defenderofthegrove · 7 years
ofhindsight replied to your post: unlockinglahey: it’s my birthday. : )
happy birthday!!!
thank you!! i love u okay <3
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drittegeist · 7 years
ofhindsight respondeu seu post “that moment when you simply give up fitting in bc you notice no one...”
hi???? my name is napha and i like you???? and your characters???? 10/10
thank you, napha <3333
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herateleia-blog · 7 years
@ofhindsight replied to your post: i had to do some soul-searching last night to...
her short answer is “he looks like a crier” or (more accurately probably) “he’s seems whiny” bc she is a kind of mean???
But like the real answer is that he’s probably more in touch with his feelings than she’s used to or is comfortable with and there’s a few things about him that she can tolerate with a friend but would downright annoy/irritate her if it were anything else and like...  basically she can acknowledge that he’s an Attractive Individual, but he’s Not Worth It even though he’s Good People.
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eternallypetite · 7 years
Christmas Positivity Meme!
If you see this post on your dash, you should do it! Spread a little bit of holiday cheer ya’ll, even if in a small bit from your own version of this post ♡
Christmas: tag someone who has become a personal friend to you.
@freedompersonified @bravelink
Hanukkah: tag someone who you see as a light in the rpc
@bravelink @xlikeidontevenexist @xaedificare Kwanzaa: tag someone who you see as a positive influence & who influences unity in the rpc
@problem-free @vindictiveolympianqueen
New Years: tag someone who you’ve known/followed/written with/etc for a long time.
@freedompersonified @bravelink @vindictiveolympianqueen @xaedificare
Boxing Day: tag someone whose writing style you love
@paramounticebound @freedompersonified @sviker @starmaiden @nightixgale
Yule: tag someone who seems to always have a positive attitude
@bravelink, @freedompersonified
Mistletoe: tag your shipping partners <3 or talk about a ship/ships you love
@freedompersonified { { BECAUSE HOW CUTE ARE THE TWO OF THEM } }, and we all know how much i love haides/persephone but i have yet to have a haides that i interact with.
Candle: tag someone who has helped you on a dark day
{ { dont really have someone to tag here } }
Stocking: tag someone whose small gestures have meant a lot to you
{ { dont really have someone to tag here } }
Snow: tag someone who is So Good, So Pure™
@bravelink { { you’re just my fave, can you tell? } }
Gingerbread: tag someone who is dedicated to their muse
Everyone I have threads with is. ((I’m going to keep this answer. c: ))
Menorah: tag someone who has looked out for you
{ { dont really have someone to tag here } }
Sled: positivity for canon roles
@bravelink @paramounticebound @freedompersonified @stolenbythegods @problem-free @xlikeidontevenexist @xaedificare @prizcd @vindictiveolympianqueen @alldaddy @concordiiia @seaprofound @smaugiiisms @starmaiden @overyourhubris @skjoldmoy @chaordiic @reignofolympus @ofhindsight @indxstress
Snowshoes: positivity for OC roles
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ofhindsight · 7 years
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hellu. i’ve moved epi to @regretbound ! feel to unfollow this blog ( ofhindsight ) as i’ll be archiving it at the end of this week!
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drittegeist · 7 years
ofhindsight respondeu seu post: poseidon forgot to bring levi back from lotus...
does he need a new dad? epi would 100% adopt him.
he needs a whole new family, homeboi is an orphan in this cruel world
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blesscdarchive-blog · 8 years
eos' thing?
her blurb on the muse page.  i’ve left it in the code notes but im just so alksjdf;lksdajf @ myself because it isn’t as though eos is an inactive muse, so ???
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stolenbythegods · 7 years
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pls ignore the shitty graphic i’m still learning and cba to try and make a pretty banner okay
Okay, so i recently hit 100 followers which is !!!! Amazing to me. This blog isn’t very old, and it usually takes me about a year to hit that milestone. Ganymede was created on a whim, and I wasn’t sure how successful he would be, because I’m pretty sure there are other Ganymedes that are FAR superior to my smol son. So the fact that so many of you like him is... it means so much to me.
So here’s a thing. If you are reading this and you are on this list, it is because I admire you. Maybe you are somebody I call friend, maybe we only talk minimally ooc, or maybe we haven’t interacted at all, ooc or ic. Some of you may interact with me on other blogs(mainly bringerofruin), and some only know me here.
But no matter how much or little interaction we’ve had, and no matter if I’ve been following you for a short time or a long time, I want you to know that I admire you. All of you have vastly different characters, and writing styles, and all of you are amazing. I am happy to see you on my dashboard, and I am humbled that any of you would give me a chance to write with you. And I truly mean this, because I hate false compliments, and I suck at giving them. I appreciate all of you. I am glad you exist and that, no matter how big or small, you are part of my roleplaying life here on tumblr. 
And I’m going to stop gushing now before I start crying, and actually list the amazing people who bless me with their existence. I will list multiple blogs that belong to the same person, because I am not organised lol. I’m sorry if I miss anybody, because there are a lot of you, but if we’re mutuals and I didn’t list you, this still applies so like.. drop me a line if I do miss you because I didn’t mean to. ANYWAYS. ONWARD TO THE LIST.
@aresisgodofwar @areioi @allmistress @amcrist @archaicaristeia @aforeandbetwixt @aliosventosaliasprocellas @barbarikos @basileiadia @boywithflyingshoes @brokenbow @chalceus @colourphone @crxssroadqueen @culebral @deafoedafama @divinemotorhead @dionism @dr3amers @egosumnocte @exubiytsa @foamxborn @graeculus @herateleia @headheavy @hubrisveined @iidunn @kingxfmischief @kissofthemuses @lelantus @lunariiism  @maniacollision @motherofahero @narcolepsigh @otempcraomcres @oceansheir @ofmightygirth @ofhindsight @outsetian @overyourhubris @panhellenios @phiiltatcs @plaguedarts @prophetcrwnd @queencftheunderwcrld @reignofolympus @rileymcdaniels @rnorphevs @scvedbylove @seaprofound @searisen @skopertan @soliinvictus @stygicniron @suddendcath @sunblessedprince @tcthefairest @theharvestmother @thesharpestsmile @titanomxchy @triviahekate @veniamavi @vindictiveolympianqueen @virulent-indeed @wcrshipped @welcomeamongdeath @winewomenwit @wingedpenumbra @wingiisms @worldwarme @wxtchingtime @xoexcho @xtwitchypalms
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motherofathens-blog · 8 years
▓ @ofhindsight.
Does your muse have any scars? Where? What do they look like? How did they get them?
Metis has scars, yes, but given her nature as a waterling, they are pretty much healed, —the minor ones, that is. She has a scar along the curve of her jaw on the left side of her face. It’s been there since the Titanomachy when Kronos held her captive and called her a traitor. Now, he didn’t brand her, but one of his jailers dragged a claw against her jaw in mockery of the softness and affectionate attitudes of the Olympians, and drew blood. It happened days before Hades came to get her from the encampment, and had a hard time healing due to the venom of the claw.
What is perhaps more important is the lack of a very prominent scar; she has no scars or scarring from birthing Athena, because she didn’t. Somehow, it’s what she feels most robbed off, this reminder that she has a child, and there are times where she’ll look for one, although never find it. 
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pontia-archive · 7 years
i'm gonna abuse this opportunity and make you talk about epi and dite.
this meme was 500 years old but here it is
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thelatin · 8 years
ofhindsight replied to your post:
when they gave marco the baby i almost cried tbh.
same tho
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@ofhindsight are you okay how do you live how do you survive do you need special shoes
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pontia-archive · 7 years
“ i miss your lips. ” // ahahHAHa bYE
some kiss meme from 5,000 years ago || not accepting
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              ---“Tough luck,” she says, turning to face him, some hint of mocking pride on her face. He is not allowed to see the sadness that has plagued her since their separation; she must be the victor in this of all things. He cannot know of her fragility, how resolutely he had taken her heart and shattered it without any effort. He will not know that her greatest power is also her strongest weakness, that she too can crumble with hardly any effort. 
                          “You gave me up. You don’t get me again.” 
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