." Cue to a fit of snickering. "Who knows, maybe someone we'll try to give us shit for it and we'll get to hunt you a fresh meal as a bonus..."
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@countlessrealities --- mentioned
The way the suggestion was presented caught Rick off guard. He wasn't sure why his Master was hiding. It was obviously him. That one pronounced syllable gave it away and the content as well. If this was some random guy, it would've been much more vulgar.
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"I-I'd love to go on a walk, will I be wearing a leash?" He's assuming this was part of the pet roleplay that they've somehow fallen into. Unless, his Master was joking about it. "I-If anyone dares to judge us, we can kill them together,"
That idea got him purring, a low guttural sound in his throat. "A-And after we can have dinner together, I-I'll cook us a nice meal~"
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mcltiples · 5 days
'Behind the scenes!' with Rick V-79 & E-Rick x3
Send me ‘Behind the scenes’ for conversation between the mun and the muse || accepting
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{ OOC } Alright, this is gonna be one awkward conversation.
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"No, i-it's only awkward because you think we'll demand things from you. I-I'm not demanding anything, I-I'll patiently wait for the things you've promised to give me. Y-You're my Mun, I-I trust you."
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"Y-Yeah, uh, i-it's not awkward. But, I-I do want to ask if it's possible that you can give me an easier time. I-I need a break."
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{ OOC } Sorry, E-Rick, but I like watching you suffer. And if I'm being honest, you're being put on the back burner anyway because V-79 has taken more priority. I wanna flesh out his character.
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".... Th-That's understandable. I-It's alright. I'll be here if you need me."
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"........ Y-You're both pathetic, but..... y-you're a good mun to me, so I-I'll allow you to be that way."
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mcltiples · 6 days
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"Th-There's a lot of people who would disagree with this."
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Cue hysterical laughter.
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"It's a good thing I don't base my sense of self worth on how attractive I look, unlike some people."
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mcltiples · 7 days
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"....... Paperwork?" At least, he had some music and a nice bottle of scotch to keep him up while he busied himself with work.
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Cue a head tilt. "I-I don't understand what this game is supposed to be, or why it's asking me to try harder...."
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Long silence. "Uh, uhm....."
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mcltiples · 1 month
5. what is your muse's ideal first date?
[[ Rick V-79, Vampire Rick, Angel Dust ]]
romance & relationship headcanons! || accepting
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Another thinker. This was fascinating to learn about himself. "I-I often enjoy dates that are more intimate, somewhere secluded with just me and my partner," His heart began to beat fast as he thought of his Master. "M-Maybe laying on the grass side by side, talking, a-and getting to know each other,"
His posture turned more confident. "A-And if things go well, m-maybe having sex, I-I don't mind it in public. Under the stars, a-at a park of some kind, i-it sounds... romantic. I-I think."
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"I-I like going out to eat and then doing an activity," Crossed arms over his chest. "Obviously I-I can't exactly eat regular food, but I-I know places where they accommodate for my diet, a-and I'm not above letting the other person know exactly who I am on the first date,"
Ultimately, it was a deal breaker if they couldn't handle his vampirism. "So, a-after we eat, we go some place fun. Maybe a movie, do a little bit of bar hopping, I-I don't know, maybe even go to one of those escape rooms. Something to get our brains stimulated. A-And after we have fun, we could take a walk, talk and ask questions. A-And if things get lucky for me, I-I could get a kiss by the end of the night."
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It'd been so long since someone asked Angel Dust this question. And somehow he felt even more nervous now, considering he knew that it may never happen. It would always just be a far off fantasy.
"I guess I'd start off by settin' the mood, ya know, candles all ova, rose petals," Cheesy? Yes, but hey, this was his fantasy. "And then I'd put some music on, classical or jazz, and while we're talkin' over some wine, I'd have dinner cookin' on the stove,"
"We would eat togetha and we would share stories about everythin' 'nd anythin', I don't know, but that's my ideal first date."
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mcltiples · 1 month
4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
[[ Vampire Rick, Rick V-79, Alastor, for the romance & relationship HC meme ]]
romance & relationship headcanons! || accepting
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"I-If we're talking about personality, then yes, I-I do, my type are strong-willed people who go against all odds to show that they care about someone," Just as his Diane was. Though, he wouldn't begin to mention her.
"S-Someone who would stick around when shit gets tough, a person who likes the peace and quiet of day to day life," He looked off towards the side. "Th-That person who is willing to fix your shit without even asking, th-the type of person who's intelligent, can sometimes be an asshole, comes in drunk just to make accusations at you while y-you're trying to enjoy a glass of blood."
And he spoke too much. That's all he'll leave it at, for now.
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This one caused Rick to think about it for a few moments. "I-I'm not sure, I-I've never sought out people due to particular features," He crossed his arms, finger tapped against his cheek. "Wh-What my ex boyfriends and my Master have in common is that they're all fit with abs,"
And so was his Diane, but he didn't think about her right now. "A-As for personality, I-I guess I-I've always been attracted to people who like to take care of me. The nurturing type -- Master may not be that, i-in a traditional sense, but I-I'm his pet, so he takes care of me."
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"Confidence, perhaps," There came a shrug. Alastor didn't sound too sure of himself about it. "It's hard for me to say given that I've only sought out relationships in my afterlife -- and those I've ended up with all have a confident charm."
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mcltiples · 1 month
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Send ▲ to pull my muse into your muse’s lap! || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; ▲ [[ Weird Rick for V-79 Rick || random affection my Weird Rick decided to give to his newly acquired kitten x3 your Evil Rick was just doing his things, when he suddenly got picked up, carried to the couch and set on my Weird Rick's lap to watch a movie xD ]]
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The moment that Rick was grabbed, he was in the middle of pouring chemicals into a beaker. So concentrated on it that he wasn't paying attention to the footsteps entering his personal space -- or the arms that wrapped around him. Though, he managed to set things down quickly without a spill. His eyes widened when he felt himself pulled away from the work station.
It took a solid minute to assess the situation. He was being carried by his Master. To where? Who knows. For a moment, he thought he was in trouble. Maybe he did something wrong and he was about to get punished or worse, probably off to get tortured.
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His mind raced until they reached the living room. Settled down right onto his alternate's lap. Those arms secured around his waist. Well, this was an unexpected turn of events. Though, it was certainly better than being tortured or in trouble.
Oh, it was movie time. He could tell from the remote controlling the television screen. Displaying the array of various horror movies. He could guess that his Master was deciding what they should watch.
He's never seen any of these movies. So he had no place to pick one out.
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Instead, he decided to focus on getting comfortable. He brought his knees upwards, tilting himself in a way that his feet could rest onto the couch. Snuggling further into that chest, letting his head rest on that shoulder.
"Wait," He let his eyes flicker back to the screen. One of the movie covers caught his eye. It was that of a religious scene, but obviously tweaked to appear darker and more sinister. "I-I want to see that one."
He would hope that the other would agree. Religion wasn't something he liked, but the concept of it being horrifying did intrigue his mind. It seemed as if movies got creative with these things. So he wanted to see what it was all about.
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mcltiples · 2 months
S.C || @countlessrealities
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This wasn't exactly how Rick pictured his life being reunited with his Morty. He wanted something akin to what they once had. Yet, the teen changed so much since the last time they saw each other. Now, he was dealing with an all powerful presidential person. Someone who had the reigns to do as he pleased.
Which meant that he was a threat, untrustworthy. For that, he would have to spend the next week locked in this cage. His portal gun taken away. No ability to go anywhere. It was a Hell that he would have to endure if he wanted to play his part right.
Upon gnawing at the bars, his teeth clasped around the metal, pausing for a moment as he heard a shuffled noise. He froze. Slightly unsure of who he would be seeing coming down those stairs.
And when he finally saw who it was, his eyes widened a little.
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"..... Y-You're either E-177 or my counterpart o-or my hallucination, wh-which is it?"
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mcltiples · 2 months
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send “OBSERVE”for a mini-drabble of how my muse sees and/or thinks about your muse while they do something completely ordinary. || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; “OBSERVE” [[ Rick V-79 for my Weird Rick xD ]]
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It's been a while now that Rick had submitted himself to this particular Rick. His Master. All because he found power in his alternate. A certain need for control and something about it made him want to bow down worshipfully. He was in the presence of a God. That much was clear now.
He now stood there on the side. Small distanced apart, only because he knew better than to get in the man's way. Especially when his Master was talking with someone. Conducting business propositions. For what? He wasn't sure. It wasn't his place to eavesdrop. He would ask about it when they got back into the ship.
For now, he would stare at the powerful Rick. He didn't even blink. Pale grey eyes unwavering at every single detail he could see.
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Certain quirks that he could tell that were there. As if the other were trying to hide any real thought or emotion. All replaced with something clever, witty, comebacks for everything. It was fascinating. No one could argue with that Rick, unless they wanted to be spun around in circles.
He would have to take note of that later. Not that he would do anything to upset his Master. Though, he could never be too careful.
And then there was that body language. Stiff, tense, yet also laid back in a way. As if his alternate was prepared for a fight at all times, while appearing to be oh-so friendly and suave. He found it to be sexy. Oh, how he could take away that tension, loosen the other up. In so many different ways than one.
He then flickered into those blue eyes. A tilt of his head where he found something so very mesmerizing. A storm, silent anger. Maybe it's something his Master always carried with him. Something that the other learned how to control. Whatever the case may be, he could stare into those eyes for eternity if he could.
Just to see how intense that storm could get.
It happened a bit too quickly for him to realize. That his Master stopped talking with the galactic being. Only now to be approached by him, closely standing in front of each other. That's when he let himself blink, eyes stinging but he was already used to that.
He looked down at the device that was being shown to him. Just for a brief moment before he glanced back up towards that face. His heart beat against his chest so loud and fast. It made him wonder if he was experiencing something unpleasant. He couldn't tell. So he would ignore it for now.
Instead, he would listen to the explanation that was being given to him. He would pay attention. It was his duty now. To act as a pet and also a part of the team. Whatever his Master needed him to do, he would do it. No questions asked.
"Y-Yes, Master," He agreed, fingers twitched at his side. Only if he could reach out to touch the side of that face. "I-I'll get right onto it."
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mcltiples · 3 months
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@evilmcg sent; "I just wanted to see you. How have you been?" evilmcg for emorty (for their breakup verse)
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Sat down at the desk, Morty eyed Meg. It'd been a while since he saw her last. Next to him, behind him, was the Rick that caused this all. Yet, he didn't see a point in sending him away. Meg made her choice, so did he, and he wouldn't shy away from it.
"Busy," Work had been piling up and scheming had begun to be the number one focus for him. "I hope you don't mind, my Rick stays by my side. I don't let him out of my sight."
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Around Rick's neck was a glowing green collar. "H-Hi, we've met...." Unfortunately, that day was in grained into his brain. The day that he finally found his Morty.
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mcltiples · 3 months
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{ OOC } alright so it was brought to my attention that the Evil duo has a canon dimension number so I'm gonna be using that for my Evil Morty and Rick C-151
Rick C-151 is now V-79, but if he told your muse that he's C-151, than go ahead and keep that knowledge, he's a consistent liar and doesn't like giving himself away too much.
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mcltiples · 2 months
S.C || @captainbuzzkill88
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There wasn't much choice in the matter. Rick got kicked out of the place that he once lived at and he couldn't really spend the night on the streets. This Hotel had a reputation for taking in strays. Right now, he currently was one of them.
So, he rang the doorbell and once that door opened, he blinked. "I-Is there room for another guest? I-I'd like to stay here for a little while, i-if that's alright."
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mcltiples · 12 days
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".....Gross." Sips at a juice box through a straw.
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